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CEP Lesson Plan

Teacher/s: Janet Xu and Xiao Yang

Level:A4 Date: 03/05/2014

Objectives: (In a perfect world) Students Will Be Able To
1. Use eitheror to show that one of two options is possible and neither nor to show
that both options are impossible
2. Identify and use discussion skills such as taking turns, staying on track and clarifying
3. Understand and use certain phrases and words to talk about dreams and the

Theme: Dream

(Extensions: Students were asked to prepare to talk about dreams in their own culture
before coming to class.)

Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure/Stage Interaction Time

Review or Preview (if

Linking & Transitioning to rest of

(for example:

Student Presentation One of the students is giving a short
presentation on the topic she chose and
other students are asked to give peer
critique based on three things:
What I learned from the presentation
What I liked about the presentation
What I think could be improved

Students may ask questions at the end
of the presentation, and presenter
could ask two comprehension questions
SS-SS 10mi

Activity 1:


Transition to #2:

Review some vocabulary about
dreams: interpret, represent, etc.
Ask students to think of one or two
possible interpretation of the dream
image from exercise 1on page 15
Compare answer with a partner and
report to class


Now that weve listened to
some of the dreams, how do
we present two different
interpretations of a dream in
one sentence?

During Stage:
Students listen to an account of a
dream for the first time, no note-taking
Write listen for gist on the board
Listen for the second time and take
notes for gist and details, circle the
items mentioned in the audio on
exercise 2

Listen to the interpretation for the first
time and listen for main idea
Listen for the second time and take
notes for gist and details
Try to paraphrase the main idea of the
video and use some examples to
support the view;

Talk to your partner about your

Ask students about other possible
interpretations of the dream
Point out the tense that was used when
describing dreams
(Tangible Outcome)

Activity 2:
Eitheror & Neither nor

Transition to #3: In daily
life, you may hear people
say either ei[i:]ther or
ei[ai]ther. Both are correct,
but remember to be
consistent in your own
speech. Now we will move
on to talk about discussion

Look at the conversation we read last
time. The last sentence Either Im
going on a trip, or Im turning into a
butterfly. Can you think of another
way to write the sentence still using
either or?
Look at the first part before comma
and the second part after comma. Is
there anything they share together?
Something that appear twice in both
parts? Yes. The Im So, we can write
the sentence like Im either going on a
trip, or turning into a butterfly.

During Stage:
Now please take thirty seconds to write
down two sentences starting with I
T-SS, SS-SS 20mi
dream to be

Try to put the two sentences into one
using either..or Have SS read
their sentence one by one.

Now, what about these two sentences?
She will go to Chicago during the
spring break. She will stay at home
during the spring break. Please take
thirty seconds to write down your
sentence. Who would like to share?

Did you notice any trick in using either
or to combine two sentences? There
are always some parts that are the
same in the two sentences. We can first
copy that part, and put either or to the
parts that are different. Refer back to
previous examples.

Now please write two sentences
starting with I do not like Ask
examples from SS and write on the
board. How do we combine these two
sentences now? (Introduce
neithernor with the same procedure
as eitheror)

Ask SS to do exercise 1 on page 17.
Write down the complete sentence. Ask
them to do peer correction. Each group
read one answer out.

My brothers like skiing. My sister likes
skiing. How do we combine these two
sentences using eitheror? Have SS
write it on the board in front. Ask
whether the sentence will be different if
we put my brothers first or my
sister first. Have SS discuss and give
their reason. Point out that the verb
must agree with the subject that is
closest to it in the sentence.

Write down Jack doesnt like the film
Frozen. The other boys in class dont
like the film Frozen. Ask SS to combine
the two sentences with neithernor
Ask them to come up with the subject
verb agreement rule for neithernor.

Activity 3:
Discussion skills (2)

Transition to #4 : Now lets
listen to some friends talking
about their dreams

Review the discussion skill learned in
Unit One. Asked SS to recall what they
discussed last time. What is the first
step? (Greeting participants) What did
they say to greet participants? (ask for
specific sentences) How did they move
discussion forward? For example, if I
just finish talking and its your turn to
speak now, do you start right away?
(acknowledging the last speakers
contribution) What can you say to
acknowledge others contribution?
(Specific sentences)

During Stage:
I know that all of you have experience
either participating a discussion or
leading a discussion, or both. Now
please take one minute to recall your
worst discussion experience, the most
terrible one. What went wrong in that

T talk about her own worst discussion
where one speaker kept talking and
other people didnt get a chance to
speak. Ask if anyone else had similar
experience before. Remind SS to use
past tense to describe specific event
happened in the past.

Write down the problems that occurred
in their worst discussion experience
and ask students to brainstorm in
groups what to say if they were the
discussion leader in that situation. Ask
students to write down the exact
T-SS, SS-SS 40
sentence and choose one person to
report to class.

You have come up with brilliant
suggestions. Now please open your
book and turn to page 22. The book
talks about taking turns, staying on
track and clarifying
miscommunications. Make sure that SS
understand the meaning of on track,
clarify miscommunications(If SS
came up with similar situations with
taking turns, staying on track or
clarifying miscommunications,
compare what they write with what is
on the book. For those different from
the book, introduce the situation and
ask SS what else we could say in that

We just went through the three
discussion skills in the box, now please
take two minutes finish exercise 8.
Went through exercise 8 one by one
starting from someone who didnt talk

In group of three, discussed the topic
shown on the board. During the
discussion, each of you will have your
own role. We will have one discussion
leader and one trouble makers and one
helper in a group. Trouble maker will
try to talk about something that is
irrelevant to the topic. The helper will
try to clarify miscommunications, and
the discussion leader try to make sure
that everyone takes turns to speak. We
will have three minutes for each round
and we will switch roles. (Assign roles
for the first round)

Post-Stage: You just experienced all
three roles in a discussion. Do you
think you are a good discussion leader,
helper or trouble maker? Who thinks I
am a good discussion leader? Who
thinks I am a good helper?

Activity 4:

Joeys Nightmare

Transition to Wrap-Up:
Now we have watched how
friends talk about their
dreams, and I hope you are
more familiar with past
simple and past progressive
tenses and either or. Todays
homework is about these

Distribute handouts

Pr-teach vocabulary
Martin Luther King
Crossword puzzle

During Stage:
listening, no note-taking
Listen for gist

Take notes about main idea and
Try to answer questions about the
video on the hand out alone for 2 min,
assign students into groups to talk
about the questions and come up with
original sentences using;
Each student shares their sentence to
the class.

Do you think this theory make sense?
Why? Have you experienced any of
those dreams that were discussed in the
video? Were you confronting some
issues in real-life then?

(Tangible Outcome)
Handout with their original sentences
using desired structure and tenses
T-SS, SS-SS 30


Assign homework and remind the next

Handout; Smart board; Video;

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:
Students cannot think of relevant discussion experience in activity 3. Solution: prepare
common problems in discussion and show them on the board.

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
Do exercise 2 on page 18

Post-Lesson Reflections:

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