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 MOS technology is the basis for most LSI and all
VLSI and ULSI digital memory and microprocessor
 The most important advantage of MOS circuits over
bipolar circuits for LSI is that more transistors and
more circuit functions may be successfully
fabricated on a single chip with MOS technology.
There are 3 reasons for this :

1.  An individual MOS transistor occupies less chip area

2.  MOS fabrication process involves fewer steps and as a
result achieves fewer critical defects per unit chip area
than in bipolar circuit fabrication.
3. Dynamic circuit techniques that require fewer transistors
to realise a given circuit function are practical in MOS
⇒ LSI (and thus VLSI) circuits significantly cheaper to
manufacture than bipolar circuits of equivalent function.
 The process starts with the oxidation of the
silicon substrate (a), in which a relatively
thick silicon dioxide layer (5000A), also called
field oxide, is created on the surface (b).
 the field oxide is selectively etched to expose
the silicon surface on which the MOS
transistor will be created (c).
 surface is covered with a thin, high-quality
oxide layer (25A), which will eventually form
the gate oxide of the MOS transistor (d).
 On top of the thin oxide, a layer of polysilicon
(polycrystalline silicon, 3000A) is deposited
(e). Polysilicon is used both as gate electrode
material for MOS transistors and also as an
interconnect medium in silicon integrated
 After deposition, the polysilicon layer is
patterned and etched to form the
interconnects and the MOS transistor gates
 The thin gate oxide not covered by
polysilicon is also etched away, which
exposes the bare silicon surface on
which the source and drain junctions
are to be formed (g).
 The entire silicon surface is then
doped with a high concentration of
impurities, either through diffusion or
ion implantation
 (h) shows that the doping penetrates
the exposed areas on the silicon
surface, ultimately creating two n-
type regions (source and drain
junctions) in the p-type substrate.
 polysilicon gate, which is patterned
before doping actually defines the
precise location of the channel region
and, hence, the location of the
source and the drain regions. Since
this procedure allows very precise
positioning of the two regions relative
to the gate, it is also called a self-
aligned pr ocess.
 the entire surface is again covered with an insulating layer
of silicon dioxide (i).
 The insulating oxide layer is then patterned in order to
provide contact windows for the drain and source junctions
 The surface is covered with evaporated aluminum (5000A)
which will form the interconnects (k).
 Finally, the metal layer is patterned and etched, completing
the interconnection of the MOS transistors on the surface (l).
 The n-well CMOS process starts with a
moderately doped (impurity
concentration ~1016 /cm3) p-type silicon
 Then, an initial thick “field” oxide layer
(5000A) is grown on the entire surface.
 The first lithographic mask defines the
n-well region.
 Donor atoms, usually phosphorus, are
implanted through this window in the
 Following the creation of the n-well
region, a thick field oxide is grown
around the transistor active regions,
and a thin gate oxide (25A) is grown on
top of the active regions.
 The polysilicon layer (3000A)
is deposited using chemical
vapor deposition (CVD) and
patterned by dry plasma
 The created polysilicon lines
will function as the gate
electrodes of the nMOS and
the pMOS transistors and
their interconnects.
 Also, the polysilicon gates act
as self-aligned masks for
the source and drain
implantations that follow this
 SiH4(gas) + O2(gas)  SiO2(solid) + 2H2 (gas)
 SiH4(gas) + H2(gas) +SiH2(gas)  2H2(gas) + PolySilicon

Continuous gas flow

Diffusion of
Boundary layer

Deposited film

Silicon substrate
 Using a set of two masks,
the n+ and p+ Source
and Drain regions are
implanted into the
substrate and into the n-
well, respectively
 The ohmic contacts to the
substrate and to the n-
well are implanted in this
process step
 An insulating silicon
dioxide layer is deposited
over the entire wafer
using CVD (5000A). This is
for passivation, the
protection of all the active
components from
 The contacts are defined
and etched away to
expose the silicon or
polysilicon contact
windows. These contact
windows are necessary to
complete the circuit
interconnections using
the metal layer, which is
patterned in the next
 Metal (aluminum, >5000A)
is deposited over the
entire chip surface using
metal evaporation, and
the metal lines are
patterned through
 Since the wafer surface
is non-planar, the quality
and the integrity of the
metal lines created in
this step are very critical
and are ultimately
essential for circuit
 Since the metal connects
two separate devices, it
is called Local

 Polysilicon interconnects are used to connect Gates

and other short-distance connections which have
minimal currents.
 Polysilicon is a very stable material that rarely
interacts with nearby materials.
 Metal interconnects have 3-5x the speed of
polysilicon (electron mobility is higher) and less
 However, metals may react with nearby materials,
and may have to be encapsulated using nitrides (e.g.
Si3N4 or TiN) to prevent unwanted reactions, or partial
erosion in subsequent etching procedures. This is
 The composite layout and
the resulting cross-sectional
view of the chip, showing
one nMOS and one pMOS
transistor (built-in n-well),
the polysilicon and metal
 The final step is to deposit a
full SiO2 passivation layer
(5000A), for protection, over
the chip, except for wire-
bonding pad areas.
 If the wafer will be stored for
some months, a final thin
blanket layer of Si3N4 may be
applied to prevent
penetration by water vapor.
 The CMOS process produces parasitic
transistors in the structure of CMOS bulk ICs.
 Latch Up refers to a self sustaining low
impedance path between the voltage applied
Vdd (+5V) and ground that is created by
parasitic vertical and lateral bipolar
 If these transistors are properly biased, latch
up can cause large currents to flow,
destroying the MOS devices.
Advanced CMOS
Twin-Tub (Twin-Well) CMOS Process

 This technology provides the basis for separate optimization of

the nMOS and pMOS transistors
 making it possible for threshold voltage, body effect and the
channel transconductance of both types of transistors to be
tuned independently.
 the starting material is a n+ or p+ substrate, with a lightly
doped epitaxial layer (~1015/cm3) on top.
 This epitaxial layer provides the actual substrate on which the
n-well and the p-well are formed.
 In the conventional n-well CMOS process, the doping of the well
region is typically about one order of magnitude higher than the
substrate, which, among other effects, results in unbalanced
drain parasitics (possible latchup). The twin-tub process, below,
avoids this problem.
Advanced CMOS Technologies
Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) CMOS Process

 Rather than using silicon as the substrate material, an

insulating substrate will improve process characteristics
such as speed and latch-up susceptibility.
 The SOI CMOS technology allows the creation of
independent, completely isolated nMOS and pMOS
transistors virtually side-by-side on an insulating substrate.
 The main advantages of this technology are the higher
integration density (because of the absence of well regions),
complete avoidance of the latch-up problem, and lower
parasitic capacitances compared to the conventional n-well
or twin-tub CMOS processes.

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