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Task 3-Common question types

1. Question asking about choice

Do you prefer backpacking travel or pre-arranged package tour? Why?
Personally, I have a particular liking for.. more than..
Which means/ Or Simply because
For example,
In a word, I would go for..
Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday?
Do you prefer travelling alone or with other people?
Do you prefer travelling in your country or overseas country?
Would you rather go to a place where there are a lot of people or to a place where there are
few people?

2. Question asking abt importance
How important is eco-tourism to your nation?
Yes, definitely yes. I always think that A is really essential since..
Without A, we would..
So, obviously, there is no doubt abt the significance of doing A
More: How important is public transport to a countrys tourism?
Is restricting tourism development necessary for developing countries?
3. Question asking abt change
How has peoples way of travelling changed?
Generally speaking, pp used to
Yet now,
How has peoples preference of accommodation in vacations changed in your country?
How has peoples attitude towards holidays changed recently?
4. Question about popularity
What are the most popular travelling destinations in your country?
Yu cu lp: t duy theo bc: Phn chia v tng hp
Phn chia: Well, It depends
For .. people, I consider that .
Yet, for .., I guess they might fancy.
Tng hp: In general,
What are the most common transportation means for travelling in your country?
What are the most crowed season for travelling in your country?
5. Question abt differences
Is there any difference between young tourists and adult tourists?
Compared with A, B tends to.
Unlike A, B is more/less likely to..
A is.. while B is..
6. Question abt opinion
Do you think space travel is a good idea?
Should historical sites be free for tourists?
Should the elderly be given a subsidy for travelling purposes?
In terms of..
When it comes to.., I just think that
Regarding.., my point is that

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