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Lesson Plan

Teacher: __Niesa Wilhelm__ Grade: ___4


Date: _ 1/24/2013___ Subject: _Social Studies_ Time Frame: _12:45-1:40_

Title of Lesson/Activity: Everyday Life in Colonial Virginia

1. Students will describe what life was like for the colonists in Virginia. This includes what
food they ate, what clothes they wore, what houses they lived in, and what people did
from a day to day basis.
Standards of Learning:
1. VS 4e: Students will demonstrate knowledge of colonial Virginia by describing everyday
life in colonial Virginia.
Poster board (4)
Markers/Colored Pencils/Crayons
Copies of What life was like for men? What life was like for women? What life was like
for children? What life was like for slaves?
Prezi/Computer/Promethean Board
Video of Shirley Plantation Virginia Trekkers

Finish up anything that is not finished from previous lessons. Review everything that we
have already talked about: tobacco as cash crop, different cultures, capital moves, and colonial
economics. Move into everyday life by asking students what they think everyday life was like for
the Virginia colonists based off of what they have learned so far (introduction). Break students
up into 4 different groups. Each group will get a copy of what life was like for ______. Each
group will have a different topic, and they will take a poster board to write down and draw
pictures of what life was like for each type of person. Once students are finished, they will
present about what life was like for whoever they were reading about. Each student will get a
graphic organizer to jot down notes for each of the different people (activity). After
presentations, I will show the Prezi that shows pictures of the kinds of food the colonists ate,
what kinds of houses they lived in, and what kinds of clothes they wore (direct instruction). The
students will watch the Virginia Trekkers video on the Shirley plantation that reinforces what life
was like for the colonists. To end, I will ask students if they have any questions. The students
will answer an exit card at the end of the lesson (conclusion).

Differentiation Strategies:
During group work, students will all be in groups. This will help students with

Observations and exit card. Questions: 1. What is 1 thing that you learned? 2. What is 1
thing that you are confused about?


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