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1 AZLAN MISLI YA2012 - 2139

2 ERMA ABDUL RAHIM YA2012 - 2052
3. ISNIAH MADJAL YA2012 2050
YA2012 2082
YA2012 -2083
6. ZULMAN RAZION YA2012 - 2064
We are pleased to submit our proposal
as requested to inform that our program
on farewell events of education
department chief director of the state.
We need to celebrate for our education
department chief director for state
because he will retire in first of june 2014.
We pleased to offer our proposal to
show the budget and the planning for
this farewell to get the donation from
Minister education Kota.Kinabalu
This event is planned on 30 july 2014.
Proposed to invite 100 people, including
staff and VVIP.
The event was held at Restaurant D Sri
Anjung Singgah.
We also plan in this events some
entertaiment, for example like well invite
singer and tradisional dance from SMK

Celebrate for our education department
chief director for state because he will
Showing Department appreciates the
service that has been implemented Mr.
Jame Alip
Bridging of all staff to be able to work
comfortably and get rid of work stress.
06.30 07.30PM Registration and Guest arrival
07.30 07.45PM VIP arrival
07.45 08.00 PM Muslim God in Prayer by En. Azman bin Saad
08.00 - 0820 PM
Opening Ceremony Speech by Education Department Assistant
Director of the state
08.20- 0840 PM Farewall Speech by Datuk Jame alip
08.40- 0850 PM
Gift and Souvenir appointed to Datuk Jame Alip by Education
Department Assistant Director of the state.
08.50- 0900 PM
Dinner begin with serving on VIP table and buffet with other guest.
Culture Dance by SMK (P) Likas, Kota Kinabalu
0900- 1000 PM
Local Artist show
-Marsha Milan
-Felix Agus
Karoke @ Singing Session by guest
1000- 1030 PM Poem Session by Mr. Aris (Teacher in SMK Bahang, Kota Kinabalu
1030- 1100 PM
Portrait picture and farewell session by guest and VIP

11.00PM Farewell events End
Quantity Rate (RM) Total (RM)
Food and drinks 100 60/pax 8,000
Guest Artist (Marsha & Felix) 2 3000/pax 6,000
Invitition Card (Print) 100 4/pax 400
Gift (Pen) 1 200 200
Souvenir (Plaque) 1 400 400
Rent 1 1,000
P. A System (Multimedia) 1 1,000
Entertainment (Culture Dance) 1,000
Unexpectation Budget 2,000
TOTAL 20,000
For this event, we have estimated a cost of RM 20,000. The breakdown of the costs for this event is as follows:

We strongly hopefully that our proposal
will be able to excepted to get fund to
success of this event .We will ensure all
the budget not have misappropriation
and all the expenditure is reasonable to
success the event without waste.

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