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CA Clarity PPM

XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Release 13.1.00

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Chapter 1: Introduction 15
Intended Audience ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 About the XML Open Gateway ................................................................................................................................... 16 The XOG Client ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 The XOG Web Services ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Web Services Descriptive Language (WSDL) .............................................................................................................. 17 XOG Access Rights ...................................................................................................................................................... 18

Chapter 2: Installing the XOG Client


How to Install the XOG Client ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Windows Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 22 Cross-Platform Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Verify the XOG Client Version .................................................................................................................................... 23 FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup .............................................................................................................................................. 24 XOG Client Directories ................................................................................................................................................ 25

Chapter 3: Running the XOG


How to Run the XOG .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Run the XOG from the Command Line ....................................................................................................................... 27 Command Line Parameters (XOG Client) ............................................................................................................ 28 About the .properties File .......................................................................................................................................... 30 Create a .properties File ...................................................................................................................................... 31 Run the XOG Using the .properties File .............................................................................................................. 32 Run the XOG Client as a Shell ..................................................................................................................................... 32 XOG Client Shell Commands ............................................................................................................................... 33 How to Run the XOG Using SOAP ............................................................................................................................... 34

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines


About the Schema Files .............................................................................................................................................. 37 Schema Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 38 NikuDataBus Header Element ............................................................................................................................. 39 Attribute Information in the Schema .................................................................................................................. 40 About the XML Read and Write Files ......................................................................................................................... 40 What is in an XML Read File ................................................................................................................................ 41 How to Create an XML Write File ........................................................................................................................ 42

Contents 5

Special Characters ...................................................................................................................................................... 49 Date and Time Format ............................................................................................................................................... 51 Use of EQUALS, OR, BETWEEN, AFTER, and BEFORE ................................................................................................. 52 Values to Pass ............................................................................................................................................................. 52

Chapter 5: XOG Services


Object API ................................................................................................................................................................... 53 XOG Object Types ............................................................................................................................................... 53 ActionObject Element ......................................................................................................................................... 54 Read Standard Stock Objects .............................................................................................................................. 55 Write Standard Stock Objects ............................................................................................................................. 56 Partitioning and Standard Stock Objects ............................................................................................................ 58 Custom Object Instances .................................................................................................................................... 59 ContentPack Service............................................................................................................................................ 60 Autonumbering and Custom Attributes .............................................................................................................. 66 Import and Export Custom Fiscal Time-Varying Attributes................................................................................. 66 Import and Export UI Themes ............................................................................................................................. 67 Include New and Delete Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 68 About Passing XDM Custom Fields...................................................................................................................... 68 InvokeAction API ........................................................................................................................................................ 68 InvokeAction API Root Elements ......................................................................................................................... 69 FlushCache Elements .......................................................................................................................................... 69 Process Elements ................................................................................................................................................ 70 Query API ................................................................................................................................................................... 71 Query API Root Elements .................................................................................................................................... 72 The Query Filter .................................................................................................................................................. 72 Example: Exporting Query Results to a Tab-Delimited Text File ......................................................................... 75

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting


GEL Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 77 GEL Setup ................................................................................................................................................................... 78 GEL Script Validation and Execution .......................................................................................................................... 78 GEL Basics ................................................................................................................................................................... 78 GEL Script Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 79 GEL Script Tags .................................................................................................................................................... 79 Conditionals and Loops ....................................................................................................................................... 80 Variables.............................................................................................................................................................. 81 Built-in Parameters ............................................................................................................................................. 82 Things to Watch For When Using GEL................................................................................................................. 83 Using SSL with GEL .............................................................................................................................................. 83 Set GEL Tag Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................. 84

6 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Examples for Running the XOG .................................................................................................................................. 85 Example 1: Individual Calls .................................................................................................................................. 86 Example 2: Single Invocation .............................................................................................................................. 88 Database Operations .................................................................................................................................................. 89 File Operations ........................................................................................................................................................... 91 Example 1: Create a Rate Matrix XOG File .......................................................................................................... 92 Example 2: Output Delimited Files ...................................................................................................................... 93 Example 3: Create a File to Write in Documents for Multiple Projects .............................................................. 93 Integration Processes ................................................................................................................................................. 96 Basic Integration Process Checklist ..................................................................................................................... 97

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL


About the WSDL ......................................................................................................................................................... 99 Access the WSDL ................................................................................................................................................. 99 Viewers for WSDL .............................................................................................................................................. 100 Emitter Tools for the WDSL ............................................................................................................................... 101 Object WSDL............................................................................................................................................................. 101 InvokeAction WSDL .................................................................................................................................................. 101 Example: Process WSDL .................................................................................................................................... 102 <xsd:any> and Process WSDL ............................................................................................................................ 105 Query WSDL ............................................................................................................................................................. 105 Example: Demand for Resource Query WSDL ................................................................................................... 106 Examples: Microsoft Visual Studio (.NET) ................................................................................................................ 110 Generate Supporting API.......................................................................................................................................... 110 Generate a Proxy API from Axis ........................................................................................................................ 111 Add a Web Reference from Microsoft Visual Studio ........................................................................................ 111

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference


Stock XOG Object Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 113 Base XOG Objects .............................................................................................................................................. 113 Product Stock XOG Object Summary ................................................................................................................ 114 Application ............................................................................................................................................................... 116 Asset ......................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Benefit Plan .............................................................................................................................................................. 118 BenefitPlan Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 119 Description Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 121 Detail Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................................. 121 Segment Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 122 Budget Plan .............................................................................................................................................................. 123 BudgetPlan Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 125 Description Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 127

Contents 7

Grouping Attributes Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 128 Detail Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................................. 129 Segment Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 129 Capacity Planning Scenario ...................................................................................................................................... 131 Scenario Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 132 Segment Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 136 Change Request ....................................................................................................................................................... 140 Change Request Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................ 141 Charge Code ............................................................................................................................................................. 145 Charge Code (Chargecode) Schema Tag ........................................................................................................... 146 Company .................................................................................................................................................................. 147 Company Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................................... 150 Contact Information Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 151 Supplemental Information Schema Tag ............................................................................................................ 153 Custom Information Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 155 Financial Information Schema Tag .................................................................................................................... 156 Billing Address Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................... 158 Billing Address Detail Schema Tag .................................................................................................................... 158 OBS Associations Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................... 160 Company Class ......................................................................................................................................................... 161 Company Class Schema Tag .............................................................................................................................. 162 Content Pack ............................................................................................................................................................ 163 Filter Mapping (filterMapping) Schema Tag ..................................................................................................... 170 portlet Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................... 170 Cost Plan ................................................................................................................................................................... 176 CostPlan Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 177 Description Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 179 Grouping Attributes Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 179 Detail Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................................. 180 Segment Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 180 Cost Plus Code .......................................................................................................................................................... 182 Cost Plus Rule (costplusrule) Schema Tag ......................................................................................................... 183 Department .............................................................................................................................................................. 184 Departments Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................. 185 Description Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 186 LocationAssociations Schema Tag ..................................................................................................................... 187 Department (Child Department) Schema Tag ................................................................................................... 189 obsTypes Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................................... 189 Entity ........................................................................................................................................................................ 191 Entity Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................................. 192 Description Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 195 Short Description (shortDescription) Schema Tag ............................................................................................ 195

8 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

OBS Types (obsTypes) Schema Tag ................................................................................................................... 196 GL Periods [GLPeriods] Schema tag .................................................................................................................. 198 Plan Defaults [PlanDefaults] Schema Tag ......................................................................................................... 199 Grouping Attributes Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 200 Financial Transaction ................................................................................................................................................ 201 Transactions Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................. 202 Transaction Import Schema Tag........................................................................................................................ 207 General Ledger Account ........................................................................................................................................... 210 GLAccount Schema Tag ..................................................................................................................................... 211 General Ledger Allocation Rule ................................................................................................................................ 214 GL Allocation Rule Schema Tag ......................................................................................................................... 215 General Ledger Period .............................................................................................................................................. 218 Glperiod Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 219 General Ledger Transaction ..................................................................................................................................... 220 GLtransaction Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................ 222 Idea........................................................................................................................................................................... 224 Idea Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................................... 225 Investments Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................. 228 Budget Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................... 231 Inbound Transaction ................................................................................................................................................ 238 inboundTransactionType Schema Tag .............................................................................................................. 239 Incident .................................................................................................................................................................... 241 incidents Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 242 incidents Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 243 Investment ............................................................................................................................................................... 245 Investment Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 249 Allocations Schema Tag..................................................................................................................................... 262 Details Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................... 263 Financial Transaction (scenarioDependencies) Schema Tag ............................................................................. 264 InvestmentAssociations Schema Tag ................................................................................................................ 265 InvestmentBaselines Schema Tag ..................................................................................................................... 267 UsageCurve and CostCurve Schema Tags ......................................................................................................... 268 InvestmentResources Schema Tag.................................................................................................................... 269 InvestmentTasks Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................... 272 General Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................................... 277 OBSAssocs Schema Tag ..................................................................................................................................... 278 Custom Information Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 278 Issue ......................................................................................................................................................................... 279 Issue Schema Tag .............................................................................................................................................. 281 Location .................................................................................................................................................................... 283 Locations Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................................... 284 Description Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 286

Contents 9

DepartmentAssociations Schema Tag ............................................................................................................... 287 Child Location Schema Tag................................................................................................................................ 287 Matrix ....................................................................................................................................................................... 288 columnType Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................. 289 MatrixRowType Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................. 291 Non-Project Investment ........................................................................................................................................... 294 Asset Schema Tag.............................................................................................................................................. 296 Application Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 297 Product Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................................... 299 Other Work Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................... 299 NPIO Common Fields Schema Tag .................................................................................................................... 300 Service Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................... 311 Notifications ............................................................................................................................................................. 312 Notification Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................... 313 Portfolio ................................................................................................................................................................... 314 Portfolio Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 314 Contents Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 317 Process Notification ................................................................................................................................................. 319 Process Notification Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 320 Project ...................................................................................................................................................................... 322 SRM_PROJECTS Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................. 325 SRM_RESOURCES Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................... 327 Project (PRJ_PROJECTS) Schema Tag ................................................................................................................ 327 Project (PAC_MNT_PROJECTS) Schema Tag ..................................................................................................... 328 Project Location Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................ 329 Project (CLNTSUPP) Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................... 330 Resource (PRTEAM) Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 330 SRM_RESOURCES Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................... 331 SRM_RESOURCES Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................... 331 SRM_RESOURCES Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................... 332 Task (PRTask) Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................ 332 TaskLabor (PRAssignment) Schema Tag ............................................................................................................ 334 OBS Association Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................ 336 OBS Association (OBSAssoc) Schema Tag ......................................................................................................... 336 Project (PRJ_PROJECTS) Schema Tag ................................................................................................................ 337 PAC_MNT_PROJECTS Schema Tag .................................................................................................................... 342 Resource (PRTeam) Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................... 347 PRTask Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................... 349 TaskLabor (PRAssignment) Schema Tag ............................................................................................................ 353 Requirement ............................................................................................................................................................ 357 RQP_RELEASES Schema Tag .............................................................................................................................. 359 RQP_REQUIREMENTS Schema Tag ................................................................................................................... 359

10 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

RQP_REQ_DEPENDENCIES Schema Tag ............................................................................................................ 362 PRTASK Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................................... 363 SRM_RESOURCES Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................... 363 INV_INVESTMENTS Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................... 364 Resource ................................................................................................................................................................... 364 Personal Information Schema Tag .................................................................................................................... 369 Contact Information Schema Tag (Resources XOG) .......................................................................................... 371 Management Information Schema Tag ............................................................................................................ 373 Financial Information Schema Tag .................................................................................................................... 376 Expenses Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................................... 377 Rates and Costs Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................. 378 Custom Information Schema Tag (Resources XOG) .......................................................................................... 378 OBS Associations Schema Tag (Resources XOG) ............................................................................................... 379 SkillAssocs Schema Tag (Resources XOG) ......................................................................................................... 380 Resource Class .......................................................................................................................................................... 382 Resource Class (resourceclass) Schema Tag ..................................................................................................... 383 Risk ........................................................................................................................................................................... 384 Risk Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................................ 386 Role .......................................................................................................................................................................... 389 PRJ_RESOURCES Schema Tag ............................................................................................................................ 391 SRM_RESOURCES Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................... 392 PRJ_ROLES_FLAT Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................... 392 Financial Information Schema Tag .................................................................................................................... 393 SkillAssocs Schema Tag ..................................................................................................................................... 394 Skill ........................................................................................................................................................................... 395 Skill Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................................ 396 Subproject (Program) ............................................................................................................................................... 397 PRSubproject Schema Tag (Inbound and Outbound) ....................................................................................... 398 PRSubproject Schema Tag (Inbound only) ........................................................................................................ 399 Subscription.............................................................................................................................................................. 400 Subscription Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................. 401 Time Period .............................................................................................................................................................. 404 TimePeriod Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................... 405 PRTimeSheet Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................. 406 SRM_RESOURCES Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................... 407 PRTimePeriod Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................ 407 PRTimeEntry Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................. 407 PRTypeCode Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................. 409 PRChargeCode Schema Tag .............................................................................................................................. 409 PRJ_Projects Schema Tag .................................................................................................................................. 410 PRTask Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................... 410 PRAssignments Schema Tag .............................................................................................................................. 411

Contents 11

NoteData Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................................... 412 Transaction Class ...................................................................................................................................................... 413 Transaction Class (transactionclass) Schema Tag ............................................................................................. 414 Type Code ................................................................................................................................................................. 415 Type Code Schema Tag ..................................................................................................................................... 415 UI Themes ................................................................................................................................................................ 417 UITheme Schema Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 418 NLS Schema Tag ................................................................................................................................................ 418 CSS Schema Tag................................................................................................................................................. 419 User .......................................................................................................................................................................... 420 Personal Information (CMN_SENC_USERS) Schema Tag .................................................................................. 421 OBS Associations (OBSAssocs) Schema Tag ...................................................................................................... 424 Group Assignments Schema Tag ....................................................................................................................... 425 Global Access Right Assignments (GlobalRights) Schema Tag .......................................................................... 426 Instance Access Right Assignments (InstanceRights) Schema Tag .................................................................... 427 Instance OBS Access Right Assignments (InstanceOBSRights) Schema Tag ...................................................... 428 Instance Object (InstanceObject) Schema Tag .................................................................................................. 429 Language Support (nls) Schema Tag ................................................................................................................. 429 Vendor ...................................................................................................................................................................... 431 Vendor Schema Tag .......................................................................................................................................... 432 WIP Class .................................................................................................................................................................. 434 WIP Class (wipclass) Schema Tag ...................................................................................................................... 435

Appendix B: Content Object Reference


About Content Objects ............................................................................................................................................. 437 Business Alignment .................................................................................................................................................. 438 Corporate Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 440 Documents ............................................................................................................................................................... 442 Status Updates ......................................................................................................................................................... 444

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference


Tag Libraries ............................................................................................................................................................. 447 GEL Tag Library ......................................................................................................................................................... 447 gel:script - Defining GEL Scripts ........................................................................................................................ 448 gel:parse - Parsing XML ..................................................................................................................................... 449 gel:set - Setting XML Document Values ............................................................................................................ 450 gel:expr - Evaluating Expressions ...................................................................................................................... 454 gel:parameter - Defining Parameters ............................................................................................................... 455 gel:getDocument - Requesting XML Documents .............................................................................................. 457 gel:setDocument - Passing XML Documents ..................................................................................................... 457 gel:persist - Persisting Variables ....................................................................................................................... 458

12 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

gel:notify - Sending Notifications ...................................................................................................................... 460 gel:email - Sending Email Messages ................................................................................................................. 461 gel:formatDate - Formatting Time Strings ........................................................................................................ 462 gel:parseDate - Parsing Time Strings................................................................................................................. 464 gel:setDataSource - Specifying Data Sources .................................................................................................... 465 gel:nsqlQuery - Executing NSQL Queries .......................................................................................................... 465 gel:log - Logging Messages ................................................................................................................................ 466 gel:out - Printing to the Console ....................................................................................................................... 467 Core Tag Library ....................................................................................................................................................... 468 core:catch - Catching Exceptions ...................................................................................................................... 469 core:set - Setting Variables ............................................................................................................................... 469 core:forEach - Iterating over Elements ............................................................................................................. 472 core:if - Evaluating Conditionally ...................................................................................................................... 474 SOAP Tag Library ...................................................................................................................................................... 475 soap:invoke - Invoking SOAP Web Services ...................................................................................................... 476 soap:envelope - Generating a SOAP Envelope .................................................................................................. 476 soap:header - Specifying the SOAP Header ...................................................................................................... 477 soap:body - Specifying the SOAP Body ............................................................................................................. 478 soap:attachment - Attaching Files to SOAP Requests ....................................................................................... 480 soap:message - Specifying SOAP XML Messages .............................................................................................. 480 Example: XOG Login and Read Objects Example .............................................................................................. 481 Example: Execute External Web Services with Attachments ............................................................................ 483

Contents 13

Chapter 1: Introduction
This section contains the following topics: Intended Audience (see page 15) About the XML Open Gateway (see page 16) The XOG Client (see page 16) The XOG Web Services (see page 17) Web Services Descriptive Language (WSDL) (see page 17) XOG Access Rights (see page 18)

Intended Audience
Welcome to the CA Clarity Integration Guide. This document contains technical information needed to work with the XML Open Gateway (XOG). Intended Audience The audience for this guide includes integrators or system administrators who have the need to read data from or write data to CA Clarity using XML and web services. This guide assumes the reader is already familiar with XML code and the CA Clarity application. Document Contents This guide contains task oriented, conceptual, and reference material. The appendixes contain reference material on the following:

Objects that can be read from or written to CA Clarity using the XOG GEL tags that can be used with XML for more advanced custom integration tasks

Chapter 1: Introduction 15

About the XML Open Gateway

About the XML Open Gateway

The XML Open Gateway (XOG) is a CA Clarity web service interface that you can use to:

Import data Export data Move configuration data from one system to another

CA Clarity web services are available on the same HTTP or HTTPS port as the HTML web browser interface. You can access a web service using one of the following:

XOG client You can download the XOG client to your computer and use it to run the XOG.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) You can access and run the XOG directly using SOAP without using the XOG client. CA Clarity web services use XML messages that follow the SOAP standard.

The XOG Client

The XOG client is a Java program that you can install on your computer and use to import and export data using the XOG. The XOG client communicates with the CA Clarity server on the standard HTTP port using the SOAP protocol. Using the client, you can:

Log in to start an authenticated session Execute requests to read or write CA Clarity data Log out to end the session

16 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

The XOG Web Services

The XOG Web Services

The following web services are available from the XOG API: Object API This API includes all read and write services for objects whose data can be imported or exported using the XOG. InvokeAction API This API provides for administrative actions that fall outside the categories of data import and export. It contains two root elements:

FlushCache Process

Query API This API lets you execute NSQL-based queries from the XOG. You can use this API to select and export the exact information you need from CA Clarity.

Web Services Descriptive Language (WSDL)

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) describes the available XOG services and indicates how to communicate with the services. WSDL is used with SOAP and the XML schema to provide web services over the internet. You can connect to a web service and read the appropriate WSDL file to learn what functions are available on the server.

Chapter 1: Introduction 17

XOG Access Rights

XOG Access Rights

Access Rights to Run the XOG from the Client Before using the XOG client, you must have a valid CA Clarity login name and password. You must also have one of the following access rights:

Administration - Access Administration - XOG

XOG Access Rights for Individual Objects Before a resource can use the XOG to import or export data for a particular object, you must assign the resource the XOG access right for that object (for example, Asset - XOG Access, Project - XOG Access, Resource - XOG Access, and so on). For example, you can grant the Asset - XOG Access right to a resource to support a custom CA Clarity PPM desktop application that needs asset information. While the resource can import and export instance data that is associated with the asset object, the resource is not able to import or export data on any other objects. XOG access rights for objects are listed in the access rights list in the Administration Tool with other access rights. XOG access rights are global rights.

18 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

XOG Access Rights

To assign XOG access right to a resource 1. Click the Administration menu, and select Resources from the Organization and Access menu. The list page appears. 2. Click a name. The properties page appears. 3. Click Resource's Access Rights and go to Global. The access rights list page appears. 4. Click Add. The access rights selection page appears. 5. Enter *XOG Access in the Access Right field and click Filter. A list of XOG access rights for individual objects appears. 6. Select the appropriate XOG access rights and click Add. The XOG access right appears in the list of access rights for the resource. 7. Click Exit when you are done.

See the Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 1: Introduction 19

Chapter 2: Installing the XOG Client

This section contains the following topics: How to Install the XOG Client (see page 21) Windows Installation (see page 22) Cross-Platform Installation (see page 22) Verify the XOG Client Version (see page 23) FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup (see page 24) XOG Client Directories (see page 25)

How to Install the XOG Client

Use the following process to install the XOG client. 1. Download and install one of the following XOG client versions on your computer:

Windows XOG Client executable Cross-platform ZIP archive (for non-Windows platforms) (see page 22)

2. 3. 4.

Verify that the XOG client version matches the version of CA Clarity it is to work with. Set up the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). (Optional) Set up FIPS 140-2 mode if this standard is required for your business. This mode is a standard that describes the U.S. federal government requirements for encrypting sensitive data.

Chapter 2: Installing the XOG Client 21

Windows Installation

Windows Installation
If your computer is running on a Windows platform, use the following instructions to download and install the XOG client. To install the XOG client for Windows 1. 2. Log in to CA Clarity. Click the Administration menu and select Client Downloads from the General Settings menu. The client downloads page appears. 3. Click Download for the Windows Installer. The download dialog box appears. 4. 5. Click Save File and save the XOG.exe file to a directory on your local computer. On your computer, run XOG.exe and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Cross-Platform Installation
If your computer is running on a non-Windows platform, use the following instructions to download and install the XOG client. To install the cross-platform XOG client 1. 2. Log in to CA Clarity. Click the Administration menu, and select Client Downloads from the General Settings menu. The client downloads page appears. 3. Click Download for the Cross-platform ZIP. The File Download dialog box appears. 4. 5. 6. Click Save and save the file to your local computer. Create a local folder named xogclient and extract the files to the folder. (UNIX only) From the bin directory, run the following command:
chmod +x

22 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Verify the XOG Client Version

Verify the XOG Client Version

Over time, a mismatch between the application and the XOG client can occur if the application is upgraded and the XOG client is not. Verify that the XOG client version you are using matches the version of CA Clarity PPM you are using. If the version numbers do not match, download the XOG client from CA Clarity PPM and reinstall it. To see the version number of the XOG client 1. 2. Bring up a command prompt. Navigate to the bin directory of the XOG client and issue the command xog. The version number appears. To see the version number of CA Clarity PPM 1. 2. Log in to CA Clarity PPM. Click About in the User toolbar at the top of the screen.

Chapter 2: Installing the XOG Client 23

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup

FIPS 140-2 Mode Setup

FIPS 140-2 is a standard that describes the U.S. federal government requirements for encrypting sensitive data. If you are using the XOG client in a FIPS 140-2 mode (-fipsenabled=true) while using an IBM JVM, additional setup is required. You must add the FIPS approved IBM JCEFIPS and IBMJSSEFIPSProvider2 providers to the provider list found in the JVM file. Provider entries in the JVM file should appear similar to those shown here:

To add FIPS approved providers to the Java provider list 1. 2. Open the file located at <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security/ Add the following IBMJCEFIPS provider entry to the beginning of the list:


If the IBMJSSE provider entry is listed, comment it out. For example:


Add the following IBMJSSEProvider2 provider entry below the IBMJCEFIPS entry if it is not already listed:

5. 6.

Replace the <n> in the IBMJSSE provider entry with a number for the sequence you want the provider to be searched from the list. Renumber the remaining listed entries so that they are in sequence. Verify there are no gaps in the numbers.

24 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

XOG Client Directories

XOG Client Directories

The following directories are copied to your computer when you run the XOG client installer. bin This directory contains the batch files to run the XOG client and the file that can also be used to run the XOG client. lib This directory contains the libraries needed to run the XOG client. wsdl This directory contains the XOGService.wsdl file. xml This directory contains sample XML read and write files for XOG-supported objects. xsd This directory contains the XML schemas for XOG-supported objects.

Chapter 2: Installing the XOG Client 25

Chapter 3: Running the XOG

This section contains the following topics: How to Run the XOG (see page 27) Run the XOG from the Command Line (see page 27) About the .properties File (see page 30) Run the XOG Client as a Shell (see page 32) How to Run the XOG Using SOAP (see page 34)

How to Run the XOG

You can run the XOG in the following ways:

From the command line You can type in the parameters required to import and export data directly on the command line or you can store the parameters in a .properties file and call the file from the command line.

Using the XOG client as a shell Using SOAP

Run the XOG from the Command Line

To run the XOG from the client using command-line parameters 1. Open a command prompt:

(Windows) From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs, CA, Clarity, CA Clarity XML Open Gateway. (UNIX) Navigate to the XOG client home directory.


Type the xog command with the parameters for the operation you want to perform and press Enter.

Chapter 3: Running the XOG 27

Run the XOG from the Command Line

Basic operations:

To see the command usage, issue the following command:

bin\xog -?

To read an object through the XOG, issue the following command:

bin\xog -servername <host> -portnumber CA Portal -username <adminuser> -password <password> -input xml/biz_companies_read.xml

To write output to a file (instead of displaying it in the console), issue the following command:
bin\xog -servername

By default, output is saved to the bin directory.

Command Line Parameters (XOG Client)

The XOG client command line uses the following parameters: -servername Indicates the name of the server running CA Clarity PPM. -portnumber Indicates the port number used on the server. Default: 80. The typical value for an SSL-enabled server is 443. -sslenabled Indicates if the server is an SSL-enabled server. Default: False

28 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Run the XOG from the Command Line

-output Identifies the path to a file where the output of the operation should be written. Any existing file is overwritten. -input Indicates the path to the file that contains the XOG request. -username Indicates the username required for authentication. This user must have XOG administration access rights. -password Indicates the user password. -propertyfile Optional. The properties file that contains any or all of the above parameters. -fipsenabled Indicates that the client needs to operate in a FIPS 140-2 compliant mode. Default: False

Chapter 3: Running the XOG 29

About the .properties File

About the .properties File

You can pass command-line parameters to the XOG client from a .properties file. You can create your own .properties file from the example file provided with the XOG client's bin directory. The advantage of this method is that you can store the parameters for common XOG requests in multiple .properties files and reuse them. This saves the effort of writing out the parameters on the command line each time you want to use them. For example, if you are using the XOG to import users, companies, resources, and content items, you might create .properties files like the ones shown here:

In the example .properties files listed, each file would contain different input and output property values that are appropriate for the type of data it is being used to import.

Example Properties File

The parameters needed to read project data is contained in the following .properties file example. The bolded text shows the values provided for the parameters.
# --- server host name you want to test against servername=localhost portnumber=80 sslenabled=false input=../xml/prj_projects_read.xml output=../xml/prj_projects_write.xml username=admin password=xogrocks

30 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

About the .properties File

Create a .properties File

Make a copy of the example file located in the XOG client's bin directory and modify the copy to create a new .properties file that you can use to import or export the specific data that you need. As you modify the file, note the following:

Use the equal sign (=) to assign parameters in the properties file. For example, password=admin. Use the number sign (#) for comments. For example, in the figure below #portnumber=443 is a comment that will not be read as an input value. The XML input file required when you run the XOG from the command line must be specified in the .properties file. The list of all read and write file examples provided in the xml folder are included. Uncomment the file you want to use for input. Be sure to comment out any files that are not being used as input.

The following figure shows the file with the default values for parameters.

Chapter 3: Running the XOG 31

Run the XOG Client as a Shell

Run the XOG Using the .properties File

To run the XOG using the .properties file 1. 2. Modify the file or make your own .properties file and store it in the bin directory. Open a command prompt:

Windows. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs, CA, Clarity, CA Clarity XML Open Gateway. UNIX. Go to the XOG client home directory.


At the XOG prompt, issue the following command:

bin\xog -propertyfile bin/


View the output.

Run the XOG Client as a Shell

Typically the XOG client is used as a non-interactive command-line tool. When you are developing integrations or testing XOG requests, you may want to run the XOG client as a shell. The shell lets you log in once and execute multiple requests before logging out. To run the XOG client as a shell 1. Open a command prompt:

Windows. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs, CA, Clarity, CA Clarity XML Open Gateway. UNIX. Navigate to the XOG client home directory.


Issue the following command:


The shell comes up and the usage list displays.

32 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Run the XOG Client as a Shell

XOG Client Shell Commands

Use the XOG client shell commands when you are developing integrations or testing XOG requests. The XOG client shell uses the following commands: ? Displays the command usage screen. login Retrieves a new session ID by logging into one of the CA Clarity servers. The login command string is variable. Example:
> login admin/mypassword@myserver:80

logout Closes any active sessions. output Sets the path and file name where the results of the xog call will be captured. Example:
> output c:\xog\xml\out.xml

call Invokes a XOG request file. The file path may be absolute or relative to the working directory. Example:
> call xml/biz_companies_read.xml > call D:/Integrations/CA Clarity/write.xml

exit Logs out of active sessions and quits the shell.

Chapter 3: Running the XOG 33

How to Run the XOG Using SOAP

How to Run the XOG Using SOAP

The XOG is a web service interface to CA Clarity. The XOG provides a SOAP API for communication with CA Clarity over the web. The XOG SOAP API is documented in the WSDL and the XSD files. Any client tool, not only the XOG client, can send and receive SOAP messages using the XOG. The following steps describe the general process for invoking XOG directly using SOAP: 1. Call Login to establish a session.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <Login xmlns=""> <Username>admin</Username> <Password>admin</Password> </Login> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

where Login Input elements are: Login The log in request main body element. Login returns a SessionID that you may use in subsequent requests. Username The name of the user doing the work. Password The password for the user. 2. Invoke the request using the SessionID.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xog=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <xog:Auth><xog:SessionID>[session id]</xog:SessionID></xog:Auth> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <obj:WriteChange xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi=""

34 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

How to Run the XOG Using SOAP

xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_change.xsd"> <Header version="" externalSource="ORACLE-FINANCIAL"/ <changeRequests> <changeRequest benefits="change request for xog test" code="change request for xog test" description="change request for xog test" impactBaseline="change request for xog test" impactDescription="change request for xog test" name="change request for xog test" ownerCode="admin" priorityCode="LOW" projectCode="riskIssueProject" reasons="change request for xog test" targetResolutionDate="2004-10-15" statusCode="OPEN"> </NikuDataBus> </obj:WriteChange> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

where RequestSessionAL Input Elements are: SessionAL The authentication string. NikuDataBus The Write Object request's main body element. When making multiple requests with the same SessionID (such as when an external process wakes up at defined intervals) the SessionID may time out. This is the equivalent of a Logout request. To establish a new SessionID, log in again. The session timeout duration is the same as that set for web browser user sessions; you can configure this setting from the System Options in the Administrator Tool. 3. Call Logout to invalidate the SessionID and close the session.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xog=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <xog:SessionID>[session id]</xog:SessionID> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <xog:Logout/> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

where Logout Input elements are: SessionID The authentication string that identifies the session to be invalidated.

Chapter 3: Running the XOG 35

How to Run the XOG Using SOAP

Logout The Logout request main body element.

36 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines

This section contains the following topics: About the Schema Files (see page 37) About the XML Read and Write Files (see page 40) Special Characters (see page 49) Date and Time Format (see page 51) Use of EQUALS, OR, BETWEEN, AFTER, and BEFORE (see page 52) Values to Pass (see page 52)

About the Schema Files

Schemas are templates that contain the rules for creating valid XML files that are run using the XOG. The schema definitions apply to all read and write requests and responses. You can access the schemas from the CA Clarity server or from the XOG client directories on your computer. To find the schema definitions on the CA Clarity server, navigate to: $installDir/webroot/WEB-INF/xog/xsd where, $installDir is the customer installation directory (for example, E:/niku/install). To find the schema definitions in the XOG client directories on your computer, navigate to the directory where the XOG client is installed and look in the xsd directory. The directory contains common schema definitions and object-specific definitions.

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 37

About the Schema Files

Schema Definitions
The following schema definitions are found in the xsd folder: nikuxog_read.xsd (read request) This schema definition includes:

nikuxog_readTypes.xsd. This schema defines the NikuDataBus request element. nikuxog_readQueryTypes.xsd. This schema defines the Query request element.

Note: The nikuxog_readQueryTypes.xsd also includes the XSD files that define the read/write schemas for special stock objects. nikuxog_<object>.xsd (read response and write request) This schema definition applies to a read object response or a write object request. status.xsd (write response) This schema definition applies to all write object responses.

38 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

About the Schema Files

NikuDataBus Header Element

All read and write objects require the header element. This element is also common to all request schemas. The header defines the base version of the XOG service and the external source. The header element has the following attributes: version Required. The version of the XOG in standard XML format. Type: String externalSource Required for Writes only. Values include:


Default: NIKU when reading from CA Clarity PPM Type: String

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 39

About the XML Read and Write Files

Attribute Information in the Schema

You can find the following attribute information in the schema:

Sequence Attribute name Maximum field length Required field indicator

The following figure shows attribute information in a schema file.

About the XML Read and Write Files

Example XML read and write files for CA Clarity objects you can export and import are provided with the XOG client. These files are stored in the xml directory created when you installed the XOG client.

40 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

About the XML Read and Write Files

What is in an XML Read File

You can modify an example XML read file to create a new XML read file. Each example read file contains the necessary header information, arguments, and query filters to complete a read for the object the file represents. You can edit an example XML read file to export the information you want for an object. The following figure shows the example XML read file for projects (prj_projects_read.xml).
In d ica te s a re a d o p e ra tio n fo r a p ro je ct

In d ica te s th e typ e s o f p ro je ct d a ta to b e re a d a n d e xp o rte d

In d ica te s se le ctio n crite ria to fin d a n d re a d o u t o n ly th e d a ta n e e d e d

In the Header section, the action read and the objectType project indicates that this file is for exporting (reading) project data. The arguments indicate the types of project information you want included in the export. The default is to order the output first by name (order_by_1) and then by project ID (order_by_2). You can change the order by swapping the numbers "1" and "2" in the argument names. The default value for arguments that include data is true. Set any to false that you do not want to include in the output. The Query section and its filter criteria selection limit the data to only what is necessary.

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 41

About the XML Read and Write Files

How to Create an XML Write File

You can create an XML write file in the following ways:

Create the XML write file manually You can use the XML write file examples in the xml folder installed when the XOG client was installed. These files are templates that can be modified to create XML files for almost any write purpose.

Use the output of an XML read file The output file of an XML read file is returned in the well-formed format of an XML write file. Edit the output file to create a new XML write file. It is recommended that you use an advanced XML editor to edit this file.

Example: Create an XML Write File from the Output of an XML Read File
The following example illustrates how to create an XML write file for the project object using the output file of an XML read file. 1. Create an example project in CA Clarity that contains the information you want in the final XML write file. In this example, a project named project1 was created, with two resources and a task with assignments. This project information will appear in the correct XML write format in the output file. 2. Create the XML read file. The following code sample shows the XML read file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> <Header version="" action="read" objectType="project" externalSource="NIKU"> <args name="include_tasks" value="true"/> <args name="include_dependencies" value="true"/> <args name="include_subprojects" value="true"/> <args name="include_resources" value="true"/> <args name="include_baselines" value="true"/> <args name="include_allocations" value="true"/> <args name="include_estimates" value="true"/> <args name="include_actuals" value="true"/> <args name="include_custom" value="true"/> </Header> <Query> <Filter name="projectID" criteria="EQUALS">project1</Filter> </Query> </NikuDataBus>

42 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

About the XML Read and Write Files

The Header section indicates that this is a read action for the object type "project" with the list of arguments indicating the data that is to be read. The Query section indicates the name of the project for which data is to be returned. 3. Run the XOG using the read file as input. The output XML file is created. 4. 5. Examine the output XML file and make any edits necessary so that you can use the file as an XML write file. Save the changes. The XML write file is created. The following code sample shows the output file. It is a well-formed XML write file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_project.xsd"> <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="project" version=""/> <Projects> <Project active="true" alignment="100" approved="true" approvedForBilling="1" asOf="2009-01-02T00:00:00" billingCurrencyCode="USD" billingType="S" calculateFinancialMetrics="true" chargeCodeExtID="Expense" clientID="Internal" clientName="Internal" closed="false" currencyISOcode="USD" description="A Test Project Description" entityCode="CORP" equipmentCostSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" equipmentExchageRateType="AVERAGE" equipmentRateSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" expenseCostSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" expenseExchageRateType="AVERAGE" expenseRateSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" financialStatus="O" finish="2009-12-31T17:00:00" flexibilityRisk="0" setBudgetValuesEqualToPlannedValues="true" format="0" fundingRisk="0" goalCode="IMPROVE_INFRASTRUCTURE" humanInterfaceRisk="0" implementationRisk="0" interdependenciesRisk="0"

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 43

About the XML Read and Write Files

laborCostSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" laborExchageRateType="AVERAGE" laborRateSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:42:05" managerResourceID="paulMartin" materialCostSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" materialExchageRateType="AVERAGE" materialRateSource="Financial Cost and Rate Matrix" name="A Test Project" objectivesRisk="0" openForTimeEntry="true" organizationalCultureRisk="0" pageLayoutCode="projmgr.projectPageFrame" plannedBenFinish="2010-01-01T00:00:00" plannedBenStart="2009-12-01T00:00:00" plannedBenTotal="1000" plannedBreakEven="2010-01-01T00:00:00" plannedCostFinish="2010-01-01T00:00:00" plannedCostStart="2009-01-01T00:00:00" plannedCostTotal="1000" plannedNPV="0" plannedROI="0" priority="10" processCode="IT" program="false" progress="0" projectID="project1" requiredForScenarios="false" resourceAvailabilityRisk="0" sponsorshipRisk="0" stageCode="CSK_INITIATION" start="2009-01-01T08:00:00" status="1" statusComment="Status Comment Text" statusIndicator="1" supportabilityRisk="0" syncInvestmentAndBudgetDates="true" technicalRisk="0" template="false" trackMode="2"> <ProjectBaselines/> <Resources> <Resource availFrom="2009-01-01T08:00:00" availTo="2009-12-31T17:00:00" bookingStatus="5" defaultAllocation="1" isProjectManager="false" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:39:40" openForTimeEntry="true" projectRoleID="csk.Architect" resourceID="artKatect">

44 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

About the XML Read and Write Files

<Baselines/> <AllocCurve/> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> <SkillAssocs/> </Resource> <Resource availFrom="2009-01-01T08:00:00" availTo="2009-12-31T17:00:00" bookingStatus="5" defaultAllocation="1" isProjectManager="true" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:40:11" openForTimeEntry="true" projectRoleID="csk.Project Manager" resourceID="paulMartin"> <Baselines/> <AllocCurve/> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> <SkillAssocs/> </Resource> </Resources> The topics that follow describe how to perform the tasks most routine to this interface. <Task finish="2009-12-31T17:00:00" internalTaskID="5000578" key="false" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:39:40" lockedForScheduling="false" milestone="false" name="A Test Project" orderID="1" outlineLevel="1" percComp="0" start="2009-01-01T08:00:00" status="0" summary="false" taskID="~rmw" topDownPercent="0"> <Baselines/> <Assignments> <TaskLabor actualWork="0" baselineWork="0" estPattern="3" finish="2009-12-31T17:00:00" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:39:41" remainingWork="2088" resourceID="artKatect" roleID="csk.Architect" start="2009-01-01T08:00:00" unpostedActuals="0"> <Baselines/> <EstCurve> <Segment finish="2010-01-01T00:00:00"

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 45

About the XML Read and Write Files

start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" sum="2088.0000"/> </EstCurve> <ActCurve/> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> </TaskLabor> <TaskLabor actualWork="0" baselineWork="0" estPattern="3" finish="2009-12-31T17:00:00" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:40:11" remainingWork="2088" resourceID="paulMartin" roleID="csk.Project Manager" start="2009-01-01T08:00:00" unpostedActuals="0"> <Baselines/> <EstCurve> <Segment finish="2010-01-01T00:00:00" start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" sum="2088.0000"/> </EstCurve> <ActCurve/> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> </TaskLabor> </Assignments> <estimateRules/>

46 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

About the XML Read and Write Files

<CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> </Task> <Task chargeCodeExtID="Expense" finish="2009-12-31T17:00:00" internalTaskID="5000585" key="true" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:41:22" lockedForScheduling="false" milestone="false" name="Task1" nextSiblingOf="~rmw" orderID="2" outlineLevel="1" percComp="0" start="2009-01-01T08:00:00" status="0" summary="false" taskID="Task1"> <Baselines/> <Assignments> <TaskLabor actualWork="0" baselineWork="0" estPattern="3" finish="2009-12-31T17:00:00" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:41:03" remainingWork="2088" resourceID="artKatect" roleID="csk.Architect" start="2009-01-01T08:00:00" unpostedActuals="0"> <Baselines/> <EstCurve> <Segment finish="2010-01-01T00:00:00" start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" sum="2088.0000"/> </EstCurve> <ActCurve/> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> </TaskLabor> <TaskLabor actualWork="0" baselineWork="0" estPattern="3" finish="2009-12-31T17:00:00" lastUpdatedBy="admin" lastUpdatedDate="2009-02-11T09:41:03" remainingWork="2088" resourceID="paulMartin" roleID="csk.Project Manager" start="2009-01-01T08:00:00" unpostedActuals="0">

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 47

About the XML Read and Write Files

<Baselines/> <EstCurve> <Segment finish="2010-01-01T00:00:00" start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" sum="2088.0000"/> </EstCurve> <ActCurve/> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> </TaskLabor> </Assignments> <estimateRules/> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> </Task> </Tasks> <Dependencies/> <Subprojects/> <Allocations/> <scenarioDependencies/> <InvestmentAssociations> <Allocations/> <Hierarchies/> </InvestmentAssociations> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="obj_align_factor1">50</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="obj_align_factor2">50</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="obj_align_factor3">50</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="obj_align_factor4">50</ColumnValue>

48 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Special Characters

<ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> <General addedBy="admin" addedDate="2009-02-11"/> <OBSAssocs completed="false"> <OBSAssoc id="Business Unit" name="Business Unit" unitPath="/All Business Units/Business Operations/Operational Systems"/> <OBSAssoc id="corp_dept" name="CORP Department OBS" unitPath="/CORP IT"/> <OBSAssoc id="Security OBS" name="Security OBS" unitPath="/Corporate/IT/Portfolio"/> </OBSAssocs> <BurdeningAssocs> <BurdeningAssoc transactionType="Labor"/> <BurdeningAssoc transactionType="Material"/> <BurdeningAssoc transactionType="Expenses"/> <BurdeningAssoc transactionType="Equipment"/> </BurdeningAssocs> </Project> </Projects> <XOGOutput> <Object type="project"/> <Status state="SUCCESS"/> <Statistics failureRecords="0" insertedRecords="0" totalNumberOfRecords="1" updatedRecords="0"/> <Records/> </XOGOutput> </NikuDataBus>

Special Characters
You must escape special characters in XOG requests to help ensure a successful XOG read or write request. You can escape special characters or use CDATA. Use Escape Rules You can use one of the following escape rules to escape special characters in the XML file.

Special Character & (Ampersand) ' (Apostrophe) > (Greater-than)

Rule &amp; &apos;&apos; Apostrophes must be double-escaped as shown. &gt;

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 49

Special Characters

Special Character < (Less-than) " (Quotes) Escape Example

Rule &lt; &quot;

The following example shows how to handle the term E1&P2 in XML text by escaping the term: <ColumnValue name ="abn_vendor_names">E1&amp;P2</ColumnValue> Use CDATA You can use CDATA instead of escaping special characters. CDATA is a section of element content in XML that is marked so that it is interpreted only as character data, not markup data. To start a CDATA section, use: <![CDATA[ To end a CDATA section, use: ]]> CDATA Example The following example shows how to handle the term E1&P2 in XML text using CDATA. <ColumnValue name ="abn_vendor_names"><![CDATA[E1&P2]]></ColumnValue>

50 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Date and Time Format

Date and Time Format

You must format date and time strings in the following standard format for the XOG:

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Time format: HH24MMSS

Note the following:

Date and time values for custom objects The date and time value of a date attribute is stored in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For a custom object, you must offset the date and time value being stored from the locale you are in to GMT. For example, if the desired date and time is November 20th, 2008, 15:15 (3:15PM) in Tokyo, the date and time value in the XOG write file needs to be formatted and adjusted to GMT time (which in Tokyo is +9 hours). So the resulting offset-formatted value to be entered in the XOG import file would be 2008-11-21T00:15:00.

Timestamps for task finish dates Include a timestamp for task finish dates in the prj_projects_write.xml file. If you do not, the time defaults to 00:00:00. The effect of the default is that in Portfolio portlets, the finish dates with the default timestamp applied display a day later. For example, 2009-01-01 shows in the Portfolio portlets, when the actual finish date is 2008-12-31. To avoid the addition of an extra day to a finish date, use 17:00:00 as the timestamp when one is not provided.

Chapter 4: Usage Guidelines 51



Filtering in a XOG read request requires criteria values. Possible criteria values include:


Examples: <Filter name="projectID" criteria="EQUALS">test</Filter> <Filter name="projectID" criteria="OR">project1,project2</Filter> <Filter name="projectID" criteria="AFTER">A</Filter> <Filter name="projectID" criteria="BEFORE">Z</Filter> <Filter name="start" criteria="BETWEEN">2007-01-07,2009-01-15</Filter> Important! No spaces should be used around comma-separated entries for OR and BETWEEN filters.

Values to Pass
The following table shows the values expected by the XOG in specific cases.

Field Type Lookup

Value Type Passed lookup_code, lookup_enum, or lookup ID. The type passed depends on the configuration of the lookup. 1 or 0

Custom Boolean field

52 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Chapter 5: XOG Services

This section contains the following topics: Object API (see page 53) InvokeAction API (see page 68) Query API (see page 71)

Object API
The structure for each object is defined in its corresponding schema (XSD). There is one general schema definition for all read object requests; however, the schema definition for each read object response and each write object request varies based on the object that is accessed. This is because the structure for each object is defined in its own corresponding schema. See Appendix A, XOG Object Reference for a complete list of available XOG objects.

XOG Object Types

The Object API includes the following group of XOG objects: Standard stock objects Refers to actual objects in the XOG. You can communicate with these standard stock objects by reading and writing data using a valid interface. Custom objects and add-ins These objects have unique schemas that differ from the standard stock object schema. You must first create custom objects in Studio before you can are invoke them through the XOG. Add-in schemas allow you to read and write Studio components. For example, objects, pages, and portlets. See the Studio Developers Guide for more information.

Chapter 5: XOG Services 53

Object API

ActionObject Element
All read and write XOG objects use an <ActionObject> element to define the action to be taken and the object to take it on. An action can be either a read or write. An object can be any XOG object that is available under the Objects API category such as department and companies. For example, the <ReadProject> element indicates read as the action to take, and Project is the XOG object against which the action is taken. The <ActionObject> element is the parent element that wraps around the NikuDataBus header attributes. The following example shows the structure used for requesting a read action on the Project object:
<obj:ReadProject xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus> <Header/> <Query/> </NikuDataBus> </obj:ReadProject>

The namespace must be localized in your request file to the <ActionObject> element. This localization is accomplished with the obj prefix. Failure to include this prefix results in an error during the processing of the request.

54 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object API

Read Standard Stock Objects

Example XML Read Request Read object requests are used to extract specific object records from CA Clarity. The read object request services reference the nikuxog_read.xsd schema (shown in bold) in the following example.
<obj:ReadUser xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> <Header version="" externalSource="NIKU"/> <Query> <Filter name="userName" criteria="EQUALS">admin</Filter> </Query> </NikuDataBus> </obj:ReadUser>

Example XML Read Response In the following example, the nikuxog_user.xsd defines the NikuDataBus read response element.
<ReadUserResponse xmlns=""> <NikuDataBus xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_user.xsd" xmlns:xsi=""> <Header externalSource="NIKU" version=""/> <Users> <User externalId=" " userLanguage="English" userLocale="en_US" userName="admin" userStatus="ACTIVE" userTimezone="Europe/London" userType="INTERNAL"> <PersonalInformation emailAddress="[email protected]" firstName="ca" lastName="Administrator"/> <Resource resourceId="admin"/> <Company/> <General addedBy="admin" addedDate="2005-03-12"/> <OBSAssocs> <OBSAssoc id="loc" name="Location" unitPath="/ USA"/> </OBSAssocs> <Groups> <Group id="ApplAdminRl"/> </Groups> <GlobalRights/> <InstanceRights/> <InstanceOBSRights>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 55

Object API

</User> </Users> <XOGOutput> <Status state="SUCCESS"/> <Statistics failureRecords="0"insertedRecords="0" totalNumberOfRecords="1" updatedRecords="0"/> <Records/>' </XOGOutput> </NikuDataBus> </ReadUserResponse>

Write Standard Stock Objects

Write object requests are used to insert and update records into another system.
<obj:WriteUser xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_user.xsd" xmlns:xsi=""> <Header externalSource="NIKU" version=""/> ...

Example XML Write Request In XML write requests, the unique record identifier varies based on the object. In the following example, the identifier is the userName attribute. This example is an update, and it includes only a subset of the information exported in the read request example. The nikuxog_user.xsd defines the NikuDataBus write request element.
<obj:WriteUser xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_user.xsd" xmlns:xsi=""> <Header externalSource="NIKU" version=""/> <Users> <User externalId=" " userLanguage="English" userLocale="en_US" userName="admin" userStatus="ACTIVE" userTimezone="Europe/London"> <PersonalInformation emailAddress="[email protected]"/> </User> </Users> </NikuDataBus> </obj:WriteUser>

56 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object API

Example XML Write Response The following is the result from the example write request.
<WriteUserResponse xmlns=""> <XOGOutput xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/status.xsd" xmlns:xsi=""> <Object type="user"/> <Status state="SUCCESS"/> <Statistics failureRecords="0" insertedRecords="0" totalNumberOfRecords="1" updatedRecords="1"/> <Records> <Record> <KeyInformation> <column name="ALL">ALL RECORDS</column> </KeyInformation> <ErrorInformation> <Severity>WARNING</Severity> <Description>New Users Password will be Defaulted to Value ca2000</Description> </ErrorInformation> </Record> </Records> </XOGOutput> </WriteUserResponse>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 57

Object API

Partitioning and Standard Stock Objects

The read object response services provide partition view information for each object instance. Similarly, you can write a partition view to each write object instance request. If you do not specify a partition view in your write request, all the instances you create are automatically assigned to the default system partition value NIKU.ROOT. To specify a new partition, replace NIKU.ROOT with your actual partition code. Before you can specify a partition view, you must create a partition model and associate it with your objects in Studio. See the Studio Developers Guide for more information. Example Partition XML The following example shows how partition information is specified for each object instance (that is for each "Project") using the <CustomInformation> element.
<obj:WriteProject xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_user.xsd" xmlns:xsi=""> <Header externalSource="NIKU" version="8.0"/> <Projects> <Project> . . . . <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">NIKU.ROOT</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> . . . . </Project> </Projectss> </NikuDataBus> </obj:WriteProject>

58 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object API

Custom Object Instances

The CustomObjectInstances service is an entry point to enable XOG communication with instances of custom objects. Instances represent data held within custom objects, not the definition of the objects. See the Studio Developers Guide for more information.

Read CustomObjectInstances
A CustomObjectInstances read request requires the namespace niku_xog_read.xsd and then the <CustomObjectInstanceQuery> element. The CustomObjectInstanceQuery element allows you to filter on instances of one or more custom objects using the following filter attributes: objectCode Refers to the custom object ID as defined in Studio. instanceCode Refers to the custom object instance ID as defined in Studio. See the Studio Developers Guide for more information. Example XML Read Request The following XML shows an example read CustomObjectInstance request and how it uses the <CustomObjectInstanceQuery> element.
<obj:ReadCustomObjectInstance xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> <Header version="" externalSource="NIKU"/> <CustomObjectInstanceQuery> <Filter name="objectCode" criteria="EQUALS">training_modules</Filter> <Filter name="instanceCode" criteria="EQUALS">Business Ethics </Filter> </CustomObjectInstanceQuery> </NikuDataBus> </obj:ReadCustomObjectInstance>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 59

Object API

Write CustomObjectInstances
The write CustomObjectInstances request services are defined by the nikuxog_customObjectInstance.xsd schema. Example Write XML The following example shows an XML write request:
<obj:WriteCustomObjectInstance xmlns:obj=" xog/Object"> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/ nikuxog_customObjectInstance.xsd"> <Header externalSource="NIKU" version=""/> <customObjectInstances objectCode="movies"> <instance instanceCode="Star Wars" objectCode="movies11"> <CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name="category">Science Fiction</ ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="code">Star Wars</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="cost">20000000</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="cost_currency">USD</ ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="name">Star Wars</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="page_layout">odf.moviesFrame</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="partition_code">US</ ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name="us_rating">PG-13</ ColumnValue> </CustomInformation> <OBSAssocs/> </instance> </customObjectInstances> </NikuDataBus> </obj: WriteCustomObjectInstance>

Like standard stock objects, the read CustomObjectInstances response service provides partition view information for each custom object instance. You can write a partition view to each write CustomObjectInstances instance. In the previous XML write request example, the partition view of US is specified for the Star Wars movie instance definition.

ContentPack Service
The ContentPack service is an entry point to enable XOG communication with Studio components, such as objects, object views, NSQL queries, portlets, process definitions, report definitions, lookups, and portlet pages. See the Studio Developers Guide for more information.

60 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object API

Read Content Pack Objects

Like standard stock objects, the read ContentPack request service is also defined by the nikuxog_read.xsd schema as shown in the following example. However, for the ContentPack service, this schema is unique because it includes the <ViewQuery> element. This element allows you to read Studio components. Example XML Read Request The following example shows the ViewQuery for reading the property and list components of the custom object myObject_v1.
<obj:ReadContentPack xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> <Header version="" externalSource="NIKU"/> <ViewQuery> <Filter name="code" criteria="EQUALS">property</Filter> <Filter name="object_code" criteria="EQUALS">myObject_v1</Filter> </ViewQuery> <ViewQuery> <Filter name="code" criteria="EQUALS">list</Filter> <Filter name="object_code" criteria="EQUALS">myObject_v1</Filter> </ViewQuery> </NikuDataBus> </obj:ReadContentPack>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 61

Object API

Read Content Pack Objects with Partitioning

You can filter on partition views from a ContentPack read request by including the <ViewQuery> filter condition attribute. To read specific partitioned views using the ContentPack XOG, you must explicitly request these partitions in a ViewQuery by including the partition_code. In the file, specify the following: object_code Indicates the CA Clarity identifier for the object. partition_code Indicates the CA Clarity identifier for the partition. If the partition_code is not specified, views for all partitions are exported. Example XML Read Request with Partitioning The following read ContentPack request specifies the ABC partition for the custom object myObject_v1 as shown in bold.
<obj:ReadContentPack xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> <Header version="" externalSource="NIKU"> <!-- the contentType is used to determine which filter goes where --> <args contentType="job_definition" name="order_by_1" value="code"/> <args contentType="menu" name="order_by_1" value="code"/> <args contentType="view" name="order_by_1" value="code"/> <args contentType="process" name="order_by_1" value="code"/> <args contentType="object" name="order_by_1" value="code"/> </Header> <ViewQuery> <Filter name="code" criteria="EQUALS">property</Filter> <Filter name="object_code" criteria="EQUALS">myObject_v1</Filter> <Filter name="partition_code" criteria="EQUALS">ABC</Filter> </ViewQuery> <ViewQuery> <Filter name="code" criteria="EQUALS">list</Filter> <Filter name="object_code" criteria="EQUALS">myObject_v1</Filter> <Filter name="partition_code" criteria="EQUALS">ABC</Filter> </ViewQuery> <ObjectQuery> <Filter name="object_code" criteria="EQUALS">myObject_v1</Filter> </ObjectQuery> </NikuDataBus> </obj:ReadContentPack>

62 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object API

Export Content Types Without Dependencies

You can use two arguments, singleContentType and no_dependencies, to export individual content types and to limit the amount of data exported for each type. These arguments should be used only for small, incremental updates to content. Important! Use care when applying these arguments. The user performing the export must have a thorough understanding of content data on the source and target systems. singleContentType Exports a specific content type. You must specify the singleContentType argument in the XML read file. The format for the argument in the XML read file is as follows: <args name="singleContentType" value="content type"> where content type can be any of the following supported content types:

Job Definitions Lookups Menu Manager Objects Portlet Pages Portlets Processes Queries

No_dependencies Limits the amount of data exported for a specific content type. The format for the argument in the XML read file is as follows: <args name=no_dependencies value=true/false/> where true exports incremental changes for a content type without dependencies. By default, the no_dependencies flag is false, which means any dependencies that exist for the value specified in the singleContentType argument are exported if the value is not specified.

Chapter 5: XOG Services 63

Object API

The following table shows the content types that are exported when the no_dependencies argument is set to true. Content Type job_definition Attributes active, executable, isHidden, jobDefinitionCode, jobType, logEnabled, outputEnabled, runConcurrent, source, description, name, attributes related to parameter like code, dataType, defaultValue, order, readOnly, required, widgetType., attributes related to OBSAssocs like completed, Security code, hiddenAttributename, sortStype, source, status, description, name, sortorder, attributes related to partition code, source, description, name, link, section code, source, description, name, displayMapping, parentObjectCode tabbedPage, code, customizable, layout, linkable, objectypes, personalizable, source, space, template, description, name, tab, OBSAssocs, Parameter, dataref, dataSource, paramCode allowConfigure, allowConfigureLabel, category, code, colorItem, dataProviderId, dataProvideerPartitionId, dataProviderType, datapointLabels, firstSliceAngle, forceFilter, link, mouseoverLbels, objectType, seriesDimension, showLegend, showTitle, size, source, type, name, decimalPlaces Note: Attributes can vary depending on type of portlet. process code, endStep, allowOneRunningInstance, source, startOption, startStep, description, name, rightCode, username, manualStart, objectType, partitionCode, partitionModeCode, type, isMileStone, sequenceNo, attributes related to Notifications, Operations, TransactionRestrictions category, code, description, name, attributes related to nsql like dbId, dbVendor, attributes for link like action, code


menu object page [portlet page]



64 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object API

Example: XML Read File for Exporting a Portlet Without Dependencies The following example shows an XML read file where portlet data without any dependency data is requested. The arguments are shown in bold.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> - <Header version="" action="read" objectType="contentPack" externalSource="NIKU"> <!-- Provide following argument with singlecontenttype to retrieve only portlet. --> <args name="singleContentType" value="portlet" /> <!-- May specify following OPTIONAL argument no_dependencies to exclude dependent content. --> <args name="no_dependencies" value="true" /> </Header> - <PortletQuery> <Filter name="code" criteria="EQUALS">balance</Filter> </PortletQuery> </NikuDataBus>

Export Portlet Data from Studio to an XML File

To facilitate the export of portlets, you can export this content type from Studio. The Portlets list page has an Export button that lets you export basic data on the portlets as individual XML files. The output XML files, which are packaged into a zip file, contain basic information with no dependencies.

Chapter 5: XOG Services 65

Object API

Autonumbering and Custom Attributes

The flag overrideAutoNumbering is an argument defined in the XOG header that determines whether source XOG content overrides autonumbering in the target content. The flag is available for the custom attributes of custom objects. The following rules apply:

If the flag is set to TRUE, XOG content from the source is applied to the target. If the flag is set to FALSE, the autonumbering scheme defined on the target is applied. The flag is specified in the XOG import file.

By default, OverrideAutoNumbering=TRUE. The following example shows the overrideAutoNumbering argument in the header:
<Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="customObjectInstance" version="13.0.0"> <args name="overrideAutoNumbering" value="false"/> </Header>

Import and Export Custom Fiscal Time-Varying Attributes

You can export or import custom fiscal time-varying attributes as part of the import or export of a standard or custom subobject with which the attributes are associated. When a subobject is exported, the XOG export file includes the following elements:

Custom attributes and modified views for the subobject Custom attributes and modified views for the master object Referenced lookups

If a subobject includes custom fiscal time-varying attributes, the master object export file includes the following additional elements:

Fiscal entity Fiscal time period Department OBS associations

66 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object API

Import and Export UI Themes

You can import and export UI themes through the XML Open Gateway. The XOG client provides sample UI theme XML files. The import file for UI themes is cmn_ui_themes_write.xml. The default attribute on the UITheme element determines whether a UI theme being imported is the default theme for the system. If the default attribute is set to true, the theme becomes the system default theme. If you are importing multiple UI themes in one import file, only one UI theme is expected to have the default attribute set to true. If multiple themes in a single import have the default attribute set to true, the last theme processed with the attribute set to true becomes the default theme. Sample Import File cmn_UI_themes_write.xml The following section of the cmn_ui_themes_write.xml shows the default attribute set to false. In this case, the UI theme being imported is not the default CA Clarity UI theme.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Copyright (c) 2011, CA Inc. All rights reserved. --> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_uitheme.xsd"> <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="uitheme" version="13.0"/> <UIThemes> <UITheme active="true" default="false" id="sample_ui_theme"> <nls description="A sample UI Theme" languageCode="en" name="Sample UI Theme"/> <css><![CDATA[

Chapter 5: XOG Services 67

InvokeAction API

Include New and Delete Buttons

When you are importing a new custom object, the New and Delete buttons are deselected by default. This means it is not possible to immediately create a new instance of the object. To make the New and Delete buttons available immediately for the new object, include the following two lines in the script:
<action code="odf.@objectCode@Create"/> <action code="odf.deleteObjectInstancesConfirm"/>

<list> .... <action code="odf.testCreate"/> <action code="odf.deleteObjectInstancesConfirm"/> .... </list>

About Passing XDM Custom Fields

XDM configuration changes are automatically handled by the Object API. The following rules apply:

For the Name and Values fields, use those defined in the customFieldsMetadata.xml file. For lookups, pass the lookup code and dates (in YYYY-MM-DD format). For checkbox fields, pass 1 or 0.

<CustomInformation> <ColumnValue name=CEO_NAME>ceo2</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name=DEFAULTWEBSITE></ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name=NUM_OF_EMPLOYEES>100</ColumnValue> <ColumnValue name=OPPORTUNITY>1</ColumnValue> </CustomInformation>

InvokeAction API
The InvokeAction API is a general-purpose area for administrative actions that fall outside the categories of data import and export. There is no corresponding schema (XSD) for this API and accordingly there is no XSD validation.

68 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

InvokeAction API

InvokeAction API Root Elements

The following are the root elements of the InvokeAction API: FlushCache This action is used to flush a cache within a running Application. Process This action is used to schedule integration processes or initiate them in realtime.

FlushCache Elements
The following describes the FlushCache root elements: group Optional. Identifies the cache group to be flushed. Type: String id Optional. Identifies the cache ID to be flushed. Type: String Example: XML Flush Cache In the following example, the xmlns= attribute is using the InvokeAction API. There is no reference to a schema or XSD.
<FlushCache xmlns=> <group>Resources</group> <id>ConfigurationProperties</id> </FlushCache>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 69

InvokeAction API

Process Elements
The following describes the Process root elements: code Required. Identifies the process ID. Type: String request Optional. Identifies the root element of the process input document. Type: Any Example: Process Request In the following sample, remedy_writeIncident is the process ID required to invoke the process action. Note that a process may or may not include a request. An action can be invoked by specifying the process ID. The following example includes a request.
<Process xmlns="">> <code>remedy_writeIncident</code> <request> <incidents> <incident assignedTo="jstewart" categoryCode="telcom" estimatedEffort="240" estimatedEffortUnit="MINUTES" externalId="tc421" impactCode="High" incidentCode="RMD-TC421" priorityCode="Medium" reportedBy="rcordry" resolutionDate="2005-03-03T12:30:00" sourceCode="REMEDY" startDate="2005-03-01T08:00:00" statusCode="Closed" subject="Phone system down" typeCode="incident" urgencyCode="High"> <description> Tried making call, no dial tone. </description> <notes/> <efforts enterOnce="true"> <effort quantity="3.5" quantityUnit="HOURS" resourceCode="jstewart" transactionDate="2005-03-03"/> </efforts> <contacts/> </incident>

70 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Query API

</incidents> </request> </Process>

Query API
It is often not sufficient to read data only as predefined objects. For example, full object instance data including dependencies may be too much detail. Or, you may need data from multiple objects or from database tables that have no defined objects. You can use the Query API to execute Studio NSQL-based queries from the XOG. The Studio Query is referenced by its code. The response is formatted as record elements. Note: The Query API requires a valid license for Studio. Example: Studio Query code: sample.getresources NSQL:

Example: XML Query

<Query xmlns=""> <Code>sample.getresources</Code> </Query>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 71

Query API

Example: Result
<QueryResult xmlns=""> <Code>sample.getresources</Code> <Records> <Record> <rsrc>Administrator, Niku</rsrc> <project_count>178</project_count> <manager>Administrator, Niku</manager> </Record> </Records> </QueryResult>

Query API Root Elements

The following describes the Query API root elements: Code Required. Identifies the NSQL unique identifier defined in Studio. Type: String Filter Optional. Identifies the NSQL filter columns defined in Studio. Type: User-defined

The Query Filter

The WSDL for queries defines filter parameters in addition to the code identifier. This allows ad-hoc queries based on a Studio Query using the XOG. For every column selected in the query, you are given multiple filter possibilities.

72 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Query API

Exact Match
To filter on a specific value for a column, use the column name directly and pass the value in which you are interested. The following example retrieves a single row for resource CorpApp Administrator. Any deviation in the rsrc value of 'Administrator, CorpApp' returns nothing. Example
<Query xmlns=""> <Code>sample.getresources</Code> <Filter> <rsrc>Administrator, CorpApp</rsrc> </Filter> </Query>

Wildcard Query Example

The wildcard filter behaves like any grid filter field. It automatically appends a wildcard asterisk (*) to the end of a value. You can also insert your own asterisk anywhere in the filter string including at the beginning. The latter is not recommended when filtering very large data sets, as performance is severely degraded. The wildcard filter is available only on columns of type String. From the sample.getresources Example
<Query xmlns=""> <Code>sample.getresources</Code> <Filter> <rsrc_wildcard>Admin</rsrc_wildcard> </Filter> </Query>

Another Example
<Query xmlns=""> <Code>sample.getresources</Code> <Filter> <rsrc_wildcard>Admin*CorpApp</rsrc_wildcard> </Filter> </Query>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 73

Query API

Capture Bounded and Unbounded Ranges

The from and to filters perform a "greater than or equal to and less than or equal to operation on a given value. Use these filters to capture a bounded range or separately for an unbounded range. Example: From Filter The following unbounded example returns all records with project_count greater than or equal to 1:
<Query xmlns=""> <Code>sample.getresources</Code> <Filter> <project_count_from>1</project_count_from> </Filter> </Query>

Example: To Filter The following bounded example returns all records with rsrc values that start with the letters A through E:
<Query xmlns=""> <Code>sample.getresources</Code> <Filter> <rsrc_from>A</rsrc_from> <rsrc_to>E</rsrc_to> </Filter> </Query>

74 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Query API

Example: Exporting Query Results to a Tab-Delimited Text File

The following example uses GEL to execute the NSQL query "xog_query_test", which is the default NSQL query. The example shows how to retrieve the query results and export them to a tab-delimited text file. For more information on using GEL with the XOG, see the chapter named "GEL Scripting (see page 77)." Example
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:xog="" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:soap="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:f="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.FileTagLibrary" xmlns:nikuq="" xmlns:util="jelly:util"> <!-- Construct the Query API request for the NSQL query "xog_query_test" --> <gel:parse var="xoginput"> <Query xmlns=""> <Code>xog_query_test</Code> </Query> </gel:parse> <soap:invoke endpoint="" var="xogresponse"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope> <soapenv:Header> <Auth> <Username>admin</Username> <Password>niku2000</Password> </Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <gel:include select="$xoginput"/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> <!-- Extract the sessionID so we may logout later --> <gel:set asString="true" select="$xogresponse/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/xog:SessionID/text()" var="sessionID"/> <gel:out>SessionID = ${sessionID}</gel:out>

Chapter 5: XOG Services 75

Query API

<!-- Extract the records --> <gel:set select="$xogresponse/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/nikuq:QueryResult/nikuq:Record s" var="records"/> <gel:set asString="true" select="$records" var="recordstext"/> <gel:out>${recordstext}</gel:out> <!-- Create a tab-delimited file from the results --> <f:writeFile fileName="projectData.txt" delimiter="&#x9;" embedded="true"> <gel:forEach select="$records//nikuq:Record" var="xog_record"> <f:line> <gel:forEach select="$xog_record/*" var="xog_data"> <gel:set var="xog_data" select="$xog_data/text()" asString="true"/> <f:column value="${xog_data}"/> </gel:forEach> </f:line> </gel:forEach> </f:writeFile> <!-- Now log out --> <soap:invoke endpoint="" var="logout"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope> <soapenv:Header> <Auth> <xog:SessionID>${sessionID}</xog:SessionID> </Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <xog:Logout/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> </gel:script>

76 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting

This section contains the following topics: GEL Overview (see page 77) GEL Setup (see page 78) GEL Script Validation and Execution (see page 78) GEL Basics (see page 78) Set GEL Tag Restrictions (see page 84) Examples for Running the XOG (see page 85) Database Operations (see page 89) File Operations (see page 91) Integration Processes (see page 96)

GEL Overview
Important! Before you use GEL, read the Customization Policy. See your CA account representative. GEL (Generic Execution Language) is a tool you can use to turn XML into executable code. It is based on Jelly, a Commons project. It has been extended and embedded into CA Clarity PPM to enable custom logic to solve business problems. GEL is the basis for the enterprise application integration framework within CA Clarity PPM. GEL also provides a collection of standard integrations that provide connectors to enterprise applications such as Remedy Help Desk. With GEL you can invoke and process a variety of data sources: Web services GEL can read or write to any SOAP-based web service. This includes the XOG web services. File system GEL can read or write to any delimited file including those on local disks, network disks or disk arrays.

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 77

GEL Setup

FTP GEL can upload or download to FTP servers. JDBC GEL uses JDBC to access RDBMS to read or write data. For more information about Jelly and the Jakarta Commons Project, see

GEL Setup
The GEL run-time is packaged with XOG in the XOG client. Once the client is installed, you can use the GEL command in the bin directory of the XOG client to validate and execute GEL scripts. Make sure that JRE is installed on your computer.

GEL Script Validation and Execution

The GEL validator reads scripts, confirms that the scripts are well-formed XML, and determines that all referenced tags and tag libraries are valid and available in the runtime environment. The validator does not execute scripts. In the following example the hello.xml script is first validated, and then the hello.xml script, located in the XOG client home directory, is executed.
E:\XOG>bin\gel -script hello.xml -validate File geltest.xml validated. E:\XOG>bin\gel -script hello.xml Hello World 1! Hello World 2! Hello World 3!

GEL Basics
The following sections explain the basic rules for using GEL.

78 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Basics

GEL Script Structure

The following figure shows the basic structure for a GEL script.
< ? x m l v e rs io n = "1 .0 " e n c o d in g = "U T F -8 "? > < g e l:s c rip t x m ln s :S O A P -E N V = "h ttp ://s c h e m a s .x m ls o a p .o rg /s o a p /e n v e lo p e /" x m ln s :c o re = "je lly :c o re " x m ln s :g e l= "je lly :c o m .n ik u .u n io n .g e l.G E L T a g L ib ra ry " x m ln s :file = "je lly :c o m .n ik u .u n io n .g e l.F ile T a g L ib ra ry " x m ln s :s o a p = "je lly :c o m .n ik u .u n io n .g e l.S O A P T a g L ib ra ry " x m ln s :s o a p e n v = "h ttp ://s c h e m a s .x m ls o a p .o rg /s o a p /e n v e lo p e /" x m ln s :s q l= "je lly :s q l" x m ln s :x o g = "h ttp ://w w w .n ik u .c o m /x o g " x m ln s :x s d = "h ttp ://w w w .w 3 .o rg /2 0 0 1 /X M L S c h e m a " x m ln s :x s i= "h ttp ://w w w .w 3 .o rg /2 0 0 1 /X M L S c h e m a -in s ta n c e "> < !-- C o d e g o e s h e re --> < /g e l:s c rip t>

H eader

C om m ent

F o o te r

Note that you can add a comment anywhere in a GEL script by using the structure <!-comment -->.

GEL Script Tags

A GEL script is an executable XML file that is built from qualified elements bound to Java code called tags. Using namespace declarations, tags are organized into tag libraries which are made available in a script. In the following Hello World example, two tag libraries are defined for the script: Core and GELTagLibrary as seen in tag pairs such as: <core:???></core:???> and <gel:???></gel:???>. Note: An entire script always resides within the GEL script tag.

Hello World Example

<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <core:forEach indexVar='i' begin='1' end='3'> <gel:out>Hello World ${i}!</gel:out> </core:forEach> </gel:script>

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 79

GEL Basics

Variables are used extensively throughout GEL scripts. Many tags can set variables. An example of a tag that can set variables is core:set. You can use the common syntax ${variable_name} to reference variables. In the Hello World example, 'i' is a variable which is set by the forEach tag and is incremented with each loop. Core is a built-in Jelly library that contains general-purpose tags (such as forEach that is used in the previous example). GELTagLibrary is the primary GEL library; it contains general-purpose tags not found in core and tags that are particular to CA Clarity PPM.

Conditionals and Loops

GEL contains the following tags for performing conditional processing: <core:if>
<core:if test="${hasDocs}"> </core:if>

<core:choose> <core:when test="${row[6].equals(&quot;&quot;)}"> </core:when> <core:otherwise> </core:otherwise> </core:choose>

<core:switch on="${caseType}"> <core:case fallThru="true" value="Incident"/> <core:case value="Problem"> </core:case> <core:case fallThru="true" value="Question"/> <core:default> </core:default> </core:switch>

<core:forEach trim="true" items="${queryResult.rowsByIndex}" var="row"> </core:forEach>

80 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Basics

Variables in GEL scripts are declared at the time of use. There are no declaration blocks, like the ones you might find in other languages. GEL provides the following ways to store a variable value: <gel:parameter> This tag allows values to be passed into a GEL script from a CA Clarity process. Inside the GEL script, you can refer to the parameter as you would any other variable (that is, using the ${variablename} syntax). The optional attribute secure="true" causes CA Clarity to hide the actual value in the user interface with asterisks (*).
<gel:parameter var="XOGUsername" default="admin"/> <gel:parameter var="XOGPassword" default="password" secure="true"/>

<core:set> This tag is used to set basic variables; that is, ones that do not need to be extracted from an XML document. Refer to the variable using the ${variablename} syntax.
<core:set value="1" var="yes"/> <gel:out>${yes}</gel:out>

You can do some basic math on the variable:


<gel:set> Use this tag when it is necessary to extract the value of the variable from an XML document. This tag differs from the <core:set> tag in that it takes a select attribute which in turn requires an XPath statement. If you are unfamiliar with XPath, think of it as a hierarchy mapping of the XML document. In the example below, the select statement points the way to the Statistics node of a XOG output file.
<gel:set asString="false" select="$XOGresult/SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/NikuDataBus/XOGOutput/Stat istics" var="stats"/>

<gel:persist> This tag allows you to set variables with a scope that extends beyond the current script.

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 81

GEL Basics

<gel:parse> The <gel:parse> tag is used to create an XML document in memory. This is how you will build XOG requests. The tag can be used to generate an entire XML document, or specific nodes that can later be attached into an existing XML document.
<gel:parse var="loadContent"> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi= xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_resource.xsd"> <Header version="" action="write" objectType="resource" externalSource="ORACLE-FINANCIAL"/> <Resources> <Resource resourceId="abc" isActive="true"> <PersonalInformation lastName="doe" firstName="john" emailAddress="[email protected]"/> </Resource> </Resources> </NikuDataBus> </gel:parse>

Built-in Parameters
Custom Action GEL scripts associated with processes have the following parameters available to them: Object instance ID If no object is associated with the process, the ID is -1. Otherwise the ${gel_objectInstanceId} parameter contains the object instance ID. Process ID ${gel_processId} is the process identifier; all instances of this process share this identifier. Process instance ID ${gel_processInstanceId} is the process instance identifier; all instances have a unique value. All built-in parameters have a "gel_" prefix and are of data type - numeric.

82 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Basics

Things to Watch For When Using GEL

Note the following:

GEL is case sensitive. This statement includes variable names. All GEL scripts are contained in XML, therefore all XML rules apply to structure, tags, and special characters. In the Jelly <sql:query> tag, you cannot use the less than (<) and greater than (>) operators because they are not allowed. Use BETWEEN instead of these operators or escape the special characters using &lt; or &gt;.

Using SSL with GEL

When interacting with SOAP services in GEL, you might need to take additional steps when using the secure sockets layer (SSL) with web services. If the SSL certificate in use by the web service host has been issued by a well-known certificate authority (for example, Verisign or Thawte), no additional steps might be needed provided the appropriate certificate already exists in the cacerts keystore in the Java SDK running the GEL script. However, you might need to take additional steps to ensure the proper trust is established between the GEL script and web service host when:

The SSL certificate is self-signed, which means you generated the certificate using your own certificate authority. The expiration date on a certificate issued by a well-known certificate authority has been reached.

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 83

Set GEL Tag Restrictions

How to Set Up a Self-signed SSL Certificate

This process explains how to set up a self-signed SSL certificate on a web-service host. For the setup, identify the Java SDKs that will be running GEL scripts. Here is how:

If GEL scripts are being run outside of the application using the XOG client, the first Java SDK listed in your PATH is the one running the scripts. If GEL scripts are running inside a process in the application, typically the Java SDK running the BG service on the application server is the one running the scripts.

To set up a self-signed SSL certificate 1. Locate the Java SDK installation directory. For example, C:\jdk1.5.0_17. 2. Export the SSL certificate or any updated certificate-authority certificate you need to import to a file. For example, mycert.cer. 3. Change directories to the Java SDK JRE security directory.
cd c:\jdk1.5.0_17\jre\lib\security

This directory is where the cacerts Java keystore resides. The keystore holds certificate-authority certificates used for establishing trust. The keystore password for this keystore is always changeit. 4. Import your certificate into the cacerts keystore with the Java keytool command.
keytool -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -import -file c:\temp\mycert.cer -trustcacerts -alias mycert

Assign the alias value to a value not currently in use in the keystore. You may be prompted on whether you want to trust this certificate. If so, answer Yes. 5. If you are setting up the self-signed certificate for the BG service for GEL scripts that run in processes, restart the BG service. The keystore is loaded one time when the CA Clarity services are started.

Set GEL Tag Restrictions

Use the following commands to control GEL tag restriction: admin general restrict-gel-tags Sets the value of the gelTagRestriction property to on. admin general allow-gel-tags Sets the value of the gelTagRestriction property to off.

84 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Examples for Running the XOG

The property gelTagRestriction is referenced to determine if gel tags are restricted. The property is on the system element. It is an optional element. Use the values on or off to set GEL tag restrictions for the environment. Specifying any value other than off enables GEL tag restriction. GEL tag restrictions are off by default. Examples Properties.xml file with no GEL tag restriction:
<system online="true" multiCurrency="false" licenseTypes="old" singleTenantMode="true"/>

<system online="true" multiCurrency="false" licenseTypes="old" singleTenantMode="true" gelTagRestriction="off"/>

Properties.xml file with GEL tags restricted:

<system online="true" multiCurrency="false" licenseTypes="old" singleTenantMode="false" gelTagRestriction="on"/>

Examples for Running the XOG

By including the SOAP and XOG namespaces in GEL scripts, you give GEL the ability to communicate with the XOG web service. You must package each invocation in a proper SOAP envelope.

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 85

Examples for Running the XOG

Example 1: Individual Calls

The following example logs into CA Clarity and runs the XOG to read the list of resources. The script performs each of these actions as individual calls to the XOG server.

<gel:script xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:soap="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sql="jelly:sql" xmlns:xog="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <gel:parameter default="" var="XOGURL"/> <gel:parameter default="svong" var="XOGUsername"/> <gel:parameter default="svong" secure="true" var="XOGPassword"/> <!-- Log into XOG and get a session ID --> <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="auth"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <xog:Login> <xog:Username>${XOGUsername}</xog:Username> <xog:Password>${XOGPassword}</xog:Password> </xog:Login> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> <!-- Checking whether a sessionID is returned. If not, it means that Login was unsuccessful -->

<gel:set asString="true" select="$auth/SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/xog:SessionID/text()" var="sessionID"/> <core:choose> <core:when test="${sessionID == null}"> <gel:out>Couldn't Log in. Check the username/password.</gel:out> </core:when> <core:otherwise></core:otherwise> </core:choose>

86 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Examples for Running the XOG

<!--Run XOG and attach an input file...alternatively the Body section can be the NikuDatabus section of an input file--> <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="runresult"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog=""> <soapenv:Header> <xog:Auth> <xog:SessionID>${sessionID}</xog:SessionID> </xog:Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <gel:parse var="xmlindoc" file="C:\Clarity\XOG\xml\rsm_resources_read.xml"/> <gel:include select="$xmlindoc"/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke>

<!-- Read the output and extract some information from it --> <gel:set asString="true" select="$runresult/SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/NikuDataBus/XOGOutput/Status/@state" var="XOGoutcome"/> <core:switch on="${XOGoutcome}"> <core:case value="SUCCESS"> <gel:forEach select="$runresult/SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/NikuDataBus/Resources/Resource" var="outputnode"> <gel:out><gel:expr select="$outputnode/PersonalInformation/@displayName"/></gel:out> </gel:forEach> <gel:set asString="false" select="$runresult/SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/NikuDataBus/XOGOutput/Statistics" var="stats"/> <gel:out>Success! Total number of records: <gel:expr select="$stats/@totalNumberOfRecords"/></gel:out> </core:case> <core:case value="FAILURE"> <gel:set asString="false" select="$runresult/SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/NikuDataBus/XOGOutput/Statistics" var="stats"/> <gel:out>XOG failed. Out of <gel:expr select="$stats/@totalNumberOfRecords"/> records, <gel:expr select="$stats/@failureRecords"/> failed.</gel:out> </core:case> <core:default> <gel:out>Couldn't find XOG output summary. Please check the output file manually.</gel:out> </core:default> </core:switch>

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 87

Examples for Running the XOG

<!-- Log out of the XOG --> <soap:invoke endpoint="${XOGURL}/niku/xog" var="logoutresult"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog=""> <soapenv:Header> <xog:Auth> <xog:SessionID>${sessionID}</xog:SessionID> </xog:Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <xog:Logout/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> </gel:script>

Example 2: Single Invocation

In this example, the script logs in and makes a XOG request in a single invocation. The XOG request is also included inline, which means it is included in the script instead of being retrieved from a file.
<gel:script xmlns:x="jelly:xml" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:soap="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary" xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:xog=""> <gel:parameter var="XOGusername" default="admin"/> <gel:parameter var="XOGpassword" default="admin"/> <soap:invoke endpoint="" var="result"> <soap:message> <soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog=""> <soap-env:Body> <xog:Login xmlns=""> <xog:Username>${XOGusername}</xog:Username> <xog:Password>${XOGpassword}</xog:Password> </xog:Login> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi=""

88 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Database Operations

xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> <Header version="" action="read" objectType="resource" externalSource="NIKU"> <args name="include_contact" value="false"/> <args name="include_management" value="false"/> <args name="include_custom" value="false"/> <args name="include_financial" value="false"/> </Header> <Query> <Filter name="isActive" criteria="EQUALS">true</Filter> </Query> </NikuDataBus> </soap-env:Body> </soap-env:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> <gel:out><gel:expr select="$result"/></gel:out> </gel:script>

Database Operations
GEL can connect to one or more databases, and it is not limited to CA Clarity PPM databases. Both Oracle and SQL Server are supported. See the following examples. Most connection problems stem from either login errors or JDBC issues. The following example shows a JDBC error.
E:\Clarity\XOG\bin>gel -script gelsqlexample.xml ERROR 2005-08-31 16:45:40,549 [main] sql.SetDataSourceTag Could not load driver class: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

If you see an error like this, find the necessary JDBC classes and copy them to the GEL classpath. Note that the GEL engine does not search the environment path for these files. GEL only looks in the lib folder (and the CA Clarity PPM server classpath, if it has been installed on the local computer). For Oracle, ojdbc14.jar should be copied to the lib folder. For SQLServer, Microsofts JDBC drivers must be made available to the GEL engine. Copy the files msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar, and msutil.jar to the lib directory (after you have installed the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft, or copy the files from the CA Clarity PPM\lib directory).

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 89

Database Operations

The following example connects to a CA Clarity database and prints out the results of a basic query.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:sql="jelly:sql">

<gel:parameter default="svong" var="ClarityUser"/> <gel:parameter default="svong" secure="true" var="ClarityPassword"/> <sql:setDataSource url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:NIKU" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" user="${ClarityUser}" password="${ClarityPassword}"/> <sql:query var="result"> select name, unique_name from srm_projects </sql:query> <core:forEach trim="true" items="${result.rowsByIndex}" var="row"> <core:forEach var="field" items="${row}"> <gel:out>${field}</gel:out> </core:forEach> </core:forEach> <!--core:forEach trim="true" items="${result.rowsByIndex}" var="row"> <core:forEach var="columnName" items="${result.columnNames}" indexVar="i"> <field column="${columnName}">${row[i]}</field> <gel:out>${row[i]}</gel:out> </core:forEach> </core:forEach--> </gel:script>

The sql:setDataSource statement makes the connection to the database. Note the use of parameters for the login credentials. Using gel:parameter allows the UserID and Password to be set from within CA Clarity PPM (furthermore, the secure="true" declaration masks the password in the UI) if this script is called from a CA Clarity PPM process. sql:query encloses the actual query, and the two core:forEach loops cycle through the result. The first core:forEach loop runs through the rows; the embedded core:forEach reads the columns in each row.

90 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

File Operations

The results set for this code prints out one field per line. The output would look similar to the following example.
Project ABC P001 Consumer Confidence Project P002 Johns Super Special Project P003 .

One way around this issue is to programmatically create rows of data. The following example is for a query that returns three columns per row. By using step="3", you can process one logical row at a time. Each item is referred to by using an index offset.
<core:forEach trim="true" items="${queryResult.rowsByIndex}" var="row"> <!-- 3 fields per row, so jump by 3 to build the next row --> <core:forEach var="field" items="${queryResult.columnNames}" indexVar="i" step="3"> <file:line> <file:column value="${row[i]}"/> <file:column value="${row[i+1]}"/> <file:column value="${row[i+2]}"/> </file:line> </core:forEach> </core:forEach>

File Operations
GEL can open a file (and if it is an XML file or a comma-delimited file, parse out all the nodes and attributes), read the file, and write to it. It can also perform FTP operations on files. It cannot, however, create a directory to put files in, move files around, or delete files after it is done with them. This can be a problem when working with the Documents XOG.

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 91

File Operations

Example 1: Create a Rate Matrix XOG File

The example code below creates a rate matrix XOG file. The file opens a tab-delimited text file as input, and creates a matrixRow node for each row of input data.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:file="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.FileTagLibrary"> <gel:parameter default="niku" var="clarityUser"/> <gel:parameter default="nikuadmin" secure="true" var="clarityPassword"/> <gel:parameter default="E:\Clarity\XOG\bin" var="infolder"/> <gel:parameter default="E:\clarity\xog\bin\rateMatrixLoadFile.xml" var="XOGloadfile"/> <gel:parameter default="${infolder}\" var="infile"/> <gel:formatDate format="yyyyMMdd" stringVar="today"/> <!-- Open up the input file --> <file:readFile fileName="${infile}" delimiter="\t" var="infileParsed" embedded="false"/> <!-- The GEL parse statement can be given the name of an XML file, or, as shown below, an XML node structure. --> <!-- Use it to create the main XML shell and add in non-repetitive sections like the columns section below --> <gel:parse var="loadContent"> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_matrix.xsd"> <Header action="write" externalSource="NIKU" objectType="matrix" version=""/> <matrices> <matrix defaultCurrencyCode="USD" name="D&amp;B COST/RATE MATRIX" type="Cost/Rate"> <columns> <column name="entity"/> <column name="department"/> <column name="resourceClass"/> <column name="transactionClass"/> <column name="resourceRole"/> <column name="resource"/> <column name="inputTypeCode"/> </columns> <matrixRows> </matrixRows> </matrix> </matrices> </NikuDataBus> </gel:parse>

92 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

File Operations

<!-- Build the sections. Skip the headers on the first line --> <core:forEach items="${infileParsed.rows}" var="row" indexVar="i" begin="1" step="1"> <!-- This GEL:parse statement creates the node in memory --> <gel:parse var="matrixRowNode"> <matrixRow actualCost="${row[11]}" currencyCode="${row[12]}" entity="${row[2]}" department="${row[3]}" fromDate="${row[0]}" rate="${row[9]}" transactionClass="${row[5]}" resourceClass="${row[4]}" resourceRole="${row[6]}" inputTypeCode="${row[8]}" resource="${row[7]}" standardCost="${row[10]}" toDate="${row[1]}"/> </gel:parse> <!-- GEL:set below adds the node in memory to the main XML file were building --> <gel:set value="${matrixRowNode}" select="$loadContent/NikuDataBus/matrices/matrix/matrixRows" insert="true"/> </core:forEach> <!-- Now write it all to a file --> <gel:serialize fileName="${XOGloadfile}" var="${loadContent}"/> </gel:script>

Example 2: Output Delimited Files

This example shows how to output delimited files using GEL.
<!-- Open up the output file --> <file:writeFile fileName="${doclistfile}" delimiter=",">

Example 3: Create a File to Write in Documents for Multiple Projects

The following example creates a file to write in documents for a number of projects. It takes a projects XOG file as input, extracting each project ID in turn and creating a parent node for the Documents XOG. However, note the following:

The Document XOG requires the internal database ID of the project, not the UNIQUE_NAME that appears as the project ID in the input file. You must use the GEL JDBC connection to retrieve the corresponding DBID for each project as the Documents XOG XML file is built. The Document XOG only loads data at the folder level, which means it takes a source folder and uploads it into a target folder. If you want to upload documents for multiple projects, the documents for each project must be placed into an individual temporary folder. This (creating folders, copying files into them, and so on) is not something GEL can do currently, so you need to prepare the documents elsewhere.

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 93

File Operations

Additionally, this example illustrates another way of building the XML file using the GEL:set tag.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:file="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.FileTagLibrary" xmlns:sql="jelly:sql"> <gel:parameter default="jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://myserver:1433;DatabaseName=pmodev;SelectMethod=cursor" var="clarityURL"/> <gel:parameter default="niku" var="clarityUser"/> <gel:parameter default="niku" secure="true" var="clarityPassword"/> <gel:parameter default="D:\App\pmo\xog\xml" var="infolder"/> <gel:parameter default="${infolder}\prj_projectswrite.xml" var="infile"/> <gel:parameter default="D:\App\pmo\xog\xml" var="XOGlogFolder"/> <gel:parameter default="${infolder}\DocumentsXOGLoad.xml" var="docXOGloadfile"/> <gel:parameter default="${infolder}\docslist.gel" var="doclistfile"/> <gel:formatDate format="yyyyMMdd" stringVar="today"/> <!-- Get a DB Connection to Clarity --> <sql:setDataSource url="${clarityURL}" driver="" user="${clarityUser}" password="${clarityPassword}" var="clarityDS"/> <!-- Open up the Project Plans input file --> <gel:parse var="projectsParsed" file="${infile}"/> <!-- Open up the output file --> <file:writeFile fileName="${doclistfile}" delimiter=","> <!-- set up the document XOG shell --> <gel:parse var="docsParsed"> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_document.xsd"> <Header action="write" externalSource="OS" objectType="document" version=""/> <Documents> </Documents> </NikuDataBus> </gel:parse> <!-- Define a variable for the Documents node --> <gel:set select="$docsParsed/NikuDataBus/Documents" var="docnode"/> <!-- set up a template Parent node --> <gel:parse var="parentNode"><Parent documentLocation="" parentObjectId="" parentObjectType="Projects"/></gel:parse>

94 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

File Operations

<!-- Loop thru each project ID in the input file --> <gel:forEach select="$projectsParsed/NikuDataBus/Projects/Project" var="currentPrj"> <gel:set asString="true" select="$currentPrj/@projectID" var="currentPrjID"/> <!-- reset the test flag --> <core:set value="false" var="hasDocs"/> <!-- Build the XOG file for the documents. The process is to insert a copy of the node --> <!-- currently in memory, then modify the attributes as necessary. After that, the --> <!-- node in memory is reset to the current one. Also note that the Documents XOG --> <!-- requires the DBID of the project we have to connect to Clarity first. --> <core:if test="${hasDocs}"> <sql:query var="prjIDquery" dataSource="${clarityDS}"> SELECT ID FROM niku.SRM_PROJECTS WHERE UNIQUE_NAME = ? <sql:param value="${row[i]}"/> </sql:query> <!-- there should only be one result value... --> <core:forEach trim="true" items="${prjIDquery.rowsByIndex}" var="idrow"> <core:forEach var="idfield" items="${prjIDquery.columnNames}" indexVar="j"> <gel:set value="${parentNode}" select="$docsParsed/NikuDataBus/Documents" insert="true"/> <gel:set value="${infolder}\docimporttemp\${currentPrjID}" select="$docnode/Parent/@documentLocation"/> <gel:set value="${idrow[i]}" select="$docnode/Parent/@parentObjectId"/> <gel:set var="parentNode" select="$docnode/Parent"/> </core:forEach> </core:forEach> </core:if> </gel:forEach> <!-- Write the XOG file for documents --> <gel:serialize fileName="${docXOGloadfile}" var="${docsParsed}"/> <!-- Close the output file --> </file:writeFile> </gel:script>

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 95

Integration Processes

Integration Processes
A process is a way to automate repetitive steps that would otherwise be performed manually through the CA Clarity user interface. A process can act on any object type. The process includes a series of steps that result in a completed end point. A process has a start step (required), an end step (required), and one or more intermediate steps. Each step included in the process performs one or more actions that moves the process toward its completion. The following actions are available: Manual Performed by a user in the user interface. System Completed by a CA Clarity system action. Job Completed by running a job either scheduled or started manually from the user interface. Custom action Available for normal process steps that include custom GEL code. These GEL snippets use tag libraries to interact with various data sources and data destinations. You can disconnect integration processes from any specific object. This fact allows you to:

Schedule integration processes in CA Clarity Initiate integration processes in real-time in one of the following ways:

Manually from the GUI Using a XOG web service request

From a background job, real time integrations enable external applications to send data proactively. The request starts an integration process and then passes the incoming data. Note: For performance reasons, the XOG web service request does not initiate integration processes for all objects. The objects that can have integration processes initiated by the XOG web service are projects and incidents.

96 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Integration Processes

Basic Integration Process Checklist

Use the following checklist to set up and run integration processes:

Create the process. (Optional) Create groups to represent larger segments of the process. Create start, intermediate, and finish steps. Include actions on steps. GEL can be used through Custom Actions. Connect the steps with splits and joins. Validate the process. See the Administration Guide for more information.

Use the web service API to start the process, then register the web service request to invoke the process. Note: Web service requests need not conform to any product API. They need only be valid SOAP requests. The external application maps incoming SOAP message with a process. The SOAP listener servlet responds to incoming web service requests. Note: The Catalog Listener and the Ad-Hoc Query listener are built-in listeners. You can register subsequent listeners in the database using an XPath expression, a target namespace, or both to match the listener to an incoming service request.

Chapter 6: GEL Scripting 97

Integration Processes

98 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL

This section contains the following topics: About the WSDL (see page 99) Object WSDL (see page 101) InvokeAction WSDL (see page 101) Query WSDL (see page 105) Examples: Microsoft Visual Studio (.NET) (see page 110) Generate Supporting API (see page 110)

About the WSDL

Each XOG service includes a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file that is downloadable from the installation. The WSDL describes the available XOG services and how to communicate with them.

Access the WSDL

You can access the XOG WSDL on the CA Clarity PPM application server at the following URL:

The WSDL page is an HTML page with a list of XOG service categories. The XOG services as listed on the WSDL page fall under the following categories:

InvokeAction Query Object

You can display a list of all included services by clicking a category link. For example, if you click InvokeAction, you'll see the following services:

FlushCache Process

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL 99

About the WSDL

Each service includes the following links: Service name Enables an HTML page that contains the WSDL to display. Save As Enables the WSDL to download as an XML file so that you can save it to disk. The following figure shows the links for the services available under InvokeAction.

Viewers for WSDL

There are various tools you can use to read and display the WSDL in a more readable format. There are stand-alone viewers and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) software that map data from one system to another. Note: Go to for more information about web services and WSDL.

100 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Object WSDL

Emitter Tools for the WDSL

A client program connecting to the XOG can read the WSDL to determine what functions are available on the server. Any special data types used are embedded in the WSDL file in the form of XML Schema. The XOG WSDL has been validated against the following platforms:

Apache AXIS 1.3 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (.NET)

These emitter tools can interpret the XOG WSDL to enable communication with CA Clarity as a web service. Because the XOG WSDL is compatible with AXIS and .NET these emitter tools generate an accurate and usable proxy API from the XOG WSDL. This facilitates interaction with the XOG services within the context of AXIS or .NET.

Object WSDL
To access the Object WSDL 1. Use the following URL to go to the Server page that lists the XOG Object services:


Click an object link such as Project to access the Project WSDL. Click the All Objects link to access the WSDL for all objects from a single page.

InvokeAction WSDL
To access the InvokeAction WSDL service category 1. Use the following URL to go to the Server page that lists the XOG InvokeAction services:


Click FlushCache or Process to access the corresponding WSDL.

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL 101

InvokeAction WSDL

Example: Process WSDL

The following example illustrates the WSDL for the Process service:
<definitions xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" name="InvokeActionProcess" targetNamespace=""> <types> <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:complexType name="Process"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="code" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element name="request" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:any/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="Process" type="tns:Process"/> <xsd:element name="Auth"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="SessionID" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="Username" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="Password" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Login"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="Username" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="Password" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="SessionID" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Logout"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="SessionID" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence>

102 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

InvokeAction WSDL

</xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> </types> <message name="Process"> <part element="tns:Process" name="body"/> <part element="tns:Auth" name="header"/> </message> <message name="Auth"> <part element="tns:Auth" name="header"/> </message> <message name="Login"> <part element="tns:Login" name="parameters"/> </message> <message name="LoginResponse"> <part element="tns:SessionID" name="body"/> </message> <message name="Logout"> <part element="tns:Logout" name="parameters"/> </message> <portType name="ProcessPort"> <operation name="Process"> <input message="tns:Process"/> </operation> <operation name="Login"> <input message="tns:Login"/> <output message="tns:LoginResponse"/> </operation> <operation name="Logout"> <input message="tns:Logout"/> </operation> </portType> <binding name="ProcessSoapBinding" type="tns:ProcessPort"> <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/> <operation name="Process"> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body parts="body" use="literal"/> <soap:header message="tns:Auth" part="header" use="literal"/> </input> </operation> <operation name="Login"> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body use="literal"/> </input> <output>

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL 103

InvokeAction WSDL

<soap:body use="literal"/> </output> </operation> <operation name="Logout"> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body use="literal"/> </input> </operation> </binding> <service name="ProcessService"> <documentation>Invoke Action Process Service </documentation> <port binding="tns:ProcessSoapBinding" name="ProcessService"> <soap:address location="http://<servername:port>//xog"/> </port> </service> </definitions>

104 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Query WSDL

<xsd:any> and Process WSDL

The request and response types of the Object WSDL are defined as <xsd:any> as seen in the Process WSDL example. However, the schema of these request/response types needs to be consistent with the corresponding XOG Object schema (as per .xsd file). The following example shows the SOAP representation of the Project object WSDL for the ReadProject operation. The bolded DataBus document shows the correct representation of the DataBus <xsd:any> type.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Header> <Auth xmlns=""> <SessionID>5000156__171120a:10a241ff830:-7f711143139816999</SessionID> </Auth> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <ReadProject xmlns=""> <DataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/xog_read.xsd" xmlns=""> <Header version="" externalSource="NIKU" /> <Query> <Filter name="subject" criteria="EQUALS">admin</Filter> </Query> </DataBus> </ReadProject> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

Query WSDL
The WSDL for queries is not pre-packaged. A WSDL for a query will exist only if an NSQL query was created in Studio. Depending on the number of NSQL queries already defined in Studio, you will see the corresponding numbers of WSDLs. To access the Query WSDL 1. Use the following URL to go to the Server page that lists the XOG Query services:


Click a query type link to access the corresponding WSDL.

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL 105

Query WSDL

Example: Demand for Resource Query WSDL

The following example displays the WSDL for the Demand for Resource query service:
<definitions xmlns:tns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" name="DemandforResourceQuery" targetNamespace=""> <types> <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:complexType name="DemandforResourceFilter"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="actual_hours" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="actual_hours_from" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="actual_hours_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="allocated_hours" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="allocated_hours_from" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="allocated_hours_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="estimated_effort" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="estimated_effort_from" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="estimated_effort_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="resource_name" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="resource_name_from" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="resource_name_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="resource_name_wildcard" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="resource_id" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="resource_id_from" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="resource_id_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_key" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_key_from" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_key_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_key_wildcard" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_level" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_level_from" type="xsd:string"/>

106 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Query WSDL

<xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_level_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_level_wildcard" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_label" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_label_from" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_label_to" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="calendar_time_label_wildcard" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="DemandforResourceQuery"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="Code" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="Filter" type="tns:DemandforResourceFilter"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="Query" type="tns:DemandforResourceQuery"/> <xsd:complexType name="DemandforResourceRecord"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="actual_hours" type="xsd:decimal"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="allocated_hours" type="xsd:decimal"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="estimated_effort" type="xsd:decimal"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="resource_name" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="resource_id" type="xsd:long"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="calendar_time_key" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="calendar_time_level" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="calendar_time_label" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="DemandforResourceRecords"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="Record" type="tns:DemandforResourceRecord"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="DemandforResourceQueryResult"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="Code" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="Records" type="tns:DemandforResourceRecords"/>

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL 107

Query WSDL

</xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="QueryResult" type="tns:DemandforResourceQueryResult"/> <xsd:element name="Auth"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="SessionID" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="Username" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="Password" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Login"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="Username" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="Password" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="SessionID" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Logout"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="SessionID" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> </types> <message name="Query"> <part element="tns:Query" name="body"/> <part element="tns:Auth" name="header"/> </message> <message name="QueryResult"> <part element="tns:QueryResult" name="body"/> </message> <message name="Auth"> <part element="tns:Auth" name="header"/> </message> <message name="Login"> <part element="tns:Login" name="parameters"/> </message> <message name="LoginResult"> <part element="tns:SessionID" name="body"/> </message> <message name="Logout"> <part element="tns:Logout" name="parameters"/> </message>

108 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Query WSDL

<portType name="DemandforResourceQueryPort"> <operation name="Query"> <input message="tns:Query"/> <output message="tns:QueryResult"/> </operation> <operation name="Login"> <input message="tns:Login"/> <output message="tns:LoginResult"/> </operation> <operation name="Logout"> <input message="tns:Logout"/> </operation> </portType> <binding name="DemandforResourceQuerySoapBinding" type="tns:DemandforResourceQueryPort"> <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/> <operation name="Query"> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body parts="body" use="literal"/> <soap:header message="tns:Auth" part="header" use="literal"/> </input> <output> <soap:body use="literal"/> </output> </operation> <operation name="Login"> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body use="literal"/> </input> <output> <soap:body use="literal"/> </output> </operation> <operation name="Logout"> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body use="literal"/> </input> </operation> </binding> <service name="DemandforResourceQueryService"> <documentation>Demand for Resource Query Service </documentation> <port binding="tns:DemandforResourceQuerySoapBinding" name="DemandforResourceQueryService"> <soap:address location="http://<servername:port>//xog"/> </port>

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL 109

Examples: Microsoft Visual Studio (.NET)

</service> </definitions>

Examples: Microsoft Visual Studio (.NET)

The following example is a client-side Windows Form written in .NET Visual Basic that uses the ClarityDotNetXOG API to invoke the FlushCache XOG service on a Button Click event.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim xog As ClarityDotNetXOG xog = New ClarityDotNetXOG xog.Username = "admin" xog.Password = "admin" Dim ids(0 To 1) As String Dim groups(0 To 1) As String ids(0) = "ConfigurationProperties" groups(0) = "Resources" xog.FlushCache(ids, groups) MessageBox.Show("Flush Cache Complete") End Sub

Generate Supporting API

Both Apache AXIS and Microsoft Visual Studio have emitter tools that generate proxy classes based on service descriptions that conform to the WSDL.

110 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Generate Supporting API

Generate a Proxy API from Axis

The emitter tool packaged with Apache AXIS is WSDL2Java. The following example shows how to initiate this tool from the command line against the All Objects XOG WSDL. Important! You must include the -W flag when generating the proxy API from the XOG WSDL definitions. This indicates that the WSDL is of style: document/literal. If you do not include the -W flag, it is assumed that the WSDL is of style: wrapped/literal, which is incorrect. Omitting the flag will not throw an error in the proxy generation, but the resulting API will cause runtime errors when trying to communicate with the XOG interfaces. The default output location of the proxy files follows the namespace convention defined in the WSDL. Because the targetNamespace defined in the All Object WSDL is, the resulting proxy classes from the command-line request reside in D:\axis\com\niku\www\xog\Object.

Add a Web Reference from Microsoft Visual Studio

The emitter tool packaged with Microsoft Visual Studio is implemented as a web reference. The reference is developed from within a project within the Microsoft Visual Studio GUI. To develop a web reference from Microsoft Visual Studio 1. 2. From Project, select Add Web Reference. In URL, enter the desired XOG WSDL URL and click Go. The WSDL is located. 3. In Web Reference Name, enter a name for the service and click Add Reference. Note: The generated proxy API for the All Objects Web Reference is on the left side of the page. This enables a developer to communicate programmatically with the services defined in the All Objects Web Reference.

Chapter 7: XOG WSDL 111

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference

Stock XOG Object Summary
You can process the following data objects or transactions using the XOG.

Base XOG Objects

Object or Transaction Process In (Write) Yes Out (Read) Yes Scope Multiple actions Step-level escalations Multiple objects Sub-processes Content Pack Yes Yes The transactions include: Read and write the filter portlet type with its fields. Read and write page and tab level metadata concerning filter portlet instance properties. Read and write page and tab level metadata concerning grid or graph portlet filter mappings. customObjectInsta nce group User Location Resource Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Custom object instance Groups Basic User Properties OBS association fields Location properties Association with departments Basic and non-labor resources properties Basic management properties Financial properties Resource contact properties Enterprise systems CA Clarity PPM None None Enterprise systems CA Clarity PPM Master System CA Clarity PPM

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 113

Stock XOG Object Summary

Product Stock XOG Object Summary

Object or Transaction Benefit Plan Budget Plan Capacity Planning Scenario In (Write) Yes Yes Yes Out (Read) Yes Yes Yes Scope Financial benefit plans Financial budget plans Public or private scenarios Scenarios that contain an arbitrary number of project members or expression members with an arbitrary number of terms Cost plan Department Entity Financial Transaction General Ledger Account General Ledger Allocation Rule Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Financial cost plans Department properties Basic entity properties Financial Transactions GL Accounts Accounting systems CA Clarity CA Clarity Accounting systems Accounting systems Master System Accounting systems Accounting systems Enterprise systems

Standard GL allocation rules Accounting systems and credit rules Investment-specific GL allocation debit rules

General Ledger Period General Ledger transaction Inbound Transaction Investment

Yes No Yes None

No Yes Yes None

GL periods GL transactions Financial transactions Used for import and export of investment objects (for example, asset, application, project, and so on). Invoices Includes non-project investment objects such as assets, applications, products, and so on. Exports financial transactions from other systems

Enterprise Accounting systems None CA Clarity

Invoices Non-Project investment

Yes (status) Yes

Yes Yes

Enterprise systems None








import and export portfolios None

114 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Stock XOG Object Summary

Object or Transaction Project

In (Write) Yes

Out (Read) Yes

Scope Project schema:

Master System ERP system

export project data Timesheet system including tasks, assignments, Oracle Financials custom fields, management Accounting system and financial properties, OBS association fields import basic properties, tasks, assignments, management properties, financial properties, custom fields, and OBS association fields Participants and participant group import Requisition Role Skill Type Code Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Import/export requisitions Basic role information Non-labor roles Skills hierarchy Typecodes None None None Enterprise systems

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 115


Use the application XOG object to view inbound and outbound application object instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

inv_applications_read.xml. Use this file to export application object instances from applications_write.xml. Use this file to import application object instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The prerequisites (if any) are the same as that of other non-project investment objects (NPIO).

Business Rules and Processing

The business rules and processing are the same as that of other NPIOs.

Read Filters
The read filters are the same as that of other NPIOs.

Error Handling
The error handling is the same as that of other NPIOs.

116 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the asset XOG object to view inbound and outbound asset object instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

inv_assets_read.xml. Use this file to export asset object instances from CA Clarity. inv_assets_write.xml. Use this file to import asset object instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The prerequisites (if any) are the same as that of other non-project investment objects (NPIO).

Business Rules and Processing

The business rules and processing are the same as that of other NPIOs.

Read Filters
The read filters are the same as that of other NPIOs.

Error Handling
The error handling is the same as that of other NPIOs.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 117

Benefit Plan

Benefit Plan
Use the benefit plan XOG object to view inbound and outbound financial benefit plans. Benefit plans are created for existing investments.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

benefitPlan_read.xml. Use this file to export financial benefit plans from CA Clarity. benefitPlan_write.xml. Use this file to import financial benefit plans that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG object, make sure the following objects exist in CA Clarity:

Investments Entity Time periods

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

A Benefit Plan object is created by setting up the benefit plan default properties. Plan details (line items) are added to the benefit plan. Existing plan detail records are not deleted.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: code The code for the benefit plan. name The name of the benefit plan. investmentCode The investment code with which the plan is associated.

Error Handling

118 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Benefit Plan

The following errors can be thrown:

You must have plan XOG access rights to perform this action. Plan code is required. Investment code is missing or invalid. Period type cannot be changed once defined. Investment must be associated to an entity before setting up financial plans. Period date is missing or invalid. Finish time period is invalid. Start time period is invalid. Cannot modify plan periods prior to the freeze date. Valid fiscal period does not exist for start and end dates for plan detail.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:

BenefitPlan (see page 119) Detail (see page 121) Description (see page 121) Segment (see page 122)

BenefitPlan Schema Tag

The BenefitPlan tag is part of the schema mapping for the benefit plan XOG object. It has the following attributes: Code Required. Defines the unique code of the benefit plan. Table and Column: CODE Type: String FinishPeriod Required. Defines the finish time period name. Table and Column: END_PERIOD_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 119

Benefit Plan

Investment Code Required. Defines the Investment code. Table and Column: OBJECT_ID Type: String Investment Type Required. Defines the investment type. Table and Column: OBJECT_CODE Type: String Name Required. Defines the benefit plan name. Table and Column: NAME Type: String Period Type Defines the time period type (for example, monthly). Table and Column: PERIOD_TYPE_CODE Type: String Revision Used only in XOG read result. Represents the revision of the budget plan. Table and Column: REVISION Type: Integer StartPeriod Required. Defines the start time period name. Table and Column: START_PERIOD_ID Type: String

120 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Benefit Plan

Description Schema Tag

This schema tag is part of the schema mapping for the Benefit Plan XOG object. This schema tag is a text node. The following attribute is included in the schema tag: Description Defines the benefit plan description. Table and Column: description Type: String

Detail Schema Tag

The detail tag is part of the schema mapping for the benefit plan XOG object. This tag defines a benefit plan detail row and is composed primarily of schema tags. The Detail schema tag includes the following schema tags Benefit Defines the benefit for the specific time period segments. Table and Column: BENEFIT ActualBenefit Defines the actual benefit for the specific time period segments. Table and Column: ACTUAL_BENEFIT Custom Information Defines the field names for the custom information. The Detail schema tag includes the following attribute: detailName Required. Defines the name of the benefit plan detail row. Table and Column: DETAIL Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 121

Benefit Plan

Segment Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Benefit Plan XOG object. The Benefit and ActualBenefit tags can include one or more segments. This tag has the following attributes: start Defines the start period for the benefit or actual benefit. Type: String finish Defines the end period for the benefit or actual benefit. Type: String value Defines the value for the benefit or actual benefit. Type: String

122 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Budget Plan

Budget Plan
Use the budget plan XOG object to view inbound and outbound budget plans. A budget plan is created for an existing investment. The structure of a budget plan must meet the following criteria:

When the forceReplace value is true, the budget plan must match the associated source cost plan. When the Replace value is false, the budget plan must match the associated source cost plan and the latest approved budget. If there is no latest approved budget, the structure must match the current cost plan of record.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

budgetPlan_read.xml. Use this file to export budget plans from CA Clarity. budgetPlan_write.xml. Use this file to import budget plans that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG object, make sure the following objects exist in CA Clarity:

Investments Entity Time periods Details used in the plan

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 123

Budget Plan

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

A budget plan uses the Cost Plan object internally. The budget plan structure must match the cost plan of record structure and potentially the latest approved budget plan structure, depending on the value of the forceReplace attribute. Cost plan details (line items) are added to the budget plan. Existing plan detail records are not deleted.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used:

code. The code of the budget plan. name. The name of the budget plan. investmentCode. The investment code with which the plan is associated.

Error Handling
The following error messages can be thrown:

You must have Budget Plan - XOG Access Rights to perform this action. Plan code is required. Grouping attribute is missing or invalid. Investment code is missing or invalid. Period type cannot be changed once defined. Grouping attributes cannot be changed once defined. Investment must be associated to an entity before setting up financial plans. Benefit plan ID is missing or invalid. Period date is missing or invalid. Grouping attributes in plan details do not match plan grouping attributes. GL account is missing or invalid. Missing or invalid value for grouping attribute. Finish time period is invalid. Start time period is invalid. Grouping attributes do not match locked plan structure for associated entity.

124 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Budget Plan

Cannot modify plan periods prior to the freeze date. Valid fiscal period does not exist for start and end dates for plan detail. Submit for Approval requires a cost plan of record. A submitted budget already exists. You cannot submit a plan for approval whose total cost is zero. The structure of the existing budget and the cost plan of record do not match.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:

BudgetPlan (see page 125) Description (see page 127) Grouping Attributes (see page 128) Detail (see page 129) Segment (see page 129)

BudgetPlan Schema Tag

The budgetPlan tag is part of the schema mapping for the Budget Plan XOG object. This tag has the following attributes: benefitPlanCode Defines the ID of the benefit plan that is associated with the budget plan. Table and Column: BENEFIT_PLAN_ID Type: String code Required. Defines the unique code of the cost plan. Table and Column: CODE Type: String finishPeriod Required. Defines the finish time period name. Table and Column: END_PERIOD_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 125

Budget Plan

forceReplace Required. Specifies whether the existing budget structure and period types can be different from the latest approved budget plan. XOG out always uses the value of True. Field: forceReplace Type: Boolean Possible Values: True, False investmentCode Required. Defines the Investment code Table and Column: OBJECT_ID Type: String investmentType Defines the investment type. This attribute is used only in the XOG read result. Type: String name Defines the budget plan name Table and Column: NAME Type: String revision Used only in XOG read results. Represents the revision of the budget plan. Field Name: REVISION Type: Integer periodType Defines the time period type. Field Name: PERIOD_TYPE_CODE Type: String sourceCostPlanCode Defines the ID of the source cost plan for the submitted budget. Table and Column: SOURCE_COST_PLAN_ID Type: String

126 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Budget Plan

startPeriod Required. Defines the start time period name. Field Name: START_PERIOD_ID Type: String status Defines the status of the plan. Possible Values: Submitted, Approved, Rejected. Table and Column: STATUS_CODE Type: String

Description Schema Tag

This schema tag is part of the schema mapping for the Budget Plan XOG object. This is a text node. The schema tag includes the following attribute. Description Defines the Budget Plan description. Table and Column: description Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 127

Budget Plan

Grouping Attributes Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Budget Plan XOG object. This tag is used to define grouping attributes for a budget plan. The grouping attributes for a budget plan must match the grouping attributes of the cost plan of record for the investment. Grouping Attribute Defines a grouping of attributes for a budget plan. Possible Values: charge_code_id role_id resource_id department_id location_id transaction_class_id resource_class_id input_type_code_id lov1_id lov2_id Table and Column: The value is stored in ODF_MULTI_VALUED_ATTRIBUTES table. Type: String

128 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Budget Plan

Detail Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Budget Plan XOG object. This tag defines a budget plan detail row and is composed primarily of schema tags. Note: The Detail schema tag also has two attributes: glAccountMain and glAccountSub. These attributes define the GL Account associated with the Detail schema tag. The attributes map to the GL_ACCOUNT_ID column. The Detail schema tag includes the following tags: Cost Defines the cost for specific time period segments. Table and Column: COST Units Defines the quantity for a specific time period segment. Table and Column:UNITS Revenue Defines the revenue for a specific time period segment. Table and Column: REVENUE Grouping Attributes Defines the grouping attribute codes and values for the grouping attributes selected for the cost plan. Each grouping attribute represents a code and value pair for an attribute. Table and Column: The value is stored in the column corresponding to the groupingAttribute code (for example, location_id, charge_code_id). Type: String Custom Information Defines the field names for the custom information.

Segment Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Budget Plan XOG object. The Unit, Cost, and Revenue schema tags will include one or more Segment schema tags. This tag has the following attributes: start Defines the start period for the unit, cost, or revenue. Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 129

Budget Plan

finish Defines the end period for the unit, cost, or revenue. Type: String value Defines the value for the unit, cost, or revenue. Type: String

130 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Capacity Planning Scenario

Capacity Planning Scenario

Use the Capacity Planning Scenario XOG object to view inbound and outbound capacity planning scenario attributes. Scenarios are defined for inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

caplan_scenarios_read.xml. Use this file to export capacity planning scenarios from CA Clarity. caplan_scenarios_write.xml. Use this file to import capacity planning scenarios that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The following conditions must be met before importing capacity planning scenarios:

The scenario must be created by you. Some of the fields that a scenario can include are objects that must already exist in CA Clarity in order to be imported. These include projects identified by SRM_PROJECTS.UNIQUE_NAME. If CA Clarity is built using XOG imports, charge codes and projects must be imported before importing capacity planning scenarios. The maximum number of OBS levels you can XOG is 10.

Read Filters
The XOG processes outbound capacity planning schemas based on the following field: ownerID The ID of a valid user (CMN_SEC_USERS.ID).

Error Handling
The following fields are written to the Success and Error files when the XOG process generates an error or warning:

ID. For all errors, the scenario ID is posted to the Success and Error files. Name. For all errors, the scenario name is posted to the Success and Error files.

Schema Mappings
Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 131

Capacity Planning Scenario

Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided.

Scenario Segment

Scenario Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the capacity planning scenario XOG object and is composed of the Member element. The Scenario schema tag has the following attributes: name Required. Defines the scenario name. This does not have to be unique. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIOS.NAME Type: String ownerUserName Required. Defines the user who owns the scenario. The user_id is found in the CMN_SEC_USERS table. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIOS.USER_ID Type: Number description Describes the scenario. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIOS.DESCRIPTION Type: String budgetBenefit Contains the scenario (that is, what-if) value for benefit amount. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIOS.BDGT_CST_TOTAL Type: Number budgetCost Contains the scenario (that is, what-if) amount for budget cost. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIOS.BDGT_REV_TOTAL Type: Number

132 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Capacity Planning Scenario

isPublic Currently not used. Table and Column: :CAP_SCENARIOS.IS_PUBLIC Type: Number portfolioID Defines the links the scenario to a specific portfolio. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIOS.PORTFOLIO_ID Type: Number

Member Element
The Member is the sub-element of the Scenario schema tag. It is composed of the following elements:

Expression. A power filter expression that determines which investments to include. Investment. A specific instance of an investment to include in the scenario.

The member element has the following attributes: investmentType Required. Defines the type of investment. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.MEMBER_TYPE Type: String isExcluded Required. Indicates if the member is excluded or not considered in this scenario. Values:

1. True 0. False

Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.IS_EXCLUDED Type: Boolean. isActive Required. Indicates if the member is included in the scenario or hidden. Values:

1. True 0. False

Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.IS_ACTIVE Type: Boolean

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 133

Capacity Planning Scenario

isApproved Required. Indicates if the member is considered approved in this scenario. Values:

1. True 0. False

Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.IS_APPROVED Type: Boolean priority Required. Defines the priority. Values: 0-36, where:

0. Highest priority 36. Lowest priority

Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.PRIORITY Type: Integer lastSynchDate Required. Defines the last time an expression was synchronized against the pool of available investments. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.LAST_SYNC_DATE Type: Date

Expression Element
This is the sub-element of the Member element. The Expression element has the following attribute: Expression Required. Defines the text view of the ODF-based power filter. Table and Column: ODF_FILTER_EXPRESSIONS.EXPRESSION Type: String

Investment Element
This is the sub-element of the Member element. The Investment element is composed of the following elements:

Resources. A list of resources allocated to the investment. Tasks. A list of tasks and assignments for the investment.

The Investment element has the following attributes:

134 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Capacity Planning Scenario

start Defines the start date for the investment. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.START_DATE Type: Date finish The finish date for the investment. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.FINISH_DATE Type: Date investmentID Required. Defines the criteria for specifying the investment. The OBJECT_ID contains the actual key for the investment. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_MEMBERS.OBJECT_ID Type: Number

Resource Element
This is a sub-element of the Investment element. Resource is composed of the AllocCurve (Segment) element which is a time-scaled value. The Resource element has the following attributes: bookingStatus Required. The booking status of the resource (hard, soft, or mixed). Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TEAM.PRBOOKING Type: Number defaultAllocation Required. Defines the repeating segments that represent a resource's allocation to an investment (that is, start, finish, and allocation percentage) stored in the allocation curve. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TEAM.PRALLOCCURVE Type: Number projectRoleID Required. Defines the role ID or key. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TEAM.PRROLEID Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 135

Capacity Planning Scenario

resourceID Required. Defines the resource ID or key. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TEAM.PRRESOURCEID Type: Number

Segment Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the capacity planning scenario XOG object. Segment is also known as the Time Scale Value. The Segment schema tag has the following attributes: finish Required. Stored as BLOB. Table and Column: PRALLOCCURVE Type: Date start Required. Stored as BLOB. Table and Column: PRALLOCCURVE Type: Date sum Required. Stored as BLOB. Table and Column: PRALLOCCURVE Type: Float

136 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Capacity Planning Scenario

Task Element
Task is composed of the Assignments (TaskLabor) element, a list of the resources assigned to the task. The Task element has the following attributes: duration Defines the duration of the task in the scenario. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TASKS.DURATION Type: Number start Required. Defiines the start date of the task in the scenario. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TASKS.START_DATE Type: Date finish Required. Defines the finish date of the task in the scenario. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TASKS.FINISH_DATE Type: Date name Output only. Derived from PRTASK.PRNAME. Table and Column: N/A Type: String milestone Required. Indicates if the task is a milestone. Values:

1. True 0. False

Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TASKS.IS_MILESTONE Type: Boolean taskID Defines the link to a specific task on the investment. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_TASKS.EXTERNAL_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 137

Capacity Planning Scenario

EstCurve (Segment) Element

Segment (EstCurve) element is also known as Time Scale Value. The EstCurve element has the following attributes: finish Required. This is stored as BLOB. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_ASSIGNMENTS.PREXTENSION Type: Date start Required. This is stored as BLOB. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_ASSIGNMENTS.PREXTENSION Type: Date sum Required. Defines the amount of work remaining. It is stored as BLOB. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_ASSIGNMENTS.PREXTENSION Type: Float

TaskLabor Element
TaskLabor is composed of the Segment (EstCurve) element, which is a list of segments inside the Estimate Curve. The TaskLabor has the following attributes: start Required. Defines the start date of the task in the scenario. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_ASSIGNMENTS.START_DATE Type: Date remainingWork Derived from the assignment curve. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_ASSIGNMENTS.PREXTENSION Type: Number actualWork Derived from the assignment curve. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_ASSIGNMENTS.PREXTENSION Type: Number

138 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Capacity Planning Scenario

resourceID Required. Defines the resource ID or key assigned to the task. Table and Column: CAP_SCENARIO_ASSIGNMENTS.RESOURCE_ID Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 139

Change Request

Change Request
Use the change request XOG object to view inbound and outbound change request instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

change_read.xml. Use this file to export change request instance from CA Clarity. change_write.xml. Use this file to import change request instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG object, make sure the referenced objects, such as the project, user, and category, exist in CA Clarity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: projectCode Defines the code for the associated project. Name Defines the name of the change request. riskCode Defines the risk of the change request. statusCode Defines the status of the change request. priorityCode Defines the priority of the change request. ownerCode Defines the name of the owner or assignee of the change request.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

140 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Change Request

Assessor does not exist in the system. Approved By does not exist in the system. Project does not exist in the system. Category type is not valid. Status is not valid. Priority is not valid. Approach code is not valid. Owner does not exist in the system. Impact is not valid. Probability is not valid. Resolved By does not exist in the system. Task does not exist for the given project. Failed to import risk/issue/change request.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:

Change Request

Change Request Schema Tag

The change request tag is part of the schema mapping for the change request XOG object. It has the following attributes: name Required. Defines the name of the change request. Table and Column: NAME Type: String code Required. Defines the unique identifier for this change request. Table and Column: RIM_RISK_ISSUE_CODE Type: String projectCode Required. Defines the project associated with this change request. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 141

Change Request

approvedBy Defines the name of the resource who has approved the request. Table and Column: APPROVED_BY Type: String approvedDate Defines the date the request was approved. Table and Column: APPROVED_DATE Type: Date assessmentDate Defines the date the request was assessed. Table and Column: ASSESSMENT_DATE Type: Date assessor Defines the name of the resource who assessed the request. Table and Column: ASSESSOR Type: String ownerCode Required. Defines the name of the resource assigned to this change request. Table and Column: ASSIGNED_TO Type: String benefits Defines the benefits of this request. Table and Column: BENEFITS Type: String categoryTypeCode Defines the category of this request. Table and Column: CATEGORY_TYPE_CODE Type: String effectOnCost Change in cost (if any) for this request Table and Column: EFFECT_ON_COST Type: Money

142 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Change Request

effectOnResources Change in resources (if any) for this request Table and Column: EFFECT_ON_RESOURCES Type: Integer effectOnSchedule Defines the effect on the schedule in days for this request. Table and Column: EFFECT_ON_SCHEDULE Type: number (floating point) closureDate Defines the date this request was closed. Table and Column: CLOSURE_DATE Type: String description Defines the description of this change request. Table and Column: DESCRIPTION Type: String targetResolutionDate Defines the date this change request is targeted to close. Table and Column: TARGET_RESOLUTION_DATE Type: Date impactBaseline Defines the impact this change request has on the baseline. Table and Column: IMPACT_ON_BASELINE Type: String impactDescription Defines the impact this change request has on other projects. Table and Column: IMPACT_DESCRIPTION Type: String priorityCode Defines the priority of this change request. Table and Column: PRIORITY_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 143

Change Request

reasons Defines the reason for the change request. Table and Column: ASSUMPTIONS Type: String reviewDate Defines the date the request was reviewed. Table and Column: REVIEW_DATE Type: Date statusCode Defines the status of this change request. Table and Column: STATUS_CODE Type: String

144 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Charge Code

Charge Code
Use the charge code XOG object to view inbound and outbound charge code instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

prj_chargecodes_read.xm. Use this file to export charge codes from CA Clarity. prj_chargecodes_write.xml. Use this file to import charge codes that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: open Specifies whether the charge code has a status of "Open". chargeCodeID Defines the unique identifier for the charge code.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Project does not exist in the system. Cannot change the project for the charge code. Failed to import Charge Codes.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Charge Code

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 145

Charge Code

Charge Code (Chargecode) Schema Tag

The charge code tag is part schema mapping for the charge code XOG object. It has the following attributes: chargeCodeID Required. Defines the charge code's unique identifier. Table and Column: CHARGECODE Type: String name Required. Defines the charge code's name Table and Column: NAME Type: String openForTimeEntry Not required. Defines the charge code open status. Table and Column: OPENFORTIMEENTRY Type: Boolean allocationStatus Not required. Defines the allocation status. Values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ONHOLD Default: INACTIVE Table and Column: ALLOCATIONSTATUS Type: String projectCode Not required. Defines the code of the project associated with this charge code. Table and Column: PROJECTCODE Type: String

146 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the company XOG object to view inbound and outbound company attributes. Companies are defined for inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

biz_companies_read.xml. Use this file to export companies from CA Clarity. biz_companies_write.xml. Use this file to import companies that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The following terms are used with Company XOG object: Parent and Affiliate Company These browse fields are used to associate a company with a parent or affiliate company and are used to perform validation against SRM_COMPANIES table. If the company does not exist, no information is posted to the company supplemental fields and a warning is written to the Success and Error file. If the company exists, the field is populated. Account Manager This browse field is used to associate a company with a project manager and to perform validation with uniqueName in the SRM_RESOURCES table. If the resource does not exist, no information is posted to the company supplemental fields and a warning is posted to the Success and Error file. If the resource uniqueName is contained in CA Clarity, the field is populated. Internal Contact This browse field is used to associate an internal contact with a company and perform validation on Last_Name in SRM_RESOURCES. If the resource does not exist, a blank field is posted to company custom-defined fields and a warning is written to the Success and Error file. If the resource last_name exists, the field is populated. Billing Address The billing address of the company. A company can have more than one billing address. If more than one billing address exists, each is associated with the same company.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 147


Custom Fields Use these to import custom-defined fields. First generate the custom-defined fields with XDM. The XOG allows for an unlimited number of custom-defined fields if you map the generated field to the XML schema. Within the schema for custom-defined fields, you must provide the Column Name, Attribute Name, and Value. Financial Properties Prior to importing companies, the following financial properties must be set up in the Financial Administration module. The Default Values must be populated in the Administration Tool's Application Administration/Financial Management/Defaults section. The Location, Department, WIP Class, Project Class, and Company Class values are not required in the XML schema but are required within CA Clarity. Lookup values The XML schema requires lookup codes provided later in this guide. These are validated against the values in CMN_LOOKUPS. OBS association There is an OBS Associations portlet that contains the OBS unit associated to the company, if any. The OBS association fields can be used for import and export.

Read Filters
The XOG supports outbound processing of companies based on the following fields:

Company Status Company Type

And and Or processing is supported between these two fields (listed above) and for processing within Company Type. The following combinations are supported: Company Status = x
where x = Active or Inactive

Company Type = x
where x = Prospect, Other, Competitor, Customer, Department, Marketplace Buyer, Marketplace Supplier, Resource Partner, Project Partner, Trust Client, Vendor

Company Status = x AND Company Type = y

where x = Active or Inactive where y = one of many Company Types

148 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Error Handling
The following fields are written to the Success and Error file when the XOG process generates an error or warning:

companyId companyName externalId externalSource

The Company XOG object handles errors and warnings. If an error occurs, the table is not updated. You must fix the error and run the XOG again. If a warning occurs, the record is posted but the non-required fields are defaulted because of inconsistencies in the data. The following errors are validated against Company: companyId The unique identifier for the company. The company ID is validated against the companyId field. If the company ID is not unique, the company is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. parentCompany The name of the parent company associated to the company. The parent company name is validated against the parentCompany field. If the parent company does not exist, the company is imported without any association to a parent company. affiliateCompany The name of the affiliate company associated to the company. The affiliate company is validated against the affiliateCompany field. If the affiliate company does not exist, the company is imported without any association to an affiliate company.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 149


Schema Mappings
The following schema mappings are provided for the company XOG:

Company (see page 150) Contact Information (see page 151) Supplemental Information (see page 153) Custom Information (see page 155) Financial Information (see page 156) Billing Address (see page 158) Billing Address Detail (see page 158) OBS Associations (see page 160)

Company Schema Tag

The Company tag is part of the schema mapping for the Company XOG object. It has the following attributes: companyId Required. Defines the unique, primary key for the company. Table and Column: SRM_COMPANIES.Company_ID Type: String name Required. Defines the company name. Table and Column: SRM_COMPANIES.Company_Name Type: String type Required. Defines the company type. Values: Prospect, Other, Competitor, Customer, Department, Marketplace Buyer, Marketplace Supplier, Resource Partner, Project Partner, Trusted Client, Vendor Table and Column: SRM_COMPANIES.Type Type: String

150 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


status Required. Defines the status for the company. Values: Active and Inactive Default: Active Table and Column: SRM_COMPANIES.Status Type: String externalSource Required by the schema. The lookup value specifies the originating system ID (for example, Oracle). Table and Column: SRM_COMPANIES.External_Source_ID Type: String (in schema) and Number (in CA Clarity) externalId Required. Defines the originating unique identifier required by the XML schema. Table and Column: SRM_COMPANIES.External_ID Type: String

Contact Information Schema Tag

The Contact Information tag is part of the schema mapping for the Company XOG object. Contact information includes phone and fax numbers and mail and email addresses. This schema tag has the following attributes: address1 Defines the first line of the address. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Address1 Type: String address2 Defines the second line of the address. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Address2 Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 151


city Defines the city. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.City Type: String county Defines the county. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.County Type: String state Defines the state. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.State_Province Type: String postalCode Defines the postal code. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Postal _Code Type: String country Defines the country. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Country_ID Type: Number workPhone Defines the work phone number. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Phone_Work Type: String fax Defines the fax number. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Phone_Fax Type: String webAddress Defines the Web address. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.URL Type: String

152 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Supplemental Information Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Company XOG object. It has the following attributes: description Describes the company. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Description Type: String rating Lookup values include:

High Medium Low

Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Rating Type: String sicCode Lookup values include:

SIC Code 1 SIC Code 2 SIC Code 3

Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.SIC_Code Type: String parentCompany Browse this field to specify the parent with which the company is associated. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Parent_Company Type: String affiliate Company Browse this field to specify the affiliate with which the company is associated. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Affiliate_Company Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 153


division Defines the company division. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Division Type: String category Defines the company category. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Category Type: String industry Defines the industry in which the company operates. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Industry Type: String numberOfEmployees Defines the number of employees in the company. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Number_of_Employees Type: Number ownership The Lookup value is "Corporation". Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.OwnerShip Type: String tickerSymbol Defines the ticker symbol of the company Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Ticker_Symbol Type: String referralSource Defines the referral source. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Referral_Source Type: String accountManager Browse this field to identify the account manager associated with the company. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Account_Manager Type: String

154 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


primaryContactName Defines the primary contact in the company. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Primary_Contact_Name Type: String primaryContact Email Defines the email address of the company's primary contact. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Primary_Contact_Email Type: String primaryContact Phone Defines the phone number of the company's primary contact. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Primary_Contact_Phone Type: String notes Defines any company notes. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_SUP_PROPERTIES.Notes Type: String

Custom Information Schema Tag

The Custom Information tag is part of the schema mapping for the Company XOG object. This tag stores custom-defined fields (CDF). You must allow several CDFs for each company. This schema tag has the following attributes: ceoName Defines the name of the company's Chief Executive Officer. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_COMPANIES.XDM_CEO_NAME Type: String defaultWebSite Defines the company's default Web address. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_COMPANIES.XDM_DEFALUTWEBSITE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 155


numberOfEmployees Defines the number of employees in the company. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_COMPANIES.XDM_NUM_OF_EMPLOYEES Type: Number opportunity Defines the opportunity for the company. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_COMPANIES.XDM_OPPORTUNITY Type: Boolean Default: False internalContact Defines the name of the internal contact for the company. This is a browse field. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_COMPANIES.XDM_PRIM_INTERNAL_CONTACT Type: String agreementStartDate Defines the agreement start date for the company. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_COMPANIES.XDM_AGREEMENT_START_DATE Type: Date industry Defines the industry type for the company. This is a lookup value. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_COMPANIES.XDM_INDUSTRY Type: String

Financial Information Schema Tag

The Financial Information tag is part of the schema mapping for the Company XOG object. The attribute values are unlike other lookup values. They require you to provide a text string instead of a lookup code. This tag has the following attributes:

156 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


status Defines the company's status. Values:

Active Inactive No new business

Default: Active Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.STATUS_TYPE Type: String location Indicates the company location. This is a browse field. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.LOCATIONID Type: String department Indicates the department associated with the company. This is a browse field. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.DEPARTCODE Type: String wipClass Defines the WIP Class associated with the company. This is a browse field. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.CLNTWIPCLASS Type: String projectClass Defines the project class associated with the company. This is a browse field. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.PROJCLASS Type: String companyClass Defines the company class associated with the company. This is a browse field. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.COMPCLASS Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 157


batchCycle Optional. Defines the batch cycle associated with the company. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.BILLCYCLE Type: String dateOpened Defines the opened date for the company. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.OPENEDDATE Type: Date

Billing Address Schema Tag

The Billing Address tag is part of the schema mapping for the company XOG object. This is the Billing Address header. Each company can have one or many billing addresses. This schema tag has the following attributes: billingCompanyName Required. Defines the Bill To company name. Table and Column: CLNTBILLTO.COMPANY_CODE Type: String billingCode Required. Defines the billing code for the company. Table and Column: CLNTBILLTO.BILL_TO_COMPANY_CODE Type: String

Billing Address Detail Schema Tag

The Billing Address Detail tag is part of the schema mapping for the company XOG object. It has the following attributes: address1 Defines the first line of the billing address for the company. Table and Column: ARMASTER.ADDR1 Type: String

158 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


address2 Defines the second line of the billing address for the company. Table and Column: ARMASTER.ADDR2 Type: String address3 Defines the third line of the billing address for the company. Table and Column: ARMASTER.ADDR3 Type: String address4 Defines the fourth line of the billing address for the company. Table and Column: ARMASTER.ADDR4 Type: String address5 Defines the fifth line of the billing address for the company. Table and Column: ARMASTER.ADDR5 Type: String attentionName Defines the name of the individual responsible for the company's billing. Table and Column: ARMASTER.ATTENTION_NAME Type: String attentionPhone Defines the phone number for the individual responsible for the company's billing. Table and Column: ARMASTER.ATTENTION_PHONE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 159


OBS Associations Schema Tag

The OBS Associations tag is part of the schema mapping for the Company XOG object. No table is referenced for this tag. It is a wrapper for the OBSAssoc elements. The OBS Associations tables include:


This schema tag has the following attributes: completed Defines whether the OBS associations are complete. This field is optional. When completed, the value is True. Existing OBS associations not listed in the import are deleted. Table and Column: Not applicable Type: String Default: False id Required. Defines the unique ID for the OBS type. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String name Defines the name of the OBS type. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.NAME Type: String unitPath Required. This is a slash-delimited list of unit names that lead to the unit with which the object is associated. Example: "CAN/BC/VAN". Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_UNITS.NAME Type: String

160 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Company Class

Company Class
Use the Company Class XOG object to view inbound and outbound Company Class instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

companyClass_read.xml. Use this file to export Company Class instances from CA Clarity. companyClass_write.xml. Use this file to import Company Class instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: companyclass Defines the company class name. description Defines the description for the Company Class. shortdesc Defines the short description for the Company Class.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Could not xog-in item because size of some attributes [description] is not within valid range.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Company Class (see page 162)

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 161

Company Class

Company Class Schema Tag

The Company Class tag is part of the schema mapping for the Company Class XOG object. It has the following attributes: companyclass Required. Defines the unique company class name. Table and Column: CLNTCLASS Type: String description Required. Defines the description of the company class. Table and Column: DESCRIPTION Type: String shortdesc Required. Defines the summary of the company class description. Table and Column: SHORTDESC Type: String

162 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Content Pack

Content Pack
This object allows you to create new content for CA Clarity PPM. A content item is any item that displays in CA Clarity PPM but is not considered data. For example, a graph portlet is considered a content item, but a project is considered data. Use this object to view inbound and outbound add-in items.

Schema Names
The following schema names are associated to the content pack XOG object:

nikuxog_contentPack.xsd nikuxog_pageTypes.xsd nikuxog_filter_portlet.xsd

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

content_pack_read.xml. Use this file to export content packs from CA Clarity. content_pack_write.xml. Use this file to import content packs that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The following terms are used when describing the content pack XOG object: Content Item Defines the user-defined add-in item that adds or extends CA Clarity PPM. Queries Defines the queries. Reports and jobs Defines the reports and jobs. You cannot import or export system-supplied reports using the XOG. They are not considered user-defined add-in items. Portlets (graph, grid, and HTML) Defines the portlets. You cannot import or export system-supplied portlets using the XOG. They are not considered user-defined add-in items. Pages Defines the pages. Lookups Defines the lookups. You can export system-supplied lookups.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 163

Content Pack

Menus (menu manager sections and links) Defines the menus. Content Pack Defines the collection of content that is bundled into a single distributable package.

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG:

When creating add-in items, it is recommended that you set up a staging server that is separate from the production server. After reviewing, testing, and verifying the effectiveness and usability of the new add-in items, you can determine that the add-in items are ready for production. You can then transfer the items to the production server. During this process, the items are exported from the staging server and imported to a production server. Instead of exporting and importing a series of add-in item XML (XOG) files, you can export many add-in items, then import them as a single XML file.

For example You can: 1. 2. 3. Create a page that contains add-in items (portlets, queries, and lookups). Add the portlets to a menu. Run the XOG and export the content. The resulting XML file contains all of the add-in items. The file is fully annotated to describe how each element is filtered. The attribute values for the filterMapping element (part of the PortletReferenceType complex type) has the following prerequisites unique to the filter portlet type:

The filterPortletCode attribute value must match the portlet code of a valid filter portlet defined in the filter portlet schema. The fieldCode attribute value must match the field code of a valid filter portlet defined in the filter portlet schema. The dataProviderItemCode attribute value must match the column code of a valid grid or graph portlet column. The dataProviderItemCode and fieldCode attribute values must reference an attribute of the same data type. If the data type is a lookup, then the lookup type codes need to be the same between the attributes.


164 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Content Pack

Add-in items have dependencies that are automatically resolved by the XOG. For example, if a query depends on a lookup and the query is imported, the lookup must also be imported (if it does not already exist). The following dependencies exist when exporting add-in items:

Content Item Depends On Queries Graphs and Grids Reports and Jobs Pages, Portlets, and Queries Menu Links All items Objects

Content Item Lookups Queries or Lookups Lookups Lookups (sometimes Objects if data provider of portlet is object) Pages Security Lookups

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 165

Content Pack

OBS associations for pages, portlets, jobs and reports will be exported. They are also imported provided that the OBS and OBS unit (including parentage) exist in CA Clarity PPM. The same is true of security, which is imported if the user, group, or OBS unit exists.

Import Rules
Each add-in import request is regarded as a single transaction. If one item fails, the entire add-in is not imported. Add-in items are imported from XML files, which can be produced during the export or created manually. If an item is modified to include new entries before an item is imported, the new entry is not affected by the import process; the import operation ignores the new entry. For example Consider a static lookup named SAMPLE_LOOKUP that contains the following values:


You then add a new lookup value of SUSPENDED and change the existing label from CLOSED to FINISHED. Then import a Best Practice Accelerator that includes the definition for SAMPLE_LOOKUP which contains each of the three lookup values (OPEN, CLOSED, and IN PROGRESS) and the new lookup value (DELAYED). When the import operation completes, CA Clarity PPM contains the following lookup values:

OPEN CLOSED (the change is overwritten) IN PROGRESS SUSPENDED (addition made to CA Clarity PPM using the application user interface is preserved) DELAYED (new item that was present in the input Best Practice Accelerator file is also added)

When you import an add-in item, it is updated with the definition that is present in the file. If a content item contains a new addition that does not exist in CA Clarity PPM, the new addition is also created in CA Clarity PPM. When importing an existing lookup, all rules described in the following table apply. The following table shows the various import rules associated with a lookup and the lookup values. These rules are honored by the user interface. As a result, the XOG import process for lookups honors these rules.

Function Static List Lookups




166 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Content Pack

Function Change Lookup Name and Description Change Sort Order (Manual or Alphanumeric) Deactivate or Activate Lookup Delete Lookup Change Lookup Value Name and Description Create New Lookup Values Deactivate or Activate Lookup Values

System-restricted Yes No No No Yes No No

System Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

User-defined Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes (user-defined values) No (seeded values)

Reorder Lookup Values Dynamic Niku Query Lookups Change Lookup Name and Description Edit Query Edit Parent Window Fields Edit Browse Window Name and Label Fields Edit Browse Window Field Element Type Edit Browse Window Selected Fields for Filter and List Edit Browse Window Filter Field, List Column Order Edit Browse Window Default Sort Column/Order




Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes

Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 167

Content Pack

Export Rules
You can export multiple add-in items at the same time. Add-in items can be filtered so that a subset of items can be exported. For example, a system may contain four HTML portlets. The export interface allows for two HTML portlets to be exported at the same time. Portlets This feature does not implement business rules for portlets. Most of the attributes and elements are either optional or have default values. While the XML schema does not validate such instances, the import mechanism does validate and generate an error for invalid grids or graphs. For example, if a Grid portlet is based on a query that does not contain metrics, then no <metricColumn> elements should be present in the imported XML schema. Jobs and reports definitions During import, the imported attributes of the definition match the user interface exactly. When parameters are changed, the old parameters are deleted and new ones are added. Existing scheduled jobs and reports are cancelled, since the parameters no longer exist. All saved parameters are deleted. If the update flag is set to "True", then only captions (job and parameters) can be changed. If the update flag is set to "False", the content item is assumed to contain all the parameters and existing parameters are deleted as described above. Pages The export of a page includes all non-system portlets. OBS and security associations can be specified and, as with other items, a Warning is written to the log file if the target principal (OBS unit, Group, or User) does not exist. Lookups Lookups are either static or dynamic: Dynamic lookups are based on NSQL, Static lookups do not contain the NSQL values contained in dynamic lookups and are generated by executing the NSQL at runtime when they are rendered on a page as a pull-down or as a browse page. Static lookup values are seeded and persist as individual rows in CA Clarity (in the table named CMN_LOOKUPS). While it is true that for any content item that is part of a Best Practice Accelerator, system objects are not imported or exported, there are exceptions with regard to lookups. Lookups are classified into three categories: System-restricted, System, and User-defined. All lookup types (dynamic and static) can be exported. Queries This feature follows all business rules for the query user interface. Items that can be updated via the user interface can be updated with an import request. Although the queries schema allows for multiple, vendor-specific NSQL text, only valid text is imported into CA Clarity. For example, an import request on an Oracle system that contains both dbVendor="mssql" and dbVendor="oracle" imports only the dbVendor="oracle".

168 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Content Pack

Text with dbVendor="all" is always imported. When creating queries, the user interface in the Administration Tool always sets dbVendor="all". This value cannot be changed in the user interface. Should a query be vendor-specific, you can set the dbVendor attribute value in the XML document. When querying for items to create a Best Practice Accelerator, you must explicitly query for each type of item in the export (read) request. The following statement returns all portlets that include source="". Without the <PortletQuery> element in the read request, no portlets are imported. For example: <PortletQuery> <Filter name="source" criteria="EQUALS"></Filter> </PortletQuery>

All add-in items have a source attribute which is used to differentiate originating-system items from CA Clarity PPM-supplied items. The source attribute maps to the column source in various database tables. To change the source for add-in items created with the user interface, use SQL to change the defaultValue for this column; then new add-in items will have the source specified. This applies to the following tables:


The SQL to change this is:


Error Handling
PageTypes filter mappings that do not meet the dependencies (described earlier), will not throw an error, but the mapping will not be implemented.

Schema Mapping
The following schema tags and attributes define the ContentPack filter portlet schema (nikuxog_pageTypes.xsd):

filterMapping portlet

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 169

Content Pack

Filter Mapping (filterMapping) Schema Tag

The filter mapping tag is part of the schema mapping for the Content Pack XOG object. The following attributes describe the mapping of a field on a filter portlet to a data provider attribute of a grid or graph portlet. This element is only valid as a child of a grid or graph portlet reference. The filerMapping schema tag has the following attributes: filterPortletCode Required. Defines the code of the filter portlet. Table and Column: Portlet ID Type: String fieldCode Required. Defines the code of the filter field. Table and Column: Field ID Type: String dataProviderItemCode Required. The code of the data provider property or metric. Table and Column: Attribute ID Type: String hidePortletWhenEmpty When true, the referenced grid or graph portlet is hidden when no filter value is present. Table and Column: Hide If Empty Type: Boolean

portlet Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Content Pack XOG object. The following schema tags and attributes define the ContentPack filter portlet schemas (nikuxog_contentPack.xsd and nikuxog_filter_portlet.xsd):

filterPortlet Field lookupParam

The Portlet schema tag has the following attributes:

170 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Content Pack

defaultFilter The default filter for the page. It can be true for only one portlet on the page. Table and Column: Default Type: Boolean pageLevelFilter Defines whether the filter values persist across the page. Values:

True. The filter values persist across this page only. False. The filter values apply throughout CA Clarity.

Table and Column: Persist Type: Boolean

filterPortlet Schema Tag

The filterPortlet schema tag inherits existing PortletAttributesTypes found in nikuxog_portlet.xsd and NLS, OBSAssocs, Security, and FilterViewTypes. These items are consistent across all portlets and not specific to filterPortlet. They are not explicitly listed. The filterPortlet schema tag has the following attributes: uiType Defines the UI rendering type. Table and Column: Render As Type: FilterPortlet UI Type (section, toolbar) isCollapsed Defines the default section state. Table and Column: Default Filter State Type: Boolean bgColorKey The session key that controls the background color of the toolbar filter portlets. Table and Column: None Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 171

Content Pack

Field Schema Tag

The Field schema tag is a filter field, and has the following attributes: nls Required. The name and description of the field. Table and Column: Field Name/Description Type: NlsType tip Defines the tooltip Table and Column: Tooltip Type: NlsType hint Defines the hint or instructional text. Table and Column: Hint Type: NlsType defaultValue Defines the default value for the field. Table and Column: Filter Default Type: Any type lookupParam Defines a parameter of a parameterized lookup. Table and Column: Lookup Parameter Mappings Type: See the lookupParam table code Required. Defines the code of the field. Table and Column: Field Id Type: String dataType Required. Defines the data type of the field. Table and Column: Data Type Type: String

172 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Content Pack

extDataType Defines the extended type of the field. Table and Column: N/A Type: String widgetType Required. Defines the display type of the field. Table and Column: Display Type Type: String extWidgetType Required. The extended display type of the field. Table and Column: N/A Type: String lookupTypeCode Defines the lookup code for a lookup field. Table and Column: Lookup Type: String width Defines the width of the filter field. Table and Column: Width Type: Integer position Defines the position of the filter field. Table and Column: Layout Type: Integer multiValued Defines the lookup style of a lookup field. Table and Column: Lookup Style Type: Boolean multiValuedLookup Indicates if the lookup field is a Multi Valued Lookup data type. Table and Column: N/A Type: Boolean

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 173

Content Pack

fixedWidget Indicates if the field is fixed. Table and Column: N/A Type: Boolean hidden Indicates if the field is hidden. Table and Column: Hidden in filter Type: Boolean required Indicates if the field requires a value. Table and Column: Required in Filter Type: Boolean readOnly Indicates if the field's value is read only. Table and Column: Read-Only in Filter Type: Boolean minValue Defines the minimum default value of a date or numeric range field. Table and Column: Filter Default From Type: String maxValue Defines the maximum default value of a date or numeric range field. Table and Column: Filter Default To Type: String columnNumber Defines the field's column or row in the corresponding section or toolbar filter. Table and Column: Layout Type: Integer depParentLookupTypeCode Defines the lookup code of a dependent lookup. Table and Column: Lookup Type: String

174 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Content Pack

depEntry Defines the lookup code for entry into dependent lookup. Table and Column: Entry Type: String depExit Defines the lookup code for exit into dependent lookup. Table and Column: Exit Type: String

lookupParam Schema Tag

The lookupParam schema tag is a parameter of a parameterized lookup, and has the following attributes: code Required. Defines the field code of the parameter. Table and Column: Field Code Type: String dpCode Required. Defines the NSQL parameter specified in the lookup. Table and Column: Lookup Parameter Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 175

Cost Plan

Cost Plan
A cost plan is created for an investment that already exists. Use the Cost Plan XOG object to view inbound and outbound financial cost plans.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

costPlan_read.xml. Use this file to export cost plans from CA Clarity. costPlan_write.xml. Use this file to import cost plans that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG, make sure the following objects already exist in CA Clarity:

Investments Entity Time periods Grouping attributes

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG:

A Cost Plan object is created by configuring the cost plan setup properties. Cost plan details (line items) are added to the plan. Existing plan detail records are not deleted.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used:

code. The code for the cost plan. name. The name of the cost plan. investmentCode. The investment code with which the plan is associated.

Error Handling
When importing or exporting the cost plan, the following errors can be thrown:

176 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Cost Plan

You must have Plan XOG access rights to perform this action. Plan code is required. Grouping Attribute is missing or invalid. Investment Code is missing or invalid. Period Type cannot be changed once defined. Grouping Attributes cannot be changed once defined. Investment must be associated to an Entity before setting up financial plans. Benefit plan ID is missing or invalid. Period Date is missing or invalid. Grouping Attributes in Plan Details do not match Plan Grouping Attributes. GL Account is missing or invalid. Missing or invalid value for Grouping Attribute. Finish time period is invalid. Start time period is invalid. Grouping Attributes do not match locked plan structure for associated entity. Cannot modify plan periods prior to the freeze date. Valid Fiscal Period does not exist for start and end dates for plan detail.

Schema Mappings
The following schema tag names are described:

Cost Plan (see page 177) Description (see page 179) Detail (see page 180) Grouping Attributes (see page 179) Segment (see page 180)

CostPlan Schema Tag

The Cost Plan tag is part of the schema mapping for the Cost Plan XOG object. This tag has the following attributes: benefitPlanCode Defines the ID of the benefit plan that is associated to the cost plan. Table and Column: BENEFIT_PLAN_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 177

Cost Plan

Code Required. Defines the unique ID of the cost plan for XOG. Table and Column: CODE Type: String FinishPeriod Required. Defines the finish time period name. Table and Column: END_PERIOD_ID Type: String Investment Code Required. Defines the investment code. Table and Column: OBJECT_ID Type: String Investment Type Defines the investment type. This is used only in the XOG read result. Type: String isPlanOfRecord Indicates if the cost plan is the plan of record. If this is not set and it is the first plan of the investment, then the plan is marked as the plan of record. Table and Column: IS_PLAN_OF_RECORD Type: String Name Required. Defines the name of the cost plan. Table and Column: NAME Type: String Period Type Required. Defines the time period type. Table and Column: PERIOD_TYPE_CODE Type: String Revision This is used only in XOG read result. It represents the revision of the cost plan. Table and Column: REVISION Type: Integer

178 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Cost Plan

StartPeriod Required. Defines the start time period name. Table and Column: START_PERIOD_ID Type: String

Description Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Cost Plan XOG object. This schema tag is a text node. Description Defines the cost plan description. Table and Column: description Type: String

Grouping Attributes Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Cost Plan XOG object. This tag is used to define grouping attributes for a cost plan. The tag includes the following attribute: Grouping Attribute Specifies grouping attributes for a cost plan. Possible Values: charge_code_id role_id resource_id department_id location_id transaction_class_id resource_class_id input_type_code_id lov1_id lov2_id Table and Column: The value is stored in the ODF_MULTI_VALUED_ATTRIBUTES table. Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 179

Cost Plan

Detail Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Cost Plan XOG object. This tag defines a cost plan detail row and is composed primarily of schema tags. Note: The Detail schema tag also has two attributes: glAccountMain and glAccountSub. These attributes define the GL Account associated with the Detail schema tag. The attributes map to the GL_ACCOUNT_ID column. The Detail schema tag includes the following tags: Cost Defines the cost for specific time period segments. Table and Column: COST Units Defines the quantity for a specific time period segment. Table and Column:UNITS Revenue Defines the revenue for a specific time period segment. Table and Column: REVENUE Grouping Attributes Defines the grouping attribute codes and values for the grouping attributes selected for the cost plan. Each GroupingAttribute represents a code and value pair for an attribute. Table and Column: The value is stored in the column corresponding to the groupingAttribute code (for example, location_id, charge_code_id). Type: String Custom Information Defines the field names for the custom information.

Segment Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Cost Plan XOG object. The Unit, Cost, and Revenue schema tags will include one or more Segment schema tags. This tag has the following attributes: start Defines the start period for the unit, cost, or revenue. Type: String

180 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Cost Plan

finish Defines the end period for the unit, cost, or revenue. Type: String value Defines the value for the unit, cost, or revenue. Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 181

Cost Plus Code

Cost Plus Code

Use the cost plus code XOG object to view inbound and outbound cost plus code object instances. Cost Plus Codes are an alternate method of determining rates by adding markups to either the Standard or Actual cost.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

costPlusCodes_read.xml. Use this file to export cost plus codes from CA Clarity. costPlusCodes_write.xml. Use this file to import cost plus codes that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: code Defines the code for the cost plus code. description Defines the description for the cost plus code. appliesTo Defines the apply to Actual/Standard parameter (values are StandardCost or ActualCost).

Error Handling
When importing or exporting the cost plan, the following error can be thrown:
Failed to export cost plus codes.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Cost Plus Code (see page 183)

182 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Cost Plus Code

Cost Plus Rule (costplusrule) Schema Tag

The cost plus rule tag is part schema mapping for the Cost Plus Code XOG object. It has the following attributes: unitsFrom Required. Defines the beginning units of the cost plus rule. Table and Column: COSTPLUSRULES.FROMRANGE Type: Date unitsTo Required. Defines the end units of the cost plus rule. Table and Column: COSTPLUSRULES.TORANGE Type: Date multiplierAmount Defines the multiplier amount for the cost plus rule. Table and Column: COSTPLUSRULES.MULTAMOUNT Type: Double burdenAmount Defines the burden amount for the cost plus rule. Table and Column: COSTPLUSRULES.BURDENAMOUNT Type: Double overheadAmount Defines the overhead amount for the cost plus rule Table and Column: COSTPLUSRULES.OVERHEADAMOUNT Type: Double

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 183


Use the department XOG object to view inbound and outbound department attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

department_read.xml. Use this file to export departments from CA Clarity. department_write.xml. Use this file to import departments that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG, you must ensure that an entity exists.

Business Rules and Processing

When a department is created, a corresponding OBS unit is created in the department OBS referred to by the department's entity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filter is used: Entity The unique entity code for which the departments should be read out.

Error Handling (Writes & Updates)

Errors are thrown based on the following checks:

Entity: Checks if the entity is valid and exists. Required fields: Ensures all required fields have values. Location associations: Ensures locations belong to the same entity. If the location does not exist, a warning is output.

Schema Mappings
The following schema tag names are provided to XOG departments:

Departments Description

184 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


LocationAssociations Budget Child Department

Departments Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Department XOG object. This is a placeholder tag for multiple departments.

The actual department object. Department has the following attributes: department_code Required. Defines the unique department code. Table and Column: DEPARTMENTS.departcode Type: String short_description Required. Defines the department name. Table and Column: DEPARTMENTS.shortdesc Type: String dept_identifier Defines the general ledger segment value mapped to this department. Table and Column: DEPARTMENTS.departidentifier Type: String default_reviewer Defines the default reviewer for the department. Table and Column: DEPARTMENTS.default_reviewer Type: String alt_default_reviewer defines the alternate reviewer for the department. Table and Column: DEPARTMENTS.alt_default_reviewer Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 185


parent_department_code Defines the code for parent department. Table and Column: parent_department_id Type: String dept_manager_code The department manager resource code. Table and Column: DEPARTMENTS.department_manager_id Type: String brm_code Defines the business relationship manager. Table and Column: brm_id Type: String entity Required. The identify for the entity to which the department belongs. Table and Column: DEPARTMENTS.entity_id Type: String

Description Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Department XOG object. It is used for the department description. This tag has the following attribute. Description Required. Defines the description tag. Table and Column: description Type: String

186 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


LocationAssociations Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the department XOG object. The placeholder tag for multiple location associations.

A location associated to a department. This has the following attribute. locationcode Required. Defines the location code. Location must belong to the same entity as the department. Table and Column: locn_id Type: String

Budget Schema Tag

The budget tag is part of the schema mapping for the department XOG object. A simple budget including the project's planned cost, NPV, ROI, and breakeven information. The values apply to only one time period from the start date to the finish date of the project.

Subscriptions Schema Tag

The subscriptions tag is part of the schema mapping for the department XOG object. It is a placeholder tag for the services to which the department subscribes.

The service to which the department subscribes and its properties. This has the following attributes. sla_violations Defines the number of SLA violations. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.sla_violations Type: Integer sla_violations_th Defines the threshold for SLA violations. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.sla_violations_threshold Type: Integer

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 187


incidents Defines the number of incidents. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.incidents Type: Integer incidents_threshold Defines the threshold for incidents. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.incidents_threshold Type: Integer change_orders Defines the number of change orders. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.change_orders Type: Integer charges Defines the total charges (from chargebacks) against the investment (service) for this subscription. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.charges Type: Integer cust_satisfaction Defines the customer satisfaction rating for this subscription. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.customer_satisfaction Type: Integer total_users Defines the total number of users utilizing this subscription. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.total_users Type: Integer active_users Defines the number of active users utilizing this subscript. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.active_users Type: Integer page_hits Defines the page hits as captured for this subscription if applicable. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.page_hits Type: Integer

188 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


entityId Required. Defines the entity to which the service belongs. Table and Column: This is a derived attribute. Type: String departmentId Required. Identifies the subscribing department. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.department_id Type: String serviceId Required. Defines the identifier that makes it unique in combination with the table_name column. Column: pk_id Type: String

Department (Child Department) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Department XOG object. A child department has all the elements and attributes of the parent department.

obsTypes Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Department XOG object. It is a placeholder for the two OBS types that represent the Location and Department OBS's. This is similar to the generic OBS XOG structure. This schema tag is composed of the following:

obs level obsAssociations obs

The obsTypes schema tag has the following attributes: code Required. Defines the unique code for OBS type. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.unique_name Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 189


name Required. Defines the name of the OBS type. Table and Column: Type: String description Required. Describes the OBS type. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.description Type: String

Level represents a level in the OBS type. At least one level is required. Level has the following attributes. Name Required. The name for the level. Table and Column: Prj_Obs_Levels.Name. Type: String depth Required. The depth of the OBS level. Table and Column: Prj_Obs_Levels.obs_level Type: Integer

The object types that are associated to this OBS type. This tag is optional. object Required. The name of the object type associated to this OBS. Table and Name: Prj_Obs_Associations.table_name Type: String associationType Required. Table and Name: Prj_Obs_Associations.is_leaf_only Type: String

190 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the entity XOG object to view inbound and outbound entity attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

entity_read.xml. Use this file to export entities from CA Clarity. entity_write.xml. Use this file to import entities that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

The entity inherits the currency type from the system settings. In entity create mode, if the OBS types mentioned in the XOG file do not exist, the OBS types are created automatically. Structural updates to OBS types are not allowed if they are referred to by the entities. Use the location and department XOG files for structural changes. Ensures that the OBS types are not referred to by another entity. Creates departments and locations for the OBS units (when in create mode).

Read Filters
The following explicit read filter is used: Entity Defines the unique entity code that needs to be read out. Description Defines the description of the entity.

Schema Mappings
The following schema tag attributes are described:


Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 191


Description Short Description OBS Types GL Periods Plan Defaults

Entity Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Entity XOG object. It is a placeholder tag for multiple entities.

The actual entity object. The entity schema mapping includes definitions for the home and reporting currencies. This schema tag has the following attributes: entity Required. Defines the name of the entity. Do not allow truncation. Table and Column: ENTITY.entity Type: String finPeriodCode Optional. Defines the fiscal time period type of the entity. Possible Values: WEEKLY, 13_PERIODS_PER_YEAR, SEMI_MONTHLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY and ANNUALLY. Table and Column: ENTITY. FIN_PERIOD_CODE Type: String geoOBS Required. Refers to the OBS that will represent the geographical structure (that is, locations). Table and Column: ENTITY.geo_chart_obs_type_id Type: String orgOBS Required. Refers to the OBS that will represent the organizational structure (that is, departments). Table and Column: ENTITY.org_chart_obs_type_id Type: String

192 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


homeCurrency Required. Defines the lookup values for each ISO standard code. You must validate that it is an active currency. Table and Column: ENTITY.Home_Currency_Code Type: String reportingCurrency Required. Defines the lookup values for each ISO standard code. You must validate that it is an active currency. Table and Column: ENTITY.Reporting_Currency_Code Type: String billingCurrency Optional. Defines the lookup values for each ISO standard code. You must validate that the billing currency is an active currency. Table and Column: ENTITY.Billing_Currency_Code Type: String externalID Required. Refers to the originating system's set of books ID. Table and Column: ENTITY.External_ID Type: String defaultProjectClass Represents the project class for the entity. Validated against project classes. Table and Column: ENTITY.PROJECT_CLASS Type: String defaultWIPClass Represents the default WIP class for the entity. Validated against WIP classes Table and Column: ENTITY.WIP_CLASS Type: String defaultClientClass Represents the default client class for the entity. Table and Column: ENTITY.CLIENT_CLASS Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 193


defaultBatchCycle Represents the default batch cycle for the entity. Table and Column: ? Type: String defaultLaborRateSource Defines the default rate matrix for labor transactions for the entity.Validated against matrices. Table and Column: ENTITY.TRANS_RATE_SOURCE_LABOR Type: String (in schema). Number (in CA Clarity). defaultLaborCostSource Defines the default cost rate matrix for labor transactions for the entity. Validated against matrices. Table and Column: ENTITY.TRANS_COST_SOURCE_LABOR Type: String (in schema). Number (in CA Clarity). defaultLaborSourceLocation Defines the default location for labor transactions for the entity. Table and Column: ENTITY.TRANS_LOCATION_LABOR Type: String Values: Project and Resource defaultMaterialRateSource Optional. Defines the default rate matrix for rate of material transactions for the entity. Validated against matrices. Table and Column: ENTITY.TRANS_RATE_SOURCE_MATERIALS Type: String (in schema). Number (in CA Clarity). defaultEquipmentRateSource Optional. Defines the default rate matrix ID for equipment transactions for the entity. Validated against matrices. Table and Column: ENTITY.TRANS_RATE_SOURCE_EQUIPMENT Type: String (in schema). Number (in CA Clarity). defaultExpenseRateSource Optional. Defines the default rate matrix for expense transactions for the entity. Validated against matrices. Table and Column: ENTITY.TRANS_RATE_SOURCE_EXPENSE Type: String (in schema). Number (in CA Clarity).

194 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


exchangeRateTypeLabor Optional. Defines the labor exchange rate type for the entity. Table and Column: ENTITY. EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE_LABOR Type: String exchangeRateTypeMaterials Optional. Defines the materials exchange rate type for the entity. Table and Column: ENTITY. EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE_ MATERIALS Type: String exchangeRateTypeEquipment Optional. Defines the equipment exchange rate type for the entity. Table and Column: ENTITY. EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE_ EQUIPMENT Type: String exchangeRateTypeExpense Optional. Defines the expense exchange rate type for entity. Table and Column: ENTITY. EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE_ EXPENSE Type: String

Description Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Entity XOG object. It is used to describe the entity. It has the following attribute: Description Required. Defines the description of the entity. Table and Column: ENTITY.description Type: String

Short Description (shortDescription) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Entity XOG object. The short description for the entity. It has the following attribute: short description Required. Defines the short description tag. Table and Column: ENTITY.shortdesc Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 195


OBS Types (obsTypes) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Entity XOG object. The tag describes the OBS types associated with the entity. This obsTypes schema tag can include 0 to n number of obs tags. Each obs tag is composed of the following child elements:

level (minimum 1, maximum 10) objectAssociation (minimum 0, maximum unbounded) unit (minimum 0, maximum unbounded)

The obs tag has the following attributes: code Required. Defines the unique code for OBS type. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.unique_name Type: String name Required. Defines the name of the OBS type. Table and Column: Type: String description Optional. Describes the OBS type. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.description Type: String

This child element represents a level in the OBS type. At lease one level is required. level has the following attributes: Name Required. The name for the level. Table and Column: Prj_Obs_Levels.Name Type: String

196 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


depth Required. The depth of the OBS level. Table and Column: Prj_Obs_Levels.obs_level Type: Integer (allowed value 1 to 10)

This child element represents the object types associated with the OBS type. This tag is optional. object Required. The name of the object type associated to this OBS. Table and Name: Prj_Obs_Associations.table_name Type: String associationType Required. Possible Values: Any Unit, Lowest Level Table and Name: prj_obs_object_types.is_leaf_only Type: String

This unit tag represents the units for this OBS type. This tag is optional. Each unit is composed of the following child elements:

associatedObject rights Security

The unit schema tag has the following attributes: code Required. Defines the unique code for OBS unit. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_UNITS.unique_name Type: String name Required. Defines the name of the OBS unit. Table and Column: Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 197


GL Periods [GLPeriods] Schema tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Entity XOG object. The tag describes the GL periods associated with the entity. This schema tag has the following attributes: periodName Required. Defines the GL period name. Table and Column: ? Type: String period Required. Defines the GL period. Table and Column: ? Type: Non-negative integer quarter Defines the GL quarter. Table and Column: ? Type: Non-negative integer year Defines the GL year. Type: Non-negative integer startDate Required. Defines the GL period start date. Type: String endDate Required. Defines the GL period end date. Type: String description Optional. Describes the GL period. Type: String periodType Required. Describes the GL period type. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_PERIODS.PERIOD_TYPE Type: String

198 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


entityId Required. Provides a unique ID for the GL period. Table and Column: BIZ_COM_PERIODS.ENTITY_ID Type: String (Number in database) isActive Optional. Indicates if the GL period is active Table and Column: BIZ_COM_PERIODS.IS_ACTIVE Type: Boolean (Number in database)

Plan Defaults [PlanDefaults] Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Entity XOG object. The tag describes the plan defaults associated with the entity. An entity can have only one planDefaults. This tag includes the child element GroupingAttributes. The planDefaults schema tag includes the following attributes: periodTypeCode The fiscal time period type for planDefaults. Table and Column: FIN_PLAN_DEFAULTS.PERIOD_TYPE_CODE Possible Values: WEEKLY, 13_PERIODS_PER_YEAR, SEMI_MONTHLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, and ANNUALLY. Type: String startPeriodName The start period name for planDefaults. Table and Column: FIN_PLAN_DEFAULTS. START_PERIOD_ID Type: String (Number in database) endPeriodName The end period name for planDefaults. Table and Column: FIN_PLAN_DEFAULTS. END_PERIOD_ID Type: String (Number in database)

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 199


lockPlanStructure Flag to identify whether to lock the plan structure (grouping attributes) for planDefaults. Table and Column: FIN_PLAN_DEFAULTS. LOCK_PLAN_STRUCTURE Type: Boolean (Number in database) freezeDate The freeze date for planDefaults. This means details pertaining to the financial plans of this entity can be edited only if the startDate of a particular period is after this freeze date. Table and Column: FIN_PLAN_DEFAULTS. FREEZE_DATE Type: Date

Grouping Attributes Schema Tag

This tag is a child element of the Plan Defaults schema tag. The tag can have a minimum of one and up to 10 grouping attributes. The tag has the following attributes: Grouping Attribute Specifies the grouping attributes for the plan defaults for an entity. Table and Column: ODF_MULTI_VALUED_LOOKUPS.VALUE Type: String

200 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Financial Transaction

Financial Transaction
Use the financial transaction XOG object to view inbound and outbound financial transaction attributes for investments. This XOG object exports WIP transactions from PPA_WWP table so that the data can be imported into an ERP or other enterprise system.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

imp_transactions_read.xml. Use this file to export financial transaction attributes for investments from CA Clarity. imp_transactions_write.xml. Use this file to import financial transaction attributes for investments that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG object, make sure that all foreign key references of the financial transaction (for example, resource, investment, and others) have been defined.

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

The XOG processes WIP transactions based on the following fields: transactionType Defines the financial transaction type. Values: L, M, X, or Q. projectID The valid project ID. clientID The valid company ID. transactionDate Enter Start Date, and End Date to get transaction data for all projects between the dates specified.

And and Or processing is supported among these fields. Transactions on hold or in error are not processed.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 201

Financial Transaction

Once a transaction is exported, XOG_EXPORTED is flagged and EXPORTED_DATE is stamped with the time and date in the PPA_WIP and PPA_BILLINGS tables. For adjustments and reversals, a negative amount is exported (or a positive amount if the posting was negative).

Read Filters

Schema Mappings
The schema mappings are provided for the following Financial Transaction tag names:

Transactions (see page 202) Transaction Import (see page 207)

Transactions Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. It has the following attributes: transactionID Required. The transaction identifier. It must be unique. Table and Column: TRANSNO Type: Number applyToTransactionID Optional. If the transaction is an adjusted, reversed, or transferred transaction, then applyToTransactionID refers to the parent transaction. Otherwise this field is not public. Table and Column: APPLYTO Type: Number clientID Required. The company identifier. Table and Column: COMPANY_CODE Type: String clientName Required. Derived from company ID. Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.COMPANY_NAME Type: String

202 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Financial Transaction

projectID Required. The project identifier. Table and Column: PROJECT_CODE Type: String projectName Required. Derived from project ID Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.NAME Type: String taskID Optional. A valid task identifier. Table and Column: TASK_ID Type: Number taskName Optional. Derived from task ID. Table and Column: PRTASK. PRNAME Type: String transactionDate Required. The date of the transaction. Table and Column: TRANSDATE Type: Date resourceID Required. The resource identifier. Table and Column: RESOURCE_CODE Type: String resourceName Required. Derived from resource ID. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.FULL_NAME Type: String roleID Optional. The role identifier. Table and Column: ROLE_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 203

Financial Transaction

transactionType Required. The transaction type. Table and Column: TRANSTYPE Type: String chargeCode Required. A valid charge code. Table and Column: COSTCODE Type: String inputTypeCode Optional. Valid input type code Table and Column: INPUT_TYPE Type: String chargeable Required. Indicates if the transaction can be charged to the company. Values:

0. Not chargeable 1. chargeable

Table and Column: CHARGEABLE Type: Number units Required. The number of units. Table and Column: QUANTITY Type: Number CurrencyValue ->actualCostRate Required. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.ACTUALCOST Type: Number CurrencyValue ->actualCostRateCurrency Required. Currency code for actual cost rate Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.COST_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String

204 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Financial Transaction

CurrencyValue ->stdCostRate Required. The cost rate per unit. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.STDCOST Type: Number CurrencyValue ->stdCostRateCurrency Optional. The cCurrency code for standard cost rate. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.STDCOST_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String CurrencyValue ->billRate Required. The billing rate per unit. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.BILLRATE Type: Number CurrencyValue ->billRateCurrency Required. The currency code for bill rate. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.RATE_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String CurrencyValue-> currencyType Required. Indicates the currency transaction in the values table. This picks up the HOME, BILLING & NATURAL transaction lines. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.CURRENCY_TYPE Type: String CurrencyValue ->totalCost Required. The ActualCost x quantity. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.TOTALCOST Type: Number CurrencyValue ->totalAmount Required. The (BillRate x quantity) + Factor + Burden + Overhead Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.TOTALAMOUNT Type: String vendorCode Optional. The vendor code associated with the transaction. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_APINFO.VENDOR_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 205

Financial Transaction

notes Optional. Additional information. Table and Column: NOTES Type: String transactionStatus Required. The status of the transaction. Values:

0. Normal 1. Adjusted 2. Reversed 4. Under-adjust 8. Under-bill

Table and Column: STATUS Type: Number CurrencyValue ->amountRemaining Required. The Total Amount - Amount Billed. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.AMOUNTREMAINING Type: Number userLov1 Optional. Refers to PRTIMEENTRY_USERLOV1. Table and Column: USER_LOV1 Type: String userLov2 Optional. Refers to PRTIMEENTRY_USERLOV2. Table and Column: USER_LOV2 Type: String expenseType Optional. Either CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE or DEPRECIATION. Table and Column: EXPENSE_TYPE Type: String

206 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Financial Transaction

Transaction Import Schema Tag

The transaction import tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. It has the following attributes: externalID Required. The external identifier. The value must be unique. Table and Column: EXTERNALID Type: String clientID Optional. The valid company ID. If the client ID is empty, the value is taken from the project. Table and Column: COMPANY_CODE Type: String projectID Required. The valid project ID. Table and Column: PROJECT_CODE Type: String taskID Required. The valid internal task ID. Table and Column: TASKID Type: Number transactionDate Required. The date of the transaction. It must be between the project start and end dates. Table and Column: TRANSDATE Type: Date resourceID Optional. The resource ID associated with the transaction, when applicable. Otherwise, the resource ID from Cost Key Definition default. Table and Column: RESOURCE_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 207

Financial Transaction

roleID Optional. The valid role identifier. Table and Column: ROLE_CODE Type: String transactionType Required. Defines the transaction type. Values: L, M, X, and Q Table and Column: TRANSTYPE Type: String chargeCode Optional. A valid charge code. Table and Column: CHARGE_CODE Type: String inputTypeCode Optional. A valid input type. Table and Column: INPUT_TYPE Type: String Chargeable Optional. Indicates if the transaction is chargeable to the company. Values:

0. Not chargeable 1. chargeable

Default: 0 Table and Column: CHARGEABLE Type: Number Units The number of units (for all expense transactions). Not required for expense transactions, but required for all other transaction types. Values: L, M, and Q (Quantity) Table and Column: QUANTITY Type: Number

208 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Financial Transaction

actualCostRate Optional. Cost rate per unit. It must be a valid number. If not specified, the cost is taken from the rate matrix. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.ACTUALCOST Type: Number actualCostRateCurrency Optional. ISO currency code for actual cost rate. Table and Column: PPA_WIP_VALUES.COST_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String BillRate Optional. The billing rate per unit; must be a valid number; if not specified, rate will be picked up from the rate matrix. Table and Column: RATE Type: Number billRateCurrency Optional. ISO currency code for the bill rate. Table and Column: RATE_CURRENCY Type: String notes Optional. Additional information. Table and Column: NOTES Type: String importStatus Optional. The allowed value is N for New. Table and Column: IMPORTSTATUS Type: String importDate Optional. The date the transaction was imported. If not specified, the current server date is used. Table and Column: IMPORTDATE Type: Date

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 209

General Ledger Account

General Ledger Account

The general ledger (GL) account XOG object represents the chart of accounts used to process chargebacks. Use this XOG object to view inbound and outbound general ledger account attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

pac_glaccount_read.xml. Use this file to export GL accounts from CA Clarity. pac_glaccount_write.xml. Use this file to import GL accounts that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The following conditions must be met before using this XOG:

The entities referenced by the GL Accounts must exist prior to importing GL accounts. The Account Class must be a valid lookup value in CA Clarity. The Account Type must be a valid lookup value in CA Clarity.

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

The GL chart of accounts is imported into CA Clarity from an external accounting system. These accounts are used by the Chargeback feature to capture charges and credits. The GL accounts schema is defined as part of the first step to GL integration. To enable GL transactions between systems, CA Clarity allows for inbound processing to define GL Accounts, Periods, and Entities. GL Accounts establishes the accounts to which transactions can be posted.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used:

MAIN_ACCOUNT_ID. This is used for filtering by mainAcctId, which is a part of the natural GL account code. SUB_ACCOUNT_ID. This is used for filtering by subAcctId, which is a part of the natural GL account code.

210 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

General Ledger Account

ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION. This is used for filtering by description.

Error Handling
If a GL Account file is unsuccessful due to an error, the following fields are output:

entity accountNumber externalId externalSource

Schema Mappings
The following schema mapping is provided for the outbound Financial Transaction tag name, GLAccount:

GLAccount (see page 211)

GLAccount Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the General Ledger XOG object. The values in this table are unlike other lookup values. A text string must be provided, not a lookup code. The GLAccount schema tag has the following attributes: entity Defines the entity name for the GL account code. This attribute is a unique primary key, browse field. Lookup to DPT_ENTITY_DEPT. Table and Column: Entity Type: Lookup mainAcctId Required. Part of the natural GL account code. Table and Column: MAIN_ACCOUNT_ID Type: String subAcctId Required. Part of the natural GL account code. Table and Column: SUB_ACCOUNT_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 211

General Ledger Account

Overhead Optional. Indicates if the GL account is an overhead account. Table and Column: OVERHEAD Type: Boolean Capitalexpense Indicates if the GL account is a capital expense account. Table and Column: CAPITAL_EXPENSE Type: Boolean noncashexpense Indicates if the GL account is a non-cash expense account. Table and Column: NONCASH_EXPENSE Type: Boolean description Defines the description of the general ledger account. Table and Column: Description Type: String Account Type Required. Defines the GL account type. This attribute determines whether the GL account is a Balance Sheet account or a P&L account. A default is set in the background. Lookup to PAC_CHG_GL_ACCOUNT_TYPE Table and Column: ACCOUNT_TYPE Type: Number Default: Lookup accountClass Optional. This attribute determines whether the GL account is an asset or liability. A default is set in the background. Lookup to PAC_CHG_GL_ACCOUNT_CLASS. Default: 0 Table and Column: ACCOUNT_CLASS Type: Lookup

212 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

General Ledger Account

Active Indicates if the general ledger account is active. Values:

0. Not Active 1. Active

Table and Column: Active Type: Boolean Default: 1 externalID Defines the originating unique identifier. Table and Column: External_ID Type: String externalSource Defines the external source. The lookup value is the originating system ID. Example: Oracle Table and Column: External_Source_ID Type: String in Schema, but stored as Number in CA Clarity.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 213

General Ledger Allocation Rule

General Ledger Allocation Rule

The GL Allocation Rule XOG object represents the debit and credit rules in chargebacks. Use the General Ledger Allocations Rule XOG object to import and export GL allocation rules.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

cbk_allocation_read.xml. Use this file to export GL allocations from CA Clarity. cbk_allocations_read.xml. Use this file to import GL allocations that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before importing the GL allocation rules, make sure the entities referenced by these rules exist.

Business Rules and Processing

The insert or update of GL Allocation rules are based on the existence of the GL Allocation code in CA Clarity. The GL Allocation code is unique.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used:

ALLOCATION_CODE. A unique code that is used for filtering by the allocation code. STATUS. This is used for filtering by status (Active, Inactive, or On Hold) CBK_TYPE. This is used for filtering by chargeback type (Debit, Credit) CBK_SUB_TYPE. This is used for filtering by chargeback sub type (Standard, Investment or Overhead)

Schema Mapping
The following schema tag is included:

GL Allocation Rule (see page 215)

214 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

General Ledger Allocation Rule

GL Allocation Rule Schema Tag

The GL allocation rule tag is part of the schema mapping for the General Ledger Allocation Rule XOG object. It has the following attributes: entityCode Optional. Defines the unique identifier of the entity tied to the GL allocation rule. Table and Column: ENTITY_ID Type: String locationCode Optional. Defines the location unique identifier tied to the GL allocation rule. Table and Column: LOCATION_ID Type: String departmentCode Optional. Defines the department unique identifier tied to the GL allocation rule. Table and Column: DEPARTMENT_ID Type: Boolean resourceClassCode Optional. Defines the resource class unique identifier tied to the GL allocation rule. Table and Column: RESOURCECLASS_ID Type: Boolean chargeCode Optional. Defines the charge code unique identifier tied to the GL allocation rule. Table and Column: PRCHARGECODE_ID Type: Boolean investmentCode Optional. Defines the investment unique identifier tied to the GL allocation rule. Table and Column: INVESTMENT_ID Type: Number utilityCode1 Optional. The lookup to BROWSE_USR_VAL1_ALL. Table and Column: UTILITY_CODE_1 Type: Lookup

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 215

General Ledger Allocation Rule

utilityCode2 Optional. The lookup to PRTIMEENTRY_USERLOV2. Table and Column: UTILITY_CODE_2 Type: Lookup transactionClassCode Optional. The lookup to FIN_TRANSCLASSES. Table and Column: TRANSCLASS Type: Lookup typeCode Optional. The lookup to LOOKUP_INPUT_TYPES. Table and Column: PRTYPECODE_unique identifier Type: Lookup statusCode Required. The lookup to STATUS_CODE. Values: Open and Closed Table and Column: PAC_CHG_STATUS Type: Lookup chargeRemToOverhead Optional. Indicates if the rule charges the reminder to overhead. Table and Column: CHG_REM_TO_OVERHEAD Type: Boolean cbkType Required. Specifies the chargeback type. Values: DEBIT and CREDIT Table and Column: CHARGEBACK_TYPE Type: String cbkSubtype Required. Specifies the chargeback subtype. Values: STANDARD, INVESTMENT and OVERHEAD Table and Column: CHARGEBACK_SUBTYPE Type: String

216 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

General Ledger Allocation Rule

Allocation Details
glAccountMain, glAccountSub Required. Defines the main GL account. Lookup to SCH_BROWSE_GL_ACCTS. Table and Column: GL_ACCOUNT_ID Type: Lookup department Required. Defines the unique identifier of the department to charge. Lookup to SCH_BROWSE_DEPT. Table and Column: DEPARTMENT_ID Type: Lookup flatAmount Optional. This attribute is not used. Table and Column: FLAT_AMOUNT Type: Numeric weightable Optional. This attribute is not used. Table and Column:WEIGHTAGE Type: Numeric

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 217

General Ledger Period

General Ledger Period

Use the general ledger period XOG object to view inbound and outbound general ledger period attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

pac_glperiod_read.xml. Use this file to export GL periods from CA Clarity. pac_glperiod_write.xml. Use this file to import GL periods that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Business Rules and Processing

GL Periods are only defined for inbound (write) processing to CA Clarity. This schema is defined as part of the first step to GL integration.

Read Filters

Error Handling
If a GL Period file is unsuccessful due to an error, the following fields are output:

Period Name Period Type Period Number Description Quarter Year Start Date

Schema Mappings
Schema mappings are described for the following outbound General Ledger Period tag name:

Glperiod (see page 219)

218 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

General Ledger Period

Glperiod Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the General Ledger Period XOG object. It has the following attributes: entity Required. The unique primary key. A browse field associating the period to an entity. Table and Column: Entity Type: String Period Required. Defines the unique primary key. The fiscal period (i.e., date) posted for the selected entity. Table and Column: Period Type: Date currentPeriod Required. Defines the status of the resource. Values:

1. True 0. False

Default: 1 Table and Column: Currentperiod Type: Boolean externalId Required. The originating unique ID. Table and Column: External_ID Type: String externalSource Required. A lookup value is the originating system ID (for example, Oracle). Table and Column: External_Source_ID Type: String in schema, but stored as Number in the database.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 219

General Ledger Transaction

General Ledger Transaction

GL transactions represents an entry in the General Ledger. It includes information such as the accounts credited or debited and other financial transaction information. Use the general ledger transaction XOG object to view outbound general ledger attributes.

Schema Names

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

pac_gltransactions_read.xml. Use this file to export GL transactions from CA Clarity. pac_gltransactions_write.xml. Use this file to import GL transactions that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The GL transaction must belong to an invoice.

Business Rules and Processing

The GL Transactions schema is defined for outbound (read) GL processing. The GL Transaction object is used to export the data from the CBK_GL_TXNS and CBK_GL_TXN_VALUES tables.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used:

transactionSource. This is used to filter GL transactions by the transaction source (W for WIP, A for Adjusted, or R for Reversed). entity. This is used to filter by GL transactions by entity. periodStart. This is used to filter GL transactions by the fiscal period start date, a date filter. periodEnd. This is used to filter GL transactions by the fiscal period end date, a date filter. investment_id. This filter is used to filter GL Transactions by the investment.

XOG allows for outbound processing of GL Transactions based upon the value within the glposted field.

220 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

General Ledger Transaction

When querying the database, by default the query returns all GL transactions where glposted is not equal to 'Y', (that is, transactions are awaiting posting). Once selected and invoices processes, the glposted field is updated to 'Y' to indicate they have been sent to the GL.

Error Handling
Read Transactions Error handling for read transactions from CA Clarity databases are due to an invalid formats or database unavailability. The adaptor or middleware must handle transaction-level error handling when mapping and transporting into the accounting system. If one transaction is found to be in error, the entire file is not committed. The file must be fixed and resubmitted to keep the balance of debits and credits. XOG does not have control of processing once an output file is successfully created. If you find an error in the output, you will need to rollback the entire batch to keep debits and credits intact. If a single record within the batch is found to be in error, the entire batch is rejected. Then:

The external system (adaptor or middleware) must call the Update Transactions schema and provide the error information element tag and the key fields of the error records. XOG processes the input file and copies all the GL transaction records from the GLCONTROL table into the GLEXCEPTION table. XOG deletes the records from the GL Control table so they exist in the GLException table. XOG resets the GLPOSTED field for the transactions from the batch in the PPA_WIP and PPA_BILLING table to 'N' from 'P' (depending if the transaction source is B or W).

You must fix the error batches via CA Clarity, re-post to GLControl, and rerun the XOG to extract the GL transaction records. Update Transactions If the entire file cannot be committed, it must be fixed and resubmitted. This is important as all debits and credits must be kept in sync across applications. If an error is found, it is written to the error log. The following fields help to identify the transaction in error:

transactionNumber transactionSource sequenceNumber

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 221

General Ledger Transaction

Schema Mappings
Schema mappings are described for the following outbound General Ledger Transaction tag name:

GLtransaction (see page 222)

GLtransaction Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the General Ledger Transaction XOG object. It has the following attributes: entity Optional. The name of the entity for the GL transaction. Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXNS.ENTITY_ID Type: String accountCode Required. The GL account code. Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXNS.GL_ACCOUNT_ID Type: String amount Optional. The amount of the transaction. Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXN_VALUES.AMOUNT Type: Float currency Optional. The currency code of the transaction amount. Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXN_VALUES.CURRENCY_TYPE, CBK_GL_TXN_VALUES.CURRENCY_CODE Type: String transactionNumber Required. A unique primary key. The transaction number from WIP or PPA-billings. Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXN_VALUES.TRANSACTION_ID Type: Positive Integer

222 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

General Ledger Transaction

transactionSource Required. A unique primary key. This allows you to define the GL distribution of a transaction based on the module where it originated. Values:

W. From WIP. A. From billing. D. From credit.

Table and Column: TRANSACTION_SOURCE Type: String period Required. The gl period for the transaction. Table and Column: PPA_WIP.GLPERIOD Type: String InvoiceDate Required. The date of the invoice to which the GL transaction belongs. It must be between the project start and end dates. Table and Column: CBK_INVOICE.INVOICE_DATE Type: Date department Required. The department id of the transaction Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXNS.DEPARTMENT_ID Type: String transactionDate Required. The date of the transaction. Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXNS.TRANSACTION_DATE Type: Date investment Required. The investment on which the transaction is posted. Table and Column: CBK_GL_TXNS.TRN_INV_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 223


The Idea XOG object extends the common investment object as Ideas are a type of investment. Use this XOG object to view inbound (write) and outbound (read) idea processing.

Schema Names

nikuxog_idea.xsd. Use to view inbound idea attributes. It determines which XML elements and attributes are required to import idea information from an external system into CA Clarity. nikuxog_read.xsd. Use to view outbound idea attributes. It determines the XML format required to export idea information from CA Clarity to another system.

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

ideas_read.xml. Use this file to export idea object instances from CA Clarity. ideas_write.xml. Use this file to import idea object instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The manager username should exist.

Business Rules and Processing

Prior to importing ideas, the following items must be correctly set up: ID The unique identifier for the idea. If the ID does not exist, the XML schema creates a new idea record unless auto-numbering is enabled (then an error is generated and posted to the Success and Error files). If the XOG input includes an idea ID, and an idea with the same ID is found, that record is updated. Summary The summary of the idea. Finish date The completion date for the idea. If a finish date exists, there must also be a start date. The finish date must also be greater than the start date. Break-even date This is the date when the idea is to break-even. If a break-even date exists, it must be greater than or equal to the start date.

224 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used with this XOG:

objectId managerUserName lastUpdatedDate

Error Handling
Manager username must be set to NULL if it does not exist in CA Clarity.

Schema Mappings
Idea is composed of the following elements, which are inherited from the investment object, and idea-specific mapping found in the Idea Schema tag:

Allocations scenarioDependencies InvestmentAssociations InvestmentBaselines InvestmentResources InvestmentTasks General OBSAssocs CustomInformation

Ideas are different from other investments because they do not include child investments. You can only associate ideas with a simple budget, and they do not have full financial planning capabilities like other investment types.

Idea Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Idea XOG object. It has the following attributes: Note: The import validation rule applies only if it is different from the object attribute-level validation rule

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 225


ideaspriority Optional. Defines the priority for the idea. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.PRIORITY Values: High, Medium, Low estimateType Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.EST_TYPE Type: Number Values: Historical, Analytical, High Level, and Commitment estimatedCost Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.EST_COST Type: nonNegativeDouble estimatedBenefit Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.EST_BENEFIT Type: nonNegativeDouble benefitDescription Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.BENEFIT_DESC Type: String generalNotes Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.GENERAL_NOTES Type: String businessUnit Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.BUS_UNIT Type: String

226 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


breakevenDate Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.BREAKEVEN_DATE Type: investmentDateTimeType impact Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.IMPACT Type: String risks Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.RISKS Type: String dependencies Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.DEPENDENCIES Type: String estimatedStartDate Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.EST_START_DATE Type: investmentDateTimeType estimatedFinishDate Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.EST_FINISH_DATE Type: investmentDateTimeType conversionDate Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.CONVERSION_DATE Type: investmentDateTimeType createdDate Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.PMA_IDEA.CREATED_DATE

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 227


createdBy Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.PMA_IDEA.CREATED_BY lastUpdatedDate Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.PMA_IDEA.LAST_UPDATED_DATE lastUpdatedBy Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.PMA_IDEA.LAST_UPDATED_BY ideaspriority Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.PRIORITY Type: Number Import Validation Rule: The priority range used in ideas differs from the range used for investments. targetManagerUserName Optional. Table and Column: INV_IDEAS.TARGET_MANAGER_ID Type: String Import Validation Rule: The name of the manager who is targeted to manage the investment after conversion from an idea.

Investments Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Idea XOG object. The INV_INVESTMENTS table contains the shared investment attributes. This tag has the following attributes: status Optional. Defines the status of the investment. Values: Open, Unapproved, Rejected, Approved, Incomplete, Submitted for Approval, and Converted Default: Open Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STATUS Type: Number

228 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


name Required. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.NAME Type: String objectID Optional. Autonumbering is required if it is not present. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String description Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.DESCRIPTION Type: String priority Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.PRIORITY Type: Number managerUserName Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.MANAGER_ID Type: String approvedById Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.APPROVEDBY_ID Type: String chargeCodeExtID Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CHARGECODEID Type: String approvedTime Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.APPROVEDTIME Type: investmentDateTimeType

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 229


processCode Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.PROCESS_CODE Type: investmentCodeType stageCode Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STAGE_CODE Type: investmentCodeType goalCode Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.GOAL_CODE Type: investmentCodeType alignment Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.ALIGNMENT Type: iNumber risk Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.RISK Type: Number statusIndicator Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STATUS_INDICATOR Type: Number statusComment Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STATUS_COMMENT Type: String

230 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


progress Optional. Default: 0 - Not Started Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.SPROGRESS Type: Number currencyISOcode Optional. Note: This attribute replaces currencyCode Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CURRENCY_CODE Type: String

Budget Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Ideas XOG object. The FIN_FINANCIALS table contains the shared budget attributes. The Budget schema tag has the following attributes: plannedCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble plannedCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_START Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedBenTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 231


plannedBenStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_START Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedBenFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble budgetCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _CST_START Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _CST_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _CST_ONHOLD Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _CST_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetRevTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble

232 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


budgetRevStart Optional Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV _START Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV _FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetRevOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _REV_ONHOLD Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetRevResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _REV_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _CST_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble forecastCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _CST_START Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _CST_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastCostOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _CST_ONHOLD Type: investmentDateTimeType

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 233


forecastCostResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _CST_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _REV_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble forecastRevStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _REV _START Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _REV _FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _REV_ONHOLD Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST _REV_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedNPV Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_NPV Type: Number plannedROI Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_ROI Type: Number

234 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


plannedBreakEven No Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BREAKEVEN Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetNPV Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_NPV Type: Number budgetROI Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_ROI Type: Number budgetBreakEven Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_BREAKEVEN Type: investmentDateTimeType setBudgetValuesEqualToPlannedValues Optional. Table and Column: Type: Boolean calculateFinancialMetrics Optional. Table and Column: Type: Boolean initialInvestment This column refers to the initial, lump sum cost associated with an investment Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.INITIAL_INVESTMENT Type: Number plannedIRR Internal Rate of Return on investment as calculated from the planned costs and planned benefits. This is used only in a XOG read result. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_IRR Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 235


plannedMIRR Modified internal rate of return on an investment as calculated from the planned costs and planned benefits. This is used only in a XOG read result. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_MIRR Type: Number plannedPaybackPeriod Payback period of investment as calculated from the planned costs and planned benefits. This is used only in a XOG read result. Table and Column:FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_PAYBACK_PERIOD Type: Number budgetIRR Internal rate of return on an investment as calculated from the budgeted costs and budgeted benefits. This is used only in a XOG read result. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _IRR Type: Number budgetMIRR Modified internal rate of return on an investment as calculated from the budgeted costs and budgeted benefits. This is used only in a XOG read result. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_MIRR Type: Number budgetPaybackPeriod Payback Period of investment as calculated from the budgeted costs and budgeted benefits. This is used only in XOG read result. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET _PAYBACK_PERIOD Type: Number useSystemDefinedTotalCostOfCapital This column indicates whether an investment uses the system-defined reinvestment rate % for financial metrics calculations. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.IS_SYS_VAL_FOR_TCC Type: Boolean investmentDefinedTotalCostOfCapital Investment-specific total cost of capital percentage used for financial metrics calculations based on the value of IS_SYS_VAL_FOR_TCC. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.TOTAL_COST_OF_CAPITAL Type: Number

236 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


useSystemDefinedReinvestmentRate Indicates whether an investment uses the system-defined total cost of capital percentage for financial metrics calculations. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.IS_SYS_VAL_FOR_RR Type: Boolean investmentDefinedReinvestmentRate Investment-specific reinvestment rate percentage used for financial metrics calculations based on the value of IS_SYS_VAL_FOR_RR Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.REINVESTMENT_RATE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 237

Inbound Transaction

Inbound Transaction
Use the inbound transaction XOG object to view inbound and outbound inbound transactions. Inbound transactions are the cost and/or revenue posted for tasks or investments.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

imp_transactions_read.xml. Use this file to export inbound incident attributes from CA Clarity. imp_transactions_read.xml. Use this file to import inbound incident attributes that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: projectID Defines the name of the investment. clientID Defines the company unique identifier. transactionSource Defines the transaction source. transactionDate Defines the date of the transaction.

Error Handling
The following error can be thrown:

Wip Transaction Object read failed.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

238 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Inbound Transaction

inboundTransactionType (see page 239)

inboundTransactionType Schema Tag

The inboundTransactionType tag is part of the schema mapping for the inbound transaction XOG object. This schema tag has the following attributes: groupId Optional. The group unique identifier for the voucher entry. Table and Column: PPA_TRANSCONTROLAPINFO.ID Type: Double voucherNumber Optional. The voucher number for the voucher entry. Table - Field Name: PPA_TRANSCONTROLAPINFO.VOUCHERNO Type: String poNumber Optional. The PO number for the voucher entry. Table and Column: PPA_TRANSCONTROLAPINFO.PONO Type: String vendorCode Optional. The vendor code for the voucher entry. Table and Column: PPA_TRANSCONTROLAPINFO.VENDOR_CODE Type: String incurredBy Optional. The group Id for the voucher entry. Table and Column: PPA_TRANSCONTROLAPINFO.INCURRED_BY Type: String externalId Optional. The external id for the voucher entry. Table and Column: IMP_TRANSACTIONIMPORT.EXTERNAL_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 239

Inbound Transaction

actualCostRate Optional. The cost rate for the voucher entry. Table and Column: IMP_TRANSACTIONIMPORT.COST Type: Double actualCostRateCurrency Optional. The actual cost rate currency for the voucher entry. Table and Column: IMP_TRANSACTIONIMPORT.COST_CURRENCY Type: String billRate Optional. The bill rate for the voucher entry. Table and Column: IMP_TRANSACTIONIMPORT.RATE Type: Double billRateCurrency Optional. The billing rate currency for the voucher entry. Table and Column: IMP_TRANSACTIONIMPORT.RATE_CURRENCY Type: String importStatus Optional. The import status for the voucher entry. The only value allowed is 'N' which means New. Table and Column: IMP_TRANSACTIONIMPORT.IMPORTSTATUS Type: String

240 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the incident XOG object to view inbound and outbound incident instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

incident_read.xml. Use this file to export incident object instances from CA Clarity. incident_write.xml. Use this file to import incident object instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The referred Investment must exist in the system.

Read Filters

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Required fields: Ensures all required fields have values. Incident type is not valid. Status is not valid. Priority is not valid. Urgency is not valid. Impact is not valid. Category is not valid. Assigned To Code is not valid. Reported By Code is not valid. Assigned Project Manager Code is not valid. External Source is not valid. Investment Object {0} is not valid. Resource for Effort is not valid. Failed to export incident.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 241


Failed to export category. Failed to import incident. Failed to import category. Estimated Time to Complete cannot be negative. Investment ID is not valid. Required attribute categoryCode is missing.

Schema Mapping
The following incident schema tag names are provided to XOG incidents:

incidents (see page 242) Description (see page 243)

incidents Schema Tag

The incidents tag is part of the schema mapping for the incident XOG object. This is a placeholder tag for multiple incidents.

The actual incident object. Incident has the following attributes: incident_code Required. Defines the unique incident code. Table and Column: incidents.departcode Type: String short_description Required. Defines the incident name. Table and Column: incidents.shortdesc Type: String dept_identifier Defines the general ledger segment value mapped to this incident. Table and Column: incidents.departidentifier Type: String

242 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


default_reviewer Defines the default reviewer for the incident. Table and Column: incidents.default_reviewer Type: String alt_default_reviewer defines the alternate reviewer for the incident. Table and Column: incidents.alt_default_reviewer Type: String parent_incident_code Defines the code for parent incident. Table and Column: parent_incident_id Type: String dept_manager_code The incident manager resource code. Table and Column: incidents.incident_manager_id Type: String brm_code Defines the business relationship manager. Table and Column: brm_id Type: String entity Required. The identify for the entity to which the incident belongs. Table and Column: incidentS.entity_id Type: String delegate_invoice_approval Indicates if the incident delegates invoice approval. Table and Column: incidentS.delegate_inv_appr Type: Integer

incidents Schema Tag

The description tag is part of the schema mapping for the incident XOG object. This is a placeholder tag for multiple incidents, and has the following attributes:

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 243


description Optional. Defines the description of the incident. Table and Column: IMM_INCIDENTS.DESCRIPTION Type: String

244 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


The investment XOG object is used by multiple objects all of which share a common foundation. The nikuxog_inv_common.xsd is a common schema shared among all investments. The schema definition contained in this file along with the extended schema definition in a specialized investment file together make up the schema for a particular investment type. The investment object is an abstract object that you can only create as one of the following objects which extend the base investment object:

Project Classes

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

A generic read and write xml files is not included for investments. You can read or write investments in their specific investment type form, such as application, asset, or product. The following files contains part of the business logic used to read investments:

inv_common_read.xbl. Use this file to export investments from CA Clarity. inv_common_write.xbl. Use this file to import investments that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Any referenced resources (for example, managerName) should exist in CA Clarity.

Business Rules and Processing

Objects which are based upon the Investment object are defined for inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing. The abstract Investment object itself cannot be written to or read from CA Clarity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used:

objectID. The investment object's unique ID. managerUserName. The name of the investment manager. lastUpdatedDate. The date when the investment was last modified.

Error Handling

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 245


The following errors can be thrown:

Exports are truncated if the number of Application objects retrieved is larger than the system default: 5000. This setting can be overridden by setting the argument args_maxrecords with a new max. Charge code does not exist in the System. Goal code does not exist in the System. Category code does not exist in the System. Process code does not exist in the System Stage code does not exist in the System. Approver does not exist in the System. Currency must be active; on a multicurrency system it must have an exchange rate configured against the base currency. Entity Code 'XXX' does not exist in the System at this time. Please re-run the XOG if it exists now. Invalid Chargeback Type with name 'XXX'. This Chargeback Type could not be found in the System Invalid Bill Expense Type with name 'XXX'. This Bill Expense Type could not be found in the System. XOG user does not have Approval right for objects of type 'XXX'; status of 'YYY' remains unchanged. Application with code 'XXX' does not exist in the System, and hence the Service is not updated with Application Code. Target Manager User Name 'XXX' passed in does not exist in the system. Investment has financial plans hence entityCode value "XXX" cannot be changed to YYY" Investment has posted transactions hence entityCode value "XXX" cannot be changed to YYY". OBS is Lowest Unit for 'XXX'. This unit path is not the lowest unit in its branch OBS unit (XXX) is invalid. OBS unit path (XXX) is invalid. So, the OBS Association was not made. OBS id (XXX) is invalid. So, the OBS Association was not made. OBS unit path is invalid. So the OBS security was not setup. OBS unique name is invalid. So the OBS security was not setup. Group is invalid. So the Group security was not setup. User is invalid. So the User security was not setup. {$departcode} and {$locationid} are not associated

246 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


{$locationid} cannot be found {$departcode} cannot be found Rate Matrix with name XXX referenced in field YYY does not exist in the System at this time. Please re-run the XOG if it exists now. Invalid Exchange Rate Type with name XXX found for YYY. Default value Average will be used instead. The allocation status: 'XXX' is invalid. The chargeback type: 'XXX' is invalid. Should be DEBIT or CREDIT. The chargeback subtype: 'XXX' is invalid. Should be STANDARD or INVESTMENT or OVERHEAD. The chgRemtoOverhead has to be 0 or 1. The allocation code is required. Cannot determine allocation type from {$cbk_type} and {$cbk_subtype}. Resource Class -- XXX is invalid. Charge Code -- XXX is invalid. Investment -- XXX is invalid. Investment -- XXX contains Allocation -- YYY that is already in use by another investment. Investment XXX contains Allocation -- YYY that is already in use by global allocation. User Value 1 -- XXX is invalid. User Value 2 -- XXX is invalid. Transaction Class -- XXX is invalid. Input Type -- XXX is invalid. Gl Account -- {$acctMain} - {$acctSub} is invalid. Department -- XXX is invalid. The Scenario Dependency specified - XXX- would cause a circular reference; not added. The Scenario Dependency specified - XXX - is not active or does not exist. Missing Edit permission on XXX object; Scenario Dependencies not added. Specified parent investment XXX does not exist in the System at this time. Please re-run the XOG if it exists now. Unable to add XXX as a parent investment, due to circular dependencies. Unable to add XXX as a child investment, due to circular dependencies.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 247


Specified child investment XXX does not exist in the System at this time. Please re-run the XOG if it exists now. Investment Object operation failed while processing Investment Association. No match could be found for Assignment teamId = XXX. When specifying assignments for multiple roles, a teamId is required. role = XXX. Could not determine the teamUid for assignment resource = XXX. Team resource does not exist XXX. Assignment role XXX does not exist. -- Task XXX has no taskID; Estimate Rules are not imported. Constraint date attribute cannot be null when delete flag is null. Could not add constraint with type = XXX ! Constraint type attribute is not a correct value. Could not add constraint with type = XXX. Constraint type attribute is required! Could not add constraint. When inserting multiple roles for the same role resourceId you must supply a teamId. Investment Management Object XXX failed.

Schema Mapping
The Investment XOG object is composed of the following:

Investment Allocations Details scenarioDependencies InvestmentAssociations InvestmentBaselines UsageCurve and CostCurve InvestmentResources InvestmentTasks General OBSAssocs Custom Information

248 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Investment Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the investment XOG object. The actual tag is Asset, Idea, Project, or any other investment object. The abstract investment object includes attributes related to general properties of the investment, budgeting for the investment, and financial charges information. An investment is composed of the following sub elements:

Allocations scenarioDependencies InvestmentAssociations InvestmentBaselines InvestmentResources InvestmentTasks General OBSAssocs CustomInformation

For the Idea object, the Allocations element is not supported and InvestmentAssociations may only include parents. The following tables are references in the Investment schema tag:

INV_INVESTMENTS table contains the shared investment attributes. FIN_FINANCIALS table contains the shared budget attributes. PAC_MNT_PROJECTS table contains the shared financial attributes (not applicable for Idea)

The Investment schema tag has the following attributes: ID Required. Specifies the unique ID for the investment. Table and Column: PROJCLASS.ID Type: Number investmentClass Required. Specifies the investment class for the investment. Table and Column: PROJCLASS.PROJCLASS Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 249


status Optional. Defines the status of the investment. Values: Unapproved, Approved, Rejected, and Cancelled An idea has three additional statuses: Submitted For Approval, Incomplete, and Converted Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STATUS Type: Number name Required. The name of the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.NAME Type: String objectID Optional. Autonumbering is required if it is not present. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String description A text description of the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.DESCRIPTION Type: String shortdesc A short description of the investment. Table and Column: PROJCLASS.SHORTDESC Type: String priority Optional. Defines the priority. Values: 0-36, where:

0. Highest priority 36. Lowest priority

Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.PRIORITY Type: Number

250 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


managerUserName Optional. The name of the manager for the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.MANAGER_ID Type: String approvedById Optional. The name of the CA Clarity user who approved the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.APPROVEDBY_ID Type: String chargeCodeExtID Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CHARGECODEID Type: String createdDate Optional. Specifies the date the investment was created. Table and Column: PROJCLASS.CREATED_DATE Type: Date createdBy Optional. Specifies who created the investment. Table and Column: PROJCLASS.CREATED_BY Type: String updatedBy Optional. Specifies who last updated the investment. Table and Column: PROJCLASS.UPDATED_BY Type: String lastUpdatedBy Optional. The name of the user who last modified the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.LAST_UPDATED_BY Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. The date and time when the investment was last modified. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.LAST_UPDATE_DATE Type: investmentDateTimeType

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 251


approvedTime Optional. The date and time when the investment was approved. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.APPROVEDTIME Type: investmentDateTimeType processCode Optional. The process associated with the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.PROCESS_CODE Type: investmentCodeType stageCode Optional. The stage within the investment process. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STAGE_CODE Type: investmentCodeType goalCode Optional. The business goal of the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.GOAL_CODE Type: investmentCodeType alignment Optional. The numeric indicator of alignment with business goals between 0 and 100. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.ALIGNMENT Type: Number risk Optional. The risk associated with the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.RISK Type: Number statusIndicator Optional. The graphical indicator of the investment status. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STATUS_INDICATOR Type: Number statusComment Optional. The text description of investment status. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.STATUS_COMMENT Type: String

252 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


progress The numeric code for investment progress (Not Started, Started, or Completed). Default: 0 - Not Started. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.PROGRESS Type: Number currencyISOcode Optional. The ISO code for the currency associated with the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CURRENCY_CODE Type: String openForTimeEntry Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.IS_OPEN_FOR_TE Type: Boolean start Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.SCHEDULE_START Type: investmentDateTimeType finish Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.SCHEDULE_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType cbkType Optional. Refers to PRTIMEENTRY_USERLOV1. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CBK_TYPE Type: String entityCode Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.ENTITY_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 253


BillExpenseType Optional. It is either CAPITAL_EXPENDITURE or DEPRECIATION. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.BILL_EXPENSE_TYPE Type: String trackMode Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.TRACK_MODE Type: Number chargeCodeID Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CHARGECODEID Type: String requiredForScenarios Optional. Type: Boolean plannedCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble plannedCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_START Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedBenTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble

254 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


plannedBenStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_START Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedBenFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble budgetCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_START Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_ONHOLD Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetCostResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetRevTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 255


budgetRevStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_START Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetRevOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_ONHOLD Type: InvestmentDateTimeType budgetRevResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble forecastCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_START Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastCostOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_ONHOLD Type: investmentDateTimeType

256 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


forecastCostResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_TOTAL Type: nonNegativeDouble forecastRevStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_START Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_FINISH Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevOnHold Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_ONHOLD Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastRevResumed Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_RESUMED Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedNPV Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_NPV Type: Number plannedROI Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_ROI Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 257


plannedBreakEven Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BREAKEVEN Type: investmentDateTimeType plannedIRR Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_IRR Type: Number plannedMIRR Optional. Table and Column:FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_MIRR Type: Number plannedPaybackPeriod Optional. Table and Column:FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_PAYBACK_PERIOD Type: string budgetNPV Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_NPV Type: Number budgetROI Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_ROI Type: Number budgetBreakEven Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_BREAKEVEN Type: investmentDateTimeType budgetIRR Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_IRR Type: Number

258 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


budgetMIRR Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_MIRR Type: Number budgetPaybackPeriod Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_PAYBACK_PERIOD Type: String

forecastNPV Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_NPV Type: Number forecastROI Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_ROI Type: Number forecastBreakEven Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_BREAKEVEN Type: investmentDateTimeType forecastEqualsBudget Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.IS_FCST_EQ_BDGT Type: Boolean calculatePresentValueInfo Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.IS_CALC_PV_INFO Type: Boolean financialLocation Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.LOCATIONID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 259


financialDepartment Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.DEPARTCODE Type: String financialProjectClass Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.CLASS Type: String financialWipClass Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.WIPCLASS Type: String laborRateSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCELABOR Type: String laborCostSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCELABOR Type: String laborExchangeRateType Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.LABOR_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: String materialRateSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCEMATERIALS Type: String materialCostSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCEMATERIALS Type: String

260 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


materialExchangeRateType Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.MATERIALS_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: String equipmentRateSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCEEQUIPMENT Type: String equipmentCostSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCEEQUIPMENT Type: String equipmentExchangeRateType Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.EQUIPMENT_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: String expenseRateSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCEEXPENSES Type: String expenseCostSource Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCEEXPENSES Type: String expenseExchangeRateType Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.EXPENSE_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: String expenseExchangeRateType Optional. Table and Column: Type:

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 261


Allocations Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the financial transaction XOG object. The Allocations element consists of zero or more allocations. Each Allocation can contain zero or more Detail objects and zero or more CustomInformation objects. The Allocations element at this level indicates the financial allocations used to track charges against different organizational units (for example, a department). The attributes of this tag does not reference tables or columns. The Allocations schema tag has the following attributes: allocationCode Required. Type: String entityCode Optional. Type: String locationCode Optional. Type: String departmentCode Optional. Type: String resourceClassCode Optional. Type: String chargeCode Optional. Type: String investmentCode Optional. Type: String tableName Optional. Type: String

262 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


utilityCode1 Optional. Type: String utilityCode2 Optional. Type: String transactionClassCode Optional. Type: String transactionClassCode Optional. Type: String statusCode Optional. The status of the allocation. Type: String chgRemtoOverhead Optional. Type: Boolean cbkType Required. Type: String cbkSubtype Required. Type: String

Details Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The Details element consists of zero or more allocations. Each Detail object can contain zero or more CustomInformation objects. The Detail object can contain a TSV curve consisting of a percentage. The attributes of this tag does not reference tables or columns. The Details schema tag has the following attributes:

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 263


glAccountMain Required. Type: String glAccountSub Required. Type: String department Required. Type: String flatAmount Optional. Type: Number weightable Optional. Type: Number

Financial Transaction (scenarioDependencies) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The scenarioDependencies element consists of zero or more scenarioDependency elements. This tag reads data from CA Clarity and confirms that the dependency exists when writing to CA Clarity. If the dependency does not exist, a warning is logged. The scenarioDependencies schema tag has the following attributes: objectInstanceCode Required. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String name Optional. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.NAME Type: String

264 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


objectType Optional. Table and Column: ODF_CA_INV.NAME Type: investmentObjectCodeType delete Optional. Table and Column: not applicable Type: Boolean

InvestmentAssociations Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The InvestmentAssociations element consists of zero or more Allocations and Hierarchies elements. Allocations refers to the parent investments of the current investment and Hierarchies to the child investments of the current investments.

The Allocations element at this level determines what percentage of the cost of an investment is to be included in any parent investment (for example, Oracle may be used by three different applications so the cost of Oracle can be split between the three applications). The allocations element is a wrapper for zero or more ParentInvestment elements. ParentInvestment The ParentInvestment element can contain the following attributes, in addition to zero or more CustomInformation elements: InvestmentID Required. The ID of the immediate parent of the current investment. Table and Column: INV_HIERARCHIES.PARENT_ID Type: investmentIDType InvestmentType Required. Table and Column: None Type: investmentObjectCodeType

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 265


defaultAllocationPercent Required. The percentage of the child budget and staff cost to allocate to the parent. This attribute must total to either "0" or "1." This is because an investment must be either completely allocated to its parents or completely unallocated. Table and Column: INV_HIERARCHIES.DEFAULT_ALLOC_PCT Type: Number

The Hierarchies element is a wrapper for zero or more ChildInvestment elements. ChildInvestment The ChildInvestment element can contain zero or more CustomInformation elements and the following attributes: InvestmentID Required. The ID of the immediate child of the current investment. Table and Column: INV_HIERARCHIES.CHILD_ID Type: investmentIDType InvestmentType Required. Table and Column: None Type: investmentObjectCodeType defaultAllocationPercent Optional. The percentage of the child budget and staff cost to allocate to the parent. Table and Column: INV_HIERARCHIES.DEFAULT_ALLOC_PCT Type: Number

266 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


InvestmentBaselines Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The InvestmentBaselines schema tag contains the following attributes including zero or more InvestmentBaseline elements. Each InvestmentBaseline element can contain a BaselineDetails element. revisionID Required. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES.CODE Type: String delete Optional. Table and Column: None Type: Boolean currentRevision Required. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES.IS_CURRENT Type: Boolean name Required. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES.NAME Type: String description Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES.DESCRIPTION Type: String

The BaselineDetails element contains detailed usage or cost curves for a baseline. start Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES_DETAILS.START_DATE Type: projectDateTimeType

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 267


finish Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES_DETAILS.FINISH_DATE Type: projectDateTimeType usageSum Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES_DETAILS.USAGE_SUM Type: Number costSum Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES_DETAILS.COST_SUM Type: Number duration Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES_DETAILS.DURATION Type: Number

UsageCurve and CostCurve Schema Tags

These tags are part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The curve elements contain segment objects which specify cost or usage over a period of time. The UsageCurve and CostCurve schema tags have the following attributes: start Required. Table and Column: None Type: projectDateTimeType finish Required. Table and Column: None Type: projectDateTimeType sum Required. Table and Column: None Type: Number

268 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


InvestmentResources Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The InvestmentResources element contains zero or more Resource elements that make up the Team element for an investment. This tag includes the following attributes:

availFrom Optional. If the Team field is not set, use the investment start. Table and Column: PRTEAM.pravailstart Type: Date availTo Optional. If the team field is not set, use the investment finish. Table and Column: PRTEAM.pravailfinish Type: Date openForTimeEntry Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.prisopen Type: Boolean bookingStatus Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.prbooking Type: Integer requestStatus Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.prstatus Type: Integer defaultAllocation Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.pralloccurve Type: Float

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 269


resourceID Required. Table and Column: PRTEAM.prresourceid Type: String projectRoleID Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.prroleid Type: String isProjectManager Optional. Indicates if the resource is the project manager. Table and Column: Not applicable Type: Boolean lastUpdatedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.last_updated_by Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.last_updated_date Type: Date teamId Optional. The unique identifier for each team member on an investment. Table and Column: PRTEAM.team_uid Type: String requirementName Optional. Table and Column: PRTEAM.requirement_name Type: String

Subelement <Baselines>
A subelement for Resource or Task. It has the following attributes:

270 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


revisionID Required. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINES.code Type: String costSum Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINE_DETAILS.cost_sum Type: Float duration Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINE_DETAILS.duration Type: Float start Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINE_DETAILS.start_date Type: Date finish Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINE_DETAILS.finish_date Type: Date usageSum Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_BASELINE_DETAILS.usage_sum Type: Float

Subelement <AllocCurve>
AllocCurve is a sub element of the Resource element. AllocCurve Optional. A subelement of the Resource element. Table and Column: PRTEAM.prAllocCurve Type: Varied

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 271


Subelement <HardAllocCurve>
HardAllocCurve is a sub element of the Resource element. HardAllocCurve Optional. A subelement of the Resource element. Table and Column: PRTEAM.prAllocCurve Type: Varied

Subelement <SkillAssocs>
SkillAssocs is a sub element of the Resource element. SkillAssocs A subelement of the Resource element.

InvestmentTasks Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The InvestmentTasks element contains zero or more Task elements.

The attributes of the task element are not associated with any table or column. The Task element has the following attributes: internalTaskID Optional. Type: String delete Optional. Type: Boolean taskID Optional. Type: String name Optional. Type: String

272 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


parent Optional. Type: String firstChildOf Optional. Type: String lastChildOf Optional. Table and Column: Not applicable Type: String nestSiblingOf Optional. Type: String orderID Optional. Type: Number outlineLevel Optional. Type: Number start Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType baseStart Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType finish Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType baseFinish Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 273


milestone Optional. Type: Boolean summary Optional. Type: Boolean key Optional. Type: Boolean category Optional. Type: String status Optional. Type: Number percComp Optional. Type: Number lastUpdatedBy Optional. Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType priority Optional. Type: Number earlyStart Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType

274 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


lateStart Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType earlyFinish Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType lateFinish Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType duration Optional. Type: Number baselineDuration Optional. Type: Number totalSlack Optional. Type: Number unplanned Optional. Type: Boolean shortName Optional. Type: String guidelines Optional. Type: String fixed Optional. Type: Boolean

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 275


lockedForScheduling Optional. Type: Boolean baseFixed Optional. Type: Boolean baseTime Optional. Type: projectDateTimeType critical Optional. Type: Boolean chargeCodeID Optional. Type: Number subproject Optional. Type: Boolean subprojectID Optional. Type: String subprojectTaskID Optional. Type: String subprojectReadOnly Optional. Type: Boolean subprojectIPD Optional. Type: Boolean

276 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


userText1 Optional. Type: String topDownPercent Optional. Type: Number chargeCodeExtID Optional. Type: String

General Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. This tag is not associated with tables and columns. It has the following attributes: addedBy Optional. Type: String addedDate Optional. Type: Date

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 277


OBSAssocs Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The OBSAssocs element contains the following element, plus zero or more OBSAssoc subelements. completed Optional. When completed and this value is set to True. Existing OBS associations not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False. Table and Column: None Type: Boolean

OBSAssoc Element
No tables or columns are associated with the OBSAssoc element. It has the following attributes: name Optional. Type: String id Optional. Type: String unitPath Required. This is a slash-delimited list of unit names leading to the unit to which the object is associated (for example, "CAN/BC/VAN"). Type: String mode Optional. Type: OBSRightMode

Custom Information Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Financial Transaction XOG object. The CustomInformation element contains data for custom attributes added to the Investment object.

278 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the issue XOG object to view inbound and outbound issue instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

issue_read.xml. Use this file to export issue instances from CA Clarity. issue_write.xml. Use this file to import issue instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG object, make sure the referenced objects, such as the project, user, and category, exist in CA Clarity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: projectCode Defines the code for the associated project. Name Defines the name of the issue. riskCode Defines the risk of the issue. statusCode Defines the status of the issue. priorityCode Defines the priority of the issue. ownerCode Defines the name of the owner or assignee of the issue.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Project does not exist in the system.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 279


Category type is not valid. Status is not valid. Priority is not valid. Owner does not exist in the system. Impact is not valid. Resolved By does not exist in the system. Failed to import risk/issue/change request.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:


280 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Issue Schema Tag

The issue tag is part of the schema mapping for the issue XOG object. It has the following attributes: ownerCode Required. Defines the name of the resource assigned to this issue. Table and Column: ASSIGNED_TO Type: String categoryTypeCode Defines the category of this issue. Table and Column: CATEGORY_TYPE_CODE Type: String description Defines the description of this issue. Table and Column: DESCRIPTION Type: String code Required. Defines the unique identifier for this issue. Table and Column: RIM_RISK_ISSUE_CODE Type: String impactDate Defines the impact date for this issue. Table and Column: IMPACT_DATE Type: Date name Required. Defines the name of the issue. Table and Column: NAME Type: String priorityCode Defines the priority of this issue. Table and Column: PRIORITY_CODE Type: String projectCode Required. Defines the project associated with this issue.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 281


Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String statusCode Defines the status of this issue. Table and Column: STATUS_CODE Type: String resolution Defines the description of the resolution for this issue. Table and Column: RESOLUTION Type: String resolvedBy Defines the name of the resource who resolved the issue. Table and Column: RESOLVED_BY Type: Number resolvedDate Defines the date the issue was resolved. Table and Column: RESOLVED_DATE Type: Date targetResolutionDate Defines the date the issues is expected to be resolved and closed. Table and Column: TARGET_RESOLUTION_DATE Type: Date

282 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the location XOG object to view inbound and outbound location attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

locations_read.xml. Use this file to export locations from CA Clarity. locations_write.xml. Use this file to import locations that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

An entity must exist in CA Clarity.

Business Rules and Processing

When a location is created, a corresponding OBS unit is created in the location OBS referred to by the location's entity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filter is used: Entity The unique entity code for which the locations should be read out.

Error Handling
The following attribute values are validated against CA Clarity. If the values do not exist, XOG displays an error message and does not import or update the record. Entity Checks if the entity is valid and exists in the system. Required fields Ensures all required fields have values. Department associations Ensures departments belong to the same entity. Further, if the department does not exist, a warning is output.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 283


Schema Mappings
The following schema mappings are provided for locations:

Locations Description DepartmentAssociations Child Location

Locations Schema Tag

The Locations tag is part of the schema mapping for the Location XOG object. A placeholder element for multiple locations. This schema tag has the following elements:

Location Description Schema Tag DepartmentAssociations Schema Tag

Location Element
The Location element is the actual Location object. It has the following attributes. locationCode Required. The unique code for location. Table and Column: locations.locationid Type: String entity Required. The entity to which the location belongs. Table and Column: locations.entity Type: String description Required. Table and Column: locations.locationdescription Type: String

284 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


shortdescription Required. Table and Column: locations.shortdesc Type: String address1 Optional. Table and Column: locations.address1 Type: String address2 Optional. Table and Column: locations.address2 Type: String address3 Optional. Table and Column: locations.address3 Type: String city Optional. Table and Column: Type: String zip Optional. Table and Column: Type: String countryid Optional. Table and Column: locations.countryid Type: String phone Optional. Table and Column: Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 285


fax Optional. Table and Column: locations.fax Type: String managerResourceCode Optional. The manager for location department associations. Table and Column: locations.manager_resource_code Type: String name Required. The name of the location. Table and Column: locations.shortdesc Type: String locationManagerCode Optional. The resource code for location manager. Table and Column: locations.location_manager_id Type: String stateprov Optional. Table and Column: locations.stateprov Type: String

Description Schema Tag

The Description schema tag contains the attribute for the location description. Description Required. The description of the location. Table and Column: description Type: String

286 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


DepartmentAssociations Schema Tag

The placeholder element for multiple department associations. It has the following attribute. DepartmentAssociation Represents the department that is associated to the location. It has the following attribute: departmentCode Required. The association to department code. The department must belong to the same entity as the location. Table and Column: LocationDept.dept_id Type: String

Child Location Schema Tag

A child location. This element contains all the elements and attributes that the enclosing location has.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 287


Use the matrix XOG object to view inbound and outbound cost/rate matrix instances. Rate matrices give you flexibility in defining cost for particular services or resources.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

matrices_read.xml. Use this file to export matrices from CA Clarity. matrices_write.xml. Use this file to import matrices that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The following explicit read filters are used: name The name of the matrix. type The type of the matrix (Cost or Rate). location The location of the matrix.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown when importing or exporting the cost plan:

Failed to export matrices. Failed to import matrices.

Schema Mappings
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:

columnType (see page 289) MatrixRowType (see page 291)

288 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


columnType Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the matrix XOG object. The columns you assign to a matrix through the XOG are saved to the PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF table. This tag has the following attribute: name Optional. Defines the list of columns to be added to the matrix rows. It has the following attributes: chargeCode Defines the charge code for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String clntclass Optional. Defines the client class for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String company_code Defines the company code for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String departcode Defines the department code for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String entity Defines the entity for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String inputtype Defines the input type code for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 289


locationid Defines the location unique identifier for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String projclass Defines the project class for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String project_code Defines the project code for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String resourceClass Defines the resource class for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String resource_code Defines the resource code for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String resourceRole Optional. Defines the resource role for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String transactionClass Optional. Defines the transaction class for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String projsitecode Defines the project site code for the matrix column. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXCOLDEF.FIELDNAME Type: String

290 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


MatrixRowType Schema Tag

The MatrixRowType tag is part of the schema mapping for the matrix XOG object. The values for the rows you add to the matrix are saved to a column in the PPA_MATRIXVALUES table. This tag has the following attributes: fromDate Optional. Defines the date from which to apply the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.FROMDATE Type: Date toDate Optional. Defines the date until which to apply the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.TODATE Type: Date chargecode Optional. Defines the chargecode for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE1 Type: String Department Optional. Defines the department for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE2 Type: String entity Optional. Defines the entity for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE3 Type: String Input type code Optional. Defines the input type code for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE6 Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 291


location Optional. Defines the location for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE9 Type: String Project class Optional. Defines the project class for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE8 Type: String Project Optional. Defines the project for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE7 Type: String Resource class Optional. Defines the resource class for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE9 Type: String Resource Optional. Defines the resource for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.VALUE10 Type: String rate Optional. Defines the rate for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.NUMVAL1 Type: Double standardCost Optional. Defines the standard cost for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.NUMVAL2 Type: Double actualCost Optional. Defines the actual cost for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.NUMVAL3 Type: Double

292 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


currencyCode Optional. Defines the currency code for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.MATRIX_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String typeCode Optional. Defines the cost plus code for the matrix row. Table and Column: PPA_MATRIXVALUES.STRVAL1 Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 293

Non-Project Investment

Non-Project Investment
Use the Non-project Investments XOG object to view inbound and outbound non-project investment object (NPIO) attributes. NPIOs include:

Asset Application Product Other Work

Schema Names
The following schema files are part of this XOG object:

nikuxog_asset.xsd nikuxog_application.xsd nikuxog_product.xsd nikuxog_otherInvestment.xsd

Read and Write XML Files


Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG:

The non-project investments are flat objects with no hierarchical data. Each object contains many of the same fields and has essentially the same behavior. NPIOs are defined for both inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing. On import, if the NPIO exists, it is posted. CA Clarity checks to ensure that the object type and name matches. If the NPIO does not exist, CA Clarity checks to ensure that the name is unique. If the check passes, the NPIO is created and posted. This XOG imports and exports the team members, if the NPIO has been staffed. The resources must exist on the target system during an import or the import XOG will fail if the NPIO has team members.

Read Filters
The XOG supports the outbound processing of NPIOs based on the following fields: ObjectId The unique ID for the NPIO. managerUserName

294 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

The name of the NPIO manager. lastUpdatedDate The last date when the NPIO was updated. If all filters are commented out, all NPIOs for the defined type are exported.

The following terms are used in this section: managerUserName The name of the NPIO manager. The manager is validated against the CMN_SEC_USERS.USER_NAME field. If the manager does not exist, the NPIO is imported without a manager and a warning is posted to the Success and Error file. approvedByID The unique identifier for the NPIO approver. The approver is validated against the CMN_SEC_USERS.USER_NAME field. If the approver does not exist, the NPIO is not imported and a warning is posted to the Success and Error file. objectID The unique identifier for the object. If the objectID: Exists and it matches the ID on a different object type, the object is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. Does not exist and auto-numbering is not active for the object type, the object is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. chargeCodeExtID The charge code associated to the NPIO. The charge code is validated against the PRChargeCode table. If the charge code does not exist, the NPIO is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. goalCode The goal code associated with an NPIO. This is validated against the CMN_LOOKUP_TYPE/CMN_LOOKUPS table. If the charge code does not exist, the NPIO is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. processCode The process code associated with an NPIO.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 295

Non-Project Investment

This is validated against the CMN_LOOKUP_TYPE/CMN_LOOKUPS table. If the process code does not exist, the NPIO is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. stageCode The stage code associated with an NPIO. The stage code is validated against the CMN_LOOKUP_TYPE/CMN_LOOKUPS table. If the stage code does not exist, the NPIO is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. categoryCode The category code associated with an NPIO. This is validated against the CMN_LOOKUP_TYPE/CMN_LOOKUPS table. If the category code does not exist, the NPIO is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. currencyISOcode The currency code associated to the NPIO. The currency code is validated against the CMN_OPTIONS/ CMN_OPTION_VALUES/ CMN_CURRENCIES tables. If the currency is not active or cannot be converted into the base currency, the NPIO is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file.

Schema Mappings
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:

Asset (see page 296) Application (see page 297) Product (see page 299) Other Work (see page 299) NPIO Common Fields (see page 300)

Asset Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Non-project Investment XOG object. The asset schema tag has the following attribute: totalCostOfOwnership Optional. The minimum is 0. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.INV_TCO Type: Double

296 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

Application Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Non-project Investment XOG object. The Application schema tag has the following attributes totalCostOfOwnership Optional. The minimum is 0. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.INV_TCO Type: Double investmentVersion Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.INV_VERSION Type: String supplier Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.PRJ_PROJECTS.INV_SUPPLIER Type: String populationServed The minimum is 0. Table and Column: Type: Number licenseCount The minimum is 0. Table and Column: Type: Number functionPoints The minimum is 0. Table and Column: Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 297

Non-Project Investment

technology Defines the technology. Values:

0. data 1. desktop 2. video 3. voice

Table and Column: Type: Number platform Defines the platform. Values:

0. HP-UX 1. Macintosh 2. Sun 3. Windows 4. other

Table and Column: Type: Number

298 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

Product Schema Tag

The product tag is part of the schema mapping for the Non-project Investment XOG object. The product schema tag has the following attribute: investmentVersion Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.INV_VERSION Type: String

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

inv_products_read.xml. Use this file to export product instances from CA Clarity. inv_products_write.xml. Use this file to import product instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Other Work Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Non-project Investment XOG object. There are no specific attributes for the Other Work schema.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

inv_others_read.xml. Use this file to export other investment instances from CA Clarity. inv_others_write.xml. Use this file to import other investment instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 299

Non-Project Investment

NPIO Common Fields Schema Tag

The NPIO Common Fields tag is part of the schema mapping for the non-project investment XOG object. This schema tag has the following attributes: name Required. Defines the name of the investment. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.NAME Type: String objectId Required. Defines the unique identifier for the investment. You must provide a unique identifier if CA Clarity is not configured for autonumbering. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String status Optional. Defines the status of the investment. Values:

0. Unapproved 1. Approved 2. On Hold 3. Rejected 4. Cancelled 5. Resumed

Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.STATUS Type: Number description Optional. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.DESCRIPTION Type: String

300 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

priority Optional. Defines the priority of the investment. Values: 0-36, where:

0. Highest priority 36. Lowest priority

Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prPRIORITY Type: Number managerUserName Optional. Defines the name of the resource managing the investment. The manager's user name must match an existing user name in CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.MANAGER_ID Type: String approvedById Required. Defines the name of the resource who approved the investment. The user name must match an existing user name in CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.APPROVEDBY_ID Type: String chargeCodeExtId Required. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.PRCHARGECODEID Type: String lastUpdatedBy Optional. Defines the name of the resource who last updated the investment. Default: The name of the resource logged in to CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.LAST_UPDATED_BY Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. Defines the date the investment was last updated. Default: Today's date Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.LAST_UPDATED_DATE Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 301

Non-Project Investment

approvedTime Optional. Defines the time the investment was approved. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.PRAPPROVEDTIME Type: dateTime processCode Required. Defines the process code of the investment. The code must exist in CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.PROCESS_CODE Type: String stageCode Required. Defines the stage code of the investment. The code must exist in CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.STAGE_CODE Type: String categoryCode Required. Defines the category code of the investment. The code must exist in CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.CATEGORY_CODE Type: String goalCode Required. Defines the goal code of the investment. The code must exist in CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.GOAL_CODE Type: String alignment Optional. Defines the alignment of the investment. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.ALIGNMENT Type: Number risk Optional. Defines the risk of the investment. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.RISK Type: Number

302 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

statusIndicator Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.STATUS_INDICATOR Type: Number statusComment Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.STATUS_COMMENT Type: String progress Optional. Values:

0. Not Started 1. Started 2. Completed

Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.PROGRESS Type: Double budgetCostTotal Optional. The minimum is 0. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_CST_TOTAL Type: dateTime budgetCostStart Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_CST_START Type: dateTime budgetCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_CST_FINISH Type: dateTime budgetCostOnHold Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_CST_ONHOLD Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 303

Non-Project Investment

budgetCostResume Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_CST_RESUME Type: dateTime budgetRevTotal Optional. The minimum is 0. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_REV_TOTAL Type: Double budgetRevStart Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_REV_START Type: dateTime budgetRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_REV_FINISH Type: dateTime budgetRevOnHold Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_REV_ONHOLD Type: dateTime budgetRevResume Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_REV_RESUME Type: dateTime budgetNPV Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, the budgetNPV is recalculated after import. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_NPV Type: Float

304 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

budgetROI Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, the budgetROI is recalculated after import. 1.0 is 100%. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_ROI Type: Percent budgetBreakEven Optional. This is recalculated after import if Calculate Present Value Info flag is set. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.BDGT_BREAKEVEN Type: dateTime forecastCostTotal Optional. The minumum is 0. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_CST_TOTAL Type: Double forecastCostStart Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_CST_START Type: dateTime forecastCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_CST_FINISH Type: dateTime forecastCostOnHold Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_CST_ONHOLD Type: dateTime forecastCostResume Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_CST_RESUME Type: dateTime forecastRevTotal Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_REV_TOTAL Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 305

Non-Project Investment

forecastRevStart Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_REV_START Type: dateTime forecastRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_REV_FINISH Type: dateTime forecastRevOnHold Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_REV_ONHOLD Type: dateTime forecastRevResume Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_REV_RESUME Type: dateTime forecastNPV Optional. This is recalculated after import if Calculate Present Value Info flag is set. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_NPV Type: Float forecastROI Optional. This is recalculated after import if Calculate Present Value Info flag is set. 1.0 is 100%. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_ROI Type: Percent forecastBreakEven Optional. This is recalculated after import if Calculate Present Value Info flag is set. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.FCST_BREAKEVEN Type: dateTime

306 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

currencyISOcode Required. The three-character ISO currency code that must be an active currency in CA Clarity. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.CURRENCY_CODE Type: String calculatePresentValueInfo Required. If selected, this calculates the NPV,ROI and breakeven after import. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.IS_CALC_PV_INFO Type: Boolean forecastEqualsBudget Optional. If selected, forecast values will track the budget values. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.IS_CALC_PV_INFO Type: Boolean plannedCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_TOTAL Type: Double plannedCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_START Type: Date plannedCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_CST_FINISH Type: Date plannedBenTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_TOTAL Type: Double plannedBenStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_START Type: Date

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 307

Non-Project Investment

plannedBenFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BEN_FINISH Type: Date budgetCostTotal Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_TOTAL Optional. Type: Double budgetCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_START Type: Date budgetCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_CST_FINISH Type: Date budgetRevTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_TOTAL Type: Double budgetRevStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_START Type: Date budgetRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_REV_FINISH Type: Date forecastCostTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_TOTAL Type: Double

308 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

forecastCostStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_START Type: Date forecastCostFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_CST_FINISH Type: Date forecastRevTotal Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_TOTAL Type: Double forecastRevStart Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_START Type: Date forecastRevFinish Optional. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_REV_FINISH Type: Date plannedNPV Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, this is recalculated after import. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_NPV Type: Double plannedROI Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, this is recalculated after import. 1.0 is 100%. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_ROI Type: Double

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 309

Non-Project Investment

plannedBreakEven Optional. This is recalculated after import if Calculate Present Value Info flag is set. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.PLANNED_BREAKEVEN Type: Date budgetNPV Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, this is recalculated after import. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_NPV Type: Double budgetROI Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, this is recalculated after import. 1.0 is 100%. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_ROI Type: Double budgetBreakEven Optional. This is recalculated after import if Calculate Present Value Info flag is set. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.BUDGET_BREAKEVEN Type: Date forecastNPV Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, this is recalculated after import. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_NPV Type: Double forecastROI Optional. If the Calculate Present Value Info flag is set, this is recalculated after import. 1.0 is 100%. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_ROI. Type: Double forecastBreakEven Optional. This is recalculated after import if Calculate Present Value Info flag is set. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.FORECAST_BREAKEVEN Type: Date

310 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Non-Project Investment

forecastEqualsBudget Optional. If selected, forecast values will track the budget values. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.IS_FCST_EQ_BDGT Type: Boolean currencyISOcode Optional. A three-character ISO currency code that must be an active currency in CA Clarity. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.CURRENCY_CODE Type: String calculatePresentValueInfo Optional. If checked, this calculates the NPV, ROI, and breakeven after import. Table and Column: FIN_FINANCIALS.IS_CALC_PV_INFO Type: Boolean

Service Schema Tag

The service tag is part of the schema mapping for the Non-project Investment XOG object. It has the following attribute: applicationCode Optional. Defines the unique identifier for the service. Table and Column: INV_SERVICES.APPLICATION_ID Type: String

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

inv_services_read.xml. Use this file to export service instances from CA Clarity. inv_services_write.xml. Use this file to import service instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 311


Use the Notification XOG object to view inbound and outbound configurable notification templates.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

notification_read.xml. Use this file to export notification templates from CA Clarity. notification_write.xml. Use this file to import notification templates that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: functionalAreaCode Defines the functional area code that refers to the notification template. The values can be obtained from the CMN_LOOKUPS_V table with lookup_type set to NOTIFICATION_TYPE. notificationCode Defines the ID of the notification. languageCode Defines the language code of the notification for extracting the name and description fields. This parameter is not required if reading the notification in all languages.

Error Handling
No errors are thrown. If the filter includes invalid values, no records are read.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:


312 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Notification Schema Tag

The notification tag is part of the schema mapping for the notification XOG object. It has the following attributes: notificationCode Required. Defines the code for the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_NOTIFICATIONS.NOTIFICATION_CODE Type: String functionalAreaCode Required. Defines the functional area code that refers to the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_NOTIFICATIONS.FUNCTIONAL_AREA_ID Type: String isCustomized Identifies if the notification template is customized or not. Table and Column: CMN_NOTIFIACTIONS.IS_CUSTOMIZED Type: Boolean notificationNameDesc Required. Defines the name and description of the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.NAME and DESCRIPTIONS with TABLE_NAME mapped to CMN_NOTIFICATIONS Type: String notificationSubjectBody Required. Defines the subject and message body text of the the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.NAME and DESCRIPTIONS with TABLE_NAME mapped to CMN_NOTIFICATIONS. Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 313


Use the portfolio XOG object for outbound (read) and inbound (write) processing.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following files are included.

portfolio_read.xml. Use this file to export portfolios data. portfolio_write.xml. Use this file to import portfolio data previously exported from CA Clarity.

Business Rules and Processing

The Portfolios schema is defined for inbound (write) processing only. Some of the portfolio fields (for example, budgetType, capacityType, capacityUnitType, invType) are optional on the schema but are required fields in the database table. If they are not provided in the input xml, the default values are used for these fields.

Schema Mappings
The following schema mappings are described:

Portfolios (see page 314) Contents (see page 317)

Portfolio Schema Tag

The portfolio tag is part of the schema mapping for the portfolio XOG object. It has the following attributes: name Required. Defines the name of this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS.NAME Type: String description Optional. Defines the description of this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS.DESCRIPTION Type: String

314 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


manager Required. Defines the User ID of the portfolio manager who will manage this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS. MANAGER_ID Type: String id Required. Defines the unique identifier for this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS.ID Type: String parentPortfolioID Optional. Defines the unique identifier of the parent portfolio (if this a child portfolio). Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS. PARENT_ID Type: String budgetCost Required. Defines the budgeted cost of this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIO. BDGT_CST_TOTAL Type: Number budgetBenefit Required. Defines the budgeted benefit of this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS. BDGT_REV_TOTAL Type: Number budgetType Optional. Defines the budget type for this portfolio. Values:



Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 315


capacityType Optional. Defines the capacity type for this portfolio. Values:


Default: CAPACITY_TYPE_TOTAL Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS. CAPACITY_TYPE Type: String capacityUnitType Optional. Defines the capacity unit type for this portfolio. Values:


Default: CAPACITY_UNIT_TYPE_HOURS Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS. CAPACITY_UNIT_TYPE Type: String invType Optional. Defines the investment type for this portfolio. Values: all, application, asset, idea, other, product, project, and service Default: all Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS. PORTFOLIO_INV_TYPE Type: String active Optional. Specifies whether this portfolio is active. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS. IS_ACTIVE Type: Boolean start Required. Defines the start date for this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS.START_DATE Type: Date

316 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


finish Required. Defines the finish date for this portfolio. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS.FINISH_DATE Type: Date currencyISOcode Required. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIOS.CURRENCY_CODE Type: String pageLayoutCode Optional. Table and Column: CMN_INSTANCE_PAGES. PAGE_FRAME_ID Type: String

Contents Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the Portfolio XOG object. It has the following attributes: isIncluded Defines whether portfolio content types are included. Table and Column: PMA_PRTFLIO_INCL_CTNT_TYPES.IS_INCLUDED investmentType Required. On include tag. Table and Column: PMA_PRTFLIO_INCL_CTNT_TYPES.OBJECT_TYPE_CODE lastSyncDate Defines the date the portfolio contents were last updated. Table and Column: PMA_PRTFLIO_INCL_CTNT_TYPES.LAST_SYNC_DATE runSync This value is used only while processing. Table and Column: Not Applicable investmentID Required. On contents/include/expression/investment tag and contents/investment tag. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIO_CONTENTS.INVEST_ID

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 317


investmentType Required. On contents/include/expression/investment tag and contents/investment tag. Table and Column: PMA_PORTFOLIO_CONTENTS.INVEST_TYPE

318 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Process Notification

Process Notification
Use the Process Notification XOG object to view inbound and outbound configurable notification templates for processes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

processnotification_read.xml. Use this file to export notification templates from <CA PPM>. processnotification_write.xml. Use this file to import notification templates that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG object, make sure the referenced object, such as the process exists in CA Clarity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: notificationCode Defines the ID of the notification template. languageCode Defines the language code of the notification template for extracting the name and description fields. The parameter is not required if reading the notification template in all languages. processCode Defines the process code for which the notification template was defined.

Error Handling
No errors are thrown. If the filter includes invalid values, no records are read.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:

Process Notification

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 319

Process Notification

Process Notification Schema Tag

The process notification tag is part of the schema mapping for the process notification XOG object. It has the following attributes: notificationCode Required. Defines the code for the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_PROCESS_NOTIFICATIONS.NOTIFICATION_CODE Type: String functionalAreaCode Required. Defines the functional area code that refers to the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_PROCESS_NOTIFICATIONS.FUNCTIONAL_AREA_ID to the CMN_LOOKUPS_V table with lookup_type set to NOTIFICATION_TYPE Type: String isCustomized Defines if the notification template is customized or not. Table and Column: CMN_PROCESS_NOTIFICATIONS.IS_CUSTOMIZED Type: Boolean notificationNameDesc Required. Defines the name and description of the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.NAME and DESCRIPTIONS with TABLE_NAME mapped to CMN_PROCESS_NOTIFICATIONS. Type: String notificationSubjectBody Required. Defines the subject and message body texts of the notification template. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.NAME and DESCRIPTIONS with TABLE_NAME mapped to CMN_PROCESS_NOTIFICATIONS. Type: String

320 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Process Notification

process_code Required. Defines the process code to which the current notification is associated with. Table and Column: BPM_DEF_PROCESSES.PROCESS_CODE that associates to the CMN_PROCESS_NOTIFICATIONS.PROCESS_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 321


Use the Project XOG object to view inbound and outbound project attributes. Projects are defined for inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing. Common reasons to import and export project data include:

To deliver project plans to drive external systems such as time sheet tools. To integrate with Oracle Projects and other project systems. To supply data for sophisticated reporting requirements.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

prj_projects_read.xml. Use this file to export project attributes from CA Clarity. prj_projects_write.xml. Use this file to import business processes that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Import Rules
When importing project management information, the user importing the project (XOG user) or the user passed in the Addedby attribute on the project XML, must have the Project - Edit Management - All access right. The following import rules are applied while importing or updating project financial information:

The Username attribute must be passed and the user must be financially-enabled. If the project is financially approved, changes to Client, Type, Billing Currency, Forecasting flag Template Flag, Billing Project Code and Exchange Rate Type are not allowed. If there are transactions on PPA_WIP (with amounts not equal to zero) for a project, then the changing of Status to Close for that project is not allowed. The Client, Project Class, WIP Class, Location, Department, and Currency used for a project must exist. Contract Type, Project Document Number, Contract Amount, and Date are required. Bill Amount, Number of Bills, Bill Frequency, and First Bill Date are entered once and you cannot change the value once imported. If the rate/cost matrix is used in project financials, the specified rate matrix must be validated along with all the columns mentioned in the rate or cost matrix.

322 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


If any transactions exists on PPA_TRANSCONTROL, then the status of the report cannot be changed to "closed".

Deletion Rules
You can delete tasks, assignments, and resources by passing the Deletion attribute (which takes True or False). Only the following delete operations are allowed:

Delete Task: This also deletes all assignments for the task. Remove a staff member from a project: When you remove staff from a project team, it also removes assignments for the resource. Remove assignment from task: The deletes the assignment from the task.

You cannot delete teams, tasks, or assignments that are referenced by a time entry with non-zero actuals on a submitted timesheet (with a status other than Not Submitted or Rejected).

Exporting Project Data

When exporting project data from CA Clarity, the following elements are included:

Basic project information Tasks Assignments Management information Financial information

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 323


Read Filters
The following arguments are taken:

Tasks: include_tasks Resources: include_resources Baselines: include_baselines Allocations: include_allocations Custom: include_custom Tasks: include_tasks Estimate date: include_estimate_after_date Estimates: include_estimates Actuals: include_actuals Dependencies: include_dependencies Subprojects: include_subprojects

Note the following when using these arguments:

When include_tasks and include_resources are Off, only project master record and financial information is exported. When include_tasks and include_resources arguments are On, all project information is exported, including assignments. When include_tasks is On and include_resources is Off, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is exported, but not assignments or resource information. When include_tasks is Off and include_resources is On, project-level resource assignments are exported, but not the WBS or task-level assignments.

The following implicit filter is used:

The project is enabled for management.

The following explicit filters are used:

projectID approved (Management) approvedForBilling (Financial) start date end date lastUpdatedDate: This is the most recent date of lastUpdatedDate in the SRM_PROJECTS table or PRModTime in the PRJ_PROJECTS table. active project

324 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


management functionality is enabled

Schema Mappings - Outbound

Schema mappings are described for the following outbound Project tag names:


Schema Mappings - Inbound

Schema mappings are described for the following inbound Project tag names:



This tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. projectID Required. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 325


name Required. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.NAME Type: String description Optional. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.DESCRIPTION Type: String createdBy Optional. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.CREATED_BY Type: String createdDate Optional. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.CREATED_DATE Type: dateTime lastUpdatedDate Optional. This uses PRJ_PROJECTS.prModTime Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.LAST_UPDATED_DATE Type: dateTime lastUpdatedBy Optional. This uses PRJ_PROJECTS.prModBy if PRJ_PROJECTS.prModTime is later than LAST_UPDATED_BY. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.LAST_UPDATED_BY Type: String Active Optional. Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.IS_ACTIVE Type: Boolean

326 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


program Optional. Indicates if the project is a program Table and Column: SRM_PROJECTS.IS_PROGRAM Type: Boolean


The SRM_RESOURCES tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. This tag uses the SRM_RESOURCES table, where SRM_RESOURCES.USER_ID = CMN_SEC_USERS.ID and CMN_SEC_USERS.USER_NAME = PRJ_PROJECTS.MANAGER_ID. This schema tag has the following attribute: manageResourceID Optional Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String

Project (PRJ_PROJECTS) Schema Tag

The PRJ_PROJECTS tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. It has the following attributes: start Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prStart Type: dateTime finish Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prFinish Optional. Type: dateTime approved Optional. True only if prApproveTime is not null. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prApproveTime Type: Boolean

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 327


OpenForTimeEntry Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prIsOpen Type: Boolean Closed Optional. True only if prClosedTime is not null. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prClosedTime Type: Boolean

Project (PAC_MNT_PROJECTS) Schema Tag

The PAC_MNT_PROJECTS tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. It has the following attributes: financialLocation Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.LOCATIONID Type: String financialDepartment Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.DEPARTCODE Type: String clientID Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.COMPANY_CODE Type: String affiliatedProjectID Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.AFFILIATEPROJECT Type: String

328 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


financialStatus Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.STATUS Type: String approvedForBilling Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.APPROVED Type: Boolean billingType Defines the billing type. Values: S, I, and C Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TYPE_ Type: String billingCurrencyCode Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.BILLLING_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String

Project Location Schema Tag

The Project Location tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. It uses the LOCATIONS table, where LOCATIONS.LOCATIONID = PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.LOCATIONID. This schema tag has the following attribute. Entity Optional Table and Column: LOCATIONS.ENTITY Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 329


Project (CLNTSUPP) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. This tag uses the CLNTSUPP table, where CLNTSUPP.COMPANY_CODE = PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.COMPANY_CODE. It has the following attribute. clientName Optional Table and Column: CLNTSUPP.COMPANY_NAME Type: String

Resource (PRTEAM) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. It has the following attributes: This tag uses the PRTeam table with zero to many records and where PRTeam.prProjectID = PRJ_PROJECTS.prID. availFrom Optional Table and Column: PRTeam.prAvailStart Type: dateTime availTo Optional Table and Column: PRTeam.prAvailFinish Type: dateTime openForTimeEntry Optional Table and Column: PRTeam.prIsOpen Type: Boolean lastUpdatedBy Optional Table and Column: PRTeam.prModBy Type: String

330 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


lastUpdatedDate Optional Table and Column: PRTeam.prModTime Type: dateTime


The SRM_RESOURCES tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. This tag uses the SRM_RESOURCES table where SRM_RESOURCES.ID = PRTeam.prResourceID. This schema tag has the following attributes: resourceID Required. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String


The SRM_RESOURCES tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. This tag uses the SRM_RESOURCES table, where SRM_RESOURCES.ID = PRTeam.prRoleID. This schema tag has the following attribute: projectRoleID Optional. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 331



The SRM_RESOURCES tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. This tag uses the SRM_RESOURCES table where SRM_RESOURCES.ID = PRAssignment.prResourceID. This tag has the following attribute: resourceID Required. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String

Task (PRTask) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. This tag uses the PRTask table, with 0 to many records, and where PRTask.prProjectID = PRJ_PROJECTS.prID. The Task (PRTASK) schema tag has the following attributes: taskID Optional. Defines the unique identifier for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prExternalID Type: String name Optional. Defines the name for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prName Type: String orderID Optional. Defines the unique order identifier for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prWBSSequence Type: Integer outlineLevel Optional. Defines the outline level for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prWBSLevel Type: Integer

332 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


start Optional. Defines the start date and time for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prStart Type: dateTime baseStart Optional. Defines the base start date and time for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prBaseStart Type: dateTime finish Optional. Defines the finish date and time for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prFinish Type: dateTime baseFinish Optional. Defines the base finish date and time for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prBaseFinish Type: dateTime milestone Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prIsMilestone Type: Boolean summary Optional. True only if prIsTask is false. Table and Column: Not applicable Type: Boolean key Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prIsKey Type: Boolean category Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prCategory Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 333


status Optional. Defines the status of the task. Values:

0. Not Started 1. Started 2. Complete

Table and Column: PRTask.prStatus Type: Integer percComp Optional. Valid values are between 0 and1 inclusive, where (100% is shown as 1.0. Table and Column: PRTask.prPctComplete Type: Float lastUpdatedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prModBy Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prModTime Type: dateTime

TaskLabor (PRAssignment) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. It has the following attributes: This tag uses the PRAssignment table, which can have 0 to many records, and where PRAssignment.prTaskID = PRTask.prID. start Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prStart Type: dateTime

334 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


finish Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prFinish Type: dateTime actualWork Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prActSum Type: Float remainingWork Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prEstSum Type: Float baselineWork Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prBaseSum Type: Float actualThrough Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prActThru Type: dateTime lastUpdatedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prModBy Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignment.prModTime Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 335


OBS Association Schema Tag

The OBS Association tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. This schema tag is a wrapper for the OBSAssoc elements. No tables are used. This tag has the following attribute: completed Optional. When completed and this value is True. Existing OBS associations not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False Table and Column: Not applicable Type: String

OBS Association (OBSAssoc) Schema Tag

The OBS association tag is part of the outbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. The following tables are used in this tag:


This tag has the following attributes: id Required. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String name Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.PRJ_OBS_TYPES.NAME Type: String

336 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


unitPath Required. This is a slash-delimited list of unit names that points to the unit to which the object is associated. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.PRJ_OBS_UNITS.NAME Type: String Example: CAN/BC/VAN

Project (PRJ_PROJECTS) Schema Tag

The PRJ_PROJECTS tag is part of the inbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. It has the following attributes: Name Required. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.NAME Type: String projectID Required. Uniquely identifies this project and is used as key for sub-project references. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String description Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.DESCRIPTION Type: String AddedBy Optional. When AddedBy (CreatedBy in CA Clarity), the default Collaboration Manager is assigned to the project. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.CREATED_BY Type: String AddedDate Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.CREATED_DATE Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 337


lastUpdatedDate Optional. Uses PRJ_PROJECTS.prModTime if later. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.LAST_UPDATED_DATE Type: dateTime lastUpdatedBy Optional. Uses PRJ_PROJECTS.prModBy if PRJ_PROJECTS.prModTime is later than LAST_UPDATED_BY. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.LAST_UPDATED_BY Type: String Active Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.IS_ACTIVE Type: Boolean Type Required. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.TYPE Type: String stageIdentifier Required. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.STAGE_IDENTIFIER Type: String start Required. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prStart Type: dateTime finish Required. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prFinish Type: dateTime

338 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


approved Optional. True only if prApprovedTime is not null. On import, prApprovedTime is set to the current time if it was previously null. Table and Column: None Type: Boolean openForTimeEntry Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prIsOpen Type: Boolean closed Optional. True only if prClosedTime is not null. On import, prClosedTime is set to the current time if it was previously null. Table and Column: None Type: Boolean guidelines Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prGuidelines Type: String department Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prDepartment Type: String asOf Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prAsOf Type: dateTime cpmType Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prCPMType Type: Integer

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 339


trackMode Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prTrackMode Type: Integer sponsoredBy Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prSponsoredBy Type: String requestedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prRequestedBy Type: String requestedTime Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prRequestedTime Type: dateTime userText1 Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUserText1 Type: String userText2 Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUserText2 Type: String userText3 Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUserText3 Type: String userText4 Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUserText4 Type: String

340 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


userText5 Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUserText5 Type: String userText6 Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUserText6 Type: String userText7 Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUserText7 Type: String Format Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prFormat Type: Integer Priority Optional. Defines the priority. Values: 0-36, where:

0. Highest priority 36. Lowest priority

Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prPriority Type: Integer username Optional. On import, the ProjectManagerMgmt access right is granted to this user. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prUsername Type: String startImposed Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prStartImposed Type: Boolean

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 341


finishImposed Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prFinishImposed Type: Boolean baseTime Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prBaseTime Type: dateTime baseStart Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prBaseStart Type: dateTime baseFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.prBaseFinish Type: dateTime Chargecode Optional. Validate existence with PRChargeCode.prID Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.PrChargeCodeID Type: String ManagerResource Optional. Must be a valid resource. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.PrUserName Type: String


The PAC_MNT_PROJECTS tag is part of the inbound schema mapping for the project XOG object. It has the following attributes: financialLocation Defines the financial location for the project. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.LOCATIONID Type: String

342 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


financialDepartment Optional. Defines the financial location for the project. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.DEPARTCODE Type: String clientID Defines the unique client identifier for the project. If other financial properties fields are present, then clientId is required. Otherwise, clientID and all financial properties are optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.COMPANY_CODE Type: String affiliatedProjectID Optional. Defines the affiliated project unique identifier for the project. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.AFFILIATEPROJECT Type: String financialStatus Optional. Defines the financial status for the project. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.STATUS Type: String approvedForBilling Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.APPROVED Type: Boolean billingType Optional. Defines the billing type for the project. Values: S, I. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TYPE_ Type: String billingCurrencyCode Required only when CA Clarity is set for multi-currency. Defines the billing currency code for the project. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.BILLLING_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 343


ProjectClass Optional. Defines the project class for the project. This column defaults to clientID if Projectclass is not supplied. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.CLASS Type: String WIP Class Optional. Defines the WIP class for the project. This column defaults to clientID if WIP Class is not supplied. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.WIPCLASS Type: String UseBudget Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.BUDGET Type: Number Billing Project Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.BILLING_PROJECT_ID Type: Number Send Bill To Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.BILL_TO_COMPANY_CODE Type: String billExpenses Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.EX_BILL_EXPENSES Type: Number Document number Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.CONTRACTNBR Type: String

344 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Contract amount Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.Contract Amount Type: Number Enforce Contract amount Optional. Values:

0. Do not enforce 1. Enforce

Default: 0 Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.ENFORCE_CONTRACT_AMOUNT Type: Number Date Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.Contract Date Type: Date Labor Rate Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCELABOR Type: Number Labor Cost Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCELABOR Type: Number Labor Exchange Rate Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.LABOR_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: Number Materials Rate Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCEMATERIALS Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 345


Materials Cost Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCEMATERIALS Type: Number Materials Exchange Rate Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.MATERIALS_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: Number EXPENSES Rate Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCELABOR Type: Number EXPENSES Cost Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCE EXPENSES Type: Number EXPENSES Exchange Rate Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.EXPENSE_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: Number EQUIPMENT Rate Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSRATESOURCE EQUIPMENT Type: Number EQUIPMENT Cost Source Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.TRANSCOSTSOURCE EQUIPMENT Type: Number EQUIPMENT Exchange Rate Optional. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.EQUIPMENT_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Type: Number

346 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Submitted for Approval Optional. Set to 1 if the project financial properties is to be marked submitted for approval. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.AWAITINGAPPROVAL Type: Number Submitted and Approved Optional. Set to 1 if the project financial properties is to be marked submitted and approved Table and Column: PAC_MNT_PROJECTS.APPROVED Type: Number batchCycle Optional. Defines the batch cycle associated with the project. Table and Column: Type: String

Resource (PRTeam) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the inbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. PRTeam is populated when you staff a resource to a project. This tag uses the PRTeam table, which can have 0 to many records and where PRTeam.prProjectID = PRJ_PROJECTS.prID. The Resource (PRTeam) schema tag has the following attributes: availFrom Optional. Uses the PRJ_PROJECTS.prStart if prAvailStart is not set. Table and Column: PRTeam.prAvailStart Type: dateTime availTo Optional. Uses PRJ_PROJECTS.prFinish if prAvailFinish is not set. Table and Column: PRTeam.prAvailFinish Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 347


openForTimeEntry Optional. Table and Column: PRTeam.prIsOpen Type: Boolean lastUpdatedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRTeam.prModBy Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. Table and Column: PRTeam.prModTime Type: dateTime bookingStatus Optional. Table and Column: PRTeam.prBooking Type: Integer requestStatus Optional. Table and Column: PRTeam.prStatus Type: Integer defaultAllocation Optional. The default allocation for this team member. Table and Column: PRTeam.prAllocCurve Type: Float resourceID Optional. May be more than one resource in the prTeam. Table and Column: PRTeam.prResourceID Type: String ProjectRoleID Optional. May be more than one role in prTeam. Table and Column: PRTeam.PrRoleId Type: String

348 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


PRTask Schema Tag

This tag is part of the inbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. PRTeam is populated when you staff a resource to a project. This tag uses the PRTask table, which can have 0 to many records and where PRTask.prProjectID = PRJ_PROJECTS.prID. The Task (PRTask) schema tag has the following attributes: taskID Optional. Defines the unique identifier for the task. Required, if referenced by Relation tag or as a sub-project. Table and Column: PRTask.prExternalID Type: String name Optional. Defines the name for the task. Table and Column: PRTask.prName Type: String orderID Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prWBSSequence Type: Integer outlineLevel Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prWBSLevel Type: Integer start Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prStart Type: dateTime baseStart Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prBaseStart Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 349


finish Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prFinish Type: dateTime baseFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prBaseFinish Type: dateTime milestone Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prIsMilestone Type: Boolean summary Optional. This is set to True only if prIsTask is False. Table and Column: Not Applicable Type: Boolean key Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prIsKey Type: Boolean category Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prCategory Type: String status Optional. Defines the status of the task. Values:

0. Not Started 1. Started 2. Complete

Table and Column: PRTask.prStatus Type: Integer

350 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


percComp Optional. Valid values are between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 100% is shown as 1.0. Table and Column: PRTask.prPctComplete Type: Float lastUpdatedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prModBy Type: String lastUpdatedDate Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prModTime Type: dateTime earlyStart Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prEarlyStart Type: dateTime lateStart Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prLateStart Type: dateTime earlyFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prEarlyFinish Type: dateTime lateFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prLateFinish Type: dateTime Duration Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prDuration Type: Float

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 351


baselineDuration Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prBaseDuration Type: Float totalSlack Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prTotalFloat Type: Float Unplanned Optional. If the task is being updated, set this to False". Table and Column: PRTask.prIsUnplanned Type: Boolean shortName Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prShortname Type: String Guidelines Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prGuidelines Type: String Fixed Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prIsFixed Type: Boolean Locked Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prIsLocked Type: Boolean baseFixed Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prBaseIsFixed Type: Boolean

352 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


baseTime Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prBaseTime Type: dateTime

TaskLabor (PRAssignment) Schema Tag

This tag is part of the inbound schema mapping for the Project XOG object. This PRAssignment table is populated when a resource is assigned to a task. This feature is not supported in CA Clarity but can be accomplished with Open Workbench or the CA Clarity Microsoft Project interface. This tag uses the PRAssignment table, which can have 0 to many records, and where PRAssignment.prTaskID = PRTask.prID. This tag has the following attributes: Start Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prStart Type: dateTime finish Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prFinish Type: dateTime actualWork Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prActSum Type: Float remainingWork Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prEstSum Type: Float

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 353


baselineWork Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prBaseSum Type: Float actualThrough Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prActThru Type: dateTime lastUpdatedBy Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prModBy Type: string lastUpdatedDate Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prModTime Type: dateTime Unplanned Optional. During update Unplanned is False. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prIsUnplanned Type: Boolean estPattern Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prEstPattern Type: Integer basePattern Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prBasePattern Type: Integer estMax Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prEstMax Type: Float

354 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


baseMax Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prBaseMax Type: Float pendEstSum Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prPendEstSum Type: Float pendActSum Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prPendActSum Type: Float pendStart Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prPendStart Type: dateTime pendFinish Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prPendFinish Type: dateTime Status Optional. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prStatus Type: Integer curveType Required. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prExtension Type: Integer Start Required. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prExtension Type: dateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 355


Finish Required. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prExtension Type: dateTime Sum Required. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prExtension Type: Float resourceID Required. Table and Column: PrAssignment.prResourceID Type: String

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Use the requirement XOG object to view inbound and outbound requirements. The requirement read XOG reads all data from existing requirements and writes them to an xml format. The requirement write XOG writes new requirements or updates existing requirements.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

requirements_read.xml. Use this file to export requirements from CA Clarity. requirements_write.xml. Use this file to import requirements that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG:

CA Clarity users must have the appropriate access rights to read or write requirements via XOG. Referenced investments, releases, and users (e.g. manager) must exist in CA Clarity prior to xogging in the requirement or they will not be added. Requirements are defined for inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing.

Read Filters
The following read filters are used:

objectID investmentID managerName requirementTitle requirementStatus (New, Need Additional Information, In Pipeline, Active Candidate, Assigned to Release, Approved, Implemented, Duplicate, Rejected, and Draft)

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 357


requirementType (Feature, Requirement, User Story)

Error Handling
The following fields are written to the Success and Error files when referenced objects such as users, investments, and releases or lookup values cannot be found, and the XOG process generates a warning:

created_by currency_code last_updated_by manager requested_by risk status theme type release_id project_id task_name investment_id

If dependencies or hierarchy links are included in the inbound XOG file, a warning is written to the Success and Error files if either one of the associated requirements does not exist. Since you can add the missing requirement later to the file, this warning does not imply that the association will never be made when xogging in many requirements. The warning's intention is to provide information to the administrator so that they can confirm that all associations have been made.

Schema Mappings
The requirement element can contain link and dependency elements which relate requirements to one another. The following tables are mapped to requirements:

RQP_RELEASES (see page 359) RQP_REQUIREMENTS (see page 359) RQP_REQ_DEPENDENCIES (see page 362) PRTASK (see page 363) SRM_RESOURCES (see page 363) INV_INVESTMENTS (see page 364)

358 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide



The RQP_RELEASES tag is part of the schema mapping for the requirement XOG object. It has the following attributes: release_id Table and Column: RQP_RELEASES.CODE Type: String


The RQP_REQUIREMENTS tag is part of the schema mapping for the requirement XOG object. It has the following attributes: title Required. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.TITLE Type: String object_id Required. Must be unique. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.CODE Type: String child Required. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.CODE Type: String parent Required. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.CODE Type: String requirement Required. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 359


dependent Required. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.CODE Type: String description Required. Must be unique. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.DESCRIPTION Type: String committed Required. Must be unique. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.COMMITTED Type: Boolean committed Required. Must be unique. Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.COMMITTED Type: Boolean est_op_cost Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.EST_OP_COST Type: Non-negative number est_cap_cost Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.EST_CAP_COST Type: Non-negative number est_effort Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.EST_EFFORT Type: Non-negative number est_hlm_size Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.EST_HLM_SIZE Type: Integer est_size Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.EST_SIZE Type: Non-negative number

360 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


bgt_op_cost Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.BGT_OP_COST Type: Non-negative number bgt_cap_cost Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.BGT_CAP_COST Type: Non-negative number bgt_effort Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.BGT_EFFORT Type: Non-negative number bgt_size Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.BGT_SIZE Type: Non-negative number priority_1 Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.PRIORITY_1 Type: Integer (allowed range 0-100) priority_2 Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.PRIORITY_2 Type: Integer (allowed range 0-100) priority_3 Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.PRIORITY_3 Type: Integer (allowed range 0-100) priority_4 Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENT.PRIORITY_4 Type: Integer (allowed range 0-100) feature_overview Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.FEATURE_OVERVIEW Type: String feature_driver Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.FEATURE_DRIVER Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 361


feature_vision Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.FEATURE_VISION Type: String req_impl_plan Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.REQ_IMPL_PLAN Type: String req_impact_analysis Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.REQ_IMPACT_ANALYSIS Type: String req_comments Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.REQ_COMMENTS Type: String story_text_1 Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.STORY_TEXT_1 Type: String story_text_2 Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.STORY_TEXT_2 Type: String story_text_3 Table and Column: RQP_REQUIREMENTS.STORY_TEXT_3 Type: String


The RQP_REQ_DEPENDENCIES tag is part of the schema mapping for the requirement XOG object. It has the following attributes: is_mutual Table and Column: RQP_REQ_DEPENDENCIES.IS_MUTUAL Type: Boolean

362 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


PRTASK Schema Tag

The PRTASK tag is part of the schema mapping for the requirement XOG object. It has the following attributes: task_name Table and Column: PRTASK.PRNAME Type: String


The SRM_RESOURCES tag is part of the schema mapping for the requirement XOG object. It has the following attributes: requested_by Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String manager Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String approved_by Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String created_by Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String last_updated_by Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 363



The INV_INVESTMENTS tag is part of the schema mapping for the requirement XOG object. It has the following attributes: project_id Defines the unique identifier for the project. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String investment_id Defines the unique identifier for the investment. Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String

Use the resource XOG object to view inbound (write) and outbound (read) resource attributes. This XOG object does not allow you to create a resource for a specific partition; it only supports the _ROOT partition code. You can, however, use the content pack XOG to add a resource as a member of a partition.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

rsm_resources_read.xml. Use this file to export resource attributes from CA Clarity. rsm_resources_write.xml. Use this file to import resource attributes that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Business Rules and Processing

Prior to importing resources, you must set up the following items correctly:

364 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Manager Defines the resource's manager user name. This is a browse field against the CMN_SEC_USERS table. If the manager does not exist, the XML schema posts the resource without the manager's username and a warning is posted to the Success and Error file. If the username exists, the XML schema fills the field. When this XML schema is run for the first time, many records may be posted without values for the manager. Subsequently when the schema is run, user profiles are updated to include a value for the manager (provided the user was added during the first pass). Company ID Defines the unique identifier for the company associated with the resource. This is a browse field against the SRM_COMPANIES table. If the company does not exist, the schema posts the resource, leaves this field blank, and posts a warning to the Success and Error file. If the company exists, the schema fills the field. When this schema is run the first time, many records are posted without values for the company. Subsequently when the schema is run, user profiles are updated to include the company information (provided the user was added during the first pass). Financial Properties The financial properties associated with the resource. Before resources can be imported into CA Clarity, the following financial properties are set up in the Financial Administration module. If the financial properties are not found in CA Clarity, the resource's financial properties are not imported into CA Clarity and an error is written to the Success and Error file. These properties are optional:

Financial Location Financial Department Resource Class

Vendor (This is an exception and is not required for the financial properties. The resource is added without a vendor and a warning is posted to the Success and Error file.) Transaction Class The transaction class associated with the resource. The value in the XOG can found in the TRANSCLASS table. Management Properties Defines the management properties associated with the resource. The XOG assumes a resource is associated with the standard calendar available for a typical work day's standard number of hours (based upon the standard calendar settings). The value is based on the default Allocation percentage.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 365


OBS association The OBS associated with the resource. A Security OBS is required for labor resources; all resources can have OBS associations. To accommodate this, there is an OBS Associations portlet that can be used for import and export. Custom Attributes The custom fields associated with the resource. The XOG allows for an unlimited number of custom-defined fields, however you must map the generated field to the schema. Within the schema for custom-defined fields, provide the Column Name, Attribute Name, and Value (since these can be modified by CA Clarity users). Lookup values Any lookup values associated with the resource. Lookup codes must be provided when appropriate. They are validated against CMN_LOOKUPS. Lookups are extracted for a set of lookup codes. Primary RoleId The primary role of this resource. This is a browse field against SRM_RESOURCES. If the primary RoleId passed does not exist, this field is left blank and a warning message is posted to the Success and Error file (the field is filled when the role exists).

366 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Read Filters
The XOG allows for outbound processing of users based on the following fields:

Resource Type Active And and Or processing is supported between the two fields and for processing within Type. The following combinations are supported: isActive = x
where x = Active, Inactive

ResourceType = x

isActive = x AND ResourceType = y

where x = Active, Inactive where y = one of many Resource Types

The following arguments are accepted:

Contact: include_contact Management: include_management Financials: include_financial Custom Information: include_custom

The following statements concern these two arguments: When all arguments are "Off", only resource basic information is exported. When all arguments are "On", all resource information is exported.

Error Handling
The following fields are written to the Success and Error file when the XOG process generates an error or warning:

externalId externalSource resourceId lastName

If an error occurs, the table is not updated. You must fix the error and run the XOG again. When a warning occurs because of inconsistencies in the data, the record is posted and the non-required fields are defaulted. The following errors should be validated against the resource:

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 367


Error or Warning Type resourceId

Description The unique identifier for the resource. The resource is validated against the resourceId field. If the resource ID:

Is not unique, then the resource is not imported and an error is posted to the Success and Error file. Unique, then the resource is imported.


The unique identifier for the manager associated with the resource. The manager is validated against the companyId field. If the manager:

Is not found, then the resource is imported without any association to a manager. Exists, then It is also imported.


The unique identifier for the company associated with the resource. The company ID is validated against the companyId field. If the company:

Is not found, then the resource is imported without any association to a company. Exists, then it is also imported.


The unique code for the vendor associated with the resource. The vendor code is validated against the vendorCode field. If the vendor:

Is not found, then the resource is imported without any association to a vendor. Exists, then it is also imported.


The financial properties related to the resource. If the financial properties:

Do not exist, then the resource is imported without any association to financial properties. Exist, then they are also imported.

368 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Schema Mappings
The following schema tags are described:

Personal Information Contact Information Management Information Financial Information Expenses Rates and Costs Custom Information OBS Associations SkillAssocs

Personal Information Schema Tag

The personal information tag is part schema mapping for the resource XOG object. It has the following attributes: ExternalSource Required. Required by the schema lookup value. This is the originating system ID (for example Oracle) Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.External_Source_ID Type: String in the XML Schema) and Number in CA Clarity. ExternalId Required. Required by the XML schema. This is the originating unique identifier. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.External_ID Type: String isActive Optional. Defines the resource's status. Values:

1. True 0. False

Default: 1 Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Is_Active Type: Boolean

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 369


resourceType Optional. Defines the resource type. Values: LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, and EXPENSE Default: LABOR Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Resource_type Type: String employmentType Optional. Defines the employment type. Values: employee and contractor Default: employee Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Person_Type Type: String hireDate Optional. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Date_of_Hire Type: Date terminationDate Optional. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Date_of_Termination Type: Date managerUserName Optional. Identifies the resource's manager. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Manager_ID (User Name) Type: String isExternal Optional. Defines the resource's status. Values:

1. True 0. False

Default: 0 Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Is_External Type: Boolean

370 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


firstName Optional. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.First_Name Type: String lastName Optional. Validates this field for LABOR resources Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Last_Name Type: String middleName Optional. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Middle_Name Type: String displayName Optional. The name to display on the interface. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Full_Name Type: String emailAddress Optional. The email address of the resource. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Email Type: String

Contact Information Schema Tag (Resources XOG)

This tag is part schema mapping for the resources XOG object. It has the following attributes: companyName Optional. The association of a resource to a company. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Company _ID Type: String jobTitle Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Job_Title Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 371


address1 Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Address1 Type: String address2 Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Address2 Type: String address3 Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Address3 Type: String city Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.City Type: String state Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.State_Province Type: String postalCode Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Postal _Code Type: String countryId Optional. Lookup values for all countries. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Country_ID Type: Number homePhone Optional. No format enforced. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Phone_Home Type: String

372 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


workPhone Optional. No format enforced. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Phone_Work Type: String mobilePhone Optional. No format enforced. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Phone_Cell Type: String fax Optional. No format enforced. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Phone_Fax Type: String pager Optional. No format enforced. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.Phone_Pager Type: String webAddress Optional. Table and Column: SRM_CONTACTS.URL Type: String

Management Information Schema Tag

The Management Information tag is part schema mapping for the resources XOG object. It has the following attributes: category Optional. Defines the management category for this resource. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRCATEGORY Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 373


defautlAllocationPercentage Optional. Defines the default allocation percentage for this resource. Default: 100 Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.DEFAULTALLOCATION Type: Number trackMode Optional. Specifies the method in which this resource tracks time. Values: Clarity, None, and Other. Default: Clarity Time Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRTRACKMODE Type: Number openForTimeEntry Optional. Defines whether this resource is open for time entry. Values:

1. True 0. False

Default: 1 Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRISOPEN Type: Boolean primaryRoleId Optional. Indicates the role to which the resource belongs. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRPRIMARYROLEID Type: Number inputTypeCode Optional. Defines the default input type code for the resource. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRTYPECODEID Type: Number userText1 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERTEXT1 type: String

374 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


userText3 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERTEXT2 type: String userText3 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERTEXT3 type: String userText4 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERTEXT4 type: String userFlag1 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERFLAG1 Type: Boolean userFlag2 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERFLAG2 Type: Boolean userNumber1 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERNUMBER1 Type: Number userNumber1 Optional. A user-defined field. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRUSERNUMBER1 Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 375


Financial Information Schema Tag

The Financial Information schema tag is part schema mapping for the resource XOG object. It has the following attributes: FinancialCode Required. A unique primary key that is equal to the Resource ID. This field is not exposed in the schema. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.RESOURCE_CODE Type: String location Optional. The location association to the resource. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.LOCATIONID Type: String department Optional. The department association to the resource. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.DEPARTCODE Type: String resourceClass Required. The resource class association with the resource . Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.RESOURCE_CLASS Type: String transactionClass Required. The transaction class associated with the resource. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.TRANSCLASS Type: String vendorCode Optional. The vendor association with the resource. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.VENDOR_CODE Type: String

376 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Active Optional. Defines the resource's status. Values:

1. True 0. False

Default: 1 Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.ACTIVE Type: Boolean

Expenses Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the Resources XOG object. It has the following attributes: reimbursementCurrency Optional. The lookup value equal to the ISO standard code. This is the currency used to calculate reimbursements made to the resource. This code is not subject to multi-currency rules. This field is specific to the resource and can vary from the system settings. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.EX_CURRENCY_CODE Type: String employeeCountryCode Optional. The reimbursement country code. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.EX_COUNTRY_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 377


Rates and Costs Schema Tag

The rates and costs schema tag is part schema mapping for the resource XOG object. It has the following attributes: targetbillingRate Optional. Defines the target billing rate for this resource. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.TARGETBILLRATE Type: Float targetPercentageBillable Optional. Defines the billable percentage for this resource. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.TARGETPERCENTBILLABLE Type: Float

Custom Information Schema Tag (Resources XOG)

The custom information tag is part schema mapping for the resource XOG object. It describes custom-defined fields. It has the following attributes: Mentor Optional. Identifies the mentor associated with this resource. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_RESOURCES.XDM_RESOURCE_MENTOR Type: String WillingTravel Optional. Defines the resource's willingness to travel. Values:

1. True 0. False

Default: 0 Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_RESOURCES.XDM_WILLING_TRAVEL Type: Boolean ResourceIndustry Optional. Defines the industry related to this resource. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_RESOURCES.XDM_RESOURCE_INDUSTRY Type: String

378 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


ResourceGrade Optional. Defines the grade related to this resource. Values: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Table and Column: XDM_CDF_SRM_RESOURCES.XDM_RESOURCE_GRADE Type: String

OBS Associations Schema Tag (Resources XOG)

The OBS Associations tag is part of the schema mapping for the resources XOG object. It is not mapped to any table or column. This schema tag is a wrapper for the OBSAssoc element. This schema tag has the following attributes: completed Optional. When completed and this value is True, existing OBS associations not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False Table and Column: None Type: String OBSAssoc Element This element is associated with the following tables:


This element has the following attributes: id Required. Defines the OBS association ID. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String name Optional. Defines the OBS association name. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.PRJ_OBS_TYPES.NAME Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 379


unitPath Required. This is a slash-delimited list of unit names leading up to the unit to which the object is associated. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.PRJOBS_UNITS.NAME Type: String Example: CAN/BC/VAN

SkillAssocs Schema Tag (Resources XOG)

The SkillAssocs tag is part of the schema mapping for the resources XOG object and is a wrapper for the skillAssoc element. It is not mapped to any tables or columns. This schema tag has the following attributes: isComplete Optional. If true, this set of skills associations completely replaces any existing skills associated with the resource. Default: False Table and Column: None Type: Boolean SkillAssoc Element The skills associated with each resource.

skillAssoc Element
The skillAssoc element has the following attributes: skillCode Required. Defines the code for this skill. Table and Column: rsm_skills_associations.skill_id Type: String interestLevel Optional. Defines the resource's interest level in this skill. Table and Column: CMN_LOOKUPS Note: The lookup code from the cmn_lookups table is based on interest_level_id from the rsm_skills_associations table. Type: String

380 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


proficiencyLevel Optional. Defines the resource's proficiency level in this skill. Table and Column: CMN_LOOKUPS Note: The Lookup code from the cmn_lookups table is based on proficiency_level_id from the rsm_skills_associations table. Type: String weight Optional. Used when searching to produce a weighted average. Table and Column: rsm_skills_associations.weight Type: Number

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 381

Resource Class

Resource Class
Use the resource class XOG object to view inbound and outbound resource class instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

resourceclass_read.xml. Use this file to export resource class instances from CA Clarity. resourceclass_write.xml. Use this file to import resource class instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: resource_class Defines the resource class name. Resource_type Defines the resource class type. description Defines the description for the resource class. active Specifies whether the resource class is active.

Error Handling
The following error can be thrown:

Resource class or description is out of bound.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Resource Class

382 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Resource Class

Resource Class (resourceclass) Schema Tag

The resource class tag is part schema mapping for the resource class XOG object. It has the following attributes: id Required. Defines the unique resource ID. Table and Column: PAC_FOS_RESOURCE_CLASS .ID Type: String resource_class Required. Defines the unique resource class name. Table and Column: PAC_FOS_RESOURCE_CLASS.Resource_Class Type: String resource_type Required. Defines the resource type for the resource class. Values: Q, L, X, and M Table and Column: PAC_FOS_RESOURCE_CLASS.RESOURCE_TYPE Type: String description Required. Defines the description of the resource class. Table and Column: PAC_FOS_RESOURCE_CLASS.DESCRIPTION Type: String active Required. Defines the status of the resource class. Values: 0 and 1 Table and Column: PAC_FOS_RESOURCE_CLASS.ACTIVE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 383


Use the risk XOG object to view inbound and outbound risk attributes associated with projects.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

risk_read.xml. Use this file to export risk object instances from CA Clarity. risk_write.xml. Use this file to import risk object instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Before using this XOG, make sure referenced objects, such as projects, users, and categories, exist in CA Clarity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: projectCode Defines the code for the associated project. name Defines the name of the change request. riskCode Defines the risk of the change request. statusCode Defines the status of the change request. priorityCode Defines the priority of the change request. ownerCode Defines the name of the owner or assignee of the change request.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

384 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Assessor does not exist in the system. Approved By does not exist in the system. Project does not exist in the system. Category type is not valid. Status is not valid. Priority is not valid. Approach code is not valid. Owner does not exist in the system. Impact is not valid. Probability is not valid. Resolved By does not exist in the system. Task does not exist for the given project. Failed to import risk/issue/change request.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:


Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 385


Risk Schema Tag

This tag is part of the schema mapping for the risk XOG object, and includes mapping for:

associatedTasks associatedRisks associatedIssues residualRisks responseStrategies

It has the following attributes: name Required. Defines the risk name. Table and Column: NAME Type: String code Required. Defines the code for the risk. Column and Table: CODE Type: String description Defines the description of this risk. Table and Column: DESCRIPTION Type: String projectCode Defines the code for the associated project Table and Column: INV_INVESTMENTS.CODE Type: String categoryTypeCode Defines the category of this request. Table and Column: CATEGORY_TYPE_CODE Type: String ownerCode Defines the name of the owner or assignee of the change request. Column and Table:

386 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Type: String statusCode Risk status. Table and Column: STATUS_CODE Type: String priorityCode Defines the priority of the risk (lookup). Table and Column: PRIORITY_CODE Type: String assumptions Defines the assumptions for this risk. Table and Column: ASSUMPTIONS Type: String riskSymptoms Risk symptoms. Table and Column: RISK_SYMPTOMS Type: String impactDescription Description of the impact. Table and Column: IMPACT_DESCRIPTION Type: String approachCode Response type (lookup) Table and Column: APPROACH_CODE Type: String probabilityCode Defines the probability code. Table and Column: PROBABILITY_ENUM Type: number impactCode Impact of this risk (lookup). Table and Column: IMPACT_ENUM Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 387


impactDate Defines the impact date. Table and Column: IMPACT_DATE Type: date targetResolutionDate Targeted date of resolution of this risk. Table and Column: TARGET_RESOLUTION_DATE Type: Date resolvedDate Date the risk was resolved. Table and Column: RESOLVED_DATE Type: Date resolution Defines the description or how the risk was resolved. Table and Column: RESOLUTION Type: String resolvedBy Defines the name of the resource who resolved the risk. Table and Column: RESOLVED_BY Type: number

risk Element
The following attribute is part of the associatedRisks schema tag: code Required. Defines the code for the associated risk. Column and Table: CODE Type: String

issue Element
The following attribute is part of the associatedIssues schema tag: code Required. Defines the code for the associated issue. Column and Table: CODE

388 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Type: String

responseStrategy Element
The following attributes are part of the responseStrategies schema tag: description Description of this risk response strategy. Column and Table: DESCRIPTION Type: String assignedTo Defines the name of the resource assigned to this risk. Column and Table: ASSIGNED_TO Type: String resolveBy Targeted date of resolution of this risk. Column and Table: TARGET_RESOLUTION_DATE Type: Date

Use the role XOG object to view inbound and outbound role attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

roles_read.xml. Use this file to export role attributes from CA Clarity. roles_write.xml. Use this file to import role attributes that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 389


Business Rules and Processing

The roles schema is defined for both inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing. Important! Set up the following items correctly before importing resources: Financial Properties The financial properties that are associated with the role. Before you can import roles into the product, set up the following financial properties in the Financial Administration module. The required property values must be present; otherwise, the financial properties are not imported and an error is written to the Success and Error File. Transaction Class Required if the role is financially active. The transaction class that is associated with the role. The value in the XOG can be found in the TRANSCLASS table. Resource Class Required if the role is financially active. The resource class that is associated with the role. The value in the XOG can be found in the PAC_FOS_RESOURCE_CLASS table. Vendor Optional: The vendor that is associated with the role. This property is not required for the financial properties. If the vendor property value is missing, the role is added without a vendor property and a warning is posted to the Success and Error file.

Read Filters
The XOG allows or outbound processing of roles that are based on the following fields:

active. The possible values for this field are: Active and Inactive. resourceId. The resourceId corresponds to unique_name in SRM_RESOURCES.

Error Handling
If the parent role or the standard calendar does not exist, XOG displays an error message and does not import or update the record.

390 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Schema Mappings
The following tables and schema tags are mapped to roles:



This tag is part schema mapping for the role XOG object. It has the following attributes: category Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRCategory Type: String availability Required. This attribute is stored as a blob internally. It uses standard calendar for conversion. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.PRAvailCurve Type: Double

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 391



This tag is part schema mapping for the role XOG object. It has the following attributes: name Required. Must be unique. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Last_Name,Full_Name Type: String resourceId Required. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Unique_Name Type: String active Optional. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.Is_Active Type: Boolean


This tag is part schema mapping for the role XOG object. It has the following attribute: parentRole Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_RESOURCES.Branch_Role_Id The ID of the parent role is stored as the branch_role_id. Type: String

392 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Financial Information Schema Tag

The Financial Information schema tag is part schema mapping for the role XOG object. It has the following attributes: Active Required. Defines the status of the role. Values:

1. True 0. False

Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.ACTIVE Type: Boolean resourceClass Required. The resource class association with the role. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.RESOURCE_CLASS Type: String transactionClass Required. The transaction class associated with the role. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.TRANSCLASS Type: String vendorCode Optional. The vendor association with the role. Table and Column: PAC_MNT_RESOURCES.VENDOR_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 393


SkillAssocs Schema Tag

The SkillAssocs tag is part schema mapping for the role XOG object. This is a wrapper for the individual Skills Associations for a role. The SkillAssocs schema tag has the following attribute: isComplete Optional. If true, this set of skills associations completely replaces any existing skills associated with the role. Default: False Table and Column: None Type: Boolean SkillAssoc (Skills Association) Element This represents the skills associated with each role. skillCode Required. The code for the skill. Table and Column: rsm_skills_associations.skill_id Type: String interestLevel Optional. The role's interest level in this skill. Table: CMN_LOOKUPS The Lookup code from the cmn_lookups table is based on the interest_level_id from the rsm_skills_associations table. Type: String proficiencyLevel Optional. The role's proficiency level in this skill. Table: CMN_LOOKUPS The Lookup code from the cmn_lookups table is based on the proficiency_level_id from the rsm_skills_associations table. Type: String weight Optional. Used when searching to produce a weighted average. Table and Column: rsm_skills_associations.weight Type: Number

394 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the skill XOG object to view inbound and outbound skill object instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

rsm_skills_read.xml. Use this file to export skill object instances from CA Clarity. rsm_skills_write.xml. Use this file to import skill object instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used:

skillName isActive

Error Handling
A basic import failure error can be thrown.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag names are provided:


Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 395


Skill Schema Tag

The skill tag is part of the schema mapping for the skill XOG object. It has the following attributes: isActive Defines the status of the skill. Table and Column: IS_ACTIVE Type: Boolean description Defines the description of skill. Table and Column: DESCRIPTION Type: String skillCode Required. Defines the unique identifier for the skill. Table and Column: SKILL_CODE Type: String name Defines the skill name. Table and Column: SKILL_NAME Type: String

396 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Subproject (Program)

Subproject (Program)
Use the subproject (program) XOG object for inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing of subproject and program data. Subprojects are the links between master projects and the projects they contain.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

prj_programs_read.xml. Use this file to export programs from CA Clarity. prj_programs_write.xml. Use this file to import programs that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG:

When you import a subproject, data for the subproject is:

Updated (if it has already been imported). Created (if it has not already been imported).

The only field supported during an update is read-only. To change the content of other fields during an update, delete the existing sub-project and create a new one (all fields are refreshed, not just the read-only field). When you create a subproject, a proxy task is also created in the WBS of the master project that serves as a place holder for the sub-project. When you remove the subproject, the proxy is also removed. When you import a proxy task, the WBSSequence for all subsequent tasks is incremented by 1.

Read Filters
To allow for outbound processing of programs, the XOG adds the isProgram filter to projects. This filter performs the following actions. When:

isProgram is commented out, all appropriate programs and projects are exported. isProgram=1, programs only are exported. isProgram=0, projects only are exported.

Schema Mappings

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 397

Subproject (Program)

The prSubProject table contains information about subprojects. The data it contains is primarily linking information that specifies if the subproject is partial or complete. The link also specifies if the subproject is read-only. By definition, partial subprojects are read-only. The following schemas are described:

PRSubproject Schema Tag (Inbound and Outbound) (see page 398) PRSubproject Schema Tag (Inbound only) (see page 399)

PRSubproject Schema Tag (Inbound and Outbound)

This tag is part schema mapping for the PRSubp XOG object. It has the following attributes: projectID Required. The UNIQUE_NAME of the project that becomes the sub-project of the project when imported. Table and Column: PRSubproject.prRefProjectID Type: String TaskID Optional. The prExternalID of the task that represents the portion of the Work breakdown structure (WBS) that becomes the sub-project of the project. This can be defined at any level of the WBS. Table and Column: PRSubproject.prRefTaskID Type: String succeedingTaskID Optional. The prExternalID of the task that follows the sub-project in the WBS. If the sub-project is (or should be) the last item in the WBS, the value is not present. Table and Column: None Type: String ReadOnly Optional. This specifies if changes made to the master project are to be persisted when the master project is saved from Open Workbench or Microsoft Project. For partial sub-projects, this value is always False. Table and Column: PRSubproject.prReadOnly Type: Boolean

398 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Subproject (Program)

PRSubproject Schema Tag (Inbound only)

This tag is part schema mapping for the PRSubp XOG object. This tag is associated with the PRSubproject table. It has the following attributes: delete Optional. When this attribute is present on an inbound transaction, the sub-project link is deleted with the associated proxy. Table and Column: None Type: Boolean

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 399


Use the subscription XOG object to view inbound and outbound department subscription attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

subscription_read.xml. Use this file to export department subscription attributes from CA Clarity.

subscription_write.xml. Use this file to import department subscription attributes that were previously exported from CA Clarity entity, department and service must exist in CA Clarity.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: departmentId The code of the department for which the subscriptions should be read out.

Error Handling
The errors are thrown based on the following checks:

Required fields. Ensures all required fields have values. Entity. Checks if the entity is valid and exists. Department. Checks if the department is valid and exists. Service. Checks if the service is valid and exists.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Subscription (see page 401)

400 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Subscription Schema Tag

The subscription tag is part of the schema mapping for the subscription XOG object. This is a placeholder tag for multiple subscriptions.

Subscription element
There can be zero or more subscription elements each having an optional keymetrics element, Following are the attributes of a subscription element: sla_violations Defines the number of SLA violations. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.sla_violations Type: Integer sla_violations_th Defines the threshold for SLA violations. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.sla_violations_threshold Type: Integer incidents Defines the number of incidents. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.incidents Type: Integer incidents_threshold Defines the threshold for incidents. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.incidents_threshold Type: Integer change_orders Defines the number of change orders. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.change_orders Type: Integer charges Defines the total charges (from chargebacks) against the investment (service) for this subscription. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.charges

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 401


Type: Integer cust_satisfaction Defines the customer satisfaction rating for this subscription. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.customer_satisfaction Type: Integer total_users Defines the total number of users utilizing this subscription. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.total_users Type: Integer active_users Defines the number of active users utilizing this subscript. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.active_users Type: Integer page_hits Defines the page hits as captured for this subscription if applicable. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.page_hits Type: Integer entityId Required. Defines the entity to which the service belongs. Table and Column: This is a derived attribute. Type: String departmentId Required. Identifies the subscribing department. Table and Column: DPT_SUBSCRIPTIONS.department_id Type: String serviceId Required. Defines the identifier that makes it unique in combination with the table_name column. Table and Column: pk_id

402 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Type: String

keymetrics Tag
The keymetrics element consists of zero or more keymetric elements. This element contains an optional targetCurve and an actualCurve and may have zero or more CustomInformation elements. It has the following attributes: metrics_code Required. Code of the metric. Table and Column: DPT_KEYMETRICS.METRIC_CODE Type: String metrics_code Optional. Table and Column: DPT_KEYMETRICS.NAME Type: String

targetCurve and actualCurve Schema Tag

The curve elements contain segment objects which specify target metrics and actual metrics over a period of time.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 403

Time Period

Time Period
Use the time period (timesheet) XOG object to view inbound and outbound timesheet attributes. Timesheet information includes time periods and resources assigned to tasks. You can export the data to serve the purposes of system integration. For example, you might do this when you need the information to drive internal or external billing systems. You do not need to export all timesheets in a system nor do you need to export timesheets individually. Filtering options are therefore provided by the XOG to streamline the export requests.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

olts_timeperiods_read.xml. Use this file to export time period instances from CA Clarity.

Read Filters
The XOG processes outbound capacity planning schemas based on the following fields: isPublic 1 or 0 ownerID Valid user (CMN_SEC_USERS.ID) The XOG uses no implicit filters for timesheets (timesheets for non-labor resources are excluded). The explicit filters used are:

Start Date resourceID postedInTimePeriodStart

Schema Mappings
Mappings for the following schema tags are provided:

TimePeriod PRTimeSheet SRM_RESOURCES PRTimePeriod

404 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Time Period

PRTimeEntry PRChargeCode PRTypeCode PRJ_Projects PRTask PRAssignments NoteData

TimePeriod Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. It has the following attributes: start Required. Table and Column: PRTimePeriod.prStart Type: DateTime finish Required. Table and Column: PRTimePeriod.prFinish Type: DateTime openForTimeEntry Optional. Table and Column: PRTimePeriod.prIsOpen Type: Boolean postedTime Optional. Table and Column: PRTimePeriod.prPostedTime Type: DateTime

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 405

Time Period

PRTimeSheet Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. It has the following attributes: ID Required. This is an internally-generated unique identifier. Table and Column: PRTimeSheet.prID Type: Integer status Optional. Values: Unsubmitted, Submitted, Rejected, Approved, and Posted Table and Column: PRTimeSheet.prStatus Type: Integer submittedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRTimeSheet.prSubmittedBy Type: String approvedBy Optional. Table and Column: PRTimeSheet.prApprovedBy Type: String adjustedTimeSheetID Optional. This refers to the ID attribute of the timesheet that this timesheet is adjusted by, if any. Table and Column: PRTimeSheet.prAdjustedId Type: Integer

406 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Time Period


The SRM_RESOURCES tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. It has the following attributes: This tag uses the SRM_RESOURCES table where SRM_RESOURCES.ID = PRTimeSheet.prResourceID. resourceID Required. Table and Column: SRM_RESOURCES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String

PRTimePeriod Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. This tag uses the PRTimePeriod table where PRTimePeriod.ID = PRTimeSheet.prPostedPeriodID. It has the following attributes: postedInTimePeriodStart Optional. The time period in which the timesheet was posted. This may differ from the time period in which this attribute is found if the timesheet was approved late, as with an adjustment. Table and Column: PRTimePeriodprStart Type: dateTime

PRTimeEntry Schema Tag

The PRTimeEntry tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. This tag uses the PRTimeEntry table, 0 to many where PRTimeEntry.prTimeSheetID = PRTimeSheet.prID. It has the following attributes: totalActuals Optional. The total actuals in hours. Table and Column: PRTimeEntry.prActSum Type: float

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 407

Time Period

taskID Optional. For existing assignments: you can use projectID and taskID; or assignmentID. For new assignments: you must use projectID and internalTaskID. Table and Column: prTask.prExternalID Type: string projectID Optional. For existing assignments: you can use projectID and taskID; or assignmentID. For new assignments: you must use projectID and internalTaskID. Table and Column: srm_projects.unique_name Type: string internalTaskID Optional. For existing assignments: you can use projectID and taskID; or assignmentID. For new assignments: you must use projectID and internalTaskID. Table and Column: srm_projects.prTask.prID Type: Integer assignmentID Optional. You can achieve a timesheet entry without creating an assignment first, but you must specify the task by its internal numeric ID number, such as internalTaskID = "5000876". If an assignment exists, you can use taskID = "abc". Table and Column: prAssignment.prID Type: Integer actualDate Required. Zero to many records for each day during this time period for which this time entry has actuals. Table and Column: None Type: Date amount Optional. The data is entered as hours. This is the amount for the date only. Table and Column: prActCurve Type: Float

408 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Time Period

PRTypeCode Schema Tag

The PRTypeCode tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. This tag uses the PRTypeCode table where PRTimeEntry.prTypeCodeID = PRTypeCode.prID. It has the following attributes: typeCodeID Optional. Table and Column: PRTypeCode.prExternalID Type: String typeCodeName Optional. Table and Column: PRTypeCode.prName Type: String

PRChargeCode Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. It has the following attributes: This tag uses the PRChargeCode table where PRTimeEntry.prChargeCodeID = PRChargeCode.prID. ChargeCodeID Optional. Table and Column: PRChargeCode.prExternalID Type: String ChargeCodeName Optional. Table and Column: PRChargeCode.prName Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 409

Time Period

PRJ_Projects Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. The following is true regarding the attributes that follow this statement:
From PRJ_PROJECTS, where PRTimeEntry.prAssignmentID = PRAssignment.prID and PRAssignment.prTaskID = PRTask.prID and PRTask.prProjectID = PRJ_PROJECTS.prID.

When prAssignmentID is not set (as for indirect time entries), these fields are not included. projectID Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String projectName Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_PROJECTS.NAME Type: String

PRTask Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. The following is true regarding the attributes that follow this statement:

This tag uses the PRTask table where PRTimeEntry.prAssignmentID = PRAssignment.prID and PRAssignment.prTaskID = PRTask.prID). When prAssignmentID is not set (as for indirect time entries), these fields are not included.

This tag includes the following attributes: taskID Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prExternalID Type: String taskName Optional. Table and Column: PRTask.prName Type: String

410 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Time Period

PRAssignments Schema Tag

The PRAssignments tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. The following is true regarding the attributes that follow this statement:

This tag uses the PRAssignments table where PRTimeEntry.prAssignmentID = PRAssignment.prID. When prAssignmentID is not set (as for indirect time entries), these fields are not included.

This tag includes the following attributes: assignmentStart Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignments.prStart Type: dateTime assignmentFinish Optional. Table and Column: PRAssignments.prFinish Type: dateTime assignmentPendingEstimates Optional. The value is in hours. Table and Column: PRAssignments.prPendEstSum Type: Float assignmentEstimate Optional. The value is in hours. Table and Column: PRAssignments.prEstSum Type: Float assignmentEstimateForTimePeriod Optional. The value is in hours, where the total within this time period only Table and Column: PRAssignments.prEstCurve Type: Float

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 411

Time Period

NoteData Schema Tag

The NoteData tag is part schema mapping for the time period XOG object. This tag uses the PRNote, which is 0 to many, and where PRNote.prRecordID = PRTimeSheet.prID and PRNote.prTableName = 'PRTimeSheet. These values are contained in the TimeSheet Notes tag. category Optional. Defines the category for the timesheet note. Table and Column: NoteData.prCategory Type: String noteText Optional. Defines the text for the timesheet note. Table and Column: NoteData.prValue Type: String createdBy Optional. Defines the name of the resource who created the timesheet note. Table and Column: NoteData.prCreatedBy Type: String createdTime Optional. Defines the date the timesheet note was created. Table and Column: NoteData.prCreatedTime Type: dateTime

412 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Transaction Class

Transaction Class
Use the transaction class XOG object to view inbound and outbound transaction class instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

transactionclass_read.xml. Use this file to export transaction class instances from CA Clarity. transactionclass_write.xml. Use this file to import transaction class instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: transclass Defines the transaction class name. transtype Defines the transaction class type. description Defines the transaction class descriptions. shortdesc Defines the summary of the transaction class description.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Description or short description is out of bound.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Transaction Class (see page 414)

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 413

Transaction Class

Transaction Class (transactionclass) Schema Tag

The transaction class tag is part schema mapping for the transaction class XOG object. It has the following attributes: transactionclass Required. Defines the unique transaction class name. Table and Column: TRANSACTIONCLASS Type: String transactiontype Required. Defines the transaction type for the transaction class. Values: Q, L, X, and M Table and Column: RESOURCE_TYPE Type: String description Required. Defines the description of the transaction class. Table and Column: DESCRIPTION Type: String shortdesc Required. Defines the summary of the transaction class description. Table and Column: SHORTDESC Type: String

414 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Type Code

Type Code
Use the type code XOG object to view inbound and outbound type code object instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

prj_typecodes_read.xml. Use this file to export type codes from CA Clarity. prj_typecodes_write.xml. Use this file to import type codes that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filter is used:


Error Handling
A basic import failure error can be thrown.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Type Code

Type Code Schema Tag

The Type Code XOG is composed of the TypeCode element, which has the following attributes: Id Defines the unique identifier for the type code. Table and Column: prID Type: Integer

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 415

Type Code

typeCodeID Required. Defines the external unique identifier for the type code. Table and Column: prExternalID Type: String name Required. Defines the name of the type code. Table and Column: prName Type: String openForTimeEntry Defines whether the type code is open for timesheet use. Table and Column: prIsOpen Type: BOOLEAN isChargeable Defines whether the type code is chargeable in financial systems. Table and Column: IS_CHARGEABLE Type: BOOLEAN

416 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

UI Themes

UI Themes
Use the UI Themes XOG object for outbound (read) and inbound (write) processing.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following files are included.

cmn_ui_themes_read.xml. Use this file to export UI themes. cmn_ui_themes_write.xml. Use this file to import UI themes that were previously exported.


Business Rules and Processing

The last UI theme that is imported with an attribute value of default=true is the default UI theme for the system.

Read Filters
The following explicit read filter is used: uiThemeID Defines the unique UI theme ID that must be read out.

Schema Mappings
The following schema mappings are described:

UI Theme (see page 418) NLS (see page 418) CSS (see page 419)

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 417

UI Themes

UITheme Schema Tag

The UITheme schema tag is part of schema mapping for the UI Theme XOG object. The schema tag has the following attributes: id Required. Defines the unique ID of the UI theme. Table and Column: CMN_UI_THEMES.CODE Type: String active Required. Defines whether the UI theme is active. Table and Column: CMN_UI_THEMES.IS_ACTIVE Type: String Default: True default Optional. Defines whether the UI theme is the default UI theme. Table and Column: CMN_UI_THEMES.IS_DEFAULT Type: String Default: False

NLS Schema Tag

The UITheme tag is part of schema mapping for the UI Theme XOG object. It has the following attributes Name Required. Defines the name of the UI theme. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.NAME Type: NlsType Description Required. Provides a description of the UI theme. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.DESCRIPTION Type: NlsType

418 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

UI Themes

CSS Schema Tag

This required schema tag defines the CSS code of the UI theme. The content of this element should always be enclosed in a CDATA section so that CSS code is not part of the markup of this schema.

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 419


Use the user XOG object to view inbound and outbound user object instance attributes.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

cmn_users_read.xml. Use this file to export users from CA Clarity PPM. cmn_users_write.xml. Use this file to import users that were previously exported from CA Clarity PPM.

Business Rules and Processing

Users are defined for both inbound (write) and outbound (read) processing. Password and Password_Confirm, used to validate the user, are not exposed but are populated with default values (2000). When a user first logs in, they are prompted to reset this default password. Resource A labor resource is automatically created for every user imported through XOG. Company ID A browse field used to associate a user to a company is run against SRM_COMPANIES. If the company does not exist, the user is posted without a company and a warning message is posted to the Success and Error file. If the company_id exists, the field is populated with that value. Lookup values The schema requires lookup codes that are validated against CMN_LOOKUPS. User type If not provided, this is defaulted to internal. There is no admin type. OBS association With the new OBS Security, a Security OBS is required and any OBS can be associated with a user. To accommodate this, there is an OBS Associations portlet. The OBS association fields can be used for import and export.

Read Filters
This XOG allows for outbound (read) processing of users based on the following two fields: User Status and User Type. And and Or processing is supported between these two fields and for processing within Type. The following combinations are supported:

420 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


User Status = x
where x = Active, Inactive, or LOCK

User Type = x
where x = Internal, External

User Status = x AND User Type = y

where x = Active, Inactive, or LOCK where y = one of many User Types

Error Handling
If an error occurs for a user transaction, the following information is written to the Success and Error file:

externalId ExternalSource

Schema Mappings
The following schema mappings are described:

Personal Information (CMN_SENC_USERS) OBS Associations (OBSAssocs) Group Assignments Global Access Right Assignments (GlobalRights) Instance Access Right Assignments (InstanceRights) Instance OBS Access Right Assignments (InstanceOBSRights) Instance Object (InstanceObject) Language Support (nls)

Personal Information (CMN_SENC_USERS) Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. It has the following attributes: firstName Required. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.First Name Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 421


lastName Required. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.Last Name Type: String userName Required. A unique primary key. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.User_Name Type: String userType Optional. Values: Internal and External Default: Internal Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.User_Type_Id Type: String userStatus Required. Values: Active, Inactive, and LOCK Default: Active Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.User_Status_ID Type: String emailAddress Required. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.Email Address Type: String userLocale Optional. The Java Locale format, for example, en_US. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.locale Type: String userTimezone Optional. The Java TimeZone format, for example, Europe/London, PST. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.timezone Type: String

422 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


userLanguage Required. Defines the language displayed when the user first logs in. Values: English, German, Spanish, and French Default: English Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.Language Type: String resource Optional. A browse field with a one-to-one relationship between users and resources. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.Resource Type: String companyId Optional. This is a browse field. The company association with the user. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.Company_ID Type: String externalSource Required by the schema. It is a lookup value that is the originating system ID (for example, Oracle). Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.External_Source_ID Type: String (in schema) and Number (in the application) externalId Required by the XML schema. The originating unique identifier. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_USERS.External_ID Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 423


OBS Associations (OBSAssocs) Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. This is a wrapper for the OBSAssoc element. It is not mapped to any table. The OBS Associations schema tag has the following attribute: completed Optional. When completed and this value is True, the existing OBS associations not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False Table and Column: None Type: String

OBS Association (OBSAssoc) Element

This element is mapped to the following tables:


id Required. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.UNIQUE_NAME Type: String name Optional. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.PRJ_OBS_TYPES.NAME Type: String unitPath Required. This is a slash-delimited list of unit names leading up to the unit to which the object is associated. Table and Column: PRJ_OBS_TYPES.PRJ_OBS_UNITS.NAME Type: String Example: CAN/BC/VAN

424 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Group Assignments Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. It is a wrapper for the Group elements. The Group Assignments schema tag is not mapped to any table. It has the following attribute: completed Optional. If completed and set to True, any existing Group assignments that are not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False Table and Column: none Type: String

Group Assignment (Group Assignments) Element

This is a wrapper element for the Group elements. There can be many Group elements. It has the following attribute: id Required. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_GROUPS.GROUP_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 425


Global Access Right Assignments (GlobalRights) Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. It is a wrapper element for the Right elements. There can be many Right elements. The Global Access Right Assignments schema tag is not mapped to any table. It has the following attribute: completed Optional. If completed and set to True, then existing Right assignments not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False Table and Column: None Type: String

Right Assignment (Right) Element

id Required. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_GROUPS.GROUP_CODE Type: String

426 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Instance Access Right Assignments (InstanceRights) Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. It is a wrapper element for the Right elements. There can be many Right elements. The Instance Access Right Assignments schema tag is not mapped to any table. It has the following attribute: completed Optional. If completed and set to True, any existing Right assignments not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False Table and Column: None Type: String

Right Assignment (Right) Element

id Required. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_GROUPS.GROUP_CODE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 427


Instance OBS Access Right Assignments (InstanceOBSRights) Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. It is a wrapper element for the Right elements. There can be many Right elements. The Instance OBS Access Right Assignments schema tag is not mapped to any table. It has the following attribute: completed Optional. If completed and set to True, any existing Right assignments not listed in the import are deleted. Default: False Table and Column: None Type: String

Right Assignment (Right) Element

id Required. Table and Column: CMN_SEC_GROUPS.GROUP_CODE Type: String

428 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Instance Object (InstanceObject) Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. It has the following attributes that are mapped to any of the following tables, unless otherwise noted:


id Required. The unique code from one of the listed tables. Type: String name Optional. The name from one of the listed tables. Type: String type Required. The key to determine which table is mapped. This is not mapped to any table. Type: String

Language Support (nls) Schema Tag

This tag is part schema mapping for the user XOG object. It has the following attributes: name Optional. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.NAME Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 429


description Optional. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.DESCRIPTION Type: String languageCode Optional. Table and Column: CMN_CAPTIONS_NLS.LANGUAGE_CODE Type: String

430 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Use the Vendor XOG object to view inbound and outbound vendor instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

vendor_read.xml. Use this file to export Vendor instances from CA Clarity. vendor_write.xml. Use this file to import Vendor instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: code Defines the unique vendor code. name Defines the name of the vendor. status Defines the status of the vendor.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Could not xog-in item because size of some attributes [description] is not within valid range.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

Vendor (see page 432)

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 431


Vendor Schema Tag

The Vendor tag is part schema mapping for the Vendor XOG object. It has the following attributes: code Required. Defines the unique vendor code. Table and Column: VENDOR_CODE Type: String name Required. Defines the name of the vendor. Table and Column: ADDRESS_NAME Type: String affiliation Optional. Table and Column: AFFILIATED_VEND_CODE Type: String status Required. Defines the status of the vendor. Valid Values: Active, Inactive, and No New Business Table and Column: STATUS_TYPE Type: String address1 Optional. Table and Column: ADDR1 Type: String address2 Optional. Table and Column: ADDR2 Type: String address3 Optional. Table and Column: ADDR3 Type: String

432 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


address4 Optional. Table and Column: ADDR4 Type: String address5 Optional. Table and Column: ADDR5 Type: String address6 Optional. Table and Column: ADDR6 Type: String attentionName Optional. Table and Column: ATTENTION_NAME Type: String attentionPhone Optional. Table and Column: ATTENTION_PHONE Type: String contactName Optional. Table and Column: CONTACT_NAME Type: String contactPhone Optional. Table and Column: CONTACT_PHONE Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 433

WIP Class

WIP Class
Use the WIP class XOG object to view inbound and outbound WIP class instances.

Schema Name

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

wipClass_read.xml. Use this file to export WIP class instances from CA Clarity. wipClass_write.xml. Use this file to import WIP class instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Read Filters
The following explicit read filters are used: wipclass Defines the WIP class name. description Defines the description for the WIP class. shortdesc Defines the short description for the WIP class.

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Wipclass or description or short description is out of bound.

Schema Mapping
Mappings for the following schema tag name is provided:

WIP Class (see page 435)

434 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

WIP Class

WIP Class (wipclass) Schema Tag

The WIP class tag is part schema mapping for the WIP class XOG object. It has the following attributes: wipclass Required. Defines the unique WIP class name. Table and Column: WIPCLASS Type: String description Required. Defines the description of the WIP class. Table and Column: DESCRIPTION Type: String shortdesc Required. Defines the summary of the WIP class description. Table and Column: SHORTDESC Type: String

Appendix A: XOG Object Reference 435

Appendix B: Content Object Reference

This section contains the following topics: About Content Objects (see page 437) Business Alignment (see page 438) Corporate Objectives (see page 440) Documents (see page 442) Status Updates (see page 444)

About Content Objects

CA Clarity provides a collection of portlets, reports, queries, and pages designed to enhance project portfolio management. This content is available out of the box with CA Clarity. The content includes a set of sample data designed for test environments. This appendix provides information on the objects for the content included with CA Clarity. See the Project Management User Guide for more information.

Appendix B: Content Object Reference 437

Business Alignment

Business Alignment
Use the CustomObjectInstances base XOG object to view inbound and outbound Business Alignment instances. Business Alignment instances are created for existing projects and proposals. The CustomObjectInstances service is an entry point to enable XOG communication with instances of custom objects. Instances represent data held within custom objects, not the definition of the objects.

Schema Name
The following schema files are part of this XOG object:

A CustomObjectInstances read request requires the namespace nikuxog_read.xsd and then the <CustomObjectInstanceQuery> element. The write CustomObjectInstances request services are defined by the nikuxog_customObjectInstance.xsd schema.

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

custom_object_instances_read.xml. Use this file to export business alignment instances from CA Clarity. custom_object_instances_write.xml. Use this file to import business alignment instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The referred instances should exist in CA Clarity before using this XOG.

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

Project or proposal parent instance must exist. Existing business alignment instances are not deleted.

Read Filters
The CustomObjectInstanceQuery element allows you to filter on instances of one or more custom objects using the following filter attributes: objectCode Refers to the custom object ID as defined in Studio. instanceCode Refers to the custom object instance ID as defined in Studio.

438 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Business Alignment

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Project does not exist in the system - Invalid parent object instance project code for object project while importing instance instance code for object cbi_biz_alignment. Invalid Lookup value

Appendix B: Content Object Reference 439

Corporate Objectives

Corporate Objectives
Use the CustomObjectInstances base XOG object to view inbound and outbound Corporate Objectives instances. The CustomObjectInstances service is an entry point to enable XOG communication with instances of custom objects. Instances represent data held within custom objects, not the definition of the objects.

Schema Name
The following schema files are part of this XOG object:

A CustomObjectInstances read request requires the namespace nikuxog_read.xsd and then the <CustomObjectInstanceQuery> element. The write CustomObjectInstances request services are defined by the nikuxog_customObjectInstance.xsd schema.

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

custom_object_instances_read.xml. Use this file to export corporate objectives instances from CA Clarity. custom_object_instances_write.xml. Use this file to import corporate objectives instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.


Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

Existing corporate objectives instances are not deleted.

Read Filters
The CustomObjectInstanceQuery element allows you to filter on instances of one or more custom objects using the following filter attributes: objectCode

Refers to the custom object ID as defined in Studio. The object id is cbi_corp_objectives.

instanceCode Refers to the custom object instance ID as defined in Studio.

440 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Corporate Objectives

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Invalid Lookup value

Appendix B: Content Object Reference 441


Use the CustomObjectInstances base XOG object to view inbound and outbound documents instances. Documents instances are created for existing projects and proposals. The CustomObjectInstances service is an entry point to enable XOG communication with instances of custom objects. Instances represent data held within custom objects, not the definition of the objects.

Schema Name
The following schema files are part of this XOG object:

A CustomObjectInstances read request requires the namespace nikuxog_read.xsd and then the <CustomObjectInstanceQuery> element. The write CustomObjectInstances request services are defined by the nikuxog_customObjectInstance.xsd schema.

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

custom_object_instances_read.xml. Use this file to export documents instances from CA Clarity. custom_object_instances_write.xml. Use this file to import documents instances previously exported from CA Clarity.

The referred instances should exist in CA Clarity before using this XOG.

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

Project or proposal parent instance must exist. Existing document instances are not deleted.

Read Filters
The CustomObjectInstanceQuery element allows you to filter on instances of one or more custom objects using the following filter attributes: objectCode Refers to the custom object ID as defined in Studio. instanceCode Refers to the custom object instance ID as defined in Studio.

442 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide


Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Project does not exist in the system - Invalid parent object instance project code for object project while importing instance instance code for object cbi_documents. Invalid Lookup value

Appendix B: Content Object Reference 443

Status Updates

Status Updates
Use the CustomObjectInstances base XOG object to view inbound and outbound Status Update instances. Status Updates instances are created for existing projects and proposals. The CustomObjectInstances service is an entry point to enable XOG communication with instances of custom objects. Instances represent data held within custom objects, not the definition of the objects.

Schema Name
The following schema files are part of this XOG object:

A CustomObjectInstances read request requires the namespace nikuxog_read.xsd and then the <CustomObjectInstanceQuery> element. The write CustomObjectInstances request services are defined by the nikuxog_customObjectInstance.xsd schema.

Read and Write XML Files

The following XML files are included:

custom_object_instances_read.xml. Use this file to export status updates instances from CA Clarity. custom_object_instances_write.xml Use this file to import status updates instances that were previously exported from CA Clarity.

The referred instances should exist in CA Clarity before using this XOG.

Business Rules and Processing

The following business rules and processing apply to this XOG object:

Project or proposal parent instance must exist. Existing status updates instances are not deleted.

Read Filters
The CustomObjectInstanceQuery element allows you to filter on instances of one or more custom objects using the following filter attributes: objectCode Refers to the custom object ID as defined in Studio. instanceCode Refers to the custom object instance ID as defined in Studio.

444 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Status Updates

Error Handling
The following errors can be thrown:

Project does not exist in the system - Invalid parent object instance project code for object project while importing instance instance code for object cbi_status_report. Invalid Lookup value

Appendix B: Content Object Reference 445

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference

This section contains the following topics: Tag Libraries (see page 447) GEL Tag Library (see page 447) Core Tag Library (see page 468) SOAP Tag Library (see page 475)

Tag Libraries
Every GEL tag is associated with one of the following tag libraries:

GEL Tag Library This is a collection of general-purpose, frequently used tags for XML manipulation, variable and expression handling, logging, and this product's database JDBC datasource.

Core Tag Library The Core tag library contains basic scripting tags.

SOAP Tag Library This library defines tags that invoke SOAP-based web services and stores the results in GEL variables for subsequent processing.

GEL Tag Library

To use the GEL tag library, include the following namespace declaration in your script.
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary">

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 447

GEL Tag Library

gel:script - Defining GEL Scripts

This is the root element for all GEL scripts. This element is the core:jelly: escapeText Values:

true. The tag body is escaped (interpreted as text). false. The body is interpreted as XML.

Default: true Type: Boolean trim Values:

true. The white space inside this tag is trimmed. false. The white space is not trimmed.

Default: true Type: Boolean

448 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

gel:parse - Parsing XML

Use gel:parse to generate an XML document in memory from a file, InputStream (obtained with ftp:get tag), or GEL script content. Using other get tags, you can:

Save the output. Generate an XML document from an InputStream. Generate an XML document from GEL script content.

This tag has the following attributes: file Optional. The file to read. Specify the input path and file name or the InputStream from the ftp:get tag. If this attribute is not set, the content of this tag is used. Type: File or InputStream var Required. The name of the variable that contains the XML document to be generated. Type: String Example 1
<gel:script xmlns:gel=jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary> <gel:parse var=xmldoc file=e:\temp\BB1.xml/>

Example 2
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:parse var="xmldoc"> <groups> <group code="CTU">CTU Team</group> <group code="DS23">SWAT Team</group> </groups> </gel:parse> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 449

GEL Tag Library

gel:set - Setting XML Document Values

Once you use gel:parse or soap:invoke and have an XML node or document, you can use gel:set to retrieve certain element content or attributes and set the value to a variable. You can also use gel:set to change content (including text and attributes) or add an element with its full structure as a child into another element. Example
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <!-- point A --> <gel:parse var="groups"> <groups> <group code="DS23">SWAT Team</group> </groups> </gel:parse> <!-- point B --> <gel:set select="$groups/groups/group" var="groupNode"/> <!-- point C --> <gel:set select="$groupNode/@code" var="code" asString="true"/> <!-- point D --> <gel:set value="${groupNode}" select="$groups/groups" insert="true"/> <!-- point E --> <gel:set value="CTU Team" select="$groupNode/text()"/> <!-- point F --> <gel:set value="CTU" select="$groupNode/@code"/> <!-- point G --> <gel:set select="$groups/groups" var="x" asString="true"/> <gel:out>${x}</gel:out> </gel:script>

The GEL context contains these values:

Point A. An XML document, referred by groups, with the specified content. The root element is <groups> and has one <group> sub-element. Point B. The document groups is not changed. An XML node, groupNode, is the first <group> element in the document groups. Point C. A variable code is created with the content of the code attribute from the node groupNode (that is, DS23).

450 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

Point D. A new XML node with the content specified in the groupNode node is added to the <groups> element of groups. the groups now refers to an XML document whose root element is <groups> that has two sub-elements with the same content. The groupNode still refers to the first <group> element. Example: Groups is the whole XML document, and groupNode is the element:
<groups> <group code="DS23">SWAT Team</group> <group code="DS23">SWAT Team</group> </groups>

Point E. The text content of groupNode is changed to CTU Team because groupNode is an element within groups. Document is also changed. Point F. The code attribute of groupNode is changed to CTU. Point G. The entire XML structure is captured as text to the variable x.

When you print the document referred by groups, you will see:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <groups> <group code="CTU">CTU Team</group> <group code="DS23">SWAT Team</group> </groups>

Retrieve XML Document Values

Use the attributes var and select to retrieve values from an XML document. If the select refers to a non-existing path, no value setting is performed (that is, if var refers to a variable that is not set in another place, it will be null). To retrieve the text content of a node
<set var="" select="$doc//node_name/text()" asString="true"/>.

To retrieve a certain attribute

<set var="" select="$doc//node_name/@attribute_name" asString="true"/>

To retrieve a node, including its sub-nodes

<set var="" select="$doc//node_name"/>.

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 451

GEL Tag Library

Modify XML Document Values

Use the attributes var and select together to set values in an XML document. The select attribute must refer an existing path. If select = "$doc/group" and there is not an element called group in the document or node referred by doc, an exception will be thrown. If select="$doc/group/text()" and the <_group> element does not contain text content, an exception will be thrown. If the node does not have text content, to set the text content of a node
<set value="" select="$doc//node_name"/> -or<set value="" select="$doc//node_name/text()"/>

If you reverse the previous two examples, you will get an exception (because a node does not have any child text but you referred to it with text()), or the item you tried to set will be appended to the previous text content. If you are not sure if the node for which you want to set text content has text content already, it is best to retrieve its text value first and then use core:if to check if it exists before proceeding. To set the attribute value of node
<set value="" select="$doc//node_name/@attribute_name"/>.

To set a node into another document

<set value="${node_var}" select="$doc//node_name"/>

You can use attribute insert if you are adding a node to a path or to have this node replace whatever is referred to by the path. The following describes the gel:set: var Either var or value is required. The variable to export for the item being iterated over. The variable can be a string, a number, etc. Type: String value Either var or value is required. If the value is a node, it is inserted into the position specified by select; otherwise the string value is set as the text content or attribute specified by select. Type: Object select Required. The XPath expression to use to retrieve a value.

452 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

Type: org.jaxen.XPath asString Optional. If set to "true", the value specified by select is converted to a string and saved into the variable referred to by var. If set to "false", the node specified by select is set to the variable referred by var. Default: false. this is ignored when var is not set. Type: Boolean insert Optional. If set to "true", the node referred to by value is inserted as a child node to the node specified by select. If set to "false", the node referred to by value is used to replace the node specified by select. Default: false. This is ignored when value is not set, or set but not with a node value. Type: Boolean

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 453

GEL Tag Library

gel:expr - Evaluating Expressions

Use this tag to evaluate an expression as text. Most often the expression resolves to an XML element as illustrated in the following examples. Example 1
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:parse var="group"> <group code="CTU">CTU Team</group> </gel:parse> <core:comment> The code is <gel:expr select="$group//@code"/> </core:comment> </gel:script>

Example 2 The previous example is equivalent to the following gel:set example:

<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:parse var="group"> <group code="CTU">CTU Team</group> </gel:parse> <gel:set var="code" select="$group//@code" asString="true"/> <core:comment> The code is ${code} </core:comment> </gel:script>

The following describes gel:expr select Required. The XPath expression to retrieve the value. Type: XPath

454 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

gel:parameter - Defining Parameters

Use this tag to define parameters that can be used in a GEL script. Example
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:parameter var="hostname" default=""/> <gel:parameter var="username" default="admin"/> <gel:parameter var="password" default="niku2000" secure="true"/> <gel:out>Host = ${hostname}</gel:out> <gel:out>User = ${username}</gel:out> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 455

GEL Tag Library

Use gel:parameter Instead of core:set

When a GEL script is executed from the console, there is no difference between using gel:parameter and core:set. When gel:parameter is executed as a process, all parameters that were defined using the <gel:parameter> tag appear with input boxes on the action definition page. You can enter a value for a parameter to override the default value in the script. You should use gel:parameter for values that may be changed by process administrators (such as URL, hostname, username, etc.). Also use this for values which should be kept discrete, like passwords. You can only define one parameter name at a time. For example, if you use logic such as "if a certain condition, log in as userA, otherwise userB," instead of defining "username" in two places, use this parameter to log in, define two properties "usernameA" and "usernameB", and then use the <core:set> tag to pick one of those two properties to set into a variable in the "if" block. A parameter can be used later just like other variables (that is, ${var}). The following describes gel:parameter: var Required. The parameter name. Type: String default Optional. The parameter default value. Provide this value if you want the script to be executable from the console (even if this parameter is not secure). Type: Object secure Required. Set this attribute to "true" if the parameter content should not be shown in plain text to process administrators. Default: false Type: Boolean

456 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

gel:getDocument - Requesting XML Documents

A process can be invoked in the following ways:

Manually Invoked by a job scheduler Invoked by a request on the web service around the process engine.

When a process is invoked as a web service, the request is an XML document. You can use this tag to get that document, find what needs to be done, and then perform actions accordingly. If an XML document is set using the gel:setDocument tag in one step of a process, you can use this tag to retrieve the document a later step of the same process. var Required. The name of an XML document variable which was set in the previous step of the same process. If this step is the first step, this variable is the body of the SOAP request that is sent to the process engine web service. Type: String

gel:setDocument - Passing XML Documents

Use this tag to pass an XML document that was generated in one step of a process to the next step. This allows you to write the processing logic in separate steps. For example, you can invoke one web service, save the response in a step, then retrieve it and use it to invoke XOG in another step. var Required. The name of an XML document variable which is to be passed to the next step in the same process. Type: String

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 457

GEL Tag Library

gel:persist - Persisting Variables

When you set a variable in a GEL script, you can only use it when executing that script. Sometimes when the GEL script is executed in a process engine, you need to share a value in other scopes such as:

Globally among all process GEL scripts, Only with GEL scripts in a certain process within all process executions (such as a single variable that stores the time a Remedy Clarity Incident Sync process was most recently launched), Only with GEL scripts in different steps of a process during one process execution, Use <gel:persist> to achieve variable value sharing. Once a value is persisted, you can use it directly in proper scripts without defining any special tags. For example, after <gel:persist var="hostname" value="localhost" scope="INSTANCE"/> is processed, you can refer to ${hostname} directly in any GEL script of this process during this process execution.

You can access a persisted value with a PROCESS scope using scripts from that process (even if the process, its steps, and GEL scripts change). If a process is deleted and then recreated, it is considered to be a new process and all values persisted before with PROCESS scope are not available to the new process (even if the new process has the same process name, code, or steps as the deleted one). var Required. The variable to be persisted. Type: String value Optional. The value of the variable. It has to be a string (formatted date strings are acceptable). When this attribute is not set, the tag content is used as the value to be persisted. If the value being persisted contains special characters, such as a new line, do not use this attribute, use the text content instead. Maximum Length: 4000 characters. Longer strings are truncated. Type: String scope Required. Specifies the scope of the variable. Values:

GLOBAL. Set once, use it anywhere. PROCESS. Set once, use it anywhere in the same process. INSTANCE. Set once, use it anywhere in the same process during the current execution.

Type: String

458 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

Example The following example persists the Clarity built-in variables gel_objectInstanceId and gel_processInstanceId throughout this process instance as myObjectId and myProcessId.
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:persist var="myObjectId" value="${gel_objectInstanceId}" scope="INSTANCE"/> <gel:persist var="myProcessId value="${gel_processInstanceId}" scope="INSTANCE"/> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 459

GEL Tag Library

gel:notify - Sending Notifications

Use this tag to send email. The email content is the text content of this tag, followed by process messages logged thus far during the current process. Email server information is derived from the properties.xml file of the installation. from Required. The sender's email address. Type: String fromName Optional. The name of the sender. Type: String to Required. The recipients' email addresses (delimited by commas, semicolons, or spaces). Type: String subject The email subject. Type: String level Optional. Set this to:

WARNING to have the email sent only if there are warning or error messages. ERROR to have email sent only if there are error messages. Only error messages are included in the message.

If this attribute is not specified, email is sent no matter how many log messages are retrieved. All process messages logged thus far are included. Type: String Example This example sends a notification if an error had been logged with <gel:log>.
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:notify from="[email protected]" fromName="Clarity Admin" to="user@somedomain " subject="There was a process error" level="ERROR">

460 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

A process error was received. </gel:notify> </gel:script>

gel:email - Sending Email Messages

Use this tag to send an email. The email content is the text content of this tag. Email server information is derived from the properties.xml of the installation. from Required. The sender's email address. Type: String fromName Optional. The sender's name. Type: String to Required. The recipients' email addresses (delimited by commas, semicolons, or spaces). Type: String subject Required. The email subject. Type: String Example This example sends a simple email:
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:email from="[email protected]" fromName="Clarity Admin" to="user@somedomain " subject="Simple email"> Hello World. </gel:email> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 461

GEL Tag Library

gel:formatDate - Formatting Time Strings

This tag provides a formatted time string which one can used as a part of a file name, appended to a comment line, or inserted into a database. The following example:
<gel:out>Hello World! Now it is <gel:formatDate format=" h 'o''clock' a, zzzz, d MMM yyyy"/>.</gel:out>

generates the following output:

Hello World! Now it is 4 o'clock PM, Pacific Standard Time, 24 Mar 2005.

This tag has the following attributes: format Optional. Specifies how time displays in java.text.SimpleDateFormat format. Note: Go to Default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Type: String stringVar Optional. This variable refers a formatted date string. If this attribute is not set, the formatted string is used in the content of this tag's parent element. Type: String dateVar Optional. The variable, of type java.util.Date, referred to by this name is formatted as a string. If this attribute is not set, the current time is used. Type: String Example 1 This example formats the current date and time into the format the XOG requires for investment start/finish dates.
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:out> <gel:formatDate format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"/> </gel:out> </gel:script>

Example 2

462 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

This example formats the specified date and time into the format the XOG requires for investment start/finish dates. Notice the use of the Java class java.util.Date and the <core:new>, <core:invoke> and <core:arg> tags.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <core:new className="java.util.Date" var="date"/> <core:invoke on="${date}" method="parse"> <core:arg value="2009/03/27"/> </core:invoke> <gel:out> <gel:formatDate format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" dateVar="date"/> </gel:out> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 463

GEL Tag Library

gel:parseDate - Parsing Time Strings

This tag takes a formatted string, then generates a date instance. This tag uses the following attributes: format Optional. Indicates how the string is formatted in java.text.SimpleDateFormat format. Note: Go to Default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Type: String stringVar Optional. This variable refers to the string to be parsed. If the string does not have the format specified by the format attribute, a parsing exception is thrown. If this attribute is not set, the text content of this tag is used as the string. Type: String dateVar Required. The parsed date is stored as a java.util.Date and referred to by this variable name. Type: String Example This example parses a date from a string, then formats that date using <gel:formatDate>.
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:parseDate dateVar="date" format="yyyy-MM-dd">2009-03-27</gel:parseDate> <gel:out> My date was: <gel:formatDate format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" dateVar="date"/> </gel:out> </gel:script>

464 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

gel:setDataSource - Specifying Data Sources

Use this tag to identify the CA Clarity PPM database.
<gel:setDataSource dbId="niku"/>

When you access the CA Clarity PPM database, you only need to know its database ID (that is, you do not need to provide other access information such as username). This tag uses the following attribute: dbId Required. The database ID. Type: String

gel:nsqlQuery - Executing NSQL Queries

This tag allows you execute an existing NSQL query, or define a new ad-hoc query on the fly to retrieve data from the database, storing the results to the specified variable. Examples
<gel:setDataSource dbId="niku" var="dataSource"/> <gel:nsqlQuery queryId="usercountbylicensetype" var="resultSet"> <gel:nsqlParameter name="license_wildcard" value="*"/> </gel:nsqlQuery> <core:forEach items="${resultSet}" var="row"> <gel:out>Row Contents: '${row}'.</gel:out> </core:forEach> <gel:nsqlQuery var="resultSet"> <![CDATA[ SELECT @SELECT:U.USER_NAME:USER_NAME@, @SELECT:U.ID:USER_ID@ FROM CMN_SEC_USERS U WHERE @FILTER@ ]]> <gel:nsqlParameter name="user_name_wildcard" value="admin*"/> </gel:nsqlQuery> <core:forEach items="${resultSet}" var="row"> <gel:out>Row Contents: '${row}'.</gel:out> </core:forEach>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 465

GEL Tag Library

gel:log - Logging Messages

Use this tag to insert status messages into the process engine log table.
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <gel:log level="warn" category="Employee Data" message="No record returned."/> </gel:script>

This tag logs messages as a process message in the BPM_ERRORS table when this script runs as a custom step in a process. If the process is running from the console, the message is inserted into the standard log file. message Optional. The messaged to log. The message can be set as a value attribute or as the content of this tag. Type: String category Optional. Use this to distinguish logs. It can be concatenated from business data type, file name, developer ID, etc. Type: String level Optional. This is the warning level. Choose from the following:


This attribute is not case sensitive. For example, WARN, warn, and Warn are the same. A process message has only three levels: INFO, WARNING, and ERROR, while a logger message in the log file can have all levels. When a message is logged as a process message, DEBUG and INFO messages are logged as INFO messages, WARN messages are logged as WARNING messages, and ERROR and FATAL messages are logged as ERROR messages. Default: INFO Type: Level var

466 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

GEL Tag Library

Optional. A variable name into which the log message should be stored. Use this when you want to save log messages for other purposes such as sending emails. If the variable is:

Not set. A StringBuffer is created for storing the message; it can later be referred to using this variable name. Already a StringBuffer. The StringBuffer will be appended to the log message. A string. A StringBuffer is created for storing the string referred to by this variable followed by the log message; it can later be referred to using this variable name.

Type: String

gel:out - Printing to the Console

This tag prints the content of this tag to the system console. It does not have any attributes. Use this tag only when you are using the console to debug and the GEL script is not running as a process. For example,
<core:set var="x" value="file.rows[2][3]"/> <gel:out>${x}</gel:out>

If you have a variable that contains an XML Node, including an XML document and you want to print it, combine gel:out with gel:expr:
<gel:parse var="doc"> <groups>...</groups> </gel:parse> <gel:out><gel:expr select="$doc/groups"/></gel:out>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 467

Core Tag Library

Core Tag Library

The tags in this section are a useful subset of the jelly:core tag library. Go to for Jakarta Jellytag descriptions. The following additional tags can invoke Java class methods directly:

core:new core:invoke core:invokeStatic

The following tags are also are useful for controlling flow in your script:

core:if core:switch, core:case, core:default core:choose, core:when, core:otherwise core:forEach core:while core:break

Include the following namespace declaration in your script to use this tag library:
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core"...>

468 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Core Tag Library

core:catch - Catching Exceptions

Use the Jelly fault-handling tags to catch exceptions and exit gracefully when a process failure occurs. Use the <j:catch> tag to capture exceptions in the ex variable. Outside of the catch tags, you can check the ex variable and write it to the console using gel:out. Example
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <!-- this gel:set will throw an exception --> <core:catch var="exception"> <gel:set select="$bad/text()" var="mynode"/> </core:catch> <core:if test="${exception != null}"> <gel:out>Caught Exception was: ${exception}</gel:out> </core:if> </gel:script>

core:set - Setting Variables

This sets a variable from the result of an expression. defaultValue Sets the default value to use if the value expression results in a null value or blank string. Type: org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression encode When set to: 1, the body of the tag is encoded as XML text. When "<" and ">" are encountered in the tag body, they are encoded as "&lt;" and "&gt;". 0, the body is not encoded. Use this only if this tag is specified with no value so that the text body of this tag can be used as the body. Type: Boolean

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 469

Core Tag Library

escapeText When set to: 1, the body of the tag is escaped (interpreted as text). 0, the body is interpreted as XML. Default: 1 (text) Type: Boolean property Indicates the property name to set on the target object. Type: java.lang.String scope Sets the scope of this variable. For example when set to "parent", this value is in the parent scope. When Jelly is run from inside a servlet then other scopes are available such as "request", "session", or "application". Other applications may implement their own scopes. Type: java.lang.String target Sets the target object on which to set a property. Type: java.lang.Object trim When set to: 1, whitespace inside this tag is trimmed. 0, whitespace is not trimmed. Default: 1 (trimmed). Type: Boolean value Sets the expression to evaluate. Type: org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression

470 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Core Tag Library

var Sets the variable name to define for this expression. Type: java.lang.String Example This example shows setting strings and numbers.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <core:set var="color" value="blue"/> <gel:out>Color is ${color}</gel:out> <core:set var="age" value="39"/> <gel:out>My age is ${age - 18}</gel:out> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 471

Core Tag Library

core:forEach - Iterating over Elements

This iterates over elements. It has the following attributes: begin Sets the starting index value (for first element in the array). Type: int end Sets the last index value. Type: int escapeText When set to:

1 - The body of the tag is escaped (interpreted as text). 0 - The body is interpreted as XML.

Default: 1 Type: Boolean indexVar Sets the variable into which the current index counter is exported. Type: java.lang.String items Sets the expression used to iterate over. This expression may resolve to an iteration, collection, map, array, enumeration, or comma-delimited string. Type: org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression step Sets the index increment step. Type: int trim Values:

1. The whitespace inside this tag is trimmed. 0. The whitespace is not trimmed.

Default: 1 Type: Boolean

472 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

Core Tag Library

var Sets the variable into which the item being iterated over. Type: java.lang.String varStatus Sets the variable into which the current status is exported. The status is an implementation of the JSTL LoopTagStatus interface that provides the following bean properties:

current. The current value of the loop items being iterated. index. The current index of the items being iterated. first. If true, this is the first iteration. last. if true, this is the last iteration. begin. This indicates the starting index of the loop. step. This indicates the number by which the loop is iterated, for example:

1. Indicates each loop increments by one index (for example: 1, 2, 3). 2 indicates each loop increments by two index numbers (for example: 1, 3, 5).

end. Indicates the last index in the loop.

Type: java.lang.String Example This example iterates through the properties in the file that ships with the XOG client and prints out each property.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <!-- print out each value we find --> <core:forEach items="A, B, C, 1, 2, 3" var="value"> <gel:out>Value = ${value}</gel:out> </core:forEach> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 473

Core Tag Library

core:if - Evaluating Conditionally

This tag evaluates the body based on some condition. This tag has the following attributes: escapeText When set to:

1. The body of the tag is escaped (interpreted as text). 0. The body is interpreted as XML.

Default: 1 Type: Boolean trim When set to:

1. The whitespace inside this tag is trimmed. 0. The whitespace is not trimmed.

Default: 1. Type: Boolean test Sets the Jelly expression to evaluate. If this returns true, the body of the tag is evaluated. Type: org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression Example 1 This example tests the value of a variable in a <core:if> statement.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <core:set var="color" value="blue"/> <core:if test="${color == 'blue'}"> <gel:out>Color matched blue!</gel:out> </core:if> </gel:script>

Example 2

474 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

SOAP Tag Library

This example tests the numeric value. Notice that the > symbol has been escaped in the XML as > is a reserved character.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary"> <core:set var="age" value="10"/> <core:if test="${age &gt; 5}"> <gel:out>Age is greater than 5</gel:out> </core:if> </gel:script>

SOAP Tag Library

Use the XML SOAP tags in this section to invoke a SOAP-based external or internal web service such as the XOG API. Include the following namespace declaration in your script to use this tag library:
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary">

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 475

SOAP Tag Library

soap:invoke - Invoking SOAP Web Services

Use this tag to invoke a web service at a specified endpoint and assign a name to the resulting XML document. You can use subsequent tags to access the tag's variables and extract data from the document. The invoke tag can contain sub-tags, including soap:envelope and soap:attachment. This tag has the following attributes: endpoint Required. Specifies either the keyword 'internal' or the URL of the web service to be invoked. Values:

'internal'. CA Clarity endpoint URL is used automatically. Fully qualified URL.

Type: String var Optional. Contains the response from the web service. The response is of type org.w3c.dom.Document. Type: String This tag has the following subtags:

soap:message soap:attachment

<soap:invoke endpoint=internal var=result> <soap:message>...</soap:message> </soap:invoke>

<soap:invoke endpoint=${serviceUrl} var=result> <soap:message>...</soap:message> </soap:invoke>

soap:envelope - Generating a SOAP Envelope

This tag generates a SOAP envelope which can be used by soap:invoke to send a SOAP request. It includes the following header and body tags:

soap:header soap:body

476 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

SOAP Tag Library

soap:header - Specifying the SOAP Header

This tag contains the SOAP header, which should be included in a SOAP envelope. You choose which data to include.

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 477

SOAP Tag Library

soap:body - Specifying the SOAP Body

This tag controls the SOAP body (which should be included in a SOAP envelope). You can control which data to include. You can write content into this tag as illustrated in SOAP Examples, or you can write content as an attribute of this tag as illustrated in the following example. This tag has the following attribute: xml Optional. Sets the source of the soap:body. If this attribute is set, the content of the document variable, which can be set by gel:parse or ftp:get, is used as the content of this soap:body tag (and the body of this tag is ignored). If there is an XML file you want to use as the content of SOAP body, use gel:parse to read the file and set this attribute. Type: org.w3c.dom.Document Example This example executes an NSQL query through the XOG web service and writes the results to a tab-delimited file.
<gel:script xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:xog="" xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:soap="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:f="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.FileTagLibrary" xmlns:nikuq="" <!-- Construct the Query API request for the NSQL query "xog_query_test" --> <gel:parse var="xoginput"> <Query xmlns=""> <Code>cats.resourceProfile</Code> </Query> </gel:parse> <soap:invoke endpoint="internal" var="xogresponse"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope> <soapenv:Header> <Auth> <Username>admin</Username> <Password>niku2000</Password> </Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body>

478 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

SOAP Tag Library

<gel:include select="$xoginput"/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> <!-- Extract the sessionID so we may logout later --> <gel:set asString="true" select="$xogresponse//xog:SessionID/text()" var="sessionID"/> <gel:out>SessionID = ${sessionID}</gel:out> <!-- Extract the records --> <gel:set select="$xogresponse//nikuq:QueryResult/nikuq:Records" var="records"/> <!-- Create a tab-delimited file from the results --> <f:writeFile fileName="projectData.txt" delimiter="&#x9;" embedded="true"> <gel:forEach select="$records//nikuq:Record" var="xog_record"> <f:line> <gel:forEach select="$xog_record/*" var="xog_data"> <gel:set var="xog_data" select="$xog_data/text()" asString="true"/> <f:column value="${xog_data}"/> </gel:forEach> </f:line> </gel:forEach> </f:writeFile> <!-- Now log out --> <soap:invoke endpoint="internal" var="logout"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope> <soapenv:Header> <Auth> <xog:SessionID>${sessionID}</xog:SessionID> </Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <xog:Logout/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> <gel:out>Output written to projectData.txt</gel:out> </gel:script></gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 479

SOAP Tag Library

soap:attachment - Attaching Files to SOAP Requests

This tag specifies the file to be attached in the SOAP request. This tag has the following attributes: dir Required. The directory on the local disk where the attachment file is located. Type: String fileName Required. The file to be attached with the SOAP request. Type: String Example
<soap:attachment dir=${dir} fileName=${file}/>

soap:message - Specifying SOAP XML Messages

The tag contains the actual SOAP XML message. This includes the SOAP envelope, header and body tags. Example
<soap:message> <obj:ReadGroup xmlns:obj=""> <DataBus xmlns:xsi= xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=../xsd/xog_read.xsd> <xog:Header version=7.5 externalSource=NIKU/> <xog:Query> <xog:Filter name=code criteria=OR> ProjectManager,PortfolioManager,XOGTestGroup </xog:Filter> </xog:Query> </xog:DataBus> </obj:ReadGroup> </xog:processRequest> </soap:message>

480 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

SOAP Tag Library

Example: XOG Login and Read Objects Example

<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:soap="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xog=""> <soap:invoke endpoint="internal" var="auth"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope> <soapenv:Header> <Auth xmlns=""> <Username>admin</Username> <Password>clarity</Password> </Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body/> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> <soap:invoke endpoint="internal" var="result"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope> <soapenv:Header> <Auth> <xog:SessionID> <gel:expr select="$auth//xog:SessionID/text()"/> </xog:SessionID> </Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <obj:ReadGroup xmlns:obj=""> <NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/xog_read.xsd"> <Header version="7.5" externalSource="NIKU"/> <Query> <Filter name="code" criteria="OR"> ProjectManager,PortfolioManager,XOGTestGroup </Filter> </Query> </NikuDataBus> </obj:ReadGroup> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 481

SOAP Tag Library

</soap:invoke> <soap:invoke endpoint="internal" var="auth"> <soap:message> <soapenv:Envelope> <soapenv:Header> <Auth> <xog:SessionID> <gel:expr select="$auth//xog:SessionID/text()"/> </xog:SessionID> </Auth> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <xog:Logout/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> </soap:message> </soap:invoke> </gel:script>

482 XML Open Gateway Developer Guide

SOAP Tag Library

Example: Execute External Web Services with Attachments

The following example places the XOG output as an XML document in the variable result. This example uses a hypothetical external web service "UploadFile."
<gel:script xmlns:gel="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.GELTagLibrary" xmlns:soap="jelly:com.niku.union.gel.SOAPTagLibrary" xmlns:soap-env="" > <soap:invoke endpoint="${serviceUrl}" var="result"> <soap:message> <soap-env:Envelope> <soap-env:Header> AuthId>${authId}</AuthId> <Locale>en_US</Locale> </soap-env:Header> <soap-env:Body> <UploadFile xmlns="xxx"> <NewFile> <Name>/${file}</Name> <ReplaceExisting>true</ReplaceExisting> </NewFile> </UploadFile> </soap-env:Body> </soap-env:Envelope> </soap:message> <soap:attachment dir="${dir}" fileName="${file}"/> </soap:invoke> <gel:out>Out: <gel:expr select="$result"/></gel:out> </gel:script>

Appendix C: GEL Tag Library Reference 483

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