Alex Cihlar Resume

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Alex Cihlar

[email protected]
(269) 449-9920
%xperience throu&h cour'ework in pu!lic 'peakin&( edia relation'( new' writin&( edia
onitorin& and ultiedia 'tor)tellin&
Kent State University( %xpected &raduation: *ece!er 20$4
Bachelor of Science in Public Relations
+he ,ational -ociet) o. /eader'hip and -ucce''
0appa +au Alpha
Michigan State University, -epte!er 20$0 1 2a) 20$$
Undergraduate, Concentration in Advertising
Relevant Experience
Media Relation and Publicity, Au&u't 20$# 1 *ece!er 20$#
Kent State University
3enerated ock edia pitch packa&e'
2onitored 4irtual client 'ocial edia account'
All Seasons Fireplace Shop, 5ul) 20$2 1 Au&u't 20$#
Public Relations and Marketing
2onitored all 'ocial edia account'
Coordinated and planned &rand openin&
-ecured 'tor) in local new'paper
Public Relations Case Studies, 5anuar) 20$# 1 2a) 20$#
Kent State University
Created a ock 67 capai&n .ocu'ed on 8a!itat .or 8uanit)
9nter4iewed eplo)ee' and conducted re'earch
6re'ented plan to or&ani:ation
aily Kent Stater, 5anuar) 20$# 1 2a) 20$#
College of Business Administration Beat Reorter
3enerated 'tor) idea'( conducted inter4iew'( 'ecured two .ront-pa&e 'torie' and
ei&ht online 'torie'( colla!orated with editor( wrote $; new' 'torie'<'earchphra'e=all>'earchword=Alex Cihlar
!ther Experience
Michigan epart"ent o# Corrections( 5une 20$0 1 5anuar) 20$$
Student Assistant
Anal):ed parolee .ile'
%ntered in.oration into data!a'e
7e4iewed .ile' with tea e!er' to 'et &uideline'
6ro.icient in 2icro'o.t ? i2o4ie( @ordpre'' and all 'ocial edia tool'
Re#erences available upon re%uest

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