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UICMC: Community Reintegration Program: Referral Form

912 South Wood St Phone: 312-996-1065

Chicago, IL 60612 Fax: 312-413-2613
Name: MRN:
Address: Phone:
Date of Birth:______________
Insurance Proider:
!reating "ut#atient Psychiatrist: Phone$#gr: ______
Ne%t a##ointment: _____
!hera#ist: Phone$#gr:
Ne%t a##ointment: _____
Primary "ut&Patient Diision ' UIC Referrals "nly( __________________________________
Clinical Reason for Referral:

)u*stance A*use +%:
"e# $%&ea#e ex%&ain'
+% of )elf&+arm
"e# $%&ea#e ex%&ain'
(xi#I D% Code:
(xi# II
(xi# III
(xi# I)
(xi# ) cu**ent
Current Medications$Dosages:

+e,e**ing Indi-idua&.# Signatu*e/ate
P&ea#e ca&& Co00unit1 +einteg*ation 312-996-1065 o* )e*onica Ste,ane2 31-413-1136 to #chedu&e an inta2e
a%%oint0ent ,o* 1ou* c&ient4

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