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Applying the Principles of the Constitution

Match each statement below with the constitutional principle it illustrates.

P-popular sovereignty F-federalism S-separation of powers
R-republicanism L-limited government C-checks and balances

____ 1. Citizens elect senators to serve in Washington, D.C.

____ 2. The national government conducts foreign policy.

____ 3. The Constitution outlines our plan of government and restricts its powers.

____ 4. We the people . . . do ordain and establish this Constitution.

____ 5. Congress may impeach judges and the president.

____ 6. The Judicial Branch interprets the law.

____ 7. The president can pardon persons convicted of a crime.

____ 8. State governments have the power to pass marriage laws within their states.

____ 9. The court has the power of judicial review (to declare laws unconstitutional).

____10. The Executive Branch has the responsibility to carry out the law.

____11. Government is by the consent of the governed.

____12. The president appoints federal judges.

____13. Only the federal government can coin money.

____14. More than 900 state laws have been struck down by the courts.

____15. Government officials are never above the law.

____16. Congress can override a presidential veto by a 2/3rds vote in each house.

____17. Congressmen should keep in mind the interests of their constituents (voters).

____18. Both the federal and state governments can impose taxes.

____19. All power flows from the people.

____20. The Legislative Branch makes the laws.

Principles Key

1. R

2. F

3. L

4. P

5. C

6. S

7. C

8. F

9. C

10. S

11. P

12. C

13. F

14. C

15. L

16. C

17. R

18. F

19. P

20. S

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