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Iw Offices

3 Broaray Suite Z)1
NeYrYork, NcwYok f(nn
(p72) 2454125 Facsimile : (212) Y9 {1694
Admitted to N.Y- and NJ- Bars
August 1,2011
Mayuma lijima, P-C.
lO40Avenue of the Americas Suitc ll0l
New Yorh New Yort 1ml8
Re: Stanch v. Stanch
Index Io.33435/11
Ia Ms. Iijima:
This will rm andmemorialize our qgreement tht I will be of counsel to you
in the above+ntitled matter and provide consultation and if requested, with reasonable
notice, mear in mrt appearaDces n tte above-indicated matter, with you. It is further
uoderstood thatmy ofEce rprescnb Ms.Ein her pendingpetition for an Oder of
hotedion under Docket No- 0-14815/11, in New Yort Count5r Fanily Court. Eadr
attorney understands the importalr of oordination and communication regarding both
pending matters and will do their utrrost to fmer cmmunication and case planning in
mutually mnsisent waJ.
Our client has prcviously separately retained eac of us, and has
also entered into ,separate fee arrmgemenS with each of our offices. Acrdingly our of-
counscl agreementurfll not invoe thepayment of any fees by either one of us to the
other or thc shariqg of fces between us.
This agrecment may be execrted in ounterparts. A facsimile vemion with
original signature may be filed with thc Court.
thi.s agrcemcnt mccts with your
pleas sign below and return to me
for my signature. I look furwad to wortingwith yu on thts mtter-
Yours truly,
I isa
Iim, P.C.

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