Cohort 1 Pres 4 Wait Time

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Cohort 1

presentation 4
Embedding best practice into
Learning objectives
Examine the findings of research on wait time
using a Placemat.
Discuss the challenges of implementing
change in the classroom using TPS

Video on wait time


Wait Time why should we use it as teachers?
What challenges does it present?
Findings of article
Length of response up to 700% longer especially
on Wait time 2
Inference supported by logical argument
Student Qs increase
Student to student exchanges increase
Failure to respond decreses( Give them a PASS)
Teacher expectation increases
Achievement increases on more cognitively
complex Qs

Implementing change the Challenges
teachers are like magpies. They love picking
up shiny little ideas from one classroom;
taking it back to their classroom; trying it
once, and moving on to the next shiny idea
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,
then, is not an act, but a habit Aristotle
Learning is the consequence of thinking
how can we embed new skills, tactics and
strategies ?
Implementing new strategies.
Try one new strategy 6 times to become
mechanical user
My journey BLOOM
35-50% of class time Questioning
70% of questioning Lower level of bloom
mostly recall
Wait Time 1 Lollipop sticks my prop
Link questioning to LO

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