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Geometry Project By: Emily Singerman When most fans watch a basketball game, the only thing they

are thinking about is having the preferred team get the ball into the basket, when most of these fans do not even know that the basketball hoop evolved from a peach basket affixed on the wall. Majority of fans just watch the game for the intensity and excitement or to see the players tricks or movements that might help them with their own basketball playing. n fact, almost all fans think of this game in those ways. !our brain shall soon be full with facts about the history of basketball, how it relates to geometry, and how important it is to really get to know your aim, arm, and basket" also known as the driving #uestion$ %ow can a person know how to shoot a perfect basket& 'he history of basketball is actually #uite interesting. (ames )aismith created this exciting game in *ecember of +,-+. %e created this popular sport as a fun yet aggressive indoor sport that could be played at any season of the year. 'he game was originally played with a soccer ball to be shot into the peach basket, and soon evolved into the game of basketball. .nother attention grasping fact, is surprisingly enough, this sport was spread worldwide, because of the /.0. servicemen in World War . .s this sport spread more and more worldwide, they started to hold college games in fact, the first college game was held in )ew !ork 1ity. 'he geometry of basketball involves the certain angles and measurements it needs to really get to know the ball and the sport. .ll normal basketball courts have specific measurements of everything in the court to keep it proportional, such as 2'he diameter of the hoop 3+, in4, the diameter of the ball 3-.5 in4, the width of the court 367 ft4 and the length from three point line to the hoop 3+- ft489 this #uote states how each basketball court has a special classification to meet the standards of an acceptable court to play on. .lthough the measurements of the court are very important, in order to get the ball into the +,:inch hoop you must set up your body correctly. When shooting from the three: point line or from anywhere, you always want to prepare yourself with your shooting arm by setting it at a -7; angle, and bend your knees at another -7; angle. <nce your body feels ready to shoot, you will extend your legs and arms to an +,7; angle. <nce you get used to this momentum and you find the right amount of force from anywhere, you are set to make the shot. =asketball is not only to have the fun in sports, but to look at the overall view of how it became the game it is today, how it relates to geometry, and understand why a player may not have made the shot and know how you can do better to make the perfect shot no matter where you are and what type of ball your using, you will always be able to have some basic facts on how to know you tried your hardest and what you did wrong and how you can do better. =ibliography$

"In Basketball, Shooting Angle Has a Big Effect on the Chances of Scoring."Washington Post. The Washington Post, 16 ar. !"1". Web. 1# ar. !"1$. Website$ http$>>>wp: dyn>content>article>?7+7>7@>+6>.A?7+77@+67?7+B.html

Histor% of Basketball." ThinkQuest. &racle 'o(n)ation, n.). Web. 1!

ar. !"1$.

Website$ http$>>>+7C+6>no:frames>basketball>history.html

"Basketball an) ath." Math in Basketball How Math Is Used in Sports Cool Math. *.+., 1! ar. !"1$. Web. 1! ar. !"1$. Website$ http$>>>coolmath>articles>basketball:and:math

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