Digital Unit Plan Template

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Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: Recognizing That The World Is Changing Content Area: Social Science

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s): 10.9 Students analyze the international developments in the postWorld War II world. 1. Compare the economic and military power shifts caused by the war, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and the economic recoveries of Germany and Japan. 2. Analyze the causes of the Cold War, with the free world on one side and Soviet client states on the other, including competition for influence in such places as Egypt, the Congo, Vietnam, and Chile. 3. Understand the importance of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, which established the pattern for Americas postwa r policy of supplying economic and military aid to prevent the spread of Communism and the resulting economic and political competition in arenas such as Southeast Asia (i.e., the Korean War, Vietnam War), Cuba, and Africa. 4. Analyze the Chinese Civil War, the rise of Mao Tse-tung, and the subsequent political and economic upheavals in China (e.g., the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and the Tiananmen Square uprising). 5. Describe the uprisings in Poland (1956), Hungary (1956), and Czechoslovakia (1968) and those countries resurgence in the 1970s and 1980s as people in Soviet satellites sought freedom from Soviet control. 6. Understand how the forces of nationalism developed in the Middle East, how the Holocaust affected world opinion regarding the need for a Jewish state, and the significance and effects of the location and establishment of Israel on world affairs. 7. Analyze the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the weakness of the command economy, burdens of military commitments, and growing resistance to Soviet rule by dissidents in satellite states and the non-Russian Soviet republics. 8. Discuss the establishment and work of the United Nations and the purposes and functions of the Warsaw Pact, SEATO, NATO, and the Organization of American States. Big Ideas:

Name: Jacob Orozco Grade Level: 10

See how much the world changed during the aftermath of WWII. View the rise of the Soviet Union and the start of the Cold War. Study the causes of the Chinese Civil War and analyze the rise of Communism in China. View the uprisings in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, as well as other countries under the Soviet umbrella and see how they eventually led to the breaking up of the empire.

Focus on the Middle East, and have students think about the ongoing battle between the Jewish people and Palestinians in the fight for their own countries. Discuss the creating of the United Nations and see how other post-war policies came about after WWII, and how these policies kept the peace during the Cold War.

Unit Goals and Objectives: 1. 2. 3. Have students be able to tell me at least 3 major changes in policy in the Post-WWII era. Have students be able to tell me about the events that took place from the beginning to the end of the Cold War. Have students be able to talk about and discuss the end of the Cold War, the breakdown of the Soviet Union, and the significance of this event for the rest world.

Unit Summary: In this unit we will discuss the numerous changes going on around the world after the end of WWII. By the end of this unit, students should be able to talk about the Cold War, at length and in detail, and some important policy changes that came with it. Students should also be able to talk about social changes that occurred in Asia, Europe and South America. Students will also be able to share what they know about Communism and the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. Students should also have gained knowledge on how the United Nations works and the role it had during the Cold War.

Assessment Plan: Entry-Level: Brainstorms Formative: Quiz Critical Thinking Questions Timeline Graphic Organizer Summative: Presentations Essays

Lesson 1 Student Learning Objective: 1. Have students be able to see what changes were occurring around the world after WWII and at the start of the Cold War. Acceptable Evidence: For Lesson 1, acceptable evidence will be the completion of guided notes and participation by turning in the quiz. Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction
Lesson Activities: The unit will open up with a lecture on several important changes in policy, such as the Warsaw Pact, Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, and social changes in Asia and the Middle East. The lecture will also include a brief overview of the Cold War. Students will also be following along with the lecture by completing guided notes. We will discuss any questions that students have brought in to class to encourage critical thinking.

Lesson 2 Student Learning Objective: 2. Have students be able to talk about the rise of Communism in Europe and Asia, as well as other places around the world, and how this affected the Cold War. Lesson 3 Student Learning Objective: 3. Have students be able to tell me at least 3 major changes in policy in the PostWWII era. Acceptable Evidence: Students will show what they learned and what they know by completing a Webercise. Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction Lesson Activities: Lesson 2 will open up with a brief lecture on the events of the Cold War. Students will complete a worksheet that takes them to websites to learn more about the Cold War and major events that took place. Students will also create a timeline that deals with outlining major events during the Cold War.

Acceptable Evidence: Students will be turning in their graphic organizers at the end of the unit to be able to show what they have learned about important policies. Students will also turn in essays on an approved topic.

Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction

Lesson Activities: Lesson 3 will open up with a discussion on the end Cold War and the Soviet Unions demise. Students will complete a graphic organizer involving several policies discussed throughout the unit. The graphic organizer will be used to show what the students have learned about those policies. Students will get into groups and create a PowerPoint presentation on a given topic and then present it to the class. Students will also be assigned a short essay, and turn it in at the end of the lesson.

Unit Resources: Keith Lowe - Savage Continent Theodor Herzl - The Jewish State

Useful Websites:

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