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DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003

#. - .;; Director- of
}! Intelligence

. ..
Soviet Submarine
Warfare Trends
Special Intelligence Estimate
SNI 11-20-JH/D
March 1985
Ccpy 3 3 2
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DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
SNIE 11-20-84/D
Information available as of 21 December- 19S4 was
used in the prepantion of this Estimate, which was
approved by the National Forei&n lntellill;cnce
Board on that date.
E ~ R i i T
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The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of the
The Centrol Intelligence Agency, the Defense .Intelligence Agency, the NotiO(Lal Security
Agency, and the intelligence organization of the Deportment of State.
Also Participating:
The Assistant Chief of Staff for lnteUigence, Deportment of the Army
The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy
The Assistant of Staff, Department of the Air Force
The Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, Morine Corps
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003

In its semiannual review of worldwide nuclear development, the
DCI's Nuclear Intelligence Panel noted with alarm the apparent strides
in the past few years in Soviet submarine programs. The Panel
recommended that a Community assessment for policymakers be
undertaken to determine if these strides in fact marked an acceleration
of Soviet undersea warfare capabilities and what future trends could be
expected. The DCI approved the recommendation, which is fulfilled in
this Estimate.
Any attempt. to portray Soviet submarine trends must necessarily
examine a number of undersea warfare technical fields of some
scientific complexity. Further, mere description of improvements made
in various fields is inadequate in allowing policymakers to determine
the significance of such improvements. We have, therefore, compared
Soviet developments not only with the USSR's previous capabilities, but
with the established performance of Western submarines, sensors, and
comparisons should not be interpreted as net assessments. A
comparative net evaluation of US and Soviet submarines would. require
an examination of factors well beyond the scope of this paper-relative
readiness, tactics, missions, force correlations, professional performance,
variations in acoustics and bottom topography in the postulated battle
area, and numerous other considerations. These aspects are so important
that no predictions about even a single one-on-one engagement can be
postulated from data in this Estimate.
Rather, we have attempted to portray Soviet undersea technology
trends in terms of the current state of the art to determine if Soviet ef-
forts are likely to result major changes relative to Western capabilities
in the next 10 years.
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VSL4..1l"- ~ 4 ~ e
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The Soviet submarine force will remain the most important
element of the Soviet Navy into the 1990s. The key trends, we believe,
will be:
- A commitment to building substantially improved submarines
at about the same pace as in the last decade-by the mid-1990s
a new generation of submarines will allow greater flexibility in
Soviet tactics and operations.
- Improved sonars and reduced radiated noise[
- Continued superiority in the ability to survive a conventional
weapons hit-due mostly to use of double hull designs and high-
strength hull material. The newest submarines may make some
current antisubmarine warfare (ASW) weapons obsolete, and
may reQuire a significant-and potentially expensive-Western
- Maximum speeds in the 35- to 40-knot range for some of the
newest SSNs, with a burst speed of 50 knots for a small number
of special-purpose submarines in the 1990s. We project that the
tactical speed of Soviet submarines-the maximum speed at
which they may still effectively use their passive sonar sys-
tems-will remain inferior to that of their US counterparts.
-Improved submarine-launched ballistic missiles---.better ac_cura-
cy, with the possibility of achieving a hard-target kill capability.
The long ranges of these missiles will allow the submarines that
carry them to patrol close to the USSR, thus aiding their
- Introduction of long-range, land-attack cruise missiles-the
Soviets are preparing for the deployment of two different types
of these nuclear-armed cruise missiles: a supersonic high-
altitude weapon and a subsonic low-altitude weapon.
- The continued use of technology transfer to hasten the improve-
ments in the Soviet submarine force.
.____ _______________ _
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- Greater use of icefields for operations of nuclear-vowered
. ballistic missile submarines By patrolling under the ice
in wartime, Soviet SSBNs could avoid the ASW threat fr:om
enemy air and surface forces.
We project that the size of the Soviet submarine force will show a
modest decline, but the percentage of units that are nuclear vowered
will grow substantially {see figure 1). The majority of the force will
consist of older, less capable units until the early 1990s. By then new,
quiet nuclear-powered attack submarines will be present in sufficient
numbers to challenge Western ASW forces with a significantly in-
. creased. undersea threat.
We believe these improvements do not signify a change in the
missions of 'the Soviet submarine force, but rather that it will be more
capable of performing them iri the 1990s. In the areas of the ocean the
Soviets would attempt to control in a conflict, their submarine force
would be a formidable adversary. If, as we project, they initially station
some three-quarters of their available attack submarines in these .. sea
control and sea denial" areas during a conflict, they can hope to provide
.. . . .
Figure l
The Projeeted Soviet Submarine Force
Number of submarines
a New*
otd ISO
General purpose
li New
B.allislic 7S
New .
Old 2S
Other purpose
New mean,; those submarine." with desicns showinl substantial
quietin&- that is. the V-III (initial operational capability in 191&> an<l
l.ucr ctuscs.
(t 18FIIC

1990 199S
L_ ______________________________________________________________ _____ _____ ----
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
a major improvement to the sur.vivability of their SSBNs. Their efforts
to counter US ASW defenses will make the undersea protection of
carrier battle groups increasingly difficult. Soviet quieting improve-
ments represent a program to counter Western sensor systems, including
the sound surveillance system (SOSUS). On the other hand, we bel.ieve
that Soviet submarines will not be capable of attacking any more than a
few US SSBNs, and possibly none, because of continued inability to
reliably detect and track these units in the open ocean.[
With their newest units the Soviets will potentially be able to
operate on even terms with all but the most capable US submarines.
These newest units will also pose much greater problems for other
current US ASW systems; we cannot evaluate the effects on programed
US improvements.
This assessment has by definition focused on the latest and most
capable Soviet submarines. We estimate that by 1995 quiet submarines
will compose somewhat more than half of the _active nuclear-powered
submarine force. Thus, nearly half of the force will continue to contend
at marked operational disadvantage against even the oldest Western
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
Figure 2
New Oasses of Soviet Submarines Sintt 1980
O-ct us
Typhoon <Ius
...... ,
. '
e . -
No Duwin& Available
Q =
~ .....
~ ::.
Units Launched
to Dale
Projected Number
by 199S
~ ----
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
Soviet Submarine. Missions and Submarine Types
l. The Soviet submarine force is the most important element of
the Soviet Navy; it consumes some 60 percent of the Navy's ship
procurement budget. In wartime, Soviet submarines would participate
in the Navy's primary initial tasks:
- Det>loying and providing protection for nuclear-powered b. Jlis-
tic missile submarines (SSBNs) in preparation for and parr ::ipa-
tion in intercontinental and theater nuclear strikes.
- Helt>ing to defend the USSR by engaging Western aircraft
carriers and ballistic missile submarines, as well as surface :mits
and submarines armed with land-attack cruise missiles.
Other imoortant submarine wartime tasks would include sut>oort of
ground forces, and some attacks on Western sea lines of communication
(SLOCs) ..
2. Since the late 1970s the Soviets have begun to comtxnsate for
longstanding deficiencies in their submarine force. In. areas critical to
submarine warfare-submarine quieting, signal processing, and weap-
qns design-Soviet submarines have shown substantial improvement in
recent years. Research and development in related fields in the USSR,
along with the acquisition of Western . technology, have been. mainly
responsible for this success. New classes of submarines (see figure 2)
apparently combine the above improvements with traditional Soviet
strengths in hull design, oower-to-weight ratios, and propulsion technol-
ogy. With their newest units the Soviets will potentially be able to
operate on even terms with all but the most capable US submarines.
These newest units will also pose much greater problems for other
current US antisubmarine warfare (ASW) systems. We cannot evaluate
the effects on programed US improvements.
3. We are particularly concerned about the potential capacity of the
USSR to construct a large force of these newer submarines in a relatively
short time. The V-III-class, which incorporated substantial quieting and
more sophisticated combat systems, was built at about the same rate as
earlier, less capable units. The newest units (M-, 0-, S-, Akula-, and
Typhoo.n-classes) represent a completely new generation of submarines,
incoroorating new propulsion plants, and, in some cases, titanium hull
material that is more difficult to fabricate. If these units are to be built as
fast as the previous generation (a challenging accomplishment that may be
beyond the reach of Soviet shipbuilders}, then the submarine force would
pose a significantly improved threat by the early 1990s.
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
4. We have substantial evidence concerning the technical trends
and improved characteristics the Soviets are incoroorating into their
new submarines and the general missions of the submarine force. The
uncertainties, however, are also substantial-uncertainties about the
purposes and missions of many of the different individual submarine
classes as well as the numbers of submarines or each class the Soviets
will be able to build.
Advances in Submarine Technology
5. Submarine DeJJth and Hull Design. Since the 1950s the
Soviets have led the West in high-strength materials technology for
submarine hulls. They manufacture submarine pressure hulls from
high-strength steel and titanium. Figure 3 shows the diving depths
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
known or estimated to have been achieved. We estimate the new 0 -
and Typhoon-class submarines are constructed of the most advanced
high-tensile-strength steel. This will allow limiting depths of[
J Because steel hulls are easier and faster than
titanium hulls to construct, we believe the Soviets will retain them in a
significant portion of their submarine force in the foreseeable future.
6. We estimate that the Soviet titanium submarine construction
program will continue to receive a high priority. We believe that theM-
and S-class nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs}, both launched in
1983, probably are made of titanium (see figure 4 on next page). The
USSR leads the world in this technology, and we expect some Soviet ti-
tanium-hull submarines to achieve operating depths of[
]however, we believe that most future titanium hull .
will emphasize hull weight-saving trade-offs to achieve, among other
things, high speeds.
7. Sveed and Power. Historically,. submarine designers in the
USSR also have had a strong commitment to building fast submarines.
This has been done through a combination of high power density
(building powerful propulsion plants into smaller volumes) and more
efficient hull forms. Two earlier classes, the P- and- A.;dasses. have
achieved maximum speeds of 39 and 42 knots, respectively. We. expect
at least some of the new types will achieve speeds in the range of 35 to
40 knots. Two types of reactors are now in use-pressurized water-
cooled and liquid-metal-cooled. The majority of units have the former,
which is more reliable and easier to maintain and is also used in all
nuclear warships. More advanced types of reactors-high
temperature gas-cooled, for example- are under investigation in the
USSR, and we expect the Soviets will seek to maintain superiority in
speed and power density.
8. The Soviets are using designs that reduce the drag of their
submarines, incorporating improvements to the hull shape and stream-
lining or eliminating drag-producing appendages. They are also investi-
gating other methods of drag reduction, including the ejection of
synthetic polymers from the bow to reduce hull turbulence. We
estimate that, by the 1990s, the Soviets could deploy a submarine using
current power densities and an active drag reduction method that
would achieve burst speeds of up to 50 knots. This speed, however,
probably could initially be achieved on only a limited number of
special-purpose submarines.
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
Figure 4
Newest Soviet NuclearPowered General
Purpose Submarines
S-class SSN
Akula-class SSN
Set rei
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
9. Acoustic Advantage. The Soviets have instituted a comprehen-
sive program to improve the quality of their submarine sonars and
reduce the noise levels of their units. This program has been based on
the acquisition of Western equipment, investment in quality control for
Soviet-manufactured components, and development of an elaborate
system to monitor the ongoing quieting efforts of their operational
submarine force.[
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003

10. Weapons Imorovements. We estimate that most new classes
of Soviet submarines have increased weapons capacity and have
improved weapon systems accuracy, range, and payload. A new weaoon
with a new mission-the long-range, nuclear-armed, land-attack cruise
missile-also has been created. Over the next few years several classes
of Soviet s1,1bmarines are ext>eCted to carry new long-range, land-attack
cruise missiles. Two missiles are currently in OighHesting for limited
deployment, beginning in 1985 and 1986. Advances have been especial-
ly significant for new submarine-launched ballistic missiles that carry
more warheads and have much greater throw weight and better
accuracy than their a decade ago. Soviet. torpedo designers
have developed weapons with wake-homing guidance.
These torpedoes probably would be fired at ranges up to 10 km astern
of the target ship. These will greatly improve the Soviets' antisudace
warfare capabilities, particularly against large targets.
11. The Soviets have a variety of options for further advancement
of submarine armaments technology. The SS-N-22 antiship cruise
missile-up to now tested and deployed only on surface ships-possibly
will be adapted for submarine launch. At Mach 2.3 this weapon would
upgrade substantially the threat from Soviet submarines operating
against Western carrier battle groups. For ASW the Soviets probably
have adapted the large diameter (65 em) torpedo-originally designed
for use against surface ships-into a high-endurance antisubmarine
torpedo. Such a weapon will improve "their ability to engage an evasive
enemy submarine.
12. Other Imorovements. We expect that the Soviets will accom-
plish advances in all aspects of submarine warfare over the coming
decade. Some of the other important areas will be:
- Submarine-launched surface-to-air missiles to defend Soviet
submarines against low-altitude slow-flying aircraft. One system
may already be deployed on Typhoon- and K-class submarines.
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
- More sophisticated decoys and countermeasures to make Soviet
submarines more survivable. '
- Better communications procedures and equipment, primarily to
provide more centralized control of SSBNs. These advances also
will improve the ability of Soviet submarines to react to
Western ASW, to operate at more secure depths, and to
coordinate their activity with other Soviet forces.
Production Base
13. During the last few years shipyards in the USSR have launched
an unprecedented variety of nuclear-powered submarines. Submarine
production has averaged about 10 units per year for the last five years,
and about 65 percent of these units were nuclear. SSBN production has
leveled off in recent years as the size of the force has stabilized within
limitations of the SALT The most notable development has
been the rapid growth in the diversity of nuclear-powered general
purpose units (SSNs and SSGNs). In the late 1970s only three classes
were known to be in series production. Since 1980, five new classes of
nuclear-powered general purpose submarines have been launched, and
as many as two more new classes may be under construction.
14. Over the next decade, the size of the submarine force is
projected to decline modestly, but the proportion of nuclear units is
estimated to grow significantly. Construction yard capacity is substan-
tial. The single yard at Severodvinsk is the largest in the world and has
more building positions than both US submarine yards combined.
Furthermore, we estimate that the major Soviet shipy.ards involved in
the construction of submarines are not operating at their full capacity. It
appears that future overhaul requirements for nuclear submarines,
normally done at dedicated repair yards and operating bases, will have
:elatively little impact upon the use of these facilities. Two major
shipyards-Gor'kiy and Komsomol'sk-have been expanded in recent .
years and may contribute even more to general purpose submarine
construction. Large-scale series production of new SSNs from these
shipyards will create a force of at least 20 high-quality units as early as
1990, some 20 to 30 percent of the SSN force.
Operations and Strategy
15. The Strategic Framework. The key elements of Soviet naval
planning are support for strategic strike operations and strategic
Protecting Soviet SSBNs is the primary focus of much of the
'See NIE Souit:t Nai)Q[ Strategv tJnd Programs Through the 1990s. Cor a more complete dis-
cwsion of the Soviet Navy's overall strategy.
. :
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
Navy's efforts. Strategic defense will also include plans to attack US sea
launched cruise missile platforms and aircraft carriers before they could
attack the USSR. It will, in addition, involve attempts to counter
Western SSBNs at sea, although meaningful success in this task is
beyond the current reach of the Soviet Navy. The Soviet subm;trine
fleet of the 1990s would be more capable of SLOC interdiction, but
only at the cost of other missions. We believe that through at least the
midl990s the Soviets will continue to initially employ most of their
SSNs for the more imDOrtant missions of SSBN protection and homeland
16. Submarine Ooerations. Improvements to the Soviet SSBN
force over the next several years will enhance the force's survivability.
Soviet SSBNs will share in the trends toward Quieter, more survivable
submarines armed with improved defensive weapons. The l)roportion
of the force configured to carry longer range missiles will grow.
allowing more Soviet SSBNs to ooerate in more secure waters near the
USSR. D-class and Typhoon SSBNs routinely pat"rol under the ice.
Those submarines operating under ice in wartime would be safe from
enemy surface and air ASW forces-but remain potentially vulnerable
to attack submarines.
17. General purl)Ose submarines would play a variety of roles in
the defense of SSBNs. There has been increased use of SSNs as escorts
for SSBNs deployed near the Soviet homeland-operating in the
vicinity of the patrolling SSBN in peacetime to detect foreign ships or
submarines attempting tq trail the SSBN. [ .
J in the event of a conflict, both SSNs and diesel submarines
would be arrayed in barriers along the approaches to Soviet home
waters, forming an echeloned defense, not only against Western ASW
forces that would Soviet SSBNs, but also against US cruise
missile platforms, aircraft carriers, and amphibious forces. In waters
near the USSR, .Soviet submarines would work closely with surface and
air elements. They would also receive important contact
from the improved fixed acoustic monitoring systems in the Barents Sea
and the northwestern Pacific Ocean. We believe these defensive
operations will continue to receive the highest priority in the Soviet
submarine force. The new, more capable classes of general purpose
submarines would join in these operations-at least initially-and
contribute substantially to the effectiveness of the defense.
18. Sea Denial Ooerations. r . J
general purwse submarines probablY would also form barriers in waters
more distant from the USSR, such as in the vicinity of the Greenland
lceland-UK gap. These submarines probably would be supported by
Soviet aircraft, but not by sur::face ships or fixed acoustic systems.
Without the synergistic effects of multiple sensors and platforms, even
the newest Soviet submarines are ext>ected to have limited success in an
ASW role.
19. These new Soviet submarines, however, probably would' be
more effective than current platforms against Western surface forces in
the open ocean. To intercept Western task forces the Soviets practice
barrier operations in key choke points and use of multiple submarine at-
tack groups. They have also trained to conduct independent attacks.
Because of their improved quieting, more accurate longer range
weapons, and upgraded communications S}'-stems, newer Soviet subma-
ri nes would assist efforts to extend the scope and improve the effective-
ness of sea denial operations, especially against Western carrier battle
groups and other platforms armed with sea-launched cruise missiles
20. Distant Operations. In the open ocean, beyond the approach-
es to the USSR, the Soviet Navy would be expected to use a relatively
small portion of its.attack submarine force to search for Western SSBNs
and to counter Western SLOCs in the initial stages of a war. In the com-
ing decade, the Soviets would have to contend with SSBNs in much-ex-
panded patrol areas. To find SSBNs, Soviet submarines, most likely
some of the newest units, would attempt to trail the Western units
leaving port or transiting choke points. More modern Soviet SSNs might
have some fleeting success in covert trail operations against older
SSBNs. On the whole we believe that, because of continued inability to
reliably detect and track these units in the open ocean, predicted
impr.ovements in Soviet submarine warfare will not allow the Soviet
Navy to threaten a meaningful percentage of the US SSBN force.
21. Soviet [ J
the possibility of more protracted general warfare. At the same time,
the Soviets are clearly improving the capability of their forces to
operate under a wider variety of potential wartime scenarios. We do not
believe, however, that this portends any significant change in the
Soviets' plans for employing their naval forces in the initial stages of
general.war, regardless of their expectations of its likel y course. Initial
conventional operations would be conducted with an eye toward
escalation; and readiness to conduct SLCM strikes or strikes by subma-
rine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and to attack enemy sea-based
nuclear forces is likely to remain Moscow's major concern under any
foreseeable circumstances. The importance of the anti-SLOC mission
DECLASSIFIED Authority NND 004003
would increase in the event of a prolonged prehostilities mobilization
period or if conventional conflict with NATO became protracted. These
situations could lead the Soviets to mount a major open-ocean anti-
SLOe naval operation. They would almost certainly want to defer any
such operation, however, until after they had successfully completed
'their critical sea control/sea denial tasks and had weakened NATO's
capability to defend its sea lanes. Also, through the 1990s, we believe
the Soviets will st"ill have insufficient assets to conduct a major oven-
ocean anti-SLOC operation in the early stages of a NATO-Warsaw Pact
war simultaneously with their strategic offensive and defensive tasks,
even if such were operationally feasible. Hence, the relatively low
priority of open-ocean SLOC interdiction as an initial wartime task
probably will not change substantially in this century.
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