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Government &
Politics Practice Exam
Section I (Multiple-Choice Questions)
Time45 minutes
60 Questions
Directions: There are five possible answer choices for each question or
incomplete statement. Choose the one answer choice that best answers
the question or completes the statement.
1. Until the Constitution was ratified, the document that established and
defined the government of the United States was the
A. Declaration of Independence
B. Bill of Rights
C. Mayflower Compact
D. Articles of Confederation
E. Treaty of Friendship and Unity
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Supreme
Courts decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)?
A. It held that state governments could pass a law negating a fed-
eral law within their boundaries if they believed the federal law
was unconstitutional.
B. It confirmed the supremacy of the federal government over
state governments.
C. It determined that states could not levy taxes on federal gov-
ernment operations.
D. It interpreted the necessary and proper powers clause of the
Constitution to mean that the federal government has implied
powers not specifically stated in the Constitution.
E. It upheld the constitutionality of the national bank established
by the federal government.
3. Which of the following is a clause of the Constitution that gives the
federal government broad powers in many policy areas?
A. Interstate Commerce Clause
B. Tenth Amendment
C. Free-Exercise Clause
D. Establishment Clause
E. Fiscal Federalism Clause
4. While the practice of separate schools for black and white students
was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Brown v.
Board of Education (1954), segregation in restaurants, stores, hotels,
and other public accommodations remained legal until
A. the Supreme Courts decision in Loving v. Virginia (1967)
B. the ratification of the Twenty-Fourth Amendment (1964)
C. the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
D. state legislatures eventually changed the laws permitting
E. President Lyndon Johnson issued an executive order ending all
segregation by race
5. Which is a reason the power of the two major parties is in decline in
the United States?
A. The number of people voting for third parties has risen sharply.
B. In most states, parties no longer select the candidates for the
general election.
C. Parties no longer have state and local organizations.
D. Parties no longer conduct get-out-the-vote drives.
E. Candidates now raise most of their campaign funds themselves
and do not heavily rely on funds from their party.
6. The Supreme Courts power of judicial review was established by
A. the Bill of Rights
B. the Constitution
C. the Courts decision in Griswold v. Connecticut
D. the Courts decision in Marbury v. Madison
E. the Courts decision in Gibbons v. Ogden
7. Which one of the following groups is MOST likely to participate in
an election?
A. African Americans
B. people with college degrees
C. Hispanic voters
D. people under age 35
E. people in households with below-average income
8. A filibuster occurs when
A. a majority of either the House of Representatives or the Senate
support a bill but cannot get the two-thirds majority needed for
cloture to end debate and vote
B. the Senate and House cannot agree on final language for legis-
lation both houses have passed in different versions, and debate
continues endlessly
C. the president announces he will veto a bill, but a group of sena-
tors keep the bill alive by continuing to debate it
D. a senator or small group of senators want to draw public atten-
tion to bill so it will gain support and pass
E. a majority the Senate supports a bill, but the majority is not
large enough to produce the 60 votes needed to end debate on
the bill in the Senate
9. Which of the following actions of the president has no basis in the
A. issuing executive orders
B. serving as leader of his political party
C. stationing U.S. troops at bases abroad
D. negotiating free trade agreements with other countries
E. proposing legislation to Congress
Women Hispanics
1982 2002 1982 2002 1982 2002
Lowest Ranking Jobs
(GS 1-4)
23% 28% 78% 69% 5% 8%
Highest Ranking Jobs
5% 10% 5% 32% 2% 4%
Source: U.S. Government, Office of Personnel Management
10. Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the data in
the table above?
A. While women held more of the higher-level federal jobs in
2002 than in 1982, the share of the lower-level jobs held by
women actually declined.
B. Between 1982 and 2002, women have made more progress
than blacks and Hispanics in increasing the number of higher-
level jobs they hold in government.
C. Both Hispanics and African Americans doubled their share
of higher-level jobs in the federal government between 1982
and 2002.
D. The share of federal jobs at both the highest and lowest levels
held by African Americans and Hispanics has increased between
1982 and 2002.
E. The percentage of federal jobs held by women increased be-
tween 1982 and 2002.
11. Which of the following is an independent federal regulatory agency?
A. U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
C. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
D. Department of Veterans Affairs
E. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
12. Which of the following outcomes are NOT possible in the Electoral
College system?
A. The Electoral College could choose a president who did not
have the most electoral votes.
B. The House of Representatives could choose the president.
C. The Electoral College could choose a president who did not get
the most votes of the people.
D. The Electoral College could choose a president who did not
win the most states.
E. Some electors could vote for a third-party candidate for president.
13. The Supreme Courts decision in Texas v. Johnson, which overturned
a state law against flag-burning, was based on
A. the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble to protest
B. The Free-Exercise Clause of the First Amendment
C. the First Amendment right of freedom of speech
D. the restrictions on search and seizure of the Fourth Amendment
E. the establishment clause of the First Amendment
14. Which statement best describes American political culture?
A. The dominant political culture depends on which political
party is in power.
B. Due to its ethnic diversity, there are different political cultures
in the United States.
C. American political culture is a melting pot of different political
ideals from around the world.
D. Liberals and conservatives in the United States have different
political cultures.
E. The American political culture is comprised of beliefssuch as
individual rights, majority rule, and limited governmentthat
are shared by virtually all Americans.
15. Which of the following statements best summarizes the data shown
in the line graph above?
A. U.S. District Courts have original jurisdiction in both federal
civil and criminal cases.
B. U.S. District Courts are being overwhelmed with frivolous
C. The crime rate is on the rise throughout the United States
D. Both federal civil and criminal cases have increased dramati-
cally since 1970, with the greatest increase in civil cases.
E. The number of civil and criminal cases dealt with in the federal
court system increases every year.
16. Which of the following is a concurrent power in the American sys-
tem of federalism?
A. the power to make treaties with foreign governments
B. the power to levy taxes
C. the power to make monetary policy
D. the power to establish local governments (cities, counties,
school districts, etc.)
E. the power to regulate interstate commerce
17. The House of Representatives and the Senate are most similar to
each other in
A. the checks they have on the power of the president
B. the way they select their presiding officer
C. the number of members they have
D. the power standing committees have in the legislative process
E. the power of the Rules Committee to set the rules for floor
18. Which of the following give(s) a reason why the power of the federal
government has grown relative to state governments?
I. the devolution of power
II. the conditional funding the federal government can provide to
state governments
III. the growth of interstate commerce
IV. the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution
A. statement I only
B. statements II and IV only
C. statements III and IV only
D. statements II, III, and IV only
E. statements I, II, III, and IV
19. What is an open seat in a congressional election?
A. a seat in a congressional district that is evenly divided between
Republican and Democratic voters, making it likely that either
party could win
B. a seat in which redistricting has redefined the districts bound-
aries in a way to make it unfavorable to the reelection of
the incumbent
C. a seat for which there is no incumbent running
D. a seat where the incumbent has been accused of a crime and is
unlikely to win reelection
E. a seat where the incumbent belongs to a different party than
the majority of his/her constituents
20. Which one of the following does NOT describe a reason why Con-
gress generally fails to perform the function of national leader as the
Constitutional Convention intended?
A. Congress is usually slow to act.
B. Congress is often gridlocked and cant agree on action.
C. Congress has little actual power.
D. No one in Congress represents the country as a whole.
E. Congressional leadership is divided among a number of people.
21. The main function of the presidents cabinet is
A. to put together the federal budget and submit it to Congress
B. to write federal regulations
C. to provide advice to the president
D. to provide leadership in the event the president is unable to
perform his duties
E. to provide information regarding proposed legislation by testi-
fying before Congress
22. Which statement correctly describes political socialization?
A. Political socialization motivates citizens to become active in
B. Political socialization tends to produce citizens more inclined
to accept socialistic programs as they get older.
C. Political socialization is a continuing process in which the adult
years are the most important.
D. Political socialization is the term used to describe the growth of
entitlement programs.
E. Political socialization is the process through which individuals
develop their political values and beliefs.
23. Which of the statements below best describes reapportionment?
A. the redrawing of congressional districts by the House of Rep-
resentatives based on a new census
B. the redrawing of congressional districts by state governments
based on a new census
C. the reallocation of seats in the Senate and House of Represen-
tatives based on a new census
D. the reallocation of seats in the House of Representatives to the
states based on a new census
E. the reallocation of seats on committees in the House of Rep-
resentatives and the Senate between the two parties based on
the most recent election.
24. The concept that the American political process is dominated by the
struggle of multiple interest groups each trying to advance its own
political goals can best be described as
A. democracy
B. pluralism
C. free enterprise
D. socialism
E. elitism
25. Which of the following statements correctly describe(s) the data
shown in the line graph?
I. During the time period shown, the electoral vote of the winning
candidate has fluctuated markedly above and below the popular
vote the candidate obtained.
II. Winning candidates have sometimes gotten less than half of the
popular vote and still obtained a majority of the electoral vote.
III. In three elections since 1968, the winning candidate has gotten
more than 90 percent of the electoral vote.
A. statement I only
B. statement II only
C. statements I and II only
D. statements II and III only
E. statements I, II, and III
26. Which of the following is NOT a check on the power of the presi-
dent that the Constitution gives Congress?
A. Congress can pass a law the president has vetoed.
B. Congress can reject the presidents selections of people to fill
key positions in the Executive Office of the President.
C. Congress can reject a treaty the president has negotiated.
D. Congress can refuse to fund a program the president supports.
E. Congress can reject the presidents nominees for federal judges.
27. Which of the following is NOT a step in the process of passing the
annual federal budget?
A. Federal agencies submit their budget requests directly to
B. The Office of Management and Budget reviews the budget re-
quests of the various federal agencies.
C. The appropriations committees in the House and the Senate
consider the proposed budget.
D. The budget committees in the House and Senate consider the
proposed budget.
E. The president signs or vetoes the various appropriations bills
passed by Congress.
28. The main reason why the popular vote and the electoral vote for
president may be very different is
A. the prevalence of horse-trading and corruption in American
B. the candidates focus their campaigns only on a few swing states
C. small states have more power in the Electoral College than
their population would merit
D. electors often switch votes to vote for the winning candidate to
gain political influence and advance their careers
E. the winner-take-all system most states use in selecting electors
29. The decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade was based on
A. the Free-Exercise Clause of the First Amendment
B. the right to privacy stated in the Bill of Rights
C. the right to privacy implied in the Bill of Rights
D. the right to privacy established in Lawrence v. Texas
E. the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment
30. Which of the following federal courts have/has original jurisdiction?
A. The Supreme Court and U.S. District Courts
B. U.S. District Courts and U.S. Courts of Appeal
C. U.S. Courts of Appeal only
D. U.S. District Courts only
E. State supreme courts
31. The Elastic Clause of the Constitution
A. held the union together by setting up a bicameral Congressa
compromise between large and small states that allowed equal
representation in one house and representation based on popu-
lation in the other house
B. provides that a states representation in Congress will go up or
down every ten years based on a new national census
C. gives the president the authority to assume greater power in a
time of war
D. states that powers not specifically given to the national govern-
ment are reserved to the states or the people
E. states that the national governments powers include implied
powers not specifically listed in the Constitution
32. The chief accomplishment of the Anti-Federalists in the debate over
the Constitution was the
A. Great Compromise creating a bicameral legislative branch
B. the establishment of a national bank
C. the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution
D. the precedent established by George Washington that the pres-
ident should be limited to two terms in office
E. the establishment of the system of electoral votes to select the
president, rather than the people themselves
33. Which statement below best describes an open primary?
A. The election is open to all candidates who want on the ballot,
not just those approved by the party leadership.
B. Voters can cross party lines voting for candidates of different
parties in the primary election.
C. The voting booths are open and the secret ballot is not used.
D. It is a primary election in which voters can vote during a speci-
fied period of time rather than just on Election Day.
E. Voters can choose which partys primary election ballot they
want to use to vote.
34. Which one of the following statements does NOT correctly describe
administrative law?
A. Administrative law is law written by federal agencies rather
than Congress.
B. Administrative law does not have the full force of law that stat-
utory law has.
C. Administrative law can be overturned by the Supreme Court.
D. Congress can overturn administrative law by passing statutory
E. Administrative law is written to carry out or enforce statutory
35. What role does Congress play in amending the Constitution?
A. Congress submits amendments to the states for their approval.
B. Congress approves or rejects amendments supported by two-
thirds of the states.
C. The Senate approves proposed amendments by a two-thirds
vote, but the House plays little role in the process.
D. Congress passes amendments by a two-thirds vote, sending
them to the president for his signature or veto.
E. Congress plays no formal role; the Constitution is amended by
the states.
Federal Employees
(in thousands)
Percent of U.S.
Labor Force
1970 2,997 3.81
1975 2,877 3.35
1980 2,987 3.01
1985 3,001 2.80
1990 3,233 2.72
1995 2,943 2.36
2000 2,879 2.10
2005 2,709 1.91
2008 2,730 1.88
Source: U.S. Government, Office of Personnel Management
36. Which of the following statements are (is) supported by the data in
the table above?
I. The size of the federal government in terms of number of federal
employees continues to grow.
II. The size of the federal government in terms of number of em-
ployees declined between 1970 and 2008.
III. The number of federal government employees has declined each
year since 1990.
IV. Federal government workers in 2008 comprised less than half
the share of the U.S. labor force that they did in 1970.
A. statement I only
B. statement II only
C. statement IV only
D. statements II and III only
E. statements II and IV only
37. In a congressional race, the news media are LEAST likely to focus on
A. which candidate is ahead in the polls
B. in-depth reporting on the issues on which the candidates
C. negative statements made by one candidate about the other
D. any scandal or accusations of scandal involving a candidate
E. blunders a candidate makes
38. What is grassroots lobbying?
A. an interest group encouraging and organizing its members to
contact their representatives in Congress in support of the in-
terest groups policy goals
B. a public relations campaign an interest group undertakes to
change the opinions of ordinary citizens
C. an effort by an interest group to increase its membership
D. lobbying by community groups when no national interest group
has been formed
E. a campaign by the interest groups members to change the po-
sition of the interest groups leadership on proposed legislation
39. Which one of the following statements does NOT help explain why
incumbents in the House of Representatives usually get reelected?
A. Incumbents can take credit for bringing federal projects to
their district.
B. Incumbents usually have better name recognition since theyve
been on the ballot before.
C. Incumbents have had time to build support through constitu-
ent service.
D. Incumbents almost always reflect the views of their constitu-
ents better than challengers.
E. Incumbents have a fund-raising advantage.
Program Areas 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 (est)
Energy 461 492 433 636 1,455
Natural resources
and environment
3,745 3,985 4,595 5,858 6,240
Agriculture 1,285 780 724 933 1,016
Transportation 19,174 25,787 32,222 43,368 62,735
Community and
regional development
4,965 7,230 8,665 20,167 21,801
Homeland Security 1,184 1,772 2,439 13,541 10,597
Education, training,
employment, and
social services
21,780 30,881 36,672 57,247 69,627
Health 43,890 93,587 124,843 197,848 281,244
Income security 36,768 58,366 68,653 90,885 108,942
Veterans benefits
and services
134 253 434 552 807
of justice
574 1,222 5,263 4,784 6,378
Total outlays
for grants
135,325 224,991 285,874 428,018 567,823
Source: U. S. Office of Management and Budget
40. Which one of the following statements is best supported by the data
in the table above?
A. Between 1990 and 2009, federal grants to state and local gov-
ernments increased in all program areas shown in the table.
B. Total federal grants to state and local governments increased
fivefold between 1990 and 2009.
C. In 2009, nearly half of all federal grants to state and local gov-
ernments were in the category of health.
D. Between 1990 and 2009 federal grants in most program areas
experienced dramatic increases, with several categories exceed-
ing increases of 1,000 percent (10 times).
E. Between 1990 and 2009, federal grants to state and local gov-
ernments in the category of energy increased every year.
41. What new interpretation of the Constitution did the Supreme Court
use in District of Columbia v. Heller?
A. The Second Amendment prohibits state and federal govern-
ments from requiring the registration of firearms.
B. Federal and state laws restricting some people, such as convicted
felons from purchasing guns, violate the Second Amendment.
C. The wording of the Second Amendment means that the consti-
tutional right to gun ownership applies only to people serving
in a state militia.
D. The Second Amendment contains a constitutional right to gun
ownership irrespective of service in a state militia.
E. The right of privacy implied in the Bill of Rights extends to car-
rying of guns in public places.
42. Which one of the following is an action that does NOT involve par-
ticipation in the political process?
A. creating a blog to write about politics
B. contacting a senator to get help in getting a veterans benefit
that you believe you are entitled to
C. reading about politics in the newspaper
D. giving money to a PAC
E. signing a petition on the Internet supporting the repeal of a law
43. The most important influence in determining a persons political
party identification is the persons
A. friends
B. parents
C. colleagues at work
D. teachers
E. religious leaders
44. The president can influence legislation under consideration by
Congress by all of the following actions EXCEPT
A. speaking out to influence public opinion
B. talking to members of Congress and applying political pressure
C. threatening to veto legislation unless certain changes are made
D. sending key members of his staff or cabinet to testify before Con-
gress or speak to the press in support of the presidents position
E. threatening to issue an executive order that would prohibit en-
forcement of the legislation if it is passed
Defense Spend-
ing (billions of
current dollars)
As % of Federal
As % of Gross
Domestic Product
Defense Spending
(billions of 2000
1960 48.1 52.2% 9.3% 300.2
1970 81.7 41.8% 8.7% 375.1
1980 134.0 22.7% 4.9% 267.1
1990 299.3 23.9% 5.2% 382.7
2000 294.4 16.5% 3.0% 294.4
2010 (est) 712.9 19.9% 4.8% 522.2
Source: U.S. Government, Office of Management and Budget
45. Which of the following statements is best supported by the data in
the table above?
A. Adjusted for inflation, defense spending more than doubled
between 1960 and 2010.
B. Defense spending, measured in current dollars, increased dur-
ing each ten-year period shown in the table.
C. Between 1990 and 2010 defense spending increased by all
measures shown in the table.
D. Between 1960 and 2010, defense spending decreased from
over half of total federal spending to less than one-fifth.
E. As a percentage of GDP, defense spending in 2010 was the
lowest ever during the period shown in the chart.
46. What is the purpose of congressional earmarks?
A. to require the government to spend money on a specific project
B. to provide the funding required for entitlement programs
C. to provide a tax loophole for a specific corporation
D. to allow for deficit spending rather than balancing the federal
E. to give the president more discretionary funds that can be
channeled to where the money is most needed
47. Which of the following is a value of American political culture?
A. the belief in limited government
B. the belief that the government has grown too big
C. the belief that the government spends too much on entitle-
ment programs
D. the belief that government needs to do more to control big
E. the opinion that the U.S. border with Mexico is not secure
Leading Third-
Party Candidate
Popular Vote
Percentage of
Popular Vote
of Electoral
1948 Strom Thurmond 1,169 2.4% 39 7.3%
1968 George Wallace 9,446 12.9% 46 8.6%
1980 John Anderson 5,251 6.1% 0 0.0%
1992 H. Ross Perot 19,722 18.9% 0 0.0%
1996 H. Ross Perot 7,137 7.4% 0 0.0%
2000 Ralph Nader 2,530 2.4% 0 0.0%
Source: U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Clerk
48. Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the data in
the table on the previous page?
A. Third party candidates for president have little chance of winning.
B. Third party candidates for president, even when they win nearly
20 percent of the popular vote, may not get any electoral votes.
C. Third party candidates can never get enough electoral votes to
play a role in selecting the president.
D. Third parties and third party candidates seldom remain a long-
term force in American politics.
E. Third party candidates periodically emerge that get over 5 per-
cent of the popular vote.
49. In which landmark Supreme Court decision was the right to an at-
torney extended to require the government to provide lawyers for
indigent defendants in state courts?
A. Miranda v. Arizona
B. Gideon v. Wainwright
C. Engle v. Vitale
D. Baker v. Carr
E. Mapp v. Ohio
50. To influence the Judicial Branch of the U.S. government, an interest
group can do all of the following EXCEPT
A. file an amicus curiae brief
B. lobby the Senate in opposition to a nominee for the Supreme
C. file a lawsuit
D. meet privately with a federal judge regarding a case
E. meet with the president to discuss possible nominees to the
Supreme Court
51. According to the term limits imposed by the Constitution
A. The president cannot be elected to the office of the president
more than twice.
B. The president and vice president cannot serve more than two
terms in office.
C. The president and his cabinet cannot serve more than eight
years in office.
D. The president cannot be elected to more than four terms of of-
fice (as Franklin Roosevelt was).
E. There are no limits on the number of terms a president may
serve but by tradition, since George Washingtons refusal to
serve a third term, presidents only serve two terms.
2004 Election 2006 Election 2008 Election
TOTAL 660.3 854.8 929.9

Democrats 288.5 395.5 491.0
Republicans 370.0 455.2 435.6
Third Parties 1.8 4.1 3.3

Incumbents 410.1 519.2 527.6
Challengers 116.6 185.6 246.7
Open Seats 133.6 150.0 155.6
Source: Federal Election Commission
52. Which one of the following statements is NOT supported by the
data in the table above?
A. During the time period shown, candidates challenging incum-
bents in the U.S. House of Representatives, on the average, did
not spend as much on their campaigns as incumbents did.
B. Democratic candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives,
on the average, spent more on their campaigns than Republican
candidates in 2008.
C. Campaign spending on elections for seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives increased substantially between 2004 and 2008.
D. For the elections shown in the table, nearly all campaign spend-
ing was done by candidates of the two major political parties.
E. During the time period shown, about half of all campaign
spending on elections for the U.S. House of Representatives
was spent in campaigns for open seats.
53. What is eminent domain?
A. the supremacy of the federal government over state governments
B. the legal document issued when a higher court decides to re-
view a decision of a lower court
C. the legal term referring to the Supreme Courts remanding of a
case to a lower court for a retrial
D. a requirement imposed by the federal government on state
governments such as requiring that public buildings be acces-
sible to persons with disabilities
E. the power of government to take private property for public use
54. Which of the following actions can Congress take if it is unhappy
with the actions of a federal agency?
I. Hold congressional hearings to investigate the actions of the agency
II. Restrict or eliminate the agencys funding
III. Pass a new law restricting the operations of the agency
IV. Issue an executive order requiring the agency to take certain actions
A. statement III only
B. statements I and II only
C. statements II and III only
D. statements I, II, and III only
E. statements I, II, III, and IV
55. Which one of the following is a provision contained in the Constitution?
A. The Supreme Court has the power to declare a law unconsti-
B. The justices of the Supreme Court serve life terms.
C. The Supreme Court consists of eight associate justices and one
chief justice.
D. Supreme Court justices cannot be impeached.
E. The U.S. District Courts are courts of original jurisdiction in
the federal judicial system.
56. Which of the following groups is most likely to vote for the Democratic
candidates for president?
A. African Americans
B. households in which no one is a member of a labor union
C. males
D. people over age 55
E. females
57. After a bill is introduced in the House of Representatives, what is the
next step in the legislative process?
A. The bill is introduced in the Senate because both houses of
Congress must consider all proposed legislation.
B. The bill is referred to a committee.
C. The majority-party caucus votes whether or not to support
the bill.
D. The Speaker of the House decides whether to ignore the bill or
take action.
E. The bill dies unless a committee chair decides to mark up the bill.
58. Which of the following is NOT a factor the president generally takes
into account in nominating a person for Supreme Court justice?
A. whether or not the person can be confirmed in the Senate
B. the age of the person
C. the political party the person belongs to
D. whether public opinion will be favorable towards the person
E. whether the person has held elective office before
59. Which of the following is an example of fiscal federalism?
A. administering the national parks
B. patrolling costal shipping lanes
C. building new mass transit systems in urban areas
D. administering veterans hospitals
E. patrolling U.S. borders
60. Which one of the following statements best describes the prevailing
view of the power of the president today?
A. The president is primarily an administrator carrying out the
will of Congress.
B. The president can take whatever action he feels appropriate to
advance his policy goals as long as he doesnt break the law or
violate the Constitution.
C. The president is the voice of the nation but cannot take any im-
portant actions on his own without the approval of Congress.
D. The president is above the law and can pursue the policies he
believes in even if that means he must break a law.
E. The president, in a national crisis such as a war on terror, can
take whatever actions he deems necessary even if it means vio-
lating the Constitution.
Section II
Time1 hour and 40 minutes
Four Questions
Directions: You will have 100 minutes in which to answer all of the four
questions below. You need to respond to all parts of each question un-
less specifically instructed otherwise. Budget your time so that you have
about 25 minutes to spend on each of the four questions. Be sure to use
examples to illustrate your points where appropriate. Be careful to break
down and number each of your answers in the same way the question is
divided and numbered. You should take a few minutes to read the entire
question and plan your response before beginning to write.
1. Supreme Court decisions often generate considerable controversy
and disagreement between Democrats and Republicans, conserva-
tives and liberals, those who favor judicial restraint and those who
favor judicial activism, etc.
a. Supreme Court justices are expected not to decide cases
based on their own political opinions. Name three things on
which judicial decisions are supposed to be based. Briefly
describe each of these and explain how it guides decisions.
b. Explain the difference between judicial activism and judicial
c. Describe one Supreme Court decision that is an example of
judicial activism and explain why it is an example of judicial
activism. Explain the legal basis upon which the Court based
its decision.
d. Describe one Supreme Court decision that is an example of
judicial restraint and explain why it is an example of judicial
restraint. Explain the legal basis upon which the Court based
its decision.
2. Over the last century, the power of political parties has been gradually
a. For each of the following, explain what it is and then explain
why it has led to a decline in the power of political parties:
civil service system
primary elections
b. Describe how campaign financing is changing and explain
how these changes affect the power of political parties.
c. Describe the nonpartisan blanket primaries recently insti-
tuted by California and Washington State and explain how
this type of primary can be expected to affect the power of
political parties.
3. The news media play an important role in the American political
a. Identify and briefly describe three important roles the news
media play.
b. What is the chief factor motivating the American news me-
dia and how does this affect news coverage?
c. Describe how the growth in the number of news sources on
the Internet and cable TV has contributed to growing polar-
ization in U.S. politics.
4. The government has two types of policies it can use to stimulate or
contract the economy: fiscal policy and monetary policy.
a. Define:
Monetary policy
Fiscal policy
b. What federal government institution controls monetary pol-
icy? Describe the powers it has that enable it to determine
and execute monetary policy and give an example.
c. What federal government institution exerts the greatest con-
trol over fiscal policy? Describe the power it has that enables
it to determine and execute fiscal policy and give an example.
Answer Key, Section I (Multiple Choice)
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. E
6. D
7. B
8. E
9. B
10. E
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. E
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. D
19. A
20. C
21. C
22. E
23. D
24. B
25. D
26. B
27. A
28. E
29. C
30. A
31. E
32. C
33. E
34. B
35. A
36. E
37. B
38. A
39. D
40. C
41. D
42. C
43. B
44. E
45. D
46. A
47. A
48. C
49. B
50. D
51. A
52. E
53. E
54. D
55. B
56. A
57. B
58. E
59. C
60. B
Answers and Explanations
1. D. The Articles of Confederation served as the constitution for the
United States until the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1788. The
Declaration of Independence (answer choice A) declared indepen-
dence from Britain in 1776 but did not establish a government
for the United States. The Bill of Rights (answer choice B) was
an addition to the Constitution ratified in 1791. The Mayflower
Compact (answer choice C) served as a constitution for the Pil-
grims who landed at Plymouth in 1620 but was no longer opera-
tional (Plymouth was incorporated into Massachusetts in 1691).
The document named in answer choice E did not exist.
2. A. The Supreme Court has never taken the position stated in answer
choice A; this position, called the doctrine of nullification, was ad-
vanced by Senator John C. Calhoun but firmly rejected by President
Andrew Jackson. All the other answer choices correctly describe the
Courts decision in McCulloch v. Maryland.
3. A. The interstate-commerce clause has provided the basis for a wide
range of federal legislation from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the
health insurance reform of 2010. The Tenth Amendment (1791)
(answer choice B) reserves powers for the states rather than pro-
viding a basis for the federal governments power. Both the free-
exercise clause (answer choice C) and the establishment clause
(answer choice D) of the First Amendment limit the federal gov-
ernments power to get involved in religion rather than providing a
basis for the federal governments power. The Constitution doesnt
mention fiscal federalism (answer choice E).
4. C. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public ac-
commodations. In Loving v. Virginia (1967) (answer choice A) the
Supreme Court declared state laws banning interracial marriage to
be unconstitutional. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment (1964) (an-
swer choice B) ended the poll tax but not racial segregation. No
one had to wait for state legislatures to decide to change their laws
(answer choice D); the passage of the Civil Rights Act invalidated
state laws permitting segregation since federal law is supreme over
state laws. There was no executive order as described in answer
choice E; an executive order can only be issued to the offices and
personnel under the presidents executive control.
5. E. Candidates now raise most of the money for their campaigns
themselves. This means the party has less control of their candi-
dates positions and strategies. Third parties (answer choice A) have
not risen in popularity as the two major parties have declined in
power. Parties in most states still select the two leading candidates
for the general election (answer choice B) through party primaries,
although in two statesCalifornia and Washingtonthe nonparti-
san blanket primary greatly diminishes the power of political par-
ties and could result in general election races in which one of the
major parties may not even have a candidate running. The two ma-
jor political parties still have national, state, and local organizations
(answer choice C) and conduct extensive get-out-the-vote efforts
(answer choice D) and voter registration drives.
6. D. The Supreme Court established the precedent of judicial review,
or the power to declare a law unconstitutional, in Marbury v. Madison
in 1803. Neither the Constitution (answer choice B) nor the Bill of
Rights (answer choice A) expressly states that the Supreme Court
has this power. In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) (answer choice
C), the Supreme Court declared a law prohibiting birth control de-
vices unconstitutional and established the right to privacy. In Gib-
bons v. Ogden (1824) (answer choice E) the Court held that Con-
gresss power to regulate interstate commerce was exclusive and
states could not pass laws that restricted interstate commerce.
7. B. Numerous studies have shown that people with college degrees
are much more likely to vote than any of the groups listed in the
other answer choices.
8. E. A filibuster allows a minority of senators to block a vote on a bill
that has majority support. A filibuster is not possible in the House
of Representatives because a simple majority may end debate and
allow the House to vote, making answer choice A incorrect. Answer
choice A is also wrong because only a three-fifths majority (60), not
a two-thirds majority (67), is needed in the Senate to end debate.
A filibuster always seeks to block a bill from passage, and cant eas-
ily be used as a strategy to lead to the passage of legislation (answer
choices C and D).
9. B. The Constitution makes no mention of political parties or the
presidents role relating to a political party. Article II of the Con-
stitution gives the president executive authority (answer choice A)
and states his role as commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces
(answer choice C). It also gives him specific authority to negotiate
treaties (answer choice D) and propose legislation for consider-
ation by Congress (answer choice E).
10. E. There are no data in the table to support the statement in answer
choice E. First, we dont know anything about the number or per-
centage of women in middle-ranking jobs (GS 5-12). Furthermore,
from the table we dont know the number of jobs at the highest or
lowest levels, but it seems likely that there may be more many lower
level jobs than higher level jobs, making it possible that the decline
in the number of women in the lower level jobs was greater than the
increase in the number of women in higher level jobs. All the other
answer choices correctly state facts shown by the data in the table.
11. C. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is an inde-
pendent regulatory agency not directly under the presidentsor
Congressscontrol. It role is to make regulationsand enforce
themto keep the financial markets operating openly and fairly.
The USPS (answer choice A) is also independent of direct control
by the president or Congress, but it a government corporation that
performs a service, rather than a regulatory agency. The FBI,
Department of Veterans Affairs, and the FDA (answer choices B,
D, and E) are not independent since they are all part of the regular
departmental structure of the executive branch and operate under
the direct authority of the president, who can fire their top officials
at will.
12. A. The candidate with the majority (over half) of the electoral votes
becomes president; if no candidate has a majority, then the House of
Representatives chooses the president. Thus, answer choice A could
never happen. All the other answer choices are possible outcomes
of the Electoral College system. The House of Representatives last
chose the president in 1824 (answer choice B). The presidential
electors last chose a president who did not get the highest number
of popular votes in 2000 (answer choice C). Since the most popu-
lous states dominate the Electoral College, the candidate winning
the presidency often does not carry the most states (answer choice
D). A third party candidate (George Wallace) last got a significant
number of electoral votes in 1968 (answer choice E).
13. C. The decision declared that flag-burning is symbolic free speech,
and thus protected by the First Amendments right to freedom of
speech. In this case, the flag-burning was part of a protest dem-
onstration (answer choice A), but the right to assemble to protest
was not questioned by the law enforcement authorities, so this was
not the issue. The flag-burning had nothing to do with freedom of
religioneither the free exercise of religion (answer choice B) or
the establishment of religion (answer choice E). Also not at issue
was the Fourth Amendment (answer choice D) since nothing was
searched or seized.
14. E. A countrys political culture refers to the underlying beliefs and
values that virtually all of its citizens share. The political culture
forms the foundation on which the political system operates. An-
swer choices A, B, and D all suggest that there is more than one po-
litical culture in the nation, making these incorrect. Answer choice
C is incorrect because the American political culture is overwhelm-
ingly based on Western European ideas and values, especially those
of Britain and France.
15. D. The table shows that the number of both civil cases and criminal
cases in U.S. District Courts has grown, with the greatest growth in
civil cases. Answer choice A is a correct statement but this informa-
tion is not shown in the table. There is no information in the chart
regarding frivolous lawsuits (answer choice B). Since most crimes
(murder, arson, theft, rape, assault) are dealt with in state rather
than federal courts, we cannot makes assumptions about crime in
general from this table (answer choice C). We would need more in-
formation (such as population growth and changes in federal crimi-
nal law) to even conclude that the federal crime rate is increasing.
There is no year-to-year information in the table on which to base
the statement in answer choice E.
16. B. Both federal and state governments have the power to levy taxes,
making this a concurrent power. Answer choices A, C, and E are
federal powers and answer choice D is a power of state governments.
17. D. In both the House and the Senate, standing committee wield
much of the power in the legislative process. The Senate has much
more power than the House to check the power of the president
(answer choice A) since only the Senate needs to ratify treaties and
approve federal judges, ambassadors, and key federal officials. The
House selects its own presiding officer by majority vote but the vice
president, selected by the Electoral College, presides over the Senate
(answer choice B). The House has more than four times the num-
ber of members that the Senate has (answer choice C) and only the
House has a Rules Committee (answer choice E).
18. D. The devolution of power (statement I) refers to the federal pol-
icy of allowing states to have more control over the administration
of federally funded projects. All the other statements correctly de-
scribe reasons the federal government has grown in power relative
to state governments.
19. A. An open seat is any seat for which there is no incumbent run-
ning, making the playing field leveler. Answer choice A describes
a competitive seat. There are no widely used terms to describe the
situations in answer choices B, D, and E.
20. C. Most of the powers listed in the Constitution are given to Con-
gress so answer choice C is not a reason why Congresss power to
lead the nation is not as great as the presidents power in todays
world. All of the other answer choices describe reasons why Con-
gress has difficulty playing the role of national leader.
21. C. The presidents cabinet is purely an advisory body. The Office of
Management and Budget puts together the proposed federal budget
(answer choice A) and federal regulations are written by the appro-
priate federal agency (answer choice B). The vice president assumes
leadership if the president is unable to perform his duties (answer
choice D). Many federal officials provide testimony to Congress; if
a cabinet member does this, he/she does it as a federal official, not
because he/she is a member of the cabinet (answer choice E).
22. E. Political socialization refers to the process through which indi-
viduals develop their political values and beliefs. It is a continuing
process, but the most important years are those before adulthood,
by which time these values and beliefs are already in place (answer
choice C). Political socialization may result in values and beliefs
that encourage political participation but the process may also re-
sult in values and beliefs that dontthere is no set outcome (an-
swer choice A). Answer choices B and D dont relate to political
23. D. Reapportionment is the reallocation of the 435 seats in the
House of Representatives among the states based on their popula-
tion in a new census. Seats are not reallocated in the Senate because
all states get two senators regardless of their population (answer
choice C). Answer choice B describes redistricting rather than re-
apportionment; redistricting happens after seats are reapportioned.
Redistricting is done by state governments, not the House of Rep-
resentatives (answer choice A). Committee seats are reallocated to
the political parties based on the number of seats they have won in
the latest election, but this is not referred to as reapportionment
(answer choice E).
24. B. Pluralism is the concept of the political process as a struggle be-
tween multiple interest groups that compete for power to advance
their own political goals. The concept of democracy (answer choice
A)one man, one votedoes not emphasize the role of interest
groups. Free enterprise (answer choice C) and socialism (answer
choice D) are economic, not political, systems. Elitism (answer
choice E) refers to a political system in which power is concentrated
in the hands of a few people, rather than the result of a struggle be-
tween competing interest groups.
25. D. Statements II and III are correct. During the time period shown,
the winning candidates electoral vote percentage has never dropped
below his popular vote percentage, making statement I incorrect.
26. B. Congress has no power to reject the personnel in the Executive
Office of the President who serve as the presidents advisors and
assistants. All of the other answer choices correctly describe checks
Congress can exercise on presidential power.
27. A. Federal agencies do not submit budget requests to Congress. In-
stead, they submit their budget requests to the president, who with
the help of his Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reviews
and revises them before submitting one unified budget to Congress.
All of the other answer choices correctly state steps in the process.
In Congress, the budget committees (answer choice D) review the
budget to provide overall guidelines while the appropriations com-
mittees (answer choice C) create the appropriations bills that actu-
ally provide money to the federal government.
28. E. The winner-take-all system means the candidates percentages of
the popular vote and percentages of the electoral vote will often be
quite different. Answer choices A, B, and C are correct statements
but do not explain why the electoral vote and popular vote diverge
so much so often. Electors almost never vote for a candidate other
than the one they have pledged to support (answer choice D),
although it is possible this could happen in unusual circumstances.
29. C. The Supreme Courts decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) was based
on a right to privacy, not specifically stated (answer choice B), but
implied in the Bill of Rights. This right was first recognized in the
Courts decision in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), not in Lawrence
v. Texas (2003) (answer choice D). Both the free-exercise clause
(answer choice A) and the establishment clause (answer choice E)
of the First Amendment deal with freedom of religion, which was
not an issue in Roe v. Wade.
30. A. Original jurisdiction refers to the authority to conduct the ini-
tial trial of a case, while appellate jurisdiction refers to the au-
thority to hear an appeal of a case that has already been tried by
a lower court. U.S. District Courts are the usual court of original
jurisdiction in the federal court system. However, the Supreme
Court also has original jurisdiction in some circumstances such as
a lawsuit between state governments. U.S. Courts of Appeal have
only appellate jurisdiction (answer choices B and C). State supreme
courts (answer choice E) are not federal courts and usually have
only appellate jurisdiction.
31. E. The elastic clause is also known as the necessary and proper
clause. It states that the federal government has the power to
make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into
Execution all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the
Government of the United States. The powers granted the federal
government under this clause are referred to as implied powers.
Answer choice A describes the Great Compromise (also known as
the Connecticut Compromise), not the elastic clause. The Con-
stitution does not grant the president increased authority in time
of war (answer choice C). Answer choice D refers to the Tenth
Amendment, not the elastic clause.
32. C. The Anti-Federalists opposed adoption of the new Constitution.
The supporters of the proposed Constitution (the Federalists)
agreed to add a Bill of Rights as a result of strong criticism from the
Anti-Federalists that the Constitution didnt do enough to protect
individual liberties. This addition of the Bill of Rights was the main
contribution of the Anti-Federalists to the Constitution. The Great
Compromise (answer choice A) and the system for choosing the
president (answer choice E) were decisions made by the Consti-
tutional Convention before the Federalist versus Anti-Federalist
debate over the proposed Constitution had begun. The questions
of establishment of a national bank (answer choice B) and how
many terms a president should serve (answer choice D) were not
issues in the debate over the ratification of the Constitution; these
became issues well after the Constitution had been adopted.
33. E. An open primary means that each partys primary election is open
to all voters who select the partys ballot as the one they will vote
on. Thus the partys primary is open to independents and members
of other parties, not just voters registered with that party. However,
in an open primary, voters cant cross party lines (answer choice
B); they must vote using only one partys ballot. The nonpartisan
blanket primary is one in which all candidates of all parties (and
independents) appear on one primary election ballot and voters can
cross party lines and vote for candidates of different parties. Each
state sets the voting period (answer choice D) and the procedures
for getting on the primary election ballot (answer choice A), but
these have nothing to do with whether the primary is open or not.
All primary elections in the United States use a secret ballot (answer
choice C).
34. B. Administrative law does have the full force of the law that statu-
tory law has, as long as it is a reasonable provision to enforce a
statutory law. All of the other answer choices correctly describe
administrative law.
35. A. By a two-thirds majority in both of its houses, Congress can
submit amendments to the states for ratification. Three-fourths of
the states must approve an amendment for it to be ratified. The
president does not sign or veto constitutional amendments (answer
choice D); in fact, he plays no formal role in the process of amend-
ing the constitution. Answer choices B, C, and E all contradict the
correct answer choice.
36. E. Statements II and IV are correct. The table shows that the number
of federal employees declined from 2,997,000 in 1970 to 2,730,000
in 2008, making statement II correct. Since 1.88 percent is less than
half of 3.81 percent, the table also shows that the share of the U.S.
labor force that federal government workers comprised in 2008 was
less than half of the share they accounted for in 1970 (statement
IV). However, it would be incorrect to say the size of the federal
government in terms of number of federal employees continues to
grow (statement I) when the trend is definitely downward since
1990, except for a small increase between 2005 and 2008. The table
does not show annual data (statement III); however, we know that
in some years the number of federal employees must have increased
because there was an increase in government employees between
2005 and 2008.
37. B. In spite of the increase in the number of and type of news sources
on the Internet and cable TV, there is less in-depth reporting on
the issues in an election in the news media than ever before. All the
other answer choices list types of things the news media are more
likely to cover.
38. A. Grassroots lobbying occurs when an interest group mobilizes its
membership to lobby Congress. Interest groups regularly try to in-
crease their membership (answer choice B) and sometimes try to
change public opinion (answer choice C), but these efforts are not
referred to as grassroots lobbying. The situation described in an-
swer choice D almost never happens in actual practice so there is
no widely used term for this. There is also no widely used term to
describe an organized effort within an interest group to change the
interest groups position (answer choice E). In fact, interest groups
seldom dramatically change their positions; dissatisfied members
usually just drift away or form other interest groups.
39. D. Incumbents dont necessarily reflect their constituents views
better than challengers. In fact, challengers often try to more closely
reflect the views of constituents so that they have a chance at un-
seating the incumbent. However, even this tactic usually doesnt
work to unseat an incumbent. All of the other answer choices cor-
rectly describe reasons its difficult to unseat an incumbent.
40. C. The table shows health comprised $281 billion in 2009, or nearly
half of all federal grant money given to state and local government
($568 billion). The data in the chart contradict all the other answer
choices. Between 1990 and 2009, federal grants to state and lo-
cal governments declined in one program areaagriculture (answer
choice A). Total federal grants only increased by about four times
between 1990 and 2009, making answer choice B incorrect. Only
one program areanot severalincreased by 10 times between
1990 and 2009 (answer choice D). Although there are no annual
data shown in the table, we know that in the area of energy they
could not have increased each year since there was a decline be-
tween 1995 and 2000 (answer choice E).
41. D. In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court held that a
Constitutional right to gun ownershipirrespective of service in a
state militiadid exist. None of the other answer choices were deci-
sions the Court made although many of them do present issues the
Court may soon take up as a result of District of Columbia v. Heller.
42. C. Simply reading about politics is not participating in the politi-
cal process. Only when a person takes action to try to influence
the political process in some way does the person participate in it.
Actions can range from contributing to election campaigns through
a political action committee (answer choice D), contacting a con-
gressman to try to influence government action (answer choice B),
to signing a petition supporting a certain political action (answer
choice E). Trying to influence others regarding political issues is also
participation in the political process (answer choice A).
43. B. Studies show that the best predictor of the political party iden-
tification is the party identity of a persons parents. All the other
answer choices list influences on party identification, but those are
not as strong as parental influences.
44. E. Executive orders cant be issued that are contrary to a law passed
by Congress; the president and the federal bureaucracy must abide
by the law and cannot ignore it or refuse to enforce it. All the other
answer choices describe actions the president can take to influence
legislation under consideration by Congress.
45. D. Defense spending decreased from 52.2 percent (over half) of
federal spending in 1960 to 19.9 percent (less than one-fifth) of
federal spending in 2010. Constant dollars are dollars adjusted for
inflation and, measured in constant dollars, defense spending did
not more than double between 1960 and 2010 (answer choice A).
Measured in current dollars (not adjusted for inflation), defense
spending increased greatly during the period shown but actually
declined between 1990 and 2000, making answer choice B incor-
rect. All measures shown in this table do not show increases in
defense spending (answer choice C). Note that the figures in this
chart could be used to make either the case that defense spending
is skyrocketing or that it is declining, depending on the measure a
person uses. As a percent of gross domestic product (GDP), defense
spending was lowest in 2000, not 2010 (answer choice E).
46. A. Earmarks require the government to spend money on specif-
ic projects. They are usually inserted into appropriations bills by
members of Congress who want to fund federal projects in their
own districts/states. Their purpose is exactly the opposite of allow-
ing the executive branch to channel federal funds to where they are
needed most or will be most effective (answer choice E). None of
the other answer choices are related to earmarks.
47. A. The belief in government whose powers are limited by a consti-
tution, also called constitutionalism, is a basic component of Ameri-
can political culture. Both liberals and conservatives agree on this
principle. All the other answer choices express opinions on current
political issues on which not all Americans agree.
48. C. Never is a dangerous word; just because it has not happened
in the past does not mean it can never happen. There is nothing
in the table to support the idea that this can never happen. In fact,
the table shows that third-party candidates can get electoral votes
(1948 and 1968). If a third-party candidate gets electoral votes, the
third-party candidate can play the deciding role in the selecting the
president if neither of the two major parties has the required 270
votes. In that situation, the third-party candidate can negotiate with
the two major-party candidates and then throw his/her support to
the major-party candidate that offers the best deal, thereby making
him president. All the other answer choices are supported by data
in the table.
49. B. Clearance Earl Gideon was denied a court-appointed lawyer and
had to act as his own attorney because he could not afford one. He
was found guilty, but in prison, he studied law in the prison library
and filed a writ of habeas corpus with the Supreme Court using
a pencil and a piece of prison stationery. The Courts decision in
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) requires state governments to provide
a lawyer for indigent defendants accused of a felony. Miranda v.
Arizona (1966) went further, requiring police to inform an accused
person of the right to an attorney (among other rights). Engle v. Vitale
(1962) prohibited government-written prayer in public schools and
Baker v. Carr (1962) required that legislative districts be equal in
population. Mapp v. Ohio (1961) established the exclusionary rule
that evidence obtained illegally could not be used in a trial.
50. D. Meeting privately with a federal judge to discuss a case is against
established judicial procedures and illegal. All the other answer
choices list actions interest groups often engage in to try to influ-
ence the decisions of federal courts.
51. A. The Twenty-Second Amendment (1951) prohibits any person
from being elected president more than twice. Answer choice B
is incorrect because there are no term limits imposed on the vice
president, and a president can serve more than two terms; for ex-
ample, if he becomes president upon the death of a president, he
can complete that term (if less than two years) as well as serving
two terms of his own. Answer choice C is incorrect because there
are no term limits on members of the cabinet and a president, in the
circumstance described above, can serve up to ten years in office.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to four terms, but that was be-
fore the Twenty-Second Amendment was ratified in 1951. Answer
choice E describes the situation prior to Roosevelts presidency.
52. E. The amounts spend on campaigns for open seats (the last line of
the table) constitute far less than half of total spending (top line).
All the other statements are supported by data in the table.
53. E. Eminent domain is the power of a local, state, or federal gov-
ernmental agency to take private property for public use. Article
I of the Constitution establishes the supremacy of the federal gov-
ernment over state governments (answer choice A), but this is not
referred to as eminent domain. Answer choice B describes a writ
of certiorari. The situation described in answer choice C is simply
referred to as remanding a case for retrial. A federal requirement
imposed on state governments (answer choice D) is often called a
federal mandate.
54. D. Congress can take the actions described in all of the statements
except issue an executive order (statement IV). An executive order
can only be issued by the president as head of the executive branch
of government.
55. B. The Constitution establishes life terms for federal judges. How-
ever, the Constitution does not mention judicial review (answer
choice A); the power to declare a law unconstitutional was estab-
lished in Marbury v. Madison (1803). The Constitution does not
specify the number of Supreme Court justices (answer choice C);
this number was set at five by Congress, then changed to seven, be-
fore becoming nine justices (one of which is the Chief Justice). The
Constitution states that Supreme Court justices can be impeached,
making answer choice D incorrect. The Constitution does not men-
tion U.S. District Courts (answer choice E) but gives Congress the
power to set up federal courts below the Supreme Court.
56. A. Polling has shown that African Americans usually vote for the
Democratic presidential candidate by a wide margin. Women (an-
swer choice E), in recent presidential elections, have also tended
to vote Democratic, but not by nearly as large a margin as African
Americans. The groups described in answer choices B and C are
more likely to vote for the Republican candidate while people over
55 (answer choice D) are more evenly divided.
57. B. In both the Senate and the House, a bill is referred to a com-
mittee after it is introduced. The same bill or a similar one may
or may not be introduced in the other house of Congress (answer
choice A). The bill goes to the other house of Congress after it has
been passed by the house in which it was introduced. Party cau-
cuses dont generally take votes on whether or not to support a bill
(answer choice C); each senator or representative decides this on
their own. However, in a party caucus, party leaders may poll the
members to get an idea of how they stand on a bill, but this is done
much later in the process. The Speaker of the House doesnt decide
whether or not to take action (answer choice D); this is done by the
committee to which the bill was assigned. A bill may die if the com-
mittee chair decides not to take action (answer choice E), but this
can happen only after it has been referred to the committee. Choice
E is also incorrect because the mark up of a bill refers to the com-
mittees changes to the bill after hearings have been helda step
that happens much later in the process.
58. E. Whether or not the nominee has held elective office is not im-
portant. Most justices havent, with Chief Justice Earl Warren, who
previously was governor of California, being a notable exception.
Whether the nominee can get public support (answer choice D)
and be confirmed by the Senate (answer choice A) are important
considerations since it will not help the president if his nominee is
rejected. Nominees are almost always members of the presidents
political party (answer choice C) and the president wants some-
one who will reflect his views on the Court. The age of the person
(answer choice B) is important because most presidents look for a
nominee who will have a long tenure on the Supreme Court.
59. C. While, in theory, a city could build a new mass transit system
on its own, in practice this is always done with the help of federal
funding that covers some of the projects cost. This is an example
of fiscal federalism with federal funding giving the federal govern-
ment considerable power in defining and administering a project or
program that would otherwise be under local control. Fiscal feder-
alism involves programs and projects funded and controlled jointly
by federal and state (and sometimes local) governments. The other
answer choices all list areas entirely funded and controlled by the
federal government.
60. B. Today the prevailing view is of an assertive president who
does whatever he canwithout breaking the law or violating the
Constitutionto advance the public policy goals he supports.
In contrast, the view that the president is simply an adminis-
trator carrying out the will of Congress (answer choice A) was
the position taken by many presidents from James Buchanan to
Herbert Hoover. However, no president has viewed his office as
unable to take any important action without the approval of Con-
gress (answer choice C)after all, he is commander in chief of the
military and chief executive of federal government. The view that
the president is above the law (answer choice D) was advanced
by Richard Nixon but soundly rejected by Congress, the Supreme
Court (United States v. Nixon, 1974), and the public. However, no
president has supported the idea that the president in wartime no
longer needs to abide by the Constitution (answer choice E).

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