Allison Jordet Resume July 2014

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Allison Jordet

23021 Wilson Ave

Dearborn, MI 48128
(313) 942-2424
EDUCATION University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
%a$&elor o' Arts in (d)$ation Ma* 2014
CERTIICATION Mi$&i!an +rovisional (le"entar* ,erti'i$ate Ma* 2014
Mi$&i!an -est 'or -ea$&er ,erti'i$ation .)l* 2013
%asi$ /kills -est 'or /tate o' Mi$&i!an .)l* 2012
ENDOR!EMENT! Inte!rated /$ien$e (/tate o' Mi$&i!an) .)l* 2013
all &'() * !+ring &'(, Ele.entary !chool /+silanti, MI
0rade -ea$&in! Intern 1 /t)dent -ea$&er in a 2)ll In$l)sion ,lassroo"
o ,reated and ta)!&t an interdis$i3linar* )nit in$l)din! all 'o)r $ore s)bje$ts
o In$or3orated resear$& on best tea$&in! 3ra$ti$es into lesson 3lans
o 4e'le$ted on lessons and adj)sted tea$&in! a33roa$&es based on data and st)dent !ro5t&
o Worked $oo3erativel* in a tea" 5it& t&e s3e$ial ed)$ation tea$&er, 3ara3ro'essionals, and ot&er 4
!rade tea$&ers
o +arti$i3ated in 3ro'essional dialo!)e aro)nd 6ol"es7 3riorit* s$&ool i"3rove"ent 3lan
May &'(, Ele.entary !chool /+silanti, MI
0rade 8on! -er" 0)est -ea$&er
o ,ollaborated and 3iloted 3roje$t based learnin! instr)$tional $*$le 5it& se$ond !rade sta''
o 4e-establis&ed dail* ro)tines s)$& as 5alkin! in t&e &all5a*s, $o"in! to t&e $ar3et, et$#
o -a)!&t 5&ole $lass and s"all !ro)3 instr)$tion in all 'o)r $ore s)bje$ts
o 6eld $o"")nit* b)ildin! and restorative 3ra$ti$es $ir$les on a dail* basis
!+ring &'() * +resent #ario0s !chools M0lti+le Districts
0)est -ea$&er in Ann Arbor +)bli$ /$&ools, Willo5 4)n ,o"")nit* /$&ools, 93silanti ,o"")nit* /$&ools, +l*"o)t& :
,anton ,o"")nit* /$&ools, and Dearborn +)bli$ /$&ools
o -ea$&es 5&ole !ro)3 and s"all !ro)3 lessons in all 'o)r $ore s)bje$ts
o 0)est tea$&er 'or a 3&*si$al ed)$ation $lass
!+ring &'() * +resent The -enry ord Dearborn, MI
8evel 8 Dis$over* ,a"3 ,o)nselor
o 8eads a !ro)3 o' 8
!raders t&ro)!& ed)$ational a$tivities t&at tea$& t&e" abo)t t&e $ontrib)tions o' several !reat
A"eri$ans t&ro)!&o)t &istor*; tea$&es st)dents lessons abo)t 6enr* 2ord, -&o"as (dison, Abra&a" 8in$oln,
%)$k"inster 2)ller, et$# t&ro)!& intera$tive !a"es and 3roje$ts
all &'(' * +resent -o1ard Ele.entary !chool Dearborn, MI
<ol)nteer =inder!arten -ea$&er Assistant
o -ea$&es 5&ole !ro)3 "at& and 5ritin! lessons
o Instr)$ts !)ided readin! !ro)3s 5it& 3&oni$s "ini lessons 5eekl*
o +er'or"s read alo)ds and asks $o"3re&ension >)estions on a dail* basis
o (n!a!es st)dents in intera$tive s$ien$e e?3eri"ents
o Ad"inisters "at&, readin!, and letter re$o!nition tests 5it& individ)al st)dents
o Works individ)all* 5it& st)dents 5it& s3e$ial needs (sele$tive ")te, a)tis", Do5n /*ndro"e, et$#)
2inter &'() 3ach Ele.entary !chool Ann Arbor, MI
0rade -ea$&in! Intern
o Develo3ed and 'a$ilitated so$ial st)dies 3ri"ar* so)r$e dis$)ssions
o -a)!&t 5&ole $lass lessons or led dis$)ssions 'ro" inde3endentl* $onstr)$ted lesson 3lans
o 8ed !)ided readin! !ro)3s
o Instr)$ted a $enter based on t&e $ontent bein! $overed in (ver*da* Mat&e"ati$s d)rin! "at& rotations
all &'(& %ri.ary "earning Center /+silanti, MI
0rade -ea$&in! Intern
o +er'or"ed read alo)ds on a dail* basis
o -a)!&t 5ord st)d* in s"all !ro)3s
o Worked individ)all* on "at& and 5ritin! 5it& several st)dents, in$l)din! an (/8 st)dent
! &'(( * &'() Dearborn, MI
-)torin!A /alle& 4esiden$e; /alla" 4esiden$e; 0&a"lo)$&e 4esiden$es; <es3a 4esiden$e; Malla& 4esiden$e
o Worked 5it& nine $&ildren (a!es 4 to 11) 'ro" si? &o)se&olds on &o"e5ork, revie5ed t&e $on$e3ts t&e* learned d)rin!
t&e 3revio)s *ear, and 3re3ared t&e" 'or t&e )3$o"in! s$&ool *ear
o Bsed $)rri$)l)" "aterials and s)33le"ental "aterials to stren!t&en t&e $&ildren7s "at&, readin!, and 5ritin! skills
o +er'or"ed litera$* assess"entsCr)nnin! re$ords on a 5eekl* basis to "onitor 3ro!ress
! &'(( Center for E4ce+tional a.ilies Dearborn, MI
<ol)nteer -)tor
o ,reated and ta)!&t "at& lesson 3lans !eared to5ards t&e needs o' a 3
!rade st)dent 5it& AD6D on a 5eekl* basis
! &'(' * +resent Dearborn, MI
%ab*sitterA 6en5ood 4esiden$e; 2aDio 4esiden$e; /alla" 4esiden$e
o -akes $&ildren to vario)s a$tivities, as 5ell as 3lans e?$itin! a$tivities to do t&ro)!&o)t t&e da*
o 4eads to and 5it& several o' t&e $&ildren
o Assists $&ildren 5it& $lass 3roje$ts and &o"e5ork
all &'(' * !+ring &'(& !t5 %a0l "0theran Ch0rch Dearborn, MI
+re-/$&ool and =inder!arten /)nda* /$&ool -ea$&er
o ,reated and ta)!&t lessons )sin! $)rri$)l)" "aterials to ed)$ate 3re-s$&ool and kinder!arten a!ed st)dents abo)t t&e
8)t&eran reli!ion
-ea$&er o' +ro"ise A5ard (2013)
Bniversit* 6onors at Bniversit* o' Mi$&i!an : Ann Arbor (2all 2012, Winter 2013)
Bniversit* 6onors at Bniversit* o' Mi$&i!an : Dearborn (Winter 2011, 2all 2011)
4e$i3ient o' Eelda -a*lor (ndo5ed /$&olars&i3 'ro" t&e Bniversit* o' Mi$&i!an /$&ool o' (d)$ation (2012 : 2014)
=a33a Delta +i (2011 : 2014)
o -reas)rer (2013 : 2014)
o M8= Da* -ea$&er 8eader (2011, 2012, 2013, 1 2014)
o /kele"entar* ,&air3erson (2013 : 2014)
-&e /$&ool o' (d)$ation /t)dent A"bassador at t&e Bniversit* o' Mi$&i!an (2013 : 3resent)
-&e /$&ool o' (d)$ation Advisor* %oard Me"ber at t&e Bniversit* o' Mi$&i!an (2014)
/t)dent Mi$&i!an (d)$ation Asso$iation (2010 : 2012)
o -reas)rer (2011 : 2012)
o ,on'eren$e Attendee (2012)
-&e Eet5ork o' Mi$&i!an (d)$ators Ann)al ,on'eren$e and %an>)et Attendee (2013)
8earn -oda*, -ea$& -o"orro5 ,on'eren$e Attendee (2014)
=-0ra"s (le"entar* +en +al +ro!ra" (2012 : 2013)
Dan$e Marat&on at t&e Bniversit* o' Mi$&i!an (2012 : 2014)
o Dan$er ,a3tain (2013 : 2014)
Intra")ral /3orts at t&e Bniversit* o' Mi$&i!an (2012 : 2014)

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