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Philosophy of Education I chose the education profession because I have a true passion to assist children develop the fundamental

skills they need to be successful in all they do. Education is more than a career choice or a method for disseminating information to our youth; it is a lifestyle for those who choose to educate. Teaching does not stop when the final bell rings at the end of the day or on holidays and summer vacation; it is an all day long, all year long job. Exemplary teachers have educational methods and strategies on their mind all the time this is what contributes to students developing a thirst for learning. I believe education is more than what we are taught in college courses it combines methods and strategies with compassion, patience, flexibility, and a general desire to mold our youth. While I believe everyone is capable of being taught, not everyone is capable of teaching. Everyone learns in different ways and at varying rates a good teacher takes this into account when creating their lesson plans, an exemplary teacher creates their lesson plans around their individual students learning styles and current stage of development. An effective lesson demonstrates this. An educators main purpose is to educate our youth; therefore, a classroom should be student-centered. Lessons should be engaging and thought-provoking on all levels. Student input should be encouraged and valued and incorrect responses should be provided constructive, positive feedback in a nonthreatening manner. This allows for students to take responsibility for their learning. I believe a classroom should have group-seating arrangements to allow for collaboration among peers. This classroom arrangement allows for the educator to design groups based on criteria that works best for the students. It also allows for small group teaching and re-teaching sessions, as well as provides the framework for differentiated instruction. The environment should also provide simplified access to everyday necessary materials students should be able to move around the room freely to obtain what they need without asking permission or disturbing the rest of the class. This allows for more time for learning than preparing to learn. An effective educator is one that contributes time to learning about their students and applying that information to their lessons and activities. It is also imperative to implement engaging activities and vary the day to day instructional strategies in order to keep the students attention and inrease their level of involvement. Assessments should also fit the students learning styles and not merely be a fact finding mission, but instead a way to determine if the students can apply the material.

Philosophy of Education Education is an ever-changing field where new methods are always being introduced and old methods are reapplied. Educators need to be flexible and willing to learn new strategies to better assist their students and more importantly not afraid to try something new.

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