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AO 106 (Rev.

04/10) Application for a Search Warrant

Rt&'@ ii. g em:.,;;i11
United States District Court
for the
W estem District of New York
In the Matter of the Search of
(Briefly describe the property to be searched or identify the person by name and address.)
WhatsApp Messenger accounts associated with the telephone
numbers 5853549614, +963967197623, and +967700780952.
Case No. 14-MJ- G.3-S-
I, a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government, request a search warrant and
state under penalty of perjury that I have reason to believe that on the following person or property located in
the Wes tern District of New York (identifY the person or describe the property to be searched and give its location):
WhatsApp Messenger accounts associated with the telephone numbers 5853549614,
+963967197623, and +967700780952, as described in Attachment A.
The person or property to be searched, described above, is believed to conceal (identifY the person or describe the
property to be seized):
See Attachment B, Schedule of Items to be Seized, all of which are fruits, evidence and instrumentalities
of violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 956, 2339A, 2339B, 1114, and 924(c), and Title
26, United States Code, Sections 5841, 586l(d), and 5871.
The basis for search under Fed. R. Crim. P. 41(c) is (check one or more):
181 evidence of a crime;
181 contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed;
181 property designed for use, intended for use, or used in committing a crime;
o a person to be arrested or a person who is unlawfully restrained.
The search is related to violations of: Title 18, United States Code, Sections 956 (conspiracy to murder or maim
persons overseas), 2339A (providing, attempting and conspiring to provide, material support of terrorism),
2339B (providing, attempting and conspiring to provide, material support to a designated foreign terrorist
organization), 1114 (attempted murder of federal officials and employees), and 924(c) (possession of firearm in
furtherance of a crime of violence), and Title 26, United States Code, Sections 5841, 5861(d), and 5871 (receipt
and possession of an unregistered firearm silencer).
The application is based on these facts: See attached affidavit.
181 continued on the attached sheet.
o Delayed notice of __ days (give exact ending date if more than 30 days: 1s
requested under 18 U.S.C. 3103a, the basis of which i;,.s-t rrh yn the a ac
/J: u/

Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.
Date: August b, 2014
City and state: Rochester, New York
Printed name and Title
State of New York
County of Monroe
City of Rochester
I, ALBERT W. ZENNER, being duly sworn, depose and state the following:
1. I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and have
served in this capacity for over 16 years. I am currently assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force
(JTTF), Buffalo Division, in Rochester, New York. At the JTTF, I work with a team of federal,
state, and local law enforcement agents and officers on investigations relating to domestic and
international terrorism. During my tenure with the FBI I have also worked on a number of other
types of investigations, including counterintelligence, white collar crime, public corruption,
organized crime, and narcotics. Prior to my employment with the FBI, I worked as an attorney,
and remain a licensed member of the Pennsylvania bar. I am familiar with digital evidence
commonly possessed and used by those involved in criminal activities in all forms of media. I have
also conferred with other FBI Special Agents who have expertise and experience in counterterrorism
investigations and digital evidence.
2. I make this affidavit in support of an application under Rule 41 of the Federal Rules
of Criminal Procedure for a search warrant for information associated with WhatsApp Messenger
(hereinafter "WhatsApp") accounts associated with the following telephone numbers: (1)
5853549614; (2) +963967197623; and (3) +967700780952.
3. I am familiar with the facts contained in this affidavit based upon my personal
involvement in this investigation, information provided by other law enforcement agents and
officers, subpoenaed records from Facebook and Western Union, subpoenaed records from
WhatsApp, information provided by two reliable confidential human sources (hereinafter CS-1 and
CS-2), consensual recordings of conversations between the confidential human sources and MUFID
information from public databases, and information provided by the United States
Department of State. Because this affidavit is submitted for the limited purpose of obtaining a
search warrant, I have not included each and every fact known to me concerning this investigation.
I have set forth facts that I believe are necessary to establish probable cause to search the above-
referenced WhatsApp accounts.
. 4. Based on my training and experience, and the facts set forth in this affidavit, there is
probable cause to believe that MUFID A. ELFGEEH a/k/a Abu Musa al-Faqih a/k/a Abu Musa
al-Madhaji a/kla Abu Musa al-Athiri a/k/a Abu Musa al-Athari a/k/a Abu Musa Athari al-
Yemeni a/kl a Abu Musa a/kl a Abi Musa al-Madhaji a/k/ a Abu N aje a/kl a Ali Saleh a/k/ a
Abumusa Almuslm a/k/a Abo Baqia a/k/a Mou Leeg a/kla Abu Hamza, has committed
violations of 18 U.S.C. 956 (conspiracy to murder or maim persons overseas), 2339A (attempting
and conspiring to provide material support of terrorism), 2339B (attempting and conspiring to
provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization), 1114 (attempted murder of
federal officials and employees), and 924(c) (possession of firearms in furtherance of a crime of
violence), and 26 U.S.C. 5841, 586l(d), and 5871 (receipt and possession of unregistered firearm
silencers). There is also probable cause to search the information described in Attachment A for
evidence of these crimes, and contraband or fruits of these crimes, as described in Attachment B.
All of the recorded conversations summarized in this affidavit were recorded with the consent of the
confidential human sources. All conversations between CS-1 and ELFGEEH occurred in Arabic. I have
reviewed the available verbatim and summary English translations of those conversations that were drafted by
certified FBI translators. The English translations are preliminary, not final.
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5. WhatsApp Messenger is an instant messaging subscription service for smartphones
that uses the Internet for communication. It is a cross-platform mobile messaging application which
allows a user to exchange messages without having to pay service fees for use. WhatsApp is
available for use on an iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Windows-based or Nokia telephone.
WhatsApp does not use traditional cellular or wire communication lines for communications, but
instead relies on Internet access for communication. Users are required to subscribe to WhatsApp
by using their mobile telephone number. The WhatsApp application allows its subscribers to
communicate with other subscribers to the application or with subscribers to related third-party
applications and websites using instant messaging. In addition to instant messaging, WhatsApp
users can send each other unlimited images (photographs), video and audio media messages, engage
in group chats, and send their location using integrated mapping features.
6. The contents of messages delivered by WhatsApp are not kept or archived by
WhatsApp in the normal course of business. Users type their messages, which are sent via data
service to WhatsApp servers, and routed to the intended recipient (who must also be a WhatsApp
user), if that recipient is online. If the recipient is not online, the undelivered message is held in
WhatsApp's servers until it can be delivered. If the message is undelivered for 30 days, the
undelivered message is deleted from WhatsApp's servers. While WhatsApp does not keep records
of the content of delivered messages, WhatsApp may retain date and time stamp information
associated with successfully delivered messages and the mobile telephone numbers involved in the
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Al-Qa'ida in Iraq a/k/ a The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
7. In December 2004, the United States Department of State designated al-Qa'ida in
Iraq (AQI) as a foreign terrorist organization under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality
Act and as a "specially designated global terrorist entity" under Executive Order 13224. In the
1990s, Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian-born militant, organized a terrorist group called al-
the Islamic world, and the West's support for and the existence oflsrael. In late 2004, he joined al-
Qa'ida (AQ) and pledged allegiance to Usama Bin Laden. After this, al-Tawhid wal-Jihad became
known as AQI. Zarqawi traveled to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom and led his group against
United States and Coalition Forces until his death in June 2006. In October 2006, AQI publicly
renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI).
8. On January 26, 2012, the 2004 designation of AQI as a foreign terrorist organization
under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act was amended to include the name,
Islamic State of Iraq (and any other possible transliterations of the name), as an alias of AQI.
Similarly, on December 11, 2012, the 2004 designation of AQI as a foreign terrorist organization
under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act was amended to include the aliases, al-
Nusrah Front, Jabhat al-Nusrah, The Victory Front, and al-Nusrah Front for the People of the
9. As early as 2005, an individual known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was identified as a
senior AQI leader. After the deaths of the top two AQI leaders in 2010, al-Baghdadi assumed
leadership of AQI.
Al-Baghdadi took credit for a series of terrorist attacks in Iraq since 2011,
including operations against the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad, a suicide bombing attack in
On October 7, 2011, the United States Department of State designated al-Baghdadi as a "Specially
Designated Global Terrorist."
the Ministry of Justice, and other attacks against Iraqi Security Forces and Iraqi citizens. In or about
April 2013, al-Baghdadi released a video statement in Arabic describing the history of AQI and
announcing that the organization was changing its name to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL), specifically stating "we announce the abolition of both names, the Islamic State of Iraq and
the al-Nusrah Front, and we merge them under one name, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant."
ISIL is now based in Syria.
----------- -- -----
10. Since the designations of ISI and al-Nusrah Front in 2012, differences over
management and tactics have led to an increase in violence between the two groups. In early 2014,
the tension between the two groups peaked when al-Qa'ida leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, released a
statement dismissing ISIL from al-Qa'ida.
11. To reflect the split between ISIL and al-Nusrah Front, on May 15, 2014, the 2004
designation of AQI as a foreign terrorist organization under Section 219 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act was amended to include the name Islamic State oflraq and the Levant (ISIL)
as its
primary name and to remove all aliases associated with al-Nusrah Front. In addition, the State
Department added the following aliases to the ISIL listing, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ad-Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-'Iraq wa-sh-Sham, Daesh, Dawla al
Islamiya, and al-Furqan Establishment for Media Production. Throughout this affidavit, I will refer
to the group as ISIL, except when it is a direct quote from ELFGEEH.
12. Since al-Baghdadi's announcement of the name change, ISIL has claimed credit for a
number of terrorist acts, including seizing Fallujah, a city in western Iraq, and rocket attacks in East
Lebanon in March 2014.
The "Levant" is a geographic area encompassing Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and portions of Jordan.
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Subject of the Investigation
13. MUFID A. ELFGEEH a/k/a Abu Musa al-Faqih a/k/a Abu Musa al-Madhaji
a/k/a Abu Musa al-Athiri a/k/a Abu Musa al-Athari a/k/a Abu Musa Athari al-Yemeni a/k/a
Abu Musa a/k/a Abi Musa al-Madhaji a/k/a Abu Naje a/k/a Ali Saleh a/k/a Abumusa Almuslm
a/k/a Abo Baqia a/k/a Mou Leeg a/k/a Abu Hamza, is a 30-year old Yemeni male. He is a
natura:lized-tfnited-States-citizen-and,---unti:l-May-3-1-,---20t40esided --at-1193-Nortlrelinton 1\.-venue;-
Rochester, New York. ELFGEEH owned and operated a store, Halal Mojo and Food Mart a/k/a
Mojoe's (hereinafter "Mojoe's"), at that location until May 31, 2014. Beginning in early 2013, and
continuing until May 31, 2014, ELFGEEH expressed his support of various terrorist groups
(including al-Qa'ida, al-Nusrah Front, and ISIL) and violent jihad.
As detailed, infra, this
investigation has revealed that, consistent with his ideology, ELFGEEH (a) sent funds overseas to
others associated with ISIL, (b) attempted to recruit others in the Rochester area to travel to Syria to
fight on behalf of ISIL, and (c) plotted to shoot and kill both members of the United States armed
forces returning from Iraq and Shi'a Muslims in the Western District of New York.
ELFGEEH'S Twitter Posts
14. ELFGEEH, a frequent user of Twitter, maintained Twitter accounts under aliases,
including Abu Musa al-Yamani@2866594 and Abu Musa al-Faqih@ali1212125.
Twitter to post and re-post tweets expressing support of various terrorist groups and violent jihad,
"Jihad" is an Arabic term meaning "struggle," referring to one's struggle on behalf oflslam. In the context of
these communications, and the other communications summarized in this affidavit, I understand ELFGEEH
to be referring to a violent form of jihad associated with terrorist groups.
I have concluded that these Twitter accounts were used by ELFGEEH based on information from an FBI
employee who had contact with ELFGEEH, the fact that the aliases for these accounts matched aliases also
used by ELFGEEH for certain Facebook accounts, and subpoenaed records which showed that, as of
November 2013, the most recent logins for both Twitter accounts were from the IP address, which
was bound to a broadband device registered to ELFGEEH at 1193 North Clinton Avenue, Rochester, New
York (ELFGEEH's residence and place of business).
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and seeking donations to assist jihadist fighters in Syria. For example, between approximately
September 2013 and December 2013, ELFGEEH sent the following publicly viewable tweets:
a. In a series of tweets, ELFGEEH praised decisions by ISIL to prevent food,
fuel and medicine from going into certain areas in Syria. ELFGEEH also expressed support for al-
Qa'ida and jihadists as the true Muslims, and advocated jihad and martyrdom. Additional tweets
discussed the increasing number of fighters who are joining ISIL;
b. ELFGEEH posted two tweets saying that al-Qa'ida gets revenge for the
Muslims of Burma and al-Qa'ida is our only savior;
c. ELFG EEH re-posted a tweet stating that there are jihad opportunities against
America and Hawthis
in Yemen and the Levant region;
d. ELFGEEH posted a tweet stating, "al-Qa'ida said it loud and clear: we are
fighting the American invasion and their hegemony
over the earth and the people;"
e. ELFG EEH posted several tweets with photographs and captions promoting
Ansar al-Sharia (another al-Qa'ida-linked terrorist group), and stating that people will have an
honorable life under Shari'a law, and that with grenades in their hands they are ready to die for the
sake of Allah;
f. In a series of tweets, ELFGEEH stated that money is the largest resource for
jihadists and that the prophet Muhammad preached that people should fight the infidels with their
money, their bodies, and their words. ELFGEEH urged people to donate money as it is considered
a type of jihad, and stated that money is the foundation of jihad because there will be no jihad if the
jihadist does not have money with which to buy his weapons. One tweet stated that there is a
specific weapon that jihadists want to purchase which costs $20,000, and the amount of money
"Hawthis" (or "Houthis" or "Huthis") are a Shi'a Muslim insurgent group operating in Yemen. Their
opponents include al-Qa'ida.
"Hegemony" means domination, control, or supremacy.
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needed will be divided into four shares, with each share amounting to $5,000. Another tweet
contained the hashtag, "#Five_thousand_dollars_from_every_household;"
g. ELFGEEH reposted a tweet stating, "Every Iraqi Sunni jihadist is defined as.
a terrorist in the international society; they don't know that the State of Iraq and Sham [ISIL] will
one day rule the world with the will of Allah;"
h. ELFGEEH posted a tweet stating that "@free_syria_army" and their group
support America in waging a campaign against the State (ISIL) and against all those who want to
apply Shari'a/ Allah's law;
i. ELFGEEH posted tweets telling everyone to donate a third of their salary to
the jihadists in Syria and that "@sHaFi_Ajmi, @Al_owaihan, and @hajjajalajmi" are the people
who will deliver the donations; and
j. ELFGEEH posted tweets asking for money donations, one of them stating
that there is a campaign to collect $5,000 from each family to go to the jihadists in al-Sham (Syria).
Confidential Human Sources
15. In early 2013, the FBI began using CS-1 as part of its investigation of ELFGEEH.
CS-1 first cooperated with the FBI in or about 2000, and first reported information about
ELFGEEH in or about early 2013. As of June 2014, the FBI has paid CS-1 a total of approximately
$21, 700 in exchange for his cooperation in this investigation, as well as an unrelated matter in
another district. CS-1 continues to cooperate with the FBI in anticipation of receiving additional
monetary compensation. Additionally, the FBI made an informal request to the Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) liaison for visitor visas for five of CS-1 's family members. ICE
subsequently approved visitor visas for two of those family members, although it is not believed that
the FBI's request influenced ICE's decision to grant those visas. The FBI, however, believes that
CS-1 may believe that he/she has received this benefit from the FBI. The FBI also obtained
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Significant Public Benefit Parole status from ICE for three of CS-1 's family members who were not
previously granted visas. CS-1 is aware that the FBI facilitated the entry of these family members
into the United States.
16. The information provided by CS-1 has been corroborated by the JTTF through
independent investigation, physical surveillance, public records, information provided by other law
enforcement agencies, consensual recordings of conversations between CS-1 and ELFGEEH,
consensual recordings between CS-2 and ELFGEEH, and subpoenaed Western Union records. The
information provided by CS-1 has been found to be accurate and reliable.
17. CS-2 began cooperating with the FBI in or about November 2013. As of June 2014,
the FBI has paid CS-2 a total of approximately $7,000 in exchange for his cooperation in this
investigation. CS-2 has a prior felony conviction for Attempted Criminal Sale of a Controlled
Substance 3 from Monroe County Court from 2003, for which he was sentenced to one (1) year in
jail, and a prior misdemeanor conviction for Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 7 from
Rochester City Court from 2004. CS-2 continues to cooperate with the FBI in anticipation of
receiving additional monetary compensation.
18. The information provided by CS-2 has been corroborated by the JTTF through
independent investigation, physical surveillance, public records, information provided by other law
enforcement agencies, consensual recordings of conversations between CS-2 and ELFGEEH, and
consensual recordings of conversations between CS-1 and ELFGEEH. The information provided
by CS-2 has been found to be accurate and reliable.
Attempt to Send Yemeni Fighter to Join ISIL in Syria
19. Over the course of this investigation, ELFGEEH forcefully expressed his support for
ISIL and its activities in Syria. For example, on November 20, 2013, ELFGEEH said that the only
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honorable fighting forces in Syria are ISIL, al-Nusrah Front, al-Tawhid, and Ahrar al-Sham, noting
that ISIL was larger than al-Nusrah Front. As detailed more fully below, on March 10, 2014,
ELFGEEH discussed with CS-1 the accomplishments achieved by ISIL on the Syrian battlefield,
noting that, despite its accomplishments, ISIL does not get much recognition. ELFGEEH also
explained that the late Sheik Usama Bin Laden (the deceased leader of al-Qa'ida) said that ISIL is
the only group who takes action based on truth without consideration for recognition. In addition,
ELFGEEH expressed his desire to be a source of support for violent jihad. For example, on
December 14, 2013, ELFGEEH stated that, if he could not sell his store, he would serve as an
exporter or source of "those who are fed up, this one wants to go to war and be jihadists."
20. On February 12, 2014, ELFGEEH showed CS-1 a photograph of a Yemeni male
(hereinafter "Yemeni Male l ") that he described as someone who needed their support. ELFG EEH
stated that Yemeni Male 1 needed $1,500. ELFG EEH stated that Yemeni Male 1 wants to join "the
State [ISIL]," noting that "the State [ISIL] is in need ... of men and money." ELFGEEH said that
he would get $500 to send to Yemeni Male 1, and asked CS-1 to find one or two "friends" to
contribute money. ELFGEEH agreed to initiate a three-way commui1ication (believed to be
through Facebook) between ELFGEEH, CS-1 and Yemeni Male 1.
21. On February 23, 2014, ELFGEEH told CS-1 that he had sent $600 to Yemeni Male
1 yesterday. ELFGEEH also stated that he transferred the money in a name given to him by
Yemeni Male 1. Western Union records show that ELFGEEH sent $600 to an individual in Aden,
Yemen, on February 22, 2014, and that there were no other money transfers in the name of
ELFGEEH on that date.
It should be noted that ELFGEEH told CS-1 the name to which he sent the money. The name ELFGEEH
told to CS-1 was slightly different than t11e name appearing in the Western Union records. Nonetheless, based
on the similarity in t11e names, the timing of the money transfer, and the fact that there were no other money
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22. On February 26, 2014, ELFGEEH told CS-1 that Yemeni Male 1 is with ISIL.
ELFGEEH said that he told Yemeni Male 1 to either go to Syria to fight with ISIL or to stay in
Yemen to fight with a group in his area. ELFGEEH advised that he is waiting for Yemeni Male 1
to obtain his travel documents in Yemen and notify ELFGEEH before sending Yemeni Male 1
more money.
23. On March 10, 2014, ELFGEEH advised CS-1 that he asked one of his friends in
Sana'a (Yemen) to contact Yemeni Male 1. ELFGEEH said that Yemeni Male 1 was unsuccessful
in getting his visa to Turkey.
24. On March 22, 2014, CS-1 recounted to ELFGEEH a Facebook conversation he had
with Yemeni Male 1. During the Facebook exchange, Yemeni Male 1 told CS-1 that "as soon as ..
. they accept [him] at the university, [he] will leave [his] mother in Sana'a [Yemen] and [he] will
continue on his way."
After their Facebook exchange, Yemeni Male 1 sent another message to CS-
1 asking if CS-1 understood what he meant when he referred to being "accepted at the university."
CS-1 replied that he did understand. CS-1 states that he understood the phrase about being
"accepted to the university" to mean that Yemeni Male 1 was waiting to have his travel documents
approved in order to gain entry to Turkey for the purpose of ultimately entering Syria to join ISIL.
Attempt to Send CS-1 and CS-2 to Fight For ISJL in Syria
25. In 2013, ELFGEEH encouraged CS-2 to travel overseas to engage in violent jihad.
CS-2 reported that, prior to cooperating with the government, ELFGEEH attempted to persuade
CS-2 to leave the United States and fight in conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. CS-2 also
reported that, at that time, ELFGEEH intended to travel with CS-2, and ELFGEEH specifically
transfers in the name ofELFGEEH on that date, I believe that the money that was transferred was the money
that ELFGEEH intended to send to Yemeni Male I.
With the consent ofCS-1, the FBI viewed the Facebookexchange between CS-1 and Yemeni Male 1.
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mentioned two al-Qa'ida-affiliated groups - Ansar al-Sharia (based in . Yemen) and al-Shabaab
(based in Somalia) - as groups they could join. After CS-2 began cooperating covertly with the
government, ELFGEEH continued to encourage him to engage in violent jihad overseas.
26. Similarly, in or about December 2013, ELFGEEH began encouraging CS-1 to travel
overseas and engage in violentjihad. On December 18, 2013, ELFGEEH told CS-1 to take CS-l's
family on a jihadist expedition. When CS-1 expressed reluctance to leave CS-1 's family behind,
ELFGEEH gave examples of families participating injihadist expeditions. ELFGEEH mentioned a
Saudi woman who left her children behind and went to the war for jihad, and many other Saudi
women who went along with their children for the war for jihad in Yem en.
27. On December 31, 2013, ELFGEEH and CS-1 discussed CS-l's planned travel to
Syria to engage in jihad. ELFGEEH suggested that CS-l's family travel to Jordan and then travel to
Turkey, and then CS-1 should separate from them and remain in Turkey while CS-1 's family returns
to Jordan. CS-1 stated that CS-1 needed someone who is trustworthy as a contact in Syria.
ELFGEEH responded, "[w]e will look for someone you can trust. There are trustworthy people ...
someone in Jabhat al-Nusrah who I told you is from our homeland. He is one ... " When CS-1
asked for details on what would happen after CS-1 arrived in Turkey, ELFGEEH responded that he
did not know all of the details, but that CS-1 would arrive in Turkey and "that's it."
28. On January 25, 2014, ELFGEEH stated that, when the time comes for CS-1 to travel
to Syria, ELFGEEH can call a Yemeni brother, someone he has known on Facebook for about a
year, and ELFGEEH can consult with the Yemeni brother about where CS-1 should go.
29. On March 10, 2014, ELFGEEH told CS-1 that ISIL carried out a bombing in
Aleppo (Syria) that killed 500 people. He explained that they dug tunnels and placed explosives,
noting that ISIL is using this method to save on ammunition. ELFGEEH said that ISIL is the only
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organization that does not beg for money from anyone. ELFGEEH discussed the accomplishments
achieved by ISIL on the Syrian battlefield, noting that, despite their accomplishments, ISIL does not
get much recognition. ELFGEEH explained that the late Sheik Usama Bin Laden (the deceased
leader of al-Qa'ida) said that ISIL is the only group which takes action based on truth without
consideration for recognition.
30. On March 22, 2014, ELFGEEH, using a white iPhone, showed CS-1 his list of
Facebook friends. ELFGEEH described several individuals from Yemen and an individual known
as Abu Qays, who ELFGEEH described as a military leader of the Green Battalion in Homs, Syria.
ELFGEEH said that the Green Battalion used to be affiliated with al-Nusrah Front, but they
separated from them. ELFGEEH further stated, "[w]e are coordinating with them [the Green
Battalion] on the grounds that they want to pledge allegiance to the State [ISIL], and they would like
for the State to support them with ammunition and weapons."
31. On March 29, 2014, CS-1 asked if CS-2 had any intention of traveling. ELFGEEH
responded that CS-2's "project is a little different,"
noting that CS-2 has a family so it is not easy
for CS-2 to leave. At that time, ELFGEEH said that CS-2 would travel only if ELFGEEH traveled
with CS-2.
32. On April 8, 2014, CS-1 told ELFGEEH that he had decided to make a reservation
and travel by June 1. ELFGEEH responded by stating that he was supportive and he wanted to
help. CS-1 said that CS-1 needed ELFGEEH to help him make contacts and arrange for people to
meet him at the airport. CS-1 went on to state that he was planning to arrange his travel from the
United States to Istanbul (Turkey) to Amman (Jordan). CS-1 continued by stating that he would
arrive in Istanbul and then "proceed to the inside," meaning Syria. ELFGEEH responded by .
I believe this was a reference to a separate plot to kill members of the United States.armed forces returning
from Iraq, which is detailed, infra.
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saying, "I am going to do that [for you] without a doubt. I am going to search it without a doubt."
CS-1 stated that he wanted to "go to the university" [meaning ISIL], and ELFGEEH responded "the
application to be ready." ELFGEEH stated that he had contact with the commander of al-Khadra
battalion "or something" (referring to Abu Quays) on Facebook because ELFGEEH wanted to
coordinate with someone for pledging allegiance and sending them funds because they were cut off
from support. ELFGEEH stated that he (ELFGEEH) had a Facebook account and would send it to
33. On April 10, 2014, only two days after CS-1 announced his intention to travel to
Syria, ELFGEEH told CS-2 that there was someone who was leaving here and going to Syria. CS-2
asked ELFGEEH if CS-2 would join Jabhat al-Nusrah. ELFGEEH responded that CS-2 would join
"J:?awla" (meaning ISIL).
ELFGEEH also told CS-2 that it was ELFGEEH's job to try to build a
link to someone that CS-2 could contact in Syria. CS-2 noted that he would have to get a passport,
and ELFGEEH responded that CS-2 could go to Buffalo and get the passport in just one day.
34. On April 15, 2014, ELFGEEH told CS-1 that he had contacted an individual from
Chechnya who was born in Syria. ELFGEEH further stated that the Chechen "is from those who
pledged the allegiance to the State [ISIL]." According to ELFGEEH, the Chechen told him that
after they (meaning CS-1 and CS-2) reach Turkey, they would fly from the capital to another city
close to the border with Syria and "from there all the way." ELFGEEH and CS-1 discussed the
anticipated departure date of June 1. CS-1 described to ELFGEEH his experience operating heavy
machinery and his weapons training as a soldier in the Jordanian army. ELFGEEH said that when
CS-1 goes "there" (Syria), and tells these stories, they (ISIL) can place him in a trainer position and,
Based on the fact that ISIL is also referred to as ad-Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-'Iraq wa-sh-Sham and Dawla al
Islamiya s e e ~ 11, supra), I believe that ELFGEEH was referring to ISIL when he told CS-2 that CS-2 would
be joining "Dawla."
- 14-
after a while, a cadre
position. ELFGEEH noted that a cadre position means that the person
understands the politics of the war.
35. On April 19, 2014, ELFGEEH sent a text message, consisting of a link to a YouTube
video, to CS-2. The video started with a reading of a verse from the Qur'an and display of the flag
commonly used by ISIL. The video then showed ISIL militants in combat shooting and a gathering
of militants. An unidentified male (UM-1) carrying a Saudi Arabian passport criticized the people
who induce sedition between Muslims and divide the Muslim world, and plant tyrant leaders to
fight the religion of God and the Muslims. UM-1 indicated that, at this gathering in Syria, they were
burning the passports that create separation between brothers for political reasons, to build one
Islamic state from the east to the west under the law of God. UM-1 praised ISIL saying "long live to
the Islamic State." Another unidentified male (UM-2) carrying a Jordanian passport indicated that
this is a passport of the slave of the English (King Abdullah II) and asked the people of Jordan to
join ISIL. UM-2 swore that "they will come and kill the king and every elements of the civil and
military intelligence and bring tons of VBID's
(explosive cars) to the kingdom." UM-2 then tore
up the Jordanian passport and burned it. Another unidentified male (UM-3) said in English, "this is
a message to Canada and to all tyrant in America, we are coming and we will destroy you in God's
will. I made Hijrat1
to Islam for one reason alone; for Allah, and after Sham-Syria- and Iraq and
Saudi we are going for you Barack Obama, we are coming to kill you . . . " Other unidentified
militants were shown burning Egyptian, Russian and Saudi Arabian passports. The video then
showed ISIL attacking a police barracks in Saleh al din province in Iraq, with a heavy fire fight
showing the killing of the police live on video.
A "cadre" is a group of officers around whom a unit is formed, or a training staff.
I believe this is a reference to Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED).
"Hijrat" (also "hijra") is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from
Mecca to Medina.
- 15 -
36. On April 21, 2014, CS-2, at the direction of ELFGEEH, purchased a copy of his
birth certificate for $30 from the Monroe County Vital Records Office, 111 Westfall Road,
Rochester, New York.
37. Later on April 21, 2014, ELFGEEH and CS-2 went to a local Rite Aid store to get
CS-2's passport photographs taken. ELFGEEH paid CS-2 $30 for the copy of the birth certificate
that CS-2 bought earlier that day, and paid for CS-2's passport photographs. ELFGEEH told CS-2
that he is going to either go with CS-1 and CS-2 to Syria or go "a couple of months after." When
CS-2 wondered how he was supposed to trust that the contact arranged by ELFGEEH was truly
from ISIL, ELFGEEH stated that he would put CS-2 in contact with an individual from Chechnya
who grew up in Syria. ELFGEEH expected the Chechen contact to let him know that night.
ELFGEEH also stated that the Chechen was just one contact and ELFGEEH had others, including
one in Yemen who trusts ELFGEEH. ELFGEEH also described the process for CS-2 to travel to
Syria to join ISIL, noting that CS-2 and CS-1 would first be sent to a house where they would be
educated for two or three months. During that time, the group assesses you and determines who is a
spy and who is not. ELFGEEH stated that the process is conducted by individuals formerly
associated with the Iraqi version of the CIA. ELFGEEH agreed to put CS-2 in contact with an
English-speaking individual over Facebook. ELFGEEH said that he would tell his contact that CS-
2 wants to speak with someone from "Dawla [ISIL]" to tell him "how things are over there," and his
contact would give ELFGEEH someone to speak with over Facebook.
38. On April 22, 2014, ELFGEEH, using the Facebook user name "Mou Leeg,"
Facebook User ID 100008149782764, posted the following message on his Facebook profile:
"Brothers in al-Dawla [ISIL]. Whoever knows a brother from ISIS [ISIL] who is able to
CS-I received a friend request from this account on or about April IS, 20I4. CS-I accepted the friend
request and later confirmed for the investigative team that this account is in fact used by ELFGEEH.
- I6 -
communicate well in English, can communicate with me through the private, due to the
importance." On April 24, 2014, ELFGEEH, using Facebook, provided CS-2 with a link to a
Facebook account for an individual located in Iraq.
39. CS-2 exchanged a series of messages over Facebook with the individual in Iraq in
late April 2014. In the course of these messages, they discussed having CS-2 travel to Syria via
40. On April 22, 2014, ELFGEEH and CS-2 traveled to Buffalo, New York, to obtain a
passport for CS-2. During the trip, CS-2 asked ELFGEEH what ELFGEEH thinks they (ISIL)
would have him do over there (Syria). ELFGEEH responded that, in light of CS-2's patience, he
thought they would use CS-2 to operate a cannon, act as a sniper and/ or build bombs. ELFGEEH
said that they (ISIL) would teach CS-2 how to build a bomb. CS-2 thereafter submitted his
application for a passport at the Buffalo Passport Agency, 111 Genesee Street, Buffalo, New York.
ELFGEEH paid over $200 toward the fee for CS-2's passport (a total $209.85), which included a fee
for overnight delivery. CS-2 received the passport on April 25, 2014.
41. On April 27, 2014, ELFGEEH met with CS-1 and CS-2 at a location in Rochester,
New York.
During the meeting, they discussed the planned travel to Syria. When CS-1 inquired
about the identity of their contact, ELFGEEH confirmed that he had already given one contact to
CS-2 and said that Yemeni Male 1 has "a couple ... brothers they gonna contact." ELFGEEH
stated that he told Yemeni Male 1 that they need someone to contact, that Yemeni Male 1 would
put him in contact with people, and that ELFGEEH would contact those people. ELFGEEH told
ELFGEEH sent the link along with the Facebook profile picture of the individual located in Iraq, which
picture depicts an individual wearing a ski mask and what appears to be a flak jacket, and holding an assault
Neither CS-1 nor CS-2 knew, at that time, that the other is cooperating with the FBI.
- 17 -
CS-1 and CS-2 that they needed to have cover stories that matched (such as where they are going,
why they are going, and how long they are staying). ELFGEEH also said that when CS-1 and CS-2
arrive at the "welcoming camp" they would receive "education, training a little bit, good food."
ELFGEEH further stated that they (ISIL) would "get to know" CS-1 and CS-2, "then they know ...
who's been around masjids [mosques] a lot and who is good and who is not ... and they will know
who's spy." As they continued talking about the vetting process, ELFGEEH stated, "especially the
Dawla [ISIL]. They gonna make sure. Because they never get screwed before." ELFGEEH said
that, when CS-1 and CS-2 get to Syria, they should cancel their current Facebook accounts and set
up two or three new accounts.
42. On April 27, 2014, at approximately 8:52 p.m., ELFGEEH posted a video on CS-2's
Facebook page. The video called for Muslims around the world to make "hijra" and assist ISIL in
whatever capacity they could. The speaker in the video indicates that joining in armed conflict was
the first preference, but they (ISIL) would welcome any type of support.
43. In May 2014, CS-1 purchased a commercial airline ticket for CS-2 to travel to
Istanbul, Turkey, on June 2, 2014. CS-1 did not actually purchase a ticket for himself, but
represented to ELFGEEH that he had a ticket for the same flight.
44. On May 12, 2014, ELFGEEH discussed with CS-1 a contact telephone number for a
Jordanian male in Syria. ELFGEEH gave CS-1 a piece of paper bearing the telephone number,
An online search by the FBI confirmed that the prefix of the telephone number
-- 963 -- is the country code for Syria. CS-1 subsequently tried to contact this number, but was
unsuccessful. ELFGEEH stated that he was in a group communication with the Jordanian male
and that they later talked "in private." ELFGEEH also stated that he communicates with the
The FBI obtained the piece of paper containing the telephone number from CS-1.
- 18 -
Jordanian male through WhatsApp. ELFGEEH read to CS-1 the WhatsApp communications from
the Jordanian male, and showed them to CS-1. ELFGEEH referred to one communication where
the Jordanian male said, "we are longing for you," which ELFGEEH stated meant "the men in al-
Dawla [ISIL], your brothers in the Islamic State love you in the name of Allah."
that he had been "trying to coordinate things so that we have leads/threads in our hands," meaning
that ELFGEEH was trying to coordinate ISIL contacts in Syria for CS-1 and CS-2. ELFGEEH
asked CS-1 if CS-1 had Skype. After CS-1 responded in the affirmative, ELFGEEH gave CS-1
instructions on how to make the call through Skype. ELFGEEH told CS-1 to use code - by
referring to CS-1 and CS-2 as "university students"
-when speaking with the Jordanian male.
45. On May 17, 2014, CS-1 told ELFGEEH that he could not get through to the
Jordanian male at the number provided by ELFGEEH (001963967197623). In CS-l's presence,
ELFG EEH sent a message via WhatsApp to the Jordanian male with CS-1 's telephone, stating that
CS-1 wanted to go to the college/university, which is a coded reference to CS-1 traveling to Syria to
join ISIL. CS-1 read the actual message sent by ELFGEEH, and ELFGEEH read the message to
CS-1 as well. ELFGEEH stated that he does not know the Jordanian male personally, but he knows
that the Jordanian male is reliable and is with ISIL. ELFGEEH loaded the Jordanian male's
number into CS-1 's telephone and indicated that he would let the Jordanian male initiate the
contact. CS-1 also obtained ELFGEEH's WhatsApp number, which is 5853549614 (which is the
number for ELFGEEH's Apple iPhone).
46. On May 22, 2014, CS-1 received a message over WhatsApp from the telephone
number provided by ELFGEEH for the Jordanian male, 001963967197623. The profile picture
It should be noted that ELFGEEH stated that he deleted some of the WhatsApp messages with the
Jordanian male.
This code is consistent with the code used by Yemeni Male 1 when communicating with CS-1 over
Facebook, as detailed n ~ 24, supra).
- 19 -
associated with the telephone number was a black flag with white writing, which appears to be the
flag for ISIL. In the message, the sender included greetings and asked how CS-1 was doing.
47. In the evening on May 23, 2014, CS-1 met with ELFGEEH at Mojoe's. During the
meeting, ELFGEEH confirmed that the WhatsApp message sent to CS-1 on the previous day was
from the Jordanian male. ELFG EEH reaffirmed that the Jordanian male is from ISIL and that he is
located in eastern Ghota (Syria). ELFGEEH also showed, and read to CS-1, a series ofWhatsApp
messages on a white iPhone between ELFGEEH and the Jordanian male. The Jordanian male
asked about the names of the "university students" (which is a coded reference to CS-1 and CS-2),
and noted that he had communicated with a brother there and the route is easy. In this
conversation, ELFGEEH also described a Yemeni male, who is trustworthy and "is 100% ISIS
[ISIL]," and was seeking funds to send two brothers on a jihadist expedition.
48. On May 28, 2014, CS-1 met with ELFGEEH at Mojoe's. During the meeting,
ELFQEEH gave CS-1 the telephone number for a Yemeni male (hereinafter "Yemeni Male 2"),
who is believed to be the same individual referred to by ELFGEEH in the conversation summarized
in if 47, supra. The telephone number provided by ELFGEEH was 011967700780952. The prefix of
the telephone number - 967 -- corresponded to the country code for Yemen. ELFGEEH told CS-1
that Yemeni Male 2 would serve as CS-l's and CS-2's contact for their travel to Syria. ELFGEEH
read a series of WhatsApp messages received on his white iPhone from Yemeni Male 2. In those
messages, Yemeni Male 2 said that CS-1 and CS-2 should first go to Istanbul (Turkey) and then take
a flight to Gaziantep (Turkey).
Yemeni Male 2 told ELFGEEH to have CS-1 and CS-2 contact
him (Yemeni Male 2) at the provided telephone number once they arrive in Gaziantep. Yemeni
Male 2 further stated that, during their travel, CS-1 and CS-2 would stay in a guesthouse and pass all
tests until they get "their" (meaning ISIL) approval. ELFGEEH noted that Yemeni Male 2 wants
Gaziantep, Turkey is a city in southeast Turkey located near the northern border of Syria.
- 20 -
CS-1 and CS-2 to be security conscious when communicating with him. At one point during the
meeting, ELFGEEH and CS-1 went upstairs to ELFGEEH's apartment at 1193 North Clinton
Avenue. While there, ELFGEEH gave CS-1 a high definition action camera for the trip to Syria,
noting that "the youth" (meaningjihadists) will use it in Syria, and may use it during an operation to
record the action.
Plot to Kill United States Soldiers Returning from Iraq and Shi' a Muslims
49. On December 9, 2013, ELFGEEH discussed with CS-2 the attack on a mall fa
Kenya by al-Shabaab (an al-Qa'ida-affiliated terrorist group operating in Somalia). ELFGEEH said
that, "Kenya is killing everybody in Somalia. They killing children, women, everyone . . .
Anybody." ELFGEEH continued, "They [Kenya] go in there killing everybody, just like the
American [sic] went into Iraq killing everybody. Just like ... the Americans surrounding Iraq,
everybody, it's like they go to Afghanistan killing everybody. It's like they went to Yemen now
killing everybody. Doesn't make no difference." ELFGEEH said, "me, myself, I'm thinking about
doing something here to be honest with you . . . I'm thinking about just go buy a big automatic gun
from off the street or something and a lot of bullets and just put on a vest [meaning bulletproof vestf
or whatever and just go around and start shooting." CS-2 stated, "you already got a bulletproof
vest." ELFGEEH responded,

50. On December 11, 2013, ELFGEEH told CS-2, "[w]hat I think is if we somehow
find a budget and we could just to make this thing serious ... We start doing small things like this
brother used to do ... in French. He used to go after, you know, people. You used to be in the
It should be noted that the FBI executed search warrants at ELFGEEH's business (Mojoe's) and residence,
and on ELFGEEH's vehicle on May 31, 2014. They did not recover a bulletproof vest during those searches.
- 21 -
army and hunt them down and he used to do it by himself and he got killed by . . . cops. "
ELFGEEH noted that "it's easy to ... give the location of who's in Iraq and who comes back. I
know a couple of them that come here regular and they're proud to be in there ... they still proud of
what they're doing, you know, what they've done [unintelligible]. Now will give you satisfaction
from what you're doing." In response to CS-2's statement "when you're doing something crazy and
you're probably going to be killed or it's gonna be something that you can't go back to your home or
business or something," ELFGEEH stated, "you just gotta find a way to do it, you know? I can
snipe, you could buy a sniper."
51. On February 5, 2014, ELFGEEH told CS-2 that he needed a handgun with a device
to "take the volume away." CS-2 responded, "[o]h the silencer, the silencer." ELFGEEH then said,
"Yup." ELFGEEH indicated that he wanted a handgun for which "you could find bullets
everywhere,'' and emphasized that he needed the handgun and silencer together.
52. On March 3, 2014, ELFGEEH told -CS-2 that he was "looking for a baby 9,"
meaning a small 9 millimeter handgun. ELFGEEH said, "some small and nice, Glock, you know,
gonna do some damage, you know." ELFGEEH further stated that he wanted the handgun to be
"clean," meaning that it had not been previously used to commit another murder. ELFGEEH told
CS-2 that he wanted to know the price for the handgun with and without the silencer. With regard
to the plot, ELFGEEH said, "[w]e gonna take our time ... So, I know 100 percent what I'm gonna
do, you know ... I'm gonna do, you know, a few things with it." ELFGEEH continued and asked
CS-2 to inquire about prices for hand grenades, the type that one could throw at someone as you are
Based on this description, and other statements by ELFGEEH summarized in this affidavit, I believe
ELFGEEH was referring to a series of three shootings by a 23-year-old French-Algerian man named
Mohammed Merah, who targeted French soldiers and Jewish civilians in France in March 2012. During a
shooting spree on March 11 and 15, 2012, Merah killed a French paratrooper and two uniformed soldiers, and
seriously injured another uniformed soldier. In addition, Merah killed four people (including three children) at
a Jewish day school. Merah was shot and killed during a 30-hour siege with the police.
- 22-
driving a car. When CS-2 asked if they were going to target members of the Army (including one of
ELFGEEH's customers), ELFGEEH responded, "we gonna fish around for whatever that we
[unintelligible] ... We gonna fish. [unintelligible] Then we gonna work our way from there. Cause
more, some things, you don't even tell nobody anything." ELFGEEH continued, "even if we do 20
or 30 people slowly ... So we just gonna focus about things that are gonna really work."
53. On March 10, 2014, ELFGEEH recounted to CS-1 a conversation he had with a
Somali male. The Somali male told ELFGEEH about a conversation he had with a former member
of the United States military (who he referred to as the "Army marines"), during which the Somali
male told the former military member, "you see what we did ... to the American marines when
they came." The former military member apparently responded, "[y]ou should see what we did in
Iraq and Afghanistan." ELFGEEH told CS-1 that he told the Somali male that, if he killed the
former military member, he (the Somali male) would "get a reward [from God]." ELFGEEH stated
that, while some people who "claim to be scholars" say that "these people [meaning United States
military members] are now in peace, etc., and not to kill a child and so on and it is a lie."
ELFGEEH said, "in fact it is kill them as they kill you ... fight them all together as they fight you
all together." ELFGEEH continued, "They go and kill women and children, etc., and if we are a
state or any army or so, at that time we have to differentiate, at that time we are obligated and don't
have to think, but if we were a gang, I mean, you want to terrorize them ... you want to stop the
killing machine that is happening there, you understand, and the only way is to deter them by any
means." ELFGEEH stated that he told the Somali male, "if you kill him in the cause of Allah then
you have defended our sanctities and avenged their blood."
- 23 -
54. On March 19, 2014, CS-2 showed ELFGEEH a photograph of a handgun and
silencer that his "source" was willing to sell to them.
CS-2 told ELFGEEH that the brand of the
handgun was "PPK." CS-2 also quoted ELFGEEH a price of $600 for the handgun and silencer.
ELFGEEH asked CS-2 questions about how effective the silencer would be in suppressing the sound
of the handgun firing. Later in the conversation, ELFGEEH stated, "I don't have ... no plan
whatsoever, all in my head. It's all in my head," noting that the handgun was for his "personal use .
. . to take care of some things." ELFG EEH indicated that the timeframe for the plot would not "be
right away," but stated that "when we ready for future reference, we gonna go a bit, little bit more
bigger [unintelligible] we gonna buy some more stuff from this guy [meaning CS-2's gun supplier],
and probably we gonna need like big ones with the same quiet [meaning silencer], you know, but
they have to be big ones [unintelligible]." ELFGEEH continued, "we gonna try to do as much as
we could before we could get, get captured." ELFGEEH said that getting the handgun and silencer
"is gonna be a big step, getting it in the first place." When CS-2 asked if they were going to release a
video message after the shooting(s), ELFGEEH responded, "[o]nce we do five or ten already, 15,
something like that ... then we gonna say something," noting that they would "post something."
After CS-2 asked about the timeframe for the shootings, ELFGEEH responded, "most of the things
I'm gonna do 'em by myself. And, you know, hopefully in the right time." ELFGEEH continued,
"[e]ven if we do 15, 20 something and then we leave, and we go take a nice video and just
[laughing], you known such and such was us." ELFGEEH then stated, "most of it is going to be a
quicky thing. You know, it's like, ah, kid in French."
The photograph, which depicted a Walther PPK .32 caliber handgun with a silencer affixed to the barrel,
was provided by the FBI.
As detailed supra, I believe this is a reference to a French-Algerian individual named Mohammed Merah,
who shot and ldlled three French military members, and seriously injured a fourth, during shootings in France
in March 2012.
- 24-
55. On March 30, 2014, CS-2 told ELFGEEH that the handgun was a 9 millimeter, and
reiterated that the model was PPK. CS-2 asked ELFGEEH whether he needed the handgun for a
personal issue or for fisabilillah,
noting that he would feel comfortable only if it was fisabilillah.
ELFGEEH responded, "the main thing is that [meaning fisabilillah], and the only thing is that, I'm
just gonna also keep it, ah, around for other reasons and stuff that I said." ELFGEEH then said that
the gun would "be around" the store and that he would have to get a permit because if the police
pulled him over they would know he was "clean." ELFGEEH stated the "main thing is right now,
is we don't have nothing, so we have to have something, and silencer is the easy thing like, it could
be right now in the day time, and I could be ... like this guy here or something ... I could just go
back and wait for him to when he leave to go to his garage, and just walk up slowly, boom, boom,
boom, inside his garage." When CS-2 asked how they would know if the victim was a soldier,
ELFGEEH stated, "this is easy to find out. It's not hard ... we could go online or something and
they tell you names ... this is official thing." ELFGEEH also stated, "why I said it's for purpose
because, or ah, personal or something, because, it's the thing that I need, to know you know, get it
right away, um, there is some, you know, now we have war with Shi'a and others, you know, at the
same time, and they all ... kuffaf
you know, so, you know, just I just gotta do, I'm gonna do my
deed. Hits left and right [meaning multiple killings], you know." CS-2 asked ELFGEEH about the
"guy in France" that ELFGEEH had referenced in prior conversations. ELFGEEH responded,
"[i]t's in YouTube. Young boy ... he made news man, he killed about four soldiers ... he was just
young and doing it by himself. He got caught."
ELFGEEH said that the French male got caught
"Fisabilillah" (or "feesabilillah") is an Arabic expression meaning "in the cause of Allah."
"Kuffar" means infidel or non-Muslim.
As detailed supra, I believe this is a reference to a French-Algerian individual named Mohammed Merah,
who shot and killed three French military members, and seriously injured a fourth, during shootings in France
in March 2012. I should note that ELFGEEH stated that he believed the perpetrator was from Morocco,
while Merah was actually Algerian.
- 25 -
because he did one or two of the shootings on camera, and he was killed when he got caught. When
CS-2 stated that they should learn from the French male's mistakes and avoid the cameras,
ELFGEEH responded, "Yeah." ELFGEEH stated that $600 for the 9 millimeter handgun was a
"good price." ELFGEEH asked CS-2 to tell the source to bring "two, three boxes or more" of 9
millimeter ammunition, noting that "[w]e don't wanna have to go round looking for nothin' ."
56. On April 4, 2014, ELFGEEH told CS-2 to "tell him to bring it,'' meaning tell the
source to transport the handgun and silencer to Rochester. CS-2 asked ELFGEEH for proof that
"taking out a soldier on the disbelievers' land" is justified. ELFGEEH indicated that he did not
have sufficient time to answer the question, and that it would take more time to provide the material
to CS-2.
57. On April 10, 2014, CS-2 reminded ELFGEEH that he was "asking for more proof''
regarding the justification for the plot. ELFGEEH confirmed, "evidence ... about the subject that
we was talkin', planning." CS-2 told ELFGEEH that he would really like ELFGEEH to give him
somebody who has "given like fatwa from it, either from, that I could see even like YouTube and
ELFGEEH responded, "there is a YouTube that says all ... tell you what to do, don't do
this, don't do that, don't do this, do this, it tells you everything before that and then it tells you that .
. . it's YouTube ... they call them here ... 'individual wolf."'
ELFGEEH also inquired if there
was "anything new" about the handgun. CS-2 responded that his source planned to take a trip to
Pennsylvania at the end of the month (April). ELFGEEH responded, "[t]hat's probably where the
stash is."
It should be noted that ELFGEEH did not provide the requested proof or justification to CS-2.
I believe this is a reference to a "lone wolf" or "lone mujahid" terrorist. A "lone wolf" terrorist is someone
who commits acts of violence in support ofa group, movement or ideology, but who does so alone, outside of
any command structure and without material assistance from any group.
- 26 -
58. On April 20, 2014, ELFGEEH told CS-1 that he (ELFGEEH) was purchasing a
PPK 9 millimeter handgun equipped with a silencer for $600. ELFGEEH told CS-1, "I got it
[meaning the handgun and silencer] in order, uh, between me and you; we wanted to start shooting
those who were in the Army who went to Iraq ... I mean there were people coming to me, they are
lmown, we wanted to begin with them instead of sitting doing nothing, one begins to try, you
understand, and see how far he reaches with them." ELFGEEH also stated that "there is someone
from our Yemen who was my friend ... his brothers and nephews are fighting with al-
Huthi against Sunnis in Yemen, you understand, and they do it with his consent and support and he
is the one who is financing and everything, someone like that, u ~ I mean it is a war, you
understand, I wanted it for these kind of things and then it is an excellent silencer." ELFGEEH
stated that "God willing," the gun and silencer would come by the end of the month (April), and
that he would then set up a shooting target in the basement.
59. On April 21, 2014, ELFGEEH asked CS-2, "what's up with this guy [the gun
supplier], man?" CS-2 stated that the supplier is leaving at the end of the month (April), within the
next two weeks.
60. On April 27, 2014, CS-1 asked ELFGEEH to confirm that he would not "do nothing
here until [they] leave," meaning that he would not proceed with the plot to shoot and kill United
States soldiers and/or Shi'a Muslims before CS-1 and CS-2 leave for Syria. ELFGEEH responded,
"no, no."
61. On May 12, 2014, CS-2 sent a text message to ELFGEEH at the telephone number
(585) 354-9614, the telephone number used by ELFGEEH. The text message stated, in pertinent
part, "my friend got what you wanted [meaning the firearm and silencer], do you got the money?"
ELFGEEH responded, "Yes. I got it."
- 27 -
62. On May 29, 2014, CS-1 met with ELFGEEH at Mojoe's. During the meeting, CS-1
asked if ELFGEEH had gotten "his thing," meaning the handgun from CS-2. ELFGEEH
responded that it was supposed to come at the end of the month (May), but it did not. ELFGEEH
also stated that he wanted the handgun even for his use here, adding that it is good to have you
never know when you are going to use it.
63. On May 29, 2014, CS-2 met with ELFGEEH at Mojoe's. During the meeting, CS-2
told ELFGEEH that CS-2's supplier had two handguns with silencers available. One was the
previously-discussed Walther PPK and the other was a 9 millimeter. ELFGEEH gave CS-2 $550 in
cash for the purpose of purchasing from CS-2's supplier the Walther PPK with a silencer and
ammunition. In addition, ELFGEEH gave CS-2 his Visa debit card for M&T Bank and instructed
CS-2 to withdraw $500 from ELFGEEH's account for the purpose of purchasing from CS-2's
supplier the 9 millimeter handgun with a silencer and ammunition. ELFGEEH asked CS-2 to find
out if the supplier would sell the two handguns, the two silencers, and ammunition for the aggregate
price of $1,050. During this conversation, ELFGEEH also told CS-2 that he had a laptop computer
for CS-2 to take to Syria on the trip with CS-1. CS-2 observed ELFGEEH using the laptop
computer inside Mojoe's during this meeting. After leaving Mojoe's, CS-2 used the Visa card to
withdraw $500 from ELFGEEH's bank account at an Automated Teller Machine (A TM).
64. Later on May 29, 2014, CS-2 returned to Mojoe's to give the Visa card and ATM
receipt back to ELFGEEH. While there, CS-2 informed ELFGEEH that the supplier agreed to sell
the two handguns, the two silencers, and the ammunition for a total of $1,050. CS-2 further stated
that the supplier may be in the Rochester area on Friday night (May 30, 2014) or Saturday morning
(May 31, 2014) to make delivery of the requested items to CS-2.
65. On May 31, 2014, the FBI gave CS-2 a grey tackle box containing a Walther PPK,
.32 caliber handgun with a functional silencer affixed to the barrel, a Glock 26, 9 millimeter
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handgun with a functional silencer affixed to the barrel, two boxes of .32 caliber ammunition, and
two boxes of 9 millimeter ammunition.
Later, CS-2 arranged to meet ELFGEEH at a location in
Rochester, New York. During the meeting, CS-2 gave the tackle box to ELFGEEH. ELFGEEH
took the box and began to return to his vehicle. Members of the investigative team arrested
ELFGEEH in possession of the box containing the handguns, silencers, and ammunition.
WhatsApp Accounts
66. On May 29, 2014, the FBI served preservation requests under 18 U.S.C. 2703(f) on
WhatsApp for the accounts 5853549614, +963967197623 and +967700780952. As detailed, supra,
ELFGEEH stated that he communicated with the Jordanian male and Yemeni Male 2 over
WhatsApp in an effort to arrange for CS-1 and CS-2 to travel to Syria to fight with ISIL, and that the
WhatsApp numbers for the Jordanian male and Yemen Male 2 were +963967197623 and
+967700780952, respectively. In light of these statements by ELFGEEH, I believe that ELFGEEH
used his account, 5853549614, to communicate with the Jordanian male at +963967197623 and
with Yemeni Male 2 at +967700780952 about the plan to send CS-1 and CS-2 to Syria to fight with
67. In or about July 2014, the government served subpoenas on WhatsApp Messenger
seeking accounting information for the accounts 5853549614, +963967197623 and +967700780952.
On or about July 16, 2014, the FBI received the subpoenaed information from WhatsApp
Messenger. The documents showed the following:
Prior to giving the firearms to CS-2, the FBI had rendered them inoperable.
On May 31, 2014, the Honorable Jonathan W. Feldman, United States Magistrate Judge, Western District
of New York, issued a complaint charging ELFGEEH with two counts of receipt and possession of an
unregistered firearm silencer (as defined in Title 18, United States Code, Section 921(24)), in violation of Title
26, United States Code, Sections 5841, 5861(d), and 5871.
- 29 -
a. Service for account number + 1-585-354-9614 was started on January 26, 2014, at
3:23 p.m. PT, and is set to expire on January 26, 2015 at 3:23 p.m. PT. The services used for this
account are "Address Book" and "Groups." This account was "last seen" on May 31, 2014, at
12:00 p.m. PT (which is the date ofELFGEEH's arrest in the Western District of New York);
b. Service for account number +963-96-7197-623 was started on December 13, 2013 at
6:52 a.m. PT, and is set to expire on December 13, 2014 at 6:52 a.m. PT. The services used for this
account are "Address Book" and "Groups." This account was "last seen" on July 8, 2014 at 11:08
p.m. PT; and
c. Service for account number +967-700-780-952 was started on May 23, 2013 at 11 :28
a.m. PT, and is set to expire on April 12, 2015 at 8:56 a.m. PT. The services used for this account
are "Address Book" and "Groups." This account was "last seen" on July 15, 2014 at 6:50 p.m. PT.
68. Given that the specified WhatsApp accounts are still in existence and have not been
deleted, and that a preservation requested was timely served on WhatsApp, the computers at
WhatsApp are likely to contain all the material described, above, including information concerning
subscribers and their use ofWhatsApp, such as account access information, transaction information,
and other account information.
69. I anticipate executing this warrant under the Electronic Communications Privacy
Act, in particular 18 U.S.C. 2703(a), 2703(b)(l)(A), and 2703(c)(l)(A), by using the warrant to
require WhatsApp to disclose to the government copies of the records and other information
(including content regarding the identities or locations of persons, telephone numbers or accounts
"Last seen" information is available and displayed to each user who has a particular mobile telephone
number in their mobile telephone address book or contact book, and reflects the last approximate time the
WhatsApp mobile application has been used or brought to the foreground on the mobile telephone. "Last
seen" information is reported to WhatsApp when a user brings the mobile application to the foreground.
- 30 -
associated with the accounts 5853549614, +963967197623, and +967700780952) particularly
described in Section I of Attachment B. Upon receipt of the information described in Section I of
Attachment B, government-authorized persons will review that information to locate the items
described in Section II of AttachmentB.
70. Based on the there is probable cause to believe that MUFID A.
ELFGEEH a/k/a Abu Musa al-Faqih a/k/a Abu Musa al-Madhaji a/k/a Abu Musa al-Athiri
a/k/a Abu Musa al-Athari a/k/a Abu Musa Athari al-Yemeni a/k/a Abu Musa a/k/a Abi Musa
al-Madhaji a/k/a Abu Naje a/k/a Ali Saleh a/k/a Abumusa Almuslm a/k/a Abo Baqia a/k/a
Mou Leeg a/k/a Abu Hamza, has committed violations of 18 U.S.C. 956 (conspiracy to murder
or maim persons overseas), 2339A (providing, and attempting and conspiring to provide, material
support of terrorism), 2339B (providing, and attempting and conspiring to provide, material support
to a designated foreign terrorist organization), 1114 (attempted murder of federal officials and
employees), and 924(c) (possession of firearms in furtherance of a crime of violence), and 26 U.S.C.
5841, 5861(d), and 5871 (receipt and possession of unregistered firearm silencers), and that
evidence of those criminal violations, as specifically described in Section II of Attachment B to this
application, is presently located in the information 'described in Attachment A to this application. I
therefore respectfully request that the Court jssue the proposed search warrant.
71. This Court has jurisdiction to issue the requested search warrants because it is "a
court of competent jurisdiction" as defined by 18 U.S.C. 2711. 18 U.S.C. 2703(a),
2703(b)(l)(A), and 2703(c)(l)(A). Specifically, the Court is a "district court of the United States
(including a magistrate judge of such a court) ... that - has jurisdiction over the offense[s] being
investigated." 18 U.S.C. 2711(3)(A)(i).
- 31 -
72. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2703(g), the presence of a law enforcement officer is not
required for the service or execution of the search warrant.
Dated: Rochester, New York
August _k_, 2014
~ . i ~ ~ ~ L JO ATHAN W. FELDMAN
States Magistrate Judge
n District of New York
- 32 -
Special Agent
Federal Bureau ofinvestigation
Joint Terrorism Task Force
Property to be Searched
The search warrant applies to information associated with the WhatsApp Messenger
accounts associated with the following telephone numbers:
(1) 5853549614;
(2) +963967197623; and
(3) +967700780952;
that is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by WhatsApp, a company
headquartered in San Mateo, California.
Particular Items to be Seized
I. Information to be Disclosed by WhatsApp
To the extent that the information described in Attachment A is within the possession, custody,
or control of WhatsApp, including any messages, records, files, logs or information that have been
deleted but are still available to WhatsApp, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made
under 18 U.S.C. 2703(f), WhatsApp is required to disclose the following information to the
government for each account listed in Attachment A:
a. All identity and contact information, including full name, e-mail address, physical address
(including city, state and zip code), date of birth, gender, hometown, occupation, and other personal
b. All past and current usemames, accounts passwords, names and telephone numbers
associated with the account;
c. The dates and times at which the account and profile were created, and the Internet Protocol
("IP") address at the time of sign-up;
d. All IP logs and other documents showing the IP address, date, and time of a subscriber's use
of the account;
e. All data and information associated with any user profile, including photographs, "bias,"
and profile backgrounds and themes;
f. All photographs, images and profile pictures associated with the subscriber's account;
g. All location data associated with the account, including geolocation sharing information
with other accounts;
h. All data and information that has been deleted by the user;
i. A list of all of the people, telephone numbers or accounts that are linked to the WhatsApp
account (including those that are part of the Address Books, Contact Lists, and Groups owned by or
participated in), including through third-party applications or websites, along with the identity and
contact information for each linked person, telephone number and account, including full name, e-
mail address, physical address (including city, state and zip code), date of birth, gender, hometown,
occupation, and other personal identifiers;
j. All privacy and account settings;
k. All information about connections between the account and third-party websites and
1. All information about the dates and times of delivered messages;
m. All information about the identities of senders and recipients of delivered messages;
n. All content of undelivered messages; and
o. All records pertaining to actions taken regarding the account, including suspensions.
IT. Information to be Seized by the Government
All information described above in Section I that constitutes fruits, evidence and
instrumentalities of violations of 18 U.S.C. 956 (conspiracy to murder or maim persons overseas),
2339A (providing, and attempting and conspiring to provide, material support of terrorism), 2339B
(providing, and attempting and conspiring to provide, material support to a designated foreign
terrorist organization), 1114 (attempted murder of federal officials and employees), and 924(c)
(possession of firearms in furtherance of a crime of violence), and 26 U.S.C. 5841, 586l(d), and
5871 (receipt and possGssion of unregistered firearm silencers), including, for each account identified
in Attachment A, information pertaining to the following matters:
a. Any undelivered messages involving efforts to provide, attempt to provide, and
conspiracy to provide material support (including but not limited to personnel, funds, and
equipment) to terrorists or designated foreign terrorist organizations (including but not limited to the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) a/k/a the Islamic State oflraq and al-Sham, the Islamic
- 2 -
State of Iraq and Syria, ad-Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-'Iraq wa-sh-Sham, Daesh, Dawla al Islamiya,
and al-Furqan Establishment for Media Production);
b. Any information that the users of the telephone numbers on WhatsApp or third-
party applications or websites associated with the account are affiliated with terrorists or designated
foreign terrorist organizations (including but not limited to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) a/k/a the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ad-Dawla al-
Islamiyya fi al-'Iraq wa-sh-Sham, Daesh, Dawla al Islamiya, and al-Furqan Establishment for Media
Production), including, for example, the use of a symbol or insignia known to be associated with a
particular terrorist or designated foreign terrorist organization (including but not limited to the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) a/k/a the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria, ad-Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-'Iraq wa-sh-Sham, Daesh, Dawla al Islamiya,
and al-Furqan Establishment for Media Production);
c. Any undelivered messages relating to efforts to assist or arrange for CS-1, CS-2 or
others to travel overseas to engage in violent jihad, engage in acts of terrorism, and/or join a
designated foreign terrorist organization (including but not limited to the Islamic State of Iraq and
the Levant (ISIL) a/k/a the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria,
ad-Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-'Iraq wa-sh-Sham, Daesh, Dawla al Islamiya, and al-Furqan
Establishment for Media Production);
d. Records or other information relating to who created, used or communicated with
the account, including records about their identities and whereabouts;
e. Any undelivered messages relating to firearms, silencers, ammunition, terrorist
attacks involving mass shootings or shooting sprees, military tactics and training, and/ or religious
justification for terrorist attacks;
- 3 -
f. The names, telephone numbers, WhatsApp account numbers, and other identifying
information for any and all WhatsApp contacts and subscribers in the Address Books and/or
Contact Lists for the subject WhatsApp accounts;
g. The names, telephone numbers, WhatsApp account numbers, and other identifying
information for any and all entries in any Groups owned by or participated in through the subject
WhatsApp accounts;
h. The dates and times of any and all messages delivered to and/ or sent from the
subject WhatsApp accounts;
i. The senders and recipients of any and all messages delivered to and/ or sent from the
subject WhatsApp accounts; and
j. The profile picture for each of the subject WhatsApp accounts.

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