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Case for a Case

Himanshu Vaidya [email protected]

Case for a Case

Experience to Theory Bring Industry to the Class Concept and Context Eclectic Conceptual Application Creative Analysis Creative Solutions Reality in Practice

Case for a Case

Case is unique, then why Case? Information, Analysis, Faculty, Creativity Harvard Law School to Harvard Business School Case gives Concept and Context Company dynamics and Sector Dynamics stand revealed

The Proof of Pudding is in the eating Management understanding and practice stand enriched thanks to the Case

Case for a Case

Case Teaching

Context of the Company The Context of the Sector The Context of the Economy The Context of the Society The Spirit of the Age Case is always open, Case is always Closed

Case Writing

incident is not a Case Case Writing is an industry today

Teaching a Case

The purpose of the Case Concept and the Context Reality in the Case Identify the Significance

Handling a Case

Moderation Presentation followed by Moderation Presentation followed by Presentation

Case is Open to interpretation Case most often doesnt have the Solution Students/Participants in discussion have to realize the feasible solutions and options and their consequences with regard to the Case of issues therein

Teaching a Case

Motivated Audience Discussion far from Direction Conceptual Issues Contextual Informaton I was in the Case The Player in the Case The Case is on Free Discussion anchored to the Case Reality is all at once Integrated Analysis and Solutions

Teaching a Case

Problem Identification Generation of Alternatives Constraint Identification Selection of Alternative Solution Implementation Contingency Plan

Thank You
Himanshu Vaidya [email protected]

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