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The Health Ranger
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Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Table of Contents
The Most Exciting Nutritional Discovery on Planet Earth ......................................................................... 1
Why Im So Inspired to Write About Chlorella & Spirulina ........................................................................ 2
Where Do Chlorella & Spirulina Come From? .......................................................................................... 2
Are Chlorella & Spirulina the Answers to Global Malnutrition?................................................................. 4
The Treasure Inside: Chlorella & Spirulina ............................................................................................... 7
Minerals .................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Essential Fatty Acids Found in Chlorella & Spirulina ........................................................................ 10
The Astounding Chlorophyll Content of Chlorella & Spirulina .................................................................. 11
Chlorella & Spirulina for People on Any Low-Carb Diet ........................................................................... 13
Chlorella & Spirulina for Weight Loss & Dieting ....................................................................................... 14
Chlorella & Spirulina for Vitality & Intestinal Health .................................................................................. 15
Chlorella & Spirulina for Intestinal Health ................................................................................................. 15
Chlorella & Spirulina for Nervous System Disorders ................................................................................ 16
Chlorella & Spirulina for Appetite Suppression & Reducing Cravings ...................................................... 17
Chlorella & Spirulina for Enhancing Brain Function.................................................................................. 18
Chlorella & Spirulina for Proper pH Balance ............................................................................................ 19
Chlorella & Spirulina for Preventing & Reversing Cancer ........................................................................ 20
More Studies Showing How Chlorella Prevents & Reverses Cancer ....................................................... 21
Yet More Clinical Evidence That Chlorella Fights Cancer ........................................................................ 22
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
How Chlorella & Spirulina Boost Immune System Function ..................................................................... 24
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)................................................................................................................. 26
Chlorella & Spirulina for Cleansing & Detoxification ................................................................................. 29
Frequently Asked Questions About Chlorella & Spirulina ........................................................................ 33
My Top Recommended Sources for Chlorella & Spirulina ....................................................................... 34
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
The Most Exciting Nutritional Discovery on Planet Earth
Chlorella and spirulina are truly the most astounding food sources on planet Earth. In this special
report, youll learn about the astonishing health benefits and nutritional achievements of these two
foods, and youll see why you need to get these into your diet immediately.
Most people have heard of chlorella and spirulina, but they dont really know the details of why
these are truly the best food sources on the planet. For example, did you know that, ounce per
ounce, spirulina contains twelve times the digestible protein of beef? Its a far better protein than
beef, and it contains a much healthier mineral balance (such as magnesium) that just isnt found
in beef.
Did you know that a phytochemical found in chlorella can actually rebuild nerve damage in the
brain and nervous system? Thats why chlorella is being used in the recovery of patients with
Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease.
Were you aware that both chlorella and spirulina can actually reverse cancer in the human body?
Both of these superfoods have been clinically shown to demonstrate stunning preventive and
curative properties when it comes to all sorts of cancers.
And finally, did you know that these superfoods also contain a high content of essential fatty acids
such as GLA that are routinely missing from the diets of most Americans and yet are critical for
healthy brain function?
Thats just a taste of what these superfoods really have to offer. These foods are so packed with
healing properties that if pharmaceutical companies could patent them and sell them as drugs,
they would cost $100 a gram and be front page news all over the world. Their ability to halt can-
cers would be heralded as a medical breakthrough and doctors everywhere would be urged to
prescribe these substances to every one of their patients. It would be nothing less than a block-
buster, multi billion dollar pharmaceutical achievement.
But it isnt a drug, it isnt manufactured in a drug lab, and it doesnt cost $100 a gram. In fact, it
costs around 11 cents a gram from the sources I mention in this report, and nature makes it for
Keep reading, and youll learn all about it. And just so you know where this information is com-
ing from, my name is Mike Adams, and Im a holistic health investigative journalist. I research
and report on topics that help improve the lives of people everywhere. Dont get me wrong: Im a
low-carb dieter myself, so Im not slamming these diets. Im working to educate people on how to
make them healthier and more effective so they lose weight more quickly without exposing them-
selves to dangerous ingredients that I call metabolic disruptors.
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Why Im So Inspired to Write About Chlorella & Spirulina
Im also the editor of a variety of health websites, including (which covers
mad cow disease, of course), (fitness & strength training news) and (a site covering a wide variety of health topics). Ive studied hundreds of books on health
and nutrition, and Ive invested over 4,000 hours in researching the links between foods and health.

Ive also applied this information in my own life: I lost 50 pounds of body fat, took up strength training,
shifted to a diet of 100% healthy, natural foods, and basically transformed my own health. So Im not just a
nutrition geek who writes about foods but doesnt have the experience it takes to really master the subject.
I live this stuff.
Finally, I consume both chlorella and spirulina every day. I eat them as foods, not as vitamins,
which means I actually eat this stuff. And my health has never been better. I use spirulina as my
primary source of protein, since I rarely eat animal products, and I use chlorella for its astounding
disease prevention and health enhancing properties, many of which I will share with you in this
report. Both chlorella and spirulina are foods that I believe in and that I strongly recommend to
friends, family members, and anyone who wants to get healthier.
Since I use so much of these superfoods, Ive also ordered them from a long list of suppliers. Ive
tried every popular brand on the market. Ive even examined them under a microscope to see
what kind of quality they present up close. I know where to get the best prices, who has the fastest
shipping, and which brands are inexcusably over-hyped (Ill help you steer clear of those). In other
words, Im a well-informed consumer because I buy and eat these products in large quantities.
On the credibility side, by the way, I dont sell any of these products. You wont find me pitching
chlorella. I dont have any affiliate relationships with any of the suppliers I recommend here. I ac-
cept no advertising dollars from anyone. So this information is entirely unbiased. I give it to you
straight, exactly as I see it.
With that out of the way, lets get down to business and take a closer look at these amazing su-
perfoods. One of the first things people ask me about chlorella and spirulina is, What are they
made of anyway?
Where Do Chlorella & Spirulina Come From?
Both chlorella and spirulina are microscopic plants that grow in fresh water. Theyre actually
called micro-algae, since they are microscopic forms of algae. (For those sticklers out there, Im
using the term algae to mean both alga and algae throughout this report, ignoring the proper
conventions for this term.) And theyve been around for quite some time: a few billion years, actu-
ally. These are some of the earliest and simplest life forms on the planet, appearing way before
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
animals roamed these lands.
These micro-algae contain an astounding array of nutritional elements: vitamins, macrominerals,
trace minerals, essential fatty acids, protein, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), chlorophyll, and a vast
spectrum of phytochemicals. They are thought to contain every nutrient required by the human
body. Yes, you could literally live off these micro-algae. You wouldnt need to eat much, either, since
they are so nutritionally dense.
The micro part of their name is no joke: these superfoods range in size from 2 to 8
microns, which is about the same size as a human blood cell. They appear green due to their
chlorophyll content. Harvesting them requires special centrifuge equipment, which is one reason why
individuals dont grow their own micro-algae for consumption. You have to get it from commercial
processors who grow these superfoods in vast water farms located in regions of the world where
the climate permits (the closer to the equator, the better, since theres more sunlight).
If chlorella and spirulina were sold with Nutrition Facts labels, those labels would be
impressive indeed: zero refined carbohydrates, high in digestible protein, high in essential
fatty acids, no bad fats, high in chlorophyll, and so on. Ill list some of the known properties
below. But its also important to recognize that much of the healing phytochemical content in these
superfoods is simply unknown. Scientists havent isolated and named all the nutrients found in
these plants. So it doesnt render a complete picture to just list all the vitamins and minerals found
in powdered chlorella, for example. The vitamins and minerals that we know of are not the only
ones that matter.
For example, in the early 1900s, doctors thought there were only four vitamins needed by
the human body. Now we know of over a hundred vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other
substances that are necessary for optimum health. In the years ahead, well certainly find even
more. And when we do, chances will be that they are already found in micro-algae.
Of the nutritive substances we know about, however, heres what you find in chlorella and
High-quality complete protein that is more dense and more digestible than any
animal-derived protein. (Chlorella is 58% protein.)
All the known B vitamins, including vitamin B12 which is almost never found in plants.
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Macrominerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and many more
Trace minerals
Omega-3 fatty acids including GLA
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Nucleic acids (RNA & DNA)
Looking at the nutrients it provides, a well-informed nutritionist can only stare in awe: these are
many of the nutrients needed by every human body, in near-perfect ratios! Its almost as if Mother
Nature herself reached down from the heavens and said, Heres the perfect food for all human
beings... and gave us micro-algae. Theyre that impressive.
The only thing thats not impressive about these superfoods is their publicity: thanks to the
fact that pharmaceutical companies cant profit from them, the true healing benefits of these
superfoods are virtually unknown by Western medical professionals. As youll see in the sections
that follow, this is an extremely unfortunate situation, since the use of chlorella and spirulina in
patients can not only prevent millions of cases of serious disease each year, it can actually
reverse conditions like cancer. It can even be used as an adjunct complementary therapy to
help those who choose the Western medicine route and allow themselves to be subjected to
chemotherapy, for example. But before we get into the medicinal uses, lets take a look at how it is
being used around the world right now.
Are Chlorella & Spirulina the Answers
to Global Malnutrition?
The micro-algae have been a relatively new source of nutrition in the mainstream of industrial
civilization during the last thirty years, although they have been used by certain traditional
peoples in Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere for millennia. They will become increasingly
important throughout the planet if other food supplies dwindle. Already spirulina cultivation
projects are underway in various parts of the world, particularly where there is malnutrition.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Spirulina is more than just a superfood to help people prevent and reverse disease: its an answer
to global malnutrition and food shortages. It can be grown in hot, sunny climates, which is exactly
where much of the current malnutrition exists. It reportedly produces twenty times as much protein
as soybeans when grown on equal-sized areas. And since soybeans already produce ten times
as much protein as cows on a patch of land, its easy to do the math and conclude that spirulina
produces two hundred times as much usable protein as cattle ranching, acre per acre.
Thats a profound comparison, especially when considering the continued rise in the global popu-
lation and vanishing land resources. If we want to feed ourselves and our neighbors in the coming
years, spirulina may be one of the most viable ways to do it.
Most people in developed countries like the United States are also malnourished, although you
wouldnt know it from looking solely at the rising rates of obesity. Although we tend to have far
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
too much body fat, we also suffer from alarming nutritional deficiencies. Nearly all Americans
are deficient in magnesium, zinc, calcium, the B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Worse
yet, few people in developed countries intake adequate daily levels of phytochemicals (like
chlorophyll) that demonstrate remarkable healing abilities such as destroying cancer tumors,
rebuilding damaged nerve tissue, enhancing brain function, and so on.
In this way, most Americans are, themselves, quite malnourished, even as they suffer from
being overweight. That weight has come primarily from consuming massive quantities of refined
carbohydrates that lack any notable nutritional content. Thats how this seeming contradiction
exists: we are overfed, but undernourished.
Thats why getting chlorella and spirulina into the diet can have such astonishing health benefits!
Its like delivering a windfall of nutrition that the body has been craving for years. Lets take a
closer look at how chlorella and spirulina actually transform your health.
The Astounding Health Benefts of Chlorella & Spirulina
What can these two superfoods really do for your health? They offer a stunning array of health
benefits. Chlorella and spirulina have been shown to be effective in treating and even reversing the
following conditions:
Cancers (all types)
Severe liver damage and liver dis-
Intestinal ulcers
High blood pressure
Bleeding gums
Inflammation of joints and tissues
Body odor / breath odor
Various degenerative diseases
Essential fatty acid deficiencies
Mineral deficiencies
(magnesium is a common deficiency)
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Both chlorella and spirulina are particularly useful for:
People with poor digestion and assimilation (these micro-algae are easy to
digest and absorb)
People with poor vitality and anemia
Individuals who consumer large quantities of animal protein (the micro-algae
protein, in contrast, is easier to digest and offers a far healthier balance of minerals)
People who eat refined or processed foods
People who take prescription drugs (spirulina protects the kidneys and liver)
People who are overweight or obese
People who engage in physical exercise and / or strength training
People with low energy levels (feeling depleted, exhausted, etc.)
In fact, both chlorella and spirulina have been described as the perfect food:
Chlorella has been touted as the perfect whole food. Aside from being a complete protein
and containing all the B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and the major minerals (with zinc and
iron in amounts large enough to be considered supplementary), it has been found to improve
the immune system, improve digestion, detoxify the body, accelerate healing, protect against
radiation, aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases, help in treatment of Candida
albicans, relieve arthritis pain and, because of its nutritional content, aid in the success of
numerous weight loss programs.
- Earl Mindells Vitamin Bible
Spirulinas predigested protein provides building material soon after ingestion, without the
energy-draining side effects of meat protein; its mucopolysaccharides relax and strengthen
connective tissue while reducing the possibility of inflammation; its simple carbohydrates
yield immediate yet sustained energy; its GLA fatty acids improve hormonal balance; and its
protein-bonded vitamins and minerals, as found in all whole foods, assimilate better than the
synthetic variety. Spirulina can generally be considered an appropriate food for those who
exercise vigorously, as evidenced by the many world-class athletes who use it.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Chlorella and spirulina have such strong health benefits that even well-known doctors and au-
thors use these products and note their benefits:
It is possible that the GLA found in spirulina and possibly these other products accounts for
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
some of the positive effects that people experience when using them, including decreased ap-
petite, weight loss, and improved energy levels, especially mental energy. I personally have
used all of these products and must say I have experienced a subtle increase in mental clarity
and alertness (not like a nervous, caffeine-type stimulation). These algae must subtly stimulate
our nervous systems or release certain internal neurochemicals that create this up feeling.
- Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Elson Haas, M.D.
In all, these two superfoods are effective in not just reversing a long list of serious diseases (dis-
cuss in far more detail below), they are powerful health enhancers that demonstrate phenomenal
benefits even to people who are in good health!
The Treasure Inside: Chlorella & Spirulina
Both chlorella and spirulina are packed with nutrients and phytochemicals that boost health and
fight disease. In this section, well take a closer look at their major nutritional components and see
just what these superfoods have to offer.
Chlorella is a tiny, single-celled water-grown alga containing a nucleus and an enormous
amount of readily available chlorophyll. It also contains protein (approximately 58 percent),
carbohydrates, all of the B vitamins, vitamins C and E, amino acids, and rare trace minerals. In
fact, it is virtually a complete food. It contains more vitamin B12 than liver does, plus a consid-
erable amount of beta-carotene.
- A-to-Z Guide To Supplements, James F. Balch M.D.
Spirulina is simply the worlds most digestible natural source of high quality protein, far
surpassing the protein bioavailability of even beef (which most people consider to be the #1 source
of protein). The digestive absorption of each gram of protein in spirulina is four times greater than
the same gram of protein in beef. And since spirulina already contains three times more protein
(by weight) to begin with, the net result is that, ounce for ounce, spirulina offers twelve times more
digestible protein than beef. Thats an astounding difference. It means that spirulina is the ideal
food source for people working to get more protein into their diets:
People on low-carb, high-protein diets like the Atkins Diet or the South Beach Diet.
People who exercise vigorously or engage in strength training.
People who are frail, who have trouble gaining weight, or who are malnourished.
In fact, theres probably no better single food source on the planet than spirulina for these people. The
protein found in spirulina is also a complete protein, meaning that it contains all eight essential
amino acids, unlike beans, whole grains and other plant-based foods that typically lack one or
more amino acids.
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Personally, Ive found spirulina to be the perfect replacement for meat in my own diet. For a va-
riety of reasons that I dont have the space to write about here, I prefer to avoid animal meats in
my diet. But tofu and soy products have never given me the fullness feeling of animal proteins.
Spirulina is the only plant Ive ever found that gives me as much protein as eating animal prod-
ucts. And I only need a few grams of spirulina to get the job done: I frequently take 5 grams with
each meal, and I find it does the job of eating an entire serving of animal meat.
When it comes to protein, the bottom line is that spirulina is the worlds best source for it. You
cant grill it like a steak, but if you really want the best protein nutrition you can get, spirulina cant
be beat.
The Vitamin & Mineral Content of Chlorella & Spirulina
Ive already mentioned many of the vitamins found in these micro-algae: all of the B vitamins,
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, provitamin A, and so on. But whats important about these vitamins isnt just
that they are present: its the fact that they are found in their natural forms in these micro-algae.
In other words, if you take bulk vitamin supplements, you are often taking synthetic vitamins
that have been manufactured in a chemical plant from ingredients that youd never normally eat.
These synthetic vitamins may be molecularly similar to the vitamins found in plants, but clinical
trial show that they arent the same in effect. Theres something almost magical about vitamins
found in plants: theyre simply more healthful, more absorbable, and more effective at getting the
job done.
Thats why I never recommend people take isolated vitamins in pill form. Theres simply no need
to. The best way to take vitamins is to eat vitamin-rich superfoods like chlorella and spirulina. In
this way, you get all the vitamins you need, in the proper natural form that the human body was
meant to digest.
And you dont have to worry about dosages, either. If you take both chlorella and spirulina, you au-
tomatically get near-perfect ratios of the most important vitamins and nutrients your body needs.
Thats one reason why these superfoods are called perfect foods. In fact, you can eat these in
large quantities without any worry of overdosing on individual vitamins. Whatever vitamin you
need: C, E, B, A, and so on, chances are that its found in either chlorella or spirulina.
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Virtually all Americans are deficient in certain minerals like magnesium and zinc. Thats because
all refined foods have had their mineral content stripped. When a food processing plant refines
wheat berries to make white flour, it removes as much as 98% of some minerals. The resulting
powdery substance -- white flour -- is technically unfit for human consumption because it is
nutritionally deficient and simply cannot sustain human life. Thats why they have to enrich these
flours: by law, certain vitamins have to be put back in just to prevent the more obvious nutritional
deficiency diseases like beriberi and ricketts!
By eating these processed foods, and by not getting enough natural foods like chlorella and
spirulina, most Americans simply dont get enough magnesium and zinc in their diets, not to men-
tion trace minerals and other macrominerals. Worse, yet, virtually all low-carb dieters are calcium
deficient due to the high acidity of their diets and their near-complete lack of dietary magnesium
thanks to eating animal meats and dairy products. Although they are technically eating moderate
amounts of calcium found in meats and dairy products, their bodies cant use it because they dont
have the magnesium and Vitamin D necessary to turn calcium into strong bones.
What all these people have in common is a serious need for mineral balance in their bodies. They
need more magnesium, more zinc, more trace minerals, and better sources of potassium and
calcium, just to name a few. Truly, this need is present across the board. Hardly a person can be
found who isnt deficient in one or more of these minerals.
With chlorella and spirulina, however, you can reverse your mineral deficiencies because these
superfoods are rich in minerals! An ounce of chlorella, for example, contains far more calcium
than an ounce of milk. So much for the milk builds strong bones hype: chlorellas calcium and
magnesium content far surpasses milk in building strong bones.
Many people, in trying to deal with calcium deficiencies, take calcium supplements containing
calcium carbonate. Thats made primarily from ground up seashells, and this brings up a ques-
tion: do people really need to be eating ground up seashells? Of course not. The idea of eating
seashells is absurd, yet thats exactly what people are doing when they take common calcium
supplements. Sure, youre taking the calcium, but are you absorbing it? Probably not.
Similarly, many people take coral calcium supplements, which are made from ground up coral
reefs instead of ground up seashells. Once again, its probably better than taking nothing at all,
but were human beings really meant to eat coral reefs? Of course not! Scuba divers like to ob-
serve coral reefs, but you never find them chewing on reefs. This is not a food source intended for
human beings. In fact, no animal on planet Earth eats coral reefs!
Plants, on the other hand, are fully intended for human consumption. The human digestive sys-
tem reveals this truth in rather obvious ways, such as the need for dietary fiber in order to support
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
healthy bowel movements, not to mention the existence of certain vegetable-grinding instruments
found in the mouths of every human being: theyre known as molar teeth. Clearly, our bodies
were designed to chew vegetables, not seashells or coral reefs. Not surprisingly, then, its plants
that offer the healthiest sources of the vitamins and minerals our bodies really need -- in the form
we need. Put simply, the minerals in micro-algae are easily absorbable by the human body. If you
experienced some health benefits from taking coral calcium, youll be stunned at the much stron-
ger benefits from consuming micro-algae.
The plants richest in chlorophyllthe micro-algae and cereal grasseswere cited earlier as
good sources of magnesium. Green plants also have the greatest concentration of calcium of
any food; because of their magnesium, chlorophyll, and other calcium cofactors, increasing the
consumption of green plants often is a simple solution to calcium problems.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
The Essential Fatty Acids Found in Chlorella & Spirulina
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are the good fats youve been increasingly hearing about in recent
years. Your body cant live without them. Theyre needed for a healthy heart, a healthy nervous
system, and especially a healthy brain (the human brain is around 80% fat).
Youve no doubt heard about omega-3 EFAs. Perhaps youve also heard of GLA (gamma-linole-
nic acid, found in borage oil) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, found in many fish oils). If youve
read anything about low-carb dieting or the Mediterranean Diet, you know that the consumption
of these healthy oils, from sources such as flax oil, produces astounding health benefits in the
human body. Heart disease and various cardiovascular disorders respond quickly and positively.
Brain function is improved, diabetes is brought under control, blood sugar is regulated, and can-
cer risk soon plummets.
Most of us think of these oils coming from fish or seeds. Thats why I was pleasantly surprised to
learn that chlorella and spirulina contain these essential fatty acids! I was stunned to learn that
Spirulina contains a sizable dose of GLA and omega-3 fatty acids. It is especially high in GLA,
which is something that is almost universally lacking in the American diet.
Human breast milk is high in GLA, probably due to the infant childs need for brain-building fats.
And since many infants never gained the important nutritional benefits of their mothers milk,
theyve been GLA-deficient for their entire lives. The American diet of processed foods contains
virtually no GLA whatsoever. And low-carb dieters arent getting any either, unless they specifi-
cally supplement it. But you can get it from spirulina:
The richest whole-food sources of GLA are mothers milk, spirulina micro-algae, and the seeds
of borage, black currant, and evening primrose. GLA is important for growth and development,
and is found most abundantly in mothers milk; spirulina is the next-highest whole-food source.
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
We often recommend spirulina for people who were never breast-fed, in order to foster the
hormonal and mental development that may never have occurred because of lack of proper
nutrition in infancy. The dosage is the amount of oil that provides 150-350 mg GLA daily. A
standard 10-gram dosage of spirulina provides 131 mg of GLA.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Id like to note the last sentence of the quote mentioned above: a standard 10-gram dosage of
spirulina provides 131mg of GLA. This is important to understand, because almost everyone who
takes spirulina or chlorella takes far too little to be effective. They frequently make the mistake
of thinking these superfoods are medicines or drugs, and they take one or two tablets at a time.
That provides only one gram of spirulina, which is 1/10th the recommended standard dosage. You
cant get much benefit from just one gram. These superfoods arent drugs. They arent medica-
tions. They are foods. You can eat them like you eat a salad or a steak. You can eat a hundred
grams a day and be all the better for it.
I discuss this in more detail in a later section, but the important point here is that most people take
far too little to be of much help! If you really want to get well on these superfoods, youve got to
take large quantities. These are foods, remember, not pills. As I mentioned earlier, I take 5 grams
at each meal, and even that dose is considered only half of a standard dosage.
The Astounding Chlorophyll Content of Chlorella & Spirulina
Chlorella is the richest source of chlorophyll on planet Earth. Whats so good about
chlorophyll? Theres nothing more cleansing and detoxifying than chlorophyll. And people who follow
Western diets (high in processed foods and animal foods) are in desperate need of cleansing and
Heres something interesting: chlorophyll actually helps remove heavy metals from your body
that have accumulated due to the ingestion of contaminated food products. Certain sea foods are
especially known to contain dangerous levels of heavy metals like mercury, but these contaminants
are also found in animal products and even non-organic crops. If youve been eating refined foods,
you undoubtedly have mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead, PCBs and other contaminants in your
body. The chlorophyll in chlorella actually helps remove those heavy metals from your body, which
can have seemingly miraculous benefits to your health.
Another common source for contaminants is mercury fillings used by dentists. They call them
silver fillings, actually, since they dont want to openly admit theyre still putting mercury -- one
of the most potent nerve toxins on the planet -- into the mouths of patients. These mercury fillings
emit a steady stream of mercury vapor that gets absorbed into your body. Frequently, small bits
of these mercury fillings crack, break off, and are swallowed with your food. In this way, nearly all
dental patients in America and other civilized countries are subjected to routine mercury poison-
ing at the hands of their dentists.
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Chlorella can help protect you against this mercury be escorting the mercury out of your body
before it can do damage. If you take chlorella before and after receiving dental work, you will help
protect yourself from the toxic effects of mercury fillings. This is especially important if you decide
to have your mercury fillings removed, as more and more people are doing. The very process of
drilling them out results in a tidal wave of mercury exposure in your body. Having a stomach full
of chlorella offers considerable protection against the mercury bits you inevitably swallow during
this procedure.
I underwent a full-scale mercury filling removal program myself. It required nearly ten sessions
in the chair, and I used chlorella each time. As a result, I suffered no ill effects from the mercury
removal. Today, my mouth is 100% free of mercury, and the chlorella that I continue to take on a
daily basis protects me from dietary mercury that might find its way to my dinner plate.
Chlorophyll does much more than protect you from mercury, however: its also a general detoxifier
that supports liver function so that your lives can do a better job of eliminating toxins from your
Chlorella vs. Spirulina
In this section, Ive talked about chlorella and spirulina as if they were twins. But they arent: each
has a unique nutritional profile. Although I strongly recommend using them both as part of every
meal (I do), you may find yourself needing one or the other based on certain circumstances. So
heres the score:
A better source of chlorophyll, which makes it more detoxifying and cleansing.
It is especially good for people with liver disorders or people who drink or smoke.
It is very helpful for people with dry stools who suffer from constipation.
It is especially good for people who need rebuilding -- people who suffer from
degenerative diseases (muscle, nervous system, etc.) or people who are frail.
Contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), which boosts the immune system, reverses
cancer, and offers other health benefits.
CGF also helps repair nerve tissues throughout the body and is excellent for treating
degenerative brain and nerve disorders.
A superior source of digestible protein. Contains 12 times the protein of beef.
Easier on the digestive system than chlorella, which can cause diarrhea in
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
sensitive individuals.
The best source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a good fat necessary for the
human brain, proper heart function, and other body systems.
Contains phycocyanin, a potent anti-cancer phytochemical that also gives
spirulina its characteristic blue hue.
As you can see, both chlorella and spirulina offer a vast range of health benefits, and many of their
strengths overlap. Thats why I generally recommend that people consume both in substantial
quantities. As a general rule, you should consume spirulina and chlorella in a 2:1 ratio. In other
words, if you take 10 grams of spirulina a day, take 5 grams of chlorella, too.
If you are suffering from a particular health condition, increase your consumption of the micro-
algae best suited for that condition. These health conditions are discussed in more detail below.
Recommended dosages of chlorella and spirulina are also covered in more detail in the how to
take chlorella and spirulina section later in this guide.
Now well take a look at the use of chlorella and spirulina for specific health conditions and dietary
Chlorella & Spirulina for People on Any
Low-Carb Diet
As hinted earlier, high-protein (low-carb) dieters have a special need for chlorella and spirulina.
This is primarily due to the fact that the way most people follow low-carb diets is nutritionally im-
balanced (low-carb dieting in theory isnt imbalanced, but the way most people follow it certainly
is). Most followers of low-carb diets lack sufficient intake of specific vitamins, minerals, and phy-
tochemicals necessary for optimum human health.
The vast majority of low-carb dieters are deficient in calcium, magnesium and zinc, for example.
Both chlorella and spirulina offer naturally balanced minerals that help bring a low-carb diet back
into the proper mineral ratios.
Low-carb diets also tend to be highly acidic, thanks to the heavy reliance on acidic foods like ani-
mal proteins and even diet soft drinks. These acidic foods are effectively countered by the alkaline
nature of chlorella and spirulina. In other words, these micro-algae help support the healthy pH
balance of the body, which protects against loss of bone mass while giving the kidneys a much-
needed rest.
High-protein diets are typically lacking in the B vitamins, as well. Micro-algae supply all the B
vitamins, bringing the body back into balance with this all-important category of nutrition. The B
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
vitamins are critical for proper immune system function, hormone balance, brain function, and
literally thousands of biochemical processes that support the body.
Essentially, micro-algae help correct virtually every nutritional deficiency brought on by high-pro-
tein / low-carb diets. People pursuing high-protein diets need to seriously assess their intake of
vital nutrients and, very likely, supplement with large quantities of chlorella and spirulina.
Im a high-protein / low-carb dieter myself, and thats exactly what I do. I consume large quanti-
ties of proteins and fiber-rich foods during the day (like broccoli and other vegetables). But I also
know that these foods, as healthy as they are, cant supply the nutrient density of micro-algae, so
I supplement both spirulina and chlorella at virtually every meal.
Also, unlike most high-protein dieters, I choose not to consume large quantities of animal prod-
ucts. I do eat a considerable quantity of eggs, but very little meat. Instead, I rely on spirulina for my
dietary protein. (And Ive put on 15 pounds of lean body mass doing so, too, so dont let anyone
tell you that you cant build muscle by eating plants.)
High-protein diets have been (and sometimes still are) considered a cure for hypoglycemia,
because protein digests slowly, supplies energy gradually, and does not trigger excess insulin
production. But a high-protein diet causes other serious problems, as we have seen earlier in
the Protein and Vitamin B and Calcium chapters. The high-protein foods that seem to work best
over time are the chlorophyll-rich types recommended in diabetesspirulina, chlorella, wild
blue-green, and cereal-grass products.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Chlorella & Spirulina for Weight Loss & Dieting
In various clinical studies, micro-algae have been shown to be remarkably effective for weight loss.
There are primarily two reasons for this: the correction of nutritional deficiencies, and the addition
of GLA to the diet.
On the nutritional deficiencies topic, obesity is the result of not only the over-consumption of calo-
ries, but more importantly, a dysfunctional endocrine system that results in the excess secretion
of insulin and, subsequently, intense cravings for refined foods. Thats why people get overweight
even when they dont want to: the cravings are simply too strong to ignore.
By supplying the body with the nutrients it needs, however, those cravings can be dramatically re-
duced and the endocrine system can be brought back into a state of balance. These nutrients are
best provided by chlorella and spirulina. Thats how these superfoods help people lose weight.
Of course, true weight loss wont occur from simply consuming these superfoods: they only create
the proper environment for weight loss. The person must still alter their diet by removing refined
foods, hydrogenated oils, all sugars, and other weight-promoting substances. Without that step,
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
the weight will never come off. Just as importantly, a person who doesnt take up a habit of regular
physical exercise will rarely lose body fat, no matter what their diet.
The second factor in micro-algae that supports weight loss is the presence of GLA in spirulina. This
essential fatty acid helps regulate blood sugar and control insulin, which naturally leads to reduced
carbohydrate binging. And spirulina is the richest natural source of GLA on planet Earth. Theres
simply no better way to get GLA into your diet than making spirulina part of your daily diet.
Clearly, both chlorella and spirulina should be supplemented as part of the nutritional approach to any
weight less effort. They can greatly reduce cravings, provide much-needed nutrition to the body, and
serve as outstanding sources for obesity-busting substances like GLA. But they cant get up and do
your exercises for you.
Chlorella & Spirulina for Vitality & Intestinal Health
Both chlorella and spirulina have been shown to be quite effective for people suffering from ane-
mia (blood deficiencies), poor spleen function, weak digestive absorption, and other similar lack
of vitality disorders.
If you or someone you know is anemic, has low blood pressure, suffers from dizziness, or shows
obvious signs of lack of vitality (such as having infrequent bowel movements), then chlorella is
something that I strongly recommend be considered. Over time, most people find that chlorella
builds vitality, improves digestion, enhances energy, improves mental clarity, and basically helps
people regain their youthful energy and start rebuilding the strength of organs and tissues.
Chlorella & Spirulina for Intestinal Health
The subject of intestinal health deserves an entire book, probably. The vast majority of people
on the Western diet (high in refined foods, low in fiber, low in natural vitamins, high in animal
protein, high in dairy products, high in sugars) suffer from dismal bowel function. Irritable Bowel
Syndrome, Crohns Disease, constipation, frequent diarrhea -- these are all obvious symptoms of
dietary imbalances. Theres nothing wrong with your colon! Its merely the food youre eating that
causes these effects.
Spirulina and chlorella offer considerable help in the area of intestinal health, and perhaps not in
the ways you might suspect. What they do best is support healthy intestinal flora -- the friendly
bacteria in your digestive tract that protect you from disease and aid in digestion. This ability is
thought to be provided by the mucopolysaccharides found in spirulina:
Another possible way to improve the conditions in the intestine is by the consumption of spiruli-
na. While no human studies appear to have been published, intriguing veterinary research has
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
shown that providing horses with spirulina stimulates the growth of Lactobacillus in the cecum.
The researchers suggest that this may be due to the mucopolysaccharides in spirulina
- Textbook of Natural Medicine by Michael T. Murray N.D.
Ive seen what chlorella can do, too, in people Ive urged to try it. One person who suffered from
chronic constipation (one bowel movement every three days, if you can believe that!) slowly im-
proved until she was having one every day. This was due to chlorella only, with no other dietary
People with Crohns Disease, diarrhea or IBS, however, should be extremely careful with chlo-
rella, since it can actually promote diarrhea in some people. In these cases, stick to spirulina at
first, and then slowly introduce chlorella as the digestive system tolerates it. A simple way to look
at it is to say that chlorella makes the stools wetter. If your stools are already too wet, chlorella
should be introduced very slowly to avoid worsening your condition.
Chlorella is a whole food rich in many phytochemicals, some of which have been identified but
many of which are still unknown. A group of elements referred to as chlorella growth factor, or
CGF, are believed to be one group of compounds in chlorella that give it its health-promoting
ability. Chlorella stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria, which in turn has the probiotic effect
of strengthening gut flora and resisting disease.
- Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance
Chlorella & Spirulina for Nervous System Disorders
CGF makes chlorella most useful for improving growth patterns in children, maintaining health
in old age, healing injuries, and initiating growth where it has been stunted from disease or
degeneration, including Alzheimers disease, sciatica, palsy, seizures, multiple sclerosis,
nervousness, and other nerve disorders.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
This is one of the most remarkable healing properties yet recorded for chlorella: its ability to actu-
ally repair nerve tissues throughout the body. People suffering from degenerative nerve disorders
typically report positive results from using chlorella. This is because CGF (chlorella growth factor),
which is found in the nucleus of the chlorella cell, actually promotes the bodys innate healing ability
to grow and repair nerve tissue.
Its unfortunate that more research isnt available in this area, because I think this represents an
exciting and promising area of nutritional research. If a phytochemical found in this billion-year-
old plant can actually help human beings repair nerve tissue, what extraordinary uses might it be
put towards? Could it help people with spinal cord injuries? Could it help stroke victims? Could it
actually prevent Alzheimers Disease in patients with high risk?
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Unfortunately, these questions have not been answered, and since nobody can patent chlorella,
its unlikely that any drug company is interested in sponsoring the necessary research to answer
these questions. After all, consumers can buy chlorella anywhere. Drug companies have no way
to control the market and, therefore, no way to profit from chlorella.
For now, the best we can go on is the anecdotal evidence, which is actually quite substantial. It
may hold tremendous promise in treating the mental disorders now ravaging modern society:
In the developed countries where nutrient starvation takes place as a result of excessive re-
fined food, intoxicants, and a glut of animal products, micro-algae such as spirulina, wild blue-
green (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae), and chlorella, used in conjunction with unrefined veg-
etable foods, are helpful in healing the many prevalent disorders of the nerves and brain.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Chlorella & Spirulina for Appetite Suppression
& Reducing Cravings
Both spirulina and chlorella are known to reduce the craving for sweets and carbohydrates. What
is unknown, however, is the mechanism by which this appetite suppression works.
As you may know, Ive engaged in a considerable amount of nutritional research over the years
(surpassing 4,000 hours so far). Heres my educated guess at the factors at work here:
Magnesium Content: These micro-algae contain high levels of magnesium and other minerals
that are frequently deficient in modern diets. Magnesium deficiency is known to produce intense
cravings, especially for chocolate sweets (which contain magnesium). By eating micro-algae, the
body is supplied with magnesium, and so the cry to feed me magnesium is silenced.
Protein Content: The protein content of these micro-algae (especially spirulina) provides for
steady levels of blood sugar that counteract any tendency for a hypoglycemic response, which
would of course induce severe cravings for sweets. In other words, the high quality protein in
these superfoods blocks the hypoglycemic appetite response.
Oil Content: The healthy oils found in these micro-algae, especially spirulina, promote steady
blood sugar levels through their slow digestion, as with any oil. GLA, in particular, helps regulate
the insulin response of the pancreas, and therefore eliminates the primary cause of sugar crav-
ings even before they can occur!
Vitamins: Some part of the cravings experienced by people consuming a modern Western diet
are due, I believe, to deficiencies in the B vitamins. Without adequate supplies of these vitamins
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
in their natural form, the bodys hormonal signals get distorted, and the body orders the person
to keep eating. What the body really craves, most likely, is adequate nutrition, not empty calories.
Once this nutrition is supplied by the micro-algae, the bodys hunger signals quiet down.
If you begin supplements with these micro-algae, keep in mind that the appetite suppressing ef-
fects of chlorella and spirulina will take time to be noticed, of course. Dont expect to take chlorella
for one day and suddenly stop all your cravings. It may take weeks or months for your body to
adapt and adjust to your new nutritional habits. Hormonal changes, especially, take considerable
time, since your body is probably in the habit of releasing excess insulin in response to the re-
fined foods youve been consuming.
That brings up another point: a few grams of chlorella or spirulina cant counteract hundreds of
grams of white flour, corn syrup, soft drinks, cookies and breads. While micro-algae can certainly
help, the fact is that you probably wont eliminate your intense carbohydrate cravings until you
manage to remove those carbohydrates from your diet in the first place. Chlorella and spirulina
can help you in that decision, but they cant override a tidal wave of poor nutritional choices.
Chlorella & Spirulina for Enhancing Brain Function
An interesting study published in 1995 (Author: Sevulla) that showed an 81% improvement in the
academic scores of children who took one gram of spirulina daily for six months.
Im not aware of other studies examining the link between micro-algae and intellectual function,
but this study alone is interesting enough to warrant a closer look. An 81% improvement is dra-
matic, to say the least. And the dosage of spirulina used -- a mere one gram -- is only 1/10th the
recommended standard dosage. What results could the standard dosage achieve?
The mechanism of such dramatic improvements in brain function are very likely due to the pres-
ence of both GLA and phycocyanin (a blue pigment) in spirulina.
Phycocyanin is known to enhance the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Furthermore,
the presence of this pigment in plants and foods is extremely rare:
Important to note in the area of prevention, spirulina is richly supplied with the blue pigment
phycocyanin, a biliprotein which has been shown to inhibit cancer-colony formation. Predomi-
nant blue pigmentation in food is rare. The chemical reality of spirulinas blue color is demon-
strated by its effect in the brain. Here phycocyanin helps draw together amino acids for neu-
rotransmitter formation, which increases mental capacity.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Certainly the GLA content of spirulina is another important factor. As I mentioned previously, the
human brain is around 80% fat. Nerve tissues in the brain need healthy fats in order to function
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
properly, and GLA is one of the healthiest fats you can consume. Thats why human breast milk
contains high quantities of GLA. In fact, breast milk is the #1 source of GLA on the planet, and
spirulina is #2.
Breast milk contains GLA because infant humans need to quickly build brain mass in order to
boost their chances of survival. A bigger, better brain allows a child to more quickly comprehend
language, social interactions, environmental cues, interpret sensory input, and so on. So mothers
milk provides precisely the nutrients needed by infants to help them survive.
Cows milk, on the other hand, is designed to help baby cows survive. That has a lot less to do
with brain function and a lot more to do with helping grow a baby cow to several hundred pounds
and enabling it to run more quickly. Cows milk, not surprisingly, has virtually no GLA. Baby cow
brains simply arent as important to their survival as the brains of human infants.
(Thats also one reason why cows milk is a terrible nutritional choice for baby humans. Cows milk
is the perfect food for baby cows, but a gross mismatch for the nutritional needs of baby humans.
Even worse, the fact that adult human beings consume the mothers milk of another species is
truly bizarre. No other organism on the planet consumes the milk of another species, and every
animal on the planet except humans weans itself off of mothers milk. When I see adult humans
drinking cows milk, I always ask them why theyre drinking baby food.)
Getting back to the brain food topic, the GLA content of spirulina combined with the CGF content
of chlorella (which repairs nerve tissues, remember?) provides a compelling reason to consume
both of these micro-algae. The GLA feeds your brain and nervous system with the nutrients it
needs to be healthy, while the CGF repairs damaged nerve tissue. Its a powerful combination,
and its one reason why I recommend that people consume both chlorella and spirulina with each
meal. Theyre simply more powerful when consumed in combination.
Chlorella & Spirulina for Proper pH Balance
Most people consume diets that are far too acidic. Nearly all refined foods -- made with sugars,
white flour, and other unwholesome ingredients -- are acidic in nature. Soft drinks and most pro-
cessed fruit drinks are especially acidic. These acidic foods, when routinely ingested, create a pH
imbalance in the human body.
pH balance is critical for human health. In fact, the pH of your blood must be kept as a precise
level (around 7.2 on the pH scale). Consuming highly acidic foods and beverages causes an im-
balance in the pH of the body, and so the body responds by countering the acidity with behavioral
and biochemical strategies that eliminate these excess acids. Theres a cost to all this, however,
as youll see below.
One such strategy for countering excess dietary acids is to increase respiration, since carbon
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
dioxide is acidic and oxygen is alkaline. By breathing in more oxygen and exhaling more carbon
dioxide, the body works to regulate its own pH. This is exactly why diabetics with high blood sugar are fre-
quently seen to be hyperventilating: their blood is too acidic and their bodies are simply trying to get back
to the proper pH balance.
Another strategy pursued by the body is to pull alkaline minerals out of the bones -- which are
great stores of calcium and other alkaline minerals -- and use those minerals to counter the acidic
foods and beverages that have been consumed. This is why the consumption of soft drinks is well
known to cause the depletion of minerals from the bodys bones, which results in loss of bone
mass density and the onset of osteoporosis. The more soft drinks you consume, the weaker your
bones get.
Micro-algae offer a convenient solution to the pH problems of most diets. Both chlorella and spiru-
lina are alkaline foods, which means they counter the acidic foods and help raise the pH level to-
wards the alkaline side of the scale. This, in turn, promotes increased bone mass (since your body
doesnt have to sacrifice calcium to balances its pH), and vastly improved metabolic functions.
Consuming more alkaline foods has been strongly linked with improved immune system function,
mental function, kidney function, and higher levels of energy, among other important benefits.
Both chlorella and spirulina can be used as pH balancing foods. Of course, your best results will
come when you add these superfoods to your diet and avoid consuming acidic foods and bever-
ages like soft drinks.
High-protein / low-carb diets are also known to be highly acidic, since meat is squarely on the
acidic scale. Thats why some of the weight loss on a nutritionally poor low-carb diet actually re-
sults from loss of bone mass, not body fat! By replacing some meat with protein from spirulina,
low-carb dieters can improve their overall pH balance while still getting their protein (and from a
more nutritionally sound source, too).
Chlorella & Spirulina for Preventing & Reversing Cancer
Some micro-algae have very favorable nutritional profiles for cancer and immune therapies.
Spirulina, chlorella, and wild blue-green provide cellular protection with exceptional amounts
of beta carotene (provitamin A) and chlorophyll. Chlorella, the algae to emphasize in those
with the greatest deficiency, stimulates immunity in the treatment of all degenerative diseases
by means of the Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). Spirulina is rich in phycocyanin, a pigment
with anti-cancer properties. Spirulina is also the highest plant source of gamma-linolenic acid
(GLA), a fatty acid which strengthens immunity and inhibits excessive cell division.
- Healing With Whole Foods
As you can see from the quote above, the anti-cancer properties of both chlorella and spirulina
are rather remarkable. Of the few key phytochemicals that have been identified in these micro-
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
algae, their known anti-cancer properties are nothing less than astonishing. And yet these foods
probably work on many levels to combat cancer, going far beyond the handful of phytochemicals
that have been identified. Remember: chlorella and spirulina contain hundreds or thousands of
phytochemicals, and very few of those have been identified or clinically tested.
Overall, however, micro-algae have been subjected to a fair amount of anti-cancer testing. The
results of those tests have earned chlorella a rather impressive mention in the book Herbal
Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance:
Chlorella is a one-cell blue-green alga that is highly nutritive as a food and also stimulates the
immune system. It increases macrophage activity and has shown antitumor effects. Chorel-
lan is a substance found in chlorella that stimulates interferon production. There are several
papers on the prevention and/or inhibition of cancer using chlorella as well as documentation
of its DNA repair mechanism. Of all the super green foods, chlorella is the one that impresses
me the most.
Chlorellas anti-cancer reputation is well, earned, too. Dozens of studies have shown it to exhibit
truly miraculous anti-cancer effects. At risk of wearing out this metaphor, I have to say once again
that if the pharmaceutical companies had a name-brand drug that demonstrated the same effects
as chlorella, it would be heralded as a cure for cancer and would undoubtedly receive an end-
less parade of positive press on all the news networks. When it comes to cancer, chlorella is truly
that good.
More Studies Showing How
Chlorella Prevents & Reverses Cancer
There have been dozens of animal studies on chlorella and chlorella extracts involving immune
response to cancer. One such study involved mice given chlorella prior to transplantation of
mammary carcinoma. The results were a 70 percent sixty-day survival of the chlorella
group versus no survival in the control group. Mice in the control group were also trans-
planted with tumors but did not receive chlorella.

In 1990, a study on chlorella was performed at the Medical College of Virginia. Fifteen glioblas-
toma patients were administered 20 grams of powdered chlorella and 150 ml of liquid chlorella,
in some cases combined with standard chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. There was a
significant increase in health and immune status immediately, and a striking 40 percent
two-year survival rate was reflected in follow-up studies. This is extremely rare for this type
of tumor, which normally might yield a 10 percent survival rate after two years.

There are other beneficial algaes, such as spirulina, a blue-green alga, and other super green
foods, but I believe chlorella is the best, particularly for people with cancer and/or a weak
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Note that in one of the studies mentioned above, chlorella was used in conjunction with chemo-
therapy and radiation therapy and still managed to achieve stunning improvements in the survival
rates of cancer patients who would have normally died within two years. And note that the patients
were administered a mere 20 grams of chlorella, which is a small dose. I eat half that much chlo-
rella every day, so in a weeks time, Im eating perhaps 70 grams of chlorella, or more than three times
the dose received by these cancer patients.
With this, I think you can begin to see the anti-cancer healing power of chlorella. Its results can
only be described as stunning:
Chlorella helps protect the body in its fight against both viruses and cancer. A series of stud-
ies during the 1980s showed that tumor growth in mice could be reduced or stopped by
injecting a water solution of chlorella around the neoplastic growth. Even tumor regrowth was
cut down significantly. In another study by the same researchers, tumor cells were killed
completely by the chlorella injection. The researchers then began to give chlorella in oral form,
and the antitumor effect was still significant.
- Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance
Im not sure if you share the same excitement about chlorella that I do, but if you take a closer
look at the study mentioned above, it basically reveals a potential cure for cancer. Simply inject
chlorella into the tumors, and they are killed completely. The study, entitled, Augmentation of
Antitumor Resistance by a Strain of Unicellular Green Algae, Chlorella Vulgaris, was published
in 1984 in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy.
With a finding this astounding, you would think that every doctor, medical researcher, and govern-
ment health official would be intent on learning how to apply this knowledge to healing cancers
all around the world. Chlorella is dirt-cheap from a medical point of view, and by simply injecting
it into breast cancer tumors, those tumors are killed. But therein lies the problem: chlorella is dirt-
cheap! Theres no real money in chlorella injections, regardless of how well they work!
Yet More Clinical Evidence That Chlorella Fights Cancer
Yet the anti-cancer properties of chlorella are hard to argue with. There have been a number of
studies demonstrating similar anti-cancer properties for chlorella:
A study on chlorella published in Japan in 1992 showed that chlorella has impressive effects
on blood chemistry. It increased red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and albumin. The
ability of chlorella to increase albumin is vitally important because so many people with cancer
have a decreased level of albumin. This decreased level correlates with a poor prognosis;
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
chlorella is a truly important supplement for anyone whose albumin level is low.
- Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance
The healing properties of these micro-algae are, of course, only available from the whole food, not
isolated or extracted chemicals:
Animal studies have shown that mixed carotenoids, such as Spirulina and Dunaliella species
of algae, have significantly greater tumor-killing ability than beta-carotene alone. No anti-
oxidant vitamin or flavonoid should be taken alone.
- Health And Nutrition Secrets by Russell Blaylock, M.D.
One of those anti-cancer phytochemicals has been mentioned: phycocyanin. This phytochemi-
cal found in spirulina is what gives it a dark blue / green hue. It also probably contributes to the
unique taste of spirulina, which some people find somewhat pleasant, or at least tolerable.
Interestingly, the pigmentation of phycocyanins makes them ideal for coloring foods, beverages
and cosmetics. Instead of using artificial colors derived from coal tars, manufacturers can use
plant-derived pigments to add color to their products. What they probably dont realize, however,
is that by doing so, they are also adding anti-cancer properties to their products!
Heres an interesting web page on the use of phycocyanins for coloring:
The name phycocyanin, by the way, is revealing. The prefix phy means from the plant king-
dom as in phyto. The root of the word, cyan, is the technical description of the color blue. So
the word means the blue element of the plant.
Spirulina contains the blue pigment phycocyanin, a biliprotein that has been shown to inhibit
cancer colony formation.
- Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance
This phycocyanin has been shown to be effective against liver cancer as well:
Spirulina contains concentrations of nutrients unlike any other single grain, herb, or plant. It
contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), linoleic and arachidonic acids, vitamin B12 (needed,
especially by vegetarians, for healthy red blood cells), iron, a high level of protein (60 to 70 per-
cent), essential amino acids, the nucleic acids RNA and DNA, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin, a
blue pigment that is found only in blue-green algae and that has increased the survival rate of
mice with liver cancer in laboratory experiments.
- A-to-Z Guide To Supplements by James F. Balch, M.D.
In all, the anti-cancer properties of both chlorella and spirulina make these superfoods absolutely
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
necessary dietary supplements for anyone battling cancer or who may be at risk for cancer. And
if you eat processed foods or follow the standard American diet, you are definitely at risk for
cancer, since so many of the foods that make up the American diet are, themselves, promoters
of cancer.
Every doctor should be aware of the anti-cancer properties of chlorella and spirulina, and these
superfoods should be prescribed as both cancer prevention foods and cancer therapy for pa-
tients currently battling the disease. In my opinion, any person suffering from cancer should im-
mediately begin introducing both chlorella and spirulina into their diets, even if they choose to
undergo Western anti-cancer procedures like chemotherapy and radiation.
Furthermore, any person who knows someone with cancer has, I believe, a social responsibility to
at least make them aware of this information so that they can make their own informed decisions
about how to reverse their cancer, if they so desire.
Chlorella is one of those things that falls into the cant hurt category when it comes to battling
cancer. No matter what form of therapy you choose to undergo -- radiation, chemotherapy, sur-
gery, or something more holistic -- chlorella can only improve your results. If it were me, I would
absolutely not undergo any radical therapy like radiation or chemotherapy. I would ingest large
doses of chlorella at every meal and pursue other anti-cancer strategies that have been proven
far more effective, such as taking graviola tincture, eating apricot kernels, consuming large quan-
tities of raw broccoli sprouts, eating as much garlic as I could stand, and so on. There are many
natural therapies that reverse cancer.
We have way too much cancer in the world, and the answer to many cancers is available right
now in the form of these remarkable water plants. It is time that we put natures gift to work in
healing diseases like cancer that are ravaging our population.
How Chlorella & Spirulina Boost Immune System Function
Chlorella and spirulina exhibit impressive immune stimulating and boosting properties. As with the
previously mentioned healing properties of these superfoods, their immune boosting powers are
likely due to a variety of nutritional factors. Lets examine these one at a time:
Gamma Linolenic Acid
GLA is not only known for regulating blood sugar and providing important nutrients to the brain;
it also exhibits immune-boosting properties. In fact, according to Dr. Hass, author of Staying
Health With Nutrition, GLA has been shown to be effective for the following health conditions:
Cardiovascular disease: anti-inflammatory effect; reducing platelet aggregation,
thereby reducing clotting; lowering blood pressure by decreasing vessel tone;
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
cholesterol-lowering effect.
Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders): anti-inflammatory
effect; immune support; correcting possible EFA and GLA deficiency.
Skin disorders (eczema, acne, dermatitis): anti-inflammatory effect; EFA functions;
immune support.
Allergies, asthma: anti-inflammatory effect; EFA function; immune support.
Multiple sclerosis: nerve conduction; correction of possible EFA and GLA deficiency;
immune support; decreased platelet aggregation; balancing prostaglandins.
Essentially, GLA helps support the immune system through a variety of mechanisms, and its
benefits go far beyond mere immune system function. In fact, nearly 200 clinical studies on the
health effects of GLA have been conducted, and they show stunning results for this beneficial
In the 1980s, GLA was studied more intensively than any other nutrient: About 200 clinical tri-
als took place in university hospitals and medical schools throughout the world. Dr. Horrobins
clinical studies have led him to believe that a lack of essential fatty acids could turn out to be
one of the most common defects in human biochemistry and a significant factor in many
diseases. Essential fatty acids are especially important in the function of nerve, muscle, and
immune systems, for when people lack the proper balance, the neurological, endocrine, and
immune systems are shown to be adversely affected.

GLA has proven to be effective in the treatment of many serious diseases. Double-blind, pla-
cebo-controlled studies for atopic eczema demonstrate that GLA improves skin conditions,
relieves itching, and reduces the amount of steroid medication required. In a large, placebo-
controlled trial at Bristol University in England, both adults and children showed substantial
improvements. In clinical trials for diabetes, GLA has reversed neurological damage and
lowered plasma cholesterol and triglycerides. [GLA] has also been shown to be beneficial in
the treatment of Sjogrens Syndrome.
- Innocent Casualties: The FDAs War Against Humanity by Elaine Feuer
It is important to point out, however, that many of the studies conducted on GLA used evening
primrose oil as their source for this essential fatty acid. Evening primrose oil offers a much higher
concentration of this isolated nutrient than spirulina, of course, since spirulina is a whole food
source containing a full spectrum of proteins, minerals, vitamins, oils, and other nutrients.
The Magic of Polysaccharides Found
in the Cell Wall of Chlorella
Chlorella has a unique cell wall structure that imparts additional immune-enhancing properties.
The chlorella cell wall is made of complex polysaccharides, which have been shown to stimulate
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
interferon production and exhibit strong anti-tumor activity. This was shown in a series of studies
conducted primarily in Japan over the last several decades.
Komiyama, K. et al An acidic polysaccharide Chlon A from Chlorella pyrenoidosa.
(Antitumor activity and immunological response.) Research at: The Kitasato Institute, Japan
Kojima, M. et al A Chlorella polysaccharide as a factor stimulating RES activity. Dept. of
Pathology, Fukushima Medical College, Fukushima City, Japan. Journal of the
Reticuloendothelial Society 14: pp 192-208,1973
Kojima, M. et al A new Chlorella polysaccharide and its accelerating effect on the phago-cytic
activity of the reticuloendothelial system. Paper delivered at: Symposium II: Phagocytic
Activity of RES, Dept. of Pathology, Fukushima Medical College, Fukushima City, Japan
White, R. and Barber, G. An acidic polysaccharide from the cell wall of Chlorella pyrenoidosa.
Research at: Dept. of Biochemistry, Ohio State Univ. 484 W. 12 Ave., Columbia, OH 43210
These studies showed that the outer wall of the chlorella cell also contains compounds that
protect the body from cancer-promoting mutations while enhancing overall immunity.
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)
Chlorella is, of course, the only source for CGF, which demonstrates yet more remarkable healing
Chlorella Growth Factor promotes normal growth but does not stimulate the growth of disease
processes such as tumors. Because its chlorophyll content is one of the highest of any food,
chlorella is useful for the many conditions which benefit from chlorophylls purification, renewal,
and anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment of viruses and fungi which sap energy, such as
candida-overgrowth, Epstein-Barr virus, chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome (CFIDS),
and AIDS, is advanced by the immune-enhancing qualities of CGF as well as the antiviral
effect of chlorophyll.
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Another immune-boosting substance found in chlorella is called chlorellan. It, too, has been clini-
cally shown to enhance immune system function:
Chlorella has been shown to improve immune function in people undergoing chemotherapy
and/or radiation therapy. Chlorella increases macrophage activity, activates both T-cells and B-
cells, and has shown antitumor effects. In addition, chlorellan, a substance found in chlorella,
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
stimulates interferon production.
- Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance
Theres yet another immune-boosting element thats unique to chlorella: nucleic acids, found in
RNA and DNA. These nucleic acids are critical for health and longevity:
The nucleic acid in the human body (RNA/DNA) is responsible for directing cellular renewal,
growth, and repair. The amount of nucleic acid in the body decreases with age; in fact, in-
sufficient nucleic acid causes premature aging as well as weakened immunity. Nucleic acid
is depleted by lack of exercise, stress, pollution, and poor diet. Replenishing RNA/DNA is
therefore important to every aspect of bodily health and longevity. Since chlorella has
a true nucleus, it is a more evolved organism than the other common green micro-algae and
therefore may offer superior-quality RNA/DNA. This particular aspect of its RNA/DNA, mea-
sured by the CGF, strengthens immunity by improving the activity of T- and B-cells, which
defend against viruses and other invading microorganisms, and macrophages, which destroy
cancer and cellular debris in general.28-31
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
When it comes to immune boosting function, both chlorella and spirulina are miracle-class foods. Yet chlo-
rella is clearly the more gifted of the two. For people who ask about boosting their immune system function,
I frequently recommend adding both chlorella and spirulina to their diet, with emphasis on the chlorella.
Chlorella & Spirulina for Cardiovascular Health & Heart Disease
The list of health benefits from micro-algae never ends, it seems. No organ or system in the human body
is isolated from the beneficial effects of these complete foods.Previously, I discussed the presence of my-
copolysaccharides in the cell wall of chlorella. Whats interesting is how the nutrients in this cell wall impact
cardiovascular health. You see, these nutrients are completely digestible, unlike the insoluble fibers found
in most vegetables and land plants. Chlorellas cell wall, although very tough, can be broken down into pro-
teins and complex sugars by the human body. Once that is complete, they work real magic:
Mucopolysaccharides (MPs) are credited with strengthening body tissues, especially the con-
nective tissues, while making them more elastic and resilient. They also are strongly anti-
inflammatory. All these attributes are most important for those who are very active physically
and for older people as well. Because of the high incidence of heart disease in the West, MPs
are sometimes used to reinforce the tissues of the heart and guard against artery deterio-
ration. They further protect the vascular system by lowering blood fat.
Chlorella contains a greater quantity of fatty acids than either spirulina or wild blue-green.
About 20% of these fatty acids are the artery-cleansing, omega-3, alpha-linolenic variety; per-
haps this is one reason chlorella has been shown to be so effective in reducing cholesterol in
the body and preventing atherosclerosis.
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
- Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
These are strong benefits for such a simple plant:
Improved elasticity of heart tissues.
Enhanced protection of the vascular system.
Reducing serum cholesterol.
Preventing atheroscleroris.
And yet, these are just a few of the many clinically researched health benefits demonstrated by
chlorella. Are you beginning to see just how miraculous this food really is? Theres probably not a
person on the planet who couldnt benefit from chlorella.
Chlorella & Spirulina for Heavy Metals Detoxification
Continuing with the remarkable properties of the chlorella cell wall, it turns out that the mucopoly-
saccharides also have another fascinating property: they bind with environmental toxins and carry
them safely out of the body.
What kind of environmental toxins?
Heavy metals like aluminum, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.
PCBs (polychlorobiphenyls)
Remarkably, there was considerable research conducted in Japan on the detoxifying effects of
chlorella in the decades following the United States dropping of nuclear bombs on Japanese civil-
ian populations:
Many reports have come from Japanese research studies that followed the nuclear catastro-
phe resulting from atomic bombs that were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in 1945. In a report to the General Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan on an early
study in animals, Ichimura (1973) reported that chlorella (8 grams daily) increased elimina-
tion of cadmium: threefold in feces and sevenfold in urine. Other researchers from Japan
showed that chlorella helped detoxify uranium and lead (Horikoshi et al. 1979). Chlorella has
detoxification potential for similar compounds, such as dioxin and polychlorinated biphe-
nyls. (PCBs are chemical compounds used in plastics, insulation, and flame retardants, with
potential to cause cancer and liver damage.) Other research indicates that chlorella is useful in
detoxification of high levels of mercury in the body caused by removal of mercury amalgam.
Some dentists recommend chlorella to patients who are having mercury amalgams replaced
(as well as to themselves and staff who can incur accidental exposure from day-to-day expo-
sure to amalgam filling procedures)
- Disease Prevention and Treatment, the Life Extension Foundation
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
It is well known that the build up of heavy metals in the body leads to disastrous health results
and some rather frightening diseases such as Alzheimers disease. And while chlorella is the
primary helper here, due to its cell wall structure, it appears that spirulina may also be a potent
Spirulina may help ADHD by removing aluminum, carbon tetrachloride, and other toxins from
the body (Torres-Duran et al. 1998; Vadiraja et al. 1998).
- Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance
Chlorella & Spirulina for Hypoglycemia & Diabetes
Spirulina is a natural, easily assimilated complete protein. Its natures highest source of chlo-
rophyll pigment, rich in such chelated minerals as iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, and magne-
sium, a fine source of vitamin A and B-complex vitamins, and it contains phenylalanine, which
acts on the brains appetite center to decrease hunger pangswhile also keeping your blood
sugar at the proper level.
- Earl Mindells Vitamin Bible
Both spirulina and chlorella demonstrate phenomenal benefits when it comes to controlling blood
sugar. This is relevant to both hypoglycemia and diabetes.
Whats responsible for these blood sugar regulating effects? These micro-algae contain a near-
perfect ratio of high-density proteins (twelve times more protein than beef, remember?) and com-
plex carbohydrates. Spirulina has the added benefit of providing GLA, which has also been shown
effective at controlling blood sugar levels and diabetes.
These proteins and carbohydrates provide a steady energy stream to the body without spiking
insulin secretion. As a result, they control cravings and many people use spirulina, especially, as
an appetite suppressant to help dissipate intense carbohydrate cravings.
Since much of the reason for carbohydrate cravings is founded in nutritional deficiencies in the
first place, chlorella and spirulina also work to reduce cravings by providing nutrients such as
magnesium that are typically missing in the body. When these nutrients are finally provided to a
body that has been craving them for a long period of time (years, usually), the appetite tends to
calm down.
See, when many people crave chocolate, they are simply misinterpreting signals from the body to
eat more magnesium. If they would simply get the magnesium they need in the first place, their
chocolate cravings would diminish substantially.
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Chlorella & Spirulina for Cleansing & Detoxifcation
If youre engaged in physically intense activities (strength training, cardiovascular training) or
heavy metabolic processes (high-protein dieting, chemotherapy, exposure to toxins), youll find the
chlorophyll of both chlorella and spirulina to offer tremendous support. This chlorophyll cleanses
the liver, kidneys and blood of toxins and metabolic impurities (such as excess uric acid).
When the liver and kidneys are working more smoothly, everything improves in the body.
This cleansing effect is especially important for people who follow any sort of low-carb diet (At-
kins diet, South Beach diet, etc.) since such diets are well known to place a heavy burden on
the liver and kidneys. (Eliminating excess ketones from the blood and body takes work.) As Ive
mentioned, I follow a low-carb diet myself, since I think refined carbohydrates have no place in
the diet of healthy human beings. But unlike most low-carb dieters, I also take plenty of chlorella
and spirulina to make sure my system gets the support it needs.
People who engage in substance abuse of any kind -- smoking, drinking, drugs, and so on -- have
a very strong need for chlorella and spirulina. Their habits place enormous stresses on their or-
gans (especially the liver), and if they dont do something to support and cleanse those organs,
they are undoubtedly headed towards some very undesirable results.
Chlorella and spirulina can help these people, but of course they cant counteract the overwhelm-
ing toxicity of smoking cigarettes, for example. A smoker who takes chlorella will be far healthier
than a smoker who doesnt, but a person who doesnt smoke at all will be far healthier still.
The cleansing effect of chlorella and spirulina isnt limited to only those who engage in substance
abuse. Thanks to environmental toxins, air pollution, water pollution and other contaminants, we
are all exposed to toxic substances, even if we avoid the worst habits like smoking. As a result,
we can all benefit from the cleansing and detoxifying effects of chlorella and spirulina.
Why Chlorella & Spirulina are Better Than Bulk Vitamins & Minerals
The only truly natural vitamins are those that come from foods. They are available in
nutritional supplements as highly nutritious, concentrated foods; powdered concentrates of
foods and herbs with the moisture removed; and an isolated component of a food. Sources
of these include ...wheat-grass juice, freshwater algae (blue-green algae, chlorella, spirulina),
sea vegetables such as kelp, enzymes, wheat-germ oil, and minerals from ancient sea, clay,
or vegetation beds.
- Home Safe Home by Debra Lynn Dadd
Ive eluded to this throughout this report, and it deserves repeating: vitamins simply cant compare
with these micro-algae when it comes to superior nutrition. For one thing, theres no such thing
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
as an isolated vitamin in nature. No Vitamin C fruits grow on trees, for example: all fruits have a
spectrum of vitamins and minerals. There are no Calcium leaves on vegetables. All vegetables
have an assortment of minerals and phytochemicals that work synergistically to support human
In nature, we find whole spectrum food sources that provide an abundance of synergistic
elements that work together in the human body in ways that no scientist can truly compre-
hend. Modern scientists havent even identified all of the phytochemicals found in chlorella and
spirulina, much less studied their combined effects in full detail.
This is why chlorella and spirulina are superior to isolated vitamins and minerals. In fact, when
you consume chlorella and spirulina on a daily basis, you can throw out your vitamins and
minerals. Theres simply no need to take isolated, individual vitamin and mineral supplements.
Many of them, especially the cheaper brands, are made from entirely unnatural sources in the
first place and are of questionable nutritional value. If you really want to consume vitamins the
way nature intended, youve got to eat them as they are found in nature, which means consuming
chlorella and spirulina on a regular basis.
Certainly, many vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and other plants are also outstanding sources of nutrition,
but even their nutritional density pales in comparison to chlorella and spirulina. In my dietary plan, I eat
vegetables primarily for fiber and bulk, not for nutrition (although many vegetables are, indeed, powerful
disease fighters). But when it comes to my nutritional needs, I count on superfoods exclusively.
You wont find any bottles of calcium or Vitamin C in my pantry: Ive long since thrown them out. Instead,
youll find row upon row of bottles and powder labeled chlorella and spirulina.
How to Take Chlorella & Spirulina
Lets talk about how much chlorella and spirulina you should actually take. The following figures
are based on an average 150-pound adult. Adjust proportionally to your own body weight.
Disease-fighting dose: 20 grams / day
Maintenance dose: 10 grams / day
Athlete dose: as much as 60 grams / day
Upper limit: there is no upper limit. You can eat spirulina like food.
If you eat too much, you will simply get full.
Disease-fighting dose: 10 grams / day
Maintenance dose: 5 grams / day
Upper limit: there is no upper limit, but introduce chlorella into your diet
gradually and monitor your stools. Since chlorella can result in mild diarrhea
in some persons, introduce it slowly. (Your body will adapt over a period of a f
ew weeks, allowing you to take more.)
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Once again, most people take far too little of these foods. Ive seen people take two tiny tablets of
chlorella -- about 300mg -- and declare theyve taken my chlorella for the day! Thats like eating
one bite of broccoli and expecting to receive the full health benefits of broccoli.
In order to be effective, youve got to take the much larger doses mentioned above. If you buy
chlorella in tiny tablets, as it is often sold, that means taking a handful of tablets with each meal.
Heres a tip: dont count out the tablets every single time. Count them once so you know what five
grams looks like. After that, just grab a handful and toss it down your throat. It doesnt matter if its
off by a few tablets. Remember: these arent drugs. You dont have to be exact about it, just make
sure youre getting at least the doses mentioned above.
Theres no harm in taking more, of course. Aside from the health benefits Ive described here, the
main thing youll notice is that your stools will turn green. This is an indication that youre getting
a good dose of chlorella and spirulina into your diet. If your stools arent green, you arent taking
The Cost of Chlorella & Spirulina
With these sort of doses, the monthly cost for taking chlorella and spirulina can be a bit steep, or
at least it appears so at first. But Id like to challenge that belief system for a minute: what is the
cost of getting cancer? Whats the cost of getting a major disease? Whats the cost of having low
energy, or clinical depression, or degenerative nerve disease?
An entire months supply of chlorella is less than a single days stay at any hospital. That makes
chlorella and spirulina the bargain of a lifetime in my book. Any substance that can extend my life,
avoid me having to see the doctor, and keep me out of the hospitals and away from prescription
drugs is a real bargain, no matter what the cost.
The trick, of course, is to look at the total cost of your actions. The cost of smoking cigarettes is
far more than what a person pays for the cigarettes. The total cost includes a loss of lifespan, sky-
high medical bills, and a lifetime of suffering from the ravaging health effects of cigarettes.
The cost of chlorella and spirulina, on the other hand, is only a few dollars a week. In exchange,
a person experiences greater health, greater mental clarity, longer lifespan, prevention of a long
list of diseases, and in many cases, even the reversal of major diseases. You cant put a price on
these benefits, but if you could, theres no doubt they would greatly outweigh the few dollars spent
on chlorella and spirulina.
Eating these superfoods, you see, is an investment, not an expense. Spend a few dollars today,
invest it in your own good health, and the payoff will last you a lifetime. Or at least for as long as
you keep eating these superfoods. And that leads me to the next section...
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Taking Chlorella & Spirulina For Life
Dont make the common mistake of thinking, Oh, Ill just take chlorella until I get over this cancer,
or, Ill just take spirulina for three months to get better and then Ill stop.
Chlorella and spirulina are superfoods that should be regularly consumed as part of your lifelong
diet. These are foods that should be permanently etched into your own personal food choices
menu. Plan on taking both of these superfoods at every meal for the rest of your life. Thats ex-
actly what I do, and I have every intention to continue doing it for as long as I live.
I cant imagine a day without chlorella and spirulina. Ive had days where I accidentally ran out of
spirulina, and it nearly ruined my day! Without this source of quality protein, I had to turn to other
sources like animal meat. The difference was striking: when consuming the animal meat, I had
less energy, I felt hungrier, and I was sluggish for the entire day. These days, I make sure I never
run out of spirulina!
Heres something to consider: if chlorella and spirulina help you conquer a major disease condi-
tion like cancer, then why on Earth would you stop taking them after the disease symptoms are no
longer obvious? With diseases like cancer, youre not out of the woods just from a disappearance
of tumors or other symptoms. Cancer is a systemic disease, and unless you continue giving your
body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, that cancer could very easily return. It is old dietary
habits that cause cancer in most people in the first place. If they return to those old habits, its only
reasonable to assume their cancer will return.
The bottom line: Put chlorella and spirulina at the top of your priorities list. Make a budget for it.
Youve got a house payment, perhaps, and a car payment, insurance payment and a grocery
budget. Add chlorella and spirulina to the top of this list and make them part of your budget. Just
decide that youre going to be healthier from now on, and to do that, youve got to get these sub-
stances into your diet. In the long run, youll probably save a fortune on prescription drugs and
medical costs anyway, which makes the chlorella and spirulina essentially free.
Frequently Asked Questions About Chlorella & Spirulina
How frequently should I take chlorella and spirulina?
With every meal, every single day. You do not need to cycle off these superfoods. You can eat
them every single day for the rest of your life.
For how many weeks or months should I take them?
Only take chlorella and spirulina for as long as you wish to be healthy. Plan on taking them for
at least one year in order to experience their full health benefits, since it may take time for these
superfoods to detoxify your system, remove heavy metals, support immune function, fight pre-
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
cancerous cells, improve digestion, regular blood sugar, and so on.
Im about to undergo chemotherapy. Should I stop my chemotherapy
and take chlorella instead?
The first thing you should do is educate yourself about chemotherapy. I highly recommend the
book, Questioning Chemotherapy by Ralph W. Moss, who used to work as a lead researched at
the National Institutes of Health. Ralph will give you the straight story on chemotherapy. Whether
you decide to undergo chemotherapy or avoid it, chlorella will improve your results. For me per-
sonally, I wouldnt touch chemotherapy. I think that in the years ahead, chemotherapy will be
looked upon as a barbaric approach to curing cancer. It utterly destroys your immune system,
for one thing. Having your hair fall out is not a sign that youre getting healthier. Read the book by
Ralph Moss to get more information. Certainly dont undergo chemo until you get the facts.
Will eating these superfoods turn my stools green?
Yes. Its totally normal. If your stools arent green, you probably arent eating enough.
Whats the best form for taking chlorella / spirulina supplements?
Many of the popular chlorella supplements are made into small compressed tablets. This form
is fine, but I personally prefer capsules, since they are easier to swallow and disintegrate more
quickly in the stomach. If you can handle the taste, using these micro-algae in powder form is
also a good way to increase your daily intake. You can blend them into drinks (soymilk + flax oil
+ banana + unsweetened cocoa powder + stevia + spirulina makes a highly nutritious drink), or
mix them into soups, cereals, or various recipes. Get creative, and get used to your food looking
green. Green is good.
Where do you recommend I purchase these supplements?
First off, remember that I dont sell these supplements, and I make no money from your purchase,
regardless of where you buy them. Ive purchased from many suppliers, and my favorites are
listed on the next page.
My Top Recommended Sources for Chlorella & Spirulina
Open Cell Wall Chlorella from Jenny Lee Naturals
450mg 500 capsules for $27.00 (4-pack price at time of printing)
Price per gram: 12 cents
Organic Hawaiian Spirulina from Jenny Lee Naturals
450mg 500 capsules for $27.00 (4-pack price at time of printing)
Superfoods for Optimum Health Chlorella and Spirulina
Price per gram: 12 cents
Jenny Lee Supergreens (16 oz. powder)
Chlorella, spirulina, soy protein, wheat grass, quinoa, etc.
Compares to The Ultimate Meal
16 oz. powder for $29.95 (at time of printing)
Kyoto Chlorella
200mg 1500 tabs for $35.99 (at time of printing)
Price per gram: 12 cents

Chlorella Yaeyama
200mg 600 tabs for $15 (at time of printing)
Price per gram: 12.5 cents
China Chlorella
500 mg 120 tablets for $13.30 (at time of printing)
Price per gram: 22 cents

Sun Chlorella
200mg 1500 tabs for $75.49 (at time of printing)
Price per gram: 25 cents
About the Author
The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) is a holistic nutritionist with over 5,000 hours
of study on nutrition, wellness, food toxicology and the true causes of disease
and health. He is the author of The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Grocery Warning, Health
Seduction, and many other books available at
Adams is also the creator of the popular Honest Food Guide, a free downloadable
nutritional guide found at In addition, more
than 1,500 free articles on health, nutrition and wellness have been authored by
Adams and are available at
Adams uses no prescription drugs whatsoever and relies exclusively on natural
health, whole foods, superfoods, nutritional supplements and exercise to achieve
optimum health. To prove the value of nutrition and physical exercise in enhancing
health, Adams publishes detailed statistics on his own blood chemistry (with full
lab results) at
Other books by the Health Ranger
The Honest Food Guide
The Honest Food Guide is now available for downloading free of charge and is:
Free from the corruption and influence of various food industries (dairy, beef, junk foods, etc.)
Designed to benefit you, not Big Business
Offers genuine nutritional information, not watered-down information designed to boost the sale of
milk, beef and grains
To download your free copy visit
The Seven Laws of Nutrition
Learn how to prevent chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes, and take
charge of your health by exploring the fundamental laws of nutrition. Discover how everyday foods
actually promote chronic disease and how you can take charge of you health outcome starting
For more information visit
Take Back Your Health Power!
Would you like to change your health outcome? Would you like to live the rest of your live in a pain-
free body, free from disease, full of energy, blessed with lucidity and vibrancy? Thousands of other
people are achieving this right now by applying the information revealed in this manual...
For more information visit

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