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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Hypnotherapy Scripts
Volume II


Steve G. Jones, M.Ed.

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Research Assistant: Katherine T. Sinclair

Copyright © 2007

All rights reserved. No material in this book may be

reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission from the author.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................4
Foreword ..........................................................................6
Chapter 1 What is a Script? ...........................................8
Chapter 2 Weight loss Scripts .....................................16
Motivation for Weight Loss...........................................17
Binge Eating.................................................................19
Food as Fuel ................................................................23
Weight Loss II ..............................................................27
Weight Loss III ............................................................28
Weight Loss IV .............................................................29
Chapter 3 General Wellness Scripts ...........................33
Anger ...........................................................................34
Bulimia .........................................................................37
Healthy Aging...............................................................38
Life Balance .................................................................41
Chapter 4 Confidence Scripts......................................50
Claustrophobia .............................................................51
Confidence ...................................................................53
Fear of Heights.............................................................55
Fear of Horses .............................................................57
Fear of Public Speaking ...............................................60
Fear of Snakes.............................................................64
Fear of Spiders.............................................................66
Overcome Shyness......................................................68
Overcome Fear of Performing On Stage.....................70
Positive Attitude ...........................................................72
Chapter 5 Motivation Scripts .......................................73
Tennis ..........................................................................76
Motivation for Change ..................................................83
Procrastination .............................................................85
Reach your True Potential as you Age.........................87

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Chapter 6 Medical Issue Scripts ................................. 90

Control Alcohol ............................................................ 91
Anxiety ......................................................................... 92
Autism.......................................................................... 94
Drug Addiction ............................................................. 95
Optimal Health ............................................................. 97
ADD/ADHD ................................................................ 101
Appendix ...................................................................... 103
References ................................................................... 105
Resources .................................................................... 106
Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. ................................ 107

Hypnotherapy has been used in dental practice since
the 19th century. It was used then in the form of
hypnoanalgesia during surgical dental intervention. The
first tooth extraction with the use of hypnoanalgesia was
performed by Jean Victor Dudet in 1830.

Since then, hypnotherapists have made powerful

strides toward changing public perception about hypnosis.
Doctors continue to use hypnosis to calm their patients,
and to ease pain during procedures (Bierman, 1995). They
regularly tell patients how easy recovery will be.
Additionally, doctors tell patients that a procedure is
common and meets with a high degree of success.
Because these phrases are delivered by an authority
figure, they act in exactly the same way as hypnotic
suggestions, and become reality for the patient. More
obvious hypnotic suggestions are also sometimes given to
patients by doctors trained in hypnosis, and for over a
century, dentists have used hypnosis to ease discomfort
during dental procedures.

In addition to using hypnotic techniques themselves,

doctors and dentists regularly refer patients to
hypnotherapists for help with weight loss, smoking
cessation, and overcoming fears about dental and surgical
procedures. Before the 1950s, the medical profession
scoffed at hypnotherapy, but today it is being readily
embraced as a complement to long-standing medical

According to the southern Medical Journal (2004), as

many as 40% of Americans use some form of
complementary and alternative medicine such as
hypnotherapy. At no other time has the world of
hypnotherapy been as wide open with exciting possibilities
as it is now. Because more and more people are exploring
Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

and accepting the benefits of hypnotherapy, a much

greater need for qualified hypnotherapists to open
practices now exists. The goal of this book is to give you, a
potential or practicing hypnotherapist, a strong base for
building your practice. You will be guided through a basic
hypnotherapy session, and you will be given homework
opportunities to use and modify your techniques so that
you can help others lose weight, find love, and increase
their financial success, among other issues.

For the latest information about the hypnotherapy

world, visit, the
website of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, of which I
am the founder and director. The organization started in
America as a network of hypnotherapists, but it is now
open to practitioners worldwide. Among other things, this
site lists hypnotherapists and classes available in your
local area. Become a member. It’s free.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Chapter 1

What is a Script?

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Perhaps the most important part of any hypnosis

experience is the script.

What is a script? A script is the meat of the hypnosis

experience. It is where the therapy occurs. If you do not
have a script, you are not doing hypnotherapy. You may
be hypnotizing your client, but you are not helping anyone.
A script is the portion of the hypnosis session during which
you suggest change. It delivers the main message to the
subconscious mind. The pretalk, induction and deepening
were all to prepare the client for the script.

A script can be on anything: attracting romantic partners,

improving efficiency for increased financial success,
weight loss, memory improvement, smoking cessation,
improved confidence, or whatever the client’s challenge
may be.

As part of a self-hypnotherapy session, a hypnotherapist

could even write a script to enhance her creativity—to
suggest to her subconscious mind that she is going to
write more creative scripts.

The script is where you form new associations for the

client. Instead of being afraid, the client will associate a
pleasant feeling with talking to members of the opposite
sex, eating health foods, going down an escalator, down
an elevator, into a crowd of people, up on a stage, in an
airplane, near a snake.

I have a prospective client who is afraid of entering parking

garages. During the script, she will be given a new
association for entering a parking garage, and she will no
longer be afraid. Her old association, the one she has now,

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

is scary for her. The script will plant positive suggestions

that her body will remember in the future when she
actually enters a parking garage.

If you are new to hypnotherapy, you might want to start

with a script written by someone else. You can borrow one
of my scripts, or a script from one of the countless books
available on this topic (see chapter’s end for
recommended resources).

When using a script that someone else has written, make

sure that you have read through it before the hypnosis
session. The worst thing you can possibly do is go into a
session without previously having read through the script.

You want to be familiar with the script for several reasons.

First of all, you do not want to trip through words and
concepts while reading the script during the session.
(Because your client’s eyes are covered, you can read a
script during a session. You do not have to memorize it.)
Second of all, you need to evaluate the script prior to
reading it to your client. Each client is different, so you will
need to find and eliminate those things in the script that
are not going to apply to the particular client for whom the
script is being used. You need to have a full understanding
of the script so that you can tailor it to reach the best
possible results.

Do your due diligence. Do not allow yourself any excuses.

Prepare every time.

Beware of procrastinating and ending up in a situation that

causes you to stumble. You can get lazy. You can get into
a rut. During a live sermon, the preacher can say, “I am
sorry. I made a mistake. Let me backtrack.” You cannot do
that under hypnosis. Every word you say goes into the
patient’s subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Be prepared. You are dealing with the most precious part

of a human: His mind. Treat it delicately.

I do not say this to scare you. I say this to prepare you.

Be prepared.

Consider a script for weight loss that begins like this:

Now, you will imagine that you are a machine and you can
put different types of batteries in your power center. You
have been choosing batteries which do not last long and
leave a residue. From now on, you will chose proper
batteries which power you for a long time and do not leave
a residue.

Let’s say that you are not interested or inspired by the

machine analogy used in the script. Also, your client is not
interested in machines at all. Would this script be
appropriate? Probably not. Would it be more powerful to
use a script that related to something you and your client
related to? Probably.

Although the analogies are good and potentially powerful,

if they do not feel natural for you, you will not be confident
when reading them. And, more importantly, if they do not
feel natural for the client, another script choice would be
more appropriate.

So go through any script you intend to use. Make sure

there are no surprises. If someone hands you a script and
says, “Here. Use this when you have someone who wants
to lose weight,” make sure you go through the script ahead
of time.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Do not be afraid to alter a script. Scripts are not written in

stone. Make the script into something that flows freely from
your mouth.

One of the books I recommend at the end of this book,

The Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors by
Hammond, contains many good scripts. However, they
were written by hypnotherapists with advanced
educational and medical degrees, and are therefore
extremely technical. Take the general idea of these scripts
and rewrite them. You have got to tailor things to your own
unique flavor. I cannot emphasize that enough.

The only rule for modifying scripts is this: Never insert

anything that could cause harm.

We do not harm people. We help people. Say good things.

Do not say frightening or harmful things. Do not excite your
client. Bore him. Everything is calm. Everything is
peaceful. Everything is beautiful. Everything is positive.

As long as you remember not to harm people, your script

will be fine.

If you do not have a script to modify, you will have to write

your own script. Let’s assume that your client wants to lose
weight and you do not have a script.

What should you do? Do you give up? No. You do not give
up. You take heart in the fact that everything you need is
already within you. You just need a little guidance.

So let’s take this step-by-step.

First of all, ask yourself what the goal is. Here, the goal is
for the client to lose weight.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Before writing the script, you need to find out what a

reasonable target is. Do not allow the client to expect to
lose 100 pounds in six weeks. If you are not sure what is
reasonable, consult a dietician or a physician. (Remember:
if your client is under the care of another healthcare
professional, make sure you are agreement with the
course of treatment.)

Find out how much weight the person can expect to lose,
and set a reasonable target within a reasonable time

Your due diligence should continue with a conversation

with the client. Before you write the script, find out what the
client is eating that is harmful. Ask the client: “What are the
foods you are eating, and when are you eating them?” And
then work this information into the script.

For example, perhaps the client says, “I am eating

Snickers bars at 11 p.m. right before I go to bed. I am
eating three of them a night. I cannot figure out why on
earth I am gaining weight. It is just not fair.”

The script is the place to alter the negative behavior that is

causing the problem. Your script will want to tell this client:
that he can and will change his behavior.

If the person is gaining weight, unable to talk to potential

romantic partners, or scared of flying, the script is the
place to insert suggestions for positive change. The script
is where the healing takes place.

If she is afraid of planes, she gets on that plane. She takes

that plane ride. She gets off that plane and nothing has
gone wrong. Have her imagine the whole thing. She is
safe the entire time. Nothing goes wrong. Be creative.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Say things like, “You can see the cockpit from where you
are sitting and everything looks fine. And you know that
your bags are stowed and you just feel great because
everything is taken care of. It is a smooth flight. You look
outside. And it is daytime and you see the sky and it is so

If you are working on motivation, find out why the client is

not motivated. Is she unmotivated because she does not
think she will accomplish the desired results? If so, the
script should help the client to see herself as having
already accomplished the results. The client already has
achieved whatever it is that is causing her to procrastinate.

If the client is afraid of snakes, have him see a snake from

a distance. Tell him, “Everything is fine and now if you
want to you can walk closer. Only walk as close as you
feel comfortable with and no closer. And each time you
hear my voice, you can allow yourself to get closer but
understand that no harm will come to you.”
When writing a script, I am inviting you to use your
creativity. I am inviting you to reach inside and pull
something out of yourself something that will be helpful. I
am not going to tell you a way that is written in stone
because that would limit your creativity. Beyond the sky is
the limit. Go beyond. Just let it flow. Keep in mind your
plan, your idea, and your motive. Your motivation is to help
the person. You are trying to help the client.

Everything is positive. Everything is uplifting. We are not

dwelling on the negative. We focus on the positive.

Keep your eye on the mark and remember that you will
end up at whatever point on which you have focused.
Likewise, we want to keep the client’s focus on the positive
change from within. The client should imagine that the
change has happened. We want the client to think: “I am

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

already flying. I am not planning on it. I am getting on that

plane. I am not imagining it. I am flying. I am getting as
close to that snake as I feel comfortable. I am taking the
steps to get to that escalator and I am on it and everything
is fine.”

As discussed earlier, a person’s body does not know the

difference between imaging something and having it
actually happen. This means that the client has the
advantage of knowing rationally that the situation is not
occurring, but physically and emotionally the client feels he
has experienced the event.

Therefore, when it comes time for the client to go down the

escalator, his body will feel as though he has a positive
and successful experience under his belt.

Though they are the meat of the session, scripts should

not exceed 10 minutes when read slowly aloud.

The following chapters contain scripts which can be used

by you in working with yourself or working with clients. I
have divided them into chapters to make referencing them
easier. Keep in mind that the chapter titles are only
general guides and that some scripts could be used for
multiple purposes. You may also feel free to modify any of
my scripts to suit you particular needs. For more scripts,
please visit where you can
purchase my other scripts book, Hypnotherapy Scripts
Volume I.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Chapter 2

Weight loss Scripts

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Motivation for Weight Loss

You are feeling relaxed and eat ease. Think back to what
you looked like before you started your weight loss
program. It could be one week ago or one year ago. Think
about how much you have accomplished. Once a week,
you should reflect back on all that you have accomplished
so far. You will come up with a long term and several
short-term goals. The long-term goal is your ideal weight
or your desired look and these goals are realistic. Your
short-term goals are the personal goal that you have for
the next week. These goals are also realistic, and they will
help you stay motivated throughout your weight loss
program. I want you to picture your lifestyle right now. You
completely get rid of all negative thoughts. You only think
positively. You have many great characteristics and you
only focus on the positive. You do this all the time. You
only dwell on positive thoughts. Liking yourself for who you
are will keep you motivated while losing weight. You have
a great personality. You are fun and people enjoy being
around you. The only thing you want to change about
yourself is your weight and that is great because it will
improve your quality of life. You are enjoying the new way
in which you eat. You enjoy coming up with new and
healthy recipes to try. Not all of them workout, but you
have found some really good ones. You also enjoy coming
up with new ways to exercise and new ways to get
physical activity. You vary your workouts with cardio,
group exercise, and strength training. Sometimes you
workout with other people who keep you motivated and
you also enjoy time to yourself while you workout. You
enjoy going outside to workout and you also enjoy being
inside on a machine. You enjoy the variety and it keeps
you motivated from one workout to the next and from week
to the next. You also make sure that if you miss a workout
or if you eat something healthy, you continue to think
positively. You realize your mistake and make adjustments

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

to meet your goals. You stay motivated throughout your

workouts because you know that exercise isn’t just helping
you to lose weight, it is also helping you to lead a more
healthy life. Exercising now will have long and lasting
effects on your body and mind. You also make sure that
you have a support system in place. You surround yourself
with positive people. They are very supportive of you and
encourage you at all times. Now, imagine yourself six
months from now. You have met many of your short-term
goals. You feel a high sense of accomplishment. You have
not yet met your goal weight, but you know you will get
there in time. You look back and see how far you have
come. You have changed your lifestyle and you have lost
a good portion of the weight you want to lose. You are
proud of how far you have come. You look and feel
healthier and fitter. Your body is more lean and thin. You
are proud of all that you have accomplished. You have set
realistic goals for yourself and you are on you way to
reaching your ultimate goal.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Binge Eating
You continue to relax. I want you to picture all the food you
ate yesterday. Imagine an island countertop in your
kitchen with nothing on it except the food that you
consumed yesterday. Not only do you see the types of
food you ate yesterday, but the amount is there too. Now I
want you to imagine getting rid of half of the food. For now,
it doesn’t matter whether you get rid of half of the total
amount or if you get rid of half of each item. Go ahead and
throw out half of what’s in front of you on the island and
toss it into a trashcan. Now I want you to imagine opening
your refrigerator and it being filled with foods that are
healthy for you. The entire refrigerator is fill with
vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. Go
ahead and grab some things that appeal to you. You grab
some vegetables that are already washed and prepared
for you. You grab some fruits that are juicy and in season.
You grab some whole grains and lean proteins too, only
the ones that you like the most. You grab all of these
healthy foods and you put them onto the island. You now
have half of the food you ate yesterday, plus some healthy
food. The food that you see spread out in front of you is
what you will eat today, however you have to eat them
throughout the day in 5 separate meals. You can eat any
of the foods for any of your meals, but you must make the
meals as equal as possible. Picture yourself eating these
foods today. You eat some of the healthy foods at each
meal. You realize that even though you are eating a lot
less than you did yesterday, you feel more satisfied. Each
meal is equal in size and holds you off until your next
meal. You don’t feel tempted to eat more than the allotted
amount because you know you will be eating again in a
few hours. Imagine eating like this for a whole month.
Picture the changes you notice about yourself. You have a
lot more energy throughout the day. You feel more
productive and motivated to get things done. You are

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

satisfied by the foods you eat. The healthy foods satisfy

you and the old foods you eat satisfy your craving. If you
feel the urge to binge on food, you turn to the refrigerator
with only healthy foods in it. You realize that binging on
food doesn’t get you anywhere. It doesn’t improve your life
and it is only a temporary satisfaction. Picture yourself six
months from now. You no longer have urges to binge on
food. You enjoy having control over your food. You now
make sure to consume foods that satisfy you, not foods
that leave you feeling empty. Now, not only is your
stomach satisfied, but so is your life. Your life is satisfying.
You feel as though you are worthwhile and capable. You
no longer get mad at yourself for eating too much,
because now you are able to say no to food when you
know you have had enough. After six months you decide
to cut down on some of the indulging food that you are still
eating and you add more healthy foods to your daily food
intake. You are consuming fewer calories, but you are still
just as full and satisfied as you were before. You lead a
fulfilling life. And you look forward to a full and enriched life
in your future.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Exercise for Weight Loss

You are feeling calm and relaxed. Now take a look at how
much exercise you are currently getting. Think about how
many steps you take in one day. Your goal everyday is
10,000 steps. Any way you can add those steps, will help
you to lose weight. Park farther away from a destination
and walk more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If
faced with the option of standing or sitting, choose
standing. Go take your dog out for a walk if you have a
dog. Mow the yard instead of having someone else do it.
There are so many options for you to increase the number
of steps you take per day. The best way to increase steps
in the shortest amount of time is to get exercise. Walking,
running, biking, and swimming are great cardio options.
Choose a variety of cardio workouts so that you don’t get
bored. Invite a friend to exercise with you. If you are on a
stationary machine like an elliptical trainer or a treadmill or
a bike, you could read a book or magazine to help pass
time. You will enjoy exercising. You will enjoy finding new
ways to get physical activity. You have fun while
exercising. You will do five cardio workouts every week for
thirty to forty-five minutes each. You make sure to get your
heart pumping with a higher heart rate. Vigorous exercise
is the main booster of metabolism. You easily find the time
to exercise because it is very important to you. Exercising
makes you feel better physically and it makes you feel
better about yourself. In addition to your aerobic workouts,
you make it a goal to get some other form of physical
activity every day for thirty minutes to an hour. Your
physical activities can be whatever you enjoy. Perhaps you
like walking your dog or gardening. You make sure that
you get your heart rate up for these activities. You enjoy
participating in these activities and you enjoy thinking
about the newer, slimmer you. You also add strength
training to your new lifestyle. You train with free weights
and resistance bands two or three times a week. Strength

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

training will help you boost your metabolism and it will help
you build long lean muscles. Picture your new lifestyle six
months from now. You workout six or seven times a week.
Exercising has become a part of your daily routine, just like
showering and eating. You enjoy all the extra physical
activity you are getting. Picture a wide variety of aerobic
exercise and physical activity; you are always stimulated
by new workouts. Imagine how your body feels. Your body
is firmer to the touch. You feel definition in muscles you
didn’t know you had. Your clothes are looser on you. On
the outside you look thinner and trimmer. On the inside
you are healthier. You have more energy than you used to.
You are able to accomplish more and you feel more
motivated to reach your goals. Your body is healthier on
the inside. Your immune system has gotten a boost and
your body is able to fight off bacteria and viruses. You
enjoy the new you. Picture yourself a year from now. You
have lost weight and you are close to your goal weight.
The pounds keep coming off as you vary your workouts.
You have become a lot stronger, physically and mentally.
You continue to enjoy aerobic workouts and physical
activity. They have become a part of your daily routine.
You find that you are happier now and you are less
stressed. Losing weight with exercise has changed you.
You like the new you. You have worked hard exercising
and losing weight. You look forward to your future and
reaching your goal weight. You know that you can
accomplish anything you put your mind to.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Food as Fuel
You are now completely relaxed and at ease. I want you to
picture your body as an engine. You know that the more
you drive, the more gasoline you need. Our bodies are
similar to an engine, the more we use our bodies, the more
food it needs. If you are always on the go, moving around,
exercising, and very active, you are going to need more
food than someone who sits at a desk most of the day and
doesn’t move their body a lot. Just like an engine needs
gasoline, we need the proper sources of food to keep us
going. You wouldn’t put water, juice, or coffee in your car,
your car wouldn’t run properly or at all. You must eat
healthy foods in order to be healthy, mentally sharp, and
have enough energy to get you through the day. In order
to use food as fuel, you must eat lean protein, whole
grains, vegetables, and fruits. These are the best foods to
get all the nutrients and minerals your body needs for
optimal health. Lean proteins are fish, poultry, beans, nuts,
and soy. They are all high in protein and protein will keep
you satisfied for a long period of time. Protein stays in your
body and gives you the energy you need so that you feel
good throughout the day. Whole grains are important
because they are an excellent source of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates also give you energy, but this energy is like
short-term energy. It won’t stay with you for a long period
of time, but it will give you more of an instant boost. It’s
very important to balance protein and carbohydrates, both
are very important. You will want to eat whole grains
because they have fiber in them. Fiber is the part in
carbohydrates that keeps you satisfied longer. Fiber is a
very important part of your diet and keeps your healthy.
Vegetables and fruits are important because they contain
so many valuable nutrients. Protein and carbohydrates will
get you through your day, but vegetables and fruits will
give you the vitamins and nutrients to sustain a long and
healthy life. The more brightly colored the fruits and

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

vegetables are the better. This means that they are rich in
antioxidants and vitamins. You should also strive to eat
dark leafy greens. They also provide many nutrients that
you cannot get anywhere else. Picture yourself eating
these foods. You eat lean protein, whole grains,
vegetables, and fruits. You are able to have the energy
you need throughout the day. Whether you are training for
a marathon or chasing your children around the house or
spending 9 hours at work, you need proper nutrition. What
you put into your body has a direct effect on how your
body feels, thinks, and performs. You will feel satisfied and
energetic with the right foods. By getting rid of fried foods
and saturated fats you will feel better throughout your day
and you will notice changes long-term. You may not notice
a change right away in your mental capability, but using
the correct food to nourish your body will have a drastic
effect on your mental health in the long run. Perhaps a
lifetime of eating right can help fight against Alzheimer’s
Disease and different cancers. Getting the right nutrition
will also affect how your body performs in the short-term
and long-term. You will feel like you are in better shape if
you are consuming the right foods in the short term. In the
long-term, the correct foods will help you keep your bones,
joints, and muscles in good working order so that you can
be mobile as you age. You have complete control over
what foods you consume, which means you have a lot of
control over how your body and mind think, feel, and

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Weight Loss I
Now imagine yourself two months from now. You have
lost 20 pounds. You have eliminated unhealthy choices
from your diet. You have devoted yourself to following a
rigorous, but safe, exercise regiment. You made smarter
choices in your grocery shopping, choosing more fruits,
vegetables and lean meats. You cut out overly fatty foods,
unhealthy sweets, and empty carbohydrates. You began
packing your own lunch and taking it with you to work,
eliminating the temptation of all the unhealthy choices at
the restaurants you used to frequent during your lunch
hour. You spent the extra time you gained by not traveling
to and from a restaurant on your lunch break taking an
invigorating, metabolism-boosting walk. You stopped
drinking soft drinks and found that you did not miss them
at all like you thought you would. You enjoy the flavor of
the fresh, healthy ingredients in your food much more than
the unhealthy, processed food you thought you wouldn’t
be able to live without. Eating has become a joyful
experience because you feel yourself nourishing your body
and growing more and more healthy.
You go to the gym at least four times a week, often more.
You go even when you feel tired or don’t think you are up
to it because when you do, you find that you feel so much
better after you’ve finished working out. You realize that
you do not feel as well if you do not get your workout in.
You are overjoyed when you look at the results of your
positive changes in the mirror. Your stomach is flat. Your
legs and posterior are toned and healthy in appearance.
Your arms look strong and lean. Your skin glows as a
result of your healthier diet and exercise routine. You find
yourself caring for other parts of your appearance because
you are proud of your appearance and want to do all you
can to accentuate it. Your grooming has improved. You
love your new haircut. The new outfit you bought fits you
perfectly in all the right places. You can’t wait to show up

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

to that reunion. And when you do, you own the room
because you look amazing and you absolutely exude
confidence and success. Everyone cannot stop telling you
how fantastic you look and how wonderful you have done
for yourself. Your successes have created a new,
improved you, and you keep up with your new healthy
lifestyle permanently because you love the way you feel.
You affect those around you positively and inspire
improvement in others. This fills you with gratitude and

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Weight Loss II
As you continue to relax imagine the perfect you. That’s
right your body is perfect. As you gaze into the mirror,
you’re satisfied that you have achieved your goals! While
you ate, exercised and followed those few principles... in
just a few months 10 pounds was simply gone. In 6
months friends and family noticed how good you look. All
because you paid attention to those details, so simple and
easy to follow of good sound weight management.

It’s now so easy to have a large meal ordered and simply

quit when your plate is ½ full (with absolutely no quilt). You
are now an example to your friends, co-workers and family
on healthy diet structure and planning. You may even be
invited to teach and assist others in how to deal with their
weight problems. The sky’s the limit to your possibilities.

You are now the expert in dealing with ineffective foods as

opposed to effective and healthy dietary functions. You will
find yourself drinking more water, eating brightly well-
seasoned vegetables and being very selective with the
various healthy meat choices. All of life is opening up for
you with your beautiful appearance that radiates from the
inside to the outside as new doors of opportunity open just
for you. Clearly you deserve to be thin, healthy and

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Weight Loss III

As you are relaxing on a blanket here by the waterfall I

want you to imagine yourself here six months from now
sitting on this same blanket at this same spot. But you are
going to be 40 pounds lighter. You will be so proud of
yourself. You have worked hard to achieve what you want.
You have stopped eating all the bad foods, such as fast
foods, sweets, and breads. And in place you have grown
to love fruits, vegetables, chicken, lean meats, and low
carb foods. You have also began a new work out program
that you are loving and having so much fun doing that it
doesn’t seem like exercise. You will notice that you can’t
wear the same clothes because they are all too big for
you. You are wearing much more flattering clothes today.
You even notice your shoes aren’t as tight. Today you
brought a picnic basket of food and as you open it to have
lunch you will see that you only brought things that are
good for you. The bad foods no longer appeal to you. You
have a chose of a hamburger or grilled chicken and you
will choose the chicken because it is much better for you.
You notice how much healthier you look, your hair is
shinning from the sunlight, your stomach is flatter, your
muscles are more toned, you are able to breath easier.
After you have eaten your lunch you decide to take a little
walk, you happen to look down in the water and you see
your reflection and you think wow I have done it and I look

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Weight Loss IV
Feeling totally relaxed…feeling good… take a slow deep
breath in through your nose ... hold it… and slowly exhale
through your mouth ... and relax ... just allow everything to
let go ... you have no place else to be ... nothing else to do
... but just sit back, relax, and let every muscle go
completely loose... You are focused only on the sound of
my voice. You are here to lose weight and by losing the
weight you will become healthier ... and the way you are
going to begin to lose weight ... starting right now ... is just
by relaxing ... that's right, you are going to sink back ...
relax ... and you will allow yourself to accept all the good
suggestions ... that I am about to give you ...

You will accept all the suggestions that are being given to
you without being critical of them or without over
examining them ... and you will follow my instructions
exactly as I give them to you, you will lose all the weight
you desire and attain your goal weight ...

In the very, very relaxed state that you are now in you may
be hearing everything that I say ... or you may only be
hearing bits and pieces. As your mind strays back and
forth ... here ... and there ... it doesn't matter whether
you're listening to me as I speak or not ... all you need to
do is relax ... Your conscious mind may be floating all over
with many different thoughts going through it ... however
you're subconscious mind hears everything, and always
pays attention ... and it is the subconscious mind that is
focused on the sound of my voice.

From this very moment, starting right now ... You no longer
have the urge to overeat or to snack between meals ...
From this very moment, starting right now… healthy, well-
balanced meals with lean protein such as chicken or fish,
will more than satisfy your appetite ... and the taste and

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

fragrance of your food are better than ever before ... Rich,
heavy, fatty, high carbohydrate, starchy foods no longer
appeal to you ... From this very moment, starting right now
... low carbohydrate foods taste wonderful, especially
complex carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables.
From this very moment, starting right now ... healthy foods
taste delicious, and fill you up.

From this very moment, starting right now ... you eat your
food much slower ... Chewing your food thoroughly ... You
put down your fork between bites and don't pick it up again
until the bite in your mouth is gone ... you chew slowly so
you can digest your food better and you find that you
become full, even though you have eaten much less than
ever before.

Imagine yourself 6 months from now, standing in front of

you 40 pounds less than your current weight ... Imagine
yourself standing there 40 pounds lighter and notice what
you are wearing, how good you look ... Experience how
good you feel ... Feel how healthy you are ... Notice the
confidence that you have ... Look at yourself, get it clear in
your mind, because this is the you, you want to be in 6
months. Get your new weight clear in your mind ... This is
the weight loss goal that you feel you can comfortably
reach in 6 months ... See yourself clearly, with as much
detail as possible ... This is you, this is your 6 month goal,
40 pounds lighter... this is what you will become if you
follow all of these instructions, exactly as I give them to
you ...

You will find you'll be drinking water more than you ever
have before ... water will be there to help you lose weight
and to remain healthy. Before every meal, you will drink at
least one glass of water ... That wonderful crisp, clear, ice
cold refreshing water will taste great to you ... You'll find
yourself craving water more and more each and every day

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

From now on you will eat only healthy meals, not

becoming hungry between meals ... You'll not want to
overeat or stuff yourself because you'll feel so much
healthier, so much happier, so much more vigorous,
without an uncomfortable over filled stomach ... You will
eat only until you are satisfied, and not until you are stuffed
... You will do this by eating slowly ... By eating slowly you
will not become full as quickly as you did before ...

When you do snack from now on you will snack on healthy

items ... No longer will high in carbohydrate; sweets or
unhealthy foods appeal to you. You will no longer crave
pastries, breads, chocolate, popcorn, salty crackers,
potato chips or nacho chips. From now on healthy foods
such as low carbohydrate vegetables and fruits will appeal
to you and if you find yourself in need of something to eat,
you'll search out those healthy foods and of course you will
also drink water.

You will lose weight at a rate that will not harm your health,
and you will lose weight in a steady constant manner ...
and with your new lighter physique you'll find that you have
more energy ... Energy that will be needed to be put to
good use ... You'll find you can move around more easily
and exercise more than you have before ... You will look
forward to go to the gym or exercise. Everything you do
will become easier … and you will want to do more each
and every day to increase your health. You will not feel so
tired from dragging around all that extra weight every day
and night.

No longer do you eat due to boredom ... No longer do you

eat just for something to do ... No longer do you eat
because you are nervous, angry, tense or frustrated. No
longer do you eat because you are watching TV. This
negative eating is all part of the past.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

From now on, you eat to sustain yourself ... You "eat too
live", and not "live to eat", that is all part of the past ... You
now get enjoyment from other things rather than just food
... You find that doing healthy fun things, brings you
enjoyment ... Eating is just something that you do to get
energy so you can continue doing the things you enjoy ...
I am going to now give you a suggestion should you ever
feel tempted to eat high carbohydrate junk food. When you
pick up the junk food I want you to see and smell the junk
food as it really is, a greasy high carbohydrate psuedo-
food filled with preservatives and other things that will not
let you reach your weight goal. As you pick it up you can
feel the grease and fat in your hand. I want you to smell
the bad chemical odor that junk food really has. I want you
to want to get this food out of your hand, back to where it
came from. And as soon as you put the junk food down
you will feel good and happy that you did not eat that
greasy, fatty smelly junk food.
You are very, very relaxed. You feel convinced that you
will reach your weight goal. You feel empowered to lose
the weight and reach your realistic and obtainable weight
goal. You can feel this powerful resolve; determination and
strength to achieve anytime you feel the need by touching
your right shoulder and have your inner voice say, “I will
reach my weight goal easily within six months.”

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Chapter 3

General Wellness Scripts

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Your mind is calm more; your body is relaxed as you drift
now deeper and deeper relaxing more and more. And now
you ponder certain thoughts. You ponder the idea that
when you harbor anger, you increase your stress. You
choose no longer to live this way. You choose not to keep
your anger inside. You choose to release it in a very
productive and healthy and non-harmful, non-threatening
way. When you find yourself becoming frustrated with
someone, you find that you speak with them, addressing
the problem directly, calmly, and appropriately. At first this
may seem a little different to you, different than the way
you had been doing things, but soon, much sooner than
you ever imagined possible, you will become very, very
good at this, very good at releasing stress at the point at
which it comes to you. When someone bothers you, you
tell them about it in a very calm way. You release that
anger. You release that stress. You find yourself becoming
more and more clam. You engage in calming activities.
Perhaps if you choose, you begin to meditate, regularly.
Perhaps if you choose, you begin to exercise, regularly,
doing things which release anger, which release stress
before it becomes anger. You find yourself living in
harmony with your conscience. Your conscience directs
your moral activity. You find that you do not violate your
conscience. Therefore, you do not create stress for
yourself; you live in tune with your conscience. Your
subconscious mind lives in tune with your conscience.
Your conscious mind also lives in tune with your
conscience, that moral part of you which makes you who
you are. You do those things which you consider to be
right. You do not violate others rights. And when you feel
your rights are violated, you address that situation; you talk
to that person who did that in a very calm way, releasing
the stress. Whenever you have a stressful moment, you

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

release that stress in a very positive, productive way. And

your mind is being directed to come up with positive ways
to release that stress, it may be jogging, it may be yoga, it
may be meditation, may be any number of things. Your
mind is being given a direct command to come up with
ways to release stress before it becomes anger, to release
stress in a very positive, productive, and helpful way.

And as you continue to relax, you realize now just how

powerful you are. You are a very powerful person and
because you are powerful, you realize you will use your
power in a very productive way and in a very responsible
way. You allow yourself to maintain a normal body weight
for your frame size and height. You are relaxed at all
times, so relaxed and at ease. You are so relaxed and at
ease that you let go of any concern that you may have.
Just feel concern drifting away from you. That’s right, any
concern you have about your weight, just feel that drifting
away. Feel that drifting away. You realize that you are
becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of
gaining weight. You are comfortable with the idea of
allowing yourself to gain weight until you are a normal
body weight for your age and height. You feel so relaxed
and you always realize just how beautiful you look. You
are a very beautiful person and day-by-day you are feeling
better and better about yourself, becoming more relaxed
and even more of a social person, that’s right. You picture
yourself relaxing and enjoying being around others. You
are so very relaxed and you embrace change. You look
forward to changing. You are so very relaxed and you look
forward to new and exciting situations. You are so very
relaxed, so very, very relaxed. And you realize that the
challenges that come to you in each stage of your life are
very exciting and you realize that you are fully equipped to
handle those challenges. Now picture yourself one year
from now. Look at your beautiful and healthy body. You

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

are happy and enjoying life. You feel more comfortable

with yourself than you ever have before. You have more
confidence and you feel stronger. You enjoy treating your
body right. You like eating healthy foods and getting the
right amount of exercise. Your life has changed a lot and
you have changed for the better. You are a beautiful,
wonderful person and your body is becoming more and
more beautiful day by day as it gradually moves toward a
normal body weight for your frame size and height. You
are relaxed and at ease, always.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

And as you continue to relax, you feel so at peace with
yourself, so completely at peace with yourself. And you
realize now how powerful you are and that you can let go
of binge eating and when you do eat, you feel completely
in control, completely in control. You realize that your self-
worth comes from your integrity. Your self-worth comes
from the inside from what is in your heart, your integrity.
And you realize now that you have an amazing amount of
integrity and therefore an amazing amount of self-worth.
And you realize what a wonderful person you are. What a
wonderful, relaxed person you are. You continue to relax
as you now imagine seeing yourself as the beautiful
person you are. Seeing yourself as though in a mirror,
seeing your physical body and the person inside. Realizing
that both are beautiful, both are worthy of love and you are
able to talk about your feelings freely, letting go of self-
doubt, letting go of any anger, relaxing more and more,
day by day. And you realize that all of your actions happen
with consideration of the consequences, therefore you
take appropriate actions in your life and you are very
responsible. You handle your life in a very responsible
way. Most importantly, you are kind to yourself. You are
kind to yourself. You are kind to yourself.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Healthy Aging
You are relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply
now. Imagine that you are watching TV in a very
comfortable chair. You are flipping through different
channels and you come upon a channel that is
broadcasting your current lifestyle. The channel shows you
not getting enough exercise; it shows you sitting a lot and
not exerting yourself. You watch yourself eating on the TV
and it shows you not eating the healthiest foods. The show
also shows you not getting a full night sleep and a full
restful sleep. In the show you are often stressed and not
as happy as you could be. You decide you no longer want
to watch this show. You flip through to another channel
and you see yourself again on the TV, but something is
different. You are very happy and you look healthy. This
channel shows what your new lifestyle will look like. It
looks wonderful and fulfilling. You watch yourself on TV
getting a really good workout. You are enjoying it. Your
heart rate is up and you are sweating. You look very happy
and you appear to be fitter and trimmer. You are talking
with a couple other people and enjoying your time
socializing. You watch yourself eating the right foods. You
eat five or six healthy meals a day and you make sure your
portion sizes are the right size. You are eating lean
protein, whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables.
You appear to be very satisfied by the foods you are
eating. You notice how your skin glows and you look to be
a little thinner. Next, you see yourself at the doctor, getting
a yearly physical exam. The doctor is very proud of the
changes you have made in your life. He shows you results
of different tests and congratulates you on how healthy
you are. You know the importance of going to the doctor
every year as a form of prevention. On the TV, you are
doing things to improve and maintain your memory.
Instead of making lists, you memorize things so that you
no longer have to write them down. You also are trying to

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

learn a foreign language. You enjoy working your brain in

a different way. You have added some things to your new
life and you have taken some out. You take supplements
to make sure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients
your body needs. You are living a much healthier lifestyle
by not using drugs and tobacco and you drink alcohol in
moderation. On TV, you drink a glass of red wine, which is
very good for your body. You notice that you are getting
plenty of sleep. You get eight hours every night and it is
sound and a restful sleep. You are leading a fairly stress
free lifestyle. You appear to be positive and happy in
everything that comes your way. You strive to be as
healthy as possible as you age. You want to live a long life
and remain active into old age. You want to be there for
friends and family for as long as possible. You want to live
a quality lifestyle and you strive to make it possible. Now
picture yourself a year from now. You are now living the
lifestyle you watched on the TV just one year ago. You feel
amazing. You feel ten years younger and you are so proud
of the changes you have made. You are exercising almost
every day of the week for thirty minutes or an hour. You
like the way your body feels from exercising. You are
firmer and stronger. You also enjoy the social aspects of
exercising, you have met new friends. You enjoy feeding
your body nutritious foods. You watch what you eat, but
allow yourself to enjoy your favorite foods. By getting
exercise and eating the proper foods, you feel more alive
and have fewer aches in your body. You go to the doctor
every year because you know how important it is to lead a
healthy and active lifestyle. You feel that your memory has
gotten better and that your mind is now quicker to react to
things. Getting a full night sleep has given you more
energy throughout the day. You wake up every morning
with a positive attitude and you can’t wait to get your day
started. You are happy and you are so glad that made
changes to your lifestyle. You are healthier and more
active and you are able to enjoy everything that life has to

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

offer. You are proud of yourself and you look forward to

everything life has to offer. You are strong and everything
is going to be just fine.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Life Balance
You can continue to feel at peace and very relaxed. You
are standing in front of a blackboard and written on this
blackboard are words you use to describe your life. Words
such as hectic, stressful, disorganized, tiring, and
unfulfilling. You take a step toward the blackboard and you
pick up an eraser. Using the eraser, you erase all the
words on the blackboard. You get rid of them. They no
longer exist and they no longer describe your life. Now
picture a large wall in front of you. You have a permanent
marker in your hand. With the permanent marker you write
on the wall. You write words that describe the life you want
to lead such as fulfilling, balanced, energetic, and happy.
Go ahead and write on the entire wall. You write every
word you can possibly think of you add satisfying, stress-
free, rewarding, and motivated. You continue to write
words that you would like to use to describe your life. You
want a balanced life between work and personal time. You
can achieve a balanced life. You will achieve a balanced
life. You dedicate yourself to making positive changes so
that you can lead a fulfilling lifestyle. Picture the changes
that you can make. You find better ways of managing your
time. You realize that your time is precious; you want to be
productive and enjoy your time to the fullest. You organize
your work life and your personal life so that everything
runs smoothly and efficiently. You simplify the things you
can in order to add more fulfillment to your life. You find
ways to be more productive at work so that you do not
have to work long hours. You manage your household so
that the important things get done. You remain calm when
little things go wrong. You are strong and you don’t sweat
the small stuff. Perhaps you go to school or you have
children. You see the importance of keeping things simple
so that everything goes smoothly. You learn to manage
procrastination, by breaking up projects into smaller
pieces. Relationships are important to you. You have

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

many people around you who support you. You make sure
that you leave work behind you when you spend time with
family and friends. You work on having good, meaningful
relationships with those who support you. You take time
out for yourself everyday. It can be as little as five minutes.
You use this time to clear all thoughts from your head and
to relax. You can do breathing exercises or whole body
relaxation. You also take time to relax and enjoy yourself.
After all, that’s what life is all about. You do the things that
make you happy, whether spending time with family or
friends, getting some exercise, or watching TV. It can be
whatever you want. It’s important to start your day off right
and it’s important to wind down from a hard day. You strive
for balance in every aspect of your life. Now picture your
life six months from now. You have learned to better
manage your time. You use every minute of the day to be
productive, whether at work, or working on relaxation time;
you enjoy every moment of the day. You see a change in
your relationships with other people. You have more
energy and a more positive outlook. You have simplified
your life. It is now more fulfilling and easier to manage.
Your work or school life has improved. Others have
noticed a change in you and they notice that you are
happier and more content. When you go home from work,
you leave all your duties at work. You enjoy your personal
life by relaxing with family and friends. You enjoy time to
yourself, when you are able to recharge. You are sleeping
better now. You are getting a more restful night of sleep.
This allows you to have more energy throughout the day.
You are proud of the changes you have made. Your life is
more fulfilling now than it ever has been before. You now
lead a balanced life and you look forward to everything
that comes your way.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Nail Biting
You are feeling very deeply relaxed. You are ready to
make a change in your life. You have a habit that does not
bring you happiness and you wish to stop. When you
begin to move your hands toward your mouth, there will
simply be an automatic and opposite withdrawal
movement. Picture yourself. Picture your hand moving
toward your mouth. A feeling consumes your entire body.
You do not allow your fingernails to come near your
mouth. You have a strong urge to not bite your nail. You
move your hand back down, by your side and you feel
better when your nails are not near your mouth. You
realize that there isn’t anything positive about biting your
nails. You do not like the way your nails look and your
family and friends wish you would stop the bad habit. You
will no longer wish or desire to continue this outgrown,
unwanted habit that injures your hands and embarrasses
you before your family and friends. You are constantly
reminded to not bite your fingernails. At first, the urge to
bite your nails is just as the urge to stop biting your nails.
As time goes on, the urge to discontinue the habit is gets
more and more powerful. Simultaneously, the urge to bite
your fingernails becomes less powerful, to the point where
you no longer want to bite them. As you begin to
discontinue the habit of biting your nails, you will feel a
sense of well being and self approval. You will begin to
respect your fingernails and hands and be proud of them.
Along with discontinuing the habit of biting your nails, you
will feel a strong sense of accomplishment. Each time that
you successfully avoid nail biting, you will feel proud of
yourself for accomplishing a worthwhile and desirable
goal. Now picture yourself six months from now. You have
completely eliminated your unwanted habit. Take a look at
your nails. They are neat and tidy looking. They go just a
little past the tips of your fingers. They are smooth and well
kept. You enjoy looking at your fingernails because they

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

are no longer a source of embarrassment. Your fingernails

are a sense of pride for you. They represent your ability to
master a goal and get rid of an unwanted habit. You enjoy
keeping good care of your nails. They no longer hurt and
they look much better. You no longer feel any urges to bite
them and you realize that everything is going to be just

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Positive Attitude
You are feeling very deeply relaxed. Picture yourself
holding a bunch of red balloons. On each one of these red
balloons, is a word. The words are all negative words like,
critical, rejection, gloomy, and mean. There are lots and
lots of balloons. They are all filled with helium and you are
hold them by the strings in your right hand and they are
tugging at your arm. You decide to let go of all of the
balloons, you watch the words, oppose, conflict, and
unfriendly disappear higher into the sky. You can barely
make out the words, stubborn, hurtful, and sad. You watch
as the balloons get smaller and smaller way up in the sky.
Your arm feels a lot better. You have just let go of all of
your negative thoughts and feelings. Now, you focus all of
your attention and energy into positive thoughts and
feelings. The releasing of the balloons and negative
thoughts represents starting a new life. You are ready to
lead a more happy and positive life. You know there are
many changes that you have to make and you are open to
make these changes. You focus first on changing the
things in your life you can control. You listen to your
feelings and your gut reactions. You communicate your
feelings more. You make sure you do not harbor any
tension. By getting things off your chest, you will feel more
at ease and less worrisome. You make sure you get rid of
your inner critic. You no longer criticize you or those
around you, instead you see the good in things and you
focus on the positive. Instead of judging people, you think
of ways you can help them. You enjoy giving your time to
others, you like helping people. As much as you give to
others, you also know the importance of getting “me time.”
You take time to yourself and you take joy in doing
activities that improve your well-being. You learn to accept
things the way they are, you are happier when you aren’t
critiquing things. When you look toward your past and
toward your future, you only see successes. You think of

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

only positive outcomes. The biggest change you must

make to your life is to surround yourself with positive
people and ideas. You surround yourself with people who
make you feel good about yourself and who make you
laugh. You surround yourself with positive ideas, always
seeing the bright side of things. Now picture yourself six
months from now, having made these changes. You are
surrounded by friends and family who support you and are
positive people too. You have let go of being critical of
others. Instead of judging people, you accept them for who
they are. You always focus on the positive side of things.
You are good about communicating your feelings to those
around you and you listen to yourself. You allow time to
yourself everyday. Picture yourself doing different activities
that you enjoy. You have gained confidence in yourself.
You feel stronger and more capable. You laugh more
often, you have realized it is important to laugh off little
things because that is what life is all about…enjoying
yourself. Now picture yourself with an imaginary balloon in
your hand. This balloon has hundreds of positive words
written all over it. You see the words motivated, inspired,
worthy, opportunity, healthy, optimistic, hopeful, positive,
and most importantly happy. You are happy and you
realize that everything is going to be just fine.

And each night you will be at ease and relaxed. You’ll feel
relaxed and calm knowing that every day is another
adventure even though some days will have problems and
things we don’t like. Every day will be an adventure,
starting now. As you go to bed every night you will be calm
and at ease. Go ahead and picture yourself lying down to
sleep. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Go ahead and picture those deep breaths…[pause], that’s
right. As you breathe, you will focus on your stead and
consistent breathing. Your steady breaths calm you and
put you at ease. You focus on completely clearing your

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

mind of all thoughts, that’s right. Release all thoughts from

your mind. Your mind and your body will be calm, tranquil,
and relaxed. You will be able to sleep calmly, at peace,
able to sleep the way you did when you were a baby, so
calm, so relaxed, so completely at peace. You will be able
to sleep a full night, uninterrupted. You will sleep so well.
You’ll be able to sleep soundly, knowing in the back of
your mind that day by day, you’re beginning to live more
fully, more deeply. Now picture yourself six months from
now. You are able to fall asleep very quickly. Once you are
asleep, you are a sleep for the entire night and into the
next morning. Picture yourself sleeping soundly and
uninterrupted. Look at how peaceful you look. Your body
and mind are getting time to recharge during your sleep.
Now picture yourself waking up, you are look forward to
waking up because you got a restful night of sleep and you
are ready take on your day. You have energy throughout
the entire day. As time goes on you will live with more and
more wisdom and you’ll let yourself sleep the way a baby
does, when a baby feels good and very secure. You’ll
sleep very well and very calmly and when you wake up in
the morning, you’ll be fully rested, very refreshed and at

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

You relax more and more deeply. Realize that you can
control many factors contributing to your stress. You will
use this time to absorb what I am saying. You will keep an
open mind and make changes in your life to reduce your
stress. Relax as you lie there. Realize that the stress that
you incur is only temporary. Whenever you worry about
something, you realize that it is only temporary, and you
will manage your stress. Picture yourself in a stressful
situation. You make sure that you manage your reaction.
It’s important to be patient and give yourself time to think
about the situation. You stay calm and you think about the
situation rationally. The first thing you do to tackle the
problem is you set realistic goals. You ask yourself what
you can do to control or alleviate the problem. When the
task seems large, you manage to break up the project into
small pieces so that you can easily handle the situation.
You remain calm and relaxed while dealing with a stressful
situation. In order to quickly calm yourself down in a time
of distress, you do a few breathing exercises to keep your
heart rate at a normal level. This allows you to think and
act clearly and effectively. In a stressful situation you
remain positive. You encourage yourself to remain positive
and you persuade yourself to be confident. You decide
that in order to lead a less stressed life, you need to make
changes to your lifestyle. You make sure that all of the
relationships you have with family and friends are healthy
ones. You either fix relationships, or keep a smaller,
healthier group of people around you. You take great
strides to manage your time and money, since these can
often be a great source of stress for you. You realize that
you are good at managing your time and money and you
enjoy doing it. You make it a goal to get at least eight
hours of sleep every night. It is a full night of restful and
sound sleep. You only consume healthy foods, because
you realize that healthy foods can greatly impact the way

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

your body and mind react to stress. You take up exercise.

You make sure you get thirty minutes to an hour of
physical activity everyday. You do everything possible to
reduce the stress in your life. You allow yourself to take a
break for a specific amount of time everyday where you
focus on relaxing. You do a combination of breathing
exercises and total body relaxation. Now picture your new
lifestyle one year from now. You have made all of these
changes to your current lifestyle and you are leading a
stress-free life. Take a look at your closest friends and
family members. They all support you and help you lead a
fulfilling life. You are now in a much better situation
financially; you have made positive changes to reduce
your money related stress. You are now more productive
and you are able to get things done. You no longer worry
whether there is enough time in the day, because you
easily and effortlessly manage your time. With this new
lifestyle, you are getting eight hours of sleep every night.
With less stress, you are able to sleep better and with
more sleep you are happier and healthier. You now eat
healthier. You have realized that the right foods also aid in
reducing stress in your life. They make you feel better and
healthy food allows you to think clearly throughout the day.
You exercise most days of the week and you have found
that this helps you get any negative feelings out and
leaves you refreshed and more positive. You enjoy
working out to help you reduce stress, but you also enjoy
the health benefits from it. You have continued to take a
break everyday to relax your mind and body. You notice
that this helps you re-energize when things get
challenging. You enjoy your new lifestyle and you are
proud of the changes you have made. You are happier
and healthier and you enjoy life more. You realize that
everything is going to be just fine.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Chapter 4

Confidence Scripts

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

And now as you continue to relax and unwind, you feel
more and more comfortable. You realize that you are
becoming a more relaxed and comfortable person in every
situation in your life. I’d like you now to imagine yourself in
a movie theater, a very large movie theater. There’s plenty
of room in this theater, the room can be as large as you
would like it to be, that’s right. And as you relax, you
realize just how relaxed you are, in every situation. And as
you sit in this very large, comfortable theater, you are
watching a movie and this movie is starring you. You see
yourself on the screen. You see yourself walking into a
room and smiling, you are relaxed. This is a very small
room that you have walked into, but you are sitting in the
theater watching the movie, watching yourself walking into
the small room and smiling. As you continue watching the
movie, you are safe and protected. And now you see
yourself getting on to an elevator and as the doors close,
you see yourself smiling and relaxing and you continue
watching this movie, seeing yourself in various scenes.
Scenes in which you are in a very small space, yet you are
completely relaxed and at ease. And if you feel
comfortable as you watch this movie, you can imagine that
you are in the movie, that’s right. Rather than being in the
theater watching the movie, you can imagine that you are
experiencing the events while you are in the movie. And if
at any time, you choose to leave the movie and continue to
watch it from the safety of your chair in the large theater.
Day by day, you become more and more comfortable
being in the movie, the movie that stars you. And in that
movie, you will allow yourself to experience how peaceful it
can be to be in small spaces. That’s right, because you
realize that you are always safe and protected. Very soon
indeed, in your waking life, you will be very comfortable
being in small spaces because you are a relaxed person
and you will have practiced being in small spaces. You will

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

have practiced this in your mind. Showing yourself that it is

okay and safe to be in small spaces. So relax now, relax
comfortably and realize just how powerful your mind is and
just how confident you are when you are in a small space.
So relax now and allow yourself to drift, that’s right. Just
relaxing more and more…

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

As you continue to become more deeply relaxed, I want
you to picture yourself in a room. This room has a large
chalkboard on it. Written on the chalkboard are words
negative that you or others have given you. You see the
words like low self esteem, insecure, apprehension, and
doubt. Go ahead and picture any other negative words that
have been unjustly given to describe you. Now take a step
forward and grab the eraser. Put the eraser up to the
chalkboard and completely erase all the negative words
that used to describe you. These words no longer describe
you. Now put the eraser down and pick up a piece of
chalk. With this piece of chalk, go ahead and write all the
positive words that describe you. You write confident,
determined, smart, and capable. You also write
experienced, qualified, strong, and worthy. All of these
words describe you. Go ahead and take a few steps back
and look at these words. These words represent you and
how other people see you. Negative words from the past
no longer exist. You only describe yourself in a positive
way and others see you as very confident. Now, create a
place and put yourself in this place. This is a place where
you feel at ease and completely comfortable. It could a
beautiful place in the outdoors where you feel relaxed and
calm. Or it could be a large room where you are with all
the people in your life who support you. Or it could be a
place you have never been before and you make up every
little detail that surrounds you. Or it could be a little nook in
your home that you enjoy going to. Go ahead and think of
a special place. Remember, this is your special place and
it should have great meaning and importance to you and it
should make you feel completely at ease. Go ahead and
picture it…[pause]. While you are in this wonderful place,
you are calm. You feel more confident than you ever have
felt before. You believe in yourself. You are strong and
capable. You know that you can accomplish anything you

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

set your mind to. You have the determination it takes to

get things done. You are intelligent and others see you
that way too. When you speak with people, conversation
flows easily and effortlessly. People see you as being
strong and capable. You have the skills and ability that are
needed to be successful in life. Now picture yourself in
your own life. Perhaps you are at work or in your home.
Here you have the same qualities as you have in your
special place. You are confident and others see you as
confident too. They see great things in you and you know
that you can accomplish anything. No hurdle is too big for
you. You are proud of the change you have found within

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Fear of Heights
And as you now continue to relax, you imagine yourself in
a movie theater. You are standing in the projection booth
and you are showing a movie. The movie is starring you.
And you also see yourself sitting on the front row of the
theater watching the movie. So there are three versions of
yourself: the one standing in the projection booth, the one
on the screen, and the one on the front row. And right now,
you imagine yourself to be watching things from the
projection booth. You are watching yourself approach a
very tall and beautiful building. That’s right, watching the
movie from safely inside the projection booth. And you
now see yourself approaching the building and there is a
glass elevator which runs up the side of the building, giving
the occupant of the glass elevator a beautiful view, a
beautiful view of all the surrounding areas. You now see
yourself get into the glass elevator and begin to go up,
safely, confidently, and comfortably. You are watching
from the projection booth. Second floor…third floor…You
see yourself in that movie, safe and protected and relaxed
and very comfortable. And now you imagine yourself
watching the movie from the front row of the theater and at
any time you may choose to go back to the point of view
from the projection booth. But right now, you are watching
the movie from the point of view of you sitting in the front
row, watching yourself on the screen. Watching yourself
now on the fifth floor…sixth floor. Seeing how relaxed you
are, seeing yourself smile and now you can imagine
yourself being in the movie looking out at the beautiful
areas all around from the glass elevator and at anytime,
you may go back to the front row of the theater. But for
now, you see yourself going up…up…the tenth floor and
above, in the glass elevator. You see yourself standing
there in the glass elevator. You look down and you see
your feet firmly planted on the floor of the elevator and you
watch the numbers increase as you go higher and higher,

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

becoming more and more relaxed. Just enjoying the

beautiful day, looking out at the beautiful surrounding
areas and now your elevator has reached the top. The top
floor, which you can imagine to be any number you
choose. You are at the room and you now exit the elevator
and walk on the roof and there is a very safe railing going
all around the roof and you walk over to the other side of
the roof. And you look over the edge and you are so
relaxed. You are safe and comfortable. You realize that
day-by-day you are becoming more and more comfortable
with heights. So relax now, relax and drift and float in your
mind. Relax and let this image go. As you relax, that’s
right, relaxing. You are very safe everywhere you go and
very relaxed everywhere you go and that feels so good.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Fear of Horses
All right now, you are feeling very relaxed. That’s right.
You are feeling very comfortable and you are completely
at ease. Now, picture yourself entering a movie theater.
Take a look around. It is a very large and open room. The
theater has many rows of red comfortable seats. The
movie hasn’t started yet, so it isn’t very dark yet. You look
at the movie screen. It’s large and you look forward to
watching the movie. You look up and toward the back of
the theater and you notice a small window. This is the
projection room, where they project the movie onto the
screen. You sit down in the front row and get comfortable.
Perhaps you are with a friend or maybe you are by
yourself, it is up to you. The chair is large and you feel safe
in this movie theater. Trailers to upcoming movies begin
and you get absorbed in them. Now it is time for the movie
to start. You are feeling completely at ease and you are
excited about the movie starting. You sit back and enjoy.
As the movie begins, you notice that you are in this movie.
That’s right, you are in the star of this movie. You watch
yourself on the big screen and you are very excited. In the
movie, you are in a grassy area walking toward a fence.
You are walking towards a fence that holds a horse. You
watch as you get closer to the fence and closer to the
horse. Now if at any point you feel uncomfortable, you are
able to transport yourself into the projection room and
watch from afar. Also, if you cannot stand to watch the
movie, you can shut it off at anytime. Let’s pretend that
you are feeling a little uncomfortable, so you go into the
projection room. You are a little more at ease up here
because you know you have a little more control. You
watch yourself from high up in the projection room. In the
movie, you are at the fence, about 25 feet from the horse.
The horse does not notice you. It stands there, only caring
about the hay he is munching on. You start to feel a little
more comfortable in the projection room. You are not

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

tempted to shut down the movie, but you know you can if
you needed to. You watch yourself in the movie, you reach
your hand out, as if to say hi to the horse, and the horse
continues to eat. You are feeling a little more comfortable
now, so you decide to go back into the theater and watch
from the front row. You settle down into your comfortable
seat. You know that if you feel fearful at any point in time,
you can go back to the projection room and turn off the
movie if you have to. You continue to watch and you find
yourself enjoying the movie. In the movie, you take a large
carrot out of your pocket and hold it out to the horse. At
first, the horse doesn’t notice you holding out the carrot,
but he eventually turns his head and looks interested in
what you have to offer. The horse starts to slowly
approach you in the movie. You calm any fear that come
to the surface. You know that you can watch this horse
and feel confident that it will not harm you, because you
are only watching. The horse comes up to you in the
movie and lightly takes the carrot out of your grasp and
begins to eat it. If at any time, you are feeling comfortable
with the movie, go ahead and put yourself in the movie.
Pretend that you are next to the horse. If you feel
uncomfortable, that is fine too and you can stay in the
theater or in the projection room. As you continue to look
up at the screen, the horse pauses for a little while and
seems to be waiting to see if you have any more carrots;
this makes you smile. This is the point in time, maybe not
now, but maybe in future listening of this recording, you
decide to be in the movie. Let’s pretend that you are now
in the movie and you are leaning against the fence with
another carrot in your hand. The horse is about 4 feet from
you. If you feel uneasy, you can go back to the theater or
the projection room, but right now you feel confident. You
trust the horse to be nice to you. He takes a couple steps
toward you and eats the carrot from your hand. You feel
like you have accomplished great things. You now realize
that you can feel at ease around horses. You are confident

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

and strong and you are ready to take on whatever comes

your way.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Fear of Public Speaking

I would like you to imagine yourself speaking publicly.
That’s right; just imagine yourself up in front of people and
speaking publicly. And you imagine that as you continue to
speak, your fear is continuing to leave. That’s right, you
are allowing it to leave. Your fear has been considerably
weakened and what little is left is going away completely. It
is almost gone. And now your fear is completely gone. And
you can feel a great sense of relief. And I want you to
understand from that now on when you give a speech you
will be very, very relaxed. Before you give a speech you
will take a deep breath, in through your nose…and hold it,
open your mouth slightly and exhale very slowly. And
again a deep breath in through your nose and hold it, open
your mouth slightly and exhale very slowly. And a third
time, a deep breath in through your nose and hold it. You
will open your mouth slightly and exhale very slowly and
these three deep breaths in and out will be a signal to your
subconscious mind. A signal that you are very, very
relaxed and as you do these three deep breaths, in and
out, you will recall a time in your life when you were very
much in control, feeling very powerful, feeling very
centered and focused. That’s right, and all your fear will
leave. And you will be flooded with a sense of confidence
and power and focus and serenity. And you will deliver
your speech easily and effortlessly; everything you have
prepared will come to you. If you are speaking
spontaneously, ideas will come to you easily and
effortlessly. And very soon indeed, you will find that you
are an expert at public speaking. You are an accomplished
expert at public speaking and that feels wonderful,
because you are able to relax ahead of time, you will be
able to concentrate completely on what you have to say
and as soon as your speech begins, you will be relaxed.
You will be calm and at ease. And you will become
engrossed in what you have to say. And you will forget

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

about yourself completely. When your speech is

concluded, you will be full of the warmth feeling of
accomplishment which seems to come from that
knowledge that you have done well, that’s right. And as
time goes on, this realization of how well you are actually
doing will cause your former anxiety to disappear, to
become less and less until it is gone completely, gone
completely and you are so relaxed while delivering
speeches, so relaxed and focused and comfortable and
confident while delivering speeches and that feels

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Fear of Rejection
You are now at ease. I want you to think about how your
fear of rejection has affected your life. Maybe you have
isolated yourself socially. Perhaps you are often scared to
assert yourself for fear of people judging you or your
opinions. You may feel the need for recognition from
others. The fear of rejection can have many consequences
on your life and the lives of people around you. Now, you
will get rid of this fear. The fear of being rejected has
changed you and now it is time for you to take control and
get rid of your fear of rejection. It is very important for you
to define yourself and find your own identity. You must
define yourself in a way where others’ opinions aren’t
important to you. Your identity is unique and so is
everybody else’s. You must take time and find out what is
important to you and to you only. When you define
yourself, you will start to accept yourself for who you are.
You realize that you have some things in common with
some people, and there are some things, you do not share
with others and that is okay. When you begin to accept
yourself, others will accept you for who you are. When you
accept yourself, you will not have the need for recognition
from others. Now picture yourself after making these major
changes to your life. You are worthy and confident. You
now realize that it is okay to be different from others and to
voice your own opinions. It’s okay if people do not agree
with you. You now have the creativity and productivity to
be yourself and to interact with others without fear of
rejection. You have found your true identity. You are now
true to yourself. Other people enjoy you more. They see
energy and liveliness in you that didn’t exist before. You
are now empowered and you are responsible for that. You
have empowered yourself. There is nothing holding you
back now. You are now rational in your thinking. You know
that not everyone is going to agree with you and you aren’t
going to agree with everyone around you. You enjoy being

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

assertive and you know you don’t come off as being

arrogant or unpleasant. You now have the utmost amount
of confidence in yourself and it shows. Other people see
you as more confident and they enjoy being around you.
You are capable and empowered. You have defined
yourself and you have found your true identity. You now
realize you have choices and those choices are endless.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Fear of Snakes
As you continue to relax deeper and deeper, I want you to
picture yourself in a room, watching TV. You feel very safe
in this room. You are sitting down in a very comfortable
chair or sofa. Behind your sofa or chair, is the kitchen. You
cannot see the TV very well when you are in the kitchen,
so you continue to sit fairly close to the TV. You are
watching TV and you have a remote in your hand. You
enjoy this time in the evening. You like to watch TV in
order to unwind from your long day. You are very relaxed
and you wonder what is on TV tonight. You are flipping
through the channels to see what is on. There are a couple
of different movies on, but you continue to flip through to
see if there is something better on. You come upon a
station and you are on TV. You are the host of a popular
nighttime talk show. You are excited that you are on TV.
On this talk show, you are talking with a celebrity and you
are asking some very good questions about their
upcoming movie. The show continues with some
commercials. You are looking forward to seeing what else
is on the show. You watch the TV you come back from a
break. You are standing behind a large table and a man
comes out to introduce himself. He has brought several
animals to the show and he has an assistant bring them
out one at a time. He brings out a monkey on a leash,
which you find to be very frisky and cute. The next furry
guest is a baby leopard. You are amazed at the large
paws, even though it is just a kitten. Some more animals
are brought out, all of them you enjoy. The next animal
that is brought out is in a box. The assistant places the box
on the large table. The man tells you that inside the box is
a snake. Now if at any point you feel uncomfortable, you
are able to go into the kitchen and watch from afar. Also, if
you cannot stand to watch the TV show, you can turn it off
at anytime or change the channel. Let’s pretend that you
are feeling a little uncomfortable, so you go into the

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

kitchen. You watch as the man opens up the box and

grabs a large snake out of the box. You are a little more at
ease in the kitchen because you know you have a little
more control. You watch yourself on TV and you are about
five feet from the snake. The snake seems to be very
tame, barely moving at all. The man has a firm grip on the
snake and is keeping his distance from you. You are
feeling a little more comfortable now, so you decide to go
back into the TV room and watch from the chair or sofa.
You settle down into your comfortable seat. You know that
if you feel fearful at any point in time, you can go back to
the kitchen and turn off the show if you have to. You
continue to watch and you find yourself enjoying the show.
In the show you take a couple steps closer to the snake, it
is now only three feet away from you, and still in the
handler’s hands. You calm any fear that come to the
surface. You know that you can watch the snake and feel
confident that it will not harm you, because you are only
watching. You take another step toward the snake, only
two feet away now. If at any time, you are feeling
comfortable with the show, go ahead and put yourself in
the show. Pretend that you are next to the snake. If you
feel uncomfortable, that is fine too and you can stay in the
living room or in the kitchen. You take a step closer and
you are now one step from the snake. This is the point in
time, maybe not now, but maybe in future, you decide to
be in the show. Let’s pretend that you are now in the TV
show and you are right next to the snake. If you feel
uneasy, you can go back to the living room or the kitchen,
but right now you feel confident. You trust the snake to be
calm and nice to you. You reach your hand out and briefly
touch the skin of the snake. A wave of accomplishment
rushes over you. You just touched the snake and you feel
great about it. It was easier than you thought and you are
very proud of yourself. You feel confident and strong and
you know that everything will be just fine.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Fear of Spiders
You continue to relax…deeper and deeper…more deeply.
That’s right. You are feeling very comfortable and you are
completely at ease. I want you to picture yourself in a
movie theater. Take a look at your surroundings. It is a
very large and open room. You feel safe and comfortable
in it. The theater has many rows of blue comfortable seats.
The movie hasn’t started yet, there is still light in the
theater. You look at the movie screen. It’s large and you
look forward to watching the movie. You look toward the
back of the theater and up near the ceiling, you notice a
small window. This is the projection room, where they
project the movie onto the screen. You sit down in the front
row and relax into the large comfortable seat. Perhaps you
are with a friend or maybe you are by yourself, it is up to
you. The chair is large and you feel safe in this movie
theater. Advertisements and movie previews begin and
you get absorbed in them. Now it is time for the movie to
start. You are feeling completely at ease and you are
excited about the movie starting. You sit back and enjoy.
As the movie begins, you notice that you are in this movie.
That’s right, you are in the star of this movie. You watch
yourself on the big screen and you are very excited. In the
movie you are an adventurous explorer. You are walking
through a beautiful tropical area in Central America. You
watch as you walk along a path that has terra cotta
stepping-stones. You can that ten steps in front of you is a
tarantula spider. Now if at any point you feel
uncomfortable, you are able to transport yourself into the
projection room and watch from afar. Also, if you cannot
stand to watch the movie, you can shut it off at anytime.
Let’s pretend that you are feeling a little uncomfortable, so
you go into the projection room. You are a little more at
ease up here because you know you have a little more
control. You watch yourself from high up in the projection
room. In the movie, you are now 5 steps away from the

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

spider. The spider is not frightened by you. It lies

completely still, as do you. You start to feel a little more
comfortable in the projection room. You are not tempted to
shut down the movie, but you know you can if you needed
to. You watch yourself in the movie; you take another step
closer to the spider. You are feeling a little more
comfortable now, so you decide to go back into the theater
and watch from the front row. You settle down into your
comfortable seat. You know that if you feel fearful at any
point in time, you can go back to the projection room and
turn off the movie if you have to. You continue to watch
and you find yourself enjoying the movie. In the movie, you
take another step closer to the spider. You are now 3
steps away from it. You calm any fears that come to the
surface. You know that you can look at the spider and
keep your distance and feel confident that it will not harm
you, because you are only watching. You bend down to
get a better look at the spider; you are still three steps
away. If at any time, you are feeling comfortable with the
movie, go ahead and put yourself in the movie. Pretend
that you are now looking at the spider. If you feel
uncomfortable, that is fine too and you can stay in the
theater or in the projection room. As you continue to look
up at the screen, the spider continues to be completely
still. You wonder if maybe it is sleeping. This is the point in
time, maybe not now, but maybe in the future, you decide
to be in the movie. Let’s pretend that you are now in the
movie and you are three steps away from the spider. If you
feel uneasy, you can go back to the theater or the
projection room, but right now you feel confident. You step
off the path and walk around the spider, the entire time it
lays completely still. You continue your way on the pretty
path. You feel like you have accomplished a major goal.
You now realize that you can feel at ease around spiders.
You are confident and strong and you are ready to take on
whatever comes your way.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Overcome Shyness
You are feeling very calm and very relaxed. I want you to
picture yourself on an elevator. You are going down
several floors. The doors open up onto the first floor and
you walk out of the elevator and into your very own special
place. You can create this place to be anything you like.
You feel comfortable and at ease here. Take a look
around. Maybe there are people around you who support
you, perhaps you are by yourself. It does not matter. You
create the perfect place for you. In this place, confidence
overcomes any timid feelings. As you walk around the
large room, you walk with your chin up and your chest out.
You exude confidence. You act as if you have never been
shy before. You are secure and you feel good about
yourself. As you continue to walk around, you think about
how you look. You are dressed great and you are a
beautiful person. You feel good about what you look like.
You remove all self-criticism and make room for only
positive thinking. You take a couple of deep breaths. As
you breathe in deeply, you breathe in all the positive things
about yourself. As you breathe out, you let go of any
negative thoughts that you might have. You notice a few
people you don’t know entering the room. It’s completely
natural to have some social nerves. You change any
negative nerves you might have into positive ones. You
are excited to meet new people while feeling this
confident. Someone walks up to you and introduces
themselves to you. You immediately make eye contact,
smile, and introduce yourself. As you and this person are
having a conversation, you realize how easy it is. You are
completely focused on what this person is saying. You are
engaged in the conversation by showing interest in what
the person has to say. Being interested in the conversation
allows you to no longer think about any insecurity. You are
having a good time and your body language exudes this. A
couple of other people join in the conversation. Words

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

continue to flow effortlessly and you enjoy talking and

listening to what others have to say. You continue to feel
at ease as you mingle with different people. People
comment on how nice you look and they too seem very
interested in what you have to say. You are happy and
really enjoying yourself. Now picture yourself in a setting
where you perhaps don’t normally feel as comfortable. You
are going to get rid of any negative thoughts and feelings
and you are going to fill your body with confidence.
Imagine talking with someone. You can be anywhere you
want to be, that is a little out of your comfort zone. You feel
confident in how you look and you remove all self-criticism.
You have so many interesting things to say and the words
flow out easily and effortlessly. The other person you are
talking to enjoys what you have to say. You listen to
everything they are saying to you and you show a great
amount of interest in the conversation. You make sure that
you are enjoying yourself, by keeping the great
conversation going. Through the conversation you keep
good eye contact and you are very genuine. Now picture
that the conversation is over and you are reflecting on how
well it went. You feel that you can be put into any social
situation and feel good about yourself. You enjoy listening
to what other people have to say and you realize that
others are interested in what you have to say. You walk
around with confidence wherever you go. You focus on
enjoying yourself wherever you go, because you know that
others will take notice and you will have a better time. You
are proud of what you have accomplished and you know
that you can be in any situation and enjoy yourself.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Overcome Fear of Performing On Stage

As you become more and more relaxed, you will remain
relaxed… and less tense… when you are in the presence
of other people… whether it be just a small gathering of
friends and acquaintances, or a mid-sized room of people,
all the way up… to an large audience of strangers.

It doesn’t matter at all. You will be able to meet them on

equal terms… see them as peers… even as loving
friends… non-judgmental individuals… who encourage
you to be your very best, and delight them with your talent.

You fill feel so at ease in their presence… without the

slightest feeling of inferiority, without becoming self-
conscious… without becoming embarrassed or confused,
without feeling conspicuous.

You will become so deeply interested, so deeply involved

in delivering your best singing performance, exercising
complete control over your beautiful voice, that you will
concentrate entirely on your singing… to the complete
exclusion of anything else that might be going on around
you. With ease, you will deliver each word with perfect
pronunciation… and perfect tone.

Because of this, you will remain completely relaxed…

perfectly calm and self-confident… and you become less
conscious of yourself and your own feelings.

You will consequently be able to sing quite freely and

naturally, exactly as you wish to… without being worried in
the least, by the presence of your audience.

If you should begin to think about yourself… you will

immediately shift your attention back to your singing… and

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

will no longer experience even the slightest nervousness,

discomfort, on uneasiness.

The moment you get up to sing, all your nervousness will

disappear completely… and you will feel… completely
relaxed… completely at ease… and so confident.

You will become so deeply interested in the words you

sing, that the presence of an audience will no longer phase
you in the least. You no longer feel uncertain, or
confused, or conspicuous… in any way.

And you will remain throughout your performance…

perfectly calm… perfectly confident… and perfectly at

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Positive Attitude
All right now, you are feeling very relaxed. I want you to
think about yourself. Do not think about others. You are
just focusing on yourself. Think about how you view your
life. Part of you may be tempted to zero in on the negative
aspects, but from now on, none of that matters. You
decide to take on a new approach. You focus on yourself.
You no longer describe yourself with negative words like
unhappy and low self-esteem. You realize that you have
complete control over your happiness. You begin to gain
confidence. You love who you are and you think highly of
yourself. You have many things to be grateful for and you
focus on those qualities. You are strong and capable and
you are confident in everything that comes your way. You
have so many great things going on in your life. You no
longer dwell on the negative. You look toward the positive
and you see hope and happiness. Now think about the
major things going on in your life. Some of them seem to
be difficult, but you will find a way to turn them into
something positive. You realize that you are much happier
when you notice the good in other people. When you focus
on all the positive things that happen around you, you feel
good and confident. Focus on the positive. When you think
about your past, you focus on the positive. You think about
the great things that have gone on in your life and how you
were the major influence. When you think about your
future, you are confident that your future will be bright. You
are mature and if you find yourself in a difficult situation,
you stay calm and you think rationally. You are a strong
person. You are beautiful and you always look at the
positive side of things. You look forward to your future
because you know that your future is bright.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Chapter 5

Motivation Scripts

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

You are feeling at ease and very relaxed. You are already
doing the right things in order to fully prepare for your
marathon. You have a training schedule. You follow it and
you are confident that it is the right training program for
you. You gradually increase your mileage each week. You
vary the workouts to include sprints, tempo runs, and long
runs that work on your endurance. You take precautions
so that you do not get injured. You do not push yourself
through pain that could injure you. You stretch after your
workouts to ease any discomfort in your body. You are
drinking enough fluids so that your body always stays
hydrated. You make sure that you hydrate yourself
throughout the day. You eat healthy foods that give you
the nourishment that you need for your training. These
foods are whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of fruits
and vegetables. These foods will aide you during your
workouts and help your body and mind feel strong and
physically powerful. You also are good about getting all the
rest your body needs. You sleep for at least eight hours
every night and you sleep soundly without waking up. With
all of these things that you are doing right, you feel
confident and you know that you will accomplish your
ultimate goal of running a marathon. You also do other
things to motivate you through your training program.
Everyday you visualize your workout for the day. You
visualize yourself running and feeling good and having a
great run. You imagine that you had fun during the run and
you feel a sense of accomplishment when you visualize
the end of your run. At least once a week you visualize
running the marathon. You picture yourself at the starting
line. You picture yourself running at different mile markers.
You look strong and confident every time. You are
motivated the entire time and you are having a lot of fun.
You visualize completing the marathon. You feel the wave
of accomplishment emanate through your body. Look at

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

yourself celebrating at the finish line. Your arms are in the

air and you have a huge smile on your face. Throughout
your entire training program and during your runs, you
remain positive. You suppress all negative thoughts. Only
positive thoughts will aide you during your training.
Positive reinforcement is important to help you keep
motivated and happy. You tell yourself before a workout
and before the race that you will feel good and strong
throughout the run. You have endorphins aiding you to
relax your body and reducing any discomfort that might
arise. You are always feeling a strong sense of
accomplishment after each run. With each workout you are
becoming stronger and more capable of running a
marathon and you do not look back on a workout in a
negative way; you feel a sense of accomplishment. You
always enjoy your workouts. You are always coming up
with a new way to enjoy yourself. You go to new and
different areas to enjoy a change in scenery. You
sometimes run with people to make time go by a little
quicker. You change little thing all the time to add variety,
like the music that you listen to or the energy bar you eat.
New and different things constantly stimulate you. Also,
you are good about rewarding yourself. You reward
yourself with anything that motivates you to finish a long or
difficult run. A reward system motivates you and keeps you
going. You enjoy running and you enjoy the sense of
accomplishment throughout your training program. You
look forward to your next marathon because the reward is
well worth the training. You are strong, confident,
motivated, and an excellent runner.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

During the warm-up of a match, you are analyzing your
opponents’ age, size, movement skills, and racket skills.
You know that you can figure out a way to win. You are a
smart tennis player. And you practice and you know how
to beat different opponents. Enjoy hitting the ball and being
out on the court. As a match develops your feet get
quicker, your body becomes weightless. You move about
the court almost as if you are suspended in a cloud. You
are almost hoping for long rallies. Because that is where
the enjoyment comes from the game is just hitting the ball.
And if the opponent happens to make a mistake and the
ball doesn’t come back, it’s almost as if you say “darn” I
wish the ball had come back.” Instead you won the point
and you move on. Your opponents are going to be people
that you enjoy after the match; chitchat on changeovers
will not help you play better. On changeovers stay
focused, sitting in your chair. Looking at your racket,
looking at your strings, relaxing, and tightening up any
muscles that feel tight and then relaxing them. It’s so
awesome to stay within yourself and picture yourself
playing perfect tennis. You are pretending in a way that
this may be your last chance to play this person. So you
want them to respect you. And they will respect you
because of your competitiveness, because of your efforts
because every point you give it your all. You almost want
to display that after the match, your opponent will say,
“Wow, I can’t believe how many balls you got back.” You
want to display to your opponent that they can’t believe
that the ball keeps coming back. And back. You want to
develop a feeling inside of them that no point is ever going
to be lost by you. That you are going to get to every ball,
you will chase down every ball and then recover. There is
one ball on the tennis court and you have it and so when it
is your turn to hit all your attention will go into making a

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

solid contact point. You are going to know when to hit the
winning shot. You are going to know intuitively when to
play defensively and when to lob. You know in advance
that you are going to be humble in victory and stoic in
defeat. After a loss you will analyze particular parts of your
game non judgmentally and know that you will work on
those areas this week and at the next match you will have
a chance again to overcome those areas and play great
tennis. You already know in advance that you are going to
apply what you’ve learned at clinic this week. You can’t
always control how well you are going to feel tomorrow.
But you do know that you can control your emotions. And
you can also control how you treat your partner and how
you can treat yourself. Those are parameters you can
control. You love to see your opponent run and chase
down balls, you will know when to hit behind them you will
know when to hit at them. You’ll know how to run them.
You’ll know that moving an opponent forward and
backwards there are 39 feet between the baseline and the
net. It’s a great distance to move an opponent so you’ll
know when to hit short and when to hit deep. In doubles,
the goal is to separate your opponents and hit in between
them. Tomorrow is a day to enjoy tennis. Your self worth
and existence on earth is not based on winning or losing
this tennis match. You are just happy to have a chance to
play. You are away from all your other stresses, your job,
and your children. This is your chance to have fun. You
know that you can win. You have practiced and have hit
this shot over and over. Practice is simply a way to hit the
ball over and over again so that when it comes time to hit
that same shot in a game you just recall that you’ve done it
before and you can do it again. On the serve, your hitting
arm is loose and your wrist is loose. Your toss is in the
same spot every time. Your eyes look up to the contact
point. Your arm and racket reach up to the contact point
and you watch yourself make contact with the ball. And it
is almost as though when you hit the ball, you have hit a

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

missile on its way. It is going to its attended target. There

is no way it is going to miss. It is going to go to that
particular part of the service box that you have set up in
advance. If you are serving a volleying you are going to
toss in front and almost chase the ball to the net with a
well-timed split step just before your opponent returns the
ball. If you are serving and staying back, you will serve,
and chances are you will be slightly in front of the baseline
you’ll know that you won’t want to be stuck there so your
feet will be in motion and You’ll be looking for the depth of
your opponents return so you will know to go forward or
backward. When returning a serve, this is another shot
that you can control because you have time to think about
it before it happens. You can visualize your target ahead of
time. Visualize a hit down a line. Visualize a hit across
court. Visualize a lob over your opponent. Will you keep
the ball low to an incoming server’s feet? You will pick this
target ahead of time. You will have confidence. And
execute your shot to perfection. Your forehand
groundstroke today has a short back swing has a beautiful
fluid contact point and follow through. Your head stays still.
Your forehand is perhaps your strength. So you are going
to play the points, hoping and knowing when to release a
harder hit forehand for a winning shot. Your backhand is
just as strong as your forehand. Your backhand contact
point is in front. You see the ball hit the strings. On the
volley, as you approach the net, your feet are quick. Your
feet get you into position to hit a great volley. The ball on
the volley is hit with your feet; the hand does very little. A
slight squeeze of the hand, right exactly at the moment of
impact, that pop, is what gives the ball velocity as well as
you leaning forward going toward your hit. You love your
overhead. Now when the ball goes up, you say “oh yes”
because overheads are your winning shots. Especially
when you are in position. You place the overhead at the
closest person on the other side of the net. If it’s a
defensive overhead, you are going to reach and get the

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

ball back and rebuild the point. On an approach shot your

feet are fluid, your head is still. Your follow through
extends out to your target area. Then, before your
opponent hits the ball, you split step. You are the better
player today because you have prepared for this match.
You are the better player today because you enjoy tennis
more than your opponent. You are the better player
tomorrow because you know that time tomorrow on the
court is a blessing and a gift and is one more way to have
fun with tennis. You are going to play one point at a time.
You are going to take time between points. You are going
to stress a solid contact point, you are not going to worry
about past errors and you are not going to stress about
future scores. You are simply going to play one point at a
time. Your head is going to stay down you are going to
control your eyes, because where your eyes go, your mind
goes. So your eyes stay down between points. You are
going to reduce your unforced errors tomorrow. You know
that your opponent is capable of making mistakes you
know that they have weakness. When errors happen they
immediately leave your system. You visualize and feel the
perfect shot within your body. When you hit winning shots
you will remember what they felt like and sounded like. In
between points you will replay the same sounds and
feelings. Playing in the zone is very chemically oriented so
you will want to think ahead of time what it feels like to hit
wonderful great shots. Replaying them between points is a
great way to get inside the zone. Using tactics you learned
in practice will be applied today. Keeping your eyes on the
ball. Saying, “Bounce hit” every time the ball bounces on
the court, on both sides of the net. And saying, “hit” when
you or your opponent hits the ball it is a great way for you
to focus on the ball. When the point ends you stand tall
and confident your racket goes to your non-hitting hand.
You take your time and prepare for the next point. If you
are serving you can visualize the perfect serve. If you are
returning the serve you can visualize the perfect return. In

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

the middle of the point you are going to exhale as you

make contact with the ball you are going to trust your
swing you are going to trust that the ball is going to go in.
Your body weight is going to go forward you are going to
recover and you are going to expect the ball to come back
and get ready for the next shot. You know that tomorrow,
in a competitive match, you can play your best tennis. This
is why you play tennis because when it is important it
seems to bring out the best in you. And even if at first the
butterflies are there, you know that soon they will go away
that soon you will be enjoying the match and soon you will
be enjoying the battle that has been placed before you.
You feel balanced on the court after every shot. You
recover to the perfect position and you are balanced. You
know in advance that your head is a very important part to
each hit. So it stays still. Your eye tracking skills will be
superior tomorrow. You can see the lettering on the ball
and the fuzz. You can see the ball leave your opponents
racket and know immediately which way to turn your
shoulders. When the ball is 3 feet off your opponent’s
strings you already know where it’s going, prepare and
move to the next shot. And after you hit, you are going to
move, you are going to hit and follow through with a
confident hit and a purposeful hit and then recover quickly.
Again, tomorrow is the day you are going to play great
tennis. Tomorrow is your day to see the ball bigger than it
has ever been seen. Tomorrow is your day to make
contact with the ball better than you ever have before.
Tomorrow is your day to superbly enjoy the game of
tennis. To hit each ball with confidence, enjoyment,
pleasure. Knowing that your self worth is not based on a
win loss record. But simply on how well you hit the ball
today, how well did I communicate with my partner today.
You are a great communicator and tennis player. Your
swings are fluid you have short back swings, contact with
the ball is always made out in front. Your bodyweight is
going forward. You have an incredible ability to keep your

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

head still during the impact point as the ball hits the
strings. You have an incredible ability to bring out the best
in yourself and in your partner. You are going to love this
match regardless of whether you win or lose. Losing is just
one more way to say that you ran out of time to figure out
a way to win. If you are playing well and you get ahead,
again, play one point at a time staying in the moment not
thinking ahead. Never become over confident just display
confidence within yourself and to your opponents. Play
each point to your fullest potential. You hit the sweet spot
so many times on your racket and you love the feeling. As
the ball comes toward you almost anticipate knowing in
advance that you are going to hit the sweet spot on the
racket. It’s going to pop you are going to hear and feel the
sound of a great contact point and know in advance that
the ball is going to go where you want it to go. Then, after
that great shot, you are going to be balanced and expect
and hope that the ball comes back so that you can do it
again because the great pleasures of tennis are hitting the
ball over and over again. Opponents, whether long time
friends or new acquaintances are people to enjoy after the
match is completed. During the match is when you are
trying to bring out your best. This is most often done when
you stay inside yourself and when you have positive
conversations with yourself or your partner. Save the
chitchat for after the match. Save the compliments for after
the match. Don’t over compliment your opponents during
the match. Accept and believe when your opponents give
you compliments. Let your racket do the talking. Practice
has been wonderful this week. Now at this match you are
going to apply that practice and how you felt right now in
this match. You see yourself playing beautifully and fluidly
and moving about effortlessly and contacting the ball
perfectly. You have played long enough to know how to hit
the ball and where to hit the ball. Now it’s time to enjoy
hitting the ball.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Remember to:

- Visualize running after the ball and hitting it back

- Picture yourself smiling and winning points.
- Picture yourself communicating with your partner and
complimenting your partner.
- Visualize moving together with your partner
- Picture your feet moving effortlessly in the match.

You love playing in front of teammates because you know

they support you.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Motivation for Change

As you continue to relax, I want you to think about the
behavior you want to change. I want you to think about the
different ways that it is affecting your life. Think about how
it is affecting you emotionally. Your behavior has a
negative impact on you. Think about how it is affecting you
physically. Perhaps your body cannot handle it. Take a
look at how it is affecting the people around you. Your
behavior is negatively affecting the people around you;
often the people who care about you the most. You are
ready to make a major change in your behavior and in
your life. In order to make a change, you must select a
target and pin down exactly what you are trying to change.
After you come up with a target, you will set goals for
yourself. You will come up with short term and long-term
goals. Short-term goals will help you see the changes
along the way and also keep you motivated throughout the
process. You start small the first week or month and then
you build. In order to make a positive change last, you
must start small and accomplish short-term goals. These
changes at first may seem small, but they will become
routine, so that as you get farther down the road, you can
focus on bigger goals. You must have a reward system set
up. When you accomplish a goal, you can reward yourself;
this will help you feel motivated throughout the process.
Realize what the signals are that prompt you to behave
how you do. You will get rid of all negative signals whether
they are people, habits, or behaviors and you will replace
these bad cues with good ones. These good signals will
help you change your behavior into a new behavior that is
positive. You will notice that as your behavior changes
over time, you will create new habits and behaviors. You
will be motivated to stop the old behavior and work on the
new one. All along the way, you have a support system.
You only surround yourself with people who support you
and help you make positive changes. These positive

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

people are there for you and they also motivate you
throughout the process. Picture yourself a year from now.
You have completely rid yourself of the negative behavior.
Imagine what sense of accomplishment you feel. You are
proud of yourself and you should feel proud of yourself.
You are no longer negatively affecting your life and the life
of other around you by the bad behavior. You have
replaced the old behavior with a new more constructive
one. You are happier and so are the people around you.
You are healthier and more productive than you ever have
been before. You have accomplished a major positive
change in your life.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

You are feeling at ease and very relaxed. Think about the
reasons why you procrastinate. Procrastination is a way of
managing the anxiety that comes along with the task at
hand. Procrastination is not a result of laziness. You have
the ability to be productive and motivated to get things
done. In order to be more productive and in order to
complete tasks, you have to learn to manage your anxiety.
Managing your anxiety will help reduce stress and guilt
that go along with procrastination. Now, get rid of your
former way of doing things. You will now come up with a
completely new and better way of being productive and
having the motivation to get the job done. Think about
some tasks that you currently need to accomplish. Now
think about the most important one. This task is most likely
to have a deadline or a sense of urgency. Now picture this
task. Instead of looking at the task as a whole, you break it
up into small manageable tasks. Visualizing the project in
small parts, rather than as a whole, will allow you to get
started easily and feel a sense of accomplishment along
the way, even before you complete the project. You will
also set realistic goals. Perfection is not necessary. You
make goals that fit your time scale and goals that will get
the job done. Time management is very important. You will
realize as you work on this project and other projects in the
future, that you are able to easily manage your time. You
become very proficient at managing your time. You are a
hard worker and you get things done. Picture yourself
halfway through the project. You look back and realize that
you have accomplished a lot. You are proud at what you
have overcome. You realize that you were more stressed
when you avoided the task, rather than jumping into the
project head on. You also realized that setting realistic
goals was important. Going for perfection would not work
for you. You feel a great sense of accomplishment and you
look forward to completing the rest of the project. You

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

remember that for every task that you face, you have three
options. You can do nothing, work on a task that is less
important, or work on a task that is more important.
Working on a task that is more important will give you the
most satisfaction. Working on the most important or urgent
task will allow you to have the least amount of stress and
guilt and will lead to the most productivity. You are worthy
of completing your goals. You are hard working and others
see that in you. You are smart and very capable. Now,
picture yourself accomplishing the very important project.
Imagine feeling a strong sense of accomplishment. You
have overcome a major goal in your life and a huge weight
has been lifted off your shoulders. You know that you can
easily work on whatever comes your way. You plan things
out so that you get projects done easily and efficiently. If
something holds you back, you are strong and you keep
going. Nothing can stop you.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Reach your True Potential as you Age

As you continue relaxing…deeper…deeper…and more
deeply relaxed. You realize just how powerful you are with
all the experience you have and with all the wisdom. You
realize the rest of your life is going to be wonderful. You’ve
learned so much from your mistakes in the past. You will
apply that knowledge and wisdom toward making the rest
of your life wonderful and stress free. I want you to realize
now that all parts of your body, all organ systems are
responding in a positive way to the words I am saying.
They are revitalizing themselves allowing you to be
healthier and allowing your cells to function perfectly. I
want you to let go of any concern you might have about
aging. You realize the ageing process is natural and
normal. And you realize that as you continue to age, you
age very gracefully. Realize that as you become more
interested in exercise and eating appropriate foods, you
will be able to do more and more things as you get older
because you are going to take better care of yourself:
allowing yourself proper rest, proper time for yourself to
relax, feeding yourself properly, taking a strong interest in
exercising regularly, having regular check ups with your
doctor and enjoying your life. As you tune into enjoying
your life more and more, you realize the importance of
finding your inner child. That part of you which is still very
interested in having fun in enjoying life. That part of you
that wants to play and deserves to play. So I want you
now, as we go back over these things in detail to really
focus on what I am saying. On letting go of any concerns
and really embracing the positive messages I am giving
your subconscious mind. Starting with your health, imagine
your body as a cylinder, similar to a bottle. And imagine
your body is standing upright and a warm fluid is being
poured in through the top of your body. Through the top of
the cylinder as it pours in, the warm liquid begins to fill you

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head

very slowly. You are safe and relaxed; you are only
imagining this. Feel the fluid rise within your body. Now to
your ankles, moving up your legs to your knees, it
cleanses, soothes, and heals your body, creating optimum
health in each part of your body which it affects. Now
moving up to your hips and moving slowly up your torso,
feel every part of your body which that warm fluid enters,
becoming relaxed and purified. Feel your body releasing
any toxins associated with your body. It now also moves
up your hands and your arms and your chest area, up to
your neck, cleansing, relieving, and purifying your body.
Release any toxins from any part of your body that it
touches. It rises up your neck and into your head all the
way now to the top of your head. Now imagine that there is
a drain at the bottom of that cylinder. You remove the plug
now from that drain. Fluid drains out of the cylinder. It
drains out slowly from the top to the bottom. And notice
how the fluid has changed colors, it is now a little darker
and a little murkier because it has absorbed all the
negativity in your body. Feel your body become healthier
now as the fluid drains out leaving you refreshed, relaxed,
and purified. That’s right, feel how good it feels to let go of
any negativity you were holding on to. The water leaves
your body relaxed and comfortable. Feel all the organ
systems of your body respond. Your skin…healthier…your
cardiovascular system…pulmonary system…healthier.
That’s right. All the systems in your body are healthier
now. Feel the improvement in your immune system. You
are better able now to fight toxins. Your body is now more
powerful because you have decided that it will be more
powerful. Breathe in deeply now. Breathe in a sense of
relaxation and as you exhale slowly, let go of any
negativity. Let go of anything negative thoughts you are
holding onto. Just let it go now. As you breathe in deeply
again, breathe in confidence and a positive outlook. As
you exhale, let go of any thoughts of fear and any

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

concerns that you have, just breathe it out. And as you

continue breathing in and out over the next few minutes,
always breathe in positive thoughts and let go of negative
thoughts. Realize that the health issues that you may have
been facing, you now have decided to let them clear up
because you have decided to embrace a new attitude. You
start a new relationship with food, always choosing healthy
foods. You start a new relationship with exercise, choosing
regular exercise which is appropriate for you. And if you
need help with which foods to eat or which exercises to
perform, you consult with a professional. And so, having
made these powerful decisions, you let go of any fear
about the future and you embrace a positive, powerful
attitude. You realize that the rest of your life is going to be
much more exciting, much more fun, and much more
productive than it has been in the past and you look
forward to this and you embrace the idea of finding your
inner child. Think back now to how carefree you were as a
child, or how carefree you wanted to be. Realize that you
are tuning into this part of you, this carefree part of you,
tuning in more and more now, and the part of you that
knows how to seek out fun and exciting activities and to
take part in those activities. So, over the next few weeks, I
would like you to schedule fun and exciting things for
yourself to do as you embrace a new, positive, powerful,
and adventurous relationship with your life. Realize that
you are becoming a more interesting, more exciting, more
fun, and more dynamic person as you tap into your inner
child and allow that inner child to play, because you
deserve to play. You deserve to have fun. So relax now
and realize that everything is going to be just fine.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Chapter 6

Medical Issue Scripts

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Control Alcohol
You are relaxed now and because you are so relaxed, you
begin to feel free from all tension, anxiety, and fear. You
now realize that you are more confident and sure of
yourself because you have taken the enormous first step
toward helping yourself. You begin to feel the strength
from within, motivating you to overcome any and every
obstacle that may stand in the way of your happiness. You
will find that from this moment on, you are developing
more self-control. You will now face every situation in a
calm, relaxed state of mind. Your thinking is clear and
sharp at all times. You begin to feel that your self-respect
and confidence are expanding more and more each and
every day, in every way. You now realize that in the past,
alcohol was an escape and a weakness that you are
replacing with confidence, strength, and self-control.
Alcohol was an escape and a weakness that you are
replacing with confidence, strength, and self-control. You
are becoming a happy person now with a positive attitude
towards life. You are succeeding now and you have all the
abilities for success. You no longer desire alcohol.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

You are feeling very relaxed now. It feels good to be
completely relaxed. You are safe here. You will learn to
ease your anxiety. Picture the words that describe your
anxiety. You see fear, apprehension, and worry. They are
written on a chalkboard right in front of you. Now take an
eraser and erase the words. Take a look at the
chalkboard. You have gotten rid of the negative words.
This chalkboard represents you. You can now start with a
clean slate and write all the positive words that describe
you such as, confident, capable, and strong. You realize
that there are things that you can do to ease your anxiety.
Picture a new lifestyle. This lifestyle consists of you
working on eliminating anxiety from your life. You do
everything you can to completely eliminate anxiety, fear,
and apprehension from your life. You add exercise to your
daily routine. Exercising can help change your body and
mind. You can start out with getting ten to fifteen minutes
of exercise a day, five times a week. You slowly add more
time to your exercising with thirty minutes being your
ultimate goal. Exercising increases endorphins and
enhances your mood. You also make sure that you get at
least eight hours of sleep every night. A full, restful night of
sleep can help you feel calmer and more at ease during
the day. Sleep is important to give your body and your
mind a rest so that you can think clearly and function
properly during the day. You also make sure to eat right.
You eat healthy foods that sustain you like whole grains,
lean proteins, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. You eat
small meals throughout the day so that you never feel
hungry or really full. Eating healthy foods will give you the
vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. You add
meditation to your life. You take twenty or thirty minutes
out of your day to sit in a calm and quiet place. You turn
your attention inward and focus on yourself. You can also
take this time to get rid of all thoughts in your mind and

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

think of nothing. Meditation will help fight against your

negative thoughts. Another way to relax is by doing
breathing exercises. You can be anywhere and at anytime,
you can take deep breaths to help relax you. Breathing
exercises will help you diminish any fear or worry that you
may have. You get rid of all alcohol, drugs, and caffeine in
your life. These substances can alter your mind. A lifestyle
without alcohol, drugs, and caffeine will allow you to fully
work on eliminating all anxiety and apprehension from your
life. It’s very important to have a support system. You are
strong and can do these things on your own, but it is also
important for those around you to support you. By making
these changes in your life, you will begin to see negative
and irrational beliefs disappear. Picture yourself one year
from now. You have incorporated all of these things into
your new lifestyle. You exercise most days of the week.
You get a full eight hours of restful sleep. You eat healthy
and you do not consume alcohol, drugs, or caffeine. You
work on meditation and breathing for relaxation. You have
a support system all around you. You no longer have the
anxiety you used to have. You now have high self-esteem
and you are confident in all situations. You no longer have
any fears or apprehension. The amount of worry you have
is a healthy amount. You enjoy life more. You see the
positive now instead of the negative. Your beliefs are now
rational and positive. You have come a long way and you
were able to do it by yourself and with the support of
others close to you. You are confident, capable, and
strong and you are ready to take on anything that comes
your way.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

You will now enhance your metabolism. Your flow of
cellular chi is increasing, opening metabolic pathways
allowing for complete detoxification of your body. Your
cells are becoming more permeable, allowing them to
release toxins. You are opening metabolic pathways and
increasing the energetic chi flow through your charkas.
Your former hyperactivity is now down regulated, allowing
you to relax. Your highly intelligent mind becomes
occupied with games, school, and other fun activities.
Think of one of your favorite intellectual activities right
now. See yourself engaging in that activity. You know that
whenever you have excess energy, you can engage in that
activity in your mind.

Your body is releasing mercury daily. Feel your body right

now releasing mercury. Your cells no longer hold on to
mercury, instead, they reject it as foreign matter,
eliminating it completely from your body.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Drug Addiction
You are fully relaxed now. As you listen to what I am
saying to you, you open your mind and body and fully
absorb what I am telling you. You embrace the changes
that you will have to make. Your goal is to heal and to
abstain from drugs. As you go through the process of
detoxifying your body, your body will go through many
changes and you are strong enough to overcome these
changes. At times when you feel restless or anxious, you
will take deep breaths in, absorbing positive thoughts and
relaxing your mind and body. As you exhale deeply out,
you will get rid of all negative thoughts and feelings. It’s
important for you to get a full night sleep every night and to
stay positive throughout your treatment and recovery. You
will not be tempted by cravings; instead you will focus all of
your energy onto a new and positive habit. You learn to
cope with your cravings by substituting a healthy way of
life. That is what you are doing now. You are creating a
new way of life. You have completely gotten rid of your old
life and now you are starting anew. Picture your body as a
cylinder that can be filled with fluid. Watch and feel as a
special liquid is being poured through an opening at the
top of your head. This substance is pure and has heeling
and purifying powers. Feel the fluid fall down your body
and slowly start filling up your toes, feet, and ankles.
Watch as the liquid rises ever so slowly up through your
body. This powerful liquid is penetrating your bones, your
muscles, your lymphatic system, your nervous system,
and your skin. Feel it rise up to your knees and thighs.
This substance is getting rid of all toxins and free radicals
in your body. A refreshing wave of calmness passes
through your legs. They feel pure and free of bad
substances. The liquid continues filling your body, it’s up to
your hips now. You are feeling relaxed and at ease with
this process. As the fluid fills your torso, it also moves from
your hands, arms, and up to your shoulders and chest.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

The special substance is having a wonderful affect on you.

You are feeling refreshed and clean. Feel as it continue up
to your neck and fills your head. The substance is now
having an affect on your cardiovascular and pulmonary
system. You heart beats consistently and steadily with
ease. You take notice of your steady breath as you
breathe in the positive and breathe out the negative. You
feel uncontaminated and at ease as the liquid fills your
entire body and mind. Now picture a drain below your feet.
You watch as the liquid slowly drains out of your body. You
watch all the negativity and all the toxins flush out of your
system. The fluid is no longer clean and pure. It has
absorbed every bad particle in your body and it is being
cleaned out of your system. You feel the fluid level get
lower and lower, until soon, it is completely flushed out of
you. You are a new person with a new life now. You are
now clean of all toxins. You open your mind to different
strategies to avoid bad substances. You listen to the
professionals that have taken an active part in your
treatment and recovery. You work hard and do anything
you can to continue living a clean life. You have an
amazing support system. You get counseling from
professionals either individually or in groups or both. You
have family and friends who support you. They like the
new you and are very proud of you. You enjoy the act of
bettering your life. You are a strong person. You are very
capable of achieving all of your goals in life. You are on
the right path. That’s right. You realize that everything is
going to be just fine.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Optimal Health
You will enhance your metabolism. Your flow of cellular chi
will increase opening metabolic pathways allowing for
complete detoxification. Imagine the perfect lifestyle. A
lifestyle that enables you to be the healthy person you
have always wanted to be. You have complete confidence
in your actions and your body reflects that. Now look at
your current lifestyle. Picture the different foods that you
put into your body that are bad for you. Now completely
get rid of them, throw them away. Sugar and refined carbs
are no longer part of your diet. You get rid of all
polyunsaturated fats, hydrogenated oils, and transfats.
You never eat; it is very bad for you. Picture all the foods
that will nourish you and prolong your quality of life. You
consume more protein and fewer carbohydrates. Your
protein sources come from lean meats such as turkey,
fish, and beans. Your sources of carbohydrates are
spinach pasta, whole grain bread, and brown rice. Imagine
the liquid you put in your mouth. It’s water, clean and
perfect. You drink 2/3 your body weight in ounces of water
everyday. You no longer consume coffee, juice, or soda of
any kind. They have a bad effect on your body and they
take away nourishment. You drink alcohol only in
moderation. Smoking cigarettes and doing drugs are not a
part of your life. They age you and weaken your immune
system. Imagine your life now. Imagine how you feel.
Imagine how you look. Already you are noticing changes.
Now, picture other changes you can make to your lifestyle.
You realize the importance of supplements. You may not
be getting all the vitamins you need by what you are
consuming. Getting the right vitamins and essential fatty
acids will keep you healthy and it gives your body the
ability to prevent sickness. You realize the importance of
exercise. Aerobic activity and resistance training enable
your body to be strong and helps fight arthritis. In return,
exercising helps you distress and gives you more energy

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

to accomplish greater things. You enjoy exercising

because you know what great benefits it has for your body.
Picture what you look like. You are healthy and fit. You
really enjoy your new lifestyle. You realize the importance
of laughter. You have the ability to empower other people
with your energy and positive attitude. Laughter increases
your lung capacity and over time reduces your heart rate.
Laughter in return gives you more energy because you
make everyone around you happy. You change your
lifestyle in yet another way. You take twenty minutes out of
your day, everyday, to relax. You do whatever it is that
calms you and makes all worries disappear. You know it is
important to put yourself first at times so that you can be
the best you can be for those around you. You enjoy
relaxing; it helps you recharge. It’s you’re moment; you
can do whatever you want. You add prayer or meditation
to your life. You have greater appreciation for the things
and occurrences in your life. Your life is much richer now;
you no longer question things. You are more accepting of
the things around you. Now picture your life after you have
made all these changes. You are healthy. You feel
confident that you will live a long and better quality life.
You look and feel amazing. You are the happiest you have
ever been in your whole life and you continue to
appreciate things. You feel strong physically because of all
the right decisions you have made about food and
exercising your body to make it powerful not only
physically but also to build your immune system. Vices are
not a part of your life. You refuse to let drugs, smoking,
coffee, soda, juice, or alcohol tempt you. You feel
empowered due to your relaxation, prayer, and meditation.
They help your confidence and you know that you can take
on whatever comes your way. You know that you are
faced with choices every day. You know that you will
choose the ones that help you and improve your life.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Panic Attacks
All right, you are feeling very relaxed. Your body and your
mind are at ease. Imagine how you feel when you feel
anxiety overwhelming you and how you feel when you are
having a panic attack. Picture yourself. Notice how you
feel. You feel anxious because you’re scared you might
have a panic attack. This is the last time you are going to
feel this way. No longer will you be overwhelmed by your
feelings of anxiety or panic. You now learn to cope with
your feelings and the fact that you are in control. You are
strong and very capable. You are very confident. That’s
right, confident. Not only are you confident that you won’t
have a panic or breathing attack, but you are also very
confident in whatever you set your mind to accomplish.
Now picture yourself in a situation that could cause you to
stress. Imagine having a panic attack and having breathing
problems. You realize that you will get through this attack;
it will soon pass and you will be feeling calm again. You
tell yourself that the panic attack will soon subside and you
begin to calm down. You gain confidence because you
realize that you can be in control of your breathing attacks.
Again, when it happens again, you tell yourself that you
are okay and that you are strong and capable to deal with
the situation. You tell yourself this because it’s true. You
are strong. You are capable. As your panic attacks get
less and less frequent, you challenge yourself to do more
things that would have caused you stress and anxiety in
the past. Yes, at first it is a challenge, but then you begin
to realize how good if feels to be able to trust yourself. You
begin to think about how much more rewarding your life is.
When you go places, you feel safe and confident. Now,
only on rare occurrences do you have panic attacks. But
something inside of you has changed. You are no longer
scared during panic attacks, you now have the ability to
manage the stress and stifle any fear that you would have
had. You now depend on your ability to manage an attack

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

whenever you fear starts to weigh on you. You keep doing

this for as long as you have attacks. You know that you will
get through them and that each one you are able to control
makes you stronger. Now picture your life completely free
of panic and breathing attacks. Imagine doing all the things
that you used to avoid and feeling confident and really
enjoying yourself. You feel that you have overcome a
major obstacle in your life. Your fear was controlling you
and your life, but no more. You are strong and confident.
You are now able to go out into the world with the utmost
amount confidence and motivation.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper and more
deeply relaxed, you realize now, since you are slowed
down how much close attention you can pay to details,
that’s right, how much close attention you are paying now
to the sound of my voice. You are able to pay attention to
my voice, that’s right. You are able to do this easily and
effortlessly. Day by day, your ability to pay careful attention
to things increases and you allow this to happen, naturally.
In fact, you look for opportunities to pay attention. Perhaps
in school, perhaps with your friends, perhaps while
reading, you look for opportunities in your life to pay
attention and you enjoy doing this. You enjoy gradually
increasing the time during which you can pay attention to
something. You will also notice that you begin to listen
when you are spoken to directly. You listen to what the
speaker is telling you and you are able to follow these
instructions carefully and completely, remembering all the
important things they have told you. Day by day, you feel
more and more calm inside. Your body is calm and
relaxed, calm and relaxed. Perhaps you find yourself
talking less and listening more, that’s right. And when you
listen to a question, you listen to the entire question before
answering, that’s right. You do this easily and effortlessly
and in a social situation you always wait for your turn
because you are relaxed, relaxed at all times. You’re able
to maintain the attention you pay to any task you focus on.
You’re able to wait for gratification, that’s right. You are
able to delay gratification and it feels so good to have the
power to do this, to be relaxed and to wait for what you
want. So relaxed and at ease at all times, relaxed and at
ease, relaxed and at ease at all times, that’s right. And
you’re finding that day by day, you are becoming more
organized, that’s right, and more productive, more
organized and you look for ways in your life that you can
be more organized in a very calm way and this helps you

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

to become more productive, more organized in a very calm

way and therefore more productive, so very, very relaxed
at all times, at all times. And think how good it feels it now
to be a calm, relaxed person who can easily pay attention,
who can easily delay their gratification, who can easily wait
their turn, that’s right, these things feel so good to you, so
good. You are so relaxed, so continue relaxing now,
relaxing peacefully, that’s right. Drifting and relaxing.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

I have over two decades of experience in hypnosis. I
have a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of
Florida, an M.Ed. from Armstrong Atlantic State University,
and I am working on a doctorate degree at Georgia
Southern University. I am a certified clinical
hypnotherapist, a member of both the American Board of
Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists,
president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, and
director of the Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. I
am also on the board of directors of the American Lung
Association in Los Angeles. I currently live in Savannah,
Georgia, but I see clients and teach classes worldwide.

My client base consists largely of people who need to

lose weight or gain confidence. Other clients include sales
teams interested in boosting motivation and increasing
income, singles searching for love, insomniacs desiring
proper sleep, and smokers wanting to change their habits,
to name just a few topics.

It is my hope that this book will create a cadre of

hypnotherapists who feel a strong commitment toward
practicing with integrity, thus altering negative perceptions
about hypnotherapy, while allowing people to make
positive changes. To this end, I am providing you with the
tools to change people’s habits and perceptions, and to
help them overcome fears. I know that you can help your
patients find love, make a fortune, and reach their optimum
level of physical fitness through hypnotherapy.

For more information about me and about

hypnotherapy, I invite you to visit my website, There, you will find a collection of
hypnotherapy CDs, mp3s, and audio books. Among the
recorded sessions, you will find over 120 titles including
Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Weight Loss, Unlimited Motivation, and Unlimited


You also will find a link to my e-mail address,

[email protected]. I am available to answer your
questions or address your concerns, and I wish you all the
luck and prosperity the world has to offer.

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II


Bierman, S. (1995). Medical hypnosis. Advances: The

Journal of Mind-Body Health, 11(1), 65.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2004).

Southern Medical Journal

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II


Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., Clinical Hypnotherapist

(The official website of Steve G. Jones)

American Alliance of Hypnotists

(Membership is free in this worldwide online directory)

Classes on Hypnotherapy
(Become a certified clinical hypnotherapist online in
eight weeks)

Hypnotherapy pre-recorded sessions

(Over 250 specific topics such as weight loss on CD
and mp3)

Hypnotherapy Scripts
(Mostly written by MD’s and Ph.D.’s)

Hammond, D. Corydon. Handbook of Hypnotic

Suggestions and Metaphors. 1990. New York: W. W.
Norton and Company. (A Norton Professional Book
from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.)

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed.

Available at
and select bookstores worldwide.

-Basic Hypnotherapy for Professionals

-Advanced Hypnotherapy for Professionals

-Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume I

-Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume II

-Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I

-Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II

-Hypnotic Techniques for Dating Success

-Business guide for Hypnotherapists (Office set-up,

websites, forms, advertising online, search engine
optimization, creating and selling hypnotherapy CD’s and

-Hypnotic Sales Mastery Techniques

-Hypnosis for Laymen

-Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy

-Hypnotherapy Case Studies


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