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1 F A M ILYStandalone/Rack

E1 Digital Cross Connect

The ETU-DXC Digital Cross Connect offers two models,

the ETU-DXC/8 and the ETU-DXC/16. These units
19”,1U Standard, Standalone or rack mountable.
provide 8 or 16 E1 circuits (inputs and outputs)
8 or 16 E1 ports for user selection.
respectively. Within the E1 circuits, non-blocking, fully E1 PCM31 or PCM30 64Kbps transparent cross
transparent cross-connects between 64Kbps timeslots connect.
can be efficiently implemented. This equipment may be System clock recovered from any E1 or from
internal oscillator.
used as a core building block in a digital data network
Balanced E1 (120ohm) or unbalanced E1(75ohm).
based upon multiple E1 lines. When combined with Complies with all ITU-T specifications.
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) equipment such as Provides user friendly interface and NMP function.
the ETU02-MUX or ERM-MUX, the main functions of
a DDN network may be performed.

E 1 L ines
F r a m e F o r m a ts: CAS(PCM30)/CCS(PCM31), E 1 system T x clock source
CRC-4 On/Off R ecovery Recovery from any one E1 Rx
B it R a t e : 2.048Mbps signal.
L ine Codes: HDB3/AMI Internal 2.048MHz±50ppm
R x Sensitivity: -20/-43dB M anagem ent
L in e : DB25(adapter cable for 4xE1) N M P m a n a g e m ent system
75 Ohm unbalanced (BNC), Power supply(A C o r D C o p tion)
120 Ohm balanced (RJ-45) or A C supply 220V±15%, 47~ 63Hz
High impedance 110V±15%, 47~ 63Hz
P u lse A m plitude: Nominal 2.37V(75ohm) D C supply -48V±8V
Nominal 3.00V(120ohm) P o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n : 20W
Jitter Tolerance: Complies with ITU G.823, L E D I n d ic a t o r s
built in jitter attenuation. A la r m , A c t i v i t y , P o w e r
C o m p lies w ith P h y s ic a l
I T U -T s t a n d a r d s : G.703, G.704, G.732, G.823 D im e n s i o n s 45 x 430 x 235mm
D ia g n o s t i c s : Local digital, local analog, W eight 2.5Kg
remote loopback. E n v ironm ent
O peration 0~50oC ambient temp.
0~90% RH(non-condensing)
Optional Items
Ordering information
O p t i o n a l A d a p t e r C a b le
DB25/BNC-8 DB25 Male to BNC x 8
E T U -D X C .X X -X X X /X X
DB25/RJ45-4 DB25 Male to RJ45 x 4
AC or DC
8 or 16 E1 type
NMP Network Management
ports type
Protocol Software Balance or
unbalance type

ETU-DXC with 16 E1 ports (DB25)

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