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Level 2 Music Practitioners Certificate

End of Unit Evaluation

Name: Kierran Thomas-Griffiths Unit No: 23
I recorded an 8 minute demo CD which comprised of two songs that I played the
guitar on.
I completed this in the two hour time frame.

It took a long time to transcribe the vocal part for guitar by ear.
It took some time setting the bass, mids and treble right on the mixer.
I was able to use a recording studio which used specialist equipment such as mixers
I used software such as garageband.

Ill health.
trings breaking.
Insufficient practice.
I believe that I have achieved a merit in this unit.
1.1 - I planned an 8 minute set comprised of two songs with no tutor input. They included
Every Breath You Take and y heart will go on.
1.2 I identified the issues I may come across and created a health and safety checklist. I prepared
a list of all the equipment I may need for the performance.
1.3 I Recorded the performance with good timing, making sure I was in tune throughout. I took
many takes to get a recording I was happy with. I had to change the volumes etween the guitar
and the acking track to create a good alance of volume.

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