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Today is Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Republic of the Philippines
A.C. No. 9074 August 14, 2012
, Complainant,
"The purpose of disbarment is to protect the courts and the public from the misconduct of the officers of the court
and to ensure the administration of justice by requiring that those who exercise this important function shall be
competent, honorable and trustworthy men in whom courts and clients may repose confidence."
In a Complaint
for disbarment filed on August 22, 2007 with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Committee on Bar
Discipline (IBP-CBD), complainant Grace M. Anacta (complainant) prays for the disbarment of respondent Atty.
Eduardo D. Resurreccion (respondent) for "gross misconduct, deceit and malpractice."
Records show that on November 15, 2004, complainant engaged the services of respondent to file on her behalf a
petition for annulment of marriage before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, for which she paid
respondent P 42,000.00.
In December 2004, respondent presented to the complainant a supposed copy of a Petition for Annulment of
which bore the stamped receipt dated December 8, 2004 of the RTC, as well as its docket number, Civil
Case No. 04-25141.
From then on, complainant did not hear from respondent or receive any notice from the trial court relative to the said
petition. This prompted her to make inquiries with the Office of the Clerk of Court of the RTC of Quezon City (OCC-
RTC). To her surprise and dismay, she discovered that no petition for annulment docketed as Civil Case No. 04-
25141 was ever filed before the said court.
Thus, complainant terminated the services of respondent "for loss of
trust and confidence"
and requested the OCC-RTC to refuse any belated attempt on the part of respondent to file a
petition for annulment of marriage on her behalf.
On July 30, 2007, complainant, through her new counsel, wrote a letter
to the respondent demanding for an
explanation as to how respondent intended to indemnify the complainant for damages she had suffered due to
respondents deceitful acts. Respondent has not replied thereto. Hence, complainant filed before the IBP a verified
complaint praying that respondent be disbarred.
In an Order
dated August 22, 2007, the Director for Bar Discipline of the IBP, Atty. Alicia A. Risos-Vidal, required
the respondent to submit his answer to the complaint within 15 days from notice. However, respondent did not heed
said directive. Hence, complainant filed Motions to Declare Respondent in Default and Hear the Case Ex-Parte.
The Investigating Commissioner, Romualdo A. Din, Jr., held in abeyance the resolution of the above motions and
instead set the complaint for Mandatory Conference on October 6, 2008.
On the said date, however, only the
complainant and her counsel appeared. Accordingly, in an Order
dated October 6, 2008, the Investigating
Commissioner deemed respondent to have waived the filing of an answer; noted complainants motion to declare
respondent in default; and gave the complainant 10 days from notice within which to file her verified position paper,
after which the case shall be deemed submitted for resolution.
Complainant filed her verified Position Paper
on October 15, 2008.
Complainant filed her verified Position Paper
on October 15, 2008.
In his Report and Recommendation
dated December 8, 2008, the Investigating Commissioner found clear and
convincing evidence that respondent is guilty of deceit and dishonesty when he misrepresented having filed the
petition for annulment of marriage after receipt of P42,000.00 when in fact no such petition was filed. He thus
recommended that respondent be suspended from the practice of law for a period of two years and to
reimburse/return to the complainant the amount of P42,000.00.
In a Resolution
dated August 28, 2010, the IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved the findings of the
Investigating Commissioner but modified the recommended penalty of suspension from the practice of law from two
years to four years and ordered respondent to return to the complainant the amount of P 42,000.00, otherwise his
suspension will continue until he returns the sum involved.
Our Ruling
We adopt the findings and recommendation of the IBP.
In Narag v. Atty. Narag
this Court held that "[t]he burden of proof rests upon the complainant, and the Court will
exercise its disciplinary power only if she establishes her case by clear, convincing and satisfactory evidence."
In this case, complainant submitted the following documents to prove her allegations: (1) the Service Agreement
dated November 15, 2004 to prove the existence of attorney-client relationship between the parties; (2) the Petition
for Annulment of Marriage
supposedly filed by respondent on December 8, 2004 with the RTC of Quezon City and
docketed as Civil Case No. 04-25141; (3) the Certification issued by the Assistant Clerk of Court of the RTC of
Quezon City showing that "no Petition for Annulment of Marriage with Civil Case No. Q-04-25141 was filed on
December 8, 2004"; (4) the letter dated March 6, 2005 of the complainant to the respondent informing the latter that
she is terminating his legal services effective immediately; (5) the letter of complainant to the Clerk of Court of the
RTC of Quezon City wherein she requested that "any belated attempt by my former lawyer Atty. Resurreccion to file
any Petition for Annulment x x x be refused acceptance"; and, (6) the letter dated July 30, 2007 of complainants
new counsel demanding for an explanation as to how respondent intended to indemnify the complainant for
damages she had suffered by reason of respondents fraudulent misrepresentations.
In the face of such a serious charge, the respondent has chosen to remain silent.
Thus, we find the confluence of the evidence submitted by the complainant to have clearly, convincingly and
satisfactorily shown that indeed the respondent has authored this reprehensible act. Respondent committed
deceitful and dishonest acts by misrepresenting that he had already filed a petition for annulment on behalf of the
complainant and pocketing the amount of P42,000.00. He even went to the extent of presenting to the complainant
a supposed copy of the petition duly filed with the court. After he was found out, he made himself scarce. He ignored
all communications sent to him by the complainant. After the disbarment complaint was filed, he failed to file his
answer despite due notice. He totally disregarded the proceedings before the IBP despite receipt of summons. "The
act of respondent in not filing his answer and ignoring the hearings set by the Investigating Commission, despite due
notice, emphasized his contempt for legal proceedings."
We thus agree with the observation of the IBP Investigating Commissioner that "such action of the respondent is
patently deceitful and dishonest, considering further that he received an amount of money from the complainant."
"The natural instinct of man impels him to resist an unfounded claim or imputation and defend himself. It is totally
against our human nature to just remain reticent and say nothing in the face of false accusations. Hence, silence in
such cases is almost always construed as implied admission of the truth thereof."
As early as In Re: Sotto,
this Court held that:
One of the qualifications required of a candidate for admission to the bar is the possession of good
moral character, and, when one who has already been admitted to the bar clearly shows, by a series of
acts, that he does not follow such moral principles as should govern the conduct of an upright person,
and that, in his dealings with his clients and with the courts, he disregards the rule of professional
ethics required to be observed by every attorney, it is the duty of the court, as guardian of the interests
of society, as well as of the preservation of the ideal standard of professional conduct, to make use of
its powers to deprive him of his professional attributes which he so unworthily abused.
In addition, Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility states that "a lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct." "The Code exacts from lawyers not only a firm respect for law, legal
processes but also mandates the utmost degree of fidelity and good faith in dealing with clients and the moneys
processes but also mandates the utmost degree of fidelity and good faith in dealing with clients and the moneys
entrusted to them pursuant to their fiduciary relationship."
Pursuant to Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court, respondent may either be disbarred or suspended for
committing deceitful and dishonest acts. Thus:
SEC. 27. Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by Supreme Court; grounds therefor. - A member of
the bar may be disbarred or suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any
deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in such office, grossly immoral conduct, or by reason of
his conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, or for any violation of the oath which he is required
to take before admission to practice, or for a wilful disobedience of any lawful order of a superior court,
or for corruptly or wilfully appearing as an attorney for a party to a case without authority to do so. The
practice of soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either personally or through paid agents or
brokers, constitutes malpractice. [Emphasis supplied.]
It is thus clear from the foregoing provision that in any of the following circumstances, to wit: (1) deceit; (2)
malpractice; (3) gross misconduct; (4) grossly immoral conduct; (5) conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude;
(6) violation of the lawyer's oath; (7) wilful disobedience of any lawful order of a superior court; or (8) corruptly or
wilfully appearing as an attorney for a party to a case without authority to do so; the Court is vested with the
authority and discretion to impose either the extreme penalty of disbarment or mere suspension. Certainly, the Court
is not placed in a straitjacket as regards the penalty to be imposed. There is no ironclad rule that disbarment must
immediately follow upon a finding of deceit or gross misconduct. The Court is not mandated to automatically impose
the extreme penalty of disbarment. It is allowed by law to exercise its discretion either to disbar or just suspend the
erring lawyer based on its appreciation of the facts and circumstances of the case.
We examined the records of the case and assessed the evidence presented by the complainant. After such
examination and assessment, we are convinced beyond doubt that respondent should only be meted the penalty of
four-year suspension as properly recommended by the IBP Board of Governors. In the exercise of our discretion, we
are unquestionably certain that the four-year suspension suffices and commensurable to the infractions he
committed. As will be pointed out later, there have been cases with more or less the same factual setting as in the
instant case where the Court also imposed the penalty of suspension and not disbarment.
We have gone over jurisprudential rulings where the respondents were found guilty of grave misconduct and/or
dishonesty and we observe that the Court either disbars or suspends them based on its collective appreciation of
attendant circumstances and in the exercise of its sound discretion.
In Garcia v. Atty. Manuel,
the Court found respondent therein to have committed dishonesty and abused the
of his client for failing to file the ejectment suit despite asking for and receiving from the complainant
the money intended as filing fees. In his bid for exoneration, therein respondent attempted to mislead the Court by
claiming that he has not yet received the registry return card of the notice to vacate hence his failure to file the
ejectment suit. However, the records indubitably showed that he had already received the same. Moreover, therein
respondent likewise refused to return the monies he received from the complainant despite repeated demands.
The Court thus concluded that therein respondent's actions constitute gross misconduct. Nevertheless, based on its
appreciation of the evidence, the Court refrained from imposing the penalty of disbarment. Instead, it imposed the
penalty of suspension from the practice of law for a period of six months, ratiocinating thus:
Complainant asks that respondent be disbarred. However, we find that suspension from the practice of
law is sufficient to discipline respondent. The supreme penalty of disbarment is meted out only in clear
cases of misconduct that seriously affect the standing and character of the lawyer as an officer of the
court and member of the bar. While we will not hesitate to remove an erring attorney from the
esteemed brotherhood of lawyers, where the evidence calls for it, we will also not disbar him where a
lesser penalty will suffice to accomplish the desired end. In this case, we find suspension to be
sufficient sanction against respondent. Suspension, we may add, is not primarily intended as
punishment, but as a means to protect the public and the legal profession.
In Ceniza v. Rubia,
respondent therein was alleged to have misrepresented having already filed in court the
necessary complaint by showing the copy of the complaint stamped "received" with a docket number thereon.
However, upon verification with the appropriate court, it was discovered that none was filed.
It was also noted that
respondent therein prompted the complainant to borrow money from a third party just to be able to pay her
attorney's fees. When the case reached this Court, it imposed the penalty of suspension and not disbarment. In so
doing, the Court lent more credence to the explanation of the respondent that the case was "withdrawn" after it had
been stamped "received" by the court.
In Roa v. Moreno,
the Court found respondent therein guilty of gross misconduct and dishonesty. He issued a
bogus Certificate of Land Occupancy to the complainant
and refused to return the amount paid by the
bogus Certificate of Land Occupancy to the complainant
and refused to return the amount paid by the
For said infractions, the Court meted him with the penalty of suspension from the practice of law for
two years.
In Barcenas v. Alvero,
respondent failed to deposit in court the amount of P 300,000.00 which he received from
his client supposedly as redemption price. He also failed to return the amount despite repeated demands. He was
suspended for two years.
In Small v. Banares
respondent received P80,000.00 from complainant for his legal services and as filing fees. He
however failed to file the necessary complaint and was never heard from again. He was thus suspended from the
practice of law for two years.
In Judge Angeles v. Atty. Uy, Jr.,
therein respondent failed to promptly report that he received money on behalf of
his client. However, for lack of evidence of misappropriation, he was only suspended and not disbarred.
In Gonato v. Atty. Adaza,
Atty. Adaza asked money from his client supposedly as filing fees when in fact no such
filing fees are needed or due. Worse, he issued a falsified "official receipt" as proof of payment. Finally, when he was
discovered, he failed to heed his client's demand to return the amount. For such infractions, Atty. Adaza was
suspended for a period of six months.
In Aquino v. Atty. Barcelona,
Atty. Barcelona deliberately misrepresented to his client that he was able to
successfully facilitate the restructuring of his clients loan with a bank through his "connection". On the basis of said
false pretenses, he collected P 60,000.00 from his client. His client eventually became aware of such
misrepresentations when his property was foreclosed by the bank. Atty. Barcelona was thus charged with
misconduct and for which he was suspended by the Court for a period of six months.
The foregoing cases illustrate that the Court is not bound to impose the penalty of disbarment in cases of gross
misconduct and/or dishonesty, if in its appreciation of facts and in the exercise of its sound discretion, the penalty of
suspension would be more commensurate.
"Disbarment, jurisprudence teaches, should not be decreed where
any punishment less severe, such as reprimand, suspension, or fine, would accomplish the end desired. This is as it
should be considering the consequence of disbarment on the economic life and honor of the erring person."
In this
case, we believe that the penalty of suspension of four years will provide Atty. Resurreccion "with enough time to
ponder on and cleanse himself of his misconduct."
"While we will not hesitate to remove an erring attorney from
the esteemed brotherhood of lawyers, where the evidence calls for it, we will also not disbar him where a lesser
penalty will suffice to accomplish the desired end."
We note that there is no mention in the records of any previous
or similar administrative case filed against herein respondent.
Anent the issue of whether respondent should be directed to return the amount of P 42,000.00 he received from the
complainant, we note that the rulings of this Court in this matter have been diverse. On one hand, there are cases
where this Court directed respondents to return the money they received from the complainants. On the other hand,
there are also cases where this Court refrained from venturing into this matter on the ground that the same is not
within the ambit of its disciplinary authority as the only issue in administrative cases is the fitness of the lawyer to
remain a member of the bar.
Now is the most opportune time to harmonize the Court's ruling on this matter. Thus, it is imperative to first
determine whether the matter falls within the disciplinary authority of the Court or whether the matter is a proper
subject of judicial action against lawyers. If the matter involves violations of the lawyers oath and code of conduct,
then it falls within the Courts disciplinary authority. However, if the matter arose from acts which carry civil or
criminal liability, and which do not directly require an inquiry into the moral fitness of the lawyer, then the matter
would be a proper subject of a judicial action which is understandably outside the purview of the Courts disciplinary
authority. Thus, we hold that when the matter subject of the inquiry pertains to the mental and moral fitness of the
respondent to remain as member of the legal fraternity, the issue of whether the respondent be directed to return the
amount received from his client shall be deemed within the Courts disciplinary authority.
In this case, respondent received the amount of P42,000.00 supposedly as payment for his legal services and as
filing fees. Canon 16 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides:
Rule 16.01 A lawyer shall account for all money or property collected or received for or from the
x x x x
x x x x
Rule 16.03 A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of his client when due or upon demand. x x x
In this case, it is thus clear that respondent violated his lawyers oath and code of conduct when he withheld the
amount of P 42,000.00 despite his failure to render the necessary legal services and after complainant demanded
its return. He must therefore be directed to return the same.
Finally, we emphasize that "the object of a disbarment proceeding is not so much to punish the individual attorney
himself, as to safeguard the administration of justice by proceeding the court and the public from the misconduct of
officers of the court, and to remove from the profession of law persons whose disregard for their oath of office has
proved them unfit to continue discharging the trust respect in them as members of the bar."
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Eduardo D. Resurreccion is ordered SUSPENDED from the practice of law for four
years. He is also DIRECTED to return to the complainant the amount of P42,000.00 within thirty (30) days from the
promulgation of this Decision.
Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines for
their information and guidance. The Court Administrator is directed to circulate this Decision to all courts in the
Associate justice
Senior Associate Justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
Associate justice
(on official leave)
Associate justice
Associate justice
(on leave)
Associate justice
Clerk of Court
OCC-En Banc
Supreme Court
Also known as Grace Mino y Anacta.

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