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biologische Kybernetik

MaxPlanckInstitut fur
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Technical Report No. TR-149

A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering

Ulrike von Luxburg1
August 2006

Department for Empirical Inference, email: [email protected]

A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering

Ulrike von Luxburg

Abstract. In recent years, spectral clustering has become one of the most popular modern clustering algorithms.
It is simple to implement, can be solved efficiently by standard linear algebra software, and very often outperforms
traditional clustering algorithms such as the k-means algorithm. Nevertheless, on the first glance spectral clustering
looks a bit mysterious, and it is not obvious to see why it works at all and what it really does. This article is a
tutorial introduction to spectral clustering. We describe different graph Laplacians and their basic properties,
present the most common spectral clustering algorithms, and derive those algorithms from scratch by several
different approaches. Advantages and disadvantages of the different spectral clustering algorithms are discussed.


Clustering is one of the most widely used techniques for exploratory data analysis, with applications ranging from
statistics, computer science, biology to social sciences or psychology. In virtually every scientific field dealing
with empirical data, people try to get a first impression on their data by trying to identify groups of similar
behavior in their data. In this article we would like to introduce the reader to the family of spectral clustering
algorithms. Compared to the traditional algorithms such as k-means or single linkage, spectral clustering has
many fundamental advantages. Results obtained by spectral clustering very often outperform the traditional
approaches, spectral clustering is very simple to implement and can be solved efficiently by standard linear algebra
This tutorial is set up as a self-contained introduction to spectral clustering. We derive spectral clustering from
scratch and present several different points of view to why spectral clustering works. Apart from basic linear
algebra, no particular mathematical background is required from the reader. However, we do not attempt to give
a concise review of the whole literature on spectral clustering, an endeavor we think would be hopeless due to the
overwhelming amount of literature on this subject. The first two sections are devoted to a step-by-step introduction
to the mathematical objects used by spectral clustering: similarity graphs in Section 2, and graph Laplacians in
Section 3. The spectral clustering algorithms themselves will be presented in Section 4. The next three sections
are then devoted to explaining why those algorithms work. Each section corresponds to one explanation: Section
5 describes a graph partitioning approach, Section 6 a random walk perspective, and Section 7 a perturbation
theory approach. In Section 8 we will study some practical issues related to spectral clustering, and discuss various
extensions and literature related to spectral clustering in Section 9.

Graph notation and similarity graphs

Given a set of data points x1 , . . . xn and some notion of similarity sij 0 between all pairs of data points xi and
xj , the intuitive goal of clustering is to divide the data points into several groups such that points in the same group
are similar and points in different groups are dissimilar to each other. If we do not have more information than
similarities between data points, a nice way of representing the data is in form of the similarity graph G = (V, E).
The vertices vi in this graph represent the data points xi . Two vertices are connected if the similarity sij between
the corresponding data points xi and xj is positive (or larger than a certain threshold), and the edge is weighted by
sij . The problem of clustering can now be reformulated using the similarity graph: we want to find a partition of
the graph such that the edges between different groups have a very low weight (which means that points in different
clusters are dissimilar from each other) and the edges within a group have high weight (which means that points
within the same cluster are similar to each other). In this section we want to introduce some basic graph notation,
and briefly discuss the kind of graphs we are going to study.


Graph notation

Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph with vertex set V = {v1 , . . . , vn }. In the following we assume that the
graph G is weighted, that is each edge between two vertices vi and vj carries a non-negative weight wij 0. The
weighted adjacency matrix of the graph is the matrix W = (wij )i,j=1,...,n . If wij = 0 this means that the vertices
vi and vj are not connected. As G is undirected we require wij = wji . The degree of a vertex vi V is defined as

di =

wij .

Note that, in fact, this sum only runs over all vertices adjacent to vi , as for all other vertices vj the weight wij is 0.
The degree matrix D is defined as the diagonal matrix with the degrees d1 , . . . , dn on the diagonal. Given a subset
of vertices A V , we denote its complement V \A by A. We define the indicator vector A = (f1 , . . . , fn ) n
as the vector with entries fi = 1 if vi A and fi = 0 otherwise. For convenience, we introduce the shorthand
notation i A for the set of indices {i| vi A}. We consider two different ways of measuring the size of a
subset A V :
|A| := the number of vertices in A
vol(A) :=

di .

Intuitively, |A| measures the size of A by its number of vertices, while vol(A) measures the size of A by the
weights of its edges.
A subset A V of a graph is connected if any two vertices in A can be joined by a path such that all intermediate
points also lie in A. A subset A is called a connected component if it is connected and if there are no connections
between vertices in A and A. The sets A1 , . . . , Ak form a partition of the graph if Ai Aj = and A1 . . .
Ak = V .

Different similarity graphs

There are several popular constructions to transform a given set x1 , . . . , xn of data points with pairwise similarities
sij or pairwise distances dij into a graph. The goal when constructing similarity graphs is to model the local
neighborhood relationships between the data points. Moreover, most of the constructions below lead to a sparse
representation of the data, which has computational advantages.
The -neighborhood graph: Here we connect all points whose pairwise distances are smaller than . As the
distances between all connected points are roughly of the same scale (at most ), weighting the edges would not
incorporate more information about the data to the graph. Hence, the -neighborhood graph is usually considered
as an unweighted graph.
k-nearest neighbor graphs: Here the goal is to connect vertex vi with vertex vj if vj is among the k nearest
neighbors of vi . However, this definition leads to a directed graph, as the neighborhood relationship is not symmetric. Now there are two ways of making this graph undirected. The first way is to simply ignore the directions
of the edges, that is we connect vi and vj with an undirected edge if vi is among the k-nearest neighbors of vj or
if vj is among the k-nearest neighbors of vi . The resulting graph is what is usually called the k-nearest neighbor
graph. The second choice is to connect vertices vi and vj if both vi is among the k-nearest neighbors of vj and
vj is among the k-nearest neighbors of vi . The resulting graph is called the mutual k-nearest neighbor graph.
In both cases, after connecting the appropriate vertices we weight the edges by the similarity of the adjacent points.
The fully connected graph: Here we simply connect all points with positive similarity with each other, and we
weight all edges by sij . As the graph should model the local neighborhood relationships, this construction is
usually only chosen if the similarity function itself already encodes mainly local neighborhoods. An example for a
x x 2
similarity function where this is the case is the Gaussian similarity function s(xi , xj ) = exp( i22j ). Here the
parameter controls the width of the neighborhoods, similarly to the parameter in case of the -neighborhood

All graphs mentioned above are regularly used in spectral clustering. To our knowledge, a thorough study which
gives theoretical results about the question which graph one should use under which circumstances does not exist.
For an illustration of the behavior of the different graphs we refer to Section 8.

Graph Laplacians and their basic properties

The main tools for spectral clustering are graph Laplacian matrices. There exists a whole field dedicated to the
study of those matrices, called spectral graph theory (e.g., see Chung, 1997). In this section we want to define
different graph Laplacians and point out their most important properties. We will carefully distinguish between
different variants of graph Laplacians. Note that in the literature, there is no unique convention which matrix
exactly is called graph Laplacian and how the different matrices are denoted. Usually, every author just calls
his matrix the graph Laplacian. Thus, a lot of care is needed when reading literature on graph Laplacians.
In the following we always assume that G is an undirected, weighted graph with weight matrix W , where
wij = wji 0. When we talk about eigenvectors of a matrix, we do not necessarily assume that they are
normalized to norm 1. For example, the constant vector and a multiple a for some a = 0 are considered as
the same eigenvectors. Eigenvalues will always be ordered increasingly, respecting multiplicities. By the first k
eigenvectors we refer to the eigenvectors corresponding to the k smallest eigenvalues.

The unnormalized graph Laplacian

The unnormalized graph Laplacian matrix is defined as

L = D W.
An overview over many of its properties can be found in Mohar (1991, 1997). The following proposition summarizes the most important facts needed for spectral clustering.
Proposition 1 (Properties of L) The matrix L satisfies the following properties:
1. For every vector f n we have

f Lf =
wij (fi fj )2 .
2 i,j=1
2. L is symmetric and positive semi-definite.
3. The smallest eigenvalue of L is 0, the corresponding eigenvector is the constant one vector .
4. L has n non-negative, real-valued eigenvalues 0 = 1 2 . . . n .
Part (1): By the definition of di ,

di fi2

f Lf = f Df f W f =

fi fj wij


dj fj2 =
di fi2 2
fi fj wij +
wij (fi fj )2 .
2 i=1
Part (2): The symmetry of L follows directly from the symmetry of W and D. The positive semi-definiteness is a
direct consequence of Part (1), which shows that f Lf 0 for all f n .
Part (3): Obvious.
Part (4) is a direct consequence of Parts (1) - (3).

Note that the unnormalized graph Laplacian does not depend on the diagonal elements of the adjacency matrix
W . Each matrix U which coincides with W on all off-diagonal positions leads to the same unnormalized graph
Laplacian L. So in particular, self-edges in a graph do not change the corresponding graph Laplacian.
The unnormalized graph Laplacian and its eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be used to describe many properties
of graphs, see Mohar (1991, 1997). One example which will be important for spectral clustering is the following
Proposition 2 (Number of connected components) Let G be an undirected graph with non-negative weights.
Then the multiplicity k of the eigenvalue 0 of L equals the number of connected components A1 , . . . , Ak in the
graph. The eigenspace of eigenvalue 0 is spanned by the indicator vectors A1 , . . . , Ak of those components.
Proof. We start with the case k = 1, that is the graph is connected. Assume that f is an eigenvector with
eigenvalue 0. Then we know that

wij (fi fj )2 .

0 = f Lf =

As the weights wij are non-negative, this sum can only vanish if all terms wij (fi fj )2 vanish. Thus, if two
vertices vi and vj are connected (i.e., wij > 0), then fi needs to equal fj . With this argument we can see that f
needs to be constant on the whole connected component. In the case where the graph is connected, we thus only
have the constant one vector as eigenvector with eigenvalue 0, which obviously is the indicator vector of the
connected component.
Now consider the case of k connected components. Without loss of generality we assume that the vertices are
ordered according to the connected components they belong to. In this case, the adjacency matrix W has a block
diagonal form, and the same is true for the matrix L:





Note that each of the blocks Li is a proper graph Laplacian on its own, namely the Laplacian corresponding
to the subgraph of the i-th connected component. As it is the case for all block diagonal matrices, we know
that the spectrum of L is given by the union of the spectra of Li , and the corresponding eigenvectors of L are
the eigenvectors of Li , filled with 0 at the positions of the other blocks. As each Li is a graph Laplacian of a
connected graph, we know that every Li has eigenvalue 0 with multiplicity 1, and the corresponding eigenvector
is the constant one vector on the i-th connected component. Thus, the matrix L has as many eigenvalues 0 as
there are connected components, and the corresponding eigenvectors are the indicator vectors of the connected


The normalized graph Laplacians

There are two matrices which are called normalized graph Laplacians in the literature. Both matrices are closely
related to each other and are defined as
Lsym := D1/2 LD1/2 = I D1/2 W D1/2
Lrw := D1 L = I D1 W.
We denote the first matrix by Lsym as it is a symmetric matrix, and the second one by Lrw as it is closely connected
to a random walk. The standard reference for normalized graph Laplacians is Chung (1997). In the following we
summarize several properties of Lsym and Lrw .

Proposition 3 (Properties of Lsym and Lrw ) The normalized Laplacians satisfy the following properties:
1. For every f n we have

f Lsym f =
2 i,j=1

i j

2. is an eigenvalue of Lrw with eigenvector v if and only if is an eigenvalue of Lsym with eigenvector w =
D1/2 v.
3. is an eigenvalue of Lrw with eigenvector v if and only if and v solve the generalized eigenproblem
Lv = Dv.
4. 0 is an eigenvalue of Lrw with the constant one vector as eigenvector. 0 is an eigenvalue of Lsym with
eigenvector D1/2 .
5. Lsym and Lrw are positive semi-definite and have n non-negative real-valued eigenvalues 0 = 1 . . . n .
Proof. Part (1) can be proved similarly to Part (1) of Proposition 1.
Part (2) can be seen immediately by multiplying the eigenvalue equation Lsym w = w with D1/2 from left and
substituting v = D1/2 w.
Part (3) follows directly by multiplying the eigenvalue equation Lrw v = v with D from left.
Part (4) is obvious as Lrw = 0.
Part (5): The statement about Lsym follows from (1), and then the statement about Lrw follows from (2).
As it is the case for the unnormalized graph Laplacian, the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0 of the normalized graph
Laplacian is related to the number of connected components:
Proposition 4 (Number of connected components) Let G be an undirected graph with non-negative weights.
Then the multiplicity k of the eigenvalue 0 of both Lrw and Lsym equals the number of connected components
A1 , . . . , Ak in the graph. For Lrw , the eigenspace of 0 is spanned by the indicator vectors Ai of those components.
For Lsym , the eigenspace of 0 is spanned by the vectors D1/2 Ai .
Proof. The proof is analogous to the one of Proposition 2, using Proposition 3.

Spectral Clustering Algorithms

Now we would like to state the most common spectral clustering algorithms, for many references and the history
of spectral clustering we refer to Section 9. We assume that we are given data points x1 , . . . , xn which can be
arbitrary objects, and their similarities sij = s(xi , xj ), measured according to some similarity function which is
symmetric and non-negative. We denote the corresponding similarity matrix by S = (sij )i,j=1...n .

Unnormalized spectral clustering

Input: Similarity matrix S nn , number k of clusters to construct
Construct a similarity graph by one of the ways described in Section 2.
Let W be its weighted adjacency matrix.
Compute the unnormalized Laplacian L.
Compute the first k eigenvectors v1 , . . . , vk of L.
Let V nk be the matrix containing the vectors v1 , . . . , vk as columns.
For i = 1, . . . , n, let yi k be the vector corresponding to the i-th row of
Cluster the points (yi )i=1,...,n in k with the k-means algorithm into
clusters C1 , . . . , Ck .
Output: Clusters A1 , . . . , Ak with Ai = {j| yj Ci }.

There are two different versions of normalized spectral clustering, depending which of the normalized graph Laplacians is used. We name both algorithms after two popular papers, for more references and history please see
Section 9.

Normalized spectral clustering according to Shi and Malik (2000)

Input: Similarity matrix S nn , number k of clusters to construct
Construct a similarity graph by one of the ways described in Section 2.
Let W be its weighted adjacency matrix.
Compute the unnormalized Laplacian L.
Compute the first k eigenvectors v1 , . . . , vk of the generalized eigenproblem Lv = Dv.
Let V nk be the matrix containing the vectors v1 , . . . , vk as columns.
For i = 1, . . . , n, let yi k be the vector corresponding to the i-th row of
Cluster the points (yi )i=1,...,n in k with the k-means algorithm into
clusters C1 , . . . , Ck .
Output: Clusters A1 , . . . , Ak with Ai = {j| yj Ci }.

Note that this algorithm uses the generalized eigenvectors of L, which according to Proposition 3 correspond to
the eigenvectors of the matrix Lrw . So in fact, the algorithm works with eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian
Lrw , and hence is called normalized spectral clustering. The next algorithm also uses a normalized Laplacian,
but this time the matrix Lsym instead of Lrw . As we will see, this algorithm needs to introduce an additional
row normalization step which is not needed in the the other algorithms. The reasons will become clear in Section 7.

Normalized spectral clustering according to Ng, Jordan, and Weiss (2002)

Input: Similarity matrix S nn , number k of clusters to construct
Construct a similarity graph by one of the ways described in Section 2.
Let W be its weighted adjacency matrix.
Compute the normalized Laplacian Lsym .
Compute the first k eigenvectors v1 , . . . , vk of Lsym .
Let V nk be the matrix containing the vectors v1 , . . . , vk as columns.
Form the matrix U nk from V by normalizing the row sums to have norm 1, that is uij =
2 1/2
vij /( k vik
) .
For i = 1, . . . , n, let yi k be the vector corresponding to the i-th row of
Cluster the points (yi )i=1,...,n with the k-means algorithm into clusters
C1 , . . . , Ck .
Output: Clusters A1 , . . . , Ak with Ai = {j| yj Ci }.

All three algorithm stated above look rather similar, apart from the fact that they use the three different graph
Laplacians. In all three algorithms, the main trick is to change the representation of the abstract data points xi to
points yi k . It is due to the properties of the graph Laplacians that this change of representation is useful. We
will see in the next sections that this change of representation enhances the cluster-properties in the data, so that
they can be trivially detected in the new representation. In particular, the simple k-means clustering algorithm has
no difficulties to detect the clusters in this new representation. Readers not familiar with k-means can read up on
this algorithm for example in Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman (2001).

Histogram of the sample




Eigenvector 1 Eigenvector 2 Eigenvector 3 Eigenvector 4 Eigenvector 5

norm, knn

norm, knn




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


















Eigenvector 1 Eigenvector 2 Eigenvector 3 Eigenvector 4 Eigenvector 5

unnorm, full graph

unnorm, full graph








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Eigenvector 1 Eigenvector 2 Eigenvector 3 Eigenvector 4 Eigenvector 5

norm, full graph

norm, full graph



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Eigenvector 1 Eigenvector 2 Eigenvector 3 Eigenvector 4 Eigenvector 5

unnorm, knn

unnorm, knn



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

















Figure 1: Toy example for spectral clustering. Left upper corner: histogram of the data. First and second row: eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of Lrw and L based on the k-nearest neighbor graph. Third and fourth row: eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Lrw
and L based on the fully connected graph. For all plots, we used we use the Gaussian kernel with = 1 as similarity function.

Before we dive into the theory of spectral clustering, we would like to illustrate its principle on a very simple
toy example. This example will be used at several places in this tutorial, and we chose it because it is so simple
that the relevant quantities can easily be plotted. This toy data set consists of a random sample of 200 points
x1 , . . . , x200 drawn according to a mixture of four Gaussians. The first row of Figure 1 shows the histograms
of a sample drawn from this distribution. As similarity function on this data set we choose the Gaussian similarity
function s(xi , xj ) = exp(|xi xj |2 /2 2 ) with = 1. As similarity graph we consider both the fully connected
graph and the k-nearest neighbor graph with k = 10. In Figure 1 we show the first eigenvalues and eigenvectors
of the unnormalized Laplacian L and the normalized Laplacian Lrw . That is, in the eigenvalue plot we plot i vs. i
(for the moment ignore the dashed line and the different shapes of the eigenvalues in the plots for the unnormalized
case; their meaning will be discussed in Section 8.4). In the eigenvector plots of an eigenvector v = (v1 , . . . , v200 )
we plot xi vs. vi . The first two rows of Figure 1 show the results based on the k-nearest neighbor graph. We can see
that the first four eigenvalues are 0, and the corresponding eigenvectors are cluster indicator vectors. The reason is
that the clusters form disconnected parts in the k-nearest neighbor graph, in which case the eigenvectors are given
as in Propositions 2 and 4. The next two rows show the results for the fully connected graph. As the Gaussian
similarity function is always positive, this graph only consists of one connected component. Thus, eigenvalue 0
has multiplicity 1, and the first eigenvector is the constant vector. The following eigenvectors carry the information
about the clusters. For example, in the unnormalized case (last row), if we threshold the second eigenvector at
0, then the part below 0 corresponds to clusters 1 and 2, and the part above 0 to clusters 3 and 4. Similarly,

thresholding the third eigenvector separates clusters 1 and 4 from clusters 2 and 3, and thresholding the fourth
eigenvector separates clusters 1 and 3 from clusters 2 and 4. Altogether, the first four eigenvectors carry all the
information about the four clusters. In all the cases illustrated in this figure, spectral clustering using k-means on
the first four eigenvectors easily detects the correct four clusters.

Graph cut point of view

The intuition of clustering is to separate points in different groups according to their similarities. For data given in
form of a similarity graph, this problem can be restated as follows: we want to find a partition of the graph such
that the edges between different groups have a very low weight (which means that points in different clusters are
dissimilar from each other) and the edges within a group have high weight (which means that points within the
same cluster are similar to each other). In this section we will see how spectral clustering can be derived as an
approximation to such graph partitioning problems.
For two disjoint subsets A, B V we define
cut(A, B) =

wij .

Given a similarity graph with adjacency matrix W , the simplest and most direct way to construct a partition is to
solve the mincut problem. This consists of choosing the partition A1 , . . . , Ak which minimizes

cut(A1 , . . . , Ak ) :=

cut(Ai , Ai )

(recall the notation A for the complement of a subset A V ). In particular for k = 2, mincut is a relatively
easy problem and can be solved efficiently, see Stoer and Wagner (1997) and the discussion therein. However, in
practice this often does not lead to satisfactory partitions. The problem is that in many cases, the solution of mincut
simply consists in separating one individual vertex from the rest of the graph. Of course this is not what we want to
achieve in clustering, as clusters should be reasonably large groups of points. One way to circumvent this problem
is to explicitly request that the sets A1 , ..., Ak are reasonably large. The two most common objective functions
which encode this are RatioCut (first introduced by Hagen and Kahng, 1992) and the normalized cut Ncut (first
introduced by Shi and Malik, 2000). In RatioCut, the size of a subset A of a graph is measured by its number of
vertices |A|, while in Ncut the size is measured by the weights of its edges vol(A). The definitions are:

RatioCut(A1 , . . . , Ak ) =

Ncut(A1 , . . . , Ak ) =

cut(Ai , Ai )
|Ai |

cut(Ai , Ai )
vol(Ai )

Note that both objective functions take a small value if the clusters Ai are not too small. In particular, the minimum
of the function i=1 (1/|Ai |) is achieved if all |Ai | coincide, and the minimum of i=1 (1/ vol(Ai )) is achieved if
all vol(Ai ) coincide. So what both objective functions try to achieve is that the clusters are balanced, as measured
by the number of vertices or edge weights, respectively. Unfortunately, introducing balancing conditions makes
the previously simple to solve mincut problem become NP hard, see Wagner and Wagner (1993) for a discussion.
Spectral clustering is a way to solve relaxed versions of those problems. We will see that relaxing Ncut leads to
normalized spectral clustering, while relaxing RatioCut leads to unnormalized spectral clustering.

Approximating RatioCut for k = 2

Let us start with the case of RatioCut and k = 2, because the relaxation is easiest to understand in this setting.
Our goal is to solve the optimization problem
min RatioCut(A, A).



We first will rewrite the problem in a more convenient form. Given a subset A V we define the vector f =
(f1 , . . . , fn ) n with entries

fi =

if vi A


if vi A.

Now the RatioCut objective function can be conveniently rewritten using the unnormalized graph Laplacian. This
is due to the following calculation:

wij (fi fj )2

f Lf =





= 2 cut(A, A)

|A| |A|
|A| |A|

= 2 cut(A, A)

|A| + |A| |A| + |A|





= 2|V | RatioCut(A, A).

Additionally, we have



fi =



= |A|


= 0.

In other words, the vector f as defined in Equation (2) is orthogonal to the constant one vector . Finally, note that
f satisfies

fi2 = |A|


+ |A|
= |A| + |A| = n.

So the problem of minimizing (1) can be equivalently rewritten as

min f Lf subject to f , fi as defined in Eq. (2), f =




This is an NP-hard discrete optimization problem as the entries of the solution vector f are only allowed to take
two particular values. The obvious relaxation in this setting is to discard the condition on the discrete values for fi
and instead allow fi . This leads to the relaxed optimization problem

min f Lf subject to f , f = n.
f n
By the Rayleigh-Ritz theorem (e.g., see Section 5.5.2. of Lutkepohl, 1997) it can be seen immediately that the
solution of this problem is given by the vector f which is the eigenvector corresponding to the second smallest
eigenvalue of L (recall that the smallest eigenvalue of L is 0 with eigenvector ). So we can approximate a
minimizer of RatioCut by the second eigenvector of L. However, in order to obtain a partition of the graph we
need to re-transform the real-valued solution vector f of the relaxed problem into a discrete indicator vector. The
simplest way to do this is to use the sign of f as indicator function, that is to choose
vi A
vi A

if fi 0
if fi < 0.

However, in particular in the case of k > 2 treated below, this heuristic is too simple. What most spectral clustering
algorithms do instead is to consider the coordinates fi as points in and cluster them into two groups C, C by the
k-means clustering algorithm. Then we carry over the resulting clustering to the underlying data points, that is we
vi A
vi A

if fi C
if fi C.

This is exactly the unnormalized spectral clustering algorithm for the case of k = 2.

Approximating RatioCut for arbitrary k

The relaxation of the RatioCut minimization problem in the case of a general value k follows a similar principle as
the one above. Given a partition of V into k sets A1 , . . . , Ak , we define k indicator vectors hi = (h1,i , . . . , hn,i )
hi,j =

1/ |Ai |

if i Aj


Then we set the matrix H nk as the matrix containing those k indicator vectors as columns. Observe that the
columns in H are orthonormal to each other, that is H H = I. Similar to the calculations in the last section we
can see that

hi Lhi = 2

cut(|Ai |, |Ai |)
|Ai |

Moreover, one can check that

hi Lhi = (H LH)ii .
Plugging those things together we get

RatioCut(A1 , . . . , Ak ) =


hi Lhi =


(H LH)ii =

Tr(H LH),

where Tr denotes the trace of a matrix. So we can write the problem of minimizing RatioCut(A1 , . . . , Ak ) as
min Tr(H LH) subject to H H = I, H as defined in Eq. (5).

A1 ,...,Ak

Similar to above we now relax the problem by allowing the entries of the matrix H to take arbitrary real values.
Then the relaxed problem becomes:

min Tr(H LH) subject to H H = I.


This is the standard form of a trace minimization problem, and again some version of the Rayleigh-Ritz theorem
(e.g., see Section 5.2.2.(6) of Lutkepohl, 1997) tells us that the solution is given by choosing H as the matrix which
contains the first k eigenvectors of L as columns. We can see that the matrix H is in fact the matrix V used in the
unnormalized spectral clustering algorithm as described in Section 4. Again we need to re-convert the real valued
solution matrix to a discrete partition. As above, the standard way is to use the k-means algorithms on the rows of
V . This then leads to the general unnormalized spectral clustering algorithm as presented in Section 4.


Approximating Ncut

Techniques very similar to the ones used for RatioCut can be used to derive normalized spectral clustering as
relaxation of minimizing Ncut. In the case k = 2 we define the cluster indicator vector f by

fi =

vol A

if i A


if i A.

Then by similar calculations as above one can check that (Df ) = 0, f Df = vol(V ), and f Lf =
2 vol(V ) Ncut(A, A). Thus we can rewrite the problem of minimizing Ncut by the equivalent problem
min f Lf subject to f as in (6), Df , f Df = vol(V ).


Again we relax the problem by allowing f to be real valued:

min f Lf subject to Df , f Df = vol(V ).

f n


Now we substitute g := D1/2 f . After substitution, the problem is

min g D1/2 LD1/2 g subject to g D1/2 , g


= vol(V ).


Observe that D1/2 LD1/2 = Lsym , D1/2 is the first eigenvector of Lsym , and vol(V ) is a constant. Hence,
Problem (9) is in the form of the standard Rayleigh-Ritz theorem, and its solution g is given by the second
eigenvector of Lsym . Re-substituting f = D1/2 g and using Proposition 3 we see that f then is the second
eigenvector of Lrw , or equivalently the generalized eigenvector of Lv = Dv.
For the case of finding k > 2 clusters, we define the indicator vectors hi = (h1,i , . . . , hn,i ) by
hi,j =

1/ vol(Ai )

if i Aj


Then we set the matrix H as the matrix containing those k indicator vectors as columns. Observe that H H = I,
hi Dhi = 1, and hi Lhi = 2 cut(Ai , Ai )/ vol(Ai ). So we can write the problem of minimizing Ncut as

min Tr(H LH) subject to H DH = I, H as in (10) .

A1 ,...,Ak

Relaxing the discreteness condition and substituting U = D1/2 H we obtain the relaxed problem
min Tr(U D1/2 LD1/2 U ) subject to U U = I.

U nk


Again this is the standard trace minimization problem which is solved by the matrix U which contains the first k
eigenvectors of Lsym as columns. Re-substituting H = D1/2 U and using Proposition 3 we see that the solution
H consists of the first k eigenvectors of the matrix Lrw , or the first k generalized eigenvectors of Lv = Dv. This
yields the normalized spectral clustering algorithm according to Shi and Malik (2000).



Comments on the relaxation approach

There are several comments we should make about this derivation of spectral clustering. Most importantly, there
is no guarantee whatsoever on the quality of the solution of the relaxed problem compared to the exact solution.
That is, if A1 , . . . , Ak is the exact solution of minimizing RatioCut, and B1 , . . . , Bk is the solution constructed
by unnormalized spectral clustering, then RatioCut(B1 , . . . , Bk ) RatioCut(A1 , . . . , Ak ) can be arbitrary
large. An example for the case k = 2 can be found in Guattery and Miller (1998). Here the authors consider
a very simple class of graphs called cockroach graphs. Those graphs essentially look like a ladder, with a
few rimes removed, see Figure 2. Obviously, the ideal RatioCut just cuts the ladder by a vertical cut such that

Figure 2: The cockroach graph from Guattery and Miller (1998)

A = {v1 , . . . , vk , v2k+1 , . . . , v3k } and A = {vk+1 , . . . , v2k , v3k+1 , . . . , v4k }. This cut is perfectly balanced
with |A| = |A| = 2k and cut(A, A) = 2. However, by studying the properties of the second eigenvector of
the unnormalized graph Laplacian of cockroach graphs the authors prove that unnormalized spectral clustering
always cuts horizontally through the ladder, constructing the sets B = {v1 , . . . , v2k } and B = {v2k+1 , . . . , v4k }.
This also results in a balanced cut, but now we cut k edges instead of just 2. So RatioCut(A, A) = 2/k, while
RatioCut(B, B) = 1. This means that the RatioCut value of the cut obtained by spectral clustering is k/2 times
worse than the optimal cut. The same example also works for Ncut. In general it is known that efficient algorithms
to approximate balanced graph cuts up to a constant factor do not exist. To the contrary, this approximation
problem in NP hard itself (Bui and Jones, 1992).
Of course, the relaxation we discussed above is not unique. For example, a completely different relaxation
which leads to a semi-definite program is derived in Bie and Cristianini (2006), and there might be many other
useful relaxations. The reason why the spectral relaxation is so appealing is not that it leads to particularly good
solutions, but is the fact that it results in a very simple to solve standard linear algebra problem.
Finally, there is nothing principled about using the k-means algorithm to construct discrete partitions from the
real valued representation vectors yi . Any other algorithm which can solve this problem could be used instead,
and several other techniques are regularly used. For example, we can try to construct the partition by separating
the points yi by hyperplanes in k , see Lang (2006) for a detailed discussion of this technique. However, one
can argue that at least the Euclidean distance between the points yi is a meaningful quantity to look at. In the
next section we will see that the Euclidean distance between the points yi is related to the commute distance
on the graph. In Nadler, Lafon, Coifman, and Kevrekidis (2006), the authors show that the Euclidean distances
between the yi are also related to a more general diffusion distance. The spectral embedding also turns out to
be a solution of several optimization problems on the graph, for further examples see Bolla (1991) or Belkin and
Niyogi (2003). In all those optimization problems, the Euclidean distance in the embedding space turns out to be
a meaningful quantity. Bach and Jordan (2004) use a more advanced post-processing of the eigenvectors. They
study the subspace spanned by the first k eigenvectors, and try to approximate this subspace as good as possible
using piecewise constant vectors. This also leads to minimizing certain Euclidean distances in the space k , which
can be done by some weighted k-means algorithm.

Random walks point of view

Another line of argument to explain spectral clustering is based on random walks on the similarity graph. A
random walk on a graph is a stochastic process which randomly jumps from vertex to vertex. We will see below
that spectral clustering can be interpreted as trying to find a partition of the graph such that the random walk stays

long within the same cluster and seldom jumps between clusters. Intuitively this makes sense, in particular together
with the graph cut explanation of the last section. A partition with a low cut will also have the property that the
random walk does not have many opportunities to jump between clusters. Formally, the transition probability of
jumping in one step from vertex i to vertex j is proportional to the edge weight wij and is given by pij := wij /di .
The transition matrix P = (pij )i,j=1,...,n of the random walk is thus defined by
P = D1 W.
If the graph is connected and non-bipartite, then the random walk always possesses a unique stationary distribution
= (1 , . . . , n ) , which is given by i = di / vol(G). For background reading on random walks in general we
refer to Norris (1997) and Bremaud (1999), and for random walks on graphs we recommend Aldous and Fill (in
preparation) and Lovasz (1993).
Obviously there is a tight relationship between Lrw and P , as Lrw = I P . As a consequence, is an eigenvalue
of Lrw with eigenvector v if and only if 1 is an eigenvector of P with eigenvector v. It is well known that
many properties of a graph can be expressed in terms of the matrix P , see Lovasz (1993) for an overview. So from
a random walk point of view it does not come as a surprise that the largest eigenvectors of P and the smallest
eigenvectors of Lrw can be used to describe cluster properties of the graph.
Random walks and Ncut
A formal equivalence between Ncut and transition probabilities of the random walk has been observed in Meila
and Shi (2001).
Proposition 5 (Ncut via transition probabilities) Let G be connected and not bi-partite. Assume that we run the
random walk (Xt )t0 starting with X0 in the stationary distribution . For disjoint subsets A, B V , denote by
P (B|A) := P (X1 B|X0 A). Then:
Ncut(A, A) = P (A|A) + P (A|A).
Proof. First of all observe that
P (X0 A, X1 B) =

P (X0 = i, X1 = j) =


i pij

di wij
vol(G) di

wij .

Using this we obtain

P (X0 A, X1 B)
P (X1 B|X0 A) =
P (X0 A)





Now the proposition follows directly with the definition of Ncut.

This proposition leads to a nice interpretation of Ncut, and hence of normalized spectral clustering. It tells us that
when minimizing Ncut, we actually look for a cut through the graph such that a random walk seldom transitions
from A to A or vice versa.
The commute distance
A second tight connection between random walks and graph Laplacians can be made via the commute distance
on the graph. The commute distance (also called resistance distance) c(i, j) between two vertices i and j is the
expected time it takes the random walk to travel from vertex i to vertex j and back (Lovasz, 1993; Aldous and
Fill, in preparation). The commute distance has several nice properties which make it particularly appealing for

machine learning. As opposed to the shortest path distance on a graph, the commute distance between two vertices
decreases if there are many different short ways to get from vertex i to vertex j. So instead of just looking for the
one shortest path, the commute distance looks at the set of short paths. Points which are connected by a short path
and lie in the same cluster of the graph are much closer to each other than points which are connected by a short
part but lie in different clusters.
Remarkably, the commute distance on a graph can be computed with the help of the generalized inverse (also called
pseudo-inverse or Moore-Penrose inverse) L of the graph Laplacian L. To define the generalized inverse of L,
recall that by Proposition 1, the matrix L can be decomposed as L = V V where V is the matrix containing the
eigenvectors as columns and the diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues 1 , . . . , n on the diagonal. As at least one
of the eigenvalues is 0, the matrix L is not invertible. Instead, we define its generalized inverse as L := V V
where the matrix is the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries 1/i if i = 0 and 0 if i = 0. The entries of

L can be computed as lij

= k=2 1k vik vjk . Moreover, as all its eigenvalues are non-negative, L is positive
semi-definite. For further properties of L see Gutman and Xiao (2004).
Proposition 6 (Commute distance) Let G = (V, E) a connected, undirected graph. Denote by cij the commute

distance between vertex i and vertex j, and by L = (lij

)i,j=1,...,n the generalized inverse of L. Then we have:

+ ljj
) = vol(G)(ei ej ) L (ei ej ).
cij = vol(G)(lii

This result has been published by Klein and Randic (1993), where it has been proved by methods of electrical
network theory. For a proof using first step analysis for random walks see Fouss, Pirotte, Renders, and Saerens
(2006). As both proofs are technical we omit them.
There also exist other ways to express the commute distance with the help of graph Laplacians. For example a
method in terms of eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian Lsym can be found as Corollary 3.2 in Lovasz (1993),
and a method computing the commute distance with the help of determinants of certain sub-matrices of L can be
found in Bapat, Gutman, and Xiao (2003).

Proposition 6 has an important consequence. It shows that cij can be considered as a Euclidean distance
function on the vertices of the graph. This means that we can construct an embedding which maps the vertices vi
of the graph on points zi n such that the Euclidean distances between the points zi coincide with the commute
distances on the graph. This works as follows. As the matrix L is positive semi-definite, it induces an inner
product on n (or to be more formal, it induces an inner product on the subspace of n which is perpendicular to
the vector ). Now choose zi as the point in n corresponding to the i-th row of the matrix ( )1/2 V . Then, by
Proposition 6 and by the construction of L we have that zi , zj = ei L ej and ||zi zj ||2 = cij .
The embedding used in unnormalized spectral clustering is related to the commute time embedding, but not identical. In spectral clustering, we map the vertices of the graph on the rows yi of the matrix V , while the commute
time embedding maps the vertices on the rows zi of the matrix ( )1/2 V . That is, compared to the entries of yi ,
the entries of zi are additionally scaled by the inverse eigenvalues of L. Moreover, in spectral clustering we only
take the first k columns of the matrix, while the commute time embedding takes all columns of the matrix. Several
authors now try to justify why yi and zi are not so different after all, and then state a bit hand-waiving that the fact
that spectral clustering constructs clusters based on the Euclidean distances between the yi can be interpreted as
building clusters of the vertices in the graph based on the commute distance. However, while this intuition might
be helpful, we have not seen a precise derivation of such a claim.

Perturbation theory point of view

In Section 3 we have already seen that if the graph consists of k disconnected components, then the multiplicity of
the eigenvalue 0 of both L and Lrw is k, and the eigenspace is spanned by the indicator vectors of the connected
components. Briefly stated, the perturbation argument now says that if we do not have a completely ideal situation
where the between-cluster similarity is exactly 0, but if we have a situation where the between-cluster similarities
are very small, then the eigenvectors of the first k eigenvalues should be very close to the ones in the ideal case.
Thus we should still be able to recover the clustering from those eigenvectors.


Perturbation theory studies the question how eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix A change if we add a small
perturbation H, that is we consider the perturbed matrix A := A + H. Most perturbation theorems state that a
certain distance between eigenvalues or eigenvectors of A and A is bounded by a constant times a norm of H.
The constant usually depends on which eigenvalue we are looking at, and how far this eigenvalue is separated
from the rest of the spectrum (for a formal statement see below). The justification of spectral clustering is then
the following: Let us first consider the ideal case where the between-cluster similarity is 0. Here, the first k
eigenvectors of L or Lrw are the indicator vectors of the clusters. In this case, the points yi k constructed
in the spectral clustering algorithms have the form (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . 0) where the position of the 1 indicates
the connected component this point belongs to. In particular, all yi belonging to the same connected component
coincide. The k-means algorithm will trivially find the correct partition by placing a center point on each of
the points (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . 0) k . In a nearly ideal case where we still have distinct clusters, but the
between-cluster similarity is not exactly 0, we consider the Laplacian matrices to be perturbed versions of the ones
of the ideal case. Perturbation theory then tells us that the eigenvectors will be very close to the ideal indicator
vectors. The points yi might not completely coincide with (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . 0) , but do so up to some small error
term. Hence, if the perturbations are not too large, then k-means algorithm will still separate the groups from each
Formally, those arguments are based on the Davis-Kahan theorem from matrix perturbation theory, which bounds
the difference between eigenspaces of symmetric matrices under perturbations. We state those results for completeness, but for background reading we refer to Section V of Stewart and Sun (1990) and Section VII.3 of Bhatia
(1997). In perturbation theory, distances between subspaces are usually measured using canonical angles (also
called principal angles). To define principal angles, let V1 and V2 be two p-dimensional subspaces of d , and
V1 and V2 two matrices such that their columns form orthonormal systems for V1 and V2 , respectively. Then the
cosines cos i of the principal angles i are the singular values of V1 V2 . For p = 1, the so defined canonical angles coincide with the normal definition of an angle. Canonical angles can also be defined if V1 and V2 do not have
the same dimension, see Section V of Stewart and Sun (1990), Section VII.3 of Bhatia (1997), or Section 12.4.3 of
Golub and Van Loan (1996). The matrix sin (V1 , V2 ) will denote the diagonal matrix with the canonical angles
on the diagonal.
Theorem 7 (Davis-Kahan) Let A, H nn be symmetric matrices, and let be the Frobenius norm or the
two-norm for matrices. Consider A := A + H as a perturbed version of A. Let S1 be an interval. Denote by
S1 (A) the set of eigenvalues of A which are contained in S1 , and by V1 the eigenspace corresponding to all those
eigenvalues (more formally, V1 is the image of the spectral projection induced by S1 (A)). Denote by S1 (A)

V1 the analogous quantities for A. Define the distance between S1 and the spectrum of A outside of S1 as
= min{| s|; eigenvalue of A, S1 , s S1 }.
Then the distance d(V1 , V1 ) := sin (V1 , V1 ) between the two subspaces V1 and V1 is bounded by
d(V1 , V1 )


Let us try to decrypt this theorem, for simplicity in the case of the unnormalized Laplacian (for the normalized
Laplacian it works analogously). The matrix A will correspond to the graph Laplacian L in the ideal case, that is
we assume that the graph has k connected components. The matrix A corresponds to a perturbed case, where due
to noise the k components in the graph are no longer completely disconnected, but they are only connected by few
For spectral clustering,
edges with low weight. We denote the corresponding graph Laplacian of this case by L.

we need to consider the first k eigenvalues and eigenvectors of L. Denote the eigenvalues of L by 1 , . . . n
1, . . . ,
n . Choosing the interval S1 is now the crucial point. We
and the ones of the perturbed Laplacian L
and the first k eigenvalues of L are contained in
want to choose it such that both the first k eigenvalues of L

S1 . This is easier the smaller the perturbation H = L L and the larger the eigengap |k k+1 | is. If we
manage to find such a set, then the Davis-Kahan theorem tells us that the eigenspaces corresponding to the first k
are very close to each other, that
eigenvalues in ideal case L and the first k eigenvalues in the perturbed case L
is their distance is bounded by H /. Then, as the eigenvectors in the ideal case are piecewise constant on the
connected components, this will approximately also be true in the perturbed case. How good approximately
is depends on the norm of the perturbation H and the distance between S1 and the (k + 1)st eigenvector of

L. In case the set S1 has been chosen as the interval [0, k ], then coincides with the spectral gap |k+1 k |.
We can see from the theorem that the larger this eigengap is, the closer the eigenvectors of the ideal case and the
perturbed case are, and hence the better spectral clustering works. Later we will see that the size of the eigengap
as a quality criterion for spectral clustering also emerges from the other explanations of spectral clustering.
If the perturbation H is too large or the eigengap is too small, we might not find a set S1 such that both the first k
are contained. In this case, we need to make a compromise by choosing the set to contain
eigenvalues of L and L
The statement of the theorem then
the first k eigenvalues of L, but maybe a bit more or fewer eigenvalues of L.
becomes weaker.

Comments about the perturbation approach

A bit of caution is needed when using perturbation theory arguments to justify clustering algorithms based on
eigenvectors of matrices. In general, any symmetric block diagonal symmetric matrix has the property that there
exists a basis of eigenvectors which are zero outside the individual blocks and real-valued within the blocks. For
example, based on this argument several authors use the eigenvectors of the similarity matrix S or adjacency
matrix W to discover clusters. However, being block diagonal in the ideal case of completely separated clusters
can be considered as a necessary condition for a successful use of eigenvectors, but not a sufficient one. At least
two more properties should be satisfied:
First, we need to make sure that the order of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors is meaningful. In case of the Laplacians this is always true, as we know that any connected component possesses exactly one eigenvector which has
eigenvalue 0. Hence, if the graph has k connected components and we take the first k eigenvectors of the Laplacian,
then we know that we have exactly one eigenvector per component. However, this might not be the case for other
matrices such as S or W . For example, it could be the case that the two largest eigenvalues of a block diagonal similarity matrix S come from the same block. In such a situation, if we take the first k eigenvectors of S, some blocks
will be represented several times, while there are other blocks which we will miss completely (unless we take
certain precautions). This is the reason why using the eigenvectors of S or W for clustering should be discouraged.
The second property is that in the ideal case, the entries of the eigenvectors on the components should be safely
bounded away from 0. Assume that an eigenvector on the first connected component has an entry v1,i = at
position i. In the ideal case, the fact that this entry is non-zero indicates that the corresponding point i belongs
to the first cluster. The other way round, if a point j does not belong to cluster 1, then in the ideal case it should
be the case that v1,j = 0. Now consider the same situation, but with perturbed data. The perturbed eigenvector v
will usually not have any non-zero component any more; but if the noise is not too large, then perturbation theory
tells us that the entries v1,i and v1,j are still close to their original values v1,i and v1,j . So both entries v1,i and
v1,j will take some small values, say 1 and 2 . In practice, it is now very unclear how we should interpret this
situation. Either we believe that small entries in v indicate that the points do not belong to the first cluster (which
then misclassifies the first data point i), or we think that the entries already indicate class membership and classify
both points to the first cluster (which misclassifies point j).
For both matrices L and Lrw , the eigenvectors in the ideal situation are indicator vectors, so the problems
described above cannot occur. However, this is not true for the matrix Lsym , which is used in the normalized
spectral clustering algorithm of Ng et al. (2002). Even in the ideal case, the eigenvectors of this matrix are given
as D1/2 Ai . If the degrees of the vertices differ a lot, and in particular if there are vertices which have a very low
degree, the corresponding entries in the eigenvectors are very small. To counteract the problem described above,
the row-normalization step in the algorithm of Ng et al. (2002) comes into play. In the ideal case, the matrix V in
the algorithm has exactly one non-zero entry per row. After row-normalization, the matrix U in the algorithm of
Ng et al. (2002) thus consists of the cluster indicator vectors. Note however, that in practice different things might
happen. Assume that we have v1,i = 1 and v2,i = 2 . If we now normalize the i-th row of V , both 1 and 2
will be multiplied by the factor of 1/ 21 + 22 and become rather large. We now run into a similar problem as
described above: both points are likely to be classified into the same cluster, even though they belong to different
clusters. This argument shows that spectral clustering using the matrix Lsym can be problematic if the eigenvectors
contain particularly small entries. However, note that such small entries in the eigenvectors only occur if some of
the vertices have a particularly low degrees (as the eigenvectors of Lsym are given by D1/2 Ai ). One could argue

that in such a case, the data point should be considered an outlier anyway, and then it does not really matter in
which cluster the point will end up.
To summarize, the conclusion is that both unnormalized spectral clustering and normalized spectral clustering
with Lrw are well justified by the perturbation theory approach. Normalized spectral clustering with Lsym can also
be justified by perturbation theory, but it should be treated with more care if the graph contains vertices with very
low degrees.

Practical details

In this section we will briefly discuss some of the issues which come up when actually implementing spectral
clustering. There are several choices to be made and parameters to be set. However, the short discussion in this
section is mainly meant to raise awareness about the general problems which can occur. We will look at toy
examples only. For thorough studies on the behavior of spectral clustering for various real world tasks we refer to
the literature.

Constructing the similarity graph

Choosing the similarity graph and its parameters for spectral clustering is not a trivial task. This already starts with
the choice of the similarity function sij itself. In general one should try to ensure that the local neighborhoods
induced by this similarity function are meaningful, but in particular in a clustering setting this is very difficult
to assess. Ultimately, the choice of the similarity function depends on the domain the data comes from, and no
general rules can be given. The second choice concerns the construction of the similarity graph, that is which type
of graph we choose and how we set the parameter which governs its connectedness (e.g., the parameter of the
-neighborhood graph or the parameter k of the k-nearest neighbor graph).

Data points

epsilongraph, epsilon=0.3


Mutual kNN graph, k = 5

kNN graph, k = 5


Figure 3: Different similarity graphs, see text for details.

To illustrate the behavior of the different graphs we use the toy example presented in Figure 3. As underlying
distribution we choose a distribution on 2 with three clusters: two moons and a Gaussian. The density of the
bottom moon is chosen to be larger than the one of the top moon. The upper left panel in Figure 3 shows a sample

drawn from this distribution. The next three panels show the different similarity graphs on this sample. In the
-neighborhood graph, we can see that it is difficult to choose a useful parameter . With = 0.3 as in the figure,
the points on the middle moon are already very tightly connected, while the points in the Gaussian are barely
connected. This problem always occurs if we have data on different scales, that is the distances between data
points are different in different regions of the space.
The k-nearest neighbor graph, on the other hand, can connect points on different scales. We can see that points
in the low-density Gaussian are connected with points in the high-density moon. This is a general property of
k-nearest neighbor graphs which can be very useful. We can also see that the k-nearest neighbor graph can fall
into several disconnected components if there are high density regions which are reasonably far away from each
other. This is the case for the two moons in this example.
The mutual k-nearest neighbor graph has the property that it tends to connect points within regions of constant
density, but does not connect regions of different densities with each other. So the mutual k-nearest neighbor can
be considered as being in between the -neighborhood graph and the k-nearest neighbor graph. It is able to act
on different scales, but does not mix those scales with each other. Hence, the mutual k-nearest neighbor graph
seems particularly well-suited if we want to detect clusters of different densities.
The fully connected graph is very often used in connection with the Gaussian similarity function
s(xi , xj ) = exp( xi xj 2 /2 2 ). Here the parameter plays a similar role as the parameter in the
-neighborhoods. Points in local neighborhoods are connected with a relatively high weights, while edges
between far away points have a positive, but negligible weights. However, the resulting similarity matrix is not a
sparse matrix.
In general, spectral clustering can be quite sensitive to changes in the similarity graph and to the choice of its
parameters. Unfortunately, to our knowledge there has been no systematic study which investigates the effects of
the similarity graph on clustering and comes up with simple rules of thumb.


Computing the eigenvectors

To implement spectral clustering in practice one has to compute the first k eigenvectors of a potentially large
Laplace matrix. Luckily, if we use the k-nearest neighbor graph or the -neighborhood graph, then all Laplace
matrices are sparse. Efficient methods exist to compute the first eigenvectors of sparse matrices, the most popular
ones being the power method or Krylov subspace methods such as the Lanczos method (Golub and Van Loan,
1996). The speed of convergence of those algorithms depends on the size of the eigengap (also called spectral gap
k = |k k+1 |. The larger this eigengap is, the faster the algorithms computing the first k eigenvectors converge.
Note that a general problem occurs if one of the eigenvalues under consideration has multiplicity larger than one.
For example, in the ideal situation of k disconnected clusters, the eigenvalue 0 has multiplicity k. As we have
seen, in this case the eigenspace is spanned by the k cluster indicator vectors. But unfortunately, the vectors
computed by the numerical eigensolvers do not necessarily converge to those particular vectors. Instead they just
converge to some orthonormal basis of the eigenspace, and it usually depends on implementation details to which
basis exactly the algorithm converges. But this is not so bad after all. Note that all vectors in the space spanned
by the cluster indicator vectors Ai have the form v =
i=1 ai Ai for some coefficients ai , that is, they are
piecewise constant on the clusters. So the vectors returned by the eigensolvers still encode the information about
the clusters, which can then be used by the k-means algorithm to reconstruct the clusters.


The number of clusters

Choosing the number k of clusters is a general problem for all clustering algorithms, and a variety of more or
less successful methods have been devised for this problem, for example the gap statistic in Tibshirani, Walther,
and Hastie (2001) (note that this gap has nothing to do with the eigengap), or stability approaches, see Ben-Hur,
Elisseeff, and Guyon (2002), Lange, Roth, Braun, and Buhmann (2004), but also Ben-David, von Luxburg, and
Pal (2006). One tool which is particularly designed for spectral clustering is the eigengap heuristic, which can be
used for all three graph Laplacians. Here the goal is to choose the number k such that all eigenvalues 1 , . . . , k
are very small, but k+1 is relatively large. There are several justifications for this procedure. The first one is
based on perturbation theory, where we observe that in the ideal case of k completely disconnected clusters, the

eigenvalue 0 has multiplicity k, and then there is a gap to the (k + 1)th eigenvalue k+1 > 0. Other explanations
can be given by spectral graph theory. Here, many geometric invariants of the graph can be expressed or
bounded with the help of the first eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian. In particular, the sizes of cuts are closely related to the size of the first eigenvalues. For more details on this topic we refer to (Mohar, 1997) and Chung (1997).
We would like to illustrate the eigengap heuristic on our toy example introduced in Section 4. For this purpose
we consider similar data sets as in Section 4, but to vary the difficulty of clustering we consider the Gaussians
with increasing variance. The first row of Figure 4 shows the histograms of the three samples. We construct the
10-nearest neighbor graph as described in Section 4, and plot the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the normalized
Laplacian Lrw on the different samples (the results for the unnormalized Laplacian are similar). The first data set
consists of four well separated clusters, and we can see that the first 4 eigenvalues are approximately 0. Then there
is a gap between the 4th and 5th eigenvalue, that |5 4 | is relatively large. According to the eigengap heuristic,
this gap indicates that the data set contains 4 clusters. The same behavior can also be observed for the results of the
fully connected graph (already plotted in Figure 1). So we can see that the heuristic works well if the clusters in the
data are very well pronounced. However, the more noisy or overlapping the clusters are, the less effective is this
heuristic. We can see that for the second data set where the clusters are more blurry, there is still a gap between
the 4th and 5th eigenvalue, but it is not so clear to detect as in the case before. Finally, in the last data set, there is
no well-defined gap, as the differences between all eigenvalues are approximately the same. But on the other hand,
the clusters in this data set overlap so much that one might as well state that there are no clear clusters in the data
anyway. This illustrates that, as most methods for choosing the number of clusters, the eigengap heuristic usually
works well if the data contains very well pronounced clusters, but in ambiguous cases it also returns ambiguous

Histogram of the sample

Histogram of the sample



Histogram of the sample








9 10











9 10

9 10

Figure 4: Three data sets, and the smallest 10 eigenvalues of Lrw .


Which graph Laplacian should be used?

A fundamental question related to spectral clustering is the question which of the three graph Laplacians should be
used to compute the eigenvectors. Before deciding this question, one should always look at the degree distribution
of the similarity graph. If the graph is very regular and most vertices have approximately the same degree, then
all the Laplacians are very similar to each other, and will work equally well for clustering. However, if the
degrees in the graph are very broadly distributed, then the Laplacians differ considerably. In our opinion, there are
several arguments which advocate for using normalized rather than unnormalized spectral clustering, and in the
normalized case to use the eigenvectors of Lrw rather than those of Lsym .


Clustering objectives satisfied by the different algorithms

The first argument in favor of normalized spectral clustering comes from the graph partitioning point of view. For
simplicity let us discuss the case k = 2. In general, clustering has two different objectives:
1. We want to find a partition such that points in different clusters are dissimilar to each other, that is we want to
minimize the between-cluster similarity. In the graph setting, this means to minimize iA,jA wij .
2. We want to find a partition such that points in the same cluster are similar to each other, that is we want to
maximize the within-cluster similarity. This means that i,jA wij and i,jA wij should be maximized.
Both RatioCut and Ncut directly implement the first point by explicitly incorporating cut(A, A) in the objective
function. However, concerning the second point, both algorithms behave differently. Note that

wij =


wij = vol(A) cut(A, A).


Hence, the within-cluster similarity is maximized if cut(A, A) is small and if vol(A) is large. In the case of Ncut,
this is also part of the objective function as we want to maximize both vol(A) and vol(A). Thus, Ncut implements
the second objective. This can be seen even more explicitly by considering yet another graph cut objective function,
namely the MinMaxCut criterion introduced by Ding, He, Zha, Gu, and Simon (2001):

MinMaxCut(A, B) :=

cut(Ai , Ai )
i,jA wij

Here the denominator directly contains the within-cluster similarity, rather than the sum of the within-cluster
similarity and the cut, as it is the case for Ncut. But as a good Ncut solution will have a small value of cut(A, A)
anyway, Ncut and MinMaxCut are often minimized by similar cuts. Moreover, relaxing MinMaxCut leads
to exactly the same optimization problem as relaxing Ncut, namely to normalized spectral clustering with the
eigenvectors of Lrw .
Now consider the case of RatioCut. Here the objective is to maximize |A| and|A| instead of vol(A) and vol(A).
But |A| and |A| are not necessarily related to the within-cluster similarity, as the within-cluster similarity depends
on the edges and not on the number of vertices in A. Just imagine a set A which has very many vertices, all of
which only have very low weighted edges to each other. So minimizing RatioCut does not attempt to maximize
the within-cluster similarity, and the same is then true for its relaxation by unnormalized spectral clustering.
So this is our first important point to keep in mind: Normalized spectral clustering implements both clustering
objectives mentioned above, while unnormalized spectral clustering only implements the first objective.
Consistency issues
A completely different argument for the superiority of normalized spectral clustering comes from a statistical
analysis of both algorithms. It can be proved (von Luxburg, Bousquet, and Belkin, 2004, 2005; von Luxburg,
Belkin, and Bousquet, 2004) that under very mild conditions, both normalized spectral clustering algorithms are
statistically consistent. This means that if we assume that the data has been sampled randomly according to some
probability distribution from some underlying space, and if we let the sample size increase to infinity, then the
results of normalized spectral clustering converge, and the limit partition is usually a sensible partition of the
underlying space. Those results do not necessarily hold for unnormalized spectral clustering. It can be proved that
unnormalized spectral clustering can fail to converge, or that it can converge to trivial solutions which construct
clusters consisting of one single point of the data space.
There is a simple necessary condition which has to be satisfied to avoid such trivial solutions: the eigenvalues
of L corresponding to the eigenvectors used in unnormalized spectral clustering must be significantly below the
minimal degree in the graph. This means that if we use the first k eigenvectors, then i << minj=1,...,n dj


Eigenvector 1 Eigenvector 2 Eigenvector 3 Eigenvector 4 Eigenvector 5

unnorm, sigma=2

unnorm, sigma=2



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10













Eigenvector 1 Eigenvector 2 Eigenvector 3 Eigenvector 4 Eigenvector 5

unnorm, sigma=5

unnorm, sigma=5


















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Figure 5: Consistency of unnormalized spectral clustering. Plotted are eigenvalues and eigenvectors of L, for parameter = 2
(first row) and = 5 (second row). The dashed line indicates min dj , the eigenvalues below min dj are plotted as red
diamonds, the eigenvalues above min dj are plotted as blue stars.

should hold for all i = 1, . . . , k. The reason is that eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues with min dj
approximate Dirac functions, that is they are approximately 0 in all but one coordinate. If those eigenvectors are
used for clustering, then they separate the one vertex where the eigenvector is non-zero from all other vertices,
and we clearly do not want to construct such a partition. As an illustration of this phenomenon, consider again
our toy data set from Section 4. We consider the first eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the unnormalized graph
Laplacian based on the fully connected graph, for different choices of the parameter of the Gaussian similarity
function (see last row of Figure 1 and Figure 5). The eigenvalues above min dj are plotted as blue stars, the
eigenvalues below min dj are plotted as red diamonds. The dashed line indicates min dj . In general, we can
see that the eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues which are much below the dashed lines are useful
eigenvectors. In case = 1 (plotted already in the last row of Figure 1), Eigenvalues 2, 3 and 4 are significantly
below min dj , and the corresponding Eigenvectors 2, 3, and 4 are meaningful (as already discussed in Section
4. If we increase the parameter , we can observe that the eigenvalues tend to move towards min dj . In case
= 2, only the first three eigenvalues are below min dj (first row in Figure 5), and in case = 5 only the
first two eigenvalues are below min dj (second row in Figure 5). We can see that as soon as an eigenvalue
gets close to or above min dj , its corresponding eigenvector approximates a Dirac function. Of course, those
eigenvectors are unsuitable for constructing a clustering. We would like to stress that those problems only concern
the eigenvectors of the matrix L, and they do not occur for Lrw or Lsym . Explaining the reasons for this behavior
is beyond the scope of this tutorial, and we refer the interested reader to von Luxburg, Belkin, and Bousquet (2004).
Which normalized Laplacian?
Looking at the differences between the two normalized spectral clustering algorithms using Lrw and Lsym , all
three explanations of spectral clustering are in favor of Lrw . The reason is that the eigenvectors of Lrw are cluster
indicator vectors Ai , while the eigenvectors of Lsym are additionally multiplied with D1/2 , which might lead to
undesired artifacts. As using Lsym also does not have any computational advantages, we thus advocate for using
Lrw .

Outlook and further reading

Spectral clustering goes back to Donath and Hoffman (1973), who first suggested to construct graph partitions
based on eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix. In the same year, Fiedler (1973) discovered that bi-partitions of
a graph are closely connected with the second eigenvector of the graph Laplacian, and he suggested to use this
eigenvector to partition a graph. Since then, spectral clustering has been discovered, re-discovered, and extended
many times in different communities, see for example Pothen, Simon, and Liou (1990), Simon (1991), Bolla
(1991), Hagen and Kahng (1992), Hendrickson and Leland (1995), Van Driessche and Roose (1995), Barnard,
Pothen, and Simon (1995), Spielman and Teng (1996), Guattery and Miller (1998). A nice overview over the

history of spectral clustering can be found in Spielman and Teng (1996).

In the machine learning community, spectral clustering became popular by the works of Shi and Malik (2000),
Ng et al. (2002), Meila and Shi (2001), and Ding (2004). A huge number of papers has subsequently been
published, dealing with various extensions, new applications, and theoretical results on spectral clustering. As
examples consider spectral clustering applied to the co-clustering problem (Dhillon, 2001), spectral clustering
with additional side information (Joachims, 2003) connections between spectral clustering and the weighted
k-means algorithm (Dhillon, Guan, and Kulis, 2005), learning similarity functions based on spectral clustering
(Bach and Jordan, 2004), an average case analysis of spectral clustering (McSherry, 2001), or spectral clustering
in a distributed environment (Kempe and McSherry, 2004).
The success of spectral clustering is mainly based on the fact that it does not make any assumptions on the form of
the clusters. As opposed to k-means, where the resulting clusters are always convex sets, spectral clustering can
solve very general problems like intertwined spirals. Moreover, spectral clustering can be implemented efficiently
even for large data sets, as long as we make sure that the similarity graph is sparse. Once the similarity graph is
chosen, we just have to solve a linear problem, and there are no issues of getting stuck in local minima or restarting
the algorithms for several times with different initializations. However, we have already mentioned that choosing
a good similarity graph is not trivial, and spectral clustering can be quite unstable under different choices of the
parameters for the neighborhood graphs. So spectral clustering cannot serve as a black box algorithm which
automatically detects the correct clusters in any given data set. But it can be considered as a powerful tool which
can produce extremely good results if applied with care.
In the field of machine learning, graph Laplacians are not only used for clustering, but also emerge for many other
tasks such as semi-supervised learning (e.g., Chapelle, Scholkopf, and Zien, 2006 for an overview) or manifold
reconstruction (e.g., Belkin and Niyogi, 2003). In most applications, graph Laplacians are used to encode the
assumption that data points which are close (i.e., wij is large) should have a similar label (i.e., fi fj ). The
function f satisfies this assumption if wij (fi fj )2 is small for all i, j, that is f Lf is small. With this intuition
one can for example use the quadratic form f Lf as a regularizer in a transductive classification problem. One
other way to interpret the use of graph Laplacians is by the smoothness assumptions they encode. A function f
which has a low value of f Lf has the property that it varies only a little bit in regions where the data points
lie dense (i.e., the graph is tightly connected), whereas it is allowed to vary more (e.g., to change the sign) in
regions of low data density. In this sense, a small value of f Lf encodes the so called cluster assumption in
semi-supervised learning, which requests that the decision boundary of a classifier should lie in a region of low
An intuition often used is that graph Laplacians formally look like a continuous Laplace operator (and this is also
where the name graph Laplacian comes from). To see this, transform a local similarity wij to a distance dij by
the relationship wij = 1/d2ij and observe that
wij (fi fj )2

fi fj

looks like a difference quotient. As a consequence, the equation f Lf = ij wij (fi fj )2 from Proposition
1 looks like a discrete version of the quadratic form associated to the standard Laplace operator L on n , which
|g|2 dx.

g, Lg =

This intuition has been made precise in the works of Belkin (2003), Lafon (2004), Hein, Audibert, and von
Luxburg (2005), Belkin and Niyogi (2005), Hein (2006), Gine and Koltchinskii (2005). In general, it is proved
that graph Laplacians are discrete versions of certain continuous Laplace operators, and that if the graph Laplacian
is constructed on a similarity graph of randomly sampled data points, then it converges to some continuous
Laplace operator (or Laplace-Beltrami operator) on the underlying space. Belkin (2003) studied the first step
of the convergence proof, which deals with the convergence of a continuous operator related to discrete graph
Laplacians to the Laplace-Beltrami operator.His results were generalized from uniform distributions to general

distributions by Lafon (2004). Then in Belkin and Niyogi (2005), the authors prove pointwise convergence
results for the unnormalized graph Laplacian using the Gaussian similarity function on manifolds with uniform
distribution. At the same time, Hein et al. (2005) prove more general results, taking into account all different
graph Laplacians L, Lrw , and Lsym , more general similarity functions, and manifolds with arbitrary distributions.
In Gine and Koltchinskii (2005), distributional and uniform convergence results are proved on manifolds with
uniform distribution. Hein (2006) studies the convergence of the smoothness functional induced by the graph
Laplacians and shows uniform convergence results.
Apart from applications of graph Laplacians to partitioning problems in the widest sense, graph Laplacians can
also be used for completely different purposes, for example for graph drawing (Koren, 2005). In fact, there are
many more tight connections between the topology and properties of graphs and the graph Laplacian matrices
than we have mentioned in this tutorial. Now equipped with an understanding for the most basic properties, the
interested reader is invited to further explore and enjoy the huge literature in this field on his own.

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