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CEP Lesson Plan

Teacher/s: Janet Xu and Xiao Yang

Level:A4 Date: 04/08/2014

Objectives: (In a perfect world) Students Will Be Able To
1. use the modal should and can
2. get to know the combination of modal and passive voice in would be considered and
can be considered

Theme: Non-verbal language

(Extensions: students were asked to write down meaning of two gestures in their culture
and be prepared to talk about them before coming to class.)

Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure/Stage Interaction Time

Review or Preview (if

Student presentation

One student gives a 10-minute
presentation on the topic s/he chooses,
usually their home country.

At the end of the presentation, students
could ask questions.

Other students are asked to provide
peer feedback in three main parts;

What I learned from the presentation;
What I liked about the presentation;
What I think could be improved.

(for example:

Activity 1:

Body language

Transition to #2:
Are there some body
languages that are unique or
different in your culture?

Write 'Body language' on the board
and asks the class what they think body
language is. What are some body
languages you can think of?
Why do we use body languages?

Vocab build-up:
facial expression

During Stage:
Have students read the instructions.
Remind them that they have to decide
whether what they hear matches what
they see.
Students listen to the audio.
Do the statements you hear match the
pictures on p.43? Why? Why not?
Discuss your ideas with your partner.
Play the audio again for students to
confirm their answers.

Students report back to the class what
they discussed. Ask students to pay
special attention to the tense they use.

SS-T SS-SS 15mi

Activity 2:

Transition to #3: We have
just learned to use modals to
answer questions. Now we
will go on to look at how we
can use them to ask
T talked about an experience where a
friend snap his fingers to ask for the
check in a restaurant here in NY, and
asked SS whether this is acceptable in
their countries.(Use should and I while
asking questions to elicit student
answer with should and can
Ask SS to recall an experience where
gestures caused problems or
embarrassing situation for them and
share with the class what they should
do instead.
During Stage:
Ask SS to read the model conversation
on p.44 and identify the modals used in
the conversation.
Then, first ask about the word
appropriate in the text to make sure
they understand.
Ask SS to report the modals they
identify and see if they can identify
Itd be considered. If not, point out
that this is short for it would be
Have SS practice with their partner the
model conversation in three different
situation according to how gestures
work in their culture. 1. asking for the
check in a restaurant 2.expressing I
dont know 3. expressing no problem
Remind them to use It would be
considered rude or It would be
Ask several pairs to model the
conversation in class. Ask SS if we can
change the would in It would be
considered rude into some other
modals. Discuss whether that changes
T-S S-S 10



the meaning.Then, ask how the
sentence is different from I would
consider (Direct SSs attention to
the structure of the sentence)

Activity 3
Ask SS to do the gesture they prepared,
and ask the rest of the class to guess
when can/should we use this gesture?

During Stage:
Ask students to line up in two rows and
ask three questions about the gesture
the other classmates prepared. What
is the gesture you prepared? When
can/should we use this gesture? What
gesture would be considered rude in
your country? Tell students to make
notes of what their classmates say.

SS write down two gestures introduced
by their classmates, using the modal
can/should and It would be
considered rude

Tell SS that we are working on
accuracy and have them look at their
partners writing to do peer critique.

TS, SS 20mi

Activity 4:
What would you have


Choose one of the unfinished sentences
from the worksheet and write it on the
If I had had time last week, I would
gone to the pillow fight
done my homework
Elicit possible ways of completing the

Put the students into groups of three or
four. Give each group one copy of the

During Stage:

1. Ss fill out all the sentences on the
sheet using the target structure.
2. SS interview each other to find out
what other members in the group
would have done, and write down
their answers.
e.g.- If I had had time last week, I
would have done my homework.
What would you have done?
- Would you have done your
homework if you had had time last

Post-Stage: Ask SS to report to class
their sentences and their group
Note that when it is the third person
singular before would, the modal
doesnt have to add s.

Tangible Outcome: Target structure
sentences on the worksheet


Talk about homework from last class

Assign new homework

Remind the presenter on Thursday


Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):

Post-Lesson Reflections:

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