Types of ShrIchakra

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Types of ShrIchakra

By admin on Aug 12, 2012 | In Srividya

[Question] What are the eighteen types of Srichakras?
When we say type it needs to be understood here that among the various classification schemes of Srichakra the below one probably the most popular is based on prast!ra"
$he following classification scheme applies to the simplest and the most popular of the %&'( versions of shr)chakra called the shuddha"chakra# $his is the chakra composed of
four shiva"chakras and five shakti"chakras with the shakti"chakra e*tending from bindu to manvasra and the rest upto the bh+grha representing the shiva"chakra# $his is the
same shr)chakra the uddh!ra of which is done by !ch!rya bhagavatp!da in saundaryalahar) ,chaturbhi- shr)ka.$hai-/ and in k!dimata ,bindutriko.samyuktam
vasuko.asamanvitam etc#/
Such a Shr)chakra known as shuddhachakra has three prast!ra bhedas0
1# 2h+"prast!ra
(# 3ail!sa"prast!ra
'# 4eru"prast!ra
2h+ prast!ra is of two kinds0
1# p!t!la
(# +rdhva
3ail!sa prast!ra is of two kinds0
1# !rdha kail!sa
(# 5+r.a kail!sa
4eru prast!ra is of two kinds0
1# !rdha meru
(# 5+r.a meru
6ach of these si* types based on b)7alekhana krama can be srSh$i sthiti or samh!ra# $hus there are eighteen varieties of shr)chakra# $here are other classifications like the
more physical ten"fold classification into bhadra mohana vai7ayanta nandana mah!chakra etc# or the si*teen fold one such as amrtava7ra padmagarbha etc#

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