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Specific Player Instructions

As previously discussed, each player in your tactic is given a set of player instructions that
are determined by your chosen team instructions, his position in your formation and the
role and duty combination he has been assigned.
In some cases you may want to further refine certain player instructions in order to
slightly modify how a player plays in a way that cannot be achieved by simply giving him a
different role and duty. This is done by selecting Add Instruction on the Instructions panel
and choosing from the selection of available specific player instructions.
Some instructions will be greyed out and so unavailable, either because they are not
suitable for the selected position, not suitable for the selected role and duty, or already
active for the selected role and duty. Hovering over a greyed out instruction will reveal a
tool-tip that explains which of these is the case. Furthermore, some instructions conflict
with each other and therefore cannot be selected together. Any instructions that conflict
with an instruction that has already been selected will be highlighted in red.
When to Modify Instructions
You may want to make such modifications so that a particular players instructions better suit his abilities or so as to adjust the instructions
given by a role and duty to better fit your overall tactical setup.
If you are modifying instructions to suit a particular players abilities then this is best done by adding specific instructions for that player only
using the Add Player button on the Instructions for panel. If you want to modify the instructions given by a role and duty to suit your tactics
then you will want to ensure that the changes are applied for all players by using the any player in this position option.
You might also want to use specific player instructions that contrast with your overall team instructions, so that one or more players will be an
exception to your teams general tactical approach. For example, you could instruct a more creative player with good passing to make More
Direct Passes when using the Shorter Passing specific team instruction, so that he acts as your teams main creative passer to a greater extent
than would be the case by just giving him a more creative role.
Similarly, a specific player instruction can be used as an alternative to its equivalent specific team instruction, so as to gain more control over
which players the instruction is given to. For example, you may want your team to be more aggressive by closing down earlier and making earlier
tackles, but only want to instruct a few of your players who have better fitness and tackling ability to do this, so that the strategy can be
effective without disrupting your teams defensive structure too much.
Balancing Instructions
You should be careful when altering instructions however, and ensure that your changes do not cause your tactic to become unbalanced. If you
are making a lot of alterations then it may be the case that a different role and duty would be more suitable.
Ensuring that your instructions are well balanced can be a difficult task. However, by using the various roles and duties tactical analyses earlier
in this guide and by checking which greyed out instructions are already active as described above, you can gain a good idea of how instructions
for groups of players in each area of the pitch should be balanced and what each of your players has been instructed to do.
Analysis of Instructions
Provided below is a description of each instruction and an analysis of when you may want to use it.
The following instructions affect how a player should behave when he is on the ball.
Hold Up Ball
Your player will be more likely to try to shield the ball while waiting for supporting teammates to get forward or move into space, and less
likely to turn and dribble towards the opposition goal, make an early pass or shoot at goal.
This can lead to a better decision being made and more effective build-up play, but it can also cause opportunities for quick passes or
shots, or direct dribbling, to be missed.
Most tactics will use a holding midfielder and possibly an attacker to hold up the ball. However, too many players instructed to hold up the
ball can slow down attacking play too much.
Useful Attributes
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Shoot More Often
Shoot Less Often
Dribble More
Dribble Less
Run Wide With Ball
Cut Inside With Ball
The following instructions affect how a player should pass the ball.
Pass It Shorter
More Direct Passes
More Risky Passes
Fewer Risky Passes
Cross More Often
Cross Less Often
Cross From Deep
Cross From Byline
Cross Aim Near Post
Cross Aim Centre
Cross Aim Far Post
Cross Aim Target Man
Goalkeeper Distribution
The following instructions affect how a goalkeeper should distribute the ball when it is in his hands. The usage of these instructions is discussed
in the Goalkeepers guide.
Take Quick Throws
Take Long Kicks
Distribute To Defenders
Distribute To Specific
The following instructions affect how a player should position himself off the ball when your team is in possession.
Get Further Forward
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Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Foot
Jonathan Wilson (Paperback - May 28, 2009)
Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Foot
Jonathan Wilson (Hardcover - Aug 15, 2013)
Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Foot
Jonathan Wilson (Hardcover - Jun 26, 2008)
Soccer Strategies: Defensive and Attacking
Robyn Jones (Paperback - Jan 6, 2012)
Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Foot
Jonathan Wilson (Paperback - Jun 5, 2014)
Football and Chess: Tactics Strategy Beauty
Adam Wells (Paperback - Dec 18, 2007)
Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Socc
Jonathan Wilson (Paperback - Nov 5, 2013)
Inverting The Pyramid: The History Of Foot
Showing 1 - 8 of 242 results
Hold Position
Stay Wider
Sit Narrower
Move Into Channels
Roam From Position
The following instructions affect how a player should behave when your team is not in possession.
Close Down More
Close Down Less
Tackle Harder
Ease Off Tackles
Mark Tighter
Further Reading
Inverting the Pyramid - guaranteed to give you a greater tactical knowledge and understanding
The Manager: Inside the Minds of Football's Leaders - learn how to think like a football manager
Will You Manage? - tells you the skills needed to be a great manager and gives essential tips for fantasy football success
Search Books
football tactics
1 2 3 4 5 >
Buy FM 2014
FM 2014 boasts more than one thousand improvements. Find out what everyone else is experiencing with the latest version.
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Guides Updated For FM 2014
Specific Player Instructions | Football Manager 2014 Guide 1/16/2014 3 / 9
Player Ability & Performance
Player Attributes
Important Attribute Combinations
Player Personalities
Player Preferred Moves
Choosing a Formation
Team Instructions
Specific Team Instructions
Tactical Styles
Player Instructions
Roles & Duties
Playmaker & Target Man
Specific Player Instructions
Set Pieces
Appointing a Captain
Team Training
General Training
Match Preparation Training
Individual Training
Training Reports
Individual Training Focus
New Position Training
Preferred Move Training
Assigning Coaches
Player Morale & Relationships
Player Fitness
FM Stole My Life
Football Manager Stole My Life lifts the lid on the cult of FM.
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Specific Player Instructions | Football Manager 2014 Guide 1/16/2014 5 / 9
Section Contents
Choosing a Formation
Team Instructions
Player Instructions
Roles & Duties
Playmaker & Target Man
Specific Instructions
Set Pieces
Appointing a Captain
New Guides
Guide to tactical styles to use for defining your team's approach on the pitch.
Guide to choosing roles and duties to suit your players and tactics, including a detailed tactical analysis for each area of the pitch.
All other tactics guides have also been completely rewritten for FM 2014.
Guide to interpreting and using training reports.
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Guide to managing your squad's morale and relationships.
Guide to maintaining player fitness.
Must Read Guides
Player Ability & Performance
Player Attributes
Tactical Styles
Roles & Duties
Match Preparation Training
Training Reports
Useful FM Sites
Official SI Forums
FM Portal
Reddit Community
Tactics Resources
Inverting the Pyramid - guaranteed to give you a greater overall tactical knowledge and understanding
Soccer Strategies - learn the advantages and disadvantages of using different formations in defence and attack
Soccer Systems and Strategies - teaches you about different tactical strategies
Transition and Counter Attacking - find out how to play against different opposition systems
Match Strategy and Tactics - learn how to adapt your tactics to the opposition and different match scenarios
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Specific Player Instructions | Football Manager 2014 Guide 1/16/2014 8 / 9
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