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Sofia Monzon

Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners

Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST

Activity # 8: Guided Reading Protocol
Guided Reading Lesson
Text: Fast and Faster Level: I
Genre: Non-fiction/Informational Author: Follet, Katherine
Pages:16 Word Count:253
Materials: Individual books, writing notebooks, T-charts, markers, pencils.
HFW: are, as, fast, run, than, they
Content Words: amazing, compared, faster, sprint, speed, pray
Vocabulary Building Words: Cheetahs, gazelle, tiger beetle, sailfish, falcon
Focusing Skill and Strategies: Main Idea and Details
Other Skills and Strategies: Making predictions, using schema, make
connections, compare and contrast, and non-fiction text features
Before Reading

Building Background Knowledge: Using the T-Chart on chart paper, the teacher
will write the word Fast in one column and Slow in the other. Students will
brainstorm different things/animals/people that can go into each column. The
teacher will write the information onto the chart and explain that the book they will
be reading today will be about things that go fast.

Introduce the book: The teacher will give a copy of the book to each student. The
teacher will ask the students to look at the cover and read the title. The teacher will
ask the questions:
- What animals do you think would be in this book? Why?
- What other fast things could there be in the book? Why does it make you think
Sofia Monzon
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
Afterwards, the students will do a quick picture walk to familiarize themselves with
the text. The teacher then will ask the students to recall one thing they saw and that
they believe seems interesting.

Introduce the Skill/Strategy and Purpose: The teacher will explain that good
readers can differentiate between what the general or whole text is about and what
are the special/small parts that refer to specific things in the text.

Introduce HFW and Vocabulary: The teacher will show the focused HFW using
flashcards. However, for todays lesson, the teacher will only inform the students
that there are very important words that will be discussed during the reading, and
will not introduce the words until after reading. For todays lesson, the teacher
expects the students to connect the meaning with words after reading instead of
words with the meaning.

During Reading

Students Reading: Since this is non-fiction text the teacher will ask the students to
begin reading and to stop in a certain locations of the book (pg. 5, 8, and 12) to
check for understanding.
The teacher will hear students reading and will have her monitoring book to make
notations about the students reading.
Because of the kind of text and reading, after each stop, the teacher will ask students
to summarize by giving the main ideas of what the short chapter or section was
about: Explain very briefly what you just read? Can you provide some main ideas?
Also, the teacher will help readers if she notices that they are struggling or need
extra support in the following elements: monitoring and self-correction, solving
words, and maintaining fluency.

After Reading

Discussion: After the students finish reading their books, the teacher will initiate a
general discussion in which the students will state the main ideas and details of the
story. During this discussion, the students will talk about the different animals or
things they found in the book and a list will be made. The teacher will use a chart
with a column for Animal/Thing, and a second column for Details.
Sts. will share, discuss, and compliment others input, and teacher will guide and
recall information.
Questions: What animals were running/swimming/flying?
What did the book say about the____________________?
Sofia Monzon
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
What were some details about the animals that were running/swimming/flying?
What was the main idea of the text?
How is ________________ similar to __________________?
What other animals/things could be faster than __________________?

Also, there will be a space in the chart to record the intended vocabulary words and
explain meaning to clarify understanding.

Assessment: Informal: student responses, teacher observations, reading behaviors
and errors (semantic, syntactic, and graphophonic).

Building Fluency: If time allows, students will re-read the book independently to
build fluency and voice.

Writing Connection: The students will talk with a partner about how humans use
different things to move faster. After, using their writing notebook they will write
about that discussion, mentioning what humans use to move faster in land, air, and

Sofia Monzon
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST


Capellini, M. (2005). Balancing Reading & Language Learning, A Resource for Teaching
English Language Learners, K-5. Portland, ME. Stenhouse Publishers.

Follet, K. (N/D) Fast and Faster, Level Book I. Retrieved from

Pinnell, G. S., Fountas, I. C. (2007). The Continuum of Literacy Learning, Grades K-2, A Guide
to Teaching. Porstmouth, NH. Heinemann.

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