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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | | Volume 2, No. 4, August 2014

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health of Public School
Children of Batangas City

Jennifer U. Dotado-Maderazo, DDM, MAEd. And Jona Jocylen Viavian Beloso-delos Reyes, DDM
College of Dentistry, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City 4200, PHILIPPINES

Date Received: July 10, 2014; Date Published: August 15, 2014
Abstract - Dental caries among Filipino children ranked second worst among 21 World Health
Organization Western Pacific countries. A recent National Oral Health Survey showed that 97 percent of
Grade 1 students and 82 percent of Grade 2 students surveyed suffered from tooth decay. WHO( 2007) ,
urges governments to promote oral health in schools, aiming at developing healthy lifestyles and self care
practices in children. The study assessed the dental health education of public school children in Batangas
City to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices of the respondents on oral health; to determine the
significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and their assessment on the dental health
education and propose a program to improve the project. This study used a descriptive type of research and
distributed a standardized questionnaire to 279 public school children of Ilijan, Sta. Rita Kalsada and
Julian Pastor Memorial Elementary School. The participants were selected randomly. The findings of the
study showed that there is an observed significant to highly significant relationship between the school and
the assessment on oral health in terms of knowledge, attitude and practices. This means that their assessment
is affected by the school where they belong.

Keywords: dental health education, oral health, dental caries

Dental care starts from infancy to old age. Even
before the emergence of the first tooth, the attitude on
care for the oral cavity can highly affect a persons
future appearance and health.
According to American Academy of Pediatrics and
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children
should visit the dentist as early as one year old. Getting
preventive care early saves money in the long run,
according to report published by the Center for Disease
Control (CDC). The report found that costs for dental
care were nearly 40% lower over a five year period for
children who got dental care by age one compared to
those who didnt go to the dentist until later.
Dental caries among Filipino children ranked
second worst among 21 World Health Organization
(WHO) Western Pacific countries. A recent National
Oral Health Survey (Department of Education, Health
and Nutrition Center, 2008) showed that 97 percent of
Grade 1 students and 82 percent of Grade 2 students
surveyed suffered from tooth decay. The Grade 1 to 6
students had an average of 9/3 decayed teeth; 40 percent
/41 percent of the decayed teeth had progressed into
decay with pulpal involvement. The prevalence of
Grade 1 to 6 students with pulpally involved teeth was
85 percent and 56 percent respectively (Morse et. al,
A resolution on oral health from, WHO in 2007,
urges governments to promote oral health in schools,
aiming at developing healthy lifestyles and self care
practices in children.
Dental health education is defined as a process
that informs, motivates and help persons to adopt and
maintain healthy practices and lifestyles; advocates
environmental change as needed to facilitate this goal;
and conducts professional training and research to the
same end (Hiremath, 2007). The process should not
only focus on the children but parents involvement is
highly recommended for they are the ones who were
with them in their homes. Good knowledge alone will
not create a great impact but it is the start of behavioral
change to proper perspective. As cited in National
Education Association, involving parents according to
some researchers greatly affects behavioral change
among children (NEA, 2008).
In 2009, the College of Dentistry of Lyceum of the
University in Batangas City together with KEPCO
Philippines Corporation and First Gas Corporation, an
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
electric power plant located in Ilijan and Sta. Rita,
Batangas City, implemented a program on oral health
for public school children in the area. Public school
children from Ilijan, Sta. Rita and Julian Pastor
Elementary School were among the beneficiaries. The
program composed of toothbrushing drill, dental health
education for parents and children and pits and fissure
sealant. The college provided the manpower to
implement the program and the electric companies
provided the materials. This joint project were
consistently done every year for 6 years and assessment
for its effectiveness is recommended.
This study assessed the dental health education
program of the College of Dentistry of three public
elementary schools in Batangas City. The result would
be beneficial for its continuous improvement and
realignment in order to answer the needs of the public
school children today.

The study sought to assess the dental health
education process of public school children in Batangas
City. More specifically it aimed, to determine the
knowledge, attitude and practices of the respondents on
oral health; determine the significant difference among
the three participating schools on their assessment on
the dental health education and propose a program to
improve the project.

Dental health education to public school children
with the involvement of parents can be beneficial
because according to different researches parents prior
knowledge, attitude and practices can affect the oral
health status of the children. As cited in the following
studies: oral health has an important role in general well
being of individuals. Since oral health behaviors can
affect the oral health, attempting to construct good oral
health can affect the general health of the individuals.
Indeed, the adoption of good oral health habits in
childhood often takes place with parents especially with
mothers. Since parents are primary social force
influencing child development in the early childhood
years, it seems that interventions targeting parental oral
health beliefs and practices play beneficial roles in the
intervention of oral health problems such as dental
In a recent study on maternal influence to the dental
health status of school children, it was found that
maternal age, maternal education, location of residence,
maternal knowledge and attitudes were positively
correlated to the childs caries and oral hygiene status
(Abiola Adeniyi et. al, 2009). Parents anxiety and
dental avoidance were also found to be risk factor in
dental caries for five year old children (Wigen, 2009).
The study on the factors affecting dental fear in
French Children aged 5-12 years showed that for
children aged 5-12 years, prior experience of the dental
setting can act as a positive component of dental fear
(Nicolas et. al, 2010). According to American Academy
of Paediatrics and American Academy of Paediatric
Dentistry, children should visit the dentist as early as
one year old.
Parental attitudes toward childrens oral health were
significantly associated with their own oral health
behavior and understanding the importance of
development of oral hygiene skills in their children
(Vanagas et. al, 2009) and mothers oral health status is
a strong predictor of the oral health status of their
children. As evidenced by children of mothers who had
high levels of untreated caries were more times as likely
(odds ratio (OR), 3.5; 95 percent confidence interval
(CI), 2.0-6.2) to have higher level of caries experience (
treated or untreated dental caries) compared with
children whose mothers had no untreated caries. A
similar relationship was observed between mothers
loss and caries experience among their children. The
children of mothers with high levels of tooth loss were
more times as likely to have higher level of caries
experience compared with children of mothers with no
tooth loss; for mothers with moderate tooth loss, the OR
was 2.3 (95 percent CI, 1.5-3.5) (Dye, 2011).
According to Monse-Schneider (2008), although
knowledge has increased on the importance of brushing
teeth among youth, it did not change their behavior. A
change in the behavior to be made, supportive
environment and skills were needed. Further suggested,
school should use the Focusing Resources on the
Effective School Health (FLESH) approach, which
emphasized on four core values namely school policies,
water and sanitation, skill based health education and
effective school health services. In a project conducted
from the daily fluoride tooth brushing in schools in the
Philippines, there has been approximately 40 to 50
percent reduction in high risk population in two years.
Another study with 12 to 13 age group on the
effectiveness of dental health education, showed that
the reduction of plaque and gingival score reductions
were highly significant and were not influenced by
socio-economic status. In the evaluation of the oral
health knowledge, highly significant change were
recorded (Shenoy, 2010).
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
The same result were also noted in Bangalore city
with the significant improvement in the oral hygiene
knowledge and practices in the experimental group after
oral hygiene knowledge and practices in the
experimental group after dental health education on oral
hygiene practices, plaque control and gingival health
(DCruz & Aradhya, 2013).
In a study on the impact of school based oral health
education program on oral health of 12 and 15 years old
school children in Shimla city, the result showed that
the overall mean plaque score and gingival score
decreased significantly after oral health education
irrespective of gender. The authors further
recommended that coordinating efforts be enhanced
between personnel, parents and health professionals to
ensure the long term benefits of such program (Vinay et
al, 2013).
The above cited can be intervening factors on the
dental health education among parents and children
creating a positive knowledge, attitudes and practices
towards oral health.


Research Design
This study used a descriptive type of research to
assess the dental health program of LPU College of
Dentistry to public school children of Batangas city.

The participants of the study are public school
children of Ilijan, Sta. Rita Kalsada and Julian Pastor
Memorial Elementary Scholo of the school 2012-2013.
Out of the total population of 516, 279 were lifted using
5% margin of error. The participants were randomly
selected at random from different grade level.

The researchers used a standardized questionnaire.
All beneficiaries were requested to complete a
comprehensive questionnaire adopted from Peterson
(2000) and Stenberg (2000) .The questionnaire included
sixteen items designed to evaluate the knowledge,
attitudes, and behavior of young school children
regarding their oral health. Assessment of participants
oral health knowledge included items on the effects of
brushing on the tooth and gums. Assessment of
participants oral health practices included brushing
activity (such as frequency, duration, time, and brushing
aids) and dental visits (such as regularity, reason behind
the visit ,effect of pain and economics on dental
attendance, information on first visit, and sought
treatments). Items that assessed participants dental
attitudes included questions on fear from dental
treatment, feelings regarding the treatment, thoughts
about involvement in the dental treatment, opinions
about and attitudes towards the dentist and the dental
care, attitudes towards dental care and body care in
general, and attitudes towards regular dental visits.

Data Analysis
The data gathered were tallied, encoded and
interpreted using descriptive statistics. These include
frequency distribution, ranking and mean distribution
and eta-square. All data were analyzed by supporting
related studies that gave in depth presentation of results.

Table 1 shows the assessment of the knowledge
about oral health of the respondents.

Table 1. Respondents Knowledge about Dental
Health Education
Knowledge f %
What do you use for
cleaning your teeth?

a. Toothbrush and toothpaste 264 94.60
b. Mouthwash 10 3.60
c. Dental floss 2 0.70
d. Toothpicks 3 1.10
What does gum bleeding

a. Healthy gum 74 26.50
b. Gum recession 28 10.00
c. Inflammed gum 135 48.40
d. I do not know 42 15.10
How do you protect yourself
from gum bleeding?

a. Using toothbrush,
toothpaste and dental floss
170 60.90
b. Using Vitamin C 50 17.90
c. Using soft food 40 14.30
d. I do not know 19 6.80
What does plaque mean?
a. Soft debris on the teeth 62 22.20
b. Hard debris on the teeth 95 34.10
c. Staining of the teeth 102 36.60
d. I do not know 20 7.20
What does plaque lead to?
a. Inflammation of the gum 60 21.50
b. Dental caries 128 45.90
c. Staining of the teeth 72 25.80
d. I do not know 19 6.80
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
When respondents were asked What the use for
cleaning their teeth, toothbrush and toothpaste exhibits
the highest percentage of 94.60 while dental floss obtain
the lowest percentage of 0.70.
Although different cleaning devices have been used
in different cultures (e.g. chewing stick) the
conventional toothbrush is the instr ument of most
frequently used (Marya, 2011) as also reported
elsewhere ( Russel et al. 2001, Lin et al. 2001, Al-
Sadhan, 2003, Al-Ansari et al 2006) for the removal of
plaque and control of gingivitis (Cugini et. al., 2006).
However the use of dental floss was still unpopular
among the respondents. These findings were relatively
lower than Lian et. al., (2010) who obtained 11.5
percent with his study. Most of the respondents
inflamed gums perceived bleeding gums mean with
the percentage of 84.40. While least gum recession
with 10.00 percentage.
Gum inflammation is also called gingivitis,
clinically seen as red swollen gums that bleed easily.
Gingival bleeding is commonly used to evaluate the
status of oral health of children (Petersen, 2004) by
passing unwaxed dental floss interproximally, any
bleeding indicates the presence of gingivitis (Marya,
2011). Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that can
be usually reversed by proper toothbrushing and
flossing but if left untreated can progress to periodontal
disease. ( NIH, 2011)(Marya, 2011).As cited in study of
Sharma (2012), daily removal or disruption of dental
plaque, or biofilm, is important for improving gingival
health (Loe, 1965).
The question on How do you protect yourself
from gum bleeding?, The highest percentage of
responses protect themselves from gum bleeding when
asked how the respondents were by using toothbrush,
toothpaste and dental floss with 60.90. While the
lowest percentage responded they do not know with
As cited by Sharma, (2012), according to the
study of Axelson (1993) and Westfelt (1998) the
removal of plaque from the teeth and surrounding areas
is important in preventing the initiation and
proliferation of subgingival pathogenic bacteria and
gingivitis. Tooth brushing needs to be supplemented by
a device that can clean interdental and subgingival
areas. Traditionally, dental floss has been the most
recommended device for this purpose, but this
assumption was challenged by the systematic review of
Bercheir, (2008) which stated that dental floss did
not show benefit in improving gingival health.
On the question What does dental plaque mean?,
the respondents answered staining of the teeth with
the highest percentage of 36.60 followed by hard
debris of the teeth, 34.10 and soft debris of the
teeth, 22.20. The lowest number answered I dont
know, with 6.80 percentage.
Dental plaque is the soft, non-mineralized, bacterial
deposits which form on the teeth that are not adequately
cleaned. It accumulates on the teeth surfaces not
exposed to friction from cheeks, lips, tongue and food
and its composition varies in location Marya, 2011). It
is noteworthy that the composition of the dental plaque
biofilm is highly diverse between individuals and these
subtle differences may generate a unique fingerprint for
each individual (Diaz, 2006 & Filoche, 2010).
When children were asked What does plaque lead
to?, most of the respondents answered dental caries
with 45.90 percentage followed by staining of the
teeth and inflammation of the gums with the
percentage of 25.80 and 21.5 respectively. The least
percentage among the choices was I dont know with
Plaque is a sticky material made of bacteria, mucus,
and food debris that develops on the exposed parts of
the teeth. It is a major cause of tooth decay (A.D.A.M.
Medical Encyclopedia,2012).
Based on the answers of the respondents, it showed
that most of them chose the right answer as seen on the
percentage of the choice, Most of them had chosen
except for the question What does dental plaque
mean? in which they answered staining of the teeth.
Most of the children understand that the yellowish
staining on the teeth was dental plaque through visual
perception, but most of the respondents understand the
importance of tooth brush and toothpaste in the removal
of dental plaque that can lead to inflamed gingiva that
when left untreated would lead to dental caries.
The result implies that the respondents understand
the lectures presented by the faculty and students of the
community extension program but this result was
contrary to the study of Lian et al. (2010) in Kuching,
Sarawak and Al-Omiri et al. (2006) in Jordan done
among school children whose knowledge of oral disease
was still poor.
Sharing knowledge or informing people through
dental health education is important to provide them
with the scientific knowledge about the prevention of
disease and promotion of health. This creates an
awareness of health needs and help people do away
with the misconceptions and ignorance they may have
about health and disease (Marya, 2011).
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Table 2 presents the assessment on the attitude of
the respondents about dental health education. When
respondents were asked about their last visit to the
dentist, most of them did their last visit six months
ago with 40.1 percentage while the least percentage
was for last 6 to 12 years with 15.1 percent.

Table 2. Respondents Attitude about Dental Health
Attitude f %
Last time I visited your

a. Six months ago 112 40.1
b. Last 1-2 years 52 18.6
c. More than 5 years 73 26.2
d. Last 6 to 12 months 42 15.1
When I first visited the

a. I was scared and
82 29.4
b. Very slightly afraid 37 13.3
c. Slightly afraid 94 33.7
d. I was never afraid 66 23.7
When I first visited the

a. There was no dental pain 39 14.0
b. There was little pain 69 24.7
c. I felt nothing 53 19.0
d. There was enough time
for the treatment
84 30.1
e. There was severe dental
20 7.2
f. I was feeling not
14 5.0
If you do not visit or are
afraid of him/her, the
reasons are/is:

a. I was afraid of the
89 31.9
b. Treatment cost is high 36 12.9
c. There is no time 15 5.4
d. I am afraid sitting in the
waiting room
17 6.1
e. I am afraid of the dental
69 24.7
f. There are no dental clinic
22 7.9
g. There is no pain to go to
31 11.1
The result implied that the respondents had high
exposure to the dental services which could be due to
the community extension program extended by Lyceum
of the Philippines University wherein volunteer dentist-
faculty and students visit them yearly to implement the
program of the department with the continued support
of the sponsoring company which provided free medical
and dental mission. These dental services prompted the
high dental visit among respondents. However, the
percentage of the dental visit was lower in compared to
that of Canada where 676 second year used dental
services once every six months (Scotts,et al. 2002). The
studies of Carrillo-Diaz (2012) and Nicolas (2010)
showed that the children who sporadically visit their
dentist have higher levels of dental fear than those who
attend regularly.
When asked when was their first visit to their
dentist, most of the respondents were slightly afraid
scared and reluctant with 33.7 and 29.5 percent
respectively; the lowest response was very slightly
afraid with 13.3 percent.
Dental fear is an aversive state and is most likely
based on the biological imperative of the fight or
flight response to threatening stimuli or situations.
However, fear is not always extreme and can range
from feelings of vague apprehension or uneasiness all
the way to the circumscribed terror or panic (Armfield,
2010). Based on the testimonials in the studies of Gao
(2013) using youtube as a method in data collection,
some of the reasons associated to the development of
dental fear among children were personal experiences
(e.g. irregular dental visits, and influence of parents
and peers), dentist and dental auxiliaries (e.g. bad
manner, lack of clinical skills and improper work
ethics), dental settings (e.g. dental chair and sounds)
and dental procedures (e.g. injection, pain, discomfort
and aesthetic concern). Dental fear could manifest as
treatment avoidance and uncooperative behavior during
consultation (Skaret, 2007). Fearful children may delay
dental treatment resulting in the deterioration of their
oral health (Armfield, 2009) like untreated dental
caries, a worst periodontal condition and a higher
probability of missing teeth ( Gustasson et al., 2010;
Nicolas et al., 2010).
When asked about their experience visiting the
dentist, most of the respondents replied with There
was enough time for the treatment with 30.1 percent,
followed by There was little pain with 24.7 percent.
The least percentage among the responses was I was
not feeling comfortable with 5.0 percent.
The result implied that the dental health program
implemented by LPU to the respondents is a relaxing
and fun activity for the respondents.
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
When asked on the reasons for the respondents fear
on their visit to the dentist, being afraid on the
handpiece earned the highest responses of 31.9 percent
followed by fear of the dental needle with 24.7
percent and high treatment cost with 12.9 percent.
The least is having no time with 5.0 percent.
Childrens fear on the handpiece used by dentist
during tooth restoration could be associated with its
loud sound and the vibration that can be felt by the
respondents as sensitivity as well as pain (Gao, 2013).
Fear of injection like injection phobia and blood injury
phobia had been found associated to dental anxiety or
fear in the studies of Vika (2008). But contrary to the
study of Carriillo-Diaz et. al. (2012), there was no direct
connection between having fillings which uses dental
drill and tooth extraction which is associated to
injection to child dental fear.
Table 3 displays the assessment of the respondents
on the practices dental health.
Most of the respondents brush their teeth more than
twice a day with 67 percent followed by once a day.
The result implied that the dental health education
implemented by LPU College of Dentistry influenced
the positive attitude and practices of the respondents.
These findings were contrary to the study of
Padlan (2013) to the school children of Dagupan City in
which they reported that the respondents were not
brushing their teeth regularly due to low level of
knowledge and indigence. The results of the study of
Ogundale et. al. (2008) among Nigerian children and
Al-Omiri (2006) for Jordanian children were in
agreement with the present study.
When respondents were asked when do they brush
their teeth, the most frequent reply was in between
meals with 35 percent followed by every morning
with 29.40 percent and noon after lunch with 22.6
percent. This show that the tooth brushing drill
implemented by LPU dental students in the program
was effective in instilling to the minds of the children
the importance of good oral hygiene to overall health.
In other studies, educational interventions significantly
improved health practices (Lueveswanij 2000;
DCruzet. al. 2013; Shenoy et al., 2010 & Vinay et al.,
When asked on how long they brush their teeth,
most of the respondents replied one minute with 35.8
percent followed by two minutes with 26.5 percent
and less than one minute with 24.4 percent. This
implied that most of the respondents were not practicing
the two minutes rule for toothbrushing and parents
monitoring to the tooth brushing activity of the children
should be encouraged to guide children to practice
proper brushing.

Table 3. Respondents Practices about Dental
Practices f %
How often do you brush your teeth?
a. Less than once per day 26 9.30
b. Twice per day 23 8.20
c. Once per day 43 15.40
d. More than twice per day 187 67.00
When do you brush your teeth?
a. Morning 82 29.40
b. Before going to bed 35 12.50
c. Noon after lunch 63 22.60
d. in between meals 99 35.50
For how long do you brush your

a. Less than one minute 68 24.40
b. Two minutes 74 26.50
c. One minute 100 35.80
d. More than two minutes 37 13.30
How often do you visit your dentist?
a. Regularly every 6-12 months 99 35.50
b. When i have dental pain 118 42.30
c. Occasionally 37 13.30
d. I never visited a dentist 25 9.00
The treatment(s) I sought during
my last visit to the dentist was/

a. Check my teeth 127 45.60
b. Have scaling 33 11.80
c. Treat my gums 30 10.80
d. Have crown/ bridge 15 5.40
e. Tooth extraction 59 21.10
f. Take X-ray 1 0.40
g. Have fluoride on my teeth 2 0.70
h. Have filling 1 0.40
i. Have orthodontic treatment 11 3.90
The reason for my last visit to the
dentist was:

a. Dental pain 185 66.30
b. A dentist advised 56 20.10
c. Family and friends' advice 23 8.20
My parents:
a. Watch me while brushing the teeth
b. Do not watch but advise me
c. Never cared
d. Only my mother watches me
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
This finding is opposing to the study of Al-Omiri (2006) regarding the practices of school children
in North Jordan as well as in the study of Padlan (2013)
wherein mothers reported not practicing tooth
brushing in Dagupan City.
Also, when asked on how often do they visit the
dentist, most of the respondents replied during dental
pain with 42.3 percent followed by regularly every 6-
12 months with 35.5 percent. Dental fear has been
reported in a lot studies (Gao et. al. 2013; Vika et. al.
2008; Carrillo-Diaz et. al. 2012 and Al-Omir et. al.
2004) in both children and adult population, and lack of
parental encouragement leads to irregular dental visit.
The treatment last sought from the dentist by the
respondents was dental check with 45.6 percent
followed by tooth extraction with 21.1 percent. This
means that LPU community extension program has
been successful in creating awareness to the
respondents on the importance of dental check up. Early
detection of oral diseases has a good prognosis to
recovery or prevention from degradation. But this
finding was opposite to the study of Carneiro et. al.
(2011) which confirmed that dental check was not
practiced by the children of Tanga, Tanzania.
The respondents reason for their last visit to the
dentist was dental pain with 66.3 percent followed by
dentist advice with 20.1 percent. Dental pain was more
often associated with dental caries implying lack of
encouragement among parents to seek dental treatment
that maybe due low level of knowledge on oral care and
high cost of the treatment. These findings were in
agreement with the findings of Al-Omiri (2004)
wherein the perception and knowledge of parents
significantly affects the frequency of and reason for
dental visit.
When asked if their parents watch them when they
brush their teeth, most of the respondents replied
watch me while brushing the teeth with 29.4 percent,
followed by never cared with 26.5 percent and only
my mother watches me with 26.2 percent. The results
implied that parents monitoring was very important for
the respondents compliance to oral hygiene as maternal
educational level was associated with better oral
hygiene (Smyth et. al., 2007; Vanagas, 2009; Abiola,
As seen from the result, a significant difference
between the school and assessment on oral health in
terms of knowledge, since the obtained chi-square
values were greater than the tabular value and the
resulted p-values were less than 0.05 level of
significance, thus the null hypothesis of no significant
relationship between the school and the assessment on
oral health in terms of knowledge was rejected. This
means that their assessment is affected by the school
where they belong.

Table 4. Difference among the Three Participating
Schools Assessment on Oral Health in terms of

What do you use
for cleaning your
20.904 0.002 Significant
What does gum
bleeding mean?
18.094 0.006 Significant
How do you
protect yourself
from gum
11.598 0.072 Not Significant
What does plaque
33.780 0.000 Significant
What does plaque
lead to?
13.848 0.031 Significant
Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.05

The significant difference in the assessment of oral
health knowledge among the schools was attributed to
the terms of implementation of oral health education
and program practices in the school setting as well as
the support given by the sponsoring company to the
school regarding oral health.
The studies of Ogundaele (2008) and Lian (2010)
reported the same results among secondary school
students from two different countries.
Table 5 reveals the difference among the three
Participating Schools Assessment on Oral Health in the
terms of Attitude.

Table 5. Difference among the Three Participating Schools
Assessment on Oral Health in the terms of Attitude


p-value Interpretation
My parents 15.463 0.017 Significant
Last time I visited
your dentist
34.707 0.000
When I first
visited the dentist
28.930 0.000
When I first
visited the dentist
73.071 0.000
If you do not visit
or are afraid of
him/her, the
reasons are/is
28.345 0.005 Significant
Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.05
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
As seen from Table 5, there is an observed
significant difference among the three participating
school and assessment on oral health in terms of
attitude, since the obtained chi-square values were
greater than the tabular value and the resulted p-values
were less than 0.05 level of significance, thus the null
hypothesis of no significant relationship between the
school and the assessment on oral health in terms of
knowledge was rejected. This means that their
assessment is affected by the school where they belong.
The significant difference in the assessment of oral
health attitude among the schools was attributed to the
terms of implementation of oral health education and
program practices in the school setting as well as the
support given by the sponsoring company to the school
regarding oral health.
The studies of Ogundale (2008) and Lian (2010)
reported the same results among secondary school
students from two different countries.

Table 6. Difference among the Three Participating
Schools Assessment on Oral Health in terms of


How often do you
brush your teeth?
14.919 0.021 Significant
When do you
brush your teeth?
37.618 0.000
For how long do
you brush your
27.534 0.000
How often do you
visit your dentist?
23.161 0.003 Significant
The treatment(s) I
sought during my
last visit to the
dentist was/ were
62.625 0.000
The reason for my
last visit to the
dentist was
9.168 0.164
Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.05
As seen from the result, there is an observed
significant difference among the schools and
assessment on oral health in terms of practices, since
the obtained chi-square values were greater than the
tabular value and the resulted p-values were less than
0.05 level of significance, thus the null hypothesis of no
significant relationship between the school and the
assessment on oral health in terms of knowledge was
rejected. This means that their assessment is affected by
the school where they belong. The significant
difference in the assessment of oral health practices
among the schools were attributed to the terms of
implementation of oral health education and program
practices in the school setting as well as the support
given by the sponsoring company to the school
regarding oral health.
The studies of Ogundale (2008) and Lian (2010)
reported the same results among secondary school
students from two different countries.
Prevention of oral diseases requires the
respondents to be adequately informed about the causal
factors, and studies suggest that a high proportion of the
population including many people most immediately
relevant for preventive measures of this type namely
parents, teachers and health care personnel have limited
understanding of how to prevent oral diseases (Kwan,
In 1995, the World Health Organizations (WHO)
Global School Health Initiative sought to mobilize and
strengthen health promotion activities at the local,
regional and global levels to improve the health of
students, school personnel, families, and other members
of the community through schools. One of the
recommendations was to properly value the teachers
and school staff and to provide them with the necessary
support to enable them to promote health.
The capacity building program spearheaded by
Department of Community Dentistry of the University
of the Philippines Manila College of Dentistry (UPCD)
in partnership with Manila Doctors Hospital delivered a
session of lectures to the teachers of Justo Lukban
Elementary school. Favorable feedback was given by
the participants and common suggestions of the
attendees on the activity include having longer lecture
sessions, to organize similar activities for the parents of
the school children and to duplicate the program in
other public schools (Mendoza 2013).

The respondents from the three different public
schools in Batangas city have a high level of
knowledge, attitudes and practices attributed to the
linkages provided by the LPU College of Dentistry,
First Gas Corporation and KEPCO. There is a
significant to highly significant relationship among the
schools and the respondents assessment to oral health
with regards to knowledge, attitude and practices
attributed to the oral health education and program
practices in the schools setting as well as the support
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 4| August 2014
Dotado-Maderazo, J. U. & Beloso-delos Reyes, J.J.V. , Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Oral Health
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
given by the sponsoring company to the school
regarding oral health.
Continued linkages among industries maybe
implemented in order to cater other public schools to
undergo the same program by the College of Dentistry.
The empowerment of teachers and parents regarding
oral health by conducting lectures on personal health by
the volunteer faculties of the department. And LPU may
implement the proposed action plan of oral health to
public school children.

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