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AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod
AN/AAQ -14 Targeting Pod

Operations Guide
F-16C/D Block 50/52

This guide was written for the Superpak 3 Series of Falcon 4.0 Using a realistic
HOTAS setup

Produced by
Wayne Black Cat Timmins
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OG-LANTIRN 24/6/2002
Table of Contents

The LANTIRN System..4
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod Mechanisation....5
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod Power On .6
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod FLIR...6
FOV Alignment...7
FLIR MFD Pages....7
FOV and Pitch Functions8
FLIR and NVGs...10
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod FLIR Limitations......11
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod Terrain Following Radar..12
TFR Display..13
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod TFR Operation..14
AP Override Paddle...14
TFR Fly Ups..15
TFR Disconnect.....15
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Mechanisation.....16
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Power On....17
TGP MFD Page.18
TGP Cooling.18
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Display Symbols....19
RALT Information....19
TGP Orientation....19
Laser Armed Indicator...19
Pointing Cross...19
Countdown to Impact Timer.19
FOV Indicator...19
Current Station Selected Indicator19
Master Arm/Laser Arm.....19
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Operation........20
Ground Radar Cursors......20
TGP Ground Stabilisation.....20
Slewing the TGP Display.....20
TGP as SOI...20
NARO FOV Box...21
AREA Indicator....21
Passive Range Display.21
TGP SP.........22
TGP CZ.....22
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Expanding the FOV....23
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Designate....24
Tracking Box.24
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Weapon Release.25
Countdown to Impact Timer.25
Auto Lasing...25
Manual Lasing...25
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Laser firing indicator.25
Active Laser Range Finder25
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Accuracy.27
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Limitations.28
Blind Zones...28
LGB Delivery Considerations...28
Common Acronyms used in this document.32


Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night, or LANTIRN, is a system
for use on the Air Force's premier fighter aircraft -- the F-15E Eagle and F-16C/D
Fighting Falcon, as well as the Navy's F-14 Tomcat. LANTIRN significantly
increases the combat effectiveness of these aircraft, allowing them to fly at low
altitudes, at night and under-the-weather to attack ground targets with a variety of
precision-guided and unguided weapons.
The research and development program, initially conceived as a capabilities upgrade
program for the F-16, began in September 1980 with Martin Marietta (now Lockheed
Martin) as contractor. Two years later, in 1983, the program was already suspended
and reshaped to reduce the technical risks involved with the development of the
advanced technology, most notably the Automatic Target Recognizer (ATR) sub-
system. The ATR was meant to automatically discriminate between various battlefield
targets such as MBT's, SAM's and APC's. Eventually it was decided not to
incorporate this functionality from the start of the program on, but instead to add it
under a later retrofit program. Ultimately, the ATR never made it into LANTIRN.
Flight trials with the LANTIRN wide-angle HUD began in the summer of 1982. By
that time congressional support for the program had all but vanished and the House
Armed Services Committee warned that it had seriously considered recommending
denial of all 1983 authorization of funding'. Flight testing, using dummy pods (equal
to the real pods as far as weight, shape and mass distribution are concerned) started in
September 1982. The pods were instrumented so that accurate measurement of
vibration and flutter could be performed.
One year after tests with the HUD started, in the summer of 1983, flight tests with
fully functional pods started with two F-16B and two A-10A aircraft. By the winter of
1984, LANTIRN had completed operational tests in adverse weather conditions
during combined Development, Test and Evaluation (DT&E) and Initial Operational
Test & Evaluation (IOT&E) deployments in Europe.
Congressional support declined further when Congress stipulated that, before a
production decision could be taken (expected in 1985), LANTIRN had to be tested in
competition with the FLIR-pod Ford Aerospace had developed for the F/A-18. The
USAF was prohibited to order LANTIRN into production before the testing was done
with. By that time, LANTIRN had become a key component of other programs such
as the F-15E dual-role fighter program, and as such was no longer regarded as a sub-
system of the F-16 but as a program in its own. This in turn led to huge cost overruns,
since development costs of LANTIRN could no longer be billed on the F-16 program.
In real terms, cost overruns amounted only to some 10%. Ultimately, LANTIRN was
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chosen for the F-16C/D and F-15E and has recently been fitted to US Navy F-14
aircraft as well.
The Air Force could finally approve low-rate initial production of the navigation pod
in March 1985 and full-rate production in November 1986. The first production pod
was delivered to the Air Force March 31, 1987. The initial contract was for 561
navigation and 506 targeting pods and it had a $2.9 value. The complete LANTIRN
system adds about $4 million to the cost of the aircraft which is a real bargain for
turning day into night.
In April 1986, IOT&E of the LANTIRN targeting pod proved that a low-altitude,
night, under-the-weather, precision attack mission was feasible. The Air Force
approved low-rate initial production in June 1986. Introduction of the LANTIRN
revolutionized night warfare by denying enemy forces the sanctuary of darkness.

The LANTIRN system comprises
two pods; one AN/AAQ
Navigation Pod ("To Fly"), and one
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod ("To
Fight"). The pods were conceived
in a way that allows them to
operate autonomously, so either
pod can be used without the other
should the need arise. The pods
communicate with aircraft systems
through a standard 1553B data-bus.

The F-16 carries the LANTIRN pods on its chin stations: the AN/AAQ-13 Navigation
Pod on the port station (5L) and the AN/AAQ-13 Targeting Pod on the starboard
station (5R). The weight of the pods necessitated strengthening of the internal
structure of the F-16 and of the undercarriage. The reinforced landing gear resulted in
bulges on the landing gear door, to accommodate the larger tires, and a relocation of
the landing gear lights to the edge of the landing gear doors.

5L 5R
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AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod Mechanisation

The AN/AAQ-13 navigation pod
provides high-speed penetration and
precision attack on tactical targets at
night and in adverse weather. The
navigation pod also contains a terrain-
following radar and a fixed infrared
sensor, which provides a visual cue and
input to the aircraft's flight control
system, enabling it to maintain a
preselected altitude above the terrain
and avoid obstacles. This sensor
displays an infrared image of the terrain
in front of the aircraft, to the pilot, on a
head-up display. The navigation pod
enables the pilot to fly along the general contour of the terrain at high speed, using
mountains, valleys and the cover of darkness to avoid detection. The pod houses the
first wide-field, forward-looking infrared navigation system for Air Force air-
superiority fighters.

The main sub-systems of the navigation pod are a Texas Instruments Ku-band terrain-
following radar (AN/APN-237A), a wide field-of-view (WFOV) forward-looking
infra-red sensor, and the necessary computers and power supplies.
The FLIR has a 28 degrees field-of-view in azimuth and 21 degrees in elevation. The
resulting images are superimposed on the outside scenery by projecting them on the
HUD. The image is grainy, but the sense of depth is good enough to fly by in total
darkness or the smoke of a battlefield. Rain, fog, or smoke however, degrade the
performance of the system, since infra-red energy is greatly absorbed by aerosols or
water vapour.

The AN/AAQ navigation Pod (although not fully implemented within SP3)
greatly enhances the aircrafts all weather low-level capability, here is a guide
on its use and limitations.

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AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod Power On
Firstly the Navigation Pod which houses the FLIR is mounted on the right
fuselage hard point and requires powering up before use, by means of the
left/right hard point power on/off switches figure 1.

Fig 1
Appling power to the Navigation Pod isnt entirely necessary as this isnt
correctly modelled within SP3, it will work even if it isnt activated.
Realistically the Pod requires power so that the environmental unit contained
inside the unit can lower/raise the temperature to operating conditions to
enable the FLIR to differentiate between hot and cold.
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod FLIR
It is important to note that its position on the fuselage being below that of the
pilot provides a FOV, which is below that generally seen by the pilot. See
figure 2. And thus the image imposed upon the HUD may require some
alignment so that it corresponds with the image of the outside world as seen by
the pilot.
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Fig 2
Accessing the FLIR page on a MFD will enable you to align the FLIR image
with your FOV.

Fig 2a Fig 2b
The Page shown above, figure 2a, is the main menu page; here you will be
able to access the FLIR, OSB 16. The FLIR page, figure 2b, is showing the
FLIR off, it needs to be activated (shift-H) before any alignment can be made.
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Now you be able to see the FLIR image gathered from the Pod superimposed
over the HUD and the FLIR page on the MFD will now display some options,
which will allow you to bring into line the Pods FOV with that of yours as
seen through the HUD.

The Dec Fov OSB 20 & Exp Fov
OSB 6 commands will allow you to
expand (magnify) or decrease the
image displayed. The Dec Pitch OSB
19 & Inc Pitch OSB 7 will move the
FOV either up or down in the HUD,
these are of most use when alignment
is necessary. The corresponding
values for these adjustments are also
displayed on this page. Using this
function you can reposition the FOV
of the Pod to view below and to the
front of the aircraft see figure 3. This
can be useful; allowing you to scan
for hot targets whilst maintaining level flight, even at high altitude, as the
image can be expanded considerably. Using the keystrokes for theses OSB
commands you could program a rotary on the HOTAS to pitch up and down,
or to snapshot from forward view to a view 30 nose down and back again.
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Fig 3
Now that we have aligned the Image displayed by the Navigation Pod with
that of ours lets look at some of its uses and limitations. FLIR is mainly used
to facilitate the pilot so that he/she can see directly to the front of the aircraft at
night and has partial use under conditions of poor visibility; it can be used in
conjunction with NVGs to enhance the all weather capability by allowing the
recognition of hot targets at night or when visibility is reduced.
Figure 4 is an image using the FLIR at night; here columns of vehicles made
hot by their engines and exhausts are clearly visible displayed as Black Hot
i.e. the hot areas are shown as dark or black regions.
Compare this to figure 5, which is the same representation this time using only
NVGs. Now the vehicles become much harder to spot using this night vision
equipment alone which is only engineered to enhance available light. Both the
FLIR and NVGs are compatible and can be used simultaneously.

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Fig 4

Fig 5

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AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod FLIR Limitations
FLIR has limited use during periods of low visibility and poor weather as
cloud and other weather conditions can disrupt the IR picture, also man made
obscurants such as smoke, fire and decoys can prevent the use of FLIR.
Figures 6 & 7.

Fig 6

Fig 7

In this case it would be necessary to descend below the weather or cloud base
in order to distinguish hot targets, figure 8.
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Fig 8
AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod Terrain Following Radar
The TFR uses advanced signal processing to provide a wide azimuth coverage, which
in turn allows more violent manoeuvring of the carrier aircraft. This is because the
system can provide directional inputs to the pilot or the flight control computer,
whereas older systems only provided pitch-up commands.
The TFR system is linked directly to the F-16's autopilot. The system uses airspeed,
aircraft angle of attack, radar altimeter altitude, and data from its own signal return to
ensure that the aircraft flies at the proper altitude.
The TFR significantly enhances the aircraft's chances to survive on the modern
battlefield, since it not only allows the pilot to automatically avoid the terrain but also
enables to evade air defence systems by manoeuvring in the horizontal plane. The
radar can be linked directly to the F-16's autopilot to automatically maintain a preset
altitude down to 100 feet while flying over virtually any kind of terrain. It has five
modes five modes: Normal, Weather, ECCM, Low Probability of Intercept (LPI), and
Very Low Clearance (VLC).

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Figure 9 shows the main menu
page; from here you are able to
access the TFR display, OSB 17.

Fig 9
Figure 10 shows the TFR display.
The Terrain Following Radar is
displayed, controlled and set up
from this page.

Fig 10
OSB 1 STBY Current mode
OSB 4 OFF Toggle ON/OFF to enable or disable the TFR
OSB 5 CHN 1 Set current radar channel (N/I)
OSB 6 1000 Set 1000ft Terrain clearance
OSB 7 500 Set 500ft Terrain clearance
OSB 8 300 Set 300ft Terrain clearance
OSB 9 200 Set 200ft Terrain clearance
OSB 10 VLC Set Very Low Clearance
OSB 16 ECCM Emission Control Mode (N/I)
OSB 17 WX Weather Mode Settings (N/I)
OSB 18 STBY Select standby mode
OSB 19 LPI Low probability of intercept mode
OSB 20 NORM Selects Normal Mode

See Appendix B OSB locations
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AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod TFR Operation

To activate the TFR after first accessing the TFR page on a MFD first select the
desired ground clearance using the OSBs, which correspond to 1000,500,300, and
200ft VLC is used over extremely flat land or over sea.
Next decide on the ride type, OSB2, SOFT/MED/HARD, this determines how many
Gs the autopilot is allowed to pull when following the terrain, with respect to how
strongly the aircraft the will pitch up and down when the TFR is active. After that
select, either NORM, OSB 20 or LPI, OSB 19, dependent
on the tactical situation. Setting LPI will ensure that the
TFR will scan forward of the aircraft and less often, where
as NORM will result in the TFR operating in its standard
mode with the TFR scanning equally to all sectors.
All that then remains is to toggle the TFR to ON OSB 4.
The autopilot will engage (green autopilot ACTIVE
indicator to confirm autopilot operating), the aircraft will
pitch nose down, the degree of pitch will vary dependent
upon altitude and ride type selected. This action is called
the Let Down

At this point the pilot should remain hands on the controls in the event of a TFR
failure, or that the TFR should pitch too aggressively down with a high airspeed from
which the aircraft is unable to recover. The TFR can be overridden at any point during
flight by use of the AP Override paddle on the HOTAS (see Appendix C). Whilst this
is held in the pilot has control but on release the TFR will recommence terrain
avoidance on the current heading at the chosen altitude.

Fig 11
The image displayed (figure 11) will be similar to that projected onto the HUD by the
FLIR and is to be closely monitored, particularly at night in case of TFR failure.
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Fly ups will occur when the TFR detects a breach in the parameters set in order to
maintain the desired ground clearance. When this happens FLY UP will be displayed
on both the HUD and MFD and the autopilot should command a pitch up demand.
Figure 12. The TFR will function regardless of the position of the HDG SEL and ATT
HOLD switches which control the other functions of the autopilot i.e. the upon
activation of the TFR the autopilot will continue on the aircrafts present heading and
is not dependent on the position of the HDG SEL switch. To physically change the
heading of the aircraft the pilot must regain control by way of the AP Override paddle
or disconnecting the TFR before turning to the new heading.

Fig 12

To disconnect the TFR toggle to OFF, OSB 4, regain control and gain altitude
especially if extremely low-level flight has been undertaken.

It is important to remember that when the RF Switch is set the
SILENT all radar emissions will be silenced, no radar, RALT or
TFR. The system will indicate a TF failure and generate a TF
FAIL light and WARN indication. Should this happen during TFR
operation the TFR will disconnect and you will have to regain
control to maintain level flight.

As well as the fault and warning lights, you will also see an
indication to show that the autopilot has disengaged in the way of
the default amber STBY light.

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AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Mechanisation

The AN/AAQ-14 targeting pod
contains a high-resolution,
forward-looking infrared sensor
(which displays an infrared
image of the target to the pilot), a
laser designator-rangefinder for
precise delivery of laser-guided
munitions. The designator is a
four-digit PRF-coded laser that
can designate for its own
weapons or for other acquisition
devices or munitions. Main sub-
systems of the targeting pod are another FLIR and a laser designator/rangefinder.
Both are housed in the movable nose section of the AN/AAQ-14, and are stabilized
by a stabilization system which compensates for aircraft movement and vibration. The
FLIR that is installed in a two-axis turret operates in two modes: a wide field-of-view
(6x6 degrees) for target acquisition or a narrow one (1.7x1.7 degrees) for zooming in.
These features simplify the functions of target
detection, recognition and attack and permit
pilots of single-seat fighters to attack targets
with precision-guided weapons on a single
When LANTIRN is not in operation, the
turret or tracking head assembly is turned
inwards so that the sensors are not exposed to
the elements.

Rotating Tracking Head
Air Inlet
Laser Optics
FLIR Optics
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The AN/AAQ 14 Targeting Pod is now almost correctly modelled within
SP3 and provides a greatly enhanced precision strike capability, here is a
guide on its use and functions.
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Power On
The Targeting Pod or TGP is mounted on the left fuselage and requires
powering up before use; by means of the left/right hard point power on/off
switches figure 1.

Fig 1

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Figure 2 shows the main menu page selected on either the left or right MFD,
from this using OSB 19 you will be able to select the TGP page figure 3,
shown here just before the TGP has been powered up.

Fig 2 Fig 3
After switching on the TGP the TGP Page will show NOT TIMED OUT,
figure 4, for a period of 7-15 minutes. This is to allow the environmental
control unit in the TGP to adjust the temperature and cool the necessary
components to operating temperature before and during use. It is important to
ensure that the TGP is powered up before take off or as part of a fence-in
check to make certain that the TGP is ready for use.

Fig 4
After the TGP has cooled sufficiently it will activate and now become
functional, figure 5. There is a substantial amount of information displayed on
the TGP page, which will change, dependent upon use. The information
immediately important is shown in figure 5.

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AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Display Symbols

Fig 5

Fig 5a
Before the TGP can be used for the purpose of delivering
precision guided ordinance the laser must be armed so
that it will fire to guide the weapon. This is done by firstly
setting the Master Arm switch to ARM (the TGP will not
function at all unless the Master Arm is set to either ARM
or SIM, and then the Laser Arm to ARM, figure 6. As
well as a L displayed in the HUD when in A-G Master
mode, figure 7, an L will also be present on the TGP
display to indicate the laser has been armed, and the TGP
with consent, now has the ability to fire the laser at the
selected time after weapon release, also manual lasing is
now possible.
Fig 6
FOV Indicator
Cross Hairs
with NARO FOV box
Bullseye Indicator
dependent on format
Indicates currently
Selected station with
ordinance for that type of
Weapon Ready Indicator
Countdown to impact
Pointing Dot indicates
which direction TGP is
pointing relative to the
nose of the aircraft see
figure 5a
The pointing dot rotates
around the display to show
the direction the tracking
head assembly is looking, it
is an aid to orientate you. It is
easy to loose track of where
the target is relative to your
flight path and prevents you
from tracking a target which
may become out of gimbal
i.e. the TGP will no longer be
able to see the target. Here it
is looking to the left of the
aircraft and slightly nose
RALT information is
displayed if this is enabled
L Indicates Laser is
currently armed
Toggles between white and
black hot (N/I)
Colour scale indicator
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Fig 7
AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Operation
To begin with the TGP is always slaved to the Ground Radar Cursors. With
the ground Radar in STP mode the tracking head assembly will look at the
location of the selected STP, this is useful as it ensures that the TGP is looking
in the right direction with respect to pre-planned targets, which may be
marked by a STP. With the Ground Radar in SP (snowplow) mode the
tracking head assembly will still be slaved to the radar cursors and look in
their direction. A target designator box will be displayed in the HUD, which
serves as a visual reference to ensure the tracker head assembly is looking in
the required direction.
After expanding the Ground Radars FOV if necessary and selecting the correct
target, designating a ground radar contact ground stabilises the tracking head
assembly and points the tracking head assembly at the designated target, the
TGP display then becomes the SOI indicated in the usual format, figure 8, and
is able to be slewed using the Radar Cursor/Enable Switch (see Appendix C).
You can also choose without designating a radar contact to transfer the SOI
over to the TGP (move the DMS on the HOTAS to the rear/down position
which shifts the SOI to the next MFD if you have both the FCR and TGP
showing on both left and right MFDs, see Appendix A and Appendix C), you
are then able to slew the TGP around with the radar cursors following. It is
important to note that only the image displayed on the MFD by the TGP will
move during slewing, the cross hairs will remain fixed centrally on the

Target designator box
overlaying the target STP
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Fig 8
Transferring the SOI to the TGP without first designating a radar contact using
the Ground Radar will require that the TGP is ground stabilised to prevent the
TGP from slewing across the target area, as the TGP slew speed is determined
by the Ground Radar cursors, and as such makes it difficult to position the
pointing cross over the desired target. Ground stabilising the TGP will make
the tracking head assembly move at significantly reduced speed. With the
tracking head assembly pointing in the area of the target push the TMS on the
HOTAS up, if you are close to the target or another object it may jump and
lock straight away, if this happens and it is not the required target TMS down
to return the TGP to its previous state. After ground stabilisation the TGP
display will change, figure 9.

Fig 9

AREA Indicator to show
TGP has been ground
Narrow FOV Box around
cross indicates the area,
which will be seen if the
FOV is expanded to
The four indicators
bracket the MFD display
to denote that this is now
the SOI
TGP now provides a
passive range indication
to area under cross hairs
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Also after ground radar designating or ground stabilisation CCRP steering
cues will now be displayed in the HUD. Figure 10.

Fig 10
OSB 8 selects SP (Snowplow) on the TGP display and forces the TGP to ground
stabilise without the risk of locking on to an unwanted target, figure 11, but unlike
designating a target it will not automatically select the TGP as the SOI, you will have
to transfer the SOI using the DMS. In this mode you will still be able lock and unlock
targets, and slew the tracking head assembly around independently of the Ground
Radar cursors.

Fig 11

OSB 9 CZ is a cross hair zero function. Depressing OSB 9 after ground radar
designation or ground stabilisation will reset the tracking head assembly to the look in
the direction of the ground radar cursors.
SP Highlighted to
indicated this mode.
SOI has also been
transferred to this display
Using the DMS
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AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Expanding the FOV

Using the Pinkie Switch on the HOTAS or OSB
3 you will be able to expand the FOV of the
TGP, the first and default FOV is WIDE which
has a FOV of 6 shown in figure 12a.

Fig 12a

The next is NARO (short for narrow),
which has a FOV of 1.7, figure 12b.
Which will expand the FOV to display
the area enclosed within the narrow
FOV box, shown in the WIDE FOV.

Fig 12b

The third is EXP (short for expanded), which
will further expand the FOV to a ratio of 2:1
over NARO, to enable better target selection
and identification. Figure 12c.

Fig 12c
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AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Designate
After slewing the TGP display so that the cross hairs are on the target push the
TMS on the HOTAS to the up position to designate. The TGP display will
change now to indicate that the TGP has locked onto the target, figure 13.
Dependent on range and aspect the TGP may not lock straight away, it may
require several attempts.

Fig 13

AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Weapon Release

The FCC will compute a release solution if it is able to. It will only display release
cues if the LGB is capable of reaching the target following a ballistic trajectory i.e. it
will necessitate the same requirements initially as a free fall dumb bomb of the same
weight, figure 14. This is essential as LGBs are guided, not powered and they need to
be able to reach the target area using energy imparted on them by the delivering
Fig 14

AREA cue changes to
POINT and a tracking
box is placed over the
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After weapon release the TGP display will change to show a countdown to impact
timer, presently showing 00:33 seconds to impact. Figure 15.

Fig 15
The weapon will follow a ballistic path until it is terminally guided by the TGP firing
its laser, which it does at a predetermined time before impact. The default setting is 8
seconds but this can be changed through the LASER page in the DED using the ICP
up to a maximum of 176 seconds. If the LGB detects reflected laser energy to soon
due to the laser being fired too early during a loft or toss delivery the guidance unit
attached to the bomb may commence guidance and start to attempt to steer the LGB
onto the target, this may result in the LGB being pulled down below a ballistic
trajectory which would be essential in order for it to reach the target, meaning a loss
of inertial energy for the weapon to a degree that it may drop short and miss the
target. For a low-level delivery of LGBs the minimum altitude should allow for a
terminal guidance of about 11 seconds TOF. Manual lasing will override any auto
lasing the TGP is programmed to carry out. Once manual lasing has commenced it
must be carried out until impact, auto lasing will not recommence once manual lasing
is underway. Holding down the trigger at the second detent on the HOTAS preforms
manual lasing.

Once the timer reaches the moment to commence auto lasing and if the laser arm is
set to arm, the TGP will fire the laser and continue until impact, the L in both the
HUD and the TGP display will flash indicating that the laser is now firing. The range
estimation is now accurate as the TGP is now using an active laser range finder; the T
changing to an L indicates this. Figure 16
After weapon release the
SMS will select another
station dependent upon
weapon availability
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Fig 16

Laser energy will be reflected from the
point at which it strikes the target; this
will form a cone known as the laser
basket. The initial ballistic flight path of
the LGB will place it a position where it
will be within the laser basket at the time
the laser fires. Once the seeker head of
the LGB detects this reflected energy it
will guide or steer the LGB in an attempt
to remain in the bounds of the basket,
down to the target. As the cone narrows
the closer it is to the target, so the LGB
will become more precise, figure 17.

Fig 17

Violent manoeuvring is not advised during the weapons TOF as this may result in the
TGP losing its lock on the target, whilst level flight is preferable a toss or loft delivery
profile is possible with careful flight path analysis and deployment needed to ensure
that the TGP has LOS with the target during the weapons TOF. Tables detailing TOF
for LGB can be found in the RP 5 user manual (tables 8-11).
After impact the TGP will remain locked on to the target until a point where it can no
longer see it i.e. it reaches its gimbal limitations, or TMS down which will remove
the TGP lock from the target whilst it remains ground stabilised, a second TMS down
will return the TGP to slave mode i.e. the tracking head assembly will follow the
ground radar cursors.

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AN/AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Accuracy
Designating or locking the target is not necessary as long as you hold the targeting
cross over the target for the duration of the weapons TOF and make adjustments
manually. The Paveway series of guided weapons can also be reassigned targets
whilst in flight should you choose or decide the locked target is not the correct target.
The AN/AAQ-14 targeting pod is accurate and capable up to 25,000 feet, at altitudes
in excess of this the laser is prohibited from firing, to prevent electrical damage to the
laser caused by atmospheric conditions and reduced air density. The TGP is still able
to track, lock targets and release LGBs at altitudes above 25,000 feet, but the aircraft
must descend and remain below 25,000 feet so that the laser will fire and guide the
weapon. In the mid-1990s, Lockheed Martin developed a follow-on targeting pod,
named "Sniper", with an updated diode-pumped laser target designator with greater
reliability, raising the altitude limit to
40,000 feet. Third Generation
Paveway III LGBs will continue on
a ballistic flight path to the target,
missing only marginally, even if the
laser should stop firing during the
weapons TOF or the aircraft turns in
such a way so that the TGP can no
longer see the target. This is because
the fins or control surfaces of the
Paveway III LGB move only slightly
during guidance and it maintains a
much smother trajectory. Where as
the Second Generation of Paveway
LGBs will more than likely miss quite significantly, this is due to the nature of the
guidance system attached to the bomb, as the control surfaces of the LGB are
continually moving from maximum to minimum deflection during its TOF, creating a
snake like trajectory, this is referred to as a bang bang guidance type. The control
system on a LGB is irreversible, once the LGB looses its lock its fins will remain at
their last know deflection angle. Which will produce a gross over or under steer for
Paveway II LGBs, unlike that of the Paveway III series of LGB where the movement
of the control surfaces or fins is incremental.

Paveway II 2

Generation LGB
Paveway III 3rd
Generation LGB
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AAQ-14 Targeting Pod Limitations
The TGP tracking head consists of a FLIR camera as well as a laser target designator.
The laser target designator is correlated to the bore sight of the FLIR, and as such will
aim wherever the TGPs FLIR is looking. The blind zones of the TGP tracker head
assembly are illustrated in figure 19. This is the physical gimbal stop on the tracker
head assembly. Under particular circumstances
the tracker head may be unable to see the target,
even thought the tracker head may be outside
the blind zone. This may be dependent upon
certain combinations of azimuth and elevation
of the tracker head, which may cause the line of
site to be obscured by parts of the fuselage or
any external stores carried such as fuel tanks
etc. Figure 18 shows the tracking head
assemblies LOS to some extent obscured by a
hard point still with remaining ordinance.

The laser whilst firing can be hindered by low or thick cloud, fog or other weather
conditions, also smoke and debris from a previous attack all of which will cause back
scatter and prevent reflected laser energy from guiding the weapon. These are
considerations, which need to taken into account when planning a proposed attack
profile and delivery.

Blind Zone
Blind Zone
Fig 19
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Figure 20 shows a target area covered by low cloud, forcing a low level delivery
below the cloud base. Figure 21 shows a target obscured by smoke and debris from a
previous attack, both, which would make target identification very difficult.

Fig 20 Fig 21
Appendix A

System Set Up

A recommended technique for setting master modes, using OSBs 12, 13 and 14,
during LANTIRN operations.

The reasoning behind this set up is to have the FCR and TGP on the same MFD. This
allows one DMS left to switch from FCR to TGP and the SOI will move as well. With
the FCR and TGP on both MFDs it is very easy to loose track of the SOI. You should
have the TFR displayed as much as possible; this MFD set up enforces that. The
specific order on each MFD is not as important as priority. Ensure that one DMS left
or right moves from the primary option to the secondary. If Mavericks are not loaded
then the WPN page can be substituted for another. Obviously if there are only two
options on the MFD, there isnt a problem. These settings can be saved using Key
board commands Alt+C then S then loaded at any time using Alt+C then L.

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Appendix B

MDF Operation Select Button Locations

1 2 3 4 5
15 14 13 12 11








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Appendix C

LANTIRN Associated HOTAS controls

FLCS Stick USAF Military (Typical)

TQS Throttle USAF Military (Typical)

DMS-Display Management Switch
TMS-Target Management Switch
Expand/FOV Button
(Pinkie Switch)
Two Stage Trigger
Radar Cursor/Enable Switch
AP Override Paddle
Weapon Release
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Common Acronyms used in this document

CCRP Computer Controlled Release Point
DED Data Entry Display
DMS Display Management Switch
FCC Fire Control Computer
FCR Fire Control Radar
FLIR Forward Looking Infra-Red
FOV Field Of View
HOTAS Hands On Throttle And Stick
HUD Head Up Display
ICP Intergraded Control Panel (the main keypad console below the HUD)
LGB Laser Guided Bomb
MFD Multi Function Display
NVG Night Vision Goggles
SOI Sensor Of Interest
OSB Option Select Buttons
STP STeerPoint (waypoint)
TFR Terrain Following Radar
TGP Targeting Pod
TMS Target Management Switch
TOF Time Of Flight


SP3 Manual
RP5 Manual
Falcon 4.0 User Manual
AN/APG-68 (V5) Operating Guide by StephenHotDogOneFrench
F-16A/B MLU The Pilots Guide
MCH 11-F 16 Vol5
Federation of American Scientist
Vipers in the Storm by Keith Rosenkranz

Any comments concerning this document E-mail [email protected]
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