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A. PROJECT DETAILS: Event: Cultural Presentation Event Date: 4/7/14 Topic: Venezuela

Location: 11th grade class

Intern Name(s): Brittany Perez, Claudia Gumina Team Leader: Claudia Gumina Preceptor: Cindy Knipe

Person responsible for writing the COP: Brittany Perez Meeting Dates Dates scheduled for planning and who attended. Sunday, March 30: Brittany and Claudia via email Monday, March 31: Brittany and Claudia Sunday, April 6: Brittany and Claudia via email

7 day meeting - Presentation materials to be reviewed with preceptor on . (This meeting must be scheduled at the beginning of the planning process. Meeting should be at least 7 days before presentation to allow for revisions as needed.) March 31st Evaluation meeting scheduled for: (Usually held directly after presentation but may be scheduled for later.) April 7th

B. NEEDS ASSEMENT: (Describe how you identified the topic you chose. Who did you talk with? Did you conduct a formal survey or have an informal conversation? Identify all additional information listed below.)
1. 2. a) b) c) 3. Identify site contact Identify population: Students in an 11th grade social studies class Gender: Male and Female Age: 16 Education level: 11th grade How topic was determined: Topic was assigned by Cindy Knipe, we decided to focus on the diverse mix of cultures that contributed to modern Venezuelan culture, and how food was influenced by many cultures. Other programs recently presented: None What the audience knows: The audience has a basic understanding of south american culture and geography. They know very little about Venezuelan culture and food.
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a) b)

c) d)

4. a) b)

What the audience wants to know what is relevant: the audience would like to know more about the origins of common Venezuelan foods as it relates to the countrys culture. Evaluate health literacy and other cultural issues: The audience has a good understanding of basic health and nutrition concepts, from having taken multiple health education classes throughout their education. Setting tour of facility: The class will be taught in a typical high school classroom. Room size and set up (diagram): The room holds a class of about 20 students, who sit at tables. There is a chalk board and projector with screen . Presentation resources Availability of food prep area: There is a kitchen in the building that may be used for light food preparation, but there are no resources in the classroom that the presentation will take place in. AV resources space available for visual teaching aids: The classroom has a computer with a projector and screen to show pictures, video, or powerpoint. Day of week / time of day for presentation: Monday April 7th, 10am Duration: 30 minutes Attention span: The students attending this presentation are teenagers who have a relatively long attention span. As long as the presentation is engaging, they have an attention span of about half an hour. Conflict with other activities for population: There are no other conflicts with activities since the presentation is occurring during regular class time. Marketing potential whose responsibility: no marketing was needed. Budget: $18.00 Will there be a charge: No Funds to cover supplies: none Cost of marketing: none Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans: The site contact can be reached by email during weekdays (school hours) for future plans. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment: NB 1.1 Food and nutrition related knowledge deficit related to lack of prior nutrition related education regarding food and culture of venezuela, as evidenced by no prior knowledge on this topic.

5. 6. a)

b) 7. 8. a) b) c) 9. 10.

C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING: (Based on the results of the needs assessment, What did you do to prepare? How did you go about the development process? Who was involved? What resources did you use? How did you find them?) To prepare for this presentation we did some research on the history of food in Venezuela. Since Claudia is from Venezuela she was our most used resource. She has a very thorough understanding of the culture and the common foods consumed. We used various internet websites to gather information to find the recipe for our food sampling activity. The department of education website provided the information we needed for the curriculum standards that our presentation will address. Resources:
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D. DEVELOPMENT: (Describe all components of the program or material, and the team member responsible for them. Include measurable objectives, detailed outline, activities, education materials and evaluation methods/materials. Explain how your presentation addresses different learning styles using the grid below. Attach a copy of the materials or any handouts/resources used for the program/presentation. For an educational material, how was this pilot tested? What changes were made?) Our presentation consists of a power point presentation that was created by Claudia, although both team members gathered information the information for the presentation. Both members came up with learning objectives, and contributed to the outline, as well as developed the activities that will happen during the presentation. Claudia came up with the recipe for cachapas, which will be our food activity, and she will be responsible for making the recipe. Both team members came up with our evaluation activity, which will be having the class match different foods to the different regions of the country.

Learning style Thinking Sensing/Feeling Analyzing

How did you meet this learners needs? We will have students try to match food items to the region they come from in the country. The cachapas sample will address the feelers needs. Our first activity will address this learners needs by having them explain their heritage, and then explaining the varied heritage of the people of Venezuela The matching activity and eating the food samples will address the needs of the doers. Our powerpoint presentation will appeal to the visual learners by both verbally and graphically depicting the main points of our topic.

Doing Visual learner

Complete sections E & F after the presentation/event is complete. E. IMPLEMENTATION: (For a program or presentation, describe the setting, audience, number of participants, what you did to get ready and begin. Did the presentation go as planned? How did the audience react to the presentation?) The setting of the presentation was in a large classroom. There were 14 attendees. We began our presentation by explaining the varied cultural history of the country and its origins. Then we discussed the various regions of Venezuela and the staple foods of each, followed by our food sampling, and brief discussion of the political situation in the area. The audience seemed interested in our topic area and asked a few questions. Our food sample was the most successful part of our presentation and it tasted really good. Claudia did a great job in making mini cachapas for the class. Everything went mostly as planned. I think we both talked fast and skipped over some talking points because we were nervous, and ended up coming in under our
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predicted timeframe.

F. EVALUATION: (What went well? What would you do differently/the same the next time or what would you change if you had more time? What problems did you encounter in the development? Using the results of your participant evaluation tool, assess the impact of your presentation. Discuss your impression of the effectiveness of this program or material for the target audience. Include a financial report (unless included in a TL report) as well as your recommendations to future interns.) What went well: Since our topic was Venezuela, having Claudia as a partner was a big advantage. She was very knowledgeable and able to speak freely about the content of our presentation which helped it to be more successful. I also think that having a food sample helped to enforce the topic of staple foods since we served a cornmeal cake and corn is very popular across the country. What would you do differently: If we redid this presentation we would start heating up our food sample sooner, we had to change the food activity to occur at the end of our presentation instead of in the middle like we had planned. I also think if we redid this presentation we should delve a little deeper into our focus areas, particularly how the climate of the region affects food choices. Since we came in under the time limit we definitely should have added more depth to the presentation. Problems during development: We did not encounter many problems in developing the presentation. Both partners worked equally on putting it together. The main barrier we encountered was that we live very far apart, and were not able to practice the presentation together. If we had been able to practice more we would have been able to lengthen it more. Evaluation Tool: Our evaluation tool was a matching quiz. Participants had to match staple foods to their region of Venezuela. Most participants were able to complete the evaluation correctly. This means that we were successful in implementing the objectives of the presentation. I think that our presentation was a little basic for our audience, but still appropriate.

Within one week of the presentation, provide internship preceptor with a completed COP, Presentation Evaluation Form, Handout(s), a Team Leader Report, and PDE. (PDE required for sites with 2 presentations or >20 hours.)

Revised 11/22/2013

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