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Class XII


1. What are the circumstances in which the capital balances of the partners fluctuate, when the capitals are fixed? (1) 2. In the absence of partnership Deed, what is the rule relating to interest on partner s loan? (1) 3. What are the rights acquired by a new partner on his admission to a partnership Firm? 4. State any one situation when partners capital account may show Debit balance. 5. Give any one difference between a share and a debenture? 6. State any two features of a Company 7. What is meant by allotment of shares ? (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

8. P,Q and R are partners with Fixed capital balances of Rs.2,00,000,Rs.1,50,000 and Rs.1,00,000 respectively. According to partnership deed the partners are entitled for the following i) Interest on capital @10% p.a. ii) P and Q are entitled for a salary of Rs.2,000 each per month. iii) Profits are to be shared in the ratio of 4:3:2. iv) Q is entitled to get a guaranteed minimum profit of Rs.12,000 annually. Profits for the year ended 31st Dec. 2007 were Rs.1,20,000 (before interest on capital and salary) Show profit and loss appropriation account for the year 2007 (3) 9. C Ltd. Redeemed 28,000, 14% Debentures of Rs 100 each which were issued at a discount of 10% by converting them into equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued at premium of 20% . Journalise the above transactions in the books of the company, showing the working clearly. (3) 10. Mittal Ltd. Issued 2,000 ; 10% Debentures of Rs 100 each on 1 st January 2008. Interest on these debentures is paid yearly on 31st December. Pass necessary entries for interest on debentures for the year 2008. Assuming income tax is deducted @ 10% on amount of interest. (3) 11. A and B were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2. They admitted C into partnership for 1/5 share in profits of the business. He brought Rs. 1,50,000 as his share of capital and goodwill. Good will of the firm was valued at Rs. 1,50,000. Pass necessary journal entries on admission of C showing your workings clearly. (4) 12. A Ltd. Company purchased a Machine costing Rs. 17,00,000 and assumed Creditors of Rs 3,00,000 of Suman Traders for a purchase consideration of Rs.15,00,000. Company paid Rs. 3,00,000 immediately by cheque and for the settlement of balance amount, issued equity shares of Rs.100 each at a premium of 20%. Pass the required journal entries in the books of A Ltd. (4) 13. Pass journal entries for the following transactions at the time of Dissolution of a partner a) Realisation expenses of Rs. 5,000 paid by partner Mukesh b) Creditors of Rs.24,000 settled by giving investment of Rs.16,000 and balance by issue of a Cheque c) An unrecorded furniture worth Rs. 12,000 took over by a partner Guru d) A machinery of Rs.25,000 tookover by a partner ,Ganesh at Rs. 23,000 (4) 14. W. Ltd issued 2,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.20 per share. The Amount was payable Rs.20 on application (including premium of Rs.15) and Rs.10 on application (including premium of Rs.5). Applications were received for 3,00,000 shares

and Board of Directors decided to allot the shares on a pro-rata basis to all the applicants, excess application money being adjusted towards amount due on allotment. Pass journal entries. (4) 15. Ram and Shyam were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 7:5. Their fixed capitals were Rs.10,00,000 and Rs. 7,00,000 respectively. The partnership deed provided for the following: a. Interest on capital @12% p.a. b. Rams salary Rs. 6000 per month and Shyams salary Rs.60000 per year. c. Interest on drawing Ram Rs.350 and Shyam Rs 250. The profit for the year ended 31.12.2010 was Rs. 5,03,400 which was distributed equally without providing for the above. Pass necessary adjustment entry. Show your workings clearly. (6) 16. Ram, Mohan and Sohan were partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2.On 31st March, 2006 their Balance Sheet was as under : Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. Capital Leasehold 1,25,000 Ram 150000 Patents 30,000 Mohan 125000 Machinery 1,50,000 75000 Stock 1,90,000 Sohan 30000 Cash at Bank 40,000 Workmen Compensation Fund 155000 Creditors 535000 535000 Sohan died on 1st August, 2006. It was agreed that : (i) Goodwill of the firm is to be valued at Rs. 1, 75,000. (ii) Machinery be valued at Rs. 1, 40,000; Patents at Rs. 40,000; Leasehold at Rs.1, 50,000 on this date. (iii) For the purpose of calculating Sohans share in the profits of 2006 -07, the profits should be taken to have accrued on the same scale as in 2005-06, which were Rs. 75,000. Pass journal entries and Prepare Sohans Capital Account (6) 17. Raman Ltd. Invited applications for 50000 shares @ 50 each at a discount of 10%. Amount was payable as follows: - Application: - Rs. 10, Allotment: - Rs. 20, and balance on First and final call. Applications were received for 75000 shares. Directors rejected applications for 15000shares and pro rata allotment was made to the remaining applicants. All the calls were made and amounts were duly received except the allotment and final call money on 2000 shares. These shares were forfeited after the call. Out of these forfeited shares 1200 shares were re issued at Rs. 60 per share fully paid up. Record the journal entries in the books of Raman Ltd. OR Samrat Ltd. invited applications for issuing 8000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 10%.The amount was payable as follows: On Application Rs.30 per share. On Allotment Rs. 40 per share( Including premium) On 1st& final call balance Applications for 10000 shares was received. Company allotted the shares to applicants for 9000 shares on Pro rata basis and the remaining applications were rejected and their application money being rejected. Excess application money was adjusted towards sums due on allotment. A shareholder applied for 450 shares failed to pay allotment money. His shares were immediately forfeited. Final call was then made from remaining applicants and it is duly received. Later on the forfeited shares are reissued @80 per share fully paid up.

Pass necessary journal entries in the books of the company to record the above.


18. A,B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. Their balance sheet as at 31st December,2004 is as follows LIABILITIES Creditors Bills Payable General reserve Capital A B C AMOUNT 30,000 16,000 12,000 ASSETS Cash in hand Debtors 25,000 Less Provision 3,000 Stock Furniture Machinery Goodwill AMOUNT 18,000 22,000 16,000 30,000 70,000 12,000 1,68,000

40,000 40,000 30,000 1,68,000 st B retired on 1 January 2005 on the following terms

a) Provision for doubtful debts will be reduced by Rs. 1,000 b) Stock will be depreciated by 10% and furniture by 5% c) There is an outstanding claim for damages of Rs. 1,200 and it is to be provided for in the books d) Creditors will be written back by Rs.6000 e) Goodwill of the firm is valued at rs.24,000,which is not to be shown in the books f) Amount payable to b is to be transferred to his loan account Prepare Revaluation account, Partners Capital account and the balance of the new firm OR Mongia and Narender were partners sharing profits in the ratio of 2:1. Their balance sheet as at 31st December 2005 was as follows Liabilities Amount Assets Amount Sundry Creditors 18,000 Cash in hand 11,000 Bank overdraft 24,000 Sundry Debtors 14,000 Contingency Reserve 18,000 Less Provisions 1,000 Capitals 13,000 Mongia 60,000 Stock 15,000 Narender 50,000 Machinery 35,000 Land & Buildings 93,000 Profit & Loss Account 3,000 1.70.000 1,70,000 On that date they admit Siva as a partner on the following terms a) Siva is to bring Rs.30,000 as capital for 1/5th share in profits and Rs.4,500 as his share of goodwill. b) Provision for doubtful debts is to be maintained at 5% on Debtors. c) Land & Buildings be appreciated by 10% d) Stock is valued at Rs. 12,000 e) Liability for workmen compensation amounted to Rs.6,000 Prepare Revaluation account, Partners Capital account and balance sheet after Sivas admission (8) Part B Financial statement Analysis & Cash Flow Statement 19 State any two tools of financial statement analysis. (1)

20. State whether conversion of debentures into equity shares by a financing company will result in inflow, outflow or no flow of cash. (1) 21. List any two investing activities which result into outflow of cash. 1 22. Give major headings under which the following items will be shown in a Companys Balance Sheet as per Schedule VI Part I of Companies Act 1956. a. b. c. d. e. f. 23. Inventory Provision for tax Loose Tools Live Stock Interest accrued Profit and Loss A/c (Cr.)

3 (4)

Prepare a common size income statement with the help of the following information

Particulars 2009 2010 Revenue from operations 6, 00,000 8, 00,000 Employee Expenses 4, 50,000. 4, 80,000 Other expenses 10% of gross profit 20% of gross profit Income tax rate 40 % 40 % 24. Calculate any two of the following ratios from the following information A) Operating ratio B) Stock turnover ratio C) Quick ratio Sales Rs. 25,00,000, Cost of goods sold Rs 19,00,000, Operating expenses Rs. 2,40,000 Profit before tax Rs. 2,70,000. Current assets Rs. 4,87,500. Current Liabilities Rs. 3,00,000.Fixed assets Rs. 2,62,500 . Opening stock Rs. 2,50,000. Closing stock Rs. 3,50,000. 4 25. Prepare a cash Flow Statement from the following information: Equity and Liabilities 2010 Shareholders funds Share Capital 50,000 General Reserve 46,000 Non Current Liabilities Debentures 20,000 Current Liabilities Creditors 10000 Pro. For Tax 20000 Total 146000 Assets Non Current assets Fixed Assets 90000 Non-current assets Stock 20000 Debtors 30000 Cash at Bank 4000 Cash in hand 2000 Total 146000 Additional Information: Depreciation written off on fixed assets during the year was Rs. 18000

2011 60,000 41,000 25,000 12000 17000 155000

100000 24000 25000 5000 1000 155000 6

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. When further capital is introduced and withdrawal of a part of Capital 1 mark Interest @ 6% p.a. 1 mark Right to share profits and assets of the business 1 mark Incase of continuous loss in the business or excess drawing by a partner 1 mark Share is an ownership security but Debenture is a creditor ship security 1 mark Separate entity, common seal or any other two features 1 mark Acceptance of offer of public to subscribe shares is called allotment of shares 1mark Profit and loss appropriation account 1 mark Particulars To Inerest on Capital P 20,000 Q 15,000 R 10,000 To,Salary P 24,000 Q 24,000 To P;s Capital 10,000 Qs Capital 12,000 Rs capital 5,000 amount particulars By profit and loss account Amount 1,20,000

45,000 48,000

27,000 1,20,000 1,20,000 3 marks

9. 14% Debenture A/c Dr 28,00,000 To Debenture holders A/C To Discount on issue of Debentures A/C

25,20,000 2,80,000

Debenture Holders A/C Dr. 25,20,000 To Share Capital A/C 21,00,000 To Security premium A/C 4,20,000 1 mark each 1 x 2 = 3 marks 10. Interest on Debenture A/C Dr. 20,000 To Debenture holders A/C To Income tax payable A/C Debenture holders A/C To Bank Dr. 18,000 18,000 2,000 2,000 mark mark

18,000 2,000

1 mark

Income tax payable A/C Dr. To Bank


Profit and Loss A/C Dr. 20,000 To Interest on Debentures 20,000 1 mark Cash A/C Dr 1,20,000 To Cs Capital 1,20,000 1 mark Cash A/C Dr To As Capital A/C To Bs Capital A/C 30,000 18000 12000 2 amrks

12. Machinery A/C Dr Goodwill A/C Dr. To Creditors A/C To Suman Traders A/C Suman Traders A/C Dr. To Bank A/C Suman Traders A/C Dr. To Share Capital A/C To Security Premium A/C 13. a) Realisation A/C Dr. 50000 To Mukeshs Capital B) Realisation A/C Dr. To Cash A/C

1700000 100000 300000 1500000 300000 300000 1200000 1000000 200000 1 marks 1 mark 1 marks

5000 8000 8000 12000 23000

C ) Gurus capital A/C Dr. 12000 To Realisation A/C d) Ganeshs Capital A/C Dr. 23000 To Realisation 1 mark each for correct journal entry

14. Working in any form 4 marks Ram A/C Dr. 37950 To Shyam 37950 2 marks 15. Share in Reserve 6000 1 mark Share of Goodwill 35000 1 mark Share in Revaluation profit 5000 1 mark Share of profit 5000 1 mark Amount payable to Executors Rs.1,26,000 1 mark 16. I mark for each entry except allotment and call money due entries which carry mark each Capital reserve 14,400 OR I mark for each entry except allotment and call money due entries which carry mark each Capital reserve 5500 17. Revaluation Profit 2,700 2 marks As capital balance 35,350 Bs Loan account 48,900 Cs capital balance 28,450 3 marks Balance sheet Total 153,900 3 marks OR Revaluation profit 600 2 marks Mongias capital balance 73400 Narenders capital balance 56700 Sivas capital balance 30000 3 marks Balance sheet Total 208100 3 marks 18. Ratio Analysis and Cash flow statement or any other two tools mark each x 1 = 1 mark 19. No flow 1 mark 20. Purchase of Fixed assets and purchase of investments mark each x 1 = 1 mark 21. 1 current Asset

2 current liability 3 current asset 4 non current asset 5 current asset 6 reserves and surplus mark each x 6 = 3 marks 22. particulars
Revenue from operations Less;Employee Expenses Less:Other expenses
Operating profit

6,00,000 4,50,000 15,000 1,35,000 54,500 80,500


Absolute change

Less:Income tax rate Profit after tax

8,00,000 4, 2,00,000 80,000 30,000 64,000 49,000 2,56,000 1,21,000 1,02,400 47,900 1,53,600 73,100

% of change 33.33% 6.67% 326.67% 89.63% 87.88% 90.80%

2marks for operating profit and 1 mark each for tax and profit after tax 23. Operating ratio 85.6% Stock turnover ratio 6.33 times Liquid ratio .46: 1 Any two ratios 2 marks each 24. Cash from operating activity 13,000 2 maks Cash lost in investing activity 28,000 1 mark Cash from financing activity 15,000 2 marks Adjustment of cash and cash equivalents 1 mark


Form of Qns/Units
Accounting for partnership fundamentals

Long answer 6 (1) 8(1) 6(1)

Short answer 3(1) 4(2)

V.short answer 1(1) 1(3)

Total 10(3) 25(7)

Accounting for partnership Reconstitution and Dissolution Accounting for share capital Accounting for Debenture Analysis of financial statements Cash flow statement Total


4(2) 3(2) 3(1) 4(2)

1(2) 1(1) 1(1)

18(5) 7(3) 12(4)

6(1) 34(5) 36(10)

1(2) 10(10)

8(3) 80(25)

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