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Houck Middle School

Course Syllabus 2014 - 2015
Mrs. Laura Ellsworth
[email protected] or !"#
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Course Title: Language Arts 8
Course Description: Eighth Grade Language Arts is a year-long course. The districts literacy
model will be implemented to help all students learn and achieve their academic goals.
Throughout the school year, students will master or eceed the !ommon !ore "tate "tandards in
reading, literature, language and writing. The #
grade uses the $eaders and %riters %or&shop
'odel. Through this model students will write in a variety o( genres and read a variety o( tet.
Course Content & Objectives: Throughout the year, students will be writing in various genres,
with heavy emphasis on literary analysis and argumentative writing. )n each o( these genres
students will practice the writing process * brainstorm+prewrite, dra(t, revise, edit, and publish.
They will also utili,e comprehension, summari,ing, and note-ta&ing strategies in !ornell -ote
(ormat. "tudents will master reading and literature standards by reading a wide variety o( tet
including sel(-selected novels, short stories, non.ction, in(ormational tet, and culturally signi.cant
literature. Additionally, students will practice a variety o( comprehension strategies, do word
study, identi(y short story elements, and analy,e claims.
Class Policies:
Classroom Guidelines:
"tudents will be in their seats and wor&ing when the bell rings.
"tudents will bring all boo&s and materials.
"tudents will treat each person in the room with dignity and respect.
"tudents will (ollow directions /uic&ly the .rst time they are given.
"tudents will (ollow all school and district rules.

: 1erbal warning
: %arning and documentation
: "tudent will complete an action plan to improve behavior that will be sent home
(or parent signature. 4arents will also receive a call home.
: !itation
Grading: This class will be graded using the traditional A-6 grading scale.
Late or!: All wor& is epected to be turned in on time. Late assignments will not be
mar&ed down, but continually late assignments will a7ect wor& habit mar&s on report cards.
Late wor& is accepted until the last day o( the 8
wee& in a term. "tudents are epected to
discuss ahead o( time with the teacher i( wor& will be turned in late. Absent students are
re/uired to ma&e-up missing wor&, and they will select a manageable due date upon their
return to submit missed wor&.
T"e or!s"op #odel provides the opportunity (or each student to wor& at their own level
and pace. 'odi.cations, adaptations, and+or enrichments will be made (or students based
on their learning needs and rates. These modi.cations+adaptations+enrichments will be
made readily available to parents through an agreed (orum.
Class assignments and "ome$or!: All assignments will be given in class and class time
will be given to complete them. )( a student does not .nish or is absent, it becomes
homewor&. Each school night your student will have 39 minutes o( reading and+or writing
homewor&. "tudents will be epected to ta&e their boo& home each day.
)( you need to contact me, e-mail is the best way to get a timely response:
<ou may also call the school to leave a message between the hours o( =:39 and 3:39: >893?
!lass website: "ttp:%%ells$ort"slanguagearts&$eebl'&com
I have read the above and agree. Keep the upper section for your records.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Student Signature:
Parent Name: Guardian Signature:
Parent email

Please write neatly: emails need to be exact!
Phone Numbers:
(Cell) (Home) (Work)

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