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TRACEY WHITE, individually, and as
the next best friend of W.D., a minor,
THOMAS JACKSON, individually, and in )
his official capacity as City of Ferguson, )
Missouri Chief of Police )
JON BELMAR, individually, and in his
official capacity as St. Louis County,
Missouri Chief of Police,
JUSTIN COSMA, individually, and in
his official capacity as a City of
Ferguson Police Officer,
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JOHN DOE, police officers of the City
OfFerguso1i and St. Louis County
Police Departments whose identities are
unknown to Plaintiffs at this time,
(False Arrest; Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress;
Negligent Supervision; Assault and Battery; 42 U.S.C. 1983)
I. This is a civil action seeking damages against Thomas Jackson, who is the City of
Ferguson Police Chief; Jon Belmar, who is the St. Louis County Chief of Police; Justin Cosma,
who is a City of Ferguson Police Officer; the John Doe police officers of the City of Ferguson
Police Department and/or the St. Louis County Police Department whose identities are unknown
to Plaintiffs at this time; St. Louis County, Missouri; and the City of Ferguson, Missouri
(collectively, "Defendants") for committing acts, under color of law, which deprived Plaintiffs of
rights secured under the Constitution and laws of the United States and the state of Missouri;
and, for refusing or failing to prevent such deprivations and denials to Plaintiffs. Plaintiffs
allege, among other things, that Defendants intentionally, negligently and/or recklessly caused
Plaintiffs to be subjected to unnecessary and unwarranted force, arrests that were not based upon
probable cause, and other violations of their constitutional rights. This action seeks both
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compensatory and punitive damages against the defendants for the intentional acts of
wrongdoing and negligence under state law.
2. This action is brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1988 and the Fourth
Amendment to the United States Constitution. This Court has jurisdiction over this action under
42 U.S.C. 1983, 28 U.S.C. 1343 and 28 U.S.C. 133 l. Plaintiffs further invoke the
supplemental jurisdiction of this Court to hear and decide claims arising under state law,
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1367.
3. At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff Tracey White was a resident of the state of
Missouri and a citizen of the United States. She is also the mother ofW.D., a minor.
4. At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff De Wayne Anton Matthews, Jr., was a
resident of the state of Missouri and a citizen of the United States.
5. At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff Damon Coleman was a resident of the state
of Missouri and a citizen of the United States.
6. At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff Theophilus Green was a resident of the state
of Missouri and a citizen of the United States.
7. At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff Kerry White was a resident of the State of
Missouri and a citizen of the United States.
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8. At all times relevant herein, Defendant Thomas Jackson was the ll
J' , Pi iGTy
Chief of Police and acted under color of the laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies,
customs, and usages of the City of Ferguson, Missouri; and, the City of Ferguson Police
Department; and, pursuant to his authority as the Chief of Police.
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9. At all times relevant herein, Defendant Jon Belmar was the St. Louis County
Chief of Police and acted under color of the laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies,
customs, and usages of St. Louis County, Missouri; and, the St. Louis County Police
Department; and, pursuant to his authority as the Chief of Police.
10. At all times relevant herein, Defendant Justin Cosma was a City of Ferguson
Police Officer and acted under color of the laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies,
customs, and usages of the City of Ferguson, Missouri; and, the City of Ferguson Police
Department; and, pursuant to his authority as a police officer.
11. At all times relevant herein, Defendant St. Louis County was located in the state
of Missouri and maintained a police department which operates under, and administers, a set of
law enforcement policies, practices and customs involving the hiring, training and supervision of
its officers. These policies, practices and customs include training in the use of force and on-the-
street encounters with civilians as well as the basis for an arrest. St. Louis County is liable
directly and vicariously.
12. At all times relevant herein, Defendant City of Ferguson was a municipal
corporation and maintained a police department which operates under, and administers, a set of
law enforcement policies, practices and customs involving the hiring, training and supervision of
its officers. These policies, practices and customs include training in the use of force and on-the-
street encounters with civilians as well as the basis for an arrest. The City of Ferguson is liable
directly and vicariously.
13. At all times relevant herein, Defendant John Doe police officers, whose identities
are unknown to Plaintiffs at this time, are believed to have been St. Louis County or City of
Ferguson Police Department officers acting within the scope of their employment and under
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color of the laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies, customs, and usages of the City of
Ferguson, Missouri and the City of Ferguson Police Department; or, St. Louis County, Missouri
and the St. Louis County Police Department; as the case may be, pursuant to their authority as
police officers.
14. On August 9, 2014, Darren Wilson of the City of Ferguson Police Department
and Michael Brown, Jr., a teenaged African American, encountered one another. A violent
confrontation ensued, and Michael Brown, Jr., who was unarmed, was shot to death by Darren
Wilson, who is Caucasian.
15. Although the fact that an unarmed African American was shot and killed by a
Caucasian police officer is not an unusual event in the United States, the Michael Brown, Jr.
shooting was somewhat unique in that it occurred between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. in the
afternoon, and there were several independent eyewitnesses. As a result of the number of
eyewitnesses, technology and the internet, the circumstances surrounding the death of Michael
Brown, Jr. went viral and millions of people became aware of it.
16. The community in Ferguson was particularly outraged by what appeared to be an
excessive use of force in the Michael Brown, Jr. shooting. The unarmed Michael Brown, Jr. was
shot multiple times by Officer Wilson.
17. A public outcry about the shooting death of Michael Brown, Jr. by Officer Wilson
turned into protests, which subsequently led to civil unrest in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri
when Defendants took up arms and, in militaristic displays of force and weaponry, engaged U.S.
Citizens as if they were war combatants.
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18. In doing so during the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendants used wanton and
excessive force, under color oflaw, which deprived Plaintiffs ofrights secured under the
Constitution and laws of the United States and state law.
19. Plaintiffs were all victims of the atrocities committed by Defendants during the
period of August 11-13, 2014.
20. Plaintiffs Tracey White and her son adopt and incorporate by reference
paragraphs 1-19 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
21. On August 13, 2014, Plaintiffs Tracey White and her minor son attended a Peace
and Love rally that was sponsored by her AME Church group in Ferguson. After the rally was
over, she and her son walked to the McDonald's Restaurant located on W. Florissant, where they
purchased some drinks and food.
22. While in the restaurant waiting for her husband to come and get her and her son,
Plaintiff White conversed with some of the patrons and otherwise acted normally. Shortly
thereafter, Plaintiff White's son went to the restroom and she went back up to the counter to
purchase a sundae. Just as she did that, several Defendant John Doe police officers and
Defendant Cosma, in what appeared to be army uniforms, carrying rifles and sticks and wearing
helmets, approached the door and ordered Plaintiff White to "get out." Plaintiff White was
terrified and tried to tell Defendant John Doe police officers and Defendant Cosma that her son
was in the restroom, and that she was there waiting for her husband to pick them up.
23. After her son exited the restroom, Plaintiff White observed him being accosted by
Defendant John Doe police officers and Defendant Cosma. When she expressed her concern,
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she was told to "shut up." When Plaintiff White continued to express her concerns about the
way her son was being mistreated, she was advised that she was being arrested because she
would not "shut up." Plaintiff White was then thrown to the ground and handcuffed. During the
process of being arrested, Plaintiff White realized that she had her son's iPad in her hand and
summoned him over to retrieve the item. When he did, Defendant John Doe police officers and
Defendant Cosma, placed the minor under arrest as well, for no reason at all.
24. Plaintiff White and her minor son were then transported to the St. Louis County
Police Department offices in Clayton, Missouri, where they were fingerprinted, photographed,
held for more than five (5) hours and told that they had been arrested on the unfounded charge of
"failure to disperse."
25. Defendant Cosma wrongfully and unlawfully arrested and detained and/or
assisted in the arrest and detention of the Plaintiffs on the unfounded charge of "failure to
disperse", even though he knew that no probable cause or any other basis for the charge existed.
26. As a direct proximate result of the false arrest of Plaintiffs by Defendant Cosma
and the other Defendants, Plaintiff White and her minor son suffered discomfort, distress and
loss of liberty; and have suffered, and will continue to suffer, mental anguish, humiliation and
embarrassment from the indignity and disgrace of being falsely arrested, taken into custody, and
otherwise grossly mistreated.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Tracey White and her son demand judgment against
Defendants, jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, punitive damages against
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Defendant Cosma, and other Defendants, in the amount of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)
plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent allowed by law.
27. Plaintiff White further alleges that Defendant Cosma and Defendant John Doe
police officers, with deliberate indifference and reckless disregard for the rights of Plaintiff
White and her son and with pure malice, did subject Plaintiff White to the humiliation of being
thrown to the ground and being arrested in front of her minor son and the added humiliation of
seeing her son taken into custody, and treated as if he were a criminal. Defendants City of
Ferguson and County of St. Louis Police Departments, with full knowledge of the
inappropriateness of these actions have taken no action against any officer involved in the
blatantly unfounded arrest of Plaintiff Tracey White and her minor son and have, therefore,
acquiesced in and/or condoned the unlawful acts of Defendant Cosma and other Defendants
against Plaintiff.
28. As a direct and proximate result of the actions of Defendants, Plaintiffs suffered
discomfort, distress and loss of libe11y; and has suffered, and will continue to suffer,
psychological harm and mental anguish including fright, shame, mortification, humiliation and
embarrassment from the indignity and disgrace of being unlawfully anestcd, taken into custody,
and otherwise grossly mistreated.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment against Defendants, jointly and severally, in
the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in
compensatory damages, punitive damages against Defendant Cosma in the amount of one
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Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent allowed by
29. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendant Cosma and Defendant John
Doe police officers were acting under the direction and control, and pnrsuant to the rules,
regulations, policies and procedures, of Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County.
30. Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County acted negligently, carelessly
and recklessly by failing to properly train, supervise, control, direct and monitor Defendant
Cosma and Defendant John Doe police officers.
31. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson and St. Louis County, Plaintiff White and her minor son were wrongfully and
unlawfully, arrested, detained and humiliated. As a result, Plaintiff White and her son have
suffered physical assault, embarrassment, and mental anguish.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demands judgment against Defendants City of Ferguson and
St. Louis County, jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's
fees to the extent allowed by law.
32. Defendant Cosma and Defendant John Doe police officers, without proper
grounds, willfully assaulted and handcuffed Plaintiff White and her minor son without just cause
or basis.
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33. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants' willful, malicious and intentional
conduct, Plaintiff White and her minor son suffered bodily injuries when they were taken to the
ground to be handcuffed.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against the Defendants, jointly and severally,
in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in
compensatory damages, punitive damages against Defendant Cosma in the amount of one
Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent allowed by
34. Plaintiff White further alleges that Defendant Cosma and Defendant John Doe
police officers, with deliberate indifference to and reckless disregard for the safety and well-
being of her and her minor son and in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, did
on August 13, 2014 deprived Plaintiff White and her son of their Constitutional rights by
assaulting them and then placing them under unlawful arrest, or failed to prevent the arrest and
detention, when they had the opportunity to do so.
35. The arrest and detention were and are in violation of Plaintiffs' right to be free
from unreasonable seizure secured by the Fourth Amendments to the United States Constitution
and protected under 42U.S.C.1983.
36. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants' arrest and detention of Plaintiffs
as set forth herein, Plaintiffs have suffered severe emotional anguish.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment against Defendant Cosma and Defendant
John Doe police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and fair amount of One Million Dollars
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($1,000,000.00) in compensatory and punitive damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to
the extent allowed by law.
37. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendants that were responsible for
the arrest of Plaintiff White and her minor son were acting under the direction and control, and
pursuant to the practices and customs of Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County and
implemented by Defendants Belmar and Thomas.
38. Defendants acted negligently, carelessly, recklessly and with deliberate
indifference to Plaintiffs by failing to properly train, supervise, control, direct, monitor and
discipline Defendant officers from their respective departments who were patrolling the streets of
Ferguson, Missouri during the period of August 11-13, 2014.
39. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson, St. Louis County, Belmar and Thomas, Plaintiff White and her minor son were
unlawfully arrested, seized and otherwise deprived of their rights under the Fourth Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffa demand judgment against Defendants, jointly and severally, in
the full and just amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,00.00), plus punitive damages to the
extent allowed by law, attorney's fees, interest, and costs.
40. Plaintiff Dewayne A. Matthews, Jr. adopts and incorporates by reference
paragraphs 1-19 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
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41. On August 13, 2014, which was a Wednesday night, Plaintiff Matthews was on
his way to his mother's house who lives near W. Florissant and Kappel in Ferguson, Missouri.
42. Because of the civil disturbances that had taken place, he was simply going to her
house to visit her and make sure she was alright.
43. Plaintiff Matthews took public transportation to his mother's house. When he got
off the 61 Chambers bus, he noticed that the street was blocked off so we proceeded to the corner
ofW. Florissant and Highmont.
44. At the above location, Plaintiff Matthews was confronted by approximately eight
(8) Defendant John Doe police officers in military type unifonns who had their weapons trained
upon him. Plaintiff immediately put his hands in the air whereupon he was shot multiple times
with rubber bullets.
45. At that point, Plaintiff Matthews fell into a creek or sewer. Defendant John Doe
officers pounced on him, slammed his face into the concrete, and pushed his head underwater to
the point that he felt he was going to be drowned. Afterward, Defendant John Doe police
officers continued to assault him and spray him with O.C. spray.
46. Plaintiff Matthews was arrested for allegedly "failing to disperse" even though he
had not been involved in any protests of any kind and was only in the neighborhood to check on
his mother.
47. Plaintiff Matthews was transpmted to Christian Hospital Northwest for treatment
for the injuries he sustained at the hands of Defendant John Doe police officers. Despite the fact
that Plaintiff Matthews was allegedly placed nnder arrest for committing a crime, Plaintiff
Matthews was never taken to a police station and was released from the hospital the next day.
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48. Plaintiff Matthews was wrongfully and unlawfully arrested and detained by
Defendant John Doe police officers on the unfounded charge of "failure to disperse" even though
no probable cause or any other basis for the charge existed and even though Plaintiff Matthews
was not in any way involved in any protests.
49. As a direct proximate result of his false arrest, Plaintiff Matthews suffered
discomfort, distress and loss of liberty; and has suffered, and will continue to suffer, mental
anguish, humiliation and embarrassment from the indignity and disgrace of being falsely
arrested, taken into custody, and otherwise grossly mistreated.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Matthews demands judgment against Defendant John Doe
police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, punitive damages against
Defendant John Doe police officers in the amount of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus
interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent allowed by law.
50. Plaintiff Matthews further alleges that Defendant John Doe police officers with
deliberate indifference and reckless disregard for his rights and with pure malice, subjected him
to vicious acts of violence for no lawful reason. Defendants City of Ferguson and County of St.
Louis, with full knowledge of the brutal, vicious and gratuitous acts of violence in which its
officers were engaging took no action against any officer involved in the blatantly unlawful
assault, battery and arrest Plaintiff Matthews and have, therefore, acquiesced in and/or condoned
the unlawful acts of the Defendant John Doe officers.
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51. As a direct and proximate result of the actions of Defendants, Plaintiff Matthews
suffered discomfort, distress and loss of liberty; and has suffered, and will continue to suffer,
psychological harm and mental anguish including fright, shame, mortification, humiliation and
embarrassment from the indignity and disgrace of being unlawfully arrested, savagely beaten for
no reason, taken into custody, and otherwise grossly mistreated.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Matthews demands judgment against Defendant John Doe
police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars($ l,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount
of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent
allowed by law.
52. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers
were acting under the direction and control, and pursuant to the rules, regulations, policies and
procedures of Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County.
53. Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County acted negligently, carelessly
and recklessly by failing to properly train, supervise, control, direct and monitor Defendant John
Doe police officers.
54. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson and St. Louis County, Plaintiff Matthews was wrongfully and unlawfully, arrested,
detained and shot with tubber bullets and savagely beaten. As a result, he suffered severe bodily
injuries, pain and suffering, mental anguish, embarrassment, and emotional distress.
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WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Matthews demands judgment against Defendants City of
Ferguson and St. Louis County in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's
fees to the extent allowed by law.
55. On August 13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers, without proper grounds,
willfully subjected the Plaintiff Matthews to cruel and unwarranted physical violence in the form
of a beating, near drowning and being shot numerous times with rubber bullets without just cause
or basis.
56. As a direct and proximate result of the conduct of the Defendant John Doe police
officers, Plaintiff Matthews suffered severe bodily injuries, emotional distress, mental anguish
and pain and suffering.
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff Matthews demands judgment against Defendants, jointly
and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, and punitive damages against Defendant John Doe
police officers in the amount of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and
attorney's fees to the extent allowed by law.
57. Plaintiff Matthews further alleges that Defendant John Doe police officers, with
deliberate indifference to and reckless disregard for his safety and well-being in violation of the
Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, did on August 13, 2014 deprive Plaintiff Matthews of his
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Constitutional rights by assaulting him and then placing him under unlawful arrest, or failed to
prevent the arrest and detention, when they had the opportunity to do so.
58. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant John Doe police officers' assault,
battery, arrest and detention of Plaintiff Matthews as set forth herein, Plaintiff Matthews has
suffered severe injuries and emotional anguish.
59. On August 13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers used wanton and
excessive force, under color of state law, which deprived Plaintiff Matthews of rights secured
under the Constitution and laws of the United States.
60. As a direct and proximate result of the actions of Defendant John Doe police
officers, Plaintiff Matthews was subjected to an illegal seizure by Defendant John Doe police
officers from the City of Ferguson and St. Louis County, acting outside the parameters oflaw
and decency.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Matthews demands judgment against Defendants John Doe
police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and fair amount of One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) in compensatory and punitive damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to
the extent allowed by law.
61. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers
responsible for the arrest and beating of Plaintiff Matthews were acting under the direction and
control, and pursuant to the practices and customs of Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis
County and implemented by Defendants Belmar and Thomas.
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62. Defendants City of Ferguson, St. Louis County, Belmar and Thomas acted
negligently, carelessly, recklessly and with deliberate indifference to the safety of Plaintiff
Matthews by failing to properly train, supervise, control, direct, monitor and discipline the
officers from their respective departments who were patrolling the streets of Ferguson, Missouri
during the period of August 11-13, 2014.
63. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson, St. Louis County, Belmar and Plaintiff Matthews was unlawfully arrested, seized,
beaten, shot with rubber bullets and otherwise deprived of his civil rights
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendants, jointly and severally, in
the full and just amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,00.00), plus punitive damages to the
extent allowed by law, attorney's fees, interest, and costs.
64. Plaintiff Kerry White adopts and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1-19 of
this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
65. On Tuesday, August 12, 2014, Plaintiff White was in the City of Ferguson,
shooting photographic footage of the protests in Ferguson. He initially parked at Chambers and
West Florissant, with two of his friends in the vehicle.
66. As Plaintiff White was shooting footage, he observed Defendant John Doe police
officers begin proceeding down Chambers, shooting tear gas and ordering people to leave the
area. Plaintiff White left the lot, went south on Chambers and then made a right on Lorrna.
Plaintiff White continued to shoot footage from his vehicle. Defendant John Doc police otlicers
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subsequently came onto Lorma and when Plaintiff White tried to get out of their path, he was
blocked in by a military-like tactical vehicle.
67. At this point, the Plaintiff White was seriously afraid for his life. He held his
camera out of his car window in an attempt to let Defendant John Doe police officers know that
he was simply photographing the protests.
68. Defendant John Doe police officer snatched Plaintiff White's camera from his
hand, took out his memory card and threw it to the ground. Plaintiff White and his passengers
were then taken from his vehicle by several Defendant John Doe police officers from the St.
Louis County Police Department, handcuffed, placed in a police wagon and transported to the
Clayton Justice Center. Once there, they were booked on the unfounded charge of "failure to
disburse" even though no basis at all existed for that charge.
69. Plaintiff Kerry White was wrongfully and unlawfully arrested and detained by
Defendant John Doe police officers on the unfounded charge of "failure to disperse" even though
it was clear that no probable cause or any other basis for the charge existed.
70. As a direct proximate result of his false arrest by Defendant John Doe police
officers, Plaintiff White suffered discomfort, distress and loss of liberty; and has suffered, and
will continue to suffer, mental anguish, humiliation and embarrassment from the indignity and
disgrace of being falsely arrested, taken into custody, and otherwise grossly mistreated.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Kerry White demands judgment against Defendant John Doe
police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, punitive damages against
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Defendant John Doe officers in the amount of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest,
costs and attorney's fees to the extent allowed by law.
71. During the period of August l l-13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers
were acting under the direction and control, and pursuant to the rules, regulations, policies and
procedures, of Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County.
72. Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County acted negligently, carelessly
and recklessly by failing to properly train, supervise, control, direct and monitor Defendant John
Doe police officers during the period of August 11-13, 2014.
73. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson and St. Louis County, Plaintiff White was wrongfully and unlawfully, arrested,
detained and humiliated. As a result, he was caused to suffer mental anguish, embarrassment,
and emotional distress.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff White demands judgment against Defendants City of Ferguson
and St. Louis County in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($ l ,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent
allowed by law.
74. Defendant John Doe police officers, without proper grounds, willfully assaulted,
battered and handcuffed Plaintiff Kerry White without just cause or basis.
75. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant John Doe police officers' willful,
malicious and intentional actions, Plaintiff White suffered bodily injuries while being unlawfully
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arrested, taken to the ground and handcuffed.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff White demands judgment against Defendants, jointly and
severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, punitive damages against Defendant John Doe
police officers in the amount of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and
attorney's fees to the extent allowed by law.
76. Plaintiff Kerry White further alleges that Defendant John Doe police officers,
with deliberate indifference to and reckless disregard for his safety and well-being and in
violation of the Fourth Amendment, did on August 12, 2014, commit or allowed to be committed
acts which deprived him of his constitutional right to be free from an unreasonable seizure.
77. As a direct and proximate result of the actions of Defendant John Doe police
officers, Kerry White was subjected to an illegal seizure by t Defendant John Doe police officers,
who were acting outside the parameters of law and decency.
78. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers
used wanton and excessive force, under color of state law, which deprived Plaintiff of rights
secured under the Constitution and laws of the United States.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff White demands judgment against the Defendant John Doe
police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and fair amount of One Million Dollars
($1,000.000.00) in compensatory and punitive damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to
the extent allowed by law.
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79. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers
responsible for the arrest of Plaintiff Kerry White were acting under the direction and control,
and pursuant to the practices and customs of Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County
and implemented by Defendants Belmar and Thomas.
80. Defendant John Doe police officers acted negligently, carelessly, recklessly and
with deliberate indifference to the safety of Plaintiff White by failing to properly train, supervise,
control, direct, monitor and discipline the officers from their respective departments who were
patrolling the streets of Ferguson, Missouri During the period of August 11-13, 2014.
81. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson, St. Louis County, Belmar and Plaintiff Thomas Kerry White was unlawfully arrested,
seized and otherwise deprived of his civil rights.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff White demands judgment against Defendants, jointly and
severally, in the full and just amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,00.00), plus punitive
damages to the extent allowed by law, attorney's fees, interest, and costs.
82. Plaintiffs Damon Coleman and Theophilus Green adopt and incorporate by
reference paragraphs 1-19 as if fully set forth herein.
83. On August 11, 2014, at approximately 8:00 p.m., Plaintiffs Coleman and Green
were engaging in a peaceful protest, with several others, regarding the shooting death of Michael
Brown, Jr. on West Florissant near the Quick Trip convenience store.
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84. At or around the same date and time, a number of St. Louis County police officers
began to arrive on the scene. Shortly thereatler, a military type truck pulled up with more St.
Louis County police ot1icers in full riot gear.
85. At that point, other St. Louis County police officers began to put on riot gear and
arm themselves with militaristic type automatic weapons. Upon seeing these officers appear to
be preparing to engage in combat, the protesters turned to them and began to chant "hands up
don't shoot" with their arms raised in the air.
86. In response, Defendant John Doe police officers, who appeared to be seeking a
confrontation, began to spread out and take what appeared to be tactical positions behind the
non-violent protesters. At about the same time, two military tank-like vehicles began to
approach the group from the front with police officers on and next to the vehicles. Defendant
John Doe police officers then began shooting tear gas into the group of protestors causing the
group to scatter.
87. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green were recording these events. Plaintiffs Coleman
and Green were then spotted and Defendant John Doe police officers began shooting at them.
Plaintiffs Coleman and Green raised their hands but the police continued to fire tear gas and what
appeared to be stun grenades in their direction.
88. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green were repeatedly shot with rubber bullets as the
police continued to fire as Plaintiffs Coleman and Green got on their knees and presented no
89. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green were subsequently placed under arrest on the
unfounded charge of "failure to disperse." While arresting Plaintiffs Coleman and Green,
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Defendant John Doe police officers from the St. Louis County Police Department hurled racial
epithets at them, while punching and kicking them the entire time.
90. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green were eventually taken to the Clayton Justice Center
where they were ridiculed and placed in small cells. Plaintiffs Green and Coleman were held for
more than 12 hours.
91. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green wrongfully and unlawfully arrested and detained on
the unfounded charge of "failure to disperse" even though it was clear that no probable cause or
any other basis for the charge existed.
92. As a direct proximate result of the false arrest of Plaintiffs Coleman and Green by
Defendant John Doe police officers from the St. Louis County Police Department, Plaintiffs
Coleman and Green suffered discomfort. distress and loss of liberty; and have suffered, and will
continue to suffer, mental anguish, humiliation and embarrassment from the indignity and
disgrace of being falsely arrested, taken into custody, and otherwise grossly mistreated.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green demand judgment against Defendant John
Doc police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, and punitive damages in
the amount of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the
extent allowed by law.
93. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green further allege that Defendant John Doe police
officers from the St. Louis County Police Department, with deliberate indifference and reckless
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disregard for Plaintiffs' rights, and with pure malice, did falsely arrest, beat, ridicule and shoot
them with rubber bullets simply for the sport of it.
94. Defendants City of Ferguson and County of St. Louis with full knowledge of the
falsification of police reports by their officers as well as their acts of misconduct and use of
excessive force took no action against any officer involved in the unlawful arrest of Plaintiffs
Coleman and Green and have, therefore, acquiesced in and/or condoned the unlawful acts of
Defendant John Doe police officers.
95. As a direct and proximate result of the actions of Defendants, Plaintiffs suffered
discomfort, distress and loss of liberty; and have suffered, and will continue to suffer,
psychological harm and mental anguish including fright, shame, mortification, humiliation and
embarrassment from the indignity and disgrace of being unlawfully arrested, taken into custody,
and otherwise grossly deprived of their civil rights and mistreated
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green demand judgment against Defendants,
jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, punitive damages against Defendant John Doe
police officers from the St. Louis County Police Department in the amount of one Million
Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent allowed by law.
96. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, the Defendant John Doe police officers
were acting under the direction and control, and pursuant to the rules, regulations, policies and
procedures, of Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County.
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97. Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County acted negligently, carelessly
and recklessly by failing to properly train, supervise, control, direct and monitor Defendant John
Doe police officers deployed onto the streets of Ferguson, Missouri During the period of August
11-13, 2014.
98. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson and St. Louis County, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green were wrongfully and unlawfully,
arrested, detained, beaten, shot with rubber bullets and humiliated. As a result, Plaintiffs
Coleman and Green have suffered physical injury, pain and suffering, mental anguish,
embarrassment, and mental distress.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green demand judgment against the City of
Ferguson and St. Louis County in the full and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's
fees to the extent allowed by law.
99. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green, without proper grounds, were shot with rubber
bullets and beaten about their bodies by Defendant John Doe police officers even though
Plaintiffs Coleman and Green posed no threat to Defendant John Doe police officers or anyone
100. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant John Doe police officers willful,
malicious and intentional actions, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green suffered serious injury to
significant areas of their bodies, as well a pain and suffering, mental anguish, emotional distress
and humiliation.
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WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green demand judgment against Defendants,
jointly and severally, in the foll and just amount of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,500,000.00), in compensatory damages, punitive damages in the amount of one Million
Dollars ($1,000,000.00) plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to the extent allowed by law.
10 I. Plaintiffs Coleman and Green further allege that Defendant John Doe police
officers, with deliberate indifference to and reckless disregard for their safety and well-being son
and in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and protected under
42 U.S.C. 1983, did on August 11, 2014, commit or allowed to be committed acts which
deprived both of them their Constitutional right to be free from an unreasonable seizure and
excessive force.
102. As a direct and proximate result of the actions of Defendant John Doc police
officers, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green were subjected to an illegal seizure and the excessive use
of force by the completely out of control police officers, acting outside the parameters of law and
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green demand judgment against Defendant John
Doe police officers, jointly and severally, in the full and fair amount of One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) in compensatory and punitive damages, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees to
the extent allowed by law.
103. During the period of August 11-13, 2014, Defendant John Doe police officers
responsible for the unlawful arrest, beating and mistreatment of Plaintiffs Coleman and Green
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were acting under the direction and control, and pursuant to the practices and customs of
Defendants City of Ferguson and St. Louis County and implemented by Defendants Belmar and
104. Defendants acted negligently, carelessly, recklessly and with deliberate
indifference to the safety of Plaintiffs Coleman and Green by failing to properly train, supervise,
control, direct, monitor and discipline Defendant John Doe police officers from their respective
departments who were patrolling the streets of Ferguson, Missouri During the period of August
11-13, 2014.
105. As a direct and proximate result of the acts and omissions of Defendants City of
Ferguson, St. Louis County, Belmar and Thomas, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green were unlawfully
arrested, seized and otherwise mistreated.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs Coleman and Green demand judgment against Defendants,
jointly and severally, in the full and just amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,08.oo), plus {);.--
punitive damages to the extent allowed by law, attorney's fees, interest, and costs.
This 28'" Day of August 2014,
[Signatures of counsel on next page]
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Respectfully submitted,
Gregory L. Lattimer, Esq. {pro hac pending)
1200 G Street, N.W.
Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20005
Tel. (202) 434-4513
Fax: (202) 248-4478
[email protected]
Malik Z. Shabazz, Esq. {pro ha
1200 G Street, N.W.
Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20005
Tel: (202) 434-4528
Fax: (202) 248-4478
[email protected]
Reginald A. Greene, Esq. {pro hac pending)
One Georgia Center, Suite 605
600 West Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Tel. (404) 574-4308
Fax: (404) 574-4308
[email protected]
Counsel for the Plaintiffs
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