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Cohort 2 Lesson 5

Reviewing Co-operative learning

Lesson Design
Change- Reflection
you must learn to fail intelligently. Failing is
one of the greatest arts in the world. One fails
forward towards success.
Thomas Edison
Co-operative learning
TPS what are Johnsons five basic elements of
effective Group Work PIGS FACE
5 Elements of Cooperative Learning
1. Positive Interdependence

2. Individual & Group Accountability

3. Group and Teacher Processing

4. Social and CollaborativeSkills

5. Face-to-Face Interaction

1.Individual Accountability
Each student is responsible for their own learning
2. Face to Face Interaction
Groups of 2 4 and facing each other
Rearrange the room if necessary!
3. Collaborative Skills (skills embedded into the group work process
that may need to be taught overtly)
Social skills
Communication skills
Critical thinking skills
4. Processing
The need to reflect and assess on the groups effort academically
and socially
Needed for development over time
5. Positive Interdependence
Students are supportive of each others learning
Needs to be taught
Johnson identifies 9 ways to encourage this
Johnsons 9 Positive Interdependencies:
. Goal: Role Motivation etc
Which is the most important?
Ranking ladder
Value corners
What are the key components
in any lesson regardless of
grade, subject, and time?
Anticipatory Set or Mental Set
Sharing the Objective and Purpose
Input/Information to be learned
Checking for Understanding
Practice - Guided and Independent
Components of Lesson Design
Remember that you will have an
objective in your head that has the
ultimate clarity and the clear
connection to the learning outcome.

You will also have an objective that you
will share with students in their
language. (so they understand)
Note on objectives AND purpose
before we start
Lesson Design - Geometry - 2D and 3D shapes
Objective (for teacher): Students will develop an
understanding of 2D and 3D shapes by first completing
a Concept Attainment data set alone and with partners
and then by finally summarizing their thinking in a
Venn Diagram.
Objective (for students): Students will describe the
difference between 3d and 2d shapes. We are going to
use Concept Attainment to see if you can guess the
shapes and then use Venn Diagrams to really prove you
understand these two types of shapes.
A)Students will demonstrate an understanding
of two dimensional shapes by explaining 2D
shapes in their own words and providing
B)Students will learn all about shapes by
completing a lesson on shapes
A)By comparing and contrasting four types of
motion and creating a Venn Diagram of those
four types of motion, students will prove they
understand those types of motion.

Objectives: YES/NO
B)Students will be introduced to Haiku poetry
by having the teacher read examples of Haiku
A)Students will demonstrate an understanding
of two dimensional shapes by explaining 2D
shapes in their own words and providing
B)Students will learn all about shapes by
completing a lesson on shapes

Objectives: YES/NO 2
you must learn to fail intelligently. Failing is
one of the greatest arts in the world. One fails
forward towards success.
Thomas Edison
Plan a lesson objective using Bloom and link to
questions and methodology and how students
will demonstrate learning

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