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Adam Brown Cindy Lewis Jon Slattery Vince Mottes

Guide for reflection piece on chapter project in HL 322 Team Name: Little Orphan Annie 1. As a team and as we reflect on our chapter project work, how much do we feel our work helped us to meet NMU Mission- central concepts of independent thinking/self-directed learning, critical thinking, lifelong learning habits, awareness of diversity, and sensitivity to being productive citizens in the global community? Please explain and give examples. This project has helped us to meet NMU mission-central concept of independent thing/self-directed learning by making us research an issue independently as a group. Awareness of diversity was also met by researching an issue of an undeveloped country by learning about the countrys culture. This allowed us to see how in some ways we are similar, but some things we view as wrong they might view as right. Analyzing current health interventions for our health issue also met the critical thinking aspect. Also, applying the scientific method to the health intervention and coming up with ways to make these interventions better fit the critical thinking concept. This project made us more sensitive to being productive citizens in the global community because we learn to think outside our own paradigms and come up with a possible solution to a health problem. 2. As a team and as we reflect our chapter project work, how much do we feel our work helped us to meet the liberal studies (LS) outcomes of writing/Communications clearly and effectively, of being able to evaluate various forms of evidence/knowledge, of being able to engage in analytical reasoning and argument, of being able to understand and apply quantitative analysis and scientific processes, and to see across disciplinary boundaries? Please explain and give examples. Writing/communicating clearly and effectively was met by us having to present our subject in class and on our website. If we did not present this clearly the information on our subject clearly our project would have been in vain due to people not fully understanding our subject. Through our research we had to evaluate the information given to us from different resources was reliable. Through using the scientific method we were able to see how well the health interventions in place work we met the analytical reasoning and applying scientific processes outcome. This project also allowed us to see across disciplinary boundaries because we had to relate how the countrys history, politics, culture, environment, and economy influences the problem we had. 3. As a team and as we reflect our chapter project work, how much do we feel our work helped us to meet the social science LS outcomes to understanding the scientific process (gathering data methods for the project, analyzing the effectiveness of interventions, ETC.) as it applies to the social sciences (cultural, economic, historical , environmental, and political aspects)? Please explain and give examples

Adam Brown Cindy Lewis Jon Slattery Vince Mottes

We believe that as a whole, social science knowledge played a large role in understanding the overwhelming problem of Orphans within the country of Romania. We used multiple aspects of the scientific process to identify a problem, and solving that problem. We utilized previously done research, documentaries, organizations that have dedicated their work to the solving of such a problem. We looked at all social science aspects and found that they all connected with one another when looking at the large picture. Without looking at all aspects of the country/problem it would have proven difficult to look at the problem and evaluate which interventions to use and which such interventions would prove to be ineffective. We as a group selected methods that would suit us best to present the best amount of pertinent information to the public and our knowledge of the social sciences of the country helped us greatly, and only through such scientific processes could we have done so. 4. As a team and as we reflect our chapter project work, how much do we feel our work helped us to appreciate another world culture? That is , understand another (vs. our own) distinctive world view (values,norms,and beliefsculture) and understand how culture is expressed in terms of health issues and understand how factors such as racial, ethnic, gender, and class differences affect health issues for a people? We believe that this project gave us a higher appreciation of the world we live in and the world that others live in. In order to effectively present such a world problem we had to understand their culture and how it was going through changes during the beginning of such an orphan crises. We as a group feel that without such research on the background of all aspects of the culture in regards to our own we would not have been able to shift our paradigms and effectively see the problem as a whole. 5. 5. As a team and as we reflect on our chapter project work, how much do we feel our work helped us to engage the health outcomes of assessing/identifying a health need in a target population, researching for effective or evidence-based interventions, seeing how the interventions were implemented (administered and managed), and understanding how they were evaluated? Also, how much did we see the need for capacity-building interventions vs just aid-based interventions? Please explain and give examples. Searching for health interventions and assessing them was a good learning experience. We had to decide what problems we would focus on in the orphanages. Clearly, the conditions of the Romanian orphanages do not facilitate child growth and development. When we looked at interventions there were many different forms and modes. The Romanian government focused on getting children out of orphanages and into a more home like setting. This new setting would hopefully give the kids a sense of family and role models. There were a couple organizations that worked on capacity building. This was our favorite type of intervention. Hope & Homes for Children worked on de-institutionalizing the orphanages, this is very beneficial. The Firm Foundation has many really important aspects. They have a soccer program. Sports are a very

Adam Brown Cindy Lewis Jon Slattery Vince Mottes

effective tool in developing children. It helps develop leadership, focus and setting goals. They also have mentorship programs. This gives the kids someone they can talk to. It is important that they feel heard and cared about. The Firm Foundation does a good job facilitating growth and development. It is a very good organization. 6. As a team and as we reflect on our chapter project work, how much do we feel that we engaged the NMU vision-central outcome of having students engage in a high tech learning environment? Please explain and give examples. Our group work was very high tech. We used many forms of communication to stay in touch. We texted, used Facebook and e-mail. Our project was very high tech. We used Weebly to create a website. The website had many forms of technology. We had many videos: documentaries and music videos. We also had links to other pertinent websites. We made a video for our WOW factor. It included clips of videos from documentaries, music and pictures. We put this video on our website. All of the research that we did was on-line. We were able to find many good resources on-line. 7. As a team and as we reflect on our chapter project work, how much do we feel that we engaged creative and innovative practices. Please explain and give examples. As a group, we feel that we have strongly engaged with creative and innovative practices. First of all, we used technology to our advantage and created a strong web-base source for other people to use. We used our creative minds to put together a multi-media presentation and website. We used innovation to identify a world health problem, and develop an ideal plan and program to attack the problem. We identified the history and cause of the problem in Romania and worked creatively to identify the best solution. Most of us have yet to ever create a website so it was a new learning process for us. We worked as a team and understood each of our specific roles. We were able to finish in a time frame and present our best material. As a group, we strongly feel we engaged with creative and innovative practices during this project.

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