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QAR Chart for Macbeth, Act 1

DirectionsSearch through your portion of the text with your group in order to answer these questions.

Level One: Right There

1. What does Lady Macbeth ask the spirits that tend on mortal thoughts to do to her?

Level Two: Think and Search

1. Who tells Macbeth that he will be king?

2. In Scene 7, Macbeth says that bloody actions return to plague who?

2. Who does Duncan want to be king?

Level Three: Author and You

1. At this point in the play, how would you describe Lady Macbeth?

Level Four: On Your Own

1. Why do you think some people decide to commit dark acts in order to acquire something like power? 2. Why do you think that Macbeth believes the witches?

QAR Chart for Macbeth, Act 2

DirectionsSearch through your portion of the text with your group in order to answer these questions.

Level One: Right There

1. Lady Macbeth says that she would have killed the king herself had he not resembled who as he slept?

Level Two: Think and Search

1. What does Macbeth dream about in Scene 1?

2. According to Ross, what do Duncans horses do?

2. What does Macbeth hear a voice say as he was killing the king?

Level Three: Author and You

1. Why does Ross suspect that Duncans sons have killed him?

Level Four: On Your Own

1. Why do you think some people decide to commit dark acts in order to acquire something like power? 2. How would you describe Duncans sons?

QAR Chart for Macbeth, Act 3

DirectionsSearch through your portion of the text with your group in order to answer these questions.

Level One: Right There

1. Who is the only man in Scotland that Macbeth fears?

Level Two: Think and Search

1. Who shows up as a ghost in scene 4?

2. In scene 1, who is Macbeth talking to Banquo about that he refers to as those murderers?

2. Why is Hecate angry at the witches?

Level Three: Author and You

1. How and why does Lennox use sarcasm in his speech in act 6?

Level Four: On Your Own

1. Why do you think some people decide to commit dark acts in order to acquire something like power? 2. Why does Macbeth want to kill Banquo?

QAR Chart for Macbeth, Act 4/5 (S1)

DirectionsSearch through your portion of the text with your group in order to answer these questions.

Level One: Right There

1. When does the third apparition say that Macbeth will be defeated?

Level Two: Think and Search

1. What does the messenger warn Lady Macduff about?

2. How does Lady Macduff describe a traitor to her son?

2. What is Lady Macbeth really trying to get rid of when she yells, Out damned spot!?

Level Three: Author and You

1. Why should Macbeth be worried about Macduff?

Level Four: On Your Own

1. Why do you think some people decide to commit dark acts in order to acquire something like power? 2. At this point in the play (Act 5 Scene 1), how would you describe Lady Macbeth?

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