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I. The basis is the penalty prescribed by the RPC and not the actual penalty imposed by the court.
If both imprisonment and fine are prescribed as penalties, it is the penalty of imprisonment which is
used as basis.

II. The classifications are:

A. Light - imprisonment of one day to thirty days, or fine of not more than P200.00

1. They are punished only in their consummated stages except with respect to light
felonies against persons or property. The reason is because they produced such light
or insignificant results that society is satisfied if they are punished even if only in their
consummated stage.

2. Only principals and accessories are liable

B. Less Grave - imprisonment of more than one month but not more than 6 years, or fine of
P200.00 but not more than P6,000.00

C. Grave - imprisonment of more than 6 years, or fine of more than P6,000.00

1. Heinous - the penalty is reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua

2. Non-heinous

III. The Importance of the classification is in relation to:

(a) Prescription of crimes

(b) Complexity of crimes

(c) Imposition of subsidiary penalty

(d) Determination of who are liable for the offense

(e) Determination what stage of execution is punishable

(f) Determination of the period of detention of persons lawfully arrested without warrant

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