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1. Also known as black-body noise

A. cosmic noise C. solar noise
B. extraterrestrial noise D. man made noise

2. The square of the thermal noise voltage generated by a resistor is not
proportional to
A. Its resistance
B. Its temperature
C. Boltzmanns constant
D. The bandwidth over which it is measured

3. Space noise contains less energy below
A. 9 MHz C. 20 MHz
B. 15 MHz D. 8 MHz

4. A power change that is equal to twice its original value will correspond to a
change of
A. 3 dB C. 10 dB
B. 9 dB D. 6 dB

5. Which of the following is a desirable value of signal-to-noise ratio in dB?
A. 0 C. 1
B. 100 D. 50

6. Which of the following noise figure is most desirable?
A. 0 dB C. 1 dB
B. 100 dB D. infinity

7. Also known as lock range
A. capture range C. natural frequency
B. free-running frequency D. tracking range

8. Considered as the main source of an internal noise.
A. Flicker C. Device imperfection
B. Thermal agitation D. Temperature change

9. The kind of noise that is caused by mismatched lines:
A. echo noise C. partition noise
B. impulse noise D. intermodulation noise

10. A ten times power change in a transmission system is equivalent to:
A. 10 dB C. 20 dB
B. 100 dB D. 1 dB

11. _____are types of noise generated by equipments that produces sparks.
A. equipment noise C. space noise
B. atmospheric noise D. internal noise

12. Japan is part of what ITU region?
A. 3 C. 2
B. 1 D. 4

13. Which of the following is not used for communication
A. X-rays C. Infrared
B. Millimeter waves D. Microwaves

14. _____are integer multiples of the original input signal.
A. interference C. fundamental
B. harmonic D. distortion

15. Electromagnetic waves produced primarily by heat are called
A. Infrared C. Shortwaves
B. Microwaves D. X-ray

16. Musical instruments makes sounds usually in what range?

17. What is the frequency range of SHF?
A. 3 30 GHz C. 30 300 MHz
B. 30 300 GHz D. 300 3000 MHz

18. In psophometric noise weighting, one picowatt is equivalent to 800 Hz tone
with a power of
A. 90 dBm C. 65 dBm
B. 85 dBm D. none of the above

19. The standard test tone has a frequency of _____ Hz.
A. 1000 C. 100
B. 10 D. none of these

20. The radio wavelength known as _____ falls within the medium frequency
A. centimetric C. hectometric
B. decametric D. myriametric

21. In a double-tuned circuit, minimum bandwidth is obtained with _____
A. under C. optimum
B. over D. critical

22. The transmission of information from multiple sources occurring on the same
facility but not at the same time is known as _________.

23. An Angstrom used to describe a lightwave is equal to 10 raised to minus
______ micro meter.
A. 3 C. 6
B. 10 D. 4

24. What is the letter-number designation for carrier and one SB?
A. J3E C. A3E
B. H3E D. F3E

25. In PLL frequency demodulator, the information or the modulating signal is the
_____ signal.
A. phase shift C. VCO
B. error D. input

26. What is the second detector is used for AM?
A. ratio C. diode
B. PLL D. lattice

27. What is the letter-number designation for carrier and one SB?
A. J3E C. A3E
B. H3E D. F3E

28. One of the following statement is false, regarding making the IF value very
A. the image rejection will be very good
B. there is no need to make the local oscillator extremely stable
C. tracking will be greatly improved
D. the selectivity will be very poor

29. When the amplitude of the information in an AM modulator is equal to zero,
what is the value of the modulation index?
A. 1 C. 100
B. 0 D. infinity

30. The component used to produce AM at very high frequencies is a
A. varactor C. cavity resonator
B. thermistor D. PIN diode

31. The information sources modulate the same carrier after it has been
separated into two carrier signals are at 90 degrees out of phase with each

32. The AM detector is sometimes called _____.
A. first detector C. second detector
B. third detector D. fourth detector

33. He developed the first successful FM radio system
A. B.E. Alpine C. E.H. Armstrong
B. N.S. Kapany D. A.C.S. Van Heel

34. Maximum frequency deviation of a PM signal occurs at
A. zero-crossing points
B. peak positive amplitudes
C. peak negative amplitude
D. peak positive and negative amplitude

35. The cut-off frequency of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuits is
A. 1 kHz C. 5 kHz
B. 2.122 kHz D. 75 kHz

36. Which oscillators are preferred for carrier generators because of their good
frequency stability?
B. RC D. Crystal

37. The frequency of an SCA channel subcarrier is _____.
A. 38 kHz C. 67 kHz
B. 15 kHz D. 53 kHz

38. A third symbol emission which represent data transmission including
telemetry and telecommand.
A. B C. C
B. D D. N

39. A radio signal travels ________ yards per microseconds.
A. 273 C. 328
B. 618 D. 123.6

40. The frequency band normally used to penetrate ocean depths and therefore
used for communicating with submarine is ________.

41. The frequency band used as subcarriers, or signals which carry the
baseband modulating information but in turn modulate another higher-
frequency carrier is

42. An amplifier with an overall gain of 20 dB is impressed with a signal whose
power level is 1 watt. Calculate the power output in dBm.
A. 50 C. 6
B. 60 D. 10

43. What is the effect of the signal to noise ratio of a system (in dB) if the
bandwidth is doubled, considering all other parameters to remain unchanged
except the normal thermal noise only. The S/N will be ___________.
A. increased by 6 dB
B. increased by 3 dB
C. decreased by 3 dB
D. decreased by one-half

44. Audio signals are not propagated directly to space because:
A. to do so will entail additional costs.
B. the signal will be highly attenuated
C. they will require antennas that are too long
D. the signal that will be propagated will be too weak

45. The highest frequencies are found in ________.
A. radio waves C. radar waves
B. ultraviolet waves D. x-rays

46. First symbol in the designation of radio signals emission which refers to use
of an unmodulated carrier.
A. J B. N C. H D. A

47. What is known as Johnsons noise?
A. cosmic noise C. solar noise
B. white noise D. static noise

48. What is the advantage of series modulation?
A. capable of modulating very high frequencies
B. low noise and interference
C. capable of generating high power
D. high gain selectivity

49. The amplitude of a sine wave which is modulated by a musical program will
A. contain harmonic frequencies
B. be complex
C. contain fundamental frequencies
D. be complex and contain fundamental and harmonic frequencies

50. In the spectrum of a frequency-modulated wave, the ____.
A. amplitude of any sidebands depend on the modulation index
B. carrier frequency disappears when the modulation index is large
C. total number of sidebands depends on the modulation index
D. carrier frequency disappears when the modulation percentage low

51. What is the main disadvantage of a single-tube transmitter?
A. high resistivity C. low gain
B. high attenuation D. frequency instability

55. What determines the selectivity of a receiver?
A. the bandwidth of the tuned circuits
B. the frequency stability
C. the power handling capability
D. the gain of the amplifier

56. A phase-locked loop has a VCO with a free-running frequency of 14 MHz. As
the frequency of the reference input is gradually raised from zero, the loop
locks at 12 MHz and comes out again at 18 MHz. Find the lock range.

57. A varactor has a maximum capacitance of 80 pF and is tuned circuit with 100
uH inductor. Find the tuning voltage necessary for the circuit to resonate at
triple the frequency produced by the varactor.

58. For an AM envelope with a maximum peak voltage of 52V and a minimum
peak voltage of 24V, what is the percent modulation?

59. An FM modulator has a modulator sensitivity of 50 kHz/V. Calculate the
deviation and modulation index for a 3 kHz modulating signal of 2V peak.

60. A collector-modulated class C amplifier has a carrier output power of 100 W,
and with efficiency of 75%, calculate the transistor power dissipation,
assuming that all the power dissipation that occurs comes from the

61. What is the percent total harmonic distortion for a fundamental frequency
with amplitude of 9 Vrms, second harmonic amplitude of 0.3 Vrms, and the
third harmonic amplitude of 0.1 Vrms?

62. A receiver produces a noise power of 200mW with no signal. The output
level increases by 5W when a signal is applied. Calculate (S+N)/N in

63. An amplifier with a noise figure of 6 dB has an input signal-to-noise ratio of
25 dB. Calculate the output signal-to-noise ratio in dB.

64. A three stage amplifier has an input stage with noise ratio of 5 and a power
gain of 50. Stages 2 and 3 have a noise ratio of 10 and power gain of 1000.
Calculate the noise figure for the overall system.

65. Determine the noise figure for an equivalent noise temperature of 115K.

66. When measuring the selectivity of a receiver, you discover that a signal level
of 450 microV on an adjacent channel is required to give the same output as
a 1 microV signal on the channel to which the receiver is tuned. Calculate
the adjacent channel selectivity in dB.

67. An IF transformer of a radio receiver operates at 455 kHz. The primary
circuit has Q of 50 and the secondary has a Q of 40. Find the bandwidth
using the optimum coupling factor.

68. A phase-locked loop has a VCO with a free running frequency of 14 MHz. As
the frequency of the reference input is gradually raised from zero, the loop
locks at 12 MHz and comes out of lock again at 18 MHz. Calculate the
capture range.

69. A receiver is tuned to a station at 590 kHz calculate the image rejection in
decibels, assuming that the input filter consists of one tuned circuit with a Q
of 40.

70. A transistor has a power dissipation rating of 30 W. Assuming that the
transistors is the only element that dissipates power in the circuit, calculate
the power an amplifier, using this transistor, could deliver to the load if it
operates as class-A with an efficiency of 30%

71. A receiver uses low-side injection for the local oscillator, with an IF or 1750
kHz. The local oscillator is operating at 16.7 MHz. Find its image frequency.

72. An AM transmitter operates into a 50 ohm resistive load. The RMS voltage
measured at the output is 240 V without modulation and 260 V with
modulation, calculate the modulation index.

73. AN AM signal has the following characteristics: fc = 200 MHz; fm = 3 kHz;
Ec = 50 V; Em = 20 V. Calculate the peak voltage of the upper side

74. When measuring the selectivity of a receiver, you discover that a signal level
of 400 microV on an adjacent channel is required to give the same output as
a 1 microV signal on the channel to which the receiver is tuned. Calculate
the adjacent channel selectivity in dB.

75. An attenuator has a loss of 26 dB. If a power of 3 W is applied to the
attenuator, find the output power.

76. Determine the power saving in percent when the carrier is suppressed in an
AM signal modulated to 80%

77. The frequency band used by cellular telephones and mobile communication
services is ____________.

78. Assuming 100% modulation, what would be the transmitted power in the
upper sideband of an AM signal if the carrier power is 1000 watts?

79. An AM signal has the following characteristics: the carrier frequency is 150
MHz, the modulating signal frequency is 3 kHz, the carrier voltage is 60
volts, where the modulating signal (Em) is 30 volts. Find the peak voltage of
the lower side frequency.

80. The power amplifier of an AM transmitter has an output power of 50 W and
an efficiency of 60% and is collector-modulated. How much audio power is
required to be supplied to this stage for 100% modulation.
81. A filter-type SSB generator uses an ideal bandpass filter with a center
frequency of 5.0 MHz and a bandwidth of 2.7 kHz. What frequency should
be used for the carrier oscillator if the generator is to produce a USB signal
with a baseband frequency response having a lower limit of 280 Hz.

82. For a 10-MHz crystal with a temperature coefficient of 10 Hz/MHz/C, what is
the frequency shift if the temperature decreases 5 Celsius.

83. For an AM transmitter with an unmodulated carrier power of 100 W that is
modulated that is modulated simultaneously by three modulating signals with
coefficients of modulation of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.5. What is effective modulation

84. Given a noise factor of 10, what is the noise figure in dB?

85. The signal power of an input to an amplifier is 100 uW and the noise power
is 1 uW. At the output, the signal power is 1 W and the noise power is 40
mW. What is the amplifier noise figure?

86. What is the standard design reference for environmental noise temperature
in degrees centigrade?

87. A 3-stage amplifier is to have an overall noise temperature no greater than
70 degrees K. The overall gain of the amplifier is to be at least 45 dB. The
amplifier is to be built by adding a low-noise first stage to an existing
amplifier with existing characteristics as follows: Stage 2 has 20 dB power
gain; 3 dB noise figure. Stage 3 has a 15 dB power gain and 6 dB noise
figure. Calculate the maximum noise figure (in dB) that the first stage can

88. The resistor R1 and R2 are connected in series at 300 degrees K and 400
degrees K temperature respectively. If R1 is 200 ohms and R2 is 300 ohms,
find the power at the load (R1 = 500 ohms) over the bandwidth of 100 kHz.

89. Determine the shot noise for a diode with a forward bias of 1.40 mA over a
80 kHz bandwidth. (q = 1.6 x 10 raised to minus 19 C)

90. For three cascaded amplifier stages, each with noise figures of 3 dB and
power gains of 10 dB, determine the total noise figure in dB.

91. An amplifier has a noise figure of 2 dB. What is its equivalent noise

92. A double-tuned IF transformer has k = 1.5kC. The primary Q is 30 and the
secondary Q is 20. what is the bandwidth of the transformer at a frequency
of 10.7 MHz?

93. With an input power of 5 Watts, and a network loss of 30 dB, calculate the
output power.

94. What is the 12
octave for a 1-KHz repetitive wave?

95. The standard design reference for environmental noise temperature in
degree Fahrenheit?

96. Phase modulation emission type

97. Industrial noise frequency is between ________.

98. A transistor amplifier has a measured S/N power of 80 at its input and 25 at
its output. Determine the noise figure of the transistor.

99. Determine the modulation index of a standard FM broadcast having a
hypothetical maximum carrier frequency deviation of 12 kHz and a
maximum modulating frequency of 4 kHz frequency of 4 kHz.

100. A SSB signal is generated around a 200-kHz carrier. Before filtering, the
upper and lower sidebands are separated by 200 Hz. Calculate the filter Q
required to obtain 40-dB suppression.

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