Econ 151 Syllabus

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University of the Philippines Manila

College of Arts and Sciences

Economics 151
Government Finance

A Mesina 1st Semester 2012-2013

Course Description and Coverage

The course covers the different aspects of the governments role in generating revenue, expenditure
and debt. It includes discussion on the national budget preparation and allocation, source of national
income, the role of the public sector in the economy and the economic implications of public debt.

Course Outline

I. Introduction
A. Study of Public Finance
B. The Role of Government in Finance
C. Fiscal/Monetary Institutions and Functions
II. The Budgetary Process and Problems
A. The National Budget
B. Budget Preparation and Allocation
III. Public Expenditure Policy
A. Public Goods and Publicly Provided Goods
B. Politics and Economics
IV. Revenue Structure and Policies
A. Taxation
B. Non-Tax Sources

Reading List:
Sherman, J. et al. 2008. economics: An Introduction to Traditional and Progressive Views
Stiglitz, Joseph. 1988. Economics of the Public Sector
Additional reading materials will be provided as the course progress

Course Requirements: Consultation hrs (by appointment):
Final grades will be based on: MTh 11:30-12 & W 1-4 PM TF 1-3 PM
3 Exams 80%; All consultations are at DSS
Papers/Assignments/Seatworks 10%; Attendance is subject to university
Class Participation (includes attendance) 10%. rules.

Grade equivalents
>55 5.0 70 75 2.5 87 90 1.5
55-59 4.0 76 79 2.25 91 95 1.25
60-62 3.0 80 82 2.0 96 + 1.0
6369 2.75 83 86 1.75

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