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Plaintiff ATEN International Co., Ltd. (ATEN) files this Complaint against Uniclass
Technology Co., Ltd. (Uniclass Taiwan) and Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. of Dongguan
UNICLASS (Uniclass China) (collectively Uniclass); Airlink 101 and Phoebe Micro Inc.
(collectively Airlink); and Broadtech International Co., Ltd., d/b/a Linkskey (Linkskey).
ATEN alleges as follows.

1. ATEN is one of the leading innovators in the area of electronic switching devices.
ATEN has a patent portfolio of over 400 patents worldwide relating to KVM electronic
switching devices.
2. Uniclass has been aware of ATENs patent portfolio relating to KVM switches
since at least 2009 because Uniclass was previously a licensee to ATENs patent portfolio. Since
that time, Uniclass and/or its affiliates have continued to sell KVM switching devices without
authorization that directly infringe ATENs patents.
3. Uniclass has also induced third parties to directly infringe ATENs patents,
including by rebranding its products for third parties to sell in the United States. These directly
infringing third parties include Airlink and Linkskey.
4. Each act of infringement by Uniclass has been willful, and done in deliberate
disregard for ATENs patent rights.
5. ATEN has suffered and continues to suffer irreparable harm as a result of
Defendants infringement.
6. ATEN is entitled to damages, including enhanced damages, for this infringement.
ATEN is also entitled to an injunction to prevent any future infringement.
7. This is a civil action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the
United States, 35 U.S.C. 1 et seq.
8. ATEN International Co., Ltd. (ATEN) is a Taiwanese corporation with its
principal place of business at 3F, No. 125, Sec. 2, Datong Rd., Sijhih District, New Taipei City
221, Taiwan (R.O.C.).
9. Uniclass Technology Co., Ltd. (Uniclass Taiwan) is a Taiwanese company with
its principal place of business at 11F, No.100, Ming Chuan Rd., Hsintien District, New Taipei
City 231, Taiwan.
10. Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. of Dongguan UNICLASS (Uniclass China) is
a Chinese company with its principal place of business at Huangtang Village, New 4th Admin.
District, HengLi Town, Dongguan, GuangDong Province, China (PRC). On information and
belief, Uniclass China operates a manufacturing facility that produces the accused KVM
11. On information and belief, Airlink 101 is a United States company with its
principal place of business at 47606 Kato Road, Fremont, California. Phoebe Micro Inc. is a
California company that also has its principal place of business at 47606 Kato Road, Fremont,
California. Its registered agent is Peter Lui, 47606 Kato Road, Fremont, California. Phoebe
Micro Inc. is the registrant organization and Peter Liu is the registrant name for the
AIRLINK101.COM domain name. On information and belief, Phoebe Micro Inc. does business
as Airlink 101, and Phoebe Micro Inc. and Airlink 101 shall be collectively referred to herein as
Airlink. On information and belief, Airlink purchases and re-sells infringing KVM switches
manufactured by Uniclass.
12. Broadtech International Co., Ltd., d/b/a Linkskey (Linkskey) is a California
corporation with its principal place of business at 545 West Lambert Road, Brea, California. Its
registered agent is Jo-Sheii Yu, 545 West Lambert Road, Suite B, Brea, California. On
information and belief, Linkskey purchases and re-sells infringing KVM switches manufactured
by Uniclass.
13. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 28 U.S.C.
14. Venue is proper in this Judicial District under 28 U.S.C. 1391 (b) & (c)
and 28 U.S.C. 1400.
15. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Uniclass by virtue of its substantial and
continuous contacts with this Judicial District and/or because Uniclass, directly or through
intermediaries (such as affiliates, distributors, resellers or retailers), advertises, offers for sale,
distributes, and/or sells its products in the United States, the State of Texas, and the Eastern
District of Texas, including products that infringe the patents-in-suit. Uniclass has purposefully
and voluntarily placed infringing products into the stream of commerce with the expectation that
they will be purchased by consumers in this Judicial District.
16. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Airlink by virtue of its substantial and
continuous contacts with this Judicial District and/or because Airlink, directly or through
intermediaries (such as affiliates, distributors, resellers or retailers), advertises, offers for sale,
distributes, and/or sells its products in the United States, the State of Texas, and the Eastern
District of Texas, including products that infringe the patents-in-suit. On information and belief,
Airlink has purposefully and voluntarily placed infringing products into the stream of commerce
with the expectation that they will be purchased by consumers in this Judicial District.
17. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Linkskey by virtue of its substantial and
continuous contacts with this Judicial District and/or because Linkskey, directly or through
intermediaries (such as affiliates, distributors, resellers or retailers), advertises, offers for sale,
distributes, and/or sells its products in the United States, the State of Texas, and the Eastern
District of Texas, including products that infringe the patents-in-suit. Linkskey has purposefully
and voluntarily placed infringing products into the stream of commerce with the expectation that
they will be purchased by consumers in this Judicial District.

18. U.S. Patent No. 6,564,275 (the 275 patent) was duly and legally issued on May
13, 2003 and was amended by reexamination certificate on March 26, 2013. ATEN is the
assignee of all right, title, and interest in the 275 patent, including the right to sue and recover
damages for past and future infringement. A true and correct copy of the 275 patent is attached
as Exhibit 1.
19. U.S. Patent No. 7,640,289 (the 289 patent) was duly and legally issued on
December 29, 2009. ATEN is the assignee of all right, title, and interest in the 289 patent,
including the right to sue and recover damages for past and future infringement. A true and
correct copy of the 289 patent is attached as Exhibit 2.
20. U.S. Patent No. 6,957,287 (the 287 patent) was duly and legally issued on
October 18, 2005. ATEN is the assignee of all right, title, and interest in the 287 patent,
including the right to sue and recover damages for past and future infringement. A true and
correct copy of the 287 patent is attached as Exhibit 3.
21. U.S. Patent No. 7,472,217 (the 217 patent) was duly and legally issued on
December 30, 2008. ATEN is the assignee of all right, title, and interest in the 217 patent,
including the right to sue and recover damages for past and future infringement. A true and
correct copy of the 217 patent is attached as Exhibit 4.
22. U.S. Patent No. 8,589,141 (the 141 patent) was duly and legally issued on
November 19, 2013. ATEN is the assignee of all right, title, and interest in the 141 patent,
including the right to sue and recover damages for past and future infringement. A true and
correct copy of the 141 patent is attached as Exhibit 5.

23. Paragraphs 1-22 of this complaint are incorporated herein by reference.
24. Defendants have been and are now directly infringing, actively inducing
infringement of, and/or contributing to the infringement of the 275 patent, literally and/or under
the doctrine of equivalents. The infringing acts include, but are not limited to, the manufacture,
use, sale, importation, or offer for sale of KVM switches that infringe at least one claim of the
275 patent. The infringing products include, for example, USB-TA2.
25. Defendants directly infringing activities include the importation of infringing
KVM switches into the United States and the sale and offer for sale of infringing KVM switches
to customers in the United States.
26. Uniclasss inducement of infringement includes the rebranding of its infringing
KVM switches for third parties, such as Airlink and Linkskey, with the knowledge and intent
that Airlink and Linkskey will sell these rebranded infringing products to customers in the
United States. Uniclass has had knowledge of the 275 patent since at least 2009 and has
knowingly induced third parties such as Airlink and Linkskey to infringe the 275 patent.
27. Defendants inducement of infringement includes the sale of infringing KVM
switches to end customers in the United States, with knowledge of or willful blindness to the end
customers direct infringement of the 275 patent. Airlink and Linkskey have had knowledge of
the 275 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint, and on information and belief
will continue to induce infringement of the 275 patent.
28. Uniclasss infringement is willful.
29. To the extent Airlink and Linkskey have acted with deliberate disregard for
ATENs patent rights, Airlinks and Linkskeys infringement is willful. Airlink and Linkskey
have had knowledge of the 275 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint.
30. ATEN has been injured by Defendants infringement of the 275 patent. ATEN is
entitled to recover the damages sustained by ATEN as a result of Defendants wrongful acts in
an amount subject to proof at trial.
31. On information and belief, Defendants will continue to infringe the 275 patent
and thus cause irreparable injury and damage to ATEN unless permanently enjoined by this

32. Paragraphs 1-31 of this complaint are incorporated herein by reference.
33. Uniclass and Linkskey have been and are now directly infringing, actively
inducing infringement of, and/or contributing to the infringement of the 289 patent, literally
and/or under the doctrine of equivalents. The infringing acts include, but are not limited to, the
manufacture, use, sale, importation, or offer for sale of KVM switches that infringe at least one
claim of the 289 patent. The infringing products include, for example, the Prima T8.
34. Uniclasss and Linkskeys directly infringing activities include the importation of
infringing KVM switches into the United States and the sale and offer for sale of infringing
KVM switches to customers in the United States.
35. Uniclasss inducement of infringement includes the rebranding of its infringing
KVM switches for third parties, such as Linkskey, with the knowledge and intent that Linkskey
will sell these rebranded infringing products to customers in the United States, and with
knowledge of or willful blindness to Linkskeys infringement of the 289 patent. Uniclass has
been aware of ATENs patent portfolio relating to KVM switches since at least 2009.
36. Uniclasss and Linkskeys inducement of infringement includes the sale of
infringing KVM switches to end customers in the United States, with knowledge of or willful
blindness to the end customers direct infringement of the 289 patent. Linkskey has had
knowledge of the 289 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint, and on information
and belief will continue to induce infringement of the 289 patent.
37. Uniclasss infringement is willful.
38. To the extent Linkskey has acted with deliberate disregard for ATENs patent
rights, Linkskeys infringement is willful. Linkskey has had knowledge of the 289 patent at
least since the service date of this Complaint.
39. ATEN has been injured by Uniclasss and Linkskeys infringement of the 289
patent. ATEN is entitled to recover the damages sustained by ATEN as a result of Uniclasss
and Linkskeys wrongful acts in an amount subject to proof at trial.
40. On information and belief, Uniclass and Linkskey will continue to infringe the
289 patent and thus cause irreparable injury and damage to ATEN unless permanently enjoined
by this Court.

41. Paragraphs 1-40 of this complaint are incorporated herein by reference.
42. Defendants have been and are now directly infringing, actively inducing
infringement of, and/or contributing to the infringement of the 287 patent, literally and/or under
the doctrine of equivalents. The infringing acts include, but are not limited to, the manufacture,
use, sale, importation, or offer for sale of KVM switches that infringe at least one claim of the
287 patent. The infringing products include, for example, USB-TA2.
43. Defendants directly infringing activities include the importation of infringing
KVM switches into the United States and the sale and offer for sale of infringing KVM switches
to customers in the United States.
44. Uniclasss inducement of infringement includes the rebranding of its infringing
KVM switches for third parties, such as Airlink and Linkskey, with the knowledge and intent
that Airlink and Linkskey will sell these rebranded infringing products to customers in the
United States. Uniclass has had knowledge of the 287 patent since at least 2009 and has
knowingly induced third parties such as Airlink and Linkskey to infringe the 287 patent.
45. Defendants inducement of infringement includes the sale of infringing KVM
switches to end customers in the United States, with knowledge of or willful blindness to the end
customers direct infringement of the 287 patent. Airlink and Linkskey have had knowledge of
the 287 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint, and on information and belief
will continue to induce infringement of the 287 patent.
46. Uniclasss infringement is willful.
47. To the extent Airlink and Linkskey have acted with deliberate disregard for
ATENs patent rights, Airlinks and Linkskeys infringement is willful. Airlink and Linkskey
have had knowledge of the 287 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint.
48. ATEN has been injured by Defendants infringement of the 287 patent. ATEN is
entitled to recover the damages sustained by ATEN as a result of Defendants wrongful acts in
an amount subject to proof at trial.
49. On information and belief, Defendants will continue to infringe the 287 patent
and thus cause irreparable injury and damage to ATEN unless permanently enjoined by this

50. Paragraphs 1-49 of this complaint are incorporated herein by reference.
51. Defendants have been and are now directly infringing, actively inducing
infringement of, and/or contributing to the infringement of the 217 patent, literally and/or under
the doctrine of equivalents. The infringing acts include, but are not limited to, the manufacture,
use, sale, importation, or offer for sale of KVM switches that infringe at least one claim of the
217 patent. The infringing products include, for example, USB-TA2.
52. Defendants directly infringing activities include the importation of infringing
KVM switches into the United States and the sale and offer for sale of infringing KVM switches
to customers in the United States.
53. Uniclasss inducement of infringement includes the rebranding of its infringing
KVM switches for third parties, such as Airlink and Linkskey, with the knowledge and intent
that Airlink and Linkskey will sell these rebranded infringing products to customers in the
United States, and with knowledge of or willful blindness to Airlinks and Linkskeys
infringement of the 217 patent. Uniclass has been aware of ATENs patent portfolio relating to
KVM switches since at least 2009.
54. Defendants inducement of infringement includes the sale of infringing KVM
switches to end customers in the United States, with knowledge of or willful blindness to the end
customers direct infringement of the 217 patent. Airlink and Linkskey have had knowledge of
the 217 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint, and on information and belief
will continue to induce infringement of the 217 patent.
55. Uniclasss infringement is willful.
56. To the extent Airlink and Linkskey have acted with deliberate disregard for
ATENs patent rights, Airlinks and Linkskeys infringement is willful. Airlink and Linkskey
have had knowledge of the 217 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint.
57. ATEN has been injured by Defendants infringement of the 217 patent. ATEN is
entitled to recover the damages sustained by ATEN as a result of Defendants wrongful acts in
an amount subject to proof at trial.
58. On information and belief, Defendants will continue to infringe the 217 patent
and thus cause irreparable injury and damage to ATEN unless permanently enjoined by this

59. Paragraphs 1-58 of this complaint are incorporated herein by reference.
60. Defendants have been and are now directly infringing, actively inducing
infringement of, and/or contributing to the infringement of the 141 patent, literally and/or under
the doctrine of equivalents. The infringing acts include, but are not limited to, the manufacture,
use, sale, importation, or offer for sale of KVM switches that infringe at least one claim of the
141 patent. The infringing products include, for example, the Prima T8.
61. Defendants directly infringing activities include the importation of infringing
KVM switches into the United States and the sale and offer for sale of infringing KVM switches
to customers in the United States.
62. Uniclasss inducement of infringement includes the rebranding of its infringing
KVM switches for third parties, such as Airlink and Linkskey, with the knowledge and intent
that Airlink and Linkskey will sell these rebranded infringing products to customers in the
United States, and with knowledge of or willful blindness to Airlinks and Linkskeys
infringement of the 141 patent. Uniclass has been aware of ATENs patent portfolio relating to
KVM switches since at least 2009.
63. Defendants inducement of infringement includes the sale of infringing KVM
switches to end customers in the United States, with knowledge of or willful blindness to the end
customers direct infringement of the 141 patent. Airlink and Linkskey have had knowledge of
the 141 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint, and on information and belief
will continue to induce infringement of the 141 patent.
64. Uniclasss infringement is willful.
65. To the extent Airlink and Linkskey have acted with deliberate disregard for
ATENs patent rights, Airlinks and Linkskeys infringement is willful. Airlink and Linkskey
have had knowledge of the 141 patent at least since the service date of this Complaint.
66. ATEN has been injured by Defendants infringement of the 141 patent. ATEN is
entitled to recover the damages sustained by ATEN as a result of Defendants wrongful acts in
an amount subject to proof at trial.
67. On information and belief, Defendants will continue to infringe the 141 patent
and thus cause irreparable injury and damage to ATEN unless permanently enjoined by this


ATEN hereby requests a trial by jury pursuant to Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Civil


ATEN respectfully requests that this Court:
1. find that the 275, 289, 287, 217, and 141 patents are infringed by Defendants;
2. find that Defendants infringement is willful;
3. enjoin Defendants, their parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, servants,
employees and attorneys, and all persons acting for, with, by through, or under any of them, or in
active concert with any of them, from infringing the 275, 289, 287, 217, and 141 patents;
4. award ATEN damages adequate to compensate ATEN for its injuries resulting
from Defendants infringement, together with pre-judgment interest, post-judgment interest, and
5. award ATEN treble damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284;
6. declare this to be an exceptional case within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. 285 and
award ATEN its attorneys fees; and
7. award ATEN such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.

Dated: August 6, 2014 Respectfully submitted,

By: /s/ Jane J. Du
Jane J. Du
Texas Bar No. 24076355
[email protected]
1717 Main Street
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 747-5070 - Telephone
(214) 747-2091 - Facsimile

Of Counsel:

Christopher R. Dillon (MA BBO #640896)
Whitney R. Reichel (MA BBO #663599)
Andrew G. Pearson (MA BBO #688709)
One Marina Park Drive
Boston, MA 02210-1878
(617) 542-5070 - Telephone
(617) 542-8906 - Facsimile

Counsel for Plaintiff

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