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On 1 April 2009 Picant acquired 75% of Sanders equity shares in a share exchange of three shares in
Picant for every two shares in Sander. The market prices of Picants and Sanders shares at the date of
acquisition were $320 and $450 respectively.
The summarised statements of financial position of the two companies at 31 March 2010 are:

- At the date of acquisition the fair values of Sanders property, plant and equipment was
equal to its carrying amount with the exception of Sanders factory which had a fair value of
$2 million above its carrying amount. Sander has not adjusted the carrying amount of the
factory as a result of the fair value exercise. This requires additional annual depreciation of
$100,000 in the consolidated financial statements in the post-acquisition period.
Also at the date of acquisition, Sander had an intangible asset of $500,000 for software in its
statement of financial position. Picants directors believed the software to have no
recoverable value at the date of acquisition and Sander wrote it off shortly after its
- At 31 March 2010 Picants current account with Sander was $34 million (debit). This did
not agree with the equivalent balance in Sanders books due to some goods-in-transit
invoiced at $18 million that were sent by Picant on 28 March 2010, but had not been
received by Sander until after the year end. Picant sold all these goods at cost plus 50%.
- Picants policy is to value the non-controlling interest at fair value at the date of acquisition.
For this purpose Sanders share price at that date can be deemed to be representative of the
fair value of the shares held by the non-controlling interest.

Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for Picant as at 31 March 2010.

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