Naquan Evans First Draft

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Evans 1

Naquan Evans
Instructor C. Boyd
ENG 111-54
28 May 2014
The First Time I Was Arrested
I never realied !o" quic#ly a re$ular day can turn into t!e "orst day o% &y li%e. 'n a
sunny (riday evenin$ around )*&+ &y li%e too# a dra&atic turn %or t!e "orst. ,!e ni$!t -e%ore+
&y %riends .ndre and /idney sle*t over at &y !ouse. 0e all "o#e u* *retty early+ %or us to not
!ave any set *lans+ "!en "e %irst $ot u* "e 1ust laid around and "atc!ed ,2 until a-out 2*&.
0e %inally decided t!at it "as ti&e to $et u* and $et out+ so "e all $ot in t!e s!o"er and $ot
dressed %or t!e day. .t t!is ti&e "e still !ad no set *lans+ "e 1ust "ent to *lay -as#et-all until "e
!eard %ro& so&eone else a-out anyt!in$ interestin$ to do. .ndre+ /idney+ Moncre+ 3e&etruis
and I "ere all at t!e *ar# *layin$ -as#et-all until a-out 5 o4cloc#. 'ne o% our sc!ool&ates drove
-y and told us a-out a local *ool *arty t!at started at 5. /ince "e "ere already late+ "e needed to
!urry u* -ac# !o&e to s!o"er and $et dressed accordin$ly to attend a *ool *arty. .s soon as !e
told us a-out it "e all $ot in &y car+ -ut instead o% $oin$ -ac# !o&e+ "e !eaded to t!e corner
store -ecause "e all "ere *arc!ed -ecause "e 1ust *layed -as#et-all %or t!ree !ours strai$!t. 'n
our "ay to t!e store /idney received a call %ro& anot!er one o% our sc!ool&ates+ 6ulius.
6ulius called and "as co&*lainin$ t!at !e "as -ored and since !e lives ri$!t do"n t!e
street %ro& t!e store "e %i$ured "e4d *ay 6ulius a visit at !is cri- -e%ore "e "ent -ac# !o&e to
s!o"er. 0!en "e *ulled u* at 6ulius4s !ouse t!ere "ere already t"o ot!er cars *ar#ed in !is
Evans 2
drive"ay. Me+ .ndre and /idney $ot out &y car and $reeted every-ody "!o "as t!ere. 0e "ere
all !an$in$ out in t!e drive"ay+ s&o#in$ %or a-out t!irty &inutes t!en t!e ot!er t"o cars *ulled
o%%. /ince I "as t!e last car to co&e+ I !ad to -ac# u* to let t!e& out so t!ey can leave. .s soon
as I drove -ac# in t!e drive"ay and turned &y car o%%+ I *ee*ed in &y rearvie" &irror and seen
t"o *olice o%%icers a**roac!in$ &y ve!icle. .t t!is ti&e+ in &y !ead+ I4& t!in#in$ 7"e4re $ood+
it4s 1ust co*s -ein$ nosey.8 ,!ey -ot! "al# u* on eac! side o% t!e car and i&&ediately t!ey s&ell
&ari1uana in t!e air+ even t!ou$! "e !ad -een done s&o#in$+ it $ave t!e& le$al consent to
searc! &y car. Even still no"+ I4& t!in#in$ t!at "e4re o# since "e already %inis!ed s&o#in$. ,!e
o%%icers re&oved us %ro& &y car one -y one9 I "as t!e last to $o. 0!en t!ey %inally $ot &e out
o% t!e car one o% t!e o%%icers called %or -ac#u*+ no" I4& startin$ to "orry. ,!ey ali$ned .ndre+
&ysel%+ 6ulius+ and /idney -eside t!e car+ in t!at order. No" it4s a little a%ter )*&+ it4s still
scorc!in$ !ot outside+ "e "ere all !andcu%%ed and sittin$ do"n in t!e drive"ay. ,!e sun "as
-ea&in$ in &y eyes+ I4& s"eatin$ -ullets+ not only -ecause it4s !ot outside -ut also -ecause I
"as nervous a%ter I !eard one t!e o%%icers yell 7:4 driver;8 I&&ediately a%ter !earin$ t!at+ I
-eca&e con%used. ,!e o%%icers a**roac!ed &e+ !el*ed &e u* and searc!ed &e a$ain+ at t!is
*oint I4& still con%used+ I don4t #no" "!at t!ey %ound -ut "!atever it "as I # no" it "asn4t
anyt!in$ $ood. ,!ey sat &e -ac# do"n and -e$in questionin$ &e a-out a $un+ I "as s!oc#ed+ to
say t!e least+ -ut I $uess t!e o%%icers t!ou$!t I "as *layin$ du&- "!en I said 7I don4t #no"
"!o4s $un it is+ -ut it4s not &ine.8 I "as *laced under arrest and i&&ediately "al#ed to t!e -ac#
o% t!e *olice car. ,!e only reason I "as arrested "as -ecause I "as t!e o"ner o% t!e car+ in all
actuality I really didn4t #no" "!ere t!e $un ca&e %ro&. .s t!e co* "as -ac#in$ out o% t!e
drive"ay "it! &e in t!e car+ I "as loo#in$ t!rou$! t!e %ront "inds!ield %ro& t!e -ac# and sa"
&y %riends+ .ndre and /idney "it! t!e %acial e<*ressions o% one "!o "as con%used as "ell as
Evans 3
sad. 'n &y ride do"nto"n too &any t!ou$!ts "ere $oin$ t!rou$! &y !ead+ in t!e -ac# o% a
*olice car I realied t!at &y li%e "as $oin$ to c!an$e %ro& t!at *oint on. I learned t!at s&o#in$
&ari1uana -rin$s not!in$ -ut trou-le into &y li%e and I also learned t!at I cannot let any and
every-ody in &y car "it!out #no"led$e o% "!at t!ey !ave.

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