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This dictionary is a modified version of that completed in July 1991 which in turn was based on D. C.
Farghers English - Manx Dictionary of 1979 - (ISBN 0 904980 23 5). In order to accommodate the information
in the requisite page limit the layout and text styles have been altered, however all the original entries have been
retained and known mistakes have been corrected.
A start has been made to indicate some feminine nouns but this has proved problematical where
existing dictionaries disagree on gender. Readers should not therefore assume that nouns not as yet marked [f]
are necessarily masculine. Perhaps someone will produce a definitive list in the future.
It is intended that the contents of this book should be updated at regular intervals, perhaps annually, and
therefore your observations upon the inevitable errors and omissions would be welcome so that amendments can
be made to future editions.
Phil Kelly.
Keyll Coull,
Balley Fadine.
Rheynn Cullyn.
Jerrey Fouyir.
Version 1.2
B, BH - V, W
C - CH
CH - H
D, DH - GH
F - [ ]
G - GH
GI - Y
J - Y
K - CH
M, MH - V, W
P - PH
S - H or T
SH - H or CH
SL, SHL - L, LH or TL, THL
SN - SN, N
STR - HR or TR
T, TH - H
WH - W
Mutation may occur in the following;
Adjective after a noun plural with palatilized ending.
Adjective after a noun singular feminine.
Adjective after a noun singular mascline used genitively.
Adjective after a noun singular or plural used vocatively.
Adjective after a verb assertive.
Adjective after feer and ro.
Noun after a singular feminine noun.
Noun after numerical prefix un, daa - but not (d, j, t, ch)
Noun after ordinal numerals.
Noun after possessive prefixes my, dty, e (masc)
Noun after the definite article and an ordinal number - but not (d, j, t, ch) after kied.
Noun directly after a preposition (in set phrases.)
Noun feminine singular after the definite article.
Noun masculine singular used genitively.
Noun used vocatively.
Noun with initial s, sh, sl, str after a definite article.
Noun with the definite article after a preposition.
Ordinal numeral with the definite article.
Pronoun demonstrative in set phrases.
Verbal nouns
Verbal noun after my, dty, ny (masc.)
Verbal noun after participle er.
Imperfect conditional.
Relative future.
a.r.e. ~ etc., et cetera
aa- ~ (prefix) re-, ex-, retired, second
aa-aase ~ regrow, second growth
aa-aghtey ~ re-enact
aa-armal ~ recommission, refit, rearmament,
aa-assphurtaghey ~ re-export
aa-assphurtal ~ re-export
aachaarjaghey ~ reconcile, reconciliation
aachaarjeyder ~ conciliator
aachaarjit ~ reconciled
aachaarjys ~ conciliation, reconciliation
aachaggey ~ re-encounter
aachaignagh ~ ruminant
aachappeeys ~ recapture
aachaptan ~ lieutenant
aachaptanys ~ lieutenancy
aachassey ~ inflect, screw back
aachasseydagh ~ inflexional
aachassid ~ recrimination
aacheau ~ repeating, repeat
aacheimnaghey ~ recapitulation, recapitulate
aachentyn ~ flashback
aacheoid ~ rheumatism
aacheoid Vanninagh ~ laziness
aacheoidagh ~ rheumatic, rheumatoid
aacheoidaghey ~ rheumatic
aachernyl ~ lieutenant colonel
aacherraghey ~ repunish
aacheyllaghey ~ reafforestation
aachiaddey ~ renewal, renew
aachiangley ~ refasten, reunite, rejoin
aachiartaghey ~ readjustment, readjust
aachionard ~ lieutenant commander
aachione ~ complement
aachionnaghey ~ repurchase, redeem,
aachionnit ~ repurchased, redeemed, rebought
aachlannaghey ~ repopulate
aachlanney ~ repopulation, repopulate
aachlashtyn ~ appeal, rehear
aachlashtyn oolee ~ criminal appeal
aachlashtynagh ~ appealable
aachliaghtey ~ reaccustom
aachliaghtey (rish) ~ recondition
aachlistal ~ rebound
aachlistey ~ rebound
aachloanaghey ~ recolonization, recolonize
aachloie ~ re enact, replay, afterplay
aachlou ~ reprint, reset
aachluinnaghey ~ rehear
aachoardail ~ reconciliation, reunite, reconcile
aachoardit ~ reconciled
aachoearroo ~ recount
aachoipal ~ reduplicate, reduplication
aachomys ~ second offence
aachoodagh ~ veneer
aachoodaghey ~ recover
aachooinaghtyn ~ recall, recollection
aachooinaghtyn (er) ~ recollect
aachooineeagh ~ reminiscent
aachoontey ~ recount
aachormaghey ~ flatten
aachorrey ~ second draught of nets, second
aachouyr ~ restoration
aachouyral ~ restore
aachouyreyder ~ restorer
aachouyreyder fuilt ~ hair restorer
aachrackan ~ veneer
aachreck ~ resale, resell
aachreeaghey ~ heartening (up)
aachreeley ~ retransmission, repeat
aachroo ~ restoration, retrace, reform, recreate
aachrooagh ~ restorative, recreative
aachrooit ~ reformed
aachrootagh ~ reformer
aachruinnaghey ~ reassemble, rally
aachruinnaght ~ reunion
aachuirr ~ recultivate, replant, reafforestation
aachuirrey ~ transplant, resow, reinvite,
transplantation, second sowing
aachuirrey cree ~ heart transplant
aachuirrey lesh biljyn ~ reafforest
aachuirrit ~ reinvited, resown
aachummey ~ renew, remodel, reconstitute,
renovate, reform, deform, hash up,
reconstitution, reformation, deformation
aachummey eddin ~ facial
aachummey stronney ~ rhinoplasty
aachummeyder ~ adapter (person), reformer
aachummit ~ deformed, reformed, reconstituted
aachur ~ remand
aachur er boayrd ~ reshipment, re-embarkation,
aachur magh ~ reissue
aachur-seose ~ reset
aadjin ~ gorse
aae ~ vault, arch, archway, ford
aae ardvarriaghtagh ~ triumphal arch
aa-eaishtagh rish ~ rehear
aa-eaysley ~ release, reloosen, redeem,
aa-eaysleyder ~ ransomer
aa-eeck ~ reimbursement, reimburse, indemnity
aa-eeckit ~ repaid
aa-enmys(sey) ~ redirect
aa-enmyssit ~ redirected
aa-entreilys ~ re-entry
aaer nieu ~ cockatrice
aaer Virjeeney ~ Virginia creeper
aaernieu chionnee ~ constrictor
aa-eyshtey ~ re-examine
aafaillaghey ~ re-engage
aafeyshtey ~ cross-examine
aafilley ~ evolution, evolve
aafilleyder ~ evolutionist
aafilleydys ~ evolutionism
aafilltagh ~ recurring
aafoaddey ~ rekindle, relight
aaghaah ~ redye
aaghaal ~ afterdamp
aaghaelgaghey ~ regaelicize, regaelicization
aaghaer ~ agony (physical)
aaghaeragh ~ agonizing
aagheddyn ~ recovery
aagherraghey ~ shorten
aagherrey ~ abbreviate
aagherrid ~ short cut, abbreviation, epitome
aagherrit ~ abbreviated
aagherrym ~ encore, repeal, recall
aagherrym (er ash) ~ recall
aagherrymagh ~ repealer
aaghiennaghtagh ~ regenerating
aaghiennaghtyn ~ regenerate, regeneration
aaghienneyder ~ regenerator
aaghiennit ~ regenerated
aaghineraal ~ lieutenant general
aaghiunid ~ shallowness
aaghlackey ~ retake
aaghleaysheyder ~ tonic
aaghlen ~ very pure
aaghlenney ~ refine, refining, purification
aaghlenneyder ~ refinery, purist, refiner
aaghlennid ~ purity
aaghlennit ~ refined, purified
aaghoaill ~ recapture, re-engage, reconquer
aaghoaill y chorp ~ reincarnation
aaghoghan ~ relapse
aagholl er boayrd ~ re-embarkation
aaghoobley ~ redouble
aaghooghys ~ throwback, atavism
aaghooghyssagh ~ reversionary, atavistic
aaghooney ~ lockout, reclose, reclosure
aaghoostey ~ reawaken
aaghoostey ennal ~ artificial respiration
aaghowin ~ shallow
aaghreaghtal ~ redraft
aaghreeshaghey ~ re-excite, rekindle
aaght ~ covert, board, lodging, digs, den,
aaghtaghey ~ shelter, lodge
aaghtee ~ lodger
aaghtey ~ accommodate (lodge)
aaghtit ~ lodged
aagymmyrkey magh ~ reproduce
aah ~ drift, ford
Aah ny Lhongyn ~ Annalong
Aah ny Mooa ~ Annamoe
Aah ny Mraddan ~ Laxey, Laxford
aah y hooyl ~ wade (ford)
Aah yn Ollee ~ Oxford
Aah yn Ree ~ Athenry
aahagh ~ fordable
aahaghyrt ~ recurrence, recur
aahaghyrtagh ~ recurrent
aahaglym ~ reassemble
aahannid ~ three year old sheep
aahassooagh ~ resistant
aahayrn ~ redraw, reproduction, reproduce
aaheeanagh ~ resounding
aaheeaney ~ resound, reverberate
aaheeley ~ redistil
aaheelit ~ refined
aaheet stiagh ~ reappearance
aaheiy ~ re-election, re-elect, reshuffle
aahellooderys ~ repossession
aahickyraghey ~ reassert, reassertion
aahidey ~ countertide
aahidoor ~ exserviceman
aahilgey ~ recast
aahilley ~ second sight
aahilley (ec) ~ clairvoyant
aahionney ~ top up, reinflate
aahiow ~ reheat
aahirrey ~ research
aahirreyder ~ researcher
aahjiooghagh ~ laryngeal
aahley ~ marine habitat, fishery, fishing ground,
location at sea
aahogherys ~ rewind
aahoiagh ~ rally
aahoiaghey ~ reset, resettle, resettlement
aahoil ~ fordable
aahoilshagh ~ reflecting
aahoilshaghey ~ reflect, republish, reflection,
reflecting, republication
aahoilshey ~ reflection
aahollys ~ afterglow
aahoo ~ reabsorb, resorb
aahosheeit ~ restarted
aahoshiaghey ~ resumption, restart, recommence
aahraaue ~ replough
aahrimmid ~ back pressure
aahroggal ~ rebuild, resurrect; resurrection,
aahroggalagh ~ reconstituent, restorative
aahroggeyder ~ rebuilder
aahroggit ~ rebuilt
aahuittym ~ recidivism, relapse
aahuittymagh ~ recidivist
aaie vreek ~ brick kiln
aail ~ of a brood, clutch
aailagh ~ brood, covey, litter
aa-illaght ~ reflexive
aa-insh ~ iterate, paraphrase, hand on, rehearsal,
aainshagh ~ paraphrastic
aa-irree ~ resurrection
aaitnaghey ~ gorse stump
aajey ~ marine habitat, location (at sea)
aajioogh ~ weasand
aal ~ litter, nest, sitting of eggs, young (of
animals); fork (of table)
aalaanaghey ~ convalesce, convalescent,
rehabilitation, convalescence
aalaanee ~ restorative
aalagh ~ hatch, farrow, incubation of birds,
young of animals
aalagh-vestit ~ mongrel
aalaght ~ breed
aalannaghey ~ rehabilitate
aalaue ~ second hand
aalee ~ covey
aalettyragh ~ alliterative
aalettyraghey ~ alliterate
aalettyraghys ~ alliteration
aalettyrit ~ alliterated
aaley ~ fairer
aalhaih ~ read over, peruse, perusal
aalheie ~ remelt
aalheim ~ rebound
aalheimyragh ~ rebound
aalhiasagh ~ requital
aalhiasaghey ~ amend, requite, recultivate,
aalhiasit ~ requited, replenished
aalhieeney ~ reflow, replenish, reinflate;
second laying, reinflation, replenishment
aalhieent ~ replenished, reflown, refilled
aalhiemmagh ~ resilient
aalhiemmaght ~ resilience
aalican ~ fine weather, great calm, halcyon
aalid ~ beauty, splendour, good looks
aalid dooghyssagh ~ beauty unadorned
aalid dooie ~ natural beauty
aalid feie ~ natural beauty, wild beauty
aalin ~ fair, handsome, beautiful, splendid
aalinal ~ reline
aalinid ~ beautifulness, beauty
aalistal ~ re-engagement, re-enlistment, re-enlist
aall ~ table fork, fleshhook
aaloayreyder ~ reciter
aaloayrt ~ relate, repeat, recite
aaloayrt rish ~ readdress
aaloayrtys ~ recital, repetition, recitation
aalossey ~ inflammation
aalostey ~ reburn
aalughtaghey ~ reload
aalughtey ~ recharge
aamaid ~ wood, timber, timbered
aamaid keylley ~ standing timber
aamaid troggee ~ building timber
aane ~ liver
aane ushtey ~ liverwort
aane voiddee ~ codliver
aaneagh ~ hepatic, liverish, liver
aaniartaghan ~ booster
aaniartaghey ~ reaffirm, reinforce, reassure,
refresh, boost, reinvigoration, reinforcement,
aaniartit ~ regenerated
aanid ~ choler, liverishness
aanoagh ~ replaceable
aanoaghey ~ renew, renovate, rejuvenate,
renewal, renovation, refresher
aanoaghey eddin ~ face lift
aanoaghit ~ rejuvenated
aanrit ~ towel, dowlas
aanrit barree ~ dowlas
aanrit beg (shiaull) ~ canvas
aanrit breck ~ check, chequer cloth
aanrit buird ~ table linen, table cloth
aanrit eddin ~ face towel
aanrit garroo ~ duck
aanrit keyl ~ lawn, cambric
aanrit keyl cadee ~ dimity
aanrit laue ~ hand towel
aanrit lhiabbagh ~ bed linen
aanrit lieen ~ linen
aanrit marrey ~ fearnought
aanrit oikan ~ baby linen
aanrit sack ~ sackcloth
aanrit soaillee ~ swaddling clothes
aanriteen ~ serviette
aa-oanluckey ~ reinter
aa-oardagh ~ countermand, repeat order
aa-oardaghey ~ countermand
aa-obbyr ~ repetition
aa-oe ~ great grandchild, great grandson
aa-oe 'neen ~ great grand daughter
aaoid ~ palinode
aa-osley ~ re-open, re-opening
aaoyral ~ secondary
aapheintal ~ repaint
aaphlaastrail ~ replaster
aaphointeil ~ re-appointment, re-appoint
aaphoosey ~ remarry
aaphrental ~ reprint
aaphroofey ~ revise
aaraa ~ iteration, repetition, tautology,
quotation, rote, reiteration, chorus
aaraa (jeh) ~ quote
aaraagh ~ iterative, quotable, reiterative
aaragh ~ renal, present
aaraue ~ doctrine
aaraueagh ~ doctrinarian, doctrinaire
aare ~ near
aareaghey ~ re-arrange, re-organization, re-edit,
re-organize, rearrangement
aareayrtys ~ double vision, review
aareayrtyssey ~ review
aareggyrt ~ rejoinder, re-echo, respond, back
aareih ~ readoption, rechoose, readopt
aareihys ~ re-election
aareirey ~ recast
aarey ~ ladder, shroud, reins, kidney, scale
aarey chiaull ~ musical scale
aarey fillit ~ stepladder, pair of steps
aarey vraddan ~ salmon ladder
aarey Yacob ~ Jacob's ladder
aarey yerree ~ stern ladder, accommodation
aareydagh ~ renal
aarheynn ~ subdivision, subdivide, repartition,
redistribution, redistribute
aarheynnagh ~ refrangible
aarheynnit ~ redistributed, subdivided
aarkey vooar ~ offing
aarlagh ~ preparation, preparatory
aarlaghey ~ prepare, get out, groom, train,
qualify, dressing
aarlaghey da'n oaye ~ lay out
aarlaghey lesh curree ~ curry
aarlee ~ cooking
aarleyder ~ preparer
aarlider ~ cook
aarlit ~ prepared, cooked, groomed
aarlit (da) ~ qualified
aarlit rolaue ~ ready cooked
aarloo ~ ready, operational
aarloo da'n aarkey ~ seaworthy
aarloo da'n cheayn ~ seaworthy
aarloo da'n oaye ~ laid out
aarloo da'n vooir ~ seaworthy
aarloo dy ve aanoaghit ~ renewable
aarloo dy woalley ~ aggressive
aarlooid ~ readiness, preparation, preparedness,
aarnieu ~ snake, serpent, viper, adder
aarnieu chiu ~ puff adder
aarnieu traastagh ~ boa
aarnieu traastey ~ python
aarnieuagh ~ viperine, serpentine, snakiness
Aaronagh ~ Aaronic(al)
aaronsaghey ~ re-examine, research
aaronsey ~ research
aaronseyder ~ researcher
aart ~ portion
aaruggyr ~ renaissance, rebirth
aarys ~ residence
aasagh ~ growing
aascellagh ~ refringent, refractive
aascellaghey ~ refract
aascellaght ~ refraction
aascellveihaghyn ~ refractometer
aascreeu ~ transcribe, rewrite, copy
aascreeuder ~ transcriber, copyist, copier
aascreeuyn ~ transcript, copy
aascreeuyn glen ~ fair copy
aascreeuyn shallidagh ~ rough copy
aascrutaghey ~ re-examination, re-examine
aase ~ wax, grow, evolve, culture, develop,
forwardness, tumour, growth
aase askaidagh ~ ulceration
aase beg ~ seedling
aase ching ~ sicken
aase dy rank ~ luxuriate
aase eairkagh ~ corn (on foot)
aase (er craue) ~ apophysis
aase lheeah ~ blanche (of hair)
aase noa ~ neoplasm
aase ro vooar (da) ~ outgrow
aase ry-cheilley ~ accretion
aaseyder biljyn feeyney ~ vine grower
aash ~ rest, easement, ease, break
aash caggee ~ armistice
aash veg ~ breather
aashag ~ embossment, seat, pad, sofa, couch,
aashagagh ~ bossed
aashagh ~ rest, effortless, softly, leisurely, easy,
aashaght ~ easiness, simplicity, quietness
aashid ~ easiness
aasit ~ cultured, grown, well-grown
aasit cooidjagh ~ adnate
aasit joinagh ~ consenting
aaskinney ~ ricochet
aaskyrraghtyn ~ relapse
aaslaanid ~ pravity
aasmeggylagh ~ double chin
aasmooinaght ~ reflection, afterthought
aasmooinaghtyn (er) ~ ponder, ruminate,
rethink, reconsider
aasoil ~ growing, vegetative
aastoyral ~ restock
aastudeyrys ~ revision
Aaue ~ Eve
aaurraghys ~ reinsurance
aavaair ~ second crop, aftergrowth
aavaght ~ recension
aavaih ~ reinvest, reinvestment
aavainshter ~ mate
aavannaghey ~ rebless
aaveaghey ~ feedback
aaventyn ~ cannon
aaveoir shee ~ retired policeman
aavestey ~ mix up
aavhir ~ second crops
aavingyssagh ~ resonant
aavioghee ~ restorative
aavioghey ~ rally, regenerate, revive, resurrect,
revival, renaissance, resuscitation,
resurrection, enlivenment
aaviogheydagh ~ renascent
aavioghit ~ regenerated
aavlakey ~ outstare
aavlass ~ aftertaste
aavolcaan ~ extinct volcano
aavolgey ~ reinflation, reinflate
aavooadaghey ~ magnify, increase, redouble
aavreb ~ rebound
aavreckey ~ touch up
aavreeagh ~ tonic
aavrishey magh ~ recrudescence
aavriwnys ~ reconsideration, review, revision
aavroo ~ back pressure
aavuillagh ~ reflective
aavuilley ~ tintinnabulation, reaction, return,
cannon, resonance, recoil, counterblow
aavuilltagh ~ resonant, reverberatory
aavunnaghey ~ reconstitute, re-establish
aawhaaley ~ restitch
aawhaaltys ~ reunion
aawoalley ~ reverberate, backlash, react,
kickback, reaction, repercussion
aawoalltaagh ~ reactive, reactionary
aayannoo ~ repetition, reconstitute,
aayarrooaghey ~ reassure
aayeeillagh ~ refundable, recompensing
aayeeillaghyn ~ refund
aayeeilley ~ compensate, recoup, repay, rebate,
repayment, retribution, compensation
aayeeilley ny labree ~ workers' compensation
aayeeilleyder ~ recompenser
aayeeillit ~ recompensed, repaid
aayeenaghey ~ re-proof
aayeshaghey ~ reset, refit
aayesheenaghey ~ redecorate, refurnish,
aayiarrey ~ re-cut
aayiooldey ~ disgorge
abacus ~ abacus
abane [f] ~ ankle
abane sheeynt ~ strained ankle
abaneag ~ anklet (prisoner)
abaneagh ~ ankle
abb ~ abbot
abb-voir ~ mother abbess
abbagh ~ abbatial
abbaght ~ abbacy
abban ~ abbey
abbanagh ~ abbatial
abbyr ~ say, state, assume (Geometry)
abbyr dy moandagh ~ stutter
abbyr dy vel ~ suppose
Abbyr eh! ~ Hear! Hear! Well said!
Abbyr shen reesht! ~ Say again!
abbyragh ~ speaking
abbyrlhit ~ alphabet
abbyrlhit Morsagh ~ Morse alphabet
abbyrlhitagh ~ alphabetical
abbyrt ~ sentence, dialect, phrase, expression,
abbyrtagh ~ dialectal, idiomatic(al)
abbyrts ~ commandment
abbyrtys ~ phraseology, idiom
aber ~ range, pasturage, river mouth, bunker, run
Aberdon ~ Aberdeen
abghoo ~ bad report
ablid ~ ability, capacity, faculty, adroitness
ablid chianglee ~ valence, valency
ablid dy loayrt ~ faculty of speech
ablout ~ ablaut
Aboo! ~ Hurrah! To victory! Vivat!
Yn Absaloid ~ The Absolute
absaloidaghys ~ absolutism
absissey ~ abscissa
absynt ~ absinth
abyl ~ businesslike, capable, smart, slick, able-
bodied, adroit, powerful
Yn Abysseen ~ Abyssinia
Abysseenagh ~ Abyssinian
acaashey ~ acacia
acadoil ~ academic
accan ~ moan, grumble, complain, lamentation,
complaint, lawsuit
accan y chur stiagh ~ lay a complaint
accan y yannoo ~ lay a complaint
accanagh ~ querulous, fretful, complaining,
grumbling, litigious, complainant, grumbler,
accolaid ~ accolade
accoustagh ~ acoustic(al)
accoustaghys ~ acoustics (science of)
accrys ~ hungering, hunger
accrys mooar (er) ~ ravenous
accryssagh ~ starving, underfed, hungry person
ackeragh ~ anchor
acnee ~ acne
acrostagh ~ acrostic
acryllagh ~ acrylic
actinnagh ~ actinic
actyn ~ acton
acyr ~ acre
acyraght ~ acreage
acyrys ~ acreage
ad ~ they, them
yn ad-gheurey ~ winter solstice
ad hene ~ fairies
ad nyn dree ~ the three of them
ad shen ~ those
ad shid ~ those
ad shoh ~ those here, these
Adaue ~ Adam
addag ~ haddock
addag Norlannagh ~ Norway haddock
adeeabattagh ~ adiabatic
adenoid ~ adenoid
adenoidagh ~ adenoidal
adenomey ~ adenoma
Adha ~ Arthur
adhene ~ themselves
adjeeaght vreearagh ~ past particple
Adrian ~ Adrian
adsyn ~ them, themselves, they (emphatic)
adsyn haink noal ~ come-overs
adultrinagh ~ adulterous, adulterer
adultrinys ~ adultery
Aedeelagh ~ Aedile
aeg ~ young, adolescent, immature
aegan ~ a slender youth
aegey ~ young
aegid ~ youth, adolescence, immaturity; young
aegidagh ~ adolescent
aeglagh ~ juvenile, adolescent; young ones
aegoil ~ youngish
Aejeeanagh ~ Aegean
Aeoleeanagh ~ Aeolian
aer [f] ~ air, aeronautical
aer-armada ~ air armada
aer-chaggey ~ dogfight
aer-feayrit ~ air-cooled
aer glen ~ fresh air
aer-hoiagh ~ air raid
aer-lhuingys ~ airline, air fleet
aer-lhuingyssagh ~ aeronautical
aer oor ~ fresh air
aer-oorit ~ air-conditioned
aer plooghit ~ fug
aer-shiaulteyragh ~ aeronautical
aer-soiagh ~ air raid
aer-streeu ~ airstream
aer varrey ~ sea air
aer-veih ~ barometer
aerag ~ aerial, antenna
aerag chlowan ~ frame aerial
aerag hellveeish ~ television aerial
aeragh ~ aerated, airy, etherial, atmospheric,
coltish, carefree, jaunty
aeraghey ~ aerate, aeration
aeraght ~ atmosphere, airiness
aeraghtagh ~ atmospherics, atmospheric
aeral ~ airing, air
aereyder ~ aerator
aerghleashaght ~ aerodynamics
aerghleashaghtagh ~ aerodynamic
aerheelleyder ~ respirator
aerid ~ airiness
aerit ~ aerated
aernieu ~ viper, adder
aernieu shliggagh ~ rattle snake
aeroabagh ~ aerobic
aerograaf ~ aerograph
aeroil ~ volatile, airy, jaunty
aeroilaght ~ volatility
aeroilid ~ jauntiness, volatility
aerostattagh ~ aerostatics
aerspeih ~ pneumatic pick
aervarshyl ~ air marshal
aesthetagh ~ aesthetic(al)
aesthetaght ~ aesthetics
aesthete ~ aesthete
affricaid ~ affricate
Yn Affrick ~ Africa
Yn Affrick Heear ~ West Africa
Yn Affrick Hiar ~ East Africa
Yn Affrick Hwoaie ~ North Africa
Yn Affrick Veanagh ~ Central Africa
Yn Affrick Yiass ~ South Africa
Affrickagh ~ African
Affrickagh Jiass ~ South African
Afgaanagh ~ Afghan
Yn Afgaanistan ~ Afganistan
agaid ~ agate
agaideraght ~ aquatint
agg ~ notch, nick, score, step
aggad ~ step, notch, nick, deep cut, sore
aggagh ~ indented, stepped, nicked, serrated,
aggaghey ~ indent
aggair ~ iniquity, violation, aggression,
injustice, injury
aggairagh ~ wrong, injurious, wrongdoer,
violator, aggressor
aggairaght ~ injuriousness
aggairys ~ improbity, improperness, unfitness
aggindagh ~ willing, eager
aggindys ~ earnestness, eagerness, solicitation,
agglagh ~ appalling, awful, terrifying,
timorous, apprehensive
agglaghey ~ scare, appall, terrify
agglaghey ersooyl ~ frighten away
agglaghey yn annym ass ~ petrify
agglaghin ~ fearful person
agglaght ~ fearfulness
agglaghys ~ intimidation
aggle ~ awe, fear, fright, timidity, dread
aggle ardan ~ stage fright
aggle (er) ~ afraid, windy
aggle Hostyn ~ anglophobia
aggle straiddey ~ agoraphobia
aggle ushtey ~ hydrophobia
aggle y vaaish ~ mortal fear
aggleydagh ~ timid, coward, timorous,
aggleydaght ~ cowardice
aggleyder ~ intimidator, scaremonger
aggleydys ~ intimidation
agglish ~ oratory, church (people)
Yn Agglish Albinagh ~ The Church of
Scotland, The Kirk
Yn Agglish Aspickagh ~ The Episcopal Church
Yn Agglish Chatoleagh ~ The Catholic Church
Yn Agglish Chleragh ~ The Presbyterian
Yn Agglish Chohionnalagh ~ The
Congregational Church
Yn Agglish Heyr ~ The Free Church
Yn Agglish Heyr Chleragh ~ The Wee Free
Yn Agglish Hostyn ~ The Church of England
Yn Agglish ny Halbey ~ The Church of
Yn Agglish ny Raue ~ The Church of Rome
agglish-oaylleeaght ~ ecclesiology
Yn Agglish Phrotestoonagh ~ The Protestant
Yn Agglish Raueagh ~ The Catholic Church
Yn Agglish Vashtee ~ The Baptist Church
Yn Agglish Vreck ~ Falkirk
agglish y stait ~ The established church
agglishagh ~ cleric, clerical, ecclesiastic,
canonical, divine, churchman
agglit (ass) ~ frightened, terrified, appalled,
aggyrt ~ impute, demand, expostulate, claim
aggyrt faillee ~ wage claim
aggyrtagh ~ demanding, claiming, claimant,
aggyrtys ~ pretension, demand, action (court),
agh ~ but, albeit, only, less, except; steed,
riding horse
agh foast ~ moreover
Agh fuirree (ort)! ~ Still!
agh ish ~ save her
agh markiaght ~ riding horse
agh son ~ barring
agh son shen as ooilley ~ notwithstanding
Agh! ~ Ah!
aghaue ~ hemlock
aghaue veg ~ cowbane
aghee ~ equine
agheree ~ oestrum, copulation (of equines)
agherey ~ crupper
Aghill ~ Achill
aghin ~ appeal, plea, invocation, request,
petition, entreaty
aghin chiarklagh ~ round robin
aghinagh ~ pleading, appealing, petitioning,
invoker, client, protester, petitioner, plaintiff
aghinaghey ~ petition
aghiney ~ supplicate
aghlagh ~ equestrian, syce
aghlish ~ axil, armful, armpit
aghlishagh ~ axillary
aghragh ~ equestrian
aght ~ procedure, practice, style, system, skill,
Parliamentary act, plight
-aght ~ (suffix) -ship
aght baghee ~ manner of life, occupation
aght erbee ~ anyway, anyhow
aght fuilt ~ coiffure
aght loayrtys ~ phraseology
aght soilsheenee ~ advertising medium
aght ushtey ~ water system
aghtaghey ~ legislate
aghtal ~ clever, dexterous, skilful, proficient,
aghtallagh ~ artist
aghtallagh straiddey ~ pavement artist
aghtallys ~ versatility, proficiency, cleverness
aghtallys coshey ~ footwork
aghtallys inchyn ~ braininess
aghtallys king ~ braininess
aghtey ~ act, behave, conduct
aghtey er y cheilley ~ interplay
aghteyr ~ actor
aghtyn cast yn reiltys ~ wheels of government
aghtys ~ behaviour, demeanour
aghtyssagh ~ behavioural
aghys ~ ism
Ah! ~ Oh!
ahjioogh ~ windpipe, trachea, gullet
ahjiooghagh ~ tracheal
Ahlah! ~ Do not trouble me!
ahlea ~ spleen
ahleagh ~ splenetic, splenic
ahlley ~ aisle
Aidreeatagh ~ Adriatic
Yn Aidyn ~ Aden
aiee ~ kiln
aiee eayil ~ lime kiln
aiee lus y lhionney ~ hop kiln
aiee obb ~ oast house
aiee vraghey ~ malt kiln
aigh ~ luck
aigh vane ~ box plant
aigh vie ~ good luck, farewell, fortune
aighar ~ success, lucky
aigharagh ~ propitious, lucky
aigharaght ~ luckiness
aighoil ~ lucky, fortunate
aighoilid ~ luckiness
aignagh ~ willing
aignagh da ~ inclined towards
aignaghyn follit ~ ulterior motives
aigney ~ accord, frame of mind, purpose, will,
volition, bent
aigney booiagh ~ contentment
aigney coon ~ insular mind
aigney-gientit ~ psychosomatic
aigney jeean ~ resolution
aigney mie ~ goodwill, good faith, benevolence
aigney seyr ~ free will
aigney yn leigh ~ legal mind
aigney yn phobble ~ public opinion
aile ~ fire
aile arrey ~ watch fire
aile gas ~ gas fire
aile lheimmagh ~ roar fire
aile niurin ~ hell fire
aile oanluckee ~ pyre
aile raauee ~ beacon, signal beacon
aile sullyr ~ cheerful fire
aileagh ~ igneous, fiery, inflammable
aileaght ~ fieriness, inflammability
ailey ~ of fire
Aimil ~ Emily
ain ~ ours, at us, our
Ainelag ~ Angela
ainjys ~ intimacy, acquaintance, familiarity
ainjys rolaue ~ pre-acquaintance
ainjyssagh ~ acquaintance, intimate
ainjyssagh (rish) ~ familiar, acquainted
ainle ~ angel
ainle yn dorraghys ~ prince of darkness
Ainle yn Recortys ~ Recording Angel
ainleagh ~ angelical, angelic
ainleaght ~ angelicalness
ainrick ~ prayer
Yn Ainrick Vadran ~ morning prayer
aird ~ quarter, compass point
aird ny geayee ~ point of the wind
airdeylagh ~ compass, mariner's compass
airdyn y chombaase ~ points of the compass
airh [f] ~ gold, bullion, gilt
airh-choodit ~ gold-cased
airh ghlen ~ pure gold
airh-ghobbagh ~ gold-nibbed
airh-laatchit ~ gold-laced
airh-oirrit ~ gold-rimmed, gilt-edged
airh rollit ~ rolled gold
airh vreagagh ~ pinchbeck
airhaghys ~ ormolu
Airhey ~ Aurelius
airhey ~ gilt-edged, gild, golden, gilt
airheyder ~ gilder
airhit ~ gilded
airhoil ~ looking like gold, aurous, auriferous
airn ~ bullace, sloe
airnag ~ damson fruit
airnagh ~ sloe-covered
Aishanagh ~ Asiatic, Asian
Yn Aishey ~ Asia
Yn Aishey Veg ~ Asia Minor
aistragh ~ transitive
aitt ~ funny, droll, quaint, curiosity
aittin ~ gorse, furze, whin, ulex
aittin beg ~ needle furze, petty whin
aittinagh ~ gorsy, gorse fence
aittinaghey ~ fence with gorse
aittys ~ fun, quaintness, humour, comicality,
aittys floutagh ~ raillery
aittys garroo ~ broad humour
aittys veih'n chree ~ unforced mirth
aker ~ anchor
aker chellee ~ kedge
aker hoshee ~ bower anchor
aker varrey ~ sheet anchor, sea anchor
aker y hroggal ~ weigh anchor
akeragh ~ anchorite, anchoring
akerit ~ anchored
alabastyr ~ alabaster
alablastyr ~ alabaster
alarym ~ alarm
alb ~ alb
Yn Albane ~ Albania
Albaneagh ~ Albanian
albeenagh ~ albinotic
Albey ~ Scotland
Yn Albin Noa ~ Nova Scotia
Albinagh ~ Scot, Scottish, Scotch
Albinaght ~ Scotticism
album clouag ~ stamp album
albym ~ album
albym duillag-skeaylt ~ looseleaf album
alcoal ~ alcohol
alcoal foiee ~ wood spirit
alcoal glen ~ pure alcohol
alcoal praase ~ potato spirit
alcoalagh ~ spirituous, alcoholic
Aless! ~ Alas!
Aleyn ~ Alan, Allen
alfalfey ~ lucerne, alfalfa
alfey ~ esparto, alfa grass
algagh ~ algal
Yn Algear ~ Algeria
algeeragh ~ algebraic(al)
algeerey ~ algebra
algey ~ alga
Algeyragh ~ Algeria
alibai ~ alibi
Alistair ~ Alec(k), Alexander
Alister ~ Alec(k), Alexander
Alistreeney ~ Alexandra
alk ~ auk
alk beg ~ little auk
alkalaih ~ alkali
alkalaihagh ~ alkaline
alkaloyd ~ alkaloid
allerjagh ~ allergic
allerjee ~ allergy
alley ~ alleyway, alley
alligatyr ~ alligator
almon ~ almond (nut)
almon millish ~ sweet almond
almonyn bleiht ~ ground almonds
almonyn rostit ~ burnt almonds
almonyn skihlt ~ shelled almonds
almoragh ~ clueless, benighted, uncultured,
almoragh (jeh) ~ uninformed
almoragh (rish) ~ unconversant
almoraght ~ nescience, ignorance
almorys ~ ignorance
aloe ~ aloe
alpackey ~ alpaca
alpha ~ alpha
Alphagh ~ Alpine
Alsaashagh ~ Alsatian
alt ~ mountain stream, glen in mountains, high
place, altitude, alto
Alt ny Bannaig ~ Bannockburn
alt-viol ~ alto viol
altan ~ streamlet, gully, mountain burn
altar ~ altar
altaragh ~ altar
alterneyr ~ alternator
altrapagh ~ allotropic(al)
altrapaght ~ allotropy
altrooaghtagh ~ altruistic
altrooaghteyr ~ altruist
altrooaghtys ~ altruism
Alured ~ Alfred
am ~ time
am- ~ bad tasting
amaranthagh ~ amaranthine
amasane ~ putter
Yn Amason ~ Amazon
amassee ~ putter
amateyr ~ dilettante
amateyragh ~ dilettante
amateyraght ~ dilettantism
ambasseydeyr ~ ambassador
ambasseydeyraght ~ ambassadorship
ambasseydeyrys ~ ambassadorship
ambee ~ character, reputation
America ~ America
Americaanagh ~ Yankee, American
Ameri caanaghey ~ Ameri cani sat i on,
Americaanaghys ~ Americanism
Americaanish ~ Americanism
Yn Americkey Veanagh ~ Central America
ametyst ~ amethyst
amlagh ~ ironic(al)
amlaght ~ irony
amloayrtagh ~ dumb, mute
amloayrtys ~ dumbness
amm ~ epoch, age, period, puberty
amm dooinney ~ manhood
amm rioee ~ ice period
ammaid ~ piece of timber
ammoil ~ timely, seasonable
ammoinagh ~ ammonic
ammoiney ~ ammonia
ammoinit ~ ammoniated
ammonium ~ ammonium
ammyr ~ bed (river), canal, trough, channel
ammyr aer ~ air channel
ammyr awiney ~ river channel
ammyr cabbil ~ horse trough
ammyr cloaie ~ stone trough
ammyr feeyney ~ winepress
Ammyr ny Halbey ~ North Channel
ammyr uinnee ~ baking trough
ammyr ushtey ~ aqueduct, culvert
ammyr vluckan ~ ball race
ammyr vrooee ~ winepress
Ammyr y Ghlion Vooar ~ Caledonian Canal
ammys ~ respect, allegiance, homage
ammys er hene ~ self-esteem
ammysit ~ worshipped, esteemed
ammyssagh ~ respectful, admiring, obeisant
ammyssaghey ~ giving fealty
ammyssaght ~ obsequiousness
ammyssit ~ regarded, respected
amoeba ~ amoeba
amoebagh ~ amoebic
amp ~ amp
ampere ~ ampere
ampys ~ amperage
amreiltagh ~ anomalous
amrid ~ sterile
amridaghey ~ sterilization, sterilize
amrideeaght ~ sterility
amridit ~ sterilized
amvlass ~ bad taste (of liquids), distaste, bad
amylt ~ swim, swimming
amyltagh ~ swimmer
an ~ theirs
an- ~ (prefix) un-
anaash ~ anxiety, uneasiness
anaashagh ~ disturbed, anxious, disquiet, uneasy
anabolaght ~ anabolism
anaconda ~ anaconda
anagh ~ swamp, marsh, fen
Anagh Coar ~ Annacur
anappee ~ immature, abortive
anappeeaght ~ miscarriage
anappeeid ~ crudeness, immaturity
anappeeys ~ immaturity, abortiveness
anastigmagh ~ anastigmatic
anatchim ~ fearlessness, intrepidity
anatchimagh ~ intrepid
anchaarjagh ~ unfriendly, antagonistic
anchaarjoil ~ unfriendly
anchadjinagh ~ inconstant
anchadjinaght ~ inconstancy
anchaght ~ teratological
anchaglys ~ infinity
anchairagh ~ corrupt (as practice)
ancharragh ~ antiscorbutic
ancharrey ~ adversary, antagonist
anchasherick ~ profane, unholy, impious
anchasherickys ~ profanity, impiety, profanation
anchasley ~ dissimilar, variant, varied,
distinctive, diverse
anchasley (rish) ~ distinct, different, alien (from)
anchaslys ~ gap, discrepancy, difference,
anchaslys beg ~ nuance
anchaslys traa ~ time lag
anchaslyssagh ~ sundry, differential
anchassagh ~ impervious
anchassanagh ~ trackless
anchassanaght ~ imperviousness, tracklessness
anchassey ~ inflexion
ancheesh ~ rack rent
ancheirdagh ~ amateurish, amateur
ancheirdaght ~ amateurishness
ancheirdys ~ amateurism
ancheisht ~ dilemma
anchiart ~ morally unequal, iniquitous, incorrect
anchiartys ~ incorrectness, inequality, injustice,
anchiassaghey ~ febrifuge
anchinjagh ~ intermittent
anchlaghtagh ~ of small value
anchliaghtagh ~ infrequent
anchliaghtey ~ infrequency, inexperience,
anchl i aght i t (ri sh) ~ i nexperi enced,
anchochredjuagh ~ nonconformist
anchochredjue ~ nonconformism
anchoodaghey ~ disclose, develop, expose,
development, disclosure, exposure
anchoodaghey neu-ghlen ~ indecent exposure
anchoodeyder ~ developer
anchoodit ~ exposed
anchooie ~ unfit, improper
anchooieid ~ improperness
anchooieys ~ indecency, unfitness
anchooinaghtagh ~ immemorial
anchorragh ~ immovable, stable, fixed
anchorraghys ~ stability
anchorrym ~ ding-dong
anchorrymid ~ inequality
anchovee ~ anchovy
anchoyrlagh ~ dissuasive
anchoyrle ~ dissuasion
anchredjallagh ~ incredible, incredulous
anchredjallaght ~ incredibility
anchredjaltagh ~ infidel
anchredjuagh ~ incredulous, unbelieving, infidel
anchredjuaght ~ infidelity
anchreeaght ~ foolishness, folly
anchreeney ~ imprudent, impolitic
anchreest ~ antichrist
anchreestee ~ infidel, heathen, unchristian, anti-
anchreesteeaght ~ heathenism
anchroo-oaylleeagh ~ teratological
anchroo-oaylleeaght ~ teratology
anchummey ~ contortion
andoaie ~ bad condition
andooghyssagh ~ exotic
Andorra ~ Andorra
Andreas ~ Andrew
Aneeagh ~ Uniate
aneeaghan ~ arrear(s)
aneeaghyn ~ arrear(s)
aneean ~ anion
aneemagh ~ anaemic
aneemaght ~ anaemia
aneemaght varrooagh ~ pernicious anaemia
aneraghey ~ isolate
aneroid ~ aneroid
aneroidagh ~ aneroid
Anetrym ~ Antrim
angaaish ~ anguish, agony, torment
angaaishagh ~ person in pain, tortured,
torturing, anguishing, agonizing
angaaishit ~ anguished
anghennal ~ cheerless, sad
anghennallys ~ cheerlessness, sadness
angheyre ~ blunt
anghiarey chymmylt ~ uncircumcision
anghiarit ~ uncut, unhewn
anghientyn ~ birth control
anghleashey ~ engine trouble
anghoo ~ discredit, disgrace, infamy
anghooagh ~ disgraceful, infamous,
an-ghraagh ~ erotic
an-ghraaghys ~ eroticism
anghrease ~ bad economy
Anghus ~ Angus
Anglicaanagh ~ Anglican
Anglo-Albinagh ~ Anglo-Scottish
Anglo-Americaanagh ~ Anglo-American
Anglo-Catoleagh ~ Anglo-Catholic
Anglo-Hostnagh ~ Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Injinagh ~ Anglo-Indian
Anglo-Manninagh ~ Anglo-Manx
Anglo-Normanagh ~ Anglo-Norman
Anglo-Yernagh ~ Anglo-Irish
anglysh ~ goitre
anglyshagh ~ goitrous
anheedragh ~ anhydrous
anheelt ~ intemperate
anheeltys ~ inebriety, intemperance
anheiltagh ~ crippling, feeble person, cripple,
decrepit, helpless
anheiltaght ~ crippledness
anheiltys ~ disability, helplessness, decrepitude
anhickyr ~ uncertain, inconstant, indeterminate
anhickyrit ~ indetermined
anhickyrys ~ indetermination, suspense,
looseness, uncertainty
anhoilshagh ~ obscurantist
anhoilsheyder ~ obscurant
anhoilsheydys ~ obscurantism
anhraaghaghey ~ mistime
anhraaghit ~ mistimed
anisaid ~ anisette
aniskeer ~ nakedness
anjee ~ atheist
anjeeagh ~ godless, atheistic(al)
anjeeal ~ breakfast
anjeeal banshey ~ wedding breakfast
anjeeys ~ atheism, godlessness
anlaadey ~ unburdening, unburden
anlaadit ~ unburdened
anleaystagh ~ deadbeat
anleigh ~ injustice, legal injury, anomaly,
anleighagh ~ partial, contrary to law,
anleighalagh ~ disloyal, illicit, illegal
anleighalaght ~ illegality, disloyalty
anlettyragh ~ illiterate
anlheil ~ imbecility
anlheiltagh ~ disabled, imbecile, feeble,
anlheiltaghey ~ incapacitate
anlheiltaght ~ feebleness
anlheiltys ~ disablement, imbecility, incapacity
anlheiltys kerebellagh ~ cerebral palsy
anlheiltys lhiannooagh ~ poliomyelitis
anloaghit ~ anaesthetized
anloaghtagh ~ analgesic, anaesthetic
anloaghtaghey ~ locally anaesthetize,
anloaghtan ~ local anaesthetic
anloaghtee ~ locally anaesthetize
anloaghteyder ~ anaesthetist
anloaghtys ~ anaesthesia
anlught ~ overdose
anmagh ~ overdue, late, belated, tardy
anmey ~ agony of mind, spiritual, of a soul
anmys ~ tardiness, lateness
Ann ~ Ann(e), Anna
anna ~ anna
annaghey ~ enjoin
annaghit ~ enjoined
Yn Annan ~ Annan
annane ~ pineapple
annelaid ~ annelid
anney ~ command, regulation, mandate,
directive, injunction
anneydagh ~ mandatory
anneyder ~ commander
annieuagh ~ antiseptic
annieunid ~ antiseptic
annooin ~ debilitated, languorous
annooinaghey ~ enfeeble, debilitate,
annooiney ~ weaker, in a faint
annooinid ~ faintness, debility
annooinid aigney ~ imbecility
annooinit ~ enfeebled
annoon ~ frail, feeble, understrength, impotent,
weak from birth
annoonagh ~ invalid, weak, frail, impotent
person, weakening
annoonaghey ~ weaken, grow weak
annooney ~ weakness
annoonid ~ languor, weakness, frailty
annoonid aigney ~ retardation
annrit ~ towel
annyl ~ anil
annyleen ~ aniline
annym [f] ~ soul, psyche, spirit
annym-charrey ~ confessor, spiritual adviser
annymagh ~ lively, magnanimous
annymaght ~ magnanimity, animation
annymaghys ~ animism
annymoil ~ boisterous, sprightly, animated,
vivacious, spirited
annymoilaght ~ animation
annymoilid ~ spirit, sprightliness, liveliness,
vivacity, boisterousness
anoayll ~ infrequency, withdrawal (from drugs)
anoayllagh ~ uninformed, unacquainted,
infrequent, ignorant, raw, coltish
anoayllagh rish ~ unaccustomed, unaware
anoayllaght ~ rawness
anoayllee marrey ~ landlubber
anoayllys ~ unfamiliarity, inexperience,
anoayltagh ~ unaccustomed (of person)
anoaysh ~ strangeness, novelty
anoayshagh ~ novel, strange
anocsaght ~ anoxia
anode ~ anode
anoltagh ~ inhospitable
anooasle ~ low born, ignoble, humble, baseborn
anophylees ~ anopheles
anoyr ~ impropriety, causelessness
anoyral ~ improper, causeless
anraah ~ misfortune
anraahagh ~ misfortunate
anraahoil ~ misfortunate
anreill ~ anarchism, anarchy
anreiltagh ~ anarchic(al), abnormal
anreiltys ~ abnormality, abnormity, anomaly
anrheamysagh ~ restricting
anscarree ~ inseparable
anscartagh ~ indivisible
anscartaght ~ indivisibility
anshaght ~ somehow
anshee ~ discord, inquietude, disturbance
ansheean ~ misfortune, infelicity
ansheelt ~ unabstemious
ansherbee ~ anyhow, anyrate, anyway, however
anshickyr ~ loose, insecure, wavering
anshickyrys ~ insecurity, wavering
anskeayltagh ~ indispersable
ansmaght ~ slackness, victimization,
ansmaghtagh ~ undisciplined (as child)
ansmaghtee ~ slave driver
ansoor ~ answer, solve, reply, solution
ansoor er-ash ~ back answer
ansoor gyn kialg ~ plain answer
ansoor towshit ~ careful answer
ansooragh ~ answer (letter), respondent
ansooreyder ~ answerer
ansoorit ~ answered, solved
ansooryn daaney ~ backchat
anspeeideilys ~ insuccess
anstreeanaght ~ licientiousness
Yn Antarctagh ~ The Antarctic
antarctagh ~ antarctic
antelope ~ antelope
Anthoin ~ Anthony
anthracs ~ anthrax
anthym ~ anthem
anthyr ~ anther
antimoan ~ antimony
antimoanagh ~ antimonous
Yn Antioch ~ Antioch
Antoin ~ Tony
antort ~ inattention, thoughtlessness
antortagh ~ inattentive, thoughtless
antraagh ~ anachronistic
antraie ~ interior of country, inland
antraieagh ~ interior, inland
antrapoameadraght ~ anthropometry
antrapoamorfagh ~ anthropomorphic
antrapoamorfaght ~ anthropomorphism
antrapoayllee ~ anthropologist
antrapoaylleeagh ~ anthropological
antrapoaylleeaght ~ anthropology
antrapoyd ~ anthropoid
antrapoydagh ~ anthropoid
anugh ~ timely
anulloo ~ verdant
anvaaragh ~ boundless, vast
anvaaraght ~ boundlessness
anvashtagh ~ anabaptist
anvashtey ~ anabaptism
anvea ~ strife, fuss, unease, contention,
turbulence, perplexity
anveagh ~ troublesome, uncomfortable,
anveaghee ~ perplexing
anveaghey ~ perplex, discompose, annoy,
anveaghit ~ disturbed, annoyed, perplexed
anveanagh ~ extremist
anveays ~ restlessness, disturbance, factiousness
anvenkey ~ more infrequent
anvenkid ~ infrequency
anvennick ~ seldom, rarely, infrequent
anverchagh ~ needy, impecunious, poor person
anverchaght ~ impecuniosity
anverchys ~ poverty, indigence
anvestit ~ ill-assorted
anvio ~ extinct, defunct, inanimate
anvioys ~ nonentity, inertness, inanimation,
anvriwnys ~ partiality
anvriwnyssagh ~ partial
anvroie ~ pot liquor, soup
anvroie caayl ~ kale
anvroie edd ushag ~ bird's nest soup
anvroie eean ~ chicken soup
anvroie gimmee ~ bisque
anvroie injinagh ~ mulligatawny
anvroie pishyragh ~ pea soup
anvroie traase ~ tomato soup
anvroie turtyl ~ turtle soup
anvroie Yernagh ~ Irish stew
anvroie yn laa ~ potage du jour
anvullagh ~ anticlimax
anvullee ~ anticlimatic
anwooiagh ~ discontented
anwooise ~ disapprobation, ingratitude
anwooiys ~ discontent, dissatisfaction
anyeeragh ~ deviating
aoi ~ guest
Aontrym ~ Antrim
aoristagh ~ aorist
aortagh ~ aortal
apag [f] ~ jackanapes, monkey
apag ghooinoil ~ chimpanzee
Apash ~ Apache
apey jiarg ~ orang-utan
Apocryphey ~ Apocrypha
apocryphoil ~ apocryphal
apostrophee ~ apostrophe
appaghey ~ maturate, ripening, maturation,
ripen, maturing
appee ~ ripe, mature, due
appee roish yn traa ~ precocious
appeeid ~ maturity, ripeness, readiness
appeeit ~ ripened
appeeys ~ readiness, ripeness, maturity
apricoc ~ apricot
apryn ~ dashboard
apryn doo ~ immature male blackbird
apse ~ apse
apyrn ~ apron
ar ~ our
Ar Vannin ~ East Mann
Yn Araab Saudi ~ Saudi Arabia
Arabagh ~ Arab, Arabic, Arabian
arabagh ~ arabesque
Yn Arabaght ~ Arabia
Arabish ~ Arabic
arachnaid ~ arachnid
arachnoid ~ arachnoid
arachnoidagh ~ arachnoid
Aramaaish ~ Aramaic
Aran ~ Aran
arasane ~ apartment
Yn Arbyl ~ The Niarbyl
arbyl ~ tail, end, stern, queue, slick, train of
dress, stem of note, fluke of whale
arbyl dow ~ oxtail
arbyl goalagh ~ swallowtail
arbyl shynnee ~ foxtail
arbylagh ~ long-tailed
arbylane ~ tailpiece
arbyllagh ~ tail-like, caudal, tailed
arc ~ arch
arc-lostan ~ arc lamp
Yn Arc Mooar ~ The Plough
Arc ny Twoaie ~ The Plough
arcaid ~ arcade
arcaid foshlit ~ loggia
Yn Arctagh ~ The Arctic
arctagh ~ arctic
arcyn ~ arc
ard ~ high, towering, tall, big, loud, height,
high place, fell, incline, district, region,
direction, compass point, pole
ard- ~ (prefix) arch-, dominant, chief, prime,
great, advanced
ard-aalin ~ beauty spot (place)
ard-aggindagh ~ highminded
ard-agglish ~ high church, mother church
ard-agglishagh ~ high church
Ard Aghey ~ Ardagh
ard-aghtallys ~ brilliance
ard-aignagh ~ highminded, imperious, lofty
ard-aigney ~ highmindedness, imperiousness
ard-aignys ~ intentness
ard-ainlagh ~ archangelic
ard-ainle ~ archangel
ard-aittys ~ hilarity, howler
ard-altyr ~ high altar
ard-anneyder ~ commander in chief
ard-ardjyn ~ cardinal compass points
ard-argidys ~ high finance
ard-arrey ~ mainguard
ard-art ~ leader, editorial
ard-aspick ~ primate, archbishop
ard-aspickagh ~ archiepiscopal
ard-aspickys ~ archdiocese, primateship
ard-aundyr ~ first prize
ard ayns leagh ~ high priced
ard-ayr ~ patriarch
ard-ayrn ~ star part, lead
ard-ayroil ~ patriarchal
ard cadlee ~ sleeping quarters
ard-chaillagh ~ abbess
ard-chaillagh ghoo ~ abbess
ard-chairailys ~ visitation
ard-chaptan ~ brigade major, major,
ard-chaptanys ~ commodoreship
ard-charrey ~ patron
ard-chaslys ~ archetype
ard-cheeayllagh ~ genius
ard-cheeill ~ minster, basilica
ard-cheesh ~ supertax
ard-cheim ~ elevation, eminence, dignity, high
ard-cheimagh ~ prominent
ard-cheimaght ~ headship
ard-cheimnagh ~ strutting, dignified, highborn,
ard-cheimnaghey ~ strut, posture
ard-cheirdagh ~ master craftsman
ard-cherragh ~ exemplary punishment
ard-cherraghey ~ capital punishment
ard-chesmad ~ strut
ard-chesmadagh ~ strutting
ard-chiamble ~ cathedral
ard-chiannoort ~ supreme governor, governor
ard-chianoortys ~ supreme governorship
ard-chiarail ~ providence
ard-chiarailagh ~ providential
ard-chiarailys ~ providence
ard-chiarkyl ~ dress circle
ard-chiarn ~ suzerain, Lord paramount
ard-chiarnys ~ suzerainty
ard-chiaull ~ classical music
ard-chiaulleyder ~ master singer, chief
ard-chied (ec) ~ privilege
ard-chione ~ principal, head, superior, supremo
ard-chioneys ~ dominion, superiority; High
ard-chionfenee ~ generalissimo
ard-chionys ~ primacy, raj
ard-chionyssagh ~ predominant
ard-chlaare ~ plateau
ard-chlagh ~ keystone
ard-chleragh ~ hierarchic(al), principal clerk
ard-chlere ~ hierarchy, princes of the Church
ard-chloie ~ star turn, high jinks
ard-choadey keeshagh ~ high tariff walls
ard-choagyrey ~ chef
ard-chooinseilagh ~ chief councillor
ard-chooishagh ~ dramatic
ard-chooneyder ~ deputy
ard-choonseil ~ supreme council
ard-choraa ~ loud voice
ard-choraagh ~ alto, vociferous, loud-voiced
ard-chosneyder ~ profiteer
ard-chowrey ~ characteristic
ard-choyrlagh ~ chief minister
ard-choyrle ~ cabin, praesidium, High Council
ard-choyrleyder ~ chief councillor
ard-choyrleyder reeoil ~ privy councillor
ard-chreck ~ clearance sale, sellout
ard-chreeagh ~ imperious
ard-chreeoil ~ noble-minded
ard-chruinnaght ~ galaxy
ard-chuishlagh ~ aortal
ard-chuishley ~ aorta
ard-chuishlin ~ lode, ore body
ard-chummaght ~ supreme power, prepotency
ard-chummaghtagh ~ paramount, absolute
ard-crouw ~ head branch
ard-dooinney ~ main man
ard-druaight ~ archdruid
ard-duic ~ archduke
ard-eailley ~ celebration, chief festival, festival
ard-eamagh ~ clamant
ard-earroo ~ prime number, cock-up
ard-earrooagh ~ actuary
ard-ennoilys ~ great love
ard-ennym ~ title, eminence, fame, renown
ard-ennymagh ~ famed, eminent, titled,
highbrow, renowned
Ard Eoin ~ Ardoyne
ard-er ~ dignitary, boss, superintendent, chief
Ard-er-Cliwe ~ principal Sword Bearer
ard-er-oik ~ superior officer, chief officer
ard-er-ynsee ~ head teacher
ard-etlagh ~ fly past
ard-eunys ~ ecstasy
ard-eunyssagh ~ ecstatic, rapturous
ard-eyshtagh ~ inquisitorial
ard-eyshteyder ~ inquisitor
ard-faghteyr ~ prime factor
ard-feoh ~ anathema
ard-fer-reill ~ supremo
ard-fillym ~ feature film
ard-firryn bane ~ white deadnettle
ard-firryn breck ~ spotted dead-nettle
ard-firryn jiarg ~ red dead-nettle
ard-flaiee ~ archfiend
ard-flaunys ~ empyrean
ard-ghaaoil ~ gaudy
ard-gharaghtee ~ loud laughter, guffaw
ard-ghaueagh ~ crucial
ard-ghear ~ top gear
ard-gheayaghyn ~ prevailing winds
ard-ghelleyder ~ tycoon
ard-ghennalys ~ hilarity
ard-ghoo ~ illustriousness, renown, fame
ard-ghooagh ~ illustrious, famous, reputable
ard-ghooghyssagh ~ special
ard-ghooghyssaght ~ specialness
ard-ghooinney ~ cornerstone, dignitary, chief,
ard-ghooinney bingagh ~ foreman
ard-ghreeseyder ~ ultra
ard-ghuilley ~ bottle washer
ard-ghuinn ~ anguish
ard-ghunverer ~ mass murderer
ard-ghwoaieid ~ bte noir
ard-haghyrt ~ sensation
ard-haghyrtagh ~ sensational
ard-haghyrtys ~ sensationalism
ard-haitnys ~ exquisite enjoyment
ard-haitnyssagh ~ top hole
ard-halloo ~ table land
ard-hampleyr ~ paragon
Yn Ard-hamyrder ~ The Lord Chamberlain
ard-happ ~ leading shop
ard-harjant ~ sergeant major
ard-heelrit ~ highbred
ard-hiarn ~ overlord
ard-hiarnys ~ overlordship
ard-hie ~ depot
ard-hilleydagh ~ spectacular
ard-hionnraa ~ remonstrance
ard-hoieder ~ chairman
ard-hoiederys ~ chairmanship
ard-hrimmey folley ~ blood pressure (illness)
ard-hroggalys ~ complex
ard-imman ~ overdrive
ard-inchynagh ~ brilliant, highbrow
ard-inchynys ~ brilliance
ard-jaghin ~ archdeacon
Ard-jaghin Ard-arrymagh ~ Venerable
ard-jaghinagh ~ archidiaconal
ard-jaghinys ~ archdeaconry
ard-jeean ~ enthusiastic
ard-jeeaneyder ~ enthusiast
ard-jeeanid ~ enthusiasm
ard-laa ~ festival, heyday
ard-leagh ~ dearness, high price
ard-leagharagh ~ priceless
ard-leaghoil ~ high-priced
ard-leeideilagh ~ captain, governing principle
ard-leeideilys ~ captaincy
ard-lettyr ~ cock up
Ard Lheeah ~ Ardlea
ard-lheimaghan ~ mainspring
ard-linney ~ trunk line, trunk, main
ard-loayrtagh ~ haranguer
ard-loayrtys ~ harangue
ard-loght ~ capital offence
ard-losserey ~ ground ivy
ard-losserey firryn ~ yellow archangel,
ard-lossey ~ inflammation
Ard Maghey ~ Armagh
ard-marragh ~ admiral
ard-marragh jiarg ~ red admiral
ard-marraght ~ admiralty
ard-marraghys ~ admiralship
Ard Mooar ~ Ardmore
Ard Naaue ~ Ardnave
ard-neuchooieid ~ gross indecency
ard-nhee ~ achievement
ard-nheeagh ~ main
ard-niartal ~ paramount
ard-niau ~ zenith
ard-niauagh ~ zenithal
ard-note ~ top note
Ard ny Croshey ~ Ardnacrusha
Ard ny Goair ~ Ardgour
ard ny guinaghyn ~ doldrums
Ard ny Mwyllin ~ Ardmillan
ard ny twoaie ~ North Pole
ard-oaie ~ haughtiness
ard-oayllee ~ past master
ard-obbree ~ architect
ard-obbree lhuingey ~ naval architect
ard-obbrinagh ~ architectural
ard-obbrinys ~ architecture
ard-obbyr ~ achievement, magnum opus,
ard-ogher ~ master key
ard-oik ~ headquarters
Ard-oik yn phost ~ General Post Office
ard-oikagh ~ chief officer
ard-oikyn ~ central offices
ard-olkys ~ depravity
ard-olloo ~ ace
ard-ommidjys ~ lunacy
ard-ooashley ~ adoration
ard-ooashlid ~ majesty
ard-ooasle ~ majestic
ard-ooasley ~ majesty
ard-oyr ~ root cause
ard-phaart ~ title part
ard-phaays alcoalagh ~ dipsomania
ard-pheccah ~ great sin
ard-phersoon ~ personage, fountain head
ard-phian ~ agony (physical)
ard-phianjagh ~ agonizing
ard-phiob ~ main (gas, etc)
ard-phiob ushtey ~ water main
ard-phooar ~ supreme power
ard-phooaral ~ absolute (of ruler)
ard-phooaralys ~ absoluteness
ard-physhoonagh ~ deadly poisonous
ard-raad ~ trunk road, highway
ard-raad mooar ~ traffic artery
ard-raad yiarn ~ arterial line
ard-raah ~ zenith of prosperity
ard-reamagh ~ sublime
ard-red ~ main point
ard-ree ~ monarch, sovereign, emperor
ard-reeagh ~ monarchic
ard-reeaghys ~ monarchism
ard-reeder ~ monarchist
ard-reeoil ~ sovereign, imperial, monarchal
ard-reeriaght ~ sovereignty
ard-reihys ~ general election
ard-reillagh ~ dictator, dictatorial
ard-reillaght ~ dictatorship
ard-reiltagh ~ leader, supreme ruler
ard-reiltys ~ domination
ard-reireyder ~ general manager
ard-resooney ~ remonstrance
ard-rheam ~ dominion
ard-rheamagh ~ imperial
Ard Rushen ~ Ardrossan
ard-saggyrt ~ high priest, pontiff, hierarch
ard-saggyrtagh ~ hierarchic(al), pontifical
ard-scanshoil ~ paramount
ard-scarrey ~ dichotomy
ard-schoill ~ secondary school, grammar
school, high school
ard-schoillar ~ academic, collegian
ard-schoillaragh ~ academic
ard-screeudeyr ~ chief secretary
ard-screeudeyrys ~ chancellorship
ard-shirveishagh ~ chief minister
ard-skeeal ~ epic, feature
ard-skeealagh ~ epic
ard-skelloo ~ overmantel
ard-smaghtagh ~ dictatorial
ard-smaghteyder ~ dictator
ard-smooinagh ~ idealistic
ard-smooinaght ~ ideal
ard-smooinaghtagh ~ inspired
ard-smooinaghtyn ~ idealism
ard-sollys ~ glare
ard-sollyssid ~ glaringness
ard-speeideilys ~ hit
ard-spyrrydagh ~ high-spirited
ard-sthock ~ preferred stock
ard-straid ~ main street
ard-stroailtagh ~ rake, wastrel
ard-studeyr ~ swot
ard-studeyrys ~ advanced studies
ard-sym ~ total
ard-taitnys ~ thrill
ard-tranlaase ~ tyranny
Ard-Trossan ~ Ardrossan
ard-vaght ~ conspectus
ard-vainshtyr ~ headmaster, principal
ard-vainshtyrys ~ headmastership
ard-valjagh ~ city dweller
ard-valley ~ city, capital, acropolis
ard-valley ayns garaghyn ~ garden city
Ard-Valley y Logh Sailjey ~ Salt Lake City
Ard-Valley yn Phaab ~ Vatican City
ard-vanglane ~ first principle
ard-vardoonagh ~ chief bard
Ard-vardoonagh ny Benrein ~ Poet Laureate
Ard-vardoonagh yn Ree ~ Poet Laureate
ard-vargey ~ supermarket, emporium
ard-varriaght ~ walk-over, triumph
ard-varriaghtagh ~ triumphal, triumphant
ard-vasoonagh ~ master mason
ard-vass-moylley ~ ovation
Ard-Vaylee ~ High Bailiff
ard-veeit ~ high-fed
ard-veenaghey ~ civilize
ard-veenid ~ civilization, civility
ard-veenider ~ civilizer
ard-veenit ~ civilized
ard-veer ~ centrepiece
ard-veereiltagh ~ ringleader
ard-veeviallagh ~ rebel
ard-veinn ~ summit
ard-ven ~ dignitary
ard-ven-ghuic ~ archduchess
ard-ven reill ~ abbess
ard-ven-ynsee ~ headmistress
ard-venaeglagh ~ guider
ard-venainshtyr ~ headmistress
ard-venainshtyraght ~ headmistress-ship
ard-venkidagh ~ high frequency
ard-venrein ~ empress
ard-veoir ~ Lord Mayor, chief steward
ard-veoir armyn ~ King of Arms
ard-veoirsnys ~ chief-stewardship, lord-
ard-vian ~ craving, aspiration
ard-vieys ~ excellence
ard-vinishter ~ Prime minister
ard-vinkeyr ~ front bencher
ard-vitchoor ~ archrogue
ard-vlaa ~ prime
ard-vlastal ~ delicious, gorgeous (of food)
ard-vlastallys ~ deliciousness, gorgeousness (of
ard-voayrd ~ main deck
ard-voggey ~ delight, ecstasy, jubilation
ard-voggey (er) ~ overjoyed
ard-voggeysagh ~ ecstatic
ard-voggys ~ exultation
ard-vollaght ~ blasphemy, execration,
ard-vollaghtagh ~ blasphemous, execrable,
ard-vollaghter ~ blasphemer
ard-vollee ~ adulatory
ard-volleeagh ~ beetle-browed
ard-volley ~ adulation
ard-volleyder ~ adulator, panegyrist
ard-voltagh ~ high voltage
ard-voltey ~ king bolt
ard-voltys ~ high voltage, high tension
ard-vooadagh ~ hyperbolic(al)
ard-vooadys ~ immensity
ard-vooaralagh ~ imperious
ard-vooaralys ~ imperiousness
ard-voyllee ~ eulogistic(al)
ard-voylley ~ exalt, eulogize, eulogy, citation
ard-voylleyder ~ eulogist
ard-voyllit ~ exalted
ard-voynnagh ~ high-heeled
ard-voyrnagh ~ gaudy, grandiose, swollen-
headed, gallant
ard-vraheyder ~ archtraitor
ard-vreageyder ~ consummate liar
ard-vrialtys ~ inquisition
ard-vrigaidagh ~ brigadier general
ard-vriw ~ First Deemster, chief justice,
supreme judge
ard-vroc ~ cock-up
ard-vroo ~ high pressure
ard-vroo folley ~ high blood pressure
ard-vuilley ~ master stroke
ard-vullagh ~ pinnacle
ard-vulleeagh ~ zenithal
ard-vun ~ main source
ard-vunlaa ~ high noon
ard-wannalagh ~ stuck up, haughty, arrogant
person, superior, stubborn
ard-wannalys ~ arrogance, haughtiness
ard-whaiyl ~ central court, parliament
Ard-whaiyl Hostyn ~ The British Parliament
ard-whaiylagh ~ parliamentary, parliamentarian
yn ard-wooinjey ~ the principals
Ard y Jiass ~ South Pole
Ard y Twoaie ~ North Pole
ard-yeshaghteyr ~ chief engineer
ard-yesheyder ~ Master of Ceremonies
ard-yindys ~ consternation, astonishment,
amazement, phenomenon
ard-yindyssagh ~ outstanding, amazing,
phenomenal, fantastic, splendid
ard-ynseydagh ~ monitor
ard-ynseyder ~ head teacher, authority
ardan ~ stage, platform, stand
ardan entreilys ~ entrance platform
ardan faagail ~ departure platform
ardan roshtynagh ~ arrival platform
ardan soie ~ grandstand
ardan toshee ~ forestage
ardanagh ~ stagy
ardane ~ scene, rise, terrace, avenue, ramp,
ardane bann ~ bandstand
ardane etlan ~ flight deck
ardane faagee ~ departure platform
ardane (gunney) ~ emplacement
ardane markee ~ horse block
ardane roshtynagh ~ arrival platform
Ardane Varriaght ~ Victoria Terrace
ardey ~ high
ardjaghey ~ put up, pitch, ramp, overbid,
promote, lift, climb, change up, mount up,
steepen, prefer, increase, worsen (as fever),
inflation, promotion, preferment
ardjaghey dy tappee ~ shoot up
ardjaghey (er) ~ outbid
ardjaghey (gys) ~ level up
ardjaghey keim ~ brevet
ardjeeagh ~ ascending, ascendant
ardjey ~ pitch
ardjey cuirrey kiaull ~ concert pitch
ardjeyder ~ lift, lifter
ardjid ~ size, steepness, loudness, prominence,
ardjid keim ~ seniority
ardjid ny marrey ~ sea level
ardjid sheer-niaghtagh ~ snowline
ardjid sheer-niaghtee ~ snowline
Ardjyn Vuirchol ~ Ardnamurchan
Ardjyn y Jiass ~ South Polar Regions
ardjynagh ~ regionalism, regional
ardjynys ~ regionalism
ardjys ~ highness
ardnieu ~ snake, serpent
ardnieu kyagh ~ blindworm
ardnieu Sostynagh ~ grass snake
ardoil ~ polar
ardys ~ exaltation, greatness, height
area ~ race
areeney ~ arena
arey ~ race, water course, headrace
Yn Arg ~ ark (Noah's Ark)
Arg Noah ~ Noah's Ark
Arg yn Eanish ~ Ark of the Covenant
arganagh ~ questionable, controversial
argane ~ argument, dispute
arganeagh ~ remonstrative, debatable,
contentious, argumentative, arguer
arganeaght ~ argumentativeness, debatableness
arganey ~ challenge, argue, beyond dispute,
debate, reason
arganey noi ~ contest, controvertion, controvert
arganeyder ~ arguer, debater, pleader
arganeydys ~ polemics
arganeys ~ disputation, argumentation
arganys ~ controversy, contention
Argenteenagh ~ Argentinian
argheyder ~ teller (bank)
argid ~ money, silver, coinage, wages, finance,
argid airhit ~ silver-gilt
argid akeragh ~ anchor money
argid altaragh ~ altarage
argid baarailagh ~ spending money
argid baiht ~ investment
argid bea ~ pension
argid beaghee ~ board wages
argid bio ~ quicksilver
argid brishee ~ discount
argid choonee ~ subsidy
argid cooinsheanse ~ conscience money
argid corrym ~ even money
argid cosnee ~ prize money
argid cosney ~ winnings
argid cosnit ~ winnings
argid cumrail ~ demurrage
argid er livrey ~ cash on delivery
argid foalsey ~ counterfeit coinage
argid gial ~ silver money
argid giat ~ gate money
argid glass ~ silver, silver money
argid iu ~ ale money
argid kianglee ~ retainer
argid kionnee ~ purchase price
argid laadee ~ porterage
argid laue ~ small change, honorarium, cash
argid leagh ~ prize money
argid lhionney ~ ale money
argid loojey dooraght ~ cash less discount
argid meainey ~ specie
argid mollee ~ solatium
argid mooar ~ a pretty penny
argid nicklagh ~ nickel silver
argid nickylagh ~ nickel silver
argid pabyragh ~ paper money
argid Pheddyr ~ St. Peter's Pence
argid poagey ~ pin money
argid quaiyllee ~ recognizance
argid reill ~ plutocracy
argid-reiltagh ~ plutocrat
argid roobeenagh ~ ruby silver
argid ruy ~ pence
argid scarrey poosee ~ alimony
argid sheese ~ cash price, spot cash
argid spaarit ~ spare cash
argid thie ~ housekeeping
argid tostid ~ hush money
argid ullee ~ cash, ready money, pin money,
pocket money, small change
argidagh ~ silver, silvery, silvered, fiscal,
moneyed, financier, the rich
argidaghey ~ silver, silver plate
argidey ~ electro-plate
argideyr ~ financier, cashier
argidit ~ silvered, silver-plated
argidoil ~ financial, monetary, argentine
argidys ~ finance
argon ~ argon
Argonaut ~ Argonaut
Argus ~ Argus
aria ~ aria
arish ~ boo
Yn Arjenteen ~ Argentina
arjid ~ highness
ark [f] ~ young pig, piglet, sucking pig
ark vuickey ~ farrow, young pig
Ark y Chonaant ~ Ark of the Covenant
arkagh ~ teeming (as sow), in pig
arkan ~ sucking pig
arkan friogganagh ~ porcupine
arkan sonney ~ hedgehog
arkfeh ~ cramp
arkyn ~ beast's sexual organs, cloaca
arkys ~ need, distress, hardship, difficulty,
misfortune, affliction
arkyssagh ~ misfortunate, distressed, needy
person, calamitous, pauper
arkyssyn ~ pecuniary difficulties
arkyssyn argid ~ money troubles
arm ~ arm, weapon, armament
arm aile ~ firearm
arm-hasht ~ arsenal
armadillo ~ armadillo
armal ~ armour, equip, arm, commission
Yn Armean ~ Armenia
Armeanagh ~ Armenian
armee ~ army
armee aer ~ air force
armee hassooagh ~ regular army
armee maidjey ~ toy army
Armee yn Taualtys ~ Salvation army
armeyder ~ armourer, squire
armit ~ armoured
armlagh ~ armorial
armlan ~ magazine
armlann ~ armoury
armoanagh ~ overtone
armyn ~ weaponry, arms
armyn eddrym ~ small arms
armyn y ardjaghey ~ trail arms
armyn y haishbyney ~ to port arms, to present
armys ~ blazon, crest (on seal)
armys y chleinn ~ family crest
armys y lught thie ~ family crest
arnane ~ task, night work, homework,
overtime, prep
arpin ~ orpine, apron
arrag [f] ~ fledged chicken, young hen
arrag vooar ~ Ember goose, diver, great
northern diver
Yn Arragh ~ Spring, Springtime
arragh ~ any more, rampart, ever again
arragh gheuree ~ early spring
arragh kayeeagh ~ foggy spring
arragh souree ~ late spring
arragher ~ remover
arragher magh ~ emigrant
arraghey ~ move, change, change course,
digress, shift, remove, trim, dislodge,
adjourn, motion, digression, manoeuvre,
r emoval , mut at i on, adj our nment ,
dislodgement, displacement
arraghey magh ~ emigrate, emigration
arraghey my hiar ~ easting
arraghey mygeayrt ~ shift about
arraghey oie ~ moonlight flit
arraghey stiagh ~ immigrate
arraghoil ~ vernal, springlike
arraght ~ apparition, spectre, laughter
arraghtagh ~ gruesome, grotesque
arraghys ~ variety, variation of wind,
arraghys chloie ~ variety
arraghys magnaidagh ~ magnetic variation
arral ~ press on, gambit, offer, proffer
arralagh ~ offerer, profferer
arralagh reayrtys ~ scene shifter
arran ~ soft tack, bread
arran Albinagh ~ shortbread
arran bainney ~ bread roll
arran bane ~ white bread
arran casherick ~ shewbread
arran corkey ~ oat bread
arran curnee ~ wheaten bread
arran dhone ~ brown bread
arran flooyr ~ flourcake
arran Frangagh ~ French roll
arran greddan ~ toast
arran greddanit ~ toast
arran gyn soorid ~ passover bread
arran jinshar ~ gingerbread
arran ruy ~ brown bread
arran shoggyl ~ ryebread
arran soorit ~ leavened bread
arrane ~ song, lyric
arrane ashoonagh ~ national anthem
arrane cadlee ~ lullaby
arrane cheerey ~ folk song
arrane clean ~ berceuse, cradle song
arrane cosheeaghtagh ~ processional
Arrane Ghelbee ~ Dalby Song
Arrane Hacharius ~ Benedictus
arrane iuderagh ~ drinking song
arrane marrey ~ sea shanty, sea song
arrane moyllee ~ song of praise
arrane ny lomarcan ~ solo
arrane oie ~ nocturne
arrane sooree ~ love song
arraneagh ~ singer, vocalist, tuneful, musical
arraneagh cliogee ~ sedge warbler
arraneyder ~ warbler, singer, vocalist
arraneyder bannag ~ ballad singer
arraneyder corys ~ chorus singer
arraneyder floutagh ~ lampooner
arraneyder straiddey ~ street singer, busker,
ballad singer
arraneydys copharteeas ~ community singing
arraneyn iu ~ convivial songs
arraneys ~ versification, singing
arratys ~ appendicitis
arree ~ Spring, vernal, various, spring
arrey ~ caution, care, guard, watch, vigilance,
reserve, attention, guard post, look out,
surveillance, invigilation, feeder
arrey akeragh ~ anchor watch
arrey baaish ~ death watch
arrey coadee ~ safeguard
arrey da mynphoyntyn ~ care for detail
arrey giare ~ dog watch
arrey laa ~ day watch
arrey mayrey ~ mothering
Arrey nish! ~ Careful now!
arrey ny folley ~ tender care
arrey oie ~ bivouac, night watch
arrey (reiltys) ~ Cabinet minister
Arrey! ~ Fore!
arreydagh ~ attentive, cautious, circumspect,
alert, immigrant, caretaker
arreyder ~ guardian, lookout, sentry, watchman,
arreyder aile ~ fireguard
arreyder coose ~ coastguard
arreyder eeanlee ~ bird watcher
arreyder oie ~ night watchman
arreyder ooill ~ oil guage
arreyder paitchey ~ baby sitter
arreydys ~ attentiveness, watchfulness,
alertness, cautiousness
arrish ~ imitate, take off (mimic), jeer,
mockery, imitation, parody, impersonation
arrish-ockleeagh ~ onomatopoeic
arrish-ockleeaght ~ onomatopoeia
arrishagh ~ mocking, imitative, imitation,
jeerer, copycat
arrishid ~ apishness
arrit ~ offered, proffered, removed, translated
arroghyr ~ monkey puzzle
arroo ~ grain, corn
arroo correy ~ seedcorn
arroo y riyr ~ last night
arroogh ~ chimb
arryltagh ~ spontaneous, ready, willing,
volunteer, voluntary
arryltagh ny dyn ~ willy-nilly
arryltid ~ alacrity, readiness, agreeableness
arryltys ~ alacrity, readiness, willingness
arrym ~ veneration, reverence, respect, honour,
arrym er hene ~ self-respect
arrymagh ~ solemn, reverend, worshipful,
submissive, respectful, venerable
arrymagh er hene ~ self-respecting
arrymid ~ submissiveness, venerability
arrymidagh ~ one who pays respect
arrymider ~ one whom respect is due
arrys ~ residency, repentance, regret
arrysee ~ more repentant
arryssagh ~ sorry, regretful, penitent
arseen ~ arsine
arsnagh ~ arsenical, arsenic
arsnick ~ arsenic
arsnoil ~ arsenious
Art ~ Arthur
art ~ involvement, article (magazine, grammar
art credjue ~ tenet
art neuhoilshaghey ~ indefinite article
art yn reagheyder ~ editorial
arteeshagh ~ artesian
arteyr ~ artery
arteyragh ~ arterial
arthreitys ~ arthritis
arthritagh ~ arthritic
arthropod ~ arthropod
Artur ~ Arthur
Arturagh ~ Arthurian
arym ~ figwort
as ~ and, as, interjected, quoth
as aggad ayn ~ notched
as ard chied (ec) ~ priviledged
as arkfeh (er) ~ cramped
as ayns shen ~ whereafter
as Baarle (ec) ~ English speaking
as barbeen (er) ~ toed (of shoe)
as birrag ayn ~ skewered
as boanlagh skeaylt (er) ~ littered
as cass (er) ~ stemmed
as clouag (er) ~ stamped
as cophaase ~ out of phase
as corsoie (ec) ~ leisured
as cron faagit (er) ~ stained
as daah ny greiney (er) ~ weather-beaten
as date meechiart (er) ~ misdated
as doaie (er) ~ wellkept
as e hoaie rish y cheayn ~ out-bound
as e vaylart dy cruinn as ~ vice versa
as edd ard (er) ~ top-hatted
as edd sheeidagh (er) ~ silk-hatted
As eisht? ~ What then?
as enmys (er) ~ addressed (as letter)
as enney currit (er) ~ identified
As failt! ~ With pleasure!
as feoh er sheelnaue ~ misanthropic(al)
as fooag (er) ~ tabbed
as gorley craue (er) ~ spavined
as jaagh cheet jeh ~ smoking
as kibbin (rish) ~ staked
as lettyryn (er) ~ lettered
as lipaid (er) ~ tabbed
as mooarane erreeish (er) ~ much to be pitied
as mwashag (er) ~ wigged
as myr shen ~ and so on, well then
as myr shen magh ~ et cetera
as nickyl ayn ~ nickel-bearing
as ny laueyn ry-cheilley ~ interlinked
as ny yei shen ~ whereafter
As ny yei shen? ~ What then?
as ooill ayn ~ oil-bearing
as quelt (er) ~ welted
as raaue currit (da) ~ warned
as red elley ~ furthermore, moreover
as reddyn elley ~ et cetera
as shilley (ec) ~ sighted
as soo jeant jeh ~ preserved
as strengyn ayn ~ wired (as house)
as tree ~ and thirdly, thirdly
as yeearree (er) ~ wanted
asbestos ~ asbestos
asbyrt ~ vespers, evensong
ascart ~ wad
aseetagh ~ acetic
aseeticagh ~ ascetic
aseeticoil ~ ascetic
aseeticys ~ asceticism
aseptagh ~ aseptic
aseptaghys ~ asepsis
asfalt ~ asphalt
asfaltagh ~ asphaltic
ash-lhiemaghan ~ return spring
ashchlou ~ offset
ashlaghey ~ reveal, to appear in a vision
ashleyder ~ dreamer, visionary, revealer,
ashlinagh ~ visionary, phantasmagoric,
ashlins ~ apparition, phantasm, second sight
ashlins laa ~ daydream
ashlish ~ revelation, make-believe, illusion,
dream, apocalypse, vision
ashlish laa ~ daydream
Ashlish Noo Ean ~ Revelation of St. John
ashlishagh ~ dreamy, visionary, apocalyptic
ashlishyn verchys ~ visions of wealth
ashoon ~ nation, state, people
ashoonagh ~ national, Gentile
ashoonaghey ~ nationalize, nationalization
ashoonaghit ~ nationalized
ashoonaght ~ nationality
ashoonaghtey ~ nationalize
ashoonaghtit ~ nationalized
ashoonaghtys ~ nationalization
ashoonaghys ~ nationalism
ashoonee ~ nationals
ashooneyder ~ nationalist
ashooneyr ~ nationalist
ashooneyragh ~ nationalistic, nationalist
ny ashoonyn quaagh ~ heathen, gentiles
ashoonys ~ nationhood
askaid ~ ulcer, boil, sea anemone, sea squirt
askaid chollaneagh ~ duodenal ulcer
askaid druntagh ~ gumboil
askaid feeackle ~ gumboil
askaid ghailley ~ stomach ulcer
askaid pheptagh ~ peptic ulcer
askaid varrey ~ sea anemone
askaid vooar ~ abscess
askaidagh ~ ulcerated, abscessed
askaidaghey ~ ulcerate, ulceration
askan ~ case
askan driaght ~ chain case
askan freeney ~ pin case
askan glonney ~ glass case
askan jeshee ~ toilet case
askan kaart ~ card case
askan mairane ~ thimble case
askan ooreyder ~ watch case
askan screeuyn ~ notecase
askan sigar ~ cigar case
askan snaidey ~ needle case
askan speckleyr ~ spectacle case
aslane ~ indisposed, ill
aslaynt ~ illness, ailment, unhealthiness,
unfitness, indisposition
aslayntagh ~ ill, ailing, unhealthy, unfit
asnagh ~ gilled, costal, laid
asnaghyn ~ chops
asnaghyn keyrragh ~ mutton chops
asnaghyn muickey ~ pork chops
asnaid ~ rep
asney ~ rib, fin, timber, nerve
asney lhome ~ spare rib
aspagh ~ aspic
asparag ~ asparagus
aspick ~ bishop
Aspick ny Raue ~ Bishop of Rome
Aspick Sodor as Mannin ~ Bishop of Sodor and
aspickagh ~ diocesan, episcopalian, episcopal,
aspickys ~ diocese, see, bishopric
aspit ~ bishop
aspryn ~ aspirin
asprynyn ~ aspirin tablets
ass ~ out of, out of him, ex, out and out, hailing
ass as ass ~ out and out
ass blaa ~ out of flower
ass boirey ~ off the hook
ass bree ~ null and void, null, void
ass-caarjys ~ unfriendliness
ass cagliagh ~ boundless
ass-chummey ~ contorted
ass cliaghtey ~ obsolete
ass cooid y veggan ~ in a low degree
ass cree ~ discouraged, dejected
ass date ~ out of date
Ass dt'aash! ~ Softly! Shush!
ass (e) cheeayll ~ insane, potty, nuts
ass eaishtagh ~ out of earshot
ass eanish ~ absent
ass ennal ~ puffy, breathless, puffed, blown
ass enney ~ irrecognizable, incognito
ass fashan ~ out of date, unfashionable
ass ferg ~ through anger
ass laue ~ immediately, quickly
ass laue y cheilley ~ co-operation
ass-lieh ~ on account of
Ass my hilley! ~ Scram! Clear off!
ass my lieh ~ on my behalf
ass myghin ~ absolutely, dreadfully
ass niau ~ heaven-born
ass oash ~ obsolete
ass obbyr ~ unemployed
ass oik ~ in the wilderness (Pol)
ass orraghey ~ out of range
ass roshtyn ~ irrecoverable
ass shen ~ thereout
ass shilley ~ indiscernible
ass towse ~ vast, excess, excessive, excessively
ass-unnaneagh ~ dissident
ass-unnaneyder ~ dissident
ass-unnaneys ~ dissidence
ass y cheer ~ abroad
ass y cheilley ~ consecutive, succeeding
ass y chliaghtey ~ unfashionable
ass y hene ~ wrong in the head
ass y jeeig ~ jumped up
ass y jeerid ~ out of plumb
ass-y-noa ~ newly, afresh, anew
ass y scoarnagh ~ full-throated
ass ymmyd ~ extinct, disused, broken down,
ass yn chenn Chonaant ~ Old Testament
ass yn choearroo ~ unaccounted
ass yn eddin ~ outright
ass ynnyd ~ out of place, misplaced
assaar ~ absence
assaaragh ~ absentee, absent
assaaraght ~ absenteeism, absence
assag [f] ~ weasel, stoat, pert woman, pert girl
assag ny miljyn ~ pine marten
assag rangagh ~ ermine
assag vuinnaght ~ polecat
assagagh ~ pert, saucy, ferretlike, stoatlike
assagys ~ pertness, sauciness, sauce
assaid ~ delivery
assaig ~ ferry
assamad ~ azimuth
assamadoil ~ azimuthal
asschaarjys ~ antagonism, strained relations,
estrangement, hostility
asscharrey ~ opponent
assdaue ~ out of them
assdiu ~ out of you
assdooin ~ out of us
assee ~ injury, mischief, harm, trespass, hurt
assee y chur gys neunhee ~ undo the harm
assee y chur gys veg ~ undo the harm
assetait ~ acetate
assetleen ~ acetylene
assey ~ easier
asseytoan ~ acetone
assjee ~ out of her
asslaanid ~ imperfection
asslaynt ~ disease, disorder, infirmity, illness
asslayntagh ~ sick, invalid, infirm, diseased,
sick person, bad health
asslin cummey ~ contour
assphurtal ~ export
assphurtanyn ~ export
asstayrn ~ case for rush candles, extract, pull-
out of magazine
assyd ~ out of you
assyl ~ ass, donkey
assyl bwoirrin ~ she-ass
assyl bwoirryn ~ she-ass
assyl feie ~ onager, wild ass
assyl fyrryn ~ dicky, jackass
assyl oaldey ~ wild ass
assyl schimmeigagh ~ zebra
assylagh ~ mulish, asinine, muleteer
Yn Assyria ~ Assyria
Assyriagh ~ Assyrian
astan ~ eel
astan churnee ~ wheat parasite
astan faasaagagh ~ burbot
astan lectragh ~ electric eel
astan marrey ~ sea eel
astan raueagh ~ muraena
astan varrey ~ conger
Asteckagh ~ Aztec
aster Sheenagh ~ China aster
astigmatagh ~ astigmatic
astigmatys ~ astigmatism
astraghey ~ transference
astree ~ transferee
astreeagh ~ transferor, transfer (needlework)
astreeaghey ~ transfer
astroayllee ~ astrologer
astroaylleeagh ~ astrological
astroaylleeaght ~ astrology
astyragh ~ rooter out, abolisher
astyral ~ abolish, dig out, eradicate
astyrit ~ abolished
astyrt ~ abolish, dig out, eradicate, abolition,
astyrtagh ~ delible
astyrtal ~ dig out, dig up
atchim ~ fear, awe, scare, terror, fright,
apprehension, dread
atchimagh ~ terrible, awful, shocking, awesome,
atchimeyr ~ terrorist
atchimid ~ frightfulness, awfulness
atchimit ~ aghast, awe-stricken
atchimys ~ terrorism
atchyssagh ~ terrific
Yn Atheen ~ Athens
Atheenagh ~ Athenian
athenaeum ~ athenaeum
Athene ~ Athene
Atholl ~ Athol
Atlantagh ~ Atlantic
Yn Atlantagh ~ The Herring Pond
Atlas ~ Atlas
atlas ~ atlas
atoanagh ~ atonic
atoanaght ~ atony
Atreih! ~ Alas! Woe! (is me)
att ~ enlarge, rise, swell, surge, inflate,
enlargement, distention, protrusion, bump,
att cuishley ~ aneurism
att neayrag ~ neuroma
yn att vooar ~ elephantiasis
attagh ~ orgasmic
attan ~ crown
attey ~ chapiter, crown, chaplet
attey blaa ~ garland
attid ~ bloatedness
attit ~ swollen, bulging, enlarged, varicose,
attys ~ puffiness, orgasm
auberjeen ~ egg fruit
Aue ~ Eve
augh augh ~ expression of regret
Augustanagh ~ Augustan
Augusteenagh ~ Augustinian
Aulee ~ Humphrey
Auley ~ Olaf
aundyr ~ trophy, award, prize
aundyr y chosney ~ to land a prize
aundyragh ~ prize, prize winner
aundyreyr ~ prizeman
aunlyn ~ relish, sauce, condiment, savoury
aunlyn bane ~ white sauce
aunlyn buigh ~ custard
aunlyn glassan ~ dressing (salad)
aunlyn ooyllagh ~ apple sauce
aunlyn sallaid ~ salad dressing
aunlyntane ~ condiment set
Yn Austeyr ~ Austria
Austeyragh ~ Austrian
Yn Austrail ~ Australia
Austrailagh ~ Australian
Yn Australasia ~ Australasia
Australasianagh ~ Australasian
autograaf ~ autograph
autograafaghey ~ autograph
Ave Maria ~ ave
Averil ~ April
aw ~ undressed, uncooked, crude, raw
Aw! ~ Oh!
awane ~ immodest, unchaste, obscene, foul
awaneagh ~ moron, oaf, oafish
awaneaght ~ oafishness
awaneys ~ immodesty
awanid ~ immodesty, obscenity, foulness,
Awatta! ~ Jolly good show!
awid ~ rareness, rawness, crudeness
awin [f] ~ river
Yn Awin Dee ~ The Dee
Yn Awin Doo ~ The Doo
Awin Ghoolish ~ Douglas river
awin hidee ~ tidal river
awin rioee ~ glacier
Awin Rosien ~ Silverburn
awin-tragh ~ basin
Yn Awin Valloo ~ Dumb River
awin valloo ~ sluggish river
awin varroo ~ sluggish river
yn awin y eeastagh seose ~ work (of angler)
awinagh ~ abounding in rivers, fluvial, river
awiney ~ of a river, freshwater
awineyr ~ river watcher
awintragh ~ catchment
awk ~ auk
awk veg ~ little auk
awnlyntane ~ cruet
awnroie ~ pot liquor
awnse ~ ounce
awnssal ~ steelyard
awree [f] ~ pot liquor, pottage, soup
awree chiu ~ thick soup
awree foalley ~ meat soup
awree sullyr ~ clear soup
ayd ~ your, at you, thine
ayds ~ yours, thine
aym ~ at me, my, have
ayn ~ in (existence), present, existent,
existence, exist
ayn as ass ~ there and back
ayn ass ~ nondescript
ayn-ass ~ on-off
ayn rish foddey ~ long-standing
ayndagh ~ index, concerned
ayndagh kaart ~ card index
ayndaue ~ in them
ayndid ~ sameness
ayndiu ~ in you
ayndooin ~ in us
aynjee ~ in her
ayns ~ in
ayns aaghtyn ~ quartered
ayns ard cheim ~ in a high position
ayns ard phost ~ in a high position
ayns ayrn ~ partly, partial
ayns blein nyn Jiarn ~ in the year of our Lord
ayns caa ~ in the nick of time
ayns cairys ~ by rights
ayns callin vie ~ in condition, good state of
ayns clashtyn ~ within earshot
ayns co-chiaull (rish) ~ consonant (with)
ayns co hroa (rish) ~ in a parallel direction
ayns coreir contraartagh ~ inversely
ayns cosoylaght rish ~ relative
ayns cummey V ~ V-shaped
ayns disert ~ sequestered
ayns drogh challin ~ out of condition
ayns dy vel ~ for as much as
ayns eaddagh doo ~ black-coated
ayns eaddagh shirveishagh ~ liveried
ayns eaishtagh ~ within earshot
ayns eash y cheead ~ centenarian
ayns eash y chiare feed ~ octogenarian
ayns ennym ~ titular (of function)
ayns feddan ~ sleeved
ayns flaunys ~ on high
ayns gioal ~ burdened
ayns gleihagh ~ jellied
ayns keisht ~ at issue
ayns laareyn ~ storeyed
ayns lettyryn iddaalagh ~ italicize
ayns mean ny lhong ~ amidships
ayns meekey-sooilley ~ in a trice
ayns mooar-chooid ~ in bulk
ayns musthaa agglagh ~ in an awful tear
ayns niau ~ on high
ayns ny focklyn shoh ~ thus worded
ayns ny tree feedyn ~ sexagenarian
ayns oaie ~ before
ayns oardyr ~ shipshape
ayns oirragyn ~ ridged
ayns peeshyn ~ piecemeal
ayns pian y ghraih ~ lovelorn
ayns pryssoon ~ jailed
ayns puit ~ potted
ayns quaiyl ghooint ~ in camera
ayns rangyn ~ classified
ayns ronnaghyn ~ sectional
ayns shallid ~ in a moment
ayns shamyr ghooint ~ in camera
ayns shayll ~ order
ayns shen ~ whereinto, therein, there
ayns sheshaght rish ~ accompanying
ayns shid ~ there
ayns shid hoal ~ over yonder
ayns shoh ~ here, herein
ayns shoh wass ~ over here
ayns stainney ~ canned
ayns stoyr feayr ~ cold storage
ayns straih ~ in series
ayns traa ~ duly, timely
ayns wheesh as ~ inasmuch, whereas
ayns y chorneil ~ confined, expecting
ayns ymmodee aghtyn ~ in many respects
ayns ymmyd ~ in commission
ayns ynnyd ~ vice
ayns ynnyd jeh ~ instead of, in lieu of, in place
aynshoh ~ here
aynyd ~ in you
aynym ~ in me
ayr ~ father, father figure, padre, creeper,
generator, mover
ayr as moir ~ parents
ayr bashtee ~ godparent, godfather
ayr doltee ~ fosterfather
ayr feyshtyney ~ confessor
ayr hallooin ~ yarrow
ayr-losserey ~ ground ivy
ayr-nieu ~ serpent
ayr 'sy leigh ~ father-in-law
ayraght ~ fatherhood, paternity
ayraghyn roin ~ forefathers
Ayre ~ Ayre
Ayreeanagh ~ Aryan
ayrey ~ of a father
ayrey as mayrey ~ parental
ayrn ~ portion, part, share, section, fraction,
ayrn brash ~ spare part
ayrn cadjin ~ ordinary share
ayrn rheynnit ~ allotment (money etc)
ayrn s'jerree ~ envoy (of poem)
ayrn spaare ~ spare part
ayrn thie ~ maisonette
ayrn toshee ~ exordium
ayrneen ~ particle
ayrniagh ~ shareholder, partner, partaker
ayrnyn brash ~ spares, spare parts
ayrnyn obbree ~ working parts
ayroil ~ fatherly, paternal
ayroilid ~ fatherliness
ayroilys ~ paternalism
ayrvarroo ~ parricide
ayrvarrooagh ~ parricid
B geyre ~ B sharp
B meayl ~ B flat
baa ~ smack, of a cow, cows, buss, playful kiss
baagh ~ animal, pet, beast
baagh bleeaney ~ yearling
baagh-chrooagh ~ zoomorphic
baagh-eeagh ~ zoophagous
baagh er troggloo ~ starveling
baagh-graih ~ zoophily
baagh keoie ~ mad beast
baagh-lheeyssagh ~ veterinary
baagh-losserey ~ zoophyte
baagh oaldey ~ brute, wild animal
baagh-oallagh ~ zoological
baagh-oallee ~ zoologist
baagh-oalleeaght ~ zoology
baagh obbree ~ working beast
baagh obbyr ~ beast of burden
baagh ouralagh ~ sacrificial beast
baagh-phore ~ zoospore
baagh roauyr ~ fat beast
baagh-saynt ~ zoophily
baagh sporranagh ~ marsupial
baagh ymmyrkee ~ pack animal
baagheen ~ animalcule
baaghtagh ~ animal
baaghtys ~ beastliness
baaieagh ~ cowhouse, byre, cattle house
baain ~ hame
baair ~ crop
baaish ~ imprudence, of death, mortality,
impudence, temple
baaish eddin ~ forehead
baaishagh ~ imprudent, frontal, temporal
baajit ~ bared
Baal ~ Baal
baalan ~ chaplet
baan ~ instinct
baanragh ~ distracting, maniacal
baanraghey ~ craze, distract
baanrey ~ hot-brained
baanrey Frangagh ~ francomania
baanrey keintyssagh ~ erotomania
baanrey morfeen ~ morphinomania
baanrey Sostnagh ~ Anglomania
baanreydagh ~ fanatic
baanrid ~ craziness, frenzy, madness
baanrit ~ mad, demented, disordered, distracted,
disturbed, maniac
baanrys ~ madness, derangement, dementia,
baar ~ crop, yield
baarail ~ spend, expend, expenditure
baarailagh ~ extravagant, spendthrift
baarbeen ~ toecap
baardagh ~ avail
baardaghey ~ prevailing, prevail
baare ~ summit, top, apex, point, end, tip,
climax, cap, curl, crest of wave, surface, film
on milk, ruin, interval, toe
baare-asnaghyn ~ top ribs (of beef)
baare-choorsey ~ impost
baare-chroghit ~ tip-tilted
baare faarkee ~ wave top
baare-ghooagh ~ soprano
baare-hiaull ~ mizzen topgallant
baare-hrome ~ topheavy
baare-lhean ~ square-toed
baare-lhiasaghey ~ top dressing
baare mullagh ~ crown (of mast)
baare ny hoardaagyn-chass ~ tiptoe
baare tidee ~ tidemark (on shore)
baare-woalley ~ toe
baare y lane ~ watermark, highwater mark
baarelagh ~ top, refuse of grain, topping
baarey ~ shave, prune, clip, poll, bare, cut, dress,
paring knife
baarey beg ~ trim
baarey caashey ~ cheese-paring
baarey dy chuttagh ~ bob (of hair), bobbing
baarey fuilt ~ haircut
baarey guilley ~ shingle
baareyder ~ barber, shaver, cutter, barer, clipper
baareyder bite ~ wick-trimmer
baareyder lectragh ~ electric razor
baarit ~ shaven, shaved, shorn, lopped, clipped
baarit lhome ~ close-cropped
Baarlagh ~ English
Baarlaghey ~ Anglicize, Anglicization
Baarlaght ~ Anglicism
Baarlaghys ~ Anglicism
Baarl(e) [f] ~ English
Baarle Albinagh ~ Anglo-Scottish (language),
Lallans, Scots
Baarle Ghaelgagh ~ Anglo-Manx (language)
Baarle Heenagh ~ pidgin
Baarle hellegraf ~ telegraphese
Baarle ny keirdey ~ professional jargon
Baarle Vanninagh ~ Anglo-Manx (language),
Manx dialect
Baarle Vrisht ~ pidgin, Anglo-Manx (language)
Baarleyr ~ English speaker
baarnagh ~ scrappy, limpet
baarnaghey ~ wane (moon), waning
baarney ~ interlude, interstice, slash, deficit,
inroad, gap
baarnit ~ abroach
Baarool ~ Barrule
Baarool Jiass ~ South Barrule
baarys ~ tonsure
Yn Baase ~ The (Grim) Reaper
baase ~ death, bereavement, extinction, capital
baase gyn eirey ~ escheat
baase gyn saggyrt ~ sudden death
baase lectragh ~ electrocution
baase rolaue ~ predecease
baasoil ~ deadly, fatal
baasoilid ~ deadliness, mortality
baatey ~ boat, even keel
baatey aile ~ fire float
baatey ammyr ~ canal boat
baatey assaig ~ ferry, ferry boat
baatey bieauid ~ speedboat
baatey chaghteraght ~ fly boat, dispatch boat
baatey claddee ~ shore boat
baatey cloie ~ showboat
baatey da jees ~ double scull
baatey dellal ~ bumboat
baatey duinee ~ dredger
baatey eeastee ~ fishing boat
baatey etlagh ~ seaplane
baatey frastyl ~ tender
baatey geayil ~ collier, coal boat
baatey gunn ~ gunboat
baatey keayin ~ seaboat
baatey laagh ~ acon
baatey laaghey ~ mud barge
baatey leaystane ~ swing boat
baatey lhuingey ~ ship's boat, jolly boat,
baatey liauyr ~ longboat, launch
baatey lughtee ~ lighter, cargo boat
baatey meeyl mooar ~ whaler, whale boat
baatey muc marrey ~ whale boat, whaler
baatey patrole ~ patrol boat
baatey post ~ packet boat, mail boat
baatey rea-honnagh ~ scow
baatey rea-hoynagh ~ flat boat
baatey sauaillagh ~ lifeboat
baatey sauchys ~ lifeboat, ship's boat
baatey screeunyn ~ advice boat
baatey seyrey ~ liberty boat
baatey shiauill ~ sailing boat
baatey skeddan ~ herring vessel
baatey sooee ~ suction dredger
baatey spaaghagh ~ paddleboat
baatey stiuree ~ pilot boat
baatey taitnys ~ pleasure boat
baatey tayrn ~ tow boat
baatey tayrnee ~ tugboat
baatey tonn ~ surfboat
baatey torpaid ~ torpedo boat
baatey turrys ~ pleasure boat
baatey ymmyrt ~ rowing boat, ferry
baateyr ~ boatman
baateyrys ~ boating
baatyn beggey marrey ~ sea craft
bab ~ earlobe, lobe, babe
bab beg ~ lobule
babbagh ~ lobate, lobed
babban ~ babe, tassel, lobe, doll, baby
babban cloie ~ puppet
babban crayee ~ clay doll
babban feeal ~ chessman
babban kereagh ~ wax doll
babban-lheiy ~ baby calf
babban ny gleaysh ~ lobe of the ear
babban ny Mheilley ~ corndolly
babban tawlish ~ draughtsman
babbanagh ~ lobed, tassellated, puppet,
babbaney ~ fondle, spoil, pamper, fuss (as
child), indulgence
babbanit ~ namby-pamby, indulged
Babel ~ Babel
baboon ~ baboon
baboon mooar ~ mandrill
Babylon ~ Babylon
Babylonnagh ~ Babylonian
bac ~ snag, trap, stay, balk, pull back, handicap,
objection, disqualification, moratorium,
disability, obstacle, drawback
bac aer ~ airlock
bac-chooylley ~ trap valve
bac deayrtal ~ sinktrap
bac foalsey ~ chicane (racing)
bac-ratch ~ obstacle race
bac tendreil ~ lightning arrester
baccagh ~ cripple, crippling, crippled, game-
baccaghey ~ cripple
baccan croymmane ~ crank arm
baccart ~ try-square
baccee ~ the halt, disabled
baccey ~ save
baccid ~ impediment, lameness, limp
bacilleen ~ bacillus
bacilleenagh ~ bacillary
bacteyr ~ bacterium
bacteyr-oayllee ~ bacteriologist
bacteyr-oaylleeaght ~ bacteriology
bacteyragh ~ bacterial
bad ~ club, cudgel, bat, stave, trucheon
bad criggad ~ cricket bat
baddal ~ bat
baddeyder ~ batsman
Baddyn ~ Clubs
Badlag ~ Venus
badmyntyn ~ badminton
bagatelle ~ bagatelle
baggyr ~ threaten
baggyrey ~ threatener
baggyrt ~ threat, fulminate, impend, caution,
baggyrt (er) ~ threaten
baggyrtagh ~ aggressive, intimidating,
ominous, sinister, imminent, blusterer,
baggyrtys ~ bluff, threat, aggressiveness
baggyrtys follym ~ bluff
baghagh ~ inhabitant, inhabitable
baghey ~ dwell, live
baghey (ayn) ~ inhabit
baght ~ view, review, illumination, cognition,
definition, observation, explanation, clarity,
contemplation, notice, penetration
baght kianglt ~ obsession
baght sooilley ~ visual observation
baghtag ~ note
baghtagh ~ observant, tabloid, observable,
baghtaght ~ axiom
baghtal ~ plain, clear, obvious, distinct,
implicit, noticeable, definable
baghtallagh ~ observer
baghtallys ~ obviousness, clearness,
baghtane bleaystan ~ bombsight
baghteyr ~ surveyor, reviewer, criticizer
baghteyr beg ~ criticaster
baghteyr raaidey ~ road surveyor
baghteyr tiggad ~ ticket inspector
baghteyrys ~ critique, criticism
baghyl ~ racquet, bishop's crozier
bagoon ~ bacon
bagoon gyn lhiasaghey ~ green bacon
Ny Bahamaghyn ~ Bahama
Bahee ~ Bridget
bai ~ bye, bias, partiality, slope
baiagh ~ partial
baic ~ twist, bawl, bellow (of pain), jerk
baical ~ bellow
baie ~ bay, first furrow
Baie ny Biscaayn ~ Bay of Biscay
Baie ny Carrickey ~ Gansey Bay, Carrick Bay
Baie yn Chashtal ~ Castlebay
Baie yn Eenaugh ~ Gansey Bay
Baie ny Mraddan ~ Laxey
Baie yn Ooig ~ Wemyss Bay
Baie ny Spaainey ~ Bay of Biscay
baie-uinnag ~ bay window
baighagh ~ biased
baighey ~ invest, drown, elide, elision
baih ~ elide, submerge, flood, drown, saturate,
elision, inundation, submersion
baih argid ~ invested
baihaghey ~ drown, invest
baihder ~ drowner
baiheyder argid ~ investor
baihghey ~ flood
baiht ~ inundated, submerged, sunk, drowned,
soggy, deluged, invested, foundered, faint
(of colour)
baiht ayns feeaghyn ~ debt-ridden
baiht 'sy jough ~ sodden with drink
baill ~ prosperity, luck, tone
Baill veih Jee dhyt! ~ Good morning!
Baill veih Jee hood! ~ Good morning! (answer)
bainc ~ couch
bainnagh ~ lactic, galactic
bainney baarit ~ skim milk
bainney bithag ~ churning milk
bainney braghee ~ malted milk
bainney clabbagh ~ curdled milk
bainney geayr ~ buttermilk
bainney goair ~ marsh lousewort, goat's milk
bainney kee ~ suck, breast milk
bainney keyrragh ~ ewe's milk, sheep milk
bainney laairagh ~ mare's milk
bainney muc ~ corn sowthistle, common
bainney nooys ~ colostrum, first milking
bainney ny baa doo ~ porter, stout, Guinness
bainnoil ~ lacteal
Baisantagh ~ Byzantine
Baisantium ~ Byzantium
baise ~ vice, baize
baisfear ~ barysphere
balaghys ~ excess
balcane ~ balcony
Balearagh ~ Balearic
baljagh ~ municipal, civic, townsman
baljaght ~ municipality
baljys ~ township
balk ~ miss in ploughing
Balkanagh ~ Balkan
ballagh ~ rockfish
ballaghey ~ ingathering, housing of crop
ballaid ~ ballade
ballast ~ ballast
ballay ~ ballet
balley ~ town, home, farmstead, base
Balley Aah Cleeah ~ Dublin
Balley Aah Luain ~ Athlone
Balley Aird Ulley ~ Newtownards
balley aspick ~ cathedral town
balley beg ~ village, hamlet, settlement,
balley beg cheerey ~ onehorse town, village
Balley Chashtal ~ Castletown
Balley Chashtal Noa ~ Newcastle
balley cheerey ~ country town
balley claddee ~ seaboard town
balley corpagh ~ borough
balley countee ~ county town
balley crink ~ hillfarm
balley dooghys ~ home town
balley eirinagh ~ townland
Balley Euar ~ Ballure
balley farrane ~ spa
balley hallooin ~ farm
Balley Hamysh ~ Jameston
balley joarey ~ border town
balley keayin ~ seaport
Balley Keeill Charane ~ Campbeltown
Balley Keeill Eoin ~ St. John's
Balley Keeill Vaayl ~ Kirk Michael
Balley Keeill Varkysh ~ St. Mark's
Balley Keeilley ~ Churchtown
balley keirdee ~ industrial town
Balley Kew Aeg ~ Kewaigue
balley-kynnee ~ family estate
Balley Laagh ~ Ballaugh (village)
balley margee ~ market town
balley marrey ~ seaside town
Balley Meanagh ~ Balleymena
Balley Moainey ~ peaty farm
Balley Moaney ~ peaty farm
balley moir-agglish ~ cathedral town
Balley Noa ~ Newtown
Balley ny Brooie ~ riverside homestead
Balley ny Croshey ~ Crosby
Balley ny Gaauin ~ Balgowan
Balley ny Hawin ~ Laurel bank
Balley ny Lhigg ~ Ballig
Balley ny Loghey ~ Ballaugh (village)
Balley ny Rheynn ~ Cape Town
Balley ny Shellee ~ Ballasalla
Balley ny Sker ~ Scarborough
Balley Sallagh ~ Ballasalla
Balley Shellee ~ Ballasalla
Balley Sollan ~ Saltcoats
Balley Twoaie ~ Norton
balley ushtey ~ watering place
Balley Vic Craayl ~ Castlebay
Balley Voaid ~ Rothesay
Balley'n Ard Ainle ~ Archangel
Balley'n Cheeylysh ~ Ballachulish
Balley'n Eas ~ Foxdale
ballistagh ~ ballistic
ballistaghys ~ ballistics
ballister ~ banister
balloo ~ silent, tongue-tied, dumb person
ballooid ~ dumbness, muteness
balloon ~ balloon
balloon etlag ~ kite balloon
balloon geayee ~ pilot balloon
balloon liauyr ~ sausage balloon
balloon towse ~ sounding balloon
balloon yn-stiurey ~ dirigible
balloonagh ~ balloonist
ballyst yiarn ~ kentledge
balsym ~ balm, balsam
balsym beg ~ balsam
balsym buigh ~ touch-me-not
balsym ny maynaghyn ~ Friar's balsam
balsymagh ~ balmy, balsamic
Baltagh ~ Baltic
banaaney garroo ~ plantain
banaghey ~ pale, etiolate
bananey ~ banana
banc ~ bank
banc ashoonagh ~ national bank
banc barrantys ~ trust bank
banc chemmalagh ~ fringe bank
banc dooraght ~ discount bank
banc eeassee ~ loan bank
banc er y chemmal ~ fringe bank
banc tashtee ~ savings bank
banc traghtee ~ commercial bank
banc ym-reaghee ~ clearing bank
bancagh ~ banking
banceyr ~ banker
banceyraght ~ banking
bancvrishey ~ bankruptcy
bane ~ white, blank, fair, blond(e), pallid;
fallow, unbroken (as ground)
bane-aaneagh ~ lily-livered
bane-cheh ~ white hot
bane-chiassagh ~ candescent
bane-eddinagh ~ paleface
bane-ghaah ~ tint
bane-ghial ~ pure white
bane-ghlass ~ pale green, pastel green
bane-ghorrym ~ light blue
bane heh ~ incandescent
bane-jirgid ~ pinkness
bane-lheeah ~ light grey
bane-meillagh ~ white-lipped
bane-ouyr ~ cream
bane sink ~ zinc white
bane-wuigh ~ cream, buff
bane-yiarg ~ light red, pink
bane-yiargagh ~ pinkish
baneaghey ~ whitening, whiten
baneaghey foalley ~ leukaemia
banee ~ albino (persons)
baneeaght ~ sacredness
banegloagh ~ blancmange
baneid ~ whiteness, blankness, lightness,
baneid ny sooilley ~ white of eye
baneit ~ whitened
banejagh ~ fallow, lea, new ground
baney ~ white
baneyder ~ whitener
bangan ~ limb, bough, leg of contest, scion,
banganey ~ bifurcation, bifurcate
banglanagh ~ branching
banglanaghey ~ branch, branching
banglane ~ branch, bracket, offshoot, governing
banglane creggagh ~ apophysis
banglane noadit ~ graft
banglane y chredjue ~ article of faith
banglaneagh ~ branched, branchy, connected
banglaney ~ fork
banian ~ banian
banid ~ fairness, pallor
banisthie ~ housewifery, domestic economy
banjagh ~ fallow, lea, grassland
banjoe ~ banjo
banjoeder ~ banjoist
bann ~ band (musical), brace
bann drommey ~ backband
bann geaylin ~ shoulder band
bann mwannalagh ~ neckband
bann smarree ~ grease band
bann tessen ~ bend (heraldic)
bannag ~ grilse, ballad
bannaghey ~ salute, regards, bless, greet, send
off, beatification, sanctification
bannaghey rish ~ hail (greet)
bannaght ~ salute, compliments, greeting,
bannaght ayd ~ cheerio, adieu
bannaght eu ~ adieu
bannaght injillaghey ~ dip (of flag)
bannaght lhiat ~ farewell, cheerio, adieu
bannaghtagh ~ blessing, benedictory, greeter
bannaghtyn ort ~ adieu
Bannaghtyn y Nollick ~ Christmas Greetings
Bannaghtyn y Vlein Noa ~ New Year Greetings
Bannaghtyn! ~ chin-chin
bannee ~ of blessing, holy, blessed, saintly
banneeaght ~ blessedness, saintliness
banney ~ recognizance
banneyr ~ banner
bannish [f] ~ wedding, wedding reception,
bannish airhey ~ golden wedding
bannit ~ blessed
bannoo ~ sucking pig, piglet
banshey ~ of a wedding
bantan ~ bantling, child (archaic)
Bantu ~ Bantu
bantym ~ bantamweight
bar saloon ~ saloon bar
bar-staillin ~ bar steel
barb ~ drastic, cruel, rough, sharp, a sharp
point, javelin
barbagh ~ rugged, rude, rough, severe, sharp,
barbaght ~ harshness, pointedness, ruggedness,
barbaragh ~ cruel, ruthless, uncivilized,
barbaraght ~ philistinism, inhumanity,
barbarity, cruelty, ruthlessness
barbicaanagh ~ barbican
barbichooragh ~ barbituric
barbichoorait ~ barbiturate
barbid ~ asperity
barbrag ~ barberry
Barbrey ~ Barbara
Barbroil ~ Barbaresque
barc ~ barque
barcarolle ~ barcarolle
bard ~ poet, bard
bard arrane ~ songwriter
bard ven ~ poetess
bardagh ~ poet, bardic, bard
bardaght ~ poetry, rhyming
bardoil ~ poetical
bardoon ~ funeral dirge, dead march, coronach,
elegy, doleful song
bardoonagh ~ elegiac, bardic, bard, tragical
poet, elegist
bardoonys ~ tragical poetry
Bare lhiam ~ I would prefer, I did prefer
barel ~ opinion, review, hypothesis, estimation,
presumption, appreciation
barel cadjin ~ prevailing opinion
barel kyagh ~ dead reckoning
barel lioaragh ~ book review
barelagh ~ speculative, presumptive
bargane ~ agreement, bargain, contract
bargane eirey ~ corrody
bargane screeuee ~ title deed
bargane soiagh ~ lease
bargane-soiagh beayn ~ feu
bargane traa ~ time bargain
barganeagh ~ negotiant, bargaining, bargainer
barganey ~ negotiate, contract, negotiation,
bargaining, bargain hunting
barganeyder ~ bargainer, negotiator
barganeyder soiagh ~ lessor
barganeyn ~ deeds
barganit ~ bargained
baritone ~ baritone
barium ~ barium
barje ~ barge
barje geayil ~ coalbarge
Barnabas ~ Barnabas
barnagh ~ limpet, flitter; discontinuous
barnagh comyssagh ~ slipper limpet
barnagh skeilt ~ split limpet
barnagh vreck ~ tortoise-shell limpet
barnaghey ~ broach, breach, breakthrough
barney ~ cleft, break, space, hiatus, vacancy,
discontinuity, aperture, pass
barney ~ missing link
barney chustam ~ toll bar
barney smalee ~ spark gap
barney vane ~ blank space
barney veill ~ harelip
barnit ~ broached, breached
barograph ~ barograph
baromeadragh ~ barometrical
baroose ~ coach
barr ~ bar
barr corneilagh ~ angle bar
barr lheimmey ~ jumping bar
barr prowallagh ~ test bar
barr tayrn ~ tow bar
barr tayrnee ~ drag bar
barrag ~ hoarfrost, cream, froth, sea foam
barrag eddin ~ face cream
barrag ghlass ~ scum
barrag varrey ~ sea foam
barrag vraagey ~ shoe cream
barrag wuigh ~ sea poppy, horned poppy
barragagh ~ creamy, lathery, misty, foaming
barrageyr ~ latherer
barragh [f] ~ tow (shorts of lint)
barraid ~ biretta
Barraie ~ Barra
barraje ~ barrage
barran ~ baron
barranagh ~ baronial
barranaght ~ baronage
barrant ~ voucher, confidence, reliance, warrant
barrantagh ~ dependable, trustworthy, guarantor,
sponsor, commissioner
barranteyr ~ warrantor
barrantit ~ guaranteed, warranted
barrantoil ~ reliant, authentic, reliable
barrantoilid ~ reliability, authenticity
barrantys ~ dependability, trustworthiness,
guarantee, sponsorship, commission,
dependence, trust, dependency
barrantys baaish ~ death warrant
barrantys ronney ~ share warrant
barranys ~ barony
barre y lane ~ high water mark
barree ~ tows
barrey ~ bolt, boat passage, barrow, bar, channel
barrey barney ~ space bar
barrey bee ~ snack bar
barrey dooblit ~ double bar
barrey gunney ~ bolt lever
barrey laue ~ handbarrow
barrey queeylagh ~ wheelbarrow
barrey rinse ~ tommybar
barrey scudlee ~ trolley, luggage barrow
Barriaght ~ Victoria
barriaght ~ victory, conquest, win
barriaght voraltagh ~ moral victory
barriaghtagh ~ victorious, triumphant, victor,
barriaghtoil ~ victorious
barriaghtys ~ victoriousness
barrialtagh ~ triumphant, victor, victorious
barrick ~ barrack
barril ~ barrel
barril-organe ~ barrel organ
barroon ~ baron
barroonaght ~ baronage
barroose ~ bus, omnibus, char-a-banc
barryl rea ~ smooth bore
bart ~ load, burden, bundle, truss, parcel (of
shares), loom frame
bartagh ~ tactical
bartee ~ tactician
barteeaght ~ tactics
basalt ~ basalt
basaltagh ~ basaltic
basar ~ bazaar
bascad ~ basket, (see bastag)
bascad ghlassan ~ salad basket
bascad hey ~ tea basket
bascad laue ~ hand basket
bascad niaghan ~ laundry basket
Bascagh ~ Basque
bascaid ~ basket
Bascish ~ Basque
bashlagh ~ wash, dash
bashlaghey ~ douse
Bashtagh ~ Baptist
bashtallagh ~ bombastic, flashy
bashtallys ~ bombast
bashtee ~ baptismal
bashtey ~ christen, baptize, christening, baptism
Bashteyder ~ Baptist
bashteyder ~ baptizer
bashtit ~ baptized, christened
basilisk ~ basilisk
baskad wuigh ~ field marigold
bass [f] ~ palm, flat of hand, blade of oar, scale
pan, bass
bass-chraidey ~ derisive applause
bass fo ~ prone
bass-moylley ~ clapping
bass-moylleyder ~ clapper (person)
bass ny chengey ~ blade (of tongue)
bass ny laue ~ palm
bass-voylley ~ applause
bassag ~ blow with the palm, slap, clap, pat,
smack, backhander
bassag er vassag ~ pat-a-cake, handy-dandy
bassagh ~ palmate
bassey ~ clap, of a palm, applause, clapping
basslagh ~ palmful, enough to cover palm,
double handful
bassoil ~ deathlike
bassoon ~ bassoon
bastag ~ basket, (see bascad)
bastag arran ~ bread basket
bastag chloaie ~ corbeil
bastag eaddagh ~ clothes basket
bastag leaghyr(agh) ~ frail
bastag niaghyn ~ laundry basket, buck basket
bastag vane ~ dog daisy
bastag vargee ~ market basket
bastag whaalee ~ work basket
bastag wuigh ~ corn marigold
bastageyr ~ basket maker
bastageyrys ~ basketwork
Bastagh! ~ Shame!
bastal ~ basting, baste
basyn laue ~ washhand basin
batteyder ~ batsman
battree ~ battery
battyr ~ bevel, batter, taper
battyrail ~ taper, slope
baulk ~ longline
baum ~ balm
baum feie ~ balm
baumagh ~ balmy
Baveyragh ~ Bavarian
baylee ~ bailiff
bayleeaght ~ bailiwick
bayleeys ~ bailiwick
bayr ~ lane, road, roadway, pad, drive, avenue
bayr cairt ~ cart track
bayr claghagh ~ stony road
bayr crink ~ hill road
bayr fo-halloo ~ subway
bayr gleashtanagh ~ motorway
bayr lhaggagh ~ hollow road
bayr mooar ~ main road, high road, public way
Bayr ny Claairey ~ The Plank Road
bayr traie ~ seafront
bayr yiarn ~ permanent way
bayreen ~ small road
bayrey ~ of a road
bayrn ~ cap with peak, cloud cap, bonnet (of
bayrn bobbyleen ~ tam o'shanter
bayrn bussallagh ~ hood, folding cap, kerchief
bayrn bussallagh er ~ hooded
bayrn caggee ~ steel helmet, helmet
bayrn coadee ~ helmet
bayrn cooylley ~ valve cap
bayrn creoi ~ crash helmet
bayrn doo ~ blackcap
bayrn faarkee ~ bathing cap
bayrn feeaihaght ~ deerstalker
bayrn fliaghey ~ southwester
bayrn foddyragh ~ forage cap
bayrn Frangagh ~ beret
bayrn jaagh ~ smoke helmet
bayrn joan ~ dust cap
bayrn mooar ~ sea nettle
bayrn obbree ~ fatigue cap
bayrn ommidan ~ fool's cap
bayrn runt ~ pillbox hat
bayrn tey ~ tea cosy
bayrn willey ~ storm cap, hood
bayrnag ~ barnacle
bayrnagh ~ limpet
bayrnagh hooillag ~ lens hood
bayrneen cooyl ~ calotte
bayrneen ooh ~ egg cosy
baysh ~ beige
Baytnag ~ Venus
bea [f] ~ vital (as statistics), life, lifespan,
animation, disquietude
bea cheintyssagh ~ sex life
bea-chemmig ~ biochimistry
bea-chemmigagh ~ biochemical
bea chretooragh ~ animal life
bea-chroo ~ life form
bea corragh ~ rough-and-tumble
bea gyn poosey ~ celebacy
bea kiune ~ uneventful life
bea loghan ~ pond life
bea ny hanmey ~ spiritual life
bea-oayllee ~ biologist
bea-oaylleeagh ~ biological
bea-oaylleeaght ~ biology
bea-skeeal ~ biography
bea-skeealeyder ~ biographer
bea varrey ~ plankton
bea veayn ~ eternal life, long life
beagh ~ nourish
beaghee ~ nutritious
beaghey ~ feed, nourish, nurture, live, maintain,
nourishment, foodstuffs, livelihood,
nutrition, sustenance
beaghey agglish ~ benefic, church living
beaghey lesh spein ~ spoonfeed
beaghey ny sodjey (na) ~ outlive
beaghey souyr ~ high feeding
beaghit ~ maintained, fed
beallagh ~ mountain pass
beam ~ cut, nick, gash, sickleful, handful of
beamey ~ cut
beaoil ~ moral
bear ~ bear
beareen lhiannoo ~ Teddy bear
beark [f] ~ cone, grain of corn
bearkagh ~ cone-bearing
bearkan juys ~ pine cone
bearkanagh ~ conifer, coniferous
Bearnard ~ Bernard
beasagh ~ decorous, submissive, moral, quiet-
mannered, civilized, civil (as person)
beasaghey ~ civilize, tame, submit
beasaght ~ submissiveness, decorum, morality
beaseyder ~ moralist
beashaght ~ civility
beashnys ~ biography
beashnyseyr ~ biographer
beashnyssagh ~ biographical
beasid ~ compliance, morality, passiveness,
beasit ~ tamed
beasyn ~ manners
beayf ~ toad
beayf ayns towl ~ toad in the hole
beayf-chlagh ~ toadstone
beayn ~ steady, firm, sustained, durable,
longstanding, chronic, timeless, recurring,
infinite, eternal, permanent, constant,
immortal, evergreen, interminable, lifelong
beayn champ ~ standing camp
beayn-earroo ~ constant
beayn-hassooagh ~ durable, imperishable,
beayn-hassooaght ~ endurance, perseverance,
beayn-oltey ~ life member
beayn spotch ~ standing joke
beaynaghey ~ continue, lengthen, stabilize,
immortalize, fix, stereotype, stabilization,
beaynchrooagh ~ stereotyped
beaynee ~ harvester, reaper, mower
beaynee lus y lhiooney ~ hop picker
beayneeyn ~ crop cutters
beayney ~ of a reaper, reaper
beayneyder ~ stabilizer, fixer, prolonger
beaynid ~ infinity, eternity, immortality,
permanence, durability, steadfastness
Ny Beayntee ~ The souls in Heaven, The
beayntonney ~ perm
beayntys ~ lastingness, infinity, endurance
beays ~ being, existence
beck ~ beck, thwart, bench (in boat)
Bedjoonagh ~ Bedouin
bee ~ be, will be; food, feed, provisions,
nourishment, diet
bee as jough ~ refreshments
bee beealloo ~ food, nourishment
bee bio ~ zip
bee brisht ~ offal, giblets
bee broiet ~ boiled food
bee cadjin ~ plain food
bee conning ~ common sowthistle
bee cooag ~ wood sorrel
bee (cro) ~ kernel
Bee dty hoie! ~ Take a seat!
Bee dty host! ~ Shut up! Keep quiet! Hush!
Bee er dty arrey! ~ Beware! Watch out!
Bee er dty hwoaie! ~ Take care! Watch out!
Careful now!
bee ferrish ~ navel wort
bee glass ~ green food
bee goanlyssagh rish ~ resent
Ny bee imnea ort! ~ Don't worry!
Bee-jee nyn dost! ~ Hush! Silence!
bee maaish ~ cattle food
bee millish ~ sweetmeat, sweet
bee moddee ~ dog's meat, dogfood
bee muc ~ common sowthistle, sowthistle
bee muc friogganagh ~ prickly sowthistle
bee-naightagh ~ delicacy
bee naightee ~ tuck, dainty
bee ny gunnyn mooarey ~ cannon fodder
bee ny jeeghyn ~ ambrosia
bee ny shynnee ~ English stonecrop
bee-oardagh ~ dietary
bee-oayllee ~ dietician, gourmet
bee-oaylleeaght ~ dietetics
bee oghe ~ baked (food)
bee ollee ~ cattle food
bee rolaue ~ anticipate
bee shickyr ~ rest assured
bee stainnit ~ tinned food
Bee ullee! ~ Stand by! Be prepared!
bee-vrisht ~ hash-up
beeaghey ~ feed, support, maintain, nurture,
nutrition, alimentation
beeagheyder ~ feeder
beeaghit ~ cherished
beeal ~ mouth, muzzle, rictus, flue, outlet,
orifice, cone, crater, rim, approach, passage
Beeal Aah ny Sluigh ~ Ballinasloe
beeal-aarlooid ~ repartee
beeal-arrish ~ oral tradition, folklore
beeal awiney ~ estuary, river mouth
beeal bane ~ soft sawder
beeal bane y chur (da) ~ play up
beeal bing ~ nightingale
beeal-chrauee ~ canting, lip-religious,
beeal-chraueeaght ~ cant
beeal-daah ~ lipstick
Beeal Feirshtey ~ Belfast
beeal fo ~ face downwards
beeal-foshlit ~ agape
beeal freayn ~ hastily
beeal-ghailley ~ pylorus
beeal-ghraih ~ lip service
beeal-jiarg ~ red-lipped
beeal-laadee ~ muzzle-loading
beeal lhean ~ wide-mouthed, yawning (as
beeal mullag ~ bung hole
beeal ny breinney ~ cervix
beeal ny cleayshey mooie ~ concha
beeal ny cleeau ~ pit of the stomach
beeal ny hoie ~ evening just before dark,
beeal-oshlit ~ open-mouthed
beeal purtey ~ harbour entrance
beeal slogh meainey ~ pithead
beeal staillinagh ~ steel edge
beeal tidee ~ tidal mouth
Beeal Voayldyn ~ May Day
beeal y chollane ~ duodenum
beeal-yiat ~ sluice gate
Beeal yn Aah ~ Ballina
beealag ~ port, mouthpiece, embouchure
beealagh ~ imprudent, thick-lipped, bit
beealeragh ~ tattling, blabber, prattle, mocking
beealeragh noi ~ decry
beealeraght ~ talk, chatter, babble, chit-chat,
beealerey ~ babbler, blabber, squabbler,
talkative person
beealerey moyrnagh ~ braggadocio
beealerey scammyltagh ~ scandalmonger
beealerys ~ squabbling
beealeyder ~ announcer
beealeydys ~ oral tradition
beeallagh ~ blubber-lipped, big-mouthed
beeallerey ~ chiff-chaff
beealleydys ~ oral tradition
beealragh ~ bit, curb bit
beealragh streeaney ~ bridle bit
beealraghyn ~ snaffle
beealraghyn laaragh ~ centre bit
beealraghyn runt ~ cannon
beealveer ~ bit, twist bit
beealveer viseagh ~ worm bit
beeataig ~ ill-natured woman, hussy, jade
beeataigagh ~ ill-natured, jadish, pert
beechaagh ~ house for beggars
beechagh ~ victualler
beed ~ bead
beeder ~ victualler
beedyl ~ apparitor
beedyn ~ beading
beeghey ~ fattening
beeghyn ~ viands
beeit ~ plump, fed, fatted, foddered
beekyr ~ beaker
beemyl ~ brace
beeoil ~ alimental, nutritive
beer ~ beer
beeragh ~ beery
beeray ~ beret
beesyl ~ bezel
beetys ~ beet, beetroot
beetys marrey ~ sea beet
beetys mooar ~ mangel wurzel
beetys shugyr ~ sugar beet
beeviandagh ~ appetising
beeyit ~ fatted
beg ~ small, short, slight, few, poky, model,
narrow, quiet, dwarf
beg-aignagh ~ small-minded
beg-chaayntagh ~ coy (of speech)
beg-chleeauagh ~ flat-chested
beg-chummaghtagh ~ low-powered
beg-howshanagh ~ small-calibred
beg-ocklagh ~ sparing of words
beg roauyr ~ tubby
beggan ~ somewhat, slightly, partly, faintly, a
few, little, small piece
beggan accryssagh ~ peckish
beggan as ard chied oc ~ privileged few
beggan as foayr oc ~ privileged few
beggan beg ~ fleabite, very little, little or
nothing, faintly
beggan elley ~ a few more, a little more
beggan er veggan ~ progressive, piecemeal,
little by little, gradually
beggan-foshlit ~ ajar
beggan geayr ~ acidish
beggan glass ~ palish
beggan ny booise ~ little thanks
beggan roauyr ~ podgy, fattish
begganagh ~ trifling
begganid ~ slightness, smallness, littleness
beggey ~ small
beggid ~ diminutive, diminutiveness, littleness,
beggid eaddee ~ scantiness of attire
beggon ~ jacket
begnagh ~ almost, nearly, wellnigh
behrt ~ born, foaled, calved, issue
behrtagh ooastyragh ~ oyster bed
behrtragh ~ spawning ground, bed
beih ~ birch
beih argid ~ silver birch, birch tree
beih veg ~ dwarf birch
beih yiarg ~ red birch, downy birch
beihagh ~ birchen, birch
beihll ~ pulverize, bray, grind, pulverization
beihllagh ~ pulverizable, pulverizing
beihlleyder ~ pulverizer, grinder
beihllinder ~ grinder
beihlt ~ pulverized
beiht ~ waterlogged (of wood)
beill ~ verbal, mouths, oral
beill-vooar ~ blubber lip
beilloo ~ cattle; dumb
beim ~ slash
bein ~ afterbirth
beinn [f] ~ mountain, ben, summit, pinnacle,
apex, tine of deer
Beinn Nivish ~ Ben Nevis
beinn rioee ~ iceberg
beinn y chee ~ point of nipple
beinney ~ of a peak
beinntagh ~ peaked
Ny Beinnyn Alpagh ~ The Alps
beis ~ bass viol, violoncello
beisagh ~ violoncellist
beisht ~ monster, beast, worm, toad (of person)
beisht convaayrtagh ~ hyena
beisht yn daa hooill yeig ~ lamprey
beishtagh ~ bestial, brutish, beastly, monstrous,
beishtaght ~ bestiality, beastliness, brutishness
beishteig ~ crawler, worm, coil, creepy-crawly
beishteig chreoi ~ wireworm
beishteig-chrooagh ~ vermiform
beishteig-eeagh ~ insectivorous
beishteig-eeder ~ insect eater
beishteig fainnagh ~ annelid
beishteig famlee ~ seaweed worm
beishteig ghoal ~ slow worm
beishteig lhuingey ~ teredo, copper worm
beishteig loauee ~ palmer worm
beishteig-nieu ~ insecticidal
beishteig-phurgaid ~ vermifuge
beishteig rybbanagh ~ taenia, tape worm
beishteig snaieagh ~ threadworm
beishteig vergagh ~ canker worm
beishteigagh ~ insectlike, wormlike, reptilian
beishteigyn beggey ~ vermicelli
beishtyn ~ vermin (animals)
ny beishtyn ~ toothache
beisteig ~ reptile, insect
beiyaghey ~ fattening, feed
beiyn ~ cattle, fauna, dumb animals
beiyn as fuill cheh ayn ~ warm blooded
beiyn as fuill feayr ayn ~ cold blooded
beiyn feie ~ wild life
beiyn roauyrey ~ fatstock
beiyt ~ fatted
Belgagh ~ Belgian
Belgraaid ~ Belgrade
ben [f] ~ woman, lady, wife
ben- ~ (prefix) female
ben aaishnee ~ fortune teller
ben aasit ~ adult
ben abb ~ abbess
ben adultrinagh ~ adulteress
ben aeg ~ Miss, maid, young woman, girl
ben aer ~ airwoman
ben aitt ~ comic
ben albeenagh ~ albino woman
ben Albinagh ~ Scotchwoman
ben Alpagh ~ alpinist
ben ambasseydeyr ~ ambassadress
ben arraneagh ~ songstress
ben arree ~ duenna
ben arrey ~ chaperon
ben austeyr ~ nun
ben baanrit ~ psychopath (female)
ben buigh ~ mulattoo woman
ben chaairliagh ~ Lady chairman
ben chabbagh ~ stutterer (female)\
ben chadjin ~ whore, nymphomaniac, doxy
ben chaireyder ~ proprietress
ben-chanoanagh ~ canoness
ben cheauit ~ has-been (female)
ben chee ~ wet nurse, woman that gives suck
ben cheerey ~ countrywoman
ben chialgeyr ~ siren
ben chiarn ~ peeress, lady
ben chinjagh ~ regular (female)
ben chleragh ~ clerkess
ben chleuin ~ daughter-in-law
ben chloie ~ actress
ben-chloieder fillym ~ film actress
ben choadee ~ protectress, guardian
ben choheeragh ~ countrywoman
ben chontoyrtagh ~ adventuress
ben chooidjagh ~ chaperon
ben chorrey ~ pregnant woman
ben chorrym ~ pregnant woman
ben chreeney ~ sage (female)
ben-coadeyder ~ protectress
ben correy ~ pregnant woman
ben cur ry-cheilley ~ assembler (female)
ben daa phoosey ~ bigamist (female)
ben dorryser ~ usherette
ben-dorryser ~ janitrix
ben-dorryseyr ~ portress
ben-druaight ~ druidess
ben drultagh ~ enchantress
ben eaddeyder ~ dressmaker
ben-eaghtyrane ~ superiorness
ben eearley ~ countess
ben-eeasteyragh ~ fisherwoman
ben-eelee ~ poetess
ben egin ~ rape
ben ellanagh ~ island woman
ben-eniagh ~ heroine
ben er cannoo ~ nymphomaniac
ben er finnue ~ passionate woman
ben etlagh ~ airwoman
ben ewagh ~ Jewess
ben-fadeyr ~ prophetess
ben-flah ~ begum
ben fotograf ~ photographer (female)
ben fysseree ~ clairvoyant (female)
ben geddyn gioot ~ donee
ben ghaaney ~ adventuress
ben ghoan ~ brunette
ben ghoo ~ negress
ben ghooie ~ native woman
ben ghorrym ~ black woman
ben ghrease ~ embroideress
ben glassreeyn ~ greengrocer (female)
ben gyn cron ~ goody-goody
ben haghee ~ devotee
ben happ ~ saleswoman
ben harvaant ~ maidservant, housemaid
ben heckter ~ administratrix
ben heihllt ~ materialist (female)
ben heshee ~ wife
ben heshey ~ wife
ben higgad ~ bus conductor
ben hiollee ~ stay-at-home (female)
ben horragh ~ pregnant woman
ben hoshee ~ forewoman
ben Hostynagh ~ Englishwoman
ben hraitooragh ~ traitress
ben hreoghe ~ widow, relict
ben hymnee ~ testatrix
ben injinagh jiarg ~ squaw
ben iurinagh ~ fury
ben-jaghin ~ deaconess
ben jee ~ goddess, deity
ben-jee ny keylley ~ wood nymph
ben jee varrey ~ sea nymph
ben jeih-chreeagh ~ good sort of woman
ben lhee ~ medical practitioner, doctor (female)
ben lhionney ~ barmaid
ben lioaragh ~ book lover (female)
ben lomarcan ~ a lone woman
ben meiygh ~ sentimentalist (female)
ben my chree ~ woman of my heart
ben myr yien ~ humbug
ben neuphoost ~ spinster, single woman
ben niaghyn ~ washerwoman, laundress
ben ny banshey ~ bride
ben ny faillee ~ wage earner
ben ny hagglish ~ churchgoer (female)
ben oainjyragh ~ whore, prostitute
ben oainjyr(agh) ~ harlot
ben oaldey ~ savage(female)
ben oast ~ landlady, hostess, innkeeper
ben-oayllee ~ gynaecologist (female)
ben-oaylleeagh ~ gynaecological
ben-oayllys ~ gynaecology
ben obbee ~ witch
ben obbree ~ working woman, workwoman
ben ooasle ~ madam, gentlewoman, lady,
ben-phatroon ~ patroness
ben phoosee ~ bride
ben phoost ~ married woman, wife
ben-phrinse ~ princess
ben-phriorey ~ prioress
ben Rangagh ~ Frenchwoman
ben ratch ~ race goer (female)
ben-reaghee ~ arbitress
ben reaylt ~ religious
ben reill ~ governess
ben reillt ~ nun
ben-reiltagh ~ rectress
ben rein ny hoie ~ moon
ben reiree ~ manageress
ben rochooishagh ~ prude (female)
ben roostey ~ stripper
ben ruy ~ redhead
ben saar ~ czarina
ben saggyrt ~ parson's wife
ben sayntagh ~ grasper (female)
ben scarrit ~ divorcee
ben scrutaght ~ inspectress
ben seyr ~ lady, dame, gentlewoman
ben sheckter ~ executrix
ben shee ~ banshee, fairy woman
ben slieau ~ mountaineer (female)
ben sneeuee ~ spinster
ben stiuree ~ conductress, directress
ben stoamey ~ good looker
ben sultan ~ sultana
ben 'syn armee aer ~ airwoman
ben-teaysteyder ~ masseuse
ben-thalhear ~ tailoress
ben theayee ~ commoner (female)
ben thie ~ housewife, housekeeper, landlady,
ben treoghe ~ widow
ben treoghe toghyragh ~ dowager
Ben Tsar ~ Tsarina
ben-ughtar ~ authoress
ben-ughtar vranchloie ~ tragedienne
ben uinnee ~ baker (woman)
ben ullee ~ virtuoso
ben vaanrit ~ bedlamite
ben vaarderagh ~ loose woman, adulteress
ben vane ~ blond(e)
ben Vanninagh ~ Manxwoman
ben vanshey ~ bridemaid
ben vargee ~ marketwoman
ben varkee ~ horsewoman
ben varkys ~ marchioness
ben varran ~ baroness
ben-varrooder ~ murderess
ben veealeragh ~ termagent
ben veoir ~ stewardess, mayoress
ben viallagh ~ benefactress
ben vie thie ~ domesticated woman
ben vingagh ~ jurywoman
ben violagh ~ temptress
ben vochilley ~ shepherdess
ben voiragh ~ virago
ben voiroil ~ matron
ben vooarleaghagh ~ snob (female)
ben vooinjerey ~ cousin, kinswoman, relation
ben voyllee ~ sponsor
ben vraar ayrey ~ aunt
ben vraarey ~ sister-in-law
ben-vreearreyder ~ votaress
ben Vretnagh ~ Welshwoman
ben wagaanagh ~ baggage (woman)
ben whaalee ~ needlewoman, sempstress,
ben whaaley ~ sewing woman
ben y phoosee ~ bride
ben y phoosey ~ to take a wife
ben y thie ~ woman of the house
ben-yallooder ~ sculptress, idolatress
ben yeearree ~ applicant (female)
ben yeirkagh ~ almswoman
ben yeirkeydagh ~ Lady Almoner (hospital)
ben Yernagh ~ Irishwoman
ben yiarg ~ notorious woman
ben yiass ~ southerner (female)
ben ynsee ~ tutoress, governess, female teacher
ben ynsee scoill ~ school ma'am
ben yoarree ~ stranger (female)
benaaghtagh ~ landlady
benaeglagh ~ girl guide
benainshter scoill ~ school dame
benainshteyr ~ missis
benainshtyr ~ madam, mistress, landlady
benainshtyr clienney ~ nursery governess
benainshtyr phost ~ postmistress
benainshtyr scoill ~ school ma'am
benchiarn Injinagh ~ ranee
benchiarn thallooin ~ landlady
bendiuic ~ duchess
Benedict ~ Benedict
Benedictagh ~ Benedictine
Bengaalagh ~ Bengali
Bengaalish ~ Bengali
Benjamin ~ Benjamin
benloayrtagh ~ interlocutress
benn (rish) ~ fiddle with
bennag ~ wifie
bennalt ~ fly, flap, flutter, waft, winnow
bennaltagh ~ winnower, helicopter
benneyder ~ toucher
benoil ~ ladylike, womanish, womanly,
womanlike, wifely, effeminate
benoilaght ~ reserve, womanliness,
benoilid ~ womanliness
benpholeen ~ policewoman
benrein ~ queen
Benrein ny Boayldyn ~ Queen of the May
bensaggyrt ~ priestess
bensedreen ~ benzedrine
benseen ~ benzene
benshyr ~ debenture
benshyr gioaldeeaght ~ mortgage debenture
benshyr roie ~ floating debenture
bensol ~ bensol
bentyn ~ touch (feel), contiguous, touching
bentyn da ~ touch, relate, pertain, belong,
relevant, vis-\o'a-'-vis, relation
bentyn da corp y raa ~ predicative
bentyn da gorley shymlee ~ tubercular
bentyn da keird ~ vocational
bentyn da lheeys-ollee ~ veterinary
bentyn da'n cheilley ~ related
bentyn da'n vinnagh ~ visceral
bentyn rish ~ touch, affect, concern, tamper,
wash (of sea), relative, vis-a-vis
bentyn rish keeagh yiuag ~ uvular
bentyn rish kiartys ymmyd ~ usufructuary
bentyn rish ny benaeglee ~ guiding
bentyn rish y chengey veg ~ uvular
bentyn ry cheilley ~ kiss
bentynagh ~ tangent, tactile, pertinent
bentynys ~ relevance, tangency
beoyn ~ instinct, trend, liability, set, aptness,
fate, tendency, drift
beoynagh ~ trendy
beoyneydagh ~ fatalistic
beoyneyder ~ fatalist
beoyneydys ~ fatalism
beoynyn aggle straiddey ~ agoraphobic
berchagh ~ wealthy, rich, opulent, well-to-do
berchee ~ wealthiness, richer; the rich
berchid ~ opulence, richness, wealth
berchys ~ riches, wealth, richness, substance,
berchys-voyrnagh ~ purse-proud
berht ~ layed
berhys ~ increase (of stock)
Berleen ~ Berlin
Berleenagh ~ Berliner
Ny Bermioodee ~ Bermudas
Berne ~ Berne
berraghtyn ~ catch, overtake, pull ahead
berraghtyn ayns cosheeagh ~ outpace
berraghtyn er ~ pass, overtake, overhaul
berraghtyn er reesht ~ repass
berraghtyn lesh lassoo ~ lasso
berreen [f] ~ cake
berreen charvish ~ seedcake
berreen corkey ~ oatcake
berreen Elveishagh ~ Swiss roll
berreen ghryle ~ girdle cake, slapjack
berreen mess ~ slabcake
berreen oarn ~ barleycake
berreen ooyllagh ~ apple tart
berreen ruggyree ~ birthday cake
berreen soo thallooin ~ strawberry cake
berreen spiosit ~ spicecake
berreen spunje ~ sponge cake
berreen Vadeiragh ~ Madeira cake
berreen vanshey ~ bride's cake
berreen vashtee ~ christening cake
berreen volley ~ honey cake
berreen vreck ~ currant cake
berreenyn ~ pastry
berreman ~ horse collar
berreyder ~ overtaker
berrish [f] ~ currant, berry
berrish euar ny greg ~ juniper berry
berrish feeyney ~ grape
berrish ghlass ~ gooseberry
berrish ghoo ~ blackcurrant
berrish ghorrym ~ dewberry
berrish hrammanagh ~ elderberry
berrish ooyllagh ~ appleberry
berrish phibbyragh ~ peppercorn
berrish rangagh ghlass ~ white currant
berrish yiarg ~ redcurrant
berrishagh ~ berried, berry bearing
berrit (er) ~ outpaced, overtaken
bert ~ laid, layed
beryl ~ beryl
beseek ~ bezique
Bessee ~ Betty
bett ~ wager, bet; brook, beck
bettal ~ bet, wager
betteyder ~ better, punter
beuyr ~ deaf men
bevyl ~ bevel
bevyllit ~ bevelled
beyr ~ lane
bher ~ roasting spit, broach
Bhow Ghorree ~ rainbow
bhurtag ~ blunt tool
bhut ~ prop, support
bhuttag ~ gusset, short furrow
bhuttoor ~ apron of dam
bial ~ submit, dutiful
biall ~ obedient
biallagh ~ subject, submissive, docile, dutiful,
obedient person
biallagh (da) ~ subject
biallagh da'n leigh ~ law-abiding
biallys ~ obedience, submission, docility,
bibbernee ~ shiver, shivering
biblagh ~ biblical
bible ~ bible
bibleagh ~ biblical
biddee ~ bird's foot
bieau ~ quick, rapid, express
bieau chassagh ~ fleet-footed
bieauaghey ~ acceleration
bieaughey ~ advance, speed
bieauid ~ speed, velocity, rapidity, tempo, pace,
bieauid beill ~ muzzle velocity
bieauid cosnee ~ escape velocity
bieauid cruinlagh ~ orbital speed
bieauid hollys ~ velocity of light
bieauid lhuingey ~ sea speed
bieauid lossee ~ breakneck
bieauid ny geayee ~ wind velocity
bieauid shooyl ~ walking pace
bieauid 'syn aer ~ air speed
bieauid tarlheimagh ~ landing speed
bieauid thallooin ~ ground speed
bieauid uillinagh ~ angular velocity
biggin ~ spoiled child, pet
biggin yn lught thie ~ the Benjamin
bigginagh ~ petted, pet
biljagh ~ wooded, arboreal
billad ~ billet
billagh ~ wooded, tree, woody
billey ~ tree, big bush, bank bill, bill (proposed
billey aeg ~ sapling
billey airnag ~ damson tree
billey almon ~ almond tree
billey almug ~ almug tree
billey apricoc ~ apricot tree
billey argid ~ money bill
billey bananey ~ banana tree
billey banc ~ bank bill
billey beih ~ birch tree
billey buigh ~ sweet bay, bay tree
billey bwee ~ laurel
billey cainleagh ~ wax myrtle
billey cannial ~ cinnamon
billey cashoo ~ cashew
billey castan ~ chestnut tree
billey coco ~ cacao tree
billey cornel ~ cornelian
billey coyin ~ dwarf cornel
billey creen ~ withered tree
billey cro ~ nut tree
billey cro-cabbyl ~ horse chestnut
billey cuinnsey ~ quince tree
billey cullyn ~ holly tree
billey cuphar ~ cypress
billey darragh ~ oak tree
billey date ~ date palm
billey eabban ~ ebony
billey eairkey ~ cork oak
billey euar ~ Yew tree
billey faagit ~ staddle
billey faih ~ beech tree
billey feeyney ~ vine, grapevine
billey figgagh ~ fig tree
billey frangagh ~ laburnum
billey galchro ~ walnut tree
billey granooyl ~ pomegranate tree
billey greimmey ~ wild service tree
billey gum ~ gum tree
billey hollin ~ holly tree
billey juys ~ conifer, fir
billey keanagh ~ cotton tree
billey keirn ~ rowan
billey kenney ~ arbutus
billey kereagh ~ wax tree
billey keylley ~ timber tree, forest tree
billey kidrane ~ citron
billey laurys ~ laurel
billey lhome ~ naked tree
billey limon ~ lemon tree
billey locust ~ carob tree, algarroba, locust tree
billey malpys ~ maple tree
billey mangrove ~ mangrove tree
billey masthag ~ mastic tree
billey mess ~ fruit tree
billey mess boalley ~ wall fruit
billey millish ~ bay tree
billey naghtyreen ~ nectarine tree
billey niau ~ tree of heaven
billey Nollick ~ Christmas tree
billey ny bea ~ lignum vitae
billey ny coyin ~ dogwood
billey ooyl ~ apple tree
billey ooyl feie ~ wilding
billey oranje ~ orange tree
billey palm ~ palm tree
billey peear ~ pear tree
billey peitshag ~ peach tree
billey plaaney ~ plane
billey plumbis ~ plum tree
billey plumbis glass ~ greengage
billey pobbyl ~ poplar
billey quassia ~ quassia
billey rubbyr ~ rubber tree
billey ruissagh ~ rhododendron
billey santyl ~ sandalwood
billey sedar ~ cedar
billey shapaanagh ~ japonica
billey shillish ~ cherry tree
billey shykey ~ sycamore
billey skeag ~ thorn tree
billey slaanee ~ senna
billey smeyr ~ mulberry
billey snauee ~ dugout
billey theiley ~ linden tree, lime tree
billey tooishey ~ frankincense
billey unjin ~ ash tree
billey y chugyr ~ sugar maple tree
billey y chur er y voayrd ~ to table a bill
billey ymmyrkee ~ waybill
billey yn stait ~ treasury bill
billeyder ~ tree doctor
billeydeyr ~ arboriculturist, arborist
billeydeyraght ~ arboriculture
billeydys ~ arborescence
billiardyn ~ billiards
billioon ~ billion
billooneyr ~ billionaire
billy yn tweet ~ meadow pipit
bine ~ drink, drop, peg of whiskey
bine cleayshey ~ ear drop
bine er bine ~ drop by drop
bine er boayrd ~ squiffy
bine fliaghee ~ raindrop
bineagh ~ droppy
bineen ~ droplet, bead of liquid
bing [f] ~ committee, jury; tuneful, musical,
sweet, shrill
bing foddyragh ~ fodder jury
bing hoie ~ setting quest
bing obbree ~ executive committee
bing reaghee ~ organizing committee
bing reiht ~ select committee
bing reiltys ~ government committee
bing slattey ~ yarding jury
bing slystagh ~ district committee
bing stiuree ~ management committee
bing vaaish ~ inquest
bing vail ~ rent tribunal
bing veg ~ setting quest, petty jury
bing vooar ~ grand jury
bingagh ~ jury
bingey ~ of a jury
bingys ~ ring, music, sounding, yielding music,
intonation, shrillness
bingyssagh ~ yielding music, clangorous,
sounding, tunable, harmonic
binjagh ~ curdled
binjaghey ~ clot, curdle
binjean ~ curdled milk, junket, curd; eelwrack
binjeanaghey ~ curdle
binjey ~ rennet
binjid ~ curdiness
binjit ~ curdled, clotted
bink [f] ~ bench
bink ny bingey ~ jury box
bink ny briwnys ~ judgement bench
bink ny shanstyryn ~ aldermanic bench
bink obbree ~ workbench
bink prowallagh ~ testbench
bink saaue ~ sawbench
bink saauederagh ~ sawyer's jack
bink tessen ~ crossbench
binkey ~ whip (as cream)
binkeyr ~ bencher
binkeyr seyr ~ crossbencher
binn ~ peaks, ends, ben, bottoms, summs,
ny binn ~ the wings
binnid [f] ~ rennet
binsh ~ tribunal
binshey ~ rennet
bio ~ alive, live, lifelike, bright, hot, activated,
pictorial, afloat, live person, spring tide after
bio- ~ (prefix) live-, quick-
bio-ghiarrey ~ vivisection, vivisect
bio-heelragh ~ viviparous
bio-hooillagh ~ quick eyed
bio-horragh ~ movement of unborn child
bio-inchynagh ~ quick-witted
bio-vreyagh ~ viviparous
bioagh ~ animal, being (person), live person,
living creature
bioal ~ breezy, brisk, animated, perky,
bioalid ~ perkiness
bioalys ~ breeziness
biocheim ~ quickstep
ny bioee ~ the quick, the living
bioghee ~ quicken, enliven
bioghey ~ animate, enliven, enlivenment
bioghey roayrt ~ spring tide after neap
biogheydane ~ vivarium
biogheyder ~ animator, a lively spark
bioghid ~ animation
bioghys ~ animation
bioid ~ liveliness, animation, vivacity
bioit ~ animated, enlivened, quickened
biol ~ violin, fiddle, viol, bow drill
biol-chloieder ~ violinist, fiddler, fiddle
biol ferrish ~ dogfish eggcases
biol injil ~ double bass
biol vooar ~ viola, bass viol
biomane ~ vitamin
biootane ~ butane
bioyr ~ lively, graphic, spirited, soulstirring,
vivacious, vibrant, brisk, spry, smart, bright,
volatile, frisky, nippy, breezy, vivid (as
bioyr-chassagh ~ lightfooted
bioyr-chassaght ~ lightfootedness
bioyragh ~ bracing
bioyraghey ~ smarten, activate, vitalize,
animate, enlivenment, activation
bioyral ~ high-spirited, brisk
bioyrid ~ liveliness, physical activity, freshness
(of wind), smartness, brightness
bioyrid bree ~ vitality
bioyrid y ghoaill ~ perk
bioyrit ~ animated, smartened, enlivened
bioys ~ life, existence, being, life-saving,
bir ~ tops, roasting spits
biritch ~ bridge
birk ~ grains of corn
birling [f] ~ yacht, galley, Viking longship
birling ghooblit ~ catamaran
birling reeoil ~ royal yacht
birlingagh ~ yachtsmanship, yachtsman
birr ~ point
birr-chooylley ~ needle valve
birrag ~ spike, fang, eye tooth, canine tooth,
skewer, Dutch rush, shave grass
birrag chroeshey ~ crochet hook
birrag eeackle ~ toothpick
birrag ny hawin ~ stickleback
birrag sy vio ~ a thorn in the flesh
birrag veill ~ lipstick
birragagh ~ spiked
birragh ~ sharp, spiky, pointed, tapered,
birraghey ~ tone up, taper, sharpen
birran ~ spike file, style, cusp
birran carvat ~ tiepin
birran edd ~ hatpin
birran grainnaghey ~ engraving needle
birran gruaig ~ hairpin
birran nittal ~ knitting needle
birranagh ~ sharp, pointed
birreyder ~ sharpener
birrid ~ pointedness, acuteness
birrit ~ sharpened
biseps ~ biceps
bishagh ~ thriving, betterment, rally, interest
bishaghey ~ thrive, increase, wax (as moon),
prosper, develop, accrue, multiply, expand,
expansion, growth, accession (of funds),
multiplication, development
bishaghey keead keayrt ~ centuple
bishaght ~ addition
bishan ~ multiple
bishan sloo ~ least common multiple
bishee ~ productive
bishee liorish kiare ~ quadruple
bisheyder ~ increaser, multiplier, prosperer,
bisheydys ~ boom
bishit ~ multiplied
bishoil ~ reproductive
bisk ~ bisque
biskee ~ biscuit
biskeeyn millish ~ fancy biscuits
bismuth ~ bismuth
bitchey ~ bitch (canine)
bite ~ lure, wick, bait
bite bio ~ live bait
bite caddan ~ caddis bait
bite cainley ~ a candlewick
bite eeastee ~ bait
bite laue-jeant ~ artificial bait
bitey ~ bait, baiting
bivaag ~ bivouac
blaa ~ bloom, flower, pride, heyday
blaa aeg ~ flowerbud, bud
blaa arroo ~ bluebottle, cornflower
blaa beayn ~ immortelle
blaa Boaldyn ~ lily of the valley
blaa boalley ~ wallflower
blaa Feill' Eoin ~ wallflower
blaa greiney ~ Jerusalem artichoke
blaa noa my-vlaa ~ new-blown flower
blaa Nollick ~ Christmas rose
blaa ny feoghaig ~ periwinkle
blaa ny ferrishyn ~ campion, red campion, white
blaa ny jeeigey ~ water purslane
blaa ny moddee ~ dogberry
blaa ny Nollick ~ helebore
blaa oranje ~ orange blossom
blaa peitshag ~ peach blossom
blaa ruishagh ~ sea pink, pink
blaa slaanee ~ snapdragon
blaa sniaghtee ~ snowdrop
blaa villish ~ violet
blaa vreck ~ flowered, flowery
blaa yn 'Eaill Eoin ~ gilliflower, brompton stock
blaachass ~ peduncle
blaader ~ babbler, tub thumper, boring person,
flowery spoken person, wide mouth (of
blaaderagh ~ gushing, babbling
blaaderys ~ babbling, smooth talk, blarney
blaag ~ floret
blaaghey ~ bud, flower, bloom, flourish
blaagheyder ~ florist
blaaghyn ~ monthly
blaaghyn rioee ~ frost work
blaaghyn (urree) ~ periods
blaanid ~ flora
blaaoil ~ florid, floral, flowery
blaaoilid ~ floweriness, rotundity
blaare ~ plain
blaashagh buigh ~ corn marigold
blaastey ~ season, sampling
blaatarys ~ floweriness
blah ~ lukewarm
blah-folley ~ warm-blooded
blah heh ~ lukewarm
blah hiass ~ warmth, lukewarmth
blah-hie ~ hothouse
blahagh ~ tepid
blahaght ~ tepidity
blahys ~ warmth
blakail ~ stare, gape
blake ~ gape
blakeagh ~ staring
blakey ~ gape, peer, stare, ogle
blakey (fargagh) ~ glare
blakey ny share (na) ~ outstare
blakeyder ~ ogler, starer, admirer, gazer, gaper
ny blakeyn ~ the gapes (in poultry)
blakys ~ staring
blandeyr ~ soother
blandeyragh ~ soothing, soothe
Ny Blascaaidee ~ Blasket islands
blass ~ accent, flavour, taste, tinge, spiciness,
blass agglagh ~ affected speech
blass lajer ~ broad accent
blass millish ~ sweet taste
blass ny cheerey ~ local colour
blass rolaue ~ foretaste
blass shugyr ~ sugariness
blassagh ~ gustative, tasteful
blassaght ~ palatability
blasseyder caashey ~ cheese taster
blasseyder ushtey bea ~ whisky blender
blasstagh ~ savoury
blasstaght ~ tastiness, savouriness
blasstal ~ tasty, seasoned, fruity
blasstalys ~ seasoning, tastiness, savouriness
blasstan ~ flavouring
blasstey ~ relish, savour, sample
blassteyder feeyney ~ wine taster
blassteyder tey ~ tea blender
blasstyn ~ savour, relish, taste
blasstynys ~ unction
blastynys ~ smack (taste)
Blaunsh ~ Blanche
blayst ~ flavour, taste, tang
blaystal ~ expressive
blayster ~ taste
blaystey ~ sample
blaysteyr ~ taster
blaystyn ~ taste
b'leaie ~ sooner
bleakey ~ bleak
blean ~ loin, flank, groin
bleastaneyr ~ bomber
bleastey ~ burst, blast
bleastey magh ~ burst (of sound)
bleayn ~ haemorrhoid, pile
bleayn-asney ~ groin
bleaynagh ~ haemorrhoidal, pile
bleaynit ~ groined
b'leayr dy row ~ clearly
bleayst ~ shell, hull, husk, body, gill cover,
crust, shield, bang
bleayst chro ~ nutshell
bleayst ghalchro ~ walnut shell
bleayst ooh ~ eggshell
bleayst phisheragh ~ peapod
bleayst shligganagh ~ tortoise shell
bleaystag ~ fog signal
bleaystag Nollick ~ Christmas cracker
bleaystagh ~ explosive, detonating; husked,
bleaystaghey ~ shell, unhusk
bleaystan ~ shell, bomb
bleaystan breinn ~ stink bomb
bleaystan gas ~ gas shell
bleaystan jaagh ~ smoke shell
bleaystan-jeen ~ bombproof
bleaystan marrey ~ depth charge
bleaystan rollageagh ~ star shell
bleaystan traa ~ timebomb
bleaystaneen ~ squib
bleaystaney ~ bomb, shell
bleaystanyr ~ bombardier
bleaystanys ~ bombardment, bombing, shelling
bleaystey ~ explode, detonate, blow out;
explosion, detonation, blast
bleaystey (lesh poodyr) ~ dynamite
bleaysteyder ~ detonator, shot firer
bleaystit ~ unhusked; blow up, blasted,
bleaystoil ~ blasting
bleb ~ fool, dupe, idiot
blebban ~ see blebbin
blebbin ~ silly person, laughing stock, sucker,
buffoon, simpleton, zany, pawn
blebbin (cleayshey) ~ earlobe
blebbinagh ~ foolish, gullible
blebbinaght ~ gullibility
blebbinys ~ craziness, folly, tomfoolery,
bleddyr ~ vesica, bladder
bleddyr geayee ~ windbag (person)
bleddyragh ~ vesical
bledje ~ wool winder
bleeanagh ~ annual
bleeanaght ~ annuity
bleeanaghteyr ~ annuitant
bleeaney ~ anniversary, of a year
bleih ~ grist, grind, ninny, duffer, halfling,
bleih (dy hroggeyder) ~ jerry builder
bleihagh ~ unbusinesslike, worthless
bleihder ~ grinder, molar
bleihder caffee ~ coffee mill
bleihderagh ~ molar
bleihit ~ ground
blein [f] ~ year, twelvemonth
blein er dy henney ~ in twelvemonth past
blein feayslee ~ jubilee
blein habbadagh ~ sabbatical year
blein noa ny h-eayst ~ lunar new year
blein ny greiney ~ solar year
blein ny h-eayst ~ lunar year
Blein Nyn Jiarn ~ Anno Domini
blein seyr ~ sabbatical year
Blein Vaynrey Noa! ~ Happy New Year!
Blein Vie Noa! ~ Happy New Year!
Blein vie ny yei! ~ Good riddance to him!
blein vishee ~ leap year, bissextile
blein voish nish ~ in twelvemonth future
blein yn chiarn ~ dominical year
blein Yool ~ Julian year
bleinoil ~ annual, yearly
bleintag ~ annual
blennick ~ lard, fatty tissue, fat
blennick vuickey ~ lard
blennickagh ~ corpulent, fat-fleshed, fatlike,
blest ~ draught, gust, blast of wind
blest keayin ~ sea blast
blestal ~ blast, blow up
blestit ~ blasted
blib ~ bleb (on skin)
blick ~ blocks
blick ayns kerrooyn ~ quartered logs
blick chiouyl ~ keel block(s)
blieaun ~ milking
blinkey ~ whisk, whip of cream
blinkeyder ~ whisk
blinkeyder ooh ~ egg whisk
blinkit ~ whisked, whipped
blissane ~ globe artichoke
blob ~ blabber, blabberer, blot of ink
bloberagh ~ babbling
bloberaght ~ divulge, babble, blab, divulgation
bloberey ~ babbler, blabberer
block ~ log, block, pad, cake of soap, paving
block aile ~ fire log
block foiee ~ wood block
block foshlit ~ snatch block
block glackan ~ brake block
block-lettyr ~ block letter
block sheeabinagh ~ tablet (of soap)
block teiy ~ chopping block
block thoanney ~ breech block
block ullag ~ pulley block
block y Nollick ~ yule log
blockeyder ~ block maker
blod ~ blade, knife blade, propeller blade
blod baaree ~ razor blade
blod cassee ~ vane
blod daa foyr ~ two-edged blade
bloghan ~ coalfish
blonnag ~ lard
blonnagagh ~ lardy
bloom ~ bloom
bloomeryn ~ bloomers
bloose ~ blouse, smock
bloose doont ~ slip-on blouse
bloose lheiney ~ shirt blouse
blouse ~ sloven
blubbagh ~ full (of lips)
blubbanagh ~ parch
bluckan ~ croquette, ball, ball bearing
bluckan aile ~ fireball
bluckan bascaidagh ~ basketball
bluckan cartharnee ~ cannonball
bluckan chenney ~ fireball
bluckan cooyrtey ~ fives
bluckan coshey ~ football
bluckan criggad ~ cricket ball
bluckan crystal ~ crystal ball
bluckan doarneyr ~ punching ball
bluckan eeast ~ fish ball
bluckan ferrish ~ fuzzball
bluckan foalley ~ rissole
bluckan keyrragh ~ devil's snuff box
bluckan laue ~ handball
bluckan praase ~ potato ball
bluckan sniaghtee ~ snowball
bluckan traa ~ time ball
bluckan traie ~ beachball
bluckan-valley ~ baseball
bluckan yiarn ~ cannonball
bluckanagh ~ globular, ball-like
bluckaneen ~ glomerule
bluckaney ~ ball, agglomerate
bluckaneyr ~ footballer
bluckaneyrys ~ Gaelic football, football
bluckaneyrys Gaelgagh ~ Gaelic football
bluckanyn lhemyn ~ mothballs
bluckanys ~ agglomeration
bluggan ~ ball
bluggan snaa cughlinagh ~ cop
blugganagh ~ ball-like
bluid ~ blades
bluight ~ galactic, king cup, lactiferous, lacteal
bluightagh ~ king cup
bluightys ~ lactescence, lactation
blurb ~ blurb
Boadagh ~ Buteman
boaddagh ~ vulgarian
boaddagh boght ~ poor cod
boaddagh ruy ~ rock cod
boadrym ~ legshield, leg armour, shinguard,
buskin, greave
boadrymit ~ buskined
boagandhoa ~ burweed
boagandoo ~ scarecrow
boagee ~ bogie
boaghan-doa ~ burdock
boaie sauchys ~ lifebuoy
boal ~ wall, swelling
boalane ~ outhouse, cattlehouse
Boaldyn [f] ~ May
Boaldyn Heear ~ Baldwin West
Boaldyney ~ of May
boallaghey ~ to wall, enclose, impale
boallaghey stiagh ~ immure
boallaghyn caggee ~ battlements
boalley ~ dyke, wall, bulwark, wall building
boalley bane ~ blank wall
boalley bouyr ~ acoustic wall
boalley caglee ~ party wall
boalley chirrym ~ dry wall
boalley claare ~ wallboard, hoarding
boalley cloaie ~ stone wall, fell dyke
boalley coadee ~ bulwark
boalley feayr ~ dry wall
boalley glonney ~ glass partition
boalley lhuingey ~ bulkhead
boalley marrey ~ seawall, breakwater,
revetment, mole
boalley meanagh ~ partition wall
boalley scarree ~ dividing wall
boalley sthie ~ scarp
boalley uinnagagh ~ clerestory
boalleyder ~ waller, dyker
boallit ~ walled, dyked, enclosed
boalt croae ~ eyebolt
boandagh ~ incumbent, obligatory, binding
boanderey ~ nurse
boandey ~ connection, band, bond, binding, link,
animal chain
boandey edd ~ hatband
boandey lurgey ~ puttee
boandey mhuinneel ~ wristband
boandey ollish ~ sweatband
boandey ry-cheilley ~ band together
boandey yiarn ~ iron band
boandit ~ banded
boandit ry-cheilley ~ banded together
boandrymagh ~ padded
boandyn bishee ~ premium bonds
boandyr ~ nanny, nursemaid, nurse
boandyr chee ~ wet nurse
boandyr hingys ~ sick nurse
boandyr shiast ~ dry nurse
boandyragh ~ nursing
boandyrey ~ male nurse
boandyrey firryn ~ male nurse
boandyrit ~ nursed
boandyrys ~ nurse, nursing
boanlagh ~ litter, rubbish, lumber
boanlagh ny theayee ~ scum of the earth, dregs
of humanity
boannoo ~ half-grown pig
boaragh ~ boric
boarder ~ border
boardrailagh ~ borderer
boastagh ~ boast
boastagh(ey) ~ brag
boasteil ~ boast, boasting, brag
boasteilagh ~ vainglorious, boaster, boasting,
boasteilys ~ vainglory, bragging, boasting
boasteyr ~ boaster
boayl ~ place, location, scene, spot, stand,
centre, where, indentation
boayl aahoiaghey ~ resettlement centre
boayl aalin ~ beauty spot (place)
boayl aash ~ layby
boayl ard ~ high place
boayl arrey ~ look out
boayl breck ~ mottle
boayl cadlee ~ dormitory
boayl chaglym ~ venue
boayl cloie ~ playground
boayl co-haglee ~ focal point
boayl coptyragh ~ helidrome
boayl couyr ~ aid post
boayl doo ~ black spot (roses)
boayl eaishtaght ~ listening post
boayl eirinagh ~ steading
boayl elley ~ elsewhere
boayl ennagh ~ somewhere
boayl ennagh mygeayrt ~ neighbourship
boayl-ennym ~ toponym
boayl er lheh ~ reservation, private place
boayl erbee ~ any place, anywhere, nowhere,
boayl etlee ~ aerodrome
boayl faagee ~ departure point
boayl faarkee ~ watering place
boayl fadanagh ~ recess
boayl fahrane ~ beauty spot
boayl fakin ~ viewpoint (beauty spot)
boayl farkee ~ waiting place
boayl fasnee ~ winnowing place
boayl fastee ~ sheltering place
boayl follit ~ private place
boayl follym ~ vacant space
boayl gammanyn ~ amusement arcade
boayl glen ~ clearing in forest
boayl gorrym ~ bruise
boayl heear ~ westerly
boayl jiarg ~ birthmark, blotch
boayl keiltynys ~ lurking place, hiding place
boayl kiarail yeean ~ intensive care unit
boayl kied chouyr ~ ambulance (place)
boayl lheiltys ~ gymnasium
boayl lhiggey ~ shooting range
boayl margee ~ marketplace
boayl mooiney ~ urinal
boayl mooynlee ~ sewage plant
Boayl ny Gerragh ~ the place of the sheep
boayl oanluckee ~ burial place
boayl-oayllee ~ topographer
boayl-oaylleeaght ~ topography
boayl ooashlee ~ place of worship
boayl pairkal ~ parking place
boayl quaaltys ~ rendezvous
boayl raun ~ seal rookery
boayl rauney ~ seal rookery
boayl reaghit ~ trysting place
boayl ruggyree ~ birthplace
boayl ruy ~ strawberry mark
boayl scuirr ~ layby
boayl shappal ~ shopping centre
boayl shelg ~ hunting ground
boayl shellee ~ osier bed
boayl sodjey ~ apogee
boayl sollagh ~ black spot
boayl sollys ~ flare
boayl sollysh ~ light spot
boayl teeal ~ teeing ground
boayl troghan ~ rookery
boaylagh ~ indented
Boayldyn ~ Baldwin, Belthane
Boayldyn Hiar ~ Baldwin East
boayn ~ environ, flank, wing (of party)
boayneyder ~ wing, winger
boayrd ~ shelf of rock, table, plank, board
boayrd altaragh ~ altar desk
boayrd argid ~ paydesk, pay box
boayrd bargane ~ bargain counter
boayrd bee ~ buffet
boayrd beg ~ small table
boayrd billiard ~ billiard table
boayrd caffee ~ coffee table
boayrd carrooagh ~ gaming table
boayrd casherick ~ altar
boayrd cheu fastee ~ leeboard
boayrd chymlee ~ mantelpiece
boayrd coirree ~ boil deck
boayrd coirrey ~ boil deck
boayrd coontee ~ counter, bar (of hotel)
boayrd coontee shapp ~ shop counter
boayrd cosheeagh ~ promenade deck
Yn Boayrd Cruinn ~ The Round Table
boayrd daa ghuillag ~ two-leaved table
boayrd daahder ~ palette
boayrd doo ~ blackboard
boayrd drommey ~ back rest
Boayrd Failt ~ Tourist Board
boayrd fastee ~ shelter deck
boayrd feeyney ~ credence table
boayrd fillee ~ folding table
boayrd fogree ~ hoarding
boayrd fogrey ~ bill board
boayrd frauaigagh ~ fibre board
boayrd goaldee ~ table d'h\o'o^'te
boayrd greiney ~ sun deck
boayrd hummee ~ diving board
boayrd jerree ~ after deck, poop deck
boayrd jeshee ~ toilet table
boayrd kaart ~ card table
boayrd laanagh ~ pedestal table
boayrd lhaih ~ reading desk
boayrd lhuingey ~ shipboard
boayrd lout ~ back board
boayrd manglym ~ cocktail bar
boayrd muinneelagh ~ sleeve board
boayrd niaghyn ~ wash stand
Boayrd ny Keylljin ~ Forestry Board
boayrd ny stiureyderyn ~ board of directors
boayrd obbraidee ~ operating table
boayrd obbyr ~ work table
boayrd ooiree ~ earth-bound (on plough)
boayrd oonlee ~ wash stand
boayrd queeyllagh ~ dumb waiter
Boayrd Raaidyn Mooarey ~ Highway Board
boayrd scaane ~ dressing table
boayrd screeuee ~ scrutoire, blackboard
boayrd scrutee ~ public body
boayrd shapp ~ sign board
boayrd skensh ~ scoreboard
boayrd skeollee ~ splashboard
boayrd stellyn ~ trestle table
boayrd stiuree ~ directorate
boayrd tawlish ~ checkers board
boayrd tessen ~ travis board
boayrd tey ~ tea table
boayrd ushtey ~ water board
boayrd y fer thie ~ table d'h\o'o^'te
boayrd yn ushtey ~ gunwale
boayrdeen ~ trapezium, small table
boayrdey ~ plank
boayrdey sheese ~ plank down
boballeen ~ pompon
bochill anmey ~ pastor
bochillagh ~ pastoral
bochillagh(ey) ~ herd
bochillaght ~ drove, herd, shepherd, look after
bochilley ~ shepherd, herdsman
bochilley anmey ~ pastor, cleric
bochilley baa ~ cowherd
bochilley goair ~ goatherd
bochilley guoiee ~ gooseherd
bochilley muickey ~ swineherd
bochilley ollee ~ cowherd
bochilley skeddan ~ rabbit fish
bochillit ~ looked after
bock ~ male, he, josser, swell, buck, gelding
bock bouyran ~ laughing stock, ignoramous,
bock eaddagh ~ clothes horse
bock-ghoayr ~ male goat
bock glass ~ smooth hound
bock goayr ~ billy-goat, he-goat
Bock Juan Fannee ~ Shank's pony
bock-lheim ~ buck jump
bock mooar ~ bigwig, toff
bock Voayldyn ~ wild boy
bock Yuan Fannee ~ walking stick
bockeen ~ spiv
bockeen straiddey ~ Teddy boy
bockeenagh ~ spivvish
bockeeys ~ oestrum, lechery
bocs ~ box (for gears), container
bocs cabbil ~ box (mobile)
bocs chaghteraght ~ dispatch box
bocs kiaullee ~ accordion
bocs smarrey ~ grease box
bocseyr ~ boxer dog
bodd ~ butt
Boddagh ~ Boyde
boddagh ~ peasant, yokel, countryman, farm
servant, boor, an old man
boddaghoil ~ peasantlike
boddaght ~ rudeness, boorishness
bodjal ~ cloud, fog, film on the eye
bodjal beg ~ cloudlet
bodjal carnaneagh ~ cumulus
bodjal fliaghee ~ nimbus, rain cloud
bodjal liauyr ~ bar cloud
bodjal sniaghtee ~ snow cloud
bodjal sooilley ~ cataract
bodjal sterrymagh ~ storm cloud
bodjal straihagh ~ stratus
bodjal taarnee ~ thunder cloud
bodjallagh ~ overcast, foggy, cloudy, nebulous,
blear (of outline)
bodjallaght ~ nebulosity, cloud cover
bodjalley ~ becoming overcast
bodjallyn loamragh ~ woolly clouds
bodjallys ~ cloudiness
b'odjey ~ farthest
Boe Mooar ~ Bowmore
Boeragh ~ Boer
boesyn ~ boatswain
bog ~ soft, easy, tender, flabby, pulpy, slack,
limp, moist, loose (of cough), soft-hearted,
callow (of youth)
bog-chreeagh ~ chicken-hearted
bog-riurid ~ podginess
bog-roauyr ~ podgy
bog-veeallagh ~ soft-mouthed
bog-vroiet ~ soft-boiled
bog-vroojit ~ squashy
bogee ~ bogey
boggagh ~ soften, steep
boggaghey ~ soften, relax, tone down, ease,
moisten, dissolve, push off, elide, aspirate,
steep, macerate, relaxation, elision,
boggaghys ~ aspiration
boggeeaght ~ joyfulness
boggeeys ~ lechery, oestrum
boggey ~ scumble, joyfulness, joy
boggey eunys ~ gladness
boggeyder ~ softener
boggeyder ushtey ~ water softener
boggeysagh ~ rejoicing
boggit ~ aspirate, moistened, softened, steeped,
afloat, aspirated, moisture
boggoil ~ joyful, jubilant, glad
boggoilid ~ joyfulness
boggyr ~ soft
boggys ~ boastfulness, self-satisfaction, vaunt,
boggysagh ~ smug, brag, boastful, triumphant in
nasty way, boaster
boggysaght ~ boastfulness, boasting
boggysid ~ boasting
boggyssagh ~ (see boggysagh)
boggyssit ~ vaunted
boghan-doa ~ lesser burdock
boghlanagh ~ crumbly, crumbling (of wall)
boghlane ~ broken down hedge, bank
boghlaneagh ~ tumbledown (as hedge), ruin
boghlaneys ~ rubble
boghooillyn mooarey ~ large salient eyes
boght ~ poor, shabby, skinny, deprived, grotty,
miserable, shoddy, pauper
boght-choamrit ~ shabby
boght keeir ~ dunnock, hedge sparrow
boghtaghey ~ impoverish, impoverishment
boghtinys ~ poverty
boghtynaght ~ misery
boghtynid ~ nonsense, jargon, shabbiness,
poverty, need
Boghtynid! ~ Rubbish!
boghtynid choamrey ~ shabbiness
boghtynys ~ misery
boghtys ~ shoddiness
boglagh ~ quagmire, morass, swamp; oozy,
boglagh marrey ~ salt marsh
boglagh reise ~ rice swamp
boglee ~ bog
bogleeys ~ swampiness
boglus ~ ox tongue
bogogue varrey ~ sallow thorn
bogrenish ~ royal fern
boiddagh ~ cod
boiddagh boght ~ dorse
boiddaghoil ~ stingy
boie ~ boy
boin ~ very little cow
boir (er) ~ worry (of dog)
boiragh ~ worrying, puzzling, bothersome,
uncomfortable, vociferous
boiraghey ~ trouble
boiraghey (er) ~ muddy, bother
boirane ~ troublesome person, annoyer, brawler,
blusterer, disturber
boiraneagh ~ turbulent, brawling, bothersome
boiraneys ~ nonsense, discord, harassment,
bluster, tumult, disturbance, brawl, annoyance
boiranys ~ agitation
boirey ~ care, worry, preoccupy, confuse, annoy,
disturb, row, worrier, nuisance, molestation,
embarrassment, trouble, confusion,
distraction, disruption, strife, heartache,
boirey chynskylagh ~ industrial unrest
boirey craiu ~ gnawing care
boirey (er) ~ trouble, aggrieve, perplex,
distract, bother, perturb, disconcert, put
upon, embarrass, worry, disrupt, pester,
niggle, madden, vex
boirey kirree ~ sheep worrying
boireydagh ~ troubling
boireyder ~ tease, teaser, annoyer, troubler,
nuisance, worrier
boirit ~ vexed, grieved, preoccupied, edgy,
woeful, agitated, perplexed, concerned,
pestered, embarrassed, teased, worried,
disturbed, bothered, confused
boiyr ~ sprightly
bolagh ~ channel
boldhaa ~ unbecoming head gear
bolg ~ stomach, abdomen, belly, tummy,
corporation, bilge, bowl (of lamp)
bolg-asney ~ wing rib
bolg-chassagh ~ bowlegged
bolg-hooillagh ~ bulging eyed, pop-eyed
bolg-loayreyder ~ ventriloquist
bolg-loayrt ~ ventriloquism
bolg-loayrtagh ~ ventriloquial, ventriloquist
bolg-loayrtys ~ ventriloquy
bolg mooar ~ paunch
bolg streeaney ~ boss
bolg-yiarrey ~ hara-kiri
bolgagh ~ bulging, puffy, bellied, abdominal,
billowy, blister, moss, bog
bolgagh baa ~ cow pox
bolgagh frangagh ~ pox
bolgagh muickey ~ swine pox
bolgagh (vreck) ~ variola
bolgagh vuc ~ swine pox
bolgaghey ~ bag, puff out
bolgan ~ bladder, vesicle, sac, bubble, blister
on paint, bulb of thermometer
bolgan aer ~ airhole
bolgan chentagh ~ flash bulb
bolgan glenney ~ bull's-eye
bolgan ingyragh ~ abscess
bolgan lectragh ~ lamp bulb
bolgan poodyragh ~ powder puff
bolgan snauee ~ air bladder
bolganagh ~ bubbling, vesicant
bolgane ~ calf of leg
bolganeagh ~ falling
bolganey ~ bubble
bolgey ~ inflate, enlarge, dilate, swell, fill,
balloon, abdominal, dilation, inflation
bolgeyder ~ inflater, blisterer
bolgid ~ bloatedness
bolgit ~ dilated, enlarged, blistered, bloated,
filled, parched
bolgum ~ mouthful, swallow, sup, sip, draught,
bolgvuinneel ~ leg of mutton sleeve
bolgym ~ lap
bolgys ~ ooziness, bogginess, ooze
Boliveeagh ~ Bolivian
bolk ~ large piece of timber, long line
B'olk eh! ~ Hard cheese!
bolkey ~ retch
bollad ~ bollard
bollag ~ cranium, skull, death's head
bollag hiu ~ dunce
bollagagh ~ cranial, skull-like
Bollagh ~ Balloch
bollagh ~ lane, route, course, thoroughfare,
gorge, gap, curving uphill road
bollagh aeragh ~ airway
bollagh bus ~ bus route
bollagh cabbil ~ pack road
bollagh dooblit ~ dual carriageway
bollagh eddyr (thieyn) ~ intercommunication
bollagh kyagh ~ cul-de-sac
bollagh lhuingey ~ shipping lane
bollagh magh ~ way out
bollagh marrey ~ shipping lane
bollagh mooar ~ arterial road
bollagh mooar kiarklagh ~ great circle route
Bollagh ny Polann ~ Polish Corridor
bollagh stiagh ~ way in, adit
bollagh traghtee ~ trade route
bollagh ushtey ~ waterway
bollaghagh ~ cephalic
bollaghys ~ completeness
bollagys ~ loggerheads
bollan ~ wort, ballan wrasse, bollan
bollan bane ~ mugwort
bollan dhoa ~ burdock
bollan feaill'Eoin ~ mugwort
bollan Vreeshey ~ common milkwort,
buckshorn plantain
bollan y chee ~ common milkwort
bollee ~ curving uphill road
bolley ~ boll
bollid ~ amplexity
Bolsheavaghys ~ Bolshevik
bolt ~ bolt
boltal ~ key, bolt
boltal stiagh ~ bolt in
boltey ~ bolt
Bolthane ~ Belthane
bolvane ~ idiot, simpleton, stupid person
bolvaneagh ~ foolish, stupid, silly, senseless
bolvaneys ~ foolishness, stupidity
bolvanid ~ foolishness
bombaseen ~ bombasine
bondagh ~ slave, captive, bondman, vassal
bondeeys ~ bondage
bondeyr ~ bonder
bondiaght ~ slavery, bondage, captivity
bong ~ bung
bongal ~ bung
bonkan ~ crackpot, clown, rustic, mug,
buffoon, bumpkin
bonkanagh ~ clownish, brainless, boorish
bonkanys ~ buffoonery, clownery
bonnad ~ woman's bonnet, brimless cap
bonnad Albinagh ~ Scottish cap, glengarry
bonnad claiginagh ~ skullcap
bonnad cooyl ~ skullcap
bonnad gobbagh ~ poke bonnet
bonnad greiney ~ sun bonnet
bonnad oie ~ nightcap
bonnad skianagh ~ cornet
bonnadeen ~ toque
bonnag [f] ~ Manx cake, bun, bonnag, bannock
bonnag charrickagh ~ rock bun
bonnag Vath ~ Bath bun
bonnag vreck ~ currant bonnag
bonnee ~ old mare
bonney ~ bond
bonneyder ~ bond holder
Boo! ~ Boo!
booa [f] ~ cow
booa eairkagh ~ horned cow
booa gheuree ~ winter mart
booa ghone ~ fumitory, brown cow
booa hiast ~ dry cow
booa hrome ~ cow in calf
booa lheeah ~ very old cow
booa lheiyee ~ cow in calf
booa 'liught ~ milch cow
booa oaldey ~ female bison, buffalo
booa varrey ~ manatee, dugong
booa veayll ~ hornless cow
booa veeit ~ cow for slaughter
booa vishee ~ cow in calf
booa vluight ~ milch cow, dairy cow
booa vraddagh ~ thievish cow
booag ~ lye
booage ~ booth, tent
booagheyr ~ vaccination, vaccinator
booaghyn ~ kine
boob ~ sissy, effeminate male child, cry of the
boobagh ~ sissyish
boodagh ~ weak (in legs)
boodee ~ jointly
boodeeys ~ partnership, copartnership
boogh ~ protuberance, protrusion, bow of ship,
bow oar, bulge, bunt (of sail); soft yelp or
booghey ~ billow, bulge
boogheyder ~ bowman
booght ~ ewe pen
booiagh ~ willing, agreeable, contented,
booie ~ buoy; more pleased, victorious; victory,
triumph; beating (corn)
booie kiallane ~ bell buoy
booie stiuree ~ buoy
booilley ~ blessing, sanctification
booisal ~ thankful, pleasing, obliged
booise ~ thanks, gratitude
Booise da Jee! ~ Thanks be to God! Thank
booishal ~ wishing
boomerang ~ boomerang
boor ~ blare
booragh ~ stomach
booral ~ blare
boorey ~ beach, pebbly seashore
boorsagh ~ stockbroker
boorsaght ~ stockbroking
boorse ~ stock exchange
bootsyn ard ~ top boots
bootsyn ardey ~ high boots, fishing brogues
bootsyn crammanagh ~ buttoned boots
bootsyn laatchit ~ laced boots
bootsyn lieh ard ~ bluchers
bootsyn markee ~ riding boots
bootsyn marrey ~ sea boots, thigh boots
bootsyn mooarey ~ thigh boots
bootsyn rubbyr ~ gum boots, wellingtons
bootys ~ boot
bootys ard ~ bootee, jack boot
bootys (boynn-ard) ~ buskin
bootys shleayst ~ wader
bootysit ~ booted
boracks ~ borax
borassagh ~ boracic
Borneo ~ Borneo
bornite ~ bornite
borrane ~ rocky place
borrish ~ borage
Yn Bospherus ~ Bospherous
boss ~ kneeling cushion
bossan ~ protrusion, penis; lesser reed mace,
bossan ardnieu ~ bistort, snakeweed
bossan argid ~ silverweed
bossan dhoa ~ burweed
bossan doo ~ greater reedmace
bossan feeackle ~ dog violet, violet
bossan friogganagh ~ awlwort
bossan gennish ~ Alpine barrenwort
bossan gorrym ~ sheep's bit
bossan ingyr ~ whitlow grass
bossan jargan ~ greater fleabane, fleabane
bossan keylley ~ wood sanicle
bossan mollagh ~ hoary ragwort
bossan mollagh mooar ~ broad-leaved ragwort
bossan ny jeeigey ~ waterwort
bossan Pheddyr ~ feverfew
bossan pibbyragh ~ pepperwort
bossan tessen ~ crosswort
bossan Vreeshey ~ buckshorn plantain,
bossaneyr ~ botanist
bossanys ~ botany
boteil ~ bottle
boteil cheh ~ hot water bottle
boteil daa chaart ~ magnum
boteil doo ~ ink bottle
boteil feeyney ~ wine bottle
boteil-ghlass ~ bottle green
boteil niaghyn ~ washing bottle
boteil olmid ~ vacuum flask
boteil soar ~ smelling bottle
boteil ushtey ~ water bottle
boteil vrandee ~ brandy bottle
boteil yiole ~ baby's bottle, child's bottle
boteilag ~ phial
boteilagh ~ bottlelike, bottling
boteilaghey ~ bottling, bottle
boteilit ~ bottled
boteilyn folmey ~ empties
botleyr ~ butler
botleyr feeyney ~ wine butler
bouin ~ waist, bodice
bouinagh ~ long-waisted (person)
boull ~ bowl
boulleragh ~ bowl
boulleragh magh ~ bowl out
boulleraght ~ bowls, bowling
boulleyder ~ bowler
boult fainey ~ ring bolt
boult feayslit jeh ~ unbolted
bousther ~ bolster
bout ~ round, bolt, fall, bout
boutal ~ bolting
bouyr ~ deaf
bouyr balloo ~ deaf and dumb
bouyragh ~ deafening
bouyraghey ~ deafen
bouyran ~ stupid person; hard of hearing
bouyran balloo ~ deaf-mute
bouyranagh ~ abstract, senseless, stupid
bouyraneys ~ slight deafness
bouyranys ~ abstraction (of mind), stupidity
bouyreyder ~ deafener
bouyrid ~ deafness
bouyrit ~ deafened
bow ~ bow, fiddlestick, prow
bow-lhiouanagh ~ elm bow
bow liauyr ~ longbow
bow staillin ~ steel bow
bow yank ~ string beneath knee
bowder ~ archer
bowe ~ submerged rock, tidal rock
boweyder ~ bowyer, bowman
bowl ~ bowl
bowlyn ~ bowline (knot)
boyn [f] ~ foot of sail, basement of window,
tread of shoe, heel
boyn aer ~ pneumatic tyre
boyn bog ~ pneumatic tyre, balloon tyre
boyn lhiasit ~ retread
boyn rish boyn ~ at close quarters
boyn sthie ~ insole
boynn rubbyr ~ rubber-tyred
boynnag ~ heel tap
boynnagh ~ heel strap
boynvasthag ~ tyre mastic
braa ~ eternal
braag [f] ~ brogue, shoe
braag charmeish ~ canvas shoe
braag chooag ~ heart's ease
braag chruin ~ mast step
braag foiee ~ patten
braag hraie ~ bathing shoe
braag lheiltys ~ gym shoe
braag shliawin ~ skate
braag vaidjagh ~ clog
braagey ~ of a shoe
braaghyn brisht ~ leaky shoes
braaghyn traie ~ sand shoes
braagit ~ shod
braagyn queeyllagh ~ roller skates
braagyn shooyl ~ walking shoes, walking boots
braagyn sniaghtee ~ snow boots
braagyn sniaghtey ~ snow boots
braagyn yeeallagh ~ lace-up shoes
Yn Braaid ~ The Braid
braaid ~ gorge, col, target
braain ~ muller, quern
braain-laue ~ hand quern
braainagh ~ quern
braainaght ~ querning
braainey ~ querning, quern
braaineyder ~ querner
braaney ~ fire bar
braar ~ monk, brother, friar
braar ayrey ~ uncle paternal
braar boght ~ medicant friar
braar doo ~ blackfriar
braar folley ~ blood brother
braar keeilley ~ brother-in-law
braar lannoonagh ~ twin brother
braar-marrooagh ~ fratricidal
braar mayrey ~ maternal uncle
braar sooree ~ rival
braar 'sy leigh ~ brother-in-law
braar theayagh ~ lay brother
braaragh ~ brotherly, fraternal
Braaraghyn ~ Bros
braaraghyn ~ brethren
braaraghys ~ sodality, fraternity
braarey ~ of a brother
braaroil ~ brotherly, fraternal, brotherlike
braaroilid ~ brotherliness
braarys ~ brotherhood
brabbag ~ warm
brabban ~ dry snot
brabbanagh ~ purple moor grass; dry-snotty
brack ~ bracket, brindle
brack lampey ~ lamp bracket
brackan ~ brindle
bracket boalley ~ wallbracket
brackey ~ put a point on, whittle, sharpen,
variegate, bracket
brackeyder ~ sharpener; river fisherman
brackeyder pensyl ~ pencil sharpener
brackit ~ sharpened, pointed
brad ~ brad
Bradda ~ Bradda
braddag chaayl ~ cabbage worm, larva of
cabbage moth
braddag skeddan ~ woolly bear
braddag varrey ~ scale worm
braddag vollagh ~ woolly bear
braddagh ~ dishonest, thieving
braddaght ~ thievishness
braddan ~ salmon
braddan aeg ~ parr
braddan airhey ~ dorado
braddan-fiddyr ~ salmon fry
braddan jaaghit ~ smoked salmon
braddan Manninagh ~ bollan wrasse, bollan
braddan noa ~ grilse
braddan y ree ~ sturgeon
braddanaght ~ salmon fishing
braddee ~ thief
braddee gioalyn ~ welsher
braddeeaght lettyragh ~ plagiarism
braddeeys ~ pilfering
braddid ~ thievishness
braddoge ~ spoon net
braew ~ fine, handsome, brave, precious,
splendid, nice, rare
braewid ~ braveness, fineness, handsomeness,
braggad ~ bracket
braggaid ~ bragget
braggartagh ~ vaunting, bullying, bully
braggartaghey ~ bully
braggartys ~ bullying
bragh beayn ~ everlasting, eternal
bragh bio ~ undying, immortal
bragh farraghtyn ~ everlasting, infinite,
braghee ~ malty, malted
braghey ~ malt, ferment, fermentation (of
cereals), malted
bragheyder ~ maltster
braghid ~ maltiness
braght ~ bract
braghtan ~ sandwich, squashed flat
braghtan pronnag ~ hot dog
braghtanagh ~ sandwich like
brah ~ betray, disclose, betrayal, disclosure
brah foutyn ~ fault finding
brahagh ~ traitorous
brahder ~ detector, traitor, betrayer, informer
brahder breagyn ~ lie detector
brahder fout ~ fault finder
brahder skeayllee ~ leakage detector
brahderaght ~ treachery
braheyder ~ betrayer, traitor
brahit ~ bewrayed, betrayed
braid ~ strut
braigh y chladdee ~ edge of the beach
braih ~ malt
braih chorkey ~ oath malt
braih oarn ~ barley malt
bran ~ sorrow, blackness of soul
branagh ~ mournful, black (as outlook)
branchloie ~ tragedy
branchlooie ~ down
brandee ~ brandy
brandee ooyllagh ~ apple brandy
branglash ~ cheating, wrong (in games)
branglish ~ foul
branglish aggairagh ~ foul
branlaadagh ~ raver, delirious, dreamy, dreamy
branlaadee ~ hallucinate, raving, rambling,
wandering of mind, confusion
branlaader ~ dotard, raver, daydreamer
branlaadys ~ dotage, delerium, hallucination,
raving, dreaminess
branlaadys y poht ~ delerium tremens
branlaghey ~ break up, fallow
branlaig ~ cove, creek, inlet, breach between
branlaigagh ~ breached, indented
branley ~ fallow, break up, breaking up
branleycan ~ staggers
branleyder ~ fallower
branlit ~ fallow
brann ~ dream
bransal ~ to throw violently, dash, dash out,
branse ~ dash
bransey ~ to throw violently, dash, dash out,
bransh ~ branch (of shop)
branshagh ~ crupper
bransit ~ smashed, dashed, brained
brash ~ a good quantity, extra, spare, increase,
impetous, fit, paroxysm, brace
brash vie d'eash (er) ~ well up in age
brashagh ~ incremental
brasheyder sevreain ~ panicmonger
brashlag rangagh ~ white mustard
brashlagh ~ charlock, crupper, wild mustard,
brashlagh drommey ~ brace
brashleid ~ wristlet, bangle, bracelet
brashleid abaneagh ~ anklet
brashleidagh ~ braceleted
brashyn ~ braces, brace
Brasillagh ~ Brazilian
braslaid ~ string of beads
brasnag [f] ~ dead wood, torch, stick for
burning, firewood
brasnagan ~ reefer
brasnaghey ~ to provoke, bait, incite, rev, spur,
incense, affront, irritate; incitement,
provocation, aggravation
brasnagyn ~ kindling, small wood (for fire)
brasnee ~ jarring, irritating, baiting, insulting,
aggravating, affronting
brasney ~ smash, spur, incense, gall
brasneyder ~ abettor, inciter, agent provocateur
brasneyder moon ~ diuretic
brasnit ~ affronted, incensed, irritated, provoked
brastyl ~ class, standard
brat ~ covering, cover, coat, layer, film, pall,
curtain, cloak, clot, sheet, wrap, coating,
apron, pinafore, overgrowth, standing crop
brat altar ~ vestment
brat chleeau ~ bib
brat-chooyl ~ backcloth
brat chooylloo ~ foil
brat cray (er) ~ daubed
brat-ghaff ~ monkey gaff
brat ghreeish ~ stair carpet
brat jaagh ~ smokescreen
brat laare ~ carpet
brat lhiabbagh ~ coverlet, bedcover
brat ornaidagh (chabbil) ~ caparison
brat peintey ~ coat of paint
brat s'jerree ~ top coat (paint)
brat vuird ~ table cover
brat-yerrinagh ~ final coat
bratlhong ~ flagship
brattagh ~ flag, ensign, banner, colour
Brattagh America ~ Old Glory
brattagh colught ~ house flag
brattagh cowree ~ signal flag
brattagh croan spreih ~ Jack
brattagh doo ~ Jolly Roger
brattagh faggee ~ Blue Peter
brattagh gollaneagh ~ burgee
brattagh ny tree daaghyn ~ tricolour (flag)
brattagh shiaullee ~ Blue Peter
brattagh yn chiassagh ~ yellow jack
bratteeyn ~ bunting
breadagh ~ swingle tree, stretcher
breadagh whing ~ two horse swingle tree
breag [f] ~ lie, fallacy, sham, leg-pull, fiction,
breag-chraueeagh ~ pharisaic
breag-eniaghtagh ~ mockheroic
breag lhiassit ~ whopper, big lie
breagag ~ dummy
breagagh ~ imitation, extravagant, lying, false,
bogus, fictitious, spurious, illusive, delusive,
breagaght ~ illusiveness, falseness, broadness
(of yarn)
breageen ~ white lie, fib, half lie
breageragh ~ falsify, falsification
breageraght ~ equivocation, lying
breagerey ~ romancer, storyteller, liar
breagerys ~ lying
breagey ~ of a lie
breageyder ~ fibber, fabler, legpuller
breagh ~ pretty, handsome
breaghagh ~ bad (as money), factitious
breaghey ~ inspire
breaghid ~ handsomeness, prettiness
breb ~ push with foot, kick
breb corneilagh ~ corner kick
breb cuinney ~ corner kick
breb er ash ~ kick back
breb magh ~ kick out
breb roie ~ flying kick
breb 'sy lurgey ~ hack
breb thallooin ~ place kick
brebag ~ braaivleis oven, roofless kiln, barbeque
breban ~ twitch, little kick, tic, heel of shoe, dirt,
brebanagh ~ dirty
brebaney ~ palpitate
brebaney cree ~ palpitation
brebbagh ~ kicky
brebbal ~ waver, to boot, kick, twitch, push
with foot
brebbal ersooyl ~ kick off
brebbal voish ~ kick away
brebbey ~ push with foot, kick, kicking
brebbeyder ~ kicker
brebbit ~ booted
brebit ~ kicked
breck ~ trout, brown trout, spot, speckle; trout-
coloured, speckled, dotty, spotty, spotted,
pocked, dapple-grey, tartan, piebald,
variegated, brindle, chequered, pied, mottled
breck airhey ~ dory
breck awin ~ brown trout
breck-cherrinagh ~ chequered
breck-chraueeaght ~ mixed religion
breck-chredjue ~ mixed religion
breck dhoan ~ brown trout
breck-emshir ~ broken weather
breck faasaagagh ~ barbel
breck fiddyr ~ trout fry
breck frangagh ~ scad, horse mackerel
yn breck frangagh ~ syphilis
breck-ghone ~ trout-brown
breck-ghoo ~ crepuscular
breck-ghooinney treoghe ~ grass widower
breck gial ~ salmon trout, sea trout
breck greiney ~ freckle
breck-hooillagh ~ wall-eyed, spotty-eyed
breck kiark ~ chickenpox
breck kirkey ~ chickenpox
breck-lheeah ~ greyish
breck (marrey) ~ mackerel
breck-oallys ~ smattering, sciolism
breck oayllee ~ sciolist
breck ollee ~ cowpox
breck ruy ~ char
breck Spaainagh ~ Spanish mackerel
breck 'sy ghrian ~ freckle
breck 'sy nane ~ freckle
breck 'sy vainney ~ fly in the ointment
breck-ventreoghe ~ grass widow
breck y speyr ~ cirro-cumulus
breck-yiarg ~ red-spotted
breckag ~ fleck of colour
breckag hraie ~ dunlin
breckagh ~ trout-filled
breckan ~ brindle, plaid, tartan
breckan Albinagh ~ highland plaid
breckan sniengan ~ mottled thread
breckanagh ~ tartan
breckaragh ~ angle
breckeragh ~ trout fishing, river angling,
breckeraght ~ trout fishing, mackerel fishing
breckey ~ spot, sprinkle, bespeckle, mottle,
chequer, variegate, sharpen, jotting,
embroider, freckle, dapple, brindle,
variegation, chequering, dappled, rough
breckey (er lhiare) ~ pebble
breckey kerrinagh ~ chequer
breckey lesh ponkyn ~ dot
breckey (lhiare) ~ pebble
breckey yn laa ~ first light of dawn
breckeyder ~ angler, river fisherman
breckeyder awin ~ river angler
breckeyder marrey ~ sea angler
breckeydys ~ doodle
breckit ~ freckled, dotty, sprinkled
brecklagh ~ very spotted thing
breckvodjallagh ~ partly cloudy
bred-barree ~ finest tow
bredagh ~ thievish, stolen
breddal ~ hackle
breddey ~ hackling
breddeyder ~ hackler
bredid ~ thievishness
bree ~ power, energy, stamina, vigour, virtue,
initiative, validity, animation, inwardness,
glow, exhalation, drift, essence, gist, effect,
significance, implication, interpretation,
bree-aignagh ~ strong-minded
bree aigney ~ impulse
bree chesh-veanagh ~ nuclear power
bree chiass ~ blast of hot air
bree feeyney ~ alcohol
bree noa ~ reinvigoration
bree thallooin ~ land mist
bree vreneenagh ~ atomic energy, atomic
bree y skeeal ~ point of a story
breeagh ~ inspiring, vigorous
breeaghey ~ energize, invigorate, power
breeaghit ~ powered
breeaghys ~ invigoration
breear ~ verb
breear coonee ~ auxiliary verb
breear lajer ~ strong verb
breear neuchaghlaaee ~ intransitive verb
breear neuphersoonagh ~ impersonal verb
breear obbrit ~ verb active
breearagh ~ verbal
breearey ~ aver, maintain, pledge
breearragh ~ avowable, votive
breearraght ~ protestation
breearrey [f] ~ vow, profess, swear, avowal, of
a vow, solemn promise, troth, profession
breearrey custym ~ customs declaration
breearreyder ~ swearer, votary, vower,
avoucher, oath taker
breearrit ~ maintained, professed, promised
under oath, vowed
breechyn ~ trousers, pants, breeches, breeks
breechyn cuttagh ~ shorts
breechyn dungaree ~ dungaree
breechyn faarkee ~ bathing trunks
breechyn flannyn ~ flannels
breechyn glioonagh ~ knee breeches,
knickerbockers, small clothes
breechyn golf ~ plus-fours
breechyn jeeney ~ jean
breechyn markee ~ riding breeches
breechyn troggee ~ breeches buoy
breechyn velvadeen ~ velveteens
breeghey ~ animate
breek ~ brick
breek aer ~ air brick
breek aile ~ fire brick
breek ghlennee ~ Bath brick
breek ghreinnit ~ adobe
breek Ollanagh ~ clinker
breek smarageagh ~ breeze block
breekeen ~ briquette
breekey ~ bricklaying, brick
breekeyder ~ bricklayer
breen ~ close, oppressive, draggy, sultry,
airless, sweltry, oppressive
breenagh ~ oppressive, sweltry, sultry, heavy
(of weather)
breenid ~ sultriness, oppressiveness, closeness
breeocklagh ~ vocalic
breeockle ~ vowel
breeockley ~ vocalize
breeocklys ~ vocalization
breeoil ~ vigorous, energetic, dynamic, red-
blooded, go ahead, essential, forceful, fizzy,
active (as person), buoyant (of market),
cogent, brisk, valid, purposeful, impulsive,
strenuous, vibrant
breeoilagh ~ invigorating, energizing
breeoilid ~ effectiveness, expressiveness
Breeshey ~ Bridget, Bride, Bedelia
Breesheydagh ~ Brigidine
breet ~ brill
breetchyn ~ trousers ( ~ see breechyn)
breh ~ lay
brehys ~ increase (of stock)
breid ~ cowl, veil, frieze, front
breid aspickagh ~ bishop's cape
breid feayr ~ cold front
breid ghoal ~ loincloth
breid phoosee ~ bridal veil
breid vaynagh ~ amice
breid vestit ~ occluded front
breid vlah ~ warm front
breidagh ~ veil-like
breidaghey ~ cover, veil, cloak
breidey ~ cloak
breidit ~ cloaked, veiled (as woman)
breidys ~ veiling
breigagh ~ persuasive, coaxing, wheedling,
enticing, alluring
breigane ~ decoy
breigey ~ entice, decoy, inveigle, beguile,
seduce, allure, wheedle, coax, persuade,
blandish, cajole, lure, cajolery, enticement,
inveiglement, seduction
breigeyder ~ allurer, coaxer, wheedler, cajoler
breigeydys ~ blandishment
breigh ~ channelled wrack
breigid ~ allurement
breigit ~ coaxed, persuaded, wheedled, seduced
breih ~ thrall
breihys ~ thraldom
breim ~ fart, raspberry
breimen ~ stinker, stinkard
breimen breinn ~ stinking stinkard
breimeragh ~ fart, farting
breimeyder ~ farter
breimmeragh ~ crepitate
breimmey ~ fart
brein ~ uterus (human), womb, matrix
brein (lhuingey) ~ hold
brein ny thallooin ~ bowels of the earth
breinchlagh ~ stinkstone
breinn ~ nasty, rotten, foul, rancid, putrid,
smelly, foetid, malodorus, loathsome,
offensive, pestilential, blue (as film)
breinnag ~ skunk, smelly person
breinnagh ~ smelly person
breinnaghey ~ putrefy, become smelly, befoul,
foul, taint, go off (as milk)
breinnaghtys ~ hysterics
breinnid ~ taint, rankness, rancidity, dirtiness,
foulness, foetidness
breinnit ~ tainted, befouled
breinntys ~ effluvium
breinyn ~ matrices
breish ~ over
breleig ~ brougham, pack saddle
brelleein [f] ~ sheet
brelleein hallooin ~ groundsheet
brelleein joan ~ dust sheet
brelleein ny merriu ~ winding sheet, shroud
brelleein oanluckee ~ winding sheet
brelleein verriu ~ winding sheet
brelleeinyn lhieen ~ linen sheets
brellish ~ wort
breneen ~ mote, atom, particle
breneenagh ~ atomic(al)
breneenaghey ~ atomize
breneenaghys ~ atomics
breneeneyder ~ atomizer
brenn ~ origin
breshag [f] ~ mat
breshag hiollee ~ hearth rug
breshag laagh ~ doormat
breshag leaghyragh ~ rush mat
breshag lhionney ~ beer mat
breshag tobbyr oonlee ~ bath mat
breshag yinnairagh ~ dinner mat
Bretin ~ Wales
Bretnagh ~ Welsh, Welsh person, Cymric
Ny Bretnee ~ The Welsh
Bretnish [f] ~ Welsh
Bretonagh ~ Breton
Bretyn ~ Wales
brey ~ give birth, bear, lay, drop, produce, litter,
womb of animal
brey anappee ~ abortion
brey (arkyn) ~ farrow
brey bio ~ viviparous
brey eayn ~ yean, lamb
brey (lheiy) ~ calve, calving
brey pishin ~ kitten
brey quallian ~ pup, pupping
brey quallianyn ~ whelp, whelping
brey sharragh ~ foaling, foal
breyagh ~ parturient, laying, productive
breyder ~ layer
breyit ~ laid
briaght ~ ask for information, enquire, search
briaghtagh ~ inquiring, enquiring
brialtagh ~ catechist, searcher, examiner,
brialtys ~ inquiry
brick ~ trout
bridjeen ~ oystercatcher
brieit ~ asked
brieyder ~ asker
brig ~ brig
brigaid ~ brigade
brigaid aile ~ fire brigade
Brigaid ny Guillyn ~ Boy's Brigade
brigaidagh ~ brigadier
brigganagh ~ motley
brigganaght ~ motley
briggin ~ speck, spotted cow, speckled animal
Briggin ~ Spot
briggin y cheirn ~ brambling
brigginagh ~ partly coloured, spotted, brindle,
brigginid ~ patchiness
briggyl ~ worthless animal
brillane ~ clitoris
brillaneagh ~ clitoral
brilleig ~ collar
y brimman ~ the last (of something)
briooghe ~ belch
brish-chiaulleeaght ~ ragtime
brish stiagh (ayns thie) ~ burgle
brishey ~ break, burst, repulse, wane, ruin,
bankrupt, crash, depose, dismiss, interrupt,
fracture, raise, decode, go back, change
money, breakage, failure, small change,
stump, violation, dismissal, cash,
contravention, bankruptcy, infringement,
brishey aile ~ fire break
brishey as gaddeeys ~ smash-and-grab
brishey ass oik ~ deposition
brishey ayns scrutaght ~ flummox
brishey brooinney ~ rupture, hernia
brishey brooinney (er) ~ ruptured
brishey chemmaltys ~ blockade running
brishey chree ~ broken-heartedness
brishey cree ~ heartbreak
yn brishey ennal ~ the heaves
brishey (fer oik) ~ cashier
brishey geay ~ windscreen
brishey gialdyn ~ breach of promise
brishey jeh ~ discontinue, break loose, break
off, discontinuance
brishey (leigher) ~ disbar
brishey magh ~ burst out, erupt, declare, burst
open, crop out, bud, outbreak, outburst,
brishey magh reesht ~ recrudesce
brishey mwannal ~ breakneck
brishey neuchramp ~ simple fracture
brishey poosey ~ adultery
brishey scolbagh ~ comminuted fracture
brishey sheese ~ break down, analyse, analysis
brishey stiagh ~ break in, stave in, beat in, burst
in, burst open, burgle, gate crashing,
encroachment, intrusion
brishey stiagh ayn ~ gate crash
brishey stiagh (er) ~ intrude, encroach
brishey thie ~ housebreaking
brishey trooid ~ breakthrough
brishey trostey ~ breakfast
brishey veih my cheilley ~ burst asunder
brishey (yn thalloo) ~ pick
brisheyder ~ smasher, breaker up, infringer
brisheyder cabbil ~ rough rider
brisheyder chymshal ~ circuit breaker
brisheyder clagh ~ stonecrusher
brisheyder cloaie ~ stonebreaker, stonecrusher
brisheyder Doonee ~ Sabbath-breaker
brisheyder gleashtan ~ car breaker
brisheyder jallooyn ~ iconoclast
brisheyder leigh ~ law breaker
brisheyder lhong ~ ship breaker
brisheyder poosee ~ adulterer
brisheyder rio ~ ice breaker
brisheyder scuirr caggee ~ truce breaker
brisheyder stholk ~ strike breaker
brisheyder stiagh ~ gatecrasher, interloper,
brisheyder tastan ~ cracksman
brisheyder thie ~ house breaker
brishey'n laa ~ daybreak
brishlag ~ cream cracker
brishlag praase ~ potato crisp
brishlagh ~ frangible, fragile, crisp, brittle,
breakable, easily broken
brishlid ~ crispness, fatigue, brittleness,
brishoonys ~ breakage
brisht ~ deposed, deprived, shipwrecked,
fragmentary, discontinuous, stony-broke,
wrecked, ruptured, breached, broke, bust,
cracked, smashed, insolvent, ruined,
brisht-magh ~ herniated
brisht sheese ~ broken down
brisht stiagh ~ baptized with fire
brishtag [f] ~ cracker, biscuit
brishtag chaashey ~ cheese biscuit
brishtag cheayin ~ sea biscuit
brishtag eeym ~ butter biscuit
brishtag figgag ~ fig roll
brishtag jinshar ~ gingernut
brishtag lhuingey ~ ship's biscuit
brishtag shocklaid ~ chocolate biscuit
brishtag ushtey ~ water biscuit
brishtag varragagh ~ cream biscuit
brishtag villish ~ sweet biscuit
brishtag vlasstal ~ savoury biscuit
brishtag voddee ~ dog biscuit
brishtagh ~ bankrupt, brittle
brishtaghyn lheieagh ~ digestive biscuits
Britaanagh ~ Breton
Britaanish ~ Breton
Briw ~ Brehon
briw ~ deemster, judge, adjudicator, arbiter,
referee, justice of the peace
briw agglish ~ Vicar general
briw beg ~ beak, magistrate
briw croghee ~ hanging judge
briw marrey ~ water bailiff
briwagh ~ judicial
briwnagh ~ judicial, arbitral, juridical
briwnaght ~ magistrateship
briwnyn beggey ~ justices of the peace
briwnys ~ judgement, verdict, ruling, award,
arbitration, appreciation, jurisdiction,
decision, doom, conclusion, estimate
briwnys cherraghey ~ nemesis
briwnys ghiare ~ summary jurisdiction
briwnys vea ~ life sentence
briwnys vee-chiart ~ uneven judgement
briwnys vioys ~ life sentence
briwnys y yannoo ~ pronounce judgement
briwnyssagh ~ judicial, decisive
Briwnyssey ~ First Deemster
briwnyssit ~ decided
Brn ~ Bros
broacheil ~ broach
broachey ~ broach
broacheyder ~ broacher
broachit ~ broached
broagey ~ muddle
broakeyder ~ broker
broakeyrys ~ brokerage
broal ~ swelter
broallagh ~ sweltering
broatcheil ~ tap (as barrel)
broatchey ~ tapping, spindleful
broatchit ~ tapped
brocaid ~ broccade
brock ~ muddle, wastage, bungle, botch, hash,
fiasco, slip up, cock-up, refuse, remains;
brock cadee ~ cotton waste
brock coonlee ~ orts
brock molley ~ ratel
brock yn jouyll ~ unholy mess
brockagh ~ badger's den
brockey ~ bungle, muddle, waste (as food),
brockeyder ~ bungler, muddler, botcher
brockeyr ~ terrier
brockeyr shynnagh ~ fox terrier
brockeyr terriu ~ bull terrier
brockit ~ bungled, muddled
brod ~ goad, spur, prick, nudge, jab, stimulus
brod- ~ best
brod aile ~ poker
brod ghuilley ~ good lad, choice lad
brod immanagh ~ goad
broddag ~ hormone, probe, stylet, punch, sting
broddag spoarey ~ space probe
broddag woirryn ~ oestrogen
broddagh ~ stab wound, jabbing
broddey ~ goad, rouse, poke, prick, jab, prickle,
probe, stir up, nudge with nose
broddey magh ~ punch out, prick out
broddeyder ~ poker, piercer, pricker
broddit ~ pierced, stung, poked, probed, jabbed,
brodit ~ pricked
brogh ~ broch
broghan ~ gruel, skilly, porridge
broghe ~ dirty
broghil [f] ~ front, breast, bib
broghil lheiney ~ shirt front
broghilley ~ breast
broiagh ~ boiling
broiaghyn ~ brew
broianey ~ ferment (as crowd)
broid ~ pollutant, dirt, smut, grime, filth
broid (er) ~ blow (of flies)
broidid ~ smuttiness
broie ~ effervescence, boil, stew, parch, seethe,
overdo, effervesce
broieagh ~ effervescent
broiean ~ boiling
broieder ~ boiler (person)
broieder sheeabin ~ soap boiler
broieder shugyr ~ sweet maker, sugar boiler
broiee ~ dirtier
broieit ~ overdone, boiled
broigh ~ nasty, soiled, unclean, filthy, dirty
broighe ~ smutty
broighey ~ pollute, soil, dirty, befoul, dunging,
broigheyder ~ dirtier, polluter, soiler
broighid ~ pollutedness, squalor, dirtiness
broighit ~ dirted, befouled
broill ~ rivet, burr
broillagh ~ turned (as metal), burred
broillaghey ~ hack, turn over, turn (as edge of
tool), burr, rivet
broilley ~ burr, hack, hammer down, blunt, turn
over, turn (as edge of tool)
broilleyder ~ burrer, riveter
broillit ~ blunt, blunted, burred, turned (as
metal), riveted
broish ~ stew, soup with bread included, oatcake
in milk, miscellany, farrago
broit ~ baked (as person), stewed, broth
broit crammag ~ snail broth
broit skeddan ~ herring broth
brokeyr lhong ~ ship broker
brollagh ~ bosom, breast
brollaghan ~ sloven, ragamuffin
bronchys ~ bronchus
bronney ~ confer, conferment
broo ~ push, ring, cram, crush, squash, crunch,
bruise, buzz, pressure, pounding, contusion,
grind, press
broo-aarleyder ~ pressure cooker
broo-beagheyder ~ pressure feed
broo-choageyder ~ pressure cooker
broo er oai ~ push forward
broo-folley ~ blood pressure
broo-ghaauenit ~ press-forged
broo magh ~ crowd out, struggle out
broo neose ~ impress
broo seose ~ push up
broo sheese ~ depress, press down
broo stiagh ~ press in, struggle in, push in
broo stiagh ayns kione ~ inculcate
broo-ushtey ~ water pressure
broo-veih ~ pressure gauge, tyre gauge
brooam ~ brougham
brooan ~ skin disorder, rash, eruption
brooan chiass ~ heat rash
brooan marrey ~ scurvy
brooan ruissagh ~ rosela, rose rash
brooanagh ~ rash-covered
brooaney ~ erupt
brooasagh ~ thick-lipped
broochramman ~ push-button
brooder ~ bruiser, masher
broogh [f] ~ brae, brow, bank, brim, brink,
fringe, edge of river, shoal
broogh awiney ~ river bank, riverside
broogh bodjallagh ~ cloud bank
broogh boiddee ~ cod bank
broogh eeastee ~ fishing bank
broogh geinnee ~ sandbank on land
broogh-hellooagh ~ riparian
broogh-hellooder ~ riparian
broogh-hoilshaghyn ~ footlights
broogh laaghey ~ mud bank
broogh lhean ~ bluff (on hill)
broogh rioee ~ ice pack, ice bank
broogh shillee ~ gravel bank
broogh varrey ~ sea bank
brooghane ~ bank
broogheyder ~ brinkman
broogheydys ~ brinkmanship
brooie ~ of a bank
brooighe ~ rift, waterbrash, to bring up wind,
eructation, pyrosis
brooight ~ gush, seaweed cast on shore
brooightagh ~ belching
brooightey ~ flush, gush, emit, burst forth of
liquid, debouch, debouchment, emission
brooightey stiagh ~ inrush
brooightooil ~ repeat, belch, vomit (as chimney
smoke), debouch, flatulent
brooightooilagh ~ belcher
brooightooilys ~ belching
brooill ~ crumbs
brooillagh ~ crumbs, remains, leavings,
fragments of food
brooillaghey ~ crumble, break up
brooillee ~ fragmentary
brooillid ~ crumbliness
brooinnagh ~ abdominal
brooinney ~ abdomen, bell of fowl, chest of
brooinyn ~ outskirts, banks
brooit ~ bruised
broojer ~ pulverizer, crusher, belabour, rammer
broojey ~ crush, push, press, squash, cram,
squelch, bruise, ram, pound, mash,
compound, crunch, compress, pulverize,
stamping, pulverization
broojey fo chosh ~ browbeat
broojey magh ~ freeze out
broojey seose ~ push up
broojey sheese ~ depress, press down
broojey stiagh ~ push in, press in
broojeyder ~ pounder, bruiser
broojeydys ~ bruising
broojid ~ mixture
broojit ~ pounded, bruised, pressed, nipped,
mashed, contusive, crushed (as fruit),
broojit fo-chosh ~ downtrodden
broojit ry-cheilley ~ bunch
Broose ~ Ambrose
brouish [f] ~ brewis
brout ~ ruffian, brute, beast, brutal person
broutagh ~ brutish, brutal, ruffianly, bestial
broutaghey ~ brutalize, brutalization
broutaght ~ brutishness
brouteragh ~ weedy
brouteraght ~ weeds, dirt, mix up
broutid ~ brutality, beastliness, dastardliness
bruight ~ belch, eructation, rift
bruightagh ~ belching, gushing
bruightey ~ erupt, belch, eruption, belching
bruighteyder ~ belcher
bruightooil ~ rift, rifting
bruightooilagh ~ rifter
brunt ~ impertinence, pert
bruntagh ~ sharpish
bruntid ~ outspokenness
bruntys ~ outspokenness
bry ~ malt
brynnagh ~ flattering, fawning
brynnaghys ~ pertness
brynneragh ~ flatter
brynneraght ~ fawn, blandishment, fawning
brynnerys ~ flattery
brynneyder ~ fawner
brynnid ~ pertness
brynt ~ blunt (as person), outspoken, saucy
bryntid ~ sauciness, bluntness
bryntys ~ bluntness
buccaneyr ~ buccaneer
Bucharest ~ Bucharest
buckad ~ tub
buckrym ~ buckram
buddee ~ saucy as girl
Buddha ~ Buddha
Buddhagh ~ Buddhist
budjee ~ budgerigar
buggane ~ bogeyman, scarecrow, hobgoblin,
bugaboo, bete noir; unlaid egg
bugganeagh ~ dreary, frightful, frightening,
puckish, fearful looking
bugganeys ~ dreariness, frightfulness
buggee ~ buggy
buggler ~ buckler
buggley ~ buck, buckling
buggyl ~ buckle
buggyl braagey ~ shoe buckle
buggylagh ~ buckled
buggyr ~ bugger
buggyraght ~ buggery
bugogue ~ buckthorn berry, hip
buick ~ bucks
buid ~ points
buiddage ~ minx
buiggey ~ softer
buiggid ~ mush, pulpiness, slackness, softness,
flabbiness, blandness (of climate)
buiggys ~ pulp, mushiness, tenderness (of
meat), limpness, easiness, softness, slackness
buiggys clooidagh ~ rag
buiggys foiee ~ woodpulp
buigh ~ jaundiced, tan, yellow, sallow, fair
buigh-airhey ~ golden
buigh chroymagh ~ chrome-yellow
buigh-ghial ~ bright yellow
buigh-ghlass ~ yellowish green
buigh-ghone ~ fawn
buigh-ouyr ~ yellow-dun
buigh-ruy ~ bay (colour), fulvous, carroty
buigh-vane ~ flaxen, yellowish white
buigh-yiarg ~ nacarat, yellowish red
buighag ~ creeping buttercup
buighagh ~ bilious, jaundice
yn buighagh doo ~ black jaundice
buighaghey ~ yellow
yn buighaghey ~ yellow jaundice, jaundice
buighaght ~ biliousness
buighan shellee ~ yellow bird's nest
buighey ~ yellow, yellowing
yn buighey ~ jaundice
buighid ~ bile, gall, biliary, sallowness,
buildal ~ building
builg ~ bellies
builg-heidee ~ bellows
builg vairagh ~ piano accordion
buill ~ places, vengeance
buill ghorrym ~ bruising
buill vollaght ~ madman
buillagh ~ vengeful
builley ~ hit, strike, bash, thump, impact,
knock, pulsate, beat (as pulse), sweep, bump,
cadence (of voice), fervour, frenzy, fit,
stroke, madness, pulsation, toot (on horn),
slam, clap, slap, whack, punch, choosing,
builley aggairagh ~ foul
builley baaish ~ coup de grace, death blow,
mortal blow
builley barriaght ~ hazard
builley bass ~ clapping
builley caggee ~ war fever
builley chiass ~ heatstroke
yn builley-chingys ~ apoplexy
builley cleeau ~ breast stroke
builley cooyl ~ backhand blow, backhander
builley coshey ~ stamp
builley eddrym ~ dab
builley er builley ~ hit back, tit for tat
builley geaylin ~ swing
yn builley-hiass ~ heat apoplexy
builley king ~ header
builley kiuttagh ~ lefthander
builley lectragh ~ electric shock
builley lhiattagh ~ side stroke
builley marrooagh ~ fatal blow
builley mysh y chree ~ palpitation
builley neose ~ down stroke
builley shuddyragh ~ scissors
builley sooaghan ~ piston stroke
builley toshee ~ bow
builley trome ~ serious blow
builley trudjen ~ trudgen stroke
builley y chastey ~ fend off
builley y crackan ~ masturbate
builley yn airh ~ gold fever
builleydane ~ fender
buillvollaghtys ~ enormity
buillvollee ~ enormous, giant, mammoth,
gargantuan, gigantic, colossal
buillvolleeaght ~ massiveness
builtagh ~ striker, assailing, assailant, hitter,
assailable, clouter
builteen ~ staff, baton, ferula
builteen dorrysh ~ doorknocker
buinn ~ harvest, reap, mow, cut, cut down, lift,
shear, reaping, shearing, mowing
buinn moain ~ turf cutting
buinnag ~ offset
buinnagh ~ diarrhoea, scour
buinnagh (mooar) ~ dysentery
buinnagh yiarg ~ scour
buinnaght ~ looseness
buinnaghyn Brussyl ~ Brussel sprouts
buinney ~ reaping, lip (projection), weal,
sprout, brassard, bud
buinneyder ~ mower, reaper, harvester
buinneyder faaie ~ lawn mower
buinneyder moaney ~ turf cutter
buinneyder mooar ~ combine harvester
buinneyderyn ~ crop cutters
buinniag-nieu ~ germicide
buinnit ~ reaped, shorn, mown
buinnt ~ shorn, sheared
buinnt dy lhome ~ close-cropped
buinntagh ~ loose (in bowels)
buint ~ reaped, mown
buird ~ tables, planking
buird cooney ~ narrow tables
buirroogh ~ roar, growl, rumble, low, bellow,
trumpet (of elephant)
buirrooghagh ~ bellowing
buirrooghane ~ siren
buirrooghey ~ boom, growl, low, rumble, roar,
vociferate, growling, roaring, bellowing,
thundering (of sea), burst (of sound)
buirroogheyder ~ roarer
buirrooghid ~ vociferation, roaring
buirrooghys ~ roaring
buirt ~ bundles
buitch [f] ~ witch
buitchagh ~ bewitching
buitchal ~ bewitch
buitcheraght ~ witchcraft, black magic, spell-
casting, charming
buitcherys ~ bewitchery
buitcheyder ~ bewitcher
buitchit ~ bewitched, enchanted
buitchoor ~ butcher, slaughterer, slaughterman
buitchoor beg ~ redbacked shrike
buitchoor cabbil ~ knacker
buitchoor feill-chabbil ~ horse butcher
buitchoor feill vuc ~ pork butcher
buitchooragh ~ slaughter, slaughtering,
buitchooraghey ~ slaughter
buitchooragh(ey) ~ butcher
buitchoorit ~ butchered, slaughtered
buitchoorys ~ butchery, butchering, slaughter
bulcaid ~ bulkhead
Bulgeyragh ~ Bulgarian
Bulgeyrish ~ Bulgarian
bulkeen ~ pledget
bull-chione ~ bull head
bullad ~ bullet
bullad driaghtagh ~ chainshot
bullad kyagh ~ dummy
bullad lorgagh ~ tracer
bullaght ~ kingcup
bulley ~ wood (bowls), bull, stock exchange bull
bullick ~ bulwark
bullioon ~ bullion
bullught ~ marsh marigold
bum-baatey ~ bumboat
bumper ~ bumper
bun ~ heart, root, stump, root cause, source,
pri nci pl e, deri vat i on, expl anat i on,
interpretation, details, news, dope, base,
bottom, underneath, foot, sole, basis, origin,
raw material, foundation, stool, eye of storm,
prime, original, stem, end
bun- ~ (prefix) primary, fundamental
bun-ardjyn ~ cardinal points
bun-argid ~ principal, floating capital, capital
bun-argid neu yllit ~ uncalled capital
bun-argid neuhoit ~ floating capital
bun-argidagh ~ capitalist
bun-argidys ~ capitalism
bun as baare jeh ~ long and short of it
bun as bree ~ spirit, quintessence, original
bun-ayraghyn ~ founding fathers
bun billagh ~ treetrunk
bun billey ~ treetrunk
bun cainle ~ candle end
bun-charrick ~ bedrock
bun-cheeal ~ moral
bun-cheim ~ positive degree
bun-cheisht ~ main issue
bun-cheyll ~ primeval forest
bun-chlagh ~ foundation stone
bun-chleighan ~ fell-dyke, stone hedge
bun-chooish ~ primary cause, topic
bun-chooishagh ~ topical
bun-chredjuagh ~ dogmatic
bun-chredjue ~ dogma
bun-chummallagh ~ aboriginal
bun-costys ~ prime cost
bun-cummaltagh ~ aborigine
bun doo ~ fern (stem)
bun-dooghyssagh ~ aboriginal, aborigine
bun-eaddagh ~ foundation
bun-earroo ~ root number, digit, radix
bun-earrooagh ~ digital
bun-earrooyn ~ cardinal numbers
bun-eashagh ~ primeval
bun-edjaghys ~ primary education
bun-eysht ~ fundamental question
bun-fishig ~ elementary physics
bun-fraue ~ taproot
bun-gheill ~ primary source
bun-ghlare ~ primitive language
bun-ghooaght ~ cardinal vowel
bun glass ~ purple moor grass
bun-leagh ~ reserve price
bun-linneeaght ~ working drawing
bun-linney ~ datum line, baseline
bun-lioar ~ primer
bun-lught ~ aborigines
bun-noatey ~ root
bun ny cheerey ~ grass roots
bun ny chengey ~ root of the tongue
bun ny coshey ~ sole
bun ny speyr ~ sea line
bun ny speyrey ~ skyline, horizon
bun-oayllys ~ grounding
bun-obbyr ~ spadework
bun-ocklagh ~ etymological
bun-ocklaght ~ etymology
bun-ockleyder ~ etymologist
bun-olt ~ butt joint
bun-oyragh ~ elementary physics
Bun Roauyr ~ Gansey
bun-ronsaghey ~ analyse, analysis
bun-ronsee ~ analytical
bun-ronseyder ~ analyst
bun ry baare ~ confusion, disorder, disordered,
bun ry skyn ~ inverted, disordered, wrong side
up, vice versa, topsy-turvy
bun-scoill ~ primary school, elementary school
bun-screeuyn ~ script
bun-seihll ~ primeval world
bun-sheean ~ ground noise
bun-smooinaght ~ keynote, main idea
bun-sthock ~ rootstock
bun-sthoo ~ primary matter
bun-stoo ~ element, raw material, elementary
bun-towshan ~ standard
bun-towshanagh ~ standard
bun-towshanaghey ~ standardization,
bun-towshaneyr ~ standardizer
bun-towshanit ~ standardized
bun troorane ~ base (of triangle)
bun tudjeen ~ cigarette stump
bun-uillin ~ base angle
bun-vrat ~ basal cover, priming
bun-yalloo ~ negative
bun yn arbyl ~ base of the tail
bun-ynnyd ~ base
bun-ynnydyn breneenagh ~ atomic bases
bunaghey ~ inception
bundeil ~ bundle, bale, pack, package
bundeilagh ~ trusser
bundeilee ~ baling
bundeiler ~ packer, baler
bundeiley ~ baling, bale (package), bundle
bundeileyder ~ baler
bundeilit ~ baled
buneeaght ~ primitiveness
bungalow ~ bungalow
bunnag ~ bun
bunnaghey ~ institution
bunnee ~ inaugural, of a sheaf
bunneeaght ~ establishment
bunney [f] ~ sheaf
bunney aileagh ~ gerbe
bunney churnee ~ wheat sheaf
bunney phlaggad ~ sheaf of oats
bunney sunderagh ~ sumner's sheaf
bunney yn voddey ~ sumner's sheaf
bunneydagh ~ primitive, primordial,
authoritative, underlying, radical, original,
rudimentary, firsthand, fundamental, basic,
vital, elemental, fundamentalist
bunneydaght ~ primitiveness
bunneyder ~ initiator, originator, starter,
bunneydys ~ foundation, origin, root,
groundwork, basis, accidence
bunniag ~ germ
bunniag-nieunagh ~ germicidal
bunnydys ~ rudiment
bunnys ~ nearly, almost, virtually, wellnigh,
bunnys yn un' red ~ muchness
bunraght ~ constitution
bunraghtoil ~ constitutional
buntee gorrym ~ hedge sparrow, dunnock
bunteen ~ bunting
burdoge ~ shrimp, very small person
burdoon ~ sad refrain
burette ~ burette
burgeeaght ~ gloominess, darkness, gloom
burgleyr ~ burglar, cracksman
burgleyrys ~ burglary
Burgoonagh ~ Burgundian
burkan ~ bodkin
burleek ~ brooklime
burleek (ushtey) ~ water speedwell
burley ~ wad, cress, water cress
burley cleiyee ~ hedge mustard
burley frangagh ~ Iceland watercress,
(common) cornsalad
burley garroo ~ rock cress, hairy rock cress
burley geuree ~ wintercress
burley jiarg ~ rock cress
burley traie ~ scurvy grass
burliagh ~ straw saddle
burling ~ yacht
Burmagh ~ Burmese
Burmey ~ Burma
Burmish ~ Burmese
burrey ~ tack (nautical)
burrit ~ tacked
burroo ~ berg
burroo rioee ~ iceberg
burt ~ berth
burtey ~ berth
burtit ~ berthed
burtys ~ berthage
bus ~ bus, omnibus
bus foshlit ~ mammy-wagon
bus trollee ~ trolley bus
bush ~ bush
busheydys ~ bushing
bussal ~ kerchief, pocket handkerchief
bussal (laue) ~ handkerchief
bussal mwannal ~ muffler, scarf
bussal mwannalagh ~ neckerchief
but ~ prop
butt ~ mark, heap, stamina, strength, a little
butt-tooran ~ stack-butt
buttag ~ gore, triangular piece of land, small
Buttee ~ Douglas person
buttee ~ larder, buttery
buttoor ~ pillar, buttress
buttoor croghit ~ flying buttress
bwaaee ~ prettier
bwaag ~ cobble, round stone; shed, tent, booth,
cabin, small shop, bower
bwaag caffee ~ coffee stall
bwaag gharagh ~ alcove, arbour, garden shed
bwaag yn foiee ~ wood shed
bwaagagh ~ cobbly, cobbled, hut-dweller
bwaagh ~ comely, beautiful, pretty, beauteous,
handsome, lovely
bwaaghagh ~ hermit
bwaaghaght ~ hermitage
bwaaghid ~ handsomeness
bwaanagh ~ cottager
bwaane ~ hut, shed, cabin, booth, shanty,
shelter, kiosk, cottage, stand, outhouse,
hovel, cuddy on barge, shack, stall
bwaane cairt ~ cart shed
bwaane chellvane ~ telephone kiosk, telephone
box, callbox
bwaane cowree ~ signal box
bwaane cowrey ~ signal box
bwaane craitnagh ~ wigwam
bwaane faarkee ~ bathing hut
bwaane jeshaght ~ engine shed
bwaane lhiggee ~ shooting box
bwaane lioar ~ bookstall
bwaane lommyrt ~ shearing hut
bwaane pabyragh ~ news stand
bwaane rioee ~ igloo
bwaane shelgeyragh ~ hunting box
bwaane slieau ~ Alpine hut
bwaane sniaghtee ~ igloo
bwaane tiggad ~ box office
bwaane y clieau ~ mountain box
bwee ~ yellow
bwid ~ penes, phallic
bwilleen [f] ~ loaf
bwilleen breck ~ bunloaf
bwilleen chaayl ~ cabbagehead
bwilleen chorkey ~ oaten loaf
bwilleen churnee ~ wheaten loaf
bwilleen cruinn ~ cob (of bread)
bwilleen curnaght ~ white loaf
bwilleen kiare punt ~ quartern loaf
bwilleen oarn ~ barley loaf
bwilleen shoggyl ~ rye loaf
bwilloght ~ marsh marigold
bwinnican ~ yolk, vitellus
bwoaill er ash ~ kick back, beat back
bwoaillagh ~ sheep fold
bwoaillee [f] ~ fold, ring, halo, circle (sun or
bwoaillee cheyrragh ~ sheep fold
bwoaillee ollee ~ cattle fold
bwoailley ~ impinge
bwoailley y crackan ~ toss off
bwoailleyder ~ swatter
bwoaillit ~ struck, played, threshed
bwoaillteen ~ mallet
bwoailt ~ buffeted, battered, clouted, smitten,
bwoailtagh ~ hammerer, pounding, percutient,
bwoailtaght ~ quarrelsomeness
bwoailteen ~ beetle, bludgeon
bwoailtys ~ battery
bwoallee ~ percussive, percussion
bwoalley ~ strike, beat, thresh, hammer,
belabour, bang, pulsate, beat up, thrash,
buffet, punch, play, slap, rhythm, batter, ring,
mint, clap, flap, toll, chime, hit, throb,
scramble, shock, wallop, club, knock, assault,
slam, percussion, bash, rise of penis
bwoalley argid ~ coining money, coinage,
bwoalley baare y vluckan ~ top (golf)
bwoalley bassyn ~ applaud
bwoalley chymmylt ~ masturbation
bwoalley clag raauee ~ gong
bwoalley cling ass ~ clink
bwoalley cluig ~ tolling
bwoalley cree ~ pulsation
bwoalley daaheuagh ~ straddle
bwoalley dy injil ~ undercut
bwoalley (er) ~ pound
bwoalley feiyr ass ~ clash
bwoalley gong ~ gong
bwoalley jeh ~ strike off, beat off
bwoalley lesh builteen ~ baton
bwoalley lesh y ghlioon ~ knee
bwoalley magh ~ tick out, hammer out, blaze (of
bwoalley noi ~ impingement, come against,
bwoalley noi ry hoi ~ bumping
bwoalley plang ass ~ twang (of bow)
bwoalley rish ~ forgather
bwoalley sheese ~ beat down, smite down,
hammer down
bwoalley stiagh ~ barge in, beat in, burst in,
strike in
bwoalley stiagh lesh oard ~ hammer in
bwoalley 'syn ardjid ~ sky
bwoalley toshee ~ kick off
bwoalley y crackan ~ masturbate
bwoalley yiarn feayr ~ cold hammer
bwoalley yn ennal ass ~ wind (as person)
bwoalley yn traa ~ mark time
bwoalleyder ~ striker, thresher, hitter
bwoalleyder cluig ~ ringer
bwoallit ~ beaten, sounded
bwoallit ec y taarnagh ~ thunderstruck
bwoalltane ~ firing needle
bwoalt ~ beaten
bwoaltagh ~ assailable, pugnacious
bwoalteyr ~ assaulter, hitter, smiter, pugilist,
beater, striker, batterer
bwoalteyr airh ~ gold beater
bwoalteyr leoaie ~ lead beater
bwoalteyr ooh(ey) ~ eggbeater
bwoalteyrys ~ pugilism
bwoaltys ~ pugnacity
bwoid ~ penis, phallus, tool
bwoid lhiggee ~ discharge cock
bwoid niaghan ~ battledore, chopper
bwoid niaghyn ~ dolly
bwoid niargan ~ penis
bwoid rioee ~ icicle
bwoid saggyrt ~ spotted orchis, orchis
bwoid skeddan ~ crane fly, daddy-longlegs
bwoid suggane ~ rope stone
bwoid trimmid ~ corbel
bwoidage ~ minx
bwoiddagh ~ phallic
bwoiddaght ~ sexual intercourse
bwoideeaght ~ sexual intercourse
bwoidiaght ~ sexual intercourse
bwoirrin ~ petticoat, feminine, femininistic,
female, effeminate, ladylike
bwoirrinagh ~ cow, girl, female, crumpet,
female any age, doe, lass, wench
bwoirrinid ~ femininity
bwoirrinys ~ femininity
bwoirrynagh ~ she
bwon ~ gorse stick for fire wood, stump, stub,
bwon caayl ~ cabbage stump
bwonnagh ~ stubby, stumpy
bwonyn ~ firewood
bwooiagh ~ willing
bwooisagh ~ thankful
bwooisal ~ gratitude, pleasing, thankful
bwooise ~ gratefulness
bwooise currit er son ~ acknowledged
bwoyagh ~ lovely, beauteous, pretty, beautiful,
comely, handsome, attractive
bwoyid ~ good looks, beauty, loveliness,
bwoyid aalid ~ comeliness
by hinney ~ oldest
by hreih lhiam ~ I was sorry
by lesh ~ owning
by loo ~ smallest
by loo eh ~ it was the least
by niessey ~ next
by velley ~ poorer, poorest
by venkey ~ oftenest
by vessey ~ worst
by yerree ~ latest
by yilley ~ brightest
byddage ~ strumpet, brazen woman, whore,
b'yrjey ~ highest
bytermyn ~ linnet
bytermyn cooyl-jiarg ~ redpoll
bytermyn slieau ~ twite
caa ~ chance, opportunity, occasion; croaking
caa vondeish ~ vantage
caa yindyssagh ~ golden opportunity
caabaig ~ loaf of cheese, a cheese, cake of soap
caabley ~ cable
caabyl ~ cable, cablegram, hawser, lead
caabyl artagh ~ feeder cable
caabyl beg ~ cablet
caabyl-chast ~ cable-laid
caabyl croghee ~ suspension cable
caabyl croghit ~ suspension cable
caabyl erskyn ~ overhead cable
caabyl heose ~ overhead cable
caabyl lectragh ~ electric cable
caabyl thallooin ~ earth cable
caabylagh ~ funicular
caabyr ~ rafter, caber, beam
caader ~ chancer
caaee ~ seed
caag ~ ingot, stopper, linchpin
caag airh ~ ingot of gold
caagh ~ crush
caaghagh ~ cawing
caaghey ~ caw, croak, coo
caaghyr ~ stone fort
caaidjaghey ~ cage
caaidje ~ cage
caaig ~ chough, daw
caaig doo-chassagh ~ jackdaw
caair ~ chair
caair champ ~ camp-chair
caair charree ~ pew
caair chuirtlee ~ cane chair
caair fillit ~ folding chair
caair hilgee ~ ejection seat
caair hoccoil ~ easy chair
caair hraie ~ deck chair, beach chair
caair hroailt ~ sedan chair
caair leaystagh ~ rocking chair
caair lhuingey ~ deck chair
caair liauyr ~ settee
Caair ny Mart ~ Westport
caair phremmee ~ commode
caair vooar ~ armchair
caair vriwnys ~ bench
caair wheeylagh ~ wheelchair
caairliagh ~ chairman
caairliaght ~ chairmanship
caairt hrustyr ~ refuse wagon
caaoil ~ opportune, convenient, timely
caaoileyder ~ opportunity
caaoilid ~ opportuneness
caaragh ~ vehicular
caardagh ~ smithy
caardee ~ forge, smithy
caardee glonney ~ glass works
caardee hambil ~ pattern shop
caardee stainney ~ tin works
caardee streng ~ wireworks
caardjys ~ kindred
caardoil ~ malleable
caardys ~ pedigree, genealogy, blood
relationship; wood sanicle
caardyssagh ~ genealogist, genealogical,
caarjagh ~ intimate, conciliatory, cordial
caarjaghey ~ conciliation
caarjoil ~ amicable, amiable, chummy, familiar,
caarjoilid ~ amicableness
caarjyn ~ friends
caarjyn as mooinjer ~ kith and kin
caarjys ~ friendship, cordiality, blood
relationship, intimacy
caarjys ny laue ~ masturbation
caarjysagh ~ friendliness
caart ~ card, playing card, quart
caart banshey ~ wedding card
caart caslyssagh ~ picture postcard
caart dy lhune vie ~ quart of good ale
caart emshir ~ weather chart
caart enney ~ identity card
caart erin ~ mass card
caart fliaghee ~ rain chart
caart lettyragh ~ letter card
caart olley ~ wool card (7lb)
caart post ~ post card
caart ratch ~ race card
caartaghey ~ curry (horse)
caartey ~ carding, comb, card, combing, curry,
caarteyder ~ currier, carder, comber
caartit ~ combed
caartragh ~ libellous, defamatory, abusive,
slanderer, abusive person
caartraght ~ abusiveness
caartrey ~ abuse, slander, denigrate, vilify,
abusiveness, slandering, vilification,
caartrey ayns screeuyn ~ libel
caartrey screeuit ~ libel
caartreyder ~ libeller, abuser, denigrator,
slanderer, scandalmonger
caartrit ~ libelled, vilified, traduced, slandered
caashey ~ cheesy, cheese
caashey appee ~ ripe cheese
caashey bog ~ cream cheese
caashey cheddar ~ cheddar
caashey gorrym ~ blue cheese
caashey gort ~ strong cheese
caashey lheeah ~ mouldy cheese
caashey loau ~ rotten cheese
caashey noa ~ new cheese
caasheydagh ~ cheesy
caayl [f] ~ cole, cabbage
caayl blaa ~ cauliflower
caayl cast ~ curly kale
caayl gyn cree ~ colewort
caayl jiarg ~ Scotch kale
caayl kionnan ~ colcannon
caayl ny marrey ~ sea kale
caayl traie ~ sea kale
caayn ~ bray, song, whine, lay (poetry)
caaynagh ~ whining
caayney ~ bray, beg, whine, drawl, chant
caayneyder ~ chanter, whiner, beggar
caaynt ~ spoken word, talk, spoken language
caaynt chadjin ~ vulgarism
caaynt gharroo ~ bad language
caaynt gheyre ~ caustic wit
caaynt hidooragh ~ army slang
caaynt lajer ~ strong language
caayntagh ~ loquacious
caayr ~ dwelling place, city
Caayr Adrian ~ Adrianople
caayr vriwnys ~ magistrate's bench
caayragh ~ vehicular
caayraght ~ civics
caayrt dew ~ ox cart
caays ~ convenient time, convenience
cab [f] ~ jaw, cab, jowl, mandible, die
cab keeil ~ under jaw
cab ry cheilley ~ scissors
cab sooist ~ flail hinge, jaw of flail
cabbag ~ dock
cabbag aalin ~ sea plantain
cabbag lhean ~ broad-leaved dock
cabbag ny hawin ~ coltsfoot
cabbag ny jeeiginyn ~ water dock
cabbag Pherick ~ greater plantain
cabbag Vanninagh ~ Isle of Mann cabbage
cabbag y shynnee ~ London pride
cabbag yiarg ~ red dock
cabbagagh ~ abounding in docks
cabbagh ~ stammering, stuttering, stammerer
cabbal [f] ~ chapel
cabbal choonee ~ chapel of ease
cabbal fo halloo ~ crypt
cabbal hiaulteyragh ~ seaman's bethel
cabbal ny moidyn ~ Lady chapel
cabbane ~ cabin, flight deck, house, saloon, cage
in lift, tabernacle, deck house, cab
cabbane agglish ~ tabernacle
cabbane biljagh ~ arbour
cabbane jerree ~ stern cabin, after-cabin
cabbane ny doghanee ~ sick bay, sick berth
cabbane stiuree ~ pilot's cabin
cabbane stoamey ~ stateroom
cabbane toshee ~ forecabin
cabbane y stiureyder ~ cockpit
cabbaney ~ tabernacle, enshrine
cabbaragh ~ quibble, chatter, chatty, quibbler,
muttering, gabbling, gibbering, prattler,
cabbaraght ~ jabbering, jabber, gabble, chit-chat,
tittle tattle
cabbarey ~ gibbering, gibber, chatterbox
cabbash ~ cabbage
cabbash chraplit ~ savoy cabbage
cabbash gheyrit ~ sauerkraut
cabbash hraie ~ sea kale, sea fennel
cabbash nappinagh ~ turnip cabbage
cabbash phalm ~ palm cabbage
cabbash vane ~ garden cabbage
cabbash varrey ~ sea fennel, glasswort
cabbash veein ~ orache
cabbash yiarg ~ Scotch kale
cabberagh ~ prattle, prattler, garrulous
cabberaght ~ gab, prattle, wagging tongue,
garrulity, jaw
cabberey ~ gabbler, gas bag
cabbid ~ stutter, stammer, inarticulateness
cabbil ~ horses
cabbil foalley ~ breeding horses
cabbil-fuilleeaght ~ bloodstock
cabbil vaney ~ white caps
cabbil vreckey ~ piebald horses
cabbil y ratch ~ field (in race)
cabbyl ~ horse, mount
cabbyl Arabagh ~ Arab (horse)
cabbyl assyl ~ mule
cabbyl assylagh ~ hinny
cabbyl awin ~ hippopotamus
cabbyl bane ~ comber
cabbyl beayn ~ stayer
cabbyl beg ~ hobby
cabbyl breck ~ piebald horse, dapple grey
cabbyl buigh ~ dun horse
cabbyl caggee ~ war horse, charger
cabbyl cairt ~ carthorse
cabbyl carriads ~ cabhorse
cabbyl cleaney ~ packhorse
cabbyl dhone ~ bay horse
cabbyl drid ~ trotting horse
cabbyl drug ~ dray horse
cabbyl faillee ~ hackney
cabbyl feieys ~ hunter (horse)
cabbyl glass ~ grey horse
cabbyl gorrym ~ dapple grey horse
cabbyl griagh ~ stud horse
cabbyl gyn brishey ~ bronco
cabbyl gyn caa ~ outsider
cabbyl jeeltit ~ palfrey
cabbyl keimyragh ~ pacer
cabbyl keylley ~ capercailie
cabbyl laadee ~ pack horse
cabbyl leaystagh ~ rocking horse
cabbyl lhiurey ~ thill horse
cabbyl lhuir ~ shaft horse
cabbyl maidjey ~ wooden horse, hobby horse
cabbyl markee ~ hack
cabbyl obbyr ~ work horse
cabbyl oie ~ kelpie
cabbyl paggey ~ pack horse
cabbyl roie ~ race horse
cabbyl ruy ~ bay horse
cabbyl shee ~ fairy horse
cabbyl shesheree ~ work horse, plough horse
cabbyl spaainagh ~ jennet
cabbyl tappee ~ courser, spanker
cabbyl tayrnee ~ draught horse
cabbyl toshee ~ trace horse
cabbyl ushtey ~ water horse, kelpie
cabbyl yiarn ~ motor cycle
cabbylagh ~ horsy
cabbyleen ~ hobby, gee-gee
cabdil ~ consistory, chapter
cabdileyr ~ capitulary
cabdillagh ~ consistorial, capitular
cabnaid ~ cabinet
cabnaid glenney ~ glass cabinet
cabnaidagh ~ cabinet maker
cabnaidys ~ cabinet-work
caboon ~ castrato, capon, gelded cock
caboonaghey ~ caponize
caboose ~ caboose
cabrolay ~ cabriolet
cacao ~ cacao
cackey ~ defecate, defecation
cactys ~ cactus
cactysoil ~ cactaceous
cadastroil ~ cadastral
caddan ~ caddis fly
caddey ~ protect, defend
caddoyd ~ cathode
caddoydagh ~ cathodic
caddym ~ glampus
caddymagh ~ affected with glampus
cadee ~ cotton
cadee gunney ~ gun cotton
cadee lheeanagh ~ cotton grass
cadee lieen ~ lint
cadee prentit ~ print (cotton)
cadeeoil ~ cottony
cadinaght ~ prevalence
cadjer ~ hawker, stallholder, pedlar
cadjer bibleyn ~ colporteur
cadjer caashey ~ cheesemonger
cadjer eeast ~ fishmonger
cadjer ronney ~ share pusher
cadjeragh ~ huckstering
cadjerys ~ huckstering, pedlary, peddling,
cadjin ~ unexceptional, commonplace, normal,
popular, colloquial, lowbrow
cadjin-foshlit ~ outward, extrinsic
cadjinagh ~ prevalent, generally, prosaic,
vulgarly, public, commoner, commonly
cadjinaghey ~ vulgarization, vulgarize,
cadjinaght ~ currency, generality
cadjincliaghtagh ~ customary
cadjincliaghtit ~ hackneyed, conventional
cadjinit ~ popularized, vulgarized
cadjinys ~ generality, colloquialism,
commonness, normality
cadjoor ~ just like
cadlag ~ sleeper, sluggard, hibernator;
butterfish, gunnel
cadlag (geuree) ~ dormouse
cadlagh ~ sleepyhead; drowsy, sleepy
cadlaghan ~ general anaesthetic
cadlagheen ~ narcotic
cadlee ~ anaesthetic
cadleen ~ opium
cadleenag ~ opiate
cadley ~ sleep, sleepiness
ny cadley ~ asleep, dormant, unawakened
cadley corragh ~ light sleep
cadley geuree ~ winter sleep, hibernation
cadley hoalley ~ twilight sleep
cadley jargan ~ pins and needles
cadley kiune ~ gentle sleep
cadley magh ~ sleep away
cadley mooie ~ sleep out
cadley ro anmagh ~ oversleep
cadley sthie ~ sleep in
cadley trome ~ deep sleep, sound sleep
cadley yn geurey ~ hibernate
cadleyder ~ sleeper
cafeteyrey ~ cafeteria
caffee ~ coffee
caffeen ~ caffeine
caggaghyn ny croshey ~ crusades
caggee ~ battle, gladiatorial
caggeeaght ~ action (military)
caggey ~ war, fight, scrap, combat, campaign,
clash, battle
caggey baaish ~ mortal combat
caggey beeal ~ slanging match
Y Caggey Boeragh ~ The Boer War
caggey cheerey ~ guerilla war
caggey conrieugh ~ cold war
caggey corrym ~ stand up fight
caggey custym ~ tariff war
caggey dowanagh ~ world war
caggey feayr ~ cold war
caggey fer rish fer ~ duel
caggey gys y jerrey ~ fight out
caggey kellee ~ cock-fighting
caggey keylley ~ bush fighting, guerilla war
caggey marrey ~ sea battle, naval war
caggey moddee ~ dogfight
caggey noi ~ fight against, contest, combat
caggey ny lughee ~ storm in a tea cup
caggey rish ~ row, fight off, fight
caggey rish y cheilley ~ warring
caggey rish y jerrey ~ fight out
caggey seihll ~ world war
caggey speyr ~ air warfare
caggey terriu ~ bullfight
caggeydagh ~ gladiatorial
caggeyder ~ fighter, duellist, protagonist,
caggeyder terriu ~ matador, bullfighter,
caggit ~ fought
caggoil ~ martial, warlike, aggressive
caggoilid ~ aggressiveness, belligerence
cagh ~ all, everyone
cagh elley ~ everyone else, rest
caghlaa ~ change, mutate, interpret, rotate,
switch; alteration, substitution, variation,
break in weather
caghlaa aigney ~ veer (change opinion)
caghlaa credjue ~ proselytism
caghlaa cummey ~ transfigure, transfiguration
caghlaa dys lhong elley ~ trans-ship
caghlaa folley ~ transfusion
caghlaa fuill ~ transfuse
caghlaa gys aigney share ~ resipiscence
caghlaa gys lhong elley ~ trans-shipment
caghlaa (ny heayst) ~ phase of moon
caghlaa shelloo ~ conveyance
caghlaa shelloo(deraght) ~ convey
caghlaa sthoo ~ transsubstantiation
caghlaader ~ mutant, transformer, changer,
caghlaader argid ~ money changer
caghlaader craueeaght ~ proselyte
caghlaader eaddee ~ transvestite
caghlaader mennickaght ~ frequency changer
caghlaaee ~ changing, changeable, alternative,
caghlaaeeys ~ versatility
caghlaaghyn y theihill ~ vicissitudes of life
caghlaaid ~ mutability, changeableness,
caghlaait ~ varied, reformed, altered,
transformed, changed
caghlaays ~ alternative, diversity, volatility,
caghlee ~ versatile
cagleeit ~ limited
cagleeyn ~ confines
cagliagh ~ limit, confine, demarcation,
cagliagh bieauid ~ speed limit
cagliagh custym ~ customs barrier
cagliagh marrey ~ territorial limit
cagliagh sheadinagh ~ sheading boundary
cagliagh traa ~ time limit
cagliaghey ~ confinememt, bound
caglit ~ bounded, finite
cagnaght ~ regiment
cah ~ military action, battle
cah mooar ~ battle royal
cahnaght ~ battalion
cahner bwoirrin ~ amazon (Myth.)
cahnys ~ campaign
Caid? ~ How long?
caidrey ~ cadre
caie ~ dial
caignagh ~ gnawing
caignan ~ file, rasp
caignane keeilley ~ quid (of tobacco)
caignee ~ gnawing
caigney ~ chew, gnaw, mumble, munch, file,
caigney keerey ~ ruminate, chew the cud
caigneyder ~ rodent, gnawer, chewer
caigneyder keerey ~ ruminant
caihagh ~ seedy
caihder ~ seedsman
caihghey ~ winnow
cailjagh ~ privative, strayer, lost object
cailjey ~ lost, strayed, wandered
cailjeyder ~ loser
cailjeyder beg ~ loss-leader
caill ~ lose
caillag ~ very young woman, lass, flapper, girl
caillag scoill ~ schoolgirl
caillagh [f] ~ witch, crone, old woman, single
woman; glaucous gull
caillagh eeast ~ fishwife
caillagh foawragh ~ giantess
caillagh ghoo ~ black guillemot; nun
caillagh ny gueshag ~ hag
caillagh oie ~ barn owl, white owl, death-watch
caillagh (phishagagh) ~ beldam(e)
caillagh ruy ~ loach, stone loach
caillagh vane ~ smew
caillagh varrey ~ hagfish; guillemot
caillagh veg yn arbyl ~ long-tailed titmouse
caillagh vreck ~ dogfish
caillaghys ~ old age (female)
caillee ~ of an old woman
cailleyder ~ loser, also-ran
cailliagh ghoo ~ nun
caillin ~ girl, lass, young woman, maid,
waitress, colleen
caillin aarlee ~ kitchen maid
caillin aeg ~ damsel
caillin ayns breetchyn ~ tomboy
caillin bainney ~ dairy maid
caillin ballay ~ ballerina
caillin blaa ~ flower girl
caillin boalley ~ pin-up
caillin buird ~ parlour maid
caillin chellvane ~ operator, telephone girl
caillin creck ~ salesgirl
caillin dhoan ~ brunette
caillin dree ~ blue-stocking
caillin eddrym ~ coquette
caillin eilkin ~ errand girl
caillin eirinagh ~ land girl
caillin etlan ~ air hostess
caillin fynn ~ blonde
caillin fynn-vane ~ ash-blonde, platinum blonde
caillin guoiee ~ goose girl
caillin gyn poosey ~ spinster
caillin lhionney ~ barmaid
Caillin ny Leoh ~ Cinderella
Caillin ny Leoie ~ Cinderella
caillin s'aaley ~ belle
caillin scoill ~ schoolgirl
caillin shapp ~ shopgirl, shop assistant
caillin slieau ~ oread
caillin thallooin ~ land girl
caillin thie ~ domestic female, housemaid
caillin ushtey ~ naiad
caillin whaaley ~ sewing maid
Caillin y Saveen Liauyr ~ Sleeping Beauty
caillinagh ~ womanish, girlish
caillinys ~ girlhood
caillit ~ lost
cailljagh ~ losing
caillt ~ lost, shipwrecked, defunct
caillt (dy slane) ~ irrecoverable
Caillyn ~ calends
cailt ~ forlorn
cailtynagh ~ eunuch
cainle [f] ~ candle
cainle chaisht ~ paschal candle
cainle chereagh ~ bougie, wax candle
cainle eayil ~ stalagmite
cainle gheirr ~ tallow candle
cainle gheirragh ~ tallow candle
cainle gheirrey ~ tallow candle
cainle hummit ~ dip candle
Cainle Romanagh ~ Roman candle
cainle shuin ~ rush candle
cainle-slutt ~ light (rag candle)
cainle volley ~ taper
cainle Woirrey ~ great mullein
cainleagh ~ candlelike
cainleen ~ bougie
cainlere banglaneagh ~ candelabra
cainley ~ of a candle
cainleyder ~ chandler
cainleyder lhong ~ ship chandler
cainleyder lhuingey ~ ship's chandler
cainleydys ~ chandlery
cainleyr ~ candlestick
cainleyr banglaneagh ~ chandelier
cainleyraght ~ acolyte (office of)
cair ~ property, rights, right, due, privilege, just
cair- ~ (prefix) ortho
cair-chredjuagh ~ orthodox
cair-chredjue ~ orthodoxy
cair-chroamagh ~ orthochromatic
cair vie ~ God speed, bon voyage, favourable
cair voaney ~ turbary
cair-vooinjer ~ orthocousins
cair y chrooin ~ crown rights, treasure trove
cairagh ~ fair, just, justifiable, proper, impartial
cairal ~ just, righteous
Cairbre ~ Arbory
caireydagh ~ proprietary
caireyder ~ owner, proprietor
caireydys ~ ownership
cairoil ~ righteous
cairscreeu ~ orthography
cairt [f] ~ cart
cairt aamaid ~ timber cart
cairt assyl ~ donkey cart
cairt chroghit ~ tip cart
cairt daa laue ~ hand barrow (two wheeled)
cairt eoylley ~ tumbrel, dung cart
cairt ghunn-vooar ~ sling cart
cairt hrustyr ~ rubbish cart, bin wagon
cairt laue ~ handcart, push cart
cairt phost ~ mail cart
cairt skianagh ~ float
cairt stitt ~ bullock cart
cairt ushtey ~ watering cart, water cart
cairt voddee ~ dog cart
cairt vooar ~ wain
Cairtaigagh ~ Carthaginian
cairteen ~ go-kart
Cairteesagh ~ Cartesian
cairtey ~ carting, cart, cartage
cairteyr ~ carter
cairtit ~ carted
cairtlann ~ cartulary
cairyn deiney ~ civil rights
cairyn eeastee ~ fishing rights
cairyn teiy ~ voting rights
cairys ~ right, justice, fairness, applicability
cairys argidagh ~ equity
cairys dooghys ~ birthright
cairys ec (da) ~ he is entitled to
cairys eiraght ~ entail
cairys hooyl ~ right of way
cairys sollysh ~ right of light
Cairys vaardee! ~ Right will prevail!
cairysagh ~ right
cairyssaghey ~ justify
Caisht [f] ~ Easter
caisht ny hewnyn ~ passover
caitnys ~ desert, common, wilderness (garden)
calameen ~ calamine
calamynthey ~ calamint
calcalys ~ calculus
calcys ~ oakum
caleybash ~ calabash
calghooley ~ calculating, calculate
calghooleyder ~ calculator
calghoolit ~ calculated
calghoolys ~ integral calculus
calghoolys anchaslyssagh ~ differential
calkey ~ calk, stop up
calkeyder ~ calker
calkin ~ calk
calkit ~ calked
callee ~ landing place
calleeagh ~ attributive
callig ~ pollock
callin ~ constitution, torso, body, human
callinagh ~ constitutional, physical, bodily,
callish ~ chalice
callish Rangagh ~ broccoli
calloo ~ landing stage, bulwark, breakwater,
calloo marrey ~ pier
calmane ~ pigeon, dove
calmane cleaynee ~ stool pigeon
calmane coe ~ turtle dove
calmane coillaragh ~ collared dove
calmane creggey ~ rock dove, rock pigeon
calmane eaynnee ~ rock dove
calmane glass ~ stock dove
calmane gorrym ~ stock dove
calmane keylley ~ wood pigeon, ring dove
calmane marrey ~ black guillemot
calmane mooar-chleeauagh ~ pouter
calmane mooarscrobbagh ~ cropper
calmane-phost ~ pigeon post
calmane thie ~ homer
calmys ~ calamus
calvaree ~ calvary
Calveenagh ~ Calvinist
Calveenaghys ~ Calvinism
cam ~ bent, deformed, deceitful, crooked,
intricate, rakish angle, wry, perverse, knotty;
cam-arrish ~ travesty
cam-chassagh ~ splay-footed, club-footed
cam-chiollee ~ weary willie
cam-hooillagh ~ cross-eyed, squinting
cam-jeeragh ~ tortuous
cam-stronnagh ~ crooked-nosed
cam-wannalagh ~ stiff-necked, crooked-necked
Ny Camaroonyn ~ Cameroons
Cambrianagh ~ Cambrian
camerey ~ camera
camereyder ~ cameraman
camjeeragh ~ zig-zag
camjerrid ~ zig-zag
camlaagagh ~ morally crooked, tortuous,
perverse, obstinate, illicit, crook (person)
ny camlaagee ~ the froward ones
camlaaghagh ~ intricate
camlaagid ~ perverseness, crookedness
camlaagys ~ entanglement, crookedness,
intricacy, perverseness
camlad ~ camlet
camlauraghan ~ camshaft
camlurgagh ~ bowlegged, bandy-legged
camlurgey ~ bandy leg
cammag ~ hockey, cammag, shinty, crutch,
hockey stick
cammag heose ~ apostrophe
cammaghey ~ crook, twist, distort, inflect,
Cammah? ~ Why? How? For what reason?
camman ~ grudge, malice, pique
cammanagh ~ piqued, malicious
cammanaght ~ maliciousness
cammane ~ quaver
cammar ~ malignity
cammaraght ~ maliciousness
cammee-hroosyn ~ camiknickers
cammey ~ bow, distort, slope, crook, distortion,
hook (as finger), buckling, crank (of object)
cammid ~ obliqueness, crookedness, wryness,
cammid drommey ~ curvature of the spine
cammit ~ perverted, distorted
cammoge ~ comma
camoge ~ scallop
camomile ~ camomile
camp ~ encampment, camp
camp aash ~ rest camp
campal ~ encamp, camping, camp, outspan
campeyder ~ camper
camphor ~ camphor
camphoragh ~ camphorated
camraasagh ~ rest harrow
camraasagh yialgagh ~ spiny rest harrow
camstram ~ cranky, zig-zag, crooked
camtayrn ~ draw
camyl ~ camel
Yn Camys ~ Cambus
camys ~ harbour, cove, elbow
Camys Braddan ~ Laxford
Camys y Ree ~ Derbyhaven
canaaree ~ canary
Canadagh ~ Canadian
canail ~ canal
canastey ~ canasta
candee ~ candy
candys ~ earth fort
canistyr ~ canister
canjel ~ loving
cank ~ cry (of goose)
cankyr ~ canker
cannablaght ~ cannibalism
cannablee ~ man-eaters
cannagh ~ wool, hare's tail
Cannaie ~ Canna
cannial ~ cinnamon
canniblagh ~ cannibalistic, cannibal
canniblaght ~ cannibalism
cannid ~ sexual attraction, lechery,
cannid finnue ~ passion
cannonagh lowansagh ~ prebendary
cannoo ~ lust
cannooagh ~ amorous, lustful, lecherous, smutty
cannooaght ~ lecherousness
cannooid ~ lechery, lustfulness
cannooid er beiyn ~ bestiality
cannys ~ sexual attraction, lechery
cannyssagh ~ sexy
canoanagh ~ canon, canonical
canoanaght ~ canonry
canoanee ~ canonist
canoin ~ canon
cant ~ cant, auction, sale
cant Frangagh ~ Dutch auction
cant mollid ~ jumble sale
cantaid ~ cantata
cantal ~ sell by auction
cantey ~ sell by auction
canteyder ~ auctioneer
canteyraght ~ chant
canteyraght agglish ~ plain chant
cantick ~ canticle
cantit ~ auctioned
Cantoanagh ~ Cantonese
Cantoanish ~ Cantonese
cantoon ~ canton
cantoonagh ~ cantonal
cantoonys ~ cantonment
canvyssal ~ canvassing, canvass
canvysseyr ~ canvasser
caor ~ berry
cap ~ cap
capan buigh ~ chanterelle
capeen ~ cap
capeen bwoallee ~ percussion cap
capeen cleebyrt ~ scrumcap
capitlaghey ~ capitalization
capitlaghys ~ capitalism
cappagh ~ captive
cappagh caggee ~ prisoner of war
cappan ~ cup
cappan caffee ~ coffee cup
cappan-chloie ~ cup final
cappan doolane ~ challenge cup
cappan dy hey ~ a cup of tea
cappan essyl ~ axle cap
cappan ferrish ~ acorn cup
cappan neuvrishlagh ~ a tough cup
cappan queeyllagh ~ hubcap
cappan smarrey ~ grease cap
cappan-sooilley ~ eyebath
cappan tey ~ tea cup
cappan y chree ~ auricle
cappan y druight ~ lady's mantle
cappanagh ~ cuplike
cappaneen ~ cupule
cappee ~ prisoner
cappeeys ~ captivity, bondage
caprys ~ caper
captan ~ captain, skipper, commodore
captan glass ~ captain; grey gurnard
captan lhuingey ~ Master mariner, captain
captan marrey ~ Master mariner, captain
Captan ny Skeerey ~ Captain of the Parish
capt anys ~ capt ai ncy, mast ershi p,
Capusheen ~ Capuchin
Capusheenagh ~ Capuchin
car ~ twist, twirl, during, vicissitude
car ny bleeaney ~ all the year round, perennial
car y gheuree ~ all winter
car y touree ~ all summer
car y voghree ~ all morning
caraafe ~ water bottle, carafe
caraig ~ beetle, weevil, cockroach
caraig chonvayrt ~ carrion beetle
caraig eoyllee ~ scarab
caraig ny braase ~ colorado beetle
caraig ny merriu ~ devil's coachhorse, rove
caraig oanluckee ~ sexton beetle
caramel ~ caramel
carat ~ carat
caravaan ~ caravan
caravaanlann ~ caravanserai
caravelle ~ caravelle
carbad ~ roof of mouth
carbagh ~ carboy
carbeen ~ carbide
carbeig ~ rheum, mucus
carbeigagh ~ mucous
carbey-hydraad ~ carbohydrate
carbey-hydrase ~ carbohydrase
carbid ~ biers, vehicles
carboan ~ carbon deposit, carbon
carboan-gas ~ gas carbon
carboanagh ~ carbonic, carbonaceous
carboanaghey ~ carbonization, carbonize
carboanail ~ carbonyl
carboanar ~ carboniferous
carbonaid ~ carbonate
carbonoil ~ carbonaceous
carbossyl ~ carboxyl
carboylagh ~ carbolic
carboylaghey ~ carbolize
carboylit ~ carbolated
carbraghey ~ carburate, carburize, carburation
carbreyder tayrn neose ~ down-draught
carbreydeyr ~ carburetted
carbrym ~ carborundum
carbyd ~ cabin, bus, stretcher, vehicle, coach,
hearse, bier
carbyd bee ~ restaurant car, dining car
carbyd clienney ~ baby carriage, pram
carbydagh ~ vehicular
carbyder ~ stretcher-bearer
carchar ~ clink
carcharagh ~ convict
carchuillag ~ fleshfly, fly, humming fly
carchuillag foalley ~ blowfly
carchuillag ghorrym ~ bluebottle, blowfly
carchyr ~ jail, imprisonment
carchyragh ~ prisoner, gaolbird
cardinaal ~ cardinal
cardinaalaght ~ cardinalate
cardoon ~ cardoon
Caribagh ~ Carib
carkil ~ circles
Carlagh ~ Carlist
carlan oast ~ motel
Carmane ~ German
carmeish ~ tarpaulin, awning, dodger, canvas
carmeish gharroo ~ burlap
Carmelagh ~ Carmelite
carn ~ heap, cairn, carn, stack of stone, raise
carn eoylley ~ cesspit
carnagh ~ cumulative
carnaghey argid ~ coining money
carnaid ~ cochineal
carnanaghey ~ accumulate, clamp, pack (of
earth), heap, lump, stock up
carnanaghey argid ~ mint
carnanaghey seose ~ mug up
carnane ~ heap, mound, dump, carn, cairn,
kitty, rampart, hutch
carnane breneenagh ~ atomic pile
carnane caartey ~ spoil bank
carnane caggee ~ rampart
carnane connee ~ wood pile
carnane freeney ~ pinhead
carnane fuygh ~ woodpile
carnane geinnee ~ sandbank on land
carnane kyaghan ~ molehill
carnane leoh (leoirey) ~ ash heap
carnane oanluckee ~ barrow, burial mound
carnane praaseyn ~ clamp of potatoes
carnane trustyr ~ scrapheap, kitchen midden
carnane tustyr ~ rubbish heap
carnane y yannoo ~ bank
carnaneagh ~ cumulus, piled up, heaped,
carnaneaghey ~ bundle
carnoain ~ flying beetle, cockchafer, may
carob ~ carob
carottagh ~ carotid
carpad ~ carpet
carpallagh ~ carpal
carpyl ~ carpel
carpyllagh ~ carpellary
carpys ~ carpus
carr ~ car, cab, van; tune, lilt, cadence of voice;
strain, kink, vicissitude
carr beg ~ baby car
carr caggee ~ march
carr cleeahnagh ~ jaunting car
carr cowree ~ signature tune
carr daunse ~ dance tune
carr faillee ~ hire car
carr geayil ~ tender
carr-hroagyraght ~ hitchhike
carr-hroagyrey ~ hitchhiker
carr laadee ~ lorry, wagon, caisson
carr laadee beg ~ wagonette
carr-lheihys ~ ambulance
carr ny merriu ~ funeral tune
carr oanluckee ~ hearse
carr postys ~ mail van
carr pryssoon ~ police van
carr pryssoonagh ~ prison van
carr railley ~ rail car
carr scudlagh ~ luggage van
carr surranse ~ ambulance
carr y phoosee ~ wedding tune
carr yn phrysoon ~ Black Maria
carraboo ~ caribou
carradjagh ~ carroty
carradje [f] ~ carrot
carradje chreoie ~ water dropwort
carradje feie ~ wild carrot
carradje varrey ~ sea carrot, moon carrot
carrag ~ scabby
carragh ~ scab, scurvy, carious, scurfy, crazy,
rocky, rough
carral ~ twirl, twine, warp, twist
carrame ~ slam
carran ~ spurry, acorn barnacles
carrane [f] ~ hide sandal, sandal, slipper
carrane injinagh ~ moccasin
carrane niaghtee ~ racket
carraneagh ~ sandal
carraneyn thie ~ carpet slippers, bedroom
carree ~ flying scud, rack, scud
carrey ~ friend, well-wisher, stone pillar
carrey ammyssit ~ respected friend
carrey beayn ~ staunch friend
carrey coyrlee ~ confidant
carrey er lhiam ~ a seeming friend
carrey jeh scansh ~ a valued friend
carrey mooar ~ a valued friend
carrey ooasle ~ respected friend
carrey scoill ~ school friend
carreyr ~ haulier, carman
carriads ~ vehicle, carriage, cab, compartment,
enforced labour
carriads cadlee ~ Pullman, sleeper
carriads daa-wheeyllagh ~ gig
carriads faillee ~ hackney carriage
carriads (foshlit) ~ chaise
carriads garran ~ pony carriage
carriads glackan ~ brake van
carriads gunn(ey) ~ gun carriage
carriads kiare cabbil ~ drag
carriads thombaacey ~ smoker
carriads toshee ~ forecarriage
carriads traenagh ~ railway carriage
carriadsagh ~ vehicular
carriadseyr ~ carriage builder
carrick [f] ~ cliff, crag, rock in the sea, fortress,
carrick (d'ockle) ~ jaw-breaker
Carrick 'Eroosh ~ Carrickfergus
Carrick ny Colloo ~ Chicken's Rock
Carrick ny Kylliu ~ Chicken's Rock
carrickagh ~ rockbound
carrickeen ~ seaweed, Irish moss, carageen
carrickey ~ of a rock
carrid ~ mange, scurf, cariousness, manginess,
carrit ~ twisted, twined, twirled
carrlann ~ car park
Yn Carroo ~ Cape Wrath
carroo ~ bream, carp, sea bream
carroo doo ~ black sea bream, old wife
carroo ruy ~ loach
carrooagh ~ gamble, gambling, gambler
carrvoghal ~ carbuncle
carryn creoi y theihll ~ vicissitudes of life
cart ~ tanner's bark
cart darree ~ tan (leather), tan bark
cartaanagh ~ benevolent
cartage ~ botfly, warblefly, maze, gadabout,
cartage ny dhieyn ~ botfly
cartage yn ollee ~ warble fly
cartagey ~ gadding
cartagh ~ tawny
cartaghey ~ visiting, tan (leather)
cartaghey mygeayrt ~ gallivant
cartel ~ cartel
cartey ~ tanning
carteyder ~ tanner
carteyr ~ tanner
carthaanee ~ sound of artillery
carthan ~ bug, tick
carthan folley ~ bloodsucker
carthan keyrragh ~ ked (sheep tick), sheep louse
carthan lhiabbagh ~ bed tick
carthan-oaylee ~ entomologist
carthan-oayleeagh ~ entomological
carthan-oayleeaght ~ entomology
carthan ollee ~ cattle bot
carthanagh ~ buggy
cartharnee ~ cannon, heavy gun
cartharneeys ~ cannonade
Carthoosagh ~ Carthusian
cartit ~ tanned
cartoil ~ barky
cartoon ~ cartoon
cartoose ~ cartridge
cartoose kyagh ~ blank cartridge
cartoose sheeley ~ filter cartridge
cartoosh ~ cartouche
cartyn ~ carton
carvaayl ~ caravelle
carval ~ carol, Christmas carol
Carval y Nollick ~ Christmas Carol
carvat ~ neck cloth, necktie
carvat ard ~ choker
carvat folican ~ bow tie
carvey ~ caraway
carvish ~ caraway
carvyl ~ carvel
carvyl-jeant ~ carvel-built
carwhaillag ghlass ~ green bottle
casag ghlare-eddin ~ kiss-curl
caschoull ~ witch hazel
case ~ case
case beg ~ lower case
case mooar ~ upper case
casherick ~ sacred, sanctimonious
casherickee ~ bless, consecrate
casherickeraghey ~ consecrate
casherickey ~ consecrate, bless, dedicate,
solemnize, church (as woman)
casherickit ~ consecrated, dedicated
casherickit (da) ~ devoted
casherickys ~ holiness, sacredness
cashmeer ~ cashmere
cashoo ~ cashew
cashtal ~ castle, citadel, surrounding wall,
bulwark, rook
cashtal foaid ~ breastwork
Cashtal Giare ~ Castlegar
cashtal jerree ~ poop
Cashtal Rushen ~ Castle Rushen
cashtal toshee ~ forecastle
cashtal y corp ~ torso
Cashtal yn Stackey ~ Sugar Loaf
cashtallagh ~ castellated
cashtallys ~ castellation
Cashteelagh ~ Castilian
cashyl ~ clincher
cask ushtey ~ water cask
caskeim ~ step
caslag chastys ~ impedance coil
caslag indughtee ~ induction coil
caslag indughtysh ~ inductance coil
caslagh ~ spiral, coil, armature
caslagh-chast ~ spiral-wound
caslagh fedjagagh ~ boa (feather)
caslagh lossee ~ ignition coil
caslaghey ~ coiling
casley rish ~ resembling, like
caslid ~ uniformity, resemblance
caslit ~ coiled
caslys ~ appearance, shape, illustration, drawing,
elevation, imitation, design, painting, picture
caslys bayrey ~ road map
caslys boalley ~ mural
caslys bollee ~ route map
caslys cheerey ~ map
caslys-cheerey boalley ~ wall map
caslys geaylagh ~ charcoal
caslys kerey ~ wax seal
caslys marrey ~ seascape, sea chart
caslys ooill ~ oil painting
caslys rollagh ~ roller map
caslys ronsagh kirpey ~ anatomical atlas
caslys skeddan ~ sign of herrings
caslys soyllee ~ virtual image
caslys speyragh ~ aerial photograph
caslys toshee ~ frontispiece
caslys ym-linnaghyn ~ contour map
caslyssagh ~ picturesque, figurative, pictorial
caslyssaght ~ picturesqueness
casoor ~ hammer (of gun)
cass [f] ~ leg, barrel, foot, shaft, peg, bottom,
outlet, mouth of river, stalk, hilt, stem of
pipe, crop of whip
cass awiney ~ estuary, river mouth
cass cham ~ club foot
cass-cheim ~ tread
cass chirkey ~ leg of chicken
cass chliwe ~ sword handle
cass chubbyl ~ rafter
cass doarnane ~ handle
cass duillag ~ petiole
cass-eairkagh ~ horn-handled
cass-eddrym ~ cat-footed
cass er bolg ~ victimization
cass essyl ~ axleshaft
cass fannag ~ buttercup
cass feeagh ~ water crowfoot, meadow
cass-ghoarneilys ~ savate
cass ghooishtee ~ starting handle
cass guiy ~ crow's foot
cass hoshee ~ forefoot, foreleg
cass hunnag ~ duck's foot, lady's mantle
cass jeelt ~ saddlepin
cass-lhean ~ bell-bottomed
cass-lhoobagh ~ curled
cass-liauyr ~ long-stemmed
cass ny trieaneyn er-ash ~ back pedal
cass-ockle ~ tongue-twister
cass (ogheragh) ~ cannon
cass olley ~ old wool on sheep
cass pensyl ~ pencil-arm
cass phenney ~ pen-holder
cass phump ~ pump handle
cass-rinkey ~ pirouette
cass rooisht ~ bootless, barefoot
cass-scammylagh ~ web-footed, web-toed
cass shleiy ~ pikestaff, spearshaft
cass skeaban ~ broom handle
cass stiagh ~ turn in
cass-streeaney ~ rein, reins
cass tidee ~ tidal mouth
cass ushag ~ fenugreek
cass vaidjagh ~ timber-toes
cass vaidjey ~ wooden leg, wooden-handled
cass volkit ~ trench foot
cass-vollag ~ two buoys on net, net buoy
cass-vooinjer ~ camp followers
cass y raa ~ object of sentence
cass yerree ~ hindfoot
cassag ~ tunic, cassock, vortex, curl, knot of
cassag kiog ~ ringlet
cassagagh ~ curly-headed
cassagh ~ spiral, objective, pedal, footed
cassaght ~ cough
cassaght ghailley ~ stomach cough
cassaghtee ~ cough, coughing
cassaghyn ~ rev
cassagys ~ frizziness
cassan ~ path, trajectory, passage, sidewalk,
cassan cabbil ~ pack trail
cassan coodit ~ pergola, arcade
cassan (coshee) ~ pavement
cassan croghit ~ causeway
cassan er lheh ~ by-path, shortcut
cassan follit ~ by-path
cassan foshlit ~ right of way
cassan garvel ~ gravel path
cassan keyrragh ~ sheep track
cassan killagh ~ ambulatory
cassan kyaghan ~ mole track
cassan markee ~ ride
cassan ny greiney ~ zodiacal
cassan ny theay ~ right of way
cassan ollee ~ cattle path
cassan shiaullee ~ fairway
cassan smarageagh ~ dirt track, cinderpath
cassan sollys ~ flare path
cassan tayrnee ~ tow path
cassan tead ~ rope walk
cassan tessen ~ cross-cut
cassan votal ~ division lobby
cassanagh ~ passable, pathed
cassanaght ~ passableness
cassee ~ coiling, contortional, twisting,
gyratory, serpentine
casseroil ~ casserole
cassey ~ twist, turn, spin, swirl, screw, warp,
curl, wring, wrench, flick, swing, change,
flounce, distort, pervert, squirm, whip-round,
cassey (ayn) ~ involve
cassey briwnys ~ perversion of justice
cassey er ash ~ turn back (as persons), double
over, double back
cassey er clee ~ turn off (as road)
cassey er jesh ~ turn off (as road)
cassey er pinney ~ pivot
cassey (harrish) ~ turn over
cassey kiangley (er) ~ whip
cassey kirkey ~ double cablestitch
cassey mwaanalagh ~ crick
cassey mygeayrt ~ turn round
cassey rink ~ pirouette
cassey ry-lhiattee ~ caracole
cassey sheese ~ delve
cassey toshtal ~ lefthand turn
cassey veih'n raad ~ turn off (as road)
cassey yn irriney ~ prevaricate
cassey yn thombaacey ~ cable stitch
casseyder ~ whirligig, twister
casseyder corp ~ contortionist
casseyder fuilt ~ hair-curler
cassia ~ cassia
cassid ~ charge with crime, impeach, reprimand
cassidagh ~ litigant, indictable, accused,
cassider ~ accuser, impeacher
cassidys ~ indictableness
cassit ~ twisted, distorted, legged, twirled,
contorted, swung
casslag ~ top (toy)
casslag cronnaneagh ~ humming top
casslag hoghtee ~ choking coil
cassyl ~ jacketing, chasuble
cassyl feayree ~ water jacket
cassyl ushtey ~ water jacket
cassyn cammey ~ bow legs
cassyn craitnagh ~ webbed feet
cassyn marrey ~ sea legs
cassyn muickey ~ pig's trotters
cassyn ny greiney ~ zodiac
cassyn scammylagh ~ webbed feet
cast ~ contorted, curly, curved, ticklish, spun,
wry, complex, perverted, many-sided,
intricate, warped
cast-chooylley ~ poppet valve
cast-vuilley ~ stop-hit
castagh ~ astringent, inhibiting, pre-emptive
castaght ~ involution, complexity
castan ~ horse chestnut
castan ny gabbil ~ horse chestnut
castan Spaainagh ~ edible chestnut
castee ~ quenching
castey ~ preclude, stave off, staunch, hitch,
counter, inhibit, suppress, choke back, freeze
(as loan), defeat, end, censor, beat back,
contain, throwing stones, appease, cure,
castey clienney ~ birth control
castey folley ~ stopping a blood flow
castey mooiney ~ strangury
casteyder ~ suppressor, queller, quencher
casteyder folley ~ astringent, haemostat
castid ~ impedance, ticklishness
castit ~ repressed, quenched, overcome,
restrained, censored, inhibited, deterred,
defeated, suspended
castrey ~ moderate
castreycair ~ middling, tolerably well, passable
castrid ~ moderation, moderateness
castys ~ impedance
catalepsee ~ catatepsy
cataleptagh ~ cataleptic
catalog ~ catalogue
catalogey ~ catalogue
catalysys ~ catalysis
catalytagh ~ catalytic
catechism ~ catechism
catoleagh ~ catholic
catoleaght ~ catholicity
catoleaghys ~ catholicism
Catreeney ~ Catherine, Katherine
cauaig ~ moan, coo, murmer, buzz (of crowd)
cauaigey ~ coo, murmuring, moan, murmer,
cauaighey ~ moaning
caulg ~ barb, testiness, truculence, prickle,
bristle, beard of barley
caulgagh ~ truculent, exasperating, waspish,
bad-tempered, prickly, bristly, barbed,
bearded; lesser weaver
caulgagh vooar ~ greater weaver
caulgaghey ~ exasperate, provoke
caulgaght ~ waspishness
caulgan marrey ~ porcupine fish
caulgey ~ beard, bearding
caulgid ~ snappish, prickliness, bristliness
caulgit ~ provoked
cauree ~ cowrie
Yn Cavan ~ Cavan
cayr [f] ~ knot
Cayr Deeth ~ Cardiff
cayragh ~ knotty
cayraght ~ knotting
cayrn ~ bugle, hooter, play, horn, trumpet
cayrn Alpagh ~ alpenhorn
cayrn cleayshey ~ ear trumpet
cayrn kay ~ foghorn
cayrn shelg ~ hunting horn
cayrn shliggagh ~ conch
cayrn Sostnagh ~ cor anglais
cayrnal ~ sound, trumpet, blow
cayrneen ~ bugle
cayrneyder ~ trumpeter, bugler
cayrnit ~ sounded, blown
ceab ~ lump, clod, clump
ceabbagh ~ land two years ploughed, lumpy,
ceabbey ~ clod
ceabbit ~ clodded
ceaghlagh ~ variable, uncertain (as temper),
vaso-motor, transformable
ceaghlaght ~ variability
ceaghlee ~ variant
ceaghley ~ change, modify, commute, mutate
ceaghley cummey ~ transfigure
ceaghley meanagh ~ medial mutation
ceaghley toshee ~ initial mutation
ceaghlid ~ transition, changeableness
ceaghlit ~ converted, altered, commuted,
modified, changed
ceau ~ wear, consume, spend, run out, dart,
carry, pass, last, loose, rake, shy; weather,
rain, shower; launch, throw, aim, shoot, fall,
hang, corner (on road)
ceau anghoo (er) ~ discredit
ceau argid ~ disburse
ceau as rubbal ~ wear and tear
ceau bleaystanyn ~ mortar
ceau bluckan sniaghtee ~ snowball
ceau carr ass ~ grind
ceau ceabbey (er) ~ clod
ceau ceabbyn ~ sod
ceau cloagey (er) ~ cloak
ceau drilleenyn ~ coruscate, sparking
ceau drilleeyn ~ scintillate, sparkle
ceau dy skeayltagh ~ lavishing, lavish
ceau emshir ~ recreation
ceau (er) ~ pelt
ceau er ash ~ cast back, throw back, fling back
ceau ergooyl ~ throw back
ceau erskyn ~ overshoot
ceau ersooyl ~ dispose, discard, throw away
ceau fliaghee ~ shower of rain
ceau fliaghey ~ rain
ceau fliugh-niaghtee ~ sleet
ceau floutyn ~ taunt
ceau flout(yn) (er) ~ taunt
ceau focklyn ~ bandy
ceau giense ~ feast
ceau gys y gheay ~ lay to
ceau harrish ~ overturn, tip over
ceau harrish boayrd ~ jettison
ceau jaagh ~ reek
ceau jeesley ~ dice
ceau jeh ~ pull off, throw off, abdicate, lay
aside, leave off
ceau lesh gollage ~ pitchfork
ceau lieen (er) ~ net
ceau mactullagh ~ re-echo
ceau magh ~ throw out, dismiss, jettison, eject,
ceau magh (aker) ~ stream
ceau mygeayrt ~ chuck about, throw about
ceau neese ~ fling up, chuck up
ceau neose ~ fling down, throw down, puke
ceau neose (er) ~ malign, deprecate
ceau neu-hastey (da) ~ ignore
ceau niaghtee ~ snowfall
ceau ny share (na) ~ outwear
ceau ny sodjey (na) ~ outwear
ceau-oonlaghey ~ showerbath
ceau ourys (er) ~ impugn, impugnment,
challenge, impeach
ceau pingyn ~ pitch-and-toss
ceau rour ~ overspend
ceau ry cheilley ~ throw together
ceau ry lhiattee ~ throw aside
ceau saveeney ~ drowse
ceau scaa (er) ~ overshadow, blight
ceau scadoo (er) ~ alloy (happiness, etc),
ceau scadoo harrish ~ overshadow
ceau seose ~ throw up, tot up, totalize
ceau sheese ~ throw down, depress
ceau shelley ~ spit, salivate, expectorate
ceau shenn raaghyn follym ~ platitudinize
ceau shilley bieau (er) ~ glance
ceau skearee ~ spat
ceau sniaghtee ~ snow flurry, snowstorm
ceau sniaghtee garroo ~ hailstorm
ceau sniaghtey ~ snow
ceau sniaghtey garroo ~ hail
ceau soilshey (er) ~ elucidate, explain, lighten
ceau sollys (er) ~ illuminate
ceau sooill (er) ~ look over
ceau sooill fargagh (er) ~ glare (of person)
ceau stiagh ~ cast in, throw in, interject
ceau 'sy aarkey ~ jettison
ceau 'syn aer ~ throw up, toss (as ball)
Ny Ceau Tombaacey ~ No Smoking
ceau traa ~ hobby, diversion
ceau voish ~ fling away, throw away
ceau voteyn ~ poll
ceau yn crackan ~ slough
ceau yn geurey ~ hibernate, winter
ceau yn laa lesh caaynt ~ talk away
ceau yn sourey ~ summer
ceau yn traa ~ distraction
ceauagh ~ erosive
ceauder ~ shyer, launcher
ceauder sneeshyn ~ snuff-taker
ceaueyder ~ wearer, spender, consumer,
thrower, user (of drugs etc)
ceaueyder ass obbyr ~ sacker
ceaut ~ jaded, worn, spent, bygone; effete;
thrown, launched
ceaut ass obbyr ~ sacked
ceaut ass staartey ~ sacked
ceaut ec yn chaggey ~ war-worn
ceaut ec yn earish ~ weather-worn
ceaut ec yn emshir ~ weatherbeaten
ceaut ec yn obbyr ~ toil-worn
ceaut ec yn ushtey ~ water-worn
ceaut ersooyl ~ ditched
ceaut jeh ~ abdicated
ceaut lesh imnea ~ careworn
ceaut lhome ~ threadbare
ceaut rour ~ overspent
ceaut 'sy jeeig ~ ditched
ceautagh ~ lavish, extravagant, extravagance
ceautid ~ triteness
C'el? ~ What is?
Celtiagh ~ Celt, Celtic
Celtiaghys ~ Celticsm
Celtish ~ Celtic
centurion ~ centurion
cha ~ not, as, so
cha blhig ~ not let
cha chirrym as poodyr ~ bone dry
cha creoi as clagh ~ stone hard
cha der ~ shall not give
cha feayr as clagh ~ stone cold
cha follan as mwaagh ~ brimful of health
cha gial as sniaghtey ~ snow-white
cha gluinnee ~ shall not hear
cha gow ~ shall not take
cha jean ~ shall not do
cha jed ~ shall not go
cha jig ~ shall not come
Cha leah's foddym ~ as soon as I can
cha marroo as skeddan ~ stone dead
cha nee ~ nay
cha nel ~ am not, is not, are not
cha nel bun ny baare (er) ~ wrong (as plan)
cha nel oayllagh rish ~ unfamiliar
cha n'yiarrys ~ shall not say
cha row ~ were not, was not
Cha row jalloo ~ there was nothing
cha vaik ~ shall not see
Cha voddey ~ not long
cha vow ~ shall not get
chaagh ~ house
chaaghlagh ~ household, home circle
Y Chaairliagh! ~ Mister Chairman!
Yn chaayr ~ Chester
yn chadjinaght ~ the masses, commons
chagh ~ residence, abode, hiding place
chaghney-ghaa ~ technicolour
chaghnid ~ technicality
chaghnoayllee ~ technologist
chaghnoaylleeagh ~ technological
chaghnoaylleeaght ~ technology
chaghnys ~ technics, technique
chaghnysseyr ~ technician
chaghtane ~ clot
chaghter ~ delegate, envoy, commissionaire,
dispatch rider, go-between, emissary, herald
chaghter banc ~ bank messenger
chaghter coshey ~ runner
chaghter reeoil ~ king's messenger
chaghter reiltys ~ government messenger
chaghter rolaue ~ harbinger
chaghter shee ~ truce-bearer
chaghter yn Ainle ~ Annunciation
chaghter yn phaab ~ legate, nuncio
chaghter yn tushtal ~ missionary
chaghteraght ~ commission (message),
communications, dispatch, embassy,
chaghteraght radio ~ radio message
chaghterys ~ representation
chagleyder ~ collector, accumulator, gatherer
chagleyder clouagyn ~ stamp collector
chagleyder feeaghyn ~ debt collector
chagleyder keesh ~ tax collector, rate collector
chagleyder mail ~ rent collector
chagleyder tiggad ~ ticket collector
chaglym ~ accumulate, assemble, gather, whip
round; effort, conclusion, collection
chaglym (ass) ~ deduce
chaglym clouagyn ~ stamp collecting
chaglym cooidjagh ~ convoke, aggregate,
chaglym garagh ~ garden party
chaglym padjeragh ~ prayer meeting
chaglym rollageagh ~ star cluster
chaglym ry cheilley ~ muster
chaglym voish ~ deduce
chaglymagh ~ accumulative
chaie ~ imperfect
Yn Chairtaig ~ Carthage
Chaldeanagh ~ Chaldean
challaghan ~ height
y challid ~ per second
chalse ~ Charles
chalse Aeg ~ The Young Pretender
chammah ~ both, as well
chamoo ~ nor, neither
Chan 'eeagh eh veg ~ it's good for nothing
Chan yrrys! ~ No wonder!
Yn Chanadey ~ Canada
Yn channon ~ The Shannon
Yn chapaan ~ Japan
chaplyn ~ chaplain
chaplynys ~ chaplaincy
charbaa ~ part (from mother), separate, wean
charbaa veih'n agglish ~ excommunication,
charbaait ~ weaned, separated, diminished
chargysh ~ lenten
Yn Charran ~ Bradda Head
Y charrey ~ Dear sir
charrey ~ change (wet to dry), dry weather,
charroo ~ stag
charvaal ~ gulf, abyss, chasm, divide
charvaalagh ~ abyssal, abysmal
charval ~ bottomless pit
Yn Chashteel ~ Castile
Yn Chass ~ Rigel
chass-dhoo ~ black-handled
chea ~ flee, run away, retreat, flight,
chea ny hobbyr ~ sluggard, loafer, dodger
chea voish ~ flee
cheabane ~ twinkling
cheadan ~ escapement (of clock)
cheader ~ runaway, fugitive, absconder
cheader obbyr ~ dodger
cheayll ~ heard
ny cheayrtyn ~ sometimes, every now and then,
cheb ~ guess, tender, bet, bid
chebbal ~ bid, bet, offer, bidding, betting
chebbal (er) ~ present
chebbal fo vun ~ underbid
chebballagh ~ punter, better, sacrificer, biddable
chebbeyder ~ profferer, bidder, tenderer, offerer
chebbit ~ offered, proffered
cheddin ~ very, identical, same, ditto
cheddinaght ~ identity
chee ~ seeking, thicker
Yn cheeaght ~ Great Bear, Ursa Major, The
Dipper; cynosure
Yn cheeaght Veg ~ Lesser Bear
cheegyr ~ tiger
cheegyr bwoirrin ~ tigress
cheeid ~ thickness, density of smoke, thick of
cheeid renaig ~ hair-breadth
cheel ~ tile
cheel laarey ~ floortile
cheeley ~ tiling, tile
cheeleyder ~ tiler
cheelit ~ tiled
cheelyn ~ tiling
Yn cheen ~ China
cheer [f] ~ country, state, shore, home, land,
cheer Chonnal ~ Donegal
cheer chooylloo ~ hinterland
cheer coadit ~ protectorate
cheer dooie ~ fatherland
cheer eaynnee ~ bush country
cheer Ee ~ Tiree
cheer Eoin ~ Tyrone
cheer ghooie ~ native shore, mother country
cheer-ghraihagh ~ patriotic
cheer ghraihder ~ jingo
cheer injil ~ lowland
cheer my ghooie ~ my native land
cheer ny Aeg ~ Elysian Fields, Land of Youth
cheer ny Gaeil ~ Highlands, Gaeldom
cheer ny Goal ~ Britain
cheer ny h-oie ~ dreamland
cheer ny Halbey ~ Scotland
cheer ny mooinjer veggey ~ fairyland
cheer ny Rhiney ~ Rhineland
cheer ny yindyssyn ~ wonderland
cheer-oayllee ~ geographer
cheer-oaylleeagh ~ geographic(al)
cheer-oaylleeaght ~ geography
cheer rea ~ plain
cheer sleitagh ~ hill country, wold
Yn cheer Vannee ~ The Holy Land
cheer vooar ~ mainland
cheer y Shashlagh ~ Uist
cheer y Shaslagh ~ Isle of Uist
cheer y Sniaghtey ~ Greenland
cheer y Vagheragh ~ Netherlands
cheer yalloo ~ landscape
cheer yn Argid ~ Argentina
cheeragh ~ native
cheeraght ~ rusticity
Ny cheeraghyn Balkanagh ~ The Balkans
cheeree ~ airing
cheerey ~ sun-dry, parch, torrefy, air (by heat);
rural, inland
cheereyder ~ clothes drier, electric dryer
cheereyder fuilt ~ hair drier
yn cheerid ~ evening just before dark
cheerit ~ aired with heat, dried
cheerit fo'n ghrian ~ sun-dried
cheeroil ~ countrylike, countrified, agrarian,
racy, homely
cheeroilaght ~ raciness, homeliness
cheeroydjagh ~ thyroid
cheeroydjaght ~ thyroidism
Yn cheeroyl ~ Tyrol
cheeroylagh ~ Tyrolese
cheet ~ comeapproach, succession, advent,
Yn cheet ~ Advent
cheet as goll ~ hurly-burly, movement,
cheet ass ~ emerge
cheet ayns aavioys ~ renascent
cheet ayns copharteeas ~ confederate
cheet cooidjagh ~ synchronize
cheet corrym ~ tie
cheet daah bane (er) ~ blanche (of person)
cheet dy ve ~ become
cheet dy ve bodjallagh ~ fog
cheet dy ve druightagh ~ mist up
cheet dy ve garroo ~ roughen
cheet dy ve kayeeagh ~ mist up
cheet dy ve lheeah ~ silver
cheet dy ve ny s'cast ~ thicken (of plot)
cheet dy ve ny s'girrey ~ contract
cheet dy ve ny s'girroo ~ coarsen
cheet dy ve souaignagh ~ despond
cheet dy ve tost ~ hush
cheet dy ve tostagh ~ hush
cheet dy ve trimshey ~ sadden
cheet dys cheeraght ~ acclimatize
cheet eddyr ~ intervene, interpose, intervention
cheet (er) ~ insinuate, refer, infer, allude,
appear, locate, befall, allusion, encounter
cheet er ash ~ return, reverberate, resound,
reappear, spring up
cheet er ash markiagh ~ ride back
cheet er ash (noi) ~ boomerang
cheet er boayrd ~ ship
cheet er e hoshiaght ~ gain
cheet er gerrey (da) ~ near
cheet er oaie ~ come on
cheet er y hoshiaght ~ prosper, succeed, come
cheet er y theihll ~ nativity
cheet ersooyl ~ come away
cheet faare ~ attendance (school)
cheet faggys (da) ~ approximate
cheet fo ~ come under, seepage, come within
cheet fo ghuillag ~ leaf
cheet fo raad ~ projected
cheet gy kione ~ end, draw on, evolve,
development, finishing
cheet gys baare varrey ~ surface
cheet gys cheeraght ~ acclimatization
cheet gys cooinaghtyn ~ recur
cheet gys eash phenshyn ~ superannuate
cheet gys jerrey ~ peter out, expire
cheet gys jerrey schlei ~ go off
cheet gys kione ~ materialize
cheet gys neunhee ~ fizzle out
cheet gys veg ~ fall down, fizzle out
cheet gys y thalloo ~ land
cheet gys y vullagh ~ crest, culminate
cheet harrish ~ repetition, repeat
cheet hug ~ revive
cheet huggey ~ recover
cheet huggey hene ~ pull round, come round
cheet jeh ~ come off, chip off
cheet jesh (da) ~ beseem, become, match
cheet kionennee (rish) ~ confront
cheet lesh ~ prosper, pass, succeed
cheet lesh shilley (er) ~ come round
cheet magh ~ come out, emerge, budding,
appearance, issuing
cheet magh ass ~ emergent, step out
cheet magh my clooie ~ fuzz
cheet magh reesht ~ re-emerge
cheet my laue ~ get better, improve, advance,
cheet my vlaa ~ flower, budding, pubescent,
cheet my yeish ~ ear, seed
cheet mygeayrt ~ come about, gybe
cheet neear ~ buoyancy
cheet neese ~ ascend, come up
cheet neose ~ descend, come down, descent,
cheet neose (er) ~ challenge, alight (birds)
cheet neose jeh ~ step off, come off
cheet neu-yesh (da) ~ misbecome
cheet noal ~ come across, come over
cheet noi ~ come at
cheet ny hrooid ~ come through
cheet ny lurg ~ come after
cheet ny s'duiney ~ deepen
cheet ny s'liurey ~ lengthen
cheet ny yei ~ come after, succeed
cheet nyn Jiarn ~ nativity, Advent
cheet reesht ~ come again
cheet rish ~ come out, crop up, appear, emerge,
cheet roish ~ come along, come before,
forestall, outflank, prelude
cheet roish (er y raad) ~ waylay
cheet rolaue ~ antecede
cheet ry-cheilley ~ harmonize, amalgamate,
converge, tally, herd, confluence, focusing,
come together, congress, mix, get together,
cheet sallagh (er) ~ foul
cheet stiagh ~ enter, come in, check in,
revenue, influx, income
cheet stiagh eh hene ~ work in (of thing)
cheet stiagh keyl ~ small income
cheet-stiagh mail ~ rental
cheet stiagh ny hrooid ~ come through
cheet stiagh raieeoil ~ quarterly income,
cheet stiagh reesht ~ re-entry
cheet stiagh ry-cheilley ~ combine
cheet tessen (er) ~ thwart, thwarting
cheet toshiaght ~ onset
cheet trooid ~ protrude
cheet voish ~ emanate
cheey ~ thicker
cheey neose ~ stand down
cheh ~ thermal, heated, fevered, hot,
impassioned, sexually precocious, passion
cheh-chreeagh ~ warm-hearted
cheh gaalagh ~ steaming hot
y cheh shoh ~ this one
chehghey ~ chafe, chaffing
chehit ~ chafed
yn cheim hoshee ~ the initiative
yn cheim smoo ~ maximum
yn cheim syrjey ~ maximum
cheinjean ~ bonfire
yn cheird ~ know-how
chella-leensey ~ telelens
chella-oaylleeagh ~ teleological
chella-oaylleeaght ~ teleology
chellafotografeeaght ~ telephotography
chellamaghnys ~ telemechanics
chellameader ~ telemeter
Yn chellan ~ Apis
chellapattagh ~ telepathic
chellapattys ~ telepathy
chellascreeu ~ teleprint
chellascreeuder ~ teleprinter
chellascreeudeyr ~ telewriter
chellechoraa ~ telecommunication
chelleeragh ~ now, rightaway, immediately
chelleeragh ny yei ~ therewithal
chelleeraght ~ celerity
chelleerid ~ immediacy
chellegonys ~ telegony
chellegraf ~ telegraph
chellegrafagh ~ telegraphic
chellegrafee ~ telegraphist, telegraph operator
chellegrafeeaght ~ telegraphy
chellegrafey ~ telegraph
chellegram ~ telegram
chelloder ~ violoncello
chellooish ~ televising
chellooishagh ~ video
chellooishan ~ television set
chellvanaghey ~ ring up
chellvane ~ phone, telephone
chellvane jeeley ~ dial telephone
chellvane thie ~ interphone
chellvaneagh ~ telephonic
chellvanee ~ telephone operator, telephonist
chellvaney ~ ring up, telephone, phone
chellvaneys ~ telephony
chellveeish ~ television
chellveeish chullyr ~ colour television
chellveeish hraghtee ~ commercial television
chellveeishagh ~ video
chellveeishan ~ television set
chellveeishee ~ televiewer
chellveeisher ~ televisor
chellveeishey ~ televising, televise
chemmal ~ hem, edging, fringe, edge, frieze,
chemmal lussagh ~ herbaceous border
chemmal toshee ~ fore-edge
chemmalagh ~ ambient
chemmaltey ~ blockade
chemmaltit ~ blockaded
chemmaltys ~ blockade
chemmit ~ hemmed, bordered
chengagh ~ tongued, loquacious, linguistic,
chengaghey ~ tongue
chengaghyn jeianagh ~ modern languages
chengaghyn Romanagh ~ Romance languages
chengey [f] ~ language, speech; tongue; clasp,
catch of buckle, strap-hinge; bell-clapper;
chengey ard ynsee ~ literary language
chengey baa ~ common speedwell
chengey-chrooagh ~ linguiform
chengey ghear ~ sharp tongue
chengey ghooghyssagh ~ vernacular
chengey ghooie ~ vernacular
chengey hyckey ~ sycamore seed
chengey lhag ~ tell-tale
chengey lhiam lhiat ~ double-tongued, time-
chengey nieuagh ~ tongue full of venom
chengey ny cheerey ~ language of the country,
vulgar tongue
chengey ny mayrey ~ mother tongue, native
chengey ny moddee ~ hound's tongue
chengey ny mraane ~ aspen
chengey unjinagh ~ ash seed
chengey vaa ~ field speedwell, ox tongue
chengey veein ~ yellow archangel
chengey veen ~ archangel
chengey veg ~ uvula, little tongue, staphyle
chengey vio ~ spoken language
chengey vrisht ~ jargon
chengeyder ~ linguist
chengeylan ~ language laboratory
chengeyr chyndaader ~ interpreter
chengleyr ~ wrangler, talkative person, arguer
chengleyr scammaltagh ~ scandalmonger
chengleyragh ~ argue, jabber, argumentative,
chengl eyr aght ~ l oquaci ous nes s ,
chengleyrys ~ jabber, wrangle, argument,
talkativeness, babbling
chengoaylleeaght ~ linguistics
chenjagh ~ oppressor, tyrant, exactor,
extortioner, extortionate, austere
chenjaght ~ extortion, oppression
chenjean ~ beacon
chenjys ~ austerity, oppression
chenleyrys ~ wrangling
chenmynt ~ tenement
yn chenn ~ old
yn chenn-caillin ~ duchess
Yn chenn Raue ~ Ancient Rome
yn chenn ven ~ mater
chennar ~ pressure, fix, strait, birth, stress
yn chenndiaght ~ the old folks
chennel ~ guillemot
chenney ~ elemental fire, lightning, rickets
chenney cheabane ~ ignis fatuus, Will-o'-the-
chenney chrowree ~ Bengal lights
chenney-ghruiaghtys ~ pyromancy
chenney Jee ~ ringworm, Anthony's fire
chenney taarnee ~ thunderbolt, flash of lightning
chennid ~ press, strain, tension, narrowness,
tightness, drive, distress
chennid chree ~ heart strain
chennid chymmyltey ~ phimosis
chennid mooiney ~ strangury
chennid ushtey ~ prostatism
chennoil ~ fiery, vehement
chennoilid ~ vehemence, fieriness
chennoilys ~ fierceness, vehemence
yn chennstyr ~ the ancients
chenntag ~ stove
chent ~ flash, flash of light
chentag ~ firework
chentagh ~ igneous, lightninglike, fulgid
chentyn ~ flicker, flashing, flash, break
cheorey ~ term, compass (boundary),
cheorit ~ circumscribed, finite
cherm ~ therm
chermagh ~ thermal
chermeeanagh ~ thermionic
chermey-lostey ~ thermo-cautery
chermostad ~ thermostat
chermostaddagh ~ thermostatic
chermys ~ thermos
cherr ~ chirr
cherraghtagh ~ perishable, temporal
cherraghtaght ~ perishableness
cherraghtyn ~ perish
cherub ~ cherub
cherubagh ~ cherubic
cheshvean ~ nucleus, orthocentre, epicentre,
dead centre
cheshvean trimmid ~ centre of gravity
cheshveanagh ~ nuclear, dead centre, dead
cheshveanys ~ nucleonics
chet! ~ chut
cheu ~ side, beam, standpoint, page
cheu-aahley ~ side aisle
cheu-altar ~ side altar
cheu asstan ~ wrong side (of material), inside,
side out of sight
cheu-charr ~ sidecar
cheu cheerey ~ countryside
cheu-cheim ~ sidestep
cheu chiare ~ port side, larboard, left side
cheu chlee ~ port side, leftwing
cheu-chooyl ~ behind
cheu chooylloo ~ behind, rearside, rearward,
cheu-chummey ~ improvisation
cheu deiney ~ human factor
cheu elley ~ obverse
cheu elley jeh ~ trans
cheu-ghorrys ~ side door, sidedoor
cheu hansheragh ~ prompt side
cheu-heear ~ behind, west side, westward
cheu heese ~ underneath
cheu heose jeh ~ above
cheu hiar ~ east side, eastward
cheu-hilley ~ sideglance
cheu hoal ~ flip side
cheu hoal (jeh) ~ beyond
cheu hoal jeh'n theihll ~ The Beyond
cheu-hoilshey ~ side lamp
cheu hoshtal ~ near side, larboard, port side,
left side
cheu hwoaie (jeh) ~ north of
cheu hwoaie ny purt ~ North Quay
cheu jesh ~ dexter
cheu lheirrym ~ larboard
cheu lhiabbagh ~ bedside
cheu (lhuingey) ~ broadside
cheu-londeyr ~ sidelamp
cheu mooie ~ (see cheumooie)
cheu-mooieys ~ objectivity
cheu ny dailleyder ~ creditor side
cheu ny geayee ~ weather conditions, luff,
weather side, windward
cheu ny Howe ~ South Quay
cheu ny marrey ~ seaside, water front
cheu ny mayrey ~ spindle side
cheu ny mraane ~ distaff
cheu-phoggaid ~ side pocket
cheu raaidey ~ roadside
cheu-reayrt ~ side view
cheu ry heu ~ adjacent, side by side, broadside
on, apposition
cheu sthie ~ (see cheusthie)
cheu toshee ~ front page
cheu-vaidjey ~ side bar
cheu-vayr ~ side road, local road
cheu vayrey ~ roadside
cheu veealloo ~ forepart
cheu-veoir ~ linesman
cheu-voayrd ~ side table
cheu wass ~ near side
cheu y vayr ~ wayside
cheu-yalloo ~ side elevation
cheu yesh ~ right side, starboard, off side
cheu yn aarkey ~ seaside, water front
cheu yn astee ~ lee, leeward, lee side, sheltered
cheuagan ~ hypotenuse
cheuagh ~ sided, partial, tendential
cheuaghey (lesh) ~ espouse, espousal
cheual ~ lateral
cheualagh ~ lateral, adjoining
cheuane ~ purlin
cheufort ~ traverse
cheughey ~ alignment, align, ally
cheughey (rish) ~ side
cheulagh ~ siding, sidetrack
cheulinney ~ sideline, touchline, touch
cheumooie ~ outside, without, outboard,
alfresco, exterior
cheumooie jeh ~ besides, save
cheuraght ~ impromptu
cheusthie ~ inside, within, indoor, interior,
inland, inner; subjectivist
cheusthieys ~ subjectivism
Yn Cheyllys Orkagh ~ Pentland
Yn Cheynya ~ Kenya
yn chiaghtin er giyn ~ next week
yn chiaghtin shoh cheet ~ next week
yn chiaghtyn shoh chaie ~ last week
yn chiaghtyn s'jerree ~ last week
chiamblagh ~ Templar
chiamble ~ fane, temple
chiamble argid ~ shrine
chiamble Ewanagh ~ synagogue
chiamble masoonagh ~ masonic temple
chiamble ny jeeghyn ooill ~ pantheon
chiamble Sheenagh ~ joss house
chiamble Yupiter ~ Capitol
chiark ~ scarce
chiarn ~ laird, lord, peer
chiarn beg thallooin ~ squireen
chiarn caggee ~ war lord
Yn chiarn Jee ~ The Lord God
chiarn ny cheerey ~ lord of the manor, laird
chiarn thallooin ~ landlord, ground landlord,
chiarn-veoir ~ Lord Mayor
chiarn y lhuingys caggee ~ sea lord
chiarnagh ~ lordly
chiarnaghey harrish ~ overlord
chiarnaght ~ lordship, seigniority
chiarneen ~ lordling
chiarnid ~ lordliness
chiarnoil ~ lordlike
chiarnoilid ~ imperiousness
chiarnyn ~ lords, peerage
chiarnyn Thallooin ~ Landed Interest
chiarnyn y rheaym ~ Peers of the realm
chiarnys ~ domain, lordship, dominion,
domination, manor, peerage
chiarnyssagh ~ seigniorial, bossy, authoritative,
chiarnyssaght ~ bossiness
chiarrey ~ clearance, clear (of weather), dry
Yn Chiart Vooar ~ Magna Charta, Magna Carta
chiass ~ heat, warmth
yn chiass ~ gonorrhoea, the clap
chiass bane ~ incandescence
chiass-chemmig ~ thermochemistry
chiass-chredjue ~ religious fervour
chiass-cubbyl ~ thermo-couple
chiass er lheh ~ specific heat
chiass folley ~ blood heat
chiass follit ~ latent heat
chiass-gheintynagh ~ thermogenic
chiass-ghiennaghtyn ~ heat-producing
chiass-ghraih ~ ardour, fervent love
chiass goulragh ~ radiant heat
chiass greiney ~ solar heat
chiass-howshanagh ~ calorimetric(al)
chiass-jeeneyder ~ heat insulator
chiass lajer ~ ardent heat
chiass-lectragh ~ thermo-electric(al)
chiass-lectraghys ~ thermo-electricity
chiass-lectraneagh ~ thermo-electronic
chiass-lostey ~ thermo-cautery
chiass-niartal ~ thermo-dynamic
chiass-niartallagh ~ thermo-dynamics
chiass (ny greiney) ~ fieriness
chiass-reilleyder ~ thermostat
chiass-veih fer lhee ~ clinical thermometer
chiassagh ~ febrile, feverish
yn chiassagh buigh ~ yellow fever
chiassagh inchyn ~ brain fever
yn chiassagh jiarg ~ scarlet fever, scarlatina
chiassaghey ~ fever, pyrexia
yn chiassaghey breck ~ typhoid fever
chiassaghey curree ~ malaria, marsh fever,
swamp fever
chiassaghey geinnee ~ sand fly fever
chiassaghey sheeintyn ~ mastitis
chiassaghey soalley ~ puerperal fever
chiassaght ~ feverishness
chiassan ~ calorie
chiassanagh ~ calorific
chiasseyder ~ radiator, heater, warmer
chiasseyder shamyr ~ room heater
chiasseyder ushtey ~ water heater
chiassid ~ hotness, temperature
chiassjeenaght ~ insulation
chiassmeadragh ~ thermoelectric(al)
chiassveih ~ thermometer
chiassyeenaghey ~ insulate
chiassyeenit ~ insulated
chibbag ~ sex
Yn chibbeyr ~ Siberia
chibbyr [f] ~ well, spring, fount
chibbyr arteeshagh ~ artesian well
chibbyr hayrnee ~ deep-draw well
chibbyr heh ~ thermal spring
chibbyr ooill ~ oil well, gusher
chibbyr sulfur ~ sulphur spring
chibbyr Voirrey ~ Tobermory
chibbyragh ~ spring, of a well
chibbyrt ~ well, spring
chicada ~ cicada
yn chied ~ initial, first, primary
yn chied as feed ~ twenty-first
yn chied cadley ~ beauty sleep
yn chied cheet magh ~ debut
yn chied-daah ~ ground colour
yn chied ghooishtey ~ first breath
yn chied lhongey ~ breakfast
yn chied rheynn ~ first division
yn chied vanglane ~ the first principle
Yn chied vee jeh'n Arragh ~ February
Yn chied vee jeh'n Gheurey ~ November
Yn chied vee jeh'n Ouyr ~ August
Yn chied vee jeh'n Tourey ~ May
yn chied vess ~ first fruits
yn chied vrat ~ groundcoat
yn chied vuilley ~ aggression
chiedwoalteyr ~ aggressor
chillee ~ chilli
Yn chillee ~ Chile
chimlee ~ smoke stack, stack
chimlee aer ~ ventilation shaft
chimpansee ~ chimpanzee
ching ~ sore, painful, ill, disordered, nauseated,
ching aile ~ burn (scald)
ching-chreeagh ~ heartsick, heartbroken
ching lesh graih ~ lovesick
ching lhiabbagh ~ bedsore
ching 'sy chione ~ fatheaded
ching 'sy chree ~ sick of heart
Yn chingeesh ~ Whitsun(tide), Pentecost
chingey ~ sick
chingey jee ~ ringworm
chingys ~ illness, disease, stroke, disorder
chingys aane ~ hepatitis
chingys aaney ~ liver disease
chingys aer ~ air sickness
chingys breinney ~ womb illness
chingys builg ~ belly-ache
yn chingys-buillee ~ apoplexy
chingys cadlee ~ sleepy sickness, lethargy
chingys cassee ~ vertigo
chingys chab ~ neuralgia
chingys ching veih'n volg ~ sick headache
chingys chlienney ~ travail (birth)
chingys cleayshey ~ earache
chingys clienney ~ childbirth
chingys craaee ~ ague
chingys curree ~ paludism
chingys drommey ~ lumbago, spinal disease
chingys 'eeackle ~ toothache
chingys gailley ~ stomach pain, nausea, gastric
chingys ghailley ~ stomach ache, digestive
chingys ghliooney ~ mallenders
chingys ghrommey ~ backache
yn chingys Injinagh ~ beriberi
chingys king ~ headache
chingys leoaie ~ lead colic
chingys marrey ~ seasickness
yn chingys millish ~ diabetes
chingys mooar y yiarrey ~ dysentery
chingys nearag ~ nervous troubles
chingys neayrag ~ neuropathy
chingys neulheiltagh ~ palsy
chingys ny coyin ~ rabies
chingys ny heayst ~ lunacy
chingys ny henneeyn ~ brain sickness
chingys ny meaineyderyn ~ phthisis
chingys ny mucyn ~ the purples
chingys ollee ~ cattle disease
chingys scoill ~ truantship
chingys sooilley ~ eye trouble
yn chingys tayrnee ~ convulsions
chingys theayagh ~ epidemic
yn chingys tuittymagh ~ epilepsy
chingys varrey ~ seasickness
chingys vreagagh ~ malingering
chingys y cleeau ~ tuberculosis
chingys y yiarrey ~ diarrhoea
chingys y yummallys ~ squandermania
yn chingys Yernagh ~ ulcerated dermal
necrosis, salmon disease, Irish disease
chingys yn ollee ~ foot and mouth
chingys yn ree ~ scrofula
chingyssagh ~ painful, seedy
chinse ~ chintz
chioee ~ never, nevermore, ever (of future),
chiolg ~ stomach, tummy
chiollagh ~ ingle, hearth, fireplace
chiollagh chiollee ~ chimney corner
ny chione ~ by the hand
y chione ~ apiece
chione cheerey ~ mull
chione y cheilley ~ mixed
chionn ~ hard-pressed, hardy, stuck fast, tight-
fitting, austere, firm, speedy, stiff, taut,
delicate, firmly, fast, tense, erect (as penis),
busy, inflated
chionn-chraitnagh ~ hidebound
chionn lesh moyrn ~ puffed up with pride
chionn rish y chrackan ~ skintight
chionnag ~ tendril, tentacle
chionnagagh ~ tentacular
chionnagh ~ thronging
chionnaghan ~ vice
chionnaghey ~ inflate, brace
chionnaghey crossagh (er) ~ interlace
chionnaghey glackanyn ~ brake
chionnal ~ turn out (of people), crowd, mob,
multitude, jam, congregation, assembly
yn chionnal ~ the mob
chionnal-aggle ~ ochlophobia
chionnal mooar ~ host
chionnal mooar dy 'leih ~ teeming crowd
chionnal neuleighoil ~ unlawful assembly
chionnchur ~ wooden tongs, forceps
chionnchuryn ~ pincers
chionneen fuilt ~ hairclip
chionney ~ cog, clench, grit, inflate, pump up,
pressurize, momentum, tauten, tighten,
erection, screw up, fasten, put on, strain,
chionney (er) ~ oblige, press
chionney glackanyn ~ braking
chionney roish ~ press on
chionney ry-cheilley ~ close up, bunch
chionney stiagh ~ perforate, siege, press in
chionney stiagh (er) ~ mob, beseige, beleaguer,
chionneyder ~ inflater, nut, brace, strainer,
chionneyder builg ~ bicycle pump
chionnid ~ compactness, tension, tenseness,
austerity, strain, tautness, stiffness
chionnid aer ~ air pressure
chionnid eaghtyragh ~ surface tension
chionnid gas ~ gas pressure
chionnid ushtey ~ water pressure
chionnit ~ inflated, blown, tightened,
chionnit ry-cheilley ~ close-ranked
chionnraa ~ protest
chionnraader ~ protester
chionnraaghey ~ protest
chionnt ~ strained
chionntane driaght ~ chain adjuster
chionntane pabyr ~ paper clamp
chionntane tessen ~ cross-brace
chioob aer ~ air tube
chioonaghey ~ tuning, tune up
chiooney ~ key, fastening
chiooneyder ~ tuner
chiow ~ warm up, warm, warming, heat
chiow banglaneagh ~ central heating
chiowder ~ heater
chiowder coshey ~ foot-warmer
chiowder shamyr ~ room heater
chiowder ushtey ~ water heater
chiowdeyder lhiabbagh ~ bed-warmer
chioweyder ~ warmer
chioweyder moggaid ~ plate-warmer
chioweyder sheidee ~ fan heater
chiowit ~ aired (as bed), warmed, heated
chiowt ~ warmed
chirmaghey ~ dry, dessicate, drain, cure
chirmee ~ desiccative
chirmeyder ~ curer, drier, absorbent
chirmeyder cassee ~ spin dryer
chirmid ~ aridity, drought, dryness
chirmit ~ dried, dried up, drained
chirrym ~ arid, dry, waterless, prohibitionist,
sapless, dry-bulb
chirrym-choshagh ~ dry-footed
chirrym-ghlenney ~ dry-cleaning, dry-clean
chirrym-ghlent ~ dry-cleaned
chirrym-hooillagh ~ dry-eyed
chirrymaght ~ prohibitionism
Yn chirveish Folliaghtagh ~ The Secret Service
Yn chissyl ~ Sicily
chit-veg ~ rock pipit
chiu ~ stout, thick, heavy, blubber, thick-set (of
hedge), strong (as solution), whipped (as
cream), intense; foggy, turbid
chiu-chrackanagh ~ thick-skinned (of fruit)
chiu-chraitnagh ~ pachydermatous
chiu-linney ~ thick-stroke
chiu reen ~ viscous
chiu-veeallagh ~ blubber-lipped
chiu-veillagh ~ blubber-lipped
chiuaghey ~ concentration
chiuder ~ concentrator, coagulant
chiughey ~ congeal, clot, thicken, concentrate,
become heavy
chiughit ~ clotted
chiuid ~ stoutness, turbidness, intenseness,
grossness, clot
chiuit ~ concentrated
chiulagh ~ cream, top of milk
yn chlere ~ the priesthood, the cloth
chloan veggey ~ toddlers
chloie ~ played
chloroform ~ chloroform
chlorophyll ~ chlorophyll
Chluinagh? ~ Would hear?
Chluinin? ~ Would I hear?
Chluinnee? ~ Shall hear?
cho ~ as, so
ny choar ~ in his presence
choarym ~ theorem
choe ~ warmer, hotter
Yn Chohionnal Cheltiagh ~ The Celtic
Yn Cholloo [f] ~ The Calf (of Mann)
Yn Cholombey ~ Columbia
yn chommynaght ~ society
C'hon? ~ Why?
yn chonnagh ~ cattle murrain
choo ~ hurrah
choob ~ tube
Yn Choobey ~ Cuba
yn chooid elley ~ rest
yn chooid sloo ~ lesser, least, fewest
yn chooid smessey ~ brunt
yn chooid smoo ~ most, maximum, better part,
yn chooid strimmey ~ brunt
Yn Chooill ~ The Cooill
Yn Choonseil Slattyssagh ~ The Legislative
chooraght ~ integration
chooyl ~ instant
Yn Chorn ~ Cornwall
Yn Chorsickey ~ Corsica
choud ~ long, while
choud as ~ as long as
choud cheddin ~ so far
chouds ~ as long as, while
choud's shen ~ whereunto, till then
choud's shoh ~ still, this far
ny chour ~ for him
chowder ~ chowder
ny chowrey jeh ~ significative
y chraghey ~ prey upon
yn chray ~ the clod
Yn Chrea ~ The Creed
Y chree ~ my heart, my sweetheart, dearest
Yn Chree Noo ~ The Sacred Heart
-chreeagh ~ -hearted
Yn Chreesteeagh ~ The Eucharist
Yn Chreestiaght ~ Holy sacrament,
Christendom, Holy communion
Yn Chreet ~ Crete
chrie ~ quaked
Yn Chrimeea ~ The Crimea
yn chroa ~ communion seat
chron-oayllee ~ chronologist, chronologer
chron-oaylleeagh ~ chronological
chron-oaylleeaght ~ chronology
yn chronnag ~ the round top
Yn Chrosh ~ the Crucifix
Yn Chrosh Losht ~ The Fiery Cross
Yn Chrosh Vustyr ~ The Fiery Cross
Yn Chrosh Yiarg ~ The Red Cross
yn chruinney ~ earth
chuck ~ chuck
chuck! chuck! ~ chuck! (call to fowls)
chuintys ~ conjunctivitis
Yn Chuishlin Airhey ~ The Reef
yn chuittag ~ left hand
chum ~ towards me, for
chummal ~ pile up, heap
chummal (seose) ~ to pile up
chummalagh ~ running over
y chummey ~ hew out
chummit ~ heaped
Yn Chummyn ~ Holy communion
chur ~ put
chutnee ~ chutney
Yn chuyr Breeshey ~ Sister Bridget
chybbyrt Aarey ~ Tipperary
chyle ~ chyle
chymbyl ~ roundabout
chymbyllagh ~ environmental, roundabout
chymbyl l aght ~ gi rt h, envi ronment ,
chymcheayrtagh ~ periodical
chymlee ~ chimney
chymloayrtys ~ circumlocution
chymmaghey ~ soften
chymmee ~ commiserative
chymmey ~ pity
chymmoil ~ pitying
chymmylit ~ circumcised
chymmylt ~ foreskin, around, prepuce
chymmyltagh ~ uncircumcised, Gentile,
preputial, circumcised (male)
chymmyltey ~ circumcise, circumcision
chymmyltys ~ uncircumcision
chymnagh ~ testamentary, testate, testatory
chymnaghey ~ devise, bequeath, depute,
dedicate, dedication
chymnaghey (da) ~ devolve
chymnaght ~ testacy
chymnee ~ dedicatory, pass down
chymney ~ leave (will), will, devise, testament
chymneyder ~ testator, bequeather, devisor
chymnit ~ dedicated, willed
chymsagh ~ hoarding, gather, saving
chymsagh croiyn ~ nutting
chymsagh vaa ~ rodeo
chymsaghey ~ round up, pick off, scrape
together, accumulate, gather
chymsaght ~ set, family, inflammation,
chymsaght yn 'ooillagh ~ remainder set
chymsee ~ accumulative
chymseyder ~ gatherer, accumulator
chymshal ~ cycle, circuit
chymshal Carnot ~ Carnot cycle
chymshal lectragh ~ electric circuit
chymshallagh ~ cyclic(al)
chymshallys ~ circuitry
chymsit ~ collected
chymysyn ~ foundation
chyndaa ~ turn, revolve, twirl, invert, deflect,
convert, quirk, return, avert (eyes), translate
chyndaa buird ~ table-turning
chyndaa coorse ~ cast about
chyndaa er ash ~ turn back (as persons)
chyndaa er shaghryn ~ pervert
chyndaa ergooyl ~ volte face
chyndaa ersooyl ~ divert, turn away
chyndaa gys vondeish ~ avail
chyndaa (harrish) ~ turn over
chyndaa mygeayrt ~ turn round, turn about
chyndaa ny greiney ~ tropic
chyndaa ry lhiattee ~ turn aside
chyndaa seose ~ turn up
chyndaa uillinagh ~ U-turn
chyndaa yn cheusthie magh ~ eversion
chyndaa yn Ghoayr ~ tropic of Capricorn
chyndaa yn Phartan ~ tropic of Cancer
chyndaader ~ translator, changer
chyndaader clagh ~ turnstone
chyndaaee ~ rotational
chyndaait ~ converted, twisted, translated
chyndaays ~ conversion
chynskyl ~ industries, industry
chynskyl coadit ~ sheltered industry
chynskyl eddrym ~ heavy industry
chynskyl ny feederaght ~ textile industry
chynskyl yn ghas ~ gas industry
chynskylagh ~ industrial
chynskylaghey ~ industrialize
chynskylaght ~ industrialism
chynskyleyr ~ industrialist
Yn Chyprys ~ Cyprus
chyrrys ~ errand, tour
chyrrysagh ~ courier
chyrrysid ~ intelligence
chysagh ~ gathering sore
ciunnagagh ~ cellular
claaghey ~ smearing
claair ~ plank
claamey ~ scratch
claaragh ~ partition
claaraghan argid ~ cash register
claaraghey ~ index, enrolment, enrol,
claare ~ stave, board, play bill, table (list),
batten, platter, bar counter, programme
claare argidoil ~ budget
claare arran ~ bread board
claare asbestos ~ asbestos board
claare awree ~ soup plate
claare braghtan ~ sandwich board
claare buird ~ tabletop
claare caghlaaee ~ switchboard
claare cassee ~ turntable
claare-chassagh ~ broad-footed
claare chemmal ~ skirting board
claare cooishagh ~ cause list
claare coshal ~ pedal-board
claare coshey ~ footboard
claare daahder ~ palette
claare doo ~ black list
claare-edd ~ mortarboard
claare-eeackle ~ incisor
claare enmey ~ scutcheon, escutcheon
claare feeal ~ chessboard
claare feeyney ~ wine list
claare fogrey ~ noticeboard
claare fuinnee ~ baking dish
claare gaabyl ~ gable board
claare jeen ~ weatherboard
claare jerree ~ tailboard
claare laarey ~ floorboard
claare leaghyn ~ tariff
claare linneeaght ~ drawing board
claare lioaragh ~ bibliography
claare mortyr ~ mortarboard
claare mullee ~ barge board
claare obbyr ~ platform, agenda
claare ogheragh ~ keyboard
claare pontreilagh ~ plumb rule
claare sansheragh ~ annunciator board
claare shellee ~ weatherboard
claare skirrit ~ slipped disc
claare skynney ~ knife board
claare smoodee ~ ironing board
claare sooane ~ puck
claare tawlish-beg ~ draught board
claare tonn ~ surf board
claare yiarnal ~ ironing board
claare ylraghey ~ multiplication table
claareen ~ planchette
claareyn-shooyl ~ duck boards
claasagh ~ harp
claasagh rea ~ psaltery
claaseyder ~ minstrel
claaseyr ~ harpist
claaseyraght ~ harping
clabbag ~ plaster, mouth (of river)
clabbag arran ~ bread poultice
clabbag fliugh ~ packing sheet, wet pack
clabbag vustart ~ mustard poultice
clabbagh ~ curdled, cataplasm
clabbeen joan ~ dust cap
clabberagh ~ rattling
clabberaght ~ patter
clabberey ~ rattle, rattling
clabberey cliwe ~ sabre rattler
clabbid ~ thrombus
clabbid cuishlin ~ thrombosis
clabbid folley ~ thrombosis
clabbin ~ squall, gust, bluster (of wind)
clabbinagh ~ blustery (of day), bluster (of
wind), gusty, squally
clabbiney ~ squall
clabbinid ~ squalliness, gustiness
claddagh ~ beach, bank, littoral, polder, river
bank, land by a river
claddan ~ snowflake
claddan sniaghtee ~ snowflake
claddee ~ marshy
clag ~ blow ball, clock, bell
clag aile ~ fire alarm
clag-allym ~ rock alum
clag baaish ~ passing bell, death knell, death
clag boalley ~ wall clock
clag-cheirdagh ~ bell-founder
clag clingagh ~ chiming clock
clag cooaig ~ cuckoo clock
clag dooishtee ~ alarum, alarm clock
clag erin ~ mass bell, sanctus bell
clag gaue ~ alarm gong
clag greiney ~ sundial
clag lhuingey ~ chronometer, ship's bell
clag merriu ~ knell
clag mooghee ~ curfew
clag ny killagh ~ church bell
clag ny merriu ~ death bell, funeral bell,
passing bell
clag oanluckee ~ funeral bell
clag-obbragh ~ clockwork
clag poosee ~ wedding bell
clag raauee ~ tocsin, alarm gong, alarm bell
clag sterrym ~ storm bell
clag thummee ~ diving bell
clag yn ainle ~ angelus bell, ave bell
clagagh ~ bell-like
clageen ~ bell, rampion, bell flower
clageen dorrysh ~ door bell
clageen glenney ~ bell glass
clageen gorrym ~ bluebell
claggagh ~ clocklike
claggan ~ Canterbury bell, electric bell
claggan chellvane ~ telephone bell
claggan cloie ~ wheatear
clagganagh ~ bell-like
claggeraght ~ carillon, clack, babbling
claggintys ~ peal, ding-dong, ringing,
campanology, tintinnabulation
claggyraght ~ peal of laughter, pealing, tinkle
claggys ~ belfry, bell tower, campanology
claggyseyr ~ campanologist
clagh [f] ~ stone, stone monument; testicle
clagh-aae ~ arch stone
clagh aile ~ firestone, flint
clagh argid ~ litharge
clagh chaglee ~ border stone, boundary stone
clagh charbrym ~ carborundum stone
clagh chelk ~ chalk stone
clagh cherrinagh ~ ashlar
clagh chianglee ~ throughstone, keystone,
clagh chorneilagh ~ cornerstone, headstone,
clagh chorragh ~ rocking stone
clagh chostal ~ precious stone
clagh-chreoi ~ stone hard, stony
clagh chribbanagh ~ kerbstone
clagh-chrystyl ~ rock crystal
clagh clingagh ~ clinkstone
clagh cooinaghtyn ~ monument
clagh eayil ~ limestone
clagh eayl ~ kidney stone
clagh folley ~ blood stone, heliotrope
clagh foyr ~ whetstone, rubbing stone
clagh gheayil ~ coal
clagh-gheayl ~ stone coal
clagh gheayney ~ malachite
clagh gheinnee ~ sandstone
clagh ghlass ~ nephrite, jade, blue stone, green
stone, beryl
clagh ghoo ~ jet
clagh ghorrym ~ silver nitrate
clagh ghorrym-ghlass ~ azure spar
clagh ghreasee ~ cobbler's stone
clagh Ghreenlyn ~ cryolite
clagh ghreiney ~ quartz
clagh ghrillinagh ~ flint
clagh ghrineenagh ~ gritstone
clagh greiney ~ white spar
clagh hayrn ~ magnet, magnetite, lodestone
clagh he(e)abinagh ~ French chalk, soap stone
clagh heelee ~ drip stone
clagh henney ~ silex, aerolite
clagh hessen ~ parpen
clagh hillish ~ cherry stone
clagh hleeuee ~ hone
clagh hoit ~ standing stone, pillar stone, stele
clagh-hollan ~ rock salt
clagh-hooilley ~ eyeball
clagh hryal ~ moorstone, granite
clagh leaystey ~ logan(stone)
clagh loau ~ rottenstone
clagh lostee ~ brimstone
Clagh Manu ~ Clackmannan
clagh niart ~ putting stone, heavy weight
clagh ny killagh ~ church stone
clagh ny sooilley ~ apple of the eye, iris
clagh oaie ~ gravestone, ledger stone
clagh oaye ~ tombstone, headstone,
clagh ogheragh ~ arch stone, voussoir
clagh oirragh ~ curb
clagh ollym ~ alum stone, alunite
clagh ooasle ~ gem
clagh ooill ~ oilstone
clagh oural ~ altar stone, altar
clagh 'oyr ~ hone
clagh phohll ~ net weight
clagh phrowal airh ~ touch stone
clagh phuiddin ~ conglomerate
clagh rubban ~ rubbing stone
clagh scailley ~ pebble
clagh schimmeigagh ~ agate
clagh scooiree ~ hearthstone, holy stone
clagh-scooirey ~ holy stone
clagh screebee ~ scratching stone
clagh shleeuee ~ sharpening stone, oilstone,
whetstone, grindstone
clagh soddag ~ bannock stone
clagh so-yiarrey ~ freestone
clagh uaill ~ the gravel, bladder stone
clagh undin(agh) ~ foundation stone
clagh vane ~ felspar
clagh varrey ~ blue beryl
clagh vleihveayn ~ grindstone
clagh vooar ~ boulder
clagh-vow ~ catapult
clagh vreinn ~ stinkstone
clagh vullee ~ cap stone, cope stone
clagh vun ~ headstone, foundation stone, nether
clagh wharral ~ quarry stone
clagh yiarn ~ lodestone, loadstone
clagh yiarrit ~ brilliant
claghagh ~ stony, flinty
claghaghey ~ petrification, petrify
claghaght ~ flintiness, stoniness
claghan ~ small stone, stepping stones, hamlet,
cluster of houses
claghan ny gleigh ~ stonechat
claghey ~ throwing stones, stone, stone throwing
clagheyder ~ stone thrower, stoner
claghit ~ stoned
claghoolys ~ calculation
claght ~ solidity, use (service)
claghtagh ~ serviceable
claghyn bayrey ~ road metal
claghyn buighid ~ bile stones
claghyn king ~ top stones
claghyn laue ~ dibs
clagrey ~ carillon
claibeen ~ scutcheon
claigaid ~ helmet
claigeen ~ poll
claight ~ plait, braid
claight airhey ~ gold braid
claight dooblit ~ box pleat
claightey ~ braid, plait, plaiting
claigin ~ scalp, pate, skull, cranium, dome of
head, bowl (of pipe)
claigin-howse ~ craniometry
claigin-oayllee ~ craniologist
claigin-oaylleeaght ~ craniology
claiginagh ~ scalp, cranial, skull-like, capitate
clame ~ clumsy grasp, hug
clamey ~ hug, embrace, enfold, clinch, grasp
clameyder ~ bear, embracer
clamp ~ patch
clampal ~ clamp
clampey ~ clamp, patch, patch up
clampeyder ~ patcher
clampeydys ~ patchiness
clampit ~ patched
yn clane ~ the total, the whole
yn clane job-lot ~ the whole bag of tricks,
clannagh ~ bushy
clannaghey ~ colonize, populate, thicken (as
clanney ~ colonization, populate, thicken (as
clanneyder ~ colonizer, thickening, thickener
clannit ~ thick (as cream)
claraid ~ claret
Clare ~ Clare (woman's name)
clareyn ~ boarding
clarinagh ~ spar
clarinagh vane ~ quartz
clarinaid ~ clarinet
clash ~ cleft, hollow, gorge, race, trench, vale,
groove, channel, open furrow, rubbish tip
clash haauee ~ saw pit
clash hrustyr ~ rubbish tip
clash ingney ~ thumbnail groove
clash ny sheeintyn ~ cleavage
clash ooill ~ oil groove
clash raifyl ~ rifle pit
clash scorrane ~ key-way
clash ushtey ~ watercourse, moat
clashagh ~ grooved, furrowed
clashal ~ trench
clasheen ~ channel
clasht ~ hear
clashtagan ~ hearing aid
clashtyn ~ hear, hearing, sit
clashtynagh ~ audible, listener
clashtynaght ~ audibility
clashtynee ~ audience
classicagh ~ classic, classicist, classical
classicys ~ classicalism
yn clat ~ Plimsoll line
clayit ~ clayed
clea ~ roof, roofing, concealment, harrow,
clea ghoaleddinagh ~ hip-roof
clea lhoobagh ~ pent roof
clea veeal ~ palate
cleaah cheyrragh ~ sheep grid
cleader ~ cheat, beguiler, knave
cleaderagh ~ knavish
cleaderys ~ knavery
cleagh ~ private
cleagh as er lheh ~ private and confidential
cleaght ~ in concealment, privacy
cleah scoidey ~ bumkin
cleaieeder ~ harrower
cleain ~ harrow
clean ~ cradle, cot, bird cage, pannier, potato
creel, twig basket
clean aile ~ grate, hearth, brazier
clean kayt ~ cat's cradle
clean keyl ~ bassinet
clean scudlee ~ luggage rack
clean ushag ~ birdcage
cleanfort ~ glacis
cleaoil ~ palatal
cleashagh ~ lappeted
cleasheen ~ auricle, earflap
cleau vane ~ wheatear
cleay-heebey ~ drift
Yn Cleayee ~ Clyde
cleayn ~ bent, inclination, lure, attraction,
seduction, inducement, enticement
cleayn eiyrt ~ stiff neck
cleayn-hroggal ~ lean-to
cleayn-rheynn ~ gerrymander
cleayn-veih ~ clinometer, inclinometer
cleaynagh ~ inclining, inclinable, attractive,
circumventory, slopewise, addict, pervert,
witching, coaxing, deviationist, tempter
cleaynaghey ~ inveigle, seduce, induce,
gravitate, lure, decoy, entice, corrupt, addict,
cleaynaght ~ rakishness, allurement, seduction
cleaynaght (gys) ~ susceptibility
cleaynaghys ~ deviationism
cleaynee ~ deviationist
cleayney ~ divert, deviate, incline, bank, list,
stoop, veer, attract, seduce, induce, decoy,
distort, influence, dispose, inveigle, draw
off, recede, tend (as garden), circumvent,
diversion, distortion, persuasion, perversion,
cleayney (dooinney) ~ vamp (as woman)
cleayney (hug) ~ trend (towards), predilection,
cleayney keintyssagh ~ sexual deviation
cleayney lajer seose ~ strong upward tendancy
cleayney noi ~ prejudice
cleayney sooilley ~ cock (in eye)
cleayneyder ~ corrupter, seducer, enticer,
coaxer, tempter
cleayneyraght ~ seduction, captivation,
cleaynid ~ attractiveness
cleaynit ~ biased, partial, induced, corrupted,
distorted, coaxed
cleaynit (da) ~ addicted
cleaynit gys ~ susceptible
cleaynoil ~ seductive
cleaynoilid ~ seductiveness
cleaynt ~ oblique, partisan, rakish angle,
cleaynt sheear ~ rakish
cleaynys ~ cline, dip
cleaynyssagh ~ clinal
cleays ~ invention, trick
cleaysagh ~ tricky, knavish
cleaysaghey ~ defraud
cleaysaght ~ defraudment, knavery
cleayseyder ~ defrauder
cleaysh [f] ~ cleat, handle, lug, top corner of
net, corner of sail, ear
cleaysh chiyt ~ cat's ear
cleaysh chooag ~ tell-tale
cleaysh lheeah ~ mouse-eared chickweed, large
grey lichen
cleaysh liauyr ~ slow to answer, good listener,
forbearing person, hare, long-eared
cleaysh lughagh ~ mouse-eared chickweed
cleaysh scoltagh ~ ear-splitting
cleaysh sthie ~ inner ear
cleaysh-virragh ~ point-eared, sharp-eared
cleaysh voddee ~ cuckoo pint
cleaysh vooie ~ outer ear
cleaysh vuc ~ birthwort
cleaysh woie ~ hare's ear
cleaysh y chur er hene ~ prick-up ears
cleaysh yn shiaull mullee ~ topsail tack
cleayshag ~ lappet
cleayshag ushtey ~ hydrophone
cleayshagh ~ eared, large-eared, lugged, aural
cleayshane ~ earpiece, headphone
cleayshane cleeau ~ stethoscope
cleaysheen ~ tag (on shoe)
cleayshyn ry-chlashtyn (er) ~ prick-up ears
cleayshyn y virraghey ~ prick up ears
cleayst ~ fan (winnowing)
cleaystagh ~ fan-shaped
cleaysteig liauyr ~ bolster
cleddal ~ overturn, overthrow
cledje ~ bran
clee ~ left hand, leftist
Clee cass-jee! ~ Left wheel!
cleea ~ hurdle
cleeader ~ hurdler
cleeaghey ~ tread (of rooster)
cleeah ~ lattice, wicker, fret, darn, stave, staff,
grid, stretcher, grate, grating, criss-cross,
school of fish
cleeah caghlaaee ~ switchbar
cleeah chabbil ~ horse rack
cleeah chainley ~ taper hearse
cleeah-chassagh ~ gate-legged
cleeah eaddee ~ clothes horse
cleeah hiauill ~ sail arm
cleeah hoshee ~ starting gate
cleeah ollee ~ cattle grid
cleeah scudlee ~ luggage carrier
cleeah stoandee ~ barrel stand
cleeah toval ~ towel horse
cleeah-uinnag ~ lattice
cleeah vaa ~ cowcatcher
cleeah-vocs ~ crate
cleeah yiarn ~ fiddley
cleeantaght ~ practice of doctor
cleeau [f] ~ breast, pectoral, chest, brisket,
cleeau-eaishtagh ~ auscultation
cleeau ghial ~ wheatear
cleeau yiarg ~ robin
cleeauagh ~ pectoral
cleeauoil ~ full-chested (man)
cleeauraghey ~ breast
cleeauraght ~ range
cleebyrt ~ scrummage, scrimmage
cleeid ~ left handedness
cleeir ~ clear
cleereeys ~ clericalism
cleerid ~ clearness
cleeshag ~ yellow flag
cleeshagh ~ wild iris
yn cleetchagh ~ flu
clegg ~ horsefly
cleiee ~ harrowing, copulation, harrow, copulate
cleieet ~ harrowed
cleigh ~ fence, embankment, hedge
cleigh caglee ~ boundary hedge
cleigh cloaie ~ mountain hedge, stone hedge
cleigh custym ~ customs barrier
cleigh dressagh ~ brambly hedgerow
cleigh drineagh ~ hawthorn hedge
cleigh marrey ~ dyke
cleigh scarree ~ barrier
cleigh y lheimmey ~ to take a fence
cleighder ~ hedger, dyker
cleih ~ embankment
clein ~ family, clan, tribe, lineage, breed, ilk
Clein Ghavy ~ The Davidsons
cleinnagh ~ clannish
cleinnaght ~ clannishness
cleiy ~ hedging, earthwork, delve, dig out,
digging, harvest, quarry, hedge, dig
cleiy fo ~ subvert, usurp, undermine authority,
cleiy jeeig mygeayrt ~ entrench
cleiy neese ~ disinter
Yn Cleiyagh ~ The Round Tower
cleiyagh ~ undermining
Cleiyagh yn Chastal ~ The Round Tower
cleiyder ~ digger, quarrier, supplanter
cleiyit ~ dug
cleiyt ~ quarried
cleoyn ~ bent, inclination
clep ~ gaff, grapple, boathook, grapnel
cleppal ~ gaff
cleragh ~ cleric, clarkia, mass-server, clerk,
cleragh argid ~ cash clerk
cleragh baljey ~ town clerk
cleragh banc ~ bank clerk
cleragh bwoirryn ~ clerkess
cleragh coadan ~ filing clerk
cleragh (coyle) skeerey ~ vestry clerk
cleragh Injinagh ~ baboo
cleragh lhuingys ~ shipping clerk
cleragh ny killagh ~ sexton
Cleragh ny Lioaryn ~ Clerk of the Rolls
Cleragh ny Quaiyl ~ Clerk of the Court
cleragh penney ~ quill driver
cleragh screeuee ~ amanuensis
cleragh shelloo(deraght) ~ conveyancer
cleragh skeerey ~ parish clerk
cleragh thooishey ~ incense bearer
cleragh tiggad ~ booking clerk
cleragh y valley ~ town clerk
cleraghys ~ clerkship
clere ~ clergy
clere ny h-agglish ~ ecclesiastical body
clere-scoill ~ seminary
clesp [f] ~ hasp, clasp, brooch
clespal ~ clasp
clet ~ submerged reef, obstacle, rock nearer
large one
cletch ~ bran
cletchagh ~ branny
clettagh ~ rocky, reefy
cleuin ~ son-in-law
cleuintys ~ connection
cleuinys ~ affinity, relationship by marriage,
family connection
cliaghtagh ~ habitual, conventional,
consuetudinal, customary
cliaghtaghey ~ practise, accustom, exercise
cliaghtaghey (rish) ~ inure
cliaghtey ~ rehearse, exercise, train, practise,
acclimatize, prosecute, profess, follow (as
trade), custom, institution, fashion, rehearsal,
usage, prosecution, acclimatization,
formality, familiarization, habit, practice,
cliaghtey aile ~ fire drill
cliaghtey cadjin ~ admitted custom, general
cliaghtey gear ~ sharp practice
cliaghtey (rish) ~ inure, habituate, familiarize
cliaghtey targaid ~ target practice
cliaghteyder ~ practician, practiser
cliaghteyr ~ practitioner, practician
cliaghtit ~ seasoned, practised, conditioned
cliaghtit (rish) ~ accustomed, habituated
cliant ~ client
cliantaght ~ clientele
cliass ~ coincidence
cliassagh ~ coincidental
clibbag hroggee ~ sling
click ~ trick
clickagh ~ tricky
cliejeen ~ jewel, drop, precious stone, gem
cliejeen caraigagh ~ scarab
cliejeen cleayshey ~ stud ear-ring
cliejeen ghruight ~ dewdrop
cliejeen ny lomarcan ~ solitaire
cliejeen vroghil ~ gem brooch
cliejeenagh ~ jewelled
cliejeeneyder ~ jeweller
cliejeeneydys ~ jewelry
cliejeenyn ny crooiney ~ crown jewels
cliejeenys ~ jewelry
clig-clag ~ click-clack
clinc ~ ring
clinck ~ tinkle
clinckal ~ ringing, ring, ring out, tinkle
clinckeragh ~ ring
clinckeyder ~ ringer
cling ~ chime, clang, clink, toll of bell
cling cling ~ ting-a-ling
cling cluig ~ tolling
cling-stainnagh ~ tinniness of sound
clingagh ~ chinky, clangorous, chiming
clingaghey ~ chime
clingal ~ ring out, ting
yn clingan ~ scapular
clingeragh ~ chime, clink
clingeraght ~ toll, clang, tang (as bell)
clingey ~ chink (sound)
clinicoil ~ clinical
clink ~ twist (running), trick, curvature, jingle
clinkagh ~ tricky
clinkal ~ twist, jingling, jingle, jink
clinkeragh ~ jingle, tinkle, jingling
clinkeraght ~ tingle, tingle (of ears), tingling
clinkey ~ twist
clinkeyder ~ dodger
clinkym ~ crank (of person)
clinkymys ~ crankiness (of person)
clinneyder ~ auditor, hearer
clinnit ~ heard
cliogagh ~ iris, yellow flag, wild iris, fleur-de-
cliogagh frangagh ~ corn flag
cliogagh garagh ~ gladiolus
cliogagh glioonagh ~ gladdon
cliogagh millish ~ sweet flag
cliogagh villish ~ calamus
cliogaragh ~ croaker, croaking, croaky
cliogaraght ~ croak
cliogee ~ croaking
cliongey ~ ping
clippeyr ~ clipper
clish ~ net stone, sinker
clishtey ~ spring, start
clist ~ spring, antic
clist-chlaare ~ springboard
clistagh ~ bounding, performing, springy, jerky,
clistaght ~ springiness
clistal ~ jerk, gambol, spring, start, bounce
clistey ~ bounce, starting, gambol, jerk, spring
clistey gys un' cheu ~ spring aside
clisteyder ~ bouncer, springer, bounder
clistit ~ jerked
cliu ~ bunch of gorse, trunk (of bush)
cliwe [f] ~ sword
cliwe cam ~ scimitar
cliwe-chlabberey ~ sabre rattling
cliwe crammanagh ~ foil
cliwe daa laue ~ broadsword
cliwe ghrommey ~ backsword
cliwe-gunney ~ bayonet
cliwe keyl ~ small sword, rapier
cliwe-lommyrt ~ sabre rattling
cliwe lommyrtagh ~ sabre-rattler, drawn sword
cliwe markee ~ sabre
cliwe marrey ~ cutlass
cliwe mooar ~ broadsword, claymore
cliweagh ~ ensiform, swordlike
cliweaght ~ swordplay
cliweder ~ swordsman
cliwederaght ~ fencing
cliwederys ~ fencing bout, swordsmanship
cliwedeyr ~ fencer
cliwenys ~ sword-making
clo Harragh ~ Harris tweed
cloagaghey ~ cloak
cloagey ~ cloak, cape, domino
cloagey bayrnagh ~ hooded cloak
cloagey fastyr ~ opera cloak
Cloagey Jiarg ~ Little Red Riding Hood
cloagey markee ~ riding hood
cloagey sidooragh ~ pelisse
cloaghey Arabagh ~ burnous
cloaghey erin ~ amice
cloagit ~ cloaked, mantled, covered
cloaie ~ stone-built, stone, of stone
cloan [f] ~ descendant, children, family circle
cloan gheiney ~ mankind
cloan ny clienney ~ grandchild, children's
cloan ny cruinney ~ mankind, worldly minded
cloan ny moyrn ~ fairies
Yn Cloan Reiht ~ The Elect
cloan y theihll ~ mankind, worldly minded
cloart ~ coward
cloartagh ~ cowardly
cloartys ~ cowardice
cloee ~ working (as dog)
cloggad greiney ~ sun helmet
Yn Clogher ~ Clogher
cloghey ~ bait (as animals), work (as dog)
cloh ~ drive along, work as dog, chase, pursuit
cloh mooar ~ tweed
clohan ~ savageness
clohder ~ pursuer, baiter, chaser
clohghey ~ drive, chasing
clohit ~ chased
Ny Cloiaghyn Olympagh ~ The Olympic
cloie ~ act, perform, play, enact, extemporise,
boil, represent, performance, game, match,
event, charade, sport, skylark, monkey,
cloie aitt ~ farce, comedy
cloie branglash ~ cheat at games, renege
cloie bwoallee ~ stroke play
cloie caggee ~ war game
cloie cam ~ unfair play
cloie cappanagh ~ cup tie
cloie chellveeish ~ television play
cloie cliaghtey ~ practice match
cloie coamree ~ costume play
cloie cormey ~ draw
cloie corrym ~ draw, tie
cloie cruinn ~ rounders
cloie ec yn ingagh ~ net play
cloie er ash ~ return match
cloie er claasagh ~ harp
cloie er cruitch ~ harp
cloie er feddan ~ pipe
cloie er focklyn ~ paronomasia
cloie er ny kaartyn ~ card game
cloie er viol ~ fiddle
cloie er y chlaasagh ~ harping
cloie er y chruitch ~ harping
cloie er y phianney ~ piano playing
cloie er y viol ~ fiddling
cloie fastyragh ~ matinee
cloie fodjeeaght ~ exaggerate
cloie golf ~ golf, golfing
cloie gys y jerrey ~ play out
cloie harrish ~ bubble over
cloie jeh noi ~ play off
cloie kaartyn ~ card playing
cloie king ~ head-work
cloie lesh ~ toying with
cloie lesh focklyn ~ wordplay
cloie lieh-yerrinagh ~ semifinal
cloie mirril ~ miracle play
cloie ny lomarcan ~ solitaire, patience
cloie ny Paish ~ passion play
cloie reiht ~ selection match
cloie roish ~ play on
cloie seyr ~ bye
cloie skensh ~ score-game
cloie speyragh ~ aerobatics
cloie stoyr ~ stock play
cloie tig ~ tig
cloie toshee ~ curtain-raiser
cloie towl ~ match play
cloie troor ~ three-ball match
cloie trooragh ~ threesome
cloie y choyrt ~ to present a play
cloie yn mynleighder ~ pettifog
cloie yn ommidan ~ fool
cloie yn paab ~ pontify
cloieagh ~ sporting, larky, jocular
cloieaght ~ jocularity
cloieder ~ player, sportsman, soloist, actor,
cloieder branglash ~ sharper
cloieder fillym ~ film actor
cloieder greienyn ~ instrumentalist
cloieder kiaullee ~ musical performer
cloieder kionechloie ~ finalist
cloieder obo ~ oboist
cloieder organe ~ organ grinder
cloieder pianney ~ pianist
cloieder piobey ~ pipe player
cloieder ruggyr ~ rugger player
cloieder troailt ~ barnstormer
cloieder ynnyd ~ understudy
cloiederyn ~ dramatis personae
cloieit ~ boiled
cloieoil ~ gambling, sporting
cloiet ~ acted, played
cloister ~ cloister
cloisteragh ~ cloistral
clonchour ~ afterbirth
clooeys ~ nestle
clooiagh ~ fuzzy
clooid ~ clot, clout, duster, rag
clooid jyst ~ dishcloth
clooid oonlee ~ facecloth
clooidagh ~ patched, in rags, ragged, botcher
clooidaghey ~ patch
clooideraght ~ patch
clooideyder ~ patcher
clooidit ~ patched, patchy
clooidjag ~ small cloth
clooie [f] ~ fur, feather, down, pubes, fuzz, fluff,
plumage, bloom (on fruit)
clooie chayt ~ cat's fur, down
clooie eairk ~ velvet
clooie hunnag ~ cotton grass
clooie laagh Loghlynnagh ~ eiderdown
clooie ny gayt ~ willow catkin, catkin
clooie ny sooilley ~ eyelashes
clooie ollay ~ swan's down
clooie onnane ~ thistledown
clooieag phoodyragh ~ powder puff
clooieagh ~ feathered, fleecy, feathery, downy,
pubic, woolly, pubescent
clooieaght ~ furriness, downiness, fluffiness,
featheriness, fuzziness
clooiesag [f] ~ pillow
clooiesag liauyr ~ bolster
clooieshag aer ~ air cushion
clooieshag altar ~ altar cushion
clooieys ~ villosity
clooishag ~ cushion
clooishag ghlioon ~ hassock
cloonagh ~ down
cloragh ~ chloric
cloraid ~ chlorate
cloraid ammoyniu ~ sal ammoniac
cloreed ~ chloride
cloreen ~ chlorine
cloreenaghey ~ chlorination, chlorinate
cloreet ~ chlorite
clorosagh ~ chlorotic
clorose ~ chlorosis
close ~ court, close, compound, precinct, yard,
farmyard, courtyard, coop
close calmane ~ pigeon run
close cartee ~ tan yard
close cooyl ~ backyard
close eeanlee ~ poultry yard
close fuygh ~ lumber yard
close kirkey ~ chicken run, coop
close kyagh ~ blind alley
close ollee ~ stockyard
close pryssoon ~ prison yard
close scoill ~ playground
close shuntey ~ shunting yard
clou ~ type, print, printed matter, edition,
printing press, publication
clou-aascreeuder ~ copy typist
clou broojit ~ batter
clou cassee ~ curling iron
clou doo ~ black letter, bold type
clou Gaelgagh ~ Gaelic type
clou-ghiarescreeuder ~ shorthand typist
clou gorrym ~ blueprint
clou gyn trasnane ~ sansserif
clou-obbree ~ compositor
clou Romanagh ~ Roman type
clou-screeuyn ~ typescript
clou ta heose ~ standing type
clou trome ~ bold type, clarendon
clou vraaile ~ Braille type
clou-woailley ~ letter press
clouag ~ stamp
clouag chionnee ~ trading stamp
clouder ~ printer
clouderagh ~ printing
clouderaght ~ printing
Yn Cloudeyrys ~ The Press
cloudeyrys ~ printing, printing trade
cloughey ~ holdfast
cloughey harrish ~ overprint
cloughyn ~ tongs, fire tongs
cloughyn shugyr ~ sugar tongs
clougraafagh ~ typographic(al)
clougraafeeaght ~ typography
clougrafeyr ~ typographer
clouit ~ printed
cloulan ~ printing office
clouphabyr ~ printing paper
clouscreeu ~ type (example), typewrite,
clouscreeuder ~ typewriter
clouscreeudeyr ~ typist, linotype operator
clouscreeuit ~ typewritten
clout ~ patch, clot, clout, printed, square sail
clout king ~ head-cloth
clout laarey ~ floor cloth
clout mwannalagh ~ neck cloth
clout ollish ~ sweat cloth
clout saagh ~ teacloth
clouveayn ~ type metal
clowan ~ frame, reel
clowan caslys ~ picture frame
clowan choontee ~ abacus
clowan coontee ~ counting frame
clowan cuill ~ bobbin frame
clowan jelliu ~ warp frame
clowan lugh ~ Montague's harrier
clowan pioban ~ hose reel
clowan sneeuee ~ spinning frame
clowanagh ~ hanger on, dunner
clowanagh caslyssyn ~ picture framer
clowaney ~ dun, harass, hang about, importune
clowanit ~ harassed
club ~ club (of persons)
club-birling ~ yacht club
club daa-wheeylagh ~ cycling club
club daa-wheeylaght ~ cycling club
club oie ~ night club
club raifyl ~ rifle club
club ymmyrt ~ rowing club
clue ~ fascicle
Clugaaigh ~ Clucas
clugagh ~ scheming
cluge ~ catch (difficulty), scheming, craft
(slyness), intrigue, dodge
clugeyder ~ intriguer
cluggagh ~ treacherous
cluic ~ hoax, subterfuge, stunt, prank, ruse,
cluic hoilshee ~ publicity stunt
cluic hooilley ~ optical illusion
cluic y ghoaill ~ to take a trick
cluicagh ~ cunning, prankish
cluick ~ try on
cluicys ~ archness, cunning
cluig ~ bells, clock
cluig erin ~ altar chime(s)
cluigagh ~ crafty, deceitful, catchy, tricky,
wily, treacherous, dodgy
cluigaght ~ wiliness
cluigane ~ glockenspiel
cluigeyr ~ trickster
cluigid ~ craftiness, hanky-panky, sublety,
deceit, artifice, chicanery
cluigid cluge ~ trickiness
cluigys ~ craftiness, trickery
cluinagh ~ would hear, audible
cluinaghtyn ~ hear
cluinee ~ shall hear
cluineyder ~ hearer
cluinit ~ heard
cluinnin ~ I would hear
clusaghey ~ nestling, nestle
clusit ~ nestled
clysh ~ net sinker
clysht (gys yn cheu) ~ dodge
clyshtey ~ capering, dodge, caper
clyshteyder ~ skrimshanker, caperer, dodger
clystey obbyr ~ skive
clysteyder ~ skiver
co- ~ (prefix) co-, con-, mutual, mutually,
sister, associate, combined, brother,
co-gherrey ~ equally near
co-lhiass ree ~ co-regent
co-aase ~ concresence, concretion
coad ~ code
coad-lettyr ~ code letter
coad Morsagh ~ Morse code
coad-ockle ~ code word
coadagh ~ vindicative, protector
coadaghey ~ codification, defend, protect
coadail ry-cheilley ~ coincide
coadan ~ ward, protected person, file
coadan screeunyn ~ letter file
coadanys ~ protectorate, wardship
coadee ~ defensive, conservationist, defence
coadey ~ defend, protect, safeguard, conserve,
vindicate, codify, defence, vindication,
defensive, custody, conservation, immunity,
coadey marrey ~ sea defence
coadey slayntoil ~ sanitary towel
coadey theayagh ~ civil defence
coadeyder ~ conservator, vindicator,
conservationist, defender, protector
coadeyder cleayshey ~ ear protector
coadit ~ vindicated, immune, protected
coageyder coonee ~ relief cook
co-aggys ~ equidistant
coagyr ayns feeyn geyre ~ pot (as herring)
coagyragh ~ cook
coagyraght ~ cooking
coagyraght chadjin ~ plain cooking
coagyree ~ cooking
coagyrey ~ cook
coagyrey teayst ~ pastry cook
coagyreyder ~ cooker
coagyrit ~ cooked
coagyrit dy bollagh ~ done to a T
coagyrit rolaue ~ readymade, readycooked
coagyrys ~ cookery
co-aignagh ~ accordant, agreeable (in
harmony), unanimous
co-aignaghys ~ agreeableness
co-aigney ~ concord, unanimity
coainjys ~ intercourse
coair ~ near, towards
coair lectragh ~ electric wire
coair thallooin ~ earth
co-aishnyssagh ~ appositional, apposition
co-akin ~ interview
co-akinagh ~ interviewee, interview
co-akiner ~ interviewer
coamey ~ coma
coamraghey ~ vest, array, apparel
coamree ~ costume
coamrey ~ dress, dress up, drape, repair, clothe,
fit, cover up, clothing, dressing, apparel,
costume, clothes, habit, garment
coamrey caggee ~ battle dress
coamrey fastyragh ~ evening dress
coamrey markee ~ riding habit
coamrey moghree ~ morning dress
coamrey obbyr ~ fatigue dress
coamrey oie ~ evening dress
coamrey thie ~ dishabille
coamrey uinnag ~ window-dressing
coamreyder ~ dresser, costumier, clother
coamreyder thie ~ home handyman
coamreyder uinnag ~ window-dresser
coamrit ~ finished, clad, clothed
coamrit seose ~ dressed up
coamyn ~ coaming
coan ~ gulch, vale, valley, small glen
coandeen ~ codine
coar ~ nice, affable, easy-going, acquiescent,
inoffensive, kindly, indulgent, approachable,
fair-minded, obliging, decent; crane, twister
(for rope); over
coar cheyjeenagh ~ crested crane
coar chrattagh ~ snipe
coar gheinnee ~ sanderling
coar ghoo ~ stork, black stork
coar heddagh ~ snipe
coar heddagh vooar ~ great snipe
coar-Injinagh ~ adjutant bird
coar ny hastan ~ hernshaw, heron
coar ny hoie ~ night heron
coar ny traieyn ~ knot
coar vane ~ egret, aigrette, stork, white stork
coar veg ~ jack snipe
coar vooar ~ bittern
coaraghey ~ feeder, feeding
coaraght ~ kindliness
co-ard ~ horizontal, equal status, equally high
co-ard (rish) ~ level
coardagh ~ assenting
coardail ~ assent, compact, compromise,
agreement, accord, concurrence
coardail rish ~ according to, assent, pursuant,
agree, OK
coardailagh ~ agreer, congruent, concordant,
coardailys ~ harmony, concord, compromise,
agreement of figures
coardailys traghtee ~ trade agreement
Coardailys yn Chosporran ~ Common Purse
coardeen ~ accordion
coardey ~ chord
coardeyder ~ agreer
coardit ~ reconciled, agreed, pally, settled,
coarid ~ kindliness, good nature, decency, fair-
mindedness, affability
coarid cree ~ kind-heartedness
coasan ~ contemporary
coau ~ chaffer
coauagh ~ chaffy
coauaght ~ chaffiness
coaughey ~ winnow
coavin ~ coffin
coayl ~ loss, suffer, losing, lose, mislay
coayl anmey ~ damnation, perdition
coayl bieauid ~ stall
coayl chooinaght ~ amnesia
coayl coraa ~ aphonia
coayl farvishey ~ forfeiture
coayl glen ~ dead loss
coayl lhuingey ~ shipwreck
coayl miljid ~ go off (as milk)
coayl uail ~ loss
coayl y chooinaghtyn ~ loss of memory
coayl y cormid ~ overbalance
coaym ~ waistline
co-ayrn ~ constituent
coayrnagh ~ partaker
coayrt magh ~ output
cobalt ~ cobalt
cobblyr caa ~ dungfly
cobbyl ~ coble
cobbyr ~ copper
cobbyragh ~ cupric, copperish, copper
cobbyroil ~ cuprous, cupreous
cobrey ~ cobra
cocaine ~ cocaine
coccaid ~ cockade
coccus ~ coccus
cochaarjagh ~ allied
cochaarjys ~ alliance
cochaarjys caggee ~ military alliance
co-chadjin ~ communal, collective
co-chadjinys ~ generalization, catholicity,
co-chaggee ~ co-belligerent
co-chaggeeaght ~ military alliance
co-chaggey ~ engage, engagement
co-chaggeyder ~ duellist, co-belligerent
co-chaghlaa ~ interchange
co-chaghlaa bieauid ~ velocity modulation
co-chaglaays ~ commutability
cochagliagh ~ abutment, abutting
cochagliaghey ~ abutting, abut
co-chair ~ co-property
cochasley rish ~ alike
cochaslys ~ image, picture, portrait, portraiture
cochaslys neuyiallit ~ undeveloped image
cochaslys sollys ~ photograph
cochaslysaght ~ portraiture
co-chassey ~ interweave, complication
co-chast ~ complicated
cochast feeit ry-cheilley ~ interwoven
co-cheaghley ~ exchange, interchange,
co-cheaghleyder ~ commutator
co-cheaghlid ~ exchange
co-cheaghlit ~ commuted
co-cheayllagh ~ synonym
cocheaynagh ~ condolatory
cocheayney ~ condolence
co-cheeayllagh rish ~ synonymous
co-cheeayllaghys ~ synonymy
cocheesh ~ levy
co-cheimnagh ~ concomitant, collateral,
co-cheimnaghey ~ keep step
co-cheint ~ congener
co-cheintagh ~ homogeneous, cognate,
congenial, congeneric, correlative
co-cheintys ~ correlation, homogeneity,
co-chialg ~ plot, cabal, conspiracy
Cochialg yn Phoodyr ~ Gunpowder Plot
co-chialgagh ~ conspiratorial
co-chialgey ~ collogue
co-chialgeyr ~ conspirator, plotter
cochianglagh ~ combinable, conjunctional
cochiangle ~ confederation, concatenation,
cochianglee ~ loose
cochiangley ~ connect, join, associate ideas,
combine, affiliate, cohere, relationship,
conjoin, league, confederate, confederacy,
continuity, coalition
cochiangleyder ~ connector
cochianglt ~ joined, combined, associated,
bound (constrained)
co-chiarklagh ~ concyclic, concentric
cochiart ~ balanced
cochiartagh ~ adjustment
cochiartaghey ~ adjust, adjusting
cochiartee ~ adjust
cochiartit ~ adjusted
cochiaull ~ harmony, chorus
cochiaullee ~ choral
cochiaulleyder ~ chorister, chorus-singer
co-chillag voltagh ~ voltaic battery
cochionnaghey ~ trade
cochionnaght ~ trade
cochionnaght lioar ~ book trade
cochionnee ~ commercial
cochionneeaght ~ commerce
cochionneeaght phabyragh ~ paper trade
cochionneeaght sleab ~ slave trade
cochionneeaght thie ~ home trade
cochistey ~ pool
cochlaggintys ~ chime, chiming
co-chleaynagh ~ convergent, isoclinal
co-chleayney ~ converge, convergence
co-chleaynt sheese ~ synclinal
co-chleaynys ~ isocline, isogon
cochley ~ cochlea
co-chloie ~ mutual play, match, musical
accompaniment, drive
co-chloie marish ~ accompany
co-chloie snauee ~ swimming match
co-chloieder ~ accompanist
co-choadey ~ convoy
co-choardail ~ consent
co-choardailagh ~ consentaneous, consenting
co-choardailys ~ consent
co-choe ~ sympathy, commiseration;
sympathize, commiserate
cochommee ~ mutual
co-chooie ~ matchable
co-choonee ~ coadjutant
co-chooneyder ~ coadjutor
co-choonree ~ commutable
co-choonrey ~ barter, permutation
co-choontey ~ connumerate, connumeration
cochormag ~ adaptor (device)
co-chormaghey ~ equalization
co-chormid ~ equality, adequacy, simultaneous
cochormys ~ adaptation, suitability
cochorp ~ corporation, burgh
cochorpagh ~ corporate, burgess
cochorpaghey ~ embody, incorporate,
embodiment, incorporation
cochorpit ~ incorporated
cochorrym ~ coequal, equal
cochoshanagh ~ isosceles
cochosoylagh ~ assimilable
co-choyrle ~ council, conference, concert,
co-choyrlee ~ consultative
co-chredjuagh ~ co-religionist
co-chredjue ~ conformity of belief
co-chrooagh ~ symmetrical
co-chrooaght ~ symmetry
cochroonragh ~ permutable
cochroonraghey ~ permutate
co-chruinit ~ mobbed, beseiged; convened
co-chruinnagh ~ horizontal
co-chruinnaghey ~ mob, beseige, muster,
assemble, convene, compile, concentrate,
concentration, compilation, congregate
co-chruinnaght ~ concentration, concourse,
assembly, convention, beseigement
co-chruinneyder ~ mobber, beseiger; compiler
co-chruinnit ~ concentrated, compiled,
co-chruinnoid ~ spheroid
co-chruinnys ~ sphericity
co-chruint ~ mobbed
co-chummal ~ cohabitation, cohabit
co-chummalagh ~ cohabiter
co-chyndagh ~ accomplice
co-chyndid ~ mutual guilt, complicity
co-chynneydagh ~ cognate
cock snaue ~ ballcock
cockal ~ cocked
cockeyder ~ cock
coco ~ coco(a)
cocoon ~ cocoon
cocooney ~ cocoon
cocoonlann ~ cocoonery
codjal ~ treadle
codjilean ~ cotill(i)on
coe ~ weep, mourn, weeping, woe
co-earooit ~ computed
co-earroo ~ count, compute, poll, computing,
computation, calculation, counting
co-earrooagh ~ calculating
co-earrooaghey ~ calculating, numbering,
co-earrooder ~ calculator, computer
co-earrooit ~ calculated
co-eash ~ coeval
co-eashagh ~ coeval
co-edjaghys ~ co-education
co-effaght ~ coefficient
co-eginaght ~ conscription
co-eignagh ~ coercive
co-eignaghey ~ coerce, coercion
co-eiraght ~ parcenary, co-heirship
co-eirey ~ parcener, co-heir, joint heir
co-eirey ben ~ co-heiress
co-eiyrt ~ emulation
co-eiyrtagh ~ emulative, emulator
c o- e ms hi r a gh ~ c ont e mpor a r y,
co-emshiraght ~ contemporaneity
co-enmysser ~ common denominator
co-ennaghtagh ~ sympathetic, sympathizer,
co-ennaghtyn ~ sympathize, empathy,
co-ennym ~ homonym
co-ennymagh ~ namesake, homonymous
co-ennymeyr ~ common denominator
co-'er oik ~ brother officer
co-essylagh ~ co-axial
coeyder ~ griever, weeper
cofaastagh ~ compressive
co-faghteyr ~ common factor
co-fendeilagh ~ co-defendant
co-focusagh ~ confocal
cofraueagh ~ simultaneous
coggyl ~ tare, corn cockle, cockle
coggyl friogganagh ~ prickly cockle
coghal ~ core (of sore), cyst, hood
coghal ny henneeyn ~ pia mater
coghaunseyr ~ partner
cogheill ~ concession
cogheillagh ~ concessive
cogherjaghey ~ congratulating, congratulate,
cogherjee ~ congratulatory
cogherjys ~ felicitations, congratulation
cogherrym ~ mobilize, mobilization
coghlassey ~ tuning in, interlock, interlocking
coghleashagh ~ simultaneous
coghleashaght ~ simultaneousness
coghleashaghtys ~ simultaneousness
co-ghleck ~ spar
co-ghleiyaghey ~ conglutinate
co-ghloo ~ compact, vapour concentration
co-ghlooaghey ~ precipitate, precipitation,
co-ghlooder ~ condenser, concentrator
co-ghlooder far ushtey ~ fresh water condenser
co-ghlooghey ~ concentrate, condense,
co-ghlooit ~ ganged, condensed, concentrated
coghobberan ~ condolence
coghooagh ~ similar-sounding
coghooysagh ~ velar
co-ghowallagh ~ appurtenant
coghreesaghey ~ agitate
coghreeseyder ~ agitator
co-ghreimmagh ~ cohesive
coghrialtagh ~ rival
co-ghuillag ~ counterfoil
coghyl ~ caul, cowl
coghyllagh ~ cystic
co-haagh ~ coherent
co-haaghey ~ synthesis, fusion
co-haah ~ coalesce, synthesise, coalescence,
conglutinate, coalition, seam
co-haait ~ cohesive
co-haftey ~ counter-shaft
cohaggloo ~ confer, commune, comment,
dialogue, symposium, conference
cohaggloo geyre ~ wisecrack
cohaghney ~ boycott
cohaghneyder ~ boycotter
cohaghyrt ~ coincidence, coincide
co-hanjent ~ cotangent
cohassoo ~ subsist, subsistence, stand together
cohassooagh ~ supporting, consistent
cohassooaght ~ consistence
co-healal ~ counterseal
co-hecks ~ context
co-hecksagh ~ contextual
co-heean ~ harmonic
co-heeanagh ~ harmonic, harmonious,
co-heeanys ~ assonance
co-heeckant ~ cosecant
coheelagh ~ parisyllabic
co-heenys ~ cosine
co-heeragh ~ compatriot, countryman
coheeyney ~ coincidence, cojoin, coincide
coheeynt ~ conterminous, parallel
coheeyntane ~ parallelogram
coheeyntys ~ parallism
co-heiy ~ composition
co-heiyderys ~ constituency
co-hellooder ~ co-proprietor, co-owner
co-hellooderagh ~ collective
co-hellooderys ~ community, collectivism, co-
co-heoragh (rish) ~ limitrophe
coheshaght ~ pack of hounds, club (of persons)
co-heshaght argidagh ~ consortium
coheshaght giense ~ pleasure party
co-heshaght yinnairagh ~ dinner party
coheshaghtagh ~ associate, associated,
coheshaghtys ~ fellowship, associativity
co-heuagh ~ collateral
co-heyraanee ~ fellow citizens
cohiangley ~ coalescence, coalesce
co-hiarnys ~ condominium
co-hiaulley ~ convoy
co-hidee ~ co-tidal
co-hieys ~ cohabitation
cohionnal ~ confluence, community, congress,
cohionnal cardinal ~ conclave
cohionnal noidagh ~ hostile concentration
cohionnalagh ~ congregational, congressional
cohionney ~ compression, compress
cohionneyder ~ compressor
cohionnit ~ compressed
cohirrey ~ competition, compete
cohirreydagh ~ competitive
cohirreyder ~ competitor
cohiuaghey ~ condensing
co-hiughey ~ condense, condensation
co-hiuit ~ condensed
cohoarey ~ corollary
co-hoiagher ~ composer
co-hoiaghey ~ composing, composition,
cohoilshagh ~ reflecting, light-reflecting
cohoilshaghey ~ reflecting, reflect
co-hollys rollageagh ~ constellation, star cluster,
co-honnagh ~ syntonic
co-honnaghys ~ syntonism
co-hooyl ~ march, marching
cohortagh ~ contributory
cohortys ~ contribution
co-houd ~ equidistant
cohowhanagh (rish) ~ commensurate
co-hoyrt ~ contribute
cohoyrtagh ~ contributor, contributive
cohoyrtysagh ~ resultant
co-hraagh ~ isochronal
co-hrimmid ~ equivalence, balance, trim of
co-hroailtagh ~ fellow traveller, travelling
cohrome ~ balanced
cohualtagh ~ party to legal action
cohuittym ~ collapse, coincide
cohuittymagh ~ coincidental
cohuittymys ~ coincidence
co-hummid ~ aggregation
co-hym ~ integral
co-hymagh ~ integral calculus
co-hymey ~ integration, integrate
coidyr ~ straw for ropes
coigee ~ loom
coigee laue ~ hand loom
coigee lectragh ~ power loom
coigee oashyragh ~ stocking loom
coill ~ dog
coillar ~ collar
coillar bane ~ priest, clergyman
coillaragh ~ collared
coilleenit ~ fulfilled
co-immeeaght ~ accompaniment
co-inchynagh ~ telepathic
co-inchynys ~ telepathy
coinnagh ~ cognac
coip ~ replica, copy, print
coip argid ~ silver print
coip carboan ~ carbon print
coip charboanagh ~ carbon copy
coip-chiart ~ copyright
coip choadan ~ file copy
coip-ghreie ~ duplicating machine
coip jarrooit ~ attested copy
coip jeelys ~ tenor
coip-lioar ~ copy book
coipeyder ~ duplicator
coir ~ chests, box (container), kist
coir chishteigagh ~ chest of drawers
coir hashtee ~ treasure chest
coir screeuee ~ escritoire, desk
coir veinn ~ mealbox
coir veinney ~ mealbox
coireeaghey ~ montage
coirrey ~ cauldron, boiler, pothole, hollow in
hills, corrie, maelstrom, vent of volcano,
coirrey aileagh lostee ~ burning fiery furnace
coirrey campey ~ dixie
coirrey chiollee ~ back boiler
coirrey feddan jeeragh ~ direct tube boiler
coirrey feddanagh ~ tubular boiler
coirrey kerrinagh ~ rectangular boiler
coirrey ooill ~ oil-fuel boiler
coirrey prash ~ copper boiler, copper (vessel)
coirrey rollianagh ~ cylindrical boiler
coirrey veg ~ kettle
Coirrey Vreckan ~ Corrievreckan
co-iu ~ compotation
co-iuder ~ drinking pal, pot companion
coke ~ coke
co-laarnagh ~ concentric
colaashtagh ~ academical, collegian, collegiate
colaashtey ~ academy, college
colaashtey eirinys ~ agricultural college
colaashtey ynsee ~ training college
colaastey cleragh ~ seminary
co-laboree ~ workmate
co-labree ~ work fellow
colaik ~ uniform, alike
colaikys ~ uniformity
co-lane ~ duel
co-laneyder ~ duellist
colb ~ frontage, body, torso, trunk
colbagh [f] ~ heifer, stirk
colbey ~ torso
colbey ny coshey ~ calf (of leg)
Colden ~ Kolrinn
coleayrtys ~ dusk, twilight, gloaming
co-leaystagh ~ convulsive, cataclysmic
co-leaystey ~ convulsion, convulse
coleaystey mooar ~ cataclysm
co-leaystit ~ convulsed
colg ~ irritation, petulance
colgagh ~ petulant, prickly, peppery; lesser
colgane ~ swordfish
colgys ~ irritability
co-lhaih ~ context
colhean ~ co-existensive; square-built
co-lheian ~ amalgam
co-lheie ~ fuse, amalgamate, fusion,
colheimyragh ~ pace
colheit ~ amalgamated
colhiabbagh ~ bedfellow, concubine, mistress
colhiabbeeys ~ concubinage
colhiantagh ~ adjoining
colhiantyn ~ cohere, coherence
colhiantynagh ~ coherent
colhiantynys ~ cohesion
co-lhiatteeagh ~ equilateral
co-lhinnagh ~ collinear
co-lhinneyder ~ collimator
coliauyr ~ as broad as long
colinney ~ parallel
coll-chlou ~ collotype
coll maa ~ goosefoot
coll mea ~ goosefoot, chenopodium
coll mea jiarg ~ red goosefoot
collag ~ cutlet, bait can, cut
collagh ~ he, male, stallion, joint
collagh assyl ~ male ass
collagh kayt ~ tomcat
collagh muc ~ boar (domestic)
collagh muc feie ~ boar (wild)
collagh muc oaldey ~ boar (wild)
collagh muc spoiyt ~ hog
collagh muickey ~ boar (domestic)
collagh muigey ~ boar (domestic)
collagh saggyrt ~ wood louse, parson's pig
collagh-sniper ~ trumpet fish
collan bing ~ ringing in ears
collane ~ intestine, colon, gut
collane molley ~ honeysac
collane volley ~ honeybag
collaneagh ~ intestinal, colicky
collasagh ~ person of Colonsay
Collasey ~ Colonsay
colleaght ~ sexuality
collee ~ parrotfish, green wrasse
colleeys ~ service, mating, copulation of
equines, sexual intercourse
colleish ~ academy
colleish ynsee ~ training college
colliar ~ necklet
colliar fynney ~ fur necklet
colliar lheiney ~ shirt collar
colliar moddey ~ dog collar
colliar saggyrt ~ dog collar
collish ~ cauliflower
colloid ~ colloid
colloidagh ~ colloid
collonaid ~ colonnade
colloo ~ column, pillar
colloo boalley ~ pilaster
colloo meainey ~ shoot of ore
colloo ny merriu ~ obituary column
colloo persoonagh ~ agony column
collooagh ~ columnar
colloon earrooyn ~ tot
colloonagh ~ columnist
yn collyr ~ cholera
collyr souree ~ cholerine
Colmane ~ Columban
colmane ~ pigeon, dove
colmane ymmyltagh ~ tumbler pigeon
coloayrt ~ chat, parley, converse, confablulate
coloayrtagh ~ interlocutor, conversationalist,
conversable, interlocutory
coloayrtys ~ conversation, chatter
coloayrtys ry-cheilley ~ intercommunicate
coloayrtysagh ~ conversational
cologagh ~ factious
cologaghey ~ inveigle, inveiglement
cologe ~ party
cologey ~ conspire
cologeyder ~ inveigler
cologid ~ faction
cologue ~ league
cologys ~ factiousness
coloin ~ colony, dependency
coloin chrooinagh ~ crown colony
coloinagh ~ settler, colonial, colonialist
coloinaghey ~ colonization
coloinaght ~ colonization
Coloinaght ny Rheynn ~ Cape Colony
coloinaghys ~ colonialism
Coloinaghys Goaldagh ~ British colonialism
coloineyder ~ colonialist, colonizer
Colombagh ~ Columbian
coloon ~ stanchion
coloon bollee ~ column of route
coloon roie ~ flying column
coltar ~ plough cutter, coulter
Ny Coltaryn ~ The Pointers
coltrag ~ razorbill
coltrag veg ~ little auk
colught ~ body of people, company, firm
colught cheorantey ~ limited company
colught gaaltan ~ steamship line
colught gas ~ gas company
Colught Paggad Gaal ~ Steam Packet Company
colught urryssaght ~ insurance company
colughtagh ~ accessory
Colum ~ Columba
Colum Keeilley ~ Saint Columba
colvey ~ surround
co-lystagh ~ equilateral
comaid ~ comet
comaidagh ~ cometary
comaidys ~ cometography
combaasagh ~ encompassing, surrounding
combaasal ~ compass, circumnavigate, encircle
combaase ~ compass, circular route, timing,
combaase airdeylagh ~ steering compass
combaase assamad ~ azimuth compass
combaase goullagh ~ beam compass
combaase gyroscope ~ gyro-compass
combaase lhuingey ~ ship's compass
combaase marrinagh ~ ship's compass
combaase stiuree ~ steering compass
combaase y raa ~ box the compass
combaasey ~ encompass, encircle
combaaseyn cam ~ calliper compasses
combaaseyn dooblit ~ double callipers
combaaseyn lheimaghan ~ bow compasses
combaasit ~ encompassed
combaasit lesh y cheayn ~ sea-bound
combassal ~ circle
comissar ~ commissar
comleayrtagh ~ hard to see
comleayrtys ~ twilight, semi-darkness
commagh ~ participant, partner, partaker
commando ~ commando
commar ~ succour
commarey ~ aiding, succour
commee ~ participatory, participator
commeeys ~ participation, communion,
partnership, connection, league
Yn Commeeys Celtiagh ~ The Celtic League
commeeys kynnee ~ race relations
commisaraght ~ commissariat
commishoon ~ commission
commyn ~ institution, organization
commyoon ~ commune
commyr ~ yoke-yellow, mate
commyssey ~ sexual intercourse, making love
companagh ~ compeer
companaght ~ troupe
complaght ~ company
complaid ~ compline
comys ~ slur, umbrage, blame, intimacy, sex
comys trome ~ serious offence
comyssagh ~ offensive, slighting, promiscuous,
genital, copulatory, venereal
comyssey ~ copulate, tup, cohabit, love-making,
comyssey taghyragh ~ promiscuity
comyssyn ~ private parts, genitals
conaanit ~ covenanted
conaant ~ agreement, contract, treaty, stipulation
conaant caggee ~ military pact
conaant caglee ~ boundary condition
conaant fo heal ~ specialty
conaant kionnee ~ purchase contract
conaant maillee ~ H.P. agreement
Yn Conaant Noa ~ The New Testament
conaantagh ~ bargainer, covenanter, provisory,
conaantey ~ contract, bargain
conaantey magh ~ contract out
conaanteyder ~ covenanter
conaantit ~ contracted
conaantyn cur seose ~ terms of surrender
conaasagh ~ scoff, taunt, derisive, disdainful,
conaase ~ disdain
conaasid ~ taunt
conastagh ~ conjunctive, relative, federate,
federalist, federal
conastaght ~ relativity
conastaghys ~ federalism
conastey ~ federate, connect, federation,
conasteyr ~ connector
conastit ~ connected
conchionagh ~ dog-headed
Conchoor ~ Conor
conchuillag ~ a plague of flies
concoardaid ~ concordat
concraid ~ concrete
concraidagh ~ concrete
condaaigagh ~ awkward (personality)
condaaigys ~ awkwardness
condaig ~ contrary person, stubborn person
condaigagh ~ opposing, opponent, contrary,
opposer, stubborn
condaigys ~ contrariness, stubborness,
opposition, perverseness
condeil ~ gusset, gore
condoo ~ black and blue
condragh ~ mischievous, difficult, wicked
condraght ~ wickedness, mischief
condughteyr ~ conductor
coneeagh ~ evening twilight
confetti ~ confetti
confey ~ rabies
congheay ~ full gale
conghorraghey ~ darkish, drawing in, dark
conghorraghys ~ gathering darkness
conghorrid ~ semi-darkness
co-niartaghey ~ corroborate, corroboration
co-niartee ~ corroborant
co-niarteeyn ~ corroborator
co-niartey ~ corroborate, corroboration
co-niarteyder ~ corroborator
co-niartit ~ corroborated
co-niemmey ~ connect
co-niemmey craue ~ ankylosis
co-niemmit ~ connected
conlhean ~ sweeping
connaasagh ~ scoff, sneer, contemptuous
connaasaght ~ contemptuousness
connaase ~ contempt
connaasey ~ scoff
connagh ~ flax-dodder
connagh ny giark ~ henbane
Connaghtey ~ Connaught
Connaghyn ~ Onchan
connantey ~ covenant
connee ~ gorsy
conneeyn ~ rabbit
conney ~ fuel, firewood, gorse, combustible,
conney co-ghlooit ~ patent fuel
conney frangagh ~ gorse, whin, furze
conney freoaie ~ heather
conney Manninagh ~ gorse
conney mooar ~ furze, gorse, whin
conney noa ~ green fuel
conney skeab ~ broom
conning [f] ~ rabbit, bunny, cony
conning albeenagh ~ albino rabbit
conning bwoirrin ~ doe
conning firryn ~ buck rabbit
conning Frangagh ~ Belgian hare
conning 'irryn ~ buck rabbit
conning vroiet ~ boiled rabbit
conning woirryn ~ doe rabbit
conningagh ~ rabbitlike
Connor ~ Connor
connspeagh ~ wasp
connys ~ disdain
connysid ~ taunt, derision, disdainfulness
connyssagh ~ derisive, gibing
connysson ~ gibing, scoffing
conrea ~ tup, ram (undescended)
conreeaght ~ werewolf
conrieugh ~ imaginary, artificial, chimerical
conrieughid ~ artificialness, chimera
conrieughid aigney ~ escapism
conrieught ~ illusion, imagination, notion
conrieught-hooilley ~ optical illusion
consainee ~ consignee
consaineyr ~ consignor
conserteen ~ concertina
consheanseagh ~ conscientious
consherto ~ concerto
console ~ console
consolyn ~ consols
consyl ~ consul
consyllagh ~ consular
consyllaght ~ consulate
consyllys ~ consulship
contaart ~ disappointment
contaartagh ~ disappointing, dismaying
contaart(ys) ~ dismay
Contae 'er Managh ~ Fermanagh
contoyrtagh ~ critical, insecure, adventurous,
contoyrtys ~ insecurity, adventure
contraartagh ~ inverse, reversed, opposing,
contradictory, uncomfortable
contraartagh (rish) ~ repugnant
contraartaght ~ reverse
contraartys ~ contradiction, opposition
contraie ~ Neap tide
contralt ~ contralto
contraphoyntagh ~ contrapuntal
contravanney ~ contraband
contrey-phoynt ~ counterpoint
controllee ~ contrary, opposed
convaart-eeagh ~ necrophagous
convayrt ~ carrion, corpse, carcase of animal
conventoil ~ conventual
conversagh ~ converse
coo ~ dog, cur, hound, wolf-dog
coo brock ~ dachshund
coo-bwoirryn ~ bitch (canine)
coo conveyrt ~ jackal
Coo-Coo! ~ Cuckoo!
coo feeaih ~ deerhound
coo feeaihee ~ stag hound
coo folley ~ bloodhound
coo glass ~ tope, greyhound
coo keyrragh ~ sheepdog
coo liauyr ~ greyhound
coo muigey ~ boarhound
coo ny marrey ~ walrus
coo Rooshagh ~ borzoi
coo shynnagh ~ foxhound
cooag ~ cuckoo, falsetto
cooag rangagh ~ yellow-billed cuckoo
cooag yn ouyir ~ yellow-billed cuckoo
cooagh ~ houndlike
cooaghagh ~ falsetto
cooan ~ bay
co-oardaghey ~ co-ordination, co-ordinate
co-oardeeagh ~ co-ordinate
cooat ~ coat
cooat arbyllagh ~ tailcoat, frock coat
cooat beg ~ undercoat
cooat caggee ~ coat of mail
cooat dooblit ~ double-breasted
cooat duffyl ~ duffel coat
cooat eeastee ~ fishing coat
cooat fastee ~ top coat
cooat fastyr ~ dress coat
cooat fliaghee ~ raincoat
cooat keylley ~ lumber jacket
cooat markee ~ riding coat
cooat mooar ~ overcoat, top coat
cooat ollanagh ~ pea jacket
cooat shamyragh ~ dressing gown
cooat sidooragh ~ great coat
cooat s'jerree ~ overcoat
cooat souree ~ blazer
cooat trensh ~ trench coat
cooat Ultagh ~ Ulster
cooat velvad ~ velvet coat
coob ~ felloe, call to a horse; inside of bend
Coobagh ~ Cuban
coobagh ~ concave
coobaght ~ concavity
co-obbragh ~ co-operative
co-obbraghey ~ co-operate, concur, collaborate,
collusion, collaboration
co-obbraghey lheeyssagh ~ group therapy
co-obbraghys ~ coefficiency
co-obbree ~ colleague, collaborator
co-obbyr ~ collusion
coobeyr feeyney ~ wine cooper
coobid ~ concavity
Coobragh ~ Cuthbert
co-ockle ~ compound noun
coodagh ~ cover, overgrowth, envelope, case,
housing, awning, wrapper, coating, shroud,
shell, coat, shielding, veil
coodagh aile ~ fire screen
coodagh caashey ~ cheese-cover
coodagh carbyd ~ pall
coodagh cartoose ~ cartridgecase
coodagh cheusthie ~ lining
coodagh claigin ~ mantilla
coodagh cliejeen ~ jewelcase
coodagh crou ~ tyre cover
coodagh croymmane ~ crankcase
coodagh eaddee ~ pack sheet
coodagh eaghtyr drommey ~ tail coverts
coodagh eaghtyr skian ~ wing coverts
coodagh eekad ~ rick cloth
coodagh fillit ~ folder
coodagh geear ~ gearcase
coodagh grooishey ~ bongrace
coodagh jyst ~ dishcover
coodagh keeagh ~ brassiere
coodagh king ~ headgear, casque
coodagh laarey ~ floor covering
coodagh liareagh ~ leather upholstery
coodagh liarey ~ leather upholstery
coodagh mooie ~ outer cover
coodagh mullee ~ canopy
coodagh penn-leoaie ~ pencilcase
coodagh pillagh ~ pillowcase
coodagh skian ~ wingcase
coodagh sthie ~ inner cover
coodagh taaishnys ~ reliquary
coodagh uinnagagh ~ window envelope
coodagh yn-fillit ~ folding hood
coodaghey ~ cover, envelop, veil, shield,
blanket, roof, coat
coodaghey ayns chiamble ~ shrine
coodaghey cruinn ~ wreathe
coodaghey dy mie ~ muffle
coodaghey (lesh) ~ overlay
coodaghey lesh airh ~ gild
coodaghey lesh cassyl ~ water jacket
coodaghey lesh kay ~ befog
coodaghey lesh kinneigyn ~ bread crumb
coodaghey lioaryn ~ book binding
coodaghey ny sooillyn jeh ~ blindfold
coodaghyn sooilley ~ visual aids
coodee ~ covering
coodeyder ~ coverer, cosy for teapot
coodit ~ coated, covered, shrouded
coodit lesh fynney ~ furred
coodit lesh keynnagh ~ moss-grown
coodit lesh rubbyr ~ rubber-covered
coodit lesh sheeidey ~ silk-covered
coodit lesh yiarn ~ iron-clad
coogar ~ panther
cooib ~ inside of curve, inside of a bend
cooid [f] ~ part, proportion, assets, valuables,
goods, supplies, possessions
cooid chaggee ~ munitions
cooid chailjey ~ lost property
cooid cherraghtyn ~ perishables
cooid chiart ~ real assets
cooid chloaie ~ stoneware
cooid chobbyr ~ copperware
cooid choonee ~ relief supplies
cooid chrooan ~ enamel ware
cooid chymnit ~ devise
cooid crayee ~ ware(s)
cooid eiraghtys ~ hereditament
cooid elley ~ remainder
cooid ennagh ~ somewhat
cooid gagh hooill ~ cynosure
cooid ghlonney ~ glass ware
cooid ghroseyragh ~ groceries
cooid gyn chiangley ~ loose goods
cooid hallooin ~ real estate
cooid hauchys ~ factor of safety
cooid heihllt ~ lucre, wordly goods
cooid hie ~ furnishings, furniture
cooid hoshee ~ exordium
cooid hraie ~ jetsam
cooid hroggee ~ building material(s)
cooid jeant ~ manufactured goods
cooid kionnit stiagh ~ import
cooid ny muick ~ swill
cooid phersoonagh ~ private property, personal
cooid phrash ~ brass ware
cooid ronney ~ dividend, portion, allowance
cooid (seihlt) ~ wealth
cooid shinc ~ zinc ware
cooid stainnagh ~ tin ware
cooid thie ~ household goods
cooid veg ~ somewhat
cooid veggan ~ too little
cooid vianit ~ desideratum
cooid vooar ~ number
cooid vredagh ~ stolen goods
cooid y veggan ~ little
cooid yiooldagh ~ quantity
cooid yn vea ~ necessaries of life
cooidjagh ~ accompanying, together, jointly
cooidjaghey ~ gather together, second
cooidjaght ~ suite, association
cooidjaghtagh ~ companion, companionable
cooidjaghtoilaght ~ sociability
cooidjaghtys ~ companionship, togetherness
cooidjeyder ~ supporter, seconder
cooidsave ~ vouchsafe
cooie ~ apt, suitable, congruent, hereditary,
timely, decorous, decent, competent,
cooie (da) ~ befit, applicable
cooie dy chummal ayn ~ habitable
cooieaght ~ aptitude, qualification
cooieid ~ convenience, qualification,
correctness, applicability, competency
cooieys ~ propriety, competency, capacity,
cooil chiollee ~ chimney-corner
Cooil Rhennee ~ Coleraine
cooiljeig ~ angle (of land)
cooiljeigagh ~ angular
cooiljeigaght ~ angularity
cooill ~ nook, niche, hidingplace
Cooill Vane ~ Coolbaun
cooilleeiney ~ observe, observance, observation
cooilleeinit ~ paid back, observed
cooilleeintagh ~ practicable
cooilleen ~ accomplish, implement, revenge,
recompense, fulfilment
cooilleen-aigney ~ gratification
cooilleenagh ~ rewarding, achievable,
complementary, satisfactory
cooilleenee ~ compensating, compensatory
cooilleeney ~ achieve, achievement, acquit,
acquittal, avenge, vengeance, compensate,
compensation, consummate, consummation,
execute, fulfil, fulfilment, punishment,
satisfaction, satisfy
cooilleeney dy tappee ~ dispatch
cooilleeneyder ~ achiever, compensator,
cooilleenit ~ finished, satisfied, performed,
cooilleentagh ~ feasible
cooilleig ~ inside corner, nook
cooilley ~ nook
Cooin lhiam! ~ Help!
cooinag ~ token
cooinaght ~ commemoration, remembrance,
cooinaghtagh ~ retentive, recollective
cooinaghtane ~ keepsake, reminder, souvenir
cooinaghtyn ~ remember, commemorate,
remembrance, monumental
cooinaghtyn (er) ~ recollect
cooinaghtyn keead blein ~ centenary
cooinaghyn ~ coinage
cooinee ~ commemorative, help
cooiney ~ invent, mint, coin, fabricate
cooineyder ~ recollector, rememberer, coiner,
cooinidagh ~ recollective, retentive
cooinidaght ~ retentiveness
cooinit ~ invented, remembered
cooinnagh ~ numismatic
cooinney-oayllee ~ numismatist
cooinney-oaylleeaght ~ numismatics
cooinneyder ~ numismatist
cooinnys ~ numismatics
cooinoaylleeagh ~ mnemonic
cooinoaylleeaght ~ mnemonics
Cooinseil Chiannoortagh ~ Executive Council
cooinsheansagh ~ conscientious objector
cooinsheansaght ~ casuistry, conscientiousness
cooinsheanse ~ conscience
cooish ~ chat, cause, conversation, theme,
business, case, suit, love affair
cooish-arrane ~ theme song
cooish caillagh ~ hen party
cooish cham ~ intricate affair
cooish gharaghtee ~ laughing stock
cooish ghraih ~ romance
cooish hey ~ tea party
cooish leigh ~ trial, lawsuit
cooish yeen ~ concrete case
cooishagh ~ cautelous, chatty, inquisitive,
causal, curiosity, artful, wily
cooishaghey ~ incrimination
cooishaght ~ slutness, artfulness
cooisheeaght ~ causality
cooisheragh ~ chat
cooisheraght ~ speaking, telling yarns
cooishyn bancagh ~ banking affairs
cooishyn joarree ~ foreign affairs
cooishyn kiaullee ~ musical affairs
cooishyn thie ~ household affairs
cooishyraght ~ converse, nattering
co-olloo ~ associate professor
coolragh ~ smelt
co-olt ~ component
co-oltagh ~ component
co-oltey ~ confederate, fellow
coon ~ confined, narrow, narrow-minded, strait,
tight-fitting, poky
coon-enneeynagh ~ hidebound
coon-inchyn ~ hidebound
coonaghey ~ narrow
coondaeghyn Lunnin ~ home counties
coonee ~ helpful, assistant, secondary, take in
(as dress)
Cooney ~ Constance
cooney ~ help, aid, support, dole
cooney as greesaghey ~ aiding and abetting
cooney ashoonagh ~ national assistance
cooney beaghee ~ subsistence
cooney jee-chosnee ~ unemployment pay
cooney lesh ~ aid, help, facilitate
cooney mee-staartaght ~ unemployment pay
cooney mooar ~ asset
cooney ny moght ~ poor relief
cooney taaueid ~ unemployed pay
cooneydagh ~ instrumental
cooneyder ~ help, adjutant, assistant
cooneyder shapp ~ shop assistant
coonid ~ incommodiousness, narrowness,
coonid aigney ~ narrow-mindedness
coonit ~ prompted
coonit liorish y staet ~ state-aided
coonlagh [f] ~ bedding, straw, haulm
coonlagh curnee ~ wheatstraw
coonlagh lhiabbagh ~ bed straw, litter
coonlagh reise ~ rice straw
coonlee ~ stubbly
coonragh ~ exchangeable, swoppable
coonree ~ contractual, exchange
coonrey ~ barter, contract, commute, exchange
coonrey corrym ~ fair exchange
coonreyder ~ barterer, contractor, commuter,
coonrit ~ bartered, contracted
coonseil ~ council
Coonseil ny h-Ellynyn ~ Arts Council
coonseilagh ~ councillor
Coontae yn Chlaair ~ County Clare
coontag ~ check
coontey ~ count, list, compute, number, score,
portraiture, description
coontey beggan jeh ~ undervalue, depreciate
coontey breagagh ~ misrepresentation
coontey er aggyrtys ~ call account
coontey fo'n earroo oc ~ under-estimate
coontey fo'n 'eeuid ~ underrate, undervalue
coontey fo'n leagh ~ underrate
coontey giare ~ digest
coontey lhuingey ~ manifest
coontey mee-chiart ~ misreckoning
coontey-mie jeh ~ approval
coontey roie ~ running commentary
coontey rour (jeh) ~ overfond
coontey shelloo ~ stocktake
coontey sthock ~ stocktaking, stocktake
coontey stiagh ~ clock in, check in
coontey tashtee ~ deposit account, savings
coonteyder ~ counter
coonteyder mie ~ approver
coontit ~ reckoned, calculated, cast, counted,
coontit mie jeh ~ approved
coontoil ~ reckonable
coontys ~ financial account, count, statement,
commentary, calculation
coontys argid ~ cash account
coontys banc ~ bank account, bank statement
coontys poagee ~ budget account
coontys roie ~ running commentary, current
coontyseyr ~ bookkeeper
coontyseyr kaartit ~ chartered accountant
coontyseyr lhuingey ~ purser
coontyseyraght ~ bookkeeping
coontyssagh ~ calculating
coontysseyr ~ accountant
coontysseyraght ~ accountancy
coontyssyn ~ accounts
co-ooasle ~ compeer
co-ooley ~ confiscation, confiscate
coop ~ box cart
coopay ~ coupe
cooragh millish ~ fragrant
cooraghey ~ perfume
cooraght ~ aromatic, fragrance
coorane ~ perfume
co-ordnaid ~ co-ordinate
co-ordrail ~ syntax
cooreyder ~ perfumer
cooreyder lioar ~ book binder
cooreydys ~ perfumery
coorit ~ perfumed
co-orraghey ~ volley
coorsagh ~ routine
coorsal ~ cruise, course
coorse ~ way, routine, circuit, course, route,
career, curriculum, row, travel, racetrack, reef
coorse marrey ~ seaboard
coorse ooree ~ refresher
coorse ratchal ~ race course
coorse ushtey ~ waterway, watercourse
coorsey ~ racing of hares
coorsey mwoie ~ coursing
coorseyr ~ cruiser
coorsyn ~ monthly, periods
cooryn lioaragh ~ book back
cooryn marrey ~ sea spray
coose ~ coast
coose ny marrey ~ sea coast
cooseyr ~ coaster
cooseyraght ~ coastwise trade, coasting
coot ~ cuckoo wrasse
cooyl ~ back, behind, astern, reverse
cooyl arbyl ~ rearward
cooyl argid ~ silvering
cooyl-caayntagh ~ detractor
cooyl-cassidagh ~ maligner
cooyl-charrey ~ backer
cooyl-chassee ~ slanderous
cooyl-chassid ~ slander, backbite
cooyl-chassidagh ~ backbiter, slanderer,
cooyl-cheim ~ backward step
cooyl-chishtey ~ reserve fund
cooyl chlea ~ in hiding, in concealment
cooyl-chlea ~ ambuscade, hold up
cooyl-chleader ~ ambusher, lurker, waylayer
cooyl-chliaghtey ~ graft, grafter
cooyl-chroymmit ~ retroflex
cooyl-eaishtagh ~ eavesdrop
cooyl-eaishteyder ~ eavesdropper
cooyl-eeacklagh ~ alveolar
cooyl-eeackle ~ back tooth, grinder
cooyl-'er ~ reservist
cooyl-feeaghyn ~ arrear(s)
cooyl-ghaardey ~ rearguard
cooyl-ghleashaghey ~ retrocede
cooyl-ghleashaght ~ retrocession, retreat
cooyl-ghliooney ~ popliteal
cooyl-ghuillag ~ back sheet
cooyl-hroir ~ backsight
cooyl-imman ~ rear drive
cooyl leaystagh ~ swing back
cooyl-mwannalagh ~ scruff
cooyl-obbraghey ~ back-reaction
cooyl-pabyragh ~ paper backed
cooyl-pholt ~ backfire
cooyl-pholtal ~ backfire
cooyl-raad ~ back street
cooyl-raadagh ~ secluded, retired, out of the way
cooyl-raadaght ~ seclusion
cooyl raaidjey ~ out of the way
cooyl-reayrtagh ~ retrospective
cooyl-reayrtys ~ retrospect
cooyl-shliawiney ~ tail slide
cooyl-skyrraghtagh ~ drop off, recidivist,
cooyl-skyrraghtyn ~ lapse, backslide, recidivism
cooyl-sleaghtagh ~ apostate
cooyl-sleaghtaghey ~ apostatise, backslide
cooyl-sleih ~ reserve
cooyl-smooinaght ~ reservation
cooyl-stroo ~ slipstream, undertow, back-set
cooyl-vaghtane ~ backsight
cooyl-vinkeyr ~ backbencher
cooyl y ching ~ back of the head
cooyl-y-choshey ~ backwards
cooyl y chroan ~ aft of the mast
cooyl y wannal ~ nape
cooyl-yalloo ~ rear elevation
cooyl yn eayst ~ back of beyond
cooyl-ynnyd ~ background
cooylag ~ back tooth, dicky
cooylaghey ~ antecedence, decrescent
cooylcheimnagh ~ retrogressive
cooylcheimnaghey ~ retrogression
cooyleeaght ~ backwardation
cooylhamyr ~ Bar parlour
cooyllag ~ wisdom tooth
cooyllagh ~ back, regressive
cooyllaghey ~ regression, sternway, regress,
cooyllaghyn king ~ overhead valves
cooylleen ~ valvule
cooylley ~ hatch, shutter, drop, valve, stopcock,
sluice gate, leaf of table, wing (of door)
cooylley aer ~ trapdoor, air valve
cooylley chappanagh ~ cup valve
cooylley chooyl ~ aft-gate
cooylley-chree ~ heart valve
cooylley chummaghtagh ~ power tube
cooylley hooee ~ suction valve
cooylley hroggee ~ trapdoor
cooylley huittymagh ~ drop shutter
cooylley lock ~ lock gate
cooylley phobbad ~ poppet valve
cooylley-rap ~ flap valve
cooylley rollagh ~ roll shelter
cooylley sauchys ~ safety valve
cooylley shalmanagh ~ mushroom valve
cooylley skyrraghtagh ~ slide valve
cooylley sterrym ~ dead light
cooylley ushtey ~ water valve, lock gate,
floodgate, water gate
cooylley veg ~ valvule, half-door
cooylley vluckan ~ ball valve
cooylley vuinneelagh ~ sleeve valve
cooylley vuird ~ table-flap
cooylloo ~ hind, reverse
cooylreayrt ~ backsight
cooylrey ~ background, groundwork
cooylym ~ bustle
co-oyr ~ principle, constituent
cooyrag ~ souffle
cooyroge ~ cachou
cooyrt [f] ~ forecourt, court, farmyard, yard,
bowling alley
cooyrt-chooyl ~ back yard
cooyrt leddoge ~ tennis court
cooyrt lhuingey ~ boatyard
cooyrt skittlyn ~ skittle alley
cooyrt tennys ~ tennis court
cooyrt toshee ~ forecourt
cooyrt vaatey ~ boatyard
cooyrt vluckan ~ ball alley
cooyrt voulleraght ~ bowling alley
Cooyrt yn Aspick ~ Bishop's Court
cooyrtagh ~ aulic, juridical
cooyrtey ~ of a court
cooyrteyr ~ gallant, courtier
cooyrtoil ~ polite, courteous, refined, courtly
cooyrtoilaght ~ courtliness
cooyrtoilid ~ courtesy, politeness
cooyrtoilid feayr ~ stony politeness
Cooyrtoilid ny hashoonyn ~ Comity of Nations
copal ~ cope, copal
co-parteays ~ co-partner
copey ~ cope
cophaagey ~ kiss
cophaartnagh (rish) ~ privy
co-phadjer ~ collect
copharteeagh ~ joint
co-pharteeas ~ collusion, complicity
copharteeys ~ association
cophartnagh ~ accomplice
co-phlaanagh ~ coplanar
co-phoosey ~ marriage match
co-plas ~ sponger
coppylagh ~ copulative
coprey ~ copra
coptyr ~ helicopter
copuir ~ copper
copuir lhean ~ sheet copper
copyl ~ copal
cor ~ turn (act), edge, event, alternate, odd,
circumstance, condition (terms), twirl, fore,
depression, bastard (of size)
cor as corrym ~ odd and even
cor-eeacklyn ~ buck teeth
cor-ghear ~ trip gear
cor ny corrym ~ odd or even
cor-shiaghteeyn ~ alternate weeks
cor-vuilley ~ hook, miss
cor-woallaghyn ~ beats
Cor yn ellee ~ Cornelly
coraa [f] ~ suffrage, voice, communication, vox
coraa bog bing ~ round voice
coraa breeockle ~ vowel sound
coraa deiney ~ human voice
coraa dorraghey ~ parable
coraa ghooinney ~ vox humana
coraa injil ~ chest-voice, undertone
coraa moyllee ~ acclamation
coraa ny hainelyn ~ vox angelica
coraagh ~ voiced, vocalic, vocal
coraaghey ~ pronounce, pronunciation, mouth,
mouthing, voice, vocalize
coraail ~ chorale
coraatagh ~ orator
coraid ~ couple
corb ~ heirloom
corc ~ cork
corcaghey ~ cork
corchooid ~ odd lot
cordail (rish) ~ endorse
cordailagh ~ harmonious
cordite ~ cordite
core armee ~ army corps
corearroo ~ odd number
coreggyragh ~ homologous, co-respondent
coreggyraght ~ homology, joint liability
co-reggyrt ~ complement
coreggyrt (ry cheilley) ~ intercommunicate
co-reggyrtagh ~ correspondent, mutual,
coreggyrtys ~ correspondence, conformity,
symmetry, mutuality
co-reih ~ co-opt, co-optation
coreilaght ~ timing
co-reiltys ~ coalition government
coreir ~ proportion, syntax
coreiragh ~ proportional, proportionate,
coreiraght ~ accordance (geog)
corghlaragh ~ idiomatic(al)
corghlare ~ idiom
co-rheynn ~ pool, subscription, ration,
rationalize, quotient, participate
co-rheynneyder ~ common divisor
co-rheynnit ~ halve
Corinthianagh ~ Corinthian
corkan ~ finch
corkan airhey ~ siskin
corkan drine ~ brambling
corkan keylley ~ chaffinch
corkan keylley glass ~ greenfinch
corkan skaig ~ grosbeak
corkan skeag ~ hawfinch
corkey ~ oat, corn (oat grain)
corkey doo ~ black oats
corkey feie ~ wild oats
corkey taghyrt ~ long-bearded oats
corlaig ~ muckrake, scraper, rake
corlaig-aile ~ firerake
corlaig gheayil ~ coalrake
corlaigey ~ scrape together, rake, rake over
corlaigeyder ~ croupier
corlan ~ pignut
corlheim ~ skip, hop
corlheim skibbag as lheim ~ hop skip and jump
corlheimmey ~ caper, capering
corlheimyraght ~ hop, skip, dance about
cormaghey ~ equate, trim, balance, equalize,
cormal ~ even, balance, equate, square up,
counterbalance, equalization
cormal (e hene) ~ equilibrate
cormal (rish) ~ adapt
cormane ~ corm
cormeyder ~ trimmer, chancellor
cormeyderys ~ chancellorship
cormid ~ balance, evenness, adequacy,
equality, equivalent, rate, equation,
rightness, equity
cormid choontee ~ balance
cormid coontys ~ bank balance
cormid kerrinagh ~ quadratic equation
cormid ny straiddey ~ street level
cormid prowallagh ~ trial balance
cormid traa arree ~ spring equinox
cormid traa fouyir ~ autumn equinox
cormid use ~ rate of interest
cormid ushtey ~ water level
cormid y vanc ~ bank rate
cormit ~ balanced, squared, equalized
Cormode ~ Cormode
corn ~ vase, goblet
corn ny palchys ~ cornucopia
Cornagh ~ Cornishman, Cornish
Cornah ~ Cornaa
cornaid ~ cornet
corneesh ~ cornice
corneil ~ turning, corner (on road), child bed,
corneil chontoyrtagh ~ nasty corner
corneil chyagh ~ blind corner
corneil doccaragh ~ awkward (corner)
corneil follit ~ concealed turning
corneil veayllit ~ cant
corneilagh ~ cornered, of a corner, angular
Cornish ~ Cornish
coroanagh ~ coronary
coroanaght ~ coronary
coroauyrag ~ parallepiped
co-roayrtagh ~ co-tidal
corockle ~ consonant
corockle boggit ~ aspirate
corockle ennalit ~ aspirate
co-roie ~ concurrence, concur
co-ronneyder ~ subscriber
corp ~ solid, hull, physique, body, corpse, trunk
of tree
corp as annym ~ body and soul
corp as slaynt ~ compliments, respects
Corp Chreest ~ Blessed Sacrament, Eucharist
corp fo ghruiaghtys ~ zombie
corp foalsey ~ dummy
corp-ghlackeyder ~ resurrectionist
corp ny killagh ~ nave
corp sollysh ~ luminary
corp stooalt ~ solid
corp y raa ~ predicate
corp-yiarrey ~ post mortem, dissection, autopsy
corpagh ~ bodily, physical, incarnate, corporal
corpane ~ body
corpane speyr(ey) ~ heavenly body
corpaneagh ~ cadaveric
corpeen ~ corpuscle
corpeen folley ~ blood corpuscles
corpeenagh ~ corpuscular
corplajer ~ able-bodied
corpoil ~ bodylike
corpoilid ~ materiality
corpoilys ~ materiality
corporagh ~ material
corporaght ~ materiality
corpral ~ corporal
corpronsagh ~ anatomical
corps ~ corps
corpys ~ mass
corr ~ peen
corr-oard ~ peen hammer
corradoyr ~ corridor
corradoyr aer ~ air corridor
corradoyryn yn phooar ~ corridors of power
corrag [f] ~ index finger, V-sign, switch, bundle
of osiers, knob
corrag ghooishtee ~ starting switch
corrag lectragh ~ electric wall switch
corrag voalley ~ wall switch
corragagh ~ light-fingered
corragh ~ eccentric, erratic, irresolute, skittish,
hectic, sensitive, infirm, crazy, falling,
wobbly, jerry-built, troubled (of period),
uneven (as temper), unbalanced (of mind),
chequered (as career), rocky place
corraghan ~ stilt
corraghey ~ poking with forefinger
corraghid ~ tottering, fickleness, vicissitude
corraghys ~ tottering
corragyn ~ pincers
Yn Corran ~ Leo
corran ~ sickle, crescent
corran baaree ~ pruning hook
corran beaynee ~ reaper's sickle
corran buigh ~ banana (ripe)
corran feeacklagh ~ serrated sickle, toothed
corran gartlian ~ weeding hook
corran ingney ~ lunula
corran kellee ~ sickle feather
corran traie ~ sand spurry
corranagh ~ crescent, sicklelike
corrane ~ bow (of saddle), twill
corraneagh ~ twilled
corree ~ angry, annoyed, ire, anger
correy ~ spawning, shooting, draught, sowing,
correydank ~ crotchety, cussed, peevish, bad-
correyder ~ sower, grower, shooter,
agriculturist, planter
correyder shalmaneyn ~ mushroom grower
correyder tey ~ tea planter
corrid ~ irresolution, eccentricity, instability
corrid cree ~ tug the heartstrings
corrillagh ~ fraction, odds, ratio, balance
(remainder), balance in credit
corrillagh beg ~ short price
corrillagh bieauid ~ velocity ratio
corrillagh (bishee) ~ margin
corrillagh cadjin ~ vulgar fraction
corrillagh feeaghanagh ~ debit balance
corrillagh kiart ~ proper fraction
corrillagh trome ~ long price, long odds
corrilys ~ remainder
corrit ~ twirled
corryl ~ coral
corrylagh ~ coralliferous
corrym ~ equal, exact, level, even, par,
equitable, satisfaction, flush, impartial, tally,
flat (rate of pay), amends, justice, treatment,
revenge, candid, pregnant
corrym cheimagh ~ even-paced
corrym-chiart ~ just
corrym cullee ~ uniform temperature
corrym (rish) ~ equivalent, adequate,
corrymaght ~ counterpoise
corrymane kerrinagh ~ quadratic equation
corrymid ~ par, impartiality, justice
corrymys ~ justice
corsad ~ stay
corsaid ~ corset
Corsickagh ~ Corsican
corslaid ~ corslet
corsoie ~ leisure
corsoieys ~ leisureliness
corteish ~ cortex
cortisone ~ cortisone
coruggyragh ~ innate, inbred
coruggyraght ~ innateness
corundum ~ corundum
corvaal ~ shambles, turmoil, muddle,
confusion, chaos, mix up
corvaalagh ~ chaotic
corvaid ~ corvette
corvair ~ forefinger
corveeyl ~ mosquito
corvian ~ egotism, self-importance, conceit,
corvianagh ~ big-headed, stuck up, conceited,
corylagh ~ accessories
corys ~ system, chorus, communications
corys chaghteragh ~ lifeline
corys nearag ~ nervous system
corys ny greiney ~ solar system
corys raad yiarn ~ railway system
corys ushtey ~ water system
cosaayl ~ hunkers, back-heel
co-screeu ~ countersign, context, correspond by
co-screeuagh ~ conscript
co-screeuder ~ correspondent, consignatory
coscreeuder caggee ~ war correspondent
coscreeudeyr ~ joint secretary
coscreeudeyrys ~ joint secretaryship
co-screeuyn ~ appendix (book)
co-screeuyn chymnee ~ codicil
cosec. ~ cosecant
co-seiy ~ commixture, co-mix, admixture
cosh ry cholbey ~ side by side, cheek by jowl
cosh-vooinjer ~ hanger
coshagh ~ wayfarer, walker
coshal ~ pedal, treadle
coshal cummal ~ sustaining pedal
coshal ghlackan ~ brake pedal
coshaleen ~ moped
coshallyn feeacklagh ~ rat-trap pedals
co-shecktar ~ co-executor
coshee ~ pedestrian, foot passenger, walker
coshee neuarreydagh ~ jay walker
cosheeaght ~ walk, march, gait, promenade,
cosheeaght ny kirkey (ec) ~ pigeon-toed
cosheeaght oanluckee ~ cortege
cosheeaght vanshey ~ wedding march
cosheeaght vollee ~ route march
cosheeaghtagh ~ processional
cosmagh ~ cosmic(al)
cosmaid ~ cosmetic
cosmaidagh ~ cosmetic
co-smooinnaghtyn ~ concur (of person)
cosnaghyn bunargidagh ~ capital gains
Cosnahan ~ Cosnahan
cosnee ~ gainful, acquisitive
cosney ~ win, acquire, preserve, earn, score,
gain, ascend (hill), acquisition
cosney as coayl ~ profit and loss
cosney er ash ~ win back (money)
cosney glen ~ nett profit
cosney reesht ~ regain
cosney (roish) ~ elude, make off, clear out
cosney traa ~ temporization, temporize
cosney trimmid ~ weight gain
cosneyder ~ earner, scorer, gainer, winner
cosneyder gammanyn ~ victor ludorum
cosneyder traa ~ temporizer
cosnit ~ won, acquired
cosnit dy mie ~ hard-won
cosnit reesht ~ regained
co-soiaghey ~ stabilization
co-soieaghey ~ stabilize
co-soieder ~ stabilizer
cosoylagh ~ alike, likely, symbolic,
cosoylagh (rish) ~ similar
cosoylaghey ~ compare, assimilate, associate,
cosoylaght ~ probability, similarity,
congeniality, representation, complexion,
relativity, prospect, comparison
cosoylaght firrinys ~ verisimiltude
cosoylaght ny firriney ~ verisimiltude
cosoylaghyn rish ~ analogous
cosoylee ~ symbolist
cosoyley ~ symbol, symbolism, affinity,
analogy, semblance, simile, instance
cosoylit ~ likened
cosoyllagh ~ congenial, presumable
cosoyllaghey ~ pattern
Cossack ~ Cossack
Cossackagh ~ Cossack
cossylid ~ passableness
cossyllagh ~ fair, so-so, pretty well, passable,
cossyllid ~ tolerableness
cossyn ~ acquire
cost ~ charge (money)
costag ~ chervil
Costain ~ Costain
costal ~ cost, precious, sumptuous, costly,
costallagh ~ costly, precious, rich
costallaght ~ sumptuousness
costallys ~ expense, richness, preciousness
co-sthock ~ joint stock
co-stiurey ~ co-piloting
co-stiureyder ~ co-pilot, co-director
costrayl ~ leather bottle, bottle, jar
costrayl feeyney ~ wine bottle
costrayl ferrish ~ bottle wrack
costrayl soo ~ jam jar
costraylagh ~ bottlelike
costrayleyder ~ bottler
costraylit ~ bottled
costraylyn ferrish ~ nodule of bladder wrack
co-streeu ~ encounter, fight, vie, affray, rivalry
co-streeuagh ~ fighting, contesting
co-streeuder ~ contestant, fighter
costreppey ~ scuffle, vie
co-strooan ~ confluence
co-strooanagh ~ confluent
costys ~ expenditure, cost, outlay
costys cairtee ~ cartage
costys eairkey ~ corkage
costys jannoo ~ cost of production
costys jeelughtey ~ lighterage
costys kionnee ~ cost price
costys lughtee ~ stowage
costys obbree ~ handling charge
costys roie ~ overhead expenses
costys thie ~ household expenses
costys ymmyrkee ~ haulage
costys ymmyrkey ~ portage
costys yrdjit ~ advanced cost
cotler ~ small tenant farmer, cotler, villein
cotlerys ~ villeinage
cott ~ cot (house), cottage
cottey ~ whiff
cotteyr ~ cottager
cottin lheeannagh ~ cotton grass
couan ~ vale, gulch, valley, dale, small glen
couanagh ~ dalesman
couch ~ coach, stagecoach
couch post ~ mail coach, post chaise
coucheyder ~ coachman
co-uillin ~ isogon
co-uillinagh ~ equiangular
coull ~ hazel
co-unnanaghey ~ consonance, unify
co-unnaneys ~ combine, concensus, unification
Co-unnaneys Ghoal ~ British Commonwealth
co-unnaneyssey ~ unification
co-unnaneyssit ~ concerted
countee ~ county
cour ~ provided for, toward, for
ny cour ~ for her
cour aym ~ provided for me
cour shen ~ to that intent
courchleayney ~ leaning, bias
courchleayney moggyl ~ bias
co-ushtaghey ~ hydrate
couylley ~ dowse
couylleyder ~ dowser
couyr ~ help, relief, redress, cure, resort,
couyragh ~ benefit (as match), remedial,
resourceful, healing
couyral ~ recover, improve, convalesce, better in
health, recovery
couyreyder ~ curer
couyrit ~ recovered, healed
covaghey sheeoil ~ peaceful coexistence
covaljee ~ townspeople
covaljys ~ conurbation
Covargey ~ Common market
covargey ~ trade area
covarkiagh ~ fellow rider
covaylartaght ~ reciprocal
co-veaghagh ~ co-existent
co-veaghey ~ co-existence, co-exist
co-veain ~ alloy (metal)
co-veayn ~ co-eternal
co-veih ~ counterbalance
co-veihaghan ~ counterpoise
coventyn ~ contact, join
coveshtagh ~ promiscuous
coveshtallagh ~ pot companion
covest ~ admix
covestagh ~ composite
covestey ~ concoct, amalgamate, temper,
intermingle, blend, admixture, co-mix,
conglomerate, coalesce, mix, compound,
covestey chynskylagh ~ industrial merger
covestey thombaacey ~ smoking mixture
covestit ~ mixed, blended, amalgamated,
incorporated, compound
covial ~ conform
coviallagh ~ conformable
coviallys ~ conformity
co-ving ~ joint committee
co-vingys ~ harmony, concord, acoustics,
co-vingyssagh ~ concordant
covluckanys ~ conglomeration
co-voirey ~ embroilment, embroil
co-vollaght ~ conspiracy
co-vollaghtagh ~ conspiratorial
covooinjeragh ~ interrelated
covooinjerys ~ interrelation
co-vraaraghys ~ fraternity
co-vraarys ~ confraternity
co-vree ~ cosubstantiation, coefficiency
covreeoil ~ co-essential, cosubstantial
covreeoilid ~ cosubstantiality
co-vreneen ~ molecule
co-vreneenagh ~ molecular
co-vrooid ushtey ~ hydrate
covroojagh ~ compressive
covroojid ~ compound
covroojit ~ compound fracture
covuilley ~ collide, reciprocating, collision,
concussion, reciprocate
covuilley moirvreneenagh ~ molecular collision
covuilltagh ~ reciprocating
cowag [f] ~ tete-a-tete, chat, loud conversation,
babble (crowd), chin-wag
cowart ~ coward
cowartagh ~ craven, cowardly, white-livered,
cowartaght ~ craveness
cowartys ~ cowardice
co-whailtys ~ conjuncture
co-whaiyl ~ conference
co-whingaghey ~ conjunction, conjugate
co-whingys ~ conjugation
cowraghey ~ blotch (of colour), characterize,
note, signify, sign, denote, imply, mark up,
log, portend, gesture, denotation, symbolize,
characterization, mark, stamp, betoken,
betray (exhibit), represent
cowraghey lesh rollageyn ~ star
cowraghey magh ~ indicate, peg out, point out
cowraghey yn lioar ~ sign off
cowraghyn ~ insignia
cowraghyn aaraa ~ quotation marks
cowraghyn casherick ~ stigmata
cowraghyn toshee ~ incipient signs
cowree ~ sowins, flummery
cowrey ~ mark, caret, evidence, trace, token,
symptom, attribute, stamp, feature, brand,
badge, character, intimation, denotation,
marque, hint, wealth, beacon, signal,
emblem, symbol, indication, gesture,
motion, sign, check
cowrey aa-chloie ~ repeat mark
cowrey aa-raa ~ repeat signal
cowrey ainjys ~ countersign
cowrey ardjid ~ benchmark
cowrey breinney ~ birthmark
cowrey cleaysh-cheyrragh ~ sheep earmark
cowrey cleayshey ~ earmark
cowrey cleinney ~ coat of arms
cowrey cooinaghtyn ~ monument
cowrey coshey ~ footmark
cowrey creck ~ hallmark
cowrey croshvollagh ~ Belisha beacon
cowrey danjeyr ~ danger signal
cowrey dirk ~ dagger sign
cowrey eddin ~ lineament
cowrey enney ~ sign of recognition
cowrey er lheh ~ earmark
cowrey fakinagh ~ visible sign
cowrey feysht ~ question mark
cowrey feyshtey ~ query
cowrey folley ~ naevus
cowrey frauee ~ root sign
cowrey girrid ~ breve
cowrey graih ~ love token
cowrey grainnit ~ inscription
cowrey jarrooagh ~ positive sign
cowrey jeihoil ~ decimal point
cowrey kay ~ fog signal
cowrey keirdey ~ trademark
cowrey keyrragh ~ sheep mark
cowrey kiaull ~ note
cowrey-kynnee ~ family arms
cowrey loojey ~ minus sign
cowrey marrey ~ sea mark
cowrey moojey ~ plus
cowrey muinneel ~ armbadge
Cowrey ny Croshey ~ Sign of the Cross
cowrey obballagh ~ negative sign
cowrey ooashlee ~ decoration
cowrey pensyl ~ pencil mark
cowrey post ~ postmark
cowrey raauee ~ alarm signal
cowrey ruggyree ~ birthmark
cowrey scarree ~ diaeresis
cowrey scuirr ~ stop signal
cowrey stashoon ~ station sign
cowrey straiddey ~ street sign
cowrey thallooin ~ landmark
cowrey tidee ~ tidemark (on shore)
cowrey traa ~ time signal
cowrey trimmid ~ stress mark
cowrey troa ~ trafficator
cowrey ushtey ~ watermarked, watermark
cowrey yllee ~ exclamation mark
cowrey yn phlait ~ plate mark
cowrey yn stashoon ~ station signal
cowreydagh ~ symbolic, symptomatic,
characteristic, indicative, impressive, sign,
emblematic(al), significant
cowreyder ~ marker, signaller
cowreyder bieauid ~ speed indicator
cowreyder date ~ date-stamp, date-marker
cowrit ~ stamped, branded, signed, marked,
cowryn ~ chattel(s), belongings, riches, effects
co-yalloo ~ public image
co-yannoo ~ structure, texture, make up
co-yantagh ~ adjutancy, adjutant
co-yantys ~ adjutancy
co-yantyssagh ~ constitutive
co-yarrooaghey ~ corroborate, corroboration
co-yarrooit ~ corroborated
co-yeeaghyn ~ interview
co-yesh (er dagh laue) ~ ambidext(e)rous
co-yeshys ~ ambidexterity
co-yiarrey ~ concision
coyin yeealit ~ leashed hounds
co-ymmyrkey ~ aegis, convect, convection
co-ymmyrkey sauchey ~ safe conduct
coymmys ynvaartit ~ inverse ratio
co-ynsagh ~ co-education, tutorial
co-ynsee ~ co-educational
co-ynseyder ~ brother-teacher
coyr [f] ~ bin, trunk, box, chest, boot
coyr ard ~ tallboy
coyr arran ~ breadbin
coyr cabbane ~ cabin trunk
coyr choadan ~ filing cabinet
coyr fo hoiag ~ seat box
coyr foalley ~ meat safe
coyr hey ~ teachest
coyr leoh ~ ash-bin
coyr lheian ~ fuse box
coyr oalan ~ ciborium
coyr phremmee ~ commode
coyr rio ~ icebox
coyr rioee ~ fridge
coyr screeuee ~ writing cabinet, secretaire,
coyr trustyr ~ dustbin, rubbish bin
coyr varrey ~ seachest
coyr voteil ~ wine bin
coyrd ~ line, cord, chord, cord (of wood), rope
coyrd cast ~ twisted cord
coyrd cowree ~ signal cord
coyrd drommey ~ spinal cord
coyrd ny imleig ~ navel-string
coyrd rassee ~ rip cord
coyrd skeayllee ~ rip cord
coyrd slat ~ earing
coyrd y ree ~ corduroy
coyrd yn vea ~ umbilical cord
coyrdey ~ cord, corduroy
coyrdeyder ~ cord maker
coyrdit ~ corded
co-yrdjaghey ~ agreement (poetic)
coyrlagh ~ counsellor, consultant, adviser,
coyrlagh baljey ~ town councillor
coyrlagh skeerey ~ vestryman
coyrlaghey ~ advocate, exhortation, exhort,
recommend, persuade
coyrlaghey (da) ~ counsel, advise, suggest
coyrlaghey lesh ~ consult
coyrlaghey noi ~ dissuade, dehort
coyrlaght ~ advisableness, advisability
coyrle [f] ~ consultation, persuasion, guidance,
counsel, council, deliberation, advice,
suggestion, opinion, hint
coyrle agglish ~ synod, convocation
coyrle anmey ~ spiritual advice
coyrle follit ~ machination
coyrle noi ~ dissuasion, counter-advice
coyrle ny hagglish ~ influence of the pulp
coyrle skeerey ~ parish council, vestry
coyrle slattyssagh ~ Legislative body
coyrle valjey ~ town council
coyrle y gheddyn (voish) ~ to take advice
coyrlee ~ advisory, counselling, consultant,
coyrleydagh ~ advisable
coyrleyder ~ adviser, consultant
Coyrleyder ny Benrein ~ Queen's Counsel
coyrlit ~ persuaded, advised
coyroil ~ boxlike
coyrt ~ give, hand over, service, donate, lead,
communicate, giving
coyrt booise ~ grace (after food)
coyrt briwnys ~ arbitrating
coyrt bwooise ~ acknowledgement
coyrt cooidjagh ~ joining
coyrt couyr ~ aiding
coyrt er ash ~ restoration
coyrt er oaie ~ carry forward
coyrt feanish ~ witnessing
coyrt folley ~ bleeding
coyrt gy baase ~ killing (execution)
coyrt gys cheeraght ~ acclimatization
coyrt gys cruinnaghey ~ focusing
coyrt magh ~ hand out
coyrt mow ~ overthrow
coyrt myr sampleyr ~ citation
coyrt raad (da) ~ allow, permit
coyrt ry cheilley ~ join
coyrt seose ~ delivery, surrender, abdication,
cession, retirement
coyrt yn leigh ~ law-making
coyrtagh ~ sender
co-yssaght ~ consciousness
craa ~ shake, shiver, tremble, vibrate, warble,
quaver, rustle, dodder, dither, judder, flutter,
brandish, toss (of head), wave (of hand),
sprinkle, flicker, jog, jolt, ring, shock
craa-chiaull ~ rock
yn craa-chredjue ~ Quakerism
craa-hallooin ~ earthquake
craa-hallooinagh ~ seismic
craa (harrish) ~ bestrew
craa laue ~ handshake, hand clasp
craa-skell ~ shimmer
craa-skelley ~ shimmer
craa ushtey (er) ~ besprinkle
c'raad ~ whither, whereabouts, wherein, where
craader ~ trembler, shaker, wobbler, quaker,
vibrator, dice box
craaee ~ vibratory, vibrant
craag ~ clutch, chuck
craag screebee ~ friction clutch
craag voandey ~ band clutch
craagh ~ wavering, shaky
craaish ~ cuticle
craait ~ rocked, sprinkled, shook, shaken
craayn ~ tremolo, shuddering, trembling, ague,
wobble (of singer), dithering
ny craayn ~ the shakes
craayn-voddee ~ dog's mercury
craaynagh ~ shivery, tremulous, vibratory,
horrific, shocking
crackan ~ skin, pelt, fur, hide, rind, peel, slough
crackan baa ~ cow hide
crackan bwoirrin ~ doeskin
crackan chymmylt ~ prepuce
crackan conning ~ cony
crackan cronnagh ~ scar tissue
crackan dhone ~ bronzed skin
crackan eayin ~ lambskin
crackan feeaihee ~ deerskin, buckskin
crackan goair ~ goatskin
crackan goair ny greg ~ shammy leather
crackan goayr ny greg ~ chamois leather
crackan goayrey ~ kid leather
crackan ingney ~ cuticle
crackan keyrragh ~ wool-fell, sheepskin
crackan kirkey ~ goose pimples, goose flesh
crackan kyaghan ~ moleskin
crackan lheiy ~ calf
crackan lheiy crouwagh ~ tree-calf
crackan maghouin ~ bearskin
crackan mannan ~ kid leather
crackan muickey ~ pigskin
crackan mwaagh bwoirrin ~ doeskin
crackan ny graue ~ periosteum
crackan ny sooilley ~ conjunctiva
crackan-oayllee ~ dermatologist
crackan-oaylleeeaght ~ dermatology
crackan ollay ~ swanskin
crackan oranje ~ orange skin
crackan rauney ~ sealskin
crackan screeuee ~ vellum, parchment
crackan screeuee garroo ~ rough vellum
crackan screeuee meein ~ fine vellum
crackan sharkagh ~ shagreen
crackan sharree ~ pony skin
crackan thanney ~ pellicle
crackan unnish ~ onion skin
crackan-yalloo ~ tattoo (on skin)
crackanagh ~ colourable, skin
crackanys ~ covering (of skin)
cracknyl ~ cracknel
craen ~ crane
cragh ~ foray, loot, plunder, sack, spoil, capture,
scoop, prey, ravishment, booty, doom,
disaster, devastation, depredation, prize,
cragh brishey ~ smash
cragh er mooin cragh ~ disaster on disaster,
double catastrophe
cragh ollee ~ cattle raid
craghagh ~ raptorial, predatory
craghan ~ scallop
craghey ~ pirate, maraud, spoil, depredate,
ravish, overrun, pillage, massacre, ravage,
ruin, filibuster, scoop, plunder
cragheyder ~ predator, raider, vandal, looter,
slaughterer, mass murderer, despoiler,
cragheyder cheerey ~ depopulater
cragheydys ~ vandalism
craghit ~ massacred, plundered, sacked,
pillaged, looted
craghoil ~ catastrophic
craght ~ loot, spoil, disaster, vandalism,
devastation, massacre, depredation, foray,
plunder, ruin, pillage
craghtey ~ loot
craghtys ~ predation
craid ~ irony, scoffing, derision, jeer, mockery
craid breagagh ~ mock
craidagh ~ mocking, sneering, jeering, sarcastic
craidaght ~ derision, burlesque
craider ~ mocker
craidey ~ jeering
craidey mysh ~ deride, burlesque, scoff, jeer,
craideyder ~ jeerer, mocker
craidit ~ mocked
craidoil ~ burlesque, mocking, gibing, scornful
craidoilagh ~ derider, mocker, scornful,
satirical, derisive
craidoilys ~ satire
craie ~ earthen, argillaceous
craishtaghey ~ squeeze
craishtey ~ shape, press, model, squeeze
craishteyder ~ modeller
craitnag ~ flitter-mouse, bat
craitnag eairkagh ~ long-eared bat
craitnag folley ~ vampire
craitnag rangagh ~ noctule
craitnagh ~ skinny, cutaneous, skinlike, webbed
craitnaghagh ~ batlike
craitnyn ~ peelings
craiu ~ eat away, corrode, corrosion; lever,
craiuagh ~ corrosive, wasting
craiuaig ~ ruin
craiuaigagh ~ ruined
craiueyder ~ corrodent
craiughan ~ rasp, file
craiughey ~ canker, corrode, corrosion, rasp,
craiuit ~ cankered, eaten away, corroded
crammag ~ snail
crammag rio ~ ice hockey
crammag varrey ~ sea snail
cramman ~ bulb, pellet, lump, nugget, bump;
control, button, handle of door
cramman brooee ~ press button
cramman cleayshey ~ stud earring
cramman doo ~ knapweed
cramman dorrysh ~ door handle, doorknob
cramman lheiney ~ shirt button
cramman moaney ~ small sod of turf
cramman peearagh ~ pear switch
cramman sooree ~ burdock
crammanagh ~ lumpy, bulbous, gnarled
crammanaght ~ lumpishness
crammaney ~ lump, bulb
crammanyn-geayll ~ nut coal
crammanyn pearlagh ~ pearlies
crammelt ~ bitter vetch
crammelt arree ~ spring vetch
crammelt beg ~ tormentil
crammylt muc ~ erect potentilla
cramp ~ intricate, complex; plague
crampagh ~ pestilential, problematic(al)
crampey ~ cramp iron, cramp
crampid ~ intricacy
crampys ~ complexity, problem
crangaid ~ crank, winch
crank ~ tap, rap, knock
crank baaish ~ death-knock
crankal ~ bang, knock, tap
crankeyder ~ knocker, tapper
crankit ~ distracted, tapped (as door)
crannag ~ pulpit, dock, lookout, tribune, heap,
crannag y chirveishagh ~ minister's pulpit
crannog ~ lake dwelling
crannoge ~ crannog
cranshal ~ grinding, scrunch, chew noisily,
cranshyn ~ greaves of tallow
crantessen ~ diameter
crantessenagh ~ diametrical
crape ~ crepe, crape
crapey ~ crape
craplag ~ fold, line, furrow, wrinkle
craplag feh ~ twitch
craplagagh ~ crumpled
craplagh ~ crinkly, wrinkled
craplaghey ~ wrinkle, crinkle, corrugate,
contract, purse, stunt
craplaght ~ stuntedness
crapley ~ knitting, wrinkle, corrugation,
contraction, contract
crapleyder ~ crimper, crumpler, corrugator
craplit ~ stunted, crumpled, corrugated,
wrinkled, furrowed, lined, contracted
crappey ~ retraction
cratch ~ rack, manger, crib
cratch greddan ~ toast rack
cratch scudlee ~ luggage rack
cratch voteil ~ bottle rack
cratnagh ~ callosity
crauaigagh ~ ruinous
craue [f] ~ bone, whine, wild garlic, crow
craue abaneagh ~ ankle bone
craue baaishag ~ frontal bone
craue cleayshey ~ malleus
craue cleeau ~ sternum, breast bone
craue crub ~ coffin bone
craue curpey ~ aitch bone
craue drommey ~ backbone, spine, spinal
craue eddin ~ cheekbone
craue eeast ~ fishbone
craue feie ~ ramson
craue geaylin ~ humerus
craue gliooney ~ stifle bone
craue gruaie ~ cheekbone
craue keeilley ~ chop, jawbone
craue keyl ny lurgey ~ fibula
craue keylid ny laue ~ wristbone
craue lheshey ~ thighbone, hip bone
craue lieckanagh ~ malar
craue lurgey ~ shin bone
craue ny greg ~ rocambole
craue ny lheshey ~ femur
craue ny lurgey ~ tibia, cannon bone, pelvic
craue-oaylleeaght ~ osteology
craue raadeeoil ~ radius
craue roih ~ cubit
craue skeddan ~ herring bone
craue skeeal ~ scenario
craue smuirrey ~ marrowbone
craue thoanney ~ rump bone
craue y cleeasid ~ thighbone
craue yeearree ~ fercula, wish bone
craue yiarn ~ crowbar
craue yn eddin ~ frontal bone
craue yn uillin ~ funny bone
craueagh ~ bony, scraggy, osseous, skinny
craueaghey ~ ossification, ossify
crauee ~ solemn, devout, religious
crauee baanrey ~ religious fanatic
crauee foalsey ~ religionist
craueeaght ~ religion, piety
craueeaght foalsey ~ hypocrisy
craueeaght vaanrey ~ religious fanaticism
craueeaghtys ~ religionism
craueen ~ ossicle
crauelagh ~ framework
craueyn ~ carcase of boat
craueyn skeddan ~ hard fern
craunsh ~ crunch
craunshal ~ crunch
cravat ~ cravat
cray ~ clay, pipe clay, ash
cray aile ~ fire clay
cray airhey ~ pay-dirt
cray argid ~ pay-dirt
cray-chalmane ~ clay pigeon
cray chelkagh ~ kaolin, China clay
cray-chummey ~ clay modelling
cray eayil ~ marl
cray fliugh ~ pug
cray Heenagh ~ kaolin, China clay
cray lhiassee ~ marl
cray ollymin ~ bauxite
cray phorslyn ~ porcelain clay
cray sclateagh ~ slate clay
cray sliggeragh ~ marl
cray vreekey ~ brick clay
cray vroit ~ terracotta
cray yiarg ~ red iron ore
crayagh ~ clayiness
crayaghey ~ marl
crayder ~ ceramist
crayderaght ~ ceramics
crayee ~ ceramic, earthen, earthenware vessel
crayghey ~ clay
crayn ~ ague
crayn losht ~ ague
crayoil ~ clayey, earthy
crayon ~ crayon
Cre? ~ What?
Cre ass? ~ Whence?
Cre ayn? ~ Wherein? Whereinto?
Cre bailliu? ~ What is your pleasure?
Cre cha leah? ~ How soon?
Cre choud? ~ How far? How long?
Cre er lhiat? ~ What do you think?
Cre er? ~ Whereupon? Whereon?
Cre erbee? ~ Whatever? Whichever?
Cre gys? ~ Whither? For what purpose?
Cre heilys oo? ~ What do you think?
Cre hon? ~ For what purpose? For what? Why?
Cre hug? ~ For what purpose?
Cre jeh? ~ Whereof?
Cre lesh? ~ Wherewith?
Cre myr? ~ In what manner?
Cre sailt? ~ What wilt thou?
Cre ta ry heet! ~ What next!
Cre ta shen? ~ What's that?
Cre veih? ~ Whence?
Cre vel? ~ What is?
Cre vennick? ~ How often?
Cre voish? ~ Whence?
Cre wheesh? ~ How big?
Cre whilleen? ~ How many?
Cre wooad? ~ How much?
crea ~ tenet
Crea ny Hostyllyn ~ Apostles' Creed
creadlagh ~ hulk
creagh ~ stack, furrow
creagh arroo ~ cornstack
creagh fendeilagh ~ barricade
creagh hraagh ~ haystack
creagh voaney ~ turfstack, turf-rick
creaghag ~ rick
creaghage ~ tumulus
creaghagh ~ furrowed
creaghey ~ pack (of earth), stack as corn
creaghit ~ stacked
creaghlagh ~ garden sage, sage
creaghlaght ~ wood sage
creaghnaghey ~ conclude, complete, accomplish
creaghnee ~ accomplish
creaghney ~ accomplish, completion
creaghneyder ~ accomplisher
creaghnit ~ complete, completed
creaghnoil ~ thoroughgoing
creaghnoilaght ~ thoroughness
Crean ~ Wednesday
creasoid ~ creosote
creasoidey ~ creosote
creatlagh ~ framework, frame (of body)
creauagh ~ thrilling
creaughey ~ hurt seriously
creaut ~ hurt
creayll ~ sea lamprey
creck ~ peddle, sell, vend, dispose, sale
creck aanrit ~ white sale
creck-briwnys ~ corruption (of judge)
creck er argid ~ cash sale
creck er argid sheese ~ cash sale
creck er daayl ~ credit sale
creck erskyn insh ~ best-selling
creck mollid ~ jumble sale
creck ny s'neugheyr ~ undersell
creck ny s'neugheyrey ~ undercut
creck son argid ~ realize
creckagh ~ vendible
creckeraght ~ auction
creckeydagh ~ sellable, saleable, marketable
creckeyder ~ seller, salesman, vendor
creckeyder druggaghyn ~ pusher
creckeyder eaddee ~ draper
creckeyder eeast ~ fishmonger
creckeyder feeyney ~ vintner, wine merchant
creckeyder lioar ~ book seller
creckeyder myn-chooid ~ haberdasher
creckeyder pyaghyn ~ pieman
creckeyder shenn lioaryn ~ second hand book
creckeyderys ~ salemanship
creckit ~ vended, sold
cred ~ grunt, cough, roughness, tickle, frog in
C'red? ~ What?
C'red nish? ~ What now?
credal ~ grunting, grunt
creddag ~ fircone
creddagh ~ grunting, laboured
creddaghey ~ throat-clearing
creddal ~ cough
credit ~ credited, believed
credjal ~ credit, believe, credence
credjal(l)agh ~ naive, credulous
credjal(l)aght ~ naivety, credulity
credjaltagh ~ believer
credjaltys ~ credibility
credjane ~ credence table
credjit ~ believed
credjoonit ~ accredited
credjuagh ~ believing, believer
credjue ~ religion, faith, belief, creed,
conviction, denomination, confessional
Yn Credjue Creestee ~ Christianity
credjue fardailagh ~ superstition
credjue veih'n chree ~ implicit faith
Ny Credjuee ~ The Faithful
credjym (dy vel) ~ I dare say
credoonaghey ~ accredit
credyragh ~ grunt, cough
cree ~ heart, core, centre, crux, hinge (of story),
pith, encouragement, ganglion, hub, bud,
button, boundary
cree brisht ~ heartbroken, bleeding heart
cree-chrooagh ~ cordate, heart-shaped
cree cloaie ~ stony heart, hard-hearted
cree creoi ~ duramen, heartwood
cree feayr ~ unfeeling heart
cree-howlagh ~ heart-piercing
cree ny cooish ~ kernel of the matter
cree ny coshey ~ sole
cree ny laue ~ palm
cree ooyllagh ~ apple core
cree-scrutagh ~ heart-searching
cree-vrishagh ~ soulless
cree-vrisht ~ desolate (of person)
creeagh ~ boundary, termination, borderline,
creeaghneyder ~ terminator
creeaght ~ courage, confidence, morale
creeaght yn jough ~ Dutch courage
creeaghtagh ~ plucky
creealey ~ transmit
creear ~ sieve, riddle
creear garroo ~ rough sieve
creear meein ~ fine sieve
creear shugyr ~ sugar sifter
creear smarage ~ cinder sifter
creearey ~ sieve, pan, sift, riddle
creeareyder ~ sifter, screener, riddler
creearit ~ gridded, screened, honeycombed,
sifted, sieved
creearrey ~ bolt (sieve), bolting
creedlagh ~ shrug, shrugging
Creeghyn ~ Hearts
creeilys ~ heartiness
creelagh ~ swamp, withered place
creeley ~ broadcast, broadcasting
creeleyder ~ broadcaster
creen ~ ripe, decayed, sapless, withered,
diminutive, trifling
creenagh ~ brushwood
creenaghey ~ ripen, dry up, wither
creenaght ~ astuteness, wisdom, policy,
prudence, art
creenaght corrymid ~ level-headedness
creenaght diunid ~ depth of intellect
Creeney ~ Sophia
creeney ~ wise, advisable, provident, shrewd,
common sense; dry, matured, bush with little
creeney-chreeagh ~ wise-hearted
creeney corrym ~ level-headed
creenid ~ maturity, shrewdness, ripeness
creenlagh ~ tinder
creent ~ withered, ripened
creeoil ~ hearty, inspiring, cheerful
creeoilaght ~ heartiness
creeoilid ~ heartiness, spirit, vigour
creeoilys ~ vigour
creeole ~ creole
Creest ~ Christ
Creestee ~ Christian
Creestee Raueagh ~ Roman Catholic
creesteeagh ~ sacramental
Yn Creesteeaght ~ The Holy Communion,
Lord's supper
creesteeaght ~ sacrament
creesteeaght baaish ~ viaticum
Creesteeney ~ Christine
Creestiaght ~ Christianity
creestiaght ~ sacrament
Creestoil ~ Christlike
creg [f] ~ crag, tor, rock
creg aileagh ~ igneous rock
creg chrayagh ~ shale
Creg Ealish ~ Ailsa Craig
creg glessagh ~ obsidian
creg hollan ~ potassium nitrate
Creg Jaghee ~ Tithe rock
creg kelkagh ~ malm
Creg ny Bayr ~ Creg ny Baa
creg-oayllee ~ geologist
creg-oaylleeaght ~ geological, geology
creg teaystagh ~ magma
Creg Voirrey ~ Conister
Creg yn Euar ~ Craignure
creg ynlhieagh ~ inlier
cregeen ~ little rock
creggagh ~ rocky, cragged, ironbound
creggan ~ rocky place, stony hill
cregganagh ~ cragged, rockbound, groper,
rugged, rocky, bass
cregganys ~ cragginess, ruggedness, rockiness
creggey ~ of a rock
Creid mish! ~ Believe me!
creiu ~ ruin
creiueyder ~ ruiner
crem ~ ailment, sore
cremagh ~ sore covered, ulcerated
cremey ~ bellyache, fault-finding
cremeydagh ~ critical
cremeyder ~ fault-finder, dissentient,
di sapprover, mal cont ent , knocker
(faultfinder), spoilsport, criticizer,
bellyacher, critic
cremeyder ellyn ~ art critic
cremeyder thie ~ armchair critic
cremeyderys ~ knocking
cremeydys ~ disapprobation, criticism
cremmagh ~ disapproving
cremmey ~ criticize
Cre'n? ~ Which?
Cre'n aght? ~ How?
Cre'n aght ta shiu? ~ How are you?
Cre'n fa? ~ Wherefore? Why?
Cre'n fa nagh? ~ Why not?
Cre'n lheead? ~ How wide?
Cre'n oor? ~ What time?
Cre'n oyr? ~ why?
Creneash ~ Cregneash
creoi ~ hardy, near (with money), neat,
obdurate, dry, solid, tough, bitter (of frost),
stiff, difficult, hard, blistering (as language),
adamant, hard-boiled, heartless, steely,
distressing, stubborn, hard-set, stiffen
creoi-aignagh ~ obstinate, stubborn
creoi-changyr ~ scirrhus
creoi-changyragh ~ scirrhous
creoi-chrackanagh ~ hidebound
creoi-chreeagh ~ stony-hearted, coldblooded,
flinty, heartless, callous
creoi-eddinagh ~ hardfaced
creoi-gheyre ~ hardfought
creoi-ghruaiagh ~ hardfaced
creoi-haah ~ hard-solder
creoi-haahghey ~ hard-solder
creoi-riojey ~ deep freeze
creoi-riojeyder ~ deep freeze
creoi-veallagh ~ hard-mouthed
creoi-veeallagh ~ headstrong
creoi-vroiet ~ hardboiled
creoi-wannalagh ~ stubborn, impenitent person,
stiff-necked, stiff-necked person
creoi-wannalys ~ stiff-neckedness
creoiaghey ~ harden, anneal, hardening, stiffen
creoidys ~ hardness, hardihood
creoie ~ severe
creoighey ~ steel (heart), anneal, induration,
toughening, annealing, toughen, indurate
creoigheyder ~ toughener, hardener, stiffener
creoighid ~ obduracy
creoighit ~ hardened, sclerosed, toughened
creoighys ~ callosity, stiffness, hardness,
sternness, obduracy
creoilagh ~ scree
creoit ~ tempered, hardened, stiffened,
creoiys ~ severity, stoniness, rigour of the law,
bitterness of frost, neatness; predicament,
creoiys cree ~ callousness, heartlessness
cresh ~ cress, garden cress
cresh ny giark ~ creeping yellow-cress
cressad ~ oil-lamp, small lamp
cressad buird ~ table lamp
cretchagh ~ bad-tempered
creteen ~ cretin
creteenagh ~ cretinous
creteenaght ~ cretinism
cretoor ~ creature, animal
cretoor bio ~ living creature
Yn cretoor boght! ~ Poor soul!
cretoor feie ~ wild animal
cretooragh ~ animal
creuit ~ ruined
creujaghey ~ crush
creujey ~ crush
creujit ~ crushed, ruined
creutchagh ~ cowering
creutchal ~ cower, cowering
criaughey ~ eat away
crib ~ rack
cribbag ~ noose, loop
cribbag roie ~ slip noose
cribbaghan ~ small siver coin
cribbagyn troggee ~ sling-dog
cribban ~ tether, curb
cribban (cassan) ~ kerb
cribbey ~ shrink, curb, shrinkage, contract
cribbeyder ~ shrinker
cribbeyder king ~ head-shrinker
cribbidjagh ~ tight-fisted, stingy
cribbidjys ~ close-fistedness, stinginess,
cribbit ~ shrunken, contracted, curbed
cribbyl ~ garter
cridlagh ~ lightheaded
crie ~ shake
crie-chiaull ~ tremolo
crie (er) ~ dabble
crieagh ~ jarring
crieder ~ shaker
crieit ~ shaken, shook
crig ~ ball, shintyball, hockey ball, click
crig cammag ~ cammag ball
criggad ~ cricket
criggadagh ~ cricketer
criggaragh ~ click
criggaraght ~ clicking
criggeyder ~ click beetle
criggyl ~ cripple, cripples
cright ~ knight
crightnagh ~ knightly
crightnaght ~ knighthood
Crimeeagh ~ Crimean
crimmagh ~ erosive
crimmanagh ~ finicky
crimmey ~ eat slowly, toy with food, erode,
erosion, degradation
crimmey craue ~ picking a bone
crimmey ooirey ~ soil erosion
crinkyl ~ cringle, loop in edge of sail, clew
criticoil ~ critical
critlagh ~ fluff, rag
criu ~ aching, ache
criu 'eeackle ~ toothache
criuagh ~ aching
criuit ~ pained
crivassan ~ elf, dwarf
crivassanagh ~ dwarfish
criy ~ gibbet, scaffold
cro ~ nut, gall
cro almon ~ almond (nut)
cro bainney ~ coconut
cro beetyl ~ betel nut
cro Brasillagh ~ Brazil nut
cro cabbil ~ conker
cro cabbyl ~ horse chestnut
cro cashtal ~ castle nut
cro cheyrragh ~ sheep pen
cro cleashagh ~ wing nut
cro coull ~ hazel nut
cro couyll ~ filbert
cro darree ~ oak-apple, acorn
cro faih ~ beech nut
cro frangagh ~ walnut
cro-ghone ~ nut-brown
cro Greaghagh ~ almond (nut)
cro jinshar ~ gingernut
cro keylley mooar ~ cob nut
cro kytchinagh ~ nutmeg
cro sharroo ~ filbert
cro shey-lhiatteeagh ~ hexagonal nut
cro souney ~ horse chestnut
cro spaainagh ~ edible chestnut
cro sponk ~ molucca nut
cro teayst ~ doughnut
cro thallooin ~ peanut, ground nut, monkey nut
cro towlit ~ tommy nut
croa ~ enclosure, compound, enclave, coop,
fold, ring, corral, pen, aperture, notch
croa cheyrragh ~ sheepcote
croa chonning ~ rabbit hutch
croa chooylley ~ valve-holder
croa chruinnag ~ bulb-holder
croa gheayil ~ bunker
croa ghoarneyrys ~ boxing ring
croa paggal ~ packing box
croa terriu ~ bull ring
croa vaghouin ~ bear-garden
croa-vlock ~ dead-eye
croa yn veihaghey ~ weighing enclosure
croae ~ eye (of needle)
croa(e) ~ eyehole
croae volgan ~ lamp-holder
croag ~ talon (of bird), claw, fang
croag-chassagh ~ crump-footed
croag eairkan ~ bird's foot
croag phartan ~ autumn hawkbit
croagan ~ horsefly, gadfly, bloodsucker
(creditor); pork crackling
croaganagh ~ importunate, bloodsucking
croaganaghey ~ dun
croagane ~ crook, hook, gaff
croagane aspickagh ~ crozier
croagane chonnee ~ ling-hook
croagane cooat ~ coathook
croagane cramman ~ button-hook
croagane freoaie ~ ling-hook
croagane tayrn ~ draw-hook
croagane vochillagh ~ shepherd's crook
croaganey ~ crochet
croaganys ~ bloodsucking
croagh ~ nutty
croaglagh ~ fistful, handful
croan ~ boom, mast, flag pole
croan beg ~ lower mast
croan Boaldyn ~ maypole
croan braag ~ boot tree
croan chellegraf ~ telegraph pole
croan chiollee ~ fire-dog
croan cowree ~ signal mast
croan-craaee ~ aspen
croan cullee ~ flagpole
croan darree ~ oak mast
croan derrick ~ boom
croan drommey ~ boom
croan faih ~ beech mast
croan jeeltagh ~ saddle tree
croan jerree ~ after mast, mizzen mast
croan lhiabbagh ~ bedpost
croan lhuingey ~ ship's mast
croan mooar ~ mainmast
croan mullee ~ topmast
croan ooill ~ oil rig
croan seiyeyder ~ propeller shaft
croan shallidagh ~ jury mast
croan snauee ~ boom (at harbour)
croan sollysh ~ luminary
croan spreie ~ jib boom, bowsprit
croan stiuree ~ steering column
croan tappad ~ tappet rod
croan togherys ~ windlass
croan toghrish ~ winding blades
croan toshee ~ foremast
croanagh ~ bryony
croanane ~ thicket
croanreisht ~ bitter-sweet
croanreisht ghoo ~ black nightshade
croanrey ~ knurl
croanscoidey ~ boom
croanscoidey ard ~ main boom
croanscoidey jerree ~ mizzen boom
croau-muc feie ~ asparagus
crobage ~ boiled trotter, crooked claw
crock ~ urn, chimneypot, jar
crockan ~ jar, crock, earthenware vessel,
crockan beg ~ pipkin
crockan bithag ~ butter urn, cream urn
crockan blaa ~ flower pot, flowerpot
crockan crayee ~ clay pot
crockan eeymey ~ butter urn
crockan leoh ~ cinerary
crockan mooyn ~ chamber (pot), poe
crockan pash ~ earthenware pot
crockan traie ~ sea urchin
crockanagh ~ earthenware dealer
crockanys ~ earthenware, crockery
crockanys Hollanagh ~ delft, delf
crocys ~ crocus
crodane ~ grey gurnard, gurnard
crodane etlagh ~ batfish
crodane frangagh ~ streaked gurnard
crodane glass ~ grey gurnard
crodane gorrym ~ swallowfish
crodane jiarg ~ surmullet
crodane rimmeigagh ~ streaked gurnard
crodane ruy ~ red gurnard
croe ~ gridiron
croeshey ~ crochet
croggyl ~ crocodile
crogh ~ cross, gibbet, crucifix, saffron
crogh foalsey ~ safflower
croghag ~ suspender
croghag chleayshey ~ ear-pendant
croghage ~ pendant
croghagh ~ aleatory
croghane ~ hallstand
croghane uillinagh ~ knee-bracket
croghey ~ hang, hoist, swing, climb, cling, fly,
hinge (as story), sheer, suspension, pendant
croghey as tayrn ~ hanging and quartering
croghey (bluckan) ~ loft
croghey (eaddagh) ~ drape
croghey (er) ~ bank on, depend, lean on
croghey (er jack) ~ jack up
croghey (er lheimaghanyn) ~ spring
croghey er y cheilley ~ interdependent
croghey erskyn ~ impend, projecting over
croghey harrish ~ overhang
croghey (jeh aah) ~ pitch
croghey magh ~ hang out
croghey mygeayrt ~ mooch
croghey neose ~ hang down, pendulous
croghey (rish) ~ cling (of person)
croghey sheese ~ hang down
crogheydane ~ pendulum, coat hanger
crogheydane cooat ~ coat hanger
crogheydane edd ~ hatstand
crogheyder ~ hanger, hangman
crogheydys ~ affix (Gram.)
croghit ~ hanged, hung, slanting
croghit er lheimaghanyn ~ sprung
croghtane ~ sling
croiaght ~ incest
croiaghtagh ~ incestuous
croiaghtys ~ incestuousness
croit ~ croft
croiteyr ~ crofter, subsistence farmer
croiteyrys ~ crofting
croiyn towlit ~ tommy nut
crokay ~ croquet
cromaid ~ chromate
cromaidagh ~ chromatic
cromleac ~ cromlech
crommey (hug) ~ proneness
cron ~ spot, speck, blemish, scar, stain, stigma,
draw, frame, portion, job lot
cron broachey ~ maiden
cron-craaee ~ aspen
yn cron doo ~ blight (on potatoes)
cron folley ~ blood stain
cron greiney ~ sun spot
cron-henndeeagh ~ anachronistic
cron-henndeeaght ~ anachronism
cron ooyllagh ~ apple scab
cron rollian ~ maiden
cron tayrn ~ lottery
cron-toghrish ~ winder, reel
cron yiarn ~ iron mould
cronaghey ~ spy
cronalagh ~ determinable
cronchor ~ sweepstake, raffle, lottery, lot
cronchur ~ draw
crongan ~ mound, small hill, tuffet, tumulus,
crongan sniengan ~ ant hill
cronk ~ mount, tor, hill
Cronk Calvaree ~ Mount Calvary
Cronk Connee ~ Honey hill
Cronk Darree ~ Oakhill
Cronk Doo ~ Black hill
Cronk Fenian ~ Vinegar Hill
Cronk Howe Mooar ~ Fairy Hill
Cronk Keeill Eoin ~ Tynwald Hill
Cronk ny Keeilley ~ Laurel bank
cronk rioee ~ iceberg
Cronk Voirrey ~ Maryhill
cronk yn arrey ~ watch-hill
cronkan ~ knoll, small hill, hillock
cronkan cruinn ~ mamelon
cronkan geinnee ~ sandhill
cronkanaght ~ hilliness
cronnag ~ tidal rock, cross-tree, masthead,
crow's nest
cronnag argid ~ cash desk
cronnag feanishagh ~ witness box
cronnag oanluckee ~ barrow
cronnag y chroan toshee ~ foretop
cronnag y chroan veanagh ~ maintop
cronnaghey ~ observe, detect, perceive,
determine, scan, check over, miss
cronnal ~ distinct, notable, conspicuous, obvious
cronnalagh ~ observable, remarkable
cronnalid ~ notedness, obviousness
cronnalys ~ obviousness, notability, distinctness,
cronnane ~ hum, whirr, purr, drone, buzz,
cronnaneagh ~ buzzing, babbling
cronnaney ~ sing, croon, drone, boom, purr,
cronnaneyder ~ crooner
cronnaneys ~ lyrical poetry
cronneeaght ~ lamentation
cronney ~ lot, fate, share, portion, bass
cronneyder ~ viewer, observer, spectator,
cronneyder breagyn ~ lie detector
cronneyder ny yindyssyn ~ sightseer
cronnit ~ allotted, discerned, observed
cronommeyder ~ chronometer
cront ~ knot, predicament, dilemma, fix
cront astan ~ eelknot
cront banee ~ binding knot
cront cliwe ~ swordknot
cront dooblit ~ double knot
cront feederagh ~ weaver's knot
cront geaylin ~ shoulder knot
cront kiarkyllaght ~ traffic jam
cront kione kirkey ~ henhead knot
cront kuittagh ~ granny knot
cront mullee ~ topknot
cront ny gailleeyn ~ granny knot
cront ny scoarnee ~ Adam's apple
cront rybbanagh ~ rosette
cront sooree ~ loveknot
cront Turkagh ~ Turk's Head
cront y scoarnee ~ apple of the throat
crontagh ~ knotty
crontal ~ knot
cronteyder ~ knotter
crontid ~ knottiness
crontit ~ knotted
crontys ~ intricacy
croo ~ shape, appearance, format, coinage,
creation, create, coining, form, build, invent,
phase of moon, father
croo lesh roddanyn ~ rat-infested
crooag ~ maggot, flesh worm, gentle, grub
crooag chaddan ~ caddis worm
crooag chadee ~ boll weevil
crooag cheyrragh ~ sheep tick
crooag heeidey ~ silk worm
crooag lhuingey ~ ship worm
crooag lioaragh ~ book worm, book louse
crooag viltagh ~ insect pest
crooag yial ~ glow worm
crooagagh ~ maggoty
crooagh ~ positive, placenta of animals
crooaghey ~ shape
crooaght ~ creation
crooan ~ enamel
crooanaghey ~ enameller
crooaney ~ enamel, enamelling
crooanit ~ stove-enamelled
croob ~ bend (stoop), claw (of ungulate)
croobag cheylley ~ common melitot
croobag vane ~ white melitot
croobagh ~ deformed, lame, cripple, crippled
croobaght ~ crippledness
crooban ~ crooked animal, lanket
croobey ~ cringe (of action), hump, cringing
croobid ~ deformity, lameness, limp
croobid drommey ~ contortion of spine
croobit ~ withered (as limb), bent over, humped
crooder ~ coiner, breeder
crooin ~ diadem, corona, dollar, crown
crooin aspick ~ mitre
crooin Aspickagh ~ Bishop's mitre
crooin Voirrey ~ rosary
crooinag ~ coronet
crooinaghey ~ coronation, crown
crooineen ~ corolla
crooiney ~ cap
crooineyr ~ coroner
crooinit ~ crowned (of king)
crooit ~ invented, created, coined
crool ~ crewel
crooseyr cah ~ battle-cruiser
croosifer ~ crucifer
crootagh ~ creative, creator
crootaght ~ creativity
crosh [f] ~ cross, crucifix, market-cross, cross-
road, crossing
crosh altar(agh) ~ altar cross
Crosh Andreays ~ Saint Andrew's Cross
crosh casherick Chreest ~ holy rood
crosh cham ~ fylfot
crosh chast ~ swastika
crosh cheirn ~ mountain ash cross, keirn cross
crosh-cheishtey ~ cross-question
crosh-cheist ~ cross-question
crosh-chione ~ crosshead
crosh-choloayrtys ~ crosstalk
crosh-chraueyn ~ crossbones
crosh Chreest ~ rood
crosh-eeacklagh ~ cross-teethed
crosh-ennym ~ cross-head
crosh-feyshtey ~ cross-question
crosh-feyshteyder ~ cross-examiner
crosh-freih ~ cross-grain
crosh-ghrainnaghey ~ cross-hatch
crosh-heelraghey ~ interbreed, cross-breed
crosh-heelrey ~ cross-breed
crosh-heelrit ~ cross-bred
crosh-horraghey ~ cross-fertilization
crosh-imraa ~ cross-reference
crosh-lhiggey ~ crossfire
crosh-lhinnaghyn ~ cross-hairs
Crosh ny Kiare Raaidyn ~ Cross Four Ways
crosh-ockle ~ crossword
crosh-ogheryn ~ cross-keys
crosh-raad ~ crossing
crosh-saaue ~ cross-cut saw
crosh-sheelragh ~ hybrid
crosh-sheelraghey ~ cross-breeding
crosh-sheelrey ~ cross-breeding
crosh-teaddagh ~ overstrung
crosh-treonyn ~ cross-bearings
crosh vargee ~ market cross
crosh vollan ~ bollan cross
crosh vustyr ~ mustering cross
crosh-whaaley ~ cross-stitch
Crosh yn Jiass ~ Southern Cross
croshag ~ crosse, Sign of the Cross
croshagh ~ vexatious, cruciform
croshaid ~ crusade
croshaidagh ~ crusader
croshchroan ~ wing spar
crosheen ~ crucifix (small)
crosheyder ~ crucifer
croshlane ~ transept, hank-winder
crosht ~ offended, crossed
croshvaccart ~ T square
croshvow ~ arbalest, crossbow
croshvoweyder ~ crossbow man
croshvuilley ~ bully off, bully
cross-freihagh ~ cross-grained
Cross Pherick ~ Saint Patrick's cross
crossag ~ intersection, crossing, cross-road,
ford, spade handle, gullet
crossag akeragh ~ anchor-stock
crossag raad yiarn ~ railway crossing
crossag raaidey ~ road crossing
crossag varrey ~ starfish
crossag vayrey ~ road crossing
crossag vrishlag ~ brittle-star
crossagh ~ cross
crossan ~ coral
crossanagh ~ coralliferous
crossey ~ crucify, blacklist, cross, thwart, veto,
reel, crucifixion, interdiction
crosseyder ~ crucifier
crossit ~ crossed, crucified
crost ~ thwarted, vetoed, intersected
crottag ~ humped, curlew
crottag Ejiptagh ~ ibis
crottag houree ~ whimbrel
crottag ny glagh ~ stone curlew
crottag veg ~ whimbrel
crottagan ~ crook-back
crottagh ~ gibbous, curved, curve-billed,
crottaght ~ gibbosity
crottal ~ lichen, husk
crottey ~ spot, daub, spatter
crottyl ~ scale
crou [f] ~ tyre, shoe, band of wheel
crou chabbil ~ horseshoe
crou chloie ~ quoit
crou chreoi ~ solid tyre
crou rio ~ frost-shoe
crou vog ~ balloon-tyre, pneumatic tyre
crouan ~ sheep louse
crouan keyrragh ~ ked (sheep tick)
crouder ~ farrier
crouderys ~ farriery
croughey ~ shoe
crouit ~ shod
crout ~ trick, stratagem, craftiness, calculation
crout ghraney ~ a shabby trick
croutagh ~ crafty, devious, subtle, scheming,
crouteyr ~ schemer
croutid ~ craftiness, artfulness
croutyn caggee ~ tactics
croutys ~ deceit, subtlety
crouw ~ stock, bush, dwarf tree, stick, bunch,
wide spreading tree, tributary of river,
branch of society, Masonic lodge
crouw ammyr ~ branch canal
crouw-awin ~ affluent, tributary of river
crouw-cheyt ny curreeyn ~ marsh bird's-foot
crouw cheyt Rangagh ~ bird's-foot trefoil
crouw chiyt ~ bird's-foot trefoil
crouw chiyt ny gurreeyn ~ marsh bird's-foot
crouw chiyt Rangagh ~ bird's-foot trefoil
crouw chonnee ~ gorse bush
crouw-chraag ~ dog clutch
crouw chreen ~ decayed bushy tree
crouw folley ~ pelargonium
crouw gharagh ~ raspberry bush
crouw hennayraght ~ line of ascent
crouw-linney ~ spur, branchline
crouw phalm ~ palm
crouw-raad ~ turn off
crouw rose ~ rose tree
crouw smeyr ~ mulberry
crouw-valley ~ satellite town
crouw-vlaaghey ~ raceme
crouw wuigh ~ spurge laurel
crouw yiarg ~ herb robert
crouw yn dowan ~ world title
crouwghey ~ development
crow ~ band (of wheel)
crowal ~ hovering, hover
crowaltagh ~ dunner, craver, claimant
(creditor), hoverfly
crowaltagh garagh ~ hoverfly
croym ~ stooped, bent, bowing, drooped,
rounded, bowed
croym-gheayltyn ~ round shoulders
croym-ghobbagh ~ curve-billed
croym-ghooan ~ snatch-hook
croym-hooillagh ~ downcast
croym-hooillaght ~ sour looks
croym-lhinganagh ~ stooped, round-
shouldered, round-backed
cr oym- l hi nganys ~ st oop, r ound-
croym-stronnagh ~ hook-nosed, hawk-nosed
croymey gys y thalloo ~ kow-tow
croymm ~ bending, bent over, hooked, beaked
croymmag ~ hooked nose; clip, catch; wild
croymmag ny geaylin ~ clavicle, collar bone
croymmagh ~ crouching, bent over, aquiline,
droopy; stooped person
croymmane ~ crank
croymmey ~ stoop, bow, bend, lean forward,
crouch, double over, hold down, tip over,
double up; obeisance
croymmey gliooney ~ genuflection
croymmey huggey ~ prone to it
croymmey magh ~ lean out
croymmey y ghlioon ~ genuflect
croymmeydagh ~ inclinable
croymmeyder ~ bower (of person), stooper
croymmid ~ bowing, bend (stoop), stoopedness
croymmit ~ bowed, stooped, loaded
croymmit sheese ~ doubled up
crub ~ coffin, hoof
crub baa ~ cow heel
crub guoiee ~ goose foot
crub hoshee ~ forefoot
crub-sceilt ~ cloven-hoofed
crubbagh ~ hoofed animal, ungulate, hoofed
crubbane ~ foot (of cattle), trotter
crubbyn keyrragh ~ sheep's trotters
cruick [f] ~ bucket, pail
cruick aile ~ fire bucket
cruick gheayil ~ scuttle
cruick vlieaun ~ milking pail
cruill ~ cowed person, curve, cringe (of person)
cruill co-heenyssagh ~ cosine curve
cruill ghooblit ~ S curve
cruillag ~ arc
cruillagh ~ curvaceous, curved, browbeaten
cruillit ~ arched
cruillit stiagh ~ aduncate
cruin ~ masts, near
cruin-reayrtagh ~ sure-sighted
cruineenyn Voirrey ~ rosary
cruink ~ hills
cruink veggey ~ foothills
cruinlagh ~ orbit
cruinlaghey ~ orbit
cruinn ~ accurate, detailed, unambigous, round,
spherical, circular, circumstantial, compact,
consummate, exact, scrupulous, strict
cruinn jeeragh ~ to a T
cruinn jeeraght ~ precise moment
cruinn-lhiggeyder ~ sharpshooter
cruinnag ~ orb, globe, bulb, castor, roundabout,
crown of hat
cruinnagagh ~ orbicular
cruinnaghan ~ concha, dome
cruinnaghan rollageagh ~ star cluster
cruinnaghaneagh ~ domed
cruinnaghey ~ gather, huddle, troop, enclose,
beseige, raise, round, head, screw up, sum up,
focus, congregation, assemblage (persons)
cruinnaghey (cooidjagh) ~ mass
cruinnaghey-mooar ~ mass meeting
cruinnaghey mygeayrt ~ beleaguer, surround,
encircle, encirclement
cruinnaghey (ry-cheilley) ~ hive (of persons)
cruinnaghey stiagh ~ hem in
cruinnaght ~ assembly, eisteddfod, function,
gathering, event
cruinnaght skeerey ~ parish gathering
cruinnaght vooar ~ mass meeting
cruinnane ~ roundel
cruinneen ~ blob (of liquid), globule, bead
cruinneenagh ~ beaded, bubbling
cruinneenyn ~ bubble
cruinney ~ angle, sphere, world (Universe),
cruinnid ~ closeness, strictness, roundness,
cruinnit ~ puckered, enclosed
cruinnit (mygeayrt) ~ surrounded
cruinnit stiagh ~ hemmed in
cruinnys ~ thoroughness, faithfulness, precision;
cruint ~ knots
cruishtin ~ ewer, pitcher, cruse
cruishtin daa-chleashagh ~ amphora
cruishtin key ~ cream jar
cruishtin tombagey ~ tobacco jar
cruishtin (ushtey) ~ water jug
cruitch ~ harp, hump
cruitchchoardey ~ harpsichord
cruitcheragh ~ harpist
cruitcheraght ~ harping, minstrel
cruitt ~ hunch, shrug
cruittag ~ hunchback
cruittagh ~ humpbacked, bowed
cruittid ~ humpbackedness
cruittys ~ stoop
crumpag ~ crumpet
crustagh ~ crustacean
ny crustee ~ crustacea
cryggil ~ risk
cryggilagh ~ risky
cryggilaght ~ riskiness
cryggilid ~ riskiness
cryggyl ~ danger, peril
cryggylagh ~ dangerous, perilous
cryggylid ~ perilousness
cryslagh ~ tuck
cryslaghey ~ tuck, tucking
cryslaid ~ chrysalis
cryslaid sniengan ~ ant egg
cryslid ~ pupa
cryss ~ strap, belt, inkle, sash, zone
cryss ablid chianglee ~ valency band
cryss chaggee ~ war zone
cryss chartoose ~ cartridge belt
cryss cheh ~ torrid zone
cryss chianglee ~ brail
cryss chliwe ~ sword belt
cryss chobbyr ~ copper belt
cryss chollyr ~ cholera belt
cryss feayr ~ frigid zone
cryss feayraghan ~ fan belt
cryss gheaylin ~ shoulder belt, Sam Brown,
cryss ghlass ~ green belt
cryss ghobberan ~ mourning band
cryss greiney ~ zodiac
cryss gyn jaagh ~ smokeless zone
cryss hauaillagh ~ life belt
cryss hraa ~ time belt
cryss immanagh ~ driving belt
cryss laadee ~ cartridge belt
cryss lastagh ~ elastic band
cryss ny cruinney ~ equator
cryss roltageagh ~ asteroid belt
cryss ry-hoi argid ~ money belt
cryss sauchys ~ seat belt, safety belt
Cryss Skyll Andreas ~ Kirk Andreas Belt
cryss soillee ~ swathing-band
cryss sterrym ~ storm belt
cryss stroaney ~ nose-band
cryss tarragh ~ girdle
cryss tempreilagh ~ temperate zone
cryss tonn ~ waveband
cryss vaaish ~ mourning band
cryss volgagh ~ abdominal belt
cryss vroghil ~ breast band
cryss vuinneel ~ armband, armlet
cryss vuinneelagh ~ sleeve band
cryss y chladdee ~ littoral zone
cryss yiarn ~ belt, armour belt, belting
cryss ymmyrkee ~ conveyor belt
cryss yn Antarctagh ~ antarctic circle
cryssagh ~ zonal
cryssaght ~ zonation
cryssey ~ belt, gird
crysseyder ~ belt maker
cryssit ~ belted, begirt
crysslagh ~ belt of hills
crystal ~ crystal
crystallagh ~ crystalline
crystallaghey ~ crystallize, crystallization
crystallaghey folmid ~ vacuum crystallization
crystalloid ~ crystalloid
crystalloidagh ~ crystalloid
crystallyn niaghyn ~ washing crystals
crystley ~ candy
crystlit ~ candied
cubair ~ cooper (wet)
cubblaghey ~ pair, mate, human copulation
cubblaghey (teaddyn) ~ marry
cubblane ~ coupling
cubbley ~ couple
cubblit ~ coupled
cubbyl ~ in pairs, couple, coupler, yoke, brace,
cubbyl mullee ~ barge-couple
cubbyl noa-phoost ~ bride and groom
cubbyl poost ~ husband and wife
cubbyl thie ~ roof-coupling, roof-tree
cubbylagh ~ twins, geminate
cubbyrt ~ cupboard
cubbyrt aanrit ~ linen cupboard
cubeyr ~ cooper (wet)
cubeyraght ~ cooperage, coopering
cuckley ~ dry, dry up, dry off
cuckolt ~ cuckold
cucowr ~ cucumber
cucowr marrey ~ sea cucumber
cuddym ~ dandruff
cudjal beg ~ penis
cug ~ baby food, breast-milk
cugh ~ excrement, dung
Cugh! ~ Nasty!
cughlin ~ pine cone, fircone, cone
cughlin-chruillagh ~ hyperbolic(al)
cughlin geayee ~ wind cone, gale cone, wind
cughlin-oayllys ~ conics
cughlin orraghey ~ cone of fire
cughlin sterrym ~ storm cone
cughlin stroaney ~ nose cone
cughlinagh ~ conic(al), pineal, coniform
cughlinys ~ conicity
cughtee ~ cussed
cuht ~ lot
cuill ~ bobbin, quill, weaver's quill
cuill chuinnag ~ snuff quill
cuillee ~ back room, drawing room, lounge
cuillee eaddee ~ cloak room
cuillee lhie ~ bedroom
cuillee oast ~ bar room, snuggery
cuillee stokal ~ stokehold
cuillee vee ~ pantry
cuillee vutleyragh ~ butler's pantry
cuilleig ~ alcove, recess
cuilleig altaragh ~ altar recess
cuilleig hashtee ~ cupboard
cuilleig heeree ~ airing cupboard
cuilleigagh ~ recessed
Cuin? ~ What time? When?
cuinnag ~ vagina, fanny, cell, hairy place,
snuffbox, powder-flask
cuinnagh ~ corner kick
cuinneig ~ churn
cuinney ~ corner (nook)
cuinney huittym ~ angle of incidence
cuinnsey ~ quince
cuirn ~ rowan
cuirr ~ set, let down, shoot (as nets), grow, sow,
implant, invite, plan, disseminate,
cuirr biljyn ~ afforestation
cuirr biljyn ayn ~ afforest
cuirr caabil ~ cablelaying
cuirr ingagh ~ netting
cuirr 'sy thalloo ~ implant
cuirrag ~ bundle of osiers, green stalk of corn,
cuirrey ~ banquet, feast, invite, cite, sow,
cuirrey kiaull ~ concert
cuirrey-kiaull gleashee ~ promenade concert
cuirreydagh ~ guest
cuirreyder ~ host, entertainer
cuirreyder ingagh ~ net layer
cuirrit ~ sown, planned, invited
cuirt ~ sown
cuirtlagh ~ bamboo, cane, reed
cuirtlagh trome ~ life-preserver
cuirtlagh villish ~ sugar cane
cuirtlagh vuc ~ bur reed
cuishag ~ cushag
cuishag vollagh ~ Saracen's woundwort, broad-
leaved ragwort
cuishlagh ~ vascular
cuishleeyn attit ~ varicose veins
cuishley ~ syphon, pipe, thread of tow, flute in
cuishley chorrym ~ steady pulse
cuishleyr ~ blood letter
cuishlin [f] ~ lode, vein, reef
cuishlin gheayil ~ coal bed, coal seam
cuishlin scoarnee ~ jugular
cuishlin vooar ~ artery
cuishlin y chree ~ aorta
cuishlinagh ~ fluted, veined
cuishlinit ~ veined
cuishloge ~ phleme, fleam, lancet
cuisle ~ blood vessel
cullagh ~ plump
cullee ~ equipment, outfit, suit, materials, flag,
insignia, kept woman, aspect of sky
cullee akeragh ~ anchoring gear
cullee cadjin ~ plain clothes
cullee chabbil ~ harness, horse-trappings
cullee chadlee ~ pyjamas
cullee chaggee ~ coat of mail, battle equipment,
war material
cullee charree ~ repair outfit
cullee cheirdey ~ kit
cullee chied chouyr ~ first-aid outfit
cullee chleeau ~ breast harness
cullee choirrey ~ boiler suit
cullee chooyrtey ~ court dress
cullee choshey ~ footgear
cullee cloh mooar ~ tweeds
cullee coonee ~ accessories
cullee coshey ~ footwear
cullee eaddagh olley ~ tweeds
cullee eaddee ~ suit of clothes
cullee eeastee ~ fishing tackle
cullee ennal ~ breathing apparatus
cullee enney ~ identikit
cullee erin ~ mass vestments
cullee faarkee ~ bathing costume
cullee fastyr ~ dress suit
cullee fastyragh ~ evening dress
cullee fliaghee ~ oilskin
cullee gheayaghey ~ ventilation plant
cullee halhearagh ~ tailor-made suit
cullee hennearish ~ period dress
cullee hiollee ~ companion set
cullee hoshee ~ starting gear
cullee hroggal ~ lifting gear
cullee hummee ~ diving suit
cullee immanagh ~ driving gear
cullee laaoil ~ lounge suit
cullee lhuingey ~ rigging
cullee mie jeant ~ well-tailored suit
cullee obbyr ~ work clothes
cullee oie ~ night attire, sleeping suit
cullee phlanaidagh ~ planet gear
cullee phoosee ~ trousseau
cullee sauaillagh ~ safety harness
cullee screeu ~ stationery
cullee screeuee ~ writing materials
cullee share ~ dress suit
cullee slattag ~ switch gear
cullee stiuree ~ steering gear
cullee thie ~ undress (for women)
cullee tree peesh ~ three-piece suit
cullee un-pheeshagh ~ boiler suit
cullee Vannin ~ arms of Mann
cullee varrinagh ~ sailor suit
cullee whaalee ~ housewife
cullee yerree ~ stern sheet
cullee yiarn ~ suit of armour
culleeder ~ outfitter
culleedys ~ outfitting
culleeys ~ suiting
cullimagh ~ outsize
cullimer ~ outsize person
cullyn ~ holly
cullyn Frangagh ~ Australian holly
cullyn meein ~ Australian holly
cullyn traie ~ sea holly
cullyr ~ colour, hue, dye
cullyral ~ tinge, colour
cullyrit ~ coloured
cultoor ~ culture
cultys ~ cult
Cum dty hengey! ~ Silence! Hold your tongue!
Cum erriu! ~ Patience! Hang on!
Cum ort! ~ Patience! Hang on!
Cum rish! ~ Keep at it!
cum ronneeaght ~ versify
cum seose ~ bolster
cumaadagh ~ conservative
cumaadaghys ~ conservatism
cumfurt ~ comfrey
cumir ~ concise, tidy, compact, brief
cumiragh ~ tidy
cumm ny hoie ~ cool of the night
cummaadagh ~ conservative
cummaght ~ influence, province, potency,
cummaght ardjee ~ lift
cummaght chainle ~ candle power
cummaght hurneyr ~ power of attorney
cummaght-immanit ~ power-driven
cummaght seihll ~ world power
cummaght ushtey ~ water power
cummaght varrey ~ sea power, naval strength
cummaght yn jouyll ~ powers of darkness
cummaghtagh ~ powered, powerful, influential
cummaghtaght ~ potentate
cummaghtreirid ~ power control
cummaghtys ~ powerfulness
cummal ~ grip, hold, keep, arrest, contain,
retain, live, inhabit, celebrate, residence,
contents, abode, containment, dwelling
place, celebration
cummal argid ~ argentiferous
cummal billagh ~ tree-dwelling
cummal cooidjagh ~ cohabitation, cohabit, live
cummal er ~ hold on
cummal er ash ~ hold over, hold back
cummal er mayl ~ rent
cummal er y cheer ~ rusticate, rustication
cummal fo ~ backwater
cummal jeh ~ hold off
cummal magh ~ survive, maintain, hold out,
cummal magh (voish) ~ hold off
cummal ny lhie ~ hold down
cummal-paitchey ~ sponsorship
cummal rish ~ last, standby, endure, hold on
cummal seose ~ maintain, sustain, preserve,
support, maintenance
cummal sheese ~ hold down
cummal sthie ~ keep in
cummal stiagh ~ hold in
cummal veih ~ restrain, refrain, withhold
cummal y lhiabbee ~ bedridden
cummalagh ~ inclusive, sustaining, capacious,
inhabitable; celebrator, celebrant, holder,
cummalagh thallooin ~ landowner
cummalaght ~ capaciousness
cummaltagh ~ inhabitant, occupier, in-patient,
inmate; residential
cummaltagh baljey ~ town-dweller
cummaltagh curree ~ swamp-dweller
cummaltagh noa ~ new resident
cummaltagh ooigey ~ cave-dweller
cummaltagh skeerey ~ parishioner
cummaltaght ~ occupancy
cummaltys ~ tenure, occupation
cummee ~ designing
cummey ~ plan, devise, design, fabricate,
outline, shape, mould, adaptation,
prospectus, feature, format, indite,
appearance, versi on, composi t i on,
atmosphere, itinerary, invention
cummey as oyr ~ form and matter
cummey do-akin ~ blur
cummey feshtagh ~ interrogative
cummey firrinys ~ verisimiltude
cummey foiee ~ wood-carving
cummey gyn aarlaghey ~ improvise
cummey ny firriney ~ feasibility
cummey oltscarree ~ analytical form
cummey ronneeaght ~ versify
cummey shennayraght ~ family tree
cummey thallooin ~ ground plan
cummey thieys ~ housing scheme
cummeydagh ~ powerful, able, inventive,
competent, well-shaped, schemer, old Manx
sheep dog
cummeydaght ~ inventiveness, scheming,
cummeyder ~ designer, fabricator, inventor,
holder, composer, supporter, chair
cummeyder boteil ~ bottle-holder
cummeyder cloaie ~ stone-cutter, collet
cummeyder coirrey ~ kettle-holder
cummeyder cooylley ~ valve-holder
cummeyder daunse ~ choreographer
cummeyder foiee ~ wood carver
cummeyder gioaldyn ~ stake-holder
cummeyder moggaid ~ plate-holder
cummeyder sheeabin ~ soap-maker
cummeyder skeaban ~ brush-holder
cummeyder smeggin ~ chin-rest
cummeyderaght ~ invention
cummeydeyraght ~ improvisation
cummeydoil ~ well-formed, well-shaped
cummeydys ~ competency, powerfulness,
cummit ~ made, artificial, planned, hewn,
sustained, fashioned, celebrated, stopped
cummit seose ~ maintained, supported
cummynagh ~ communist
cummynaghoil ~ communistic
cummyneyr ~ communicant
cummynys ~ communism
cummyragh ~ thrifty, sparing, frugal
cummys ~ potential
cummyssagh ~ capable, potential
cumraag ~ companion, ally, mate, pal,
comrade, fellow, escort (to a lady)
cumraag caggee ~ brother-in-arms
cumraag marrey ~ shipmate
cumraag scoill ~ schoolfellow
cumraag shamyr ~ room-mate
cumraagagh ~ pally
cumraagys ~ intimacy, comradeship,
association, familiarity
cumrail ~ prevent, encumber, loiter, delay, lag,
detain, deter, hindrance, encumbrance,
cumrail vagnaidagh ~ magnetic lag
cumrailagh ~ hindersome, hinderer, detainer,
loiterer, a tedious person
cumrailagh politickagh ~ political detainee
cumraileyder ~ obstructionist
cumrailys ~ obstructionism, retardation,
suspension, dalliance
Cumrey ~ Cumbrae
Cumrey Beg ~ Little Cumbrae
cumrit ~ deterred, detained, hindered
cungaghey ~ shrivel, squeeze, wrinkle
cungeyder ~ shriveller
cungit ~ shrunken, shrivelled
cuphar ~ cypress
cur ~ give, put, consign, render, lead, site,
place, communicate, lay
cur aachiurrey da ~ ask back
cur aachrackan er ~ veneer
cur aae er ~ arch, vault
cur aaght da ~ house, lodge, harbour, room, put
up, board of people
cur aaght er ~ board out
cur aainsh er ~ paraphrase
cur aash da ~ rest
cur aash er ~ quieten, ease
cur aayannoo er ~ reconstruct
cur accrys da ~ underfeed
cur agg ayn ~ notch, nick, jag, score
cur aggad ayn ~ nick, notch
cur aggle er ~ alarm, frighten, terrorize, daunt
cur aggle mygeayrt ~ scaremongering
cur aile da ~ fire, burn, bake as bricks
cur alcoal ny hrooid ~ alcoholize
cur ammys da ~ hallow
cur angaaish er ~ agonize
cur anghoo er ~ disgrace
cur annym ayns ~ galvanize
cur ansmaght er ~ victimize
cur ansoor da ~ answer
cur anwooiys er ~ dissatisfy
cur ard chied da ~ privilege
cur ard-chussey er ~ excommunicate
cur ard-loayrtys da ~ harangue
cur ard smaght er ~ browbeat
cur ard voggey er ~ overjoy
cur ard-yindys er ~ amaze, astound, flummox
cur ardsmooinaght da ~ inspire
cur ardvoylley da ~ extol, adulate
cur argid bio er ~ quicksilver
cur argid coonee da ~ subsidize
cur argid da ~ fund
cur argid rish ~ credit
cur argid 'sy chymbyl ~ mobilize
cur arkfeh da ~ cramp
cur arraghey aigney er ~ talk over, talk round
cur arrey da ~ wares
cur arrym da ~ revere, venerate, look up,
cur asfalt er ~ asphalt
cur ashvuilley er ~ bottom
cur asney ayn ~ rib
cur ass ~ emit, deprive, annoy, cancel, extrude,
inconvenience, put out
cur ass aase ~ dwarf
cur ass bree ~ prorogue, dissolve
cur ass cair ~ alienation, alienate
cur ass cohrimmid ~ unbalanced
cur ass cree ~ demoralize, dishearten,
discourage, depress, demoralization
cur ass cummey ~ distort
cur ass e heer hene ~ banish
cur ass eiraght ~ disinherit
cur ass lheh ~ implication, implicate
cur ass lieh ~ incriminate
cur ass my lieh ~ fasten on
cur ass oik ~ depose
cur ass olt ~ dislocate, disarticulate, disjoint,
cur ass scoill ~ expel
cur ass shellooderys ~ ejection, dispossess
cur ass y chliaghtey ~ disaccustom
cur ass y jeelt ~ unhorse
cur ass y raad ~ clear away, disaccustom
cur ass y taggyrtys ~ unfrock, disfrock
cur ass ymmyd ~ cripple as ship, luxation
cur ass ynnyd ~ misplace
cur asschaarjys er ~ antagonize
cur atchim er ~ frighten, awe
cur aunlyn rish ~ sauce
cur ayns ~ fit in
cur ayns aaght ~ quarter
cur ayns ardaneyn ~ terrace
cur ayns ayndagh ~ catalogue
cur ayns ayndagh kaart ~ card index
cur ayns boteil ~ bottling, bottle
cur ayns bree ~ enforce, enforcement
cur ayns camp ~ encamp
cur ayns carchyr ~ gaol
cur ayns carr mie ~ key
cur ayns cheughyn ~ page
cur ayns clean ~ cage, cradle
cur ayns cleeah vocs ~ crate
cur ayns clou ~ set up
cur ayns co-cheintys ~ correlate
cur ayns coad ~ codify, code
cur ayns coadan ~ file
cur ayns cochishtey ~ pool
cur ayns contoyrtys ~ adventure
cur ayns cooinaghtyn ~ commemorate
cur ayns coreir rish ~ proportion
cur ayns crockan ~ pot
cur ayns cronchor ~ raffle
cur ayns cummey drama ~ dramatize
cur ayns danjeyr ~ jeopardize, imperil
cur ayns doagh ~ vat
cur ayns drane ~ rhyming, rhyme
cur ayns farrys ~ rig
cur ayns fine ~ sheathing, sheathe
cur ayns focklyn ~ wording, phrase, formulate
cur ayns fynneig ~ encapsulate
cur ayns gaue ~ imperil, compromise, risk,
cur ayns geulaghyn ~ manacle
cur ayns gioal ~ pledge, gage
cur ayns griannane ~ embower
cur ayns jiormey ~ draft
cur ayns kione feanish ~ prompt
cur ayns kishtaghyn ~ case
cur ayns kishtey ~ box, crate
cur ayns linney ~ line up
cur ayns mannishter ~ cloister
cur ayns neu-vree ~ countervail
cur ayns oardagh ~ conform, set out, marshal,
order, digest
cur ayns oardrailys ~ collate, collation
cur ayns oik ~ installation, install
cur ayns oik peiagh elley ~ replace
cur ayns olt y cheilley ~ articulation
cur ayns paal ~ coop
cur ayns poagaghyn ~ bag, bagging
cur ayns pooar ~ vest
cur ayns pryssoon ~ jail, intern, imprison, gaol,
cur ayns rane ~ versify
cur ayns rangyn ~ class
cur ayns reddey ~ ravel
cur ayns ronniaght ~ versify
cur ayns seck ~ bag
cur ayns stainnaghyn ~ tin as food
cur ayns stayd mie ~ recondition
cur ayns stoandaghyn ~ barrel
cur ayns stoyr ~ warehousing
cur ayns straih ~ range
cur ayns straneyn ~ draw up
cur ayns streng-skeeal ~ wire
cur ayns thie custam ~ bond
cur ayns thie stoyr ~ warehouse
cur ayns toan ~ tone
cur ayns tomman ~ entomb
cur ayns towl buird ~ pigeonhole
cur ayns un linney ~ align
cur ayns ynnyd ~ substitution
cur ayns ynnyd jeh ~ substitute, replace,
cur ayns ynnyd vaghee ~ domicile
cur baaish da ~ cheek
cur baare coshey da ~ toe
cur baare er ~ top
cur baare y chengey da ~ slanging
cur baatey er lhiattee ~ careen
cur baatey trooid lock ~ locking
cur bac da ~ trig
cur bac er ~ obstruct, disable, counteract,
disqualify, hinderance
cur bad da ~ cudgel
cur baght er ~ comment, explain, interpret,
define, clear, illuminate
cur baic ass ~ bawl
cur ballast ayn ~ ballast
cur ballast sheese ~ ballast
cur bann er ~ bracket, brace
cur barel da ~ hold forth
cur barrag er ~ cream
cur barrant er ~ rely
cur barrantys er ~ lean on
cur bassag da ~ smack, clap, slap, pat, cuff, box
cur bassag veg da ~ dab
cur bayrn er ~ cap
cur bea noa ayn ~ revivify
cur beam ayn ~ nicking
cur beaynchroo er ~ stereotype
cur bee da ~ victual
cur beeal bane da ~ butter up
cur beeal er ~ edge
cur beeal fo ~ capsize
cur beeal staillinagh er ~ steel
cur beed er ~ bead
cur bevyl er ~ bevel
cur bhut da ~ prop
cur biallys da ~ obey
cur bieauid fo ~ open out
cur billey gys ~ bill
cur bioyrid ayn ~ brighten
cur birrag ny hrooid ~ skewer
cur bite er ~ baiting
cur blaaderys da ~ blarney
cur blass er ~ savour, flavouring
cur blass folley da ~ blood as hounds
cur blennick er ~ lard
cur blonnag er ~ lard
cur bluckan ayns poagey ~ pocket
cur bluckan 'sy phoagey ~ pot
cur boalley mygeayrt er ~ wall
cur boandey er ~ band
cur boayl ayn ~ indent
cur bodjal er ~ fog, bedim, befog
cur boggey da ~ gladden
cur boggey er ~ rejoice
cur bong ayn ~ bung
cur braag da ~ hoof
cur brat er ~ coat, carpet, sheet
cur brat leaght-daah er ~ wash
cur brat shugyr er ~ frost
cur brat stainnagh er ~ tin
cur brat stainney er ~ whiten
cur bravinn fo ~ underpin
cur breban er ~ heel of shoe
cur breck 'sy ghrian er ~ freckle
cur bree ayn ~ invigorate, vivify, exhilarate,
pep up, animate, energize
cur bree da'n chilley ~ turn on the vision
cur bree noa ayn ~ reinvigorate
cur breechyn er ~ breech
cur breeockle ayn ~ svarabhakti
cur buigh er ~ sallow
cur builley da ~ punch
cur buinney magh ~ bud
cur buirroogh ass ~ trumpet
cur bun aggairagh er ~ misconstrue, misreport
cur bun da ~ substantiate
cur bun er ~ construe, stock, interpret
cur bun noa er ~ re-sole, sole
cur bun ry-baare ~ disorder
cur bun ry-skyn ~ disorder, invert, capsize
cur bunvrat er ~ prime
cur buttoor rish ~ buttress
cur bwooise da ~ thank
cur bwooise er son ~ acknowledge
cur caabyl hug ~ cable
cur caag ayn ~ stopper
cur cadlaghan da ~ anaesthetize generally
cur cadley er ~ opiate
cur cagliagh er ~ limit, demarcate, delimit
cur cair da ~ privilege
cur cairys da ~ entitle
cur cairys eiraght er ~ entail
cur camman er ~ pique
cur cass ayn ~ haft
cur cassey ayn ~ kink
cur cassey ayns folt ~ wave as hair
cur caulg er ~ ruffle
cur cheb er ~ guess
cur chemmal er ~ fringe, hem, border
cur chengey er ~ tongue
cur chengey er fillym ~ dub
cur cheorey er ~ circumscribe
cur cheu ry-heu rish ~ flank
cur chiassaghey er ~ fever
cur chied da ~ sanction
cur chingys er ~ sicken, indispose
cur chiow da ~ warm
cur chiuid-ching er ~ fog
cur chloroform da ~ chloroform
cur claare er ~ board
cur claare rish ~ board
cur claareyn er ~ batten
cur clag er ~ bell
cur clagh er ~ stone
cur clea er ~ roof
cur cleaysh ~ listen
cur cleaysh da ~ entertain, hearken
cur cleaysh er ~ ear
cur cleeah er ~ grate, darn, lattice
cur cleeah mysh ~ wattle hurdle
cur cleigh mysh ~ hedge in, fence
cur cleih mygeayrt ~ embank
cur clep ayn ~ hook of thing afloat
cur cliaghtey da ~ familiarization
cur clooishag er ~ cushion
cur clouag er ~ stamp
cur co-chialg er bun ~ conspire, cabal
cur coillar er ~ collar
cur comys er ~ slight
cur comys hug ~ offend
cur concraid er ~ concrete
cur condoo da ~ beat up
cur conney er ~ fuel
cur contaartys er ~ dismay
cur coob ayn ~ bush
cur coodagh er ~ canopy, encase, wrap, case
cur coodagh sheeidagh er ~ silk-finish
cur cooid da ~ supply
cur cooid-hie ayn ~ furnish
cur cooid-hie stiagh ~ furnishing
cur cooidjagh ~ mate, marshal, reunite, join
cur cooinaghtyn er ~ reminiscent
cur cooney da ~ succour
cur cooney jeh ~ describe
cur coonlagh fo ~ bed
cur coontey breagagh jeh ~ misrepresent
cur coontey da ~ narrate
cur coontey er ~ write up
cur coontey gys ~ bill
cur coontey jeh ~ qualify, report, portray,
sketch in
cur coontey ro vooar da ~ overrate
cur cooyl argid er ~ silver
cur cooyl argid rish ~ resilver
cur cooyllaghyn er ~ shutter up
cur cor-vuilley ~ miscue
cur cor-vuilley er ~ miss
cur corcyn er ingagh ~ cork
cur corp as slaynt da ~ compliment, greet
cur corporaght da ~ materialize
cur corree er ~ displease, enrage, aggravate
cur cost elley er ~ surcharge
cur cour da ~ relieve
cur couyr ~ aiding
cur couyr da ~ cure
cur cowrey cleayshey er ~ earmark
cur cowrey-creck er ~ hallmark
cur cowrey er ~ brand, imprint, mark
cur coyd er ~ cord
cur coyrle da ~ advise, counsel, guide
cur coyrle noi ~ deprecate
cur coyrt ~ join
cur craa da ~ hearten
cur craa rish ~ trill
cur crackan er ~ colour, surface
cur craght er ~ undo as person
cur creagh fendeilagh er ~ barricade
cur credjue da ~ credit
cur cree ayn ~ fortify, cheer up
cur cree da ~ heartening, reassure
cur creeagh er ~ demarcate
cur creeaght ayn ~ fortify, reassure, encourage,
cur creeaght da ~ nerve
cur cribbag er ~ noose
cur cribban er ~ curb
cur croan ayn ~ mast
cur cron er ~ blemish as reputation, mark
cur cront er ~ knot
cur crooin er ~ crown
cur crossey er ~ veto
cur crou er ~ band, tyre
cur crou noa er ~ reshoe
cur cryss er ~ band, girdle, belt
cur cuirrey da ~ feast
cur cuishlaghyn ayn ~ flute
cur cullee noa da ~ rig out
cur cummaght ayn ~ power
cur cummaltee ayn ~ people
cur cummey feer veg er ~ dwarf
cur cummey foalsey er ~ fake
cur cummey Frangagh er ~ Frenchify
cur cummyn da ~ communicate
cur currym er ~ depute, entrust
cur curtan er ~ curtain
cur da ~ hammer, belabour, lash, thrash, hit,
scold, allow expenses, clock, contribute,
append, give over, enhance, beat up, pass
over; article to trade, etc
cur daah ayn ~ tinge
cur daah cuishlinagh er ~ vein
cur daah da ~ tinge
cur daah er ~ colour, paint, embellish
cur daah gorrym er ~ blue
cur daah snaieagh er ~ grain
cur daanys er ~ embolden
cur da'n cheiy ~ dock
cur date meechiart er ~ misdate
cur deal er ~ plank
cur deinys er ~ irk
cur dellid er ~ baffle
cur doal-ghraih er ~ infatuate
cur doalgaanee er ~ daze of drug, hocus-pocus
cur doallag er ~ blindfold
cur doarnane ayn ~ haft
cur doo er ~ ink
cur dooraght ~ tipping
cur dooraght er ~ discount
cur doral ayn ~ puncture
cur dorrys er joushanyn ~ hinge
cur dossan fedjag er ~ plume
cur dreeym er ~ camber
cur driaght er ~ chain, chaining
cur drogh-chorrym da ~ ill-treat
cur drogh-chummey er ~ dilapidate
cur drogh er ~ crab of person
cur drogh ymmyd da ~ knock about
cur dromman er ~ camber
cur drualtys er ~ enrapture, enchant, entrance,
cur druggey ayn ~ dope
cur druggey da ~ drug, doctor, dope
cur druiaght er ~ captivate, bewitch
cur druight er ~ mist up, fog
cur dt'eddin mygeayrt ~ face about
cur dwoaie da ~ abominate, hate, detest
cur dy arryltagh ~ volunteer
cur dy cheilley ~ reconcile
cur dy lieh ~ lay aside, earmark
cur dy valley ~ plug in, ram home
cur dys yn traa ~ reset
cur e haie da ~ sate
cur eab er ~ try over as music, essay
cur eaddagh er ~ clothe, apparel, dress
cur eaddagh noa da ~ rig out, reclothe
cur eaghtyr er braag ~ vamp
cur eaghtyrys da ~ authorize
cur eairkey ayn ~ cork
cur eaishtagh da ~ audition
cur eaishteyder ayn ~ bug
cur earroo er ~ number
cur eayl er ~ lime
cur eddin ~ confrontation
cur eddin da ~ cheek
cur eddin er ~ front
cur eddin ny share da ~ outface
cur eddin rish ~ face
cur eddyr ~ interpose, sandwich
cur edjaghys da ~ educate
cur eeym er ~ butter
cur eie er ~ interference, interfere
cur eilley er ~ accoutre
cur eiyrt da ~ indulge
cur eiystyr er ~ tie
cur enmys meechiart er ~ misdirect
cur enmys noa er ~ readdress, redirect
cur enn er ~ pick out, recognize
cur enney da ~ introduce
cur enney er ~ recognize, identify, apprehend,
cur enney yn phobbyl er ~ popularize
cur ennym er ~ brand torch, entitle
cur ennym meechiart er ~ miscall, misname
cur ennym scruit er ~ autograph
cur entreilys da ~ admit
cur er ~ compel, impose, persuade, oblige,
devolve, apply, lead, don, ascribe, induce,
inflict, turn on, on occasion, affectation,
affectedness, imposition
cur er ard ~ propound
cur er ardan ~ stage
cur er ash ~ give back, send back, restore,
remand, replacement, reinstatement,
disgorge, reinstate
cur er ash ayns ynnyd ~ replace
cur er ash gys cheer ~ repatriate, repatriation
cur er bargane soiagh ~ lease out
cur er bher ~ spit
cur er boayrd ~ embark, haul, draw in, serve up,
cur er boayrd reesht ~ re-embark
cur er boggyr ~ soak
cur er bun ~ start, establish, engineer, stage,
launch, instigate, open up, put on, organize,
inaugurate, engender
cur er bun reesht ~ restore, reincorporate
cur er cheer ~ disembarkation, disembark, land
cur er chosh ~ institute, institution
cur er corrym rish ~ level
cur er creau ~ thrill
cur er dy ve cleaynt ~ bias
cur er e hoshiaght ~ run, press forward,
encourage, promote
cur er eeasaght ~ lend, loan
cur er eiystyr ~ tether
cur er enney ~ introduction
cur er fakin ~ visualize
cur er feaysley ~ ransom
cur er fo-leese ~ sub-lease
cur er fo-vayl ~ sub-rent
cur er fys ~ publicise
cur er fys da ~ intimate, apprise
cur er gioaldeeaght ~ on mortgage
cur er hene ~ assume
cur er hoshiaght ~ advance encourage
cur er leaystey ~ oscillate
cur er list ~ post
cur er lossey ~ inflame
cur er mayl ~ rent
cur er mestey ~ inebriate
cur er moostey ~ startle
cur er neunhee ~ stultify, nullify
cur er oai(e) ~ promote, put forward, further
cur er obbyr ~ put on, set going
cur er ouyl ~ stampede
cur er paraid ~ parade
cur er penshyn ~ superannuation, superannuate
cur er pinney ~ pivot
cur er red elley ~ superimpose
cur er roie ~ turn on
cur er rolley ~ enrol, list
cur er shaghryn ~ disorientate, mislead, daze,
cur er sheeley ~ drip
cur er snaie ~ thread as beads
cur er snaue reesht ~ refloat
cur er streng ~ stringing
cur er tayrn ~ infuse
cur er thalloo ~ land, disembark
cur er toiggal ~ connote
cur er toshiaght ~ promotion
cur er traen ~ by rail
cur er y cheiy ~ wharf as goods
cur er y gheaylin ~ shoulder
cur er y radio ~ radio, wireless
cur er y stang ~ pillory
cur er y stoyl reeoil ~ enthrone
cur er y vargey ~ market, flotation
cur er yeeal ~ leash
cur er yn 'un cheim ~ co-ordination, co-ordinate
cur ergooyl ~ abandon, repulse, stand over
cur ergooyl grayn ~ repulsion
cur errey er ~ cumber, encumber, charge
cur ersooyl ~ send away, put away, give away,
discharge, dismiss
cur eunys da ~ gratify, delight
cur eunys er ~ enchant
cur faaishnys-enn er ~ diagnose
cur faal mysh ~ fencing
cur faal streng er ~ wire in
cur faaue da ~ tip, hint
cur faggys dy cheilley ~ juxtapose,
cur failt da ~ greet
cur failt er ~ receive, welcome
cur fainey er ~ ring
cur far-eddin er ~ mask
cur farchoamrey er ~ disguise
cur farg er ~ infuriate, vex, enrage
cur fastee da ~ shelter
cur fasteen er ~ clip
cur fea er ~ settle, still
cur feanish ~ adduce
cur feddan ayn ~ tube
cur feeackle er ~ joggle
cur feoh da ~ loathe, abhor, sicken
cur feoh er ~ sicken, disgust
cur fer er my heu ~ win over
cur ferg er ~ aggravate, exasperate, nettle,
cur feysht er ~ quiz, without question
cur feysht fud y cheilley ~ talk over
cur feyshtyn er ~ interrogate
cur figgan er ~ hoop
cur fillad er ~ fillet
cur final er ~ fine
cur fineal er ~ mulct
cur fioose ayn ~ fuse
cur fir oik er ~ officer
cur flansh er ~ flange
cur fleah da ~ banquet
cur flout da ~ rebuff
cur fo ~ weather, sink, scuttle, tackle person
about, let down
cur fo anney ~ mandate
cur fo bodjal ~ eclipse
cur fo bondiaght ~ enslave
cur fo booise ~ oblige
cur fo chass ~ ride roughshod over
cur fo chosh ~ subdue, rid, overwhelm, reduce,
suppress, suppression, get under
cur fo currym ~ consign, commit, commend
cur fo deyrsnys ~ enslave
cur fo dooal ~ blackmail
cur fo doorey ~ eclipse
cur fo dorraghys ~ benight
cur fo drogh ourys ~ compromise
cur fo druaight ~ charm
cur fo drualtys ~ fascinate, entrance, enthral
cur fo ghioal ~ pawn
cur fo ghlass ~ bond, lock in
cur fo glass ~ lock up
cur fo guess ~ taboo
cur fo haart ~ break, defeat
cur fo hart ~ wipe out, rout
cur fo-heidyl er ~ caption
cur fo hippnoish ~ hypnotize
cur fo jaghee ~ impose
cur fo keesh ~ impose
cur fo kiangley ~ bind over
cur fo kiedoonys ~ license
cur fo laue yn aspick ~ confirm
cur fo loo ~ adjure, attest, attestation
cur fo mollaght ~ anathematize
cur fo oalys ~ enchant
cur fo oardagh-bee ~ diet
cur fo obbeeys ~ bewitch
cur fo prindeisaght ~ indenture
cur fo quaranteen ~ quarantine
cur fo sarey ~ ban
cur fo skynn ~ operate
cur fo smaght ~ repress, subject, discipline,
bring under
cur fo urrysaght ~ assure life, etc
cur fo ushtey ~ duck
cur fo vollaght ~ curse
cur fo whaiyl armee ~ court martial
cur foayr da ~ favour
cur fockle er ~ bespeak, book, address as
cur fockle stiagh ~ chip in
cur foddyr da ~ forage
cur fogrey er ~ placard
cur foiee rish ~ timber
cur foill er ~ blame
cur fo'n ushtey ~ submerge
cur forrane ~ challenging
cur forrane da ~ challenge
cur foyr er ~ sharpen, grind, chamfer, polish up,
cur foyr noa er ~ resharpen
cur frame er ~ frame
cur freayney brishlagh er ~ ripple
cur freenaghyn ayn ~ pin
cur frinje er ~ fringe
cur fud y cheilley ~ jumble, tangle, derange,
confuse, bemuse, perturb, embarrass,
disarray, litter, subvert; dislocation,
disorganization, disorganize, puzzle, maze
cur furrey ayn ~ furrow
cur fwirran ayn ~ staff
cur fys ~ informing
cur fys da ~ inform, notify, brief
cur fys er ~ send for, contact
cur fys hug ~ acquaint
cur gah ayn ~ sting
cur galverg er ~ gall
cur garvel er ~ gravel
cur gas da ~ gas
cur geayl da ~ feed as fire
cur geayl er boayrd ~ coaling
cur geaylin da ~ shoulder
cur geill da ~ attend, heed
cur geinnagh ayn ~ sand
cur geinnagh er ~ sand
cur geirr er ~ tallow
cur gennallys er ~ make happy
cur gial er ~ betting, lay a wager
cur gial er gagh cheu ~ hedge
cur giall er ~ bet
cur giarrey ayn ~ incise
cur giense da ~ entertain
cur gioal ~ chip in
cur gioal er ~ wager, bet
cur glabbag er ~ foment
cur glabbag rish ~ poultice
cur glackan er ~ brake
cur glass er ~ lock
cur glass essynagh er ~ padlock
cur gleiy glass er ~ lime
cur glenney yn arree da ~ spring-clean
cur glish laue er ~ handcuff
cur gloas er ~ glaze, polish up
cur gloasey Frangagh er ~ French polish
cur glonney ayn ~ glaze, glazing
cur glooid er ~ size
cur gob neese ~ spear
cur gobbaghan er ~ muzzle
cur gobbane er ~ gag
cur gooaght da ~ voice as instrument
cur gooyn er ~ robe, gown
cur graih ayn ~ enamour
cur graih da ~ love, loving
cur grayn er ~ revolt, repel
cur greain ~ shock
cur greim-collane da ~ gripe
cur greim laue da ~ clasp
cur gunnyn er ~ fortify
cur guttyr ayn ~ gutter
cur gy baase ~ execute, slay, slaughter,
exterminate, extermination
cur gy kione ~ end
cur gy lieh ~ palm off
cur gypsum er ~ gypsum
cur gys ~ send
cur gys argid ~ realization
cur gys cooinaghtyn ~ remind
cur gys foaynoo ~ utilization
cur gys jerrey ~ finalize
cur gys lieh ~ impute, attribute, ascribe,
attribution, ascription
cur gys mee-ymmyd ~ misappropriate,
cur gys neunhee ~ annihilate, quash, annul,
cur gys un cheu ~ pigeonhole, leave over,
cur gys veg ~ nullify, confute, confutation
cur gys y gheay ~ luff
cur gys yn dorrys ~ pay off
cur haart ~ repress, vanquish, overthrow
cur harrish ~ speechify, get over, go about,
relinquish, relinquishment
cur harrish e niart ~ overstrain
cur harrish fo'n gheay ~ wear
cur harrish yn vaarney ~ tide over
cur hood ~ raise the anchor
cur hug ~ add, address, send to, augment,
cur huggey hene ~ pull round
cur imleeid er ~ humble
cur imnea er ~ disquieten, worry
cur intlys ayn ~ inset
cur jaagh ~ smoking, smoke
cur jaghee er ~ tithe
cur jee aggyrt er ~ nonsuit
Cur-jee arm! ~ Shoulder arms!
cur jeed ~ undress yourself
cur jeeg ayn ~ gutter
cur jeelt noa er ~ resaddle
cur jeenys da ~ trig
cur jeh ~ postpone, work off, shake off, abort,
disrobe, deter, waive, undressing,
cur jeh ny raillaghyn ~ wreck as train
cur jeh'n railley ~ derail
cur jeih-hampleyr da ~ edify
cur jeih-vlass er ~ season
cur jerrey er ~ finish, conclude, eliminate,
eradicate, discontinue, resolve, extinguish,
cry off, sweep away
cur jerrey rish ~ shipwreck
cur jiastyn ayn ~ leaven
cur jinshar ayn ~ ginger
cur jioolaght er ~ cloy
cur jiormey er bun ~ draft
cur jough lheeys da ~ dose
cur joughinyn ~ round of drinks
cur jymmoose er ~ chagrin
cur kaart da ~ chart as trade
cur kaart mooar er ~ trump
cur kay er ~ blur, dim, fog, cloud
cur keayrt er ~ visiting, circle visit, visit
cur keeagh da ~ nurse
cur keeayl er ~ imply
cur keesh er ~ tax, assess
cur keiltynys er ~ camouflage
cur keim sheese ~ demote
cur kere er ~ wax, tooth
cur kialg er ~ wile
cur kiangley er ~ band, bind down, bandage
cur kiarklane da ~ circularize
cur kiartys votal ~ enfranchise
cur kiaull er fillym ~ dub
cur kibbin rish ~ stake
cur kied da ~ license, authorize, allow, permit
cur kinneigyn er ~ crumb
cur kione da ~ head
cur kione er ~ finish, conclude, roof, disposal
cur kione-lettyryn rish ~ initial
cur kione-screeuyn er ~ caption
cur kip cabbyl da ~ horsewhip
cur kort er ~ fur
cur laad bart er ~ burden
cur laad errey er ~ burden
cur laare ayns ~ board
cur lacyr er ~ lacquer
cur langeid er ~ hobble, lanket
cur laue chooilleeney ~ toss off
cur laue da ~ assist
cur laue er ~ set about
cur laue rish ~ tackle as job
cur laueanyn er ~ glove
cur leacanyn er ~ tile
cur leagh da ~ reward
cur leagh er ~ value, price, appraise, evaluate,
assess, initiate
cur leagh ro ard er ~ overvalue
cur lectraghys ayn ~ electrify
cur leigh ~ legislate
cur leoaie er ~ cover with lead
cur lesh ~ carry, fetch, bring, tide
cur lesh ayns shoh ~ bring round
cur lesh er ash ~ carry back
cur lesh er oaie ~ carry over
cur lesh ersooyl ~ carry away, carry off
cur lesh fo ~ bring under
cur lesh gys briwnys ~ arraign
cur lesh gys credjue ~ evangelize
cur lesh gys veg ~ annihilate
cur lesh gys y toilshey ~ unearth
cur lesh hug hene ~ bring to
cur lesh magh ~ bear out
cur lesh neese ~ fetch up
cur lesh neose ~ carry down, fetch down
cur lesh ny hrooid ~ bring through
cur lesh stiagh ~ import, introduce
cur lesh y gorley praase ~ blight
cur lettyryn er ~ letter
cur lhag ayn ~ dent
cur lhagg ayn ~ dinge
cur lheamys er ~ blemish
cur lheeys da ~ treat ply
cur lheihys er ~ remedy
cur lhiaght fo ~ bed
cur lhiasraght er ~ bias
cur lhiastit er ~ disincline
cur lhic er ~ slate, slating
cur lhieen er y thoar ~ grass
cur lhieeney mortyragh er ~ grout
cur lhiettrimys er ~ ban, block, disqualify,
handicap, head off, circumscribe
cur lhong er e cheu ~ heel
cur lhong fo ~ wreck
cur lhong hug y gheay ~ broach
cur lhong 'sy loghan ~ dock
cur lhoob ayn ~ belay
cur liare er ~ leather
cur lieh er lieh ~ lay evens
cur limbyr fo ~ limber
cur linney fo ~ underline
cur linney mygeayrt er ~ circumscribe
cur liorish ~ alongside
cur liorish hene ~ isolate, isolation
cur lipaid er ~ label
cur loagan er ~ stagger
cur loayrtys da ~ talk at
cur losh da ~ clout
cur lossanagh er ~ varnish
cur luney da ~ slang
cur maaue er ~ trump it
cur magh ~ put out, eject, ejection, exude,
issue, lay out, publish, publication, edition,
dispense, board out, dispatch, deal, delegate,
delegation, dispensation, displace, emission,
emit, evacuate, evacuation, excretion,
expulsion, push out, run out, turn out
cur magh barel mychione ~ pronounce upon
cur magh blaaghyn ~ bloom
cur magh booieyn ~ buoy, buoying
cur magh bwoalley clag ~ ring out
cur magh er ard ~ noise about, expound
cur magh fraueyn ~ rooting
cur magh gaal ~ steaming, steam
cur magh jaagh ~ smoke-producing
cur magh lioaryn ~ publishing
cur magh ollish ~ sweating
cur magh reesht ~ reissue
cur magh screeaghyn ~ uttering shrieks
cur magh tastid ~ sweat
cur magh tiggad da ~ book
cur maidjey ~ bar
cur maidjey coonee rish ~ brace
cur mair er ~ pin-point
cur maireenyn ayn ~ flute
cur marley er ~ marl
cur mee-aaraa er ~ misquote
cur mee-haitnys er ~ displease
cur mee-hyndaa er ~ mistranslate
cur mee-unnaneys er ~ disunite
cur mee vaght er ~ misinterpret
cur mee-vluckan er ~ no-ball
cur mee-yss da ~ misinform
cur meechoyrle da ~ misadvise
cur meeoardagh er ~ disarray
cur meeonnor er ~ dishonour
cur meih er ~ weight
cur meoiryn shee er ~ military police
cur moddee er ~ baiting, bait as animals
cur moggyl maidjagh er ~ trellis
cur mollaght er ~ anathematize
cur mollagyn er ~ buoying
cur mollagyn er ingagh ~ cork
cur molley da ~ applaud
cur mooie ~ bed out
cur mow ~ ruin, decay, annihilate, blot out,
cur moylley da ~ praise
cur mucyn ny hrooid ~ kibosh
cur mullagh er ~ roof
cur my lieh ~ fasten on
cur my ner ~ behold, beholding, lo
Cur my ner yn dooinney ~ Ecce Homo
cur mygeayrt ~ pass, announce, circulate,
spread, slew
cur myr errey er ~ lumber
cur myr raane ~ pledging
cur myr roie-ockle rish ~ prefix
cur myr roie-raa ~ prefix
cur myr sampleyr ~ cite
cur myrgeayrt ~ send round
cur mysh ~ draw on, don, clothe, dress, attire
cur mysh gooyn ~ gown
cur naardey ~ confound, annihilate, ruin
cur nearey er ~ shame, dishonour, cheap
cur neeal er ~ stun
cur neese ~ send up, hawk
cur neose ~ dismount, lower
cur neose er ~ impress, superpose
cur neuchooilleen er ~ dissatisfy
cur niart ayn ~ power
cur niart da ~ back
cur niart rish ~ second
cur nieu da ~ poison
cur noi ~ resist, counter, alienate, negative,
cur noi-chowrey er ~ contra-indicate
cur noidys er ~ antagonize
cur ny cadley ~ anaesthetize generally
cur ny chadley ~ put down
cur ny crammanyn ayn ~ button
cur ny haaue ~ lay up
cur ny hassoo ~ raise, stand, pose
cur ny hoie ass y noa ~ reseat
cur ny host ~ quieten, silence, argue down,
cur ny hrooid ~ intersperse
cur ny lhie huggey ~ lay to
cur ny mastey ~ intersperse
cur ny roie ~ run
cur ny shassoo rish ~ prop
cur ny spuirryn da ~ spur
cur oaie er ~ front
cur oaie rish ~ face
cur oalsum er ~ fetter
cur oardreilys er ~ systematize
cur obbreeyn ayn ~ staff
cur oghsan da ~ animadvert, reprove, reprimand,
cur oghsan er ~ animadvert
cur oikys da reesht ~ recommission
cur oirr er ~ edge
cur olk er ~ spite
cur ollym er ~ alum
cur-oltey ~ misfit
cur onnor da ~ grace, honour
cur ooashlaghey da ~ adore
cur ooashley da ~ worship
cur ooaslid da ~ dignify
cur ooha er ~ bronzing
cur ooill er ~ anoint, lubricate
cur ooley er ~ fine
cur orraghey ayn ~ load, charge as gun
cur paag da ~ kiss
cur paagag da ~ peck
cur paayl er ~ impale
cur pabyr noa er ~ re-paper
cur pannyl er ~ panel
cur parteeas da ~ interest
cur peesh ayn ~ let in
cur pelt er ~ felt
cur pibbyr er ~ pepper
cur pick er ~ pitch
cur pick hallooin ayn ~ bituminize
cur pick hallooin er ~ bituminize
cur piyl er ~ barb
cur plait stainney er ~ tin-plate
cur pleat ayn ~ pleat
cur pluggan ayn ~ bung
cur ponk er ~ dot
cur pooar ~ authorize
cur pooar ayn ~ power
cur pooar da ~ enable, empower
cur posteyr er ~ placard
cur prios er ~ price
cur puiss er ~ pout
cur puntreil er ~ weight
cur purgaid da ~ drench
cur quelt er ~ welt
cur quing er ~ brace
cur raad da ~ allow, permit
cur raane son ~ guarantee
cur raaue ~ fence as Tynwald
cur raaue da ~ alarm, frighten, warn, caution
cur raaue jeh ~ monitor
cur radling fendeilagh er ~ palisade
cur rah er ~ prosper
cur raue da ~ forewarn
cur raue jeh ~ presage
cur reaghys er ~ clear up, sort out, tidy
cur red ass e chummey ~ contort
cur reiltagh er ~ regularize
cur rere y cheilley ~ harmonize
cur reuyreyder er ~ tiller
cur riblass er ~ lath
cur rio ayn ~ ice
cur rio-hugyr er ~ ice
cur rioeeaght er ~ ice
cur rish ~ practise, apply, supplement, commit,
stand to, implement
cur rish loght ~ fall down
cur rish maarderys ~ fornicate
cur rish peccah ~ sin, transgress
cur robbee er ~ shirt frill
cur rockey ayn ~ pucker
cur roie-raa rish ~ preface
cur roish ~ submit, frame, propose
cur rollage rish ~ star
cur rooar neose er ~ swoop
cur roshtyn er ~ extend
cur rour er ~ arrogate, overstock, overburden
cur rour keesh er ~ overtax
cur rour mysh ~ overdress
cur rour obbyr er ~ overwork, overtax
cur rour urryssaght er ~ over-insure
cur ry-cheilley ~ assemble, compile,
consolidate, construct, combine, connect,
clump, sum, relate, incorporate, reconcile,
keep together, evolve, associate, assemblage,
connotation, consolidation, teamwork
cur ry-cheilley reesht ~ reunite
cur ry-lhiattee ~ adjourn, head off, lay by, set
apart, appropriation
cur saayl er ~ tip
cur sannish da ~ suggest
cur sarey ~ command
cur sarey da ~ order
cur scaa da ~ shade
cur scaa er ~ shade, guard, fencing
cur scaa-linnaghyn er ~ hachure
cur scansh da ~ notice, underline
cur sceau er ~ slant
cur sceau er yn eddin ~ grimace
cur sclaigyn ayn ~ rut
cur sclateyn er ~ tiling, tile
cur scoagh er ~ horrify
cur scraa er ~ turf
cur scramman scriss da ~ scolding
cur screebey skeab er ~ brush over
cur screeuyn er ~ superscribe
cur screeuyn rish ~ annotate, annotation
cur scroig er ~ encrust
cur scuitch beg da ~ flick
cur seaghyn da ~ grieve
cur seose ~ put up, increase, set on fire,
extradite, represent, drop off, disclaim, carry
forward, retire, relinquish, surrender, pitch,
fix, fit on, postulate, hang, move, flush,
abdication, extradition, relinquishment
cur seose clou ~ type-setting
cur seose da ~ assign, make over
cur sevreain er ~ panic
cur shaghey ~ put off, lead away, refer back,
cur shaghrynys er ~ hallucinate
cur shee er ~ appease, pacify, placate
cur sheeabin er ~ soap
cur sheese ~ put down, prescribe, send down,
lower, suppress, give in, salt, depress,
discharge, book, lay, deposit
cur sheese da ~ ascription, impute, refer
cur sheese ennym er egin ~ conscribe
cur sheese er ~ designate
cur sheese reesht ~ re-lay
cur shellac er ~ shellac
cur shillee er ~ gravel
cur shilley elley er ~ revisit
cur shilley er ~ visit, call on, lobby
cur shilley er rolaue ~ preview
cur shlee er ~ omit
cur shleh er ~ omit, neglect
cur shleiy marrey ayn ~ harpoon
cur shleiy trooid ~ spear
cur shugyr ayn ~ sweeten
cur shugyr er ~ sugar, sweeten
cur skead er ~ blaze as tree
cur skeeys er ~ make tired, bore with talk
cur skellooyn ayn ~ shelve
cur skimmee ayn ~ crew
cur skimmee da ~ cast
cur slattag er ~ accentuate as letter,
cur slatten er ~ batten
cur slaynt da ~ covet
cur sleih ayn ~ people
cur slongan er ~ wreathe
cur smaght er ~ govern, cow
cur smittag da ~ kiss
cur smoalley er ~ blight
cur smoghan jeh ~ exhale
cur smooinaght ayns kione ~ inculcate,
cur smull er ~ becloud
cur snaie ayn ~ thread as needle
cur snaie er ~ thread as screw
cur sneih da ~ affront
cur sneih er ~ vex
cur sollan er ~ salt
cur sollyssid er ~ polish, polish up
cur sonk beg da ~ joggle
cur sonnagh mysh ~ stockade
cur spleeney ayn ~ spline
cur spohthoilshey er ~ spotlight
cur spuirryn er ~ spur
cur staartey da ~ sign on
cur stadd er ~ halt
cur stainney noa er ~ re-tin
cur staiy rish ~ stay
cur stap er ~ stop
cur stapyl er ~ staple
cur sthap er ~ halt
cur sthock er ~ stock
cur sthock noa ayn ~ restock
cur sthock reesht ayn ~ restock
cur sthoo da ~ chase
Cur sthoo da! ~ Shift him!
cur stiagh ~ insert, input, put in, interject, pass,
bring home, house, lay up, buy in, harvest,
return, install, embody, embrace, enclose,
drop, installation, intervention, interruption,
cur stiagh aghin ~ file
cur stiagh bee ~ revictual
cur stiagh cummaghtys ~ power installation
cur stiagh duillag ~ inset
cur stiagh er ~ annoy, inconvenience, heckle,
call in, molest, incommode, intervene,
invade, interrupt, infringe, invasion,
interference, inroad, infringement,
cur stiagh er egin ~ conscript, press into
service, conscription
cur stiagh er y cheilley ~ telescope
cur stiagh fockle ~ interpolation, interpolate
cur stiagh geayl ~ bunker
cur stiagh reesht ~ reinsertion, reinsert
cur stiagh screeuyn ~ interpolate
cur stiagh son ~ apply
cur stiagh 'sy gharreish ~ garage
cur streean er ~ check, delimit, restrain, pull in,
cur streeuailtys er ~ antagonize
cur streng er ~ string
cur streng noa ayn ~ restring
cur streng rish ~ wire
cur stroineen er ~ ring
cur stroll er ~ satin
cur stroolinnney er ~ streamline
cur stroos er ~ stress
cur studdyl ayn ~ rib
cur surcheesh er ~ surtax
cur 'sy cheayn ~ ditch
cur 'sy chenn ynnyd ~ reinstall
cur 'sy cho-earroo ~ count in
cur 'sy claare argidoil ~ budget
cur 'sy gheay ~ air
cur 'sy lioar doo ~ blacklist
cur 'sy phaal ~ pen
cur 'sy phoggaid ~ pocket
cur 'sy phost ~ mail, post
cur 'sy phundail ~ pound
cur 'sy stholl ~ stall
cur 'sy thalloo ~ layer
cur 'sy thie lheihys ~ hospitalize
cur 'sy toieag ~ enthrone
cur 'sy vanc ~ banking
cur symney screeuee da ~ subpoena
cur 'syn earroo ~ embrace, reckon in
cur 'syn ingagh ~ net
cur taitnys ayn ~ sweeten
cur taitnys da ~ please, gratify, amuse
cur tarnoal da ~ lay out, clout
cur tarragh er ~ girdle
cur tastey da ~ spot, attend, heed, notice
cur tead er ~ string, guy, rope off
cur tead king er ~ brace
cur tead mysh ~ rope in
cur teisht da ~ certificate
cur teorey rish ~ define
Cur terrish da! ~ Punish him well!
cur tessen er y cheilley ~ intercross
cur tessyn ~ get across
cur thalloo fo faiyr ~ grass
cur thollaneys er ~ giddy, dizzy
cur thoo er ~ thatch
cur thooane er ~ lath
cur thoyn chuitlee da ~ cane
cur tick rish ~ tick off
cur tig er ~ tig
cur tiggad er ~ ticket
cur tinsyl er ~ tinsel
cur toghyr da ~ dower, endow
cur toiggal da ~ enlighten
cur tonney ayns folt ~ wave as hair
cur toshiaght er ~ begin, start
cur treinaghyn rioee er ~ frost
cur treisht ayn ~ trust in
cur trelloo da ~ kit out
cur trie noa ayn ~ refoot
cur trie noa er ~ re-sole, retread, sole
cur trimmid ayn ~ charge as battery
cur trimmid er ~ accentuate as word, stress,
cur trimshey er ~ distress, sadden
cur trooid ~ put through
cur trooid fainey ~ reeve
cur trooid y cheilley ~ subvert, complicate
cur trooid yn ooir ~ dig in
cur twoaie da ~ heed, beware
cur ughtarys da ~ authorize
cur uillin da ~ nudge
cur urraghys er reesht ~ reinsure
cur ushtey ayns ~ water down
cur ushtey da ~ water, watering
cur ushtey er ~ water down, water
cur ushtey ny hrooid ~ dilution, dilute
cur varnish er ~ varnish
cur veesey er ~ visa
cur veih my cheilley ~ split up
cur veih'n vie ~ crock
cur voish ~ lay aside, puff out
cur voish ayns screeuyn ~ sign away
cur voltys da ~ boost
cur wheddyr er ~ barb
cur y bayr da ~ sack
cur y beeal bane da ~ soft-sawder
cur y breag er ~ rebut, rebuttal
cur y chass er ~ tread, tread on with heel
cur y clat da ~ birch
cur y croan ass ~ dismast
cur y cron doo er ~ blight
cur y farkyl er ~ clinch
cur y fockle er ~ charm
cur y lane da ~ satiate
cur y lane fo ~ defy, challenge, dare
cur y laue lajer da ~ overbear
cur y leigh er ~ sue
cur y saie da ~ satiate
cur y sneg er ~ bar shut
cur y vreag er ~ confute, belie, contradict
cur yeearlys da ~ handsel
cur yeearlys er ~ deposit
cur yiarn er ~ tip
cur yiarn rish uinnag ~ bar
cur yindys er ~ admire, mystify
cur yindys mooar er ~ flabbergast
cur yn bayr da ~ send away
cur yn breb toshee ~ kick off
cur yn cheeagh da ~ suckle
cur yn clat da ~ cane
cur yn corp ~ habeas corpus
cur yn critlagh seose ~ fluff
cur yn crout ass ~ cozen
cur yn eaddagh jeh ~ strip
cur yn firrinys da ~ undeceive
cur yn fockle 'sy veeal ~ prompt
cur yn glass er ~ lock up, lock in
cur yn leagh er ~ prosecute
cur yn slat da ~ chastise, switch
cur yn sneg er ~ sneck
Curain ~ Wednesday
curjeig ~ offertory plate, rounded half of scallop
curlal ~ curl, curling
curlan ~ pig-nut, earth nut
curlan Albinagh ~ spignel
curleid [f] ~ eiderdown, quilt, coverlet,
curleid chabbil ~ horse cloth
curleid charbid ~ hearse cloth
curleid lhiabbagh ~ bedspread
curleid rangagh ~ duvet
curleyder ~ curler
curmaghey ~ appoint, impose, regulate,
appointment, regulation
curmal ~ appoint, enforce, regulate, enjoin, duty,
curmallagh ~ licentiate
curmane ~ tench
curmay ~ enjoin
curmey ~ enforce
curmeydagh ~ subordinate
curmeydaght ~ subordination
curmeyder ~ function, overseer, regulator,
curmeydys ~ subordination
curmit ~ enjoined
curn ~ can
curn jinnairagh ~ dinner can
curn spreih ~ watering can
curn tey ~ tea-caddy, billy
curn ushtey ~ water can
curnaght [f] ~ wheat
curnaght vynyiarrit ~ shredded wheat
curnal ~ colonel
curnallys ~ colonelship
curneein ~ huff
curneeinagh ~ huffy
curneeinys ~ huffiness
curneen ~ can
curneen ooill ~ oil can
curneenaghey ~ canning
curneenit ~ canned
curp ~ rump, bottom, haunch, bum, aitch bone,
curpagh ~ buttock-meat
curpyn ~ behind (buttocks), posterior
currag ~ bundle of osiers
curragh ~ bog, fen, quagmire, swamp, marsh;
wickerwork pannier, coracle, canoe
curragh chiassagh ~ fever swamp
curragh craaee ~ shaking bog, quagmire
curragh moaney ~ peat bog
curraghan ~ gig
curragheyr ~ canoeist
curragheyrys ~ canoeing
curran ~ currant
curree ~ bog, curry, marshy, boggy
Curreeyn Mooarey Hostyn ~ Fens
currey ~ holster
currit ~ remitted, stationed, placed, allotted
currit ass ~ annoyed, cancelled, deprived
currit ass cummey ~ distorted
currit ass oik ~ deposed
currit ass olt ~ disjointed
currit ass y taggyrtys ~ unfrocked
currit (da) ~ liable, susceptible, subject to,
partial to, addicted, tendancy
currit da cooilleeiney ~ observant
currit da lioaryn ~ bookish
currit da sollaghey laue ~ bribing
currit da taitnys ~ pleasure-loving
currit da'n chugyr ~ sweet-toothed
currit da'n leigh ~ litigious
currit da'n touyrid ~ comfort-loving
currit er bher ~ broached
currit er bun ~ established
currit er hene ~ self-imposed
currit er moostey ~ startled
currit fo chosh ~ quelled, suppressed, subdued
currit fo haart ~ vanquished
currit fo smaght ~ repressed
currit fud y cheilley ~ jumbled, distracted
currit gy baase ~ slain
currit (gys) ~ sent
currit gys un cheu ~ lie by
currit haart ~ vanquished
currit (hug) ~ sent
currit hug y geay ~ broached
currit jeh ~ postponed, deterred
currit lesh ersooyl ~ carried away
currit lesh yn aer ~ airborne
currit liorish hene ~ isolated
currit magh ~ confused
currit magh (ass) ~ ousted
currit mow ~ ruined, destroyed
currit naardey ~ ruined
currit neose ~ downed
currit ny cadley ~ anaesthetized
currit rish Sostyn ~ pro-English
currit ry-cheilley ~ compiled, connected
currit ry-lhiattee ~ in abeyance
currit seose ~ abdicated, fitted
currit sheese ~ downed
currit stiagh ~ fitted, enclosed
currit 'sy cheayn ~ ditched
currit 'sy gheay ~ aired (as clothes)
currit 'sy thalloo ~ layered
currrymagh ~ accurate
currym ~ duty, task, engagement, assignment,
guardianship, business, obligation, portfolio,
trust, custody, responibility, post, funeral,
care, appointment
currym bayr ~ maintenance order
currym clienney ~ mothercraft
currym (killagh) ~ benefice
currym ny yei ~ after-care
currym paitchyn ~ infant welfare, child welfare
currym smessey (ec) ~ greatest preoccupation
currymagh ~ responsible, attentive, dutiful,
considerate, painstaker
currymagh (er) ~ incumbent
currymaghey ~ charge (lay duty on)
currymid ~ accuracy, attentiveness, dutifulness,
currymit ~ invested
currymyn baljagh ~ civic duties
cursit ~ accursed
curtan ~ curtain, veil
curtan altar(agh) ~ altar curtain
curtan dolostey ~ firescreen
curtan dorrysh ~ portiere
curtan lhiabbagh ~ bed curtain, valance
curtan toshee ~ drop curtain
Yn Curtan Yiarn ~ The Iron Curtain
curteish ~ salute
curtheet ~ friendliness, intimate
curthooillaghey ~ becoming overcast, looks
like rain, cloud
curthooillid ~ lowering
curtshee ~ curtsey
cushag ~ ragwort
cushag vollagh ~ hoary ragwort
cushag vooar ~ ragwort
cushag wuigh ~ ragwort
cushagagh ~ abounding in ragwort
cusheen ~ cushion
cushteyder ~ beater
cuspagh ~ cuspidate
cuspey ~ cusp, model
Custal ~ Christopher
custameyr ~ client, patron
custameyrys ~ patronage
custart ~ custard
custey ~ accursed, cursed, damnable
custhey ~ flog, lash, birch, beat
custhey skeddan marroo ~ flogging a dead
custhey(de)r ~ bircher, scourge, whipper,
flogger, chastiser
custhit ~ disciplined, whipped, beaten
custhym ~ chastisement
custym ~ customs duty, tariff, custom
custymeraght ~ custom (of customer)
custymeyr ~ customer
custymeyraght vooar ~ wide connection
cutremys ~ selected portion
cutt ~ stump
cuttag ~ stump, scut, wireworm
cuttagh ~ cut short, shortened, docked, runty,
abrupt, runt, brief, bobbed
cuttid ~ brevity, abruptness, stumpiness,
cuttyr ~ cutter
C'wo(o)ad? ~ How much? How many?
Cylloo ~ of the Calf (of Mann)
Cymragh ~ Cambrian
da ~ to, for, to him, his
da jees ~ two-seater
da shen ~ thereunto
da troor ~ three-handed
daa ~ deuce, two
daa- ~ (prefix) bi-
daa-aignagh ~ schizophrenic
daa-ayrn ~ double-barrelled
daa-charbonait ~ bicarbonate
daa-chassagh ~ two-footed, two-legged, biped
daa-cheayllagh ~ ambiguous, equivocal
daa-cheayllaghey ~ equivocation
daa-cheayllaght ~ ambiguity
daa cheayrt ~ doubly, twice over, twice
daa cheayrt 'sy chiaghtin ~ bi-weekly
daa-cheintssaght ~ bisexualism
daa-cheintys ~ bisexualism
daa-cheintyssagh ~ bisexual
daa-chernagh ~ biquadric
daa chione ~ accoladed
daa-chioneagh ~ double-headed, two-ended
daa-chloaraid ~ bichloride
daa-chooibagh ~ biconcave
daa-chooyllagh ~ leave (as door)
daa-chooylleydagh ~ bivalve, bivalvular
daa-choshagh ~ two-footed, two-legged
daa-chroamagh ~ bichromate
daa chroan ~ two-masted
daa cree ~ heartburn
daa-eairkagh ~ bicornuous, two-horned
daa-eeacklagh ~ bidental
daa-ennymagh ~ binominous, binomial
daa-faasagh ~ biphase
daa-filley ~ double-ply
daa-fioosagh ~ bivalve
daa foyr ~ two-edged, double-edged
daa-foyragh ~ double-edged, two-edged
daa foyreyder ~ punster
daa-ghaait ~ double-dyed
daa-ghoogyssagh ~ hermaphrodite
daa ghooinney yeig ~ jury
daa ghreie ~ twin engine
daa-ghronnagh ~ double-convex, lenticular
daa-ghuillagagh ~ bifoliate
daa ghussan yeig ~ gross
daa-heedragh ~ dihedral
daa-heelagh ~ disyllabic
daa-heeley ~ disyllable
daa-hengagh ~ bilingual, bilingualist
daa-hengaght ~ bilinguality, bilingualism
daa heu jeh'n skeeal ~ pros and cons
daa-heuagh ~ bilateral, ambivalent
daa-heuaght ~ ambivalence
daa-heuaghys ~ bilateralism
daa-hliggagh ~ bivalvular
daa-hooillagh ~ binocular, two-eyed
daa howshanagh ~ two-dimensional
daa hreen ~ two-thirds
daa hroagh ~ two-way
daa-hulfeit ~ bisulphite
daa-hulphide ~ disulphide
daa-illey ~ twofold
daa-'illit ~ two-ply
daa laare ~ double-decker
daa-laueagh ~ bimanous, two-handed
daa-lheead ~ double-width
daa-lhiabbee ~ double-bedded
daa-linnagh ~ bilinear
daa lout ~ two-storey
daa-oacyssagh ~ bifocal
daa-oaiagh ~ double-faced
daa-osseed ~ dioxide
Yn Daa Ostyl Jeig ~ The Twelve Apostles
daa-phaartagh ~ bipartite
daa-phaasagh ~ two-phase
daa phing ~ twopence, twopenny
daa-phoalagh ~ two-pole, bipolar
daa-phoosey ~ bigamy
daa-rheynneyder ~ bisector
daa roish y jerrey ~ antepenultimate
daa screeuee ~ ink
daa scrod ~ twin-screw
daa-skianagh ~ dipteral
ny daa-skianee ~ diptera
daa skillin ~ florin
daa stooalt ~ body colour
daa-toanagh ~ diatonic
daa-uillin-jeig ~ dodecagon
daa vair ~ two-toed
daa-vairagh ~ two-toed
daa-varryl ~ double-barrelled
daa-veaghagh ~ amphibian
daa-veaghee ~ amphibia
daa-veainagh ~ bimetallic
daa-veainaghys ~ bimetallism
daa veer ~ two-piece
daa-veillagh ~ bilabial
daa-vhertagh ~ biparous
daa vieauid ~ two-speed
daa-vleastagh ~ bivalvular
daa-vleaystagh ~ bivalve
daa-vleeanagh ~ biennial
daa-vleintag ~ biennial
daa-vlod ~ twin-blade
daa-volgagh ~ biconvex
daa vollagh ~ two-way
daa-vorfagh ~ dimorphic
daa-vreneenagh ~ diatomic
daa-vuillagh ~ two-stroke, duple
daa-vunnagh ~ dibasic
daa wheesh ~ doubly
yn daa willeen yeig ~ shewbread
daa yeig ~ twelve
daa-yeig-mo ~ duodecimo
daa-yeigoo ~ twelfth
daa-yeihoilagh ~ duodecimal
daa-ynnydys ~ bilocation
daachiarkyl ~ bicycle
daagan ~ fishing smack
daagh ~ dual
daaghey ~ dye, stain, colouration, colour,
daaghey (skeeal) ~ embroidery
daaghooaght ~ diphthong, double-vowel
daaghooaghtagh ~ diphthongal
daaghooaghtys ~ diphthongization
daaghraue ~ digraph
daaghyn y ghoal-twoaie ~ iridescent, Iris,
daaghys ~ dualism
daah ~ colour, colouration, hue, dye, tincture,
pigment, stain, paint, singe, scorch, suit
daah beayn ~ fast dye
daah caggee ~ warpaint
daah dhone ~ bistre
daah-eddrym ~ light-coloured
daah farvollee ~ eye shadow
daah galchro ~ walnut stain
daah-ghellid ~ colour blindness
daah-ghoal ~ colour-blind
daah greiney ~ sunburn, suntan
daah lossanagh ~ varnish paint
daah lughagh ~ mouse colour
daah najooragh ~ self-colour
daah ny greiney ~ sunburn, tan
daah-scarrey ~ colour bar
daah smarree ~ grease paint
daah sooilley ~ mascara
daah yn chrackan ~ flesh colour
daah yn vaaish ~ deathlike colour, cadaverous
daah yn vraddan ~ salmon colour
daahagh ~ stainable
daahder ~ painter, dyer, colourer, colourist,
daahder fograghyn ~ sign painter
daahder (skeeal) ~ garbler
daahderaght voalley ~ wall painting
daahderys ~ dyeing trade
daaheen ~ tinge
daahghey ~ paint, tincture, colour, painting
daahghyn yn chrackan ~ flesh tints
daahit ~ painted, stained, pigmented, dyed,
daahit ec yn earish ~ weather-stained
daahit ec yn ghrian ~ sunburnt
daahit lesh fuill ~ bloodstained
daahit 'sy ghrian ~ tanned (by sun)
daahjagh ~ scorching, singeing
daahjey ~ scorch, singe, char, burn in,
cauterize, cauterization
daahjeyder ~ cauterizer
daahjit ~ cauterized, charred, singed, scorched
daahoil ~ colourful, well-coloured, personable,
sightly, picturesque
daahoilid ~ sightliness, picturesqueness
daahooillee prismagh ~ prism binoculars
daaitphlummey ~ persimmon
daajey ~ brand (torch), branding
daajit ~ branded
daalettyr ~ digraph
daan ~ poem
daan ayns prose ~ prose poem
daan cloie ~ dramatic poem
daan mooar ~ epic
daan poosee ~ epithalamium
daanagh ~ presumptuous
daanaght ~ boldness
daane moyllee ~ panegyric
daaney ~ bold, daring, confident, cheeky,
cocky, presumptuous, rude
daaney lesh y jough ~ pot-valiant
daanys ~ boldness, daring, self-assurance,
confidence, resolution, rudeness, cheek,
cockiness, effrontery
daanys-chree ~ bounce
daanys graney ~ super-boldness
daanyssagh ~ bold
daawheeyl ~ bicycle, cycle, pushbike
daawheeyl beg ~ fairy cycle
daawheeyl crou-yiarn ~ boneshaker
daawheeyl da jees ~ tandem bicycle
daawheeylaght ~ cycling
daawheeylleyder ~ cyclist, bicyclist
daayeigmo ~ twelvemo
daayl ~ respite
daayl coshey ~ gang-board, gangplank
dab ~ dab
dactyl ~ dactyl
daeed ~ forty
daeed y pheesh ~ deuce
daeedagh ~ Quadragesimal
daeedoo ~ fortieth
dagh ~ each, every
dagh blein ~ annually, yearly
dagh cor-laa ~ alternating days
dagh laa ~ daily
dagh oie ~ nightly
dagh ooilley ~ every
dagh ooilley ard ~ everywhere
dagh ooilley nhee ~ everything
dagh ooilley pheiagh ~ all comers, everyone,
one and all
dagh ooilley red ~ everything
dagh ooilley voayl ~ everywhere
dagh vod ~ everymeans
dagh ynnyd ~ everywhere
dahlley ~ dahlia
daill ~ chance, trust, credit
dailley ~ blearedness
dailleyder ~ creditor
daiman ~ diamond
daiman foalsey ~ rhinestone
daimanagh ~ diamond-shaped
daimanyn ~ diamonds
daink? ~ came?
dait enmysagh ~ assignable date
dait yn-enmys ~ assignable date
Dal Roih-'Oddey ~ Dalriada
Dal vallee ~ Dalmally
dallagh ~ dazzling, glaring, garish
dallaghey ~ dazzle, blind, glare (as light), daze,
dallee ~ blinding
dallid ~ glaringness
dallit ~ blinded
dalt ~ deed
damaskagh ~ damascene
damsyl ~ damson fruit
danjeyr ~ danger, peril
danjeyragh ~ dangerous, perilous, parlous
danjeyrid ~ perilousness, dangerousness
dann ~ sheeptrack
Yn Danvarg ~ Denmark
Danvargagh ~ Danish, Dane
Danvargish ~ Danish
Dar dy lioar! ~ By jingo! Crikey!
Dar Jee! ~ By God!
Dar m'annym! ~ Upon my soul!
Dar ny niaughyn! ~ By heavens!
Dar y chrosh! ~ Crikey!
Dar y lioar! ~ By jingo! Crikey!
Dar Yee! ~ By gum! Begad!
Dar yn lioar! ~ By George!
d'argid airhit ~ silver-gilt
darnail ~ darning, darn
darrag ~ oak, beam, cast (fishing), snood,
darrag ghoo ~ bog oak
darrag heerghlass ~ live oak
darrag ny Nollick ~ yule log
darragh ~ oak, oaken, oak grove, oak wood
darragh? ~ would come?
darragh bane ~ white oak
darragh ruy ~ red oak
darragh scarleod ~ ilex, holm oak
darree ~ oak
darrin ~ would I come
dart ~ dart
dash ~ small pile, heap, dash
dash arroo ~ pile of corn
date ~ date
date-linney ~ dateline
daue ~ to them
daunee daunee ~ call to cat
daunsagh ~ dancing
daunse ~ dance, ball
daunse beg ~ hop
daunse braag vaidjagh ~ clog dance
daunse caggee ~ wardance
daunse cheerey ~ country dance, folk dance
daunse-chummey ~ choreography
daunse cliwe ~ sword dance
daunse cuirrit ~ private dance
daunse fainagh ~ round dance
daunse far-eddin ~ masquerade, masked ball
daunse jinnairagh ~ dinner dance
daunse keimey ~ step dance
daunse kerrinagh ~ square dance
daunse lhigee ~ galop
daunse Mooragh ~ Morris dance
daunse Noo Vitus ~ chorea
daunse soailt ~ barn dance
daunse theayagh ~ folk dance
daunsey ~ dance, dancing
daunsey purt ~ jig
daunsey seose as sheese ~ jigging
daunseyn ~ frisk
daunseyr ~ dancer
daunseyr ballay ~ ballet dancer
daunseyr far eddin ~ masquerader
daunseyr tead ~ rope dancer
daunsin ~ dancing
davee ~ davit
Davy ~ David
dayeen ~ earthworm
dayree ~ dairy
deaill ~ bunch
deal ~ plank, batten
deam-vaidjey ~ cantilever
deamagh ~ protruding, protuberant, prominent
(as nose)
deamey ~ project, protrude, lean out, thrust out,
prolapse, jutting out, beetle-browed,
deamey (magh) ~ jut
deamey thoanney ~ prolapse of the anus
deamit ~ jutted, projected
dean ~ objective, target, goal, dean
dean guilley ~ Jack (bowls)
deanaght ~ deanery
dease ~ dace
deayill ~ bundle of flax
deayl ~ deal (wood)
deayneyder ~ goal
deayrtagh ~ effusive
deayrtaght ~ effusiveness
deayrtal ~ sink
deayrtey ~ pour, pour out, brew (of tea), shower,
spill, shed, stream, effusion, efflux, spillage
deayrtey fliaghee ~ fall of rain
deayrtey folley ~ bloodshed
deayrtey (harrish) ~ run over
deayrtey magh ~ outpouring
deayrtey neose ~ blaze down
deayrteyder ~ pourer, spiller
deayrtit ~ poured, spilled
deayrtnagh ~ aborted ewe
deayrtyey fliaghey ~ pelting with rain
debejagh ~ desperado, desperate
debejaght ~ desperation
dedge ~ spindrift, accomplishment (feat)
dedje ~ clever feat
dee ~ plaything, ate
deeah ~ oestrum
deeahrey ~ copulation of bovines, bulling
deesyl ~ diesel
deesyl-lectragh ~ diesel electric
deherree ~ destruction by fire, holocaust
deill ~ starfish, lathe
deill binkey ~ bench lathe
deill coshey ~ foot lathe, treadle lathe
deill gaaigey ~ gap lathe
deill pasheyder ~ potter's lathe
deill toghyragh ~ capstan lathe
deill tooreenagh ~ turret lathe
deilleyder ~ turner
deilleydeyraght ~ turning (trade), turnery
deillit ~ turned, lathe-turned
Yn Dein ~ Dingle
dein ~ dungeon
deinagh ~ weary, fatiguing, irksome
deinaghey ~ fatigue
deinaghtagh ~ cruel, wearying
deinaghtaght ~ cruelty
deinchaarjoil ~ humanitarian
deincharrey ~ humanitarian
deiney ~ men, human; molest, molestation
Deiney mooarey y chadysh ~ cotton lords
ny deiney veggey ~ the little people
deinid ~ irksomeness, weariness
deinit ~ molested
deinys ~ fatigue, weariness, inconvenience,
irksomeness, laboriousness
deinyssagh ~ cruel
deinyssaght ~ cruelty
deiyaghey ~ propel
deiyragh ~ driving
delb ~ water beetle
delb thummee ~ dytiscus
Delbee ~ Dalby
delf-ghorrym ~ delf(t) blue
dell ~ lever, starfish, argument (of play, etc.),
dell crou ~ tyre lever
dell laue ~ handle lever
dell obbree ~ operating lever
dellal ~ negotiate, deal, trade, traffic,
commerce, transactions
dellal fynnee ~ fur trade
dellal mie ~ snip
dellal rish ~ transact
dellal rish y vanc ~ bank
dellal ynrick ~ plain dealing, square dealing
dellalagh ~ negotiant
dellar eeast ~ fishmonger
delleyder ~ businessman, trafficker, dealer,
trader, tradesman
delleyder arroo ~ corn chandler
delleyder as kiedoonys (ec) ~ licensed dealer
delleyder billaghyn ~ bill broker
delleyder caashey ~ cheesemonger
delleyder cabbil ~ horse dealer
delleyder clouag ~ stamp dealer
delleyder flooyr ~ flour factor
delleyder fynnee ~ fur trader
delleyder geinnee ~ sandboy
delleyder glassreeyn ~ greengrocer
delleyder Hindooagh ~ banian
delleyder kiedoonit ~ licensed dealer
delleyder mess ~ fruiterer
delleyder ooill ~ oil merchant
delleyder sheeidey ~ silk mercer
delleyder sheh ~ skin dealer
delleyder shenn yiarn ~ scrap metal merchant
delleyder 'sy vergey doo ~ a black marketeer
delleyderyn ~ tradesfolk
dellid ~ cecity, sightlessness, blindness
dellid laa ~ day blindness
dellid oie ~ nyctalopia
dellid sniaghtey ~ snow blindness
dellidys ~ ignorance, blindness
dellit ~ dealed, dealt
deltey ~ delta
dem ~ bund
dendeays ~ dainty, delicacy, delicateness
dendeaysagh ~ delicate, dainty, effeminate,
effeminate man, fastidious, small eater, prim
dendeaysid ~ daintiness, primness
dendreit ~ dendrite
der? ~ shall give?
Dermod(e) ~ Dermot, Jerry
derragh? ~ would give?
derrey ~ second in command; till, pending
yn derrey ~ second
yn derrey laa ~ every other day
yn derrey lieh ~ latter
derrey nish ~ up to the present, hitherto, all
yn derrey share ~ second best
yn derrey shiaghtin ~ every other week
derrey shoh ~ thus far
derrick ~ derrick
derrin? ~ would I give?
descant ~ descant
desk ~ desk
desk argid ~ cash desk
deuterotonnagh ~ deuterotonic
dew ~ oxen
dewil ~ cruel, savage, severe, barbarous, cold-
blooded, inclement
dewil-ghorrinagh ~ tempestuous
dewilid ~ barbarity, cruelty, severity,
dewilys ~ barbarity, cruelty, severity,
deyil ~ beetles
deyill ~ flaxes
deyll ~ weevil, beetle, coleopter
deyll eairkagh ~ horned beetle, stag beetle
deyll eoylley ~ dung beetle
deyll feohdagh ~ cockroach
deyll-ghoo ~ jet black
deyll ny sooghyn thalloo ~ strawberry-crown
deyllag vreck ~ ladybird
deynlagh ~ democratic
deynlagh soshialagh ~ social democrat
deynlaght ~ democracy
deynlaghteyr ~ democrat
deynlaghys soshialagh ~ social democracy
deyr ~ expensive, valuable, costly, dear, unfree,
deyr-egintys ~ dire necessity
deyr-obbyr ~ hard labour
deyragh ~ damnatory, damning
deyraneagh ~ convict
deyrchlaare ~ index
deyree ~ condemnatory
deyrey ~ damn, condemn, convict, doom,
damnation, condemnation, conviction; more
deyrey baaish ~ sentence of death
deyrey seihill ~ life sentence
deyreyder ~ condemner, sentencer, convictor
deyrid ~ expensiveness, highness, high price
deyrit ~ condemned, convicted, sentenced,
deyrit gy baase ~ under sentence of death
deyrit veih'n toshiaght ~ foredoomed
deyrsnagh ~ thrall
deyrsnys ~ high price, bondage, subjection,
enslavement, slavery, serfdom
dhiane lhuingey ~ marine woodborer
dhianeagh ~ full of earthworms
dhoan ~ brown, brunette, swarthy
dhoan-ruy ~ chestnut (colour)
dhoan-wuigh ~ dusky
dhoanagh ~ brownish
dhoanaghey ~ tan (by sun), brown
dhoaneen ~ brownie
dhoaney ~ tanning (with sun)
dhoanid ~ brownness, swarthiness
dhole ~ haunt
dhonaghey ~ bronze, bronzing
dhone ~ brown, brown-haired, hazel, swarthy,
dhone-ruy ~ bay
dhone vuigh ~ biscuit colour
dhonid ~ bronzedness
dhonkeyder ~ rammer
dhornane ~ haft
dhull ~ peg, plug, hole, drain plug, bung
dhull ushtey ~ water hydrant
dhyt ~ to you
diabeetagh ~ diabetic
diabeetys ~ diabetes
diagraf ~ diagraph
diagram ~ diagram
diagramagh ~ diagrammatic
diane ~ earthworm
diane breck ~ branding
dianeagh ~ wormy, full of earthworms
diarail ~ determination
diddee ~ teat of bottle, dummy
didee ~ plaything, toy, pap
diet ~ diet
diftheyr ~ diphtheria
dijitalys ~ digitalis
dimity ~ dimity
dip ~ sheep dip
dip keyrragh ~ sheep dip
diploamagh ~ diplomatic
diploamys ~ diplomacy
diplomagh ~ diplomat
diptick ~ diptych
dirk ~ dagger, dirk
dirrag ~ wicket gate
discreajagh ~ discrete
disk ~ disc
diu ~ to you
diucagh ~ ducal
diucaght ~ duchy
diucdaght ~ dukedom
diuic ~ duke
diunaghey ~ deepen
diuney ~ deeper
diunid ~ depth, depth of colour, gulf, deep;
diunid kiebbey ~ spit
diunidys ~ deepness
Divlin ~ Dublin
Divlynagh ~ Dubliner
do ~ in order that; long-stemmed
do- ~ (prefix) un-
do cho-hassooagh ~ consistently
do yannoo magh ~ choosey
doa ~ lesser burdock
doagan ~ firebrand, torch
doagh ~ tank, vat, tun, cistern, tub, trough; a
huge woman
doagh caashey ~ cheese vat
doagh eeast ~ well
doagh feeyney ~ wine vat
doagh lhionney ~ beer vat, ale vat
doagh mooynlee ~ septic tank
doagh niaghan ~ washing vat
doagh ollish ~ Turkish bath
doagh ooill ~ oil tank
doagh phedryl ~ petrol tank
doagh troailt ~ tanker
doaiagh ~ respectable
doaie ~ orderliness, fettle
doaie mie er ~ good way
doaieagh ~ likeable, decent, good-humoured,
engaging, even, civil (as person)
doaieaght ~ becomingness
doaieid ~ seemliness, decency, good nature,
doaieys ~ decency
doail ~ blind men
do-akin ~ indistinguishable, indiscernible,
doal ~ sightless, blind
doal ec y ghrian ~ sunblind
doal ec y jough ~ sottish
doal ec yn snaightey ~ snowblind
doal-ghraih ~ infatuation
doal-inchynagh ~ thick-skulled, purblind
doal-inchynaght ~ purblindness
doal 'sy laa ~ day-blind
doalan ~ blindfold person
doalan slatt(agh) ~ Venetian blind
doalanagh ~ blindfold
doalchrauee ~ bigot
doalchraueeagh ~ bigoted
doalchraueeaght ~ bigotry
doalgaanagh ~ juggler
doalgaanee ~ hocus-pocus, daze
doalghaanee ~ double vision
doallag ~ blindfold, dormouse
doallaghey ~ blinding, blind
doallan ~ blind (on window)
doallan greiney ~ sun-blind
doallan rollianagh ~ roller blind
doallee ~ blinding
doalleraght ~ blind (of the intellect)
doalley ~ blinding, blind
doallid ~ blindness
doallit ~ blinded
doaltattym ~ unawares, unexpected, sudden,
doaltattymagh ~ suddenly, abruptly
doaltattymid ~ unexpectedness, suddenness,
doaltattymys ~ unexpectedness, suddenness,
doan ~ dark looking, brown, swarthy, dark-
doan ruy ~ sepia
doan-wuigh ~ fallow (of colour)
Doaragh ~ Dorian, Doric
doarane ~ hilt
do-arganey ~ unarguable
doarlish ~ break, gap, breach, opening
doarlishagh ~ breached
doarn [f] ~ fist, pad, sword handle, grip
doarn bascaidagh ~ basket hilt
doarn-eeastagh ~ tickling
doarn-mhuinneel ~ cuff
doarn yiarn ~ knuckleduster
doarnagh ~ hand guard
doarnaig ~ mitten, hand guard
doarnane ~ hand grip, handle of door, haft,
spoke, sheaf of papers
doarney ~ boxing, box
doarneyr ~ boxer
doarneyr cosnee ~ prize fighter
doarneyrys ~ fighting, boxing, boxing match
doarneyrys cosnee ~ prize fighting
do-arraghey ~ fixture, foolproof, fixed
dobberan ~ mourn, deplore, bewail, lament,
lamentation, sob story
dobb(e)ranagh ~ bemoaner, lamenter, mourner;
lamentable, sorrowful, mournful, doleful,
woebegone, sepulchral
dobbyr (da) ~ touch-and-go
dobbyr dou ~ I had well nigh
docamad ~ document
docamadys ~ documentation
doccar ~ difficult, labour, struggle, arduousness
doccar coraagh ~ emphasis, emphatic
doccaragh ~ arduous, laborious, hard,
doccarys ~ labour, hardship, drudgery,
laboriousness, arduousness, irksomeness
do-chaghlaa ~ unalterable, unadaptable (of
do-chastit ~ uncheckable
do-cheau ~ durable
do-cheaut ~ imperishable
dochiartit ~ irreformable
do-chohowshanagh ~ incommensurable
dochooylagh ~ non-reversible
do-chorree ~ imperturbable
do-chorreeaght ~ imperturbability
do-choyrlagh ~ wayward
do-chrapley ~ uncreaseable
do-chreaghnagh ~ illimitable
do-chredit ~ unbelievable
do-chredjal ~ fabulous, farfetched, tall (of
dochrimmit ~ incorrodible
do-chronnaghey ~ imperceptible
docmadagh ~ documentary
docmadeen ~ dossier
do-ennal ~ unbreathable
do-enneeagh ~ indiscriminable
do-ennymagh ~ indefinable
do-feayshlaght ~ impenetrability
do-feddyn magh ~ unascertainable
do-feerit ~ uncheckable (of account)
do-fendeil ~ able
dofoshlit ~ irredeemable
doghan ~ disease, ailment, bug, infection,
sickness, disorder
doghan craue ~ bone disease
doghan inchyn ~ brain disease
doghan ny heayst ~ lunacy
doghan ollee ~ cattle disease
doghan snaa ~ filanders
doghanagh ~ ill, diseased, disordered, morbid,
sickly, sick person
doghanagh ny heayst ~ lunatic
doghaney ~ disease, distemper, infect
doghanit ~ disordered, diseased, infected
doghanit lesh yn chenney ~ rickety
doghanys ~ sickliness, morbidity
do-gheddyn ~ irrecoverable, rare
do-gheddyn er ash ~ irretrievable
do-ghoaillagh ~ inexpugnable
doghys ~ expectancy, hope, expectation
doghyssagh ~ hopeful
dogmagh ~ dogmatic
dogmey ~ dogma
do-haghnagh ~ fated
do-haragh ~ unbeatable
do-heoragh ~ indefinable
do-hiow ~ heat-resisting
do-hoiggal ~ abstract, obscure, enigmatic,
do-hoiggalys ~ incomprehensibility, deepness,
do-hoiggalys diunid ~ deepness
do-hummey ~ insubmersible
do-huntal ~ fathomless
do-hurransagh ~ beyond bearing
do-hurranse ~ unendurable, unbearable
doib ~ cob
doill ~ desire
doillee ~ difficult, ticklish, stiff, hard
doillee cur ennym er ~ indefinable
doillee eabbey ~ trying
doilleeid ~ difficulty, hardship, dilemma,
ticklishness, toughness, hobble, stiffness
doilleeys ~ stiffness, hardship
doindyr ~ racket, continual noise
do-insh ~ indescribable
Doirrey ~ Derry
do-iu ~ undrinkable
do-leaghagh ~ inappreciable
dolhaggit ~ irreducible
do-lhaih ~ crabbed (writing), indecipherable
do-lhaihagh ~ illegible
dolheeysagh ~ irredeemable
do-lheie ~ infusible
dolhiassit ~ irreformable
do-lhoobaght ~ inflexibility, inadaptability
do-lhoobit ~ ironbound
doll ~ game net
dollaghan ~ scarecrow
dollaghey ~ blot out
dollan ~ drum, bodhran, tambour, tray,
winnowing fan
dollan aarey ~ kidney tray
dollan beg ~ tambourine, timbrel
dollan bennalt ~ winnowing fan
dollan cleashey ~ eardrum
dollan freeney ~ pin tray
dollan kiaullee ~ kettle drum
dollan ny hoie ~ tattoo
dollan penney ~ pen tray
dollanagh ~ bugaboo
dollane ~ hymen, maidenhead
dollar ~ dollar
dollee ~ abolitionist
dolley ~ deface, blot out, blot (on character),
lack, blur, defacement, erasure
dolley (inchyn) ~ black out
dolley magh ~ cancel, erase, abrogate, delete,
block out, abrogation, cancellation,
obliteration, abolition
dolleyder ~ abolitionist
Dollin ~ Donal
dollit ~ defaced, erased, blotted
dollit magh ~ abrogated, cancelled
dolmane ~ dolman
do-lostey ~ fire-resisting, non-flammable,
dolpaw ~ hermit crab
doltagh ~ adoptive
doltaghey ~ foster, fostering
doltaghys ~ fosterage, pupilage
doltanagh ~ initiate
doltaneagh ~ doltish
dolteen ~ cad, whippersnapper
dolteenagh ~ caddish
dolteenaght ~ caddishness
doltey ~ adopt, foster, initiate, adopted child,
pupil, ward, protege, cadet, initiation
doltey firryn ~ adopted son
dolteyder ~ adopted parent, fosterer, adopter
dolteynys ~ wardship, adoption
doltit ~ foster
doltys ~ cadetship
Dominicagh ~ Dominican
Don ~ Don
Donal ~ Donal
Doncan ~ Duncan
donk ~ bump, thump
donkal ~ bump, thump
donkan ~ bruiser, paviour's rammer
donkey ~ bump, thump
donkeyder ~ thumper, punner, bumper
donkeyder broillee ~ rivet punch
donkeyder dorrys ~ knocker
donkit ~ thumped
donnag ~ brownie (name for brown cow),
immature ling
donnag y voalley ~ wall butterfly
Donnaghey ~ Dennis
donnan ~ wretch, dunce, stupid person, dolt
donnan mooar ~ blithering idiot
donnanagh ~ wretched (of person), doltish,
donnanys ~ wretchedness
donney ~ very ill, bad (of food), ill-advised,
i nauspi ci ous, unfort unat e, woeful ,
d'onnor ~ eminence in church
donnys ~ bad luck, mischief, affliction, woe,
badness, vileness of weather
doo ~ black, black-haired, black headed, inky,
negroid, dark, ink, dirty, sable, bold
doo aascreeu ~ copying ink
doo-aignagh ~ pessimist, pessimistic
doo-aigney ~ pessimism
doo-aitt ~ tragi-comic(al)
doo-aittys ~ tragi-comedy
doo autograafagh ~ autographical ink
doo braagey ~ shoe black
doo-chassagh ~ black spleenwort, black-legged
doo-chliaghtaghyn ~ black arts
doo-chliaghtey ~ black art, black magic
doo-choshagh ~ maidenhair
doo clouderagh ~ printing ink
doo craue ~ bone-black
doo-dorraghey ~ pitch-black
doo-ellyn ~ black magic, black art
doo-ellynyn ~ black arts
doo geayney ~ green ink
doo-gheayney ~ rifle-green
doo-gheurey ~ dead of winter
doo-ghlass ~ dark grey
doo-ghone ~ negro-brown
doo-ghorrym ~ mazarine, blue-black, navy blue
doo-ghrainnaghey ~ poker work
doo-heyree ~ exploiter
doo-heyrey ~ exploitation
doo-hooillagh ~ dark-eyed, black-eyed
doo-jiarg ~ red ink
doo-lostey ~ incinerate
doo-oallee ~ spider
doo-ocklagh ~ enigmatic(al)
doo-ockle ~ enigma
doo pheie vreinn ~ sepia
doo-rio ~ black frost
doo-ruy ~ auburn
doo-scarleodagh ~ cardinal
doo-skeeal ~ tragedy
doo-skeealagh ~ tragical
doo sooie ~ lampblack
doo-veddick ~ nonsuch
doo-yiooldey ~ blackball
doo yn iuaagagh ~ ivory-black
Dooag ~ Blackie (name for black animal)
dooag ~ nigrescent, immature male blackbird,
dooagh ~ sombre, inky, down
dooaghan ~ black place
dooaghey ~ ink, blacken
dooaght vraag ~ boot blacking
dooal ~ blackmail, nigrescent
dooaleyr ~ blackmailer
dooan ~ hook, fishhook
dooan as croae ~ hook and eye
dooan foalley ~ flesh hook
dooan fouyir ~ harvest spider
dooan toshee ~ draught hook
dooanagh ~ hooked
dooar? ~ got?
dooaragh ~ sable, imperceptible
dooarchoo ~ otter, beaver
dooarchoo marrey ~ sea otter
do-obbal ~ unimpeachable
dooblag ~ doublet
dooblagh ~ duplicate
dooblaghey ~ double, double up, duplicate, wind
(as hare), duplication
dooble ~ double
Dooble-happee! ~ At the double!
dooble-obbragh ~ double-acting
doobleid ~ doublet
doobley ~ double, double up, wind (as hare)
dooblit ~ double, duplex, twofold, bipartite, two-
way (as cock etc), dual
doobyl ~ duplicate
doochraitnagh ~ dark-skinned
doochroanagh ~ black and tan
do-ocseedagh ~ inoxidizable
doodee ~ girl, girl friend, maiden
doodee cheerey ~ country girl
dooey ~ blacker
doofyr ~ jungle
doogh ~ bad, ill, baleful
dooghey ~ ink, black, blacken, darken
dooghid ~ direness, despair
dooghys [f] ~ nature, race, species, sex, instinct,
temper, temperament, kind, heredity, quality
dooghys aalin ~ (the) fair sex
dooghys cretooragh ~ animal nature
dooghys deiney ~ human nature
dooghys firryn ~ masculine gender
dooghys ny foalley ~ carnality
dooghyssagh ~ native, instinctive, inherent,
idiomatic, vernacular, natural, unforced,
congenital, inborn, heritable, ancestral
dooghyssaghey ~ naturalize
dooghyssaght ~ innateness, naturalization
dooid ~ blackness, darkness
dooid geayil ~ colly
dooid ny greg ~ black rock-lichen, sea rock-
dooie ~ true-born, patriotic, inborn, natural,
inherent, good-natured, endemic, vernacular,
kind, full-blooded, complement, species
dooie-chreeagh ~ kind-hearted
dooieaght ~ humanity
dooieid ~ humaneness, benevolence,
naturalness, congeniality
dooieys ~ amicableness, innateness, humanity
dooieys cree ~ kind-heartedness
dooilliu ~ nature
dooilloil ~ desirous
dooin ~ close, to us, ours
dooinnalys ~ humanity, human nature
dooinneen ~ pigmy, dwarf, very small man
dooinneenys ~ ateliosis
dooinney ~ human, man, fellow, husband
dooinney aasit ~ adult
dooinney aeg ~ swain
dooinney aghtal ~ man of brains
dooinney albeenagh ~ albino (persons)
dooinney ardghooagh ~ celebrity
dooinney ass Nalbin Noa ~ Nova Scotian
dooinney baa ~ cowman
dooinney beayn ~ stayer
dooinney bingagh ~ juror, committee man
dooinney boght ~ poor man
dooinney braghtan ~ sandwich man
dooinney bus ~ busman
dooinney caggee ~ man at arms, fighting man
dooinney caglee ~ frontiersman
dooinney cheddin ~ the very man
dooinney cheerey ~ countryman
dooinney clienney ~ tribesman
dooinney coar ~ a nice man
dooinney creeney ~ sage
dooinney creoi ~ hard case, toughman
dooinney cronnal ~ notability
dooinney deyrit ~ doomed man
dooinney doo ~ black man, negro
dooinney dooie ~ patriot, congenial man
dooinney eapagh ~ apeman
dooinney ennee ~ self same man
dooinney er seyrey ~ liberty-man
dooinney erskyn deiney ~ superman
dooinney foddey-reayrtagh ~ man of vision
dooinney fysseree ~ clairvoyant
dooinney gas ~ gasman
dooinney gorrym ~ negro
dooinney graney ~ nasty person
dooinney gyn cron ~ goody-goody
dooinney gyn y vie ~ man of no worth
dooinney imraagh ~ man of note
dooinney joaree ~ stranger
dooinney kiaullee ~ choir man
dooinney kionyssagh ~ man of influence
dooinney lampey ~ lamp man
dooinney lettyraght ~ man of letters
dooinney lhionney ~ barman
dooinney lioaragh ~ man of letters, scholarly
dooinney maail ~ exciseman
dooinney meansal ~ maintenance man
dooinney mooar ~ nobleman, magnate
dooinney mooinjerey ~ cousin, relation,
dooinney moyllee ~ go-between, matchmaker,
best man
dooinney myr yien ~ humbug
dooinney neuchianglt ~ freelance
Yn Dooinney Oie ~ The Nightman
dooinney ooasle ~ squire, gentleman,
nobleman, dignitary
dooinney poosee ~ bridegroom
dooinney poost ~ husband, married man
dooinney post ~ postman
dooinney sayntagh ~ grasper
dooinney scarrit ~ divorcee
dooinney seihllt ~ materialist
dooinney seyr ~ gentleman
dooinney shen-ennee ~ very man
dooinney slieau ~ mountaineer
dooinney sooree ~ suitor, wooer, courter
dooinney ta cheet stiagh ~ incomer
dooinney toshee ~ main man
dooinney trean ~ man of nerve
dooinney treoghe ~ widower
dooinney trustyr ~ dustman
dooinney y vadran ~ missing link
dooinney yeshlaueagh ~ handyman
dooinney yiarn ~ windlass
dooinney ynrick ~ worthy (noble)
dooinney ynsit ~ learned man
dooinnidagh ~ humane
dooinnidaght ~ humaneness
dooinnoil ~ manlike, manly, human
dooint ~ undemonstrative
dooisht ~ awake, aroused, vigilant
dooishtagh ~ evocative, arousing, vigilant
dooishtaght ~ wakefulness, insomnia
dooishtey ~ evoke, rouse, revive, evocation,
dooishteyder ~ awakener, knocker up, getter-up
dooishteyder aawoalltagh ~ kickstarter
dooishteyr ~ selfstarter
dooishtid ~ awareness, wakefulness
dooishtit ~ awakened, aroused, wakened up
dooishtys ~ wakefulness, insomnia
dooit ~ blackened
dool ~ gloomy, blackish, dark (as weather)
doolagh ~ downcast, dismal, broody (of
person), miserable
doolaght ~ blackishness
Yn Doolaish ~ Douglas river
doolane ~ gauntlet, challenge, dare, defiance
doolaneagh ~ defiant, challengable, challenging
doolaney ~ dare, challenging, challenge, dicing
doolaneyder ~ challenger
Doolish ~ Douglas
Doolishagh ~ Douglas person
Yn Doon ~ Down
doon ~ fort, fastness, stronghold, bastion, earth
fort, dun, fortified rock
Doon Bretyn ~ Dumbarton
Doon Edin ~ Edinburgh
Doon Gannan ~ Dungannon
Doon Jialgan ~ Dundalk
doon lesh scroddyn ~ screw up
Doon ny Ghoal ~ Donegal
Doon ny giattyn er ~ lock out
Doon Pherick ~ Downpatrick
Doon Veagan ~ Dunvegan
doon-voalley ~ rampart
doonagh ~ church
Yn Doonaght ~ Sunday, Sabbath
Doonaght Caisht ~ Easter Day
Doonaght Innyd ~ First Sunday in Lent
Doonaght Kingeesh ~ Whit Sunday, Day of
Doonaght ny Moiraghyn ~ Mothering Sunday
Doonaght ny Palmyn ~ Palm Sunday
Doonaght Trinaid ~ Trinity Sunday
Doonaght yn chiarn ~ Lord's day
Doonaghtagh ~ Sabbatarian
doonaghtys ~ sabbatarianism
doonan ~ blockhouse, pillbox
doonee ~ of Sunday, closing
dooney ~ shut, secure, clench, shut down,
block, stop up, button up, occlude, swing,
closure, cadence, imprisonment, filling,
barricade, occlusion
dooney (braagyn) ~ lacing up
dooney brisht ~ interrupted cadence
dooney lesh claghyn ~ wall up
dooney lesh treinaghyn ~ nail up
dooney magh ~ seclude, ostracize, ostracism
dooney neose ~ shut down
dooney sooillyn (da) ~ cold shoulder
dooney stiagh ~ confine, shut up, close in,
dooney yn Doonee ~ Sunday closing
dooney yn slattag ~ switch off
dooneyder ~ closer, shutter, sphincter, fastener
dooneyder chymshal ~ circuit closer
dooneyder lauean ~ glove fastener
doont ~ close, shut, reticent
doont stiagh ~ pent up
dooragh ~ tip (gratuity)
dooraght ~ gratuity, tip, fringe benefit,
commission, discount, bonus
dooraghtagh ~ seeking tips
doorey ~ obscuration, obscurity, eclipse, shade,
doorey fainoil ~ annular eclipse
dooreydane ~ domino
dooshtey ~ wake, watch
dooshtit ~ roused
doostey ~ start, awaken, arouse, stir up, raise,
switch on, freshen
doosteyder ~ waker
doostit ~ awakened
doour ~ reservoir, dam
doourchoo ~ beaver
doouyr runt ~ coffer dam
Dooyrt ~ said
dooyrtiman ~ proverb, adage
dooyt ~ doubt, dubiety
dooyteilagh ~ doubtful, doubter
dooyteilys ~ doubtfulness
dooytit ~ doubted
dope ~ dope
dopey ~ dope
do-raa ~ crackjaw
doraid ~ dorado, dolphin
doral ~ pinhole, puncture, pore, perforation,
doralagh ~ pory, porous
doralley Sheenagh ~ acupuncture
doralys ~ porosity
dord ~ bass
do-reggyrt ~ unanswerable
do-rheynnagh ~ indistinguishable
do-rheynnaght ~ indivisibility
Dorianagh ~ Dorian
do-riojey ~ non-freezing
do-roshtyn ~ un-get-at-able, unapproachable
do-roshtynid ~ unapproachableness
dorraghey ~ dark, gloomy, dusk, dusky,
crepuscular, obscure, enigmatic, dun, fade out
dorraghey-yiarg ~ liver colour, dark red
dorraghys ~ blackness, darkness, obscurity
dorraghys doo ~ pitch darkness
dorree ~ darker
dorrid ~ darkness
dorrin ~ storm, tempest
dorrin sniaghtee ~ blizzard
dorrinagh ~ stormy, tempestuous
dorrinys ~ storminess, tempestuousness, raging
dorry doont ~ back door
dorrys ~ door, doorway, portal, fly of tent, back
of cart
dorrys cleagh ~ private entrance
dorrys cooyl ~ postern
dorrys daa-chooylley ~ double door
dorrys egin ~ emergency exit
dorrys follit ~ secret door
dorrys leaystee ~ swing door
dorrys magh ~ exit
dorrys ny cuillagh ~ back door
dorrys roie ~ sallyport
dorrys shliawin ~ sliding door
dorrys soailt ~ barn door
dorrys straiddey ~ front door, street door
dorrys toshee ~ front door
dorrys yn ardan ~ stage door
dorrys yn-filley ~ folding doors
dorryser ~ doorman, janitor, usher,
dorryseyr ~ porter, house porter
dorrysh ~ of a door
do-scryssey ~ ineffaceable, ineradicable
do-scrysst ~ indelible
do-scughey ~ fixture
doshaghaghtagh ~ inescapable
do-skeiltey ~ splinter-proof
do-smaghtey ~ uncontrollable, intractable
do-smooinaghtyn ~ unimaginable
doss ~ bunch, bouquet, clump, tussock, mop of
hair, bun, drone, clumsy
dossagh ~ bunchy
dossan ~ small cluster, spray, tuft, cockade,
bunch, hackle
dossan fedjag ~ plume
dossanagh ~ bushy, clustered, clustery
dossanid ~ bushiness
dossey ~ bush
do-staartagh ~ unemployable
dottyl ~ dottle
dour-chreeagh ~ malicious
dourin ~ dose, malady, disease (congenital)
dourin cooylley chree ~ valvular
dourinagh ~ contagious, diseased
dourinaghey ~ infect, distemper
dourinaght ~ contagiousness, sickliness
Yn Douvyr ~ Dover
douyr ~ mournful, uncomfortable, unhappy,
douyragh ~ afflicting
douyrey ~ afflict
douyrid ~ uncomfortableness, misery
do-vaih ~ insubmersible
do-varganagh ~ not negotiable
do-varroo ~ deathless
do-veiyghagh ~ inexpiable
do-vergagh ~ non-rusting
dovergit ~ stainless
do-voggagh ~ immitagable
dovooghee ~ inextinguishable
do-vrieit ~ unaskable
do-vrishey ~ unbreakable, casting iron
do-vrisht ~ unassailable (argument)
dovrishtaght ~ sacredness
dow ~ stag, hart, ox
dow beeyt ~ fatted ox
dow dronnagh ~ zebu
dow jiarg ~ stag of red deer
dow oaldey ushtey ~ water buffalo
dowal ~ wooden pin, dowel
dowaley ~ dowel
dowalit ~ dowelled
dowan ~ dawn of day; world (Earth, Universe),
cosmos, macrocosm
dowan-lheead ~ latitude
dowan-lheeadagh ~ latitudinal
dowan-liurid ~ longitudinal, longitude
dowan ta gaase ~ expanding universe
dowanagh ~ cosmic(al), terrestrial
dowanee ~ dawning
dowaney ~ dawn of day, dawning, daybreak
dowilghreim ~ persecution
dowin ~ low, low-pitched, deeply, profound,
rich, thorough, penetrating, involved, deep-
rooted, secretive, uncommunicative, rapt
dowin-ynsagh ~ erudition
dowin-ynsit ~ erudite
do-yannoo ~ unfeasible
do-yarrood ~ haunting, unforgettable
do-yeant ~ impracticable
do-yeechleayney ~ indeclinable
doylee ~ doily
do-ynsagh ~ ineducable
doyree ~ poor cod
yn draamey ~ the theatre
draameyder ~ playwright
drabag ~ dirty woman, malkin, slut
dragan ~ dragon
dragan traie ~ dragonet
dragane ~ dragon, tarragon
Dragan(e)agh ~ Draconian
draghagh ~ draggled
draghmey ~ drachm
draght ~ draft
draghtey ~ draw up, draft
draghteyr ~ draughtsman, drafter
dragoon ~ dragoon
dram ~ dram, drachm
drama ~ drama
dramadagh ~ dramatic
dramadeyr ~ dramatist
dramadys ~ dramatics
dramane ~ drizzle, misty rain
dramaneagh ~ drizzly
drammag ~ indolent person, slow person
drammane ~ Scotch mist
drane ~ poetry, rhyme
draneys ~ rhyming
drapane ~ Scotch mist, misty rain
drappal ~ climb, ascend, scale, clamber, mount,
trail (of plant), ascent
drappal creggey ~ rock climbing
drappal eaynnee ~ rock climbing
drappal (lesh aaraghyn) ~ escalade
drappal neese ~ work up (of garment)
drappal reesht ~ re-ascend
drappalagh ~ scansorial
drappeyder ~ cragsman, climber
drappeyder creggey ~ rock climber
drappeyder eaynnee ~ rock climber
drappeyder speek ~ steeplejack
drappit ~ climbed
drasteyn ~ anon, immediately
dray ~ float
dreagh ~ expression
dreaghagh ~ expressive
dreaghey ~ making up, make up
dreaght ~ number
dreaght feeleeaght ~ piece of poetry
dreaghys ~ expressiveness
dreain ~ wren
dream ~ inhabitants, natives
dreamal ~ dream
dreamal laa ~ daydream, daydreaming
dreamal 'sy laa ~ daydream
drean ~ wren
drean ailey ~ firecrest
drean aittin ~ Dartford warbler
drean bane ~ willow warbler
drean buigh ~ goldcrest
drean bwoirrin ~ jenny wren
drean connee ~ furze wren
drean dressagh ~ chiff-chaff
drean eairkagh ~ crested titmouse
drean faasaagagh ~ bearded tit
drean mollagh ~ crested titmouse, tomtit
drean shellee ~ willow warbler
drean sniengan ~ ant wren
drean ushtey ~ rail
drease ~ rally
dreays ~ heat
dreays corrym ~ dead heat
dreayst ~ awhile, yet a while
dredge ~ salt rime
dredjagh ~ spumous
dredjal ~ dredge
dredje ~ sea spume, spume, sea foam
dredjit ~ dredged
dree ~ boring, tedious, humdrum, dreary, drab,
dull, painful
dreeaght ~ number
dreedyr ~ sludge
dreedyragh ~ sludgy
dreeid ~ monotony, tedium
dreeym ~ back, ridge, hillside, down, terrace,
shed, camber, saddle, fret, arch, edge
dreeym (braagey) ~ instep
dreeym caair ~ chair back
dreeym (choshey) ~ instep
dreeym er oaie ~ back to front
dreeym geinnee ~ dune
dreeym gorrym ~ fieldfare
dreeym ingagh ~ balk
dreeym jeeltagh ~ saddle back
dreeym-juntagh ~ vertebral, vertebrate
dreeym-lhean ~ broadbacked
dreeym-lheeah ~ louse, human louse
Dreeym Mooar ~ Dromore
Dreeym ny Droghad ~ Drumnadrochit
dreeym-rooisht ~ bareback, barebacked
dreeym-ry-ghreeym ~ back to back
dreeym-screeu ~ endorse
dreeym-screeuagh ~ endorsee
dreeym-screeuder ~ endorser
dreeym ushtey ~ watershed
dreeymagh ~ ridged
dreeymoil ~ ridgelike
dreeyn geyre ~ arris
dreeys ~ vapidity, boredom, flatness
dreggyr ~ replied
dreih ~ pitiful person, miserable creature,
drudge, wretch
dreih mollee ~ profligate
dreih rouanagh ~ profligate
dreihagh ~ wretched (of person)
dreihys ~ wretchedness, drudgery
dress ~ blackberry bush, briar, bramble
dress ny moaneeyn ~ cloud berry
dress villish ~ eglantine, sweet briar
dressag ~ small bramble bush
dressag vane ~ brambling
dressagh ~ briary, brambly
driaght ~ chain
driaght shesheree ~ beck chain, plough chain
driaghtagh ~ chain, catenary
driaghtey ~ chaining, chain
driaghteyr ~ chainer
driaghtit ~ chained
driaghtyr ~ draught
driaghyr ~ haul
drid ~ jogtrot, trot
drid bog ~ gentle trot
dridal ~ trot, trot out (as horse)
dridder ~ detritus
driddlagh ~ slops
dridey ~ trot out (as horse), trotting
dridit ~ trotted
dridlagh ~ drippings
drifter ~ drifter
drig ~ drip, drop
drigagh ~ droppy, dripping, drippy
drigey ~ leak, drip, distil, drop, distillation
drigeyder ~ dropper, drip-feed
driggys ~ distillate
drigit ~ distilled
drigyder sooilley ~ eye-dropper
drigyn ~ droppings
drill paggey ~ pack-drill
drillal ~ drilling, drill
drilleen ~ sparkle
drilleenagh ~ coruscant
drilley ~ drill
drilleyder ~ drill
drillin ~ scintilla, spark
drillinagh ~ sparkling, sparking
drillit ~ drilled
drine ~ may, hawthorn, thorn tree, thorn bush
drine airn ~ blackthorn, sloe tree
drine berrish ~ gooseberry bush
drine Bretnagh ~ cotoneaster
drine bugogue ~ buckthorn
drine doo ~ sloe tree
drine drughaig ~ burnet rose, dog rose
drine ny greg ~ rock rose
drine skeag ~ hawthorn, thorn bush
drine Yoseph ~ Glastonbury thorn
drineagh ~ prickly, thorny
drishlagh ~ drop
driss ~ hurry, scurry, rush, haste, spurt
driualtys ~ druidism
drogh ~ evil, wicked, bad, abusive, unenviable,
misfortune, badness
drogh-aaishnagh ~ ominous
drogh-aaishnys ~ foreboding
drogh aer ~ foul air
drogh aghtalys ~ misbehaviour
drogh-aghtys oikoil ~ malfeasance
drogh-aghytys ~ ill-behaviour
drogh-aigh ~ misfortune, bad luck
drogh-aighagh ~ unfortunate, ill-natured,
malignant, malicious
drogh aigney ~ malice, ill will, bad faith,
grudge, malignity
drogh chaaynt ~ smut, bad language, swearing
drogh-chaayntagh ~ foul-mouthed
drogh-cheintagh ~ a bad sort
drogh-chleayney ~ canker
drogh-chliaghtey ~ bad practice
drogh-choardail ~ conspire
drogh-chooilleen ~ revenge, vengeance
drogh-chooilleenagh ~ vengeful
drogh-chorrym ~ oppression, bad justice, foul
play, ill-treatment
drogh-choyrle ~ misadvice
drogh-chree ~ ill nature, malevolence, malice
drogh-chreeagh ~ evil-hearted
drogh-chummey ~ dilapidation
drogh-chummey er ~ bad way
drogh earish ~ rough weather
drogh-eean ~ evil-doer, juvenile delinquent
drogh-ellyn ~ rudeness, bad manners
drogh-ellynagh ~ rude, bad mannered
drogh-emshir ~ bad weather
drogh-ennaghtyn ~ ill feeling
drogh-ennal ~ halitosis
drogh-ennym ~ bad name, ill repute
drogh-ennymagh ~ disreputable
Yn Drogh 'Er ~ The Devil
Drogh er! ~ Drat! Bother!
drogh erree ~ misfortune, misadventure
drogh foaynoo er ~ unfit
drogh-ghellal ~ outrageous, outrage, bad
treatment, ill usage
drogh-ghellal (rish) ~ maltreat, ill-treat
drogh-ghellalid ~ outrageousness
drogh-ghellit (rish) ~ maltreated
drogh ghoan ~ evil speaker
drogh-ghoo ~ reproach, disrepute
drogh-ghooagh ~ ill-famed
drogh-ghuill ~ hysteria
drogh-ghuillag ~ hysterical
drogh haase ~ evil means
drogh-haghyrt ~ mischance, disaster, bad
drogh-haghyrt graney ~ nasty accident
drogh-haghyrt raad ~ traffic accident
drogh-haghyrtagh ~ accidental, misfortunate
drogh-harrooghys ~ mismanagement, bad
drogh-heaym ~ bad turn
drogh-hengagh ~ foul-mouthed
drogh-hoilchinys ~ demerit
drogh hraghtalagh ~ smuggler
drogh hraghtey ~ smuggling, smuggle
drogh-hreihys ~ despair
drogh-hurn ~ bad turn
drogh immeeaght ~ misbehaviour
drogh-imraa ~ bad report, infamy
drogh-inchyn ~ ill feeling
drogh-inchynagh ~ ill-disposed
drogh-laynt ~ ill health
drogh-leeideil ~ misleading
drogh-leeideilagh ~ misleading
drogh-leeideilys ~ misguidance
drogh-lheeys ~ malpractice
drogh-lheihys ~ bad treatment (by doctor)
drogh-loayrtagh ~ evil-speaker
drogh-naight ~ bad news
Drogh-naight ort! ~ Woe betide you!
drogh-naightyn ~ bad tidings
drogh-neeal ~ wanness, sickly look
drogh-neeal(l)agh ~ evil-looking, sickly-looking
drogh-nieu ~ rank poison
drogh-oardrailys ~ disrepair
drogh-oash ~ vice, malpractice
drogh-obbyr ~ ill-doing
drogh-ocklaghys ~ verbiage
drogh-ockle ~ bad word, ill word
drogh oor ~ ill-times, misfortune, bad luck
drogh-orraghey ~ miss
Drogh ort! ~ Confound you!
drogh-ourys ~ apprehension, misgiving, qualm
drogh-ourys (er) ~ qualmish
drogh-ouryssagh ~ equivocal, compromising
drogh-rah ~ ill success
drogh-reir ~ mismanagement, misconduct
drogh-reirey ~ ill-management, misdirection
drogh-screeu ~ scribble
drogh-screeudeyr ~ scribbler
drogh-screeuyn ~ scribble
Yn Drogh Spyrryd ~ The Evil One
drogh spyrryd ~ demon
drogh-stiurey ~ misdirection
drogh 'uill ~ poor blood
drogh vea ~ bad manner of life
drogh-vea(y)sagh ~ immoral, ungentlemanly
drogh-vea(y)saght ~ immorality
drogh-vlass ~ bad taste
drogh-vonney ~ bad sign, evil omen
drogh-vonneydagh ~ ominous, ill-omened
drogh-vooinjerys ~ nepotism
drogh-yannoo ~ malpractice, misdeed,
misdemeanour, evil doings
drogh-yantagh ~ wrongdoer, a bad lot
drogh-yantys ~ wrongdoing
drogh-yeenid ~ leakiness
drogh-yien ~ bad temper, sadness, ill-nature
drogh-yien er ~ warpath
drogh-ymmyd ~ abuse, misuse, misusage
drogh-ymmydagh ~ abusive
drogh-ymmyrkey ~ misbehave, misconduct,
misbehaviour, immorality
drogh-ynsagh ~ ignorance, illiteracy, bad
droghad ~ bridge, bridge of ship, arch, gantry
droghad (aae) ~ viaduct
Droghad Aah ~ Drogheda
droghad cassee ~ swingbridge
droghad coshey ~ gangway, footbridge
droghad croghit ~ suspension bridge
droghad keesh ~ toll bridge
droghad meihaghey ~ weigh bridge
Droghad ny Bann ~ Banbridge
droghad ny stronney ~ bridge (of nose)
droghad pontoon ~ pontoon bridge
Droghad Skylley Vraddan ~ Braddan Bridge
droghad stellyn ~ trestle bridge
droghad tessen(agh) ~ flyover
droghad thruss ~ truss bridge
droghad traenagh ~ ferry bridge
droghad troggee ~ drawbridge
droghad ushtey ~ aqueduct
droghad ymmyrkey ~ transporter bridge
droghvestey ~ adulteration, adulterate
droghvesteyder ~ adulterator
drollane ~ drone, indolent person
drollaneagh ~ lazy, shiftless
drollaneys ~ laziness, helplessness,
shiftlessness, indolence
drolloo ~ pot hook
dromag ~ back band
dromagh ~ back band
dromalagh ~ chine
dromlaa ~ a queer person, a funny person
dromm ~ dull, drowsy, torpid
dromm ny hoie ~ dead of night
drommag ~ saddle chain
drommagh ~ saddle chain
dromman ~ camber
drommanagh ~ cambered
drommey ~ dorsal, ridge
drommeyder ~ dromedary
drommid ~ torpidity, dullness
drone ~ hump
dronn ~ cabal
dronnag ~ camel, dromedary, withers
dronnagh ~ convex, humped, humpy, gibbous
dronnaght ~ convexity
dronnan ~ small hump, rise
dronnid ~ humpbackedness, gibbosity
dronuillag ~ oblong
dronuillinagh (rish) ~ square
dronvaccart ~ set square
droogh ~ thirst
droop ~ drupe
drop-chick ~ dropkick
drop-ghean ~ dropgoal
drou ~ draff, brewer's grains
drow ~ draff, hogwash, brewer's grains, dreg
drowagh ~ dreggy
droyn ~ hump
druai ~ sorcerer
druaiaghtagh ~ ravishing, enchanter, entrancing
druaiaghtys ~ occultism
druaie ~ pygmy
druaieagh ~ witching (of hour)
druaight ~ charm, druid
druaightagh ~ druid, occult, charmer, charming,
magician, druidic(al)
druaightey ~ charm
druaightys ~ druid, charming, magic, druidism
druaightys ny marrey ~ romance of the sea
drualtagh ~ fascinating, captivating, illusionist,
drualtys ~ fascination, glamour, enchantment,
drueg ~ emaciated
druegys ~ emaciation
drug ~ dray
druggaid ~ drugget
druggey ~ drug, dope
druggey cadlee ~ narcotic
druggeyder ~ druggist
drugglann ~ drugstore
drughaig ~ wild rose, dog rose, hip
drughaig gharey ~ musk rose
drughaig villish ~ briar rose
drughaigagh ~ hippy
druiaght ~ incantation, fascination, magus
druiaghtagh ~ enchanting, sorcerer, romantic,
druiaghtey ~ enchant
druiaghtys ~ conjuring, enchantment
druight ~ steam, dew, dewfall, fog
druight molley ~ honeydew
druight ny marrey ~ rosemary
druightagh ~ steamy
druightaghey ~ incant, bedew, bedewing
druighteen ~ dewdrop, bead (of dew), light dew
druightey ~ bewitch
druightoil ~ dewy, dewlike
druightoilagh ~ dewy
druightoilid ~ dewiness
druightys ~ condensation, exhalation, mistiness
druin ~ hogback, crown of road, camber, hump
druinagh ~ undulating (as land), cambered
drum ~ drum
drum liauyr ~ tenor drum
drum mooar ~ bass drum
drumlagh ~ seaweed, bootlace weed
drummaghyn plooghit ~ muffled drums
drummeragh ~ drum
drummey cabbil ~ kettle drum
drummey glackan ~ brake drum
drummey streng ~ snare drum
drummey-veoir ~ drum major
drummeyder ~ drummer
drummeyder cabbil ~ kettle drummer
Drummin ~ Drummond
drummyn ~ drums
drundin ~ grounds, dregs, sediment
drundin caffee ~ coffee grounds
drundin tey ~ used tea leaves
drundinagh ~ dreggy, sedimentary
drunt ~ gum, gingiva
druntagh ~ gingival
ny druntyn ruy ~ pyorrhea
dt' ~ your, thine, thy
dt'oi ~ against you
dty ~ your, thine, thy
dty chour ~ for your sake
Dty choyrle hene! ~ Just as you please!
Dty Hiarnys ~ Your Lordship
dty hrooid ~ through you
dty lurg ~ after you
dty whaiyl ~ towards you
dty yei ~ after you
dubbey ~ dub, pool, puddle, pond
dubbey cray ~ marlpit
dubbey crayee ~ claypit
dubbyr ~ plash
dubbyr argid ~ jackpot
dubbyr eeast ~ fishpond
dubloon ~ doubloon
duct ~ duct
duffyl ~ duffel
dug? ~ gave? put?
duic ~ duke
D'uill ooasle ~ of noble race
duillag [f] ~ leaf, pamphlet, sheet, lamina, gill,
duillag aeg ~ sprout
duillag airhey ~ gold leaf, gold foil
duillag argid ~ silverweed, tansy
duillag as coghuillag ~ counterfoil and leaf
duillag bane ~ blank page
duillag chereagh ~ wax sheet
duillag chianglee ~ endpaper
duillag chiare-fillit ~ quarto
duillag-chorrym ~ balance sheet
duillag 'eeyney ~ vineleaf
duillag ennymagh ~ title page
duillag faillee ~ wage(s) sheet, pay roll
duillag figgagh ~ figleaf
duillag hamrag ~ clover leaf
duillag heiy ~ ballot paper
duillag hooilley ~ eye patch
duillag hoshee ~ front page
duillag hoshtal ~ verso
duillag-hoyrtagh ~ leaf-bearing
duillag hraa ~ time sheet
duillag laue ~ handbill
duillag lioaragh ~ leaf
duillag loght ~ crime sheet
duillag Pherick ~ plantain
duillag resh ~ cotyledon
duillag soor ~ coltsfoot
duillag stroo ~ flow sheet
duillag tey ~ tealeaf
duillag vaiht ~ (white) water-lily, nenuphar
duillag vaiht (vuigh) ~ nenuphar
duillag vanc ~ bank statement
duillag veetyl ~ betel
duillag vie ~ nipplewort
duillag villish ~ tutsan
duillag vooar ~ broadsheet
duillag Vreeshyn ~ nipplewort
duillag vuigh ~ nenuphar
duillag yesh ~ recto
duillag ynnyd ~ cancel
duillagagh ~ leafy, laminar, gilled
duillagan ~ slip
duillageen ~ leaflet
duillageyr ~ pamphleteer
duillaghey ~ foliation, leaf, infoliate
duillagyn napin ~ turnip tops
duillagys ~ foliage, greenery
duilleen ~ docket
duilley ~ leaf
duinaghey ~ dredging, dredge
duineyder ~ dredger
duinid ~ profundity, richness
duinid snauee ~ draught of ship
duinit ~ dredged
dull ~ stopper
dull roie ~ hydrant
dull smalee ~ sparking plug
dullane ~ reed-stop
dulley ~ want, scantiness, scarceness
dulleyder ~ dimmer
dullish ~ dulse
dullish awin ~ pondweed
dullish far-ushtey ~ broad-leaved pondweed
dullish ny hawin ~ broad-leaved pondweed
dullyr ~ gloom, dimness, black (as outlook),
opaque, dingy, lowering, dusky, muzzy, blear
(of outline), fuzzy, dim, gloomy
dullyragh ~ dim, opaqueness
dullyraghey ~ black
dullyraght ~ dullness, opacity, fuzz
dullyrnee ~ darken
dunnal ~ brave, daring, heroic
dunnalagh ~ brave
dunnal(l)id ~ daring, bravery
dunnal(l)ys ~ daring, bravery
dunnalys cree ~ pecker
dunver ~ assassin, murderer, killer
dunver ayrey ~ parricide
dunver braarey ~ fratricide
dunver failt ~ hired killer
dunver hene ~ suicide
dunveragh ~ homicidal, deadly, murderous
dunverys ~ homicide, murder, slaughter,
dunverys ayrey ~ parricide
dunverys braarey ~ fratricide
dunverys cleinney ~ infanticide
dunverys er y clane ~ wholesale murder
dunverys hene ~ suicide
dunverys Injinagh ~ thuggee
dunverys jeh hene ~ felo de se
dunverys neuvyskidagh ~ manslaughter
dunverys shayrey ~ sororicide
dunverys toilloil ~ wilful murder
durrag ~ cabbage worm, larva of cabbage moth,
wicket, wicket gate
dussan ~ dozen
dussan lane ~ round dozen
dussan liauyr ~ baker's dozen
dwoaie [f] ~ loathing, hatred
dwoaieagh ~ vile, detestable, abominable,
hateful, hated
dwoaieaght ~ turpitude
dwoaieid ~ detestability, vileness, hatefulness
dwoaieys ~ vileness, detestation, detestability
dwoaieysagh ~ detestable person
dy ~ to (motion), toward; if; of
dy aashagh ~ easy, easily
dy aggairagh ~ wrongly, unduly
dy agglagh ~ deucedly
dy-aighoil ~ fortunely, luckily
dy akin ~ to see
dy anchasley ~ variously
dy anmagh ~ late
dy ard ~ high
dy ard-chreeagh ~ cock-a-hoop
dy ardjaghey ~ rise in price
dy arryltagh ~ readily, willingly, voluntarily
dy arrymagh ~ solemnly
dy baanrit ~ frantically
dy baccagh ~ limpingly
dy baghtal ~ apparently, clearly, explicitly
dy bannee dhyt ~ hail, ave
Dy Bannee Dhyt y Voirrey ~ Hail Mary
Dy Barrey ~ Barry
dy beagh ~ would be
dy beayn ~ permanently, durably
dy beaynhassooagh ~ perserveringly
dy beaynid ~ fastness
dy beign ~ if I were
dy beign ~ would I be
dy benoil ~ womanlike
dy bieau ~ quickly
dy biol ~ breezily
dy bioyr ~ quickly, graphically
dy blah ~ warmly
dy bleeanagh ~ annually
dy bog ~ softly, indulgently
dy boggoil ~ jubilantly
dy boght ~ beggarly
dy boiragh ~ annoyingly
dy bollagh ~ quite, clean, absolutely, wholly,
thoroughly, point-blank
dy-booiagh ~ contentedly
dy-bouyr ~ deafly
dy bra ~ never, ever
dy braaroil ~ fraternally
dy-braew ~ famously
dy bragh ~ never, eternally, ad infinitum, ever
(of future)
dy bragh beayn ~ everlastingly
dy bragh farraghtyn ~ unending
dy breagagh ~ spuriously, fictitiously
dy breck-cherrinagh ~ chequerwise
dy-breeoil ~ cogently, expressively, vigorously
dy broigh ~ dirtily
dy broutagh ~ dastardly
dy bunneydagh ~ vitally, fundamentally
dy caaoil ~ conveniently
dy cadjin ~ popularly, commonly, usually
dy cadjinagh ~ publicly
dy cairagh ~ properly, rightly
dy cam ~ underhand
dy charraghey ~ under repair
dy chartagey mygeayrt ~ to gad about
dy chassey mygeayrt ~ to turn round
dy chaulgagh ~ heatedly
dy cheh ~ warmly
dy cheilley ~ together, joined
dy cheishtey ~ to grill (person)
dy cheylagh(ey) ~ to thin down
dy chionn ~ compactly, austerely, four-square
dy chirtagh ~ hie
dy chlashtyn ~ to hear
dy chloie seose ~ strike up
dy chochaggey ~ to war together
dy chocheayney ~ condole
dy choearrooaghey ~ to number off
dy cholhiantynagh ~ coherently
dy-chooilley ~ every
dy chooishagh ~ slily
dy chosney trimmid ~ to gain weight
dy chron-oaylleeagh ~ chronologically
dy chuirr ~ to let down a net
dy chur ~ to give
Dy chur baare er y donnys! ~ To crown all!
dy chur comys ~ to give offence
dy chur keayrt er ~ to visit
dy chur myr sampleyr ~ instance
dy chur shilley er ~ to visit
dy chur 'sy whing ~ to span in
dy chur tayrn ~ to give a pull
dy cliaghtagh ~ customarily, usually
dy clistey ~ to jig
dy cluicagh ~ cunningly
dy coaignagh ~ unanimously
dy connaasagh ~ contemptuously
dy contraartagh ~ conversely
dy cooie ~ properly, duly, decent
dy cooishagh ~ artfully
dy corree ~ angrily
dy corrym ~ evenly, steadily, fair, adequately,
dy cossylagh ~ passably
dy cowreydagh ~ characteristically
dy crauee ~ solemnly
dy creaughey ~ to wound seriously
dy creeoil ~ heartily
dy creoi ~ hard
dy cruinn ~ cocker, exactly
dy cur jerrey er ~ in conclusion
dy cuttagh ~ abruptly
dy danjeyragh ~ dangerously
dy deyr ~ dearly
dy doaieagh ~ decent
dy doaltattym ~ abruptly, suddenly
dy donney ~ badly
dy dooghyssagh ~ naturally
dy dorraghey ~ sombrely
dy dowin ~ thoroughly, deeply
dy drogh ~ wickedly
dy dunnal ~ bravely
dy eamagh ~ to give tongue
dy eeck giare ~ to underpay
dy elgyssagh ~ fiercely
dy ennaghtagh ~ feelingly
dy eulyssagh ~ furiously, ferociously
dy faase ~ faintly
dy faghidagh ~ ridiculously
dy faghidoil ~ ridiculously
dy faitagh ~ timidly
dy fakinagh ~ visually
dy fargagh ~ angrily
dy fastyragh ~ late in the day
dy feagh ~ on the q.t
dy feayr-chooishagh ~ unemotionally, in cold
dy feer ~ true, sincerely, really, truly,
exceedingly, bona fide
dy feoiltagh ~ freely, hospitably, bountifully, ad
dy fergagh ~ angrily, ferociously
dy firrinagh ~ true, verily, candidly, truly,
dy firrinagh focklagh ~ verily, in truth
dy flapperagh ~ to flop
dy foalsey ~ fictitiously
dy foawragh ~ vastly
dy foayragh ~ propitiously
dy foayroil ~ favourably, approvingly
dy foddeeagh ~ longingly
dy foilagh ~ culpably
dy follaghtagh ~ by stealth
dy folliaghtagh ~ confidentially
dy follit ~ secretly, underground, in camera,
dy follym ~ vacantly
dy folshit ~ publicly
dy fondagh ~ sufficently, efficiently, heartily
dy formoil ~ with ceremony
dy fortanagh ~ fortunately
dy foshlit ~ avowedly, professedly, above
board, frankly
dy foslit ~ frankly
dy frappal ~ to go pop
dy frioosagh ~ advertently
dy gammanagh ~ jokingly
dy garg ~ brusquely
dy garroo ~ rough
dy gastey ~ apace
dy gaueagh ~ dangerously
dy gearagh ~ smilingly
dy gennal ~ blithely
dy gerrid ~ shortly, soon
dy geyre ~ abruptly
dy ghaaghey ~ to dye
dy gharree ~ oaken
dy ghartlian ~ clean (bed of plant)
dy gheddyn ~ to get
dy gheddyn baase ~ to pass away
dy ghoaill ~ to take
dy ghoaill moyrn ass ~ to pride oneself upon
dy gholl ~ to go
dy gholl bun ry skyn ~ to turn turtle
dy gholl (er) ~ take to
dy gholl er chosh ~ Shank's pony
dy gholl er fud ~ to permeate
dy gholl er stholk ~ turn out (as workmen)
dy gholl er yn stiur ~ take the wheel
dy gholl fo scrutaghyn ~ to take examinations
dy gholl (gys) ~ take to
dy gholl gys ny keylljyn ~ take to the woods
dy gholl kionefenish ~ report
dy gholl lesh y noid ~ bear down
dy gholl magh ~ to issue (forth)
dy gholl mygeayrt ~ to go round
dy gholl ny s'melley ~ to slow down
dy gholl roish ~ to make tracks, to wend
dy ghra ~ to say
Dy ghra! ~ Indeed! You don't say so!
dy giare ~ brusquely
dy glen ~ clearly, cleanly
dy glick ~ pat, shrewdly
dy gloo ~ compactly
dy gloyr-reaymagh ~ with eclat
dy goan ~ thinly
dy goanchooishagh ~ sparely
dy goanlyssagh ~ spitefully
dy goll gys y vayr ~ to sally forth
dy goll mygeayrt ~ double
dy goll (noon) harrish ~ pass over
dy graihagh ~ lovingly, fondly
dy graihoil ~ lovingly
dy gribbeydey ~ hastily
dy groamagh ~ sombrely
dy h-arreydagh ~ guardedly
dy halkal (roish) ~ to jog along
dy hamlagh ~ ironically
dy hard ~ aloud
dy hayrn er ~ to value on
dy heddyragh ~ alternately
dy heer-lhiantyn ~ to frequent
dy heet ~ to come
dy heet er ash ~ to show itself
dy heet lesh y noid ~ bear down
dy heet magh ~ to issue (forth)
dy heet ny lurg ~ to follow
dy heet ny yei ~ to follow
dy heet rish toan ~ to tone in
dy heeyney magh ~ eke out
dy helgysagh ~ vehemently
dy hendeil ~ wait (at table)
dy hennoil ~ vehemently
dy himneagh ~ anxiously
dy hiyraghey ~ hie
dy hoaral feieys ~ to get the wind of
dy hoikoil ~ officially
dy holk ~ badly, wickedly
dy hooaltey ~ to become solid
dy hooyl ~ to take a walk
dy hyndaa er ash ~ to turn round
dy hynnydagh ~ vicariously
dy hynrick ~ bona fide
dy imneagh ~ diligently, concernedly
dy injil ~ sotto voce
dy irree magh ~ to sally forth
dy jannoo ~ tot up
dy jannoo mooin ~ to make water
dy jannoo yn raad (ec) ~ to wend
dy jantyssagh ~ constructively
dy jarroo ~ indeed, rather, actually, decidedly,
dy jarroo firrinagh ~ indubitably, verily
dy jeadagh ~ diligently
Dy jed oo slane! ~ Safe home!
dy jeean ~ hastily, suddenly, earnestly,
zealously, vehemently
dy jeelys ~ staunchly, devotedly
dy jeeragh ~ exactly, honestly, true, justly,
candidly, precisely, directly, forthright,
dy jeeragh ny yei ~ immediately after
Dy jeeragh! ~ Precisely! Quite!
dy jeianagh ~ of late, latterly
dy jesh ~ readily, deftly, nicely, prettily
dy jiark ~ few
dy jioinagh ~ deliberately
dy jioogh ~ greedily
dy jollyssagh ~ greedily
dy joltee ~ hastily, rashly
dy kairailagh ~ gingerly
dy keainal ~ fondly
dy keainoil ~ fondly
dy keeallagh ~ sensibly
dy keillit ~ underground
dy kemmigagh ~ chemically
dy kerrinagh ~ squarely
dy keyl ~ thinly
dy kiarail ~ designedly
dy kiart ~ exactly, rightly, just, properly, in true
perspective, earnest, adequately
dy kinjagh ~ always, constantly, incessantly,
dy kione-daaney ~ wilfully
dy kiunagh ~ silently
dy kiune ~ quietly, softly, soft
dy kiuttagh ~ withershins
dy kyndagh ~ culpably
dy lajer ~ forte, hard, strong
dy leah ~ soon, quickly
dy lectragh ~ electrically
dy leighoil ~ legally
dy lheah ~ early, promptly
dy lhean ~ broadly
dy lheanaghey ~ to ream out
dy lheihys yn assee ~ to undo the harm
dy lhiattagh ~ laterally
dy lhie bane ~ to lie waste
dy lhie mooie jeh ~ bear off
dy 'liee thoyn ~ suck up
dy lieragh ~ order, side by side
dy liooar ~ enough, adequate, ample, galore,
Dy liooar! ~ Belay!
dy loayrt myr sannish ~ speak under breath
dy lossey ~ to take fire
dy lughtaghey ~ load
dy lunagh ~ contemptuously
dy marrooagh ~ deadly
dy meeaighar ~ unfortunately
dy meecheeayllagh ~ unadvisedly
dy meechiart ~ wrong, wrongly
dy meefoayroil ~ unfavourably
dy meehastagh ~ thoughtlessly
dy meehreishteilagh ~ hopelessly, despairingly
dy meein ~ softly
dy meen ~ patiently
dy meeoil ~ monthly
dy meiygh ~ approvingly, indulgently
dy mennick ~ often, frequently, on several
dy mennick as dy mennick ~ dozens of times
dy mestoil ~ drunkenly
dy mial ~ gently
dy miallagh ~ gently
dy miandagh ~ longingly
dy mie ~ nicely, well
dy mie er bashtal ~ excellently
dy mie er bun ~ well-established
dy mie er enney ~ well-known
dy mie er fys ~ well-known
dy moal ~ slowly, faintly, beggarly, poorly,
dy moal as dy shickyr ~ slowly and surely
dy moandagh ~ lisping
dy mooar ~ greatly, very much, on a large scale
dy mooar ass towse ~ immensely
dy (my) lhieeney ~ prepossess
dy mynchiarailagh ~ religiously
dy nearagh ~ shame-facedly, disgracefully
dy neuchadjin ~ singularly, uncommonly
dy neuchleaynagh ~ dispassionately
dy neuchooie ~ unduly
dy neuchooishagh ~ unconcernedly
dy neuchorragh ~ steadily
dy neuchreeney ~ unadvisedly
dy neuennymagh ~ anonymously
dy neuformoil ~ unceremoniously
dy neuheiltagh ~ eerily
dy neuvaghtal ~ confusedly
dy neuyerrinagh ~ indefinitely
dy neuyesh ~ unduly
dy niartal ~ strong
dy noa ~ newly
dy noi-freihagh ~ wilfully
dy nuiddragh ~ caressingly
dy oirrysey ~ wear (the edge)
dy ommidagh ~ fondly
dy palchey ~ copiously, plentifully
dy peeshyn ~ piecemeal, by pieces
dy persoonagh ~ privately, in person,
dy phaartail ~ to pass away
dy rastagh ~ boisterously
dy rea ~ soft, evenly, steadily
Dy rea! ~ Gently does it! Steady on!
Dy rea royd! ~ Slow ahead!
dy reagh ~ blithely, gaily
dy reajagh ~ discreetly, decidedly
dy reayrtagh ~ conspicuously
dy reeaghtagh ~ constitutional
dy reiltagh ~ regularly
dy reir ~ pro rata
dy resoonagh ~ decent
dy roauyraghey ~ to gain weight
dy rouail mygeayrt ~ to moon about
dy row mie erriu ~ adieu
dy sayntagh ~ covetously
dy schleial ~ artfully
dy seyr ~ freely
dy seyr-chreeagh ~ candidly
dy seyrey ~ to span out
dy shagheydagh ~ traditionally
dy shaghnagh ~ evasively
dy shallidagh ~ provisorily, ad interim
dy shassooagh ~ persistently
dy shickyr ~ undoubtedly, surely, definitely
dy shlearagh ~ deliberately
dy sie ~ badly
dy siyragh ~ hastily, accelerando
dy skeaylley ~ to come loose
dy skyoltagh ~ amply
dy skyrraghtyn ~ to drift
dy slane ~ fully, completely, totally,
thoroughly, quite
dy slane femoil ~ vitally
dy slane ny cooid jeh ~ wholly or partly
dy slanjeant ~ ideally
dy sollys ~ brightly
dy sondagh ~ covetously
dy soyllaragh ~ voluptuously
dy spaarailagh ~ sparingly
dy spotchagh ~ jestingly, jokingly
dy spreih sheel ~ sow
dy spyrrydagh ~ spiritually
dy staaney voish ~ swear off
dy staddagh ~ staccato
dy stayoil ~ pompously
dy steetagh ~ unawares
dy stholkey ~ clean (long line)
dy stravaagey ~ to lumber along
dy sullyr ~ clearly
dy surransagh ~ patiently
dy taghyrtagh ~ accidentally, incidentally
dy tappee ~ quickly, apace
dy teaymagh ~ fitfully
dy thanney ~ thinly
dy toilchinagh ~ deservedly
dy toilloil ~ wilfully
dy tost ~ silently
dy tostagh ~ silently, reservedly
dy traa ~ betimes, punctual, early
dy traaoil ~ fortunely, in good time, prompt
dy tradishoonagh ~ traditionally
dy tramylt ~ vigorously
dy trean ~ strong
dy treih ~ pathetically, pitifully
dy treishteilagh ~ confidingly, confidentially
dy trick ~ on the trot, frequently
dy trome ~ deeply, heavily, hard, with a
dy trooagh ~ begrudgingly
dy tuittymagh ~ accidentally
dy tushtagh ~ knowingly
dy twoaieagh ~ apprehensively, cautiously
dy vabbaney ~ to snuggle
dy vaical ~ to jig
dy valley ~ homeward, home
Dy ve! ~ Oh to be!
dy ve ~ to be
dy ve ass lheh ~ hold with
dy ve ayn ~ to take place
dy ve ayns gioal ~ to be in pop
dy ve croghey ~ to hang loose
dy ve ec y toshiaght ~ to lead
dy ve eddyr daa choyrle ~ vacillate
dy ve er jeid ~ to feel nervy
dy ve er toshiaght ~ to lead
dy ve er turrys ~ on tour
dy ve ferg-hooillagh ~ glower
dy ve fo raad ~ to be in operation
dy ve gobbragh ~ to be in operation
dy ve gyn obbyr ~ to be out of work
dy ve imbaghoil ~ to be in season
dy ve mooaralagh ass ~ to pride oneself upon
dy ve ny strimmey ~ preponderate
dy ve oayllagh rish ~ know about
dy ve stronaasagh rish ~ overbear
dy ve 'sy loghan ~ lie up
dy vel bun er ~ well-founded
dy vel mooarane ammys er ~ much-admired
dy vel mooarane graih er ~ much-loved
dy vooaralagh ~ to lord it
dy vreigey magh ~ to worm out
dy vreimeragh ~ to break wind
dy vroddal roish ~ to jog along
dy vroddey roish ~ to lumber along
dy vrooightey neese ~ to well (up out)
dy vrooightoil ~ to bring up wind
dy waiteil ~ wait (at table)
dy warree ~ facetiously
dy whuailley ~ to sew
dy woalley noi ~ cannon
dy woalley sheear ~ to work westwards
dy yannoo ~ to do
dy yannoo litcherys ~ to laze
dy yannoo veg ~ to loaf about
dy yeeaghyn ~ to visit
dy yeearree ~ to seek
dy yiargaghey ~ to turn over
dy yiarrey stiagh ~ to nick in
dy yllagh fo vree ~ underbid
dy ynrick ~ candidly, undeviatingly, honestly,
rightly, artlessly
dy ynsit ~ learnedly
dyachlym ~ squid
dy'egooish ~ without you
dyn ~ no, without
dyn blayst ~ insipid
dyn dy bragh ~ nevermore
Dyn dy bragh reesht! ~ Never again!
dyn earroo ~ innumerable
dyn grunt ~ bottomless
dyn reih ~ willy-nilly
dyn smooinaght ~ thoughtlessly
dyn tort ~ thoughtlessly, rash
dyn y wooise (da) ~ despite
dyn ymmyd ~ void, naught, dud, useless
dynamickyn ~ dynamics
dynamite ~ dynamite
dynamo ~ dynamo
dynamo-lectragh ~ dynamo-electric
dynamotor ~ dynamotor
dys ~ till, to (motion), in order to, for
Dys Niurin lesh! ~ Sod it!
dys sheh ~ thither
dys shid ~ thither
dys shoh ~ hereto, hither
dys y chleeau ~ chest deep
dys y wannal ~ neck deep
e ~ his, its, her, hers
e cheilley ~ fellow
e hene ~ himself
E Hiarnys ~ His Lordship
e lheid ~ such another, such a thing
E lheid! ~ The idea!
E Onnor y Meoir ~ His Worship the Mayor
Eaarley cummaghtagh ~ belted earl
eab ~ essay, attempt, trial; try, effort, push
eab bieauid ~ speed trial
eab traa ~ time trial
eabban ~ ebony
eabbanite ~ ebonite
eabbey ~ attempt, try, postulate
eabbeyder ~ trier
eabbyn as aa-eabbyn ~ repeated attempts
eabee ~ journeyman, learner of trade
eabit ~ planned
eablaghey ~ emulsify
eablaght ~ emulsion
ead ~ jealousy
eadagh ~ jealous person, jealous
eadaghey ~ jealous
eaddagh ~ fabric, material, cloth, drapery, dress,
eaddagh altar ~ altar cloth
eaddagh asstan ~ lining
eaddagh balley ~ homespun
eaddagh billiard ~ billiard cloth
eaddagh bouin ~ waist cloth
eaddagh braaid ~ tucker
eaddagh buird ~ tea cloth, napery
eaddagh caashey ~ cheese cloth
eaddagh cadjin ~ mufti, undress
eaddagh cadjinit ~ uniform
eaddagh caggee ~ battledress, war kit
eaddagh ceau ~ wearing clothes
eaddagh clooieagh ~ plush
eaddagh currit jeh ~ undressed
eaddagh curtan ~ casement cloth
eaddagh dobberan ~ sables, mourning clothes
eaddagh fastyragh ~ evening dress
eaddagh freoagh-ghaait ~ heather mixture
eaddagh garroo ~ sackcloth
eaddagh geayshteenagh ~ hair cloth
eaddagh keanagh ~ calico
eaddagh kennipey ~ sackcloth, hemp cloth
eaddagh kereagh ~ wax cloth
eaddagh king ~ headdress
eaddagh kirpey ~ table linen
eaddagh laarey ~ floor covering
eaddagh lairagh ~ American leather
eaddagh lheiney ~ shirting
eaddagh lhiabbagh ~ clothes
eaddagh lhiennoo ~ long clothes
eaddagh liare ~ American leather
eaddagh loamragh ~ fleece
eaddagh lorgey ~ tracing cloth
eaddagh markee ~ riding dress
eaddagh mooie ~ outer garments
eaddagh mwannalagh ~ neckwear
eaddagh nieet ~ laundry
eaddagh ny cheerey ~ native dress
eaddagh oaye ~ cere cloth
eaddagh obbree ~ overalls
eaddagh oie ~ night attire
eaddagh olley ~ wool cloth, tweed
eaddagh ooill ~ oilskin
eaddagh paggey ~ pack cloth
eaddagh poagey ~ bagging
eaddagh saggyrt ~ canonicals
eaddagh senaaney ~ zenana
eaddagh shamyr ~ undress (for women)
eaddagh shiaullee ~ sailcloth
eaddagh shirveish ~ service uniform
eaddagh shirveishagh ~ livery
eaddagh tey ~ tea cloth
eaddagh thoagagh ~ sponge cloth
eaddagh toval ~ towelling
eaddagh trenshooragh ~ tray cloth
eaddagh yn chishtey ~ pyx cloth
eaddagheyr ~ costumier, clothier
eaddee ~ of cloth
eaddeeyn ~ wearing apparel
eaddeeyn fynnee ~ pile fabrics
eaddeeyn geuree ~ winter clothing
eaddeeyn lhiabbagh ~ bedclothes, bedding
eaddeeyn olley ~ woollen goods
eaddeeyn-vaaish ~ grave-clothes
eaddeyder ~ dressmaker
eadlee ~ bedroom
eadoil ~ jealous
eadoilagh ~ jealous
eadoilys ~ jealousy
eagh ~ riding horse, steed, racehorse
eagh-chummaght ~ horsepower
eagh faillee ~ hackney
eagh markee ~ saddle horse
eagh marrey ~ sea horse
eagh ushtey ~ water horse
eaghcheoy ~ rheumatism
eaght ~ coup
eaghtyr ~ surface, overburden, superstructure,
vamp of shoe, top of water
eaghtyr (lhuingey) ~ upper works of ship
eaghtyr-mynthey ~ creme de menthe
eaghtyr rea ~ plane
eaghtyr speyrey ~ airspace
eaghtyr traghtee ~ trade area
eaghtyr y vainney ~ cream
eaghtyragh ~ superficial, shallow, skindeep,
surface feeding, pelagic, superior, top-level
eaghtyraght ~ shallowness
eaghtyrane ~ president, superior
eaghtyraneagh ~ presidential
eaghtyraneys ~ presidency
eaghtyrys ~ ascendancy
eairee ~ shieling, hill pasture
Eairee ny Goair ~ Arinagour
eairk ~ antler, horn, cusp, peak
eairk baa ~ cow-horn
eairk braagey ~ shoehorn
eairk chleayshey ~ ear-trumpet
eairk feeaihee ~ stag-horn
eairk ny palchys ~ cornucopia
eairk-oirragh ~ horn-rimmed
eairk rea ~ ram's horn
eairk screeuee ~ ink-horn
eairkag ~ newt
eairkagh ~ attired, peaked, antlered, horned,
long-eared, crescent (of moon)
eairkaght ~ horniness
eairkan ~ tentacle, feeler; peewit, lapwing
eairkan y Jouyll ~ bird's foot
eairkanagh ~ tentacular
eairkey ~ cork
Eairy Shynnagh ~ Ronague
Eaisht! ~ Psht! Hark! Listen! Hush!
Eaisht-jee! ~ Oyez!
Eaisht rhym! ~ Look here!
eaishtagh ~ attentive, hearken, hear, confess
eaishtagh gyn yss ~ eavesdrop
eaishtagh (rish) ~ sound
eaishtagh rish y chleeau ~ auscultate
eaishtaghaght ~ hearing
eaishtagh(ey) ~ listen, harken, listen in
eaishtaghey rish ~ monitor
eaishtaght ~ hearing, listening, audience,
eaishteeagh ~ auditory
eaishteyder ~ listener, bug (listening device)
eaishtoaylleeaght ~ audiology
eajee ~ odious, ghastly, atrocious, filthy,
eajeeys ~ odiousness, ghastliness, atrocity, filth,
Eajipt ~ Egypt
Eajipt-oaylleeaght ~ Egyptology
Eajiptagh ~ Egyptian
Ealasaid Venrein ~ Queen Elizabeth
ealeyrane ~ aileron
Ealisaid ~ Elizabeth
Ealisaidagh ~ Elizabethan
Ealish ~ Alice
eallym ~ heddle
eallyn ~ chops
eam ~ cry, shout, call, bell (of stag), moo, low
(of cattle)
eam-chowrey ~ call-sign
eam cooidjagh ~ convene
eam er ard ~ shout out
eam er y theay ~ proclamation
eam fastyragh ~ full retreat
eam kayt ~ catcall
eam moyllee ~ acclamation
eam neose ~ call down
eam ny doghanee ~ sick call
eam sheese ~ call down
eam ushag ~ bird call
eam y chelgey ~ view-halloo
eamagh ~ call, shout, cry; lowing of cattle;
shouter, crier
eamagh er ash ~ call back, call off
eamagh magh ~ call forth
eamagh ry-cheilley ~ call together
eamagh ry lhiattee ~ call aside
eamagh stiagh ~ call in
eamaghey ~ shout, moo, vociferate, cry
eamaghey stiagh reesht ~ recall
eameyder ~ caller, shouter
eamit cooidjagh ~ convened
Eamon ~ Edmond
Ean ~ John
Ean Bashtey ~ John the Baptist
Ean Sushtallagh ~ John the Evangelist
eanish ~ audience
eapey ~ ape
eapey gullarnee ~ araba
eapoilys ~ apishness
Yn Earack ~ Iraq
earish [f] ~ age, weather, lifetime, season,
earish glonkagh ~ windy with choppy sea
earish vooar ~ rough weather
earish y vess ~ fruit-time
earishagh ~ seasonable, periodic
earisheraght ~ journalism
earisheyr ~ journalist
earisheyr (oikoil) ~ gazetteer
earishlioar ~ review, magazine, periodical
earishlioar naight ~ gazette
earishlioar oikoil ~ gazette
earishlioar veeoil ~ monthly
earishlioaraghys ~ journalese
Eariskaie ~ Eriskay
earooagh ~ numerate
earooder ~ numerator
earrag ~ pullet, poult
earraghtyn ~ commodities
earrey ~ commodity
earrit ~ numbered
earroo ~ number, figure, census (of things),
earroo-aaishnys ~ arithmancy, numerology
earroo airhey ~ golden number
earroo ard ~ prime number
earroo-chlaare ~ number plate
earroo conrieugh ~ complex number
earroo cooishyn ~ calendar
earroo corrillaghoil ~ fractional number
earroo dooghyssagh ~ natural number
earroo gioal ~ totalizer
earroo mach ~ mach-number
earroo neurea ~ odd number
earroo ny haalayntee ~ sicklist
earroo obbyr ~ agenda
earroo rea ~ even number
earroo reajyssagh ~ ordinal number
earroo rolley ~ list
earroo Romanagh ~ Roman number
earroo slaynt ~ toast-list
earroo sloo ~ fewest
earroo snaie ~ count
earroo stiurit ~ directed number
earroo tidee ~ tide table
earroo traa ~ timetable
earroo yn phobble ~ population
earroo yn veisht ~ apocalyptic number
earrooagh ~ numerable, numerous, numerical,
earrooaghey ~ numbering, number
earrooaghey cheughyn ~ pagination
earrooaght ~ arithmetical, calculation
earrooaghtagh ~ arithmetic(al)
earrooaghteyr ~ arithmetician
earrooder ~ calculator (machine)
earrooder gioal ~ tote
earrooit ~ numbered, counted
eary ~ hill pasture
eas ~ chute, waterfall, cataract, cascade, shoot
easan ~ small cataract
easanyn ~ small waterfall
eash [f] ~ age, seniority, century, old age, aeon,
Yn Eash Chloaie ~ The Stone Age
eash dooinney ~ manhood
eash ghooinney ~ manhood, adulthood
eash guilley ~ pupilarity (of boys)
eash inneen ~ pupilarity (of girls)
eash liauyr ~ longevity
Yn Eash ny Claghyn ~ The Stone Age
Yn Eash Ooha ~ The Bronze Age
eash phoosee ~ marriageable age
Yn Eash Rioee ~ The Ice Age
eash ven ~ adulthood
eash vie ~ ripe old age
eash y dooinney ~ manhood
Yn Eash Yiarn ~ The Iron Age
eash yn ghuilley ~ boyhood
eashagh ~ oldish
Eashdyn ~ Hugh
eashit ~ oldish, aged, grown-up
easkey ~ rapids
eayil ~ lime, of lime
eayin ~ lambs
eayineyr ~ cliffsman
eayl ~ lime, whitewash
eayl bio ~ quicklime
eayl-daah ~ colour-wash
eayl varrey ~ keel worm
eaylagh ~ limy
Eaylee ~ Helen
eayllaghey ~ lime, whitewash
eaylleyder ~ whitewasher, limer
eayllit ~ limed
eayn ~ lamb
eayn aeg ~ lambkin
eayn bwoirrin ~ she-lamb
Yn Eayn Eunyssagh ~ The Lamb of Delight
eayn firryn ~ tup-lamb, ram-lamb, he-lamb
eayn lannoonagh ~ twin lamb
eayn spoiyt ~ castrated lamb
Eayn Yee ~ Agnus Dei, Lamb of God
eaynagh ~ desert, wilderness; precipitous, steep;
lamb-producing, lamblike
eaynaghys ~ steepness
eaynchaisht ~ paschal lamb, passover
eayneen ~ yearling, lambkin, baa-lamb
eayney ~ verdure, green
eayney gloyroil ~ glorious greenness
eaynin ~ daisy; escarpment, precipice, cliff
eayninagh ~ vertical
eaynnee ~ desert
eaynneeid ~ precipitousness
eayst [f] ~ moon, lunar
eayst cheyl ~ crescent moon
eayst eairkagh ~ crescent moon
eayst-ghoghanagh ~ lunatic
eayst Harn ~ Saturday's moon
eayst-hooill (cabbil) ~ moon-eye
eayst hooillagh ~ moon-eyed
eayst noa ~ new moon
eayst vishee ~ a waxing moon
eayst yn ouyir ~ harvest moon
eaystag ellynagh ~ artificial satellite
ebbeyder ~ postulant
ebbyrtys ny Hewnyn ~ diaspora
ec ~ at, have
ec bieauid bunneydagh ~ a tempo
ec bieauid ny geayee ~ at full pelt
ec cheu yn raad ~ at the roadside
ec fea ~ resting
ec gerrym y chellee ~ at cock crow
ec irree yn laa ~ cock crow
ec jerrey ny lhuingey ~ aft
ec keayrt ~ promptly
ec kione ~ over, finished
ec kione y vuird ~ at the head of the table
ec laue ~ to hand, handy
ec lieh-chroan ~ half-mast
ec munlaa ~ at noon
ec shoh ~ hereat
ec y cheiy ~ docked
ec y chooid sloo ~ at the very least
ec y chooid smoo ~ at the very most
ec y chooyl ~ at the present
ec y jerrey ~ aft, at length, finally
Ec y Nollick ~ at Christmas
ec y traa cheddin ~ simultaneously,
ec y traa cooie ~ at the proper time
ec y traa t'ayn ~ currently, at the present
ec y vullagh ~ full
ec yn am ~ in the nick of time
ec yn chooid s'anmagh ~ at the very latest
ec yn chooid sloo ~ at the very least
ec yn chooid smoo ~ at the very most
Eccodus ~ Exodus
echey ~ at him, its, his
echeysyn ~ its, his
echmagh ~ eczematous
echmey ~ eczema
eck ~ at her, hers, its, her
ecksh ~ its, her
ecliptagh ~ ecliptic
ecloge ~ eclogue
ectoplasm ~ ectoplasm
Edard ~ Ned, Edward
Edardagh ~ Edwardian
edd ~ nest, hat
edd ard ~ opera hat, stovepipe, top hat
edd Austraalagh ~ bush hat
edd baateyrys ~ boater
edd beaver ~ beaver hat
edd birragh ~ peaked hat, high-peaked hat
edd bog ~ squash hat, soft hat
edd bolg ~ felt hat
edd caggee ~ tin hat
edd coar ny hastan ~ mare's nest
edd craue ~ crow's nest
edd croym-oirragh ~ slouch hat
edd cruinn ~ pillbox hat, bowl (hat), billycock
edd garran ~ mare's nest
edd gheayshteenagh ~ bearskin
edd greiney ~ sunhat
edd marrinagh ~ sailor hat
edd runt ~ boater
edd sleayst ~ shovel hat
edd sniengan ~ ant's nest
edd tree binn ~ three cornered hat
edd (urley) ~ eyrie
edd ushag ~ bird's nest
eddeyder ~ hatter
eddin [f] ~ front, feature, fascia, frontage,
fac|ade, breast wall, apron of dam, rockface,
dial, facet, disc; effrontery, cheek
eddin-chlaare ~ fascia
eddin chleaynit ~ receding forehead
eddin-fysseraght ~ physiognomy
eddin ghrummey ~ drumhead
eddin happ ~ shop front
eddin harroo ~ sour-faced
eddin hoilsheanagh ~ luminous dial
eddin hollysagh ~ luminous dial
eddin lhome ~ hairless face
eddin-oayllee ~ physiognomist
eddin-oaylleeaght ~ physiognomy
eddin ry eddin ~ face to face, vis-a-vis, head-
eddin stoandee ~ barrel-head
eddin(agh) ~ facial
eddrym ~ light, shallow, slight, empty (as
head), lightweight, weak (as blow), feint,
flighty, benign, airy (material), bird-witted
eddrym-chreeagh ~ light-hearted
eddrym myr caillin ~ coquettish
eddrym 'sy chione ~ crack (of person)
eddrym 'sy chree ~ light-hearted
eddrym-veihaghan ~ lightweight
eddrymag ~ eclair
eddrymaghey ~ ease, alleviate, lighten,
unburden, alleviation, unburdening
eddryman ~ bladder
eddryman beg ~ utricle
eddryman buighid ~ gall bladder
eddrymane ~ balloon
eddrymee ~ light
eddrymid ~ slightness, flightiness, giddiness,
shallowness, lightness, levity
eddrymid cree ~ light-heartedness
eddrymid er ushtey ~ buoyancy
eddrymid king ~ vertigo
eddrymit ~ lightened, unburdened
eddrymmey ~ lighter
eddrymys ~ lightness, levity
eddyr ~ between, betwixt
eddyr- ~ (prefix) inter-
eddyr-agglishagh ~ ecumenical
eddyr-ashoonagh ~ i nt ernat i onal i st ,
eddyr-ashoonagheyr ~ internationalist
eddyr-ashoonaghys ~ internationalism
eddyr-asnagh ~ intercostal
eddyr-awin-rioeeagh ~ intergalactical
eddyr-cheaghley ~ interchange
eddyr-Cheltiagh ~ inter-Celtic
eddyr-chianglt ~ interconnected
eddyr-chiartagh ~ umpire, referee
eddyr-chiartaghey ~ arbitration, arbitrate,
referee, umpire
eddyr-chiarteyder ~ arbitrator
eddyr-chiartys ~ umpiring, refereeing
eddyr-chiaull ~ intermezzo, antiphon
eddyr-chiaullee ~ antiphonal
eddyr-chillaneagh ~ intercellular
eddyr-choorse ~ entree
eddyr-chur ~ interposition
eddyr-chynneydagh ~ internecine
eddyr-cohollyssagh ~ intergalactic
eddyr daa aile Boaldyn ~ in a dilemma
eddyr daa choyrle ~ fluctuating, vacillating,
eddyr daa lhing ~ interim
eddyr daa lout ~ between decks
eddyr daa voayrd ~ between decks
eddyr-filley ~ intervolving
eddyr-ghoaill ~ interposition
eddyr-ghoaillagh ~ intermediary
eddyr-ghoaillee ~ buffer, intermediary
eddyr-ghueeder ~ intercessor
eddyr-ghuillag ~ interleaf
eddyr-ghuillaghey ~ interleave
eddyr-hengaghey ~ interpretation, interpret
eddyr-hengey ~ lingua franca
eddyr-hoiaghey ~ interpolation
eddyr-hraa ~ interim
eddyr-lhie ~ stimy, interjacent
eddyr-lhing ~ time-lag
eddyr lhoobeenyn ~ in parenthesis
eddyr-linnagh ~ interlinear
eddyr linnaghyn jeeragh ~ rectilineal
eddyr meein as garroo ~ one thing with another
eddyr nish as y traa shen ~ between now and
eddyr-obbraghey ~ interact, interaction
eddyr oc ~ betwixt and between
eddyr-ockle ~ interjection
eddyr-phlannadagh ~ interplanetary
eddyr-phoosey ~ intermarry, intermarriage
eddyr-reill ~ interregnum
eddyr-rheynn ~ communication
eddyr-rollageagh ~ interstellar
eddyr-scarrey ~ differentiate, differentiation
eddyr-shaaftey ~ layshaft
eddyr-sleitagh ~ interminate
eddyr y daa hollys ~ between moon and
eddyr y daa lhing ~ in the interim
eddyr yn daa hraa ~ between-time(s)
eddyr yn daa imbagh ~ between season
eddyraghey ~ alternate, taking in turns,
eddyraght ~ alternation
eddyraishnagh ~ parenthetical
eddyraishnys ~ parenthesis
eddyrcheim ~ interval
eddyrchloie ~ interlude, intermezzo
eddyrchraueeaghtagh ~ interdenominational
eddyrchrogheydys ~ interdependence
eddyrchryssagh ~ interzonal
eddyrghooagh ~ intervocalic
eddyrvaljagh ~ interurban
eddyrvoayrd ~ 'tween decks, between decks
Edeeney ~ Edwina
edjag ~ aerofoil
edjaghys ~ education
edjaghys persoonagh ~ private education
Edyt ~ Edith
ee ~ she, her, it; eat, devour, feed, erode, kill off,
dispose; consumption, eating, depletion
ee deiney ~ anthropophagy
ee dy jollysagh ~ gorge (as food)
ee fo'n aer ~ picnic
ee hene ~ itself, herself, her, the wife, the missis,
lady of the house
ee rour ~ overeating, overeat
ee shoh ~ this
eeackeyder ~ payer
eeaddeeyn giubbylagh ~ clothes reduced to rags
eeagh ~ edible
eeaghyn y eeck ~ pay up
eeaghyn y ghlenney ~ pay up
eean ~ chick, fowl, poult, young (of birds);
juvenile, cheeky child, brat
eean beg ~ dicky-bird
eean beg yn amman ~ longtailed titmouse
eean bing ~ humming bird
eean Bretnagh ~ black-necked grebe
eean caaidje ~ cagebird
eean-chleeauagh ~ pigeon-breasted
eean chonvaayrtagh ~ aasvogel
eean cleaynee ~ decoy
eean cronnane ~ colibri
eean fidderagh ~ weaver bird
eean guiy ~ gosling
eean hullad ~ owlet
eean idd ~ nestling
eean kellee ~ cockerel
eean kereen ~ grebe
eean kereen beg ~ dabchick, little grebe
eean kereen cleashagh ~ eared grebe
eean kereen jiarg ~ red-necked grebe
eean kirkey ~ domestic chicken
eean marrey ~ sea bird, sea fowl
eean ny loghan ~ moorhen
eean-oayllee ~ ornithologist
eean-oaylleeagh ~ ornithological
eean-oaylleeaght ~ ornithology
eean oie ~ night bird
eean olla ~ cygnet
eean peacock ~ peachick
eean raip ~ crake, corncrake, landrail
eean raip beg ~ baillion's crake
eean raip breck ~ spotted crake
eean roie ~ bustard, ostrich
eean shooyl ~ straggler, bird of passage
eean thunnag ~ duckling
eean urley ~ eaglet
eean ushtey ~ waterfowl
eean Voaldyn ~ whimbrel
eean y chiaulteyr ~ parrot
eean y ghob jiarg ~ Jack Frost
eean y ghob jiarg mooie ~ frosty
eean yn aittin ~ whinchat
eeanagh ~ ornithological
eeane ~ ion
eeaneagh ~ ionic
eeaneaghey ~ ionization, ionize
eeaneyder ~ birdcatcher, fowler
eeaneyr ~ bird fancier
eeanlee ~ poultry, fowl
eeanlee fidderagh ~ weaver bird
eeanlee injinagh ~ guinea fowl
eeanlee marrey ~ sea bird, sea fowl
eeanlee shelg ~ wing game, wild fowl
eeanlee ushtey ~ wild fowl
eeanlee y thurran ~ barnyard fowls
eeanlee yn aer ~ feathered race
eeanleeder ~ poulterer
eeanleyder ~ birdcatcher, fowler
eeanleydys ~ bird-catching, fowling
eeanoil ~ birdlike
eear ~ west
eear-gheay ~ zephyr
Yn Eear-Injey ~ West Indies
Eear-Injinagh ~ West Indian
Eear Vannin ~ West Mann
eearagh ~ westerner
eearaghyn ~ kidney fat
eearlaght ~ earldom
eearley ~ earl, count (nobleman)
eearlys ~ drink money (tip), imprest, earnest,
eearlys lioaragh ~ book token
Yn Eearvee ~ Westmeath
Yn Eearvooir ~ Western Ocean, Atlantic
eearyn ~ earing
eeasaghey ~ loan
eeasaght ~ loan, advance, lending, loan-word,
eeasaght chaggee ~ war loan
eeasaght gyn raanteenys ~ loan without security
eeasaght roie ~ overdraft
eeasaght stait ~ funds
eeasaght yiare ~ short loan
eeassaghey ~ borrowing, lend, borrow
eeassaght er gioaldeeaght ~ loan on mortgage
eeassee ~ lending
eeasseydagh argid ~ money borrower
eeasseyder ~ borrower, lender
eeasseyder argid ~ moneylender
eeassit ~ borrowed
eeast ~ fish
eeast airhey ~ goldfish
eeast awin ~ freshwater fish
eeast bleaystagh ~ shellfish
eeast chirrym ~ stockfish
eeast-ee ~ ichthyophagy
eeast-eeagh ~ fish-eating, ichthyophagous
eeast etlagh ~ flying fish
eeast etlee ~ flying fish
eeast garroo ~ coarse fish
eeast gial ~ whitefish
eeast greiney ~ sunfish
eeast lheeah ~ grayling
eeast marrey ~ marine fish, sea fish
eeast-oaylleeagh ~ ichthyologic(al)
eeast-oaylleeaght ~ ichthyology
eeast oghyragh ~ spawner
eeast sailjey ~ salt fish
eeast shliggagh ~ shellfish, mollusc
eeast skianagh ~ flying fish
eeast y vraain-olley ~ cuttlefish
eeast Yernagh ~ pollan
eeast yn arpin ~ apron fish
eeastagh ~ angling, fishing
eeastagh awiney ~ river angling
eeastagh braddan ~ salmon fishery
eeastagh brick ~ mackerel fishing
eeastagh gimmee ~ lobster fishing
eeastagh lesh balk ~ line fishing
eeastagh loghey ~ lake fishing
eeastagh marrey ~ sea fishery, sea angling
eeastagh slat ~ rod fishing
eeastagh(ey) ~ angle, fish
eeastagh(ey) lesh rollian ~ troll
eeastagh(ey) lesh slat ~ troll
eeastagh(ey) lesh speinag ~ troll
eeastagh(ey) lesh troal ~ troll
eeastal ~ ichthyol
eeastee ~ angling
eeasteyr ~ angler, fisherman
eeasteyr awiney ~ river fisherman
eeasteyr beg ny hawin ~ kingfisher
eeasteyr eiraghtyn ~ legacy hunter
eeasteyr pearlyn ~ pearl diver
eeasteyraght ~ fishery, fishing
eeasteyrys ~ fishing
eeasteyrys pearlyn ~ pearl fishery
eeastit ass ~ fished out
eeastoil ~ fishy, abounding in fish
Ny Eeastyn ~ The Fish(es)
eebis ~ ibis
eebrit ~ transported, banished, exiled
eebrit (ass cheer) ~ deported
eebyrt ~ get rid of, banish, expatriate, send
down, exile, transport, expulsion
eebyrt ass cheer ~ deport
eebyrt dy shallidagh ~ rusticate
eebyrt (magh) ~ drive out
eebyrtagh ~ banished person, rogue, deportee,
outcast, exile, expatriate
eebyrtys ~ banishment, deportation,
expatriation, transportation
eebyrtys shallidagh ~ rustication
eeck ~ pay out, pay off, clear off debt,
remittance, payment
eeck argid sheese ~ pay down
eeck ass hene ~ self-supporting
eeck cochianglee ~ connection fee
eeck custym ~ clear
eeck (da) ~ pay
eeck eearlys (er) ~ pay down
eeck (er son) ~ pay for
eeck er y treiney ~ terms cash
eeck glenney ~ discharge
eeck jee-chosnee ~ unemployment benefit
eeck ny feeaghyn jeh ~ disencumber
eeck reesht ~ repay
eeck rolaue ~ prepayment, prepay
eeck rour (da) ~ overpay
eeck stiagh ~ pay in
eeck yn jaghee ~ tithe
eeckagh ~ remunerative
eeckaght ~ liquidity
eeckey ~ rick
eeckeydagh ~ payee
eeckeyder ~ rewarder
eeckeyder keesh ~ taxpayer
eeckeyder keeshyn ~ ratepayer
eeckit ~ rewarded, paid
eeckit rolaue ~ prepaid
eeckit rour ~ overpaid
eeckyn sheeynt ~ easy terms
eeckys ~ instalment, payment
eedaid ~ iodide
eedean ~ iodine
eedeanaghey ~ iodize
eeder ~ consumer, devourer, diner, eater
eeder deiney ~ man-eater
eeder foalley ~ carnivore
eeder fo'n speyr ~ picnicker
eeder jaagh ~ smoke consumer
eeder jollyssagh ~ greedy eater, gorger
eeder sniengan ~ anteater
eeder soogh ~ hearty eater
eederyn deiney ~ anthropophagi
eederyn-foalley ~ carnivora
Eedin ~ Edwin
eeghtyragh ~ lower end, low-built, low down,
eeghtyraneyn ~ underdog
eeh ~ fat
yn eeh ~ hives, urticaria, nettle rash
eeirey ~ vortex (on water), eddy
eeish ~ she
eeit ~ eaten
eeit ec braddagyn ~ vermiculate
eeit ec ny beishteigyn ~ worm-eaten
eeit ec ny jarganyn ~ fleabitten
eek ~ rick, small stack
eek voaney ~ turf rick
eekad ~ rick, small stack, columnar rock in sea
eekad moaney ~ turf rick
eekey ~ stack as corn
eekeyder ~ ricker
eekit ~ ricked, stacked
eelips ~ ellipse
eelipsagh ~ elliptical
eelipsoyd ~ ellipsoid
eemey ~ of butter
eemiu ~ emu
Yn Eenaugh ~ Gansey
eer ~ own, even, express, real, common
eer-enney ~ identification
eer-hiaulteyr ~ deckhand
eer nish ~ ere long
Yn 'eer ockle! ~ The very word!
eer-saveenys ~ lethargy
eer-vullagh ~ pinnacle, very top, zenith
eer-vun ~ very bottom
Eeraanagh ~ Iranian
Yn Eeraane ~ Iran
Eerackagh ~ Iraqi
eerey ~ furrow length, plough length, swirl
Eerish ~ Iris
Yn Eeslynn ~ Iceland
Eeslynnagh ~ Icelander, Icelandic
Eeslynnish ~ Icelandic
eethyragh ~ ethereal
eeym [f] ~ butter
eeym dhone ~ brown butter
eeym hailjey ~ salted butter
eeym hourinagh ~ summer butter
eeymagh ~ butterlike, buttery
eeymeraght ~ buttery
eeymoil ~ buttery, butterlike
eeymrage ~ butterscotch
Egg ~ (Isle of) Eigg
Eggey ~ (Isle of) Eigg
eggey ~ web
eggey edjag ~ vane
eggey lhieen ~ web of linen
eggey varree ~ web of tow
eggys ~ tribe
eggyssagh ~ tribal
Eghan ~ Hector
egin ~ compulsion, rape, stress, duress,
emergency, constraint, necessity
egin argid ~ pecuniary difficulties
egin ny Sabeenee ~ rape of the Sabines
eginagh ~ obligatory, needy, compelling,
compulsory, compulsive; rapist
eginaghey ~ oblige, rape
egintagh ~ conscript
eglhinolley ~ linsey-woolsey
Egypt ~ Egypt
eh ~ it, him, he
eh hene ~ himself, itself, goodman
eh-shen ~ he
eh shoh ~ this
ehlley ~ fondness, intimacy, affection
ehlley anreiltagh ~ fixation
ei ~ guest
eie ~ pang, moan, shout, idea, notion, concept
eie-oayllee ~ ideologist
eie-oaylleeagh ~ ideologic(al)
eie-oaylleeaght ~ ideology
eie-yalloo ~ ideogram
eieyn oorey ~ new ideas
eig ~ unexciting, stale, decease, wishy-washy,
prosaic, vapid
eighid ~ insipidity, staleness
eigid ~ vapidity
eiginagh ~ forcible
eiginaghey ~ force, ravish
eiginit ~ obliged, forced
eiglagh ~ decaying
eiglaghey ~ wither, colour loss, withering, pale
eignagh ~ compelling, cogent, obligatory
eignaghey ~ constrain, compel, oblige
eigneyder ~ rapist, compeller, exactor
eignit ~ compelled, constrained, obliged
eigsoylagh ~ varied, various
Eileen ~ Eileen
eilkin ~ errand
eilkinagh ~ bellboy, errand boy
Yn Eill ~ The Flesh
eillagh ~ armorial
eillaghey ~ arm
eillaghyn ~ accoutrements
eillaghyn-caggee ~ panoply, arms, impedimentia
of war
eilley ~ armour, mail
eilley chaggee ~ armour
eilley chleeau ~ breastplate
eilley lhoobagh ~ chain armour
eilley phlait ~ plate armour
eilley scoarnee ~ alcato
eilley vroghil ~ breastplate, breast armour
eilley yesheenagh ~ caparison
eilleyder ~ armourer
eillit ~ mailed, armoured
ein ~ birds
ein spooilley ~ birds of prey
eiraghey ~ inherit
eiraght ~ succession, birthright, expectations,
inheritance, heritage
eiraghtagh ~ hereditary
eiraghtoil ~ patrimonial, inheritable
eiraghtys ~ hereditament
eirey ~ inheritor, scion, legatee, heir
eirey-neen ~ heiress
eirinagh ~ farmer, agriculturalist, agricultural
eirinagh bainney ~ dairy farmer
eirinagh maillee ~ tenant farmer
eirinee ~ yeomanry
eirinys ~ farming, farmwork, agriculture
eirinys bainney ~ dairy farming
eirit ~ inherited
eirys ~ inheritance
eisht ~ then, at that time
Eisht (dy veeal)! ~ Whisht!
eishtagh ~ then (emphatic)
eishtaghys ~ auscultation
eisteddfod ~ eisteddfod
eiy ~ foot-lock
eiyr ~ follow, drive
eiyreyder ~ pursuer, drover, chaser
eiyrit (er) ~ pursued
eiyrt ~ drive, follow, bolster, emulation, pursuit
eiyrt (da) ~ persist
eiyrt (er) ~ ensue, result, tail, stalk, emulate,
attend on, put it into practice, shadow, chase,
follow through, pursue
eiyrt ersooyl ~ expulsion
eiyrt liauyr ~ bolster
eiyrt marroostroo ~ stern chase
eiyrtal ~ bedhead
eiyrtys ~ effect, pursuit, repercussion, result,
after-effects, sequel, outcome, consequence,
eiyrtysagh ~ imitator, copier (of person),
eiyrtyssagh ~ follower, adherent, successor,
consecutive, subsequent, consequent,
eiyrtyssagh (er) ~ consequential
eiyrtyssaght ~ consecution
eiystyr ~ halter, lunge, horse collar, tether, tie
for animal
eiystyrit ~ tethered
electragh ~ electric(al)
electraght ~ electricity
Eleeysagh ~ Elysian
elefant ~ elephant
elefantoil ~ elephantine
elgys ~ vehemence, anger, fierceness,
viciousness, spite, vindictiveness
elgyssagh ~ fierce, vindictive, spiteful
ellag ~ hiccough
ellan ~ isle, island
ellan chorralagh ~ coral island, atoll
Ellan Colley ~ (Isle of) Coll
Ellan Coobyr ~ Cyprus
Ellan Eeaght ~ Isle of Wight
Ellan E(i)ggey ~ (Isle of) Eigg
Ellan Geeah ~ (Isle of) Gigha
Ellan Geegey ~ (Isle of) Gigha
Ellan Helena Noo ~ (Isle of) St. Helena
ellan injil ~ key
Ellan Lioas ~ (Isle of) Lewis
Ellan Noo Perick ~ St. Patrick's Isle
Ellan ny Frastyl ~ Ascension Island
Ellan ny Geyrragh ~ Fair Isle
Ellan ny Mu(i)c ~ (Isle of) Muck
Ellan ny Trinaid ~ Trinidad
Ellan Ooist ~ (Isle of) Uist
Ellan Rummey ~ (Isle of) Rhum
Yn Ellan Sheeant ~ The Blessed Isle
Ellan Sheer-ghlass Erin ~ The Emerald Isle
Ellan Skianagh ~ (Isle of) Skye
Ellan Ulvey ~ (Isle of) Ulva
Ellan Vannin ~ (Isle of) Mann
Ellan Voaid ~ (Isle of) Bute
Ellan Wirrish ~ Mauritius
ellanagh ~ insular, islander, local, homebred
ellanaght ~ insularity
ellaneen ~ islet, eyot
ellanragh ~ archipelago
Ellanyn ny Geyrragh ~ The Faroes
Ellanyn ny h-Ardmarraght ~ Admiralty Islands
Ellanyn ny Marrey Jiass ~ South Sea Islands
Ellanyn Sheear ny h-Albey ~ Western Isles
Ellanyn Vooir Eeaght ~ Channel Islands
ellanys ~ insularity
elley ~ other, else, another, additional,
ellyn ~ art, artistry, behaviour, manners,
breeding, craftsmanship, artfulness
ellyn chaggee ~ art of war
ellyn ghoo ~ black art
ellyn ny feeleeaght ~ poetics
ellyn ny keirdey ~ tricks of the trade
ellyn vie ~ refinement, good manners
ellyn yn ardan ~ stagecraft
ellynagh ~ cultivated, artful, well-bred,
mannered, mannerliness, artificial, artistic
ellynaght ~ artificialness
ellyner ~ professional, moralist
ellyner straiddey ~ pavement artist
ellyneyr ~ artist
ellynlann ~ art gallery
ellynoil ~ arty
ellynoil-keirdagh ~ arty-crafty
Ellyntasht Manninagh ~ Manx Museum
ellynyn as keirdyn ~ arts and crafts
elmint ~ element
Yn Elveeish ~ Switzerland
Elveishagh ~ Swiss
embolaght ~ embolism
emloge ~ hemlock
emloge ny hawin ~ water dropwort
emloge ushtey ~ water dropwort, hemlock wort
emree ~ emery
emshir [f] ~ weather, weather conditions, tense,
emshir aalin ~ fair weather
emshir aaragh ~ present tense
emshir chaie ~ past tense, imperfect tense,
perfect tense
emshir cheaut ~ past tense
emshir fannee ~ bitter weather
emshir gharroo ~ rough weather
emshir ghlass ~ raw weather
emshir ghonney ~ bad weather
Emshir Hiaghtinoil ~ Weekly Times
emshir laaragh ~ present tense
emshir ry heet ~ future tense
emshir veayn ~ steady weather
emshir vie ~ good weather, fair weather
emshir vooar ~ rough weather
emshiroil ~ timely, seasonable, opportune
emshiroilagh ~ opportunist
emshiroilaght ~ opportuneness
emshiroilid ~ timeliness, seasonableness
emshiroilys ~ opportunism
emshyr [f] ~ weather, weather conditions,
tense, time (see emshir)
Yn Eney ~ Friday
enmyn ~ names
enmyn persoonagh ~ personal names
enmys ~ cite, name, denominate, enumerate,
appoint, denomination, superscription,
specify, term, style, terminology, direct,
entitle, head, designation, title, baptize
(ship), nomenclature, nominate, designate,
enmys aggairagh ~ misdirection
enmys caabil ~ cable address
enmys ny fer oik ~ commission
enmys thie ~ home address
enmysaght ~ nomination
enmyser ~ namer, nominator
enmyssagh ~ addressee, nominee, definable,
assignee, terminological, assign
enmysser ~ nomenclator, denominator
enmyssey ~ enumerate
enmysseyr ~ sender
enmyssit ~ named, baptized, nominated,
specified, addressed (as letter)
enn ~ knowledge, recognition, acquaintance
ennagh ~ some, certain, any
ennaghtagh ~ emotional, sensitive, sentimental,
ennaghtaght ~ sensitivity, sentimentalism
ennaghtyn ~ sympathy, sense, experience,
gratitude, feel, feeling, perceive, atmosphere,
noble sentiments, realization, sensation,
ennal ~ wind, breath
ennal ard ~ heavy breathing
ennal hrome ~ heavy breathing
ennal vreinn ~ halitosis
ennal y hayrn ~ to take breath
ennalagh ~ respiratory, aspiratory, breath,
ennalaghey ~ breathe, aspiration, breathing
apparatus, aspirate
ennaleyr ~ respirator
ennalit ~ aspirate, aspirated
ennee ~ selfsame, sensory, identical,
enneeagh ~ brainy, cerebral
enneeyn ~ brains
enney ~ identity, acquaintanceship,
acquaintance, consciousness, knowledge,
recognition, awareness, cognition
enney marranagh ~ mistaken identity
enneyder ~ feeler, antenna
enneydys ~ identification
ennoil ~ dear, loved, precious, popular,
ennoilid ~ dearness, love, preciousness,
popularity, endearment
ennoilys ~ love, endearment, popularity
ennym ~ name, noun, epithet, designation, title
of book, figurehead
ennym ardan ~ stage name
ennym as enmys ~ name and address
ennym as sliennoo ~ full name
ennym bashtee ~ forename, Christian name
ennym breearagh ~ gerundive, gerund, verb-
ennym cadjin ~ common noun
ennym caggee ~ nom de guerre
ennym cair ~ proper noun
ennym-chlaare ~ nameplate
ennym chymsagh ~ collective noun
ennym clein ~ cognomen
ennym cleinney ~ clan name
ennym Creestee ~ Christian name
ennym ennoilid ~ term of endearment
ennym foayssagh ~ abstract noun
ennym jeantagh ~ nomen agentis
ennym keintagh ~ generic name
ennym meechiart ~ misnomer
ennym mie ~ good name
ennym obbragh ~ agent-noun
ennym ooasle ~ gentilitial
ennym persoonagh ~ proper noun
ennym screeuee ~ nom de plume, pen-name
ennym screeuit ~ signature
ennym screeuit reeoil ~ sign manual
ennym scruit ~ autograph
ennym shennayragh ~ patronymic
ennym straiddey ~ street name
ennym tooilley ~ agnomen
ennym toshee ~ forename
ennym ynnyd ~ placename
ennymagh ~ token, nominal, nominative,
subjective case
ennymaghys ~ nominalism
ennymockle ~ noun
ennymoil ~ celebrated, renowned
ennymoilagh ~ celebrity
ennymoilid ~ celebrity
ensyme ~ enzyme
enteritis ~ enteritis
entreil ~ entry, go in, enter
entreil veechiart ~ misentry
entreilagh ~ admissible, accessibility,
entreilaght ~ admissibility
entreilys ~ entrance, entry, induction, access,
passage, admission
Eoin ~ Evan, John
Eoineen ~ Jack, Johnnie, Shauneen
Eoineen 'sy chishtey ~ Jack-in-the-box
eoyllaghey ~ dung, manure, manuring
eoylley ~ excrement, faeces, manure, fertilizer
eoylley chabbyl ~ horsedung
eoylley ollee ~ cowdung
eoylley varrey ~ guano
eoylley vuickey ~ pig manure
eoylleyder ~ dunger, manurer
eoyllit ~ manured
epiderm ~ epidermis
Equador ~ Equador
er ~ on him, on, onto, during, for
er aggle ~ lest
er aggle ny haggle ~ to be on the safe side
er aghree ~ horsing
er aght cosoylagh ~ in like manner
er aght elley ~ otherwise, in another connection,
er aght ennagh ~ someway
er aght ennaght ~ somehow
er aght erbee ~ noways-nowise
er aght partanagh ~ crabwise
er-aile ~ on fire, ablaze, afire
er ard ~ publicly, aloud, outright, openly
er ardjey ~ on high
Er-arrey! ~ Attention! Stand by!
er-ash ~ ago, back, backwards, rearward,
er-baare ~ atop
er bargane soiagh ~ leasehold
Er bastal! ~ Past all!
er be dy ~ were it not
er beeal ~ edgeways
er beggan ~ on a small scale
er beggan cheeayl ~ witless
er-boayrd ~ aboard
Er-boayrd lhiu! ~ All aboard!
er boggeeys ~ lecherous, rutting
er broogh ~ on the brink
er builley ny hoor ~ prompt
er caa ~ on spec
er cannoo ~ amorous, lustful, sexy, sexually
precocious, aroused
er cannoo lurg ~ infatuated, lust
er cannooid ~ horniness
er chea ~ retreating, fleeing
er chee ~ about, on the point of
er chee geddyn baase ~ fey
er cheeid ~ thick
er cheer ~ on shore, ashore
er cheu ~ near, pro
er cheu mooie ~ objective
er cheu ny geayee ~ aloof
er cheusthie ~ internally, subjective, inwardly
er chlee ~ left
er chor erbee ~ in any way so ever, leastways,
at any rate, noways-nowise, nohow, at all
costs, anywise, at all events
er chosh ~ standing, afoot
er chroo ~ maggoty
er chroo (lesh) ~ infested
er coayl ~ lost
er conaant ~ provided, nisi, conditionally
er coontey ~ because, by virtue, on account of,
for the sake of
er coontey shen ~ on that score
er-cosh ~ astir
er craa ~ nervous
Er cre houd? ~ By how much?
er creau ~ quivering, doddering, trembling,
shuddering, quake, tremble
er croo ~ swarming, full, crawling, alive with
er croo lesh ~ teeming
er croo lesh carthanyn ~ bug-infested
er-croo lesh snienganyn ~ ant-infested
er daayl ~ on tick
er dagh ooilley chor ~ in every respect,
er daill ~ on trust
er deeah ~ bulling
er deir ~ bulling
er dheyr ~ bulling
Er dhyt! ~ Take care!
er dou bastal ~ very much
er-dreeym ~ backwards
er dt'ockle ~ on your oath
er-dty-hon ~ for you
er dty hwoaie ~ weather eye, qui vive
er-dty-skyn ~ above you
er-dy-henney ~ ago
er dy rieau ~ from time immemorial, eternally,
from everlasting, eternal
er dyn ~ since
er dys ~ toward
er e cheeayll ~ sane
er e chione ~ endways
er-e-hon ~ for him
er e hon shen ~ on that score
er e hynnyd ~ on station
er e lhiurid ~ endways
er-e-skyn ~ above him, above her
er-e-son ~ for her
er eaghree ~ oestrum, horsing
er eam ~ on call
er earroo ~ in number
er eeasaght ~ on loan
er egin ~ forcibly, compulsorily, perforce
er-egin ~ barely
er-eiyrt ~ alternately
er enney ~ sentient, recognized
er ennym ~ namely, viz., specially
er ennym elley ~ alias
er faill ~ stipendiary
er-fakin ~ visible
er feie ~ throughout
er feie ny cruinney ~ worldwide, pandemic
er feiy ~ during
er finnue ~ furiously, fiercely, passionate
er-flod ~ afloat
er-foddey ~ afar
er foyr ~ edgeways
er fud ~ overall, throughout, during
er fys ~ notorious, known, public
er gerrey ~ near, imminent, approaching
er gerrey (da) ~ close to, near
er ghlee ~ brimming
er gioal ~ staked
er gioaldeeaght ~ mortgaged
er-giyn ~ after (time)
er glasseraght ~ sprouting
er gliee ~ breaming, brimming
er goan-eeck ~ underpaid
er-halloo ~ ashore
er hen ~ there
er hene ~ coy (of boy), reserved
er hoh eh ~ here it is
er hoshiagh ~ fast (as time)
er hoshiaght ~ in the van, on (forward)
er hostal ~ left
er jeeym ~ I think, in my opinion
er jeid ~ on edge, overstrung
er-jerrey ~ lastly, finally
er keagh ~ mad, raging
er keayrt ~ visiting
er keim hooyl ~ at a walking pace
er laaragh ny hobbyr ~ sitdown (as strike)
er-laccal ~ wanted
er laueyn ~ by hand
er lheead ~ broad, in width, in breadth, wide
er lheeah ~ moulded, mouldy
er lheh ~ certain, special, distinctive, separate,
patented, private and confidential, aloof,
aside, isolated, fancy, respective; privately,
specially, separately
er lheih (voish) ~ distinct
er lhiam ~ in my opinion, it seems to me, I
presume, I think, I suppose
er-lhimmey (jeh) ~ except, save
er lhiurid ~ along (length), long
er lhuingey ~ aboard, on shipboard
er lieh-chummaght ~ at half power
er liurid ~ at length, longways, lengthways
er-lout ~ aloft
er louyn ~ by hand, on a rope, along
er maayl ~ chartered
er maill ~ hired
er mayl ~ rented
er mayrn ~ living, surviving, remaining,
undestroyed, existence
er mean ~ on average
er merre ~ raving mad
er meshtey ~ drunk, inebriated, intoxicated
Er m'ockle! ~ Upon my word!
er mod ~ in order
er mooin ~ succession, mounted, piggyback
er mooin cabbyl ~ on horseback
er mooin y cheilley ~ pell-mell, helter-skelter
er mooir ~ by water
er-mullagh ~ atop
Er my chooinsheanse! ~ Well I declare!
er-my-hon ~ for me
er my hons ~ on my account, for my part
er-my-skyn ~ above me
Er nearey! ~ For shame!
er neunhee ~ void, null
er niart ~ forcibly, by strength of arms
er nonney ~ otherwise, or else
er ny assaid ~ born
er ny brey ~ born
er ny choyrt ~ remitted
er ny chur magh ~ published
er ny creck ~ sold
er ny dhieyn ~ domiciliary
er ny enmys ~ named
er ny gheddyn reesht ~ recovered
er ny gheid ~ pinched
er ny hellym ~ sounded, blown
er ny juail ~ wasted
er ny sloo ~ in the least
er ny sthockyn ~ on the slips
er ny taishbyney er ard ~ prominently
er ny uail ~ wasted
er ny vrey ~ born
er nyn duittym magh ~ estranged
er-nyn-skyn ~ above us, above you, above them
er-nyn-son ~ for us you them
er oaie ~ ahead, onward(s), forward
Er oaie (lesh)! ~ Fire away!
Er oaie! ~ Lead on!
er oie ~ nightly, under cover of night, by night
er ouyl ~ in a rage, frenzied, raging
er paart-hraa ~ on short time
er ping ~ for a penny
er prowalys ~ on probation
er reays ~ oestrum, tupping
er rigganey ~ oestrum
er rouyl ~ mad, rabid, frenzied, frantic, to gad
er sceau ~ on the slant
er shaghryn ~ stray, lost, astray, adrift,
bewildered, deviating, betrayed, erring,
er shayll y cheilley ~ succession
er shen ~ thereupon, thereon
er shid ~ thereon
er shoh ~ hereto, whereupon, hereby
er snaue ~ swimming, floating, awash
Er soccaraght! ~ Stand easy!
er son ~ for the sake of, on account of, for
er son dy bragh ~ forever
er son foays ~ behoof
er son peiagh ennagh ~ behoof
er son shen ~ notwithstanding
er son shoh ~ in return for this
er son y cheilley ~ clannish
er tayrn ~ on tap
er thalloo ~ downed, aground
er toshiagh ~ before the mast
er toshiaght ~ forward
er towse dooghyssagh ~ life-size
er traen ~ by rail
er-traie ~ ashore
er troailt ~ travailing, childbirth
er troggloo ~ exhausted, worn out, dog-tired,
helpless, prostrated, unable to rise, bedridden
er trogglooid ~ prostration
er-twoaie ~ aware, vigilant
er un linney ~ abreast
er ve fo laue yn aspick ~ confirmed
er y chaa ~ extempore
er y cheayn ~ at sea, by water
er y cheayrt ~ on the road, cruising (of taxi)
er y cheer ~ in the country
er y cheu elley ~ contrariwise
er y cheu ghroamey ~ on the dark side
er y cheu hoshtal ~ Red (Political)
er y cheu mooie ~ outwardly, externally
er y cheu shen ~ in respect of that
er y cheu yiass ~ on the south
er y chied reayrt ~ prima facie
er y chione ~ ahead
er y chlag ~ o'clock
er y chloie ~ sport
er y chooid sloo ~ at least
er y chooyl ~ immediately, at once
Er y chor shen ~ in that event
er y derrey heu ~ alternatively
er y fa ~ for that reason, because
er y fa shen ~ therefore, consequently
er y fergaght ~ rampage
er y gherrid ~ lately, recently
er y gherrit ~ of late, lately
er y ghrunt ~ aground
er y hon shen hene ~ for this very reason
er y jough ~ sot
er y laa shid ~ on that day
er y laaragh ~ on site
er y laue elley ~ contrariwise
er y lhiabbee ~ abed
er y nah lheanagh ~ overleaf
er y Nollick ~ at Christmas, during Yuletide
er y phlan ~ preacher
er y phlan beg ~ preacher on trial
er y raad ~ on the road, on tour
er y raad dy valley ~ homeward bound
er y raad magh ~ outbound
er y raad thie ~ homeward bound
er y scooyr ~ binge, bender
er y slanechreck ~ wholesale
er y thalloo ~ knocked out
er y traa ~ prompt
er y trah follym ~ in the open plain
er y traie ~ beached, aground
er y vargey ~ in (of fruit)
er y varrinys noal ~ on the voyage home
er y varrinys noon ~ on the voyage out
er y veggan cheeaylley ~ crackpot
er y vunlaa ~ at noon
er yn aarkey ~ at sea
er yn aarkey vooar ~ offshore
er yn aght cheddin ~ likewise
er yn aght cosoylagh ~ similarly
er yn annys ~ on the skyline
er yn cheu heear ~ on the west
er yn cheu hoal ~ per contra
er yn eaghtyr ~ afloat, above ground
er yn eean ~ breeding (of fowls)
er yn oor ~ hourly
er yn oyr ~ because
er yn rea ~ on the level
er yn 'un cheim (rish) ~ co-ordinate
er yn un daah ~ whole-coloured
er yn ushtey ~ afloat, by water
er ynnyd mooie ~ on location
erbee ~ any, soever
erbey ~ but, except (unless)
erbey dy ~ were it not
erg ~ erg
ergooyl ~ back, behind, arrear(s); backwards,
Erin ~ Erin
erin ~ Eucharist, mass, vestry
erin banshey ~ nuptial mass
erin injil ~ low mass
erin kiaullit ~ sung mass
erin mean oie ~ midnight mass
erin mooar ~ high mass
erin ny merriu ~ requiem mass
erin ny Nollick ~ midnight mass
Erinagh ~ Irish, Irishman
ermyn ~ ermine
errear ~ power
erreartagh ~ illustrious, powerful
erreayrt ~ show, ostentation
erreayrtagh ~ conspicuous, ostentatious
erreayrtaght ~ showiness
erreayrtey ~ flourish
erreaytagh ~ showy
erree ~ end, fate
erreeish ~ sympathy, pity, compassion
erreeishagh ~ compassionate, sympathetic
erreish ~ clemency, posterior
erreish (da) ~ after (time)
erreish da baase ~ posthumous, post mortem
erreish da laue-lheeys ~ post-operative
erreish da'n chaggey ~ postwar
erreish da'n cheim ~ postgraduate
erreish da'n lhongey ~ postprandial
erreish da'n traa rio ~ postglacial
errey ~ imposition, load, burden
errey mullee ~ peak load
erreydagh ~ burdensome, weighty (as trouble)
erreyder ~ bearer, carrier, porter
erreyder cadjin ~ common carrier
erreyder marrey ~ sea carrier
erreydit ~ burdened
erreydys ~ burdensomeness
erriu ~ on you
erroo ~ tiller of land, ploughman
errooagh ~ tillable
erroogh ~ chimb
errooid ~ cultivation, ploughmanship, tillage
erroonagh ~ boorish
erroort ~ valour, prowess
erroortagh ~ illustrious, valiant
erroortys ~ illustriousness, valiantness
errys ~ consciousness
erskyn ~ above, aloft, over, ultra
erskyn cagh ~ supereminent
erskyn-chlashtyn ~ supersonic, ultrasonic
erskyn-chlashtynagh ~ ultrasonic
erskyn-chlashtynaght ~ ultrasonics
erskyn cooinaghtyn ~ immemorial
erskyn credjue ~ incredibly
erskyn deiney ~ superhuman
erskyn dooghys ~ supernatural
erskyn dooghys deiney ~ superhuman
erskyn earroo ~ uncountable, innumerable,
erskyn-ghorrym ~ ultra-violet
erskyn glare ~ indescribable
erskyn insh ~ ineffable, indescribably, abysmal,
erskyn laue ~ over-arm
erskyn leagh ~ invaluable, inestimable,
erskyn ooilley ~ besides, moreover, chiefly
erskyn pooar ~ ultra vires
erskyn prios ~ inestimable, invaluable
erskyn (shen) ~ additionally
erskyn smaght ~ irresistible
erskyn soilsheydys ~ unaccountable
erskyn thallooin ~ above ground
erskyn towse ~ immeasurable, exceptionally
erskyn tushtey ~ incomprehensible
erskyn y chadjinys ~ above average
erskyn y thalloo ~ above ground
erskyn ymmyd ~ superfluous
erskyn yn chadjinys ~ supernormal
ersooyl ~ distant, off, away
Ersooyl-jee! ~ Begone!
Ersooyl lhiat! ~ Clear off! Go away!
Ersooyl lhieu! ~ Shoo!
ersooyl marish ferrishyn ~ fey
eshloon ~ echelon
eshlyn ~ shroud
eshlys ~ shroud
eshyn ~ him, himself, he
Eskimagh ~ Eskimo
esplanaid ~ seafront, esplanade
essyl ~ axle, mandrel
essyl chroymmane ~ crank axle
essyl immanagh ~ driving axle
essyl lhieggit ~ dropped axle
essyl vooar ~ main axle
essyl yerree ~ rear axle
essylagh ~ axial
essylys ~ axis
essylys beg ~ minor axis
essylys chyndaaee ~ axis of rotation
essylys cochruinnagh ~ horizontal axis
essylys mooar ~ major axis
essylys ny cruinney ~ axis of the earth
essylys pontreilagh ~ vertical axis
essylys shimeadraght ~ axis of symmetry
essyn ~ doorpost, gatepost, jamb
Yn Esthoin ~ Estonia
Estoinagh ~ Estonian
etchal ~ etch, etching
etcheyder ~ etcher
ethicoil ~ ethic(al)
Ethiopagh ~ Ethiopian
Yn Ethiopia ~ Ethiopia
etlag ~ kite
etlag cherrinagh ~ box kite
etlagh ~ fly, aviation, flight
etlagh er ash ~ fly back
etlagh ersooyl ~ fly away
etlagh seose ~ fly up
etlagh shaghey ~ fly by
etlan ~ aircraft, aeroplane, plane
etlan bleaystan ~ bomber, bomb carrier
etlan caggee ~ warplane, fighter
etlan cassee ~ helicopter
etlan daa-skianagh ~ biplane
etlan marrey ~ flying boat
etlan mooar ~ airliner
etlan skiootagh ~ jet plane
etlan torpaid ~ torpedo plane
etlan traghtee ~ commercial aircraft
etlan tree-skianagh ~ triplane
etlan troddanagh ~ fighter
etlan ushtey ~ hydroplane
etlanys ~ aeronautics
etlee ~ flying
etleyder ~ aviator, air pilot
etloge ~ volley
Etruscagh ~ Etruscan
ettag ~ pirn
ettlagh ~ fly
ettyl ~ fly
eu ~ your, at you
Euan ~ Ewan
Yn Euar ~ Newry
euar ~ yew
euar ny greg ~ juniper
euar Yernagh ~ Irish yew
eucalyptus ~ eucalyptus
Eue ~ Eve
eulys ~ madness, ferocity, rage, indignation,
eulyssagh ~ indignant, ferocious, furious
person, hothead
Eunys ~ Eunice
eunys ~ pleasure, rapture, joy, bliss, delight
eunyssagh ~ delightful, rapturous, enchanting,
delicious, pleasure-seeker
eurin ~ castrated goat
Europagh ~ European
Yn Europey ~ Europe, The Continent
Eva ~ Eve
Evan ~ Evan
Ew ~ Jew, Hebrew
Yn Ew rouaillagh ~ The wandering Jew
Ewagh ~ Jewish, Hebrew, Judaic(al)
Ewaght ~ Jewdom
Ewaghys ~ Judaism
Ewan ~ Ewan
Ewdish ~ Yiddish
Ewnish ~ Hebrew
Exodus ~ Exodus
eylaghey ~ revile
fa ~ reason, cause, why
Faag eh! ~ Drop it!
faag reayms eddyr ~ interspace
faag reeanyn ~ pit (of smallpox)
faagail ~ leave, depart, quit, disembark,
descend, forsake, abandon, ditch, maroon,
strand, relinquish, retire, give up, throw
over, hand down, season; vacating,
seasoning, leaving, quitting, flitting,
faagail ass yn earroo ~ leave out
faagail bane ~ fallow
faagail cron er ~ stain, spot, stigmatize, scar
faagail (da) ~ bequeath
faagail (er) ~ keep on
faagail er traie ~ strand
faagail gyn eeck ~ non-payment
faagail gyn jannoo ~ non-performance
faagail gyn vree ~ stultify
faagail jeh ~ abstinence, abstention, abstain,
keep off
faagail magh ~ leave out, drop off, rule out, miss
faagail magh (ass) ~ except
faagail mooie ~ exclude, leave out
faagail mygeayrt ~ leave about
faagail ny 'aasagh ~ uncared for
faagail ny yei ~ outmode, outdistance, hand on,
leave behind, emerge
faagail torragh ~ impregnate
faagail yn ardan ~ go off
faagailagh ~ laggard, dilatory, quitter,
changeling, waif
faagailys ~ abandonment
faageyder ~ leaver
faageyder scoill ~ school leaver
faagit ~ abandoned, stranded, ditched,
remaining, seasoned
faagit er mayrn ~ left-over
faagit mooie ~ indicted by grand jury
faagit rish tammylt ~ in abeyance
faaie ~ flat field, paddock, green, lawn, square,
faaie amas ~ putting green
faaie balley beg cheerey ~ village green
faaie chloie ~ recreation ground
faaie criggad ~ cricket pitch
faaie sockyr ~ football ground
faaie vargee ~ fairground
faaie voulleragh ~ bowling green
faaieaghyn ~ grounds (of park), grounds
faaigh ~ beech
faaish ~ apparition, sprite
faaishnagh ~ prophetical, predictive, fortune-
telling, divination, fortune-teller, soothsayer
faaishnaghey ~ predict, forecast, foretell,
forebode, conjure
faaishneyder ~ predictor, diviner, augur,
faaishneyder rollageagh ~ astrologer
faaishnys ~ fortune, forecast, prediction, augury,
faaishnys cappanagh ~ cup-reading
faaishnys-enn ~ diagnosis
faaishnys-enneydagh ~ diagnostic
faaishnys foddey ~ long-range forecast
faaishnys laue ~ palmistry
faaishnys ny h-emshir ~ weather forecast
faaishnys rollageagh ~ astrology
faaishnys tidee ~ tidal prediction
faaishnyssagh ~ prognostic
faal ~ fence, boundary hedge, septum
faal bio ~ quickset hedge
faal chirrym ~ dead hedge
faal fainey ~ ring fence
faal geay ~ windscreen
faal geayee ~ windbreak
faal streng ~ wire fence
faalaghey ~ hedge in
faaney ~ slant, incline, rake, ski-run, inclination,
faanys ~ gap, faun, breach (in hedge)
faare ~ near, adjacent, proximity, presence;
towards you
faare-cheayll ~ presence of mind
faarey ~ skyline
faarid ~ adjacency
faarjey ~ fare, to get by
faarkagh ~ marine
faarkaghyn ~ waters
faarkey ~ sea, ocean, swell, breaker, large wave,
billow; to bathe in sea
Yn Faarkey Baltagh ~ Baltic Sea
faarkey brisht ~ lumpy sea
faarkey mooar ~ high seas, roller, ocean,
faarkey toanee ~ toning bath
faarkey toshee ~ head-sea
faarkey trome ~ high sea
faarkeyder ~ bather
Yn Faarkeydys ~ Oceania
faarkeylan ~ oceanarium
faarn ~ leak
faarnagh ~ leaky, pervious, drippy, dripping
faarnaght ~ perviousness, leakiness
faarney ~ drip, leak, get in, leakage, drop,
dripping, Ferns
faarney thallooin ~ earth leakage
Faaroagh ~ Faroese
Faaroish ~ Faroese
faasaag [f] ~ whisker(s), beard, comet tail
faasaag Aaron ~ Aaron's Beard
faasaag cherrinagh ~ spade beard
faasaag daa veinn ~ forked beard
faasaag ghoair ~ goatee
faasaag ghollagagh ~ fork-beard
faasaag lieckanagh ~ side whiskers
faasaag ny greg ~ stone lichen
faasaagagh ~ scrubby, bearded, whiskery
faasaagey ~ growing a beard, of a beard
faasagh ~ wild, desolate, wilderness, waste
place, desert
faasagh faiyr ~ pampas, prairie
faasagh keylley ~ virgin forest
Faasagh ny Libya ~ Libyan Desert
faase ~ feeble, weak
faase-chreeagh ~ faint-hearted
faase rea ~ half castrated tup
faasechredjuagh ~ superstitious
faasechredjue ~ superstition
faaselagh ~ weakest part, poor part of lawn
faaseyannoo ~ imperfection
faasid ~ feebleness, weakness
faasid chree ~ faint-heartedness, dismay
faasit ~ fed
faasoil ~ desert
faasrey ~ flora
faast ~ twist, wring, filament
faastan ~ press
faastan aascreeu ~ copying press
faastan breechyn ~ trouser-press
faastan cheh ~ hot press
faastan coipagh ~ letterpress
faastan lieen ~ linen-press
faastan ooyl ~ cider-press
faastan whaaley ~ sewing-press
faasteen daawheeyl ~ bicycle clip
faastey ~ compress, squeeze, twist, wring,
compression, wringing
faasteyder ~ wringer, squeezer
faasteyder limon ~ lemon squeezer
faastguin ~ sponge
faastguinagh ~ spongy
faastit ~ wrung
faaue ~ hint, suggestion, tip, allusion
faaueagh ~ allusive, suggestive
faaueder ~ tipster
faaueyn ~ suggestion
faayl ~ turfcutter, turfspade
faayleyder ~ turfcutter
fadanagh ~ lonely, desolate
fadanaght ~ loneliness
fadane ~ wild, uncultivated place, unfrequented
place, solitude
fadaneagh ~ isolated, remote, out of the way,
solitary, wild (as terrain), recluse,
unfrequented; boor, boorish
fadaneys ~ unfrequented place, solitariness
fadanid ~ remoteness, isolation
fadanys ~ solitude, reclusion, lonely place,
uncultivated place
fadeyr ~ prophet, vaticinator
fadeyr-ben ~ prophetess
fadeyr crystal ~ crystal gazer
fadeyr ny h-emshir ~ weather prophet
fadeyrag padjerey ~ praying mantis
fadeyragh ~ prophesying, prophetical, prophesy
fadeyraght ~ prophecy
fadeyrys ~ prophecy
fadeyryssagh ~ prophesying
faggad ~ faggot
faggys (da) ~ near, close, nearby, almost,
handy, neighbouring, contiguous
faggys da shen ~ thereabouts
faggys da'n chleaysh ~ parotid
faggys da'n clyst ~ coastal
faggys da'n traie ~ inshore
faggys dy-cheilley ~ close set, close together
faggys-vooinjerys ~ closely related
faggys-yalloo ~ close-up
faggysaght ~ adjacency, nearness
faggysid ~ closeness, handiness, contiguity
faggyssagh ~ approximate
faggyssaght ~ approximation
faghid ~ insult, scorn, ridicule, mockery, sneer,
distain, derision, contempt
faghid er skielley ~ insult added to injury
faghidagh ~ contemptible, ridiculous, scornful,
derisive, distainful, insulting, sneerer,
derider, despiser
faghidaght ~ ridiculousness
faghidys ~ contemptibility, ridiculousness
faghteyr ~ factor
fahnaghtagh ~ warty
fahney ~ wart, verruca
fahrane ~ mole
fahrane aalin ~ beauty spot
faiense ~ faience
faih ~ beech; omen
faih dhoo ~ black beech
faih ruy ~ copper beech
faihal ~ ominous
faihteag ~ prophetess
faik ~ vide, see
fail y vaaish ~ terminal
faill ~ pay, wages, salary, fee, fare, stipend,
hire, board
faill cooyl ~ back pay
faill treih ~ pittance
faill vioghee ~ living wage
failleil ~ fail, fall short, decline, failure
failleil ayns spyrryd ~ quail
failleilagh ~ failing, fallible, deficient
failleillagh ~ miscarried
failleilys ~ fallibility
failleilys (briwnys) ~ miscarriage
failleilys cree ~ heart failure
failley ~ engage, employ, hire, engagement,
failley (leighder) ~ brief
failleydagh ~ employee
failleyder ~ personnel officer, engager,
failt ~ salaried, employed, hired; welcome, ave
failt feayr ~ wintry reception
failt oikoil ~ state reception
Failt ort! ~ Welcome! With pleasure!
failt royd ~ welcome
Failt yn Ainle ~ Hail Mary, Angelus
failtagh ~ welcoming, hospitable, welcome
failtaghey ~ reception
failtaghey reeoil ~ levee
failtey ~ salutation
failteyr ~ receptionist
Yn Fainagh ~ Auriga
fainagh ~ ringlike, whorled, carriage, coach,
fainagh cabbil ~ horsedrawn coach
fainagh caggee ~ armoured vehicle
fainagh daa chabbyl ~ curricle
fainaghyn Harn ~ ansae
fainey [f] ~ ring, puck, whorl, circle, wreathe,
grummet, keeper
fainey abaneagh ~ anklet
fainey airh ~ gold ring
fainey airhey ~ golden ring
fainey argid ~ silver ring
fainey chleayshey ~ earring
fainey condughtys ~ slip-ring
fainey croanagh ~ parrel
fainey ghas ~ gas ring
fainey ghreiney ~ anthelion, sun halo
fainey hooaghan ~ piston ring
fainey naishtee ~ engagement ring
fainey noo ~ halo
fainey ogheragh ~ key-ring
fainey ooill ~ oil-ring
fainey phaggal ~ packing ring
fainey phoosee ~ wedding ring
fainey scoltit ~ split-ring
fainey screebey ~ scraper ring
fainey sealal ~ seal ring, signet ring
fainey shee ~ fairy ring
fainey skeilt ~ split ring
fainey sollys ~ halo, aureola
fainey sthie ~ bull's eye
fainey stroaney ~ nose ring
fainey teayst ~ doughnut
fainey veg ~ ringlet, circlet
fainey vleeaney ~ annual ring
fainey yn laa ~ aurora
faineyder ~ wagoner, charioteer
fainnag ~ annulet
fainnagh ~ cyclic(al), circinate
fainoil ~ annular
fairag volley ~ nectary
fairagh ~ wax kernel
fairaig ~ struma, gland
fairaig attit ~ bubo
fairaig hrullee ~ struma
ny fairaig millish ~ pancreatic
fairaig nieu ~ poison gland
fairaig ny lheshey ~ Pope's eye
fairaig ollish ~ suderiferous, sweat gland
fairaig villish ~ pancreas
fairaigagh ~ bubonic, glandular
fairaigyn gyn duct ~ ductless glands
faishey ~ fascia
faishnyeyr ~ informant
faishnys ~ prognosis
faitagh ~ timid, shy, cowardly, irresolute,
fearful, timid person, shy person
faitchagh ~ sheepish, nervous, chicken-hearted
faitchys ~ nervousness
ny faitee ~ the timid
faitid ~ bashfulness
faitys ~ trepidation, shyness, timidity,
cowardice, irresolution
faiyr ~ grass, scurvy grass
faiyr alfey ~ alfa grass
faiyr arree ~ vernal grass
faiyr astan ~ eel wrack
faiyr chione mollagh ~ dog's-tail grass
faiyr choonlee ~ stubble grass
faiyr chraaee ~ quaking grass
faiyr corkey ~ oat grass
faiyr-eeagh ~ graminivorous
faiyr-feeaihee ~ deer's grass
faiyr ghuoiee ~ goosegrass
faiyr gorrym ~ bluegrass
faiyr hoggyl ~ ryegrass
faiyr keyrragh ~ fescue
faiyr ny geyrragh ~ sheep's fescue
faiyr ny marrey ~ sea hardgrass
faiyr ny moaneeyn ~ wavy hair grass
faiyr pampas ~ pampas grass
faiyr shynnee ~ foxtail
faiyr sonnys ~ sweet meadowgrass
faiyr-vaaylys ~ grass rent
faiyr villish ~ sweet grass
faiyr voddee ~ twitch, couch grass
faiyr vollagh ~ cocksfoot (grass)
faiyragh ~ grassy, graminaceous, verdant,
browse, litter
faiyraght ~ grassiness
faiyrvaalys ~ sheep walk, rented grazing
fajeil ~ fail, fade
fakider ~ spectator, observer, seer, bystander,
fakin ~ see, view, envisage, behold, spot,
witness, scenery
fakin ny hrooid ~ see through
fakin rolaue ~ foresee
fakinagh ~ visible, discernible, perceivable,
seeing, becoming
fakinaght ~ becomingness
fakinaght vie ~ good visibility
fakinit ~ seen, observed
falgey ~ noble
fallang ~ phalanx
falleays ~ glimpse, glimmer, quick flash
falleaysagh ~ flicker, gleam, flashing, gleaming
falleayssagh ~ flashy, coruscant
falleayssaghey ~ flashing
fallogys ~ divination, soothsaying
fallogyssagh ~ diviner, soothsayer
fallsoonagh ~ schoolman, philosopher,
fallsoonaghey ~ philosophize
fallsoonaght voralaght ~ moral philosophy
fallsoonys ~ philosophy
fam ~ appendage, tangle
fam bwoirryn ~ sweet tangle
fam firryn ~ sea tangle
famlagh ~ wrack, sargasso, kelp, seaweed, alga
famlagh bolgagh ~ bladder wrack, bottle wrack
famlagh bwoirryn ~ sweet tangle
famlagh crammanagh ~ bladder wrack
famlagh dhone ~ seaweed
famlagh doo ~ serrated seaweed
famlagh glass ~ seaweed
famlagh lostit ~ kelp
famlagh mooar ~ seaweed
famlaghey ~
famleeyn dhoan ~ brown seaweeds
famleyder ~ wracker
famlit ~ manured with seaweed
famman ~ tail, tail end, appendage, queue, stem
of note
famman cabbil ~ horse tail
famman carryn laadee ~ wagon train
famman chiyt ~ Timothy (Bot)
famman coadee ~ convoy
famman critlagh ~ brushy tail
famman cuttagh ~ bang-tail, bob (of tail)
famman dow ~ oxtail
famman gleayshtanagh ~ motorcade
famman lugh ~ mousetail
famman mooar ~ kite
famman muickey ~ pigtail
famman scryss ~ tail-paring (of net), loss
famman shynnee ~ foxtail, marsh foxtail-grass
famman skeabanagh ~ flag of dog
famman y theihill ~ sunset of life
famman y vinnagh ~ appendix
famman y yannoo ~ line up
fammanagh ~ tailed, long-tailed, tail end,
caudal, taillike
fammyragh ~ seaweed, wrack
fan-gheay ~ irregular breeze
fank ~ sheep pen, turf
fannag ~ crow, crake
fannag charragh ~ greyback, hooded crow
fannag chonvayrt ~ carrion crow
fannag craue ~ carrion crow
fannag ghlass ~ greyback, hooded crow
fannag ghoo ~ carrion crow
fannag varrey ~ cormorant
fannan ~ irregular breeze
fannane ~ way
fannee ~ bitter (of wind), draughty
fanney ~ skin, scalp, fleece, flay, soak, slash,
dress down, bite (of wind), tirade,
excoriation, slating, skinning, slashing, fly-
fanney beill ~ objurgation
fanneyder ~ sting, drill, flayer, skinner, fleecer;
basking shark
fanneydys ~ bitterness of weather
fannidagh ~ derisive
fannidys ~ derision, ridicule, scorn, mockery
fannit ~ slashed
fanntagh ~ keen (of wind), nippy, glacial,
fannys ~ skyline
fansee ~ fantasy
fant ~ fleeced, flayed
fantayse ~ fantasia
far- ~ (prefix) pseudo-, mock, super, fake, fresh
far-aggyrtys ~ frame up
far-argid ~ token money
far-ayr ~ father-figure
far-chabbal ~ ante-chapel
far-chaptan ~ copper-captain
far-chasherick ~ sanctimonious
far-chass ~ artificial leg
far-chemmicagh ~ alchemist
far-chemmig ~ alchemy
far-chiarkyl ~ epicycle, truss-hoop
far-chiarkylagh ~ epicyclic
far-chlaasagh ~ autoharp
far-chlashtyn ~ overhear, slight deafness,
hardness of hearing
far-chlashtynagh ~ hard of hearing
far-chliaghtey ~ affectedness
far-chloie ~ foul play, foul
far-choodagh ~ jacket of book
far-eayst ~ mock moon
far-eddin ~ mask
far-eddin cloie ~ masque
far-eddin gas ~ gasmask
far-eddin vaaish ~ deathmask
far-eeacklyn ~ denture
far-eeym ~ margarine
far-enmyssit ~ alias, nicknamed
far-ennym ~ pronoun, nickname, alias,
cognomen, pseudonym
far-ennymagh ~ pronominal
far-etlan ~ simulator
far fer lhee ~ quack
far folt ~ wig, toupee
far genmys ~ nickname
far-ghellal ~ duplicity
far-ghlaragh ~ slang, slangy
far-ghlare ~ slang
far-ghlottys ~ epiglottis
far-ghoaillagh ~ usurping
far-ghoghanagh ~ malingerer
far-ghooinney ~ primate
far-ghorrys ~ porch, vestibule, architrave,
far-ghrian ~ mock sun, parhelion
far-ghuillag ~ leaf of table, flyleaf
far-ghunnallys ~ bravado
far-ghunverys ~ manslaughter
far-halley ~ foyer
far-hamyr ~ hallway, lobby, ante-chamber
far-heean ~ cipher
far-heeaney ~ cipher
far-hellooder ~ frontman
far-henn ~ pseudo-archaic
far-hoiggal ~ misinterpret, misunderstand,
misunderstanding, misconception
far-hoiggalys ~ misconstruction
far-homman ~ catafalque
far hooill ~ cast, ocellus
far-hroll ~ satinette
far-hugyr ~ saccharine
far-leshtal ~ pretence
far-lheeys ~ quack remedy, quackery
far-lheiney ~ smock
far lheiy ~ moon-calf
far-lhieeney ~ addendum (book)
far-lhieng ~ rap
far-liare ~ artificial leather, leatherette
far-oaie ~ mask
far-ockle ~ by-word
far-reejerey ~ carpet knight
far-riojit ~ frosted
far-rollageydys ~ astrology
far-scaa ~ canopy
far-scryss ~ scurf, dandruff, furfur
far-skeeal ~ fairy tale, fiction, romance,
apologue, fable
far-skeealagh ~ fabled, fictitious, fabulous
far-skeealaght ~ fiction
far-skeealeragh ~ romantic
far-skeealeraght ~ romance
far-skeealeyder ~ fabulist, romancer
far-skian ~ alula
far-smooinaghtagh ~ imaginary, chimerical
far-smooinaghtyn ~ chimera
far-toiggal ~ misapprehend
far-uinnag ~ alcove, recess, false window, bole,
far-unnish ~ scallion, shallot
far veeal rauney ~ walrus moustache
far-ven ~ mistress, virago, amazon (Myth.)
far-vhuttoor ~ counterfort
far-vioalley ~ partition
far-vlaa ~ artificial flower
far-voayrd ~ hardboard
far-voayrdeen ~ trapezoid
far-voyn ~ innersole
far-vraag ~ overshoe, clog, galosh
far-vraddan ~ spent salmon
far vreck ~ spent trout
far-vriwnys ~ prejudice, unfair judgement,
far-vroggil ~ dicky
far-whaillag ~ troutfly
far-yalloo ~ caricature
far-yallooder ~ caricaturist
far-ymmyrt ~ crab
far-ynnydagh ~ vicarious
farad ~ farad
faraneagh ~ squirting
farbagh ~ irritating, rankling, corrosive,
farbaghey ~ inflame, flame up, fret, irritate,
farbaghey yn eddrymane ~ cystitis
farbeyder ~ irritant
farbit ~ inflamed
farbyl ~ train (of dress), trail
farbys ~ irritation
farchail ~ weed
farchaillagh ~ weedy
farchailys ~ weediness
farchloughey ~ overprint
farchoamrey ~ disguise
farchredjaltagh ~ heretic, heretical
farchredjue ~ heresy
fardail ~ inanity, vanity
yn fardail ~ the larger part
fardailagh ~ trifling, trivial, futile, empty (of
words), fruitless, frivolous, unavailing, vain
(of hope)
fardailys ~ frivolity, futility, triviality,
insignificance, folly
fardane ~ lonely place
fare ~ best
faregin ~ overstress
fareid ~ superiority
fareignaghey ~ overstress
farenmyn persoonagh ~ personal pronouns
farg ~ anger, outrage, wrath, choler, fury,
fargagh ~ angry, furious, raging, indignant,
enraged, wrathful, vexed, quick-tempered;
fargaghey ~ incense
farghaghey ~ annoy greatly
farghane ~ wind gall
fargit ~ annoyed
fargys ~ anger
fargyssagh ~ angry
farhilgane ~ projection
fariagh ~ stay
Farisee ~ Pharisee
fariseeagh ~ pharisaic
Fark ort! ~ Hold! Stop!
farkaghey ~ stay, wait
farkaght ~ wait, stay, pause
farkaght chaggee ~ armistice
farkan cooyl doalan ~ blind man's buff
farkan doallan ~ blind man's buff
farkeyder ~ waiter
farkiagh ~ attendant
farkiaght ~ pause
farkyl ~ lid, cover, cap
farkyl cassee ~ screw cap
farkyl feayreyder ~ radiator cap
farlane ~ firlot
farling [f] ~ farthing
farnagh ~ aldern
farney ~ aldern, alder
farney doo ~ black alder, alder buckthorn
farraghtagh ~ incessant, long lasting
farraghtyn ~ continue, carry on, endure,
continuance, durability
farrail ~ entertainment, fare
farrain ~ cow parsnip, hogweed
farral ~ fare
farran ~ land
farranaghey ~ fountain
farrane ~ fountain, spring, fount, drinking
fountain, water source, squirt, spring-well;
farrane vooar ~ giant hogweed
farraneagh ~ spurt, squirt, spring, squirting,
abounding with springs, watered
farraney ~ fountain, squirting
farrar ~ deathwatch, vigil, wake for the dead,
farrarey ~ to keep vigil, mourn
farrarit ~ waked
farrym ~ rustle
farrys ~ plant, rig, apparatus, appliance, fitment,
props, economy
farrys cheerey ~ agronomic(cal), agronomy,
political economy
farrys thallooin ~ agronomy
farrys-thie ~ domestic economy, management
farrys-thieys ~ housewifery
farrys trome ~ heavy plant
farscreeu ~ forge
farscreeuder ~ forger
farscreeuyn ~ forgery
fartiman ~ paternoster, long line (from shore),
night line, ground line
farvaalys ~ rented grazing, grazing rights
farvane ~ buttercup, ranunculus, blank in
farveeal ~ moustache
farvish ~ forfeit
farvishey ~ forfeit
farvisheyder ~ forfeiter
farvoallagh ~ ceilinglike, buttresslike
farvoalley ~ ceiling, buttress, roof
farvollee ~ eyelid
farvraane ~ virago
farvriwnyssagh ~ prejudicial, prejudiced
farwuinneel ~ oversleeve
farym ~ figwort
fasca(i)dagh ~ umbrella, gamp, brolly
fashagh ~ timid, timorous
fashan ~ vogue
fashan ta goaill niart ~ prevailing fashion
fashan t'ayn ~ prevailing fashion
fashanagh ~ chic, tony, swell, dressy, stylish
fashanaght ~ dressiness
Fashistagh ~ Blackshirt
fashistagh ~ fascist
fashistaghys ~ fascism
faskule ~ fascicle
fasnee ~ fanning
fasney ~ winnow, fan
fasneyder ~ punkah-wallah, winnower, fanner
fasnit ~ winnowed
fassaghey ~ graze, pasture, feed, browse
fassaghey cadjin ~ commonage
fassaght ~ pasture
fassan ~ fashion
fassanagh ~ fashionable
fasscaadagh ~ umbrella
fasseyder ~ grazier, feeder
fassit ~ pastured
fast ~ quiet, silence
fastagh ~ uncommunicative, inarticulate, tight-
lipped, mum, noncommittal, secretive, quiet,
taciturn, grave, modest, pensive, cautious in
fastaght ~ gravity
fastan feeyney ~ wine-press
fastee ~ protection, harbourage, shelter, screen,
sanctuary, cover
fasteeagh ~ leeward, sheltered
fasteeid ~ shelteriness
fasteen carvat ~ tieclip
fasteen pabyr ~ paper-clip
fasteen queeylleragh ~ trouser-clip
fastid ~ seriousness, modesty, pensiveness,
closeness, reserve, taciturnity
fastid moidynagh ~ maiden modesty
fastyr ~ evening, afternoon, postmeridian, from
noon to darkness, vesper
fastyr beg ~ evening just before dark
fastyr kiaullee ~ soiree
Fastyr mie! ~ Good afternoon!
fastyr mooar ~ from noon to darkness
fastyragh ~ afternoon, evening, late in the day,
fea ~ quietness, stillness, rest, quiet
fea drommey ~ bedrest
fea fastagh ~ quiet and easy
fea ny merriu ~ requiem
feaee ~ quiet
feagh ~ calm, restful, still, docile, quiet,
composed, at rest, piano
feaghey ~ quiet(en)
feaghid ~ docility
feaghys ~ restfulness
feaill ~ Holy day, festival
Feaill' Eoin ~ John the Baptist's Day
feaillere ~ calendar, almanac
feaillere duillagagh ~ tear-off calendar
feaillere rollagydagh ~ ephemeris
feailley ~ feast, festival, holiday, Holy day,
fete, sacred, end (of roof)
feailley arraghey ~ movable feast
feailley bleeaney ~ anniversary
Feailley chybbyrt Ushtey ~ Epiphany
Feailley geul ~ winter festival
feailley kiaullee ~ music festival
Feailley Sarn ~ Saturnalia
feailley so-ghleashagh ~ movable feast
feailley tree cheead ~ tercentenary
feailley yn eaynchaisht ~ passover
feaillys ~ festivity, vacation, sacredness
feallagh ~ folk, people, persons, ones
feallagh elley ~ others
feallagh ny firrinys ~ perfect ones
feallagh ny ghaa ~ many ones
feallagh ooasle ~ nobility
feallagh veggey ~ little people
feallee ~ persons, people
feamagh ~ applied
feanish ~ evidence, deponent, testimony,
feanish chymnee ~ witness to a will
feanish cleayshey ~ ear witness
feanish scruit ~ evidence in writing
feanish sooilley ~ eye witness
Feanish Yahvey ~ Jehovah's Witness
feanishagh ~ witness (person), manifest
feashlagh ~ aperient
feashley ~ cast off
feasley ~ loose, cast loose, work out (as
problem), liberation
feaychooishagh ~ unemotional, unimpassioned
feayght ~ cold, exposure, chill
feayght drommey ~ crawly
feayl ~ piss, urine
feayl-scoltey ~ urinalysis
feaylagh ~ urinary, urinal
feayllaghyn ~ eaves
feaylley ~ eave
feayn ~ wide, vast, extensive, roomy,
expansive, horizontal, vague
feayn-foshlit ~ wide open, wide awake, gaping
feayn-skeeal ~ myth
feayn-skeealleydagh ~ mythological
feayn-skeealleydaght ~ mythology
feaynid ~ expanse, expansiveness, wild, desert,
space, vagueness, extent
feaynid mooar ~ cosmos, outer space
feaynys ~ vastness, expanse, wideness,
expansiveness, extent, vagueness
feayr ~ cold, icy, cool, chilly, frosty, frigid,
distant (of person)
feayr-aignagh ~ dispassionate, cool-headed,
imperturbable, collected
feayr-aignys ~ imperturbability
feayr-chassagh ~ cold-footed
feayr-chooish ~ imperturbability, languidness,
frigidity, impassiveness, indifference, self-
possession, phlegm
feayr-chooishagh ~ imperturbable, languid,
frigid, apathetic, impassive, unfeeling,
phlegmatic, indifferent, self-possessed
feayr-chooishaght ~ apathy, coolness
feayr-chreeagh ~ callous, cold-hearted
feayr-fuiltagh ~ cold-blooded
feayr-hayrnit ~ cold-drawn
feayraghan ~ fan, punkah
feayraghey ~ cool, chill, refrigerate,
refrigeration, alienation
feayraght [f] ~ cold, coldness, chill
feayraght ching ~ head cold, coryza
yn feayraght shoh ~ the prevailing cold
feayree ~ cooling
feayreyder ~ refrigerator, radiator, cooler
feayreyder feeyney ~ wine cooler
feayrid ~ coolness, chilliness, distance (in
feayrid cree ~ callousness
feayrit ~ cooled, chilled, refrigerated
feayshil ~ absolve
feayshlee ~ aperient
feayshlit ~ lax, loose
feayslagh ~ soluble, solvable, redeemable,
feayslaght ~ looseness, solubility, laxity
feayslee ~ absolving
feaysley (er) ~ free, liberate, release, extricate,
loosen, relieve, undo, unfix, unbutton,
uncouple, solve, puzzle out, guess,
extrication, relief, ransom, key (of puzzle),
ease, looseness, solution, dispensation,
feaysley builg ~ diarrhoea, looseness
feaysley cadjin ~ amnesty
feaysley claight ~ unbraid
feaysley laue ~ manumission
feaysley yn boult ~ unbolt
feaysley yn buggyl jeh ~ unbuckle
feaysleydagh ~ releasee, solvable
feaysleyder ~ liberator, solver, absolver,
reliever, releaser, redeemer, emancipator
feaysleydys ~ solvability
feayslid ~ liberty
feayslid king ~ end play
feayslit ~ freed, emancipated, loosened, loose,
uncoupled, undone, unbound, solved,
absolved, redeemed
fed ~ toot, blast on whistle, zip, swish
fed gailley ~ stomach rumble
feddag ~ golden plover, plover, hooter (of mill)
feddag 'ainnit ~ ringed plover
feddag ghlass ~ plover, grey plover
feddag hraie ~ bar-tailed godwit
feddag reaisht ~ plover
feddag reaisht ghoo ~ squatarola
feddag volvaneagh ~ dotterel
feddagagh ~ ploverlike
feddagh ~ swishing, whistler
feddagh fainnagh ~ plover
feddal ~ shake, swish, pant
feddan ~ tube, tubing, channel, barrel, chanter,
vessel, aqueduct, sleeve, sleeving, flute,
whistle, fife, pipe
feddan aer ~ air passage
feddan ardjey ~ pitch pipe
feddan argid ~ delivery tube
feddan bingys ~ pitch pipe
feddan caabyl ~ hawser pipe
feddan carbreydeyr ~ choke tube
feddan coirrey ~ boil tube
feddan doo ~ ink-feed
feddan-foiee ~ a willow whistle
feddan folley ~ blood vessel
feddan follym ~ hollow tube
feddan fuygh ~ wooden whistle
feddan gear ~ sharp whistle
feddan geayee ~ air duct
feddan geayil ~ coal shoot
feddan glonney ~ bugles
feddan jaagh ~ flue, flue pipe
feddan kiaull ~ music pipe
feddan kiaullee ~ tin whistle
feddan lhoobagh ~ coiled tube, coil
feddan loayrtys ~ speaking tube
feddan meainey ~ ore shoot
feddan millish ~ recorder, fipple flute
feddan ooh ~ oviduct
feddan organe ~ organ pipe
feddan sheelee ~ drainage tube
feddan shuinagh ~ rush pipe
feddan sigar ~ cigar-holder
feddan stainnagh ~ tin whistle
feddan (stainney) ~ flageolet
feddan stiagh ~ lead in tube
feddan tombaacey ~ twist of tobacco
feddan torpaid ~ torpedo tube
feddan tudjeen ~ cigarette holder
feddanagh ~ vascular, vasiform, fluty, tubular,
whistle-like; piper, pipe player, whistler
(person); whistle, play, blow; boatswain
feddanagh shaghey ~ zipping past
feddanaghey neese ~ pipe up
feddanaght ~ capillarity
feddaneyr ~ flute player, flautist
feddanit ~ blow
feddanoil ~ tubular
feddanyn ~ tubing
feddanys ~ whistling
feddey ~ pant
feddish ~ fetish
feddyn ~ acquire, get, obtain, find, locate, duct,
strike, acquisition
feddyn bingey ~ shrill whistles
feddyn er ash ~ retrieve
feddyn foill (ayn) ~ blame, fault, censure, carp,
feddyn foutyn ~ fault-finding
feddyn kyndagh ~ convict
feddyn magh ~ seek out, discover, invent,
ascertain, determine, elicit, dig out,
ascertainment, invention, discovery
feddyn orraghey ~ rangefinding
feddyn reayrt er ~ sight
feddyn reesht ~ retrace
feddyn rey rish ~ dispose
feddyn shilley beg jeh ~ glimpse
feddyn streebee ~ procurement
feddyn thie lhiabbagh ~ doss
feddyn ushtey ~ water-finding
feddynagh ~ locating, acquisitive, beneficiary,
finder, inventive, inventor
feddynagh ushtey ~ water diviner
feddynaght ~ inventiveness, availability
feddyner ~ acquirer
feddyner orraghey ~ rangefinder
feddynit ~ acquired, gotten
feddynit kyndagh ~ convicted
feddynit magh ~ discovered
feddynys ~ find
fedjag [f] ~ feather, plume, quill, pinion
fedjag aeg ~ pin-feather
fedjag ghlennee ~ feather duster
fedjag ghuoiee ~ goose quill
fedjag ostrich ~ ostrich feather
fedjag screeuee ~ pen feather, quill pen, pen,
fedjag veg ~ plumule
fedjagagh ~ pinnate, feathery
fedjageen ~ featherweight
fedjagyn coodee ~ tectrices
fedjeen ~ weaver's quill, feather, beard (of
fedjeenagh ~ feathered, fletcher, winged (as
fedjeeney ~ fletch, feather
fedjeeneyder ~ fletcher
fedjeenit ~ fletched
fee ~ weave, plait, knit, interlace, braid,
intertwine, mat; ravens
fee (ayns slongan) ~ wreathe (as flowers)
fee chereagh ~ honeycomb weave
fee er y cheilley ~ intertwine
fee ry cheilley ~ interweave
feeacklagh ~ toothlike, dentate, dental, toothed,
stepped, serrated, indented (as leaf), cogged,
jagged, snappy, tusker
feeacklaghey ~ to bare the teeth, grin, nab
feeacklaght ~ snappish
feeackle [f] ~ tooth, tusk, ivory, cog, sprocket,
jag, tine, dovetail, fluke of anchor
feeackle chab ~ foretooth
feeackle cheeilley ~ cheektooth, jawtooth
feeackle cheu chooylloo ~ molar tooth, molar
feeackle cheu veealloo ~ front tooth, incisor
feeackle dhone ~ rest harrow
feeackle foalsey ~ false tooth
feeackle hoshee ~ foretooth
feeackle saaue ~ saw tooth
feeackley ~ baring of teeth
feeackleyr ~ dentist
feeackleyrys ~ dentistry
feeacklyn ~ teeth, toothing
feeacklyn baarnagh ~ gap-toothed
feeagh ~ crake, raven, liability, claim (debt),
worth, value, worthwhile
feeagh marrey ~ shag
feeagh mooar ~ raven
feeagh ping ~ pennyworth
feeaghan ~ debt, debit
feeaghanagh ~ debtor
feeaghey ~ value
feeagheyder ~ valuer, appraiser
feeaghyn ~ amortization, commitment, dues,
arrear(s), expenses
feeaghyn ashoonagh ~ funds
feeaghyn cadjin ~ general expenses
feeaih ~ deer
feeaih bwoirrin ~ doe, hind
feeaih bwoirryn ~ doe, hind
feeaih daa vlein ~ brocket
feeaih firryn ~ buck deer, hart, stag
feeaih firryn (daa vlein) ~ pricket
feeaih fynn ~ fallow deer
feeaih Loghlinagh ~ reindeer
feeaih mooar ~ elk, moose
feeaih ruy ~ roe, red deer
feeaihagh ~ deer hunting
feeaihaght ~ deer hunting, deer hunt, deer
feeaihaghteyr ~ deerstalker
feeaihys ~ venison
feeakle daa vaare ~ bicuspid
feeal ~ chess
feeal-sheeidey ~ tulle
feealee ~ chess player
feeam ~ bang, sound, report
feeam-chroan ~ soundpost
feeam-oaylleeaght ~ science of sound
feed ~ score, twenty
feeder ~ weaver, spider, webster
feeder oashyragh ~ stocking knitter
feeder sheeidey ~ silk weaver
yn feedoo ~ twentieth
feegan ~ spider lines, spider's web (round), rim,
outline, extremity
feegan buird ~ table mat
feegan coonlee ~ table mat, straw hat
feegan (doo-oallee) ~ cobweb (round)
feeganagh ~ rimmed
feeill vroieit ~ boiled beef
feeit ~ woven, plaited, textile
feeit dy gloo (dy glooie) ~ closely woven
feeit er y cheilley ~ intertwining
feeit stiagh ~ ingrained
feelee ~ poet
feeleeaght ~ poetry
feer ~ very, exceptionally, true, real, authentic,
regular, veritable, correct, sheer, extremely,
sincere, truthful, pure
feer-aalican ~ anticyclone
feer aalin ~ exquisite
feer aitt ~ hilarious
feer-alcoal ~ pure alcohol
feer ard-ghooagh ~ far-famed
feer-arrymagh ~ right reverend
feer-chasherick ~ sacrosanct
feer-chaslys ~ real image
feer-chasseyder ~ ultra-centrifuge
feer cheh ~ baking hot
feer ching ~ bad way
feer chlannit ~ thickly populated
feer chorree ~ infuriated
feer-chrackan ~ derm
feer chreoi ~ adamantine
feer danjeyragh ~ Herculean
feer doccaragh ~ Herculean
feer doillee ~ Herculean
feer eiyrtagh ~ progressive
feer feagh ~ pianissimo
feer feayslee ~ drastic
feer fliugh ~ sodden
feer-ghaait ~ colorific
feer ghaaney ~ daredevil
feer ghoillee ~ stinker
feer-ghorrym ~ ultramarine
feer-ghorrymid ~ ultramarine
feer ghraihagh er ~ dote
feer-ghraney ~ atrocious (clothing), hideous
feer ghree ~ a bore
feer ghunnal ~ lion-hearted, daredevil
feer happee ~ double quick, cracking (of pace)
feer hrimsagh ~ harrowing
feer-injillid ~ nadir
feer lajer ~ fortissimo
feer leagh ~ real value
feer neugheyr ~ dirt cheap
feer noa-emshiragh ~ ultra modern
feer noo ~ truly holy
feer oayshagh ~ ultra-fashionable
feer-phurgaidagh ~ drastic
feer shenn ~ great antiquity
feer skee ~ dog tired
feer tappee ~ whirlwind
feer trome ~ back breaking
feer trome-chooishagh ~ all-important
feer ushtey ~ fresh water
feer vaare ~ very top
feer-veegrahilley ~ ultra-microscopy
feer-veegrahilleyder ~ ultra-microscope
feer-veegrahowsheyder ~ ultra-micrometer
feer-veegraveih ~ ultra-microbalance
feer veg ~ very little, tiny, minute, pigmy,
feer vie ~ first rate, excellent, exquisite
Feer vie dy liooar! ~ Thumbs up!
feer vlasstal ~ very tasty
feer vog ~ pianissimo, fluted
feer voght ~ destitute, poverty-stricken
feer voiragh ~ nerve-racking, harrowing
feer vooar ~ colossal, gigantic, vast, massive,
giant, monumental, whopping
feer vraghee ~ very malty
feer vullagh ~ tiptop
feer-whale ~ right whale
feer whonnagh ~ very stumpy
feer-wuigh ~ canary yellow
feer-yeean ~ perfervid
feer yeean (mychione) ~ enthuse
feer yesh ~ classy
feer-yiarg ~ crimson
feer yibbagh ~ very pointed
feeraghey ~ verify, certify, confirm,
authenticate, confirmation, authentication
feeree ~ templet, template
feerey ~ verify, affirm
feereyder ~ confirmer
feerhennooashlaght ~ real old nobility
feerid ~ truth, reality, simplicity, veracity,
authenticity, perfection, axiom
feeridyn beayn ~ eternal verities
feerit ~ affirmed, verified, confirmed
feeryn ~ fiorin grass
feerys ~ factualness
feerysagh ~ factual
feerysaght ~ factualness
feetyn ~ phaeton
feeu ~ worthwhile, valuable, worth
feeu arganeys ~ disputable
feeu baght ~ noteworthy
feeu bwooise ~ thankworthy
feeu chebbal ~ presentable
feeu credjue ~ believable
feeu goll dy lhie ~ bedable (woman)
feeu moylley ~ commendable, praiseworthy
feeu ooashley ~ adorable
feeu smooinaght er ~ thinkable
feeu veg ~ absolutely valueless
feeu yindys ~ admirable
feeudagh ~ discreet, modest, grave, prudent,
worthy, decent
feeudid ~ prudence, modesty
feeudys ~ decency, discretion, credit, prudence,
modesty, decent behaviour
feeuid ~ valuation, worthiness, worth, rate
feeuid 'syn aer ~ airworthiness
feeuider ~ valuator, valuer
feeuidid ~ decency
feeuoil ~ valuable
feeuoilid ~ valuableness
Feevey ~ Fife
feeydys ~ gravity
feeyn ~ wine
feeyn Burgoonagh ~ Burgundy
feeyn-daahit ~ wine-coloured
feeyn eddrym ~ small wine, light wine
feeyn eig ~ vapid wine, dead wine
feeyn garg ~ rough wine
feeyn garroo ~ rough wine
feeyn geayr ~ vinegar
feeyn-gheayragh ~ vinegary, vinegarish
feeyn gial ~ white wine
feeyn gial Germaanagh ~ hock
feeyn jiarg ~ red wine
feeyn lostit ~ brandy
feeyn Madeiragh ~ Madeira Wine
feeyn millish ~ sweet wine
feeyn neuvillish ~ dry wine
feeyn noa ~ must, new wine
feeyn Portugeasagh ~ port (wine)
feeyn ruissagh ~ rose wine
feeyn ullymar ~ verm(o)uth
feeynaid ~ vignette
feeynaidaghey ~ vignette
feeyney ~ of wine, vinous
feeyneydagh ~ viticultural
feeyneyder ~ wine maker, vintner
feeyneydys ~ viticulture
fegooish ~ without, devoid
fegooish assee ~ unharmed
fegooish caghlaa ~ unaltered
feh ~ nerve, sinew, tendon
feh-chrapley ~ contraction
feh-chrappey ~ crick
feh lhieckanagh ~ buccinator
feh ny hyskid ~ hamstring
fehagagh ~ nervous
fehagh ~ sinewy, nervate
fehaghys ~ body building
fehghyn ~ thews
feiaghey ~ fowling
feiaght ~ wilding
feial ~ weeds, dally
feiar ~ savage
feiaragh ~ savage
feiaraght ~ savageness
feideraght ~ jesting
feie ~ natural, wild, savage
feieaghey ~ game hunting
feieaght ~ hunt
feie'n laa ~ through the day, all day
feieys ~ wildness of landscape, venison, game
feieys beg ~ small game
feieys er chosh ~ ground game
feieys mooar ~ big game
feieyssagh ~ hunter
feill [f] ~ flesh
feill aw ~ red meat, raw meat
feill chabbil ~ horse flesh
feill chabbyl ~ horse flesh
feill cheasee ~ buttock meat
feill cheyrragh phoanragh ~ haricot mutton
feill chirkey ~ chicken
feill chirkey rostit ~ roast chicken
feill eayn ~ lamb
feill-eeagh ~ flesh-eating, carnivorous
feill feeaih ~ venison
feill ghreddanit ~ grill
feill-haghnagh ~ vegetarian
feill-haghney ~ vegetarianism, vegetarian
feill-haghneyder ~ vegetarian
feill lheiy ~ veal
feill neufollan ~ tainted meat
feill neuhahllagh ~ lean meat
feill phronnagagh ~ sausage meat
feill reen ~ tough meat
feill rostit ~ roast meat, roast beef
feill varroo ~ slough
feill vart ~ beef
feill vart hailjey ~ salt beef
feill vart ny marrey ~ flesh of ling
feill vart rostit ~ roast beef
feill vart sailjey ~ salt beef, corned beef
feill vart stainnit ~ tinned beef, bully beef
feill vohlt ~ mutton
feill vuc ~ pork
feill vuc rostit ~ roast pig
feill vuc sailjey ~ salt pork
feillagh ~ fleshy
feillaraght ~ fleshiness
feilleyder ~ butcher
feiosagh ~ fragile, frail, flimsy, weak, weedy,
slender, lithe, thin (in build), weakling, weed
(of person)
feiosid ~ fragility, frailty, flimsiness, thinness,
feish ~ carnival, festival, fete, assembly
feish chiaull ~ musical recital
feish fillym ~ film festival
feiy ~ fathom, during
feiyagh ~ lingering
feiyal ~ wait, delay, linger, procrastinate, fuss,
hinder, hang back
feiyeyder ~ lingerer, dawdler, leadsman
feiyjagh ~ grievous
feiyr ~ noise, sound, honk, din, clatter,
rowdiness; scurvy grass
feiyragh ~ noisy, clamorous, obstreperous
feiyraghyn ~ noise
feiyral ~ noise, sound, honk, clatter, tinkle,
clamour, rowdy, vociferous
y feiyral mygeayrt ~ noise about
feiyralys ~ noisiness
feiyreyder ~ noise maker
feiyrit ~ sounded, noised
felt ~ felt
felt jeen ~ roofing felt
femagh ~ needy person, beggar
femblagh ~ eclectic
femblaght ~ eclecticism
femblal ~ browse (among books), elimination,
hand pick
feme ~ need, exigence, want, requisite,
requirement, necessity
femeyn callinagh ~ bodily needs
feminagh ~ femininistic
feminaght ~ femininism
feminee ~ femininist
femoil ~ essential, necessary, beggarly,
destitute, requisite, needy
femoilys ~ requisition
femoragh ~ femoral
fenaght ~ question, asking
fenaght(yn) ~ inquire, enquire, query, ask
fendeil ~ protect, defend
fendeilagh ~ defensive, protective, tenable,
defendant, defender, protector
fendeilys ~ defence, protection
fendit ~ protected
fendyr ~ fender
fene ~ self
Ny Fenee ~ The Fenians, The Champions
Feniagh ~ Fenian
feniagh ~ hero, champion, ace
feniagh-skeeal ~ saga
feniaght ~ champion
feniaghtagh ~ Fenian, noble, chivalrous, heroic
Feniaghtys ~ Fenianism
feniaghtys ~ championship, chivalry, heroism
fenish ~ presence, before
fenit ~ asked
fennel ny moddee ~ dog's camomile, camomile
fent ~ waistband, belt, cummerbund
fent mhuinneel ~ shirtcuff, cuff, wristband
feodagh ~ disgusting, foul
feodaghey ~ loathe
feoderaght ~ aversion
feodoil ~ grisly
feogh ~ whirl, curl, twirl
feoghaig ~ periwinkle, winkle, roll of hair
feoghaig virragh ~ auger shell
feoght ~ hoarseness
feoh ~ disgust, hatred, abhorrence, aversion,
loathing, antipathy, feud, phobia
feoh bee ~ loathing of food
feoh ben ~ misogyny
feoh chionney ~ claustrophobia
feoh er sheelnaue ~ misanthropy
feoh gorrym ~ bitter-sweet
feoh Hostyn ~ anglophobia
feoh nieu ~ bane
feoh ny Frank ~ francophobia
feoh poosee ~ misogamy
feoh y voddee ~ wolf's bane, aconite
Feoh! ~ Ugh! Phew! Yah! (disgust)
feohagh rish ~ antipathetic(al)
feohdagh ~ execrable, filthy, abominable,
hateful, nauseous, abhorrent
feohdaghey ~ abhor, hate
feohdaght ~ nauseousness
feohder ~ phobist, abhorrer, hater
feohder ben ~ misogynist, woman-hater
feohder-Ewnyn ~ anti-Semite
feohder fir ~ man-hater
feohder Hostyn ~ anglophobe
feohder ny Frank ~ francophobe
feohder poosee ~ misogmist
feohder sheelnaue ~ misanthropist, misanthrope
feohderaght ~ averseness
feohderys ~ aversion, averseness
feohdid ~ abominableness, loathsomeness
feohdit ~ nauseated, hated
feohdoil ~ loathsome, abhorrent, invidious,
horrid, hateful, disgusting
feohdoilid ~ invidiousness, grisliness,
feohdoilys ~ hatefulness, abominableness
feohdys ~ abomination, nausea
feohoil ~ abominable, filthy
feohoilys ~ filth, foulness
feoilt ~ open-handed, bountiful, benevolent,
generous, munificent
feoiltagh ~ ungrudging, bountiful, bounteous,
munificent, benevolent, liberal, hospitable,
lavish, generous, whig
feoiltaghey ~ bestow, endow, endowment
feoiltaght ~ lavishness
feoiltys ~ hospitality, generosity, munificence,
bounty, largesse, liberalism
feoiltys cree ~ kind-heartedness
feoisagh ~ slight
feoisid ~ slightness
feolagh ~ elopement, absconding, come over,
feolaghey ~ abscond, elope
fer ~ male, man, gentleman, individual, fellow,
bloke, chap
fer- ~ (prefix) male
fer aaghtagh ~ landlord
fer aarloo da'n chriy ~ gallows bird
fer aasit ~ adult
fer aeg ~ youngster, calf of whale
fer aggyrt ~ procurator fiscal
fer aggyrtys ~ prosecutor
fer aile ~ fireman
fer aitt ~ comedian, clown, quiz
fer Alpagh ~ alpinist
fer arrey ~ watchman
fer arrey ein ~ bird watcher
fer as fer ~ one by one, separately
fer as parteeas ayn ~ interested party
fer ass e cheeayll ~ madman
fer ass Sealynn Noa ~ New Zealander, Kiwi
fer ass Thalloo yn Eeast ~ Newfoundlander
fer assaig ~ ferryman
fer awiney ~ riverman
fer baa ~ cow-keeper
fer baaieagh ~ byreman
fer baanrit ~ maniac, madman, psychopath,
fer baanrit er lioaryn ~ bibliomaniac
fer baatey ~ boatman
fer baghee ~ inhabitant, dweller, citizen,
fer bainney ~ dairyman
fer baljagh ~ townsman
fer balley beg cheerey ~ villager
fer balloo ~ mute
fer bane ~ white person
fer bann ~ bandsman
fer banshey ~ groomsman
fer barje ~ bargee
fer beg ~ small person
fer beiyghee ~ fattener
fer berchagh ~ plutocrat
fer bieauid ~ pacemaker
fer bing-arrey ~ vigile
fer bioys ~ life-saver
fer bog ~ softy
fer brattagh ~ flag-bearer
fer brishee stiagh ~ intruder
fer brisht ~ bankrupt
fer buigh ~ mulattoo, Cape coloured
fer builtagh ~ assailant, clouter
fer cabbagh ~ stutterer
fer caggee ~ warrior
fer cam-hooillagh ~ squinter
fer carr lheihys ~ ambulance man
fer carree ~ chancelman
fer carriads ~ carrier
fer cayrnee ~ trumpeter
fer ceau magh ~ bouncer
fer ceauit ~ has-been
fer cheerey ~ son of the soil, rustic
fer chiollee ~ stay-at-home
fer chiunee ~ calmer
fer choonee ~ accessory
fer-chummaght ~ manpower
fer chyndaait cheusthie ~ introvert
fer clee ~ leftist
fer cliwe ~ sword-bearer
fer cluicagh ~ sharper
fer cluig ~ bell-hanger
fer coadee ~ keeper, protector, guardian
fer coadit ~ protege
fer contoyrtagh ~ adventurer
fer coonee ~ collaborator, helper, aider,
confederate, adjutant, relief, auxiliary, ally
fer cooyl duirn ~ backer, helper, aider, bottle
fer cosnee ~ provider
fer cowree ~ signalman
fer coyrlee ~ adviser, council, counsellor
fer craaee ~ quaker
fer craie ~ potter
fer craue ~ bone setter
fer crauee ~ religious person
fer crauee baanrit ~ religious fanatic
fer crauee foalsey ~ religious bigot, hypocrite
fer cribbidjagh ~ niggard
fer croghee ~ hangman
Yn Fer Croo ~ The Creator, The Maker
fer croobagh ~ lame fellow
fer croutagh ~ bounder
fer cur er bun ~ launcher, starter
fer cur ry-cheilley ~ assembler
fer cur seose (treealtys) ~ mover
fer curree ~ fenman
fer currit da druggaghyn ~ drug addict
fer daa phoosey ~ bigamist
fer daahit ~ coloured person
fer daaney ~ saucy person
fer doal 'syn oie ~ nyctalope
fer doo ~ black man
fer dooie ~ native
fer dorrysh ~ doorman
fer ec y leigh ~ litigant
fer eeanlee ~ ornithologist
fer elley ~ other
fer ennagh ~ somebody
fer er drogh ynsagh ~ ignorant person
fer er faill ~ journeyman
fer er fer ~ singly
fer erbee ~ anybody, anyone
fer erskyn yn earroo ~ supernumerary
fer-faastan ~ pressman
fer faillee ~ time server
fer failt ~ hired servant, hired labourer
fer feayree ~ supernumerary, extra hand
fer feayslee ~ absolver
fer fo cheesh ~ tributary (person)
fer fo lhiettrimys ~ underdog
fer foalsey ~ dissembler
fer foayr ~ wire puller
fer foshlee ~ developer
fer fotograf ~ photographer
fer freayll ~ preserver
fer fritlag ~ rag-and-bone man
fer fysseree ~ astrologer
fer geayil ~ coalman
fer geddyn gioot ~ donee
fer gerjee ~ consoler
fer giat ~ gatekeeper
fer giattey ~ lodge-keeper
fer gioaltee ~ pawnbroker
fer glackan ~ brakesman
fer glassreeyn ~ greengrocer
fer goaill ~ receiver
fer goit magh ~ evacuee
fer goll er vaih ~ drowner
fer gorrym ~ black man
fer groamey ~ jeremiah
fer groghee ~ hanger
fer gyn cheer ~ displaced person
fer gyn currym ~ man of leisure
fer gyn poosey ~ celibate (man)
fer gyn scansh ~ nonentity
fer jannoo magh ~ supplier
fer jeeaghyn er ~ onlooker
fer jeean ~ zealot
fer jeh kiare ny killagh ~ churchwarden
fer jeh lane eash ~ major
fer jeh'n chynney ghaait ~ coloured person
fer jeh'n shenn chroo ~ antediluvian
fer jeh'n theay ~ plebian, peasant
fer jerrinagh ~ latter
fer jiass ~ southerner
fer keesh ~ taxman
fer keirdey ~ tradesman, craftsman, artificer
fer keoie ~ madman
fer kerree ~ corrector
fer keylley ~ woodlander, woodsman
fer-kiaddee shocklaid ~ chocolate maker
fer kiartys ymmyd ~ usufructuary
fer kiaullee ~ musician
fer kied chouyr ~ ambulance man
fer kinjagh ~ regular
fer kionnee ~ redeemer, ransomer
fer kiunagh ~ quietener
fer kiunee ~ appeaser
fer kynnee ~ kinsman
fer laadee ~ porter
fer labree ~ labouring man
fer lauee ~ handyman, virtuoso
fer leigh ~ lawgiver, legal practitioner
fer leoaie ~ leadsman
fer lettyragh ~ litterateur
fer lhee ~ medical practitioner, physician,
doctor, surgeon, leech
fer lhee aigney ~ psychiatrist, alienist
fer lhee baagh ~ vet, horse doctor
fer lhee cadjin ~ general practitioner
fer-lhee cleashey ~ aurist
fer-lhee coyrlee ~ consultant
fer lhee obbragh ~ general practitioner
fer lheihys ~ curer
fer lhie magh ~ layer out
fer lhigggey ~ pretender
fer lhionney ~ brewer, barman
fer linney ~ lineman
fer lioar-hasht ~ librarian
fer lioaragh ~ booklover
fer livreyee ~ liberator, deliverer
fer loayrt ass lieh ~ intercessor
fer lomarcan ~ hermit, lone wolf
fer lught obbyr ~ personnel officer
fer lune ~ slanderer
fer meiygh ~ sentimentalist
fer mestit ~ cross-breed
fer milley maidjey ~ carpenter
fer moandagh ~ fumbler, stammerer
fer mollee ~ hothead
fer mooar ~ whopper
fer mooarleaghagh ~ snob
fer mooinjer ~ follower
fer mooinjerey ~ young male servant,
fer moyllee ~ applauder, praiser, sponsor
fer muickey ~ pigman
fer naight ~ correspondent
fer neuphoost ~ bachelor
fer niartee ~ supporter
fer noa ~ parvenu
fer ny banshey ~ bridegroom
fer ny barriaght ~ victor, conqueror
fer ny bogleeyn ~ bog-trotter
fer ny cleaysh mooar ~ hare
fer ny croshey ~ cross-bearer
fer ny dhieyn ~ beggar
fer ny faillee ~ hired labourer, hired servant,
fer ny fritlagyn ~ ragman
fer ny gabbil ~ groom
fer ny geesh ~ exciseman
Fer ny Gerjagh ~ Holy Ghost
fer ny gerjagh ~ consoler, comforter
fer ny giaullane ~ town crier
fer ny gipp ~ lasher
fer ny giubbil ~ ragman
fer ny gluig ~ clock maker
Fer ny grub ~ Joker
fer ny hagglish ~ churchgoer
fer ny keylljyn fadaneagh ~ backwoodsman
fer ny merriu ~ funeral director
fer ny slatt ~ mace-bearer
fer ny yei fer ~ separately
fer oainjeragh ~ by-child, bastard
fer oaldey ~ savage
fer oanluckee ~ undertaker
fer oast ~ innkeeper, landlord
fer obbee ~ wizard, warlock, sorcerer, conjurer,
fer obbraghys ~ labourite
fer obbree ~ workman
fer ogher ~ warder, prison officer, turnkey
fer oik ~ officer, official
fer oik cowree ~ signal officer
fer oik fwirran ~ staff officer
fer oik kiangle ~ liaison officer
fer oik neuchomishoonit ~ non commissioned
fer-oik ny geesh ~ assessor
fer oik prowallys ~ probation officer
fer oik reiltys ~ bureaucrat
fer oik ynnyd ~ deputizing officer
fer ollee ~ byeman
fer ooasle ~ nobleman, aristocrat
fer-ooasle Spaainagh ~ Spanish nobleman, don
fer poodyr ~ dynamiter
fer post ~ postman
fer poynt ~ pointsman
fer quaagh ~ foreigner, oddity, alien
fer raauee ~ warner, admonisher, monitor
Yn Fer Raauee Creestee ~ Christian Monitor
fer raifyl ~ rifleman
fer rannag ~ frogman
fer ratch ~ racegoer
fer reaghee ~ umpire, arbitrator
fer reaghys ~ referee, umpire
fer reaylt ~ religious
fer reill ~ elder, ruler
fer-reill abban ~ abbot
fer rheynn ~ bureaucrat
fer ro-chrauee ~ puritan
fer rochooishagh ~ prude
fer roish ~ predecessor
fer ronnee ~ partaker
fer ronneeaght ~ reveller, ranter
fer ronney ~ distributor
fer ruy ~ redhead
fer saa ~ junior
fer scape ~ shield-bearer
fer screebit ~ scratch player
fer scrod ~ male screw
fer sellar ~ cellarman
fer shang ~ cadaverous person
fer shapp ~ shopman, storekeeper
fer shee ~ pacifist
fer sheelee ~ distiller
fer shenn-eaddeeyn ~ old-clothes man
fer shenn screeuyn ~ palaeographer
fer shickyree ~ avoucher, assurer
fer shliawin ~ fox (person)
yn fer shoh ~ this one
fer shooyl ~ hobo
fer s'jerree ~ last, booby
fer skeayllee ~ liquidator
fer slane kiarit ~ last-ditcher
fer slieau ~ highlander
fer sloo ~ lesser person
fer smaght ~ proctor
fer sniaghtee ~ snowman
fer sniaghtee feohdagh ~ Abominable
fer soiaghey ~ accepter
fer soilshee ~ describer
fer sondagh ~ save-all, niggard
fer sooree ~ philanderer, admirer, wooer, suitor
fer sornaig ~ sewerman
fer soyllaragh ~ sensualist, voluptuary
fer spoiyt ~ castrato, eunuch
fer stiuree ~ steersman, helmsman, coxswain
fer stoyr ~ storekeeper
fer 'sy chenn lambaanid ~ dotard
fer ta cur lesh stiagh ~ introducer
fer ta cur roish ~ proposer
fer ta goll gys ny cloiag ~ playgoer
fer ta loayrt rish ~ accoster
fer taaghee ~ haunter
fer taghee ~ devotee
fer taishbynys ~ showman
fer tashtee ~ treasurer
fer tawlish beg ~ draughtsman
fer thallooin ~ landsman
fer thammag ~ by-child, bastard
fer theayee ~ commoner
fer theiley ~ Limey
fer thie ~ housekeeper, householder, landlord,
family man
fer thie mooar ~ major domo
fer thoanney ~ crawler
fer tiggad ~ ticket collector
fer toshee ~ leader, pioneer
fer toshee ~ foremost person
fer toyrt ~ giver, donator
fer toyrt-mow ~ annihilator
fer traenal ~ trainee
fer troailt ~ itinerant
fer troggalagh ~ hoistman
fer trome ~ heavyweight
fer trome-chooishagh ~ sobersides
fer trustyr ~ binman, refuse collector
fer tubbag ~ hodman
fer ullee ~ virtuoso
fer ushtey fo-halloo ~ wire-puller
fer wherree ~ wherryman
fer y bainney ~ dairyman
fer y chadlee ~ sandman
fer y chionnaghey ~ buy off
fer y chladdee ~ longshoreman
fer y chur sheese ~ layer
fer y clat ~ lockman, coroner
fer y ghrayse ~ propitiation
fer y phoosee ~ groom
fer y sporran ~ treasurer
fer y thie ~ man of the house, Master of
Ceremonies, M.C
fer y vanc ~ banker (cards)
fer y veggan cheeaylley ~ nutcase
fer yeearree ~ applicant
fer yn amman vooar ~ rat (sea name)
fer yn arran ~ breadman
fer ynnyd ~ reserve, deputy
fer ynsee ~ master, male teacher, schoolteacher
fer-ynsee linneeaght ~ drawing master
feragh ~ manly
feraght ~ manliness, manhood
feraghtys ~ manliness
Ferdorraghey ~ Frederick
fereen ~ manikin, very small man
ferg ~ heat, anger, bad temper, exasperation,
passion, ferocity, gust of anger
fergagh ~ angry, indignant, glowering, raging,
furious, ferocious, hot-tempered, hothead,
fergey ~ fit of passion
fergid ~ furiousness
fergit ~ incensed
ferm conneeyn ~ rabbit farm
ferm griagh ~ stud farm
ferm-lhiennoo ~ baby farm
ferm sthock ~ stock farm
feroil ~ virile, manful, mannish, manly
feroilaght ~ manhood, manliness
feroilid ~ manliness, virility, manfulness,
ferrad ~ ferret
ferradagh ~ ferretlike
ferrish ~ fairy, elf, naughty child; hand-steel
ferrishagh ~ fairylike
ferrishyn ~ fairies
ferroogh ~ eyelash
ferrym bainney ~ dairy farm
feshteyder baagh ~ veterinary inspector
fess ~ spindle
fess ny laue ~ ulna
fest ~ stuck
fest 'sy rio ~ icebound
festal ~ mount, adhere, fix, stick on, put up, set
out, fit out, stickiness
festal fogrey ~ bill, bill posting
festal seose ~ stick up
festeyder ~ adherer, sticker
festeyder fogrey ~ billposter
festit ~ glued, stuck
festit rish argid ~ silver-mounted
feu ~ fee
feue ~ under you, below you
feysh ~ convention
feyshnagh ~ interrogatory, cross-examination
feysht ~ query, question, problem
feysht creoi ~ sticker, poser, tickler
feysht kialgagh ~ a thorny question
feysht leeideilagh ~ leading question
feysht ouryssagh ~ toss up (coin)
feyshtagh ~ problematic(al), questioning,
catechetical, interrogative
feyshtaghey ~ questioning, interrogation
feyshtey ~ ask, question, examine, catechise,
feyshtey mooiney ~ urinalysis
feyshtey tessen ~ interrogate, interrogation,
feyshteyder ~ controversialist, inquisitive
person, examiner, questioner
feyshteyder agglish ~ catechist
feyshtit ~ questioned, grilled
feyshtyn ~ confession, puzzle
Yn Feyshtyn Chadjin ~ Confiteor
feyshtynagh ~ confessional, auditor
feyshtynys ~ catechetics
fhyt ~ fit, a short time
fial ~ hospitable
fiallid ~ ingeniousness
fialys ~ liberalism
fibbyl ~ splint-bone, fibula
fidd ~ marline spike
fidd yiarn ~ marline spike
fiddag ~ field foxtail, meadow foxtail-grass
fiddag cham ~ marsh foxtail-grass
fidder ~ weaver, weaver bird
fidderagh ~ weaving
fidderaght ~ texture, weave, weaving
fidderys ~ weaving
fiddraghtyn ~ prove
fiddyl ~ fiddle
fiddyr ~ fry, trout fry
fidlee ~ fiddley
fidleragh ~ fiddling
fidleyr ~ fiddler, fiddle, violinist
fidraghtyn ~ try
fidrit ~ proved
fieau ~ wait, rest, waiting
fieau er ~ await
fieauder ~ waiter
fieaueyder ~ rester
fieaumanagh ~ functionary, dependant,
attendant, butler, groom
fieaumanagh feeyney ~ wine waiter, wine
fieaumanys ~ attendance
fieaunagh ~ pending, pendent
fiee ~ ravens
fig ~ fig
figgan ~ circular frame, hoop
figgan ushag ~ bird-trap
figgeen ~ plectrum
figgyn glassey ~ green figs
figgyn oor ~ green figs
figgyr ~ figure, number
fillad ~ fillet
fillaghyn ~ gathers
fillamad ~ filament
filleag [f] ~ shawl
fillee ~ songbird, warbler
fillee beg ~ kilt
fillee mooar ~ plaid
filleig ching ~ headshawl
filley ~ plait, fold, jackknife, fold up, turn up,
lap, collapse, double, furl, ply, braid, roll up,
crease, wrap, double up, corrugate, crinkle
filley er ash ~ double over, turn up, roll up, turn
over (as sleeve), retrace, double back,
throwback (of breed)
filley (er y cheilley) ~ entwine
filley-foiee ~ plywood
filley neese ~ tuck up
filley neose ~ turn down
filley seose ~ turn back, enfold, turn up (as
filley sheese ~ double down
filley stiagh ~ imply, tuck in
filleyder ~ folder, wrapper (person)
fillit ~ involute, plaited, lap-jointed, wrapped,
rolled, implied, doubled up
fillit dy mie ~ well-knit (as play)
fillit neose ~ turn down (as collar)
filliu ~ wolf
filliu bwoirryn ~ she-wolf
filliu firryn ~ dog-wolf
filliu thallooin ~ aardwolf
filliuagh ~ wolfish
filljane ~ folder
fillosher ~ bother, ploy, manoeuvre, needless
ornament, valueless trinket
fillosheragh ~ fanciful, fancy, fussy
fillosheryn ~ knick-knacks, bric-a-brac
filltag ~ lapel, wrapper
filltaghey ~ multiplication
filltane ooyll ~ apple turnover
filltane pabyr ~ paper band
fillym ~ film
fillym feanishagh ~ documentary
fillym tostagh ~ silent film
fillymagh ~ filmy
final ~ fine
fine ~ quiver, sheath, scabbard, vagina
fine Frangagh ~ condom, French letter
fine mair ~ finger stall
fine ordaag ~ thumb stall
fineagh ~ vaginal
fineal ~ mulct
finigagh ~ knot grass
finn ~ purpose
finnal ~ fennel
finnal feie ~ giant fennel
finnal ny raaidyn ~ marsh hog's-fennel
finnan ~ spear grass
finneig ~ canoe, mite, dugout, shell, cock boat,
finneig chaashey ~ cheese mite
finneigagh ~ canoeist, podlike, shelled, form a
finneigey ~ canoeing, canoe
finnistyr ~ embrasure of gun
finnuagh ~ passionate
finnue ~ fit of passion
fioghagh ~ withering, perishable
fioghaghey ~ perish
fioghaght ~ perishableness
fioghee ~ decaying
fioghey ~ decay, go off, fade, die down, wither,
blight (as flowers), blightedness
fioghit ~ blighted, wizened, faded, decayed,
decadent, withered
fioghys ~ decay, decadence
fiojit ~ perished, decayed, withered, faded,
washed-out (colour)
Fioo! ~ Phew!
fioose ~ valency, fuse, valence
fioose traa ~ time fuse
fiosagh ~ undeveloped, tender, delicate,
undersized (of persons), underdeveloped
fiosaght ~ tenderness (of health)
fir ~ men
fir chaggee ~ fighting men
fir ghoo ~ black men
fir laare ~ insides
fir oik ~ quarterdeck
fir vaghee ~ inhabitants
firrin ~ truth
firrinagh ~ real, honest, veracious, faithful,
sincere, candid, unaffected, true, sterling,
authentic, devout
firrinaghey ~ confirm, make sure, authenticate,
veri fy, confi rmat i on, veri fi cat i on,
firrinaght ~ truthfulness, realism
firriney [f] ~ truth, veracity
firrinit ~ confirmed
firrinys ~ truth, authenticity, veracity, maxim,
actuality, sincerity, devoutness, devotion,
fidelity, unaffectedness, faithfulness
firrinys glen ~ very truth
firrinys lhome ~ unadorned truth
firryn ~ virile, mannish, he, masculine
firrynagh ~ male, he, masculine
firrynaght ~ mannishness
firrynid ~ maleness, masculineness
firrynys ~ manhood
firrynys cadjin ~ maxim
fishag ~ physics
fishig rollageagh ~ astrophysics
fishigagh ~ physical, physicist
fitch ~ vetch
fittal ~ fitting
fittyr ~ fitter
flaaoil ~ fluent, eloquent, flowing of speech,
circumfluent, articulate, fluid
flaaoilid ~ fluency, circumfluence, fluidity
flaaoilys ~ fluency, circumfluence
flagoon ~ flagon, flask
flah ~ potentate, prince
Flah Crooinagh ~ Crown Prince
Flah Vretin ~ Prince of Wales
flahoil ~ princely
flahoilid ~ princeliness
flaiee ~ imp, fiend
flaiee ayns boteil ~ bottle imp
flaieeagh ~ impish, fiendish
flaieeaght ~ impishness, fiendishness
flan ~ flan, irregular breeze
Flandrynagh ~ Flemish, Fleming
Flandrynish ~ Flemish
Yn Flandyryn ~ Flanders
flansh ~ flange
flanshagh ~ flanged
flap ~ flap, fly (of trousers)
flap skian ~ wing flap
flapperagh ~ flopping
flask poagey ~ hipflask
flaunys ~ heaven, Utopia, Kingdom come,
flaunyssagh ~ heavenly, beatific, blissful,
divine, Utopian, celestial, paradisiac,
inhabitant of heaven
Ny Flaunyssee ~ The souls in Heaven
flaunyssid ~ felicity
fleah ~ feast, banquet
fleah foalley ~ barbeque
fleahagh ~ banqueter
fleak ~ patch of sand
fleayst ~ fillet
flecks ~ flex
fledjan cadee ~ flannelette
fledjyn ~ flannel
fledjyn (eddin) ~ face-cloth
flee ~ chickweed
flee ghleiynagh ~ sticky groundsel
flee ushtey ~ spicate water-milfoil
flee vooar ~ masterwort, great masterwort
flee yn thoo ~ corydalis, climbing corydalis
fleeagh ~ abounding in chickweed
fleit ~ arrow
fleshag ~ rug
fleshag hroailt ~ travelling rug
fliaghagh ~ pluvial, rainy, wet
fliaghee ~ rainfall, watery (of clouds)
fliagheeys ~ raininess
fliaghey ~ precipitation, rain, wet, rainfall
fliaghey fliugh ~ drenching rain
flibbag ~ flap, earlobe
flid ~ jilt, fly-by-night, silly person, flirt, nitwit
flid anhickyragh ~ inconstant person
flideragh ~ flirtation
flig ~ chickweed, garden chickweed
flig ushtey ~ water stitchwort
flip ~ lie, fib, thwack, swipe, whisk (of tail)
flippal ~ swipe
flipperagh ~ tell a lie, fib
flipperaght ~ thwack, leap, jumping (as fish)
fliugh ~ wet, soggy, inclement, marshy,
swampy, humid, dank, watery or waxy (of
fliugh baiht ~ wet through, wringing wet
fliugh-liaghee ~ drenching rain
fliugh-niaghtee ~ sleet
fliugh ny hrooid ~ wet through, sopping wet
fliugh-rio ~ glazed frost
fliugh-vaiht ~ sopping wet, soaking, soaked
fliugh-veellagh ~ watery-mouthed
fliugh-volgan ~ wet bulb
fliughane ~ liquid, mushroom, champignon
fliughane buigh ~ chanterelle
fliughane-oaylleeaght ~ mycology
fliughey ~ wet, slake, soak, souse, moisten,
drench, rainfall
fliughey trooid as trooid ~ soak
fliugheyder ~ wetter
fliughid ~ wetness, liquid, liquidity
fliughit ~ wetted, moistened, slaked, watered,
fliughit ny hrooid ~ soaking
fliughlagh ~ sloppiness
fliughys ~ wateriness, wetness, slops, wet,
floaddey ~ assemble (as fleet)
floaddey 'syn aer ~ levitation
floadran ~ flotsam
floag ~ particle, flake, jot, mote, dot
floag sniaghtee ~ snowflake
floagagh ~ flaky, dotted
flockys ~ wadding, flock
flod ~ fleet
flod caggee ~ naval armada
floddaght ~ buoyancy
floddan ~ boozer, toper, sot
floddan rioee ~ icefloe
floddey ~ buoying
floddey rioee ~ floe
floo ~ influenza, flu
flooareen ~ fluorine
flooyr ~ flour
flooyr meein ~ fine flour
flooyragh ~ floury
flooyraght ~ flouriness
flop ~ plop
flout ~ taunt, slander, rebuff, gibe, affront, snub,
scorn, vituperation, aspersion, invective,
reproach, stigma, rebuttal
floutagh ~ slanderous, scornful, scurrilous,
reproachful, vituperative, flippant, lewdly
jocular, distainful, aspersive, taunting, mock,
floutaght ~ gibing, flippancy
floutal ~ reproach
flouteragh ~ taunt
flouteraght ~ gibing
floutey ~ rebut, mock
flouteyr ~ scoffer, taunter, giber
floutit ~ slandered
floutyragh ~ rebuff
floutyraght ~ rebut, reproach, scorn, slander,
stigmatize, mock
fluighey ~ rainfall
flurt ~ feast, celebration
flurtee ~ celebrator
flusk ~ flux
flusternee ~ idling
flustyrnee ~ pottering, potter, niggle, footle, fad
flyderaght ~ fly-fishing
fo ~ under, below, underlying, sunken;
secondary, dependent, off (of street),
subsidiary, junior, assistant
fo- ~ (prefix) under-, sub-, infra-
fo-aachaptan ~ second lieutenant
fo aggle ~ alarmed, aghast, terror-stricken, awe-
fo-alpagh ~ subalpine
fo-anneyder ~ second in command
fo-arctagh ~ subarctic
fo ardaneyn ~ terraced
fo arkys ~ straightened
fo arrey ~ under surveillance
fo-arrym ~ deferential
fo-aspick ~ suffragan
fo atchim ~ terror-stricken, awe-stricken
fo barrantys ~ warranted
fo beeal gunn ~ point-blank
fo beggan eadddagh ~ thinly clad
fo biallys ~ disciplined
fo boallaghyn marmyragh ~ marbled
fo boirey ~ bothered
fo bondiaght ~ captive
fo brat ~ coated
fo brat airh ~ gold-plated
fo brat laare ~ carpeted
fo bree ~ within the meaning
fo cappeeys ~ captivated, captive
fo chassan ~ bypath
fo chastey slattyssagh ~ statute-barred
fo-chay ~ foggy, fogbound, misty
fo cheesh ~ under tax, tributary, taxed
fo cheiltynys ~ camouflaged
fo-cheimee ~ undergraduate
fo-chiangley ~ obligated
fo-chiannoort ~ lieutenant governor
fo-chillag ~ cellule
fo chiunaghey ~ sedated
fo chiuney ~ becalmed
fo-chlash ~ sap
fo chlea ~ indoors, in private, privately,
fo-chleragh ~ junior clerk
fo-chloie ~ byplay
fo-chlooie ~ fledged
fo-chloreet ~ hypochlorite
fo-choagyrit ~ undercooked, underdone
fo-cholught ~ subsidiary company
fo-chonaant ~ conditioned
fo choodagh ~ coated
fo choodagh staillinagh ~ steelclad
fo-chooinsheansagh ~ subconscious
fo-chooish ~ by-motive
fo choreagh ~ subeditor
fo-chorrillagh ~ partial fraction
fo chosh ~ beaten, underfoot, overcome,
fo-chronnal ~ underdeveloped
fo-chruinnag ~ subsphere
fo-churrym ~ obligated
fo coadey ~ auspices
fo coadey sauchey ~ in safe custody
fo coodagh mullee ~ canopied
fo-croghit ~ underslung
fo-dellal ~ sideline
fo doorey ~ shaded
fo-dorrys ~ doorsill, sole of door
fo druaight ~ charmed
fo druaightys ~ captivated
fo drualtys ~ enchanted, captivated
fo drualtys (ec) ~ elf-struck
fo druggaghyn ~ doped
fo druiaght ~ rapt
fo dty reir ~ to your utmost
fo-eaddagh ~ underclothes, underwear
fo-eaddagh (ben) ~ lingerie
fo-eaddeeyn ~ underlinen, underclothing
fo-eaghtyryn ~ under-strata
fo-eagraghey ~ subedit
fo-eagreyr ~ subeditor
fo-eckit ~ underpaid
fo edd ard ~ top-hatted
fo-eiyrtys ~ by-issue
fo-ennaghtagh ~ subinal
fo faiyr ~ grass-grown
fo far-scaa ~ canopied
fo fedjagyn ~ plumed
fo feeaghyn ~ indebted, incidental expenses
fo foiee mie ~ well-timbered
fo-fraue ~ subderivative
fo-ghareyder ~ assistant gardener, under-
fo-gharmad ~ undergarment
fo-gheiney ~ subhuman
fo gheulaghyn ~ in fetters
fo ghioal ~ forfeit, burdened
fo ghlass ~ under arrest, locked up, under lock
and key, hair trigger
fo-ghooinney ~ inferior
fo-ghooyn ~ slip
fo-ghorrysh ~ door sill
fo-ghowaltagh ~ underlessee
fo ghruaiaght ~ spellbound
fo ghuillag ~ in leaf
fo gioaldeeaght ~ mortgaged
fo glonney ~ glazed
fo haart ~ defeated, ruined, overthrown
fo-haggyrt ~ ordinand
fo-haishbynys ~ sideshow
fo-halloo ~ underground, surreptitious,
fo hallooder ~ underground worker (mine)
fo-hannys ~ subtenant, under-tenant
fo-hannystys ~ under-tenancy
fo hapeish ~ tapestried
fo-happ ~ chain store
fo harey ~ mandated, by order, under command
fo-harvaant ~ underservant
fo-heidyl ~ caption
fo-hellooderys ~ seise
fo hiauill kerrinagh ~ square-rigged
fo-hidoor ~ paramilitary
fo-hidooragh ~ paramilitary
fo-hionney ~ under-inflation
fo hiowt ~ underheated
fo-hoiaghey ~ underlet
fo-hollan ~ subsalt
fo-honn ~ underwater, submarine
fo-hraid ~ sidestreet
fo-hroar ~ catch crop, by-product
fo-hrooan ~ tributary (of river)
fo-hroosyn ~ drawers, knickers, underpants
fo-hropickagh ~ subtropical
fo-keesh ~ dutiable
fo kerraghys baaish ~ on penalty of death
fo kiarail y fer lhee ~ under the doctor
fo lane clooie ~ full-fledged
fo lane deiney ~ fully-manned
fo lane hiauill ~ full blast, full-rigged
fo lane riggin ~ full-rigged
fo lane skimmee ~ manned, fully-manned
fo lane sleih ~ fully-manned
fo laue ~ at hand, underhand, read
fo laurys ~ laureate
fo-leese ~ sublease
fo-leesee ~ sublessee
fo-leftenant ~ sub-lieutenant
fo-leigh ~ by(e)-law
fo-lhagragh ~ secondary depression
fo lhee ~ pigmented
fo lhiastynys ~ obligated, indebted, owe
fo-lhie ~ lie in wait
fo-linney ~ extension, sidetrack
fo-lioarlannee ~ sub-librarian
fo loo ~ sworn in, under oath
fo-my ~ if
fo my cheilley ~ through others, subverting
fo myncheyll ~ undergrown (of forest)
fo mynfoiee ~ undergrown (of forest)
fo nearey ~ mortified, disgraced
fo neunhee ~ below zero
fo niaghtey bog ~ slushy
fo-note ~ footnote
fo ny harrish ~ more or less
fo-oardagh ~ suborder
fo-oardaghey ~ subordination
fo-oardeeagh ~ subordinating
fo-oik ~ suboffice
fo-oik yn phost ~ sub post office
fo-oikagh ~ regimental sergeant major, subaltern
fo-olt ~ subsection
fo-oltey ~ associate (of society)
fo-ooir ~ subsoil
fo ordaag ~ henpecked
fo orraghey ~ within gunshot
fo ouyrys ~ suspect, suspected
fo-phlannad ~ satellite
fo-pholagh ~ subpolar
fo plaih ~ plague-stricken
fo-raa ~ litotes
fo-raad ~ under way, started, in motion, in
transit, on the road, en route; branch (of
road), secondary road
fo-red ~ incidental expenses
fo-reihys ~ by(e)-election
fo-reill (da) ~ subject
fo-reilt ~ subnormal
fo-reiltagh ~ deputy
fo-reir (da) ~ subordinate
fo reir yn steat ~ state-managed
fo-reireyder ~ submanager
fo-rheynn ~ section
fo-rhumbyl ~ underskirt
fo ronsaghey ~ under investigation
fo-roostey ~ under-exposure
fo scaa ~ shaded, auspices
fo scraa ~ turfed
fo-screeu ~ subscribe
fo-screeuder ~ signatory, subscriber
fo-screeudeyr ~ under-secretary
fo-screeuit ~ signed, subscript
fo-screeuyn ~ postscript, footnote, subscription
fo-scriog ~ undercrust
fo scroig viljagh ~ undergrown (of forest)
fo-skeeal ~ by-issue
fo skimmeeit ~ undermanned
fo-skimmeeys ~ undermanning
fo slattag ~ accentuated
fo smaght ~ under suspension, curbed, cowed,
fo smooirane ruy ~ rusty
fo-staait ~ satellite state
fo-stashoon ~ substation
fo stiurey yn reiltys ~ under government control
fo-stroo ~ secondary current
fo-sym ~ subtotal
fo-trooan ~ undercurrent
fo-undin ~ sub-foundation
fo urrysaght ~ assured
fo urryssaght ~ insured
fo ushtey ~ under water, submerged, sub-aqua,
fo-vaar ~ catch crop
fo-vainstyr ~ assistant master
fo-valjagh ~ suburban
fo-valjyn ~ suburbia
fo-valley ~ suburb
fo-vane ~ whitish
fo-vargane soiagh ~ underlease
fo varranys ~ mistaken
fo-vasheengunn ~ tommy-gun
fo-vayr ~ side road, secondary road, branching
fo veeourys ~ suspected
fo-veoir ~ under-keeper
fo-viallys (da) ~ subject
fo-ving ~ subcommittee
fo voirey ~ troubled (as person)
fo-vonkan ~ zany
fo-vooadee ~ submultiple
fo-vooir ~ submarine
fo-vouin ~ underbodice
fo-vrastyl ~ subclass
fo vrat ~ undercoat, underlay
fo vrat leoaie ~ lead-covered
fo vrat shugyr ~ frosted
fo vrat sniaghtee ~ snow-capped
fo-vreechyn ~ drawers
fo-vroie ~ simmer
fo vuinnaghyn ~ bud
fo vun (red) ~ underlie
fo yaghee ~ tithed
fo-yaghin ~ subdeacon
fo-yantagh ~ subagent
fo-yialdyn ~ underwrite
fo-yiarg ~ infra-red
fo-yiarrey ~ undercut
fo yindys ~ wondering
foadd ~ switch on
foaddan ~ match
foaddan curree ~ ignis fatuus
foaddan doo ~ safety match
foaddan kereagh ~ vesta
foaddan sauchey ~ safety match
foaddey ~ light, burn, switch on, ignite, set on
fire, kindle, burn up, incendiarism, ignition,
burning, arson
foaddeyder ~ incendiarist
foaddeyder aile ~ firelighter
foaddit ~ kindled, lit
foaid ~ sod, divot, block of peat, turf
foaid dooie ~ native soil
foaid moaney ~ block of peat
foain ~ green, sward, turf
foain golf ~ golf course
foain mynlagh ~ fairway
foainagh ~ turfy (grassy)
foall ~ felony, slyness, murder, deceit
foalleeagh ~ carniverous
foalleeaght ~ carnality
foalley ~ sensual, of flesh
foalliaght ~ lustfulness
foalsaghey ~ counterfeit, doctor, deceive, forge,
falsify, fake, deceitfully, falsification
foalsaght [f] ~ hypocrisy, spuriousness, deceit,
deceitfulness, fallacy, perfidiousness,
falseness, hollowness
foalseeaght ~ forgery
foalserey ~ hypocrite, sycophant, deceiver,
foalsey ~ false, bogus, wrong (as note), sham,
feigned, perfidious, ersatz, tinsel, fallacious,
hypocritical, forged, affected, spurious,
count erfei t , pi nchbeck, t wo-faced,
suppositious, dummy, dud, hollow (of
victory), substitute, treacherous
foalseyder ~ falsifer
foalseyr ~ fake, faker, forger
foalseyrey (teks) ~ garbler
foalsid ~ falseness, affectation, deceitfulness,
fictitiousness, perfidiousness
foanney ~ chassis
foar ~ canyon
foart ~ embrocation
foasley ~ unfaithful
foast ~ yet, besides, thus far, still, moreover,
even, notwithstanding, too, hereafter,
foast ayn ~ persist
foastagh ~ still, moreover, yet
foaun ~ air (musical)
foawir ~ of a giant, giants
foawr ~ giant, hulk
Yn Foawr Rioee ~ The Frost Giant
foawragh ~ giant, giantlike, gigantic, kingsize,
vast, hulking, Cyclopean
foawraght ~ huge
foaynoo ~ consequence, order, availment,
value, form, state, function, fame, essence,
importance, import, avail, utility, worth,
reputation, fettle
foaynoo doaie ~ condition
foaynoo mooar ~ renown
foaynooagh ~ functional, qualitative,
functioning, quality
foayr ~ interest, discrimination, kindness,
benefaction, favour, boon
foayr cadjin ~ popularity
foayr firryn ~ billy-goat
foayr-hirrey ~ ingratiating
foayragh ~ favourable, preferential, propitious
foayraghey ~ favour
foayraghys ~ favouritism
foayral ~ favour
foayrit ~ favoured
foayroil ~ favourable, auspicious, tender (of
memory), approving, propitious
foayroil (rish) ~ conducive
foayroilid ~ approbation, auspiciousness,
tenderness (of memory)
foays ~ improvement, welfare, benefit, well-
being, quality, betterment, utility, goodness
foays y clane ~ commonweal
foaysagh ~ profitable, valuable, regenerating
foaysaght ~ qualification
foayssagh ~ remedial, beneficent, beneficial
foayssyn ~ improvements
focasagh ~ focal
focharriads ~ underbody, undercarriage
fochioneysagh ~ subdominant
fochleader ~ highwayman
fochrackan ~ pith
fochrackanagh ~ hypodermic, subcutaneous
focklagh ~ verbose, wordy, expansive,
declaratory, loquacious, voluble, garrulous,
oral, diffuse
focklaghey ~ diction
focklaght ~ loquaciousness, effability,
verbosity, expansiveness, garrulity
focklaghys ~ verbalism, verbiage, wordiness
fockle ~ word, word of honour, charm, vocable
fockle arrey ~ slogan, watchword, catchword
fockle bannee ~ valedictory
fockle do-hoiggal ~ inarticulate word
fockle dorraghey ~ code word
fockle er fockle ~ letter perfect, literal, verbally
fockle er fockle focklagh ~ verbal (of
fockle feayr ~ cheville
fockle goan ~ uncommon word
fockle jerree ~ peroration
fockle jerrinagh ~ clincher, ultimatum
fockle lhieenee ~ expletive
fockle marrey ~ nautical term
fockle meshtit ~ anagram
fockle-oayllee ~ philologist
fockle-oaylleeagh ~ philological
fockle-oaylleeaght ~ philology
fockle onnor ~ parole
fockle plooghit ~ inarticulate word
fockle raauee ~ catchword
fockle s'jerree ~ epilogue
fockle son fockle ~ literal, verbally
fockle 'sy chooyrt ~ backstair influence
fockle traaoil ~ bon mot
fockle-vaihagh ~ elliptical
fockle-vaihaghey ~ ellipsis
fockle yn arrey ~ password
fockle yn sarey ~ word of command
fockley ~ pronounce, mouth, utter, express,
articulate, vocalize, utterance, articulation,
fockley magh ~ promulgate, declare, profess,
proclaim, pronounce, promulgation,
pronunciation, pronouncement, proclamation
fockley magh (doaltattym) ~ blurt
fockley magh dy neuchiart ~ mispronounce
fockleyder ~ speaker
fockleyr ~ dictionary, lexicon, wordbook,
fockleyr beg ~ glossary
fockleyr-oaylleeaght ~ lexicology
fockleyragh ~ lexicographic
fockleyreen ~ vocabulary (book), wordbook
fockleyreyder ~ lexicographer, glossarist
fockleyrys ~ lexicography
focklit ~ worded, expressed, voiced,
pronounced, uttered
focklit magh ~ pronounced
focklym ~ literature
focklymagh ~ literate, literary
focklyn ~ wording
focklyn graih ~ endearments
focklyn leighagh ~ legal terms
focklyn millish ~ honeyed words
focklyn milljey ~ honeyed words
focklyn s'jerree ~ envoy (of poem)
focus ~ focus
fod ~ can, may; at length
foddee ~ can, may, perhaps, perchance,
peradventure, possibly, maybe, probably
foddee (eh) ve ~ belike
foddeeagh ~ homesick, nostalgic, longing
foddeeaght ~ hankering, longing, nostalgia,
distance, homesickness
foddey ~ markedly, longterm, long, far, remote,
distance, remotely, afar
foddey as gerrid ~ wide and near, far and wide
foddey beayn ~ long-lived, long lasting
foddey beayntys ~ lastingness
foddey-chloie ~ long-playing
foddey dy hraa ~ long since
foddey-ennalagh ~ long-winded
foddey er-dy-henney ~ long ago, long since,
lang syne
foddey ersooyl ~ far afield, far away, outlying
foddey-fakinagh ~ far-seeing
foddey-fakinaght ~ far-sightedness
foddey farraghtyn ~ chronic, perduration, long
foddey feayn ~ god-forsaken
foddey foshlit ~ wide apart
foddey-hannaghtyn ~ lingering, long-distance
foddey-heilltagh ~ durable
foddey-heiltys ~ longevity
foddey-hilley ~ long-sightedness
foddey-hurransagh ~ long suffering
foddey jeh ~ afar, distant, remote, far away
foddey-lheeadagh ~ far flung
foddey magh ~ afar
foddey ny smoo ~ much more
foddey-oayllagh ~ intuitive
foddey-oayllys ~ intuition
foddey-reayrtagh ~ provident, long-sighted, far-
sighted, prospective
foddey-reayrtaght ~ long-sightedness
foddey-reayrtys ~ far-sightedness
foddey-roieagh ~ long-dated
foddey seihllagh ~ long-lived
foddey-shilley ~ hypermetropia
foddey skeaylt ~ far flung
foddey-surranse ~ forbearance
foddey 'sy yoin ~ far in the remoteness of
foddey veih ~ remote
foddey veih my cheilley ~ far between, distal
foddey voish y valley ~ far afield
foddid ~ distance, remoteness
foddid shirveish ~ length of service
foddid-veih ~ tacheometer, hodometer
foddraghey ~ hand feed
foddyr ~ provender, forage, feed, fodder
foddyr caggee ~ cannon fodder
foddyr geuree ~ winter fodder
foddyr gunn ~ cannon fodder
foddyragh ~ fodder
foddyrey ~ fodder
foddyrit ~ fed, foddered
fodjeeaght ~ range
fodjeeaght obbree ~ radius of plane
fodreayrtan ~ telescope
fodreayrtanagh ~ telescopic
fodyiarrey ~ longitudinal section
foee ~ under her, below her
fogaragh ~ stranger, exile
fogh ~ smell of fish
foghan ~ blade (of corn, grass), young herbage,
germ, breward
foghan glass ~ green shoot
foghaney ~ germination, germinate
foghanit ~ bud (of corn), bladed, germinated
foghraghey dy ard ~ boom
foghraghey er ard ~ boom
foghrey cant ~ notice of sale by auction
fograghey ~ bill, herald, advertise
fograghey magh ~ blazon
fogree ~ declaratory
fogreeaght ~ propaganda
fogreeaght speyrey ~ sky writing
fogrey ~ proclaim, announce, declare, herald,
edict, notification, placard, declaration,
announcement, notice, bill
fogrey baaish ~ obituary notice
fogrey draamey ~ play bill
fogrey jerree ~ ultimatum
fogrey polasee ~ manifesto
fogrey radio ~ broadcast announcement
fogrey scuirr ~ notice
fogrey soilshit ~ illuminated sign
fogrey speyrey ~ sky sign
fogrey theayagh ~ public notice
fogrey thie cloie ~ show bill
fogreyder ~ propagandist
fogrym ~ alarm
fogrymagh ~ alarming
foiee ~ timbered, boarding, wood, timber, piece
of timber
foiee castan ~ chestnut (wood)
foiee creoi ~ hardwood
foiee gial ~ whitewood
foiee glass ~ sap wood
foiee kishtey ~ boxwood
foiee shillish ~ cherry wood
foiee stroll ~ satin wood
foieet ~ timbered
foieeyn anghooghyssagh ~ exotic woods
foiljagh ~ offender, blameworthy, culpable
foiljagh (rish) ~ blameable
foiljaghey ~ fault-find, blame
foiljeydagh ~ critical
foiljeyder ~ fault-finder, censurer
foiljid ~ faultiness, culpability, blameableness
foill ~ flaw, defect, blame, fault, foible, vice,
foill coshey ~ foot-fault
foillan ~ gull
foillan Albinagh ~ fulmar
foillan bane ~ common gull, ivory gull
foillan beg ~ little gull
foillan glass ~ glaucous gull
foillan kione doo ~ blackhead
foillan loghlinagh ~ Icelandic gull
foillan saggyrt ~ black-backed gull
foillan stronnagh ~ great skua
foillan twoaie ~ Sabine's gull
foillan vane ~ common gull
foillan veg ~ little gull
foilleig ~ little gull, gull
foilleyr ~ glider
foilleyraght ~ gliding, glide
foillican ~ (see also foillycan)
foillican bane ~ cabbage white
foillican breck ~ fritillary, tortoiseshell
foillican lheeah ~ grayling
foillican marrey ~ butter blenny
foillican shligganagh ~ tortoiseshell butterfly
foilliu ~ royalties, rake off, commission, fee
foilliuder ~ commission agent
foilliuderys ~ commission agency
foillshirragh ~ fault-finding
foillycan ~ butterfly, germander, bird's eye (see
foillycan curree ~ marsh speedwell
foilshirrey ~ criticism
foin ~ below us, under us
foirb ~ knurl
foirran ~ suite of furniture
foirran jinnairagh ~ dinner service set
foirran laue-yeshaghey ~ manicure set
fojeeaght ~ distance
folaue aspick ~ confirmation
folaue banc ~ banknote
folaue, \ fo-laue ~ receipt, promissory note
folder ~ reaper
folderagh ~ cut with scythe, mowing
folde(y)ryn ~ mowers
folde(y)rys ~ mowing
foldyr ~ mower
foldyragh ~ scythe
foldyryn ~ mowers
foldyrys ~ mowing
folican ~ butterfly (see foillican)
folicanagh ~ papilonaceous
folio ~ folio
foll ~ scythe
follaghan coshey ~ foot-muff
follaghee ~ secret
follagher ~ stowaway, hider, concealer
follaghey ~ hide, occult, secrete, conceal, cover
up, veil, cache, dissimulate, muffle, disguise,
secrecy, bo-peep, hiding, dissimulation,
follaghey (imnea) ~ dissemble
follaght ~ blind (hiding place), hiding place
follaght eddin ~ mask
follaghtagh ~ clandestine
follaghtyn ~ conceal, muffle, disguise, veneer,
hide, concealment, mask
follaghtyn (feysht) ~ burke
follaghtys ~ stealthiness
follaghyn as feddyn ~ hide-and-seek
follan ~ hearty, healthy, bracing, whole,
wholesome, edible, fit to eat, orthodox,
solvent, incorrupt, genial, sound
follan fing ~ erect bedstraw, bedstraw
follan fynn ~ erect bedstraw, bedstraw
follan sunt ~ hale and hearty
follan y voglagh ~ bedstraw (swamp)
follan y voglee ~ swamp bedstraw
follanagh ~ salutary
follanid ~ healthfulness, fitness, healthiness,
wholesomeness, soundness, orthodoxy,
heartiness, solvency, edibility, geniality
follanys ~ wholesomeness, soundness,
healthiness, salubrity, haleness
follee ayns y laue ~ palm
folleeagh ~ pure-bred
folley ~ of blood, consanguinity
folleyder ~ grasshopper, concealer, hider,
acridian, mower
folleydys ~ latency
folliaght ~ secrecy, mystery, confidence,
stealthiness, secret
folliaght y lhiggey da ~ take into confidence
folliaght y lhiggey magh ~ babble out
folliaghtagh ~ stealthy, secret, esoteric,
mysterious, confidential, secretive, classified
folliaghtys ~ secretness
follican ~ butterfly
follick ~ shake, meal put on a cake
follid ~ polish
follid braag ~ shoe polish
follid ingney ~ nail varnish
follid laare ~ floor polish
follit ~ clandestine, secret, underground,
classified, covert, hush-hush, private, private
and confidential, bottled up, cryptic,
concealed, secreted, hidden, veiled, latent,
blind (of turning, etc.)
follyd ~ shake, meal put on a cake
follym ~ void, flat, shallow, vacant,
platitudinous, expressionless, formal, barren
(as mind), vacuous, waste (in town), blank,
disengaged, empty-handed, run down, blank
(as cartridge), inane, empty, free, hollow,
follym faase ~ waste (in town), barren (land),
desolate, wild (as terrain)
follym feayn ~ wild (as terrain), desolate
follym jeh ~ devoid
follyseen ~ vacuole
folmaghey ~ empty, void, hollow, vacate,
deflate, unburden, discharge, clear out, drink
up, blow out, deplenish, drain, deflation,
depletion, evacuation
folmaghey pryssoon ~ gaol delivery
folmeyder ~ emptier
folmid ~ blank, blankness, bareness, vacancy,
void (useless), vacuum, inanity, shallowness,
hollowness, vacuity, flatness, emptiness
folmid aeragh ~ air pocket
folmid killag ~ vacuole
folmidys ~ vacuity, vacancy
folmit ~ emptied, gutted, unburdened
folsey ~ inlet
folt ~ hair
folt giallit ~ bleached hair
folt-heeabin ~ shampoo
folt ny ben marrey ~ sea spume
folt ny moidyn ~ maidenhair
folt-oonley ~ shampoo
folt skeogagh ~ hair in ringlets
folt skiogagh ~ hair in ringlets
folt y ven varrey ~ spume
foltagh ~ hairy
foltaght ~ hairiness
foltan ~ hair lace
foltane ~ frontlet
foltey ~ rocky place
folteyr ~ hairdresser
folteyraght ~ hairdressing
fomys ~ obeisance, homage, submission,
fo'n aer ~ outdoors
fo'n chorrym ~ below normal
fo'n eayst ~ sublunary
fo'n ennal ~ sotto voce
fo'n gheay ~ alee
fo'n ghrian ~ in the sunshine, in the sun
fo'n 'oaid ~ buried, interred, under the sod
fo'n speyr ~ alfresco
fondagh ~ solid, impregnable, sufficent, firm,
efficacious, substantial, efficient, perfect,
effectual, of good standing, stable
fondagh shickyr ~ valid
fondaghey ~ perfect, ground, establishment,
yn fondaghey ~ perfectible
fondalys ~ perfection of character
fondid ~ stability, sufficency, effectiveness,
faculty, efficacy, solidity, ableness, validity,
fondit ~ established, proved
fooag ~ tab, thrum, tassel
foodlagh ~ bird-catching
fooillagh ~ deposit, surplus, left over, wastage,
oddments, remainder, scraps, garbage,
remnant, remains
fooillagh deill ~ turning
fooillagh millish ~ trifle
fooillagh olley ~ wool waste
fooillaght ~ throw outs, refuse
fooilleig ~ gull, black headed gull
fooilleil ~ desire
fooille(y)ragh ~ trifling
fooille(y)raght ~ fribble, trifling
fooilleyrey ~ fribblery
fooilliagh ~ residuum, residue
foostyr ~ fidget, stir
foostyragh ~ fussy, fidgety
foostyral ~ stir up
foostyral mygeayrt ~ bustling about
foostyrey ~ rouse, fidget, fuss, fusspot
foostyrys ~ fussiness
ford ~ spare
fordit ~ afforded
fordrail ~ afford, spare
fordrit ~ spared
form ~ form
form ushtee ~ aquatic
forme ~ form
formley ~ formula
formoil ~ full dress, stiff, formal, ceremonious
formoilid ~ formality, stiffness
Formosa ~ Formosa
forragh ~ assembly
forran buird ~ dinner service
forrane ~ challenge
forsaid ~ tap (water)
Forsdal ~ Foxdale
forse ~ force
forseyn caggee ~ fighting forces
forster ~ forester
forsteragh ~ forestry
forsterys ~ forestry
fort ~ ability, validity
fortan ~ fortune
fortanagh ~ fortunate
fortanaght ~ luckiness
forys ~ institution
fosaid ~ tap (water)
fosfaar ~ phosphorous
fosfaar buigh ~ yellow phosphorous
fosfaaragh ~ phosphoric
fosfaarit ~ phosphuretted
foshil ~ open
foshlaght ~ candour
foshley ~ unblock, unfold, unclasp
foshlid ~ blatancy, frankness, ingeniousness
foshlit ~ open, ajar, agape, exposed, unfastened,
open-necked, exploded; overt, patent, blatant,
downri ght ; free-spoken, ext rovert ;
forthcoming; blank (as credit)
foshlit da ~ susceptible
foshlit (roish) ~ liable
fosley ~ open, open up, open out, answer (door),
unclench, burst, develop, disillusion, disclose,
explode, strike out, unhook (as clothing),
unbosom, broach (as cargo); overture,
introduction, passage, opening, orifice, slit,
lane (in ice field)
fosley (ayns rumbyl) ~ placket hole
fosley magh ~ fling open
fosley-raa ~ introduction
fosley raad ~ access
fosley sooilley ~ disillusion
fosley yn raad (da) ~ facilitate
fosleyder ~ opener
fosleyder boteil ~ bottle-opener
fosleyder glish ~ picklock
fosleyder stainney ~ can-opener, tin-opener
foslit ~ frank, broached
fosslaghey ~ fossilize
fossyl ~ fossil
fossylagh ~ fossorial
fotograf ~ photograph
fotografee ~ photographer
fotografeeaght ~ photography
fotograue ~ photogravure
fotosfeir ~ photosphere
fotostat ~ photostat
fou ~ hearsay, report, inference, hint, rumour,
fou breaghagh (foalsey) ~ canard
fouagh ~ inferential
foudagh ~ morbid, damaged
foudaghey ~ deteriorate, damage, deterioration
foudee ~ damaged
foudid ~ deterioration, damage, morbidity
foue ~ below them, under them
fout ~ fault
foutagh ~ faulty, honeycombed, infectious
foutaghey ~ infect
fouyir ~ of autumn, of harvest, autumnal
Yn Fouyr ~ autumn
fouyr ~ harvest
fouyr arroo ~ corn harvest
fouyr feeyney ~ vintage
fouyr ny hoarn ~ barley harvest
fouyr trome ~ bounteous harvest
fouyragh ~ autumnal
fouyroil ~ harvestlike, autumnal
fovooirane ~ U-boat, submarine
fovooiraneagh ~ submariner
fovreechyn lhiungys ~ pair of combinations
fow ~ get, find
fow laue yn eaghtyr er ~ best
fow rey rish ~ choke off
fow (roish) ~ buzz off, walk away
Fow royd! ~ Go away! Beat it!
Fow thie! ~ Get home!
fowan ~ scorch, dry period, blight on plants,
blast of hot wind
fowan loshtee ~ hot wind
fowanagh ~ blighting, scorching, blasting (of
fowanaghey ~ scorch, blighting, blight
fowaney ~ blight, scorch, sear, blast (of wind)
fowanit ~ scorched, blighted, blasted (as plants)
fowanys ~ blightedness, blastment
fowder ~ finder, getter, recipient
foyd ~ under you, below you
foyialdynys ~ underwriting
foyialleyder ~ underwriter
foyll ~ kennel, bed of animal
foym ~ below me, under me
foyn ~ sod, greensward
foynagh ~ turfy (grassy)
foyr ~ chamfer, edge, lip of cup, keenness of
foyr bevyllit ~ bevel edge
foyr giarree ~ bezel
foyr rhesar ~ razor edge
foyr skynney ~ knife-edge
foyr toshee ~ leading edge
foyragh ~ sharp, sharp-edged, mordant, cutting,
keen, incisive, steely, edged
foyraghey ~ hone, sharpen
foyraght ~ sharpness
foyral ~ sharp-edged, incisive, sharp, keen
foyreyder skynney ~ knife-grinder
foyrit ~ honed, sharpened
fraamey ~ fuselage
fraamey dorrysh ~ door frame
fraamey pabyr ~ passe-partout frame
fraamey uinnag ~ window frame
fragym ~ awry
frainnaghey ~ chasing
frame ~ frame
frame feayr ~ cold frame
frameyder ~ framer
Frangagh ~ French, Frenchman, Frenchwoman,
frangagh ~ outlandish, foreign, strange;
extraordinarily large
Frangaghys ~ Frenchness, Gallicism
Frangaid ~ Fanny, Frances
frangane ~ retort
Ny Frangee ~ French
Frangish [f] ~ French language
Frank ~ Francis
frank ~ frank
frankal ~ frank
Fransiscagh ~ Franciscan
frap ~ report, bang, smack, crack, pop
frappagh ~ popping, crackling
frappal ~ to go pop, crackle, ring out, smack,
crepitate, crack (of noise)
frapperagh ~ popping
frapperaght ~ crackle, crepitate, crackling,
popping, cracking
frappey ~ poppet
frappyn jiargey ~ pods of foxglove
frasdyl ~ moral charge
frasdyl (erskyn najoor) ~ visitation
frass ~ shower, rainfall
frass claghyn sniaghtee ~ hail shower
frass garroo ~ heavy shower
frass gial ~ sunny shower
frass greiney ~ sun shower
frass sniaghtee ~ snow shower, hail shower
frass taarnee ~ thunder shower
frassagh ~ showery
frassaghey ~ precipitation, reaction
frassaght ~ showery weather, showeriness
frasseeagh ~ reactor, reactive
frasseeaght ~ reactance
frassyn skeaylt ~ scattered showers
frassyn ynnydoil ~ local showers
frassyrtagh ~ obstinate
Frastyl ~ Ascension
frastyl ~ attendance
Frastyl yn Erin ~ Serving mass
frauagh ~ primordial
frauaghey ~ root
frauaig ~ fibre, pedicle
frauaig veg ~ fibril
frauaigagh ~ fibroid, fibrous
fraue [f] ~ root, radicle, race, radical, fang,
bulb, derivation, stem of family
fraue cadlee ~ opium
fraue cadleen ~ opium
fraue chernagh ~ square root
fraue cherrinagh ~ square root
fraue chiubagh ~ cube root
fraue kioobagh ~ cube root
fraue-note ~ fundamental
fraue oaie ~ feature
fraue-ockle ~ root word, etymon
fraue-ockleeaght ny theay ~ folk etymology
fraueagh ~ fundamental, original, bulbous
fraueaghey ~ rooting
frauee ~ derivative, primitive
fraueen ~ root hair
frauehoylley ~ prototype
fraueid ~ rootedness
fraueit ~ rooted
fraueoil ~ rooty, radical
fraueoilagh ~ radical
fraueoilaght ~ radicalism
frea ~ extra, shirt frill
freayll ~ reserve price, conservation, preserve,
conserve, keep, retain
freayll arrey ~ watch, guard, watch-keeping
freayll arrey er ~ watch, chaperon, tend
freayll arrey er paitchey ~ babysit
freayll ayns oardyr ~ maintain
freayll ayns shugyr ~ conserve
freayll er ash ~ keep back
freayll er-lheh ~ aloofness
freayll ersooyl ~ keep away
freayll fo ~ control, restrain, keep under
freayll fo smaght ~ keep under
freayll (goll) ~ continue
freayll magh ~ keep out
freayll rick er ~ oversee, handle
freayll ry cheilley ~ keep together
freayll seose ~ carry on
freayll shapp ~ shopkeeping
freayll sheese ~ keep down
freayll sheshaght rish ~ consort, accompany,
freayll smaght (er) ~ hold down
freayll sthie ~ keep in
freayll veih ~ refrain
freayll voish ~ withhold
freayllagh ~ parsimonious, retentive
freaylley ~ preserve, keep, reserve price,
freaylleyder ~ preserver, preservative
freaylleyder keesh ~ toll-keeper
freaylleyder lock ~ lock-keeper
freaylleyder thie sollysh ~ lighthouse keeper
freaylt ~ reserved, maintained
freayltys ~ preservation
freayltys cheerey ~ preservation of the count
freayn ~ turbulence, overflow
freaynagh ~ turbulent, surging, raging,
overflowing, billowy, foaming, roaring
freaynal ~ foam
freayney ~ foaming, overflow, fume, ripple,
rippling, raging, foam, surge, heave (of sea),
flow (of sea), ruffle
freayney brishlagh ~ rippling
freaynit ~ rippled
freeghey ~ fry, frizzle, frying
freeghtag ~ fritter
freeghtane ~ frying pan
freenaghan ~ pincushion
freenaghey ~ pin up, pin
freeney ~ pin, cotter
freeney bwoallee ~ percussion pin
freeney doont ~ safety pin
freeney ghudjyn ~ gudgeon pin
freeney goallagh ~ split pin
freeney lhiggee ~ firing pin
freeney meanagh ~ centre pin
freeney prash ~ brass pin
freeney sauchys ~ safety pin
freeney scoltit ~ split pin
freeneyder ~ pin maker
freenit ~ pinned
freer ~ friar
freesh ~ frieze
Freeshlann ~ Friesland
Freeshlannagh ~ Frisian
Freeshlannish ~ Frisian
freeyney croymmane ~ crank pin
freggyr ~ reply
freggyr rish ~ acknowledge
freggyragh ~ responsive, reactive, liable,
consonant, congruent, amenable, answerable
freggyragh (da) ~ conformable
freggyraght ~ liability, amenableness,
adequateness, responsiveness
freggyrit ~ answered, filled, acknowledged
freggyrt ~ answer, reply, respond, correspond,
rejoin, react, retort, solution, reaction,
response, acknowledgement, rejoinder, come
back; outcrop
freggyrt crackanagh ~ cutaneous reaction
freggyrt (da) ~ suit
freggyrt eeckit ~ reply paid
freggyrt er ash ~ riposte, answer back
freggyrt er son ~ answer for
freggyrt ry-cheilley ~ harmonize
freggyrt y screeu ~ to answer in writing
freggyrtagh ~ compatible, answering (letter),
answerable, fits, reactive, congruence,
respondent, proportional, replicative,
accountable, responsible, answerer
freggyrtaght ~ compatability, suitability
freggyrtys ~ aptness, accordance, responibility,
a ns we r a bl e ne s s , a c c ount a bi l i t y,
freih ~ grain
freihagh ~ straight-grained
freill ~ keep
Freill arrey! ~ Keep watch!
freill magh ~ keep aloof
freilleyder ~ preserver, conservator, keeper,
custodian, conservationist
freilleyder foiee ~ wood preservative
freilleyder thie goaldee ~ hotelier
freilleyder thie soilshey ~ lighthouse keeper
freilleydys ~ keepership
freilltagh ~ conservationist, conservative
freilltys ~ conservancy, reservation
freilt ~ preserved, kept
freilt dy mie ~ well-kept (as secret)
freilt er lheh ~ kept apart
freiltagh ~ relic
freoagh ~ heather, ling
freoagh bane ~ white heather, brier
freoagh Frangagh ~ cross leaved heather
freoagh marrey ~ sea fern
freoagh mooar ~ Scotch heather
freoagh ny sooghyn ~ strawberry tree
freoagh tessen ~ bell heather
freoagh Yernagh ~ Irish heather
freoaghagh ~ heathery
freoghage ~ bilberry, blaeberry, whortleberry
freoghane ~ bilberry, blaeberry, whortleberry
frigaid ~ frigate
frijean ~ reverberator
frinje ~ fringe
frioggan ~ dander, bristle, barb, fin, offence,
beard (of hook)
frioggan (er) ~ offend
friogganagh ~ ratty, touchy, bristly, liverish,
cantankerous, crabby, offended, prickly, bad-
tempered, edgy, setaceous, finned, echinoid,
finny, stickleback
friogganid ~ bristliness
friogganyn ~ bosh
Friogganyn! ~ Nonsense!
friogganys ~ cantankerousness, touchiness
frioosagh ~ considerate, heedful, careful,
attentive, momentous, advertent, thoughtful,
frioosaght ~ momentousness
frioose ~ advertence, thoughtfulness, attention,
value, attentiveness, importance, thriftiness,
thrift, heedfulness, consideration, moment
friooshaght ~ considerateness
friplas ~ coxcomb, fop, dandy
friplassagh ~ dandified, foppish
friplassid ~ foppishness
frit ~ bagatelle, fop, trifler, coxcomb, frivol
fritlag ~ shred, tatter, tattered cloth, rag
fritlag dy 'er ~ tatterdemalion
fritlagagh ~ ragged, tattered
fritlagys ~ raggedness
fritlid ~ raggedness
frittagh ~ frivolous, brainless, inconstant, banal,
trifling, bird-witted
frittaght ~ brainlessness, banality
frittys ~ frivolity, frippery
Frizzel ~ Frazer
froaish ~ panache, swagger, swank, egotism,
froaishagh ~ bragging, swanker, egoistical,
egoist, lofty, swanky, assumer, brag
froaishaght ~ loftiness
froaisheyder ~ swaggerer
froaishid ~ assumption, swaggering,
braggadocio, egoism
frog aeg ~ tadpole
frogh ~ perished, dry-rotten
froghid ~ dry rot
frontey feayr ~ cold front
frook ~ fluke (of anchor)
frosh ~ murkiness
froshagh ~ murky, dark
frough [f] ~ fog, shower, foggy drizzle
frough thallooin ~ land mist
froughagh ~ foggy, misty
froughid ~ mistiness
frourtagh ~ froward, perverse person, freakish,
perverse, freak
frourtid ~ frowardness
froutagh ~ peevish
froutys ~ frowardness
frowartagh ~ perverse, stubborn
fructose ~ fructose
frug ~ frog
frynepan ~ frying pan
fuailley ~ sew, stitch
fuaillit ~ stitched
fud ~ amid(st), among(st), during
fud ny hoie ~ through the night, overnight, all
fud y cheilley ~ confused, perplexed, flustered,
tangled, dishevelled, topsy-turvy, chaotic,
mixed up, disordered, embarrassed,
muddled, at variance, confusing, confusion,
disorder, muddle
fud yn ashoon ~ nationally
fudys ~ seriousness
fughage ~ periwinkle
fuill [f] ~ blood, breeding, kindred
fuill chree ~ life blood
fuill-chyndagh ~ blood-guilty
fuill ghlen ~ pure blood
fuill ooasle ~ blue blood
fuill reeoil ~ blue blood
fuill stroaney ~ nosebleed(ing)
fuill-vlah ~ blood-warm
fuill-vreck ~ bloodstained
fuill-yiarg ~ blood-red
fuillagh ~ suffer, tolerate, put up with
fuillaghtagh ~ patient, passive, suffering;
sufferable, tolerable, endurable; bloodthirsty,
homicide, shedding blood, blood shedder
fuillaghtaght ~ passiveness
fuillaghtyn ~ tolerate, forbear, suffer, put up,
permit, sufferance, endurance
fuillaghtys ~ bloodshed, toleration, tolerance
fuilleeagh ~ tolerable, pedigree, consanguine
fuilleeaght ~ breed, lineage, pedigree,
consangui ni t y, bl ood rel at i onshi p,
fuilley ~ mulcture
fuilleydane ~ blood vessel
fuilliaghtys ~ forbearance
fuilloil ~ thoroughbred
fuilloilagh ~ thoroughbred
fuilltagh ~ gory, bloodshot, bloody, sanguinary,
fuilltaght ~ gore
fuilltys ~ bloodiness
fuilt ~ of hair
fuiltagh ~ bleeding
fuinn ~ overdo
fuinney ~ knead, bake
fuinney-heh ~ baking hot
fuinneyder ~ baker
fuinnit ~ overdone, baked
fuirraght ~ delay
fuirraghtyn ~ wait, stand by, stay, tarry
fuirraghtyn fo armyn ~ stand to
fuirraghtyn rish ~ wait for, await
fuirree dreayst ~ stay a while
Fuirree ort! ~ Patience!
Fuirree! ~ Patience! Hold! Hang on!
fuirreyder ~ stayer, tarrier
fuirriaghtagh ~ deferred
fullynagh ~ patient
fungys ~ fungus
fungys-nieu ~ fungicide
fungyssagh ~ fungous
funnyl ~ funnel
furnish ~ furnace
furnish aer ~ blast furnace
furnish coirrey ~ boil furnace
furnish glonney ~ glass furnace
furnish-heidee ~ blast furnace
furrey ~ furrow
furriaght ~ stay
furriman ~ foreman
furriman keirdlann ~ shop foreman
furrym ~ bench, form
fushag ~ pipit
fushag ny traieyn ~ shore lark
fushag varrey ~ rock pipit
fuygh ~ timber, wood
fuygh aile ~ firewood
fuygh darree ~ oak wood
fuygh eeghtyragh ~ dunnage
fuygh larshagh ~ larch wood
fuygh lhieggit ~ lumber
fuygh marrey ~ driftwood
fuygh ny bea ~ lignum vitae
fuygh sloghey ~ shaft timber
fuyghagh ~ ligneous, woody, wooden
fuyghoil ~ ligneous, woody, woodlike
fwee ~ voice
fwee jantagh ~ active voice
fwirran ~ team, staff
fwirran bluckan-coshey ~ football team
fwirran jeshee ~ toilet set
fwirran lheihys ~ medical staff
fwirran meihaaghyn ~ a set of weights
fwirran reagheydys ~ editorial staff
fwirran skynnaghyn ~ canteen (of cutlery)
fwirran tey ~ tea set, tea service
fy shaghey ~ in turns
fy-yeih ~ besides, finally
fy yerrey ~ eventually, in conclusion,
ultimately, finally, lastly, at last, at length
fy yerrey hoal ~ at long last
fyllachelleeagh ~ philatelist, philatelic
fyllachelleeaght ~ philately
fyllarmoainagh ~ philharmonic
Fynlann ~ Finland
Fynlannagh ~ Finlander, Finn, Finnish
Fynlannish ~ Finnish
Yn Fynn ~ satyr
fynn ~ blond(e), fair (of hair, skin), pure white,
sprite; cataract
Fynn-Loghlynagh ~ Swede
fynn-ruy ~ sandy, ginger, brown
fynn-skeeal ~ coloured narrative
Fynn Traie ~ Ventry
fynn-vane ~ ash-blond, platinum-blonde, tow-
fynn-yiarg ~ carnation (colour)
fynnag ~ meal worm, whiting
fynnag ny keylley ~ white throat
fynnag ny meinney ~ meal worm
fynnag veg ~ lesser whitethroat
fynnagh ~ hairy, shaggy, super album
fynnaght ~ shagginess
fynneeagh ~ pilose
fynneig ~ husk, pod
fynneig liauyr ~ siliqua
fynneig spoar ~ space capsule
fynneigagh ~ podded
fynneraght ~ breeze, cool (of day)
fynneraght varrey ~ sea breeze
fynney ~ down, fur, hair of animal, pile, film on
the eye
fynney breinnag ~ skunk
fynney musk-roddan ~ musquash
fynney saabyl ~ sable
fynney shynnee ~ fox
fynneydagh ~ furry
fynneyder ~ furrier
fynneyderys ~ furriery
fynneydys ~ furriness
fynnican ~ albumen, white (of egg)
fynnid ~ whiteness
fynnodderee ~ satyr
fynnoddereeagh ~ satyric
fynnyr ~ cool
fynnyraght ~ coolness, chill
fyrryn ~ andro-
fys ~ knowledge, information, intelligence,
science, advice, notice, cognition,
intimation, cognizance, sixth sense,
fys er ~ insight (into)
fys gyn toiggal ~ undigested knowledge
fys jeh'n ockle ~ prompt
fys loayrt ~ tact
fys loayrt (ec) ~ tactful
fys obbree ~ savoir faire
fys rolaue ~ foreknowledge, foresight
fys skeeallagh ~ third-hand information
fys yn raad y ghoaill ~ orientate
fyseid ~ faucet, tap (water)
fyseid sheelee ~ drip-cock
fyseid smarrey ~ grease-cock
fyshoayllee ~ physiologist
fyshoaylleeagh ~ physiological
fyshoaylleeaght ~ physiology
fyssaght ~ sorcery
Yn Fyssaght ~ The Occult
fysseragh ~ well-informed, intelligent,
inquisitive, nosey, curiosity, subtle, prescient
fysseraght ~ inquisitiveness, supernatural
knowledge, premonition
fysseree ~ supernatural knowledge, science,
information, prescience, foreknowledge,
fysseree Chreestee ~ Christian Science
fysserit ~ manifest
fyssoil ~ knowing
G.B. ~ N.B
ga ~ though, albeit
ga (dy) ~ although
ga-reih ~ although
ga-yeih ~ albeit
g'aa-raa ~ reiterate
g'aa-ymmyrk magh ~ reproduce
gaabyl ~ gable
gaabylagh ~ gabled
gaag ~ chap (see gaaig)
gaagail reeanyn ~ pit (of smallpox)
gaagey ~ chapping, chap
gaagit ~ chapped
gaaig ~ chap, crevice, split in skin
gaaig ingney ~ sand-crack
gaaigagh ~ chapped
gaaigey ~ chap, crack, split
gaaigit ~ cracked
gaaillag ~ slap
gaaillagh ~ cattle thrush
gaailley ~ cheek, cattle thrush
g'aainsh ~ retell
gaal ~ vapour, gale, vapour concentration, steam
gaal-baarnee ~ hurricane
gaal bioyr ~ fresh gale
gaal-chockey ~ steam cock
gaal-choirrey ~ steam boiler
gaal-choodagh ~ steam jacket
gaal-chraen ~ steam crane
gaal-feddag ~ steam whistle
gaal-ghreie ~ steam engine
gaal-hiow ~ steam heating
gaal-kishtey ~ steam box
gaal-oard ~ steam hammer
gaal-obbrit ~ steam-driven
gaal-rolleyder ~ steam roller
gaal-sleayst ~ steam shovel
gaal-towse ~ steam gauge
gaal-ushtey ~ wet steam
gaal-vroie ~ steam, braise
gaal-vroiet ~ braised
gaal-vroo ~ steam pressure
gaal-yeenagh ~ steam-tight
gaalagh ~ steamy, steaming, vaporous
gaalaghey ~ vaporize, evaporation, evaporate,
vaporization, steam, exhale, volatilize
gaaley ~ gale
gaaleyder ~ evaporator, vaporizer
gaaleyr ~ vaporizer
gaaltan ~ steamship, steamer
gaalvaatey ~ steamboat
gaalyn Feill' Pherick ~ equinoctial gales
gaalyn Feill Vaayl ~ equinoctial gales
gaard ~ great blast of wind
gaarder ~ great blast of wind
gaarderagh ~ blasting of wind
gaardey ~ hurricane, blow of wind
gaarlaghey ~ fits
gaarlaghey cour (ec) ~ paving the way for
gaase ~ growing, accretive, develop
gaase dy tappee ~ quick-growing
gaase ro vooar ~ outgrowth
gaase 'sy oie ~ mushroom growth
gaaue ~ blacksmith, forger, smith
gaaue airh ~ goldsmith
gaaue argid ~ silversmith
gaaue armyn ~ armourer
gaaue cabbil ~ farrier
gaaue cobbyr ~ coppersmith
gaaue doo ~ water ouzel
gaaue glish ~ locksmith
gaaue gunney ~ gunsmith
gaaue stainney ~ tinner, tinsmith
gaauenaght ~ smithcraft
gaauenys ~ smithy work, smithcraft
gabberaght ~ argument
gaberdeen ~ gaberdine
gaccan ~ complaining, moaning, grousing,
gad ~ withy, withe
gaddee ~ stealer, poacher, purloiner, lewd
woman, wanton woman
gaddee cabbil ~ horse thief
gaddee drappal ~ cat burglar
gaddee dy ven ~ vixen
gaddee ollee ~ cattle lifter
gaddee sporran ~ pickpocket
gaddeeagh ~ wanton
gaddeeaght ~ larceny, theft, thieving
gaddeeys ~ pocket picking, larceny, thieving,
gadderagh ~ hard case
gaddys ~ pike
gadroon ~ gadroon
gadyree ~ oestrum
gadyrey ~ oestrum
Gael ~ Gael
Gael Albinagh ~ highlander
Gael Yernagh ~ Irishman
Gaelg [f] ~ Manx, Gaelic
Gaelg Albinagh ~ Scottish Gaelic
Gaelg ghlen ~ perfect Manx
Gaelg ny Halbey ~ Scottish Gaelic
Gaelg vrisht ~ slipshod Manx
Gaelgagh ~ highland people, Manx, Gaelic,
Scottish Gaelic
Gaelgaghey ~ Gaelicization
Gaelgaghys ~ Gaelicism, Manxification,
Manxism, Manxness, Hibernicism
Gaelgaghys ('sy Vaarle) ~ Hibernianism
Gaelgey ~ of Manx
Gaelgeyr ~ Gaelic speaker, Manx speaker
Gaeltaght ~ Gaelic speaking area
Gaeltaght ny h-Albey ~ Highlands
gaer ~ boil, pain
gaeragh ~ burning sensation
gaeraght ~ painfulness
gaerr ~ ordure, dung, diarrhoea
gaggan cremey ~ bellyaching
gaggyrt ~ claiming
gaggyrts ~ impute, claiming
gagh ~ each, every
gagh blein ~ annually
gagh cor vee ~ bi-monthly
gagh daa vlein ~ biennially, bi-annual
gagh derrey vlein ~ biennially
gagh jeih vleeaney ~ decennial
gagh kegeesh ~ fortnightly, bi-weekly
gagh kiart tashtit ~ copyright reserved
gagh laa ~ daily
gagh lieh-oor ~ half-hourly
gagh lieh-vee ~ half-monthly
gagh lieh vlein ~ half-yearly
gagh moghrey ~ every morning
gagh nah vee ~ bi-monthly
gagh oayllys ayns shoh ~ inquire within
gagh queig blein ~ quinquennially
gagh raiee ~ quarterly
gagh shiaght blein ~ septennially
gagh tree shiaghteeyn ~ tri-weekly
gagh treeoo blein ~ triennially
gagh ynnyd ~ everywhere
gaghtey ~ demeanour
gah ~ dart, sting, prong, suppository
gah buigh ~ hemp nettle
gah greiney ~ sunbeam
gah lioaragh ~ book marker
gah-sheaylley breneenagh ~ atomic radiation
gah shellanagh ~ bee sting
gah sollysh ~ ray of light
gahagh ~ irradiant, radiate, venomous (as look),
gahaghey ~ irradiate, irradiation
gahder ~ stinger
gahghey ~ sting, irridiance, radiate, radiation
gahlagh ~ pencil
Yn Gahlin ~ The Pole Star
gahoil ~ piquant
gahoilid ~ piquancy
gaid ~ heather rope
gaidey ~ roping
gaih ~ plaything, toy
gaihagh ~ toylike, toyish
Gailck [f] ~ Gaelic, Manx
Gailckagh ~ Gaelic
Gailckaghys ~ Manxification
gaillag ~ a slap
gaillagh ~ gourmand, chubby
gailley ~ belly, ventricle, tummy, stomach,
digestion, tripe, appetite, paunch; thrush
gailley ching ~ stomach pain
gailley keerey ~ rumen
gailley mooar ~ paunch
gailley pern ~ devilfish, anglerfish, frogfish
gailley ritlagh ~ tripe (honeycomb, ragged)
gailley s'jerree ~ maw
gair ~ cheer
gaiter ~ gaiter
gaittinagh(ey) ~ gorse, gorsing
galaantagh ~ posh
galactagh ~ galactic
galchro ~ walnut
galee ~ galena
gall ~ gall
Gallagh ~ Gallic
gallan mooar ~ butterbur
gallane millish ~ rock (sweetmeat)
gallasyn ~ suspender, braces
gallee ~ galley
galleon ~ galleon
galliam ~ gallium
Galliu ~ Galway
galloon ~ gallon, gimp
gallvarg ~ spite, virulent anger, bitter enemy,
gallvargagh ~ sarcastic
gallverg ~ spite, bitter enemy, spiteful hatred,
virulence, virulent anger, sarcasm, ferocity
gallvergagh ~ sarcastic, ferociously angry,
galvaanagh ~ galvanic
galvaanaghey ~ galvanize, galvanization
galvaanaghys ~ galvanization
galvaanveih ~ galvanometer
galvaanys ~ galvanism
galvarg ~ gall
galverg ~ gall
galvergagh ~ galling
galvergys ~ spitefulness
gamlagh ~ irony, speaking ironically
gammagh ~ distorted, wry
gamman ~ fun, game, amusement
gamman caggee ~ war game
gamman ceau emshir ~ pastime
gamman er focklyn ~ play on words
gamman er ny kaartyn ~ card game
gamman lettraghey ~ spelling bee
gammanagh ~ sportive, bantering, sporty,
playful, frolicsome
gammanyn ~ amusements
gammanyn thie ~ parlour games
gammanys ~ playfulness, sportiveness, banter
gammyl ~ gawk
gammylagh ~ gawky
gammylys ~ gawkiness
gampey ~ wedge (of cake)
gamshogagh ~ droll
gamshoge ~ joker, buffoon, jester, droll
gamshogeys ~ jesting, buffoonery, drollery
gamylt ~ swim
gamylt 'sy joan ~ dust
gangaid ~ venomousness
ganglaneagh ~ jangly, bickering
ganglaneys ~ bickering
gangleen ~ ganglion
gangrail ~ running sore, gangrene
gangrailagh ~ gangrenous
gangreil ~ corrosion, festering
gangreilagh ~ corrosive
gannid ~ mockery
gannidagh ~ derisive, mocking, affronting,
ludicrous, bantering, derider, mocker
gannidaght ~ ludicrousness
gannider ~ mocker, buffoon
gannidys ~ derision, scorn, banter, mockery,
gannoonaghey ~ weakening, growing weak
gansee ~ pullover, sweater, jersey, jumper
gansee bluckan coshey ~ football jersey
gansee foshlit ~ cardigan
gansee golf ~ windcheater
gansee gyn muinneelyn ~ slip over
gansee marrinagh ~ sailor's jersey
gansoor ~ answering (letter)
gant ~ common tern, gannet, solan goose
gant Arctagh ~ tern
gant beg ~ little tern
gant cadjin ~ common tern
gant doo ~ black tern
gant eairkagh ~ roseate tern, sandwich tern
gant mooar ~ sandwich tern
gant ny gibbinyn ~ arctic tern
gant ommidjagh ~ booby
gant ruissagh ~ roseate tern
gant ruy ~ roseate tern
gantree ~ gantry
garaashtey ~ garage
garagh ~ gardening, sourish (of land)
garaghtagh ~ laughable, laughing
garaghtee ~ laugh, laughing, laughter
garaghtee creeoil ~ whole-hearted laugh
gard ~ guard, guardsman
gard cass ~ footguard
gard glish ~ trigger guard
gard keylley ~ forest ranger
gard kirpey ~ bodyguard
gardar ~ great gust of wind
gardash ~ pollock
gardey ~ protect, escort, guard, watch
gardey aile ~ fireguard
gardey corp ~ lifeguard
gardys ~ watch (body of men)
garee ~ thicket, waste land
garee breck ~ oystercatcher
gareish bus ~ bus depot
garey ~ garden, allotment, arbour
garey baagh ~ zoo
garey biljagh ~ plantation
garey blaa ~ flower garden
garey caayl ~ cabbage patch, kailyard
garey cheer-yallooagh ~ landscape garden
garey clea ~ roof garden
garey-cooyl ~ back garden
garey creggey ~ rockery
garey cuirtlee ~ cane plantation
Garey Eden ~ Eden
garey feeyney ~ vineyard
garey geuree ~ winter garden
garey gib ~ mussel farm, mussel bed
garey glassreeyn ~ kitchen garden
garey losseragh ~ vegetable garden
garey lossreeyn ~ herb garden, botanic gardens
garey lus y lhionney ~ hop garden
garey margee ~ market garden
garey mess ~ orchard
garey mullee ~ roof garden
garey ny killagh ~ churchyard
garey ooyl ~ apple orchard
garey praase ~ potato garden
garey rose ~ rosary, rose garden
garey shellee ~ sallow garden
garey tey ~ tea garden
garey troggal ~ nursery
garey yiarn ~ shipyard
gareydagh ~ horticultural, horticulture
gareyder ~ gardener, horticulturalist
gareyder cheer-yallooagh ~ landscape gardener
gareyder feeyney ~ wine grower, vine dresser
gareyder margee ~ market gardener
gareyder troggal ~ nurseryman
gareyder troggee ~ nursery gardener
gareydys ~ gardening
gareydys feeyney ~ wine growing
gareydys margee ~ market gardening
garg ~ brusque, harsh, austere, bitter, acrid,
pungent, tuneless
gargagh ~ making pungent
gargaghey ~ bitter
gargane ~ rotten dung
gargey ~ bite (of smell, taste)
gargid ~ brusqueness, harshness (of wine),
asperity, pungency, acrimony, tartness,
austerity, acrimoniousness, acridity
gargley ~ gargle
gargyl ~ gargle
garleid ~ garlic
garleid cheylley ~ garlic mustard, sauce alone
garleyd feie ~ ramson, wild garlic
garmad ~ garment
garmad mooie ~ a top garment
garmadeyr ~ garment maker
garmanagh ~ porpoise
Garmane ~ German
garmin ~ cross beam
garmin feederagh ~ weaver's beam
garmin goal-eddin ~ hip
garmin yiarn ~ girder
Garnagh ~ Ghanaian
garnaid ~ garnet
garrad ~ attic, garret
garral ~ offering
garran ~ pony, hack, gelding, garron
garran yiarn ~ gridiron, bicycle
garrastan ~ garrison
garreish ~ garage
garrey ~ spell, rubber, turn, trick, gallop, stint,
lap, bout of work, impetus
garrey oie ~ nightshift
garrish ~ boo, mockery, jeering, copying,
garroo ~ rude, rough-spoken, scraggy, ill-
mannered, rugged, husky, hairy, coarse-
fibred, vulgar, pockmarked, rough, jagged,
crude, coarse, low, crude, rough-and-tumble,
uncouth, naughty, uneven (as ground),
stormy (as sea), raw, undressed, boisterous,
harsh, stubbly, dirty (of weather)
garroo-chloie ~ rag
garroo-chummit ~ rugged featured
garroo-hilgit ~ rough-cast
garroo-hoo ~ coarse thatch
garroo jeant ~ roughly made
garroo-phlaastrail ~ parget, pargeting
garroo-phlaastyr ~ parget
garrooid ~ huskiness, coarseness, asperity,
scragginess, ruggedness, roughage,
uncouthness, harshness, roughness,
grossness, rudeness, rawness, crudeness,
choppiness, chop on water, unevenness of
garrotte ~ garrotte
gart ~ bitter, stale, sour (of land), high (as
game); cornland
gartag ~ crab apple
gartid ~ staleness
gartlan ~ weed
gartlanagh ~ weeding
gartlann ~ cornyard
gartlian ~ weed out, weeding
gartlianagh ~ weeding, weeder
gartlianer ~ weeder
gartliant ~ weeded
garveig ~ roar, bellow
garveigagh ~ bellowing, bellow, roaring
garveigey ~ bellow, bellowing, roar
garveigeyder ~ roarer
garveinn ~ groats
garvel ~ gravel
garvelagh ~ gravelly
garvroie ~ parboiled
gas ~ gas
gas caggee ~ poison gas
gas gearey ~ laughing gas
gas geayil ~ coal gas
gas-gheinneyder ~ gas generator, gasogene
gas-ghienteyder ~ gas producer
gas-lhieent ~ gas-filled
gas meainey ~ firedamp
gas mustart ~ mustard gas
gas nieunagh ~ poisonous gas
gas plooghey ~ choke-damp
gas pyshoonagh ~ poison gas
gas-veih ~ gas meter
gasaleen ~ gasolene
gaselle ~ gazelle
gasgad ~ gasket
gaskeydagh ~ a fast worker, hasty, hustler
gaskeydagh yn theihll ~ world champion
gasrey ~ section
gass ~ sprig, stalk, bunch, bitch (canine), stem
gass poanrey ~ beanstalk
gassagh ~ stemmed, aerated, gassy, gaseous,
gassaghey ~ aerate, gas, aeration
gasseree ~ oestrum
gassree ~ oestrum
gast ~ bitch (canine)
gastagh ~ hero, champion, nimble, brightness
gastaght ~ slickness, agility
gastey ~ active, athletic, lively, agile, speedy,
gastey-chassagh ~ nimble-footed
gastid ~ agility, sprightliness, cleverness,
physical activity
gastoil ~ gallant
gastoilid ~ bravery, gallantry
gastragh ~ gastric
gastreypod ~ gasteropod
gatt ~ rising, intumescent, getting up
gaue ~ jeopardy, peril, distress, risk, danger
Gaue harrish! ~ All clear!
gaue keayin ~ sea risk
gaueagh ~ risky, jeopardous, hazardous,
dangerous, venturesome
gaueid ~ perilousness, riskiness, dangerousness
gauin ~ young (large quadruped), very young
cow, year old calf, yearling (bovine)
geag ~ jib
geah ~ bargepole
geam ~ mooing, calling
geamagh ~ crying
geaman ~ servant
geamneeaght ~ chasteness, chastity
geanymnee ~ chaste
gear ~ stale, sharp, sour, spicy
gear bevyllit ~ bevel gear
gearagh ~ smiling
gearey ~ laughter, laugh
gearey (dy) feagh ~ chuckle
geareyder ~ laugher
gearid ~ sourness, staleness
geashnaght ~ surfeit
geashteen ~ long strong hair
geay [f] ~ wind, flatulence
geay asnee ~ winnowing wind
geay chassee ~ whirlwind, tornado
geay cheerey ~ land breeze
geay ching ~ adverse wind
geay chooyl ~ following wind
geay chreoi ~ strong breeze
geay fowanagh ~ scorching wind
geay gharroo ~ rough wind
geay-ghreie ~ wind instrument
geay-ghreienyn ~ wind instruments
geay-ghreienyn maidjey ~ woodwind
geay heh ~ simoon
geay-hraghtee ~ trade wind
geay hraie ~ shore breeze
geay hreanagh ~ rough wind
geay hwoaie ~ north wind
geay lhiasragh ~ side wind
geay-lughteyder ~ windcharger
geay neear ~ zephyr, westerly, west wind
geay neear ass ~ south-west wind, south-wester
geay neear hwoaie ~ north-wester, north-
geay niar hwoaie ~ north-easter
geay noi ~ head wind
geay ny greiney ~ cosmic wind
geay nyn 'oi ~ noser
geay oaie ~ head wind
geay phaittoil ~ pestilent wind
geay tessen ~ crosswind
geay varrey ~ sea breeze, sea wind
geay veeley ~ breeze, zephyr, gentle wind
geay-veih ~ wind gauge
geay veih'n thalloo ~ land breeze
geay veih'n traie ~ offshore wind
geay vooar ~ high wind, hurricane
geay yiass ~ south wind
geayagh ~ flatulent, windswept
geayaghan ~ ventilator
geayaghey ~ ventilation, ventilate
geayaght ~ breeziness, windiness, flatulence
geayaghyn baardee ~ prevailing winds
geayaghyn fannee ~ raw winds
geayaghyn neear ~ westerlies
geayaghyn niar ~ easterlies
geayee ~ of wind
geayeeagh ~ windy, blowy, breezy
geayeeid ~ windiness
geayil ~ of coal, coals
geayit ~ ventilated
geayl ~ coals, coal
geayl bitumenagh ~ fat coal
geayl cainleagh ~ cannel
geayl chiollee ~ house coal
geayl creoi ~ stone coal, anthracite, splint coal
geayl dhoan ~ lignite
geayl foiee ~ charcoal
geayl fuinnit ~ coke
geayl-ghoo ~ coal black
geayl keirdagh ~ smithy coal
geayl marrey ~ sea coal
geayl meainagh ~ pit coal
geaylagh craue ~ charcoal
geaylaghey ~ carbonization
geaylaig ~ epaulette
geaylar ~ carbonaceous
geayleyder ~ coal heaver
geaylin [f] ~ corner (of house), shoulder
geaylin (lhong) ~ hawse
geaylin ry gheaylin ~ shoulder to shoulder,
geaylinagh ~ humeral
geayliney ~ shoulder
geaylite ~ coalite
geayll? ~ heard?
geayllagh ~ coal-like, whitewashing, coaly
geayllaghey ~ live coal, coaling
geaylt ~ overcome
geayltagh ~ victor
geayltyn ~ shoulders
geayltyn lheaney ~ square shoulders
geaynaghey ~ making green
geaynaght ~ verdure
geayney ~ green, vert, greenness, verdant
geayney-ghone ~ bronze-green
geaynid ~ vert, greenness, bile, verdure
geayr ~ sour, keen, sharp, acidific, acid
geayr carboanagh ~ carbonic acid
geayr hiddracloaragh ~ hydrochloric acid
geayraghey ~ blowing, sour
geayrane ~ blower
geayrid ~ tartness
geayrtnys ~ abortion
geaysh ~ hair (of animals), bodily hair, horse's
tail hair
geaysh chabbil ~ horsehair
geaysh chamyl ~ camel-hair
geaysh fammanagh ~ horsehair
geaysh ghoair ~ cirrus, goat-hair, mare's tail
geaysht ~ horse's tail hair
geayshteenagh ~ hairy, shaggy, hirsute, furry,
geayshteenid ~ hairiness, shagginess, furriness
geayshteig ~ trick
geddyn ~ get, acquire, obtain, beget,
procurement, acquisition
geddyn aarloo ~ prepare
geddyn (ass) ~ derive
geddyn baase ~ die, perish, decease
geddyn baase roish ~ predecease
geddyn barriaght harrish ~ best
geddyn bee ~ victual
geddyn cloan ~ procreation
geddyn eddyr-luight ~ interbreed
geddyn er ash ~ retrieve, get back, retrieval
geddyn foill (ayn) ~ blame
geddyn folliu ~ rake off
geddyn greim er ~ lay hold of
geddyn (jeh) ~ get off
geddyn keim ~ graduation, graduate
geddyn laue yn eaghtyr er ~ beat, outdo
geddyn magh ~ dig out, get out
geddyn magh reesht ~ rediscover
geddyn margey ~ market
geddyn marish ~ copulate, making love
geddyn marish beiyn ~ bestiality
geddyn neose ~ get down
geddyn ny hrooid ~ get through
geddyn reesht ~ recover, regain
geddyn rey rish ~ rid, choke off, dispose
geddyn shilley beg jeh ~ glimpse
geddyn sluight ~ breed, breeding
geddyn voteyn ~ poll
geddyn y kione share jeh ~ best
geddyn yn varriaght (er) ~ fight off, better,
prevail, predominate, outshine
geddynagh ~ beneficiary
gedjaghys ~ sponsorship
gedjey ~ guardian, sponsor, godparent,
godfather, foster-father
gedjig ~ daddy
gee ~ eating, feeding, dining
gee eeast ~ ichthyophagy
gee ny meill ~ mouthing
geear ~ gear
geear-vocs ~ gearbox
geearree ~ yearning, beseeching
geearree fys ~ in pursuit of knowledge
geebyrt ~ transport
geeck ~ look
geeck tailley da ~ fee
geeg ~ cheep, pip
geegey ~ cheep, crow (of infant)
geekey ~ rickmaking
geer-ronney ~ gear ratio
geer-wheeyl ~ gear wheel
geerys ~ gearing
geeser ~ geyser
gei ~ earth
geid ~ steal, thieve, kidnap, pinch, purloin,
larceny, thieving, thievery
geid (argid) ~ pocket
geid ollagh ~ rustling
geid (ollee) ~ rustle
geideyder ~ stealer, kidnapper, purloiner,
geidit ~ pinched, stolen
geidvian ~ kleptomania
geidvianeyder ~ kleptomaniac
Geill ~ Gell
geill ~ notice, heed; gush, spring, bubble up;
consideration, heedfulness, attention,
observance, concentration (of mind)
geill awiney ~ river head
geill-eirinagh ~ agronomist
geill ushtey cheh ~ hot spring
geilley ~ rise
geilloil ~ attentive
geilltagh ~ observer, wary
geiltagh ~ considerable
geinnagh ~ sand
geinnagh gharroo ~ gravel
geinnagh meein ~ fine sand
geinnagh scooiree ~ scouring sand
geinnagh sheebit ~ drift sand
geinnee ~ of sand, sandy, sand
geinniagh vio ~ quicksand
geinniagh vreekey ~ brick dust
geip ~ a bite out of
geir ~ pain
geirr ~ fat, dripping, suet, tallow
geirr vill ~ beeswax
geirr villish ~ pomatum
geirragh ~ sebacious
geirrey ~ grease with tallow, tallowy
geiy ~ shard, pain
geiy gaih ~ small potsherd
geiyaghey ~ festering, pain
geiyaght ~ danger
geiyr er ~ seek after
geiyrt er ~ ensuing, agate
geiyrt ersooyl ~ expel
geligneet ~ gelignite
Gellin ~ Gelling
geng ~ gang
gengagh ~ snub, snub-nosed
gengal ~ gang up
gengeyr ~ gangster
gengeyrys ~ gangsterdom
genmys ~ appointing, appointment, direction
gennal ~ convivial, cheerful, jocular, good-
humoured, jolly, mirthful, gay, jovial, genial,
amiable, blithe, blithesome
gennallys ~ jollity, glee, joviality, jocularity,
amiableness, cheerfulness, geniality,
conviviality, mirth, chirpiness, bonhomie
genney ~ dearth, paucity, destitution, shortness,
slenderness, scarceness
genniagh [f] ~ sand
gennid ~ sparsity, scarceness, spareness,
tightness of money
gennish ~ barren
gennishid ~ barrenness
geodesagh ~ geodetic(al)
geodesee ~ geodesist
geodeseeaght ~ geodesy
geometer ~ geometer
geoyllaghey ~ dunging
gerinagh ~ farm, following the plough
gerjagh ~ comforting, solace, consolation,
gerjaghey ~ cheer up, solace, consoling,
comfort, console, cheering
gerjee ~ comforting, consolatory, consoling
gerjey ~ shortly
gerjeyder ~ consoler, comforter
gerjit ~ comforted
gerjoil ~ comfortable
gerjoilagh ~ reassuring, happy
gerjoilid ~ joyfulness
gerjoilys ~ joyfulness
gerkyn ~ gherkin
Germaanagh ~ German, Germanic
Germaanish ~ German, Dutch
gernooys ~ beastings
gerr ~ crow, shout
gerr chah ~ war cry
Gerrard ~ Gerard
gerrey ~ imminence, proximity
gerrid ~ brevity, imminence, short time
gerroil ~ brief, neighbouring
gerrooid ~ unevenness (of land), roughness
Gerrylt ~ Gerald
Gerryltagh ~ Geraldine
gerrym ~ profession, mission, vocation, outcry,
whoop, crow of cock, call of bird, shouting,
whooping, crowing
gerrym caggee ~ war cry, call up, battle cry
gerrym crauee ~ religious vocation
gerrym keird ~ calling (trade)
gerrym s'jerree ~ last post
gerrym y chellee ~ dawn, cock crow
gerrymagh ~ vocative
gerrymee ~ pro
gerrymoil ~ professional
gerrymoilid ~ professionalism
getchal ~ etching
getlagh ~ airborne
geu ~ gib staff, pain, setting pole
geuagh ~ blistering, acute (painful), branchy
geuhooillagh ~ sand-blind
geuhooilley ~ eyesore
geul ~ mistletoe
geulaghey ~ manacle, chain, shackle, bind in
geulaghyn coshey ~ bilboes
geuley ~ manacle, chain, bond, shackle
geuley bee ~ food chain
geuley drommey ~ back chain
geuley immanagh ~ driving chain
geuley ooreyder ~ watch chain, fob chain
geuley rollagh ~ roller chain
geuley shee ~ daisy chain
geuleydagh ~ bondman, chain
geuleyder ~ chainer, enslaver, gaoler
geuleydys ~ bondage
geulit ~ shackled, chained
geulys ~ bondage
geuragh ~ winterly, wintry
geuraghey ~ hibernate, winter, wintering
geuree ~ of winter
geurey ~ wintertime, winter
geurey bog ~ mild winter, green winter
geurey creoi ~ cold winter
gew ~ pain
gewagh ~ painful, aching
gewaght ~ painfulness
geyragh ~ sharp, sourish, keen
geyraghey ~ exalt, sharpening, whet (appetite),
sharpen, edge, fresh (of mind), intensify
geyre ~ sharp, knifelike, poignant, piercing,
pointed, pungent, bold (promintary),
incisive, penetrating, high-pitched, quick of
sight, bitter, hard, stiff, discerning, sour,
edged, abrupt, austere, cutting, stringent,
twinging, acrid, acute, strict
geyre-ardjaghey ~ zoom
geyre-cheeayll ~ acuity
geyre-chleayshagh ~ quick-eared
geyre-chooishagh ~ astute, sharp-witted,
shrewd, discriminating, alert, subtle
geyre-chooishaght ~ discrimination, astuteness,
alertness, shrewdness
geyre-eeacklagh ~ sharp-toothed
geyre-eeiyrtagh ~ persecutor
geyre-eiyrtys ~ persecution
geyre (er) ~ censorious
geyre-ghaue ~ crisis
geyre-ghrommagh ~ razor-backed
geyre-ghrooishagh ~ sharp-faced
geyre-hastagh ~ sagacious, heedful
geyre-hengagh ~ sharp-tongued
geyre-h(oo)illagh ~ keen-eyed, sharp-eyed
geyre-immyr ~ razor edge
geyre-inchynagh ~ alert, sharp-witted, quick-
geyre-inchynys ~ alertness
geyre-lhiantyn ~ persecution
geyre-reayrtagh ~ sharp-sighted
geyre-uillin ~ acute angle
geyre-vlastal ~ sharp-tasting
geyrey ~ sharpen
geyreyder gailley ~ appetiser
geyrid ~ pointedness, poignancy, quickness of
sight, pungency, intensity, stiffness, acidity,
rigidity, rigour of the law, hardness (of
sound), definition, mordacity, discernment,
sourness, abruptness, keenness, stringency,
strictness, incisiveness, acuteness, acridity,
sharpness, austerity
geyrid inchyn ~ penetration
geyrit ~ soured, sharpened
ghaa ~ two, twain
ny ghaa ~ divers
ghaa cheim ~ two-step
ghaa wheesh ~ twice as much
yn ghaa yeigoo ~ twelfth
Yn Ghaelg ~ Manx
Yn Ghaelg chadjinit ~ standard Manx
Y Ghaeltaght ~ The Highlands
Yn Ghallioo ~ Galloway
Yn Gharney ~ Ghana
y gheay niar ~ the east wind
ny gheiney ~ gents
Yn Ghermaan ~ Germany
y ghiarrey ~ dysenteric
ghlare ~ lingo
ghlare chadjin ~ lingua franca
yn ghlare ghooie ~ the native tongue
yn ghlare Vanninagh ~ the Manx language
y ghoaill myr reih ~ settle upon
ghoghe ~ would take
ghoin ~ I would take
ghooinney choar ~ My dear sir
ghooinney ooasle ~ sir
Ghooinney! ~ Man!
ghow ~ took
ghowin ~ I would take
Yn Ghreag ~ Greece
Ghrollane voght! ~ Poor dear!
Yn Ghuinea ~ Guinea
ghull roie ~ water hydrant
gial ~ bright, clear, white, shining, snowy, light-
coloured, fulgent
gial beg ~ flutter
gial-ghlackeyder ~ bookmaker
gial-glackeyder ~ turf accountant
gial-lheeah ~ silvery, silver-haired
Gial shen! ~ Promise that!
gial-vane ~ sparkling white
gialag vagher ~ snow bunting
gialan ~ white (of egg)
gialchraitnagh ~ clear-skinned
gialdeeaght lhuingey ~ bottomry
gialdin ~ grant, promise
gialdyn ~ stake, promising, grant, promise
gialdynagh ~ promising, hopeful
gialdyner ~ promiser
gialdyn (er) ~ back (bet)
gialdynys ~ engagement, promise, hopefulness,
gialdynys poosee ~ betrothal
giall ~ promise, reveal, bet
giall-argidagh ~ argent
giallag ~ a white animal
giallag ny beinney ~ ptarmigan
giallagh ~ moon, bleach
giallaghey ~ blanche, lime wash, brighten, clear
(of weather), whitening, bleach, to the full,
bleaching, whiten
giallee ~ bleaching
gialley ~ fade in
gialleyder ~ bleacher, whitener, blancher, fuller,
backer (turf)
giallican ~ glair, angel, albumen
giallit ~ promised, fulled, whitened, bleached
gialloon ~ sparrow
giallyn ~ sparrow
gialtagh ~ promissory, gallant, troth, belonging
to a pledge, pledge
gialtaghey ~ vowing, vow, pledging
gialteeys ~ gallantry
gialtit ~ vowed
giare ~ concise, undersized (of things),
undersized (of persons), compact, curt,
laconic, brusque, abrupt, abbreviated, short,
summary, brief, abridged
giare-chassagh ~ short-footed, short-handled,
giare-cheeayllagh ~ halfwitted, simple, halfwit,
giare-chellagh ~ bantam
giare-chiark ~ bantam
giare-chiarklaghey ~ short
giare-chiarkyl ~ short
giare-chlaiginagh ~ short-headed
giare-chleayshagh ~ short-eared
giare-chooat ~ short jacket
giare-choonlagh ~ stubble
giare-choontey ~ summary
giare-chroan ~ stub mast
giare-chummaghyn ~ abridged
giare-chummey ~ abstract, abridgement,
giare-chutt ~ pollock, bobtail, Norway pout
giare-chuttagh ~ bobtailed
Giare dy heill! ~ Short life!
giare-eairkagh ~ shorthorn
giare-ennallagh ~ short-winded, short-breathed
giare-essyl ~ stub axle
giare-fuygh ~ brushwood
giare-ghoarneyrys ~ close fighting
Giare heill orroo! ~ Curse them!
giare-heillagh ~ short-lived
giare-heiltagh ~ short-lived, ephemeral,
fleeting, evanescent
giare-heiltys ~ evanescence
giare-hennaghys ~ minutes
giare-hraa ~ short-term
giare-hymshal ~ short circuit
giare-lurgagh ~ short-legged
giare ny yei ~ soon after
giare-'ocklagh ~ sententious
giare-'ocklaght ~ sententiousness
giare-orraghey ~ short-range
giare-reayrtagh ~ short-sighted, near-sighted,
myopic, purblind
giare-reayrtys ~ short-sightedness, myopia,
giare-roihagh ~ short-armed
giare-scannane ~ short
giare-screeu ~ shorthand, stenography
giare-screeuder ~ stenographer, shorthand
giare-vad ~ bludgeon
giare-voiddagh ~ cod, codling
giare-vootys ~ half-boot
giare-vouinagh ~ short-waisted
giare-vriwnyssagh ~ short-sighted
giare-wannalagh ~ short-necked
giareen ~ cutlet
giarey son y vreck-ollee ~ vaccinating,
giarrag ~ clipping (of paper), cutting, scrap,
giarrag pabyr ~ press cutting
giarraghyn troailt ~ afterpains
giarran ~ nag, gelding, pony
giarree ~ cutting
giarreen ~ cut
giarrey ~ cut, cut away, cut back, cut short,
prune, condense, disconnect, hew, dissect,
erupt, axe, shear, hack, flux, beat out,
snip,mark out, castrate, incise, slit, carve,
cleave, lop, slash, curtailment, sever, sink,
abbreviate, levy, crop (as tail), lance,
intersect, clip, gash, cut up, abridge, clip (as
words); slicing, pruning, nicking,
condensing, abridging, reaping, truncate,
curtail, puncture, bob (the tail); severance,
condensation, eruption, section, incision,
i nf l i ct i on, i nt er sect i on, sci ssi on,
yn giarrey ~ diarrhoea
giarrey agg ayn ~ snick
giarrey ayns camogeyn ~ scallop
giarrey ayns slissagyn ~ slice
giarrey beg ~ buttonhole, trim
giarrey biljyn ~ woodcutting
giarrey brooinney ~ Caesarean
giarrey chymmylt ~ circumcision
giarrey chymmylt (jeh) ~ circumcise
giarrey clash ayn ~ groove
giarrey clasheen ~ channel
giarrey cliwe ~ sword cut
giarrey collane ~ colotomy
giarrey cughlinagh ~ conic section
giarrey cuishley-sheel ~ vasecotomy
giarrey feddan ~ vasecotomy
giarrey feeacklyn ~ teething
giarrey feh ny hyskid ~ hamstring
giarrey fo ~ undercut
giarrey foaidyn ~ turf cutting
giarrey foalley ~ carving
giarrey folley ~ bloody flux, dysentery
giarrey-insh ~ epitomize
giarrey jeh ~ chop off, apocope, cut off,
amputation, amputate, deduct, snip off,
strike off
giarrey lesh cliwe markee ~ sabre
giarrey lesh shuddyryn ~ scissor
giarrey liauyr ~ longitudinal section
giarrey magh ~ excision, excise office, cut out,
punch out, exclude
giarrey magh ass ~ exclusion
giarrey meer jeh ~ resect
giarrey miter ass ~ mitre
giarrey moain ~ turf cutting
giarrey neose ~ retrench, retrenchment, chop
down, draw in
giarrey ny crauenyn ass ~ bone (as meat)
giarrey ny fedjagyn jeh ~ pinion
giarrey ny feeacklyn ~ teeth
giarrey ny h-oiryn jeh ~ edge
giarrey ny tonnyn ~ furrow
giarrey ny veeacklyn ~ dentition
giarrey raad yiarn ~ railway cutting
giarrey readanagh ~ tracheotomy
giarrey roish ~ cut in
giarrey saaue ~ kerf, saw cut
giarrey scoltey ayn ~ slot
giarrey shuddyr ~ snick
giarrey son y vreck-ollee ~ vaccinate
giarrey tessen ~ crosscut, cross-section
giarrey veih my cheilley ~ dismemberment
giarrey y coghyl ass ~ enucleate
giarrey y kione jeh ~ behead, decapitate
giarrey y minnagh ass ~ disembowel
giarrey y vieauid (da) ~ pace
giarrey yn claigin jeh ~ scalp
giarrey yn raad jeh ~ cut in
giarrey yn scoarnagh ~ jugulate
giarrey yn vaare jeh ~ top (as trees)
giarreyder ~ lopper, castrator, cutter, carver,
giarreyder biljyn ~ woodman, woodcutter
giarreyder cloaie ~ stonecutter
giarreyder glonney ~ glasscutter
giarreyder keylley ~ tree-feller
giarreyder mianagh ~ paravane
giarreyder prowal ~ proof-cutter
giarreyder snaa ~ thread-cutter
giarreyder sporran ~ pickpocket
giarreyder streng ~ wirecutter
giarreyder vaise ~ screw-cutter
giarrit ~ trimmed, intersected, slashed,
curtailed, lopped, disconnected, censored,
clipped, shortened, hewn, condensed,
nicked, truncated, lanced, carved
giarrit (jeh) ~ chopped
giastyllagh ~ charitable, benevolent
giastyllid ~ liberalism
giastyllys ~ liberalism, charity, bountifulness
giat ~ portal, gate, a little road, mountain field
giat cassee ~ turnpike, turnstile
giat cooyl ~ back gate
giat custam ~ toll gate
giat jeirk ~ alms gate
giat mooar ~ carriage entrance
giat ny merriu ~ lich gate
giat rellickey ~ lych gate
giat ruillickey ~ lich gate
giat thooillee ~ flood gate
giat tidee ~ tide gate
giat tiggadyn ~ ticket barrier
giateen ~ wicket
giattey ~ of a gate
giattyn mooie ~ outer gates
giau ~ creek, inlet, cove
Giau Vooar ny Pershey ~ Persian Gulf
gib ~ beaks, nebs, nibs
gibbagh ~ pointed, sharp
gibbaghid ~ roughness
gibbee hiu ~ chilblain
gibbey ~ flaw
gibbey hiu ~ chilblain
gibbin ~ lesser sand eel
gibbin kialgerey ~ lesser weever
gibbin mooar ~ greater sand eel
gien ~ humour, feast, glee, cheer, show
gien-mie ~ euphoria
gien-oaylleeaght ~ genetics
giennag ~ germ
giennaghtyn ~ beget, developing, procreate,
genesis, generate, develop, generation
giennaghtyn cummaght ~ generation of power
giennaghtyn reesht ~ regeneration
gienneydagh ~ genitive
gienneyder ~ generator
giennit ~ conceived
giensal ~ rejoicing, carousal, revel
giense ~ festival, junket, ceilidh, house party,
social, do, entertainment, revel, feasting,
feast, carousal, get together
giense fastyr ~ soiree
giense fir ~ stag party
giense garagh ~ garden party
giense Innid ~ carnival
giense marrey ~ regatta
giense poosee ~ wedding feast
giense ruggyree ~ birthday party
giense thie ~ at home
giense thie noa ~ housewarming
gienserey ~ pantomime
gienseyder ~ carouser
gienteyder ~ producer
gienteyr ~ begetter
gientit ~ conceived
gientyn ~ conceive, conceiving, conception,
generation, engender, generate, breeding,
begetting, procreate, beget, produce,
production, form, evolve, progeniture
gientyn (lhiannoo) ~ father
gientynagh ~ reproductive, creative, conceptual,
generative, imaginable
gientynaght ~ creativity
gientynys ~ procreation
giggleragh ~ giggle
giggyl ~ giggle
gilb ~ chisel
gilb cruinn ~ gouge
gilb inganagh ~ anvil cutter
gilbey ~ chiselling, chisel, gouge
Gilchreest ~ Christopher
gild ~ guild
gild-halley ~ guildhall
gill ~ watercourse, valley
gilley ~ brighter, whiter
gillid ~ white (of snow), whiteness, clearness,
brightness, light, lustre
gilpin ~ pollock, coalfish
gimbyl ~ gimbal
gimlad ~ gimlet
gimmagh ~ lobster
gimmagh bwoirrin ~ female lobster, hen lobster
gimmagh firryn ~ cock lobster, male lobster
gimmagh jialgagh ~ spiny lobster
gimmagh voirrey ~ crayfish
gimmaghoil ~ lobsterlike
gimman ~ lecher, drive, suitor, admirer,
debauchee, sensualist
gimmanagh ~ wanton, unchaste, debauched,
smutty, salacious
gimmanys ~ debauchery, lechery, salaciousness,
wantonness, unchastity, sensuality
gimmee lesh yn troa ~ adrift
gimmeeaght ~ acting
gimmeeaght gyn chied ~ French leave
gimmeeaght voish ~ branch (of road)
gimmick ~ gimmick
gimmijey ~ coccyx
gimney ~ expecting anxiously
gimpey ~ wimple
gindys ~ wonder
ginjillaghey ~ lowering
ginnee ~ guinea fowl
ginsh ~ confide, tell
ginsh breag ~ put on
ginsh breagyn ~ story telling
ginsh er ~ denounce
ginsh ro laue ~ augur
ginsh skeealyn ~ telling yarns
gioal ~ earnest, bond, pawn, equity, cover,
pledge, gage, wager, stake, bet
gioal-aignaght ~ optimism
gioaldagh ~ surety
gioaldaghey ~ pledge, pledging
gioaldeeaght ~ mortgage
gioaldeeaght y ghoaill ~ foreclose
gioaldeeaghtagh ~ mortgageable
gioaldit ~ pledged
gioaleyder ~ mortgagor, pawner, pledger,
gioaltagh ~ alienable
gioaltaghey ~ pawning, pawn
gioalteeagh ~ pawning, mortgaging
gioalteyr ~ mortgagee, pawnbroker, acceptor
gioaltit ~ mortgaged, pawned
giolteeys ~ mortgaged premises
gioonagh ~ cilia
gioot ~ endowment, present, grant, gift, flair
gioot margee ~ fairing
gioot veih Niau ~ windfall
giootal ~ grant, bestowal
giootal (da) ~ bestow, gift
giootal (er) ~ present
giootalagh ~ donee, giver
giootalaght ~ bountifulness
giootallagh ~ munificent
giootallys ~ munificence
giootey ~ grant, gift
giooteyder ~ giver, gifter, bestower, donor,
giortey ~ cockle
girmid ~ blueness
girragh ~ curt
girraghane ~ digest
girraghey ~ foreshorten, abbreviate,
abridgement, shortening, shorten, abridge,
contract, abridging
girraghys ~ curtness
girree ~ getting up, ascendant
girree ass ~ break off, intermit
girrey ~ shorter
girrid ~ conciseness, shortness, briefness,
brusqueness, brevity
girrid ennal ~ breathlessness
girrit ~ shortened, abbreviated, abridged
girroo ~ rougher
girvan ~ dab
girwein ~ sea foam
gish ~ stalks
gitar ~ guitar
giu ~ drinking, supping
giu jough (ushtey) ~ water
giu meshtey ~ boozing
giu slaynt ~ toasting
giuag ~ gullet
giubbagh ~ ragged
giubbil ~ rags and tatters
ny giubblyn ~ the wash
giubbyl ~ rag, tatter, piece of clothing
giubbylagh ~ ragged, disreputable, tattered,
giubbylaght ~ raggedness
giucklagh ~ broom
glaare ~ silt, front
glaare eddin ~ forehead
glabbag ~ cataplasm, poultice, fomentation,
glack [f] ~ hollow (of hand), palm, narrow
valley, block (of shares etc)
Glack dy rea eh! ~ ca'canny
glackaid ~ handful, bunch
glackan ~ brake
glackan aer ~ airbrake
glackan boandey ~ band-brake
glackan braagey ~ shoe-brake
glackan coshey ~ footbrake
glackan folmid ~ vacuum brake
glackan laue ~ hand brake
glackan rimmey ~ rim brake
glackan shirveishit ~ servo-brake
glackan toshee ~ front brake
glackey ~ catch, seize, snatch, clutch, input,
buckle, catch out, shoot, adopt (as report),
holdfast, reception, shot, apprehension
glackeydane ~ receiver
glackeydane craaynyn ~ portcrayon
glackeyder ~ catcher, taker, fielder, receiver,
pick up
glackeyder chellvane ~ telephone receiver
glackeyder drilleen ~ spark catcher
glackit ~ pressed, apprehended, seized
glackit 'syn oardagh ~ professed
gland ~ gland
glaraghey ~ voice
glare [f] ~ parlance, utterance, speech, language
glare chowree ~ sign language
glare flaaoil ~ fluent language
glare gharroo ~ barrackroom language
glare ghlieemianagh ~ smuttiness
glare hidooragh ~ barrackroom language
glare-oaylleeagh ~ linguistic
glare roosteyryn ~ argot
glare vrasnee ~ provoking language
glare-vroghe ~ bad language
glareydagh ~ linguist, linguistic
glareyder ~ translator
glas-scrod ~ check screw
Glaschu ~ Glasgow
glasheen ~ streamlet, rivulet
glashtin ~ goblin, sprite, hulking boy
Yn Glass ~ The River Glass
glass ~ green (of nature), verdant, soft, pale,
pasty, ashen (colour), grey (of animal), raw,
unfledged, sappy, callow (of youth); trigger,
bond, iron; lock, stream
glass aileagh ~ flintlock
glass-appee ~ under-ripe
glass-chooylley ~ check valve
glass-chro ~ lock nut, check nut
glass croghee ~ padlock
glass cruin ~ mast lock
glass dooblit ~ double lock, hair-trigger lock
glass-eairkagh ~ rookie
glass essynagh ~ padlock
glass feeackle ~ lockjaw
glass-ghorrym ~ glaucous, steely blue
glass gunn ~ safety-catch
glass-hooillagh ~ green-eyed, pale-eyed, grey-
glass-laue ~ manacle
glass-lheeah ~ greyish
glass mortysh ~ mortise lock
glass neealagh ~ pale-faced, pale-complexioned
glass ny marrey ~ emerald-green
glass pishyragh ~ pea-green
glass vane ~ pale-grey, pale-complexioned,
glass yn yiarn ~ iron-grey
glassag ~ shore crab, rampart, wagtail
glassag gharagh ~ greenfinch
glassagh ~ locking up, locker, blockade
glassaghey ~ greying, pale
glassaght ~ paleness
glassan ~ salad
glassan caulgagh ~ prickly lettuce
glassan chaayl ~ coleslaw
glassan garroo ~ cabbage lettuce
glassan mooar ~ cabbage lettuce
glassan ooh ~ egg salad
glassan y voalley ~ wall lettuce
glassar ~ verdigris
glasseragh ~ vegetative, vegetable garden
glasseraght ~ vegetation, grassiness, verdure,
glassey ~ lock up, secure; paler
glassey keeilley ~ tetanus
glassey magh ~ lock out
glassey stiuree ~ wheel lock
glasseyder ~ turnkey, locker-up
glasseyr friogganagh ~ prickly lettuce
glasseyr mooar ~ cabbage lettuce
glasseyr ny boalley ~ wall lettuce
glassid ~ greenness, sappiness, crudeness,
greyness, wanness
glassoil ~ greenish
glassphearlagh ~ pearl-grey
glassraghey ~ growing green
glassreeyn ~ greenery, green food, greens
glassrey ~ vegetable, vegetate
glassyntee ~ twilight, grey
glassyr ~ lettuce
glassyr keylley ~ bugle
glassyraght ~ plant, plant life
glassyrid ~ herbage
glast ~ locked
glast ry cheilley ~ locked
gleamey ~ glare
gleash (er) ~ move along
gleash er ash ~ move back
gleash ergooyl ~ move back
Gleash erriu! ~ Pass along!
gleash-veih ~ log
gleash-wheeyl ~ motor cycle
gleash-wheeylaght ~ motor cycling
Ny gleash! ~ Keep steady!
gleashagh ~ stir, affecting, stirring, touching,
locomotive, moving
gleashagh er oaie ~ headway
gleashagh er y thalloo ~ taxi (of aircraft)
gleashagh seose ~ touch (emotionally)
gleashaghey ~ move, advance, affect, flow (of
gleashaghey er oaie ~ precession
gleashaghey magh ~ pull out
gleashaghey seose ~ agitate
gleashaght ~ movement, motion, locomotion,
drift, play
gleashaght aegid ~ youth movement
gleashaght aer ~ air traffic
gleashaght er oai ~ break through
gleashaght er oaie ~ forward motion
gleashaght er-oi ~ advance
gleashaght fo ghaal ~ steaming
gleashaght hoanney ~ breech action
gleashaght phinjooragh ~ pincer movement
gleashaghtys ~ kinematics
gleashaghtyssoil ~ kinematic
gleasheeaght ~ mov(e)ableness
gleasheyder ~ mover
gleashiddagh ~ kinetic
gleashit ~ stirred, motorized
gleashtan ~ motor car, automobile
gleashtan beg ~ baby car
gleashtan bolganagh ~ bubble car
gleashtan da kiare ~ four-seater
gleashtan eillit ~ armoured car
gleashtan faillee ~ hackney
gleashtan jeh'n teih ~ quality car
gleashtan lheihys ~ ambulance
gleashtan plaaitit ~ armoured car
gleashtan poleen ~ police car
gleashtan snauee ~ duck
gleashtaneyr ~ motorist
gleashtanys ~ motoring
gleasid ~ kinetics
gleayr ~ alluvium
gleayragh ~ alluvial
gleaysh ~ key
gleaysh C ~ key of C
gleaysh-chowrey ~ key signature
gleaysh mooar ~ major key
gleaysh-noatey ~ keynote
gleaysh yl-linney ~ all-mains set
gleayshaghey ~ stir
gleayshaghey er oai dy re ~ roll on
gleayshaght yialgagh ~ tingle (on skin)
gleaysheyder ~ motor
gleayshtan ~ motor car
gleck(ey) (noi, rish) ~ contend, wrestle, struggle,
combat, contest, tussle
gleck marrey ~ regatta
gleckeyder ~ wrestler
gleckoil ~ wrestling
gleeghyn ~ glee
gleighaghey ~ jelly
gleighey ~ gum
gleih ~ armful, handful, sickleful; gum
gleih arroo ~ sickleful of corn
gleih muc ~ wild hyacinth
gleihagh ~ jelly, jellylike
gleihnys ~ collodion
gleiy ~ glue, gum, adhesive, mucilage
gleiy crub lheiyee ~ calf's-foot jelly
gleiy ghlass ~ birdlime
gleiy hunnag ~ duckweed
gleiy loshtee ~ napalm
gleiy ushag ~ birdlime
gleiy varrey ~ marine glue
gleiy vuc ~ bluebell
gleiy vuc feeyney ~ grape hyacinth
gleiyagh ~ adhesive, gluey, glutinous
gleiyaghey ~ cement, glue
gleiyan ~ gelatine
gleiyane ~ gluten
gleiyaneagh ~ glutinous
gleiyghey ~ cement, glue
gleiyid ~ adhesiveness
gleiyit ~ glued
gleiynagh ~ sticky, adhesive, slimy,
mucilaginous, viscous, gelatinous
gleiynaghey ~ agglutinate
gleiynaght ~ viscosity, stickiness, viscidity
gleiynid ~ adhesiveness
glen ~ clean, fair, fresh-coloured, clear, pure,
chaste, hygienic, sheer, nett, emphatic,
downright, peremptory, flat (of refusal),
cloudless, undefiled, clearcut, unclouded (of
vision), to a T
glen-chreeagh ~ pure-minded
glen (feeaghyn) ~ liquidate
glen-folley ~ pure blood
glen-hollys ~ quite bright
glen-hooillagh ~ clear-sighted
glen-hraartys ~ complete destruction
glen-inchynagh ~ clear-headed
glen-inchynaght ~ clear-headedness
glen-lhome ~ naked
glen magh ~ turn out (as room)
glen-reayrtagh ~ clear-sighted
glen-scarrit ~ self-contained
glen 'sy veeal ~ clean-mouthed
glen-vaarit ~ whiskerless, smooth-chinned,
glen-yiarrit ~ couped
glennaghyn kiaulldramey ~ opera glasses
glennee ~ abluent, abstergent, detergent,
depurative, cleansing
glenney ~ clean, purify, purge, wipe, dust,
freshen, pay off, rid, sink, discharge, clarify,
chip, scale, draw (as fowl), weed, scavenge,
grub, try out (as metal), expurgate,
satisfaction, act of vindication, purification,
settlement, cleaner, clarification (honey),
clearance; glass
glenney arree ~ spring-clean
glenney chymleeyn ~ chimney sweeping
glenney custym ~ customs clearance
glenney eeymmey ~ cleanings (of butter)
glenney ersooyl ~ sweep away
glenney feeaaghyn ~ acquittance
glenney feeyney ~ wine glass
glenney folley ~ blood cleansing, purification
of the blood
glenney folmid ~ vacuum cleaning
glenney gheay(ee) ~ windscreen
glenney jeh ~ wipe off, effacement, efface,
wipe away
glenney lesh thoag ~ sponge off
glenney magh ~ clear away, clean out,
scavenging, discharge
glenney ny cronyn jeh ~ whitewash (as person)
glenney ooreyder ~ watch-glass
glenney opalagh ~ opal glass
glenney pheamadagh ~ pavement glass
glenney skeaylley ~ liquidation
glenney thoyn baatey ~ careen
glenneyder ~ cleaner, scavenger, gutter,
purificator, cleanser, purifier
glenneyder braag ~ bootblack
glenneyder braagey ~ shoeblack
glenneyder chymlee ~ chimney sweep
glenneyder feeackle ~ dentifrice
glenneyder jiole ~ vacuum cleaner
glenneyder penn ~ penwiper
glenneyder piob ~ pipecleaner
glenneyder straiddey ~ street cleaner
glenneyderyn ~ windscreen wipers
glenniagh ~ vitreous
glennid ~ cleanliness, clarity, flatness,
thoroughness, sharpness, chastity, purity,
fineness, hygiene
glennit ~ purified, weeded, cleansed, gutted,
swept, cleared
glenny ~ vitreous
glent ~ purified, cleansed, cleared
glenvaddaght ~ pure mathematics
gless [f] ~ glass, tumbler
gless chiass ~ thermometer
gless choodee ~ cover glass
gless earish ~ barometer
gless gheinnee ~ sand-timer, hourglass
gless huarastyl ~ looking glass
gless huarystal ~ mirror
gless lostee ~ burning glass
gless-oor ~ hourglass
gless ooreyder ~ watch glass
gless sauailagh ~ safety glass
gless strengit ~ wired glass
gless veihlt ~ ground glass
gless vooadee ~ magnifying glass
gless vooar ~ rummer
glessar ~ glazier
glessarys ~ glaziery
glesseyder ~ glassman
glessid ~ vitriol
glessyn ~ binoculars
glessyn-sooilley ~ glasses
gley ~ unclouded (of liquid)
glib ~ fluent, pert, garrulous, glib
glib(b)eeys ~ pertness, glibness
glick ~ clever, smart, articulate, politic,
sophisticated, canny, foxy; hollows (of the
glickid ~ cleverness
glickys ~ smartness, cuteness, finesse,
gliee ~ oestrum
glieemian ~ concupiscence, lust
glieemianagh ~ suggestive, lustful,
glig ~ clink
gliggey (shen) ~ thingummy
gliggin ~ jingle
gligginaght ~ jingle, jingling
gliggyr ~ gadget, accessory
gliggyryn gas ~ gas fittings
gliminagh ~ admirer, lover, sweetheart
gliminee ~ lovers
gling ~ ringing
glingal ~ ringing, jingling, jingle, ring
glion [f] ~ glen, vale, creek, valley
glion awiney ~ river basin
glion choon ~ narrow glen
Glion Dorraghey ~ Glen Darragh
Glion Nellan ~ Glen Helen
Glion Rheynn Eas ~ Glen Helen
Glion Rosien ~ Glen Rushen
Glion Shiast ~ Glen Chass
Glion Shuin ~ Glen Mooar
glionnagh ~ having glens, vallied
glionnan ~ dell, dale, small valley
glionnanagh ~ dalesman
glionney ~ of a glen
gliontan ~ small glen
glioon [f] ~ joint, crooked timber, knee
glioon-lhoobey ~ genuflect, genuflection
glioon-olt ~ toggle joint
glioonag ~ blow with the knee
glioonagh ~ polygonum, water pepper, jointed,
nodose, kneed
glioonagh ghoo ~ black bindweed
glioonagh ghuiy ~ bistort, snakeweed
glioonagh ny greg ~ viviparous polygonum
glioonagh ushtey ~ floating polygonum
glioonagh veg ~ knotgrass
glioonagh vooar ~ peachwort
glioonaght ~ nodosity
gliooneen ~ garter
gliooney ~ kneel, knee, kneeling
gliooneyder ~ kneeler
glioonit ~ kneed, kneeled
glioonjys ~ housemaid's knee
glioont ~ kneeled, kneed
glish ~ locks, stream
glish laue ~ handcuffs
glisreen ~ glycerine
glister ~ clyster
glistragh ~ glistening
glistral ~ glisten
glistree ~ glisten
glistyr ~ haste, hurry, agitation, squall, enema
gloagh ~ spawn, gel, gelatine
gloagh rannag ~ frog spawn
gloaghey ~ gel
gloaral ~ noising, bawl
gloas ~ gloss, shine, polish, glaze, bloom (on
gloas lesh kere ~ wax
gloasagh ~ glace, glossy
gloasaghey ~ shine, polish, gloss, polish up
gloasey ~ polish, polish up, rub up, gloss, glaze,
polishing, glazing
gloasey Frangagh ~ French polish
gloasey greasan ~ furniture polish
gloasey laarey ~ floor polish
gloaseyder ~ polisher, glazer
gloaseyder Frangagh ~ French polisher
gloaseyder laarey ~ floor polisher
gloashaghey ~ polishing
gloasid ~ glossiness
gloasit ~ glazed, polished, glossed, shone
gloassey ~ burnish, buff, buffing, burnishing
gloatagh ~ gloating
gloatal ~ gloat
glock ~ cluck
glockal ~ clucking
glockernee ~ gobble (of turkey), gobbling
glockey ~ check
glog ~ rolling of sea
glonk ~ plonk, splashing noise
glonkagh ~ splashy, choppy
glonkal ~ plonk
glonkid ~ choppiness
glonkys ~ chop (on water)
glonney ~ glass, glasswork, drinking glass,
tumbler; light, globe
glonney chassagh ~ goblet
glonney chrystal ~ crystal
glonney ghaait ~ stained glass
glonney lhean ~ window glass, sheet glass
glonney-linnit ~ glass-lined
glonney obbrit ~ cut glass
glonney rioeeagh ~ ground glass
glonney sherrish ~ sherry glass
glonney sneeuit ~ spun glass
glonney strengit ~ wired glass
glonney vooadee ~ magnifying glass
glonnit ~ glazed
glonnoil ~ glassy, glacial
gloo ~ firm, close, dense, serried, thick (as fog,
forest), thickset (of hedge), jam, tight (as
weave), fine-drawn, close-textured, close-set,
close-grained; warp, side bar
gloo-freihagh ~ close-grained
gloo-pharteeaght ~ solidarity
gloo traght ~ traffic congestion
glooag ~ core for winding yarn
glooagh ~ congested
glooaghey ~ glue, contract
glooaght ~ density
glooee ~ congestive
glooee eean ~ birdlime
glooee eeast ~ fish-glue
glooghey ~ cake, close (as ranks), congest
glooid ~ density, size, compactness, congestion,
closeness, jam
glooid traaght ~ traffic jam
glooie ~ slime, adhesive, glue
glooie marrey ~ marine glue
glooieagh ~ gluey
glooit ~ sized, glued
gloomey ~ glume
glossey ~ shine
glout ~ lump, chunk, clump, dollop, block (of
buildings), bolus
glout dy vreagyn ~ tissue of lies
glout-sleitagh ~ massif
gloutagh ~ massive, lumpy, monstrous, titanic
gloutys ~ massiveness
gloyr [f] ~ celebrity, kudos, glory
gloyr da'n Ayr ~ doxology
gloyr-reaym ~ eclat
gloyraghey ~ glorify, glorification
gloyrey ~ of glory
gloyreyder ~ glorifier
gloyrit ~ glorified
gloyroil ~ glorious
gloyroilid ~ gloriousness
gloyrvian ~ ambition
gloyrviandagh ~ careerist, ambitious, fond of
gloyrviandys ~ ambitiousness
glub ~ clot
glubbagh ~ clotted (dairying), thick (as cream)
glubbaghey folley ~ blood-clotting
glubbey ~ congeal, coagulate, clot, congealment
glubbey folley ~ blood clot
gluddyr vreck ~ moon jellyfish
glug ~ gurgle, slip-slop
glugagh ~ gurgling
glugal ~ gurgle, gurgling
glugeragh ~ gurgling
glugeraght ~ gurgle, gurgling
glugernee ~ gurgle, gurgling
gluggal ~ glug glug
gluggal gailley ~ peristalsis
gluggarnee ~ rattle
gluggernee ~ sob
glune ~ shrill sound
glut ~ barrier (of timber)
glutteraght ~ guzzling, guzzle
glutterey ~ gormandizer, guzzler, glutton
gluttyn ~ wolverine
glyff ~ glyph
glynt ~ glimpse
gnoo ~ wildebeest
goaill ~ take, catch, reduce, capture, apprehend,
engage, arrest, affect, contract (as disease),
contraction, assumption (of office),
accept ance, sei zure, apprehensi on,
goaill aaght ~ lodge, board (dwell), sojourn
goaill aahellooderys ~ repossess
goaill aash ~ resting
goaill aggle ~ fearful
goaill aggle (roish) ~ fear
goaill aile ~ burn
goaill anjeeal ~ breakfast
goaill ard-voggey ~ delight
goaill argid da hene ~ embezzle
goaill argid d'aggairagh ~ embezzlement
goaill arrane ~ sing, busk, troll
goaill arrane dy bing ~ warbling
goaill arrys ~ repent
goaill arrys (er son) ~ rue
goaill ass ~ derive
goaill ass folliaght ~ declassify
goaill ass laue ~ presume, undertake, suppose,
goaill ayns laue ~ attempt, undertake, engage,
treat (ply)
goaill ayns ribbey ~ trap, trapping
goaill ayrn ~ assist
goaill ayrn (ayn) ~ join in
goaill ayrn jeh ~ partake
goaill baght jeh ~ survey, notice, note
goaill beaghey ~ eat
goaill boggey ~ rejoicing, jubilate, rejoice
goaill bolgum jeh ~ sip
goaill cair teihys jeh ~ disfranchise
goaill (cappee) ~ capture
goaill carvallyn ~ carolling
goaill caslys jeh ~ film
goaill cheagh ~ becoming angry
goaill cheer ~ land
goaill chymmey ~ pity
goaill commee ~ participate
goaill (cooid jatter) ~ distrain
goaill cooilleen er ~ avenge
goaill cooilleeney ~ revenge, get back
goaill corp ~ materialize
goaill cowag ~ chat, chatter
goaill coyrle ~ deliberate, deliberation, consult
goaill coyrle follit ~ conspire, plot against,
goaill coyrle ry-cheilley ~ confer
goaill crackan ~ cicatrize
goaill dooghys ny foalley ~ incarnation
goaill dy marranagh ~ misunderstand
goaill (eaddagh) jeh ~ divest
goaill eeasaght roie ~ overdraw
goaill er ~ lament, fuss, undertake (promise),
goaill er ash ~ take back
goaill er bargane soiagh ~ to lease
goaill er eeassaght ~ borrowing
goaill er egin ~ commandeer, hijack, ravish,
expropriation, appropriation
goaill er hene ~ take upon, assume
goaill er hene y yannoo ~ engage
goaill er maayl ~ charter (as ship)
goaill er niart ~ overpower, usurp
goaill er tannystys ~ tenant
goaill er yeeasaght ~ borrow
goaill erreeish ~ pity
goaill ersooyl ~ abduction, abduct, take away
goaill ersooyl voish ~ deprive
goaill fastee ~ shelter
goaill fea ~ rest, take it easy, quiet(en)
goaill foalley ~ incarnation
goaill foddeeaght ~ pining
goaill foddeeaght ny yei ~ hanker
goaill foddeeaght son ~ miss
goaill foyr ~ sharpen
goaill greim ~ hang on, clinch, catch
goaill greim (er) ~ catch, clutch, grab
goaill greim (jeh) ~ catch on, grip
goaill greme ~ engagement, engaged
goaill harrish ~ take over
goaill jaghee ~ addecimate
goaill jalloo jeh ~ snap
goaill (jeh) ~ draw off, bring off, expropriation
goaill jeh dy tappee ~ whip off
goaill jeh'n jeushan ~ unhinge
goaill jinnair ~ dining, dine
goaill keayl ~ take sense
goaill kesmad ~ step
goaill kiarail ~ being wary
goaill kiarail (jeh) ~ care for, look after
goaill kirbyl ~ lunch
goaill lhiasagh ~ get back
goaill lhuingys ~ embarkation, board
goaill lieh-chassey ass ~ caracole
goaill liorish bradeeys ~ snaffle
goaill lught er boayrd ~ freight
goaill magh ~ take out, move out, delete,
evacuate, withdraw (as money), evacuation,
goaill magh lesh niaghyn ~ wash away
goaill marran ~ misunderstand
goaill minniag ~ nipping
goaill mygeayrt ~ take round
goaill neeal ~ faint
goaill neese veih thalloo ~ unearth
goaill neose ~ take down
goaill neose croagane ~ unhook
goaill niart ~ strengthen, prevail, prevalent,
goaill noi ~ controvertion, controvert, oppose
goaill ny armyn jeh ~ disarm
goaill ny blaaghyn jeh ~ deflower
goaill ny duillagyn jeh ~ defoliate
goaill ny fynneigyn jeh ~ pod
goaill ny sthilk jeh ~ stem
goaill (obbyr) er hene ~ take on
goaill (ollagh) ~ impound
goaill padjer ~ pray, praying
goaill pooar ~ assumption of power
goaill raad ~ prevailing, prevalent
goaill reayrt er ~ aiming
goaill reayrt sooilley er ~ sight
goaill reesht ~ retake
goaill rish ~ confess, admit guilt, acknowledge;
confessi on, admi ssi on of gui l t ,
goaill ro-foays ass ~ exploit
goaill roie-yss jeh ~ preconceive
goaill rour er ~ arrogate
goaill scoagh ~ horror-stricken
goaill seose ~ arrest
goaill seyraneys jeh ~ denaturalize
goaill shelloo (jeh) ~ possess
goaill shellooderys ~ sequester
goaill shellooderys (jeh) ~ seize
goaill shibbyr ~ supping, sup
goaill sincroanagh ~ synchromesh
goaill sneeshyn ~ snuff
goaill sollys ~ luxuriate
goaill soylley ~ enjoy
goaill stiagh ~ take in, contain, include,
comprise, annex, comprehend; intake,
ingathering, taking in, annexation, inclusion
goaill stiagh bee ~ revictual
goaill stiagh gioldeeaght ~ foreclosure
goaill stiagh ooilley ~ bar none
goaill taitnys noa ass ~ re-enjoy
goaill tastey jeh ~ mark, notice, note, observe,
goaill teidyl ~ caption
goaill thummey ~ bathe
goaill toshiaght ~ start, commence, dawn, set
to, originate, break out, begin, come up,
goaill toshiaght er ~ enter on, commence, go
ahead, handsel
goaill toshiaght reesht ~ resume, recommence
goaill triorys ~ taking pains
goaill ushtey ~ bilging
goaill veih ~ subtract, subtraction
goaill voish ~ expropriation, expropriate, derive
goaill y cree ass ~ core (as apples)
goaill y crooin voish ~ dethrone, dethronement
goaill y gooyn jeh ~ disrobe
goaill y soar jeh ~ deodorize
goaill yindys ~ wondering, marvel, wonder
goaill yn aigney ~ preoccupy
goaill yn boirey jeh ~ disembarrass
goaill yn currym jeh ~ disburden
goaill yn eaddagh jeh ~ unclothe
goaill yn eaghtyr jeh ~ skim
goaill yn eirkey ass ~ uncork
goaill yn errey jeh ~ disburden
goaill yn foyr jeh ~ blunt
goaill yn key jeh ~ cream
goaill yn maireanagh ~ matriculate
goaill yn raad ~ excel
goaill yn ynnyd jeh ~ supersede, stand for,
goaill ynnyd ~ strike root
goaillagh ~ infectious, contagious, receptive
goaillaght ~ contagiousness
goailltys ~ proceeds, contagion
goair ~ goats
Goal ~ Gaul, Britain
Goal ~ Gaul (person), lowlander, foreigner
goal ~ fork, junction, branch, perineum, crotch,
crutch, love
goal-aeglagh ~ gallowglass
goal-chreeagh ~ ending furrow
goal thoo ~ fork thatch
goal twoaie ~ rainbow
goal twoaie noid ~ a rainbow full north
goal-vian ~ xenomania
goalagh ~ swallow-tailed, furcate
goalaghey ~ branch (of road), bifurcation,
goalaneagh ~ astraddle
Goaldagh ~ British, Briton
goaldagh ~ guest, boarder, lowland, strange,
goaldagh banshey ~ wedding guest
Goaldaght ~ non-Gaelic
Ny Goaldee ~ The British
goaldeeaght ~ hospitality
goaldys ~ house party
goaley ~ fork
goallagh ~ divergent
goalscarree ~ bestride, astride
goalscarrey ~ straddling, astraddle
goalscartagh ~ astraddle
Goaltaght ny halbey ~ Lowlands of Scotland
goan ~ tight (of money), spare, short, scarce,
slender, scant, meagre, sparse, rare, thin (of
hair), expression, utterance, word (speech),
address (words)
goan ayns obbreeyn ~ understaffed
goan ayns skimmee ~ undermanned
goan bane brynnagh ~ smooth talk
goan brasnee ~ provoking language, provocative
goan cooid ~ short rations
goan foshlee ~ foreword, preface
goan foslee ~ introduction
goan greesaghey ~ inflammatory words
goan meeley ~ blandishment
goan mollaghtagh ~ blasphemy
goan scruit ~ written word
goan toshee ~ introductory words
goan-veaghey ~ underfeeding, underfeed
goan-veaghit ~ under-nourished
goan-veeit ~ under-nourished, underfed
goanaght ~ wordiness
goaney ~ rare
goanid ~ scarceness, rareness, fewness,
goanlys ~ malignity, resentment, viciousness,
malevolence, malice, rancorousness,
revengefulness, vindictiveness, spite
goanlyssagh ~ malignant, revengeful, vicious
(spiteful), rancorous, malicious, spiteful
person, vindictive, malevolent, spiteful
goar sleitagh ~ ibex
goaun ~ scarce
goaunagh ~ stripper
goaunid ~ scarceness
Yn Goayr ~ Capricorn
goayr [f] ~ goat, stooge, scad
Yn Goayr Heddagh ~ The Antic Goat
goayr irryn ~ male goat
goayr ny greg ~ chamois
goayr scapit ~ scapegoat
goayr varrey ~ allis shad (fish)
goayr woirryn ~ female goat
goayrag ~ lesser forkbeard
goayragh ~ caprine, goatish
goayrey ~ of a goat
goayroil ~ hircine
gob ~ mouth, beak, muzzle, hook, bow (of ship),
point, nosepiece, nose, spout, lip of jug, apex,
nib, jet, pee of anchor, jut, headland,
prominence, promontory, spit
gob cam ~ crossbill, wrybill
gob dhone ~ horse mussel
gob doo ~ mussel
gob eairkagh ~ hornbill
gob er ghob ~ neck and neck
gob er gob (rish) ~ level
gob kereagh ~ waxbill
gob kiare ~ avocet
gob lhean ~ spoonbill
gob lhuingey ~ prow
gob mooar ~ great mussel
Gob ny Caillee ~ Callow Point
gob ny raunyn ~ seal point
gob penney ~ pen nib
gob-rollian ~ talkative person
gob ry ghib ~ abreast, even
gob-shuddyragh ~ scissorbill
gob tessen ~ crossbill
gobbag ~ dogfish, Peel person
gobbag ghoal ~ lesser spotted dogfish
gobbag vooar ~ tope
gobbagh ~ prominent, salient, lipped (as jug),
beaked, nibbed; hawfinch
gobbagh mooar ~ grosbeak
gobbagh rangagh ~ tope
gobbaghan ~ muzzle
gobbaghey ~ bill
gobbaghyn Belgagh ~ Brussels sprouts
gobbal ~ black
gobban ~ comforter
gobbane ~ gag
gobbey ~ come out, sprout, budding
gobbey magh ~ crop out, stick out, protrude, jut
gobbey neese ~ spring up, stick up
gobbey rose ~ rose bud
gobbit ~ bud
gobbragh lhieen screebee ~ drag
gobbragh roish er ~ plug away
gobbragh sleayd varrey ~ drag
gobbraghey ~ acting, working
gobbraghey er ~ fag
gobbraghey jeshaght ~ working a machine
gobbyr ~ working, operate
goblagh ~ tit-bit, tid-bit
goblaghan ~ turnstone
goblaghyn ~ pair of compasses, dividers
goblan marrey ~ redshank
goggan ~ noggin, piggin
goghe? ~ would take?
goin ~ would I take
goit ~ taken, captive, captured, impounded,
seized, preoccupied, apprehended, nicked
goit as jeant ~ acted upon (as advice)
goit as yn laue ayn ~ red-handed
goit ayns ribbey ~ trapped
goit ayns shellooderys ~ sequestered
goit ec yn ardan ~ stage-struck
goit er niart ~ overpowered
goit lesh bwooise ~ received with thanks
goit magh ~ deletion
goit reesht ~ recovered, regained
goit rish ~ acknowledged, allowed, confessed
goit stiagh ~ annexed
goit 'sy chay ~ fogbound
golfeyr ~ golfer
goll ~ go, show out, disembark, going, sinking,
passage, departure
goll as cheet ~ beating (as pulse)
goll ass ~ wane, waning
goll ass cliaghtey ~ obsolescent
goll ass keim ~ break step
goll ass oash ~ obsolescent
goll ass oik ~ retiring, outgoing
goll ass reayrt ~ vanishing
goll ass y raad ~ deviate
goll ass ymmyd ~ obsolescent
goll ayns gleayshtan ~ motor
goll ayns greim ~ locking
goll ayns piyryn ~ pair off
goll ayns shelleig ~ hive
goll back ~ draw back
goll beeal fo ~ capsizing, capsize
goll bun ry-skyn ~ capsizing, capsize
goll cheagh ~ raging, getting in a rage
goll cooyl ~ go behind
goll da'n staartey ~ turn to
goll dy akin dy yindyssyn ~ sightseeing
goll dy chadley ~ retire
goll dy dree ~ drag on, drag
goll dy gribbeydey ~ hastening
goll dy lhie ~ roost, set, retire
goll dy moal ~ drag on, drag, back-pedal
goll eddyr ~ intercommunication
goll eig ~ stale, go off, die out, vegetate
goll er ~ run on, carry on, continue
goll er ash ~ return, regress, revert, go back,
draw back, ascend (geneal ogy),
retrospective, regression, reversal, reversion
goll er boayrd ~ embarkation, board, embark,
goll er boayrd reesht ~ re-embark
goll er cabbyl faillit ~ hack
goll er cheer ~ disembarkation, land
goll er chosh ~ foot
goll er daawheeyl ~ bicycle, bicycling
goll er e ghreeym ~ keel over
goll er farrar ~ roost
goll er fud ~ permeation
goll er hoshiaght veih ~ generalize
goll er jannoo ~ get done
goll er karraghey ~ undergoing repairs, under
goll er mooin ~ mounting, mount
goll er mullagh ching ~ hurrying, bustling
about, going headlong
goll er ny carvallyn ~ carolling, carol
goll er ny dhieyn ~ begging
goll er ny shappyn ~ shop
goll er oai ~ progression, progress
goll er oai dy tappee ~ progressive
goll er oaie ~ go forward, moving along, get
along, move forward, forwardness
goll er ouyl ~ getting in a rage, raging
goll er shaghryn ~ err, stray, abberate, blunder
(make mistake), divagate, straying,
goll er sleayd ~ sledge
goll er thalloo ~ land
goll er y cheer ~ landing
goll er y clat chiark ~ roost
goll er y hoshiaght ~ get along
goll er y scooyr ~ tope
goll er y vriaght ~ look for fish
goll er yn ordaag ~ hitch-hike, hitch-hiking
goll ergooyl ~ setback, withdrawal, retrogress,
recession, recede, tergiversation, retire,
retreat, retrogression, get back, reverse;
neap tide
goll ersooyl ~ waning, move off, go away
goll fo ~ go under, founder, get under,
submerge, set
goll-fo ny greiney ~ sunset
goll fo skynn yn 'er lhee ~ undergo an operation
goll fo ushtey ~ submergence
goll gour y twoaie ~ northing
goll gyn seiy ~ coast
goll gys un cheu ~ draw aside
goll gys y cheeill ~ churchgoing
goll gys y leigh ~ litigate
goll harrish ~ cross (as road), traverse, go over,
roll on, get beyond, overpass, span, exceed,
goll harrish reesht ~ recapitulate, recapitulation
goll harrish y cheilley ~ overlapping
goll hoshiaght ~ go before
goll lesh ~ make for, go with, bound
goll lesh y gheay ~ drift
goll lesh y neear ~ wester (sun moon stars)
goll lesh y tidey ~ drift
goll lesh y troa ~ drift
goll lesh y twoaie ~ northing, going northwards
goll magh ~ go out, issuing, sortie, retire,
outward bound, outgoing, exit, egress, slip
goll magh ass ~ pass out
goll marish ~ go with, accompany
goll mow ~ die out, decay
goll my hwoaie ~ going northwards, going
goll my-laaee ~ droop
goll my la'ee ~ descending
goll my yeish ~ ear
goll my yiass ~ southing
goll mygeayrt ~ get about, go about, pass
round, circle, go round, skirt
goll naardey ~ decay
goll neeal ~ faint
goll neealloo ~ pass out
goll neese sheese ~ fluctuating
goll neeu ~ starve
goll noi ~ go against
goll noon ~ go across
goll noon as noal ~ come and go
goll ny hrooid ~ go through, pass through,
clearance (of cheque)
goll ny s'girrey ~ drawing in
goll ny smessey ~ get worse, worsen,
degenerate, deteriorate
goll ny vud ~ permeation
goll raane (er son) ~ guarantee
goll rish shellagh ~ willowy
goll roauyr ~ stiffen
goll-roie ~ foregoing
goll roish ~ go off, betake, antecede, go before,
make away, buzz off, clear out, move on, nip
off, precede, pop off, pass on, walk away, go
goll roish dy moal ~ creep on
goll roish veih ~ generalize
goll rolaue ~ antecede
goll ry-cheilley ~ alike, go together, associate
goll seose ~ ascendant, run, mount, lead up, go
up, ascent, mounting, veer (wind), wester
(south to west)
Goll Seose Nyn Jiarn ~ Ascension
goll shaghey ~ miss, elapse, slip by, go by, get
beyond, pass by, roll by
goll sharroo ~ acidify
goll sheear ~ go back, wester (of wind, sun,
moon, stars), west (of ship)
goll sheear er lesh doo ~ ink in
goll sheese ~ go down, pass down, decline, fall
away, descending, sinking, descent
goll shirrey er idd ushag ~ bird's-nest
goll stiagh ~ go into, move in, entrance,
ingression, entry, ingress, in-going
goll stiagh (ayn) ~ enter, penetrate
goll stiagh (er) ~ impinge
goll stiagh reesht (ayns) ~ re-enter
goll 'sy loghan ~ dock
goll 'syn armee ~ join up
goll 'syn 'eill ~ ingrowing
goll tessen ~ go over, cross (as road), go across,
goll tessen er aah ~ ford
goll tessen(agh) ~ pass across
goll tessyn ~ (see goll tessen)
goll trooid ~ undergo, scrape through
gollagagh ~ forked
gollage ~ garden fork, fork, hay fork, pitchfork,
dung fork; earwig
gollage chiaullee ~ pitchfork, tuning fork
gollage eoyllee ~ pitchfork for dung
gollage greddan ~ toasting fork
gollageagh ~ branched, swallow-tailed
gollagey ~ fork
gollan ~ swift, martin; fork
gollan geayee ~ swallow
gollan gheinnee ~ sand martin
gollan marrey ~ common tern
gollan marrey breck ~ spotted redshank
gollan mooar ~ swift
gollan thie ~ house martin
gollan varrey ~ fork-tailed petrel
gollane marrey ghlass ~ greenshank
gollaneagh ~ furcate
golleyder ~ goer
gollianagh ~ horsetail, jointed rush
gollish ~ perspire, sweat, exudation, sweating
gollrish ~ like, resemble, resembling
gollrish aile Greagagh ~ wildfire
gollrish apey ~ simian
gollrish eym ~ butterlike
gollrish feeyn geayr ~ vinegarish, vinegary
gollrish fer doo ~ negroid
gollrish hullad ~ owlish
gollrish kishtey ~ boxlike
gollrish marmyr ~ marblelike
gollrish ooh ~ egglike
gollrish y cheilley ~ alike, akin (things)
gollrish y thie ~ homelike
gonad ~ gonad
gondola ~ gondola
gondoleyr ~ gondolier
gong ~ gong
gonnag ~ bite (of insect), insect bite
gonnagh ~ peevish, painful, smart, sore, aching
gonnaght ~ pithiness
gonney ~ rare
gonneyder ~ wounder
gonnid ~ peevishness, pain, soreness, smarting
gonnys ~ soreness, painfulness
goo ~ reputation, word, voice
goo cronney ~ bass voice
goo mie ~ good name
Goo Yee ~ The Scriptures
goo yn phobble ~ popular vote
gooagh ~ voiced, vocal, sonant, vocalic, wordy,
gooaght ~ vowel
goocannys ~ plaint, moaning
goodin ~ tubercle
goog ~ toy
gooillian ~ soar, glide, climb (as bird)
gooillian seose ~ soar
gooillianagh ~ soaring
gooiraghey ~ earthing
gooneyder ~ dressmaker
goord ~ squash, gourd
goorlagh ~ blear, gum (of eye), gummy, blear-
goorlagh sooilley ~ matter (in eye), sleep in the
goortagh ~ blear-eyed
goot ~ gout
gootagh ~ gouty
gooyn ~ frock, gown, dress, robe
gooyn eddrym ~ neglige
gooyn faarkee ~ bathing gown
gooyn lheiltys ~ gymslip
gooyn mooie ~ mantua
gooyn oie ~ nightdress, evening dress
gooyn prentit ~ print dress
gooyn sheeinagh ~ low dress
gooyn thalearagh ~ tailored dress
gooyneyder ~ mantua maker
gooyneydys ~ dressmaking
gord ~ gourd
Gordagh ~ Gordian
Gordonagh ~ Gordon
Ny Gordonee ~ The Gordons
gorilley ~ gorilla
gorlagh ~ infectious, diseased
gorley ~ festering, disease, malady
gorley aadiugh ~ bronchitis
gorley aahjioogh ~ laryngitis
gorley aane ~ bilious complaint
gorley aaney ~ liver disease
gorley aarey ~ nephritis
gorley accrys ~ bulimia
gorley-aishnys ~ prognosis
gorley baaish ~ fatal disease
gorley boyn ~ bruised soles
gorley braddan ~ salmon disease
gorley breinney ~ hysteria
gorley brooinney ~ dropsy
gorley cadlee ~ sleeping sickness, narcolepsy,
yn gorley cam ~ staggers
gorley carragh ~ scurvy
gorley-chastagh ~ prophylactic
gorley-chastey ~ prophylaxis
gorley-chasteyder ~ prophylactic
gorley comyssagh ~ venereal disease
gorley coshey ~ footsore
gorley crackanagh ~ skin disease
gorley craitnagh ~ dermatitis
gorley craue-drommey ~ myelitis
gorley craueagh ~ spavin
yn gorley crauee ~ religious mania
gorley cree ~ heart disease, angina
Yn Gorley Doo ~ The Black Death
gorley dooie ~ endemic
gorley frangagh ~ venereal disease
gorley gailley ~ belly ache, colic
yn gorley garroo ~ bot
yn gorley gastey ~ dysentery
gorley-ghientagh ~ morbific
gorley glass ~ chlorosis
yn gorley gorrym jiarg ~ purpura
gorley gowaltagh ~ infectious disease
gorley greiney ~ sunstroke
gorley ingney ~ agnail
gorley juntyn ~ arthritis
gorley keeaylley ~ retardation
gorley lheshey ~ hip disease
gorley meeyllagh ~ phthiriasis
yn gorley mooiney ~ urinary illness
yn gorley moon ~ the Gravel
yn gorley neealagh ~ apoplexy
gorley nieuagh ~ noisome
gorley ny baa ~ rinderpost
gorley ny beinney ~ red disease
gorley ny moddee ~ distemper, rabies
gorley ny praaseyn ~ potato blight
gorley-oayllagh ~ pathological
gorley-oayllee ~ pathologist
gorley-oaylleeaght ~ pathology
yn gorley praase ~ blight (on potatoes)
yn gorley scoaldee ~ gonorrhoea
gorley scoarnee ~ mumps
gorley scowanagh ~ lung trouble
gorley screbbagh ~ scab
gorley shymlee ~ consumption, tuberculosis
gorley sooilley ~ eye disease
gorley thoanney ~ haemorrhoid, piles
gormaghey ~ blue, cyanosis
gormid ~ blueness
gormit ~ blued
Gorree ~ Orry, Godred, Godfrey
Gorry ~ Orry
gorrym ~ blue, black, dark-skinned, negroid;
washing blue
gorrym dorraghey ~ dark blue
gorrym-ghlass ~ aquamarine, azure, sea-green
gorrym-hooillagh ~ costmary, blue-eyed
gorrym jiarg ~ purple
gorrym jiargid ~ purpleness
gorrym turcaid ~ turquoise blue
gorrymagh ~ bluish
gorrymaghey ~ blue
gorryman ~ woad
gorrymid ~ blueness
gorrymit ~ blued
gorshtag ~ long-line (from shore)
gorstag ~ ground line
gort ~ stale, vinegary, vinegarish, brackish,
bitter, sour (of land), hurt, rank, high (as
gortagh ~ frugal, penurious, pinching, stingy,
scanty, illiberal, grudging, cheese-paring,
chary, parsimonious, beggarly, miserly,
miser, hurtful, meagre, skimpy, hurt, scant,
close-fisted, injurious
gortaghey ~ acidulate, pain, hurt, maim, hurting
gortaght ~ skimpiness, closeness, close-
fistedness, stinginess, frugality, rankness,
rancidity, injuriousness
gortan ~ miser
gorteog ~ stingy woman
gortey ~ injure, injury, famine, starvation, hurt,
dearth, smart, scarceness, destitution
gorteyder ~ hurter
gortid ~ penuriousness, acidity, illiberality,
gortit ~ pained, injured, hurt
gortyn caillinagh ~ personal injuries
gortyn-keirdey ~ industrial injuries
gortys ~ brackishness, sourness
goshtiu ~ godfather
goshtiuagh ~ gossip
Gothagh ~ Goth, Gothic
goul-rooragh ~ radio-active
goul-roorid ~ radio-activity
goulagh ~ irradiant
goulaghey ~ irridiance
goull ~ beam, fork (of lightning), dart, ray
goull eayst ~ moonbeam
goull tarlheimagh ~ landing beam
goullaghey ~ beaming
goullan ~ prong
goullanagh ~ pronged
goulley ~ beaming
goullragh ~ agleam
goullyn alpha ~ alpha rays
goulragh ~ radiate, shining, beaming
goulraghey ~ irradiate, radiate, irradiation,
goulraght ~ radiation
goun ~ short
gounagh [f] ~ heifer; marriageable girl
gounee ~ of a stripper-cow
gouney ~ young cattle
gounsteragh ~ barking
gounsternee ~ bark (of dog), barking
gounstyrnee ~ yelp
gour ~ toward
gour ry ghib ~ faceways
gour shen ~ thither
gour shid ~ thither
gour y ching ~ headlong
gour y drommey ~ backwards
gour y ghib ~ headlong, mouthways
gour y jiass ~ southerly, southwards
gour yn aarkey ~ seawards
gour yn anmys ~ latish
Gourdon ~ Gordon
gow ~ go, take, shall take?
gow arrane ~ sing a song
Gow arrey! ~ Caution! Take care!
Gow Baght (G.B.) ~ N.B
Gow chree! ~ Buck up!
gow coyrle follit ~ compass
Gow cree! ~ Bear up! Take courage!
gow creeaght ~ pluck up courage
gow dty raad ~ begone
gow dty vee dy fondagh ~ tuck in
gow eaddagh (jeh) ~ take off (clothes)
gow fea ~ take rest
gow fo chosh ~ trap
gow greim (er) ~ nail
gow jeh ~ draw off
gow kesmad er oaie ~ step forward
gow kesmad er toshiaght ~ step forward
gow kesmad ergooyl ~ step back
gow kesmad harrish ~ step over
Gow kiarail! ~ Careful now! Watch your step!
gow lesh ~ say on
Gow my leshtal! ~ Awfully sorry!
gow mygeayrt ~ take about
gow myr reih eh ~ select it
gow noon ~ go over
Ny gow ort! ~ Don't fret!
gow roish ~ proceed
gow royd ~ begone
gow saveenys ~ repose
gow shen ~ take that
gow veih my cheilley ~ take down (as engine)
gow ymmyd jeh bun-argid ~ capitalize
gow yn dooan ass ~ unhook
gowallagh ~ infectious, catching
gowaltagh ~ contractible, ablative, contagious,
infectious; farm tenant, lessee, receiver
gowaltaght ~ contagiousness, infectiousness
gowaltys ~ farm, smallholding, rented
agricultural land
gowaltys bainney ~ dairy farm
gowaltys balley ~ home farm
gowaltys co-chadjin ~ collective
gowaltys eeanlee ~ poultry farm
gowaltys eirinagh ~ landed property
gowaltys keyrragh ~ sheep farm
gowder ~ impounder
gowee ~ shall take
goweydane ~ receptacle
goweyder ~ taker
gowit ~ taken
gowl ~ ghoul
gowlagh ~ ghoulish
gowran ~ clown, lout
gowranagh ~ clownish, loutish
gowranys ~ clownishness
gra ~ articulate, say, express, state, phrase
gra dy soghallagh ~ moan
gra er ash ~ re-echo
gra fo faase ~ understate
gra harrish ~ rehearse, repeat
gra ro veayl ~ understate
graa ~ phrase
graadaghey ~ rating
graadail ~ class
graaf ~ chart, graph, plot
graafagh ~ graphic
graag ~ squawk, hee-haw
graagey ~ squawk
graaid onnoragh ~ brevet rank
graaidal ~ classify
graddane ~ gradient
gradual ~ gradual
graf ~ diagram
graftal ~ graft
gragane ~ snag
graidal ~ calibrate, calibration
graih [f] ~ lover, affection, dear, beloved, love,
graih cheerey ~ patriotism
graih firrinagh ~ true love
graih Hostyn ~ anglophilia
graih kirpey ~ necrophilia
graih ny gailley ~ cupboard love
graih scollagyn ~ calf love
graihagh ~ loving, fond, affectionate, amorous,
lovesome, lovable
graihagh er hene ~ self-loving
graihaght ~ lovableness
graihaltagh ~ lover
graiharaght ~ amiability
graihder ~ lover
graihder cheerey ~ patriot
graihder Hostyn ~ anglophile
graihder kiaull ~ music lover
graihder kirp ~ necrophiliac
graihder lioaragh ~ bibliomaniac
graihder ny Roosh ~ Russophile
graihder sheelnaue ~ philanthropist
graihder shenn reddyn ~ antiquary
graihoil ~ loving, amiable
graihoilagh ~ lovingly
graihoilaght ~ loveliness
graihoilid ~ loveliness
graihoilys ~ loveliness, amiableness, amiability
graihys ~ amiability
grainnaghey ~ incise, tool, inlay, inscribe, grave,
sculpture, engrave, chase, carving, graving,
grainnaghey aashag er ~ embossing, emboss
grainnaghey plait cobbyr ~ copperplate
grainnee ~ graving
Grainney ~ Grace
grainney ~ hatch, sculpture, carving, carve,
chiselling, cut, engraving, chisel, inscribe,
engrave, incise, inlay
grainney foiee ~ wood engraving, woodcut
grainney linnagh ~ line engraving
grainney maidjey ~ woodcut, wood engraving
grainneyder ~ statuary, engraver, carver, graver
grainneyder foiee ~ wood engraver
grainnit ~ engraved, inlaid, chased, carved,
grais ~ prosperity
gramafone ~ gramophone
gramash ~ spat
grammar ~ grammar
gramme ~ gramme
gramme-chalrey ~ gramme-calory
grammey ~ low hill
grammeydagh ~ grammatical
grammeydeyr ~ grammarian
grammeydys ~ grammar
granaghey ~ becoming ugly
graney ~ ugly, obnoxious, nasty, gruesome,
bad-looking, objectionable, uncomely,
hideous, dirty (as trick), ill-favoured, rotten,
execrable, revolting, lousy
grangagh ~ niggly
grangan ~ grin, peevish person, crosspatch,
churl, cynic
granganagh ~ ill-humoured, cantankerous,
fractious, fretful, cynical, crabbed (of
person), disagreeable, cross (annoyed), ill-
tempered, churlish, peevish, cattish, crabby,
captious, snappy, ill-natured, catty, niggly
person, grumpy
granganaght ~ peevishness
granganid ~ crabbedness, ill-naturedness,
crossness, peevishness, ill temper,
captiousness, churlishness
granganys ~ cantankerousness, snappish,
peevishness, cattishness, fractiousness,
cynicism, disagreeableness, fretfulness,
granid ~ ugliness, nastiness, hideousness
granid yn theihill ~ seamy side of life
grannag ~ sea slater
grannaghey ~ engrave
grannee ~ grandmother
granooyl ~ pomegranate
gransh ~ sandbank, sandbar
grape ~ manure fork, dung-pit
graphite ~ graphite
graplyn ~ grapnel
grash ~ spell, bout (of work), turn (of work),
grash chingys ~ attack of illness
graue ~ engrave, carve, grief
graue-aash ~ uneasiness, restlessness
graue-aashagh ~ uneasy, restless
graueder ~ engraver, carver
grauit ~ engraved, carved
gravimeadragh ~ gravimetric
grayn ~ abhorrence, loathing, horror
graynag ~ repellent
graynoge ~ hedgehog
graynoil ~ repulsive, horrid, loathsome,
abhorrent, horrible, repellent
graynoilid ~ repulsiveness
grayse ~ grace, virtue, charisma
Ny Grayseyn ~ The Graces
graysh ~ exorcism
graysoil ~ graceful
graysoilid ~ gracefulness
Greagagh ~ Hellene, Hellenic, Grecian, Greek
Greagish ~ Greek
greain ~ shock
greain chaggee ~ shell-shock
greaineyder ~ shocker
greairaght ~ copulation (of equines)
greallagh ~ slush
greas er carmeish ~ canvas work
greasag ~ economist
greasan ~ piece of furniture
greasane ~ network
grease ~ embroidery, design, industry
grease olley ~ woolwork
greasee ~ shoemaker, cordwainer, bootmaker,
cobbler, cobbling
greaseeaght ~ shoemaking
greaseeys ~ shoemaking, cobbling
greasyn ~ industries
gred ~ smart, heat, burning sensation
gred-hiass ~ glowing heat, scorching heat
gred ny curpyn ~ spank
greddag ~ grill
greddagh ~ pick-me-up, parched
greddal ~ heat
greddan ~ parched corn, toast, toasted
greddanagh ~ burning hot
greddaner ~ toaster (for bread)
greddaney ~ grill, parch, toasting
greddaney ny curpyn ~ spank
greddaneyr ~ griller
greddanit ~ grilled, roasted, toasted
greddee ~ broiling, fulsome
greddeeys ~ fulsomeness
greddey ~ grill, heat, toast, parch, roast, broil;
spanking, broiling, toasting, grilling
greddey (lesh spiosyn) ~ devil
greddey ny curpyn ~ spank
greddeyder ~ spanker
greddit ~ grilled
gree ~ heat
greeasaghey ~ motivate
Greebey ~ Greeba
greeish ~ step on stairs, stair
greeish aile ~ fire escape
greeish chabbaneagh ~ companion
greeish chassee ~ caracole, winding staircase
greeish s'ardjey ~ top stair
greeish vishagh ~ caracole
greeish (yn) troailt ~ escalator
greeishyn ~ flight of steps
greeishyn cassee ~ winding staircase
greeishyn cooyl ~ backstairs
greeishyn mooie ~ external staircase, perron
Greenlyn ~ Greenland
Greenlynagh ~ Greenlander
grees ~ stir
greesagh ~ breeze, hot ash, cinder
greesagh voaney ~ turf ashes
greesaghey ~ incite, provoke, foster, agitate,
fire (enthusiasm), drive, accelerate, press,
egg on, foment, stir, abet, excite, stir up,
instigate, prod, fomentation, incentive,
provocation, excitement, excitation,
greesaghey terriu ~ bull-baiting
greesaght ~ instigation, incitement, motive
greesaghtagh ~ excitable
greesaghtys ~ excitability
greesee ~ exciting, rousing, aggravating
greesee keintyssagh ~ aphrodisiac
greeseyder ~ agitator, inciter, instigator, stirrer,
stimulant, tickler, provoker, parliamentary
whip, poker, egger-on, excitant
greeseyder caggee ~ warmonger
greeseyder dellalys ~ entrepreneur
greesgin ~ griskin
greeshagh ~ vibrant, arousing, ember, arouse
greeshagh caggee ~ warmongering
greeshaghey ~ chivvy, set on, aggravate, arouse
(passions), whip up
greeshit ~ aerated
greesit ~ excited, abetted, stirred, aroused,
provoked, fevered
greeu ~ griffin
Gregoir ~ Gregory
Gregoiragh ~ Gregorian
greie ~ tool, instrument, engine, gear,
implement, utensil
greie aer ~ air engine
greie aile ~ fire engine
greie ansooragh ~ answering machine
greie baaree ~ shaver
greie broojee ~ compressor
greie buinn ~ mower
greie buinnee ~ reaper
greie bwoailtagh ~ battering ram
greie cheeree ~ drying machine
greie chiaull ~ musical instrument
greie coonee ~ auxiliary engine
greie coontee ~ adding machine
greie correy ~ sowing machine
greie doagh ~ tank engine
greie earrooagh ~ calculating machine
greie-etlan ~ aero-engine
greie etlee ~ aeroplane, airplane
greie faastee ~ wringer (machine)
greie feayslee ~ releasing instrument
greie foyragh ~ tool sharpener
greie gas ~ gas engine
greie geayee ~ aeromotor
greie-ghunneyder ~ machine gunner
greie gloasee ~ glazer
greie hesheree ~ plough gear
greie jaghtee ~ dictaphone
greie kianglee ~ binder
greie-kiaull ~ musical instrument
greie kiaullee ~ musical instrument
greie leeideilagh ~ direction finder
greie linneychlou ~ linotype
greie loayrt ~ phonograph
greie niaghyn ~ washing machine, washer
greie scoltan ~ slot machine
greie scoltee ~ slotting machine
greie screeuee ~ typewriter
greie shleeuee ~ grinder
greie skeabee ~ sweeping machine, sweeper
greie skillee ~ shelling machine
greie sneeuee ~ throstle, spinner
greie spoiy ~ castrator
greie stiuree ~ steering engine
greie traagh ~ haymaker
greie traauee ~ tiller
greie troggee ~ winding engine
greie ushtey ~ water engine
greie whaaley ~ sewing machine
greieghey ~ accoutre, gear
greienagh ~ instrumental
greienyn caggee ~ war equipment
greienyn coagyraght ~ cooking utensils
greienyn garagh ~ garden tools
greienys ~ harness, equipment
greieyn aarlee ~ kitchen utensils
greieyn sooilley ~ ophthalmic
greighey ~ rig, equip, furnish, furnishing
greigheyder ~ harness maker, rigger, furnisher
greim ~ morsel, hold, bite, grab, gobbet, bite,
snap, piece, grip, snatch, grasp, bit, clutch,
catch, commissure, tack (needlework),
greim aarnieu ~ snakebite
greim akeragh ~ anchor hold
greim baaish ~ death throe
greim blassal ~ tit-bit
greim chemmalagh ~ hemstitch
greim collane ~ colic, gripes
greim cooyl ~ backstitch
greim coshey ~ footlock
greim fedjagagh ~ featherstitch
greim glish ~ lockstitch
greim harwhaalit ~ overcast stitch
greim (hug hene) ~ monopolize
greim jargan ~ fleabite
greim kyagh ~ slipstitch
greim laue ~ handshake, clasp
greim lhoobag ~ buttonhole stitch
greim mair ~ fingerhold
greim margee ~ monopoly
greim mestey ~ refuse
greim millish ~ toothsome morsel
yn greim mooar ~ pleurisy
greim rioee ~ frostbite
greim scoarnee ~ stranglehold
greim sheese ~ stick down
greim slashee ~ whipstitch
greim slouree ~ chainstitch
greim sthrap ~ straphang
greim stroll ~ satinstitch
greim 'sy lhiattee ~ stitch
greim y ghoaill (er) ~ buttonhole (person)
greimag vraagey ~ toe-clip
greimaghan ~ holdfast
greimaght ~ snappish
greimane ~ handhold, adhesion
greimeyryn ~ pliers
greimlyn ~ adhesive plaster
greimmag ~ cleat, sticking plaster, hair slide
greimmag eaddagh ~ clothes peg
greimmagh ~ clutching, grasping, snappy,
sticky, gripping
greimmaghey ~ holding
greimmaltagh ~ tenacious
greimmaltys ~ tenacity
greimman ~ grip
greimmey ~ grasp, seize, grab, clutch, catch,
hold, snap, stick, bite, lock in, stitch,
snatching, adhere, snatch, jam, attach, stitch
up, pin on, nab, gripping, seizing, grip,
adhesion, tooth, fishing tackle, adherence (of
person), monopolization
greimmey (ersooyl) ~ snatch away
greimmey hug hene ~ monopolize
greimmey (jeh) ~ bite off
greimmey lesh birrag ~ spike
greimmey lesh teayst ~ paste
greimmeyder ~ fixative, grasper, grabber,
stitcher, mordant, sticker, biter, snapper, grab,
greimmeyder margee ~ monopolist
greimmeyder marrey ~ clam
greimmeyderyn lioar ~ book-ends
greimmit ~ jammed, stitched, seized
greimoil ~ sure-footed
grein-aadjyn ~ greaves
greiney ~ of sun
greinnagh ~ abettor
greinnaghey ~ activate, goad, abet, incite,
encourage, coach, stimulate, induce, prompt,
coaching, encouragement, activation,
greinnaght ~ incitement
greinney ~ stimulaion
greinneyder ~ stimulant, stimulator, abettor,
encourager, inciter
greinnit ~ prompted, abetting
greit ~ stocked
greme ~ bit
grenadeen ~ grenadine
grenaid ~ grenade
grenaid laue ~ hand grenade
grenaidagh ~ grenadier
grenney ~ common
grens ~ loin
grep ~ garden fork, dung fork
grep hayrn ~ manure fork
grepp ~ dung-pit
gresh ~ while, space (of time)
gress ~ warm clothing
gressag ~ manager (woman), webster (female
gressagh ~ provident, industrious
griagh ~ stud
griaght ~ herd, drove, group
griaght muickey ~ herd of swine
griaghtagh ~ gregarious
griaghter ~ drover
griaghtys ~ gregariousness
grian [f] ~ sun, sunlight, sunshine
grian-vroit ~ sunbaked
grian y vunlaa ~ sun at noon
grian yn astyr ~ westering sun
grianagh ~ sunlit, sunny, sun-kissed, sunshiny
grianaghey ~ sunbathe, solarize, insolation,
bask, sun
Grianaig ~ Greenock
grianane ~ sunhouse, sunny place,
conservatory, belvedere, bower
grianane shelg ~ shooting lodge
grianchlaghait ~ quartzite
grianchryss ~ tropic
grianchryssagh ~ tropical
grianey ~ sunbath, sun, bask, airing (in sun),
griaran ~ field cricket, cricket
griaran chiollee ~ house cricket
griaran kyagh ~ mole cricket
gribbey ~ dung-pit
griffag ~ griffon
grig ~ second, tick (of clock)
griggeraght ~ tick (of clock)
grih ~ herd, breeding stud
grihder ~ stallion, horse-breeder
grill ~ grille
grin ~ carper
grinaghey ~ grain
grinder ~ satirist, sneerer, taunter, carper
grinder faghidagh ~ mocker
grinderagh ~ taunting, snarl, satirical, satirist,
sarcastic, mock, grumble
grinderaght ~ taunt
grinderey ~ grumble
grinderys ~ satire, sarcasm, sneer
grine ~ cereal, grain, bread corn, pellet,
foresight, oat grist, grapeshot
grine buigh ~ maize
grine buigh rostit ~ popcorn
grine canaaree ~ canary seed
grine corkey ~ oat
grine curnee ~ grain of wheat
grine-flooyr ~ cornflour
grine-jeenagh ~ shotproof
grine laagh ~ duckshot
grine leoaie ~ (lead) shot
grine meein ~ small shot
grine mullee ~ top grain
grine oarn ~ barleycorn
grine trome ~ buckshot
grine-virragh ~ ball-point
grineag ghoo ~ black bearberry
grineagh ~ cereal, granular, grained
grineen ~ bead, pinch, granule, grit
grineenagh ~ granular, granulated, gritty,
grainy, grained, granulous
grineenaghey ~ granulation, powder, granulate
grineenid ~ grittiness
grineyder ~ corn merchant
grinn ~ bad-tempered (person), pellucid
grinney ~ gateway, portcullis
griu ~ loot, evidence, capture, booty, prize,
griu vaarlee ~ stolen goods
griuagh ~ looting
griuaghey ~ looting
griuder ~ depredator, looter
groaish ~ snout, gloominess, grunt
groaishagh ~ grunter, bluff (of person), grim
groaishal ~ grunt
groaisheraght ~ grunting
groam ~ sorry look, surly look, sullen look, sad
look, frown, plankton
groamag ~ morose woman
groamagh ~ bearish, bad-tempered, dour, stern,
di sagreeabl e, depressi ve, sombre,
forbidding, saturnine, cheerless, dejected,
sullen, surly, bleak (of weather, prospects),
gruff, sorry, crestfallen, grim, gloomy,
morose, mopish, glum
groamaghey ~ deject
groamaght ~ gloominess, gruffness, bearishness
groamey ~ joyless, ill-tempered, depressive,
sombre, moody, sepulchral, depressing
groamid ~ grimness, sternness, cheerlessness,
gloom, ill temper, moping, joylessness,
glumness, disagreeableness, dejection,
moodiness, sullenness, moroseness,
sombreness, blues, gloominess
groashaght ~ bluffness
groashid ~ grimness
groat ~ groat
groat shesheraght ~ plough-groat
grobbaghey ~ scrabble
grobbal ~ dig with hands
grobbey ~ dig with hands
grobblaghey ~ scrabbling
groblagh ~ corn spoilt by milling
groe ~ crowbar
groe laue ~ handspike
grog ~ grog
groin ~ pulse
groo ~ crowdie, curd
groo as meaig ~ curds and whey
groo limon ~ lemon curd, lemon cheese
grooaghey ~ curdle, brew (as mischief)
grooane ~ gill
grooaneagh ~ branchial, gilled
grooaneyn ~ branchia
groobin ~ groover, crowis
grooderaght ~ curdiness
grooid ~ gloom, gloominess
grooish ~ visage, countenance
grooish oaie ~ feature
grooish-volley ~ deceit, deceive
groonoays ~ beastings
groosniuys ~ beastings
groseyr ~ grocer
gross ~ gross
groudle ~ fiddler, crowdie
grouig ~ frown, scowl
grouigagh ~ scowling, frowning
grouigey ~ frown, scowling, scowl
grouw ~ glum, forbidding, dejected, surly,
grim, dark-looking, dark, ghastly, gloomy,
grouwid ~ glumness, dejection, grimness,
ghastliness, gloom, gloominess
groyne ~ groyne
gruag ~ hair
gruag cheeir-ghone ~ dark brown hair
gruag ghone ~ brown hair
gruag wuigh ouyr ~ light brown hair
gruagagh ~ ogre, brownie, hairy
gruaie ~ profile, brow, temple, face, silhouette,
cheek, grim countenance, facet
gruaie-lhean ~ high browed
gruaieagh ~ faceted
gruiaghey ~ plundering
grunlus ~ groundsel
grunlus vooar ~ wood senecio
grunsyl ~ groundsel
grunt ~ bottom, ground, sole
grunt eeastee ~ fishing ground, fishery
grunt moainey ~ peaty ground
grunt moaney ~ turfy ground
grunt ny cass ~ sole
grunt ny marrey ~ sea bed, sea floor
grunt oanluckee ~ burial ground
grunt oghyragh ~ spawning ground
grunt skeddan ~ herring ground
grunt thie ~ building plot
gruntal ~ bottom (as fishing), base, found
gruntalaght ~ solidity
gruntey ~ grounding, ground, bottom (as
grunteyder ~ sounder
gruntit ~ grounded
gryle [f] ~ griddle
grylley ~ grid
guag ~ den, stope
guag chadlee ~ opium den
guaig ~ bolt-hole
guaig chonning ~ cony burrow
guaragh ~ wiry, wire-haired
guaraght ~ wiriness (of hair)
gub ~ bud
gubb ~ immature gull
gubbaghey ~ come forth
gubbey ~ budding, sprout
gubbit ~ bud
gubbon ~ immature gull
gudjyn ~ gudgeon
guee (er) ~ invoke, crave, beseech, entreat,
appeal, swear by, pray, beg, swear, curse;
craving, beseeching, oath taking, cursing,
praying, begging
guee mollaght ~ swear
guee mollaght er ~ curse
guee mollaghtyn ~ swear, swearing
guee mollaghtyn er ~ swear at
gueeagh ~ appealable
gueeder ~ curser, beseecher, prayer, swearer,
gueshag ~ sorceress, old female
guess ~ soothsayer, taboo, spell
guesseyder ~ wizard
guibbyl ~ article (of clothing)
guilagh ~ reed
guilb creoi ~ cold chisel
guilckag ~ reed warbler
guilckagh ~ reedy place, knee holly
guilckagh villish ~ sweet broom
guilder ~ guilder
guilg feayr ~ cold-set
guillag ~ leech
guillag (chabbil) ~ horse leech
guillaght ~ boyhood
Guillaspick ~ Archibald
guilleeaght ~ caddying
guilley ~ lad, boy, young male servant, caddie,
page, linkman, satellite, lackey, verger, tool,
henchman, batman, usher, follower, nipper
guilley altar(agh) ~ altar boy
guilley ardan ~ stagehand
guilley baa ~ cowboy, buckaroo, cattleman
guilley baatey ~ boatman
guilley banc ~ bank messenger
Guilley bane ~ Whiteboy
guilley bane ~ whelk
guilley behr ~ turnspit (person)
guilley bing ~ scurvy grass
guilley bing Frangagh ~ English Scurvey Grass
guilley bog ~ puffin
guilley cabbane ~ cabin-boy
guilley cabbil ~ ostler, groom, equerry, tiger
guilley cabbyl ~ stableman
guilley cabbyl Injinagh ~ syce
guilley cappan ~ cup-bearer
guilley cayrn ~ bugler
guilley chellegraf ~ telegraph boy
guilley chellvane ~ operator
guilley cloie ~ playboy
guilley cloudeyrys ~ printer's devil
guilley corneilagh ~ corner boy
guilley dorrysh ~ buttons, doorman
guilley drid ~ bellboy, footman, fag, buttons,
errand boy, flunkey, boots
guilley drum ~ drummer boy
guilley dullish ~ Castletown man
guilley eagh ~ ostler
guilley erin ~ mass server, acolyte
guilley faaie ~ groundsman
guilley failt ~ servant boy, young male servant
guilley fogree ~ call boy
guilley geaylin ~ righthand man
guilley gerrym ~ town crier
guilley glaish ~ tipstaff, catchpole, lockman
guilley glass ~ lockman
guilley glesh ~ lockman, process server
guilley gorrym ~ bluebottle
guilley jeen ~ scurvy grass
guilley jeirk ~ charity boy
guilley kiaullee ~ choirboy
guilley kishtey ~ box-keeper
guilley lhiass-innyl ~ donkeyman
guilley lhionney ~ tapster, barman
guilley lhuingey ~ cabin boy
guilley meainey ~ pit coal, pit boy
Yn Guilley Mooar ~ The Joker
Guilley Mooar ny Geayee ~ Captain of the
guilley naightyn ~ paper boy
guilley n'ollee ~ drover
guilley ny cabbil ~ stable boy
guilley ny fritlag ~ manifold tripe
guilley ny litcherys ~ lotus-eater
guilley ny pabyryn ~ paper boy
guilley ny sooie ~ chimney-sweep
guilley offish ~ office boy
guilley ollee ~ stockman, cowherd
guilley pabyr ~ news boy
guilley pairkal ~ parking attendant
guilley poodyragh ~ powder monkey
guilley post ~ post boy
guilley roie ~ runner
guilley ruy ~ parr
guilley scape ~ shield-bearer
guilley scoill ~ schoolboy
guilley scudlee ~ luggage porter, porter
guilley shamyr ~ valet
guilley shapp ~ shop assistant, shop boy
guilley shesheree ~ ploughboy
guilley shirveishagh ~ waiter
guilley skeddan ~ Peel man
guilley stabyl ~ yardman, stable boy
guilley stoyr ~ warehouseman
guilley straiddey ~ mudlark, street arab
guilley thie oast ~ pot boy
guilley tiggad ~ bus conductor, train conductor
guilley tram ~ tram conductor
guilley yn ollee ~ cattle drover
guilley yn ushtey ~ runt, child (youngest)
guilleydagh ~ boyish
guilleydys ~ fagging, boyishness
guilloil ~ servantlike
Ny Guillyn Baney ~ The White Boys,
Ny guillyn moaldey ~ The dull boys
guin ~ stitch
guin caignee ~ nagging pain
guin drommey ~ backache
guin eddin ~ face-ache
guinea ~ guinea
guinn ~ pain, smart, insect bite
guinn baaish ~ death agony
guinn-hiass ~ inflammation
guinn y vaaish ~ pain of death
guinn Yee ~ supernatural pain
guinnag ~ pang
guinnagh ~ painful, stinging
guinney ~ sting, wound, needle, pain,
wounding, shoot (of pain)
guinneyder ~ greater weaver, stinger, painer
guinneyder mooar ~ greater weaver
guinnyn ~ throes
guint ~ racked, pained, wounded, injured, stung
guint dy trome ~ seriously wounded
guint gy baase ~ mortally wounded
guintagh ~ racking, venomous (as look), person
in pain, casualty
guintaght ~ venomousness
guintee ~ vulnerable
guinteeys ~ vulnerability
guinyn-aase ~ growing pains
guirr ~ hatch, brood, hatching, incubate, fester,
guirragh ~ clucky, broody, nesting, hatching,
sitting (of fowl), rotten
guirrane ~ insect eggs
guirreyder ~ sitter, incubator
guirrin doo ~ blackhead
guirrlan ~ hatchery
guirrlan eeast ~ fish hatchery
guirt ~ hatched
guiy ~ goose
guiy beg ~ goose giblets
guiy boght ~ grief, humbling defeat
guiy breck ~ brent goose
guiy Canadagh ~ Canada goose
guiy Eeslynnagh ~ bean goose, pink-footed
guiy feie ~ wild goose
guiy glass ~ white-fronted goose, greylag
guiy Manninagh ~ herring
guiy marrey ~ Angel fish, monkfish
guiy thalhearagh ~ tailor's goose
guiy thie ~ domestic goose
guiy twoaie ~ barnacle
guiy yn aasagh ~ Egyptian goose
gulf ~ gulf
gulgarnee ~ clucking
gull ~ bay (of dog), yowl, howl
gullad ~ inlet, gully, gullet, creek
gullagh ~ howling
gullal ~ bay, howl, baying, howling
gullarnagh ~ howler
gullarnee ~ bay, howl, baying, howling
gum arabagh ~ gum arabic
gum (millish) ~ gum
gummalagh ~ mucilaginous
gummalaght ~ mucilage
gummey caignee ~ chewing gum
gun bwoalltane ~ needle gun
gunn ~ gun
gunn aacheau ~ repeater
gunn fo-chrackanagh ~ hypodermic syringe
gunn geayee ~ pop gun
gunn grine ~ shotgun
gunn jerree ~ stern-chaser
gunn jeshaght ~ machine gun
gunn laue ~ pistol, rifle
gunn magheragh ~ shotgun
gunn markee ~ carbide
gunn mooar ~ cannon, heavy gun
gunn shey orraghey ~ six-shooter
gunn skioot ~ water pistol
gunn spreih ~ spray gun
gunn thoanney ~ breech-loader
gunn toshee ~ bow chaser
gunn ushtey ~ water cannon
gunnaghyn ~ artillery
gunnaghyn magheragh ~ field artillery
gunnaghyn marrey ~ naval artillery
gunnaghyn mooarey ~ heavy artillery
gunnane ~ revolver
gunneragh ~ shoot
gunneraght ~ shooting, gunnery
gunney aer ~ airgun
gunney Cholt ~ Colt
gunney eeanlee ~ fowling piece
gunney glish ~ firelock
gunney laagh ~ duck gun
gunney magheragh ~ field gun
gunney raauee ~ alarm gun
gunney smarrey ~ grease gun
gunney taarnee ~ blunderbuss
gunneyder ~ gunner, gunman, artilleryman
gunneyder jeshaght ~ machine-gunner
gunnyn giarey ~ short arms
gur ~ albeit
Gura mie ayd ~ Thanks, Thank you (sing)
gurneil ~ direct, govern
gurneilagh ~ ruling, directing
gurneiley ~ conduct
gurneilys ~ direction
gurneilys ynnydagh ~ local government
gurr ~ growl
gurran ~ pustule
gurrin ~ tubercle, pimple, blain
gurrin bolgagh ~ vesicle
gurrinagh ~ pimply, pustulous
gussad ~ gusset, gore
guttyr ~ gutter
guttyrn ~ guttering
gwee ~ curse, cursing
gwee mollaght er ~ damn, imprecate
gy-huillin ~ elbow-high
gyeran ~ misery
gyere ~ rigid, sour, sharp, rigorous, tart
gyere hastagh ~ perspicacious
gyere hastaght ~ perspicacity
gyerid ~ misery
gyersnagh ~ smart
gyle ~ ferment, fermentation
gyllagh ~ crying, calling
gymmyrkey feanish ~ attestation, witnessing
gymmyrkey mess ~ fructiferous, fructification,
gyn ~ ex, without, un, devoid
gyn aacheeal ~ unambigous
gyn aah ~ unfordable
gyn aarlaghey ~ offhand, impromptu,
extempore, extemporise, undressed
gyn aase ~ undeveloped
gyn accan ~ uncomplaining
gyn aer ~ airless
gyn aggle ~ fearless, undaunted, unafraid
gyn aigh ~ luckless
gyn aker ~ anchorless
gyn ambee ~ characterless
gyn anchoodaghey ~ unexposed (as crime),
undeveloped (as country)
gyn annym ~ spiritless, flat (mood), inanimate,
gyn anvea ~ unemotional
gyn arbyl ~ tailless
gyn ardcheim ~ undignified
gyn arganey noi ~ uncontroverted
gyn argid ~ moneyless
gyn arm ~ unarmed
gyn armyn ~ weaponless
gyn arragh y raa ~ in short
gyn arrane ~ songless
gyn arrey ~ uncared for
gyn assee ~ undamaged
gyn assee liorish ushtey ~ unaffected by water
gyn atchim ~ unappalled
gyn ayr ~ fatherless
gyn baare ~ pointless
gyn baaseyn ~ bloodless (as victory)
gyn bashtey ~ unchristened
gyn beaghey ~ unfed
gyn billey ~ treeless
gyn bishaghey ~ undeveloped (as country)
gyn blass ~ savourless, tasteless, flavourless
gyn bleaystey ~ unexploded
gyn bleih ~ unground
gyn bodjal ~ unclouded, cloudless
gyn boggey ~ joyless
gyn boirey ~ happy-go-lucky, imperturbed,
gyn bootsyn ~ bootless
gyn breag ~ veritably
Gyn breag erbee! ~ No kidding!
gyn bree ~ less, unexciting, weak (as style),
sapless, pointless
gyn breeockle ~ vowelless
gyn brishey ~ unbroken, uncultivated, whole (of
gyn bun ~ baseless, bogus, unfounded
gyn bun mie ~ ill-founded
gyn bun ny baare ~ aimless
gyn cadley ~ sleepless, wakeful, wakefully
gyn caghlaa ~ unchanged, unchanging,
gyn cagliagh ~ aorist, limitless, unbounded,
gyn callin ~ bodiless
gyn carrey ~ friendless
gyn casherickey ~ unhallowed
gyn cassan ~ pathless
gyn castey ~ unchecked, unconquered
gyn ceau ~ unexpired
gyn chaghlaa ~ unalterably, unalterable,
gyn chass ~ sessile
gyn chassyn ~ legless
gyn cheeayll ~ absurd, misguided
gyn cheet ry-cheilley ~ inharmonious
gyn chemmal ~ borderless, edgeless
gyn cheughey ~ unaligned
gyn chiaddey ~ unformed
gyn chirmaghey ~ wet (as ink)
gyn chooid ~ portionless
gyn chooilleeney ~ unended
gyn chredjoonaghys ~ unaccredited
gyn chrosh ~ without hindrance
gyn chummey ~ formless
gyn chymmey ~ pitiless, barbarous
gyn chymney ~ intestate
gyn clea ~ roofless
gyn cleayney ~ aclinic, undeviatingly
gyn cloan ~ issueless, childless
gyn clooie ~ unfledged, featherless, glabrous
gyn co-vestey ~ unalloyed
gyn coadey ~ exposed, undefendable,
undefended, defenceless
gyn cochiangley ~ unaffiliated
gyn coghiall ~ uncompromising
gyn comishoon ~ noncommissioned
gyn commys ~ unconsummated
gyn coodagh ~ undraped
gyn cooid hie ~ unfurnished
gyn cooilleen ~ unavenged
gyn cooilleeney ~ unconsummated, unfulfilled
gyn cooish ~ unduly, briefless, causeless
gyn cooney ~ helpless, feckless, unaided, singly
gyn coontey jeh ~ nondescript
gyn coraa ~ voiceless
gyn corp ~ unbodied, bodiless
gyn cosney ~ profitless, unearned
gyn couyr ~ irremediable, aidless
gyn cowrey ~ characterless
gyn craue drommey ~ invertebrate
gyn crauenyn ~ boned
gyn credjue ~ faithless
gyn cree ~ heartless
gyn croghey ~ unhanged
gyn cron ~ blameless, irreproachable,
impeccable, stainless, immaculate
gyn croo ~ uncreated
gyn crooinaghey ~ uncrowned
gyn crossey ~ uncrossed (as cheque)
gyn cuirrey ~ unbidden
gyn cummaght ~ powerless
gyn cummaltee ~ uninhabited
gyn cummey ~ shapeless, amorphous
gyn cumrail ~ unhindered
gyn cur baare er ~ unexcelled
gyn cur jerrey er ~ unended
gyn cur magh ~ undealt
gyn cur noi ~ undisputed, uncontested, nem con
gyn cur ry lhiattee ~ unappropriated
gyn cur stiagh ~ unfitted (as part)
gyn cur stiagh er ~ undisturbed
gyn currym ~ carefree, unencumbered
gyn currym er lheh ~ without portfolio
gyn daah ~ uncoloured, colourless
gyn daanys ~ unassuming
gyn dait ~ undated
gyn date ~ dateless
gyn doghys ~ hopeless
gyn doolane ~ unchallenged
gyn dooyt ~ undoubtedly, doubtless
gyn dreagh ~ expressionless
gyn dreeym ~ backless
gyn duillag ~ leafless
gyn dy ve scruit sheese ~ off the record
gyn eab ~ effortless
gyn eaddagh ~ unclothed
gyn earroo ~ myriad, countless, numberless
gyn eayst ~ moonless
gyn ec laueys ~ unhandy (of place)
gyn-edd ~ hatless
gyn edjaghys ~ uneducated (of person)
gyn eeck ~ uncleared (of debt), outstanding
gyn egin ~ unforced
gyn eie ~ independent, besides
gyn eie (er) ~ without
gyn eirkey ~ uncorked, open
gyn ellyn ~ artlessly
gyn enmys ~ unaddressed
gyn ennaghtyn ~ senseless, callous, unfeelingly
gyn ennal ~ breathlessly
gyn enney ~ senseless, unidentified, comatose,
gyn enney er ~ unconscious
gyn ennym ~ nameless, anonymous
gyn ennym erbee ~ anonymously
Gyn entreilys ~ no admittance
gyn fa ~ wanton, for no reason
gyn fa gyn oyr ~ uncalled for (of rebuke)
gyn faaishnys ~ unforeseen
gyn faasaag ~ whiskerless, beardless, smooth-
chinned, bare-faced
gyn faasid chree ~ undismayed
gyn failleid ~ unflagging
gyn failleil ~ unfailing (of supplies)
gyn faitys ~ unhesitating
gyn-fakin ~ invisible
gyn fakin rolaue ~ unforeseen
gyn famman ~ tailless, anurous
gyn fastee ~ exposed
gyn feddyn magh ~ undiscovered,
gyn fedjeen ~ featherless
gyn feeackle ~ anodont, toothless
gyn feeaghyn ~ unencumbered, unembarrassed
(as estate)
gyn feeraghey ~ unconfirmed (news)
gyn feeuid ~ worthless, of no value
gyn fendeilys ~ defenceless
gyn fer share ~ unexcelled
gyn fioghey ~ non-fading
gyn foaynoo ~ worthless, trivial
gyn fockle y ghra ~ silently
gyn foill ~ blameless, faultless
gyn follaghey ~ undisguised
gyn folt ~ hairless
gyn formoilid ~ without ceremony,
gyn fort ~ unable
gyn fout ~ faultless
gyn freeuid ~ undeserving
gyn freggyrt ~ unacknowledge (letter)
gyn fuill ~ bloodless
gyn fuinney ~ unbaked
gyn fynney ~ hairless, depilous
gyn gardey ~ unguarded
gyn geill ~ unheeded
gyn gheddyn ~ unacquired
gyn giallaghey ~ unbleached
gyn giarrey chymmylt ~ uncircumcised
gyn glenney ~ uncleared, unexpurgated
gyn gless ~ unglazed (as window)
gyn glockey ~ unchecked, uncheckable (of
account), uncurbed
gyn gloyrvian ~ unambitious
gyn goaill noi ~ unchallenged (of right)
gyn goaill rish ~ unavowed, unacknowledged
gyn goaill y chreestiagh ~ non-communicant
gyn goll harrish ~ uncrossed (as boundary)
gyn goullyn ~ abactinal
gyn grayse ~ graceless
gyn gruag ~ hairless
gyn grunt ~ bottomless, unfathomable,
characterless, fathomless
gyn guinn ~ painless
gyn inchyn ~ brainless
gyn jaagh ~ smokeless, non-smoking
gyn jannoo ~ unaccomplished, undone,
amorphous, undischarged
gyn jannoo magh ~ ungratified
gyn jeelt ~ bareback
gyn jeeyl ~ without prejudice
gyn jeorey ~ limitless
gyn jerkal(l)ys ~ unhoped, unforeseen,
desperate, unexpected
gyn jerrey ~ endless, unending, interminable,
ad infinitum
gyn jeshaght ~ coasting
gyn jesheen ~ unadorned
gyn joarey ~ borderless
gyn junt ~ seamless
gyn kaart ~ chartless
gyn karraghey ~ unfixed (unrepaired)
gyn keeal da'n ynsaghey ~ unapt for teaching
gyn keeayl ~ callow (of youth)
gyn keesh ~ free of tax, tax free
gyn keiltyn ~ undisguised
gyn keintys ~ sexless
gyn keirdoilaght ~ artlessly
gyn kereen ~ combless
gyn keyjeen ~ combless
gyn keylagh ~ undiluted
gyn kiangle ~ open
gyn kiangley ~ loose, unattached, unconnected,
anchorless, unfettered
gyn kiarail ~ less
gyn kiartaghey ~ uncorrected
gyn kiaull ~ songless
gyn kione ~ endless, limitless, incessantly,
gyn laad ~ no-load
gyn leagh ~ invaluable
gyn leaystey ~ unhesitating
gyn leeid ~ clueless
gyn leeideilagh ~ leaderless
gyn leih ~ unforgivable
gyn lhaggaghey ~ unallayed, unabashed,
unabated, unappeasable, unassuaged,
gyn lhaggaghey creeaght ~ undisheartened
gyn lhaih ~ undeciphered
gyn lheamys ~ spotless, unblemished
gyn lheeys ~ irremediable
gyn lheihll ~ impotent, inactive, moribund
gyn lheihys ~ terminal, beyond recovery,
incurable, uncured
gyn lheil ~ stock-still
gyn lheiltys ~ motionless
gyn lhiastid erbee ~ nothing loath
gyn lhiettal ~ undeterred
gyn lhiettrimys ~ unconstrainedly, unimpeded,
unconstrained, abandon, unhampered,
without reserve, freely, stintless, unhindered
gyn lhiggey lesh ~ unflinching
gyn lhiggey magh ~ unexposed (as crime)
gyn lhottey ~ bloodless (as victory)
gyn loauys ~ undecaying, undecayed
gyn loayrt noi ~ uncontradicted
gyn loght ~ innocent, flawless, faultless,
unexceptional, blameless, guiltless,
impeccable, model
gyn loghtynid ~ blamelessness, innocence
gyn loghtynys ~ guiltlessness
gyn mactullagh ~ echoless
gyn marran ~ unerring
gyn mayl ~ rent-free
gyn mergey ~ rustless
gyn mess ~ fruitless
gyn mioyr ~ unconscious
gyn moir ~ motherless
gyn molley ~ undeceived, unflattering
gyn mullagh ~ roofless
gyn myskid ~ good-humoured
gyn nearey ~ unbashful, bare-faced, shameless,
unblushing, unabashed
gyn neuhickyrys ~ unhesitating
gyn niart ~ unable
gyn oai ~ besides
gyn oaie ~ independent
gyn oanluckey ~ unburied
gyn oardagh ~ unceremoniously, undisciplined,
gyn-oayl ~ foreign
gyn oayllys ~ callow (of youth)
gyn oayllys er ~ unbeknown
gyn obbal ~ unchallenged, peremptory,
undeniably, uncontested
gyn-obbaltys ~ peremptoriness
gyn obbyr ~ unemployed
gyn oghyr ~ roeless, spawnless
gyn oirr ~ edgeless, borderless
gyn olt ~ limbless
gyn onnor ~ unhonoured
gyn ourys ~ admittedly, undoubtedly, doubtless,
without question, clearly, indubitably,
gyn ourys erbee ~ beyond dispute, beyond
gyn oyr ~ groundless, unfounded, unduly,
wanton, senseless, without reason
gyn peccah ~ sinless
gyn persoonaght ~ impersonal
gyn ping ~ impecunious, penniless
gyn poltey ~ unexploded
gyn pooar ~ powerless
gyn poosey ~ celibate
gyn prinsabyl ~ low-principled
gyn rah ~ luckless
gyn reaghey ~ undesigned
gyn reaghey ro laue ~ undesigned
gyn reaghys ~ open (as affair)
gyn reiltys ~ ungoverned
gyn reir rish y cheilley ~ out of proportion
gyn renaig ~ depilous
gyn resoon ~ unduly
gyn rheynn ~ undivided
gyn rheynn chredjue ~ undenominational
gyn rimmey ~ rimless
gyn rolaueys ~ unanticipated
gyn rollage ~ starless
gyn ronsaghey ~ unexplored
gyn roostey ~ unexposed
gyn roshtyn ~ unattainable
gyn saase ~ irremediable
gyn sampleyr ~ unexampled
gyn scaaney ~ flawless
gyn scansh ~ regardless
gyn scansh (da) ~ irrespective
gyn scapail ~ unescaped
gyn scarrey ~ undivided
gyn scoill ~ uneducated (of person)
gyn scrutaghey ~ unexamined
gyn scughey ~ fixedly, fixed
gyn scuirr ~ everlasting(ly), non-stop, ceaseless,
continuous, endless, perpetual
gyn seiy ~ coasting
gyn shalee ~ less
gyn shareaghey ~ unexcelled, unbroken (as
gyn shassoo noi ~ resistless
gyn sheaylley ~ undispelled
gyn sheeyney magh ~ unextended
gyn sheiltynys ~ unimaginative
gyn sheshaght ~ unaccompanied
gyn sheshaghtys ~ unaccompanied, unattended
(as person)
gyn sheshey ~ nonpareil
gyn shickyraghey ~ uncorroborated
gyn shirrey ~ unclaimed
gyn shirrey eh ~ unasked
gyn skeeys ~ tireless
gyn skian ~ apterous, wingless
gyn skielley ~ scatheless
gyn sleih ~ uninhabited
gyn sluight ~ issueless
gyn smaght ~ unchecked, intractable,
undisciplined, wayward
gyn smarrey ~ ungreased
gyn smeggin ~ chinless
gyn smooinaght ~ automatically, automatic
gyn smooinaghtyn ~ unconsciously
gyn soar ~ odourless, scentless, inodorous
gyn soilshaghey ~ unexplained
gyn soilshaghey magh ~ unadvertized
gyn soilshey ~ aphotic
gyn soilsheydys ~ unaccountable
gyn sollys ~ aphotic
gyn sollyssid ~ lustreless
gyn soo ~ sapless, unassimilated (as food)
gyn sooill ~ eyeless
gyn soylleeaght ~ matter-of-fact
gyn spyrryd ~ feckless, craven, boneless
gyn stad ~ steadily
gyn steat ~ stateless
gyn sthock ~ stockless
gyn stholk ~ stemless
gyn stiur ~ rudderless
gyn stiurey ~ pilotless, undirected,
uncontrollable (as ship)
gyn stiureyder ~ pilotless
gyn stoo thie ~ unfurnished
gyn streeaney ~ unbridled, uncontrolled
gyn stroie ~ undestroyed
gyn sursmooinaght ~ unconsidered (of things)
gyn sym ~ disinterested
gyn taah ~ weldless
gyn taghyrt ~ uneventful
gyn tastey ~ unheeding
gyn teishtys ~ uncertificated
gyn tendeil ~ unguarded, unattended (as desk)
gyn teorey ~ limitless
gyn thie ~ homeless
gyn thort ~ impulsive, maladroit, snap,
inconsideration, headstrong, headlong,
unconsidered, inconsiderate
gyn thoyn ~ bottomless, unfathomable
gyn tidey ~ tideless
Gyn Toghtaney ~ No Smoking, smoking not
gyn toghyr ~ portionless, dowerless
gyn toilchyn ~ undeserving
gyn tort ~ rashly, heedless, random,
gyn towse ~ unfathomed
gyn traih ~ unflagging, unfailing (of supplies),
gyn treisht ~ forlorn
gyn tuarym ~ unimpressive
gyn tushtey ~ indiscriminating
gyn tushtey er earrooyn ~ innumerate
gyn ughtarys ~ unauthorised
gyn urrysaght ~ uncovered
gyn ushtey ~ anhydrous, waterless
gyn ve currit ass cree ~ undisheartened,
gyn ve currit er creau ~ undismayed
gyn ve currit fo haart ~ undefeated
gyn veg ~ naught
gyn vestey ~ unadulterated
gyn vioys ~ lifeless
gyn voirey ~ undisturbed
gyn vondeish ~ profitless
gyn vree ~ feeble, lethargic, vigourless, void,
inoperative, sapless, torpid, inexpressive,
ineffectual, ineffective, impotent, invalid,
gyn vun ~ groundless, baseless
gyn wappinyn ~ weaponless
gyn whaaley ~ seamless
gyn whomm ~ seamless
gyn y vie ~ beggarly, dud, good-for-nothing
gyn yeearree ~ unbidden
gyn ymmyd ~ dud, unavailing
gyn ynsagh ~ uneducated, uncultured, low-bred
gyn yss ~ in secret, by stealth, on the sly,
unconsciously, unexpected, unadvised,
covert, unawares, secretly, surreptitious,
clandestinely, surreptitiously
gyn yss cre'n fa ~ unaccountably
gyndyr ~ grazing, graze, browsing
gyndyragh ~ herbivorous
ny gyndyree ~ herbivora
gynoaltagh ~ alien
gynoaltys ~ alienness
gynoayltagh ~ foreigner
gynoayltys ~ foreignness
gynsaghey ~ coaching, mastering
gynsaghey (er lheh) ~ coaching
gypsum ~ gypsum
gyrjaghey ~ getting up
gyrn ~ growl, snarl, grin
gyrnal ~ growl, snarling, grin, snarl, grinning
gyrnder ~ snarler
gyrneder ~ grinner
gyroplane ~ gyroplane
gyroscopagh ~ gyroscopic
gyroscope ~ gyroscope
gys ~ toward, to (motion), till, in order to
gys beeal ny braag ~ ankle-deep
gys boayl ~ hie
gys jerrey ny lhuingey ~ aft, abaft
Gys Laa Boaldyn Sniaghtee ~ On the Greek
gys ny cassyn ~ full-length
gys ny keeaghyn ~ breast-deep
gys oaie yn ardane ~ downstage
gys shen ~ thereto, thither
gys shid ~ thither
gys shoh ~ hitherto, hereto, hither
gys un cheu ~ aslope, sidewards
gys y chooid sodjey ~ to extremes
gys y ghlioon ~ knee-deep
gys y jerrey ~ aft
gys y stiur ~ aft, abaft
gys y vouin ~ waist-deep
gys yn abane ~ ankle-deep
gys yn uillin ~ elbow-high
gyubb ~ immature guillemot
Ny h-Andeeyn ~ The Andes
ny h-anlheiltee ~ the disabled
Ny h-Asteckee ~ The Aztecs
Ny h-Australee ~ The Australians
Ny h-Ellanyn Balearagh ~ The Balearic Islands
ny h-ellynyn ~ the arts
ny h-ellynyn ooasle ~ the fine arts
ny h-ellynyn ooasley ~ liberal arts
ny h-emshir ~ elemental
Ny h-Eskimee ~ The Eskimos
H-gharmin ~ H-beam
Ny h-Inshyn Ork ~ The Orkneys
Ny h-Ollanee ~ The Dutch
Ha-magh! ~ Gee!
Ha! ~ Aha!
Ha? ~ Eh?
Yn Haag ~ The Hague
haar ~ slaughtering, slaughter
ny haaue ~ idly, emeritus, retired
haggish ~ haggis
haghyr ~ transpire
ny haie ~ satiated
haink ~ came, arrived
haink (er) ~ run across
hake ~ hake
hallageen ~ halogen
halley ~ auditorium, saloon, hall, lounge
halley baljagh ~ guildhall
halley baljey ~ town hall
halley chymsee ~ assembly hall
halley creck ~ saleroom
halley cuirrey kiaull ~ concert hall
halley daunse ~ dance hall
halley fleah ~ banqueting hall
halley gless ~ winter garden
halley kiaull ~ music hall
halley leaght ~ lecture hall
halley lhiggey ~ shooting gallery
halley ny skeerey ~ parochial hall
halley olley ~ wool hall
halley sidooragh ~ drill hall
halley studeyrys ~ study
halleyr ~ halyard
hanck ~ hank
ny hanmey ~ spiritual
hannah ~ before now, foregone, already, ere
hannah hene ~ already (emph.)
har ~ across, beyond; snot
har cheer ~ overland
har mooir ~ oversea
har-whaaley ~ oversew
Ny Hardyn Arctagh ~ The Arctic Regions
harmoan ~ harmonica
harragh ~ would come
Harral ~ Harold
harree ~ over her
Ny Harrey ~ Harris
harrin ~ I would come, over us
harrish ~ bygone, trans, beyond, over him,
across, over, above
harrish as erskyn shen ~ over and above that,
harrish as tarrish ~ over and over
harrish boayrd ~ overboard, outboard
harrish ny h-alpyn ~ transalpine
harrish ny sleityn ~ dotty
harrish proof ~ over-proof
harrish-sheeanagh ~ hypersonic
harrish shen ~ beyond that, furthermore,
harrish smooinaghtyn ~ undreamt of
harrish tushtey ~ incomprehensible
harrish y chadjinys ~ extra
harrish y cheayn ~ transmarine, ultramarine (as
harrish y chione ~ above value
harrish yn atlantagh ~ transatlantic
harrish yn cadjinys ~ exceptionally
harrish yn oayllys ain ~ beyond our ken
harrish yn traa ~ overdue
harriu ~ over you
harroo ~ over them
harryd ~ over you
harrym ~ over me
Harrym! ~ Pass!
ny hashoonee ~ the peoples
ny hashoonyn mooarey ~ the great powers
Ny Hashoonyn Unnaneysit ~ The United
ny hasslayntee ~ the sick
ny hassoo ~ endways, stationary, standing
ny hassoo jeeragh ~ erect
hatch ~ hatch
hault ~ halt
ny heashyn jerrinagh ~ the latter days
ny heayin ~ the lambs
ny heayst ~ lunar
heckley ~ comb (as flax)
heckyl ~ hackle
hed ~ shall go
hee ~ shall see
heeagh ~ would see
heear ~ in the west, western
heear heear hwoaie ~ west-north-west
Ny Heear-Injinee ~ The West Indians
Ny heearee ~ The Westerners
heearimpressionaghys ~ post-impressionist
heedraghys ~ caisson
heein ~ I would see
heerghaital ~ postdate
Heertch ~ St. Kilda
heese ~ beneath, under, down, downhill, lower
end, hereafter, knock-down (prices)
heese-greeishyn ~ downstairs
heese-screeuit ~ undersigned
heise ~ elevator, hoist
heishan ~ hoyden, half grown girl
y helg ~ prey upon
ny h-ellanee ~ the islanders
ny h-ellanyn ~ the isles
Ny h-Ellanyn Asoar ~ The Azores
Ny h-Ellanyn Canaaragh ~ The Canaries
Ny h-Ellanyn Goaldagh ~ The British Isles
Ny h-Ellanyn Philippeenagh ~ The Philippines
Ny h-Ellanyn Souree ~ The Summer Isles
Hello! ~ Hello!
hene ~ self, very, even, own, actual
hene-barrantagh ~ self-confident, self-assured
hene-barrantys ~ self-confidence, self-assurance
hene-chairal ~ self-righteous
hene-chaslys ~ self-portrait
hene-chooilleen ~ self-satisfaction
hene-chooishagh ~ self interested
hene-chooneydagh ~ self-supporting
hene-chynney ~ autodetermination
hene-coadey ~ self-defence
hene-dunverys ~ self-murder
hene-enney ~ self-knowledge
hene-gheintyn ~ abiogenesis
hene-ghleayshagh ~ self-propelling
hene-ghraih ~ self-love
hene-ghraihagh ~ narcissistic
hene-ghunverys ~ self-slaughter
hene-graih ~ narcissism
hene-haieagh ~ self-sufficient
hene-haieys ~ self-sufficiency
hene-horraghey ~ self-fertilization
hene-injillaghey ~ self-abasement
hene-lhieentagh ~ self-filling
hene-lostey ~ auto-ignition, spontaneous
hene-oltooaney ~ self-reproach
hene-reayltys ~ self-preservation
hene-reddey ~ self-determination
hene-reill ~ autonomy, self-determination
hene-reilltys ~ autonomy
hene-reiltagh ~ self-governing
hene-reiltys ~ self-government
hene-reiltys ynnydagh ~ local automomy
hene-sannish ~ auto-suggestion
hene-varroo ~ suicide
hene-varrooagh ~ suicidal
hene-varrooder ~ suicide
hene-veanagh ~ egocentric
hene-veashneyder ~ autobiographer
hene-veashnys ~ autobiography
hene-veashnyssagh ~ autobiographical
hene-volley ~ self-deception
hene-voylley ~ self-praise
hene-ynsagh ~ self-instruction
henelys ~ self-interest
Heney ~ Venus
henney ~ henna
heose ~ aloft, above
heose-chammogeyn ~ inverted commas
heose imraait ~ above-named, above-mentioned
heose rish ~ up to date, au fait
heose rish y traa t'ayn ~ abreast of the times
heraldagh ~ heraldic
heraldys ~ heraldry
heshane ~ hessian
heshian ~ lumper (female)
hesp ~ hasp
hessian ~ youngster
Het! ~ Pah!
hetracheintyssagh ~ heterosexual
hetradeen ~ heterodyne
hetradeenagh ~ heterodyne
Ny Hewnyn ~ The Hebrews, Jews, Jewry
Hey! ~ Yah! (derision)
hiar ~ east (of rest), in the east
Y Hiarn ~ My Lord, Your Lordship
Hiarn (Aspick) ~ Your Grace
Hiarn Shansyleyr ~ Lord Chancellor
Hiarn Yee ~ Lord God
hiatys ~ hiatus
hibbin ~ ivy
hibbinagh ~ ivied, hederacious
hiddragien ~ hydrogen
hiddragiennaghtyn ~ hydrogenate
Hie ny mucyn ny hrooid ~ It went by the board
hig ~ shall come
ny himlee ~ the humble
Ny h-Injyn ~ The Indies
Ny h-Injyn Sheear ~ The West Indies
Ny h-Injyn Shiar ~ The East Indies
Hioll mee ~ I had well nigh
hippnoish ~ hypnosis
hippnoishagh ~ hypnotic
hippnoishaght ~ hypnotism
hippnoisheyder ~ hypnotist
histoaylleeaght ~ histology
hiu ~ to you, whoop
hoal ~ beyond, hence, yonder, come over,
across, overleaf, opposite, reverse
hoal as wass ~ indiscriminate, to and fro
hoal noi ~ opposite
ny hobbreeyn ~ the proletariat, workers
hobbyl ~ hobble, predicament, difficulty
hockee ~ hockey
hocsagh ~ malvaceous
hoght ~ octuple, eight
hoght-bleeanagh ~ octennial
hoght-chooidjagh ~ eightsome
hoght-choshagh ~ octopus
hoght filley ~ eightfold
hoght-heelagh ~ octosyllabic
hoght-hooillagh ~ octonocular
hoght jeig ~ eighteen
hoght keayrtyn ~ eightfold
hoght lhiatteeagh ~ octagonal
hoght-lhiatteeane ~ octagon
hoght-uillinagh ~ octangular
hoghtoo ~ eighth
hoghtoo jeig ~ eighteenth
ny hoi ~ against her
Hoi! ~ Hello!
ny hoie ~ seated, sitting
hoiggal ~ perhaps, peradventure
Hoigh! ~ I say! Hullo(a)!
Holley va! ~ So it was!
ny hollooyn ~ professoriate
hollyn ~ holly
hollyn hraie ~ sea holly
holter ~ halter
Ny Holtooanyn ~ The Reproaches
homocheintagh ~ homosexual
homocheintys ~ homosexuality
homocheintysagh ~ homosexual
hompsal ~ bolt (as food), raven
honnick ~ saw
Hoo Hoo! ~ Boohoo!
hooar ~ got
hooar baase ~ pass away
hood ~ to you
ny hooigey ~ of the pits
hooin ~ to us
hooker ~ hooker
hoon ~ across
hoontey ~ junta
hopsag ~ shackle, lanket
horaa ~ cheer, hurrah
hoshiaght ~ firstly, chiefly
hough ~ shin, cliff
Hoy! ~ Ahoy!
hraih ~ go out
ny hrooid ~ through him
ny hrooid as ny hrooid ~ downright
hub ~ hob
huc ~ to them
hud ~ hood
hug ~ gave, put
hug ~ to (motion), toward, send
hug shoh ~ so far
hug y leigh er ~ have up
huggey ~ to him
huggey as veih ~ hurly-burly, to and fro, hither
and thither
huggey shen ~ thither
huggey shid ~ thither
huic ~ to her
huick ~ to her
hullad ~ owl
hullad eairkagh ~ long-eared owl
hullad ghiare-chleayshagh ~ short-eared owl
hullad ghoan ~ brown owl, tawny owl
hullad Loghlynnagh ~ Teugmalm's owl
hullad ny gurreeyn ~ short-eared owl
hullad ouyr ~ tawny owl
hullad rhennee ~ fern owl, nightjar
hullad rhullickey ~ screech owl
hullad soailt ~ barn owl
hullad vane ~ barn owl, white owl
hullad veg ~ little owl
hullad vooar ~ eagle owl, stock owl
hulladagh ~ owlish
Hulloa! ~ Hark away!
hulp ~ immature cormorant
hulpin ~ shag, immature cormorant
Hup! ~ Gee!
hurley-burley ~ higgledy-piggledy
Hurrah! ~ Whoop!
Husht! ~ Silence!
hym ~ to me
hymn ~ hymn
hyndaa mygeayrt ~ put about
Hysht! ~ Keep quiet!
Yn Ibeir ~ Iberia
Ibeiragh ~ Iberian
idd ~ hats, nests
Iddaal ~ Italy
Iddaalagh ~ Italian
iddaalagh ~ italic
Iddaalish ~ Italian
idley ~ string
Ignaid ~ Ignatius
iguaan ~ iguana
ikagh ~ magisterial
Illiam ~ Billy, Bill, William
illish ~ handle
imbagh ~ season, tide, term
imbagh feagh ~ slack season
Imbagh Feaill' Vreeshey ~ Hilary Term
imbagh fliaghee ~ rainy season, wet season
imbagh fliugh ~ wet season
imbagh lheimmee ~ breeding season
imbagh lhiggee ~ shooting season
imbagh lowit ~ open season
imbagh ny fliaghaghyn ~ rainy season
imbagh ny hoghyr ~ spawning season
imbagh ny laghyn seyrey ~ holiday season
imbagh obbit ~ close season
imbagh seyrey ~ holiday time
imbagh troggee ~ breeding season
imbagh y chelg ~ hunting season
imbagh ynsee ~ semester
imbaghoil ~ seasonable
imbaghoilid ~ seasonableness
imbea ~ carriage (conduct)
imbee ~ seasonal
imbyl ~ brewing, brew
imbylagh ~ brewing
imlagh ~ brewing; humbling; intruder,
imlagh(ey) ~ humble
imlaght ~ bow, intrusion
imlee ~ lowly, humble
imlee ayns cree ~ humble hearted
imleeid ~ lowliness, humility, humbleness
imleig ~ bell-button, hub, navel
imleigagh ~ umbilical
imler ~ brewer
imler Albinagh ~ brewster
imleyder ~ brewer, ale-brewer
imlid ~ humbleness, lowliness, humility
imlit ~ brewed, humbled, abased
imman ~ drive, drove, impinge, develop,
imman carriads ~ carriage drive
imman er ash ~ force back, drive back
imman ergooyl ~ reverse, repel, repellent, back
imman ersooyl ~ dispel, drive away
imman harrish ~ drive over
imman magh ~ drive out
imman magh ass ~ drive out
imman neose ~ ride down
imman noal ~ drive over
imman noon ~ drive over
imman ny hrooid ~ drive through
imman rour ~ overdrive
imman stiagh ~ knock in, drive in
Yn Immanagh ~ Botes
immanagh ~ driver, drover, chauffeur,
impelling, driving, driving iron
immanagh assyl ~ donkey-driver
immanagh barroose ~ coach-driver
immanagh camyl ~ camel-driver
immanagh carr laadee ~ wagoner
immanagh carriads ~ cabby
immanagh couch ~ coach-driver
immanagh drug ~ drayman
immanagh fainee ~ coach-driver
immanagh gleashtan ~ chauffeur
immanagh jeshaght ~ engine-driver
immanagh keoie ~ road-hog
immanagh shesheree ~ team driver
immanagh taksee ~ taxi-driver
immanagh tram ~ tram-driver
immanagh van ~ vanman
immanaght ~ hurley
immanee ~ hurler
immanit ec y gheay ~ wind-driven
immanit ergooyl ~ reversed
immanit ersooyl ~ dispelled
immanys sheeltagh ~ fluid drive
immeanagh ~ immanent
immeanaght ~ immanence
immee ~ begone, go
immee camstram ~ zig-zag
immee gys benrein ~ queen
Immee gys Niurin! ~ Go to Hell!
Immee gys yn Jouyll! ~ Go to the Devil!
immee haart ~ surrender
immee harrish ~ overstep
immee lesh ~ proceed towards
immee magh ~ go out
immee roish ~ drive away, slip away, proceed
Immee royd! ~ Begone! Depart! Run along!
Away! Go ahead!
immee shaghey ~ go past
immeeagh (roish) ~ set off
immeeaght ~ start, progress, drift, depart, exit,
way, act, proceeding, action, procedure,
procession, going, going away, flight of time,
exodus, departure, decampment, progression,
paces of a horse; current (of events)
immeeaght er-oi ~ advance
immeeaght roish ~ vamoose, creep away,
proceed, cut off
immeeaght veih'n coorse ~ yaw
immeeaght yn traa ~ fullness of time
immeeaghtagh ~ goer
immeeaghtyn ~ proceedings
immeeaghtyn bancvrishey ~ bankruptcy
immeeaghtyn leigh ~ legal proceedings
immeeit ~ bygone
immeeit harrish ~ traversed, crossed
immyr ~ headland, bed, butt, ridge, shelf under
immyr chorree ~ bush
immyr correy ~ bush
immyr gheinnee ~ bunker
immyr ghuilcagh ~ reed bed
immyr heel ~ seed bed
immyr phraase ~ potato bed
immyr resh ~ seed bed
immyr rose ~ rose bed
immyr vane ~ balk
immyreen ~ ripple mark
imnea ~ concern, anxiety, care, nervousness,
unease, disquiet, worry
imnea y ve (er) ~ feel uncomfortable about
imneagh ~ concerned, worried, anxious,
nervous, uneasy, scrupulous
imneays ~ anxiousness
imneeaght roish ~ career
imney ~ desire
impir ~ emperor
impiraght ~ empire
impiroil ~ imperial, jingo
impiroilagh ~ imperialist
impiroilaghys ~ imperialism
impiroilys Sostynagh ~ jingoism
impressionagh ~ impressionist
impressionaghys ~ impressionism
imraa ~ commemorate, remember the dead,
repeat, report, speak of, rehearse, annotation,
voice (as opinion), mention, repetition
imraa shaghadys ~ background report
imraagh ~ momentous, notorious, celebrated,
imraaght ~ momentousness
imraaghyn ~ notes
imraaghyn-giarey ~ minutes
imraaghyn oirragh ~ marginal notes
imraaghys ~ notoriety
imraait heese ~ undermentioned
imshee ~ diabolical, devilish, damned,
damnable; elf, imp
imsheeys ~ diabolicalness
in-hoggit ~ implied
inchyn ~ brain, grey matter, intellect, spirit
inchynagh ~ brainy, witted, intelligent, cerebral
inchynaght ~ intelligence, intellect
Ind-Europagh ~ Indo-European
Yn Indonees ~ Indonesia
Indoneesagh ~ Indonesian
indughit ~ induced
indughtagh ~ inductive
indughtaghey ~ induce, induction
indughteyr ~ inductor
indughtys ~ inductance
infearagh ~ inferential
infearaghey ~ infer
infearys ~ inference
infinnidagh ~ infinitive
ingagh ~ net, network, tracery, criss-cross, grid
on map, train (of nets)
ingagh chianglaghan ~ parcel net
ingagh chorveeyl ~ mosquito net
ingagh fuilt ~ hair net
Yn Ingagh Lectragh ~ The grid
ingagh veein ~ shrimp net
ingagh yiarn ~ wire netting
ingaghoil ~ reticular
ingan ~ anvil, indention, inset, increase (of
stock); issue, young ones (insect)
ingan ny cleayshey ~ anvil
inganey ~ stamp, beat metal
ingey ~ clove of garlic
ingin [f] ~ claw, nail, talon, hoof
ingin choshey ~ toenail
ingin gharleid ~ clove of garlic
ingin ordaag ~ thumbnail
inginagh ~ hoofed, clawed
ingney ~ claw, scratch, of a claw, crab (as
ingney screebey ~ clawing
ingnit ~ scratched, stamped
ingynagh ~ unguiferous
ingyneyr ~ manicurist
ingynys ~ manicure
ingyr ~ pus, suppuration, corruption, ichor,
ingyr ghial ~ ichor
ingyragh ~ pus-filled, ichorous, purulent,
ingyraght ~ purulence, gather, gathering
ingyrit ~ abscessed
injeig ~ enclosure, angle of land, land between
a fork
injeigagh ~ angular
Yn Injey ~ India
Yn Injey-Sheen ~ Indo-China
Injey-Sheenagh ~ Indo-Chinese
injil ~ low, low-necked, low-lying, low-level,
low down, low-built, low-pitched, low-
grade, common (vulgar), depressed,
subdued, subaltern
injillagh ~ flat
injillaghey ~ cut, cut down, turn down, die
down, vulgarize, depreciate, depress,
condescend, subject, humiliate, relegate,
degrade, debase, subdue, reduce,
subordinate, level down, submit, demote,
sink, change down, step down, defer,
demot i on, reduct i on, depressi on,
subordination, degradation, depreciation,
vulgarization, humiliation, cheap (morally),
injilleyr ~ dipper
i nj i l l i d ~ f l at ness, commonness,
condescension`, lowness, inferiority,
Yn Injin Heear ~ West Indies
Yn Injin Hiar ~ The East Indies
Injinagh ~ Indian
injinagh Goaldagh ~ baboo
Injinagh ruy ~ Red Indian
innagh ~ stamina; woof, weft, criss-cross
inneen [f] ~ daughter, girl
inneen cheet-magh ~ debutante
inneen chorys ~ chorus girl
inneen firryn ~ tomboy
inneen gholtit ~ foster daughter
inneen lhiabbagh ~ chambermaid
Inneen seyr ~ Miss
inneen shayrey ~ niece
inneen vashtee ~ god-daughter
inneen veyl ~ maid
inneen vic shayrey ~ great niece
inneen vic vraarey ~ great niece
inneen vlieaun ~ dairy maid
inneen vraarey ~ niece
inney ~ half-grown girl, daughter of
Inney ~ Miss
inney vaayl ~ maid, handmaiden, barmaid
inney veyl ~ (see inney vaayl )
innis ~ island, islet
Innis Falgey ~ Isle of Mann
innyl deesyl ~ diesel engine
innyl gas ~ gas engine
Innys ~ Ennis
innys ~ island
Innys Vaayl ~ St. Michael's island
innysagh ~ insular
innysaght ~ insularity
Inry ~ Harry, Henry
insalaght ~ insulation
inseleyr ~ insulator
insh ~ declare, narrate, crack (as joke),
communicate, divulge, report, announce,
coverage, speech, divulgation, utterance,
narration, communication; island
insh breag ~ tell a lie
insh breag (da) ~ kid
insh breag er ~ belie
insh breageenyn ~ fib
insh da ~ acquaint
insh er ~ denunciation, inform, tell on
insh flippyn ~ fib
insh jeeragh ~ direct speech
insh neuyeeragh ~ indirect speech
insh reesht ~ retell
insh rolaue ~ predict, foretell, augur
insh rolaue (jeh) ~ bode
insh skeeal er ~ report
insh yn irriney ~ come clean
inshagh ~ tell-tale, communicatory
insheen ~ islet
insheyder ~ informant, narrator, announcer,
teller of story, communicator
inshit rolaue ~ foretold
inshley ~ nether, lower
inshlid ~ lowness
Inshyn Goal ~ Hebrides
inslaghey ~ insulate
inslit ~ insulated
intak ~ enclosed land
intlys ~ inset
inver ~ estuary, rivermouth
Inver Ayre ~ Ayre
Inver Mooar ~ Arklow
inymmyrkey ~ immigrate
irk ~ young pigs
irree ~ rise, heave, lilt, get up, take off (as
plane), step up, turn out, get off, climb, stand
up, accrue, lift, swarm, tip, ascent; passion,
irree ass ~ resign, relinquish, abdicate, retire, cry
off, emanate, resignation
irree ass oik ~ vacating of office
Irree ass! ~ Leave off!
irree dree ~ pall
irree er ny cassyn jerree ~ rear (as horse)
irree jeh'n thalloo ~ take off
irree magh ~ rise, outbreak, mutiny, rebel,
insurrection, rising, rebellion, revolution,
revolt, turn out, insurgent
irree magh yn phobbyl ~ popular insurrection
irree neese ~ bob up, pop up
irree ny greiney ~ sunrise
irree ny hassoo ~ stand
irree ny heayst ~ moonrise
irree reesht ~ re-ascend
irree seose jeeragh ~ rocket
Yn Irree Seose Reesht ~ The Resurrection
irree yn laa ~ dawn, daybreak, rise of the day
irree (yn ree) ~ levee
Irree! ~ Get up!
irreeagh ~ self raising
irreeaght ~ ascension
irrey ass ~ abdication
irreyder ~ ascender, riser
irreyder magh ~ revolutionary, rebel,
insurrectionist, mutineer, insurgent
irriney lhome ~ blunt fact, plain truth
irrit ~ risen
irrit ass ~ abdicated
Isaiah ~ Isaiah
ish ~ her, herself, she
ishil ~ low
Islamagh ~ Islamist, Islamic
Islamaghys ~ Islamism
isobaragh ~ isobaric
Israel ~ Israel
Israelagh ~ Israeli
Israeliteagh ~ Israelite
iu ~ drink, imbibe, tipple, quaff
iu dy trome ~ booze
iu feeyn ~ wine
iu slaynt ~ toast, pledge
iuaagagh ~ ivory, dentine
iuaagagh doo ~ black ivory
iuaagagh glass ~ raw ivory
iuagh ~ bibulous
iuder ~ drinker, tippler
iuder feeyney ~ wine drinker
iuder lhionney ~ beer drinker
iuder slaynt ~ toaster (person)
iuder ushtey bea ~ whisky drinker
iuderagh ~ tippling
iuderaght ~ debauch, drinking bout
iuit ~ drunk
iulaynt ~ pledge, toast (drink)
iuoil ~ drinkable, potable
iuoilid ~ drinkableness
iurin ~ hell
iurinagh ~ inhabitant of hell, devil, hellish
iurinys ~ hellishness
iut ~ drunk
iyn ~ cow-tie (forelegs)
jaagh ~ reek, smoke, fumes
jaagh-chay ~ smog
jaaghag ~ cigarette
jaaghagh ~ smoky, smoking
jaaghaght ~ smokiness
jaaghey ~ fumigate, smoke, fumes, fumigation,
jaagheyder ~ smoker, fumigator
jaaghit ~ smoke-dried, smoked
jaaghys ~ smokiness
jack ~ wheel jack
jack gleashtan ~ car jack
jaggad [f] ~ short coat, jacket
jaggad arbyllagh ~ dress coat
jaggad chianglee ~ strait-jacket
jaggad ghooblit ~ double breasted jacket
jaggad giare marrinagh ~ monkey-jacket
jaggad hamyr ~ dressing jacket
jaggad jinnairagh ~ tuxedo
jaggad lhiabbagh ~ bedjacket
jaggad liareagh ~ leather jacket
jaggad sauchys ~ life-jacket
jaggad singyl ~ single breasted jacket
jaggad spoyrtagh ~ sports jacket
jaggad ushtey ~ water-jacket
jaggad yinnairagh ~ dinner jacket
jaggeen ~ integument
jagh? ~ went?
jaghagh ~ titheable
jaghanys ~ tithing
jaghee [f] ~ tithe, decimation
jagheeit ~ tithed
jagheenys ~ tithing
jaghin ~ deacon
jaghit ~ tithed
jaght ~ dictum
jaghtey ~ dictate, dictation
jaghteyr ~ dictator
jaid ~ jade
jaid-glass ~ jade-green
jalloo ~ picture, figure, bust, sculpture, idol,
drawing, effigy, altarpiece, image, carving,
icon, painting, statue, guy, joss
jalloo ayns focklyn ~ word picture
jalloo cooyl ~ back elevation
jalloo gorrym ~ blueprint
jalloo kerey ~ plaster cast, wax image
jalloo mooadit ~ enlargement
jalloo mooar ~ colossus
jalloo mreih ~ caryatid
jalloo-oaylleeaght ~ morphology
jalloo-ocklagh ~ hieroglyphical
jalloo-ockle ~ hieroglyph, ideogram
jalloo ooha ~ bronze
jalloo-phrental ~ offset, photocopy printing
jalloo roie ~ motion picture
jalloo-screeueyrys ~ hieroglyphics
jalloo soilsheragh ~ diagram
jalloo soylagh ~ virtual image
jalloo thalhearagh ~ tailor's dummy
jalloo toshee ~ figurehead
jalloo-vrishey ~ iconoclasm
jallooagh ~ idolize, statuesque, sculptural,
jallooaghey ~ figuration, draw
jallooaght ~ drawing, art
jallooder ~ carver, sculptor, idolator
jallooder cloaie ~ stonecutter
jallooderys ~ sculpture
jalloodys speyr ~ aerophotography
jallooeen ~ statuette
jallooghey ~ sculpture
jalloonagh ~ idolatrous, idolator
jalloonys ~ idolatry, imagery
jallooyn ~ movies, pictures; statuary
jallooyn kereagh ~ waxworks
jallooyn marmyr ~ marbles
jallooys kereagh ~ waxwork
jallyn ~ sparrow
jallyn buigh ~ yellow bunting, yellowhammer
jallyn cleigh ~ dunnock
jallyn (firryn) ~ cock sparrow
jallyn keylley ~ hedge sparrow
jallyn ny miljyn ~ tree sparrow
Jamaicagh ~ Jamaican
jamboree ~ jamboree
Jamys ~ James, Jimmy, Jim
Jamyssagh ~ Jacobean, Jacobite
Jamyssaght ~ Jacobitism
jannoo ~ do, make, effect, accomplish, transact,
compose, act, construct, fashion, produce,
execute, follow out, commit, manufacture,
build, create, practise, deal, cast, style, fill,
keep, fabricate, perform, coalesce, render;
doing, goings on, construction, transactions,
conformation, committal, transaction,
accomplishment, conferment, persuance,
formation, performance, deed, perpetrate,
production, structure, perpetration
jannoo aachoip jeh ~ recopy
jannoo aae jeh ~ arch
jannoo aagherrid ~ epitomize
jannoo aalin ~ beautify
jannoo aarloo ~ prepare
jannoo aashagh ~ ease, simplify, facilitate,
jannoo aastudeyrys er ~ revise, brush up (as
jannoo aaurraghys er ~ reassure
jannoo aavriwnys er ~ reconsider, review
jannoo abyl ~ capacitate
jannoo accan ~ intercession
jannoo accan (er son) ~ intercede
jannoo aggair (da) ~ injure, violate, wrong
jannoo aghin (hug) ~ beseech, petition,
supplicate, entreat, implore, file, appeal
jannoo aghin son ~ solicit
jannoo aigney elley ~ turn round (in opinion)
jannoo aittys ~ clown, sporting
jannoo Albinagh ~ Scotticize
jannoo amas ~ putting
jannoo ammyr ~ canalise
jannoo ammyryn ~ canalisation
jannoo anchasherick ~ desecration
jannoo anchasley ~ diversify
jannoo anlheiltagh ~ disable
jannoo arbyl ~ queue
jannoo ard-chooish ~ dramatize
jannoo ard-gharaghtee ~ guffaw
jannoo ard-studeyrys ~ swot
jannoo ard-vondeish (ass) ~ profiteer
jannoo ardeailley ~ celebrate
jannoo ardsmooinaght ~ idealize
jannoo arnane ~ working by night
jannoo arraghey ~ shift
jannoo arraghoil ~ vernalize
jannoo arrey ~ invigilate
jannoo arrish (er) ~ hit off, boo
jannoo arrish er peiagh ~ personation
jannoo arrish (jeh) ~ impersonate, hit off
jannoo arrymagh ~ solemnize
jannoo ass y noa ~ remake, repeat, renew,
jannoo assee ~ trespassing
jannoo assee da ~ harm
jannoo asslayntagh ~ disorder
jannoo ayndagh (jeh) ~ index
jannoo ayns co-choyrle ~ concert
jannoo ayns oardagh ~ conform
jannoo baanrit ~ derange
jannoo Baarlagh ~ Anglicize
jannoo baateyrys ~ boat
jannoo bac er ~ counter
jannoo baccagh ~ lame
jannoo barney (ayn) ~ breach
jannoo bart jeh ~ truss
jannoo beg ~ belittlement
jannoo beg jeh ~ debunk, condemn, disparage,
belittle, discount, flout, depreciate,
disparagement, depreciation
jannoo beg jeh hene ~ infra dig
jannoo beggan jeh ~ gloze, pooh-pooh,
jannoo berchagh ~ enrich
jannoo biggin jeh ~ pet
jannoo bingyssagh ~ harmonize
jannoo bio ~ activate
jannoo blaaderys (er) ~ bore with talk
jannoo bluckan ~ conglomerate
jannoo bluckan jeh ~ ball
jannoo bock-lheim ~ buck-jump
jannoo boggys ~ boast, boasting, brag, exult
jannoo boggys ass ~ vaunt
jannoo boght ~ pauperize, beggar,
impoverishing, impoverish
jannoo boiraneys ~ brawl, bluster (as person),
jannoo boiranys ~ scuffle
jannoo bolvanagh ~ besot
jannoo bolvane jeh ~ dumbfound
jannoo bondagh (jeh) ~ beslave
jannoo bonkanys ~ clown
jannoo booaghey ~ vaccinate
jannoo booiagh ~ content
jannoo branglash er ~ wangle (accounts)
jannoo breageydys myr ~ masquerade
jannoo breckeydys ~ doodle
jannoo breeoil ~ validate
jannoo briwnys ~ judge, adjudicate, adjudication
jannoo briwnys er ~ decide, judge, adjudge
jannoo brock jeh ~ spoil, bungle, mismanage,
waste (food), fumble, botch
jannoo brout (jeh) ~ brutalize
jannoo buccaneyrys ~ buccaneer
jannoo buiggys (jeh) ~ pulp
jannoo bundeil ~ bundle
jannoo burgleyrys (er) ~ burgle
jannoo bwoyagh ~ beautify, prettify
jannoo caarjys ~ fraternise, conciliate,
jannoo cadjerys ~ hawking, huckster, hawk,
jannoo cadjin ~ vulgarize
jannoo cadjincliaghtit ~ hackney
jannoo cam-arrish ~ travesty
jannoo carr ~ lilting
jannoo carr er ~ lilt
jannoo carrey jeh ~ befriend
jannoo caslagh ~ spiral
jannoo caslys cheerey ~ map, mapping
jannoo caslys jeh ~ pictures
jannoo cassid ~ denunciation
jannoo cassid (er) ~ denounce, accuse, impeach,
charge with crime, recriminate, arraign,
jannoo ceabyn ~ lump
jannoo chaghter ~ delegate
jannoo chaghteraght ~ delivery
jannoo chasherick ~ hallow
jannoo cherr ~ chirr
jannoo cheu-cheim ~ sidestep
jannoo chiarnys er ~ dominate
jannoo ching ~ indispose
jannoo chuck ~ chuck
jannoo claggeraght ~ clack
jannoo clagh jeh ~ petrify
jannoo cleasaght ~ juggle
jannoo cleayn-rheynn ~ gerrymander
jannoo cleeah ~ school (of fish)
jannoo cleuinys ~ matchmaking
jannoo cliwederaght ~ fence
jannoo cluic (er) ~ hoax
jannoo cluickys (lesh) ~ juggle
jannoo co-chadjin ~ communalize
jannoo co-chast ~ complicate
jannoo co-cheintys ~ correlate
jannoo co-chialg (marish) ~ confederate
jannoo co-gherjys ~ felicitate
jannoo co-yantys ~ constitution
jannoo coamrey da ~ dress
jannoo coardail ~ conciliate
jannoo coardailys ~ make conditions
jannoo cochaslys (jeh) ~ portray
jannoo cochionneeaght jeh ~ commercialize
jannoo coip ~ copying
jannoo coip jeh ~ reproduce, duplicate, copy,
jannoo coipyn ~ duplication
jannoo colleeys ~ mate
jannoo coloin (jeh) ~ colonize
jannoo commeeys rish ~ partner
jannoo conaant ~ covenant
jannoo conaant jeh ~ stipulate
jannoo cooidjagh ~ concert
jannoo cooie ~ qualify
jannoo cooie da ~ suit
jannoo cooie da coshee ~ pedestrianization,
jannoo cooinney (jeh) ~ mint
jannoo cooish-leigh noi ~ arraign
jannoo coon ~ constrict
jannoo coonrey ~ contract
jannoo coontys foalsey ~ doctor
jannoo coorse (da) ~ route
jannoo cordail ~ accord
jannoo coreiragh ~ attune
jannoo corrym ~ equilibrate, even
jannoo coveain jeh ~ alloy (metal)
jannoo covestey ~ conglomerate
jannoo covreeoilid jeh ~ cosubstantiate
jannoo cragh ~ raven, filibuster, foray
jannoo cragh(t) ~ plundering
jannoo craid er ~ mock
jannoo creagh ~ stack as corn
jannoo creear (jeh) ~ honeycomb
jannoo croeshey ~ crochet
jannoo cron ~ cicatrize
jannoo cronnal ~ manifest
jannoo cronnane ~ whirr, babble, buzz
jannoo croshaid ~ crusade
jannoo cruinn ~ round, round off
jannoo cuckolt jeh ~ cuckold
jannoo cullee ~ tailor
jannoo cummey jeh ~ outline
jannoo curleid jeh ~ quilt
jannoo curteish ~ salute
jannoo curtshee ~ curtsey
jannoo cuttagh ~ bobbing
jannoo (da) ~ fend
jannoo daa lieh jeh ~ bisect
jannoo daa staartey ~ moonlight
jannoo daa-wheeylaght ~ cycle
jannoo daaney ~ embolden
jannoo deinys er ~ inconvenience
jannoo dhone ~ sear, perish
jannoo doal ~ blinding
jannoo doalgaanee ~ conjure
jannoo dooie ~ naturalize, naturalization
jannoo dooinnidagh ~ humanize
jannoo dorraghey ~ bedim, blear, darken
jannoo drane ~ rhyme, rhyming
jannoo drillinagh ~ bespangle
jannoo drogh-ghellal er ~ outrage
jannoo drogh ghellal rish ~ ill-use
jannoo drogh ymmyd ~ misuse
jannoo drogh-ymmyd jeh ~ abuse, knock about
jannoo druightagh ~ mist up
jannoo druighteenyn ~ pearl
jannoo duillag (jeh) ~ laminate
jannoo dullyr ~ dim, befog, blear, blur vision
jannoo dunverys ~ murder, murdering,
jannoo dy arryltagh ~ volunteer
jannoo dy moal chooishagh ~ skimp
jannoo dy neuchreaghnagh ~ scamp
jannoo dy tappee ~ dash off
jannoo earroo meechiart ~ misreckon
jannoo earrooaght ~ cipher
jannoo ec traa aggairagh ~ mistime
jannoo edd ~ nest, nesting
jannoo eddyr-lhie ~ stimy
jannoo eeiraghyn ~ eddy (of water)
jannoo ellag ~ hiccough
jannoo ellan ~ insulate
jannoo ennoil ~ endear
jannoo er ~ trouble, ail, prey upon, wage war
jannoo er meshtey ~ intoxicate, besot
jannoo er scaailley ~ scale
jannoo faaishnys ~ divine
jannoo faaishnys (jeh) ~ bode
jannoo faase ~ weaken
jannoo fadeyrys ~ prophesy, prophesying
jannoo faghid ~ scorning
jannoo faghid (er) ~ insult, scoff
jannoo faghid (jeh) ~ scorn, ridicule
jannoo fainaghyn ~ wreathe (as smoke)
jannoo falleays ~ coruscate
jannoo famman ~ queue
jannoo far chloie ~ foul
jannoo far-yalloo jeh ~ caricature
jannoo feeyn geayr jeh ~ acetify
jannoo fegooish ~ go without
jannoo feiosagh ~ limber
jannoo femoilys (er) ~ requisition
jannoo fidderaght ~ weave
jannoo fillym jeh ~ film
jannoo firrinagh ~ realization, realize
jannoo fleah ~ banquet
jannoo floagyn ~ flake
jannoo flop ~ plop
jannoo foayragh ~ propitiate
jannoo foays (da) ~ benefit, improve
jannoo folaue er ~ receipt
jannoo fondagh ~ validate
jannoo fooillagh ~ deposit
jannoo fotograf jeh ~ photograph
jannoo Frangagh jeh ~ Frenchify
jannoo froaish ~ swank, swagger
jannoo fynneigyn ~ pod
jannoo gaal ~ vapour, vaporize
jannoo gaal (jeh) ~ boil down, evaporate
jannoo Gael jeh ~ Gaelicize
jannoo Gaelgagh ~ Manxify, Gaelicize
jannoo gammanys ~ banter
jannoo gannidys ~ banter, sneering, burlesque
jannoo gannidys (er) ~ deride, sneer, jeer
jannoo gareydys ~ garden
jannoo garroo ~ roughen
jannoo gas jeh ~ gasify
jannoo gastey ~ making nimble
jannoo geayl jeh ~ carbonize
jannoo geayllagh ~ char
jannoo geayr ~ acidify
jannoo gennal ~ make happy
jannoo geyre-ardjaghey ~ zoom
jannoo giare ~ shorten
jannoo giare-choontey jeh ~ summarize
jannoo giense ~ carousal, junket
jannoo gleihagh ~ jelly
jannoo gleihagh jeh ~ jelly
jannoo gless jeh ~ vitrify
jannoo goorlagh ~ blear (of eyes)
jannoo gowranys ~ clown
jannoo graaf jeh ~ chart
jannoo graih ~ loving, making love
jannoo graney ~ disfigure, disfigurement
jannoo grease ~ embroider
jannoo greimmagh ~ sensitize
jannoo gress ~ being thrifty
jannoo grinderys (er) ~ satirize
jannoo guilleeaght ~ caddie
jannoo guilley jeh ~ patronize
jannoo guilleydys ~ fag
jannoo guilleydys shamyr ~ valet
jannoo gyn bree ~ incapacitate, annul, void,
abrogate, annulment, abrogation
jannoo gyn vree ~ invalidate, negation,
jannoo hoshiaght ~ pioneer
jannoo ingagh jeh ~ reticulate
jannoo jalloo ~ sculpture
jannoo jannidys (er) ~ jeer
jannoo jastan jeh ~ layer
jannoo jee beg ~ idolize
jannoo jee jeh ~ deify, apotheosis
jannoo jee-vioyral ~ desensitize
jannoo jeebin ~ netting, net
jannoo jeen ~ waterproof
jannoo jeen (noi) ~ proofing
jannoo jeeyl da ~ prejudice
jannoo jeih-hoaral ~ aromatize
jannoo jeihoil ~ decimalize
jannoo jerrey ~ terminate, wind up (debate)
jannoo jesh da ~ suit
jannoo keayrt ~ progress
jannoo keck ~ defecate, dung, shit, defecation
jannoo keeak ~ cake
jannoo keeshyn balley ~ rating
jannoo kelk ~ calcine
jannoo keoie ~ madden
jannoo kereenyn ~ comb (of wave)
jannoo kerrooyn jeh ~ quarter
jannoo kesh ~ cream (of ale)
jannoo key ~ cream
jannoo keyll ~ afforest, afforestation
jannoo kialgys ~ machinate
jannoo kialgys er ~ swindle
jannoo kinneigyn jeh ~ crumb
jannoo kioneys er ~ dominate
jannoo kirkinys ~ waver (of person), wavering
jannoo kirpey ~ physique
jannoo lajer ~ stiffen
jannoo lane beeal jeh ~ mouthing
jannoo laue chooilleeney ~ masturbate
jannoo leigh jeh ~ legalize
jannoo leighoil ~ legitimation
jannoo leoie (jeh) ~ incinerate
jannoo lesh ~ make do
jannoo leshtal ~ palliate, apologise
jannoo leshtal er son ~ explain away
jannoo leshtal jeh ~ pretext
jannoo leshtallagh ~ extenuate
jannoo lheamys (er) ~ blemish
jannoo lheeahree ~ addle (as egg)
jannoo lheeys er ~ doctor, physic
jannoo lheibeidjagh ~ encumber
jannoo lheihys ~ working a cure
jannoo lheiltyssyn ~ exercise
jannoo lhiannagyn jeh ~ flake
jannoo lhiasaghey ~ atone, amends
jannoo lhieen jeh ~ reticulate
jannoo lhiettalys ~ filibuster, checking
jannoo lhiettalys (er) ~ check
jannoo lhiettrimys (er) ~ balk, hinder, hamper,
obstruct, cramp (style), discriminate
jannoo lhome ~ scuff
jannoo lhoobag jeh ~ double up
jannoo lhoobagh ~ twisting
jannoo linney ~ line up
jannoo loght ~ trespassing
jannoo maarderys ~ fornicate
jannoo maclioar ~ duplicate
jannoo maclioar follit ~ cog
jannoo maclioar jeh ~ copy
jannoo macsoylley jeh ~ reproduce
jannoo magganeagh ~ numbing
jannoo magh ~ supply, content, satisfy, purvey,
purveyance, work out (as position), make out,
think out, determine, define, deduce, seek out,
jannoo maihnys er ~ amnesty
jannoo mair chooilleeney ~ masturbate
jannoo manninagh ~ Manxify
jannoo margeeys ~ higgle, haggle
jannoo marran ~ slip
jannoo marranys ~ err, slip up
jannoo marranys mychione ~ miscalculate
jannoo mee-earroo er ~ miscalculate
jannoo mee-vriwnys (er) ~ misjudge
jannoo mee-yeelys ~ disaffect
jannoo mee-ymmyd jeh ~ misapply
jannoo meerheynn jeh ~ misdeal
jannoo meerioose (er) ~ neglect
jannoo meewooiagh ~ dissatisfy
jannoo meill ~ pout, sulking, sulk
jannoo mennuigh ~ yawning, yawn
jannoo mennuighid ~ yawning
jannoo mennuighys ~ yawning
jannoo messoil ~ fecundate
jannoo mestey vestey jeh ~ scramble
jannoo millish (bing) ~ dulcify
jannoo milljag (jeh) ~ mull
jannoo mirrilyn ~ working miracles
jannoo moandagh ~ dull
jannoo moggylagh ~ reticulation
jannoo molteyrys er ~ bilk
jannoo mooar jeh ~ fuss, lionize, flaunt, cherish
jannoo mooidjeen (jeh) ~ outlaw
jannoo mooin ~ urinating, piss, urinate, pissing
jannoo moon ~ piddle, piddling
jannoo mooyn ~ pissing, piss
jannoo myr yien ~ pretend
jannoo neuellynagh ~ vulgarization, vulgarize
jannoo neughleashagh ~ immobilize
jannoo neughooghyssagh ~ denaturalize
jannoo neuheelit ~ cloud
jannoo neunhee (jeh) ~ brush aside
jannoo niart er ~ doing violence to
jannoo noa-emshiragh ~ modernize
jannoo noaskeeal jeh ~ novelize
jannoo noi-chosheeaght ~ countermarch
jannoo noi-hoiagh (er) ~ counter-attack
jannoo noi sheean ~ soundproof
jannoo noo jeh ~ canonization
Jannoo ny h-Ostyllyn ~ Acts of the Apostles
jannoo ny s'diuney ~ deepen
jannoo ny s'girrey ~ condensing, shortening
jannoo ny s'girroo ~ coarsen
jannoo ny share ~ better
jannoo ny share (da) ~ outmanoeuvre
jannoo ny share (na) ~ outclass
jannoo ny slhea ~ widen
jannoo ny sloo ~ lessen, diminish
jannoo ny smessey ~ aggravate, worsen
jannoo ny s'neugheyr ~ cheapen
jannoo ny strimmey ~ aggravate, accentuate
jannoo nyn sloo ~ palliative
jannoo oastys da ~ board (of people)
jannoo obbeeys ~ performing magic
jannoo (obbyr) ~ performing
jannoo obbyr vrocaid (er) ~ broccade
jannoo oirragyn ~ ridge, ridging
jannoo ommidan jeh ~ stultify
jannoo ommidys ~ tomfool
jannoo ooasle ~ dignify, ennoble
jannoo ooreyderyn ~ watchmaking
jannoo oraid ~ orate
jannoo oural (jeh) ~ immolate
jannoo patroonys ~ patronize
jannoo peccah ~ sin
jannoo peeaghane ~ wheeze
jannoo pishag ~ incant
jannoo plaiynt ~ protest
jannoo plang ~ twang (of bow)
jannoo poodyr jeh ~ pulverize, powder
jannoo prindeis (jeh) ~ indenture
jannoo prowaltys ~ experiment, experimentation
jannoo purtloge jeh ~ fluff
jannoo raa daa foyragh ~ pun
jannoo raanteenys ~ back (as overdraught)
jannoo raanteenys son ~ underwrite
jannoo rabbat ~ rabbet
jannoo rea ~ smooth, sleek, level, level up
jannoo reaghys ~ umpire
jannoo reayrt cheerey ~ landscape
jannoo recortys ~ recording
jannoo recortys jeh ~ record, tape
jannoo recortys rybbanagh ~ tape recording
jannoo ree (jeh) ~ crown (at draughts)
jannoo reejerey ~ knight
jannoo reesht ~ repeat
jannoo reilt ~ normalization
jannoo rere oardagh ~ turn out (to order)
jannoo rere y cheilley ~ harmonize
jannoo ro-acteyrys (er) ~ overact
jannoo ro heh ~ overheat
jannoo ro-skee ~ over-fatigue
jannoo roauyr ~ stiffen
jannoo roie-vriwnys er ~ prejudge
jannoo ronneeaght ~ rant, versify, revel
jannoo Roosagh ~ Russianize
jannoo roosteyrys ~ robbing
jannoo rour jeh ~ over-elaborate, overstate,
jannoo rour studeyrys ~ overstudy
jannoo runt ~ round
jannoo scaan ~ ghosting, ghost
jannoo scannane (jeh) ~ cinematograph
jannoo scarrey poosee ~ divorce
jannoo screb ~ scab
jannoo screebage ~ scar
jannoo scroig ~ scab
jannoo seose ~ make up, concoct, patch up,
constitute, cultivation
jannoo seose (jeh) ~ consist
jannoo seose rish ~ befriend, cultivate (of
person), fawn
jannoo sharroo ~ acidulate, embitter, acidify
jannoo sheeabin ~ saponify
jannoo sheeabin jeh ~ saponify
jannoo sheeigyn (jeh) ~ cock (of hay)
jannoo shenn-emshiragh ~ antiquate
jannoo shiast ~ sterilize, sterilization
jannoo shickyr ~ secure
jannoo shliawin ~ lubricate
jannoo shugyragh ~ saccharify
jannoo sidooraght ~ soldier
jannoo siyr ~ hurry, hurrying
jannoo skee ~ fatigue, tire
jannoo skellym ~ misfire
jannoo skeoigh ~ spruce, tidy
jannoo skielley (da) ~ harm, injure
jannoo slattys ~ legislate
jannoo slauaght ~ slave
jannoo slayntoil ~ sanify
jannoo slieaudeyraght ~ mountaineer
jannoo slieaudeyrys ~ mountaineer
jannoo slissagyn jeh ~ slice
jannoo smoghan ~ stink
jannoo soiagh ~ raid
jannoo soiaghey lhiattagh ~ flank
jannoo soilsheanagh ~ brighten
jannoo sollys ~ burnish, burnishing, illuminate
jannoo sonderys ~ scrimp
jannoo soo dy vie (jeh) ~ make good use of
jannoo soo jeh ~ extract, preserve
jannoo soolagh jeh ~ fricassee
jannoo Sostnagh ~ Anglicize
jannoo speeikearys er ~ spy, reconnoitre
jannoo staillin ~ steel-making
jannoo startaghyn ~ jobbing
jannoo stiagh ~ intercede
jannoo streebagh jeh ~ prostitute
jannoo stroialtys joinagh ~ sabotage
jannoo stroo-hoilshey ~ fluoresce
jannoo studeyrys er ~ study
jannoo sushtallagh ~ evangelize
jannoo tallagh ~ murmur
jannoo tartagh ~ constipate
jannoo tessenid ~ traverse
jannoo tharmane ~ crash, boom
jannoo tharmaneys jeh ~ boom
jannoo thassane ~ hiss, babble, twitter
jannoo thollaneagh ~ stun, stupefy
jannoo thollaneys er ~ dizzy
jannoo torragh ~ fertilize, impregnate,
fecundate, impregnation, fecundation
jannoo toshiaght er ~ open up
jannoo traagh ~ haymaking
jannoo traartys (er) ~ depredate, slaughter
jannoo tramman ~ foul
jannoo tranlaase (er) ~ persecute, oppress
jannoo tree filley ~ triplicate
jannoo troddan ~ campaigning
jannoo troo (mysh) ~ envy
jannoo tuarastyl (jeh) ~ model
jannoo tuarymaght ~ speculate, speculation
jannoo turrys ~ ply
jannoo turrys marrey ~ cruise
jannoo uillin ~ elbow
jannoo unnaneagh ~ singularize
jannoo unpharteeagh ~ deed poll
jannoo ushtey ~ leak, take in (of boat)
jannoo veg ~ idle
jannoo vondeish da ~ profit
jannoo Yernagh ~ Irishize
jannoo yindys ~ wondering
jannoo ylrey ~ pluralize
jannoo ym-gheay ~ eddy (of wind)
jannoo ymmodee ~ pluralize
jannoo ymmyd jeh ~ resort to, use, utilize,
jannoo ymmyd toshiaght ~ handsel
jannoo yn jerrey (jeh) ~ dying
jannoo yn margey deyr ~ bull the market
jannooagh ~ factitive, practicable
jannoodeyr magh ~ purveyor
jannooys ~ material
janoo skianys mygeayrt ~ buzz about
jantagh ~ achiever, performer, perpetrator,
agent, producer, manufacturer, actor, active
jantagh ayns emshir erbee ~ all-weather (sport)
jantagh caairagh ~ chair-maker
jantagh cainleyn ~ candle-maker
jantagh cluig ~ clock-maker
jantagh coirrey ~ boil-maker
jantagh foilliu ~ commission agent
jantagh lheintyn ~ shirt-maker
jantagh lhuingys ~ shipping agent
jantagh lioar ~ bookmaker
jantagh pianney ~ piano maker
jantagh piobey ~ pipe-maker
jantagh skeab ~ brush-maker
jantagh speckleyr ~ spectacle-maker
jantagh thallooin ~ land agent, estate agent
jantagh urryssaght ~ insurance agent
jantaght thie ~ house agency
janteyr caashey ~ cheese-maker
janteyr milljag ~ mead-maker
jantys ~ agency, manufacture, action, make,
jantys foilliu ~ commission agency
jantys naight ~ newsagency
jantys thallooin ~ land agency
jantys thie ~ home produce
jantys troailt ~ travel agency
jantyssagh ~ constructive
jap ~ sudden sharp blow
japp ~ crush (of fingers)
Jardain ~ Thursday
jarg ~ can
jargaght ~ capability, ability, possibility
jargal ~ capable, able
jargallys ~ capability
jargan ~ flea
jargan traie ~ sandhopper
jarganagh ~ pulicose, puce, fleabitten;immature
hairless rat
jargane ~ rockworm
jargit er ~ overcome, subdued
jarraghey ~ conform
jarroo ~ identical, express, absolute, actual,
explicit, indubitable
jarroo-chlagh ~ touchstone
jarroo-ghialdyn ~ solemn promise
jarroo-hohaght ~ absolute temperature
jarroo-leagh ~ real value
jarroo-neunhee ~ Absolute zero
jarroo-raa ~ shibboleth, axiom, motto
jarroo-vraar ~ blood-brother
jarrooagh ~ definitive, positive, affirmative,
predicative, confirmative, categorical
jarrooaghey ~ certify, verify, attest, certifying,
jarrooaghey credjue ~ confession of faith
jarrooaghey custym ~ customs declaration
jarrooaght ~ definiteness, certitude
jarroochlou ~ positive
jarrood ~ forget, leave out, overlook,
forgetfulness, reverie, oblivion
jarrood grammeydagh ~ solecism
jarroodagh ~ forgetful
jarrood(ey) ~ forget
jarroodeyder ~ forgetter
jarroodit ~ forgotten
jarroodys ~ omission
jarrooghey ~ vouch
jarrooid ~ positiveness
jarrooit ~ identified
jastan ~ layer, row, course
jastan tashid ~ damp course
jastanagh ~ rowed, layered
jastee ~ yeast, leaven, barm
jastee-hollan ~ sodium bicarbonate, baking soda
jasteeagh ~ yeasty, barmy
jasteeit ~ barmed, yeasted
jattan ~ enclosure
jatter ~ debtor, author
jatterys ~ authorship
jautter ~ debtor
jea ~ yesterday
jea hene ~ even yesterday
jeadagh ~ diligent, sincere, persevering, prudent,
tidy, assiduous, avid
jeadid ~ diligence, assiduity, tidiness,
jeadys ~ assiduity, tidiness, application,
sincerity, diligence, perseverance
jeaghyn ny yei ~ tend (as garden)
jean? ~ do? make? shall do?
jean airhey ~ corn marigold
Ny jean boirey! ~ Don't worry!
jean cosoylley eddyr ~ parallel
jean cronnane ~ buzz
jean leighoil ~ legalize
jean leshtal (er son) ~ excuse
jean lhimmey ~ make an exception
jean maihnys er ~ amnesty
jean ny smessey ~ exacerbate
Jean siyr! ~ Hurry up! Look alive!
Jean siyr myr te! ~ Hurry up then!
jeaneyder skeddan jiargey ~ kipperer
jeant ~ made, practised, complete, fashioned,
finished, performed, ended, rendered, right
jeant ass ~ made of
jeant bolvanagh (lesh) ~ besotted
jeant bouyr ~ deafened
jeant dooie ~ naturalized
jeant dy chadjin ~ frequent
jeant dy mie ~ well done
jeant giare ~ shortened
jeant gyn bree ~ abrogated
jeant jeh ~ made of
jeant magh ~ smug, satisfied, contented, endued
jeant mooar jeh ~ cherished
jeant noa-emshiragh ~ modernized
jeant ny s'gilley ~ lightened
jeant ny s'girrey ~ shortened
jeant rea ~ flattened
jeant ro-skee ~ over-fatigued
jeant rolaue ~ ready-made, prefabricated
jeant rour ~ overdone
jeant seyr-obbragh ~ automated
jeant shiast ~ sterilized
jeant 'sy thie ~ home-made
jeant wheesh ~ partly done
jeantagh ~ fabricator, performer, manufacturer,
doer, producer, practical, maker
jeantagh shiaull ~ sailmaker
jeantane ~ artefact
jeanteyr ~ constructor
jeantys ~ manufacture, construction,
manufactured goods
jeanymnee ~ chaste
jeas arroo ~ corncob
jeayn ~ darnel
jeays ~ joist
jeayst ~ sill, balk (timber), joist, sleeper
Jecrean ~ Wednesday
Jecrean ny Leoie ~ Ash Wednesday
Jecrean yn Vrah ~ Spy Wednesday
jed? ~ shall go? priest? clergyman? pa, daddy
jed mooar ~ grandfather
jedd ~ Jonah
jeddog ~ daddy
jeddylt ~ dovetail
Jedoonee ~ Sunday
Jedoonee chaie ~ last Sunday
Jedoonee Innyd ~ Quinquagesima
Jee ~ God, The Creator, The Almighty, The
Deity, Allah
jee ~ god, deity, godhead; to her
j'ee ~ of her
jee- ~ (prefix) dis-
jee-aarlaghey ~ disqualification, disqualify
jee-agglishaghey ~ secularize, impropriate
j ee-aggl i shey ~ l ai ci ze, secul ari ze,
secularization, laicization
jee-aggyrt ~ nonsuit
jee-ammyssagh ~ uncomplimentary
jee-argidaghey ~ desilverize
jee-armal ~ disarmament, disarm, disarming
jee-ashoonaghey ~ denationalization,
jee breagagh ~ Baal
j ee-charbnaghey ~ decarboni zat i on,
jee-chasherickey ~ deconsecrate
jee-chastey ~ derestrict
jee-cheeaylley ~ inadvisability
jee-cheyllaghey ~ deforestation, deforest
jee-chionaghey ~ decapitate, behead,
jee-chioneyder ~ headsman
jee-chlannaghey ~ depopulate, depopulation
jee-chleaney ~ declination, decline
jee-chleayney ~ declension
jee-choardey ~ discord
jee-chockal ~ uncock
jee-chosnee ~ dole
jee-choyrle ~ inadvisability
jee-chredjue ~ infidelity
jee-chreestaghey ~ dechristianize
jee-chumraagey ~ dissociation, dissociate
jee-eecklagh ~ edentate
jee-ennalys ~ breathlessness
jee-ghlooaghey ~ deglutinate
jee-ghorlaghey ~ disinfect, disinfection
jee-ghorleyragh ~ disinfectant
jee-ghorleyrane ~ disinfectant
jee-ghraidaghey ~ disrate
jee-hoaranaghey ~ deodorize
jee-hoarane ~ deodorant
jee-hymney ~ demobilize, demobilization
jee-hymsaghey ~ dissociation, dissociate
jee-jalloo ~ idol
jee-leaghee ~ depreciative
jee-leaghey ~ devalue, devaluation
jee-leagheyder ~ depreciator
jee-lughtaghey ~ discharge, disembarkation,
jee-lughtey ~ discharge
jee magheragh ~ lar
jee marrey ~ sea-god
jee-najooraghey ~ denaturation, denaturalize
jee-nearagh ~ nerveless
Jee ny Hoie ~ God of Hosts
jee-oailuckey ~ exhume
jee-oanluckey ~ disinter, disinterment,
exhumation, exhume
jee-ocsaidaghey ~ reduce
jee-ocsaideyr ~ reducer
jee-ocseedaghey ~ deoxidize
Jee ooilley niartal ~ Almighty God
jee-phobblaghey ~ depopulate, depopulation
jee-pholaraghey ~ depolarize
jee-railley ~ derailment
jee-raital ~ derate
jee-smooinaghtyn ~ want of thought
jee-ushtaghey ~ dehydration, dehydrate
jee-ushtit ~ dehydrated
jee-vagnaidaghey ~ demagnetization,
jee-veanaghey ~ decentralization, devolution,
decentralize, devolve
jee-villatey ~ demilitarization, demilitarize
jee-villatit ~ demilitarized
jee-vioyraghey ~ desensitize
jee-vioyreydey ~ desensitizer
jee-volgey ~ deflation, deflate
jee-vorfagh ~ amorphous
jee-voyllee ~ disparaging
jee-voylley ~ disparagement
jee-vunnaghey ~ disestablish, disestablishment
jee-vunneydagh ~ disestablishmentarian
jee-vunneydaght ~ disestablishmentarianism
Jee yn Ayr ~ God the father
jeeagh ~ look, see
jeeagh ny lurg ~ see to
jeeagh ny yei ~ see to
jeeagh ny yei er ~ look back
jeeagh stiagh er ~ look in
Jeeagh! ~ Lo! Look!
jeeaghey ~ deify, apotheosis, deification
jeeagheyder ~ spectator, viewer, voyeur
jeeaghit ~ shown
jeeaghit mysh ~ looked after
Yn Jeeaght ~ The Godhead
jeeaght ~ divinity, deity
jeeaghtagh ~ deist, theological
jeeaghteyr ~ theologian
Yn Jeeaghyn ~ Epiphany
jeeaghyn ~ watch, look, eye, behold, looking,
seeing, good looks, manifest
jeeaghyn da ~ showing, show
jeeaghyn er ~ look on, look upon, look at
jeeaghyn er ash ~ look back
jeeaghyn ersooyl ~ look away
jeeaghyn harrish ~ superintendence,
superintend, oversee, look round
jeeaghyn mysh ~ look after
jeeaghyn neose er ~ overlook
jeeaghyn ny hrooid ~ look through
jeeaghyn ny lurg ~ see to
jeeaghyn ny yei ~ look to, see to
jeeaghyn ny yei lieckan ~ look sideways
jeeaghyn (roish) ~ look forward
jeeaghyn seose ~ look up
jeeaghyn sheese ~ look down
jeeaghys ~ theism
jeean ~ earnest, intense, fervent, eager, keen,
diligent, sudden, intensive, zealous,
vehement, businesslike, ardent
jeean-aghin ~ importuning, earnest request
jeean-appee ~ sexually precocious
jeean-appeeys ~ precociousness
jeean-geearree (er) ~ implore
jeean-ghleashaght ~ violent motion, agitation
jeean-ghorley ~ disease (fast developing)
jeean-loayrt ~ assert
jeean-loayrtys ~ assertion
jeean noi bleaystanyn ~ shellproof
jeean-tastey ~ concentration (of mind)
jeeanagh ~ assiduous
jeeaney ~ more vehement, enforce,
jeeanid ~ proneness, intenseness, avidity,
eagerness, assiduity, earnestness, ardour,
zeal, enthusiasm, vehemence, fervour
jeeas [f] ~ ear, cob, blade of corn
jeeashagh ~ eared
jeeassag ~ small ear
jeeassagh ~ in ear
jeeasserey ~ gleaning
jeeasseyder ~ glean
jeeassragh ~ boll (as corn)
jeeassyragh ~ gleaning
jeebin ~ fishing net, net
jeebinagh ~ netlike
jeebinys ~ network
jeebyrt ~ sacrifice, expatriation
jeebyrt (drogh spyrryd) ~ exorcize
jeebyrtagh ~ outlaw
jeecheeayllagh ~ stupid
jeechoydal ~ decode
jeechoyder ~ decoder
jeechraueit ~ boned
jeechraughey ~ bone (as meat)
jeechummey ~ decompose, decomposition
jeed ~ of you, off thee
jeeg [f] ~ ditch, moat, gutter, trench
jeegagh ~ moated
jeeghtys ~ theology
jeehrullaghey ~ decontaminate
jeeig [f] ~ drain, waterway, cut, gully, ditch,
fosse, trench, conduit
jeeig choadee ~ entrenchment
jeeigagh ~ ditched
jeeiganagh ~ strain off
jeeigane ~ small ditch, surface drain, drop,
jeeiganeagh ~ rilly, draining
jeeiganey ~ drain
jeeigean ~ runnel, rill
jeeigey ~ ditching, tilt, ditch, drain, hollow,
exhaust, draining
jeeigeyder ~ ditcher
jeeigeydey ~ drainer
jeeigeyragh ~ exhausting
jeeigeyraghey ~ exhaust
jeeigeyrit ~ exhausted
jeeigeyrys ~ exhaustion
jeeigit ~ drained, ditched, tilted
jeeigit 'sy ghreeym ~ saddlebacked
jeeill ~ damage, waste (for produce see jeeyll)
jeeillagh ~ damaging, paying, wasteful,
jeeillaght ~ production
jeeillaght cheerey ~ production of a country
jeeilley ~ fee, pay, contribute, damage
jeeilleyder ~ waster, damager
jeeillit ~ damaged, mangled, worried (as sheep)
jeeillym ~ contribution
jeein ~ rain
jeeish ~ hers
jeel ~ dial
jeelagh ~ theocratic, draggled
jeelaghys ~ theocracy
jeelane ~ delaine, diary
jeelaneyder ~ diarist
jeeley ~ pay, dial, overflow, wetness (on
jeelsit ~ vested
jeelt ~ saddle, seat
jeelt-drommagh ~ saddlebacked
jeelt eairkagh ~ horned saddle
jeelt ferrish ~ Dryad's saddle
jeelt lhiattagh ~ side-saddle
jeelt ny ferrishyn ~ Dryad's saddle
jeelt ven ~ side-saddle, woman's saddle
jeeltagh ~ saddle
jeeltal ~ saddle
jeeltey ~ saddle
jeelteyr ~ saddler
jeelteyraght ~ saddlery
jeeltit ~ saddled
jeeltys ~ retaliation
jeeltyssagh ~ retaliatory
jeelym ~ cull, gleanings, selection, residue,
jeelym cooid ~ remnant
jeelymagh ~ residuary, residual
jeelys ~ faithful, steadfast, firm, devoted,
genuine, staunch, true-hearted, sincere
jeelysaght ~ faith, faithfulness, staunchness,
steadfastness, devotion
jeem ~ of me
jeen ~ dry, impermeable, staunch, proof,
weatherproof, waterproof, watertight
jeen noi ~ proof against, impervious
jeen noi aer ~ airtight
jeen noi aile ~ fireproof
jeen noi bleaystanys ~ bombproof
jeen noi broighid ~ dirtproof
jeen noi bulladyn ~ bulletproof
jeen noi burgleyrys ~ burglar-proof
jeen noi chiass ~ heat-proof
jeen noi cribbey ~ shrinkproof
jeen noi doralyn ~ puncture-proof
jeen noi fliaghey ~ rainproof
jeen noi gas ~ gas-proof
jeen noi joan ~ dust-proof
jeen noi loauys ~ rot-proof
jeen noi maarlee oie ~ burglar-proof
jeen noi mergey ~ rust-proof
jeen noi sharroo ~ acid-proof
jeen noi smarrey ~ greaseproof
jeen noi sterrym ~ stormproof
jeen noi tashid ~ damp-proof
jeen noi ushtey ~ waterproof
jeen noi'n earish ~ weather proof
jeen noi'n emshir ~ all-weather (clothes)
jeen noi'n gheay ~ windtight, windproof
jeen noi'n ghrian ~ sun-proof
jeen rish boalley ~ lean to
jeen shliawin ~ sliding roof
jeenagh ~ impermeable, resistant, rinsing,
staunch, waterproof
jeenaghey ~ rinse, roof, immunize
jeenaght ~ staunchness, imperviousness,
jeeney ~ stanch, caulk, immunization, proofing
jeeney noi ~ proof
jeeneyder ~ caulker
jeeneyder mergey ~ rust preventer
jeeneyder thie ~ roofer, tiler
jeeneysoar ~ dinosaur
jeengagh ~ jumpy
jeengaght ~ jumpiness
jeenid noi aer ~ airtightness
jeenlys ~ lantern
jeenymnee ~ chastity
jeenys ~ wedge, steady, quoin, chock
jeenys clou ~ underlay
jeenysagh ~ cuneiform, wedge-shaped
jeenysal ~ chock up, steady, embed, block (as
wheels), wedge, fasten down
jeenysey ~ chock up, wedging, steady, wedge
jeenysit ~ wedged, steadied
jeeoil ~ divine, godly, godlike
jeeoilagh ~ divine, theologian
jeeoilys ~ theology, divinity
jeer ~ indeed, verily, truly, actually
jeerag ~ jig
jeeragh ~ rigid, unerring, undeviating, straight,
straightforward, lineal; sincere, faithful; just,
outspoken, candid, downright, unequivocal,
honest, frank, outright, direct; erect,
plumb,fair and square, point-blank, true,
partly done, due, forthcoming, strict
jeeragh myr y cheilley ~ very same
jeeragh (roish) ~ straight ahead
jeeragh seose ~ vertical, raise, straight up
jeeragh tessyn voin ~ abeam
jeeraghan ~ perpendicular
jeeraghey ~ level, erect, unbend, point, aim,
focus, train (as gun), rectification, rectifier,
straightening, straighten
jeeraght ~ straightness
jeereyder ~ straightener, director
jeerid ~ straightness, alignment, candour,
directness, sincerity, strictness, honesty,
faithfulness, ingeniousness, frankness
jeerid loayrtys ~ plain-speaking
jeerid seose ~ verticalness
jeerit ~ straightened
jeerys ~ right, straightness, justice, rigidity
jees ~ two, couple, pair, both, brace, twain
jees as jees ~ in pairs, two by two
jees er y chlag ~ two o'clock
jeesaid ~ duet
jeesaidee ~ duettist
jeeskeaylley ~ resolution
jeeslaghan ~ dice
jeesley ~ die
jeesoil ~ binary
jeesonaght ~ theosophy
jeesoo ~ theosophist
jeest ~ creak, squeak
jeesternagh ~ grating
jeesternee ~ grind, rasping, rasp, grating,
jeestreaney ~ decontrol
jeestyrn ~ squeak
jeestyrnee ~ creaking, squeaking, grate
jeetrym jeeas ~ mare's tail
jeetym ~ diatom
jeevorralagh ~ amoral
jeevroojey ~ decompression
jeevroojeyder ~ decompressor
jeeyl ~ (for damage see jeeill), injury, damage,
havoc, harmfulness, vandalism, prejudice
jeeyl yoinagh ~ vandalism, wilful damage
jeeylag ~ nip
jeeylaghey ~ wasting
jeeyllagh ~ harmful, pernicious, prejudicial;
jeeyllal ~ damage
jeeylley ~ damage
jeeylleyder ~ vandal
jeeyllit ~ damaged
jeeys ~ godship, deism
Jeff ~ Geoffrey
jeh ~ of, from, of him, whereof, off
jeh- ~ (prefix) dis-
jeh ard prinsabyl ~ high-principled
jeh beggan feeuid ~ second rate
jeh beggan foaynoo ~ fameless
jeh beggan scansh ~ trivial, unimportant
jeh caghlaaghyn dy ghaah ~ varicoloured
jeh chash ~ wild, unruly, undisciplined (as
jeh-chiangley ~ disconnection, disconnect
jeh-chianglt ~ disconnected
jeh-chorpey ~ disembodied
jeh cummey baatey ~ navicular
jeh cummey cluig ~ bell-fashion
jeh cummey pearl ~ pearl-shaped
jeh cummey T ~ T-shaped
jeh daah coonlagh ~ straw-coloured
jeh daah leoh ~ ashy, ash-coloured
jeh daah ny leoaie ~ leaden
jeh daah y sneeshyn ~ snuff-coloured
jeh daah yn chrackan ~ flesh-coloured
jeh daah yn vaaish ~ ashy
jeh drogh ennym ~ ill-reputed
jeh e yoin hene ~ voluntarily, of his own
volition, spontaneously
jeh foaynoo mooar ~ famed, reputable, fabled,
celebrated, renowned, tipped
jeh gillid ny lilee ~ lily white
jeh hene ~ spontaneously
jeh jatterys neuhickyr ~ apocryphal
jeh lhag stayd ~ impotent
jeh Nalbin noa ~ Nova Scotian
jeh niart dorrinagh ~ storm force
jeh-raie ~ beyond control, ungovernable (as
jeh reih ~ preferably
jeh shen ~ thereof
jeh shenn veays ~ palaeozoic
y jeh shoh ~ this one
jeh sluight ~ extraction
jeh sorch mie ~ good class
jeh un aigney ~ undivided (of opinions)
jeh-voylley ~ censure, discommend, dispraise,
jeh y(i)oin ~ knowingly, purposely,
deliberately, intentionally, wilfully, willingly
Jeheiney ~ Friday
Jeheiney Caisht ~ Good Friday
jeh'n cheel ~ of the family
jeh'n cheid chummey ~ crack
jeh'n chenn sheihll ~ old world
jeh'n chenn yannoo ~ obsolete
jeh'n chied rang ~ first class
jeh'n chied rheynn ~ first class, high-class, first
jeh'n chredjue Raueagh ~ of the Romish faith
jeh'n Chreesteeaght ~ eucaristic
jeh'n 'eer-uill ~ full-bred
jeh'n ennym ~ yclept
jeh'n joushan ~ unhinged
jeh'n nah ghraid ~ second class
jeh'n nah rheynn ~ second division
jeh'n theay ~ colloquial
jeh'n traa ~ scratch
jeh'n traa t'ayn nish ~ present-day
jeh'n treeoo brastyl ~ third class, third rate
jeh'n uill ~ well-bred (of animal)
jeh'n un chlein ~ consanguine
jeh'n un daah ~ unicoloured
jeh'n un' stabyl ~ stable companion
Jeh'n un 'uill ~ consanguine
jeh'n un vooinjerys ~ consanguine
jeh'n vee shoh chaie ~ ultimo
jeh'n vee shoh cheet ~ prox, proximo
jeh'n vullagh ~ topnotch
jei ~ afterwards, after, behind
ny jei ~ after her
jei-cheeayllagh ~ retarded, backward
jei-hushtagh ~ imbecile
jei-hushtaght ~ imbecility
jei shoh ~ henceforth
jeianagh ~ recent, last, late
jeianaghey ~ modernize
jeianaght ~ modernism
jeianit ~ modernized
jeianys ~ modernism
jeid ~ industry (speed), sharpness, keenness,
jeidey ~ toothache
jeidid ~ nerviness
jeig ~ teen
jeigeyr ~ teenager
jeigh ~ shut, close, close up, shutting, closing
Jeigh dty ghob! ~ Shut up!
jeigh magh ~ shut out
jeigh seose ~ confine
jeigh stiagh ~ blockade, close in, shut in
jeighder ~ shutter, closer
jeight ~ closed, shut
jeight mooie ~ shut out, locked out
jeigyn ~ teens
jeih ~ ten
jeih- ~ proper, correct (as behaviour), chosen,
jeih-aighney ~ patronage
jeih-aignagh ~ right-minded, right-thinking,
jeih-aigney ~ goodwill
jeih-aigney feerid ~ bona fides
Jeih Annaghyn ~ Ten Commandments
jeih as daeed ~ fifty
jeih as feed ~ thirty
jeih-bleeaney ~ decade
jeih cheeadoo ~ thousandth
jeih-choardailys ~ good feeling
jeih-chommeeys ~ good fellowship
jeih-chowrey ~ hopeful sign
jeih-chreeagh ~ well-meant, big-hearted
jeih-ellynys ~ gentlemanliness
jeih-ennaghtyn ~ good-feeling
jeih filley ~ ten-fold
jeih-gheintyn ~ eugenics
jeih-gheintynagh ~ eugenic
jeih-ghrooishagh ~ pleasant featured
jeih-heeanagh ~ euphonic
jeih-heelagh ~ decasyllable
jeih-heyraanaght ~ good citizenship
jeih-hoaral ~ aromatic
jeih-hoiggaltys ~ perfect knowledge
jeih keead ~ thousand
jeih-lheeanys ~ euphony
jeih-loayrtagh ~ well-spoken, civil-spoken
jeih-medyr ~ decimetre, metre
jeih-obbraghyn ~ good works
jeih-ocklagh ~ well-spoken, eloquent
jeih-raait ~ well-worded
jeih-reirit ~ well-conducted
jeih-thousane ~ myriad
jeih-veays ~ etiquette
jeih-ven ~ good sort of woman
jeih-veysagh ~ well-conducted
jeih-vleenagh ~ decennial
jeih-vonney ~ good omen
jeih-yannoo ~ good deed
jeih yantagh ~ good-liver
jeih-ymmyrkey ~ kind conduct
jeihagane ~ decagon
jeihaganeagh ~ decagonal
jeihagh ~ denary
jeihaght ~ decade, ten
jeihagram ~ decigram, decagram
jeihaliter ~ decalitre
jeihoil ~ decimal
jeihoilaghey ~ decimalization, decimalize
jeihoilan ~ decimal
jeihoilan aahaghyrt ~ recurring decimal
jeihoilys ~ decimalization
jeihoo ~ tenth
jeihoo as feed ~ thirtieth
jeihoo as kiare feed ~ ninetieth
jeihoo as tree feed ~ seventieth
jeinagh ~ modern
jeinaght ~ recentness
jeir ~ tear, teardrop, spot, lachrymal,
jeir-ghas ~ tear-gas
jeir-gheintynagh ~ lachrymatory
jeir limon ~ lemon-drop
jeir-'liugh ~ tear-stained
jeir 'oalsey ~ crocodile tears
jeir-phianaghey ~ agonize
jeir-phianjagh ~ agonizing
jeir vreagagh ~ crocodile tears
jeirag ~ penurious woman
jeiragh ~ mournful, tearful, lachrymal
jeirk ~ alms, largesse
jeirk Pheddyr ~ St. Peter's Pence
jeirkagh ~ impecunious, benevolent, benefit (as
match), pauper, cadger, beggar, almsman
jeirkaght ~ impecuniosity
jeirkal ~ beg
jeirkee er mooin cabbyl ~ newly rich
jeirkeydagh ~ alms-giver, almoner
jeirkeydys ~ alms giving
jeirkid ~ paupery, beggary, pauperism
jeirkys ~ alms collection
jeirnagh ~ lachrymose
jeirneen ~ a small tear drop
jeirnyn gortey ~ scalding taers
jeirnys ~ lamentation, weeping
jeirr ~ shingles
jeiryn Yee ~ fuchsia (flowers)
jeish ~ of an ear of corn
Jelhein ~ Monday
jelleen ~ reciprocal
jelleenagh ~ reciprocal
jelliu ~ warp (wood)
jelliu traa ~ timewarp
jelliuder ~ warper
jelliuit ~ warped
Jelune ~ Monday, on Monday
Jelune Caisht ~ Easter Monday
Jelune Kingeesh ~ Whit Monday
Jelune Shiaullee ~ Easter Monday
Jemayrt ~ Tuesday
Jemayrt Innyd ~ Shrove Tuesday, pancake day
jemjane ~ demijohn
jeneeve ~ gin, hollands
jengleyr ~ wrangler, disputant, bickerer
jengleyragh ~ wrangling, bickering, disputatious
jengleyrys ~ disputation, bickering, wrangling
jenshyn ~ gentian
Jeoiragh ~ Dewar
jeoraghey ~ limit
jeoraght ~ limit
jeoraght eash ~ age limit
jeorey ~ limit
jeorit ~ limited
Jerdein ~ Thursday
Jerdein Caisht ~ Maunday Thursday
Jerdein Casherick ~ Holy Thursday
Jerdein Chorp Chreest ~ Corpus Christi, Holy
Jerdein Frastyl ~ Ascension Day
jerkal ~ expect
jerkallagh ~ expectant, expectative, optimist,
hopeful, expecter, optimistic
jerkallaght ~ hopefulness
jerkallys ~ expectation, hope, optimism, trust,
jerkallys beg ~ faint hope
jerkallys-vea ~ life expectancy
jerkeyder ~ optimist, expecter
jerkit ~ expected
jerkyn ~ jerkin
jerlyn ~ darnel
jerlyn vooar ~ darnel-fesque
jerree ~ stern, terminal, posterior, closing, hind,
hindmost, backmost, concluding
jerrey ~ end, closure, finish, closing, bottom,
finale, stern, expiry, expiration, extreme,
termination, conclusion, close, back (of
cart), effect, hinderpart, offal
Jerrey Arree ~ April
jerrey cloie ~ no-side
jerrey follit ~ by-end
Jerrey Fouyir ~ October
Jerrey Geuree ~ January
jerrey lhuingey ~ run
jerrey shiaghtin ~ weekend
Jerrey Souree ~ July
jerrey yn imbagh ~ late season
jerrinagh ~ end, latter, last, final, belated,
concluding, utmost, foregoing, eventual,
conclusive, closing, finalist, rearmost,
hindmost, ultimate, late (of fruit), absolute
jerrinaght ~ absoluteness, finality
jerriuid ~ actuality, truth
Jersee ~ Jersey
jervish ~ dervish
Jesarn ~ Saturday
jesh ~ rightwing, righthand, starboard;nice,
smart, felicitous, elegant, ready, tidy,
groomed, adept, neat, seemly, becoming,
suitable, fancy, trim
jesh-chliaghtagh ~ ceremonial, ceremonious
jesh-chliaghtaghys ~ ceremonial
jesh-chliaghtey ~ ceremony, ceremonial
jesh da ~ applicable
jesh-focklagh ~ voluble, eloquent
jesh-focklaght ~ eloquence
jesh-laueagh ~ ambidext(e)rous, deft, adroit,
adept, handy, slick, dexterous
jesh-laueaght ~ ambidexterity, apt (scholar),
aptitude, slickness
jesh-laueys ~ handiness, ambidexterity,
jesh-loayrtagh ~ silver-tongued, fair-spoken,
jesh-loayrtys ~ elocution
jesh-'ocklaght ~ repartee
jesh-ockle ~ ready reply
jesh-ymmyrkagh ~ ritualistic
jesh-ymmyrkey ~ ritualism
jeshag ~ righthander
jeshagh ~ smart, righthanded, illumination
jeshaghan ~ wardrobe
jeshaghey ~ dress, smarten, arrange, grace, tidy,
make up, trim, service, toilet
jeshaghey lesh caslyssagh ~ illustrate
jeshaghey lesh daahghyn ~ illuminate
jeshaghey ny laueyn ~ manicure
jeshaght ~ engine, machine, instrument,
locomotive, contraption, utensil
jeshaght ayns cummey V ~ V-type engine
jeshaght Charnot ~ Carnot engine
jeshaght chianglee ~ packing machine
jeshaght chlouag ~ stamp machine
jeshaght chlouderagh ~ printing machine
jeshaght choearrooee ~ numbering machine
jeshaght-deillit ~ machine-turned
jeshaght earroo ~ calculating machine
jeshaght etlan ~ aero-engine
jeshaght heaumee ~ pumping engine
jeshaght hiass ~ heat engine
jeshaght hoshee ~ starting engine, pilot engine
jeshaght hroggalagh ~ hoisting engine
jeshaght-jeant ~ machine-made
jeshaght nittal ~ knitting machine
jeshaght ooill ~ oil engine
jeshaght phingey ~ penny-in-the-slot machine
jeshaght reihys ~ voting machine
jeshaght reuyree ~ cultivating machine
jeshaght reuyrey ~ rotavator
jeshaght skiootagh ~ jet engine
jeshaght sthampal ~ punching machine
jeshaght tayrn ~ traction engine
jeshaght vess ~ fruit machine
jeshaght voteilagh ~ bottling machine
jeshaght vroillee ~ riveter
jeshaght vuinn ~ mower, reaping machine
jeshaghteyr ~ machinist, engineer
jeshaghteyr coyrlee ~ consulting engineer
jeshaghteyr lectraghys ~ electrical engineer
jeshaghteyr lhuingey ~ marine engineer
jeshaghteyr shivoil ~ civil engineer
jeshaghteyrys ~ engineering
jeshaghteyrys lhuingey ~ marine engineering
jeshaghteyrys marrey ~ marine engineering
jeshaghtys ~ machinery, instrumentation
jeshaghtys ushtey-obbragh ~ hydraulic
jeshal ~ hemp agrimony, clockwise
jeshee ~ lay (the table)
jesheen ~ ornament, trinket, adornment
jesheen wannalagh ~ necklace
jesheenag ~ cosmetic
jesheenagh ~ ornamental, cosmetic, showy,
dressy, decorative, set off, ornate
jesheenaghey ~ embellish, emblazon, bedeck,
decorate, set, garnish, prank, adornment,
dress, preen, renovation, adorn, titivate,
painting, painting trade
jesheenaghey chibbraghyn ~ well-dressing
jesheenaghey lesh fleayst ~ fillet
jesheeney ~ ornament
jesheeneyder ~ garnisher, decorator,
jesheeneyder fuilt ~ coiffeur
jesheeneyder shamyr ~ interior decorator
jesheenit ~ decorated, got up, set off
jesheenit lesh cliejeenyn ~ gemmed
jesheenys ~ ornamentation, decor, trimmings,
embellishment, finery, decoration
jeshey ~ trim
jesheydane ~ reference book
jesheyder ~ illuminator, finisher
jeshid ~ righthandedness;nicety, seemliness,
neatness, smartness, suitability, propriety,
applicability, elegance
jeshid eaddee ~ sartorial elegance
jeshid laue ~ deftness
jeshit ~ smartened, neatened
jessamin ~ yellow jasmine
Jessoon ~ Desmond
jeu ~ of them
jeushan ~ hinge
jeushanit ~ hinged
jeyd ~ daddy
jeyllagh ~ wasteful
jeyllaghey ~ bedraggle
jialg [f] ~ thorn, broochpin, spine, prick, quill,
needle, prickle, pin of pulley, acanthus
jialg broghil ~ brooch
jialg chianglee ~ belaying pin
jialg chleayshey ~ ear-prick
jialg fuilt ~ hairpin
jialg gheaylin ~ shoulder brooch
jialg ghorrys ~ latchet
jialg oashyr ~ knitting needle
jialg varrey ~ skateworm
jialg vrasnee ~ spur
jialgagh ~ spiny, prickly, thorny, spiniferous
jialgaghey ~ pin, pinning, prickle
jialgan ~ spinule
jialgan sonney ~ sea scorpion
jialgane ~ nereid, ragworm, rockworm
jialgane mooar ~ king ragworm
jialgane y ree ~ king ragworm
jialganeagh ~ ragworm, rockworm, nereid
jialgheer ~ lizard
jialgit ~ pinned
jiarg ~ red, sanguine, ruddy, bloodshot, rouge,
gules, glowing, stark, florid, live, burning,
abandoned, fair (intensive), turned (as land)
jiarg- ~ arrant, egregious, gross, rank, crass
jiarg almoraght ~ crass ignorance
jiarg as doo ~ rouge et noir
jiarg-cheh ~ burning hot, scalding hot, red hot,
jiarg-chorree ~ outrage, furious, very angry,
raging, extreme anger
jiarg-chorree er ~ fuming
jiarg Damaskagh ~ damask colour
jiarg-eulys ~ madness, terrible rage
jiarg-eulyssagh ~ hysterical, raging
jiarg-ghrayn ~ irreconcilable hatred
jiarg ghrooishagh ~ red-faced
jiarg-ghwoaie ~ deadly hatred
jiarg-hooillagh ~ red-eyed
jiarg-lettyragh ~ red letter
jiarg-lieckanagh ~ red-cheeked
jiarg loshtee ~ burning, red-hot
jiarg-lossanagh ~ flame-red
jiarg-lossey ~ burning
jiarg neealagh ~ red-faced, ruddy-complexioned
jiarg nieu ~ rank poison
jiarg-noid ~ mortal enemy, rabid enemy
jiarg ommidys ~ crass stupidity
jiarg-phoodyr ~ jeweller's rouge
jiarg-rooisht ~ stark naked
jiarg-ruy ~ sorrel
jiarg-scarleod ~ vermilion
jiarg-vaghteyryssagh ~ hypercritical
jiarg-vitchoor ~ a thorough rogue, double-dyed
jiarg-voghtynid ~ arrant nonsense
jiargagh ~ rubicund, erubescent, blushing
jiargaghey ~ redden, flush, blush, glow
jiargan ~ rudd
jiargan sniaghtee ~ redwing
jiarganagh ~ young mouse
jiargey ~ sore, chafe, red
yn jiargey ~ bloody flux
jiargeyder ~ reddener
jiargid ~ redness, grossness, reddishness
jiargit ~ reddened, rouged
Ny Jiargyn ~ The Reds
jiass ~ south, southern, southerly, southward,
jiass gys y sheear ~ south by west
jiass gys y shiar ~ south by east
jiass jeeragh ~ due south
jiass sheear yiass ~ south-south-west
jiass shiar yiass ~ south-south-east
jiassagh ~ southerner, southsider
jiassid ~ southerliness
jiastyn ~ barm, yeast, leaven
jiastynagh ~ yeasty, barmy
jibbag ~ human copulation, coition, sexual
intercourse, lay, sex
jiblassyn ~ giblets
jibraght ~ dribble
Jibraltey ~ Gibraltar
jibrey ~ dribble
jifrealagh ~ differential
jig? ~ shall come?
Ny Jig Stiagh ~ No Entry
jiggyr ~ jigger, jig
jilg ~ thorns
jimmee ~ went
jin ~ of us
jing ~ ding, crush, wedge
jing-jang ~ ding-dong
jingagh ~ wedge-shaped
jingane ~ gingham
jingey ~ shove, crush, cram, crowd, jam, throng,
press, crowd up, ram home, let in, quoin,
embed, wedge; indentation, shoving,
thronging, crowding, wedging
jingey magh ~ crowd out
jingey (roish) ~ press forward, move along,
shove forward
jingey stiagh ~ crowd in, press in, shove up
jingey traaght ~ traffic jam
jingeyder ~ shover, crammer, crusher, presser
jingeyder ushtey ~ squeegee
jingit ~ packed, jammed, crammed, cramped,
pressed, squat, crowded, thronged, crushed,
squeezed, wedged
jingleyr ~ wrangler
jingleyragh ~ jangle, jangly, wrangling
jingleyrys ~ wrangling, jangling
jingoe ~ dingo
jingyr ~ custody
jinlag ~ cocktail
Jinn ~ Jane
jinn ~ jinnee
Jinnag ~ Janet, Jenny
jinnag sneeuee ~ spinning jenny
jinnagh? ~ would do?
jinnair ~ dinner
jinnair beg ~ high tea
jinnairagh ~ prandial, dine out, diner, of dinner
Jinnee ~ Jane
jinnee ~ genie
Jinnee ghorrym ~ blue titmouse
jinnin? ~ would I do?
ny jinnyn ~ travelling people
jinshar ~ ginger
jioinagh ~ free will, deliberate
jioinaght ~ deliberateness
jiolane ~ mop
jiole ~ nurse, suck, nourish, draw, sucking
jiole-phiob ~ siphon
jiole seose ~ mop up, mop, swab, absorb,
jiole voish ~ sponging
jioleagh ~ sucking, absorbing, absorbent
jiolee ~ sucking-fish
jioleydagh ~ sponging
jioleyder ~ sponger, sucker, swab, mop
jiolgan atchimagh ~ dinosaur
jiolgan leaghyr ~ lizard
jiolit ~ mopped up, sucked
jiolit seose ~ absorbed, mopped up
jiollag ~ leech
jiollag chabbil ~ horse leech
jionagh ~ free will
jioogh ~ greedy, gluttonous, avid, voracious,
jioogh son fuill ~ bloodthirsty
jiooghaltagh ~ revenger, devouring (with fire),
jiooghid ~ greed, gluttony, avidity,
voraciousness, insatiability
jiooghid folley ~ bloodthirstiness
jiooid ~ voraciousness (appetite)
jiooldag ~ reject
jiooldagh ~ nauseating, bilious, nauseous,
squeamish, revolting, sickly, negative,
jiooldaghey ~ non-acceptance, dissent,
jiooldaght ~ biliousness, squeamishness,
sickliness, rejection, nausea, negativity,
jiooldey ~ reject, eliminate, exclude, dismiss,
dissent, repudiate, cast off, refuse, disown,
negate, negation, disclaim, negative, spurn,
deny, traverse, rejection, renouncement,
jiooldey-caggey ~ non-aggression
jiooldey feddanagh ~ capillarity
jiooldey glen ~ a downright no
jiooldeyder ~ dissenter, rejector, disclaimer,
jiooldeyr ~ discarder
jiooldid ~ nauseousness
jiooldit ~ cast, rejected, refused, spurned,
jiooldys ~ revulsion
jiootee ~ duty
jiormey ~ draft
jiornage ~ skein
jir ~ shall say
jirgid ~ redness, ruddiness, blush, glow
jirgid stronney ~ grog blossom
jirkin ~ short jacket
jirragh? ~ would say?
jirrin? ~ would I say?
jishag ~ papa, pa, daddy
jishag mooar ~ grandpa, grandfather, granddad
Jishag y Nollick ~ Father Christmas
jishig ~ father, pappa
jiu ~ today, of you, nowadays
jiu hene ~ even today, this very day
jiulean ~ temporary resident, lodger for short
time, vassal, cotler, husbandman
jiuleanagh ~ hireling
jiuleaney ~ sojourn
jiuleanys ~ sojourning, cotlery, vassalage,
jivane ~ divan
Joan ~ Joan
joan ~ dust, very fine ash
joan airhey ~ gold dust
joan breekey ~ brick dust
joan geayil ~ coal dust
joan y tuinney ~ cosmic dust
joan yiarn ~ iron filings
joanagh ~ powdery, dusty
joaney ~ dust
joanit ~ powdered
joanlagh ~ Scotch mist, drizzle, dusty
joanlee ~ drizzly
joarey ~ division of land, boundary, borderline,
sheading, border
joareyder ~ borderer
joarree ~ odd, peculiar, remarkable, foreign,
strange, outlander, outlandish, bizarre,
unfamiliar, outsider, alien, stranger
joarree-feohder ~ xenophobe
joarreeagh ~ banish
joarreeaght ~ exile, peculiarity, unfamiliarity,
foreignness, banishment, foreign place
joarreeys ~ exile, alienness, strangeness,
foreign place, banishment, foreignness
joarrey ~ term
join ~ remoteness, distance, time past, accord,
intention, volition
joinagh ~ wilful, willing, voluntary,
spontaneous, remote, intentional
joinaght ~ spontaneousness
jointree ~ voluntary (music)
jokal ~ yoke, yoking
jokit ~ yoked
jolgan-taarnee ~ brontosaurus
jollickey ~ play ducks and drakes
jollys ~ greed, appetite, voraciousness,
jollys-skeet ~ voyeur
jollysid ~ greed, avidity, rapaciousness,
immoderation, voraciousness
jollyssagh ~ greedy, avid, rapacious, insatiable,
immoderate, voracious
jollyssid ~ greed, insatiability
jolt ~ drop
joltag ~ whiteworm
joltagh ~ prancer, weaving, prancing, traversing
joltaghey ~ weave, traverse, prance
joltee ~ rash, hasty
joltey ~ weaving
jolteyder ~ prancer
Jonee ~ Joan, Judith
jonnick ~ fair, correct (as behaviour)
jonse ~ jolt, buck jump, wince, shy
jonseragh ~ wince, buck, shy, jolt, shying,
jonsey ~ wince, wincing
jonseyder ~ shyer, wincer
Jooart ~ Duart
joodeenagh ~ duodenal
joodeenym ~ duodenum
jooid ~ greed
Jool ~ Julius
joost ~ joust
joostey ~ joust, jousting
Jorby ~ Jurby
Josee ~ Joseph
Joseph ~ Joseph
jough [f] ~ drink, tipple, booze, potion,
potation, beverage
jough chadlee ~ sleeping drug, sleeping draught
jough cheyl ~ beer
jough eig ~ flat beer
jough feill vart ~ beef tea
jough ghlass ~ soft drink
jough ghraih ~ (love) philter
jough heh ~ hot drink
jough hilgee ~ emetic
jough-hingys ~ hangover
jough laanee ~ elixir
jough lajer ~ liquor, strong drink
jough laynt ~ pick-me-up, tonic, toast (drink)
jough lheeys ~ dose, draught of medicine
jough lhie-hoalley ~ caudle
jough limon ~ lemon squash
jough oie ~ nightcap
jough oohey ~ egg flip
jough ourallagh ~ libation
jough scoaldagh ~ raw drink
jough Venedictagh ~ Benedictine
jough vestallagh ~ intoxicant
jough villish ~ sweet drink
jough vioyral ~ cordial, pop
jough volley ~ mead
jough y 'luggey ~ to have a wet
jough y Nollick ~ Christmas drink
jough yn dorrys ~ stirrup cup, parting drink
joughlan ~ lounge bar
jouish ~ shears
jouishyn ~ edging shears
jouishyn baaree ~ pruning shears, secateurs
jouishyn keyrragh ~ sheep-shears
jourym ~ dram
joushag ~ shrew, termagant, sharper
joushagagh ~ shrewish
joushagaght ~ shrewishness
jouyil ~ devils
jouyl ~ demon, devil
Yn Jouyll ~ The Devil, Satan
jouyll boght ~ blighter
jouyllagh ~ satanic, devilish, demoniac,
jouyllaght ~ diabolicalness, devilishness
jouylleen ~ imp, villain
joynal ~ join, joining
joyneyder ~ joiner
joyneyderys ~ joinery
joynit ~ joined
juail ~ deprival, total loss, deprivation, loss
juailey ~ deprive
juailit ~ deprived
juaillit ~ wasted
juailys ~ total loss, loss, deprival, deprivation
Juan ~ John
Juan Boght ~ poor cod, dorse
Juan Doo ~ coalfish; blackbacked gull
Juan Gorree ~ John Dory
Juan Gorrym ~ sea
Juan Haink Noal ~ immigrant, newcomer, come-
Juan Joarree ~ John Dory, dory
Juan Mooar ~ black backed gull
Juan shooyl ~ cheapjack
Juan y Phaiyl ~ John son of Paul
jubilee ~ jubilee
jucklagh ~ broom
jughtee ~ remoteness
juist ~ bowl
juist glasserey ~ vegetable dish
juit ~ jute
jummal ~ waste, fritter, squander, dissipate,
dissipation, wastefulness, squanderer
jummalid ~ wastefulness, prodigality
jummalit ~ wasted, squandered
jummallagh ~ wasteful personspendthrift
jummal(l)ys ~ spendthrift, squanderer, waster,
squandering, improvidence, wastefulness,
wasting, extravagance, wastage, prodigality,
waste, lavishing, prodigal, wastrel, wasteful,
thriftless, improvident, extravagant
jummaltagh ~ wasteful, big spender, squanderer,
waster, lavishing, lavisher
jummit ~ wasted, blued (as money)
junkey ~ junk
junt ~ seam, joint, commissure
junt craue-drommey ~ vertebra
junt filltagh ~ lap-joint
junt rubbit ~ wipe-joint
junt T ~ T union
juntagh ~ articular, jointed
juntaghey ~ join, seaming, jointing, joint,
juntaghys ~ joinery
juntal ~ seam, jointing, joint, seaming
juntee ~ join
juntey ~ joint, jointing
junteyder ~ jointer
juntit ~ articulated, seamed
juntyn sheeynt ~ sprained joints
juntys ~ jointing, joining
jurnaa ~ journey, trip, sea crossing, expedition
jurnaa baatey ~ boat passage (on ship)
jurnaaghagh ~ nomad
jurnaaghey ~ journey, travel, travelling,
jurnaaghys ~ itineracy
jurnaahys ~ journeying, travel
jurneilee ~ jobber
jurnyl ~ journal
juys ~ conifer, fir, pine, pine tree, pinewood
juys Albinagh ~ larch, Scots pine
juys Austeragh ~ Austrian pine
juys doo ~ Austrian pine
juys emlogeagh ~ hemlock fir
juys Frangagh ~ silver pine
juys Ghoolish ~ Douglas fir
juys kaig ~ pinewood
juys lhean ~ Monterey pine
juys Loghlinagh ~ Norway pine, spruce
juys millish ~ stone pine
juys Nollick ~ Christmas tree
juys rosinagh ~ pitch pine
juys ruy ~ akamatsu
juys Sostynagh ~ Weymouth pine
juyssagh ~ piny, bog pine
jymmoogh ~ wroth, angry
jymmoosagh ~ angry, raging, indignant,
displeased, chagrined, furious, vengeful
jymmoose ~ anger, rage, ire, wrath, fury,
indignation, furiousness, chagrin, displeasure
jymmoosey ~ annoy greatly
jymmoosit ~ annoyed
jyst ~ dish
jyst baaree ~ shaving dish
jyst eeymey ~ butter dish
jyst mess ~ fruit dish
jyst poddash ~ porringer
jyst pye ~ pie dish
jyst soo ~ jam dish
jystey ~ of a dish
K.T.F. ~ V.A.T
kaakys ~ caucus
kaart ~ quart, charter, card
kaart ayndagh ~ index card
kaart bashtee ~ christening card
kaart bee ~ bill of fare
kaart cheerey ~ map
kaart combaase ~ compass card
kaart coonlee ~ strawboard
kaart dellal ~ business card
kaart enmey ~ visiting card
kaart entreilys ~ admission card
kaart fogree ~ showcard
kaart geayee ~ wind-chart
kaart Laa'l Valentine ~ Valentine
kaart marrey ~ chart
kaart mooar ~ trump
kaart Nollick ~ Christmas card
kaart ny feeyney ~ wine list
kaart olley ~ card (of wool)
kaart post ~ postcard
kaart ruggyree ~ birthday card
kaart skensh ~ scorecard
kaart slaynt ~ get well card
kaartey ~ card
kaarteyder ~ carder
kaarteyr ~ mapmaker
kaarteyrys ~ mapmaking
kaartgraafagh ~ cartographical
kaartgraafee ~ cartographer
kaartgraafeeaght ~ cartography
kaartit ~ carded (as wool), chartered
kaartyn ~ cards
Kaesaragh ~ Caesarean
kahngyr ~ carcinoma, malignancy
kahngyragh ~ malignant, carcinomous
kalkey ~ caulk
kalkeyder ~ caulker
kameelyan ~ chameleon
kangaroo ~ kangaroo
kanghyr ~ cancer
kanghyr ny breinney ~ cancer of the womb
kanghyr scowanagh ~ lung cancer
kanghyraagh ~ cancerous
kanghyrey ~ cancerate
kankeen ~ tankard
Kanys ta shiu? ~ How are you?
kanys? ~ how? whereby?
Yn Kargys ~ Lent
Kargyssagh ~ Quadragesimal, Lenten
karismey ~ charisma
karraghey ~ fix, repair, revise, darn, patch,
doctor, overhaul; cobbling, revision
karraghey (braagyn) ~ cobble
karreyder ~ repairer
karreyder bayrey ~ roadmender
karreyder caair ~ chair-mender
karrit ~ repaired, cobbled
Kate ~ Kate, Katie
Katleen ~ Kathleen
Katreeney ~ Katherine
kay [f] ~ fog, haze, cloud, top (of milk), blur
(on mirror)
kay arctagh ~ arctic smoke
kay phlooghee ~ smog
kay vooghee ~ smog
kay wuigh ~ pea-souper
kayagh ~ misty
kayar ~ coir
kayaraght ~ mistiness
kayeeagh ~ hazy, misty, nebulous, foggy
kayeeaght ~ fogginess, haziness, mistiness
kayid ~ mistiness, fogginess
kaylee ~ ceilidh
kaylif ~ caliph
kaysheel ~ Satan
kayt ~ feline, cat, puss
kayt Americaanagh ~ ocelot
kayt billey ~ marten
kayt breck ~ tortoise-shell cat, tabby cat
kayt cuttagh ~ Manx cat
kayt feie ~ tiger cat
kayt firryn ~ tom cat
kayt injinagh ~ mongoose
kayt lhuingey ~ ship's cat
kayt Manninagh ~ Manx cat
kayt marrey ~ catfish
kayt ny giark ~ ferret, polecat
kayt ny keylley ~ wild cat
kayt ny miljyn ~ pine marten
Kayt ny mraagyn ~ Puss in Boots
kayt oaldey ~ wild cat
kayt spoiyt ~ neutered tomcat, gibcat
kayteen ~ catkin, cat's tail
kaytlag ~ catfish
kaytoil ~ catlike, feline
keain ~ sweet-tempered, tender (of memory)
keainal ~ fond, lenient, civil (as person),
accommodating, obliging
keainallys ~ obligingness
keainey ~ cherish
keainid ~ kindness, natural affection,
tenderness (of memory, heart)
keainit ~ cherished
keanagh ~ cottony, cotton
kearnagh ~ infantryman
kease ~ buttock, rump, quarter
kease vuickey jaaghit ~ gammon
keay ~ coulter-holder, pier
keayin ~ of (the) sea
keayll ~ soundness
keayllagh ~ witty
keayn ~ sea
Yn Keayn ny h-Arabaght ~ The Arabian Gulf
Yn Keayn Sheealtagh ~ The Pacific Ocean
Yn Keayn Sheear ~ The Atlantic Ocean
Yn Keayn Twoaie ~ The North Sea
keaynagh ~ lachrymose, lamenting, blubbery
keayney ~ cry, wail, weep, mourn, lament,
deplore, greet, weeping, mourning,
lamentation, wailing, keening, lamenting,
crying, weeping; keen-minded
keayneydagh ~ weepy
keayneyder ~ blubberer, crier (weeper),
lamenter, wailer, weeper, greeter
keaynoil ~ lamentable, mournful
keayntagh ~ seasider
keayrt [f] ~ tour of inspection, round, staying,
circuit, sojourn, visit, progress, a round trip,
stay, lap, once, call (visit), circle (visit),
visitation, occassion
keayrt elley ~ once more
keayrt ennagh ~ sometime
keayr t - hi aul l ey ~ ci r cumnavi gat e,
keayrt-hiaulteyr ~ circumnavigator
keayrt-hooyllagh ~ circumrotatory
keayrt ny ghaa ~ on several occassions, many a
keayrt 'sy chegeesh ~ fortnightly, bi-monthly
keayrt 'sy daa vee ~ bi-monthly
keayrt vooar ~ Bishop's visitation, great circle
keayrtagh ~ tripper, touristic, visitor, caller,
circulating, occasional, periodic
keayrtagh kione shiaghtin ~ weekender
keayrtaghan oie ~ night patrol
keayrtaghey ~ circulate, circulating
keayrtey ~ calling
ny keayrtyn ~ sometimes, many a time
keayrtyn ny ghaa ~ oftentimes
keays ~ buttock
keaysley ~ paddle
keck ~ dung, faeces, excrement, droppings,
ordure, crap, shit
keck beisteig ~ wormcast
keck moddee ~ dog dung
keck quaillag ~ fly-blow
keck 'sy phurt ~ stick in the mud, non-starter
keck y vooa ~ cow dung
keckagh ~ shitty, excremental
keckey ~ shit, excretion, defecate, dung,
excrete, dunging, shitting, defecation
yn keckey shooyl ~ dysentery
keckeyder ~ shitter
keckit ~ defecated
kecklys ~ night soil
kecksee ~ good-for-nothing, dirty person
keddin ~ selfsame, same, very
kedjeree ~ kedgeree
kee ~ breast
keead ~ century, hundred
keead blein ~ centenary
keead blein d'eash ~ centennial
keead-choshagh ~ centipede
keead filley ~ hundredfold
keead liauyr ~ long hundred
keead mooar ~ long hundred
keead punt ~ cental
keead 'sy cheead ~ hundred percent
keead-vleineyr ~ centenarian
keeadagh ~ centuple
keeadoil ~ centesimal
keeadoo ~ hundredth
keeagh ~ nipple, teat (of woman), breast, pap,
keeagh-chrooagh ~ mammiform
keeagh ny scoarnagh ~ little tongue
Keeagh yn Assyl ~ Cassiopea
keeaghagh ~ big-chested, mammary
keeaght ~ plough
keeaght ghrilley ~ drill plough
keeaght niaghtey ~ snowplough
keeaghyn ~ bust
keeaill ~ sense
keeak ~ thin cake
keeak oalanagh ~ waffle
keeak ooill ~ oil-linseed cake, oil cake
keeak rass-lhieen ~ oil-linseed cake
keeak sheel-chadee ~ cotton cake
keeak tey ~ tea cake
keeak thanney ~ slim cake
keeal ~ intellect
keeal raaidey ~ road sense
keeal vayrey ~ intellectual endowment
keeall ~ sense, significance
keeall chlastyn ~ sense of hearing
keeall shilley ~ sense of sight
keeall soaral ~ sense of smell
keeall ventyn ~ sense of touch
keeall vlastyn ~ sense of taste
keeallagh ~ sensory, sensible
keeanagan ~ cyanogen
keeaneed ~ cyanide
keeanoysh ~ cyanosis
keeayl [f] ~ wisdom, denotation (of word), wit,
keeayl chionnit ~ disillusion, experience
keeayl vayrey ~ mother-wit, common sense
keeaylagh ~ eloquent (of look)
keeayle ~ sense
keeayll [f] ~ sanity, import, purport
keeayll fockle ~ acceptation
keeayll ghooghyssagh ~ intuition
keeayllagh ~ lucid, judicious
keeayllaghey ~ implication, import, imply
keeayllaght ~ judiciousness, definition, lucidity
keeaylleeaght ~ wittiness
keeayllid ~ witticism
keeil [f] ~ maxilla, jamb, jaw, mandible
keeil chiollee ~ hearthside, fireside
keeil dorrysh ~ door jamb, cheek (of door)
keeil heose ~ maxilla
keeil-lhiabbagh ~ bedside
keeilagh ~ maxillar
keeill [f] ~ church, place of worship, kirk,
oratory, cell
Keeill Abban ~ St. Luke's
keeill abban ~ abbey church
Keeill Airney ~ Killarney
Keeill Andreays ~ St. Andrew's
keeill aspickagh ~ cathedral
Keeill Charmane ~ St. German's
Keeill Chennee ~ Kilkenny
Keeill Choobragh ~ Kirkcudbright
Keeill Chumain ~ Fort Augustus
Keeill Darey ~ Kildare
Keeill Hrinian ~ St. Trinian's
Keeill Mantan ~ Wicklow
Keeill Pheddyr ~ Saint Peter's Church
keeill vannishter ~ abbey church
Keeill Varnag ~ Kilmarnock
keeill vaynagh ~ abbey church
Keeill Vreeshey ~ Kilbride
Keeill Vrisht ~ St. Trinian's
keeillagh ~ churchyard
keeilleig ~ church enclosure, pollock
keeilley ~ belonging to the church, near the
keeir ~ blackish, dusky, darkly dull, cud, dull
grey, sable, dark, darkish
keeir-lheeah ~ homespun, russet, brown-grey
keeiragh ~ dusky, darkish, twilight, gloaming,
nightfall, evening twilight
keeiragh (ny hoie) ~ dusk
keeiragh yn laa ~ daylight
keeiraghey ny hoie ~ nightfall
keeiraght ~ blackishness, nightfall, twilight
keeiraght ny h-oie ~ evening just before dark
keeiraght yn laa ~ break of day
keeirid ~ twilight, dusk
keek ~ peep
keekagh ~ peeping
keekal ~ snoop, snooping, peep, peeping
keekey ~ snooping, peep, peeping, snoop
keekeyder ~ snoop, voyeur, peeper
keep ~ bent
keer ~ cud
keercheenagh ~ low
keerid ~ duskiness, grey
keesh ~ tax, toll, duty, tribute; Scot
keesh 'aagail ~ quit-rent
keesh assphurtagh ~ export duty
keesh cheet stiagh ~ income tax
keesh chillagh ~ church rate
keesh ching ~ poll tax
keesh chionnee ~ purchase tax
keesh chlouag ~ stamp duty
keesh-choadee ~ protectionist
keesh-choadeyder ~ protectionist
keesh chustym ~ customs duty
keesh droghad ~ pontage
keesh er chooid kionnit ~ import duty
keesh er thalloo ~ land tax
keesh hallooin ~ ground rent
keesh hellaragh ~ cellarage
keesh hollan ~ salt tax
keesh leggad ~ legacy duty
keesh ny moght ~ poor rate
keesh phrowaltys ~ probate duty
keesh skeerey ~ parish rate
keesh stiuree ~ pilotage
keesh tooilley feeuid ~ value added tax
keesh ushtey ~ water rate
keesh valjagh ~ town toll
keesh valjey ~ rate
keeshagh ~ assessable, tributary
keeshaght ~ assessment
keesheyder ~ taxer, assessor
keesheyr ~ job master
keeshyn ~ taxation
keeshyn baaish ~ death duties
keeshyn jeeragh ~ assessed taxes, direct taxes
keeshyn keiyagh ~ wharfage
keeshyn neuyeeragh ~ indirect taxes
keeshyn purtey ~ harbour rates
keewee ~ kiwi
keeylys ~ kyle
Keeylys Boadagh ~ Kyles of Bute
keeyr ~ cud
kegeesh [f] ~ fortnight
kegeeshoil ~ fortnightly
keggan ~ cast (of earthworm)
keilley ~ match, of sense
keilleyder ~ purloiner, hider
keillit ~ hidden, cloaked, concealed, secreted,
veiled, covert, furtive, underground
keillt ~ cloaked
keilt ~ recondite
keiltagh ~ secret
keiltyn ~ hide, disguise, cover, conceal, veneer,
veil, cover up, dissimulate, suppress, shelter,
renege, harbour, concealment, suppression,
keiltyn (red) ~ sneak
keiltynagh ~ clandestine, secretive, latent,
secret, undivulged, concealer
keiltynys ~ furtiveness, in concealment,
latency, hiding, reconditeness, secrecy,
screeni ng, harbourage, secret ness,
keim ~ phase, step, degree, stage, of high rank,
standard, stile, grade, shortcut, station,
position, caste, pace, pitch, amble
keim choshey ~ foot pace, footstep
keim Chreest ~ century
keim er-ash ~ backward step
keim er cheim ~ step by step
keim er-oi ~ advance
keim er stowal er ~ cap
keim ghuic ~ dukedom
keim hyndaaee ~ turnstile
keim Kel ~ Celsius
keim lhiettalagh ~ proficiency bar
keim ny cruinney ~ longitude
keim ny hoie ~ nightfall
keim s'ardjey ~ promotion
keim sheese ~ degradation, take down,
keim ('sy theihll) ~ estate
keim veayn ~ substantive rank
keim vingagh ~ committee stage
keim y ghoaill ~ to take a degree
keimagh ~ postgraduate, gradual
keimee ~ graduate, promote
keimeeaght ~ status, social standing
keimeragh ~ ambling, amble, step
keimnaghey ~ perambulate, perambulation,
tread, calibrate, calibration
keimnaghey roish ~ stalk
keimoilaght ~ hierarchy
keimragh ~ pacing
keimraght ~ caper
keimyn ~ stepping stones
keimyn soylee ~ degrees of comparison
keimyragh ~ pace, canter
keimyraght ~ capering
keint ~ marque, kind, ilk, make, class
keintagh ~ generic(al)
keintys ~ sex, gender
keintys beill ~ oral sex
keintys firryn ~ male sex
keintyssagh ~ sexual
keiraght ~ craftsmanship
keird [f] ~ employment, pursuit, avocation,
finish, vocation, profession, professional
skill, business, trade, craft, line, occupation
keird chaggee ~ art of war
keird-cholught ~ livery company
keird chubeyr ~ cooperage
keird-chummyn ~ trade union
keird-chummynys ~ trade-unionism
keird-heshaght ~ trade union
keird-heshaghtagh ~ trade-unionist
keird-heshaghtys ~ trade-unionism
keird marrey ~ sea craft
keird-obbreeyn ~ skilled labour
keird scoill ~ technical school
keird y screeudeyrys ~ art of writing
keird yn vaareyder ~ tonsorial
keirdagh ~ artisan, tradesman, craftsman
keirdagh ny glonney ~ glasswork
keirdaght ~ professionalism, workmanship,
artisanship, tradesmanship
keirdee ~ smithy
keirdeeaght ~ technique
keirdey ~ trade, professional, occupational, of
keirdlan ~ shop
keirdlann ~ workshop
keirdoil ~ malleable, workmanlike, artistic(al)
keirdoilaght ~ artistry
keirdoilid ~ malleability
keirdyn ymmydoil ~ useful arts
keirn ~ mountain ash, rowan
keirnagh ~ bacciform
keirnyn ~ rowan berries
keish ~ obese, fat, fat pig, porky
keishag ~ fat woman
keishid ~ obeseness, fatness
keisht ~ issue (of law), puzzle, proposition,
problem, question
keisht chadjin ~ generality
keisht chreoi ~ conundrum
keishtagh ~ interrogative, interrogatory,
problematic(al), puzzling
keishtaghan ~ questionnaire, quiz
keishtaghey ~ questioning
keishtey ~ ask, question, interrogate; asking,
questioning, interrogation
keishteyder ~ interrogator
keishtit ~ grilled, questioned
keiy ~ jetty, wharf, quayside, quay
keiyaght ~ wharfage
kelk ~ pipeclay, chalk, mark
kelk daahit ~ crayon
kelk Frangagh ~ French chalk
kelkagh ~ chalky, cretaceous, calcareous, calcic
kelkaghey ~ calcine, calcify, pipeclay,
kelkaght ~ chalkiness
kelkaghys ~ calcification
kelkaghys buighid ~ gallstone
kelkal ~ draw
kelkey ~ chalking
kelkeyder ~ chalker
kelkit ~ chalked
kelkiu ~ calcium
kelkym ~ calcium
kelkys ~ chalkiness
kellagh ~ cock, chanticleer, cock (of anchor),
rooster, cock bird
kellagh aalin ~ peacock
kellagh aeg ~ cockerel
kellagh caggee ~ gamecock, fighting cock
kellagh chiass ~ mirage
kellagh doo ~ black cock, black grouse, black
grouse (male)
kellagh eairkagh ~ peacock
kellagh emshir ~ weathercock
kellagh frangagh ~ turkey cock, gobbler, turkey,
kellagh freoaie ~ red grouse, moor cock
kellagh geayee ~ weather vane, weathercock
kellagh guiy ~ gander
kellagh Injinagh ~ guinea cock
kellagh keylley ~ pheasant
kellagh ny giark ~ barn cock, barnyard cock,
kellagh olla(y) ~ cob (swan)
kellagh poht ~ spatchcock
kellagh ruy ~ red grouse
kellagh thunnag ~ drake
kellagh ushtey ~ coot
kellaghan ~ very small cockerel, small rooster
kellaghoil ~ cocklelike
kellaloyd ~ celluloid
kellaloys ~ cellulose
kellaloys neetragh ~ nitro-cellulose
kellaloyshagh ~ cellulose
kelleenys ~ tissue
kellofane ~ cellophane
Kelshyssagh ~ Celsius
kemmig ~ chemistry
kemmig feamagh ~ applied chemistry
kemmig neuorgaanagh ~ inorganic chemistry
kemmig orgaanagh ~ organic chemistry
kemmigagh ~ chemist, chemical
kemmyrk ~ refuge, funkhole, protection,
sanctuary, asylum (refuge)
kemmyrk eeanlee ~ bird sanctuary
kemmyrkagh ~ refugee
kenjal ~ benevolent, kindly, obliging
kenjallys ~ kindness, obligingness, kindliness
kenjallys graihagh ~ loving kindness
Kenniagh ~ Kenneth
kennip [f] ~ cannabis, pot, hemp, hashish; rope-
kennipey ~ of hemp
kennoughey ~ fault-find, fault-finding
kennougheyder ~ fault-finder
kensey ~ censer
kentagram ~ centigramme
kentaur ~ centaur
kentileedyr ~ centilitre
kentimedar ~ centimetre
kentoor ~ centurion
keogh ~ frenzy, madness
keoi ~ rabid, mad
keoiagh ~ mad
keoie ~ vicious, fiery, crazy, maniac, lunatic,
wild (as person), furious, savage, frenzied,
frenetic, insane
keoieid ~ rage, insanity, wildness (of persons),
madness, frenzy, craziness, viciousness,
furiousness, mania, savageness
keoieys ~ madness, wildness (of persons), mania
keoiys ~ rage, savageness
keoyeeagh ~ musty, fulsome
keoyeeaght ~ mustiness, fulsomeness
kephallagh ~ cephalic
keppagh ~ tillage plot, allotment (garden)
kercheen ~ cringe (of person); underling,
vagabond, wretch, servile person, down-and-
out, base person, henchman, cur (person),
cullion, rotter
kercheenagh ~ vile (morally), cringing,
impoverishing, impoverished, slavish, abject,
dependent, shabby, servile, miserable,
cullionly, down-and-out, rotten
kercheenagh (da) ~ truckle
kercheenys ~ servility, base meanness,
shabbiness, slavishness, dependency,
vileness, baseness, wretchedness, abjectness,
kere [f] ~ cobbler's wax, comb, wax
kere chabbyl ~ curry-comb
kere hallooin ~ valerian
kere healal ~ sealing wax
kere hellanagh ~ beeswax
kere-skeaban ~ comb-brush
kere veein ~ fine-toothed comb, small-toothed
kere volley ~ honeycomb
kereagh ~ serrated, ctenoid, waxen, pectinate,
kerebellagh ~ cerebral
kerebellum ~ cerebellum
kerebrum ~ cerebrum
kereen ~ pack, comb, topknot, crest, coxcomb
kereenagh ~ crested
kereit ~ teased, waxed
kereneen ~ gramophone record, disc
kereneen liauyr ~ long-playing record
Keres ~ Ceres
kerey ~ comb, groom, wax, mop up, tease (as
wool), curry (as horse), hackle; mopping up,
combing, teasing, cering, hackling; teasel,
kerey magh ~ thrash out, fuzz
kereyder ~ sea wrasse, sea perch; comber,
hackler, waxer, teaser (of wool)
kerit ~ mopped up, groomed, combed
kerium ~ cerium
kerkinagh ~ changeable (of person)
kern ~ soldier, yeoman, pawn
kern-jeerid ~ perpendicularity
kern keylley ~ outlaw, bush-ranger
kern-reayrtan ~ optical square
kern-thummidagh ~ cubic(al)
kern-uillin ~ right angle
kern-uillinagh ~ right-angled
kernagh ~ quadratic
kernaghey ~ quadrature, squaring, quadrate,
kernit ~ squared
Kernow ~ Cornwall
Kernowagh ~ Cornish, Cornishman
Kernowish ~ Cornish
kernyn ~ yeomanry
kerosene ~ kerosene
kerr ~ charge (legal)
kerragh ~ punishment
kerraghey ~ penalize, punishment, punishing,
punish, amerce, correction, castigate,
visitation, victimize, chasten, correct (as
child), chastening
kerraghey callinagh ~ corporal punishment
kerraghoil ~ punishable
kerraghys ~ penalty
Kerree ~ Kerry
kerree ~ chastening, corrective
kerree dy meechairyssagh ~ victimize
kerreyder ~ castigator, penalizer, corrector,
kerrin ~ square, pane, canton
kerrin dorrysh ~ door panel
kerrin glonney ~ pane of glass
kerrin uinnag ~ window pane
Kerrin y Valley ~ market square
Kerrin y Vargee ~ market square
kerrinag (scoill) ~ quad
kerrinagh ~ square-built, quadratic, square
kerrinaghey ~ quadrature
kerrinaght ~ squareness
kerrit ~ punished, corrected, chastened
kerriu ~ carps
kerroo ~ quarterland, fourth, quarter, quatrain,
leg (of lamb), quartern, quarte
kerroo balley ~ quarterland
kerroo-chiarkyl ~ quadrant
kerroo doo ~ blackleg
Kerroo Doour ~ Carrowdore
kerroo eayn ~ gigot
kerroo eayst ~ quarter of moon, First Quarter
kerroo (foalley) ~ haunch
kerroo-harjeant ~ quartermaster sergeant
kerroo-jeig ~ fourteenth
kerroo jerree ~ afterquarter, hindquarter
Kerroo Mooar ~ Carrowmore
kerroo ny marrinee ~ forecastle
kerroo oor ~ quarter of an hour
kerroo-phabyr ~ quire
kerroo s'jerree ny heayst ~ last quarter of moon
kerroo slane ~ perfect fourth
kerroo thallooin ~ quarterland
kerroo toshee ~ forequarter
kerrooane stiuree ~ quadrant
kesh ~ suds, fizz, foam, scum, lather, froth
kesh heeabin ~ lather
kesh heeabinagh ~ soapsuds
kesh vaaree ~ shaving cream
kesh varrey ~ sea foam
keshag ~ crest (tuft of hair), curled lock, bunch,
curl, large snowflake
keshagagh ~ curly-headed
keshagh ~ frothy, sudsy, taxable, frothing,
lathery, fizzy
keshaghagh ~ tangled (as hair)
keshal ~ fizz, effervesce, cream (of ale etc.),
froth, lather, foam, foaming, frothing,
effervescence, lathering
keshalagh ~ sudsy, effervescent, creamy (as
ale), lathery, foaming
kesheyder ~ foamer, latherer
keshit ~ frothed
keshlagh ~ lump sticking to rear
keshleen ~ tonsil
keshleentys ~ tonsilitis
keshleenys ~ tonsilitis
kesmad ~ footfall, footstep, stride, pace, step
kesmad breeoil ~ buoyant step
kesmad coshey ~ footstep
kesmad er-ash ~ backward step
kesmad kellagh-guiy ~ goose step
kesmadey ~ pacing, step out, pace
kessagh ~ outlet
kessan ~ curled lock
kessey ~ curl, twist, twisting
kessiag ~ knot of hair
kest ~ cast (in rope), twist (in road)
kestal ~ spin, turn (as rope), struggle, wrestle;
spinning, struggling, wrestling, twisting
kesteyder ~ wrestler, struggler
ketchup ~ catsup, ketchup
Keveen ~ Kevin
Kevys dou? ~ How would I know?
Kewin ~ Johnson
kewyl ~ belly, paunch; keel
key ~ cream
key blinkit ~ whipped cream
key braagey ~ shoe cream
key feayr ~ cold cream
key gloasee ~ polishing cream
key mullee ~ creme de la creme
key riojey ~ ice cream
key riojit ~ ice cream
key undin ~ vanishing cream
keyagh ~ creamy
keyjeen ~ comb, coxcomb, cockscomb
keyjeenagh ~ crested
keyl ~ thin, fine, attenuated, lanky, lean, slim,
slight, willowy, gracile, tapered, slender,
hairline, narrow, spare, small, drawn out,
watery (of soup), weak (as solution)
keyl-aignagh ~ narrow-minded, strait-laced,
keyl-chassagh ~ slender-footed
keyl-chennip ~ webbing
keyl-chling ~ tinniness (of sound)
keyl-chooishagh ~ fine-drawn, fine-spun
keyl-chroobagh ~ spidery
keyl-chummit ~ slightly-built
keyl-ghrommey ~ sirloin
keyl-hooillagh ~ narrow-eyed, pig-eyed, slit-
keyl-linney ~ thin stroke
keyl-oaieagh ~ hatchet-faced
keyl-sneeuit ~ fine-spun
keyl-veillagh ~ thin-lipped
keylagh ~ attenuation, thin, slenderize,
thinning, attenuate
keylaghey ~ slim, dilute, whittle down, choke,
taper, weaken (as mixture), constrict,
const ri ct i on, weakeni ng, di l ut i on,
contraction, watering
keylaghey (gunn) ~ choke bore
keylaghey roish ny hrooid ~ worming through
keylann ~ creamery
keyley ~ thin, slenderize, narrowing
keylid ~ weakness (of mixture), slenderness,
fineness, narrowness, thinness, waist (of
instrument), slightness
keylid aigney ~ narrow-mindedness
keylid ny drommey ~ small of the back
keylid ny laue ~ wrist
keylid ny stronney ~ bridge (of nose)
keylid y wannal ~ small of the neck
keylit ~ thinned, slenderized, constricted,
keyljey ~ of a wood
keyll [f] ~ forest, wood, plantation, grove,
greenwood, a wooded place
keyll chastan ~ chestnut grove
keyll chiu ~ a crowded wood
keyll faih ~ beech grove
keyll gharree ~ plantation of oaks, oak grove
keyll gyn yiarrey ~ primeval forest
keyll-hillish ~ cherry orchard
keyll lhiouanagh ~ elm grove
keyll nagh hurr foyr ~ virgin forest
keyll neuventit ~ virgin forest
keyll-oaylleeaght ~ woodcraft
keyll phalm ~ palm grove
keyll veg ~ copse, coppice, shaw, bosk(et)
keyll yuys ~ pine wood
keyllagh ~ dryad, wood nymph
keyllaghey ~ narrowing, narrow, narrow down
keyllane ~ neck of pipe
keyllee ~ diluent
keylley ~ woodland (as view)
ny keylley ~ arboreal
keylljagh ~ woody, well-timbered (country),
wooded, sylvan
keylljeyder ~ forester
keylljyn ~ woods
keylljyn fadaneagh ~ backwoods
keyllys ~ pass, strait, narrows, channel, sound,
Yn Keyllys Mooar ~ The Big Sound
keyllys sailley ~ fiord
keyllys straiddey ~ bottleneck
keym ~ stile
keynnagh [f] ~ moss, mould
keynnagh gharroo ~ club moss
keynnagh ny sleityn ~ Alpine clubmoss
keynnagh voaney ~ sphagnum, peat moss
keynnee ~ of moss
Keynyagh ~ Kenyan
keyoil ~ creamy
keyrragh ~ sheepish, of a sheep, ovine
keyrrey [f] ~ sheep
keyrrey cham ~ still worm
keyrrey cheeir ~ a black sheep
keyrrey eayin ~ breeding ewe, breeding sheep
keyrrey ghoo ~ black sheep
keyrrey hiast ~ yeld sheep
keyrrey Hostynagh ~ English sheep
keyrrey loaghtan ~ Manx sheep
keyrrey loaghtyn ~ Manx sheep
keyrrey Nollick ~ fat sheep for Christmas
keyrrey roayr ~ a fat sheep
keyrrey screbbagh ~ scabbed sheep
keyrrey vane ~ white sheep
keyrrey Varbaragh ~ aoudad
keyrrey veayl(l) ~ Cheviot sheep
keyrrey vluight ~ milk ewe
keyrrey vollagh ~ heavy fleeced sheep
khennough ~ carping
khennoughagh ~ cavilling, carping
khennoughey ~ carp, carping, cavil
khennougheyder ~ carper
kiaddagh ~ formative, imaginative
kiaddey ~ fashion, formation, coining, form,
shape, model, father, designing, coinage,
design, modelling
kiaddeyder ~ founder, designer, modeller,
kiaddit ~ designed, coined
Kial ~ Cecilia
kialg ~ swindle, fiddle, swizzle, treachery,
duplicity, craftiness, fizz, deceit,
perfidiousness, insidiousness, sedition,
calculation, guile, craft (slyness), subtlety
kialg cleaysaght ~ trickery
kialgagh ~ crafty, calculated, perfidious,
deceitful, seditious, illusive, fallacious,
insidious, tricky, fly, deceiving, deceptive,
treacherous, wily, guileful, circumventory,
kialgaght ~ illusiveness
kialgeyr ~ hypocrite, twister, deceiver, con man,
illusionist, schemer, deceitful person, cheat,
double-dealer, fly boy, swindler, fiddler,
plotter, trickster
kialgeyrys ~ deceitfulness, imposture, double
dealing, deceit, hypocrisy, treachery
kialgoil ~ pungent
kialgyn ~ wile
kialgys ~ wiliness, deceitfulness, craftiness
kialteenyn ~ churches
kialter ~ broadcloth, heavy flannel
kianglagh ~ incumbent, tying, binding,
obligatory, conditional
kianglaghan ~ packet, parcel
kiangle ~ liaison, slur, join
kiangle coorse ~ take in a reef
kiangle er e lhiurid ~ stretcher bond
kiangle lesh stapyl ~ staple
kiangle ry cheilley ~ join
kiangle uillinagh ~ elbow joint
kianglee ~ connecting, astringent, constipating,
kiangley ~ tie, tie up, tie down, tie on, bind,
bandage, pin, tether, bend, retain, attach,
shackle, make fast, belay, connect, secure,
bond, bind down, band, influence, link, lock,
lock in, fasten down, tying, dressing,
binding, bandaging, anchoring (building),
fastening, locking, envoy (of poem), article
(to trade), relationship, juncture,
involvement, stipulation, compress,
condition (terms), vinculum, bundle,
constrain, retention, obligation, constipate,
dress, nexus, bow knot
kiangley ayns bart ~ truss
kiangley ayns dossanyn ~ bunch
kiangley bolg ~ constipation, costiveness
kiangley braagey ~ shoelace
kiangley braagyn ~ lacing up
kiangley caarjys ~ entente
kiangley cassee ~ screw coupling
kiangley craue ~ ligament
kiangley da ~ hitch
kiangley folican ~ bow tie
kiangley geaylin ~ scapular bandage
kiangley (laueyn) ~ pinion
kiangley lesh coyrd ~ cord
kiangley lesh freeney ~ pin on
kiangley lesh rabbat ~ rabbet
kiangley lesh streng ~ wire
kiangley lesh teaddyn ~ rope
kiangley lesh tennalt ~ tenon
kiangley loghtagh ~ loose connection
kiangley magheragh ~ field dressing
kiangley rish ~ append
kiangley ry-cheilley ~ join up, clip
kiangley sheese ~ peg down
kiangley thallooin ~ earth
kiangley yn phoosey ~ marriage knot
kiangleyder ~ astringent, binder
kiangleyder lioar ~ bookbinder
kianglit ~ pinioned
kianglt ~ locked, anchored, constrained, tied
up, tied, constipated, costive, slurred,
connected, shackled, strapped, baled,
kianglt booise ~ grateful, beholden
kianglt lesh yiarn ~ iron-bound
kianglt rish ~ attached
kianglt rish y thalloo ~ earthed
kianglt 'sy cheh ~ hidebound
kiangltagh ~ connective
kiangltys ~ connection
kiannoort ~ constable, chieftain, governor,
kiannoortagh ~ executive
kiannoortys ~ governorship, government
kiap ~ snag, pad, block (for burning), pillow,
socle, tree-stump, log, trunk (of tree), butt,
kiap aile ~ fire-log
kiap breinnid ~ stink trap
kiap cowree ~ stamping pad
kiap darnail ~ darning egg
kiap doo ~ inkpad
kiap edd ~ hat-block
kiap (greasee) ~ last
kiap-hugyr ~ lump sugar
kiap kianglee ~ bitt
kiap lhuingys ~ stock
kiap lockeragh ~ plane stock
kiap mwashag ~ wig-block
kiap queeyl ~ stock of wheel
kiap shugyr ~ sugarloaf
kiap skelloo ~ shelf-bracket
kiap snapperal ~ impediment, snag, stumbling
kiap thoanney ~ breech-block
kiapaghey ~ rag
kiapey ~ blockade
kiapeychoir ~ pawl
kiapit ~ blockaded
kiappag ~ little block
kiappag sooee ~ blotting pad
kiappal ~ harry
kiappalagh ~ tripper (stumbler), knobbly
kiaraid ~ quartette
kiarail ~ determine, destine, design, resolve,
cogitate, intend, purport, purvey, purpose,
provide, prepare; care, vigilance, intention,
circumspection, cogitation, provision,
kiarail anmey ~ cure
kiarail bee ~ catering
kiarail bee (da) ~ cater
kiarail ny yei ~ after-care
kiarail red y yannoo ~ resolve
kiarail rolaue ~ predestination, foresight,
kiarailagh ~ saving, careful, frugal, provident,
saver, careful (in money), careful person,
kiarailyn mie ~ good resolutions
kiarailys ~ forethought, frugality, carefulness,
kiare ~ left, quadru-, four, quadri, foursome,
kiare airdyn ~ cardinal points
Yn Kiare as Feed ~ The House of Keys
kiare-chassagh ~ four-footed, four-legged,
kiare-chorneilagh ~ four-square
kiare-chruin ~ four-masted
kiare-chuilleig ~ rectangle
kiare-chuilleigagh ~ rectangular
kiare coipyn as feed ~ quire
kiare-corneilagh ~ four-cornered
kiare feed ~ eighty
kiare feed as jeig ~ ninety
kiare feedoo ~ eightieth
kiare-figgyragh ~ four-figure
kiare-fillagh ~ fourfold, quadruple
kiare-filley ~ quadruplicate, fourfold, four-ply,
kiare-fillit ~ quarto
kiare-fioosagh ~ tetravalent, tetrasyllabic
kiare-ghuillagagh ~ four-leaved, quadrifoliate
kiare-heelagh ~ quadrisyllabic, quadrisyllable
kiare jeig ~ fourteen
kiare-lhiatteeagh ~ quadrilateral, four-sided
kiare-lhiatteean ~ quadrilateral
kiare-phoynt ~ brilliant
kiare-raaidyn ~ crossroad
kiare raiee ~ four seasons
kiare raueagh ~ four-oared
kiare-rollianagh ~ four-cylinder
kiare-ronnagh ~ four-cleft
kiare 'sy un' chennar ~ quadruplets
kiare-uillinagh ~ quadrangle, quadrangular
kiare-veiragh ~ four-pronged
kiare-vleinoil ~ quadrennial
kiare-wheeyllagh ~ four-wheeled
kiare-woailtagh ~ four-stroke
kiare-yeihoil ~ four-place
kiare-yeshaghtit ~ four-engined
kiareyder ~ purveyor, resolver, provider
kiareyder bee ~ caterer
kiarit ~ provided, intended, designed, resolved,
deliberate, settled
kiark [f] ~ fowl, hen, hen bird, female of birds
kiark aail ~ brooder
kiark calmane ~ hen pigeon
kiark cheylley ~ pheasant
kiark cholgagh ~ shuttlecock
kiark freoaie ~ red grouse
kiark ghuirragh ~ broody hen, brooder, sitter
kiark injinagh ~ guinea fowl
kiark lheeah ~ black grouse (female), black
grouse, grey hen
kiark my ven seyr ~ goldfinch
kiark phishyragh ~ peahen
kiark rangagh ~ turkey (female), turkey-hen
kiark 'reoaie ~ red grouse, moorhen
kiark rhennee ~ partridge
kiark Spaainagh ~ Andalusian fowl
kiark spulgagh ~ a pecky hen
kiark ushtey ~ coot, marshhen, waterhen,
kiark varrey ~ lumpsucker
kiarkagh ~ gallinaceous
kiarkil ~ circle, circles
kiarklagh ~ cyclic(al), rotund, circulatory
kiarklane ~ circular
kiarkley ~ circumnavigate, circulation, hoop
kiarklit ~ hooped
kiarkoil ~ henlike
kiarkyl ~ coterie, rim, ring, circle, O
kiarkyl beg ~ circlet
kiarkyl collooyn ~ peristyle
kiarkyl meanagh ~ magpie
kiarkyl ny sooilley ~ pupil of the eye
kiarkyl yn ard ~ Polar circle
kiarkylagh ~ circular
kiarkylid ~ circularity
kiarkyloid ~ cycloid
kiarkyloidagh ~ cycloidal
kiarkylys prentit ~ printed circuit
kiarkyn ~ poultry, gallinaceae
kiarneen ~ quaternion
kiaroil ~ quaternary
kiarroo ~ fourth, die
kiarroo-jeig ~ fourteenth
kiart ~ right, correct, true (real), exact, accurate,
just, precise, orthodox, thorough-paced, due,
title, level, concession, proper, pukka,
undeviating, prerogative
kiart as corrym ~ right and equal, fair and square
kiart-chlaare ~ boarding
Kiart dy liooar! ~ Very well!
kiart enmys ~ advowson
kiart glen ~ clear title
kiart-irree ~ right ascension
kiart laa er giyn ~ very next day
kiart moaney ~ turbary
kiart mooar dy liooar ~ plenty big enough
Kiart my sailliu! ~ Just as you please!
kiart nish ~ right away, at once
kiart noi ~ diametrically opposed
kiart sollysh ~ right of light
kiartag ~ fatigue, chore, task, job
kiartagh ~ job, adjustment, settlement
kiartaghey ~ modify, amend, redress, fix, correct
(as mistake), ready, qualify, true, adjust, even
out, make, prepare, accommodate (arrange),
settle, settling, adjusting, setting, preparation,
rectification, correction, modification
kiartaghyn ~ odd jobs
kiartagyn ~ household chores
kiartee ~ corrective, set in rows, set
kiartey ~ chore, job, task
kiarteyder ~ setter, corrector, amender, rectifier
kiarteyder gas ~ gas fitter
kiartid ~ preciseness, rightness
kiartit ~ settled, adjusted, prepared, modified,
kiartoil ~ settleable, rectifiable, amendable
kiartyn ~ rights
kiartyn ardan ~ stage rights
kiartyn deiney ~ human rights, civil rights
kiartyn jeelsit ~ vested interests
kiartyn persoonagh ~ personal rights
kiartyn ushtey ~ water rights
kiartys ~ accuracy, precision, exactness,
correctness, justness
kiartys dellal ~ franchise
kiartys eiraght ~ birthright
kiartys reih ~ franchise
kiartys ymmyd ~ easement, usufruct
kiaull ~ singing, warble (of birds), music,
kiaull agglishagh ~ sacred music
kiaull bing ~ shrill music
kiaull-chabnaid ~ music cabinet
kiaull cheerey ~ folk music
kiaull chlaasee ~ harp music
kiaull-chloie ~ recital, operetta
kiaull chochiaullee ~ choral music
kiaull chrauee ~ sacred music, rock
kiaull hamyragh ~ chamber music
kiaull marrey ~ sea music
kiaull mooar ~ classical bagpipe music
kiaull ny lomarcan ~ solo
kiaull oie ~ serenade
kiaull pheesit ~ vamp (improvisation)
kiaull-rolley ~ music roll
kiaull valse ~ waltz
kiaull vouyr ~ tone-deaf
kiaull y chassey ~ tootle
kiaull yerrinagh ~ finale
kiaullanaghey ~ publishing, divulgation, divulge
kiaullane ~ clarion, blatancy, toll (of bell), bell
(small), racket, squeaker, tolling, clamourer,
handbell, noise in the ear, orchestra
kiaullane baa ~ cowbell
kiaullane erin ~ sanctus bell, small mass bell
kiaullane teaddagh ~ string orchestra
kiaullaneagh ~ loud-mouthed, clamorous,
robustious, orchestral, vociferous, stormy,
hectoring, roistering, bell-like, squealing,
loud, randy, blatant, strident; roisterer
kiaullaneyder ~ bell-ringer, bellman, clamourer,
campanologist, town crier
kiaullaneydys ~ campanology, orchestration,
kiaullaneys ~ ado (strife), blatancy, stridency
kiaulldane ~ tone poem
kiaulldramey ~ opera
kiaulldramey aitt ~ comic opera
kiaulldramey mooar ~ grand opera
kiaulldrameydagh ~ operatic
kiaullee ~ music
kiaulleeagh ~ singsong, sing, intone
kiaulleeaght [f] ~ singing, warble (of birds),
music-making, music
kiaulleeaght ny h-Agglish ~ Gregorian chant
kiaulley ~ sing out, sing up, sing
kiaulleyder ~ singer, soloist, musician
kiaulleyder beg ~ chiff-chaff
kiaulleyder cliogagh ~ sedge warbler
kiaulleyder garagh ~ garden warbler
kiaulleyder jiarg ~ Dartford warbler, redstart
kiaulleyder keylley ~ wood warbler
kiaulleyder oie ~ nightingale, serenader
kiaulleyder twoaie ~ arctic warbler
kiaulleyderys ~ musicianship
kiaulleyr ~ loudspeaker
kibbin ~ wooden pin, peg, dibble, linchpin,
stake, gad, spike
kibbin baaree ~ shaving stick
kibbin beg ~ skewer
kibbin castagh ~ styptic pencil
kibbin daah smarree ~ stick of grease paint
kibbin eayil ~ stalactite
kibbin eeastee ~ fishing rod (bamboo)
kibbin ingney ~ orange stick
kibbin jeushan ~ hinge-pin
kibbin lhionney ~ ale stake
kibbin millish ~ ice lolly
kibbin rioee ~ icicle
kibbin skelf ~ marline spike
kibbin thooishey ~ joss-stick
kibbinagh ~ stakelike, stick insect, spiked
kibbiney ~ truss
kickil ~ tickle
kickilagh ~ tickling
kicklagh ~ ticklish
kicklaght ~ ticklishness
kicklal ~ tickle
Kickle ~ Cecilia
kickley ~ tickle, titillate, tickling, titillation
kickleydane ~ cyclotron
kickleyder ~ tickler (person)
kickleysteel ~ cyclostyle
kicklimeadar ~ cyclometer
kicklipaid ~ encyclopaedia
kicklipaidagh ~ encyclopaedist, encyclopaedic
kicklipeaid ~ cyclopaedia
kicklipeaidagh ~ cyclopaedic
kicklit ~ titillated, tickled
kickloap ~ Cyclops
kicklone ~ cyclone
kickloneagh ~ cyclonic
kidragh ~ citric
kidraid ~ citrate
kidrane ~ citron
kidrys ~ citrus
kiebbaghyn ~ spades
kiebbey ~ spade
kiebbey cleiyee ~ hedge-spade
kiebbey garagh ~ garden spade
kiebbey scrah ~ breast-plough
kiebeigagh ~ blear-eyed
kiebeigey ~ blear
kied ~ first, primary, senior; licence, permit,
pass, permission, leave, assent, sanction,
faculty, furlough, sufferance
kied chouyr ~ first aid
kied dellal ~ licence to trade
kied echey ~ however
kied eeastee ~ fishing licence
kied er ny gheddyn ~ first-born
kied er ny ruggyr ~ first-born
kied immanagh ~ driving licence
Kied Reiltagh ny h-oie ~ Venus
kied stiagh ~ ingress
kied troailt ~ passport, way-leave
kied turrys ~ maiden voyage
kied-vleeantagh ~ freshman
kieddagh ~ permissive, licensing
kiedoil ~ permissible
kiedoonee ~ licensee, licence-holder
kiedooneyr ~ licensor
kiedoonys ~ chitty, licence, marriage licence
kiedoonys immanagh ~ driving licence
kiedoonys liggar ~ liquor licence
kiedoonys poosee ~ marriage licence
kiedoonys shelg ~ game licence
kiggleymane ~ cyclamen
killag ~ cell
killagagh ~ celled, cellular
killagh ~ belonging to the church, of a church;
killeen ~ cell, cellule, cubicle
killeen aer ~ air-cell
killeen y vaaish ~ condemned cell
killeenagh ~ cellular, celled
killey ~ near the church, of a church
killjeh ~ noise of fighting, bother
kilocheayrt ~ kilocycle
kilogram ~ kilogram(me)
kilometer ~ kilometre
kilowatt ~ kilowatt
kimm-oayllee ~ criminalist
kimm-oaylleeaght ~ criminology
kimmagh ~ felon, criminal, culprit, detainee,
convict, offender, jailbird
kimmee ~ felonious
kimmeeys ~ criminality, felony
kimmey ~ captivate
kindagh rish ~ because
kinemascoip ~ cinemascope
kinematograaf ~ cinematograph
kinemey ~ cinema
king ~ cerebral, heads
king ry cheilley ~ both ends together
kinjagh ~ continual, definite, constant, ballast
(of person), continuous, invariable,
incessant, unceasing, unfailing, steady,
persistent, regular
kinjaghey ~ inure
kinjaght ~ defineness, invariability, certitude,
kinjid ~ constancy, regularity, assurance
(certainty), persistency
kink ~ double
kinkyn ~ fits
kinneig ~ scraping, paring, particle, crumb,
kinneigagh ~ diminutive, crumbly
kinneigey ~ crumbling, crumble
kinneigid ~ minuteness, diminutiveness,
kinneigyn ~ crumbs
kinneigyn arran ~ bread crumbs
kinneybar ~ cinnabar
kinoauyn ~ destiny
kinoie ~ end of night
kinseyr ~ censor
kinseyraght ~ censoring, censorship
kinseyroil ~ censorial
kiog ~ tress, curled lock
kionaghey ~ head
kionard ~ chief
kiondeeagh ~ of paramount importance,
kiondeeaght ~ sovereignty, supremacy
kione ~ head, headland, chief, ringleader,
bottom, poll, end, extreme, close, top (of
flower), finish, top-end, top, point of
argument, termination, closing, extremity,
point, dyke, tribune
kione airhey ~ gold-tipped
kione andrailagh ~ chancellor
kione-ard ~ chieftain, commandant; haughty,
arrogant, supercilious, presumptuous,
kione ard lhuingys ~ commander
kione-ardagh ~ assumer, magisterial
kione-ardys ~ presumptuousness, arrogance,
exaltation, presumption, superciliousness,
pride, haughtiness
kione argane ~ thesis
Kione Beih ~ Birkenhead
kione bout ~ bolt-head
kione breck ~ razorbill
kione bugganeagh ~ gargoyle
kione caayl ~ cabbage head
kione carragh ~ mangy head
Kione Casherick ~ Penzance
kione cheerey ~ peninsula, cape, promontory,
kione-cherroo ~ headquarters
kione chibbyragh ~ well-cover
kione-ching ~ headache, fathead
kione chiyt ~ sea urchin
kione-chloie ~ final, cup final
kione-chroghit ~ tip tilted
kione-chruinn ~ round-headed, bullet-headed
Kione Cloaie ~ Clay Head
kione collee ~ boar's head
kione coyrlee ~ speaker
kione-daaney ~ dour, wayward, opinionated,
bul l et -headed, sel f-wi l l ed, dogged,
pigheaded, recalcitrant, self-opinionated,
mulish, pertinaceous
kione-daanys ~ pigheadedness, waywardness,
recalcitrance, determination, doggedness,
self-will, pertinacity
kione deilley ~ lathe-head
Kione Doo ~ Blackhead
kione doo ~ blackcap, marsh titmouse
kione doo ny yeeiginyn ~ blackcap
Kione Droghad ~ Onchan
kione droghad ~ bridgehead
kione-eaddagh ~ turban
kione-eairkagh ~ insurgent, obstinate
kione eairkanagh ~ light-headed person
kione earish ~ weather head
kione-earkanagh ~ light-headed
kione-earroo ~ capitation, census (of things)
kione-eddrym ~ light-headed, vertiginous
kione eiyrt ~ bedhead
kione er oai ~ slap-bang
kione-fenee ~ champion (of cause), leader
kione froaishagh ~ stuck up
kione-gaabyl ~ gable end
kione-ghraue ~ title (of book), epitaph
kione glonney ~ glass roofing
kione gorrym ~ blue titmouse
kione-har jeh ~ east side of
kione harrish shen ~ notwithstanding
kione heese ~ lower end
kione-heidyl ~ caption
kione heose ~ top end
kione hiar ~ east side
kione-hrome ~ top-heavy
kione jeelt ~ pommel
kione jerree ~ finishing line, quarterdeck
kione jiarg ~ redhead, redstart, sea thrift
Kione Jiass y Theihill ~ Antarctic
kione jurnaa ~ destination
kione keay ~ pierhead
kione keeaght ~ plough-head
kione keiy ~ jetty-head
kione keyl ~ small end, tapered end, narrow end
kione keyl lhuiney ~ prow
kione king ~ drumhead
kione kip ~ whip lash
kione kirkey ~ hen-head, a witless head
kione kiyt ~ common sea urchin, horned owl,
long-eared owl
kione kyagh ~ dead end
kione-lajeragh ~ headstrong, persistent,
obdurate, arbitrary, contumacious, obstinate,
kione-lajerid ~ obstinacy, persistency
kione-lajerys ~ contumacy, obstinacy, obduracy,
kione-lettyr ~ capital, initial letter, block letter
kione-lettyr bluick ~ block capital
kione-lettyryn ~ initials
kione-lhean ~ square-headed
kione-lheeah ~ white-haired, white-headed
kione-lhong ~ capital ship
kione lhuingey ~ prow
kione-liauyr ~ long-headed
kione-linnaghyn mooarey ~ banner headlines
kione-linney ~ headline
Kione Loch Gilp ~ Loch Gilphead
Kione Logh Mooijeart ~ Kinlochmoidart
kione lommyrtagh ~ shorn head
kione lus y chadlee ~ poppyhead
Kione Maghal ~ Maughold Head
kione marroo ~ deadlock
kione meayl ~ bald head
kione meshtal ~ sot
kione mohlt ~ sheep's head, muttonhead
kione-mollagh ~ pochard (male)
kione my laaee ~ slanting, drooping end,
headlong, descending
kione my lhei ~ slanting
Kione ny Giaughyn ~ Noggin Head
Kione ny Halbey ~ Mull of Galloway
kione ny kee ~ nipple
Kione ny Kirkey ~ Chicken Head
Kione ny Meayllagh ~ Mull of Galloway
kione ny meoiryn shee ~ superintendent
kione oard ~ hammerhead
Kione Peddyr ~ Peterhead
kione railley ~ railhead
kione reiltagh ~ chief, demagogue
kione-reiltys ~ demagogy
kione-roauyr ~ thick-skulled, pudding-head
kione-rooisht ~ hatless, bareheaded
kione ry-cheilley ~ end to end
Kione Sailley ~ Kinsale
kione scoltagh ~ head-splitting
kione screeuyn ~ caption, superscription
kione-seiy ~ end-thrust
kione shoggyl ~ numbskull, blockhead, nitwit
kione shynnee ~ mask
kione-sidey ~ arrowhead
kione skeaylt ~ loose end
kione skian ~ wingtip
kione sleeaney ~ spearhead
kione soiaghee ~ spearhead
kione soie ~ high session, president
kione-soilshey ~ headlamp
kione sollys ~ headlamp
Kione Spaainey ~ Spanish Head
kione speiy ~ pickhead
kione-stashoon ~ terminus
kione stoandee ~ barrel-head
Kione Stondane ~ Santan Head
kione strane ~ file leader
kione-streeaney ~ headpiece
kione tap ~ frivolous person, trifler
kione teaddey ~ rope's end
kione teayst ~ blockhead, numbskull
kione teigh ~ axehead
kione thie ~ paterfamilias, roof, householder
kione-thunnag ~ duckbill
kione toshee ~ leader, starting place, bow (of
ship), fore-end
kione toshee lhuingey ~ prow
Kione Traagh ~ Kintra
kione tramman ~ gudgeon, goby, bullhead
Kione Twoaie yn Theihll ~ Arctic
kione virragh ~ conic(al)
kione-voalley ~ hanging wall
Kione Vradda ~ Bradda Head
kione-vrat ~ canopy
kione-wuigh ~ golden-crested
kione y cheay ~ pierhead
kione y cheilley ~ through others
kione y chiauill meanagh ~ mainsheet
Kione y Chollagh Vuc ~ Boar's Head (hotel)
Kione y Clieau ~ Slea Head
kione y raa ~ subject
Kione y Sker ~ Conister
Kione y Stroo ~ Stromness
kione y vreimmey 'syn aer ~ topsy-turvy
kione y vremmey ~ backside
kione y woid ~ glans penis
kione-yalloo ~ headpiece
kione yiarn ~ cleek
kione yn-filley ~ drop-head
Kione Yorby ~ Jurby Head
kioneagh ~ definite
kionedeeagh ~ sovereign
kioneenee ~ present
kionefenish ~ in the presence of, before, present
kioneiyrt ~ pillow, bolster
kioneraadagh ~ pioneer
kioneragh ~ head-stall
kioneys ~ hegemony, command, dominance,
kioneysagh ~ domineer, high-handed,
dominating, commanding, assertive
kioneysee ~ moderator
kionfenee ~ general
kionfeneeys ~ generalship
kiongoyrt ~ before
kiongoyrt rish ~ in the presence of
kionnaghey ~ buy, purchasing, buying, buy in,
kionnaghey ass y noa ~ renew
kionnaghey (ayn) ~ patronize
kionnaghey er ash ~ buy back
kionnaghey er daayl ~ book (credit)
kionnaghey magh ~ buy out
kionnaghey maillee ~ hire purchase
kionnaghey ny t'ayn ~ buy up
kionnaghey reesht ~ redemption, redeem
kionnaghey rour ~ overbuy
kionnaghey stiagh ~ order in, importation,
kionnaghey tiggad ~ book
kionnaghey (tiggadyn) ~ booking
kionnaght vie ~ snip
kionnan ~ small piece of peat, bale, bundle,
kionneeaght ~ redemption, buy, purchase,
kionneyder ~ purchaser, customer, shopper,
kionneyder cant ~ salegoer
kionneyder griu ~ fence
kionneyder prashey ~ scrap metal merchant
kionneyder sleab ~ slave-dealer
kionneyder stiagh ~ importer
kionnit ~ bought, purchased
kionroish ~ ahead
kiontoyrtagh ~ precipitant, headlong,
precipitate, precipitous
kiontoyrtaghey ~ precipitate
kiontoyrtys ~ precipitance, contrariety,
kionyssagh ~ authoritative, hectoring,
dominant, sovereign, self-assertive
kionyssaght ~ self-assertion
kioob ~ cube
kioobagh ~ cubist, cubic(al)
kioobaghys ~ cubism
kioobey ~ cube
kioorad ~ curate
kiooradys ~ curacy
kioot ~ intelligent, fly, quick-witted, clever,
smart, astute, wily, acute, keen-witted,
crafty, canny, foxy, shrewd
kiootid ~ wiliness, cleverness, astuteness,
keeness of mind
kior ~ choir
kiornane ~ horned beetle
kiornaney ~ purr
kiouyl ~ corporation, keel
kiouyl corrym ~ even keel
kiouyl rummey ~ bilge-keel
kiouyl shliawin ~ centreboard
kip ~ blocks, trunks, whip
kip cabbyl ~ horsewhip
kip ollee ~ stock-whip
kipp ~ landing net
kipp nuy arbyllagh ~ cat-o'-nine-tails
kipp Rooshagh ~ knout
kipp varkiaght ~ riding whip
kippeen ~ cilium
kippeenagh ~ ciliary
kippeenyn ~ cilia
kippey ~ whipping, whip
kippit ~ whipped
Kiraanagh ~ Cyrenaic
kirbil ~ lunch, lunches
kirbyl ~ lunch
kirkey ~ of a hen
kirkin ~ waverer, inconstant person
kirkinagh ~ fluctuating, wavering, inconstant,
waverer, fluctuate
kirkinys ~ fluctuation, inconstancy, alternation,
kirp ~ bodies
Kirree ~ Kitty
kirree ~ sheep
kirree vaney ~ white sheep
kirree varrey ~ petrel, storm petrel
kirree vooarey ~ big sheep
kirroysh ~ cirrhosis
Kirry ~ Katie, Kate
kirtagh ~ hastening, hurry along, speeding,
speed, hasten
kirtagh er ash ~ hurry back
kirtagh roish ~ speeding along
kirtaghey ~ hasten, hustle, spin along
kishan ~ peck, skep, skip
kishan aile ~ fire basket
kishan pabyr ~ waste paper basket
kishan shellan ~ hive
kishaney ~ hive
kishdinagh ~ culinary
kishtag ~ capsule
kishtaghan ~ chest of drawers
kishteen (cooyl) ~ back kitchen
kishteen screeunyn ~ letter case
kishteen screeuyn ~ briefcase
kishteen tey ~ tea caddy
kishteig edd ~ hatbox
kishteig hayrn ~ drawer
kishteig lhongee ~ tuckbox
kishteig milleen ~ pillbox
kishteig phoodyr ~ puff box
kishteig whaalee ~ workbox
kishtey ~ box (container), carton, pot, pyx,
suitcase, case, crate, trunk, cist, casket, chest,
rock pool
kishtey aalid ~ vanity case
kishtey ardan ~ stage box
kishtey argid ~ money box, collecting box, cash
kishtey arreyder ~ sentry box
kishtey bargane ~ deed-box
kishtey bing ~ dulcimer
kishtey broachey ~ spindle-box
kishtey cabbil ~ horse-box
kishtey chymsee ~ collecting box
kishtey conning ~ hutch
kishtey cooylley ~ valve-box, valve-case, valve-
kishtey daah ~ paintbox
kishtey edd ~ hatbox, nestbox, band-box
kishtey essyl ~ axle-box
kishtey feyshtyney ~ confessional
kishtey flooyr ~ flour-box
kishtey foaddan ~ matchbox
kishtey geayil ~ coal scuttle
kishtey geinnee ~ sand-box
kishtey jeirk ~ alms-box
kishtey keyl ~ coffin
kishtey kiaull ~ music case
kishtey kiaullee ~ piano accordion, juke box
kishtey killagh ~ collecting box
kishtey lajer ~ strong box
kishtey laue ~ attache case
kishtey leoie (leoh) ~ ashbox
kishtey lioar ~ bookcase (closed)
kishtey organe ~ organ-case
kishtey paggal ~ packing case
kishtey penn leoaie ~ pencilbox
kishtey pibbyragh ~ pepper-box
kishtey pooar ~ electric accumulator, battery
kishtey poodyr ~ compact
kishtey post ~ post office box
kishtey ry hoi sollan ~ salt-box
kishtey screeunyn ~ letterbox
kishtey screeuyn ~ Post office box
kishtey sollan ~ salt-box
kishtey spaag ~ paddle-box
kishtey sponk ~ tinder box
kishtey spooyl ~ spool-box
kishtey taishbyney ~ shop case
kishtey taishbynys ~ showcase
kishtey teiy ~ ballot box
kishtey theayagh ~ public funds
kishtey troailtys ~ valise
kishtey uinnag ~ window box
kishtey ushtey ~ cistern
kishtey yn staait ~ treasury, public purse
kishteyr ~ purse-bearer, treasurer
kishteyraght ~ treasureship
kishtin ~ cookhouse
kishtoil ~ boxlike
kishtyn fo-halloo ~ cellar kitchen
Kistershagh ~ Cistercian
kistey ~ coffin stone
kit ~ bail
kittagh ~ gauche
kittsyn ~ plimsolls
kittys ~ canvas shoe, gymshoe
kiunaghey ~ calm, pacify, soothe, quell, hush (as
child), appease, allay, compose, sedate,
becal m, l ul l , sedat i on, qui et (en),
appeasement, pacification, tranquillization,
tranquillize, die down, steady down, calming
kiunaght ~ serenity
kiundeyder ~ calmer
kiune ~ calm, Halcyon days, tranquil, serene,
pacific, composed, quiescent, flat, still
kiune-vreearagh ~ soft-spoken
kiuney [f] ~ quietude, stillness, calm, lull, hush,
calmness, serenity
kiuney vooar ~ dead calm
kiuneyder ~ muffler, silencer, sedative, soother,
pacifier, queller, tranquillizer, appeaser,
kiunid ~ quiescence, serenity, calmness,
quietude, placidity, stillness, placid, flatness
kiunid-aigney ~ equanimity
kiunit ~ calmed, stilled, quelled, lulled,
becalmed, tranquillized, pacified
kiunys ~ tranquillity
kiuttag ~ left hand
kiuttag builley ~ lefthander (blow)
kiuttagh ~ tactless, lefthanded, lefthander
kiuttaght ~ left handedness
kiyt ~ cats
kiyt vooarey ~ great cats
knock ~ hill
knot ~ knot
koir [f] ~ kist
Koloin ~ Cologne
koogar ~ cougar
koogyr ~ puma
kort ~ fur
kortagh ~ furred
koypoo ~ coypu
Kreetagh ~ Cretan
krink ~ nobleman, knight
Yn Krinkys ~ The Nobility
krinkys ~ knighthood
kroym ~ chrome
kroym-chlou ~ chromolithograph
kroym-chloudeyrys ~ chromolithography
kroym choodagh ~ chromium plating
kroym-choodaghey ~ chromium plating
kroym-choodit ~ chromium-plated
kroymagh ~ chromic
kroymasoom ~ chromosome
kroymiu ~ chromium
krysant ~ chrysanthemum
kuckley ~ dry up
kuittagh ~ heavy-handed
Kurdagh ~ Kurd, Kurdish
Kurdish ~ Kurdish
kuse [f] ~ some, portion, quantity
kuse veg ~ little, few
kuse vooar ~ much
kyagh ~ weak-eyed
kyaghag ~ cubbyhole
kyaghan ~ mole
kyaghey sooill ~ bat (as eye)
kyaght ~ blindness
kyaghtagh ~ occulting
kyaghtey ~ occult, occultation
kyeen ~ shred
kyeoh ~ fog
kylinder ~ cylinder
kymbyl ~ cymbal
kymrey ~ precis
kyndagh ~ malefactor, convict, culprit,
culpable, criminal, guilty, trespasser, peccant
kyndagh aeg ~ juvenile delinquent
kyndagh aeglagh ~ juvenile delinquency
kyndagh rish ~ owing to, due
kyndagh rish shen ~ owing to that
kyndaghey ~ incrimination, incriminate, charge
(assert), committal, commit, inculpate,
inculpation, criminate, crimination
kyndaght aeglagh ~ juvenile delinquency
kyndid ~ guilt, culpability
kyndid folley ~ blood guilt
kyneen ~ morsel, crumb
kynn ~ affection, love
kynn (ny foalley) ~ desire (sexual)
kynneeagh ~ ethnic(al), racial
kynneeaghee ~ racialist
kynneeaghys ~ racialism
kynneen ~ paring
kynneeyn baney ~ white races
kynneeyn gorrym ~ black races, dark races
kynney ~ race, lineage, genus, species, kindred,
kind, family, kin, connection, breed, stock,
people, folk
kynney deiney ~ human race, humankind
kynney fuilleeaght ~ descent
kynney-ghunverys ~ genocide
kynney-oayllee ~ ethnologist
kynney-oaylleeaght ~ ethnology
kynneydagh ~ clannish
kynneydys ~ clannishness
kynoauin ~ fate
kynoauinagh ~ fated
Kyns? ~ How are you?
Kypragh ~ Cyprian, Cypriot
Kypragh Greagagh ~ Greek Cypriot
Kypragh Turkagh ~ Turkish Cypriot
kyr ~ knots in timber
kyragh ~ blind
Kyril ~ Cyril
Kyrillagh ~ Cyrillic
kyrloghagh ~ benumbing
kyrloghe ~ torpid, insensible, benumb,
sleeping, cramped, numb
kyrloghee ~ numbing, analgesic, analgetic
kyrloghey ~ deaden, paralyse, stun, numb,
anaesthetization, anaesthetize (locally),
benumbing, benumb
kyrlogheyder ~ stunner, stunning
kyrloghid ~ deadness, senselessness,
anaesthesia, loss of feeling, insensibility,
numbness, torpor, torpidity
kyrloghit ~ insensitised, anaesthetized
Kyrus ~ Cyrus
Kys t'ou? ~ Hello!
kys? ~ how?
kysteitys ~ cystitis
kyttagh ~ left-handed
L.M. ~ p.m
l.s. ~ ms., manuscript
La! ~ Man!
laa ~ day, daytime
Laa Averil ~ All Fool's Day, April Fool's Day
laa baljey ~ farm day, quarter day
laa bane ~ livelong day
laa banshey ~ wedding day
laa bleeaney ~ anniversary
Laa Boaldyn ~ May Day
laa brattagh ~ flag day
Laa Buigh ny Boaldyn ~ May Day
laa buinn y lieen ~ nevermass
Laa Caisht ~ Easter Day
laa casherick ~ holy day
Laa chebbal Ooashley ~ Epiphany
laa doonee ~ Sabbath
laa drapanagh ~ showery day
laa dy row ~ one day
laa er giyn ~ following day
laa er lheh ~ landmark
laa-faillee ~ pay day
laa feailley ~ feast-day, holy day
laa fliaghagh ~ a rainy day
laa frassagh ~ showery day
Laa Gymmyrt Ushtey ~ Epiphany
laa jeh ~ day off
laa jeh ny laghyn ~ one of the days
laa jeh'n chiaghtin ~ weekday
laa jerinagh ~ deadline
laa jiu ~ today
laa kione raiee ~ quarter day
laa lieh yn arree ~ equinox
laa lieh yn ouyir ~ equinox
laa-lioar ~ journal
Laa Luanistyn ~ Lammas Day, First of August
Laa Luanys ~ Lammas Day
laa mail ~ rent day
laa margee ~ market day
laa mooar ~ gala day
laa mustyr ~ field day
laa niaghyn ~ wash day
Laa Nollick ~ Christmas Day
Laa Nollick Beg ~ New Year's Day
Laa ny Bleeaney Noa ~ New Year's Day
Laa ny Briwnys ~ Day of Judgement,
Laa ny Folley ~ Armageddon
laa ny ghaa ~ many a day
laa ny goontyssyn ~ account day
laa ny lurg ~ following day
Laa ny Nooghyn Ooilley ~ All Hallow's Day,
All Saint's Day
laa ny shiaghtin ~ weekday
laa ny vairagh ~ following day, on the morrow
laa ny varnish ~ varnishing day
laa ny yei ~ following day
laa obbyr ~ work day
laa poosee ~ wedding day
laa quaiyllagh ~ court day
laa roie ~ preceding day
laa ruggyr(ee) ~ birthday
laa ruggyree sonney dhyt ~ many happy returns
Laa Sauiney ~ Hollantide Day
laa scoaldee ~ scorcher
laa scoill ~ schoolday
laa seyr ~ day off, holiday, dies non
laa seyr ny bancyn ~ bank holiday
laa seyr yn theay ~ public holiday
laa shynnee ~ pet day
Laa Souney ~ Hollantide Day, All Hallow's Day
laa souree ~ summer's day
Laa Tinvaal ~ Tynwald Day
laa trostee ~ fast day
laa y vairagh ~ on the morrow
Laa yn chiarn ~ The Lord's Day
Laa yn Ghiense ~ Twelfth Day
Laa yn Vlein Noa ~ New Year's Day
Laa-Ynnyd ~ Ash Wednesday
laad ~ burden, load, consignment, cargo,
laad cairt ~ cartload
laad carr laadee ~ wagonload
laad lhuingey ~ shipload
laadagh ~ burdensome, onerous, heavy
laader ~ burdener
laadey ~ load, burden, weigh down
laadey rour ~ overload, overloading
laadeyder ~ loader
laadit ~ burdened, loaded, laden, oppressed
laadys ~ burdensomeness
laaee ~ mud
laagh [f] ~ duck, wild goose; mud, mire
laagh Americaanagh ~ canvas-back
laagh fammanagh ~ pintail
laagh ghoo ~ velvet scoter
laagh Loghlynnagh ~ eider duck
laagh ruy ~ widgeon
laagh varrey ~ silt, sea mud
laagh vog ~ sludge
laagh Voirrey ~ mallard
laaghag ~ teal
laaghagh ~ muddy, sludgy, slushy, ducklike
laaghan ~ slough, muddy place
laaghey ~ bespatter, bemire, mud, of a mire
laaghid ~ miriness, muddiness
laaghit ~ bemired, mired, muddied
laair [f] ~ mare
laair assyl ~ female donkey, she-ass, jenny-ass
laair ghrih ~ stud mare
laair harree ~ stud mare, brood mare
laair vaidjey ~ cock-horse, see-saw
laair vrebbagh ~ rocking horse, kicky mare
laaireen ~ small mare
Laa'l Eoin ~ Tynwald Day
Laa'l Martyn ~ Martinmass
Laa'l Moirrey Arree ~ Lady Day, The
Laa'l Moirrey ny Gainle ~ Candlemas, Feast of
Laa'l Moirrey ny Sannish ~ The Annunciation
Laa'l Moirrey 'Syn Arree ~ The Annunciation
Laa'l Moirrey Toshee ~ Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Laa'l Mooar ny Nooghyn ~ All Saint's Day
Laa'l ny Merriu ~ All Soul's Day
Laa'l Parlane ~ St. Bartholomew's Day
Laa'l Shelg yn Drean ~ Boxing Day
Laa'l Steoin ~ Boxing Day
Laa'l Sushin ~ St. Swithin's Day
Laa'l Valentine ~ St. Valentine's Day
laamey ~ lama, llama
laamey feie ~ vicuna
laan ~ stud, pedestal, scabbard, mould, plenum
laaney ~ lane (in town)
laanid ~ plenitude
laaoil ~ daily, workaday, diurnal, everyday
laar ~ lar
laaragh ~ centric(al), stage, centre, venue, site
laaragh airh ~ gold field
laaragh bieauid ~ speedway
laaragh bishee ~ development area
laaragh ellyn ~ art gallery
laaragh geayil ~ coalfield
laaragh ny muick marrey ~ whaling ground
laaragh skyrraghtyn ~ skating rink
laaragh sniaghtee ~ snowfield
laaragh spoyrt ~ sports ground
laaragh sterrym ~ storm area
laaragh (thie) ~ building plot
laaragh troddan-kellee ~ cockpit
laaragh troggal ~ development area
laaragh troggee ~ building site
laaragh yn chaggee ~ theatre of war
laaraghey ~ centralize, lay (as floor), floor,
laaraghys ~ centralism
laaraingagh ~ laryngeal
laare [f] ~ storey, deck, floor, bottom, flat, set,
sill, level
laare ainey ~ inside of circle
laare-arroo ~ corn floor
laare chloaie ~ stone floor
laare (cholloon) ~ stylobate
laare fo halloo ~ basement
laare gheilley ~ lathe centre
laare hallooin ~ ground flour
laare heeree ~ drying floor
laare marmyr ~ marble floor
laare niaghyn ~ washing floor
laare soailt ~ barn floor
laare voaillee ~ threshing floor, barn floor
laare vooie ~ threshing floor, barn floor
laare vraghey ~ malt floor
laare vullee ~ top storey
laareagh ~ flooring, floored
laarey ~ of a floor
laareyder ~ floorer
laareyn ~ decking
laarit ~ floored
Laarney ~ Lorne, Larne
laarvagh ~ larval
laarvey ~ larva
laatchagh ~ lace-covered, effeminate in dress
laatchaghey ~ lace
laatchey ~ embroider, shoelace, lace, bootlace
laatchey lhieenagh ~ bone lace
laatchey pillagh ~ pillow lace
laatchey snaidey ~ point lace, needle lace
laatcheyder ~ lacemaker
laatcheydys ~ lacemaking
laayl ~ tulip
lab ~ large number, a lot
labb ~ blow, thump, bump, clout, bash, cuff
labbal ~ hit, clout, cuff, knock, thump, strike,
bash, banging, hitting, thumping, striking,
buffeting, clouting
labbeyder ~ striker, clouter, hard-hitter,
labbit ~ struck, clouted, thumped
laboragh ~ worker, labour
laboraght ~ work, toil, labour
laboree ~ workers
laborit ~ worked
labraghey ~ working, labour, work, labouring
labree ~ labourer, worker
labree fouyir ~ harvester
labree thallooin ~ husbandman
labreeyn ~ labour (force)
labrit ~ laboured, wrought
laccal ~ deficiency, desire, want, deficient
laccalagh ~ caritative
laccalit er ash ~ returnable
lacyr ~ lacquer
laddoge ~ lawn tennis
ladjag vuird ~ table tennis
Ladjin vaccagh ~ Dog Latin
Ladjin veaneashagh ~ Low latin
Ladjyn ~ Latin
Ladjyn ny Mean Eashyn ~ Low Latin
Ladjyn vaccagh ~ Dog Latin
Ladjyn yeianagh ~ Late Latin
Ladjyn yerrinagh ~ Late Latin
Ladjynagh ~ Latin, Latinist, Latinising
Ladjynaghey ~ Latinise, Latinising
Ladjynaght ~ Latinity
Ladjyner ~ Latinist
ladoosagh ~ persevering, industrious, notable,
successful, economic, thrifty
ladoose ~ economy, good management,
thriftiness, thrift
lag ~ loose, ill, slack, weak
lag-chairail ~ improvidence
lag-chrackanagh ~ thin-skinned
lag-chreeagh ~ chap-fallen, weak-hearted
lag-chreeaghtagh ~ weak-hearted
lag-chreeys ~ sadness
lag-ghailley ~ indigestion
lag-ghlioonagh ~ weak-kneed
lag-haghyrt ~ ill fortune
lag-hastagh ~ ignorant, retarded
lag-hooillagh ~ weak-sighted, weak-eyed
lag-hushtagh ~ ignorant, weak in head, weak-
minded, retarded person, idiot
lag-hushtey ~ simplicity
lag-hushtid ~ idiotism
lag-hustagh ~ simpleton
lag-inchynagh ~ weak-minded, weak in head
lag-lauee ~ idle
lag-laueys ~ idleness
lag-laynt ~ ill health, indisposition
lag-layntagh ~ invalid, indisposed, infirm
lag-reaytagh ~ weak-sighted
lag-spyrrydagh ~ weak-kneed
lag-vreagh ~ impotent
lag-vree ~ languor
lag-vreeagh ~ languorous, toneless
Lag y Wyllin ~ Lagavullin
lagg ~ hollow
lagg aile ~ firebox
lagg deck ~ welldeck
lagg-hooillagh ~ hollow-eyed
lagg laagh ~ slime pit
lagg-lieckanagh ~ hollow-cheeked
lagg moaney ~ peat bank, turf bank
laggagh ~ slackening, weakening
laggaghey ~ slacken, loosen, slack off, weaken
(as mixture)
laggan ~ hollow
laggeyder ~ slacker
laggid ~ slackness, looseness, languor,
laggin ~ socket
laggit ~ loosened, slackened
laghyn ~ days
laghyn breeney ~ sultry days
laghyn corragh ~ lively times, stirring days
laghyn jeelughtee ~ lay days
laghyn kiuney ~ Halcyon days
laghyn lughtee ~ lay days
laghyn ny haghinyn ~ rogation days
laghyn ny moddee ~ dog days
laghyn ny rogaid ~ rogation days
laghyn ny yei (shen) ~ after-days
laghyn ry-heet ~ after-days
laghyn seyrey ~ vacation
Lah! ~ My lad!
lahney ~ mash, pulverize
lahney praase ~ potato mash
lahneyder ~ masher, potato masher, crusher
lahnit ~ crushed (as fruit), mashed
lahnys cletch ~ bran mash
laial ~ lisle
Yn Laibeer ~ Liberia
Laibeeragh ~ Liberian
laineyr ~ liner
lainoil ~ linoleum
lair harree ~ breeding mare
laistey ~ leach
laiyal ~ lay
laiyt ~ layed, laid
lajer ~ strong, able-bodied, hard, sound, potent,
powerful, rich, cogent, pronounced, stout,
high-power(ed), heavy, heady, stark, forte,
forcible, lusty, vigorous (as plant)
lajeragh ~ strengthen, strengthening
lajerid ~ powerfulness, potency, strength,
prowess, starkness, vigour, soundness
lajerys ~ richness, force, prowess, strength,
headiness, cogency
lake ~ lake
lake yiarg ~ crimson lake
Laksey ~ Laxey
lambaanagh ~ childish, pusillanimous, doting,
infantile, childlike
lambaanid ~ childhood, pusillanimity, dotage,
lambaanys ~ childhood, dotage, infancy,
lambane ~ languid person
lambaneagh ~ languid
lambaneid ~ languidness
lambaneys yn chenn eash ~ second childhood
lampey ~ lamp, light
lampey croghit ~ hanging lamp
lampey farvoalley ~ ceiling lamp
lampey shassoo ~ standard lamp
lampoon ~ lampoon
lampooney ~ lampoon
lampooneyder ~ lampooner
lampooneydys ~ lampoonery
lamprag ~ glow worm, firefly
lamprey ~ lamprey
lane ~ full, replete, crowded, swelling, fully,
total, gravid, lot, unexpurgated (as edition),
much, loaded, plenary, sound, full-blooded,
at full strength
lane aacheoid ~ rheumaticky
lane aggle ~ fear-causing
lane-aghlish ~ armful
lane airh ~ auriferous
lane angaaish ~ agonized, anguished
lane argid ~ argentiferous
lane assee ~ harmful
lane assit ~ fullgrown
lane atchim ~ funky
lane ayn hene ~ self-contained
lane barrey ~ barrowful, truckful
lane bascaid ~ basketful
lane bayrn ~ capful
lane beishteigyn ~ wormy, worm-infested
lane boghtynid ~ piffling
lane brick ~ trout-filled
lane burley ~ cressy
lane cailjynys ~ constructive total loss
lane cairt ~ cartful
lane cappan ~ cupful
lane-choodaghey ~ blanket (as coverage)
lane-chooyllee ~ full back
lane chummaght ~ absolute power
lane chummaghtagh ~ plenipotentiary
lane confey ~ rabid
lane contaart ~ dismayed
lane corree ~ infuriated
lane coyrle noi ~ deprecatory
lane crauenyn ~ bony
lane cruick ~ bucketful, pailful
lane-curn ~ canful
lane da ny feeacklyn ~ chock-full
lane-daahagh ~ chromatic
lane d'aer ~ airy (place)
lane da'n chrossag ~ full up, chock-full
lane d'argid ~ argentiferous
lane doagh ~ vatful
lane doarn ~ fistful, handful
lane doo oalleeyn ~ spidery
lane dooisht ~ broad awake
lane-dorraghey ~ black-out
lane drid ~ full trot
lane (dy) ~ fraught
lane dy chassaghyn ~ twining
lane dy chree ~ soulful
lane dy chree as d'aigney ~ buoyant
lane dy vee ~ glutted
lane dy vishaghey ~ flourishing
lane dy vree ~ full of vim, significant,
expressive, full of pep
lane eash ~ majority
lane-eayst ~ full moon
lane edd ~ nestful
lane-emshiragh ~ full-time, whole-time
lane eunys ~ enchanted
lane farchail ~ weedy
lane fargagh ~ infuriated
lane farvriwnys (jeh) ~ prejudiced
lane fea ~ restful
lane feoh chionney ~ claustrophobic
lane fine ~ quiverful
lane fo ~ defiance
lane fraueagh ~ full rooted
lane fraueit ~ full rooted
lane ghennalys ~ gleeful
lane-ghooisht ~ wide-awake
lane-ghooney ~ perfect cadence
lane glenney feeyney ~ wine-glassful
lane glonney ~ glassful
lane gooidsave ~ condescending
lane gorley shymlee ~ comsumptive
lane gys y chrossag ~ top-full
lane gys y veeal ~ brim-full, top-full
lane-heu ~ full-page
lane-hooilagh ~ wide-eyed
lane-howshanagh ~ full-sized
lane injillid ~ condescending
lane jeen ~ foolproof
lane juist ~ bowlful
lane kiebbagh ~ spadeful
lane kishtey ~ boxful
lane-leagh ~ top-price
lane-lhaggey ~ plenary indulgence
lane lheegh ~ ladleful
lane liauyr ~ full-length
lane mairane ~ thimbleful
lane marrey ~ high tide, high water
lane meeyllyn ~ wormy (as wood), lousy
lane meilley ~ bowlful, basinful
lane moal as rea ~ andante
lane-moggaid ~ plateful
Lane mollaght da! ~ Perdition sieze him!
lane mooaraghey ~ begrudgingly
lane my-vlaa ~ full-blown
lane niartal ~ overwhelming
lane-noatey ~ breve
lane ny sooilley ~ stare
lane ollish ~ sweating, sweaty
lane phitt ushag ~ thimbleful
lane pihtt-ushag ~ a little sup
lane piob ~ pipeful
lane poagey ~ bagfull
lane pobble ~ populous
lane poggaid ~ pocketful
lane quaillagyn ~ fly-infested
lane reaid ~ gleeful
lane reayrtagh ~ panoramic
lane reayrtys ~ panorama
lane-rheynnagh ~ aliquot
lane roddanyn ~ rat-infested
lane saick ~ sackful
lane sarkil ~ overgrown
lane-scaa ~ umbra
lane-scooyrit ~ paralytic
lane-scuirr ~ period
lane sevreain ~ panic-stricken
lane shilleyree ~ helter-skelter
lane skaal ~ saucerful
lane skaaley ~ bowlful
lane skielley ~ harmful
lane-skimmee ~ complement
lane sleayst ~ shovelful
lane smoo ~ much bigger
lane snaidey ~ needleful
lane soiaghey mooar ~ appreciative
lane soo ~ juicy, sappy
lane spein ~ teaspoonful, spoonful
lane spein buird ~ tablespoonful
lane spuitt ~ pocked
lane-staayney ~ abstinence from alcohol
lane streeu ~ strife-torn
lane-sym ~ sum total
lane taitnys ~ enchanted, charmed
lane tastey ~ undivided attention
lane thie ~ houseful
lane toan ~ whole-tone
lane troo ~ envious
lane truck ~ truckful
lane ushtey ~ wringing wet
lane Vannin jeh ~ loads of
lane vie ~ pretty well
lane volg ~ bell-full
lane-vooghey soilshey ~ black out
Lane y vollaght da! ~ A plague on him!
lane-yerkallagh ~ optimist, optimistic
lane-yerkallys ~ optimism
lane yindys ~ agog, wonder-struck
lane ynnydyn y vreck ~ pock-marked
lane-yss ~ assurance (conviction)
laneid ~ fullness
laneid pobbyl ~ mass
langeid ~ tether, anklet (prisoner), lanket,
hobble, fetter
langeidaghey ~ lanket
Langlish ~ Langness
lanid ~ repletion, contents
lann ~ enclosure, habitation
lannoon ~ twin, man and wife
lannoon aeg ~ happy pair
lannoon ny greiney ~ mock sun
lannoon-vhertagh ~ biparous
lannoonagh ~ biparous, dichasial
lannoonaghey ~ pairing, couple, pair
lannoonit ~ paired, coupled
lannoonyn ~ twins
lannoonyn kianglt ~ Siamese twins
lannoonys ~ twinship
Lannraig ~ Lanarkshire
lansh ~ a lot, a great deal, a large quantity, large
lant ~ lap
lanyarn ~ lanyard
lapadane ~ pad
Yn Laplan ~ Lapland
Laplannagh ~ Laplander
Laplannish ~ Lapp
laplin ~ pinafore, apron
laplinyn ~ female working clothes
lapp ~ miss in painting
lapp ny kirkey ~ double cablestitch
lappagh ~ oozy, marshy
lappal ~ wrap, double
lappit ~ wrapped, doubled up
larm ~ alarm
larm caggee ~ beating (to arms)
larsh ~ larch
lascar ~ lascar
lassoo ~ lariat, lasso
lastagh ~ made of elastic
lasteyr ~ stevedore
latt ~ lath, rack, ceiling rack
latt scudlee ~ luggage rack
Latvagh ~ Lett, Latvian
Yn Latvey ~ Latvia
Latvish ~ Lett, Latvian
lauagh ~ gunfire
lauaghey ~ wield
laudane ~ laudanum
Lauds ~ laud
laue [f] ~ hand, handful, foreleg, grasp (of oar),
arm (of signal, etc.)
laue- ~ manu
laue chaggee ~ arm (military)
laue-cheird ~ handicraft
laue-cheirdagh ~ handyman, handicraftsman
laue-chiarail ~ manicure
laue chiare ~ left hand
laue chiuttagh ~ left hand
laue-chleasagh ~ juggling
laue-chleasaght ~ sleight of hand
laue-chleasee ~ juggler
laue chlee ~ left hand
laue-chluickagh ~ juggling
laue-chluickeyder ~ juggler
laue-chluickys ~ jugglery, sleight of hand
laue-chooilleeney ~ masturbation, self-relief
laue-chooilleeneyder ~ masturbator
laue-eddrym ~ light-fingered
laue-feeit ~ handwoven
laue ghlass ~ prentice hand
laue ghorrysh ~ doorhandle
laue-ghruaiagh ~ palmist
laue-ghruaiaght ~ palmistry
laue-ghruaiaghtagh ~ chiromancer
laue-ghruaiaghtys ~ chiromancy
laue-ghrualtys ~ palmistry, chiromancy
laue gyn chliaghtey ~ prentice hand
laue-heeley ~ artificial insemination
laue hoshtal ~ bridle hand, left hand
laue-jantys ~ artificialness
laue-jeant ~ artificial
laue lajer ~ mailed fist
laue-lajeragh ~ strong-armed
laue-lajerys ~ physical force, oppression, force
laue-lhee ~ surgeon
laue-lhee thie ~ house surgeon
laue-lheeagh ~ surgical
laue-lheeys ~ surgery, osteopathy
laue-lheeys plastagh ~ plastic surgery
laue-lheeyseyr ~ osteopath
laue-lhomys ~ mastery
laue-lioar ~ manual, handbook, companion
laue my height ~ handsuit
laue-obbyr ~ manual labour
laue-'oddey ~ long-armed
laue-screeuit ~ handwritten
laue-screeuyn ~ script, manuscript, MS
laue scrieuee ~ handwriting
laue streeaney ~ bridle-hand
laue un-daaghagh ~ flush (in cards)
laue vastee ~ helping hand
laue-whaalit ~ handsewn
laue yesh ~ sword-arm, right hand
laue-yeshaghey ~ manicure
laue-yesheyder ~ manicurist
laue yn eaghtyr ~ superiority, mastery,
whiphand, advantage (upper hand), victory
laueaghey ~ manipulation, wielding,
lauean ~ glove
lauean liauyr ~ gauntlet
lauean rubbyr ~ flesh-glove
lauean uillinagh ~ elbow-glove
lauean yiarn ~ gauntlet
laueaneyr ~ glovemaker
laueaneyrys ~ glovemaking
laueanyn-doarney ~ boxing gloves
laueanyn mannan ~ kid gloves
laueanyn markee ~ riding gloves
lauee ~ handy, versatile, useful, dexterous
laueeys ~ versatility, virtuosity
lauejaghys argid ~ turn over
laueraghan ~ handle (of flail)
lauesaghey ~ manhandle
lauescreeu cruinn ~ roundhand
lauescreeuee ~ handwriting
lauey ~ of a hand
laueyder ~ manipulator
laueyn (daawheeyl) ~ handlebars
laueyn er lheshyn ~ akimbo
laueys ~ elbow grease, alacrity, industry
(speed), skilfulness
laueys aghtallys ~ dexterity
launshey ~ launch
lauraghan ~ shaft, flail
lauraghan kianglee ~ link-lever
Laurys ~ Lawrence, Laurence
laurys ~ bay tree, laurel, bay
laurys shillishagh ~ cherry bay
laurysagh ~ lauraceous
lavander ~ lavender
laylac ~ lilac
lea ~ broader
leac [f] ~ slab, sheet, flagstone, headstone,
plaque, monolith, slate, foundation (of
Leac Chleopatra ~ Cleopatra's Needle
leac cooinaghtyn ~ monument
leac ghorrysh ~ doorstep
leac laarey ~ floor-tile
leac leoaie ~ sheet lead
leac oaie, \ leac oaye ~ tombstone, gravestone
leac pheamadagh ~ paving stone (flat)
leac-rio ~ pack ice
leac screeuee ~ writing table
leac shocklaid ~ bar of chocolate
leac uinnag ~ window ledge, sill, window sill
leac varmyr ~ table
leac y chiollee ~ hearthstone
leacag ~ countersink
leacag vullee ~ ridge-tile
leacagh ~ slaty, monolithic
leacaghey ~ countersink
leacan ~ tile
leacan jeeltagh ~ saddle-tile
leacan mullee ~ crest-tile
leacanagh ~ tiled
leacanyn ~ tiling
leaceyr ~ countersink
leacoil ~ monumental
leacyn y leigh ~ tables of the law
leaddan ~ teasel, bur, fuller, teazle
leaddanagh ~ fuller, cloth dresser, carder
leaddaneyr ~ carder
leaddanit ~ carded (as wool)
leagh ~ payment, consideration, worth, reward,
valuation, renumeration, price, recompense,
cost, fee
leagh barganeagh ~ bargain price
leagh brash ~ excess fare
leagh brishee ~ discount price
leagh broakeyrys ~ brokerage
leagh cooie ~ reasonable price
leagh dooraght ~ discount price
leagh ennymagh ~ face value, nominal value
leagh er argid sheese ~ cash price
leagh feayslee ~ ransom
leagh injil ~ bargain price
leagh leighder ~ lawyer's fee
leagh-listey ~ price list
leagh lught ~ freightage
leagh margee ~ sale value, market price
leagh mooar ~ precious, high price
leagh post ~ postage paid
leagh ro ard ~ overcharge
leagh roie ~ sweepstake
leagh shey pingyn ~ sixpennyworth
leagh shiaullee ~ passage money
leagh s'inshley ~ bedrock price
leagh toshee ~ opening price, starting price
leagh troalt ~ fare
leagh trome ~ high price
leagh ymmyrkee ~ cartage, carriage (bearing)
leaghagh ~ professional, valuables, valuable,
leaghal ~ stocktaking
leaghal sthock ~ stocktaking
leaghane ~ marsh mallow
leaghar ~ precious, costly, valuable
leagharagh ~ precious, valuable, valued
leagharaght ~ preciousness, valuableness
leagheyder ~ appraiser
leaght ~ lecture
leaght-daah ~ wash, wash-tint
leaght londeyragh ~ lantern lecture
leaghtaght ~ valuableness
leaghtey ~ lecturing, lecture
leaghteyr ~ lecturer
leaghteyrys ~ lectureship
leaghyn yn vargee ~ market prices
leaghyr ~ rush
leaghyr cheylley ~ great woodrush
leaghyr ghlass ~ green rush
leaghyragh ~ rushy
leaghyrnee ~ rushy place
leah ~ early, prompt
leahid ~ earliness
leahree ~ abortive
leahys ~ rate, quickness, promptness
leahys ruggyryn ~ birth rate
leau ~ mawkish
leaum ~ sudden heavy shower, squelch
leaumagh ~ squelchy
leaumey ~ squelch
leavey ~ lava
leayr ~ explicit, obvious, glaring, discernible,
perceivable, distinct, clear-headed, evident,
graphic, clear, unequivocal
leayraght ~ distinctness
leayrid ~ visibility, glaringness, plainness
leayrid mie ~ good visibility
leayrtys ~ light
leayst-chiaull ~ swing
leaystagh ~ hesitant, wavering, oscillatory,
waddling, swinging, vibrant, nodding,
reeling, rocking
leaystaght ~ hesitancy
leaystan ~ hanging-post of gate
leaystane ~ swing
leaystane etlagh ~ trapeze
leaystey ~ swing, sway, oscillate, vacillate, roll,
heel, swerve, loll, rock, fluctuate, reel, bank,
see-saw, boggle, swing back, hesitate,
brandish, dangle, waver (of fixture), wave
(of hand), waddle; wavering, swinging,
vacillating, hesitating, fluctuating, swaying,
rocking, reeling, lolling, balancing,
waddling; fluctuation, oscillation, hesitation,
leaystey er ash ~ swing back
leaystey sooilley ~ nystagmus
leaysteyder ~ rocker, waddler, swinger,
leaysteyder cooylley ~ valve-rocker
leaystit ~ rocked, swung
lectragh ~ electric(al)
lectraghey ~ electrify, electrification
lectraght ~ electricity
lectraght screebee ~ static electricity
lectral ~ electrolyse
lectraneagh ~ electronic
lectraneaghys ~ electroics
lectreyr ~ electrician
lectro-chemmig ~ electro-chemistry
lectro-chlou ~ electrotype
lectro-chloudeyrys ~ electrotyping
lectro-ghleashagh ~ electromotive
lectro-ghleashaght ~ electromotion
lectro-ghleashaghtys ~ electro-dynamics
lectro-hashtey ~ electro-deposit
lectro-lheeys ~ electro-theraphy
lectro-oaylleeaght ~ electrology
lectro-plaital ~ electro-plate
lectrolagh ~ electrolytic
lectrolyte ~ electrolyte
lectromeadar torshynagh ~ torsion electrometer
lectromotor ~ electromotor
lectroscope ~ electroscope
lectrostatagh ~ electrostatic
lectrostataght ~ electrostatics
lectrothermagh ~ electro-thermic
lectroyd ~ electrode
lectuaree ~ electuary
leddoge ~ tennis
lee ~ more
leeaght ~ disquisition
leean ~ vane
leeg ~ league
leeid ~ cue, clue, pointer
leeid er ash ~ lead back
leeid stiagh ~ lead in
leeidagh ~ insinuative
leeideil ~ lead, conduct, direct, leading, captain
(as team)
leeideil er shaghryn ~ misdirect, mislead,
leeideil ersooyl ~ abduct, lead off, abduction,
lead away
leeideil magh ~ lead out
leeideil seose ~ lead up
leeideil stiagh ~ induction
leeideilagh ~ leader, ringleader, conductor,
directive, directional, principle, conductive
leeideilagh ersooyl ~ abductor
leeideilagh kiaullee ~ precentor
leeideilagh purtey ~ pilot
leeideilagh soiag ~ usher
leeideilagh tendreil ~ lightning conductor
leeideilee ~ van of the army
leeideiltagh ~ leader
leeideiltys ~ leadership
leeideilys ~ leadership, guidance, direction
leeidit ~ conducted, led
leejoon ~ legion
leejoonagh ~ legionary
leeseyder ~ lessor
Leesh ~ Leix
leetchey ~ leach
Yn Leetey ~ Leith
leetyr ~ litre
leftenant brattagh ~ flag lieutenant
leggad ~ legacy, bequest, endowment;
sweetheart, beau, partner, Valentine
(sweetheart), boy (sweetheart), amour propre
leigh [f] ~ enactment, respect, law
leigh chadjin ~ Common Law
leigh cherree ~ penal law
leigh chimmee ~ criminal law
leigh cocheaghlagh ~ associative law
leigh er lheh ~ by(e)-law
leigh-hoyrtagh ~ legislator, lawgiver
leigh hraghtee ~ commercial law
leigh kerree ~ punitive law
leigh-loayrtagh ~ lawgiver
leigh ny cheerey ~ law of the land
leigh ny cleeau ~ breast law
leigh ny hagglish ~ canon law
leigh ny moght ~ poor law
leigh ny theay ~ common law
leigh-oayllee ~ jurist, legist
leigh-oaylleeaght ~ jurisprudence
leigh scarree ~ distributive law
leigh slattyssagh ~ statute law
leigh traghtee ~ mercantile law
leigh voraltagh ~ moral law
leigh y teihill ~ law of nature
Leigh Yee ~ divine law
leighagh ~ litigious, legal
leighaghtaght ~ litigiousness
leighalagh ~ loyal
leighaltagh ~ loyalist
leighaltys ~ loyalty
leighdaragh ~ statutory
leighder ~ lawyer, barrister, advocate, attorney,
council, legal practitioner
leighder marrey ~ sea lawyer
leighder yn ree ~ king's counsel
leighderaght ~ pleading, litigate, practising law
leighderys ~ lawyership, litigiousness, practice
of law
leighoil ~ legal, legislative, lawful, legitimate
leighoilid ~ legality, lawfulness, legitimacy
leighoilys ~ lawfulness, legitimacy, legality
leighyn ~ legislation
leighyn yn najoor ~ laws of nature
leih ~ absolve, pardon, excuse, forgive,
absolution, forgiving, forgiveness, remission
leih (da) ~ pardon
leih-ockle ~ innuendo
leihagh ~ pardonable
leihder ~ forgiver, pardoner
leihit ~ absolved
leiht ~ forgiven
leihys ~ pardon, remission
leion ~ lion
leion bwoirrin ~ lioness
Leninaght ~ Leninism
lens kiaddit ~ contact lens
lensey cochruinnit ~ condenser
lensey dooblit ~ double lens
lent ~ skirt, hem
leoaie [f] ~ lead, sounding lead, plumbic,
leoaie ghial ~ whitelead, white lead
leoaie ghoo ~ plumbago, black lead
leoaie lhean ~ sheet lead
leoaie uinnag ~ window lead, window leads,
leoaie vane ~ white lead
leoaie vuigh ~ yellow lead
leoaie yiarg ~ lead oxide, red lead
leod ~ ledge
leodagh ~ derogatatory, decreasing, degrading
leodagher ~ disparager, absorber (of shocks)
leodaghey ~ drop, reduce, decrease, diminish,
mitigate, degrade, depreciate, undervalue,
disrespect, offset, subtract, impair,
disparage, detract, dislike, dull; reduction,
mitigation, disparagement, remission,
impairment, diminution; detractor; cheap
leodaghey jaagh ~ smoke abatement
leodee ~ disparaging, diminishing, pejorative
leodit ~ diminished, derogated, reduced,
disrespected, disliked
leodys ~ detraction, reduction, subtraction,
leodys bee ~ slimming diet
leoh ~ of ash
leoie [f] ~ ash
leoieagh ~ ashy
leoiey ~ of ash
leoiragh ~ ashy, dusty
leoireydane ~ ashtray
Leon ~ Leo
lepard ~ leopard
lepard bwoirrin ~ leopardess
lepard-chayt ~ leopard cat
lepard shelg ~ cheetah
lepard sniaghtee ~ snow leopard, ounce
Lerphoyll ~ Liverpool
Lerphoyllagh ~ Scouse
lesbeeagh ~ lesbian
lesbeeaght ~ lesbianism
lesh ~ with, for, toward; with him, his
lesh aigney feayr ~ dispassionately
lesh aker seyr ~ atrip
lesh ammys ~ admiringly
lesh ard-cheim ~ with eclat
lesh broochramman ~ push-button
lesh bwoalley eddrym ~ liltingly
lesh coaigney ~ unanimously
Lesh cooney Yee! ~ Please God! D.V
lesh corree ~ angrily
lesh foayroilid ~ approvingly
lesh foyryn ry-cheilley ~ edgeways
lesh fys ~ scienter
lesh graaf ~ graphically
lesh hene ~ separate
lesh jeih-yoin ~ well intentioned
lesh join Yee ~ D.V
lesh kied ~ under licence
lesh mirril ~ by a miracle
lesh mooaraghey ~ begrudgingly
lesh niart ~ amain
lesh niau ~ heavenwards
lesh roon ~ out of malice
lesh shen ~ therewith, whereupon, thereto,
therewithal, thereupon, thereat
lesh shoh ~ hereby, hereupon, herewith
lesh sooillyn carbeigagh ~ rheumy-eyed
lesh sym ~ interestedly
lesh taitnys ~ admiringly
lesh traa ~ deliberately
lesh un' aigney ~ unanimously, unanimous
lesh un coraa ~ nem con
lesh y cheayn ~ seawards
lesh y cheilley ~ together, conjointly
lesh y cherruid ~ acidish
lesh y cheylid ~ thinnish
lesh y chruinnid ~ roundish
lesh y clyst ~ coastward
lesh y feayrid ~ coldish, coolish
lesh y gheay ~ adrift, leeward
lesh y gheayney ~ greenish
lesh y ghlass ~ greenish
lesh y ghormid ~ bluish
lesh y ghorrym jiarg ~ purplish
lesh y ghrian ~ clockwise
lesh y jiass ~ southerly, southwards
lesh y liurid ~ longish
lesh y niar ~ to the eastward
lesh y noaid ~ somewhat new
lesh y red 'sy chuinney ~ flagrante delicto
lesh y sheear ~ westward
lesh y sherriuid ~ bitterish
lesh y speyr ~ skywards
lesh y thalloo ~ landward(s)
lesh y thannid ~ thinnish
lesh y tooill ~ visually
lesh y trooan ~ downstream
lesh y twoaie ~ northward
lesh y vie ~ goodish
lesh y wuigh ~ yellowish
lesh yindys ~ admiringly, surprisedly
lesh yn aarkey ~ seawards
lesh yn chleaysh ~ aurally
lesh yn dhoanid ~ brownish
lesh yn eaynee ~ towards the precipice
lesh yn 'oddid ~ longish
leshtal ~ apology, excuse, mitigation, pretence,
pretext, plea
leshtal moal ~ a sorry excuse, poor excuse
leshtal son ~ makeshift
leshtallagh ~ apologetic, extenuating, excuser,
Leshyn myr toilchyn! ~ Serves him right!
lessoon [f] ~ lesson
lessoon lhaih ~ reading lesson
lessoon sambyllagh ~ object lesson
lessoon sampleyr ~ object lesson
lettraghey ~ spell, spelling
lettraghey lhiasit ~ reformed spelling
lettreyder ~ speller
lettyr ~ character, letter
lettyr beg ~ small letter
lettyr mooar ~ capital letter, capital
lettyr yn Doonee ~ dominical letter
lettyragh ~ literate
lettyraght ~ belles-lettres, literacy, letters,
lettyroil ~ literal, lettered
lettyryn Romanagh ~ Latin characters
lettyrys ~ lettering
lettys liauyr ~ cos lettuce
leuys-ghunneyder ~ Lewis gunner
leuys-gunn ~ Lewis gun
Yn Levaant ~ Levant
Levaantagh ~ Levantine, Levant
leval ~ level
leviathan ~ leviathan
levyl ~ spirit level
lhag ~ feeble, ineffective, dim, faltering, dent,
depressed, flaccid, frail in health, baggy,
easy fitting, flagging
lhag boglee ~ moss hag
lhag-cheayllagh ~ hare-brained
lhag-chooishagh ~ unenterprising
lhag-chreeagh ~ despondent, depressed, faint-
hearted, dispirited, miserable, down-hearted
lhag-chreeys ~ despond, faint-heartedness,
dejection, desolation (of persons), depression
lhag-ghaillagh ~ dyspepsia, dyspeptic, weak
lhag greeish ~ staircase
lhag-haghyrt ~ misadventure, mischance,
mishap, accident (bad)
lhag-haghyrtagh ~ accidental, misfortunate
lhag-hooillagh ~ dim-sighted
lhag-hreishteil ~ despair
lhag-hushtagh ~ nutcase
lhag-inchynagh ~ dozy, deficient, feeble-
minded, dense (of mind)
lhag-laynt ~ frail health, asthenia, indifferent
lhag sollan ~ salt pan
lhag-spyrrydoil ~ pusillanimous
lhag-spyrrydoilaght ~ pusillanimity
lhag-stayd ~ impotence
lhag-vreeagh ~ poor-spirited
lhag-vrooit ~ low pressure
lhagg ~ trough, fossa, hag, valley, fold, dinge,
lhagg (feeacklagh) ~ alveole
lhagg ny sooilley ~ eyehole
lhaggagh ~ slack, depression
lhaggaghey ~ ease off, depress, ease, relax,
drop away, reduce, abate, write down, dim,
flag, fade out, fade, bate, mitigate; flagging,
reduction, abatement, relaxation, mitigation
lhaggan ~ depression, dimple
lhagganagh ~ dimpled
lhaggee magh ~ ease off
lhaggeen stroaney ~ sinus
lhaggey ~ indulgence
lhaggid ~ slack, flatness, dimness, feebleness
lhaggid bree ~ impotence
lhaggid-chree ~ faint-heartedness
lhaggin lectragh ~ electric socket
lhaggit ~ bated, run down
lhagragh ~ depression
lhagragh dowin ~ deep depression
lhagragh eddrym ~ shallow depression
lhaiee vreag ~ big lie, whopper
lhaih ~ reading, decipher, read
lhaih dy currymagh ~ peruse
lhaih er ard ~ read out
lhaih kaartyn ~ cartomancy
lhaih meillyn ~ lip-reading, lip-read
lhaih prowallyn ~ proof-reading
lhaih screeu as earrooagh ~ the three R's
lhaih trooid ~ read through
lhaihagh ~ legible, bookish, studious
lhaihaght ~ legibility, bookishness
lhaihder ~ lector, reader
lhaihder jeean ~ voracious reader
lhaihder prowal ~ proof-reader
lhaihderaght ~ circulation, readership
lhaihderys ~ art of reading, perusal
lhaihoil ~ readable, legible
lhaiht dy lhean ~ well-read (book)
lhannee ~ glebe
lhannoon ~ double
lhappal ~ fold up
lhargagh ~ descent, fall, dip, downward
gradient, hillside, defile, slope
lhargaght ~ declevity
lhargee ~ descending, of a slope, declivitous
Ny Lhargeeyn Goaldagh ~ Largs
lhea ~ broader
lheadaghey ~ starve
lheadey ~ starve, starvation with cold
lheagh-wuigh ~ coffee-coloured
lheah ~ forward (of plants)
lheahree ~ rotten
lheahys ~ forwardness
lheahys ruggyree ~ natality
lheamey ~ firearm
lheamys ~ imperfection, flaw, defect, blemish,
fault, default, deformity, different
lheamysid ~ defectiveness
lheamysit ~ hurt
lheamyssagh ~ defaulter, different, imperfect,
defective, blemished
lheamyssey ~ deformation, deform
lhean ~ wide, sheet, sweeping, flat of nose,
extensive, broad, full (of chin)
lhean-aignagh ~ large-minded, broadminded
lhean-chassagh ~ broad-footed
lhean cheeillagh ~ square-jawed
lhean-chleeauagh ~ deep-chested, broad-
lhean-foslit ~ gaping
lhean-gheaylinagh ~ broad shouldered, square-
lhean ghlioonagh ~ broad-lapped
lhean-ghuillagagh ~ broad-leaved
lhean-hooillagh ~ round-eyed
lhean-hoynagh ~ flat bottomed
lhean-oghrishagh ~ broad-bosomed
lhean-oirragh ~ broad-brimmed
lhean-ordaagagh ~ square-toed
lhean-stronnagh ~ flat-nosed
lhean 'sy toshiaght ~ bluff
lhean-thoynagh ~ broad bottomed
lhean-ughtagh ~ broad-lapped
lheanagh ~ broad
lheanagh bane ~ blank page
lheanagh ynnyd ~ cancel
lheanaghey ~ widen, extend, flare, flatten,
branch out, beat out, dilate, expand, sprain,
yawn (as chasm), broadening, widening,
extension, expansion, dilation
lheanaghey er fud ~ suffuse
lheanaghey magh ~ stretch
lheanaghey (meain) ~ hammer down
lheanaghey sooilley ~ mydriasis
lheanee ~ broadening
lheaney ~ spread, spraining, sprain
lheanid ~ extensiveness, flatness, extent
lheanit ~ dilated, widened, broadened, sprained
lheaumagh ~ sloppy
lheaymyssit ~ deformed
lheaystagh ~ fluctuating
lhedit ~ starving, starved
lhedjag ~ chuck (under chin)
lhee ~ with her, pigment, more, pigmentation,
doctor, physician
lhee baagh ~ vet, veterinary surgeon,
lhee cabbil ~ farrier
lhee cleayshey ~ ear specialist
lhee coshey ~ chiropodist
lhee lhuingey ~ ship's doctor
lhee mraane ~ gynaecologist
lhee neughruggagh ~ physiotherapist
lhee sooilley ~ optician, oculist
lheead ~ expansiveness, spread, wideness,
width, amplitude, breadth, broadness
l heead ai gney ~ l arge-mi ndedness,
lheead bassey ~ hand-breadth
lheead meir ~ digit
lheead renaig ~ hair's breadth
lheead tuill ~ bore (size of)
lheeadagh ~ far-reaching, widespread
lheeadaghey ~ broaden, broadening
lheeadee ~ broadening
lheeadoil ~ latitudinal
lheeagh ~ pigmentary, dipper
lheeaghey ~ greying, grizzle
lheeaghid ~ greyness
lheeaght ~ leechcraft
lheeaghys ~ greyness, mustiness, hoarinees
lheeah ~ grey, silver, grey- or white-haired,
grey-headed, hoary, musty, mould
lheeah-ghlass ~ light grey, sage-green
lheeah-ghorrym ~ glaucous, blue-grey, livid
lheeah gorrym-yiarg ~ mauve
lheeah-gorrymid ~ lividity
lheeah-rio ~ rime, hoar frost, white frost, ground
lheeah-vane ~ whitish
lheeah-viughid ~ sallowness
lheeah-vuigh ~ sallow
lheeah-wuigh ~ yellowish
lheeah-yiarg ~ pinkish
lheeahaghey ~ mould
lheeahid ~ mould, mouldiness
lheeahid duillag ~ leaf mould
lheeahree ~ mustiness, addled (as egg)
Lheeahtrim ~ Leitrim
lheeahys ~ mouldiness
lheean ~ blade of propeller
lheean aer ~ airscrew
lheeanaghey ~ open out, broaden
lheeanee ushtey ~ water meadow
lheeannag ~ small meadow
lheeannee [f] ~ meadow, mead
lheeartaghey ~ gaze
lheegh ~ ladle
lheegh awree ~ soup ladle
lheeghey ~ ladle out, ladling
lheeish ~ hers
lheelann ~ dispensary, clinic
lheelann magheragh ~ field hospital
lheenree ~ fit of nerves
lheeys ~ treatment, physic
lheeys aash ~ rest cure
lheeys aigney ~ psychiatry
lheeys billagh ~ tree surgery
lheeys cabbil ~ farriery
lheeys cadlee ~ opiate
lheeys coshey ~ chiropody
lheeys credjue ~ faith-healing
lheeys folliaghtagh ~ nostrum
lheeys harrish lheeys ~ sovereign remedy
lheeys neughruggagh ~ physiotherapy
lheeyssagh ~ remediable
ny lheh as noi ~ pro and con
lhehlys ~ isolation
lhehlysaghys ~ isolationism
lhehlysee ~ isolationist
lhehlyssagh ~ isolationist
lhei ~ fishing mark
lhei vreag ~ whopper, downright lie
lheian ~ fuse
lheibeidjagh ~ cumbersome, unwieldy, difficult
to walk on
lheibeidjid ~ cumbersomeness
lheibeidjys ~ irksomeness, difficulty
lheid ~ such
y lheid shen ~ suchlike
lheie ~ digest, dissolve, soften, dissipate, smelt,
fuse, blow (of fuse), disappear, blow out,
liquefy; digestion, assimilation, melting,
smelting, dissipation, dissolution, blowing,
lheie ersooyl ~ die out, blow over, dwindle,
vanish (as ice), wear off
lheieagh ~ digestive, soluble
lheieaght ~ solubility
lheieder ~ smelter
lheieder kerey ~ wax-handler
lheieit ~ liquefied
lheieys ~ solution
lheieys rubbyr ~ rubber solution
lheih ~ render, remit
lheihagh ~ solvent, digestible
lheihaght ~ digestibility
lheihit ~ remitted, rendered
lheihll ~ movement, power, action, use of limb,
physical activity
lheihltys ~ activeness (of person), nimbleness
lheiht ~ molten, smelted, digested
lheihys ~ healing, heal, curing, cure, remedy
lheihys er reurid ~ slimming remedy
lheihys yn ushtey ~ water cure
lheihyssagh ~ remediable, curable, sanative,
healing, curative
lheijey ~ fly (of flag)
lheil ~ stir
lheill ~ move
lheiltagh ~ active (as person), mover, gymnast,
lheiltys ~ exercise, gymnastics, physical
training, motion
lheim ~ jump, leap, spring, hop, buck, vault,
limp, start, pounce, bound, bounce, embrace,
lope, tup; jumping, leaping
lheim ard ~ high jump
lheim ass yn ushtey ~ breach (of whale)
lheim braddan ~ salmon leap
lheim (eeanlee) ~ flush
lheim er ash ~ fly back
lheim er mooin ~ mount
lheim er y laair ~ serving the mare
lheim ergooyl ~ recoil
lheim foddey ~ long jump
lheim harrish ~ jump across
lheim laue ~ vault, handspring
lheim liauyr ~ long jump
lheim magh ~ bail out
lheim maidjey ~ pole jump
lheim mygeayrt ~ jump about
lheim ny hassoo ~ spring up, jump out
lheim-ratch ~ steeplechase
lheim roie ~ running jump
lheim seose ~ jump out
lheim seose lane corree ~ fly up
lheim shuddyragh ~ scissor jump
lheim stiagh ~ jump in
lheim-surley ~ standing jump
lheim 'syn aer ~ spring up
lheim ushtey ~ cascade, water jump
lheimaghan ~ spring, frog
lheimaghan caslit ~ coiled spring
lheimaghan ooreyder ~ watch-spring
lheimaghan renaig ~ hair-spring
lheimmey ~ hop, spring, long jump, leap,
embrace, mate
lheimmey ergooyl ~ spring back, recoil
lheimmey seose ~ shoot up
lheimmey y laair ~ serving the mare
lheimmeyder ~ leaper, jumper, caperer, fencer,
tumbler; spark; horse mackerel
lheimmeyder creggey ~ klipspringer
lheimmit ~ leaped, served
lheimyragh ~ frisk, vaulting, jumping, vault,
leap, bounce, long jump, hop, spring, pounce
lheimyragh er mooin ~ mount
lheimyragh ergooyl ~ recoil
lheimyragh seose ~ shoot up
lheimyraght ~ leaping
lheimyraght er ash ~ spring back
lheimyraght ghrommey ~ leapfrog
Lhein ~ Monday
lheiney [f] ~ sark, shirt
lheiney chillagh ~ surplice
lheiney chreoi ~ dress shirt
lheiney eillee ~ shirt of mail
lheiney erin ~ alb
lheiney fastyr ~ dress shirt
lheiney feayr ~ winding sheet
lheiney gheayshteenagh ~ hair shirt, cilice
lheiney oie ~ nightshirt
lheiney vaaish ~ shroud, winding sheet
lheiney veg ~ lining of eggshell
lheiney ven ~ chemise, nightshift
lheiney Voirrey ~ lady's smock, cuckoo flower
lheish ~ leeward
lheittrimagh ~ afflicting
lheiy ~ calf
lheiy firryn ~ bull-calf
lheiy jiole ~ suckling
lheiyagh ~ calvish
lheiyee ~ calves
lheiys ~ treatment
lheiyssit ~ remedied
lhejag ~ junket
lhejagh ~ congealable, setting, numb,
hardening, shivery, trembling
lhejaghey ~ numb
lhejey ~ set, setting, perish with cold, quaking,
lhejid ~ numbness
lhejit ~ perished with cold, starving, starved,
lhemeen ~ moth
lhemeen darree ~ acorn moth
lhemeen eaddagh ~ clothes moth
lhemeen eairkagh ~ antler moth
lhemeen farnee ~ alder moth
lhemeen shawkagh ~ hawk moth
lhemeen sheeidey ~ silk moth
lhemeen y skeddan ~ herring moth
lhemeenagh ~ moth-eaten, mothy
lhemeenys ~ moth damage
lhemyn ~ moth
lhemyn hulladagh ~ owlet moth
lhen ~ trench
lheng ~ halfpenny
lherrym ~ port side
lhesh [f] ~ hip
lheshagh ~ rocking
lheshey ~ coxal, haunch, of a hip, femoral
lheshey 'eill vart ~ round (of beef)
lheun ~ humour
lheunicagh ~ subject to styes
lheunican ~ sty
lhiabbagh ~ bed, of a bed
lhiabbaghey ~ lodge
lhiabbee [f] ~ bed, couch, seating, seat, litter,
course of river, form (of hare)
lhiabbee aer ~ air-bed
lhiabbee akeragh ~ berth, moorage, berthing,
anchoring berth
lhiabbee akerys ~ harbourage
lhiabbee Albinagh ~ box-bed
lhiabbee awiney ~ river-bed
lhiabbee champey ~ camp-bed
lhiabbee cheh ~ hotbed
lhiabbee chiare postyn ~ four-poster
lhiabbee chingys ~ sickbed
lhiabbee chlooie ~ feather-bed
lhiabbee gheaylin ~ palankeen
lhiabbee gheilley ~ lathe-bed
lhiabbee hingys ~ bed of sickness
lhiabbee hruckle ~ truckle-bed
lhiabbee leaghyragh ~ rush bed
lhiabbee leaystey ~ hammock
lhiabbee lhiennoo ~ cot (for infant)
lhiabbee lhuingey ~ hammock, bunk
lhiabbee stellyn ~ trestle-bed
lhiabbee thooee ~ pallet
lhiabbee (traen) ~ berth
lhiabbee vaaish ~ death bed
lhiabbee yerrinagh ~ death bed
lhiabbee yiarn ~ bedstead (iron)
lhiack ~ flagstone, core (of breast)
lhiackag ~ tablet
lhiaght ~ couch, bed, lodging place, lying place,
lair, lie, carn, cairn, standing stone,
sepulchre, tomb
lhiaght cooinaght ~ cenotaph
lhiaght cooinaghtyn ~ monument
Yn Lhiaght Fail ~ The Stone of Scone
lhiaghtagh ~ monumental, sepulchral
lhiaghtey ~ lodge, lie, lay (as concrete)
lhiaghteyder ~ one who lies down, depositor
lhiaghtit ~ laid, lodged
lhiam ~ my, with me
lhiam-lhiat ~ inconsistent, two-faced, fickle
person, turncoat, Vicar of Bray
lhiam pene ~ by myself
lhiann ~ adhere; lamina
lhiannag ~ lamella, husk, flake
lhiannag niaghtee ~ snowflake
lhiannag phisheragh ~ flat pea pod
lhiannag phraase ~ potato crisp
lhiannagagh ~ flocculent, flaky, lamellate,
laminated, lamellar
lhiannagh ~ imitative, laminated, laminar,
laminate, keeping close
lhiannaghey ~ laminate, flake, press, mangle,
flatten, mangling, lamination
lhiannaghtyn ~ stick
lhiannagyn-arroo ~ corn flakes
lhiannagyn sheeabin ~ soap flakes
lhiannan ~ lover, swain, wooer, sweetheart,
paramour, haunter, mistress, importunate
lhiannan shee ~ fairy-lover
lhiannanagh ~ resembling
lhiannee bashtee ~ god-child
lhianneyder ~ mangle
lhiannit ~ pressed, mangled
lhiannoo ~ infant, baby, child, family
lhiannoo caghlaait ~ elf-child
lhiannoo doltit ~ foster-child
lhiannoo doo ~ piccaninny
lhiannoo er y cheeagh ~ suckling
lhiannoo kee ~ child at the breast
lhiannoo-lheeys ~ orthopaedy
lhiannoo mac ~ male child, man-child
lhiannoo oainjeragh ~ illegitimate child
lhiannoo oainjyragh ~ illegitimate child
lhiannoo shee ~ changeling
lhiannoo sooree ~ illegitimate child
lhiannoo treigit ~ foundling
lhiannooagh ~ babyish, infantile, boyish, puerile,
lhiannooaght ~ infancy, puerility, boyishness,
lhiant ~ adhere
lhiantag ~ attachment
lhiantagh ~ consecutive, attached, adherent,
clinging, perseverant, viscid, adhesive, sticky
lhiantit ~ adjunction, adjunct
lhiantyn ~ habitual, clinging, stick, run on, stick
lhiantyn (hug) ~ attach, obsess
lhiantyn (huggey) ~ take after
lhiantyn rish ~ pursue, stick to, cling (of
garment), cleave, persevere
lhiantyn ry cheilley ~ stick together
lhiantynagh ~ obsessive, cohesive, clinging,
haunting, adherent
lhiantynys ~ adhesion
lhiantynys aigney ~ obsession
lhiantys ~ attachment, adherence
lhiare ~ strop
lhiare bane ~ white leather
lhiare grineenagh ~ shagreen
lhiare screeuee ~ parchment leather
lhiare streipey ~ stirrup leather, stirrup strap
lhiareagh ~ leather
lhiargagh ~ drop, escarpment, down grade
lhiasagh ~ redress, reprisal, compensation,
retribution, reparation, amends, revisionary,
manure, recompense, atonement
lhiasagh laue-jeant ~ artificial manure
lhiasagh yn phobble ~ common good
lhiasaghey ~ develop, enrich, cultivate, season,
manure, dress, dung, husband (as land),
revise, atone, expiate, correct (as text),
propitiate, reclaim, repair, culture, cure,
compensate, fertilize, replenish, rub up,
developing, dunging, manuring, dressing,
curing, replenishment, appendix (book),
f er t i l i zer , at onement , r est i t ut i on,
compensation, propitiation, revision,
furtherance, imputation, improvement,
correction, recompense, cultivation,
amendment, expiation, reclamation
lhiasaghey bea ~ conversion
lhiasaghey custym ~ tariff reform
lhiasaghey lesh candee ~ candy
lhiasaghey seyrey ~ development
lhiasaghey thallooin ~ fertilization
lhiasaghey yn phobble ~ public welfare
lhiasaght ~ tilth; atonement
l hi asee ~ amendi ng, compensat i ng,
compensatory, imputable
lhiaseyder ~ revisionary, recompenser, rewarder,
amender, propitiator, repairer, corrector,
atoner, manurer, cultivator, curer, improver
lhiaseyder crackan ~ skin dresser
lhiasit ~ recompensed, cultured, amended,
corrected, repaired, dunged, manured
lhiasragh ~ sidewards, sideways
lhiasraght ~ bias, inclination
lhiass ~ welfare, advantage (upper hand), need,
profit, benefit
lhiass- ~ pro-, step-, under, deutero, deputy,
vice, assistant
lhiass ard-cheeill ~ pro-cathedral
lhiass-ardmarragh ~ vice-admiral
lhiass-ardvainshtyr ~ vice-principal
lhiass-ayr ~ stepfather
lhiass-chaairliagh ~ vice-chairman, deputy
lhiass-chaairliaght ~ vice-chairmanship
lhiass-chiannoort ~ lieutenant governor, deputy
governor, vice-governor
lhiass-chionandreilagh ~ vice-chancellor
lhiass-chionandreilaght ~ vice-chancellorship
lhiass chloan ~ stepchild
lhiass-choirrey ~ donkey-boiler
lhiass-chonsyl ~ vice-consul
lhiass-chonsylaght ~ vice-consulate
lhiass-chorpryl ~ lance corporal
lhiass-chorrillagh ~ improper fraction
lhiass-chreelaghey ~ relay
lhiass-chreeley ~ relay
lhiass-eaghtyrane ~ vice-president
lhiass-eaghtyraneys ~ vice-presidency
lhiass-eearlaght ~ viscountcy
lhiass-eearley ~ viscount
lhiass-ennym ~ by-name, euphemism, alias
lhiass-ennymagh ~ euphemistic
lhiass 'er oik ~ non commissioned officer
lhiass-fainnagh ~ penannular
lhiass-ghareyder ~ under-gardener
lhiass-hamyrder ~ vice-chamberlain
lhiass-huyr ~ half-sister, stepsister
lhiass-inneen ~ stepdaughter
lhiass-innyl ~ donkey engine
lhiass phaitchey ~ stepchild
lhiass-ree ~ viceroy, regent
lhiass-reeaght ~ regency
lhiass-reeoil ~ vice-regal
lhiass-reiltagh ~ vice-regent, vice-president
lhiass-screeudeyr ~ under-secretary, assistant
lhiass-stiureyder ~ vice-principal
lhiass vac ~ stepson
lhiass-varran ~ baronet
lhiass-varranys ~ baronetcy, baronetage
lhiass-varshyl ~ vice-marshal
lhiass-ven-eearley ~ viscountess
lhiass voir ~ stepmother
lhiass vraar ~ stepbrother
lhiass-vriw ~ deputy judge
lhiass vummig ~ stepmother
lhiass yishag ~ stepfather
lhiassagh ~ allegation, chargee
lhiassaghey ~ make up, fabricate, contrive,
improve, allege, preserve, amend, charge
(imputation), contriving, ascription,
lhiassaghey (da) ~ charge (assert), ascribe
lhiassaghey naitraid ~ nitrate fertiliser
lhiassee ~ alleging
lhiassee (da) ~ ascribable
lhiasseyder ~ alleger, contriver
lhiassit ~ potted, contrived, alleged, preserved
lhiassit lesh candee ~ candied
lhiassyn undinit ~ vested interests
lhiastagh ~ idle, indolent, inactive, loath,
latecomer, lethargic(al), sluggish, languid,
moribund, remiss, slothful, haggler
lhiastanagh ~ debtor
lhiastanys ~ debt
lhiastey ~ lazy, inactive, idle, indolent, dilatory,
remiss, reluctant, diffident, lethargic(al),
workshy, slothful, languorous, languid
lhiasteyr ~ idler, layabout
lhiastid ~ laziness, sloth, languor, slowness,
sluggishness, diffidence, lassitude,
indolence, idleness, languidness, reluctance,
inactivity, indisposition, inaction
lhiastit ~ cultivated
lhiastyn ~ owing, owe
lhiastynagh ~ indebted, owing
lhiastynaght ~ indebtedness
lhiastynys ashoonagh ~ national debt
lhiastynys gyn eeck ~ undischarged debt
lhiastynys ny cheerey ~ national debt
lhiat ~ thine, with you
lhiats ~ yours
lhiattagh ~ sidelong, lateral
lhiattaghey ~ adjoin
lhiattee [f] ~ flitch, flank, side
lhiattee lhie ~ footwall
lhiattee ry lhiattee ~ side by side
lhie ~ lay, lie (down), repose, settle, squat,
hang, setting, settling
ny lhie ~ in abeyance, proneness
lhie cooyl chlea (er son) ~ waylay, lurk,
ny lhie ec acker ~ anchored, hove to
lhie er ~ resting on, bear down, incumbency
lhie er ash ~ slope backwards, back-handed
ny lhie er e cheu ~ beam ends
ny lhie er e lhiattee ~ beam ends
ny lhie er e volg ~ prone
lhie er hoshiaght ~ slope forward
lhie er lhiattee ~ careen
lhie er oohyn ~ brood
lhie er un cheu ~ list
lhie fo chlea ~ belay (ambush)
lhie fo'n ghrian ~ sunbathe
lhie gyn yss ~ lurk
lhie harrish y cheilley ~ overlap
lhie hoalley ~ childbirth, confinement
lhie hug ~ lie to, heave to
lhie hug y cheayn ~ stand off
ny lhie huggey ~ hove to
lhie magh ~ stand out, lay out, lean out
lhie mygeayrt ~ lie about
lhie nane ~ prostrate, prostrated
lhie neose er ~ overlie
lhie ny greiney ~ sunset
lhie ny heayst ~ set of the moon
ny lhie rish ~ stand to
ny lhie rish resoon ~ tenable
lhie rish y gheay ~ lay to
lhie rish yn obbyr ~ buckling to
lhie ro vooar er ~ overstress
lhie roish ~ acquiescence, acquiescent,
lhie (ry-cheilley) ~ dovetail
lhie sheese ~ lie down, lay down
lhie sheese roish ~ succumb
ny lhie sheeynt ~ procumbent, recumbent
lhie stiagh er (obbyr) ~ wire in
lhie stiagh er y jough ~ sot
lhie stiagh rish ~ beat up
lhie 'sy lhiabbee ~ lie to
ny lhie trome er ~ burden
lhie voish ~ lay down
lhie-vreag ~ downright lie, concoction of lies
lhiebeidjaghey ~ hamper
lhieckan ~ jowl
lhieckanagh ~ buccal
lhied ~ like
lhieder ~ one who lies down
lhiederyn fo'n ghrian ~ sunbather
lhieeen braddan ~ salmon net
lhieeeney ~ puff up
lhieen ~ flax, quotient, toils, fishing net, flaxen
lhieen burdoge ~ shrimp net
lhieen coptyragh ~ heliscoop
lhieen doo-oallee ~ cobweb
lhieen fammanagh ~ tail net
lhieen folican ~ butter net
lhieen frangagh ~ toad flax
lhieen maidjey ~ stick net
lhieen ny benshee ~ fairy flax
lhieen ny ferrishyn ~ greater stitchwort, great
lhieen ny hawin ~ ivy-leafed crowfoot
lhieen-obbyr ~ reticulation
lhieen screebee ~ dredge net, drag net
lhieen screebey ~ trawl (for mines), trail net
lhieen shelgeyragh ~ hunter's net
lhieen tilgee ~ casting net
lhieen torpaid ~ torpedo net
lhieen troa ~ drift net
lhieenag fuilt ~ hair net
lhieenag ny sooilley ~ retina
lhieenagh ~ abounding, exuberant, pervasive
lhieenar ~ numerous, copious, plentiful,
lhieenaraght ~ plenitude, copiousness,
plentifulness, abundance
lhieeney ~ fill, fill in, fill out, rise, saturate,
cover in, fuel, charge (as battery), load, blow
up, billow, spasm, pad, flow, flood tide,
make (of tide), wax (as moon)
yn lhieeney dhoo ~ vapour
lhieeney ein ~ brood
lhieeney er ~ overspread
lhieeney gys y veeal ~ brim, top up
lhieeney ingyragh ~ abscess
lhieeney lesh glaare ~ silt
lhieeney magh ~ balloon, crowd out
lhieeney marrey ~ flood tide
lhieeney mortyragh ~ grout
lhieeney (ny marrey) ~ inset (of the sea)
lhieeney reesht ~ refuel
lhieeney rour ~ flood, overfill, overstock
lhieeney stiagh ~ pour in, pervade, flow in
lhieeney stoandaghyn ~ barreling
lhieeneydagh ~ spasmodic, spastic,
supplementary, supplemental
lhieeneyder ~ stuffer, filler
lhieent ~ prepossessed, full, filled, completed,
padded, blown, overrun
lhieent harrish ~ overflowing
lhieggal ~ fall, knock over, topple, lower, fetch
down, beat down (price), get down, level,
raze, cast down, pull down, chop down, lay
low, tumble, dismount, bowl over, run down,
pull over, fell
lhieggan ~ version
lhieggan lhiasit ~ a revised version
lhieggey ~ fall, hew, fire, fall down, topple,
demolish, tumble, pull down, fell, drop,
striking, bowl over, spill, overflow, downfall,
run over, throw, strike, overbalance, cataract
lhieggey ass ~ knockout
lhieggey (billey) ~ chop down
lhieggey er ~ purport
lhieggey jeh ~ knock off
lhieggey jeh cabbyl ~ unhorse
lhieggey (lesh gunney) ~ pick off
lhieggey (neose) ~ dismount
lhieggey seose ~ pull up
lhieggey shiaull ~ douse
lhieggey sniaghtee ~ avalanche
lhieggey torpaid er ~ torpedo
lhieggey ushtey ~ waterfall, cascade, chute
lhieggey (yn meihaghan) ~ weigh down
lhieggeyder ~ feller, knocker-down, faller,
lhieggeyder biljyn ~ lumberjack, woodman, tree-
lhieggeyder fuygh ~ lumberjack
lhieggit ~ fallen, tumbled, thrown, downed,
lhiem kiare-chassagh ~ curvet
Lhiem y Voddee ~ Limavaddy
lhiemmey ~ frisk, bounce, copulate, copulation
(of animals)
lhiemmeyder ~ scad
lhiemmeyder faiyr ~ grasshopper
lhiemmeyder glass ~ grasshopper
lhiemmit ~ covered (as animal)
lhiemyraght ~ constant copulation
lhien ~ ours, with us
lhieng [f] ~ halfpenny
lhieng Albinagh ~ bawbee
lhiennoo ~ children
lhiettal ~ inhibit, impede, obstruct, restrict,
restrain, clog, hinder, veto, discourage, stop
down, prevent, counteract, prevention,
lhiettalagh ~ filibuster, suspensory, preventive,
counteracting, restricting, restrictive,
hinderer, veto, obstructor, discouraging,
obstructive, interceptor, inhibiting, deterrent,
counteractive, handicapper, cloggy, inhibiter
lhiettalit ~ restricted, vetoed, stayed, inhibited,
lhiettalys ~ impedance, clogging, stoppage,
counteraction, prevention, check, stay,
embargo, obstruction, interception,
discouragement, restraint, let, inhibition,
hitch, restriction, constriction, hindrance
lhiettalys minnee ~ stoppage of bowels
lhiettalys obbyr ~ work stoppage
lhiettalys thie ~ house arrest
lhiettit ~ inhibited, detained, vetoed, stayed
lhiettrim ~ impediment
lhiettrimagh ~ prejudicial, hinder, obstructive,
lumbersome, discriminating
lhiettrimit ~ circumscribed, handicapped
lhiettrimit ec yn emshir ~ weatherbound
lhiettrimit ec yn gheay ~ windbound
lhiettrimit er y thalloo ~ grounded
lhiettrimys ~ obstacle, hindrance, impediment,
drawback, victimization, drag, hold up,
bafflement, hang up, constriction, hazard,
jam, bar(obstruction), ban, prevention, balk
( hi nder ance) , handi cap, sanct i on,
disqualification, injunction
lhiettrimys chiass ~ heat barrier
lhiettrimys-daah ~ colour bar
lhiettrimys er y thalloo ~ grounding
lhiettrimysagh ~ hindersome
lhieu ~ theirs, with them
lhieusyn ~ theirs
Lhig ass! ~ Let go!
lhig (da) ~ let
Lhig jeh! ~ Chuck it!
Lhig lhiam! ~ Spare me!
lhig neose ~ let down, ring down
lhig sheese ~ let down
lhigey ~ gallop, galloping
lhigey yn laair vane ~ desert (post)
lhigeyder ~ galloper, jockey
lhiggal ~ let down, permissible
lhiggal (da) ~ let
lhiggalagh ~ allowable, permissible
lhiggalys ~ permissiveness
lhiggee ~ shooting, permissive
lhiggey ~ shoot, pierce, loose, go off, remission,
discharge, delay, level, suffer, firing, let,
letting, shoot up, act (pretend), let down, let
off, slip, shooting, permit, fire, permission,
water pipe
lhiggey as goaill ~ give-and-take
lhiggey ass ~ let out
lhiggey chingys (er) ~ malinger
lhiggey cooyl chlea ~ snipe
lhiggey (da) ~ allow, permit
lhiggey er ~ feign, sham, simulate, pose,
profess, pretend, feint, counterfeit, feigning,
dissimulate, pretence, dissimulation,
affectation, affectedness, simulation
lhiggey er (hene) ~ make-believe
lhiggey er myr ~ masquerade
lhiggey ersooyl ~ dismiss
lhiggey folley ~ blood-letting
lhiggey fuill ~ bleed, bleeding
lhiggey graag ass ~ hee-haw
lhiggey gunn jeshaght ~ machine gun
lhiggey (harrish) ~ ignore
lhiggey horaa ~ hurrah
lhiggey jeh ~ acquittal, shoot off, blow off,
acquit, work off
lhiggey laagh ~ duck-shoot
lhiggey laaghyn ~ duck-shooting
lhiggey lesh ~ comply, loosen, forbear,
humour, indulge, connive, yield, concede,
part with, spare, concession, connivance,
indulgence, remission, abandonment,
abandon, loosening
lhiggey lesh hene ~ unbending (as person),
lhiggey lesh y cheilley ~ compromise
lhiggey magh ~ veer, vent, emit, leak, let out,
rap out, pay out, allocation (work), venting,
discharge, assignation, leakage, utterance
lhiggey magh ennal ~ expiration, expire,
exhalation, exhale
lhiggey my hraa ~ indolent person, lingerer,
procrastinator, dawdler, delayer
lhiggey my reir ~ loosen
lhiggey neose ~ deposit, drop, droop, shoot
lhiggey ny share na ~ outrange
lhiggey (osney) ~ heave
lhiggey ry cheilley ~ volley (of guns)
lhiggey shaghey ~ condone, defer, postpone,
omit, indolence, neglect
lhiggey shaghey yn traa ~ procrastinate
lhiggey sheese ~ droop, lower
lhiggey-shligganagh ~ shellfire
lhiggey stiagh ~ leak, initiate, admit, leakage,
initiation, admission
lhiggey stiagh er ~ tuck into
lhiggey stiagh rolaue ~ pre-admission
lhiggey (stoandey) ~ broach
lhiggey tessyn ~ enfilade
lhiggey voish ~ abdication, forgo, abdicate,
lhiggey yn raad da ~ liberate, set free
lhiggey yn traa ~ dawdling
lhiggeyder ~ shammer, spigot, permitter,
allower, firer, shot (person)
lhiggeyder er ~ simulator
lhiggeyder folley ~ phlebotomist, blood-letter
lhiggeyder (gunn) ~ marksman
lhiggeyder lesh ~ conniver, sparer
lhiggeydys ~ marksmanship
lhiggey'n raad (da) ~ let go
lhiggin ~ turn (of tide), slack water
lhigginagh ~ slow-moving
lhiggit ~ broached, allowed (permitted)
lhiggit lesh ~ yielded, spared
lhiggit magh ~ exposed
lhiggit shaghey ~ procrastinated, postponed
lhiggit voish ~ abdicated
lhiggyn my hraa ~ slowcoach
lhimmey ~ exception
lhin ~ cavity
lhing [f] ~ period, time, age, generation, reign,
lifetime; river-pool; ling
lhing-chassee ~ curvilinear
Lhing ny reejerys ~ Age of Romance
lhingey ~ pool, pond, backwater, football pool,
lhingey chassee ~ small whirlpool
lhingey eeast ~ fishpond
lhingey sockyr ~ football pool
lhiondaig ~ grass plot, glade
lhionnaig ~ strand
lhionney ~ ale, of ale
lhiouan ~ elm
lhiouan bog ~ hornbeam
lhiouan frangagh ~ nettle tree
lhiouan slieau ~ wych elm
lhis ~ ought
lhisagh ~ ought
lhiu ~ with you
lhiuraghey ~ stretch out, protract, elongate,
prolongation, stretching, extension
lhiurey ~ longer
lhiureyder ~ prolonger
lhiurid ~ tallness, procerity
lhiurid ghooyn ~ dress-length
lhiurid y cleeasid ~ length of the thigh
lhiy [f] ~ colt
lhiy assyl ~ donkey colt
lhiyagh ~ coltish
lhoam ~ depilous
lhoamee ~ depilatory
lhoamid neu-ghlen ~ indecent exposure
lhoirran ~ family
lhomanagh ~ bald man
lhome ~ neat, spare, bald, severe, nude, meagre,
fleshless, arid, naked, leafless, scraggy, bare
lhome-choshagh ~ discaled
lhome-chraueaght ~ spareness
lhome coshagh ~ barefoot
lhome-craueagh ~ bare-boned, raw-boned,
sparely built
lhome er y gheay ~ close hauled
lhome-gheayshagh ~ beardless
lhome-ghrooishagh ~ sharp-featured
lhome-hraartys ~ devastation, complete
lhome-lane ~ cram-full, chock-a-block, chock-
lhome-lauee ~ empty-handed
lhome-leigh ~ rigour of the law
lhome-lheicknagh ~ lantern-jawed
lhome-lomarcan ~ solitary
lhome-loshtee ~ devouring (with fire)
lhome-lurgagh ~ bare-legged
lhome-rooisht ~ naked, stark naked
lhome-vaarit ~ crop-eared, close-shaven
lhome-ymmydoil ~ utilitarian
lhome-ymmydoilagh ~ utilitarian
lhome-ymmydoilys ~ utilitarianism
lhomey ~ uncover, sweep, show up, stripping,
draw (as sword), divest, emergence
lhomey (laue) ~ lead
lhomeyder ~ stripper, shearer, plunderer
lhomid ~ neatness, bareness
lhomit ~ bared, uncovered, close-cropped
lhommey ~ denude, denudation, clip (of wool)
lhommit ~ clipped
lhommyrtagh ~ bared (as blade)
lhon bane ~ nightingale
lhon curnee ~ wheatear
lhon fainnit ~ ring ouzel
lhon ny greg ~ ring ouzel
lhon ny keylley ~ missel thrush
lhon-phurt ~ seaport
lhon ushtey ~ dipper
lhondaig ~ green plot
lhondoo ~ blackbird (male)
lhondoo ny hawin ~ water ouzel
lhong [f] ~ vessel, even keel, ship
Yn Lhong ~ Argo-Navis
lhong aer ~ airship
lhong arrey ~ guard ship
lhong caggee ~ warship
lhong chaabil ~ cable ship
lhong-chaardee ~ boatyard, shipyard
lhong chaggee ~ man-of-war, battleship,
lhong charchyr ~ prison ship
lhong-chiare chruin ~ four-master
lhong choadee ~ escort
lhong chrowal ~ hovercraft
lhong daa chroan ~ two-master
lhong etlan ~ aircraft carrier
lhong hashtee ~ treasure ship
lhong hiauill ~ sailing ship
lhong hidooragh ~ troopship
lhong hoilshee ~ lightship
lhong hollysh ~ lightship
lhong hooran ~ turret ship
lhong hraartagh ~ destroyer
lhong hraghtee ~ freighter, tramp steamer
lhong hraghtee Injinagh ~ Indiaman
lhong hraghtee shiauill ~ wind-jammer
lhong hraghtee vooar ~ argosy
lhong hreigit ~ derelict
lhong-hreisht ~ navicert
lhong lheihys ~ hospital ship
lhong liauyr ~ longship
lhong lostee ~ fire ship
lhong neuhauchey ~ coffin ship
lhong ooill ~ oil tanker, tanker
lhong-phurt ~ basin
lhong plaitit ~ ironclad
lhong rollageagh ~ starship
lhong roosteyrys ~ corsair
lhong shee ~ ghost ship
lhong spoar ~ spaceship
lhong spooillee ~ pirate ship
lhong spooilley ~ piracy
lhong stoyr ~ depot ship
lhong tree lout ~ three-decker
lhong vooar ~ leviathan
lhong vree ~ steamboat
lhong ymmyrkey ~ transport
lhong ynsee ~ training ship
lhongee ~ board (wages)
lhongey ~ feed, repast, grub, sustenance,
oatmeal, collation
lhongey braew ~ hearty meal
lhongey fo'n speyr ~ picnic
lhongey graih ~ agape
lhongey losserey ~ vegetable dish
lhongey mie ~ square meal
lhongey ny hanmey ~ viaticum
lhongey y ee ~ to take a meal
lhongeyder ~ caterer
lhongeydys ~ catering
Lhongfort ~ Longford
lhonglann ~ dockyard
lhonglann chirrym ~ dry dock
lhongvrishey ~ shipwreck, total wreck
lhongvrisht ~ shipwrecked, wreck
lhongyallooder ~ nautical draughtsman
lhonnag ~ blackbird (immature)
lhoo ~ staff, pole, thill, shaft
lhoo baatey ~ boat pole
lhoo oaiagh ~ forswore
lhoob ~ shackle, flexion, staple clasp, hank,
bend, snare, rabbit snare, convolution, gulf,
curve, coil, link, hoop, stitch, twine (of
snake), twirl
lhoob bun ry skyn ~ purl stitch
lhoob doo ~ black pudding
lhoob dooblit ~ S-bend, S curve
lhoob fastee ~ casemate
lhoob follym ~ slip stitch
lhoob geyre ~ hairpin bend
lhoob giare ~ hairpin bend
lhoob jeant ~ clinker-built
lhoob roie ~ running noose
Lhoob Vexico ~ Gulf of Mexico
lhoob yiarn ~ staple
lhoob yn yskid ~ hollow (of hip)
lhoobag ~ bend (little), eyelet, fret, becket
lhoobagh ~ bowing, twisting, supple, winding,
sinuous, snakiness, shifty, plastic,
vermiculate, inflexional, curvilinear, bending,
crooked (morally), curved, arching,
convoluted, faltering, willowy, pliable,
limber, terry, serpentine, coiled,tortuous
lhoobaghey ~ buck, buckling
lhoobaght ~ pliability, shiftiness
lhoobeen ~ bracket, cufflink
lhoobeen kerrinagh ~ square bracket
lhooberey ~ crafty person
lhoobey ~ bend, loop, twine, double over,
inflect, stoop, curl up, wriggle, curve, writhe,
coil, hunch, squirm, sag, bow, incurvate, flex,
coiling, stooping, looping, inflexion, arching,
lhoobey er ash ~ bend back, clinch
lhoobey gliooney ~ curtsey
lhoobey neose ~ bend down
lhoobeyder ~ bender
lhoobeyr ~ double-dealer, trickster, twister
lhoobeyraght ~ chicane
lhoobid ~ suppleness
lhoobit ~ bent, buckled, hooped, arched
lhoobit neose ~ broken down
lhott ~ injury, lesion, wound, gash, trauma
lhott baaish ~ death wound
lhott bio ~ raw wound
lhott foalley ~ flesh wound
lhottagh ~ traumatic, wounding
lhottee ~ wounding
lhottey ~ injure, mutilate, wound, wounding,
mutilation, hurt
lhotteyder ~ wounder
lhottit ~ stricken, wounded, injured, hurt
lhottit dy trome ~ severely wounded
lhoys ~ dare
lhuan ~ premature, cast, imperfect swarm of
lhuanagh ~ premature
lhuddyraghey ~ bedraggle, maul, mangling,
lhuddyral ~ mauling, mangling, bedraggle,
maul, mangle
lhuddyrer ~ mauler
lhuddyrey ~ mauling, mangler
lhuddyrit ~ mauled, mangled, bedraggled
lhuingey ~ of a pool, of a ship
lhuingys ~ fleet, shipping
lhuingys aer ~ airline, air fleet, airway, armada
lhuingys chaggee ~ navy, war fleet
lhuingys chaggee Hostyn ~ Royal Navy
lhuingys slystagh ~ coastwise shipping
lhuingys vooar ~ armada (naval)
lhuingyssagh ~ naval
lhuingysser ~ navigator
lhuingysseyraght ~ navigation
lhuir ~ thill
lhuishag [f] ~ blanket
lhummag ~ snail
lhun ~ butt-end (of oar), roller
lhune ~ ale, beer
lhune cheh ~ ale berry
lhune doo ~ stout, Guinness, porter
lhune eddrym ~ small beer
lhune freillagh ~ lager
lhune gear ~ alegar
lhune gial ~ light ale
lhune jinshar ~ ginger ale
lhune keyl jinshar ~ ginger beer
lhune lajer ~ strong ale
lhune losserey ~ herb beer
lhune millish ~ mild beer
lhune millit ~ swipes
lhune ooyl ~ cider
lhune ooyl miljit ~ cider cup
lhune peear ~ perry
lhune Prushagh ~ spruce beer
lhune roie ~ draught ale
lhune sharroo ~ bitter beer, bitter ale
lhune sharroo ass mullag ~ keg bitter
lhune 'sy toandey ~ draught ale
lhune thie ~ home-brewed ale
lhune ullymar ~ purl
lhune veih'n varril ~ beer from the wood
lhunnaghey ~ launch
lhunney ~ launch, launching
lhunneyder ~ launcher
lhunysit ~ launched
lhurrym ~ camber
lhurrymagh ~ cambered
liaee ~ liking
liagh ~ standing stone
liare ~ leather, leather equipment
liare breagagh ~ artificial leather
liare foalsey ~ rexine
liare Rooshagh ~ Russian leather
liareagh ~ leather, leathern
liargagh ~ slope
liargagh gheyre ~ steep slope
liauyr ~ tall, lengthy, long, vermiform, far-
reaching, flowing of hair, drawn out,
sustained, prolix, big, long-distance, wordy
liauyr-chleayshagh ~ long-eared
liauyr-foltagh ~ long haired
liauyr-fynnagh ~ long haired
liauyr-ingnit ~ long-nailed
liauyr-screeu ~ long-hand
liauyr-yiarrey ~ longitudinal section
liauyrey ~ lengthen
libraalagh ~ liberal
Yn Libya ~ Libya
Libyagh ~ Libyan
lic ~ flagstones
licklaght ~ likelihood
licklid ~ likelihood
lidjag ~ blanket
liebage ~ flatfish, fluke, sole (see liehbage)
liebage Albinagh ~ flounder
liebage chiare ~ sole
liebage Rangagh ~ French sole
liebage veg ~ solenette
liebeigagh ~ splay-footed
lieckan [f] ~ banging post, side-face, profile,
lieckanagh ~ cheeked
lieen ~ net, lint, linen, netting
lieen follican ~ butterfly net
lieen ny ben shee ~ purging flax
lieenagh ~ netlike
lieeneen ~ linenette
lieeneyr ~ linen draper
lieenragh ~ sanies
lieenraghtoil ~ sanious
lieenvluckan ~ netball
lieh ~ half, part, moiety, one of two things,
makeshift, behalf
lieh- ~ (prefix) demi-, semi-, half-, quasi-
lieh-aavioghey ~ semi-revival
lieh anmagh ~ latish
lieh-ard ~ rampant
lieh-ardennym ~ half-title
lieh-aslayntagh ~ semi-invalid
lieh-assyl ~ mule
lieh-aw ~ rare
lieh-chabbyl ~ cob (horse)
lieh-chammane ~ semiquaver
lieh-chassagh ~ one-footed, monopod
lieh-chassey ~ half-turn, caracole
lieh cheead ~ fifty
lieh-cheuagh ~ one-sided
lieh-chiangle ~ half-binding
lieh-chiarkyl ~ hemicycle, demi-circle
lieh-chiarkylagh ~ semicircle
lieh-chiart ~ rough uncompleted, odd, imperfect
lieh-chiartys ~ oddness, imperfection,
roughness, unevenness
lieh-chione ~ chucklehead, one of a pair
lieh-chioneagh ~ one-sided
lieh-chleayshagh ~ one-eared
lieh-chockit ~ half-cock
lieh-chooishag ~ rough-and-ready
lieh-chooylee cleebyrt ~ scrum half
lieh-chooylee meanagh ~ centre half
lieh-chooylee mooie ~ fly half
lieh-chooyllee ~ half back
lieh-chooyllee skianagh ~ wing halves
lieh-chrackan screeuee ~ foolscap
lieh-chrantessen ~ radius
lieh-chrantessenagh ~ radial
lieh-chraue ~ gristle, cartilage
lieh-chraueagh ~ gristly
lieh-chrooin ~ half crown
lieh-chruinnagh ~ hemispherical
lieh-chruinney ~ hemisphere
lieh-chryss ~ half-belt
lieh-chummey ~ bas-relief
lieh chyagh ~ half-blind
lieh-choamrit ~ half-dressed
lieh-eayst ~ quarter of moon, demilune, half
lieh-eddagh-dobberan ~ half-mourning
lieh-eeck ~ payment in part
lieh-eeit ~ part-eaten
lieh-ennaghtagh ~ semi-concious
lieh-ennaghtyn ~ semi-consciousness
lieh er lieh ~ evens
lieh er-meshtey ~ maudlin, half-seas-over
lieh-faill ~ half pay
lieh-farling ~ mite
lieh-follym ~ half-empty
lieh-foshlit ~ ajar
lieh fuinnit ~ half-baked
lieh geuree ~ winter half
lieh-ghaa ~ half-tint
lieh-ghearagh ~ simpering
lieh-ghearey ~ simper, simpering
lieh-ghellid ~ purblindness
lieh-ghoal ~ half-blind, dim-sighted, purblind
lieh-ghoan ~ brownish
lieh-ghoont ~ half-shut, half-closed
lieh-ghorrys ~ half-door
lieh ghussan ~ half-dozen, half a dozen
lieh-hayrn ~ uneven pull
lieh heose ~ half-mast
lieh-heu ~ half-page
lieh-heyr ~ semi-independent
lieh-hie ~ semi-detached, semi
lieh-hoan ~ semitone
lieh-hoanagh ~ chromatic
lieh-hone ~ half-tone
lieh-hooillagh ~ one-eyed, monocular
lieh-howse ~ half measure
lieh-hraa ~ halftime
lieh-hrack ~ half-track
lieh-hraie ~ half-tide, half ebb tide
lieh-hroggit ~ half-cock
lieh-hrooidreayrtagh ~ semi-transparent
lieh hunney ~ half a ton
lieh-huyr ~ half-sister
lieh-hyndaa ~ half-turn
lieh-imbagh ~ half-term
lieh-innys ~ peninsula
lieh-inshagh ~ peninsular
lieh-inshey ~ peninsula
lieh jeant ~ partly done
lieh jerree ~ stern, croup, breech
lieh-laa ~ half-day
lieh laa seyr ~ half-holiday
lieh lane marrey ~ half-tide
lieh-latt ~ yard arm
lieh-laueagh ~ single-handed, one-armed
lieh-leagh ~ half-price, half-fare
lieh-leaghar ~ semiprecious
lieh-lheeah ~ greyish
lieh-lhie ~ reclining, recline, leaning
lieh-lhie (er) ~ lean on
lieh-liauyr ~ half-length
lieh-logh ~ penelake
lieh-lostit ~ charred
lieh-lune ~ demilune
lieh mooie ~ outwards
lieh my lieh ~ even, share and share alike,
lieh myr lieh ~ fifty-fifty, part one part another
lieh-oayllagh ~ novice
lieh-ockle ~ catchword, cant phrase, insinuation
lieh-'oddey ~ oblong
lieh-oikoil ~ semi-official
lieh-oor ~ half-hour
lieh oshlit ~ half-open
lieh-phynt ~ gill
lieh-raad ~ halfway
lieh-ronney ~ distich, couplet
lieh-rooisht ~ half-naked, semi-nude
lieh-scaa ~ askance, aslant, slantwise
lieh-scadoo ~ penumbra
lieh-scarrit ~ semi-detached
lieh-scoadey ~ oblique
lieh-scoidey ~ canting
lieh-scooyrit ~ maudlin, half-seas-over, groggy
lieh skew ~ slopewise
lieh-speckleyr ~ monocle
lieh-stad ~ semicolon
lieh-sthie ~ inwards
lieh-term ~ half-term
lieh toshee ~ forehand
lieh-vaiht ~ waterlogged
lieh-vanninagh ~ partly manx
lieh-varroo ~ half-dead
lieh veeoil ~ half-monthly
lieh villish ~ sweetish
lieh-vio ~ moribund
lieh-vleeanagh ~ bi-annual
lieh-vlein ~ semester, half-year
lieh-vleinoil ~ half-yearly
lieh-voayrd ~ sideboard
lieh-voddey ~ well-grown puppy
lieh-vooar ~ fair-sized, good-sized, moderate-
lieh-voteil ~ half-bottle
lieh-vraar ~ half-brother
lieh-vreear ~ semi-vowel
lieh-vrishey ~ greenstick
lieh-vriwnys ~ unfair judgement, bias
lieh-vroie ~ poaching, poach, parboil
lieh-vroiey ~ poached, parboiled
lieh-whing ~ arm (of balance, etc.)
lieh-wuigh ~ yellowish
lieh-yee ~ demigod
lieh yeinagh ~ latish
lieh-yerrinagh ~ semifinal, penultimate
lieh-yiallit ~ half bleached
liehaghey ~ halve
liehaghys ~ idiosyncrasy
liehbage ~ flatfish, fluke, sole (see liebage)
liehbage Albinagh ~ flounder
liehbage chasherick ~ halibut
liehbage-chiare ~ Dover sole
liehbage Norlaanagh ~ Norwegian topknot
liehbage runt ~ turbot
liehbage vreck ~ plaice
liehbage yioogh ~ turbot
liehbaig chiare ~ black sole
liehbaig gheinnee ~ lemon sole, dab
liehbaig veein ~ lemon sole
liehgher ~ bisector
liehghey ~ bisection
Liehghlion ~ Leighlin
liehid ~ half
liehlagh ~ exclusive
liehlaght ~ exclusiveness
liehlane ~ semibreve
liehneen ~ lining
lieragh ~ partial
lieraght ~ partiality
lieriu ~ by you
Yn Liffey ~ liffey
lig ~ hollows
liggar ~ liquor, spirits, spirit
liggar aw ~ raw spirits
liggar feeyney ~ brandy, cognac
liggin traih ~ low water slack
liggoor ~ liqueur
liggrys ~ liquorice
lilee ~ lily
lilee hallooin ~ white bindweed
lilee lheeanagh ~ brandy bottle
lilee ny Boaldyn ~ May lily
lilee ny glionney ~ lily of the valley,
lilee ny lheeantyn ~ brandy bottle
lilee oranje ~ orange lily
lilee vreck ~ tiger lily, fritillary
lilee y choan ~ lily of the valley
lileeagh ~ lily-white
limbo ~ limbo
limbyr ~ limber
limfagh ~ lymphatic
limfey ~ lymph
limistyr ~ circumscription
limmer ~ passage, passage way, scupper
limon ~ lemon
limonagh ~ lemon
limonaid ~ lemonade
linal ~ lining
lindeyr ~ lintel
lineal ~ line
linnag ~ small line
linnagh ~ linear
linnaghey ~ rule, ruling
linnaghyn ~ lines
linnaghyn stiuree ~ guidelines
linneeaght ~ line drawing, drawing, lineage
linneeaght beealloo ~ front elevation
linneeaght eddin ~ front view
linneeaght gheaylee ~ charcoal drawing
linneeaght hallooin ~ ground plan
linney ~ assembly line, line, row
linney chaglee ~ demarcation
linney cheyl ~ hairline
linney chorragh ~ wavy line
linney choyrt ~ service line
linney chree ~ boundary
linney coghrianagh ~ isohel
linney covroo ~ isobar
linney ghiare ~ ledger line
linney hellan ~ beeline
linney lughtee ~ load line
linney neose ~ down stroke
linney pharteeagh ~ party line
linney ponkagh ~ dotted line
linney vaaish ~ deadline
linney veanagh ~ centre line
linney vreear ~ macron
linney yiarree ~ secant
linneychlouder ~ linotype operator
linneyder ~ draughtsman, drawer, liner
linneydeyrys ~ draughtsmanship
linnit ~ ruled
linnney hoshee ~ starting line
linnoil ~ oil cloth
linteyr ~ lintel
lioar [f] ~ book, tome, volume, folio
lioar aascreeu ~ copybook
lioar argid ~ cashbook
lioar arrane ~ songbook
lioar aundyragh ~ prize book
lioar chadjer ~ chap book
lioar chellvane ~ telephone directory
lioar chiangley ~ book binding
lioar chliaghtey ~ exercise book
lioar choagyrys ~ cookery book
lioar chooishyn ~ casebook
lioar choonee ~ prompt book, concordance
lioar choontee ~ ledger
lioar choontee chadjin ~ general ledger
lioar choontys ~ journal, account book
lioar chowree ~ signal book
lioar chrauee ~ religious book
lioar chur sheese ~ reference book
lioar dellal ~ sales book
lioar dy hymnyn ~ hymnal
lioar eaddee ~ rag book
lioar earroo ~ ready reckoner
lioar eddyrchiaull ~ antiphonary
lioar enmey ~ directory
lioar enmys ~ address book
lioar feer ennoil ~ best seller
lioar fo choodagh pabyr ~ yellowback
lioar Genesis ~ Book of Genesis
lioar ghiallyn ~ book
lioar ghiarrag ~ scrapbook
lioar-ghlare ~ literary language
lioar ghrammeydys ~ grammar
lioar-hasht ~ library
lioar-hasht cheerey ~ rural library
lioar-hasht eeassee ~ lending library
lioar hashtvanc ~ savings bank book
lioar-hastee ~ thesaurus
lioar hellvane ~ telephone book
lioar hennaghys ~ a historical work
lioar hoilshee ~ running commentary
lioar hoyllee ~ pattern book
lioar hroailtys ~ passport
lioar hurrys ~ log book
lioar imbee ~ calendar
lioar laa ~ journal, diary
lioar laaoil ~ day book
lioar lettraghey ~ spelling book
lioar lhaih ~ reading book
lioar lheeys ~ casebook
lioar lhuingey ~ log, logbook
lioar linneeaght ~ drawing book
lioar lioaragh ~ bibliography
lioar looee ~ oath book
lioar lossreeyn ~ herbal
lioar lowanse ~ ration card
Lioar Moirrey! ~ Indeed! Crikey!
lioar ny barranyn ~ baronage
lioar ny chiarnyn ~ peerage (book)
lioar ny cruinney ~ atlas
lioar ny haspickagh ~ pontifical
lioar ny keayrtee ~ visitor's book
lioar ny lhiass-varranyn ~ baronetcy,
lioar ny slattyssyn ~ statute book
lioar oardagh ~ order book
lioar oardee ~ ritual book
lioar-oayllee ~ bibliographer
lioar-oaylleeagh ~ bibliographical
lioar-oayllys ~ guide book, bibliography
lioar obbyr ~ work book
lioar phadjer ~ prayer book
lioar phadjeragh ~ prayer book
lioar phoggaid ~ pocket book
lioar raaghyn ~ phrase book
lioar raaidey ~ road book
lioar roortys ~ exercise book
lioar saum ~ psalter
lioar scoill ~ school book
lioar screeuee ~ writing book, notebook
lioar skeeal ~ story book
lioar skeerey ~ vestry book
lioar ta cur er creau ~ thriller (book)
lioar t'eh ~ indeed
lioar vanc ~ bank book
lioar vayrey ~ road book
lioar vleeaney ~ yearbook, annual
lioar vooar ~ tome
lioar vrastyl ~ class book
lioar vynimmeeaghtyn ~ minute book
lioar yallooyn ~ picture book
lioar ynsee ~ tutor (book), chrestomathy
lioar-ynsit ~ book-learned
lioaragh ~ bookish, lettered, book-learned,
studious, well-read (person)
lioaraghan ~ bookcase (closed)
lioaraght ~ learning, learnedness, bookishness,
lioaran [f] ~ booklet, pamphlet, brochure, tract
lioaran banc ~ bank book
lioaran sheck ~ cheque book
lioaran straiddey ~ street guide
lioaraneyr ~ pamphleteer
lioarlan ~ library
lioarlan cheerey ~ rural library
lioarlan-eeassee ~ lending library
lioarlann ~ athenaeum
lioarlannee ~ librarian
lioarvark ~ bookmark(er)
Lioaryn Neuashlishagh ~ Apocrypha
Lion ~ Leinster
lion ~ lion
lion bwoirryn ~ she-lion
lionagh ~ leonine
liooaraght ~ ampleness
lioree ~ by her
liorin ~ by us
liorish ~ by, beside, per; by him
liorish ashlish noo ~ by divine relevation
liorish bree ~ by virtue
liorish cairys ~ by rights
liorish shen ~ thereby
liorish shilley ~ visually
liorlhan ~ quarter of a boll
lioroo ~ by them
liort ~ by you
liorym ~ by me
lipaid ~ label, tag (on clothes)
lipaid ghreimmey ~ stick-on label
lipaid scudlee ~ luggage label
Lis Mooar ~ Lismore
Lis ny Garvagh ~ Lisburn
Lisaid ~ Lizzie
Liss ~ Lizzie
list ~ lean, strip
list aundyragh ~ prize list
listal ~ enlist, enrol, leaning, join up, tilting,
enlistment, enrolment, recruit, recruitment,
listan ~ fish-plate, fish
listey ~ fillet, tilting
listey ny merriu ~ necrology, death roll
listeyder ~ recruiter
listit ~ tilted
listyr ~ fork, fish spear
listyr astan ~ eel-prong
litane ~ litany
litcher ~ lazybones, latecomer, idler, drone,
litcheragh ~ idling, sluggish, dronish, lazy, idle,
litcheraght ~ indolence, idleness
litcheraght lhome ~ extreme idleness, laziness
litcherys ~ slothfulness, indolence, idleness,
litmys ~ litmus
Littyr Kennain ~ Letterkenny
liturgagh ~ liturgical
liturgey ~ liturgy
liuraghey ~ prolong, prolongation, lengthening,
liurey ~ longer
liurid ~ length, prolixity, lengthiness
Yn Livaan ~ Lebanon
Livaanagh ~ Lebanese
livreag ~ libretto
livreit ~ assigned, yielded up
livrey ~ assign, rescue, yield up, deliver, liberate
livrey harrish ~ transference, demise
livrey seose ~ surrender
livrey-ys ~ delivery, deliverance
livreyagh ~ assignable
Livreydagh ~ Redemptorist
livreyder ~ assignor, liberator, deliverer,
deliveryman, rescuer
livreyit ~ rescued
livreys ~ reprieve, rescue, assignment
livreys harrish ~ transfer, transire
loagan ~ totter, stagger
loaganagh ~ groping, staggerer, staggery,
staggering, wavering, rocking, rocky place
loaganey ~ reel, rock, feel about, waver (of
troops), stagger
loaganys ~ staggering, inconstancy
loaghanys ~ dockage
loaghrane ~ handle (of flail)
loaghtagh ~ concrete, palpable, tangible
loaghtan ~ tawny
loaghtey ~ feel, grope, examine by touch, handle
(with hands); feeling, handling sense of
loaghteyder ~ feeler, handler
loaghtid ~ feel
loaghtrane ~ handle (of flail)
loaghtyn ~ brown (of sheep), khaki
loaghtyn beg ~ hare
loamey ~ baring, bare
loamit ~ bared
loamragh ~ fleecy, fleeced, woolly
loamraght ~ woolliness
loamrey ~ fleece, wool (on sheep), shear,
shearing, fell
Yn Loamrey Airhey ~ The Golden Fleece
loamreyder ~ fleecer, shearer
loamrit ~ fleeced, shorn, sheared
loamyr ~ shear
loan ~ bravery
loandyr ~ resplendence
loandyragh ~ resplendent
loandyrnee ~ blaze (of jewels)
loanragh ~ sparkling
loau ~ rotten, putrid, stale, decayed,
gangrenous, bad (as meat), corrupt,
putrefactive, putrescent, foul, rotted, carious,
loauaghey ~ gangrene, go off, rotting, putrefy,
loauee ~ decaying
loaughey ~ canker, rot, decompose,
decomposition, decay
loauid ~ foulness, rottenness, putridity,
putrefaction, cariousness, rot, staleness
loauid feeackle ~ dental caries
loauit ~ stagnant
loauys ~ rot, decay, putresence, putridity,
gangrene, rottenness, caries
loauys choshey ~ foot-rot
loauys ooyllagh ~ apple-rot
loayr ~ speak, extemporise, equivocate
loayr ass ~ speak in
loayr dy rea ~ speak coherently
loayr mychione echey ~ talk over
loayr (roish) ~ talk away
Loayr royd! ~ Speak on!
loayreyder ~ mouthpiece, speaker, talker
loayreyder dooghyssagh ~ native speaker
loayreyder dooie ~ native speaker
loayrit ~ spoken, oral
loayrit (rish) ~ addressed (crowd)
loayrt ~ talk, utter, discourse, pipe up, express,
frame (as word), speaking, articulation
loayrt boghtynid ~ twaddle
loayrt dy ard ~ speak out
loayrt dy cabbagh ~ stammer, stutter,
loayrt dy fardailagh ~ prose
loayrt dy moandagh ~ stammering, fumble,
lisp, stutter
loayrt dy shaghrynagh ~ prevaricate, quibble
loayrt dy stronnag ~ twang (of person)
loayrt dy thittagh ~ lisp, stutter, stammer,
lisping, stammering
loayrt er ~ speak of
loayrt goan mollaghtagh ~ blaspheme
loayrt magh ~ speak out
loayrt mychione ~ comment, air (views), airing
loayrt myr paab ~ pontificate, pontification
loayrt noi ~ contradict
loayrt noi'n irriney ~ misrepresent
loayrt olk (jeh) ~ malign
loayrt ommidys ~ blether
loayrt raalish ~ twaddle
loayrt (rish) ~ speak, accost, address (as
person), accosting
loayrt roish ~ talk on
loayrt royd ~ say on
loayrt runt mygeayrt ~ talking round
loayrt ry-cheilley ~ commune
loayrt trooid as trooid ~ generally speaking
loayrt trooid feeacklyn ~ mutter
loayrtagh ~ spokesman, speaker, recitative
loayrtaght ~ locution
loayrtalys ~ eloquence
loayrtys ~ vocalization, talk (by speaker),
address (words)
loayrtys garroo ~ vulgarism
loayrtys jeeragh ~ plain speech
loayrtys jerrinagh ~ epilogue
loayrtys ny lomarcan ~ soliloquy
lobb ~ lob
lobbagh ~ lobate
lobbal ~ lob
lock ~ lock, sluice
lockad ~ locket
locker ~ plane
locker cruillit ~ curved plane
locker garroo ~ jack plane
locker liauyr ~ long plane
locker mullee ~ moulding plane
locker rea ~ trying plane
lockeragh ~ plane
lockerey ~ plane, planing
lockerskeeagh ~ shavings
lockey ~ misfire
locust ~ locust
loddyn ~ little marsh
loggard ~ logarithm
loggardagh ~ logarithmic
loggey ~ wadding, wad
loggyr ~ bonus, gash, extra
loggyragh ~ extra
loggys ~ locus
logh [f] ~ lake, lough, loch, arm of the sea
Logh Baastyl ~ Lochboisdale
Logh Garman ~ Wexford
Yn Logh Ghiare ~ Giarloch
logh hailjey ~ lake (arm of the sea), salt lake,
Logh Lhiouan ~ Loch Leven
logh lhoobagh ~ mortlake
Logh Nay ~ Lough Neagh
Logh Nesh ~ Loch Ness
Logh ny Moddee ~ Lochmaddy
logh oyl ~ drinking pool
logh ushtey ~ fresh water lake
logh uyll ~ drinking pool
logh varrey ~ sea loch
Logh yn Daaley ~ Lochindaal
Logh yn Ellan Arranagh ~ Lamlash
Logh yn Euar ~ Lough Anure
loghan [f] ~ small lake, pond, dam, tank, dock,
loghan cabbil ~ horse pond
loghan eeast ~ fishpond
loghan faarkee ~ Public baths
loghan grainnee ~ graving dock
loghan slieau ~ mountain tarn
loghan snaue ~ floating dock
loghan ushtey ~ piece of water
loghanagh ~ full of lakes
loghaneyr ~ docker
Loghlin ~ Scandiavia
Loghlinagh ~ Scandiavian
Loghlyn ~ Norway
Loghlynagh ~ Norse, Norseman, Nordic,
Norwegian, Viking, Norway pout
Loghlynish ~ Norse, Norwegian
loght ~ crime, guilt, trespass, serious offence,
fault, flaw, vice, shortcoming, iniquity,
transgression, default
loght baaish ~ capital crime, capital offence
loght croghee ~ hanging crime
loght folley ~ blood-guilt
loghtagh ~ bad (incorrect), faulty, offending,
vicious, delinquent, illgotten, culpable,
def ect i ve, def aul t er , i ni qui t ous,
blameworthy, fault-finding
loghtagh (rish) ~ blameable
loghtaghey ~ reprobation, arraign, arraignment,
loghtaght ~ defectiveness
loghtal ~ strong as wind, violent (as storm),
stern, severe
loghtalagh ~ injurious
loghtalid ~ strength of wind, deepness,
sternness, severity
loghtanagh ~ offensive
loghtee aegey ~ juvenile delinquents
loghtey ~ decry
loghteyr ~ criticizer
loghtid ~ faultiness
loghtynid ~ criminality, blameableness,
loghtynid aegid ~ juvenile delinquency
loihraght ~ leprousness
loihrey ~ leprosy
loinney ~ churn-dash
loirran ~ late born lamb
loirranagh ~ motherless
loish ~ lotion
lomarcan ~ alone, unaccompanied, a solitary
person, solitary, singleton, lonely, singly
lomarcanys ~ solitude, solitariness, loneliness
lome lane ~ packed, pack-full, overrun
lome-lomarcan ~ forlorn
lomman ~ blight (on plants), blast (of cold
wind), scorching wind, scorch
lomman geinnee ~ sand-blast
lommanagh ~ scorching, blighting, baring,
parching, nipping
lommaney ~ scorch, scorching, blighting, blight
lommanit ~ scorched, blighted, bared with the
lommanyn ~ raw winds
lommanys ~ blightedness
lommee ~ clipping
lommey ~ bare, strip, clip (as sheep)
lommeyder ~ barer; basking shark
lommeyder faaie ~ lawn mower
lommit ~ bared
lommyrt ~ shearing, shearling, clipping, sheep-
shearing, shear
lommyrtagh ~ drawn, shearling, sheep-shearer,
bare (unsheathed)
lommyrtys ~ rasure
londaig ~ lawn
londeyr ~ light, glazed-in light, stable lamp,
storm lamp, lantern
londeyr chowree ~ signal lamp
londeyr dorraghey ~ dark lantern
londeyr druaightagh ~ Magic lantern
londeyr jerree ~ rear light
londeyr obbee ~ magic lantern
londeyr poagey ~ electric torch
londeyr Sheenagh ~ Chinese lantern
londeyr sooilley ~ dark lantern, bull's eye lantern
londeyr sterrym ~ hurricane lamp, tornado lamp,
storm lantern
londeyr straiddey ~ street lamp
londeyragh ~ furnished with lights, lanternlike
londyrnee ~ flare, glare (as light), flashing,
flaring, dazzling
lonn ~ death-rattle
lonnag ~ mouse
lonnagh ~ avenue, operculum
lonney ~ surge
lonnraghey ~ shine
lonnyr ~ brightness, sheen, shine, light, blaze (of
lonragh ~ glistening, bright, glowing, efflugent
lonraghey ~ brighten, glisten, glow
lonrey ~ efflugence
loo ~ little, fewer, littler, least; affidavit, oath,
swear, swearing
loo dy reill jeh ~ swear off
loo er ~ swear by
loo noi ~ abjuration
loo oaiagh y ghoaill ~ perjure
loo-oaiaght ~ oath-breaking
looan ~ imperfect swarm of bees
loob ~ loop
loob-chleayshagh ~ lop-eared
loob er laar ~ drop stitch
loob oashyragh ~ stocking stitch
loob-vayr ~ loop line
loobane cooat vooar ~ overcoat loop
looder ~ swearer, attestor, oath-taker
looee ~ oath
loofagh ~ loofah
loogh ~ a long oar, staff
looid ~ diminutiveness, less, littleness
looit ~ sworn, sworn in
loojey ~ minus
loor ~ lusty, stouthearted, stout, able-bodied,
strapping, nimble
looragh ~ lively
looraght ~ strength, nimbleness
looran ~ nimble bird
loorid ~ lustiness, stoutness, strength;
loot ~ lute
looyr ~ stalwart, strong bodied, husky
looyran ~ sandpiper, common sandpiper
looyran crottagh ~ curlew sandpiper
looyran gorrym ~ purple sandpiper
looyran marrey ~ purple sandpiper
looyran mooar ~ green sandpiper
looyrid ~ huskiness
lorg ~ club, staff, pole, singlestick; trail, track,
trace, spoor, vestige
lorg aghlish ~ crutch
lorg aspickagh ~ crozier
lorg baatey ~ boat-pole
lorg brattagh ~ flag-pole
lorg eeymey ~ churn-staff
lorg gaal ~ vapour trail
lorg immanagh ~ goad
lorg lheimmey ~ jumping pole
lorg reeoil ~ sceptre
lorg reill ~ sceptre
lorg shelgeyragh ~ hunter's staff
lorgagh ~ traceable, vestigial
lorgaghey ~ drive, urging, drive along
lorgane reayrt ~ viewfinder
lorgey ~ trace, trailing, tracing, pursue, pursuit,
spoor, track
lorgey er ash ~ trace back
lorgeyder ~ trailer
lorgeyr ~ tracker
lorgit ~ pursued, trailed
lorree ~ lorry
lorree ooill ~ oil tanker
losh ~ clout, thump, blow
losht ~ bakestone, scorched, baking stone, burnt
up, burned
losht fuinnee ~ kneading trough
loshtagh ~ caustic, smarting, lion's mane,
burning, inflammable
loshtaght ~ inflammation, burning sensation
loshtan ~ lion's mane
loshtee ~ igneous
lossag ~ flare, small flame, fleck of light,
Salamander, flicker
lossag gas ~ gas mantle
lossain ~ lozenge
lossan ~ blaze, flame, phosphorescence, aurora,
lossan greiney ~ solar flare
lossan mea ~ phosphorescence
lossan ny jiass ~ polar lights
lossan ny twoaie ~ polar lights, northern lights
lossan ruy ~ redpoll
lossan varrey ~ beacon
lossan voglagh ~ marsh ledum
lossan y jiass ~ Aurora Australis
lossan y twoaie ~ Northern Lights, Aurora
lossanagh ~ bright, inflamed, flaring, varnish,
phosphorescent, aglow, auroral, blazing,
inflammable, genial, luminous, flaming,
lossanaght ~ geniality, luminosity
lossanys ~ inflammability
lossee ~ blushing
losseragh ~ leguminous, vegetative
losseree ~ of a herb
losserey ~ vegetable, legume, herb, plant
losserey dy ghrayse ~ French lilac
losserey ny Boaldyn ~ cuckoo flower, lady's
losserey varrey ~ sea plant
lossey ~ blush, flare, flame up, flame, aflame,
burning, light, blaze, afire, ablaze, ignition,
flush (in fever)
lossey ny keylley ~ goldfinch
lossey seose ~ blaze up
losseyder ~ lighter
losseyder pedryl ~ petrol lighter
losseyder tudjeen ~ cigarette lighter
losseyragh ~ phlox
lossreeyn glioonagh ~ polygonaceae
lossreeyn leah ~ early vegetables
lossreeyn lheihys ~ medicinal herbs
lossreeyn ushtee ~ aquatic plants
lossyr ~ fire (of torches), blaze
lossyr lheeanagh ~ spearwort
lossyragh ~ flaming
lossyrane ~ flamingo
lostagh ~ incendiarist
lostan ~ glow-lamp, flashlight, lamp
lostan alcoal ~ spirit lamp
lostan cowree ~ flash lamp
lostan fo glonney ~ glazed-in light
lostan gas ~ gas lamp
lostan laue ~ flash lamp
lostan lhaih ~ reading lamp
lostan meainey ~ safety lamp
lostan ooill ~ oil lamp
lostan poagey ~ pocket lamp
lostan sheidee ~ blow lamp
lostaneyr ~ lamplighter
lostee yn-veanagh ~ internal combustion
losteeaght ~ logistics
lostey ~ burn, burn up, burn away, incinerate,
cremate, fire, alight (set), combustion,
ablaze, deflagration, fire-raising, fire away,
aflame, cremation
lostey ass hene ~ self-ignition
lostey cainley ~ church (as woman), churching
lostey crackan ny graue ~ periostitis
lostey cuishlin ~ phlebitis
lostey druntyn ~ gingivitis
lostey ersooyl ~ burn away
lostey folley ~ cauterization
lostey goolag ~ laryngitis
lostey greiney ~ scorching
lostey jeh ~ burn off
lostey joinagh ~ incendiarism, arson
lostey lhome ~ hell-fire, conflagration
lostey magh ~ burn out, burn away
lostey ny graue ~ osteomyelitis
lostey oolee ~ incendiarism
lostey reteeney ~ retinitis
lostey scoarnee ~ laryngitis
lostey sooilley ~ ophtalmia
lostey stronney ~ rhinitis
losteyder ~ fire-raiser, arsonist, burner, firer,
incendiarist, incinerator, igniter
losteyder breek ~ brickmaker
losteyder eayil ~ lime-burner
losteyder geayl foiee ~ charcoal-burner
losteyr ~ incendiarist, arsonist, firebrand
losteyr gas ~ gas burner
losteyrid ~ arson
losteyrys ~ arson
lostit ~ scorched, burnt up, burned
lostit bun as baare ~ completely burned
lott ~ portion, job-lot
lottal ~ allot
lotteyder ~ allotter
lottit ~ allotted
lotus ~ lotus
lough lheeys ~ tonic
Louisagh yn daa yeig ~ Louis the twelfth
loundyr ~ heavy catch, a large quantity, heavy
louraanagh ~ leprous
louraanys ~ leprosy
louranagh ~ leprous
lourane ~ leper
louraneagh ~ leprous
louraneys ~ leprosy
lourey ~ leprosy
lourys ~ wool-rot
lout ~ loft, deck, cock-loft
lout calmane ~ pigeon-house
lout croshey ~ rood-loft
lout-eaghtyr ~ deck
lout foshlit ~ gallery
lout kyagh ~ blind storey
lout ny naighteyryn ~ press gallery
lout organe ~ organ-loft
lout shiaull ~ sail-loft
lout toshee ~ foredeck
lout traagh ~ hayloft
loutey ~ loft
louteyder ~ lofter
loutit ~ lofted
loutyn ~ decking
louyr ~ abortion, castling, dead foetus
louyragh ~ abortive
louyran ~ castling, dead foetus, abortion
louyrys ~ abortion
lowal ~ legitimate, justify, lawful, allowable,
allow (permit)
lowal rish ~ approval
lowallagh ~ legitimate, allowable, justifiable,
approving, approver
lowallys ~ lawfulness, permissiveness
lowaltagh ~ justifiable
lowaltys ~ approbation, justification, sanction,
limit, tolerance
lowansagh ~ prebendal
lowanse ~ allowance, ration, concession
lowanse chingys ~ sick allowance
lowanse eginagh ~ emergency ration, iron
lowanse killagh ~ prebend
lowanse traa ~ time allowance
lowanse traghtee ~ trade allowance
lowanser ~ rationer
lowansey ~ ration
loweyder ~ allotter, rationer
lowit ~ allowed, permitted, suffered, approved
Ls ~ MS
Lsn ~ MSS
Luain ~ Monday
luan ~ loin, lamb (fattened)
Luanistyn ~ August, Lammas
lubban breck ~ moon jellyfish
lubberlab ~ buckbean
lubberlub ~ buckbean, bogbean
Lucsemburg ~ Luxembourg
luddan mea ~ phosphorescence
luffal ~ luffing, luff
lug ~ lug
lugg ~ lugworm, lobworm
luggyr ~ lugger
lugh ~ mouse
lugh faiyr ~ fieldmouse
lugh magheragh ~ fieldmouse
lugh slieau ~ marmot
lugh 'sy chreeagh ~ pregnant
lugh ushtey ~ water vole, water rat
lugh vagheragh ~ dormouse
lugh varrey ~ sea mouse
lughder ~ mouser
lugher ~ mouser
lugheraght ~ mouse, mousing
lugheyr ~ mouse-catcher
lught ~ content, burden, cast, cargo,
complement, load, freight, bulk, batch (of
numbers), train (of personage)
lught breagyn ~ parcel of lies
lught cairt ~ cartload
lught cosnee ~ profiteers
lught eaghtyragh ~ authorities
lught eaishtagh ~ listener, audience, house
lught fakin ~ viewers, onlookers, watchers,
audience, beholders, bystanders
lught farrar ~ watch
lught lectragh ~ electric charge, charge
lught-lhee ~ house physician
lught lhiassyn undinit ~ vested interests
lught lhuingey ~ shipload
lught maail ~ charter party
lught mooinjer ~ retinue
lught ny cheu cheerey ~ countryside
lught ny crink ~ hillfolk
lught ny faillee ~ wage-earner
lught ny Gaelgey ~ Gaelic speaker
lught ny gerrymyn ~ professional classes
lught ny h-oikyn ~ black-coated workers
lught ny hoaylleeaght ~ scientific men
lught ny hobbyr ~ working class
Lught ny Ooashlys ~ The Nobility
lught ny scannaneyn ~ picturegoer
lught ny sleityn ~ mountain people
lught ny thieyn oast ~ licensed victualler
lught obbyr ~ labour, personnel
Yn Lught Ooasle ~ The Establishment
lught raifyl ~ gallery rifle
Yn Lught Ratchal ~ The Turf
lught-reill ~ authority
lught reill ~ authorities, establishment
lught-reill ny theay ~ public authority
lught screeuee ~ editorial staff
lught stiuree ~ directorate
lught tashtee ~ depositor
lught thie ~ family, household, household
lught thie reeoil ~ royal family
lught traghtee marrey ~ shipping interest
lught tuarym ~ school of thought
lught ushtey ~ water ballast
lught y bryntys ~ smart set
lught y chelg ~ hunt
lught y driaght ~ chain-gang
lught y gheayil ~ coal merchants
lught y ghorley cree ~ heart patients
lught yn aarkey ~ mariner, seafarers
lught yn argid ~ the rich, wealthy, well-to-do,
moneyed classes
lught yn chioneys ~ the authorities
lught yn daa phoosey ~ bigamist
lught yn keirdey ~ the profession
lught yn leigh ~ legal profession
lught yn obbyr ~ working classes
lught yn ommidjys ~ lunatic fringe
lught yn teaghyn ~ the afflicted
lught yn traght ~ trade, tradesfolk
lught yn tushtey ~ intellectual, intelligentsia
lught yn ymmyd ~ users
lught ynsee ~ scholastic profession, teaching
lughtagh ~ burdensome
lughtaghey ~ stow, fill, write down, stowage,
filling, loading, freight, charging, lading
lughtaghey er y vooarchur ~ loading in bulk
lughtaghey rour ~ overloading
lughtey ~ lade, burden, weigh down, loading,
load, freight
lughteyder ~ lighterman, lighter, loader
lughteyder (lectragh) ~ charger
lughteyder sheeley ~ trickle-charger
lughtit ~ loaded, filled, laden, burdened
lughtit (lesh) ~ fraught
luir ~ pole
luiragh ~ cuirass
luirg ~ staffs
luirr shiauill ~ yard-arm
Lukys ~ Luke
lum-lane ~ glutted, brim-full, full to overflowing
lunagh ~ slandering, slanderer, contemptuous,
sarcastic, slanderous, mocker, rude, rude
person, reproachful
lunaght ~ rudeness, contemptuousness
lune buigh ~ pale ale
luney ~ slander, slandering, backbite
luneyder ~ slanderer
lung-lane ~ top-full, chock-a-block, cram-full
lungane ~ cartilage
lunganeagh ~ cartilaginous
lunit ~ slandered
lunjean ~ wobble, swing
lunjean jesh ~ right hook
lunjean toshtal ~ left hook
lunjeanagh ~ swinging, wobbly, vacillating
lunjeanagh(ey) ~ wobble
lunjeaney ~ wobble, sway, swing; wobbling,
swinging, swaying
lunjeaneyder ~ wobbler
lunnag ~ grey mullet
Lunnin ~ London
Lunninagh ~ Londoner, Cockney
Lunnish ~ Cockney
lupeen ~ lupin
lurg ~ after (time), agate
ny lurg ~ after him, ensuing, after her,
lurg baase ~ posthumous
lurg coyrle ~ advisedly
lurg munlaa ~ afternoon, p.m
lurg ooilley ~ moreover, notwithstanding, lastly
lurg roshtyn ~ on arrival
ny lurg shen ~ thereafter
lurg shoh ~ hereafter
lurg tuittym ny hoie ~ after dark
lurg y chaggey ~ postwar
lurg y cheilley ~ tandem
lurg y phoosey ~ post-nuptial
lurg y thooilley ~ postdiluvian
lurgagh ~ blackwinged stilt, leg, long-legged
lurgaghyn cammey ~ bow legs
lurgaghyn ny greiney ~ ray from behind cloud
Yn Lurgain ~ Lurgan
lurgey [f] ~ stem of anchor, leg, shank, search,
pace, shin
lurgey akeragh ~ anchor-shank
lurgey cham ~ bandy-leg
lurgey ein ~ drumstick
lurgey toshee ~ foreleg
lurgey yn-sheeynt ~ telescopic leg
lurgeyder ~ retriever
lurgeydish ~ pennyroyal
lurgeydish chleiee ~ hedge hyssop
lurgeyr ~ sleuth-hound, prospector, imitator
lurgnaneyn ~ leggings
lus ~ leek, vervain, herb, plant
lus airhey ~ marigold
lus airhey ny greg ~ golden samphire
lus airhey ny lheeannagh ~ kingcup
lus Alphagh ~ Alpine
lus anis ~ anise
lus askaid ~ pitcher plant
lus chameeyl ~ camellia
lus chasherick ~ hollyhock
lus Cholum ~ columbine
lus Cholumb Keeilley ~ bog asphodel, wood
lus Chreest ~ chrysanthemum
lus chreggey ~ rock plant
lus cosney folley ~ yarrow
lus-eeagh ~ plant-eating
lus gharagh ~ pot herb
lus gharg ~ caraway
lus gharroo ~ garlic mustard
lus lannoonagh ~ twin flower
lus leayshagh ~ leek
lus lheeah ~ mugwort, lavender
lus lheeah ny traie ~ sea lavender
lus lheeys ~ medicinal plant
lus lheihys ~ Solomon's seal
lus lieh yn touree ~ sweet william
lus luna ~ honesty
lus ny ben-jee ~ pheasant's eye
lus ny ben seyr ~ dame's violet
lus ny benrein ~ auricula, dusty miller
lus ny binjey ~ dropwort, great spearwort
lus ny binjey lheeannagh ~ meadow clover
lus ny binjey mooar ~ lady's bedstraw
lus ny binn ~ mountain avens
lus ny binshey ~ dropwort
lus ny Boaldyn ~ cuckoo flower, lady's smock
lus ny booa ghone ~ fumitory
lus ny brooinyn hraie ~ sea campion
lus ny buighey ~ field gentian, agrimony
lus ny Caisht ~ arum, pasque flower
lus ny cam-ching ~ daffodil
lus ny claghyn fuail ~ hedge parsley
lus ny cooag ~ ragged robin
lus ny croshey ~ crosswort, cotton rose
lus ny cumaght ~ potentilla
lus ny curreeyn ~ marsh cinquefoil
lus ny faaiaghyn ~ parsley piert
lus ny fahnaghyn ~ petty spurge, sun spurge
lus ny feeacklyn ~ toothwort
lus ny feoghaig ~ periwinkle
lus ny folley ~ hyacinth
lus ny Frank ~ tansy
lus ny freenaghyn mooarey ~ dove's foot,
crane's bill
lus ny garee ~ bogbean, buckbean
lus ny gaulg ~ butcher's broom
lus ny gayt ~ catmint
lus ny geayee ~ wind flower, anemone
lus ny geinnee ~ sea sandwort
lus ny giark ~ buckwheat
lus ny ging croymmey ~ narcissus
lus ny giyt ~ mountain everlasting
lus ny gless ~ sea blite
lus ny glionney ~ dog's mercury
lus ny gollan geayee ~ celandine greater
lus ny gounagh ~ red whortleberry
lus ny graih ~ drosera, sundew, amaranth
lus ny gramman ~ hard-heads
lus ny gramman gormey ~ field scabious
lus ny grammanyn ~ bladderwort
lus ny greg ~ samphire
lus ny greiney ~ sunflower
lus ny gruinnag ~ peony, globe flower
lus ny gryss ~ strapwort
lus ny guillyn ~ sweet william
lus ny guillyn aegey ~ meadow sweet
lus ny h-Albey ~ trailing loiseleuria
lus ny h-ashlish ~ geranium, dove's foot, crane's
lus ny h-oie ~ enchanter's nightshade
lus ny haane ~ liverwort
lus ny hainelag ~ angelica
lus ny Halbey ~ azalea
lus ny hawin ~ marsh bedstraw
lus ny heareeyn ~ moss campion
lus ny heayst ~ madwort
lus ny Helveeish ~ edelweiss
lus ny hoie ~ bitter-sweet
lus ny holley ~ acaena
lus ny hoohyn ~ eggfruit
lus ny jeetrym jeeas ~ mare's tail
lus ny kee ~ nipplewort
lus ny keeilley ~ bastard pimpernel
lus ny keeyrey ~ bastard pimpernel, chaffweed
lus ny kerey ~ magnolia
lus ny keylley ~ paeony
lus ny kiare duillag ~ four-leaved clover
lus ny kiare duillagyn ~ herb paris
lus ny laaghey ~ mudwort
lus ny leoh ~ cineraria
lus ny lheiyee ~ saxifrage, golden stonecrop
lus ny lhingey ~ broad-leaved pondweed
lus ny loghan ~ water lobelia
lus ny maynaghyn ~ monk's hood
lus ny meeyl ~ cockscomb
lus ny meeyllyn ~ sainfoin, marsh lousewort,
lus ny meisht ~ henbane
lus ny merriu ~ asphodel
lus ny minnag ~ dandelion
lus ny mlainyn ~ celandine lesser
lus ny moaintyn ~ marsh andromeda
lus ny moaley ~ balm
lus ny moidyn ~ maidenlip
lus ny molley ~ honeysuckle
lus ny moyl mooarey ~ mallow, common
lus ny mreih ~ motherwort
lus ny mwoie ~ hare's foot
lus ny n'annagyn ~ crowberry
lus ny n'guiy ~ daffodil
lus ny Paish ~ passion flower
lus ny perkyn ~ delphinium
lus ny queig duillagyn ~ cinquefoil, shrubby
lus ny rannagyn ~ cranberry
lus ny ray ~ moonwort
lus ny scowanyn ~ lungwort
lus ny screb ~ elecampane, scabious
lus ny shawkyn ~ hawkweed
lus ny shee ~ loosestrife, yellow loosestrife
lus ny sheillee ~ rose bay, marsh willow-herb
lus ny shellee ~ hoary willow-herb
lus ny shiaght bleeaney ~ agave
lus ny shillee ~ oyster leaf
lus ny shirree ~ beaked hawksbeard
lus ny shynee ~ orange-flowered hawkweed
lus ny sidey ~ arrowshead
lus ny skeddan ~ wood betony
lus ny skiart ~ lungwort
lus ny sooghid ~ asparagus
lus ny sooilley ~ eyebright
lus ny Spaainey ~ pellitory of Spain
lus ny spyrryn ~ nasturtium
lus ny tappagyn ~ candytuft
lus ny tree duillag ~ clover
lus ny uhlley ~ rayless camomile
lus-oayllee ~ botanist
lus-oaylleeaght ~ botany
lus roddagagh ~ bog myrtle
lus sheer-vio ~ perennial
lus skeaylley ~ purple loosestrife
lus teiyt ~ fragrant orchid
lus thie ~ leek
lus varrey ~ salt plant
lus veein ~ dill
lus veg ny greiney ~ heliotrope
lus villish ~ marjoram
lus villish ny lheeannagh ~ meadow sweet
lus vlaystal ~ savory
lus Voirrey ~ marigold
lus volganagh ~ bladderwort
lus vollagh ~ woodruff
lus volley ~ marsh lousewort
lus vooar ~ mullein
lus vooar ny moyl mooarey ~ tree mallow
lus vooar yn aile ~ greater salad-burnet
lus vreinn ny boallaghyn ~ stinkweed
lus vuigh ny Boaldyn ~ kingcup
lus vuigh ny jeeiginyn ~ meadow rue
lus vuigh ny Manninee ~ rose of Sharon
lus y chaddee clieau ~ Welsh poppy
lus y chadee ~ bog cotton, pearly everlasting,
cotton grass
lus y chadlee ~ poppy
lus y chalmane ~ columbine
lus y charran ~ spleenwort
lus y chartan ~ greater fleabane, marsh
lus y chayrn ~ common bugle
lus y cheeabin ~ bouncing bet, soapwort
lus y cheeiragh ~ night-scented stock, evening
lus y chellan ~ dwarf lousewort, woodbine,
lus y chellee ~ cockscomb
lus y chengey veg ~ devil's bit, mouse-eared
lus y chenn ghuilley ~ southernwood
lus y chenney Yee ~ bugloss
lus y cheynnee ~ mossy cyphel
lus y chiassagh ~ feverfew
lus y ching vane ~ bog cotton
lus y chingys 'syn ollee ~ alexanders
lus y chiolg ~ St. John's Wort
lus y chione cast ~ self-heal
lus y chladdee ~ sea rocket
lus y chleeu ~ lungwort
lus y choirrey ~ coriander
lus y chollane ~ cleavers
lus y chooinaght ~ forget-me-not
lus y chorn ~ godetia
lus y chorran ~ spurry, sneezewort, silver weed
lus y chramman doo ~ knapweed
lus y chree ~ pansy, coriander, basil, violet
lus y chreoid ~ sneezewort
lus y chrystal ~ baneberry
lus y chugyr ~ chicory
lus y daa ghuillag ~ twayblade
lus y daa phing ~ moneywort, navelwort
lus y druight ~ sundew
lus y ghargid ~ hop
lus y gheu ~ nepenthe
lus y gheuree ~ wintergreen
lus y ghew ~ purging flax
lus y ghientyn ~ birthwort
lus y ghillid ~ carnation
lus y ghoot ~ bishop's weed
lus y ghormid ~ lobelia
lus y ghreinney ~ marsh ragwort
lus y ghuiy ~ daffodil
lus y lheaney ~ bindweed, convolvulus
lus y lheihys ~ common chamomile
lus y lhemeen ~ bladder campion
lus y lhemyn ~ bladder campion
lus y lhiannan ~ early forget-me-not
lus y lhionney ~ hop
lus y lhott ~ hedge woundwort
lus y lossey ~ phlox
lus y nieu ~ duck's foot
lus y phibbyr ~ dittany
lus y phioban ~ pipewort
lus y phlaggad ~ hunger weed
lus y phollinagh ~ sea purslane
lus y ryptar ~ allseed
lus y scoarnee ~ campanula, woodruff
lus y snaie ~ dodder
lus y sporran ~ shepherd's purse
lus y stark ~ arrowroot
lus y steep ~ spearwort, butterwort
lus y taartys ~ monk's rhubarb
lus y taggyrt ~ common cow-wheat
lus y taghys ~ greater fleabane
lus y thie ~ leek
lus y toar villish ~ buddleia, heath stitchwort
lus y toar vreinn ~ stinkweed, wood sage
lus y tollan ~ prickly saltwort, marsh mallow,
lus y tooill ~ eyebright, clary
lus y touree ~ gilliflower
lus y Trinaid ~ great willow-herb, pansy
lus y tromleoie ~ spiderwort
lus y vaaish ~ deadly nightshade, belladonna
lus y vaghauin ~ red bearberry
lus y vainney ~ heath milkwort
lus y vea ~ betony
lus y vee ~ wood angelica
lus y vinnagh ~ treacle mustard, dandelion
lus y vochilley ~ shepherd's cress
lus y vohlt ~ woodruff
lus y volley ~ lady's bedstraw
lus y vooin ~ water speedwell
lus y voorey ~ sea purslane
lus y vooyn ~ fennel, gladdon, stinking iris
lus y voteil ~ bluebottle
lus y voteil ghorrym ~ cornflower
lus y voteil gorrym ~ bluebottle
lus y vuighagh ~ centaury
lus y vuinnagh ~ petty spurge
lus y woid mooar ~ spurge
lus y woid wooar ~ sun spurge
lus y wuigh ~ dyer's mignonette
lus y wuigh wooar ~ dyer's greenwood
lus y yiarrey ~ petty spurge, flixweed
lus yn aacheoid ~ wintergreen
lus yn aarnieu ~ viper's bugloss
lus yn ahlea ~ spleenwort
lus yn aile ~ salad burnet, pyrethrum
lus yn ainle ~ angelica
lus yn anis ~ anise
lus yn arkan ~ sow bread
lus yn arree ~ daffodil
lus yn arroo ~ larkspur
lus yn aspick ~ bishop's weed
lus yn chardinaal ~ cardinal flower
lus yn dorrysh ~ clematis
lus yn 'Eaill Vaayl ~ aster
lus yn 'eaill'Eoin ~ mugwort
lus yn eebyrtys ~ love-in-a-mist
lus yn eiyrtys ~ sundew
lus yn imleig ~ pennywort
lus yn irree seose reesht ~ rose of Jericho
lus yn ollee ~ alexanders
lus yn phibbyr yiarg ~ capsicum
lus yn ree ~ wild basil
lus yn rose ~ herb robert
lus yn ushtey vio ~ columbine
lus yn voalley ~ wallflower
lus yn vynlagh ~ corn camomile
luss ~ herb
luss-eeagh ~ herbivorous
ny luss-eederyn ~ herbivora
luss-oaylleeagh ~ botanic(al)
lussagh ~ herbaceous, herbal, herby
lussan ~ small herb
lusseragh ~ herb-gathering
lusseyr ~ herbalist, botanist
lusslann ~ herbarium
lussyn chiolg ~ stomach herbs
lutch ~ slouch
lutchagh ~ slouching
lutchey ~ bungle, slouch, blunder, lout;
bungling, slouching, blundering, loubbering
lutchynagh ~ ninny, blunderer, nincompoop,
blunderhead, blundering, bovine, bungler,
booby, bungling, dope
lutchynaght ~ loubberliness
lutchynys ~ loubberliness, blundering,
lutheragh ~ Lutheran
lynks ~ lynx
lynshall ~ lynch, lynching
lyrane ~ lyre bird
lyre ~ lyre
lyreagh ~ lyric, lyricist
lyreaght ~ lyricism
M.F.A. ~ V.H.F., Very High Frequency,
U.H.F., Ultra High Frequency
maa ~ fat, greasy (as slug), luxuriant; bleat, baa
maaig ~ flipper, paw, clumsy hand
maaig folley ~ serum
maaigagh ~ unhandy, pawlike, pawy, clumsy,
maaigaght ~ awkwardness, clumsiness
maaigerey ~ clumsy, awkward (handed), butter-
maaigey ~ paw, scrabble, scrabbling
maail ~ excise
maais ~ mace
maaish ~ thigh
maalagh ~ baa, bleating
maaley ~ bleat, baa, bleating
maanagh ~ absorbing
maanal ~ absorb, keeping wet (as plant)
maanalagh ~ absorbent
maanalys ~ absorption, absorbency
maaneyder ~ absorbent
Maanoot ~ Maynooth
maarder ~ libertine, lecher
maarderagh ~ unchaste, immoral, adulterous,
lascivious, whoremonger, libertine, lecher
maarderer ~ adulterer
maarderys ~ debauchery, lasciviousness,
unchastity, fornication
maarleeys ~ theft, marauding, stealing
maarleeys oie ~ burglary
maarley ~ loam
maarliagh ~ stealer, marauder, thief, cracksman
maarliagh drappal ~ cat burglar
maarliagh lhuingey ~ pirate
maarliagh marrey ~ great skua, arctic skua,
maarliagh oie ~ burglar
maarliagh thie ~ housebreaker
maarliaght ~ theft
maarlys ~ burglary, theft
maase ~ kine, cattle
maase Albinagh ~ Scottish cattle
maase doo-chassagh ~ black-legged cattle
Maaue ~ Trump
maayleyder ~ charterer
mabbyl ~ maple
mac ~ son
mac- ~ (prefix) duplicate
Mac Alister ~ Callister
Mac Alistrin ~ Collister
mac ammyssagh ~ dutiful son
Mac Auley ~ Cowley
mac bashtee ~ godson
Mac Bhruidin ~ Cregeen
mac braar ayrey ~ first cousin
mac braar mayrey ~ first cousin
mac braar shaner ~ second cousin
mac braar warree ~ second cousin
mac braarey ~ nephew
Mac Cheallaigh ~ Kelly
Mac Con Chradha ~ Crowe
Mac Corkane ~ Corkan
Mac Cuirc ~ Quirk
mac dooinney ~ a man's son
Mac Dubhghall ~ Coole
mac eeasteyragh ~ son of a fisherman
Mac Eoin ~ Johnson
Mac Fhearachair ~ Fargher
Mac Fheorais ~ Corris
Mac Ghavy ~ Davidson
mac greiney ~ planet
mac-gyn-ayr ~ lesser duckweed
Mac Homysh ~ Comish
Mac Hugen ~ Quiggin
mac 'ic ~ son of
Mac 'Ill Voirrey ~ Gilmour
Mac Illiam ~ Quilliam
mac imshee ~ hell-hound, son of perdition, devil
mac-imshee ~ reprobate
Mac Kenniagh ~ Kennaugh
Mac Lukysh ~ Clucas
Mac masoonagh ~ Lewis
mac meechoyrle ~ scapegrace
mac mollaght ~ devil, cuss, hell-hound, viper (of
Mac Murchaidh ~ Curphey
Mac Neacail ~ Cringle
Mac Niallan ~ Crellin
mac ny braih ~ malt whisky
Mac ny hooirey ~ son of the soil
mac oainjer ~ whoreson
mac oainjeragh ~ whoreson
Mac Ottar ~ Cottier
Mac Phaayl ~ Quayle
Mac Phadeen ~ Cojeen
mac-plannad ~ satellite
Mac Robyn ~ Crebbin
mac saa ~ cadet
mac saar ~ czarevitch
mac-screeu ~ transcribe, transcript, copy
mac shayrey ~ nephew
mac-skeih ~ cast
mac-soylley ~ replica, reproduction, counterpart,
fascimile, instance, comparison, match
mac sporran ~ treasurer
mac streebee ~ whoreson
mac stroialtagh ~ prodigal son
Mac taarnee ~ Boanerges
Mac Thorkell ~ Corkill
Mac Thorljotr ~ Corlett
Mac Thorsteinn ~ Corteen
Mac Varkysh ~ Corkish
mac vic shayrey ~ great-nephew
mac vic vraarey ~ great-nephew
Mac Walteragh ~ Qualtrough
mac y ~ son of
Mac y Ghaauin ~ Smith
Mac y Vretnee ~ Cretney
Mac yn Phreer ~ Creer
Mac yn Tsar ~ Tsarevitch
mac yn ushtey ~ weed (of person)
macadam ~ macadam
macadam-terr ~ macadam
macadamey ~ macadamize
macainid ~ simple-heartedness, innocence
macaintagh ~ unaffectedness, simple-hearted,
simple, continent
macaintaght ~ continence
macainys ~ naturalness, simplicity, innocence,
macaroni ~ macaroni
macaroni as caashey ~ macaroni cheese
Ny Maccan ~ The Holy Innocents
maccan ~ offspring, bulb
mach-earroo ~ mach number
mackewyl ~ kelson
maclioar ~ duplicate, imitation, copy
macnaght ~ boyhood
macoil ~ filial
macscreeuyn ~ duplicate
mactulleyder ~ echo-sounder
Madagascagh ~ Madagascan
Madagascar ~ Madagascar
maddaght ~ mathematics
maddaghteyr ~ mathematician
maddaghtoil ~ mathematical
maddin ~ morning
Maddin vie! ~ Good morning!
maddinagh ~ morning star, matutinal
maddinoil ~ matutinal
maddyr ~ field madder, madder
Maddyrer ~ Maddrell
madje ~ magpie
madjin ~ morning
madran ~ daybreak, peep-of-dawn, aurora, dawn
Madrid ~ Madrid
madyral ~ matter
mag ~ failure (in a rope)
maggane ~ numbness
magganeagh ~ cramped, torpid, numbing, numb
magganeys ~ numbness, torpor, torpidity
magganid ~ torpor, numbness
magglagh ~ testicle-like
maggle ~ testicle
maggle apag ~ monkey-gland
magh ~ out, outward(s), outdoors, outboard,
plain, forth
magh as magh ~ downright, utterly, thorough,
exceptionally, sheer, to the full
magh ass ~ off
magh ass y wyllin ~ fresh from the mint
magh (lesh) ~ exit
Magh lhiat! ~ Go out! Shove off!
magh 'syn aarkey ~ off shore
magh voish ~ excluding, except
maghauin lheeah ~ grizzly bear
magher ~ field, fertile land, campaign, chase,
machar, sphere
magher arroo ~ cornfield
magher bane ~ lea field
magher banjee ~ lea field
magher breek ~ brick field
Magher Buigh ~ Magheraboy
magher caggee ~ battlefield
magher cloie ~ playing field
magher coonlee ~ stubble field
magher corkey ~ an oat field
magher (fo) arroo ~ field under corn
magher golf ~ golf course
Magher Hanysh ~ Machrihanish
magher kennip ~ hemp field
magher lus y lhiooney ~ hop field
Magher ny h-Africk(ey) ~ African veld(t)
magher ooill ~ oil field
magher plaggad ~ an oat field
magher rioee ~ ice field
magher traueit ~ tilled field
magher y chaggee ~ field of battle
magheragh ~ agrarian, lowlander, of a field
magheryn ~ links
magheryn creeney ~ ripe fields
magheryn golf ~ links
maghey ~ from
maghey reuyrey ~ tilled field
maghey shen ~ thenceforth, besides
maghey shoh ~ henceforth, ulteriorly
maghlaghey ~ vex, offend
maghouin ~ bear
maghouin bane ~ polar bear
maghouin marrey ~ polar bear
maghouin Sheenagh ~ panda
maghouinagh ~ bearish
magnaid ~ magnet
magnaid hroggal ~ lifting magnet
magnaid lectragh ~ electro-magnet
magnaid-oaylleeaght ~ magnetics
magnaidagh ~ magnetic
magnaidaghey ~ magnetization, magnetizing,
magnaidveih ~ magnetometer
magnaidys ~ magnetism
magnaidys thallooin ~ geomagnetism
magneeish ~ magnesia
magneeshym ~ magnesium
magneeto ~ magneto
magnolia scaagh ~ umbrella tree
mahoganee ~ mahogany
Mahommadagh ~ Mohammedan
maidjagh ~ timber, timbered
maidjaghyn ee ~ chopsticks
maidjey ~ stick, lever, bat, rod, cue, club,
pitprop, pointer, pole, wooden, boarding,
bail (in stable), bar (on doorway), straddle
maidjey Alpagh ~ alpenstock
maidjey billiard ~ billiard cue
maidjey boogh ~ bow oar
maidjey breagagh ~ stool pigeon
maidjey brisht ~ wooden tongs
maidjey-broojey ~ potato masher
maidjey cammag ~ cammag stick
maidjey cassee ~ steering oar
maidjey chiu ~ stout stick
maidjey connee ~ gorse stick
maidjey coonee ~ brace
maidjey corragh ~ see-saw
maidjey corrym ~ ski stick
maidjey coshey ~ stilt
maidjey crammanagh ~ knobstick
maidjey curtan ~ curtain rod
maidjey dean ~ goalpost
maidjey drineagh ~ blackthorn
maidjey drommey ~ roof-tree
maidjey drum ~ drumstick
maidjey eaddagh ~ clothes prop
maidjey fendeilee ~ quarterstaff, cudgel
maidjey geer ~ gear lever
maidjey geinnee ~ sand-blaster
maidjey gloasee ~ buff-stick
maidjey golf ~ golf club
maidjey greeish ~ stair-rod
maidjey hockee ~ hockey stick
maidjey jerree ~ stern oar
maidjey keasee ~ stern oar
maidjey kianglee ~ tie, tie-beam, stringer
maidjey lauean ~ glove-stretcher
maidjey leaystee ~ balancing pole
maidjey leaystey ~ trapeze
maidjey lhierrym ~ Third oar
maidjey liggrys ~ liquorice stick
maidjey mastee ~ mixing stick, pot-stick
maidjey meainey ~ pitprop
maidjey meanagh ~ middle oar
maidjey mestee ~ dolly
maidjey millish ~ lollipop, liquorice stick
maidjey mullee ~ ridge-pole, top rail
maidjey niaghan ~ clothes prop
maidjey niaghyn ~ pot-stick
maidjey obbee ~ magic wand
maidjey peinteyr ~ maulstick
maidjey polo ~ polo stick
maidjey praase ~ potato-masher
maidjey raue ~ oar
maidjey seiyee ~ punt-pole
maidjey shooyl ~ walking stick
maidjey shugyr ~ lollipop
maidjey skeab ~ broom-handle
maidjey stiuree ~ tiller, joystick, steering oar,
control lever
maidjey tessen ~ collar-beam
maidjey toshee ~ bow oar
maidjey trome ~ niblick
maidjyn ~ oared
mai'ghey ~ forgive
maih ~ remission, forgiveness
maihagh ~ propitiatory, pardonable, forgiving
maihaghey ~ condone, let off, absolve, excuse,
forgive, pardon, amortize; amortization,
pardoning, forgiving
maihder ~ absolver, forgiver, pardoner
maihghey ~ pardoning
maihnit ~ remitted
maihnys ~ forgiveness, pardon, grace
maihnys y chur da ~ shrive
maiht ~ forgiven, absolved, pardoned
maihys ~ remittal, remission
mail ~ of rent
maillee ~ of rent
mainshter ~ master, mister, boss
mainshter-lauee ~ master-hand
Mainshter ny Hellynyn ~ Master of Arts
Mainshter Skeeandys ~ Master of Science
mainshteragh ~ mastering, masterly
mainshteraght ~ mastery, mastership
mainshterlagh ~ conquering, conqueror
mainshteroil ~ masterly
mainshtreilagh ~ conqueror
mainshtyr ~ master, skipper, boss, guv'nor, old
boy, taskmaster
Yn Mainshtyr Arrymagh ~ The Worshipful
mainshtyr bann ~ bandmaster
mainshtyr barje ~ bargemaster
mainshtyr birling ~ yacht-master
mainshtyr caardee yiarn ~ iron-master
mainshtyr cliwe ~ sword master, fencing master
mainshtyr daunse ~ dancing master
mainshtyr faillee ~ paymaster
mainshtyr geyre ~ hard taskmaster
mainshtyr kerroo ~ quartermaster
mainshtyr kiaullee ~ choirmaster
mainshtyr lhuingey ~ shipmaster
mainshtyr markiaght ~ riding master
mainshtyr obbyr ~ work-master
mainshtyr post ~ postmaster
mainshtyr prowallys ~ assay-master
mainshtyr purt(ey) ~ harbour-master
mainshtyr reiht ~ master elect
mainshtyr s'ardjey ~ senior master
mainshtyr scoill ~ schoolmaster, dominie
mainshtyr scrialtee ~ scoutmaster
mainshtyr shelg ~ hunt-master
mainshtyr slaynt ~ toastmaster
mainshtyr stashoon ~ stationmaster
mainshtyr (yn phreaban) ~ ringmaster
mainshtyragh ~ master, bossy, domineering
mainshtyraght ~ empire, command, bossiness,
mainshtyreilagh ~ conquering
mainshtyroil ~ magisterial
mainshtyroilid ~ magistracy
mainshytyragh ~ boss
mainstyr keiy ~ wharfinger
mainstyr naigh ~ equerry
mair [f] ~ finger, digit, prong, ray, piano key,
hand of clock, tributary of river
mair chass ~ toe
mair-chlaare ~ fingerboard, keyboard
mair-chooilleeney ~ masturbation
mair choshey ~ toe
mair choshey veg ~ little toe
mair chowree ~ morse key
mair chraitnagh ~ fin-toe
mair-ghorley ~ whitlow
mair-lauee ~ rapid fire
mair ny fainey ~ ring finger
mair-scammylagh ~ web-fingered
mair veg ~ auricular, little finger
mair veg ny coshey ~ little toe
mair vooar ~ middle finger
mair Vorsagh ~ morse key
mairagh ~ morrow, tomorrow, keyed
mairaghey ~ thumb, strumming, strum, finger,
mairane [f] ~ thimble
mairane (ferrish) ~ harebell
mairane vaaish ~ flowers of foxglove
mairaneagh ~ thimblelike
maireanagh ~ matriculation
maireeagh ~ nimble-fingered
maireen ~ flute
maireenagh ~ fluted
mairlaf ~ fingerprint
mairtlhian ~ maw-worm
maistrey ~ wash (of ship)
majentey ~ magenta
malaaragh ~ malarial
malaarey ~ malaria
Malaine ~ Magdalene
malaineagh ~ maudlin
Malane ~ Magdalene
Malayagh ~ Malayan
malin ~ brow, brae
mallard ~ mallard
malpys ~ maple
Malta ~ Malta
Maltagh ~ Maltese
Maltish ~ Maltese
mam ~ double handful
mamm ~ nipple, boil, blister, blain
mammoth ~ mammoth
Manchooragh ~ Manchurian
Manchuin ~ Manchester
Manchuinagh ~ Mancunian
mandalyn ~ mandolin
mandareen ~ mandarin
mandrag ~ mandrake
mandrag ghoo ~ black bryony
mandrag vane ~ white bryony
mandryl ~ mandrel
manganaid ~ manganate
manglym ~ cocktail
mango ~ mango
mangrove ~ mangrove
manjoor ~ manger, crib
manna ~ manna
mannagh ~ if not
mannagh vel ~ except (unless), if not
mannakeen ~ model
mannan ~ kid
mannanagh ~ frisky
manneyquin ~ mannequin
Mannin [f] ~ Isle of Mann, Mann
Manninagh ~ Manx, Manks, Manxman
Manninagh dooie ~ true Manxman, native
Manninagh mie ~ patriotic Manxman
Manninaght ~ Manxness, Manxification
Manninaghys ~ Manxism
Ny Manninee ~ The Manx
Manninish ~ Manx
mannishter ~ religious house, monastery, abbey,
minster, cloister, friary
Mannishter 'er Maigh ~ Fermoy
Yn Mannishter Heear ~ Westminster
mannor ~ manor
mannoragh ~ manorial
M'annym da'n Jouyll! ~ Well I'm damned!
mannys shleiy ~ javelin
mantissey ~ mantissa
mantyl (chiollee) ~ mantel
mantys ~ mantis
mantys crauee ~ praying mantis
Maoaght ~ Maoism
maor ~ factor
map boalley ~ wallmap
maraidagh ~ navigator
marchan arroo ~ corn merchant
marchan feeyney ~ wine merchant
marchan geayil ~ coal merchant, coalman
marchan grine ~ grain merchant
marchan ooh ~ egg man
marchan sheh ~ hide merchant, fur merchant
marchan shenn eaddeeyn ~ rag merchant
marchan tey ~ tea merchant
maree ~ with her
marennym ~ adjective
marennymagh ~ adjectival
marg ~ mark (coin)
Margaid ~ Margaret
margareen ~ margarine
margee ~ of the market
margeeagh ~ sellable, vendible, saleable
margeeaght ~ marketing, trade
margeeaght eirinys ~ agricultural marketing
margeeys ~ marketing
margey ~ market, treaty, fair, mart, emporium
margey argid ~ money market
margey doo ~ black market
margey eeast ~ fish market
Margey Keeill Eoin ~ Tynwald Fair
margey oikoil ~ Ring (Stock Exchange)
margey ollee ~ cattle market, stock market
margey olley ~ wool market
margey shenn eaddeeyn ~ rag fair
margey trean ~ strong market
Margey yn Ardailys ~ Vanity Fair
Maria ~ Maria
marin ~ with us
marish ~ with him, with
marish shen ~ besides, therewith
marish shen as ooilley ~ moreover, therewithal
marish shoh as ooilley ~ withal
mark ~ mark, brand
mark-hidoor shleiy ~ uhlan
mark-sleih ~ horseman
mark-veih ~ welterweight
markagh couch ~ postilion
markal (magh) ~ mark out
markee cooyl ~ ride behind
markee ersooyl ~ ride off
markee magh ~ ride out
markee shaghey ~ ride by
Ny Markee Shee ~ The Fairy Riders
markee stiagh ~ ride in
markiagh ~ horse rider, equestrian, cavalier,
jockey, horseman; ride
markiagh armee ~ cavalryman
markiagh drommey ~ piggy-back
markiagh er mooin ~ piggy-back
markiagh ersooyl ~ ride away
markiagh harrish ~ override
markiagh mooie ~ outrider
markiagh ny sodjey ~ outride
markiagh pilleen ~ pillion passenger
markiagh tonn ~ surf-rider
markiaghey ~ riding
markiaght ~ ride, lift, horsemanship, drive,
equitation, horse riding, riding
markiaght tonn ~ surf-riding
markiaght vraddagh ~ joyride
markit ~ ridden, rode
marklann ~ stable
markrey ~ cavalcade
Marksaght ~ Marxism
marksleih ~ horse, cavalry
marksleih eddrym ~ light horse
markym-jeelym ~ mirage
Markys ~ Mark
markys ~ marquis
Markysh ~ Mark
marlagh ~ marly
marley ~ plasticine, marl
marling ~ marlin
marlyn ~ marline
marmalaid ~ marmalade
marmaseen ~ marmoset
marmyr ~ marble
marmyr oirrit ~ marble-edged
marmyragh ~ marblelike, marbled, marmoreal
marmyreen ~ marbles
marmyrey ~ marbling, marble
Maroccagh ~ Moroccan
maroo ~ with them
maroon ~ elegy, maroon
maroonagh ~ elegist
Marooney ~ Marown
marr ~ kill
marrag ~ mustard, vegetable marrow
marrag as burley ~ mustard and cress
marraght ~ seamanship
marraghtyn ~ remain, continue
marran ~ slip, mistake, bloomer, erratum, gaffe
marran screeuee ~ writing mistake
marranagh ~ person in error, mistaken, dupe
marrane ~ marane
marranys ~ oversight, mistake, miscalculation,
slip up, error, misunderstanding
marranys feer chadjin ~ very popular error
marranys mooar ~ serious mistake
marre vaaish ~ pall
marrey ~ of sea, sea
marrey mooar ~ deep sea
marrinagh ~ seaman, sailor, deckhand, mariner,
seafarer, seafaring
marrinagh caggee ~ blue-jacket
marrinee ~ lower deck, ratings
marrinys ~ sea voyage, voyage, cruise, sea
passage, boat passage (on ship)
marroo ~ kill, kill off, dispatch, murder,
assassinate, slaughter, liquidate, butcher,
slay, exterminate, bag (game); dead, lifeless,
inanimate, glassy (as look), muggy, dull (of
pain), dud, dull, stagnant, defunct, mortified,
slaughtered, departed, deceased, killed,
extinct; extermination, killing, slaughtering,
slaying, sleeping, aground; deceased estate,
liquidation, flat spot, flat (mood)
yn marroo ~ the corpse, the departed
marroo ayrey ~ parricide
marroo ec yn chiass ~ overcome with heat
marroo-ghruaie ~ necromancer
marroo-ghruaight ~ necromancy
marroo-hooillagh ~ dull-eyed, leaden, heavy-
marroo-laa ~ dies non
marroo lesh ferrad ~ ferret
marroo lesh lectraghys ~ electrocution,
marroo-lhieggey ~ precipice, perpendicular fall
marroo mayrey ~ matricide
marroo ny hassoo ~ dead-and-alive
marroo-ruggit ~ stillborn
marroo-streeu ~ wake (of ship)
marroo-stroo ~ backwash, track (of ship)
marroo-vehrt ~ stillborn
marroo-vreyit ~ stillborn
marrooagh ~ fatal, lethal, deadly,
overpowering, internecine
marrooaght ~ deadliness, deadness, fatality
marrooan ~ margin of the stream
marrooder ~ killer, murderer, slaughterer,
executioner, exterminator, homicide
marrooder ayrey ~ parricide
marrooder beishteig ~ insecticidal
marroodeyr mayrey ~ matricide
marrooit ~ slain
marroolan ~ morgue
marroon ~ dirge
marroonys ~ obsequies
Marshalie ~ Marjory
marshyl ~ marshal
marshyl-magheragh ~ field marshal
marsooplagh ~ marsupial
Mart ~ March, Mars
mart ~ store, beef
mart beeyit ~ fatling
martar ~ lame fellow, cripple
martaragh ~ crippling, crippled, maimed,
martaraghey ~ cripple
martarey ~ disable, maim, lame, cripple
martarit ~ lamed
ny martaryn ~ the disabled
martarys ~ disablement, disability, crippledness
Marthey ~ Martha
martlan ghailley ~ tapeworm
martlhan ~ maw-worm, bellworm
martlhan chabbil ~ bot
Martyn ~ Martin
martyr ~ martyr
martyrey ~ martyr
martyrys ~ martyrdom
marvaanagh ~ mortal, earth-born
marvaanys ~ mortality
marym ~ with me
mascaarey ~ mascara
masheen ~ mashie
mask ~ mask
maskal ~ mask
Masoonagh ~ Freemason
masoonagh ~ masonic, mason
masoonagh marmyr ~ marble mason
masoonaghys ~ freemasonry
Masoonys ~ Freemasonry
masoonys ~ masonry
masoorkey ~ mazurka
Masseydoanagh ~ Macedonian
ny mast'ain ~ amongst us
masteen ~ mastiff
ny mast'eu ~ amongst you
mastey ~ churn, mixture, among(st), amid(st),
masthag ~ mastic
ny mast'oc ~ amongst them
mastoid ~ mastodon
mastoidagh ~ mastodon
matras aer ~ air bed
matras aer(agh) ~ air mattress
matras geaysh ~ hair mattress
matras lheimaghan ~ spring mattress
matras ushtey ~ water bed
matricks ~ matrix
matroon ~ matron
May Eo ~ Mayo
mayl ~ rent, rental
maylart ~ variant, barter, exchange, truck
maylartagh ~ interchangeable, commutative,
reciprocal, exchanger, barterer, reciprocating,
maylartagh argid ~ money changer
maylartane ~ exchange
maylartey ~ alternate, transpose, reciprocate,
interchange, barter, exchange, swap,
commute, reciprocating, reciprocation,
substitution, transposing, commutation,
maylartey lhong ~ trans-ship (passenger)
maylartey pryssoonagh ~ cartel
maylartit ~ commuted, bartered, reciprocated
maylartys ~ mutuality, reciprocity, transposition
maylayrt ~ swap
maylayrtagh ~ mutual
mayleyder ~ renter
mayn ~ property, good order
maynagh ~ monk
maynagh Albinagh ~ culdee
maynaghoil ~ conventual, monachal, monkish,
maynaght ~ monkhood
maynaghys ~ monkhood, monachism
maynrey ~ happy
maynrys ~ happiness
maynrys gyn scaa ~ unalloyed happiness
maynrys vraa ~ eternal happiness
mayragh ~ mother
mayraght ~ right of a mother
Mayree ~ Mary
mayrey ~ maternal, of mother, mother
mayrnagh ~ survivor, living
mayrnaght ~ survival, remainder, duration
mayrnaght yerrinagh ~ ultimate survival
Mayrnt ~ March
Mayrt ~ Tuesday
mayrt ~ with you
mea ~ rich, fat, thick, luxuriant
meadleen ~ ventricle
meadyr kerrinagh ~ square metre
meaghey ~ fatten
meaig ~ whey
meaighagh ~ whey-faced
meail ~ band (of reapers)
meailley ~ harvest home
meain [f] ~ ore
meain airh ~ gold-mine
meain argid ~ silver-mine
meain chluig ~ bell metal
meain chobbyr ~ copper-mine
meain choodee ~ sheeting
meain gheayil ~ coalmine, colliery
meain ghorrym ~ zinc
meain ghunney ~ gun metal
meain hollan ~ salt-mine
meain leoaie ~ lead-mine
meain lhean ~ sheet metal
meain sulfur ~ sulphur-mine
meain Vabbit ~ Babbitt metal
meain yiarn ~ iron-mine
meainagh ~ ore
meainey ~ of ore
meaineyder ~ pitman
meaineyder geayil ~ collier
meaineyrys geayil ~ coalmining
mealaastey ~ deadweight
mean ~ centre, interior, average, nerve centre,
body (of church), carrier
Mean Arree ~ March
mean-asney ~ futtock
mean-choorse ~ intermediate course
mean-cleayney ~ centroclinal
mean edjaghys ~ secondary education
Mean Fouyir ~ September
mean-hoshiagh ~ centre forward
mean-howleyder ~ centre punch
mean scoill ~ secondary school, college
mean-shaghnagh ~ centrifugal
mean-shirrey ~ centripetal
Mean Souree ~ June
mean y streeu ~ thick of the fight
mean-ynnyd ~ middle ground
mean ynsagh ~ secondary education
meanagh ~ centre, central, intermediate,
meanaght ~ intermediateness
Yn Meanchiarkyl ~ The Line, Equator
menachiarkylagh ~ equatorial
meaneyder geayil ~ coalminer
meansal ~ support financially
meansalagh ~ nutritive
meansalaght ~ maintenance
meanvrastyl ~ bourgeoisie
meanvrastyllagh ~ bourgeois
meaoil ~ emollient
meayl ~ bald, hairless, bleak (as place),
hornless, obtuse
Meayl Eeley ~ Mull of Oa
meayl-raa ~ understatement
meayl-uillinagh ~ obtuse-angled
Meaylchione ~ Roundhead
meaylchione ~ shaveling
meayll ~ cape, promontory, mull, crop-eared,
depressed, flat, toneless
Meayll Breck ~ Maol Breac
Meayll ny Halbey ~ Mull of Galloway
Meayll ny Treisht ~ Cape of Good Hope
meayllaghey ~ bare, damp, bald, depilate,
depilation, flatten, put back
meayllaneagh ~ buffer (of solution)
meayllee ~ hornless cow, depilatory, pollard,
bald woman
meayllid ~ bareness, baldness, flatness
meayllyssagh ~ greasy (as broth)
meays ~ richness, oiliness
mec ~ sons
mecaintagh ~ innocent
meddagh ~ mead-maker
meddyr ~ mug
meddyr dy lhune ~ mug of ale
meddyr lighee ~ rain gauge
meddyr vooyn ~ chamber (pot)
medshinagh ~ pharmaceutical
mee ~ I, me
mee [f] ~ month; loin
mee- ~ I(prefix) un- (disapproval implied)
Mee Houney ~ November
Mee Luanistyn ~ August
Mee ny Boaldyn(ey) ~ May
Mee ny Cooagyn ~ May
mee ny heayst ~ lunar month
Mee ny Mannan ~ March
mee ny molley ~ honeymoon
Mee ny Nollick ~ December
Mee ny re ~ lunar month
mee phoosee ~ honeymoon
Mee s'jerree y gheuree ~ January
Mee s'jerree yn arree ~ April
Mee s'jerree yn ouyir ~ October
Mee s'jerree yn touree ~ July
Mee veanagh y gheuree ~ December
Mee veanagh yn arree ~ March
Mee veanagh yn touree ~ June
Mee veanagh yn ouyir ~ September
Mee Vuigh ~ July
meeaarlit ~ ill-qualified
mee-aasit ~ ill-thriven
meeaccrys ~ inappetency
meeaghan ~ monthly
mee-aigh ~ ill luck
meeaigh ~ bale (evil)
mee-aighar ~ unfortunate
mee-aighoil ~ ill-starred
mee'aishnys ~ misrepresentation
meeammys ~ irreverence
meeammyssagh ~ irreverent, disrespectful,
mee-anraa ~ misquotation
meearrey ~ recklessness
meearreydagh ~ reckless
meearryltagh ~ disobliging
meearryltys ~ disobligingness
meearrym ~ impiety, slight, disrespect,
meearrymagh ~ disrespectful
meearrys ~ lack of contrition, impenitence
meearrysagh ~ impenitent, impenitent person,
meeaylys ~ fatness (scum), scum
meeaylysagh ~ scummy
meeaynlys ~ fatness (scum)
meeaynlyssagh ~ fatty
meechaaoil ~ inconvenient
meechaays ~ inconvenience
meechairagh ~ iniquitous
meechairailagh ~ incautious, improvident
meechairys ~ unfairness, injustice, improbity,
meechairysagh ~ iniquitous
meechaitnyssagh ~ distasteful
meecheayllagh ~ foolish, daft
meecheealaght ~ idiocy
meecheeall ~ senselessness
meecheeallagh ~ senseless
meecheeallid ~ senselessness
meecheeayl(l) ~ foolishness, imbecility,
nonsense, silliness, simpleness, simplicity
meecheeayllagh ~ imbecile, simple, idiot,
unadvised, silly, nonsensical, half-witted,
absurd, mad
meecheeayllid ~ silliness, simpleness, madness,
idiocy, imbecility, absurdity, absurdness
meecheimagh ~ impassable
meecheimneeaght ~ impassableness
meechiaddey ~ misshape
mee-chiaddit ~ misshapen
meechiangle ~ misalliance
meechiarail ~ carelessness
mee-chiarailit ~ ill-designed
mee-chiart ~ one-sided
meechiart ~ amoral, inequitable, improper,
wrong, erroneous, erring
meechiartaghey ~ misadjustment
meechiartys ~ wrongness, impropriety,
meechleaynagh ~ unattractive
meechleaynoil ~ charmless
meechliaghtit rish ~ unadapted
meechlou ~ misprint
meechoardail ~ disagreement, dissent, disagree
meechoardailagh ~ discordant, contradictory,
disagreeing, imcompatible
meechoardailys ~ imcompatibility, variance,
disagreement, discord, dissent, clashing,
meechooie ~ undue, malapropos, unbeseeming
meechooieid ~ tasteless (as dress)
mee-choontey ~ miscount, misreckon
mee-chooyrtoil ~ discourteous, impolite
mee-chooyrtoilid ~ impoliteness, discourtesy
mee-choraaghey ~ mispronunciation,
meechordail ~ clash
meechorrym ~ inequitable, uneven, ill-
balanced, unbalanced, bumpy
meechorrymid ~ imbalance, unevenness
meechoyrlaghey ~ misadvise
meechoyrle ~ misadvice
meechrauee ~ impious, undevout, irreligious,
meechraueeaght ~ impiety, agnosticism,
meechraueeys ~ ungodliness
meechredjal ~ discredit, disbelieve
meechredjallagh ~ incredulous
meechredjoilagh ~ superstitious
meechredjuagh ~ sceptic, sceptical, infidel,
unbel i ever, di sbel i ever, agnost i c,
meechredjue ~ faithlessness, scepticism,
incredulity, disbelief, agnosticism, unbelief
meechronneydagh ~ ill-fated
meechruinn ~ woolly (of style), inaccurate
meechruinnys ~ woolliness, inaccuracy
meechummal ~ detinue
mee-chummey ~ asymmetry, malformation,
blur, deformity, malform, misshape,
deformation, deform
mee-chummit ~ deformed, misshapen,
malformed, ill-designed
meechurrym ~ neglect, negligence
meechurrymagh ~ neglectful
meechyndagh ~ unblamable, blameless,
inculpable (person)
meechyndid ~ blamelessness, inculpability
meedyr scoltan ~ slot meter
mee-earroo ~ miscalculation
mee-ellynagh ~ ill-mannered
mee-emshiragh ~ anachronistic
mee-emshiraght ~ anachronism
mee-foayr ~ disfavour
meefoayragh ~ ill-favoured, inimical
meefoayroil ~ adverse, unfavourable
meefollan ~ unhealthy (of climate)
meefollanid ~ unhealthiness (climate)
meefortanagh ~ unfortunate, ill-fated, ill-starred
meefuillaghtagh ~ intolerant
meegheill ~ inobservance
meegherjagh ~ disconsolate, discomfort,
uncomfortableness, distress
meegherjoilagh ~ disconsolate, uncomfortable,
meegherjoilid ~ disconsolateness
meegherjoilys ~ discontent, unhappiness
meeghiastyllagh ~ uncharitable
meeghiastyllys ~ uncharitableness
mee-ghooghysagh ~ degenerate
meeghraysoil ~ ungracious, graceless
meeghraysoilid ~ ungraciousness
meehaghyrtagh ~ unfortunate
meehai t nys ~ di sl i ke, unenj oyment ,
di sagr eeabl eness, unaccept abi l i t y,
repugnance, displeasure, unattractiveness,
meehaitnyssagh ~ unattractive, displeased,
unacceptable, objectionable, unenjoyable, ill-
pleased, charmless, uncongenial (as job),
disagreeable, displeasing
meehastagh ~ absent-minded person, absent (of
landlord), inattentive, absent-minded,
meehastey ~ neglect, inattention
meehastid ~ absenteeism (landlord), oversight,
heedlessness, thoughtlessness, inattention
mee-hene ~ myself
meehioonaghey ~ mistune
mee-houyr ~ comfortless
meehowse ~ mistime
meehowshit ~ mistimed
meehraaoil ~ ill-timed, inopportune, misplaced,
out of place, inapt, inexpedient, incongruous,
me e hr a a oi l a ght ~ i ne xpe di e nc e ,
inopportuneness, ineptitude
meehraaoilid ~ inaptitude, infelicity
meehreisht ~ diffidence
meehreishteil ~ despair
meehreishteilagh ~ despairing, hopeless (person)
meehreisteil ~ distrust, mistrust
meehreisteilagh ~ distrustful, mistrustful,
diffident, mistrusting
meehreisteilys ~ hopelessness
meehroccairagh ~ inclement
meehurransagh ~ impatient
meehurransaght ~ impatience
meehurranse ~ impatience
meehushtagh ~ stupid, ignorant, ignoramous,
undiscerning, injudicious
meehushtey ~ ignorance, simplicity
mee-hyndaa ~ mistranslation
meeiley cherrinagh ~ square mile
meeiley faarkee ~ nautical mile
meeiley varrey ~ nautical mile
meeiley Yernagh ~ Irish mile
meein ~ soft, gentle, smooth, pet, silky, bland,
fine, clement, tame (not wild); assuage (pain);
small ground, Halcyon days
meein-chinjagh ~ moderate
meein-chinjaght ~ moderateness
meein-chinjid ~ moderation
meein churnaght ~ wheatmeal flour
meeinagh ~ tameable, emollient
meeinaghey ~ moderate, alleviate, tame, allay,
soften, abate; amelioration, assuagement,
abatement, alleviation, domestication, taming
meeineyder ~ pacifier, softener, abater,
appeaser, emollient
meeineyder beiyn ~ lion-tamer
meeineyder cabbil ~ horse-trainer, horse-
meeineyder pian ~ anodyne
meeinid ~ patience, fineness, softness,
smoothness, gentleness, tameness, silkiness,
meeinit ~ tamed, softened
meek ~ wink, blink, twinkle
meekagh ~ twinkling, blinking
meekeragh ~ winking
meekeraght ~ double dealing
meekey ~ peep, wink, blink, flicker, twinkle,
flick of eye, blinking
meekey sooilley ~ winking
meekeyder ~ trafficator, blinkard, winker,
meekeyr ~ double-dealer
meekeyragh ~ wink, peeping
meelaghey ~ moistening, mangle, soften,
moisten, palliate, appease, palliative,
mee-lettraghey ~ misspell, misspelling
meeley ~ soft, bland, smooth, yielding, soft-
spoken, moisten, delicate, mangling, fine (to
meeleyder ~ mangle
meelhaih ~ misread
meelid ~ softness
meelit ~ mangled, moistened, moisture
meelivreys ~ misdelivery
meeloauys ~ incorruption
mee-loayrit ~ ill-spoken
meelowal ~ illegal, disallow, disallowance,
proscribe, prohibit, proscription
meelowalys ~ prohibitition, illegality
meelowit ~ disallowed, prohibited
meen ~ sweet, bland, pet, darling, quiet, patient,
meenaghey ~ expound, exposition, definition,
explain, define
meenearagh ~ bold, brazen, imprudent, ribald,
audaci ous, unbl ushi ng, i mmodest ,
shameless, glaring (of injustice), unashamed
meenearey ~ boldness, imprudence,
shamelessness, audaciousness, brazeness,
immodesty, glaringness, indelicacy, audacity
meeneareydagh ~ imprudent
meenee ~ explanatory
meeney ~ finer
meeneyder ~ exponent, expositor
meenid ~ patience, blandness, clemency (of
meenieunagh ~ not poisonous, harmless
meenieunaght ~ harmlessness
meennearagh ~ indelicate
meenoo ~ unhallowed, unholy, impious
meenooaghey ~ profanation, profane
meenys ~ tameness, patience, softness
mee-oardagh ~ derangement, disarray
meeoardreilys ~ disorderliness
meeoardyr ~ disorder
meeobbraghey ~ misfunction
meeobbraghys ~ misfunction
mee-ockleymagh ~ mispronunciation
meeoil ~ monthly
meeonnor ~ dishonour
meeonnoragh ~ dishonour, dishonourable,
dishonest (person)
meeonnorid ~ dishonesty
meeonnoroilid ~ dishonourableness
mee-ooashlaghey ~ despise, profane
meeooasle ~ undignified, ignoble
meeostyllagh ~ unapostolic
mee-ourys ~ misgiving
meepholitickagh ~ apolitical
meephreiseil ~ cheapen
meephrioseil ~ undervalue
meephrisagh ~ unappreciative
meephrisail ~ misappreciate
meephriseil ~ misappreciate
meer ~ patch, extract, segment, element, bait,
piece, portion, part, section, bite (of food),
number, item, coin, bit, fleck of dust, scrap,
meer ass (red) ~ excerpt
meer chabdillagh ~ paragraph
meer chassee ~ twist bit
meer eeymey ~ buttercake, butty
meer-fillym ~ filmstrip
meer lheshey ~ fillet (of lamb)
meer (naight) ~ par
meer-obbree ~ piece-worker
meer-obbyr ~ piece-work
meer ronney ~ dividend
meer scudlee ~ piece of luggage
meer villish ~ sweetbread
meer vlastal ~ delicacy
meer vreekey ~ brickbat
meer yerree ~ suffix
meeraghey ~ put together, phrase, piece, piece
mee-rah ~ ill-success, insuccess
meereaghys ~ maladjustment
meereen ~ particle, curio, counter
meereen Bretnagh ~ Welsh rarebit
meereen Vretnagh ~ Welsh rarebit
meereggyragh ~ irresponsible, ill-matched,
incongruous, disparate
meereggyraght ~ disparity, irresponsibility,
meereill ~ misgovernment, misgovern, misrule
meereilley ~ misrule, misgovern
meereiltagh ~ lawless, anarchist, turbulent
person, anarchic(al), ungovernable (as
country), disorderly, irregular, turbulent
meereiltys ~ lawlessness, disorder, irregularity,
anarchy, disloyalty, misrule, turbulence
meereiragh ~ refractory
meereirey ~ maladministration
meereirey (obbyr) ~ misconduct
meeresoon ~ illogicality
meeresoonagh ~ senseless, preposterous,
illogical, incoherent
me e r e s o o n a g h t ~ i n c o h e r e n c e ,
mee-rheynn ~ misdeal
meerioosagh ~ forgetful, regardless, remiss,
negligent, careless, inattentive, thoughtless
meerioose ~ inattention, negligence, neglect,
omission, carelessness, thoughtlessness
meerioose foiljagh ~ culpabable negligence
mee-roonagh ~ ill-intentioned
meeryn snaue ~ suspended particles
meesaghan ~ almanac
meeshagh ~ purging flax, fairy flax
meeslayntoil ~ unhygienic
mee-staartaght ~ unemployment
meestiuragh ~ misguiding, misleading
meestiurey ~ misconduct, mismanagement,
misguidance, mismanage
meestiurit ~ misguided
meestoamey ~ undiplomatic
mee-uinnit ~ ill-baked
mee-unnaneys ~ disunity, disunion
mee-unnaneyssagh ~ disuniting
mee-unnaneyssit ~ disunited
mee-vaght ~ misinterpretation
meevaynragh ~ unhappy person
meevaynrey ~ infelicitous, unhappy, miserable,
meevaynrys ~ misery, unhappiness
meeveasagh ~ indecorous, uncivil, mannerless,
badly behaved, indelicate
meeveasaght ~ incivility, indelicacy
mee-veays ~ ill-breeding, incivility
mee-veaysagh ~ ill-bred
mee-veeaghey ~ malnutrition
meeviallagh ~ rebel, uncomplying, rebellious,
disobedient, undutiful (person)
meeviallys ~ non-compliance, rebellion,
disobedience, rebelliousness
meevian ~ inappetency, distaste
meevianagh ~ distasteful
mee-ving ~ discordant, cacophonous, tuneless
mee-vingys ~ disharmony, discord, cacophony
meevlasstal ~ unappetizing
meevlaystal ~ distasteful
mee-vluckan ~ no ball
mee-vondeish ~ plus handicap
meevreihagh ~ malgrained, malcontent
meevriwnys ~ misjudgement, misreckoning
meevriwnyssagh ~ indiscriminating
meevriwnyssit ~ ill-judged
meevunraghtoil ~ unconstitutional
meewooiagh ~ dissatisfied
meewooisagh ~ ungrateful
meewooisal ~ ungrateful, unappreciative
meewooise ~ ungratefulness
meewoyagh ~ unhandsome
mee-yeelys ~ disaffectionate, disaffected
mee-yeelysaght ~ infidelity, disaffection
mee-yesh ~ dingy
mee-yeshid ~ dinginess
meeyl ~ insect, louse, gnat
meeyl cheylley ~ wood louse
meeyl cheyrragh ~ ked (sheep tick), sheep louse
meeyl chirkey ~ chicken louse
meeyl chrackan ~ ringworm
meeyl chraitnagh ~ bat louse
meeyl chrauee ~ praying mantis
meeyl chreen ~ woodworm, ringworm, sowbug
meeyl-eeagh ~ insectivorous
meeyl farnee ~ alderfly
meeyl fouyir ~ harvest bug
meeyl ghailley ~ roundworm
meeyl gheinnee ~ sandfly
meeyl ghlass ~ aphis, greenfly
meeyl ghuillag ~ leaf insect
meeyl goord ~ squash beetle
meeyl hellanagh ~ bee louse
meeyl lhiabbagh ~ bedbug
meeyl mooar ~ whale
meeyl ny dubbaghyn ~ water spider
meeyl ny gabbil ~ horse louse
meeyl ny giark ~ chicken louse
meeyl ny lossreeyn ~ plant louse
meeyl ny muick ~ sow louse
meeyl phoanrey ~ beanplant louse
meeyl Spaainagh ~ Spanish fly
meeyl vaaigagh ~ crab louse
meeyl voalley ~ wall louse
meeyl voddee ~ dog louse
meeylchraue ~ whalebone
meeyllag ~ mite
meeyllagh ~ lousy, verminous, insectlike,
meeyllaghys ~ lousiness
meeyllyn ~ vermin
mee-ymmyd ~ misapplication
mee-ynrick ~ disingenuous, morally crooked,
faithless, dishonest
mee-ynricks ~ disingenuousness, insincerity,
faithlessness, imperfection
mee-yss ~ misinformation
mee-yssoil ~ misinformed
meg ~ pet lamb
m'egooish ~ without me
meigh ~ tender
meighaghan screeunyn ~ letter balance
meighey ~ relent, relenting
Yn Meih ~ The Scales
meih ~ weight, balance, scale
meih cormee ~ counterweight
meih daa-virragh ~ mortise guage
meih giare ~ light weight
meih-voteil ~ weighing bottle
meihaghan ~ balance, weighing machine
meihaghan lheimmey ~ spring balance
meihaghey ~ balance, weigh, weighing in
meihaghey (oo hene) ~ weigh in
Ny Meihaghyn ~ Libra
meihaghyn ~ pair of scales
meihaghyn as towshanyn ~ weights and
meihaghyn mooarey ~ avoirdupois
meihder ~ weighman, weigher
meiheyder ~ weigher, balancing machine,
meiheyder bieauid ~ speedometer
meihit ~ balanced, weighed
meil(l) [f] ~ lip, rim, band (of reapers), beading,
bead (of tyre)
meill-baa ~ cowslip
meill-eeacklagh ~ labio-dental
meill sinshley ~ lower lip
meill syrjey ~ upper lip
meillagh ~ reaper, labial, lip
meilley ~ basin, nipple, wooden bowl
meilley ghlassan ~ salad bowl
meilley ghridlagh ~ slop basin
meilley hugyr ~ sugar basin, sugar bowl
meilley laue ~ washhand basin
meilley phuinsh ~ punch bowl
meilley rose ~ rose bowl
meilley ushtey ~ finger bowl
meilley yeirk ~ alms basin, alms dish
meillid ~ slowness, infirmity, scragginess,
adagio, weakness, listlessness, lassitude
meillyn jiargey ~ ruby lips
meineyder ~ tamer
meinn ~ meal
meinn chorkey ~ oatmeal, porridge oats
meinn churnee ~ wheatmeal
meinn flooyr ~ breadstuffs
meinn gharroo ~ wholemeal
meinn hoggyl ~ rye meal
meinn oarn ~ barley meal
meinn phishyragh ~ pease-meal
meinn phoanrey ~ bean-meal
meinn rass ~ linseed meal
meinn saaue ~ sawdust
meinn vraghey ~ malt dust
meinn vroit ~ mush
meinn vuigh ~ mealies, maize meal
meinnagh ~ farinaceous
meinnaght ~ mealiness
meinney ~ farinaceous, of meal
meir ~ fingers
meir-voirrey ~ kidney vetch
meir y dooinney marroo ~ soft coral
meir yiargey ~ rosy-fingered
meiragh ~ digitate
meiygaghey ~ being benign
meiygh ~ indulgent, benign, approving,
meiygh-chreeagh ~ kind-hearted, soft-hearted
meiyghagh ~ tender, benignant
meiyghey ~ yearn, yearning, being benign,
meiyghid ~ softness, tenderness, sentimentality
meiyghid chree ~ tender-heartedness
meiyghid cree ~ soft-heartedness, kind-
meiyghys ~ tenderness, lenity, benignity
melley ~ meagre, slower, slack
mellid ~ decrepitude, slowness, faultiness,
deliberation, feebleness, flimsiness, dullness,
poorness, backwardness, deliberateness
mellyn asnagh ~ cantaloup
melon ushtey ~ water melon
menkey ~ often
menkid ~ frequency
Menkid Feer Ard ~ Very High Frequency
menkid uillinagh ~ angular frequency
mennee ~ awl, pricker, bradawl, stiletto
mennee hiollee ~ hot iron
mennee screebee ~ scratch awl
mennee screeuee ~ scriber
menneeagh ~ subulate
mennick ~ often, frequent, oft
mennick dy liooar ~ not uncommonly
mennickaght ~ incidence
mennickid feer ard ~ very high frequency,
ultra-high frequency
mennuigh ~ yawn
mennuighey ~ yawning
mennuigh(ey) ~ yawn
mennuighid ~ yawniness
mennuighys ~ yawniness
mennuighys (er) ~ yawny
menoyr ~ luscious, rich, mealy, goodly
menoyragh ~ rich, goodly
menoyrid ~ richness, lusciousness, mealiness,
meoir ~ supervisor, mayor, curator, ganger,
keeper, prefect, taskmaster, manager,
custodian, agent of estate, steward, bailiff
meoir agglish ~ beadle, apparitor
meoir cayrn ~ trumpet major
meoir cheulinney ~ touch judge
meoir colaashtey ~ beadle
meoir custym ~ customs officer
meoir drummey ~ drum major
meoir feiys ~ gamekeeper
meoir-ghineraal ~ major general
meoir keylley ~ wood keeper, verderer, forester
meoir lhong chaggee ~ master-at-arms
meoir lhuingey ~ chief steward
meoir ny goyin ~ master of hounds
meoir shapp ~ shop walker
meoir shee ~ policeman, constable, copper, cop
meoir shee bieauid ~ speed cop
meoir slayntoilys ~ sanitary inspector
meoir sthock ~ stockkeeper
meoir stoyr ~ warehouseman
meoir streebee ~ pimp
meoir thie ~ chief butler, major domo
meoir traa ~ timekeeper
meoir traghtey ~ traffic policeman
meoiragh ~ mayoral, prefectorial, supervisory
meoiraght ~ stewardship, mayorality,
meoirsnaght ~ keepership
meoirsynys lhuingey ~ chief stewardship
meoiryn shee ~ constabulary, police force,
meoirys ~ proxy, mayorship
merg ~ woe
mergagh ~ rusty
mergaghey ~ rust
mergaghyn ~ bunting
mergaghyn ny Rauee ~ Roman Eagles
mergeeys ~ trade
merger ~ rust
mergey ~ flag, banner, standard
Mergey Bane ~ White Ensign
Mergey Gorrym ~ Blue Ensign
Mergey Jiarg ~ Red Ensign
mergey phrash ~ verdigris
mergey shleiy ~ banderole
mergey traghtee ~ red ensign
mergeyder ~ rust-causing agent, ensign
mergeyr ~ standard bearer
mergid ~ rustiness
merginagh ~ depressed
merginaght ~ depression
merginys ~ depression
mergit ~ rusted
mergnagh ~ depressive
mergney ~ bewail
mergys ~ rustiness, rust
meriu ~ with you
merre ~ frenzy
merre chaggee ~ battle frenzy
merre-vaaish ~ pall bearer
merriu ~ dead men, the dead, departed souls
Ny Merriu (caggee) ~ The Fallen
merriuid ~ deadness, loss of feeling, blankness,
merruid ~ flatness
mertragh ~ maladroit, awkward
mertraght ~ awkwardness, confusedness
mertraghys ~ maladroitness
meshtagh ~ half-breed, promiscuous, coloured
person, coloured
meshtal ~ vinous, tipsy
meshtallagh ~ drunk, inebriate, boozer,
intoxicant, intoxicating, promiscuity
meshtallid ~ tipsiness
meshtallys ~ drunkeness, inebriation, inebriety,
meshtey ~ souse, inebriety
meshtoil ~ heady, drunken, vinous, sottish
meslin ~ offal, mixed grain, mash
meslin cletch ~ bran mash
mess ~ fruit, issue
mess chirmit ~ dried fruit
mess claghagh ~ stone fruit
mess glass(ey) ~ green fruit
mess-hoyrtagh ~ fruit-bearing
mess muigey ~ bog St.John's wort
mess skianagh ~ key
mess stainnit ~ tinned fruit
messeyder ~ fruiterer
messghart ~ orchard
messoil ~ fructiferous, fruitful, prolific
messoilid ~ fecundity, fruitfulness
mestagh ~ half-caste
mestane ~ muddle
mestee ~ stirring
mestey ~ mix, shuffle, jumble, garble, confuse,
dispense, hybridize, compound, stir, mash,
cross-breed, miscellany, promiscuity,
mestey (bainney) ~ churning
mestey (rish) ~ interlace
mestey ry cheilley ~ mix up
mestey stiagh ~ integration, integrate
mestey-vestey ~ mix up, concoction, dog's
breakfast, imbroglio, farrago
mesteyder ~ mixer, fader, churner, stirrer
mesteyder tey ~ tea-blender
mestid ~ confusion, miscellaneousness
mestit ~ mixed, confused, garbled, jumbled,
mashed, churned, stirred, miscellaneous,
confusing, cross-bred, mongrel
metacarpus ~ splint bone
meter kioobagh ~ cubic metre
metteeys ~ delicacy, tenderness (of health),
primness, delicateness
mettey ~ weak-minded, faint-hearted, boneless,
yellow, supine, shaky, soft, tender, delicate,
metteydagh ~ poltroon, recreant
metteydys ~ poltroonery
metteys ~ pusillanimity
meydlagh ~ slow-moving, poor on feet
meydlid ~ slowness, sluggishness
meyl ~ female servant
mhollim ~ crumbly
mhollmys ~ loam
mholmaghey ~ crumble, crumbling
mholmid ~ crumbliness
mhuinneel ny breinney ~ cervix
mhuinneelagh ~ cervical
mial ~ lenient, humane, gentle, good-natured
mial(l)agh ~ humane, bountiful, lenient, good-
natured, benefactory, philanthropic(al),
benefactor, philanthropist
mialaght ~ humaneness
mi al l ys ~ gent l eness, humaneness,
bountifulness, benefaction, clemency,
philanthropy, beneficence
Mian ~ Matthew, Matthias
mian ~ wish, desire, hunger for, fancy, lust,
appetite, passion, longing, yearning, wishing
mian-bee ~ appetite
mianagh ~ wishful, solicitous, inclination,
appetible, wistful, yearning
mianagh thallooin ~ land mine
mianagh yiarn ~ iron ore
miandagh ~ lustful, desirous, desirable, addict,
miandaght ~ desirability
miandid ~ longing, aperitif, appetency
miandoil ~ amative, amatory
miandys ~ appetiser, relish, aperitif, appetency
mianey ~ long, fancy, lust, wish, hankering,
desire, hanker
mianeyder ~ desirer, luster
mianit ~ desired
mic ~ of a son
midje ~ mayfly
mie ~ good, nice, moral, fair, pious, ready,
goodness, favourable, virtuous, virtue, goodly
mie ass towse ~ classic
mie-cheaut ~ well-spent (money), well-worn
mie-choagyrit ~ well-done
mie-choamrit ~ well-dressed
mie-chorrym ~ well-matched
mie-choyrlit ~ well-advised
mie-chreeagh ~ good-hearted, well-meant,
benevolent, well-disposed
mie-chrouit ~ well-shod (car or horse)
mie dy liooar ~ OK, well enough, goodish
mie-eashit ~ elderly
mie-ellynagh ~ well-bred, well-mannered,
mie er bashtal ~ first class, superb, excellent,
super, divine
mie erskyn insh ~ excellent, ripping
mie erskyn towse ~ first class
mie-ghreighit ~ well-found
mie-howshit ~ fitting
mie-hroggit ~ good-class
mie jeant ~ well-made (thing)
mie-oarderit ~ well-regulated, well-ordered
mie-reaghit ~ well-arranged
mie-rostit ~ well-done
mie-ruggit ~ well-born
mie share ~ sovereign good
mie troggit ~ substantial, well-built (structure)
mie vraagit ~ well-shod
mie yn pobble ~ weal of the people
mie ynsit ~ well-educated
mie(n)ys ~ favourableness, good, goodness
mieys cree ~ good-heartedness
mieyssagh ~ goodly
miljan ~ bonbon, comfit, confection
miljan mughane ~ coughdrop
miljan Turkagh ~ Turkish delight
miljanyn ~ goodies
miljey ~ sweeter
miljeyder ~ confectioner, sweetener
miljeydys ~ confectionery
miljid ~ fairness, freshness (of water)
mill [f] ~ tarnish; honey
mill freoaie ~ heather honey
mill kerey ~ comb honey
mill Manninagh ~ Manx honey
millaghyn er millaghyn ~ thousands upon
millaghyn oaie ~ sea of faces
millchay ~ honeydew
milleen ~ pilule, pill, pellet
milleen bree ~ pep pill
milleen cadlee ~ sleeping pill
milleen mooar ~ bolus
milley ~ spoil, impair, tarnish, blemish (as
work), ruin, corrupt, murder, muff, deflower,
disfigure, despoil, mar, blur (as vision),
botch, debauch; marring, disfigurement,
corrupt i on, i mpai rment , spoi l i ng,
despoliation; thousand
milley margee ~ monopoly
milley yn daah jeh ~ discolour
milleyder ~ corrupter, botcher, spoiler, wrecker,
adulterator, marrer
millioo ~ thousandth
millish ~ sweet, darling, sugary, dulcet,
honeyed, luscious, fruity, balmy
millit ~ blown, spoiled, corrupted, defaced,
spoil, undone, ruined
milljag ~ sweet drink, mead, squash
milljag ambee jerrinagh ~ dessert
milljag heh ~ mulled ale
milljag limon ~ lemonade
milljag oranje ~ orange squash, orangeade
milljagh ~ sweetish
milljaghey ~ disarm, sweeten, disarming,
milljan ~ sweetmeat, chocolate drop, tablet,
tabloid, sweet
milljan ushtey ~ floating sweetgrass
milljid ~ lusciousness, sugariness, sweetness,
milljit ~ sweetened
millshan ~ candy
millt ~ undone
milltagh ~ ruinous
mimmaghys ~ sponsorship
mimmey ~ guardian, foster-mother, sponsor,
godparent, godmother
ming ~ nip off
ming-varre ~ hemlock wort
mingagh ~ nippy
mingeraght ~ pinch
mingey ~ nip, pinch, bite (of bird); nipping,
biting, pinching
mingey jargan ~ fleabite
mingeyder ~ nipper, biter (of bird), pincher
mingit ~ pinched, nipped
mingyraght ~ nip
minjagh ~ nanny goat, two year female goat
minjeig ~ fawn, immature deer, bundle
minn-varree ~ water dropwort
minnagh ~ viscera, entrails, bowel, gut,
intestine, pith
minnaghoil ~ enteric
minniag ~ nip, pinch, twinge, very small piece,
a tiny person, bite (of insect), small person,
diminutive person
minniag verriu ~ lividity
minniagagh ~ tiny
minnid [f] ~ minute
minnidagh ~ momentary
miolagh ~ lure, tempting, seducing, temptation,
inducement, enticing
miolagh trome ~ sore temptation
miolaghey ~ induce, entice, lure, tempt
miolaght ~ temptation, inducement
mioleyder ~ inducer, tempter, enticer
miolit ~ tried (tempted), tempted, induced
mioyr ~ sense or acuteness of feeling
mioyraghey ~ sensitize
mioyral ~ sensitive, lively
mioyrid ~ sensitivity
mirril ~ miracle
mirril-chloie ~ miracle play
mirril-obbraghey ~ thaumaturgy
mirrilagh ~ miraculous
mirrilaght ~ miraculousness
mish ~ I, myself (emph), yours affectionately
Mish dy feer ~ Yours sincerely
Mish lesh ammys ~ I remain yours truly
Mish lhiat! ~ The same here!
mishoon ~ mission
miskys ~ resentment
missilagh ~ uncertain, precarious, fickle
missilid ~ fickleness, precariousness,
mitchoor ~ rogue, rascal, knave
mitchooragh ~ rascally, mischievous
mitchooraght ~ villainy, mischief
mitchoorys ~ villainy, mischief
miter-cherrin ~ mitre square
miter-ghear ~ mitre gear
miter-olt ~ mitre
miter-vocs ~ mitre box
miter-wheeyl ~ mitre wheel
mithan [f] ~ fingerless glove, muff
mitheraght ~ disfigurement
mittag vuigh ~ morel
miu ~ about you
mleeaney ~ this year
Mnr Kelly marroo ~ The late Mr Kelly
moain [f] ~ turf, peat
moain churree ~ fen peat
moainagh ~ turfy, peaty
moainey ~ peaty
moaintagh ~ turfy
moal ~ slow, tardy, feeble, deplorable, poorly,
laggard, poor, deliberate, weak (as faith),
dim, decrepit, unimpressive, late (of fruit),
scraggy, disappointing, slack, tawdry, ill,
enfeebled, listless, overdue, belated,
backward, wretched (of thing), pithless, dull,
meagre, flimsy, gradual, sorry
moal-cheimagh ~ tardigrade
moal-chooishagh ~ slapdash
moal-drommagh ~ saddlebacked
moal-foyragh ~ blunt
moal-ghleashagh ~ slow march
moal-ghleashaght ~ slow motion
moal-hushtagh ~ idiotic, imbecile, half-witted,
fool, idiot
moal-hushtid ~ idiotism
moal-hustagh ~ halfwit
moal-inchynagh ~ slow-witted
moal-loayrtagh ~ slow-speaking
moal-obbragh ~ slow-acting, delayed action
moal 'sy chione ~ brain-sick, feeble-minded
moalaghey ~ disable, blunt
moalaght ~ bluntness, disability
moaldey ~ meagre, slow
moalid ~ bluntness
moalit ~ blunted
moalley ~ poor
moalys ~ delay
Moan ~ Anglesey
moanag ~ bogberry
moanagh ~ boggy
moanaghey ~ modulate
moanaght ~ bogginess
moandagh ~ dull of hearing, dull as edge,
hesitant, stammering, lisping, jaded
moandid ~ slur, hesitancy, inarticulateness,
inarticulate, dullness, impediment of speech,
moandit ~ blunted
moandys ~ impediment of speech, dullness,
bluntness, hesitancy
moanee ~ moor, turbary, bog
moaney ~ of turf
moantagh ~ boggy
moaral ~ mooring rope, tie up, moorings, moor
moareyder ~ ropeman, moorer
moaryn ~ moorings
mob beg ~ canaille, mob
mocaid ~ moquette
mod ~ gathering, assembly, mode
mod beg ~ minor mode
mod jeeragh ~ indicative mood
mod mooar ~ major mode
moddagh ~ doggy
moddee biljagh ~ sciuridae
moddee clistagh ~ performing dogs
moddee shangey ~ lean dogs
moddee yiooghey ~ gluttonous dogs
moddeeagh ~ doggish
moddeeaght ~ doggishness
moddey ~ dog, tyke, tike
moddey airh ~ parhelion, mock sun
moddey Albinagh ~ Scottie
moddey arrey ~ watchdog, house dog
moddey ass dooghys ~ mongrel
moddey beg ~ doggie, toy dog
moddey bog ~ softy
moddey Bretnagh ~ corgi
moddey brock ~ basset
moddey-bwoirryn ~ bitch (canine)
moddey cloh ~ collie, sheepdog, cattle dog,
working dog, farm dog
moddey Danvargagh ~ Great Dane
moddey earish ~ weather dog
moddey eeanlee ~ pointer
moddey feieys ~ pointer, setter
moddey Frangagh ~ poodle
moddey garaghtee ~ hyena
moddey glioon ~ lap dog, toy dog
moddey keyrragh ~ collie, sheepdog
moddey lieh-ghooghys ~ mongrel
moddey mooar ~ mastiff
moddey mwoie ~ beagle, harrier
moddey oainjeragh ~ pariah
moddey oaldey ~ wolf
moddey oaldey bwoirryn ~ she-wolf
moddey oaldey firryn ~ dog-wolf
moddey ollee ~ cattle dog
moddey pomeyragh ~ pom
moddey prash ~ brass fire dog, andiron
moddey rio ~ husky
moddey Samoidagh ~ Samoyed
moddey screbbagh ~ mangy dog
moddey Sheenagh ~ chow, Pekinese
moddey shelg ~ hunting dog
moddey Skianagh ~ Skye terrier
moddey Sostynagh ~ bulldog
moddey Spaainagh ~ spaniel
moddey stronnee ~ pointer
moddey thallooin ~ coyote
moddey thie ~ house dog
moddey ught ~ lap dog, toy dog
moddey ushtey ~ spaniel;otter
moddey Vernard ~ Saint Bernard
moddoil ~ canicular, doggish
moddoilid ~ caninity
moddyl ~ modulus
mode ~ mood
modoil ~ modal, orderly
modoilaght ~ modality
modoilid ~ orderliness
moee ~ about her
moggaid ~ a cover, plate, flat half of scallop
moggaid chleeau ~ stomacher
moggaid ny gliooney ~ capella, kneecap
mogglagh ~ retiform, networklike
mogglys ~ netting
moggyl ~ grid, network
moggyl maidjagh ~ trellis
moggyl yiarn ~ wire netting
moggylagh ~ reticulated, reticular, cellular
moggylys ~ plexus, matrix
mogh ~ early
mogh-appee ~ precocious, forward (of plants)
mogh-appeeys ~ precociousness
mogh-irree ~ early rising
moghey ~ timely, early
moghid ~ earliness
moghrey ~ forenoon, morning
Moghrey dhyt! ~ Good morning! Good morrow!
moghrey jea ~ yesterday morning
moghrey jiu ~ this morning
moghrey laa ny vairagh ~ next morning
moghrey mairagh ~ tomorrow morning
Moghrey mie! ~ Good morning!
moghrey nuyr ~ morning after tomorrow
moghrey ny mairagh ~ tomorrow morning
moghrey roish shen ~ morning before
Mogyl ~ Mogul
mohlt ~ castrated sheep, wether, mutton
mohlt ny glag ~ bell-wether
mohltin ~ wether
m'oi ~ against me
moidyn ~ virgin, celibate woman, maiden
moidyn varrey ~ sea nymph
moidyn vestagh ~ vestal
moidyn-vreeshey ~ old man's beard
moidynagh ~ virginal, virgin, maidenly, maiden
moidynoil ~ maidenly, virgin
moidynoilaght ~ virginity
moidynys ~ maidenhood, virginity, hymen
moir [f] ~ mother, matron, mater, queen,
fountain-head, focus, dam, generator
moir aaill ~ queen bee
moir abb ~ abbess
moir-agglish ~ mother church, cathedral
moir-awin ~ source of river
moir-charrick ~ parent rock
moir-cheeill ~ mother church
moir-chreg ~ parent rock, matrix
moir chreoi ~ dura mater
moir gholtee ~ foster-mother
moir-heer ~ mother country
moir ny hushtaghyn ~ catchment, river source,
riverhead, basin
moir ny shellanyn ~ queen bee
moir-oyr ~ primary cause, root cause
moir-reill ~ matriarchy
moir-reillagh ~ matriarchal
moir-reilleyder ~ matriarch
moir 'sy leigh ~ mother-in-law
moir ushtey ~ water source
moir vashtee ~ godmother, godparent
moir vog ~ pia mater
moir-vollan ~ sea wife
moir y sterrym ~ eye of storm, storm centre
moiragh ~ matronly, maternal, motherly
moiraght ~ motherhood
moiraghys ~ mothercraft, maternity
moiroil ~ motherly, motherlike, maternal,
moiroilaght ~ motherliness
Moirragh ~ Martha
Moirral ~ Marion
Moirrey ~ Mary
Moirrey Malaine ~ Mary Magdalene
Moirreydagh ~ Marist
moirys ~ motherhood, maternity
mol ~ mould
molg-vreck ~ mackerel spawn
molid ~ junk
molkagh ~ septic, rotting
molkaghey ~ maceration, macerate
molkey ~ rot, putrefy, mortify, decay;
putrefaction, rotting, sepsis
molkid ~ putresence, rottenness
molkit ~ mortified, decomposed, rotten, rotted,
moll ~ nave, huddle
mollag ~ buoy, float
mollag aeragh ~ balloon
mollag ammanagh ~ tail-buoy
mollag chiaullee ~ singing buoy
mollag feeyney ~ winebag
mollag raadee ~ anchor buoy
mollag ushtey ~ waterbag
mollagh ~ bushy, rude, hirsute, rough, rough-
coated, rugged
mollaghan ~ hairy place
mollaght ~ malediction, cuss, damn, curse
Mollaght er! ~ Dammit!
mollaght mynney ~ execration, damnation
Mollaght mynney ort! ~ Damnation on thee!
mollaght ny hagglish ~ anathema
mollaghtagh ~ damned, blasphemous,
damnable, accursed, maledictory
mollaghtid ~ cursedness
mollaghtoil ~ blasphemous, blasphemy
mollagyn ~ floats
mollee ~ brow, eyebrow
molley ~ fool, baffle, foil, disappoint, impose,
beguile, cajole, captivate, deceive, bluff,
trick, disappointment, deception, deceit,
cheering, imposition, bafflement
molley gys yn speyr ~ vaunt
molley lesh argid ~ buy over
molleydagh ~ dupe, fallguy, disappointing,
molleyder ~ cheat, beguiler, disappointer
molleydys ~ speciousness
mollid ~ rummage, luggage, roughness, hairs,
coarseness, lumber, rubbish, jumble
mollim ~ friable, rotting, crumbly
mollit ~ cheated, deceived, duped, framed,
disappointed, betrayed, deluded, mistaken
molmaghey ~ friable, moulder
molmeyder ~ composting agent
molmid ~ friability
molmys ~ malmsey
molteyr ~ deceiver, charlatan, confidence
trickster, duper, counterfeit, deluder, fraud,
cheat, con man, impostor
molteyr aarnieu ~ snake-charmer
molteyr kaart ~ card-sharper
molteyragh ~ fallacious, insidious, captivating,
fraudulent, deceptive
molteyraght ~ captivation, deceit, deceitfulness
molteyrys ~ fraud, insidiousness, confidence
trick, deception, cheating, fraudulence,
deceit, duplicity
moltyrys ~ charlatanry
moment ~ moment
momentum ~ momentum
monagraf ~ monograph
monagram ~ monogram
monalittagh ~ monolithic
moneeaght ~ monism
mongey ~ smile, smiling
mongey beg feayr ~ wintry smile
mongeyder ~ smiler
mongoilagh ~ mongol
monnagh ~ monk
monnaght ~ monkhood
monnaghys ~ monkhood
monney ~ portent, omen, particle, much, sign,
presage, scrap, premonition, foreshadow
monney baaish ~ death omen, sign of death
monney banshey ~ wedding omen
monney caggee ~ war-cloud
monney (olk) ~ foreboding
monney poosee ~ wedding omen
monney shickyr ~ sure sign
monneydagh ~ portentous, presentient,
monocseed ~ monoxide
monsoon ~ monsoon
moo ~ about them, bigger, larger, most, biggest
mooad ~ amount, quantity
mooad-vaghteyr ~ quantity surveyor
mooad-vaghteyrys ~ quantity surveying
mooadagh ~ bulky, large, sizeable,
expansionist, quanitative
mooadagher ~ magnifier, amplifier
mooadaghey ~ mount, grow, magnify, develop,
extend, gain, augment, escalate, amplify,
increment, enlarge, swell, maximize,
exaggerate,multiply, increase, expand,
aggravation, exaggeration, magnification,
escalation, extension, multiplication,
developing, expansion, exaggerator
mooadaghey daa cheayrt ~ double
mooadaghey dy croutagh ~ gazump
mooadaghey tree filley ~ triple, treble
mooadaght ~ amplification
mooadee ~ augmentative, amplifying
mooader ~ expansionist
mooadeyder ~ enlarger
mooadit ~ amplified, artificial (untrue),
exaggerated, enlarged, augmented
mooads ~ bigness, stature, magnitude,
largeness, bulk
mooadys ~ size, augmentation, huge, amount,
dimension, artificialness, stature, capacity,
greatness, extravagance, magnitude,
increase, amplitude, largeness
mooadys albym ~ cabinet-size
mooadys cadjin ~ stock size
mooadys slane earrooagh ~ integral value
Mooanagh ~ Munsterman
mooar ~ big, great, grand, heavy, tall, chief,
major, familiar, powerful, marked,
commodi ous, i nt i mat e, capaci ous,
extravagant, intense, extensive, grievous,
bold (promintary), loose-fitting, difficult
mooar-aggindagh ~ high-minded
mooar as maddin ~ hospitably
mooar ass towse ~ immense
mooar-chioneagh ~ big-headed
mooar-chleayshagh ~ big-eared, flap-eared
mooar-chleeauagh ~ big-chested
mooar-chooid ~ major portion
mooar-chooish ~ splendour, splendidness
mooar-chooishagh ~ eventful, epoch-making,
mooar-chraueagh ~ bony, big-boned
mooar-chreeagh ~ big-hearted, great-hearted,
brave-hearted, large-hearted
mooar-chuishlinagh ~ arterial
mooar-chummaghtagh ~ high-powered, heavy-
mooar dy liooar ~ fair-sized
mooar-earroo ~ majority
mooar-eash ~ majority
mooar-ennymagh ~ far-famed
mooar er ny cabbil ~ horsy
mooar-freihagh ~ coarse-grained, coarse-fibred
mooar-hooyl ~ marathon, parade
mooar-hooyl fo doaganyn ~ torchlight
mooar-howshagh ~ oversize
mooar-howshanagh ~ outsize, large-calibred
mooar-hroinagh ~ bottle-nosed
mooar-hronnagh ~ bottle-nosed
mooar-leagh ~ valuable
mooar-leaghaght ~ snobbery, valuableness
mooar (lesh) ~ hit off, hobnob
mooar-lugh ~ vole
mooar-ocklagh ~ high-sounding, windy (of
speech), turgid (of style)
mooar-ooasle ~ magnific, greatly honoured
mooar-rheynn ~ province, continent
mooar-rheynnagh ~ provincial
mooar-rheynnaght ~ provincialism
mooar-varrey ~ pelagic
mooar-veeallagh ~ loud-mouthed, big-mouthed
mooar-volgagh ~ big-bellied, corpulent
mooar-volgaght ~ corpulence
mooar-vooir ~ main
mooar-yannoo ~ mass produce
mooar-yantys ~ mass production
mooar-yiarrit ~ coarse-cut
mooaraghey ~ stint, grudge, covet, begrudging
mooaraghey da ~ begrudge
mooaraighnagh ~ magnanimous
mooaraigney ~ magnanimity
mooaraignys ~ magnanimity
mooaral ~ majestic
mooaralagh ~ majestic, presumptuous, vain
(haughty), arrogant, dignified, ostentatious,
conceited, imperious, big-headed, insolent,
ambitious, proud, haughty; presumptuous,
dignified, conceited, arrogant or haughty
mooaral aght ~ vani t y, haught i ness,
mooaralys ~ dignity, haughtiness, vanity,
ostentation, boastfulness, ambition,
arrogance, pomp
mooaran ~ much, many
mooarane ~ great deal, more numerous,
multitude, many, much, a lot
mooarane mooar ~ very much
mooarane myr yn cheddin ~ pretty much the
mooaree ~ begrudging
mooarey ~ big, elder
mooareyder ~ grudger, begrudger
mooarheeragh ~ continental
mooarid ~ bulkiness, commodiousness,
intenseness, greatness, extensiveness, extent,
mooarit ~ grudged, begrudged
mooarlagh ~ imperious person
mooarleaghagh ~ snobbish
mooarocklaght ~ turgidity
mooaroil ~ majestic
mooarphianney ~ concert piano, grand piano
mooarphianney beg ~ baby grand piano
mood ~ about you
moodey ~ mulch
moogh ~ switch off
mooghag ~ chokeweed
mooghey ~ stifle, quench, drown, extinguish,
stamp out, dull, jam, suppress, gulp back,
expire, damp, shut off, turn off, extinction,
blank off, blow out, hush up, blot out, hold
back, choking, switch off
mooghey aile ~ fire-fighting
mooghey lesh gas ~ gas
moogheyder ~ suppressor, extinguisher,
moogheyder aile ~ fireman, fire extinguisher
moogheyder cainle ~ candle-snuffer
moogheyder guinn ~ painkiller
moogheyder pian ~ analgesic, analgetic
mooghit ~ hollow (as voice), jammed,
suppressed, sunk, drowned, extinct, quenched
mooidjeen ~ fellow, outcast, outlaw, scoundrel,
blackguard, villain, rascal
mooidjeen marrey ~ cast away
mooidjeenagh ~ debase, rascally, badly behaved,
villainous, despicable
mooidjeenys ~ villainy, miscreancy,
despicableness, outlawry
mooie ~ abroad, external, exterior, owing,
without, outdoors, outward, outboard,
outstanding, outer, extraneous, out
mooie-cheeaylley ~ outwitting, outwit
mooie fo'n aer ~ alfresco, open-air
mooie fo'n speyr ~ open-air
mooie-hurransagh ~ out-patient
mooie-jeant ~ foreign-produced
Mooiejart ~ Moidart
mooin ~ urine; about us
mooin cabbyl ~ leap-frog
mooin chabbil ~ marshwort
mooin y cheilley ~ thick and fast
mooinagh ~ urinary
mooiney ~ urinate, urinary, urinating
mooinjer [f] ~ family, people, tribe, relations,
inhabitants, kin, servants, folk, entourage,
mooinjer eiyrtyssee ~ following
mooinjer folley ~ blood relation
mooinjer ny cheerey ~ country folk
mooinjer ny Gaelgey ~ Gaelic speaker
mooinjer ny keylley ~ Wood folk
mooinjer ny king veggey ~ fairies
mooinjer ny mraane ~ distaff
mooinjer ry heet ~ posterity
mooinjer thielagh ~ household
mooinjer y chorp ~ chief mourners
mooinjer y valley ~ home folks
mooinjer y varroo ~ bereaved, chief mourners
mooinjer yn valley ~ townspeople
mooinjeragh ~ clannish
mooinjerey ~ domestic, of people
mooinjerey da ~ akin (persons)
mooinjerys ~ domestic service, consanguinity,
blood relationship, connection
mooinjerys chynskylagh ~ industrial relations
mooinjerys eddyr oc ~ related
mooinjerys folley ~ blood relationship
mooinjey hie roin ~ forebears
Mooinjey ny Frank ~ French
mooinjey veggey ~ little people, little ones
mooinjey yn chenn seihll ~ ancients
mooinney ~ cover, covert, brake, shrubbery
mooir [f] ~ sea
mooir-aarlooid ~ seaworthiness
mooir-aker ~ sheet anchor
Mooir Azov ~ Sea of Azov
mooir-chaslys ~ seascape, sea piece, seachart
mooir-chaslyssagh ~ hydrographic(al)
mooir-chaslyssaght ~ hydrography
mooir-chummaght ~ sea power
mooir-ghlass ~ sea-green
Mooir Hostyn ~ North Sea
mooir-hraie ~ low water, ebb, low tide
mooir lhieeney ~ flood tide, flowing tide
mooir-oaylleeaght ~ oceanography
mooir-oayllys ~ navigation
Mooir Vannin ~ Irish Sea
mooir-veeiley ~ knot
Mooir Vretyn ~ St. Georges Channel
Mooir yn Amlee ~ Sargasso Sea
Mooir yn Eeaght ~ English Channel
mooiragh ~ estuary, dune, mariner, maritime
mooiraghan ~ bulwark
mooirane ~ cockle
mooirchoo(i)r ~ shipwreck
mooirchoo(i)r ny marrey ~ wreck of the sea
mooirchooraghey ~ wreck
mooirchooraghyn ~ driftwood, jetsam,
wreckage (on shore)
mooirchoorey ~ wreck, driftwood
mooirchooreyder ~ wrecker (of ships)
mooirchoorit ~ shipwrecked, wrecked
mooirchragh ~ piracy
mooirchraght ~ piracy
mooireen ~ compost
mooireeragh ~ undulating (as corn)
mooireerey ~ heave of sea, undulate (e.g corn),
surge, sway; billow, roller, breaker,
groundswell, swaying
mooiretlan ~ seaplane
mooirinshyn ~ archipelago
mooirjeenagh ~ threaten, going to be wet,
murky, dark (as weather), overcast, watery
(of sky), looks like rain, cloud, dull as day,
mooirjeenaghey ~ lower
mooirjeenid ~ dullness
mooirjeenys ~ murkiness, lowering, cloudiness,
cloud cover, low cloud, gloominess
mooirjeenys er ~ becloud
mooirlagh ~ lagoon
mooirlaig ~ cobble, sea-worn stone
mooirlaigagh ~ cobbled, cobbly
mooirlane ~ seaweed
mooiroil ~ marine
mooirveinn ~ high promontory in sea
moojey ~ plus
moom ~ about me
moon ~ urine
moon folley ~ haematuria, murrain
moon moddee ~ toadstool
moon-vrasnagh ~ diuretic
moonagh ~ nephritic, urinary, uric
mooney ~ urinate
mooneyder ~ urinater
Mooragh ~ Moor, Moresque
moorjeenagh ~ gloomy
moorjeenys ~ greyness
moose ~ moose
moostagh ~ moving, startling
moostaghyn ~ jump (out of sleep)
moostaneys ~ racket
moostey ~ raise, start, rouse, awaken suddenly;
starting, awakening, conjuring
moosteyder ~ rouser
moostit ~ roused
moostrey ~ rustling, rustle
mooyl ~ mull, flat, cape
mooyn ~ urine, piss
mooyn-folley ~ red murrain
mooyn gart ~ chamber lye
mooyn moddee ~ common inkcap
mooyn ollee ~ cattle urine
mooyney ~ piss
mooyngoair ~ orache
mooynlagh ~ sewage
Morag ~ Sarah
moralagh ~ moral
moraltaght ~ ethics, morals, morality
morfeen ~ morphia
morgantagh ~ morganatic
Mormonagh ~ Mormon
Mormonys ~ Mormonism
morrane ~ meadow saxifrage
Morsagh ~ Morse
mort ~ manslaughter
mortar ~ mortar
mortar trensh ~ trench mortar
morteyr ~ mortar
mortleeaght ~ death rate
mortvane ~ mortmain
mortyr siment ~ cement mortar
mortyr slaaik ~ mortar
mortys ~ mortise
mortyssey ~ mortise
mosaic ~ tessellation, mosaic
mosaicagh ~ tessellated
Moscow ~ Moscow
mosk ~ mosque
Moslymagh ~ Moslem
moteyrys ~ treachery
motor beg ~ light car
motor-ghleayshit ~ motor-driven
motor-wheeylaght ~ motor-cycling
motoragh ~ motor
motoraghey ~ motorization, motorize
motoreen ~ run about
moulter ~ mulcture
mow ~ waste
moyl ~ protuberance, knur, knob, excrescence,
moyl beg ~ tubercle
moyl-mooaragh ~ malvaceous
moylagh ~ tuberculate, tuberous
moylid ~ tuberosity
Moyll y chiarn! ~ Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
moyllaghyn ~ compliments, laud
moyllee ~ commendatory, congratulatory,
moylley ~ cheer (praise), bamboozle,
recommend, compliment, commend,
applaud, laud, boost (praise), gull, put
forward, advocat e; compl i ment s,
commendation, promotion, recommendation,
plaudits, tribute, applause, praise
moylley as soylley ~ congratulating
moylley breagyn ~ pack of lies
Moylley dhyt! ~ Congratulations!
moylley dy ard ~ crack up
moylley er ard ~ blazon, belaud
Moylley lesh Jee ~ God be praised
moylleydagh ~ imposing, laudable
moylleyder ~ recommender, commender,
lauder, proposer, praiser, applauder, booster,
cheerer (applauder)
moyrn ~ self-conceit, pride
moyrn vooaralagh ~ haughty pride
moyrnagh ~ proud person, proud, vain
moyrnagh ass (e) thie ~ house-proud
moyrneen ~ plaything, gee-gaw, bauble,
mraane ~ women, ladies, fair sex, womankind,
womanhood, womenfolk
mraane abb ~ religious women
mraane camp ~ camp followers
mraane-fir ~ masculine women
mraane ghoaley ~ blind women
Mraane-jee ny h-erreeyn ~ Fates
mrastyr ~ afternoon snack, evening meal
mrastyr beg ~ lunch, afternoon snack, afternoon
mreih ~ of a woman
muc [f] ~ hog, swine, pig, grunter
muc aail ~ sow, barrow
muc aeg ~ gruntling
muc arkagh ~ sow
muc cheish ~ porker, fat pig, obese pig
muc fahnaghtagh ~ warthog
muc feie ~ wild pig
muc gheinnee ~ quicksand
muc ghoo (er) ~ depressed, mope, dumps
muc hallooin ~ aardvark
muc niaghtee ~ large snowball
muc ny ferrishyn ~ wood louse, sow slater
muc ny greg ~ lumpsucker
muc ny loghyn ~ parch
muc oaldey ~ wild pig
muc rangagh ~ guinea pig, cavy
muc ruy ~ bollan
muc varrey ~ porpoise, rorqual, whale
muc veay ~ slug
muc yiarn ~ pig-iron
mucagh ~ piggish, swinish
mucaght ~ swinishness
muck [f] ~ pig
mucklee ~ sty
muclagh ~ piggery, pigsty, sty
mucoil ~ hoggish, piggish, porcine, swinish
mucoilid ~ swinishness, piggishness,
mucyn ~ swine
muff-chubbyl ~ muff-coupling
muffey ~ muff
muffey feayreyder ~ radiator muff
muffin ~ muffin
muffyl ~ muffle
muffyl-furnish ~ muffle furnace
muggyr ~ mugger
mughane ~ cough
mughane cassee ~ whooping cough
mughane king ~ coryza, headcold
mughaney ~ coughing, cough
muick ~ swine
muickey ~ pig, porcine, of a pig
muigey ~ of a pig, pig
muilt ~ wethers
muiltchin ~ mutton
muilteen ~ eunuch
Muinaghan ~ Monaghan
muinneel [f] ~ sleeving, sleeve
muinneel chooat ~ coat sleeve
muinneel lheiney ~ shirt sleeve
muinneelit ~ sleeved
muinneelyn bolgagh ~ puff sleeves
muinneelyn scart ~ false sleeves
muinney ~ innards
muirt ~ store cattle, beeves, stores
mulberrish ~ mulberry
mull-chonney ~ decayed gorse
mullad ~ mullet
mullad airhey ~ golden mullet
mullad glass ~ grey mullet
mullad ruy ~ red mullet
mullag ~ keg, cask
mullag feeyney ~ winecask
mullagh ~ top, culmination, ridge, apex, peak,
vertex, crest, pinnacle, summit, eminence,
roofing, crest (of wave), crisis (of illness),
ceiling (of prices), capital
mullagh e ching ~ top of his head
mullagh e king ~ top of her head
mullagh eayst ~ Full Moon
Mullagh er! ~ He is ruined! He is undone!
mullagh foshlit ~ outside (of bus)
mullagh ny greeishyn ~ landing
mullagh ny marrey ~ high tide
mullagh sclate ~ slated roof
mullagh slogh ~ bank (mine shaft)
mullagh thie ~ roof, housetop
mullagh thooee ~ thatched roof, straw roof
mullagh y ching ~ crown of head
mullagh yn aer ~ canopy of Heaven
mullee ~ plum, of the summit, culminant
mulley ~ mould
mulleyder ~ moulder
mulleydys ~ moulding
mummer ~ mummer
mummeraght ~ mumming, masquerade
mummig [f] ~ mum, mammy, mother, mamma,
mummig vooar ~ grandma
munaghey ~ monetize
mundaght ~ confusedness
mungley ~ mumbling, mumble
munlaa ~ noon, noonday
Murghey ~ Morgan
murlhin [f] ~ wicker basket, pannier, hamper
murlhin chabbyl ~ horse pannier
murlhin chorrey ~ seedlip
murlhin eeast ~ fish basket
murlhin lhiennoo ~ baby basket
murlhin voggaid ~ plate basket
murlhuin ~ picnic basket
murragh ~ purplefish
murran ~ plague, influenza
murtagh ~ bungling
murtaghey ~ fumble, bungle, work (with poor
murtit ~ bungled
muscad ~ musket
muscadeyr ~ musketeer
muscadys ~ musketry
museum ~ museum
musk ~ musk
musk-chro ~ nux vomica
musk-dow ~ musk ox
musk-feeaih ~ musk deer
musk-laagh ~ musk duck
musk-roddan ~ muskrat
muskagh ~ musky
muskyl ~ muscle
muskyl-chroobit ~ muscle-bound
muskyl-phian ~ myalgia
muskylagh ~ muscular
musleen ~ muslin
muslyn lioaragh ~ book muslin
Mussulmagh ~ Moslem
mustart ~ mustard
mustart as burley ~ mustard and cress
mustart cleiyee ~ hedge mustard
musthaa ~ rumpus, stir, fuss, hullabaloo, bustle,
carry on, shindy, fluster, muster, strife, flap,
display, tumult, pomposity, pompousness,
row, excitement
musthane ~ rotten timber, rotten wood, spunk,
mustyr ~ muster
mustyral ~ assembling, muster, assemble
muttag ~ maw-worm
muttagh ~ stumpy, squat
muttog ~ bot, maw-worm
muyne ~ mountain
mwaaee ~ hares
mwaagh ~ hare
mwaagh bwoirrin ~ doe
mwaaghagh ~ leporine
mwaashag leighderagh ~ tie-wig
mwaashag yiare ~ tie-wig
mwanagh ~ in embryo, embryonic
mwane ~ foetus, embryo
mwaneagh ~ foetal
mwannal ~ scruff, imprudence, neck,
fingerboard, collar, col
mwannal ard (er) ~ high-necked
mwannal birragh ~ V-neck
mwannal cam ~ torticollis, wryneck, stiff neck
mwannal laue ~ wrist
mwannal ny cass ~ ankle
mwannal-vuilley ~ rabbit punch
mwannal y chass ~ small of the leg
mwannal y laue ~ wrist
mwannalagh ~ cheeky, giraffe, imprudent,
necked, long-necked
mwannalaght ~ neck ornaments
mwannalys ~ contact, argument, necking
mwarree [f] ~ grandmother, grandma, granny,
mwarree vooar ~ great-grandmother
mwarreeoil ~ grandmotherly
mwashag ~ periwig, hairpiece, wig
mwashag fammanagh ~ long-tailed wig
mwashager ~ perruquier, wigmaker
mwatlag ~ buckie, whelk
mwatlag-maaigagh ~ hermit crab
mwatlag vaaigagh ~ interloper
mwing ~ mane
mwing-jeear ~ halter
mwing vaarit ~ hog mane
mwingagh ~ maned
Mwirrish ~ Maurice
mwoie ~ hares
mwyljey ~ of a mill
mwyljyn ~ mills
mwyljyn olley ~ woollen mills
mwyllar cadee ~ cotton spinner
mwyllar flooyr ~ flour miller
mwyllar walkee ~ fuller
mwyllaraght flooyr ~ flour-milling
mwyllin [f] ~ mill, factory
mwyllin aamaid ~ timber mill
mwyllin argid ~ mint, minting press
mwyllin arroo ~ corn mill
mwyllin bleih ~ corn mill
mwyllin braghee ~ malt mill
mwyllin brooee ~ stamping mill
mwyllin bwoallee ~ threshing mill, threshing
mwyllin caartee ~ carding mill
mwyllin cadee ~ cotton mill
mwyllin coshey ~ treadmill
mwyllin eaddee ~ cloth mill
mwyllin fasnee ~ winnowing machine
mwyllin flooyr ~ flour mill
mwyllin fuygh ~ lumber mill
mwyllin geayee ~ windmill
mwyllin jelliu ~ warping mill
mwyllin keck ~ cesspit, cesspool
Yn Mwyllin Kiarr ~ Mullingar
mwyllin laarey ~ floor mill
mwyllin leoaie ~ lead works
mwyllin lhieen ~ flax mill
mwyllin meinney ~ corn mill
mwyllin olley ~ wool mill
mwyllin pabyragh ~ paper mill
mwyllin poodyragh ~ powder mill
mwyllin roie'n eas ~ water mill
mwyllin rowlee ~ rolling mill
mwyllin saaual ~ saw mill
mwyllin saauederagh ~ saw mill
mwyllin scoltee ~ slitting mill
mwyllin smooirlagh ~ crusher
mwyllin sneeshyn ~ snuff mill
mwyllin sneeuee ~ spinning mill
mwyllin ushtey ~ water mill
mwyllin walkee ~ tuck mill
mwyllin y jouyll ~ motor car
mwyllin yiarn ~ foundry
Mwyllin yn Argid ~ Mint
my ~ my, if
My bailliu! ~ If you please!
my chaillin ~ my young lady
my cheilley ~ together
my choair ~ towards me
my chooid share ~ my very best
my chour ~ provided for me
My chragh! ~ Alas! Woe is me! My ruin!
My chree ~ My precious
my-chreeys ~ benevolence
my-dty-chione ~ concerning you
my-e-chione ~ concerning him
my-e-kione ~ concerning her
My ghooiney coar! ~ My good man!
My ghraih! ~ My love! Ducky!
my heear ~ westward, westerly
my heear hwoaie ~ north-west
my heer ghooie ~ the old country
my hiar ~ easterly
my hoshtal ~ leftwards
my hrooid ~ through me
my hwoaie ~ northerly, northward, north
my hwoaie shiar hwoaie ~ north-north-east
my-laaee ~ drooped
my lesh ~ owning
my lurg ~ after me
my-my-chione ~ concerning me
My nearey! ~ Alas! For shame!
my neealloo ~ swoon, in a trance, in a faint
my-niessey ~ next, next-by
my-nyn-gione ~ concerning (us you them)
my rass ~ bolled, in seed
my reir ~ loose
my resh ~ in seed, bolled
My sailliu ~ If you please! Prithee!
my sailt ~ prithee
my-shagh ~ alternately
My s'ymmyrchagh eh ~ If necessary
my ta ~ however
my vlaa ~ flowering, flowery, flourishing,
blooming, efflorescent, in flower
My vollaght er yn laa! ~ Woe worth the day!
My vollaght er! ~ Curse it!
my vyrneen ~ my pet, my poppet, ducky
my whaiyl ~ towards me
my yeeas ~ bladed
my yei ~ after me
my yeish ~ eared, in ear
my yesh ~ right
my yiass ~ southerly
mychione ~ regarding, about, concerning,
touching (point), re, on
mygeayrt ~ around, about, roundabout,
mygeayrt ayns shoh ~ hereabouts
myghin ~ quarter (mercy)
myghin-varroo ~ euthanasia
Mylecholumb ~ Malcolm
Myleyeesey ~ Malise
mylgaghey ~ spawning, spawn
Mylvoirrey ~ Myles
myn ~ minuscule, small, detailed, small ground
myn- ~ (prefix) diminutive, niggling, lesser,
exhaustive, trifling, elaborate, petty, filings,
minute, little
myn-chyrl ~ little ones
myn-gheiney ~ small fry
myn-ooashlid ~ gentility
mynaghey ~ pulverize
myn-amman ~ diminutive suffix
myn-argid ~ loose cash, petty cash, change
(money), small change
myn-armee ~ paramilitary force
myn-armyn ~ small arms
mynayrn ~ ingredient
myn-chaghter ~ attache
myn-changaroo ~ wallaby
myn-chast ~ frizzy
myn-cheim ~ second
mynchelk ~ whiting
myncheyll ~ brushwood, underwood
myn-chioneagh ~ capitular
mynchlaare ~ syllabus
mynchlagh ~ crushed stone, pebble
mynchlagh varrey ~ sea pebble
mynchlaghagh ~ shingly
myn-chlaghyn ~ chippings
myn-chleragh ~ pen-pusher, junior clerk
myn-chloughyn ~ forceps
mynchomys ~ minor offence
myn-chooid ~ ware(s), pedlary, haberdashery
myn-chooish ~ trifling matter
mynchooishagh ~ scrupulous, pernickety, petty-
minded, punctilious, particular
mynchooishaght ~ punctiliousness, petty-
mindedness, particularity
mynchooishaghys ~ pettiness
mynchoontey ~ a minute account, detailed
mynchostys ~ petty expenses
mynchreck ~ retail
mynchreckeyder ~ retailer
myn-chyrl ~ little cares
myn-claghyn ~ aggregate (building)
myndey ~ mint
myn-eaddagh ~ haberdashery
myn-eaddeeyn ~ smalls
myneash ~ nonage
myn-eddan ~ capillarary
myn-eddanagh ~ capillarary
myneeacklagh ~ small-toothed
myneeast ~ fry
myneeast veggey ~ little fry
myneill ~ brawn
myn-eill spiosit ~ force-meat
mynessylys ~ minor axis
myn-feiys ~ small game
myn-filley ~ accordion pleats, pin-tuck
mynflah ~ princeling
myn-foiee ~ underwood
myn-freoagh ~ new heather
mynghaah ~ tinge, tint
mynghaahaghey ~ tint, tinge
mynghaahit ~ tinted
mynghaddee ~ pilferer, filcher, petty thief
mynghaddee shapp ~ shoplifter
mynghaddeeaght ~ petty theft, filching, pilfering
mynghaddeeaght happ ~ shoplifting
myn-gharmin ~ joist
mynghearey ~ smile, smiling
myngheareyder ~ smiler
myngheayl ~ slack
myngheid ~ filch, shoplift
mynghellal ~ peddling, pedlary, peddle
mynghelleyder ~ pedlar
mynghiarrey ~ shred
mynghiarrit ~ shredded
myn-ghleaysh ~ minor key
myn-ghrian ~ dwarf sun
mynghrid ~ close trot
myn-ghrine ~ dust shot
myngyragh ~ thievish, light-fingered, thieving
myngyraght ~ pilfer, pilfering, steal
mynhaggloo ~ muttering
myn-hiassagh breck ~ paratyphoid
myn-hoieder ~ small investor
mynimmeeaght ~ minute
mynimmeeaghtyn ~ minutes
myn-ingagh ~ reticle
mynjeig ~ package, parcel
mynjeigey ~ parcel
mynlagh ~ smalls, fine (of cereals)
mynlagh credjue ~ religious minority
mynlagh feiyral ~ vocal minority
mynleighder ~ pettifogging lawyer
mynlhiasaghey ~ retouch
myn-lhuingys ~ flotilla
mynloayrtys ~ small talk
mynnagh ~ innards
mynnaghey ~ chop up, pulverization,
comminute, comminution
mynnan geayil ~ coal dust
mynnan Voirrey ~ white saxifrage
mynneragh ~ pacing, amble
mynneraght ~ pacing, ambling
mynney ~ chop, oath-book, swear-word, swear,
mynney lioaragh ~ Bible oath
mynney mooar ~ round oath
mynney noi ~ abjuration
mynnid ~ smallness, minuteness, elaborateness
mynoashyr ~ sock
mynoayllagh (rish) ~ intimately acquainted
myn-obbyr ~ opuscule
myn-oikagh ~ Petty officer
mynphaart ~ detail
mynphearlyn ~ seed pearls
mynpheccah ~ peccadillo
mynphenneyraght ~ minuscule
mynphlanaid ~ minor planet
mynphlannad ~ asteroid
mynphoint ~ detail
mynphossanyn ~ detail
mynphoynt ~ particular
mynphrinse ~ princeling
myn-phutogeyn ~ chitterlings
myn-poggaid pherree ~ vest pocket
mynred ~ trifle
mynree ~ petty monarch
myn-ronsaghey ~ hair-splitting
mynscrutagh ~ scrutinizing
mynscrutaghey ~ narrow examination, analysis,
peruse, scrutinize, perusal, analyse, dissect,
dissection, screen, scan, scansion
mynscruteyder ~ screener
mynscrutit ~ screened
mynthey ~ mint, garden mint
mynthey gharagh ~ spearmint
mynthey jiarg ~ water mint
mynthey ny gabbil ~ horse mint
mynthey phibbyragh ~ peppermint
mynthey villish ~ bergamot
myn-vard ~ poetaster
myn-vearkanagh ~ dwarf conifer
myn-villey ~ dwarf tree
myn-voggylagh ~ close-meshed
myn-vooinjer ~ little ones
myn-vooinjerey ~ little ones
mynvraddagh ~ light-fingered
mynvreckey ~ stipple
mynvreetchyn ~ brief
mynvrishagh ~ shattering
mynvrishey ~ smash, pulverize, pulverization,
smash up, shatter
mynvrisht ~ smashed, shattered
mynvroo ~ hash
mynvroojey ~ pound
mynvroojit ~ pounded
myn-yiarn ~ iron filings
mynyiarrey ~ hash, shredding
mynyiarreyder ~ shredder
mynyiarrit ~ shredded
myr ~ though, as though, such, like, as
myr aile er y clieau ~ wildfire
Myr baare er y donnys! ~ To crown all!
myr barel ~ at a rough guess
myr dy beagh eh ~ as it were
myr dy row ~ as if
myr gheay Vayrnt ayn ~ at a tearing rate
myr hannish ~ in a whisper
myr haynt ~ covetously
myr reih ~ for choice
myr sailliu ~ go-as-you-please
myr sampleyr ~ by way of illustration
myr s'cair ~ duly
myr s'feer da hene ~ self-styled
myr shen ~ so, in that manner, thus, therefore
myr shen dy row eh ~ so may it be, amen, so be
myr shen hene ~ all the same, even so
myr shoh ~ thus, in this manner
myr shoh lhig eh ~ amen
myr s'kiart ~ shipshape
myr spakeyn ~ spokewise
myr ta heese ~ as under
myr t'ad gra (rish) ~ so-called
myr t'eh enmyssit ~ so-called
myr trow ~ instance
myr v'eh ~ undisturbed (of ground)
myr v'eh roie ~ as heretofore
myr y cheilley ~ identical, identically
myr y clag ~ clockwise
myr yeearreeit ~ as requested
myr yein ~ ostensible, supposedly, faking
myr yien ~ pretence, pretendedly, show,
myr yinnagh marrinagh mie ~ seamanlike
myrane lesh ~ together with
myrchaagh ~ likewise, also, moreover, withal,
in like manner
Myrchaagh! ~ Of course!
myrgeddin ~ also, too, likewise, to boot
myrgeddyn ~ item
myrghaagh ~ along (withal)
Myr'naght ~ In the same manner
myrneen ~ well-beloved, Valentine, sweetheart,
boy, honey
myrneen mreih ~ ladies' man
myrneen ny mreih ~ lady-killer
myrragh ~ as were, only for, as not, were it not
for, as like
myrrh ~ myrrh, sweet cicely
myrtyl ~ myrtle
myrtylagh ~ myrtaceous
mysh ~ on the point of, about him, regarding,
concerning, around, about
myskid ~ malice, resentment, viciousness,
malevolence, spiteful hatred, resentfulness,
vindictiveness, ill will, virulence,
rancorousness, spite, implacability
myskidagh ~ implacable, malicious,
malevolent, vindictive, resentful, spiteful,
na ~ than
naaer ~ creeper, viper
naaeragh ~ viperine
Naaplagh ~ Neapolitan
naaraghey ~ shame
naardagh ~ waste
naardey ~ waste, destroy, fade, annihilate,
naardys ~ waste
nab ~ knoll
Yn Nab ~ The Nab, The Hill
nabban ~ knoll
naboo ~ neighbour
naboo-dorrys ~ next door neighbour
nabooagh ~ neighbourly
nabooaght ~ neighbourliness
naboonys ~ neighbourhood, vicinity, vicinage
nabooys ~ neighbourhood
naeear ~ neuter, neutral
naeearane ~ neutron
naeeraght ~ neutrality
naeragagh ~ highly strung
nafthaleen ~ naphthalene
nafthey ~ naphtha
naggyr ~ surplus, idle, disused, neglected
Nagh ~ Do not
nagh ~ albeit, not
nagh moo ~ neither
nagh row ~ were not? was not?
nagh smooinee rieau er ~ undreamed of
nagh vel ~ am not? is not? are not?
nagh vel ayn ~ non-existent
nagh vel ayns graih ~ heart-whole
nagh vel co-reir (rish) ~ incommensurate
nagh vel currit ass cree ~ undisheartened
nagh vel er kaart marrey ~ uncharted
nagh vel feeu cheet er ~ negligible
nagh vel feeu giu ~ undrinkable
nagh vel goll ass ~ inescapable
nagh vel ry hroo ~ unenviable
nagh vel saynt ec (er) ~ unenviable
nagh vel toiggit dy kiart ~ misunderstood
'naght ~ accordingly
naghtyr ~ nectar
naghtyreen ~ nectarine
nah ~ second, next
nah aundyr ~ second prize
nah cheayrt ~ a second time
nah faiyr ~ after grass
nah graid ~ second class
nah halley ~ upper circle
Yn Nah Laa Jeig ~ The Twelfth Day
nah rheynn ~ second division
nah volg ~ bonnet
Y Nah Vriw ~ The Second Deemsteer
Yn Naigeer ~ Nigeria
Naigeeragh ~ Nigerian
naigheagh ~ tale-bearing, newsy
naight ~ news, narration, tale, anecdote,
intelligence, tidings
naight-rollian ~ news reel
naight vie ~ good news
naightagh ~ gossipy, narrative
naightaneaghys ~ journalese
naightanee ~ newsagent
naightbocs ~ press box
naightee ~ appetiser, titbit, dainty
naighter ~ newsagent
naighteragh ~ novel, news-bearing, new
naighteraght ~ newsmongering
naighteyr ~ newspaperman, reporter, pressman,
naighteyraght ~ journalism, reporting
naightoil ~ newsworthy
naightphabyr ~ newsprint
naightyn mie ~ good tidings
naim ~ uncle
naisht ~ bind, affianced, engaged
naishtaght ~ jointure
naishtey ~ engagement, betrothal, espousal,
pledge, engage, engaged
naishtit ~ affianced, engaged
naitraid ~ nitrate
naitraidey ~ nitrate
najoor ~ inwardness, nature, instinct
najooragh ~ naturalistic, natural
najooraght ~ naturalness
najooraghys ~ naturalism
najooree ~ naturalist
najoorys ~ naturalness
Nalbin [f] ~ Scotland
Nalbin Noa ~ Nova Scotia
'nane ~ one, ace (cards)
'nane as feed ~ pontoon
'nane cor ~ an odd one
'nane-jeig ~ eleven
'nane lurg nane ~ singly
'nane lurg 'nane ~ separately
'nane rish unnane ~ one-to-one
'nanejeigoo ~ eleventh
Nanse ~ Nan, Nance, Nancy
nap ~ nap
napin ~ swede, turnip
napin Soolynagh ~ swede
napin Sulannagh ~ turnip (swede)
napinagh ~ turniplike
naptin ~ napkin
naptin buird ~ serviette
naptin caair ~ antimacassar
naptin thoanney ~ diaper
Nar ~ do not
nar ~ our, when, albeit
Nar irree! ~ Sit tight!
Nar Jiarn ~ Our Lord
Nar row noauyn dhyt! ~ Perdition seize you!
Nara 'n yioin dhyt! ~ Perdition seize you!
Nara noain dhyt! ~ Confound you! Curse you!
narwhal ~ narwhal
Nasair ~ Nazareth
Nasaragh ~ Nazarene
nash-ching ~ irritably sick
nastee ~ gratis, buckshee, gratuitous, free
nasteeagh ~ gratuitously
nastey ~ seize, award, bond, betroth;gift,
nastey lesh lhoobaghyn ~ interlink
nastey Nollick ~ Christmas box
Natsee ~ Nazi
Natseeagh ~ Nazi
Natseeys ~ Nazism
naunt [f] ~ aunt
naunt neuphoost ~ maiden aunt
nauntee ~ auntie
naveeaght ~ navvying
neaghaaghys ~ achromatism
neaghtyr ~ neuter
neaghtyragh ~ neuter, neutral, neutralization
neaghtyraghey ~ neutralize
neaghtyraght ~ neutrality
nearag ~ nerve
nearagagh ~ nervous
nearagh ~ disgraceful, dishonourable,
disreputable, ignominious, self-conscious
nearaghey ~ disgrace, shame, abash
nearaght ~ bashfulness
nearaljagh ~ neuralgic
nearaljey ~ neuralgia
nearasthenagh ~ neurasthenic
nearasthene ~ neurasthenia
nearchillag ~ nerve cell
neareitys ~ neuritis
nearey [f] ~ shame, disgrace, opprobrium,
embarrassment, shamefulness, confusedness,
mortification, ignominy, self-consciousness
nearey (er) ~ mortified
neareydagh ~ shameful, ashamed, reserved,
neareyder ~ shamer, scandalmonger
nearid ~ coyness
nearildagh ~ ashamed, confused, coy (of girl),
bashful, demure, retiring, shy
nearit ~ abashed, shamed
nearoish ~ neurosis
nearoishagh ~ neurotic
nearoo ny saiatica ~ sciatic nerve
nearoo yn shilley ~ visual nerve
nearvean ~ nerve centre
neaynin ~ daisy
neaynin mooar ~ marguerite, dog daisy, ox-eye
neaynin traie ~ sea thrift
neayninagh ~ daisy covered
neayr-chillag ~ neuron
neayr-oaylleeagh ~ neurological
neayr-oaylleeaght ~ neurologist
neayrag-doghanagh ~ neuropath
neayragh ~ neural
neayragh-doghanit ~ neuropathic
neayreydagh ~ bashful
neayr's ~ since
Yn Neb ~ The River Neb
nee ~ do, will, shall do
neeal ~ ashen (colour), aspect (of face), faint,
ashy, nebula, swoon, complexion, cloud, nap
neealagh ~ nebular, pale, apoplectic
neealaght ~ nebulosity
neealeraght ~ change
neealey dorraghys ~ pitch darkness
neeallaght ~ alteration (facial)
neealloo ~ ashen grey, pasty, towards the
neear ~ west, from the west, occident; nephew
Y Neear Feie ~ The Wild West
neear hwoaie ~ north-west, north-western
Yn Neel ~ Nile
neelane ~ nylon
'neen ~ girl, daughter
'neen ny juistyn ~ kitchen maid, scullion
'neen ny jystyn ~ dishwasher
'neen oainjeragh ~ by-child
'neen 'sy leigh ~ daughter-in-law
'neen vraar ayrey ~ first cousin
'neen vraar mayrey ~ first cousin
'neenoil ~ daughterly
neese ~ from below
neesht ~ besides, too, likewise, also
ny neesht ~ both
neeshtagh ~ also
neetar ~ nitre
neetaragh ~ nitric
neetrageen ~ nitrogen
neetrageenagh ~ nitrogenous
neetreed ~ nitride
neetreet ~ nitrite
neetroil ~ nitrous
neeu ~ famished, undone
Neeyl ~ Neill
n'egooish ~ without him
neon ~ neon
neose ~ downwards, down, downward
neose yn ughtagh ~ downhill
nep ~ black horehound
nep churree ~ gipsywort
nep vane ~ white horehound, horehound
Nepaal ~ Nepal
Nepaalagh ~ Nepalese
Nerin [f] ~ Ireland
Nerin Hwoaie ~ Northern Ireland
nerveishagh ~ highstrung
nesh ~ soft, sissyish
Yn Neshag ~ Loch Ness Monster
neu- ~ (prefix causing lenition) non-, un-
neu chorpagh ~ bodiless
neu-aachaarjagh ~ intransigent
neu-aachaarjaght ~ intransigency
neuaaghtagh ~ inhospitable
neuaalid ~ uncomeliness
neuaalin ~ unbeautiful, uncomely
neuaaragh ~ abstentionist, absentee, absent
neuaaraght ~ abstention (Political)
neuaaraghys ~ abstentionism
neuaarloo ~ incomplete
neuaash ~ disquiet, unease, discomfort,
neuaashagh ~ discontented, difficult, awkward,
restless, uneasy
neuaashaght ~ awkwardness
neuaashi d ~ qual m, awkwardness,
discontentedness, malaise, grievance
neuaashideyr ~ ombudsman
neuablid ~ inaptitude, incapability, incapacity,
neuabyl ~ unable, inapt
neuaggairagh ~ inoffensive
neuaggindagh ~ averse
neuaggindys ~ aversion, averseness
neuagglagh ~ dauntless, fearless
neuaggle ~ fearlessness
neuagglishagh ~ lay
neuagglit ~ intrepid
neuaghinagh ~ inexorable
neuaignagh ~ involuntary
neuainjys ~ unfamiliarity
neuainjyssagh rish ~ unacquainted, unfamiliar
neuakerit ~ unanchored
neuakinagh ~ invisible
neuakinaght ~ invisibility
neuammyltagh ~ non-swimmer
neuammys ~ undutifulness, irreverence
neuammysagh ~ undutiful, irreverent
neuanchoodit ~ undetected
neuannymagh ~ inanimate
neuannymaght ~ inanimation
neuansoorit ~ unanswered
neuappee ~ premature, immature
neuappeeid ~ prematureness, immaturity
neuappeeys ~ prematureness, immaturity
neuarganeagh ~ unarguable, indisputable,
neuargidaght ~ impecuniosity
neuarmit ~ unarmed
neuarraghtagh ~ irremovable
neuarraneagh ~ songless
neuarrey ~ inattention, carelessness
neuarreydagh ~ perfunctory, inattentive,
unheeding, unguarded (of person, speech)
neuarrishagh ~ inimitable
neuarryltagh ~ reluctant, involuntary
neuarryltys ~ reluctance
neuarrym ~ disregard, insolence
neuashlishagh ~ apocryphal
neuastyrtagh ~ indelible, irremovable
neuatchimid ~ unawedness
neuatchimit ~ unfrightened, unawed, unafraid
neucaghlaaee ~ changeless
neucasherick ~ unconsecrated, unhallowed
neuchaarjagh ~ unfriendly
neuchaarjee ~ unconciliatory
neuchaarjoil ~ inimical
neuchaarjoilid ~ unfriendliness
neuchaarjys ~ unfriendliness
neuchadjin ~ rare, odd, uncommon, singular,
especial, exceptional, out of the way
neuchadjinagh ~ extraordinary
neuchadjinys ~ infrequency, rareness,
singularity, uncommonness, specialness
neuchadlagh ~ wakeful, insomniac
neuchadlaght ~ insomnia, wakefulness
neuchadley ~ insomnia, wakefulness,
neuchadlys ~ wakefulness, insomnia,
neuchaggeeagh ~ incontestable
neuchaggeyder ~ non-belligerent
neuchaggit ~ unfought
neuchaghlaa ~ unchangeableness, conservation
neuchaghlaader ~ die-hard
neuchaghlaaee ~ inalienable, unchangeable,
irrevocable, incontrovertible, intransitive,
neuchaghlaagh ~ unchanging
neuchaghlaaid ~ invariability
neuchaghlaait ~ unaltered, unconverted,
neuchaghlaays ~ irrevocability, immutability
neuchaghlit ~ infinite
neuchaglee ~ limitless
neuchagliee ~ indefinite
neuchairagh ~ improper, unfair
neuchairailagh ~ wasteful, uncircumspect
neuchairailys ~ improvidence
neuchairys ~ improperness
neuchallinagh ~ bodiless, unbodily, incorporeal
neuchantit ~ unauctioned
neucharrey ~ foe
neucharrit ~ unfixed (unrepaired)
neuchashtalit ~ unfortified
neuchasley ~ diverse
neuchasley (rish) ~ different
neuchassagh ~ inflexible
neuchassanagh ~ trackless, pathless, uncharted,
impassable, impenetrable
neuchassanid ~ impassableness, impenetrability
neuchassidagh ~ unimpeachable
neuchast ~ plain
neuchastagh ~ indefatigable, indomitable,
neuchastey ~ incorrigible
neuchastid ~ plainness
neuchastit ~ undeterred, undefeated, uncurbed
neuchatoleagh ~ non-catholic
neucheaghlee ~ changeless
neucheaghlit ~ unaltered
neucheayllagh ~ extra-sensory
neucheeshagh ~ non-dutiable
neucheiltynagh ~ undissembling, free-spoken,
neucheiltynys ~ ingeniousness, frankness
neucheintyssagh ~ agamous
neucheirdchummynagh ~ non-union, non-
neuchenjal ~ ill-natured
neuchenjallys ~ ill-naturedness
neucherit ~ uncombed
neucherree ~ incorrigible
neuchiaddit ~ unformed, uncreated
neuchialgagh ~ simple, plain, undeceitful,
unfeigned, guileless
neuchialgaght ~ plainness
neuchialgys ~ simplicity
neuchiangley ~ unbind
neuchianglt ~ unbound, freelance, unattached
neuchiangltagh ~ noncommittal, freelance
neuchiarailagh ~ careless, improvident
neuchiarailys ~ carelessness
neuchiart ~ inexact, partial, incorrect, amiss, not
neuchiartit ~ unadjusted
neuchiartys ~ error, inaccuracy, partiality,
neuchinjagh ~ irregular, variable, undecided,
neuchinjaght ~ irregularity
neuchinjid ~ undecidedness
neuchioneysagh ~ unassertive
neuchiuneydagh ~ inappeasable
neuchlaghtagh ~ ineffectual
neuchlastynagh ~ inaudible
neuchleaynagh ~ unbiased, unattractive,
neuchleayney ~ unbiasedness
neuchleaynit ~ impartial, unbeguiled, even-
handed, unattracted
neuchleaynt ~ candid, fair-minded, open-
minded, dispassionate
neuchl eaynys ~ open- mi ndednes s ,
unattractiveness, impartiality
neuchleighagh ~ unbeatable
neuchleight ~ unbeaten
neuchleyit ~ undug
neuchliaghtagh ~ unaccustomed (of thing)
neuchliaghtey ~ disaccustom
neuchliaghtit rish ~ unaccustomed (of person),
neuchliaghtys ~ inexperience
neuchlinnit ~ unheard, unaudited
neuchloie ~ non-performance
neuchloiet ~ unboiled
neuchluinagh ~ inaudible
neucho-obbragh ~ uncooperative, non-
neucho-obbraghey ~ non-cooperation
neuchoadagh ~ undefendable, indefensible
neuchoadit ~ undefended, unescorted
neuchoamraghey ~ disrobe
neuchoamrey ~ undressing
neuchoamrit ~ undressed
neuchoanagh ~ misfortune, misfortunate
neuchoar ~ unaccommodating
neuchoardail ~ disagree, differ, disagreement,
neuchoardailagh ~ dissenter
neuchoardailys ~ disharmony
neuchoardit ~ unagreed
neuchocheintagh ~ uncongenial
neuchochianglt ~ uncombined
neuchochianglt rish ~ unaffiliated
neuchochruinit ~ unconvened
neuchohromaghey ~ unbalanced
neuchohromit ~ unbalanced
neucholaashaght ~ non-collegiate
neuchomishoonit ~ non-commissioned
neuchommeeagh ~ neutral
neuchommeeaght ~ neutrality, neutralism
neuchommeeys ~ independence
neuchonaantagh ~ unconditional
neuchooidjaghtoil ~ insociable
neuchooie ~ inappropriate, incongruous, out of
place, undesirable, indecent, inconvenient,
inapplicable, inordinate, unfit
neuchooie (da) ~ ineligible
neuchooieid ~ awkwardness, inconvenience,
incongruity, unfitness, incompetency
neuchooieid focklagh ~ malapropism
neuchooijaghtoil ~ uncompanionable
neuchooilleen ~ dissatisfaction
neuchooilleeney ~ non-completion, non-
compliance, non-fulfilment, non-observance
neuchooi l l eeni t ~ unaccompl i shed,
undischarged, unfulfilled, unfinished,
unconsummated, ungratified
neuchooi l l eent agh ~ i mpract i cabl e,
impracticability, unfeasible
neuchooilleentaght ~ impracticability
neuchooinaghtagh ~ forgetful
neuchooinaghtyn ~ amnesia, loss of memory,
neuchooinsheansagh ~ inconscionable,
neuchooish ~ nonchalance
neuchooishagh ~ casual, perfunctory, offhand
neuchooishaght ~ offhandedness, casualness,
neuchoonit ~ unhelped
neuchoonrit ~ unexchanged
neuchoontit ~ uncounted, uncalculated
neuchooyrtoil ~ ill-mannered, unchivalrous
neuchooyrtoilid ~ ill-mannerliness
neuchoraa ~ non-communication
neuchormid ~ disparity, inequality, inadequacy,
patchiness, unevenness
neuchormit ~ unbalanced, unequalized
neuchorpoil ~ immaterial, disembodied
neuchorpoilid ~ immateriality
neuchorragh ~ immobile, stable, steadily
neuchorraghys ~ sangfroid, steadiness
neuchorrym ~ odd, disproportionate, unequal,
inadequate, patchy, ill-matched, disparate
neuchorrymagh ~ partial
neuchorrymid ~ inequality, partiality
neuchorrymit ~ unequalled
neuchosan ~ inferior
neuchosanagh ~ inferior
neuchosneydagh ~ inescapable
neuchosnit ~ unearned, ungained, unacquired
neuchosoylagh ~ matchless, peerless,
incomparable, contrasting, improbable
neuchosoylaght ~ contrast, improbability
neuchosoyley ~ contrast
neuchostal ~ base (of metals)
neuchostallagh ~ inexpensive
neuchostallaght ~ inexpensiveness
neuchouyragh ~ unhelpful
neuchouyralagh ~ incurable
neuchoveshtagh ~ apartheid, immiscible
neuchoveshtaght ~ separate development
neuchovestit ~ uncompounded
neuchoyrlit ~ unadvised
neuchoyrt ~ let ball
neuchraagh ~ unfaltering (of voice)
neuchraiuit ~ uncorroded
neuchraplagh ~ uncreaseable
neuchreaghnagh ~ illimitable, infinite
neuchreaghnit ~ uncompleted, incomplete,
neuchreaghnys ~ infinity, incompleteness
neuchredjallagh ~ impossible, unbelievable,
neuchredjallaght ~ incredibility
neuchredjaltagh ~ unbeliever
neuchredjit ~ unbelieved
neuchreeaghnoil ~ unfinished
neuchreeaghtagh ~ non-terminating
neuchreenaght ~ foolhardiness, imprudence
neuchreeney ~ imprudent, ill-advised,
improvident, foolhardy, injudicious
neuchreestee ~ non-christian
neuchreoi ~ non-rigid
neuchreoit ~ unhardened
neuchreoiys ~ non-rigidity
neuchrinkagh ~ unchivalrous
neuchroaragh ~ infertile
neuchroghagh ~ independent
neuchroghee ~ independent
neuchrogheydagh ~ independent
neuchrogheydys ~ independence
neuchroghit ~ unhanged
neuchronnal ~ vague, unclear, garbled, sketchy,
c a mo u f l a g e d , i n c o n s p i c u o u s ,
indistinguishable, indistinct, imperceptible
ne uc hr onna l ys ~ i ndi s t i nc t ne s s ,
inconspicuousness, vagueness
neuchronnit ~ undiscovered, undiscerned
neuchrooit ~ uncreated
neuchrossey ~ uncross
neuchroutagh ~ undesigning
neuchroymmit ~ unbowed
neuchruinn ~ vague, hazy, inexact, inaccurate
neuchruinnid ~ haziness, inexactitude,
neuchruinnit ~ uncollected
neuchruinnys ~ inaccuracy, lack of precision
neuchryssey ~ unbrace
neuchubblit ~ uncoupled
neuchuirree ~ inhospitable
neuchuirt ~ fallow
neuchummaght ~ powerlessness
neuchummaghtagh ~ powerless
neuchummalagh ~ incapacious
neuchummaltagh ~ uninhabitable
neuchummaltit ~ uninhabited
neuchummeydagh ~ inelegant, incapable,
incompetent, shapeless, formless
neuchummeydys ~ shapel essness,
incompetence, inelegance, formlessness
neuchumrit ~ undelayed, undeterred,
unhindered, unencumbered
neu-chur jerrey (er) ~ non-completion
neuchurmeydagh ~ insubordinate
neuchurmeydys ~ insubordination
neuchurrym ~ insouciance, piece of
neuchurrymagh ~ careless, inattentive,
insouciant, lax
neuchurrymaght ~ carelessness, laxity
neuchyndagh ~ innocent, blameless, guiltless,
neuchyndid ~ guiltlessness, innocence,
neucleaynit ~ unenticed
neucoheshaghtagh ~ unassociated
neueabit ~ unformed
neuearrooagh ~ innumerable, infinite
neueayslee ~ inextricable
neueddrymit ~ undischarged (as cargo)
neueddyrghoaill ~ non-intervention
neueeacklagh ~ anodont
neueeck ~ non-payment
neueeit ~ unconsumed, uneaten
neueerreeishagh ~ uncompassionate
neueiginagh ~ unforced
neueillit ~ unarmed
neueiyrtysagh ~ inconsequent
neueiyrtysaght ~ inconsequence
neuellanagh ~ mainland, non-Manx, new
neuellyn ~ vulgarism, boorishness
neuellynagh ~ artless, rude, impolite, vulgar,
ill-mannered, inartistic, bad taste
neuellynaght ~ rudeness, impoliteness
neuemshiragh ~ ill-timed
neuemshyragh ~ ill-timed
neuenit ~ unasked
neuenmysit ~ nameless
neuenmyssagh ~ indefinable
neuenmyssit ~ anonymous, undefined
neuennaghtagh ~ insensitive, unfeeling, stony-
hearted, insensible
neuennaghtyn ~ insensibility
neuennalit ~ unaspirated
neuenney ~ unconsciousness
neuennit ~ unfelt
neuennymagh ~ anonymous, nameless
neuennymid ~ anonymity
neuentreilagh ~ inadmissible
neuentreilaght ~ inadmissibility
neuerreeish ~ pitilessness, inclemency, hard-
neuerreeishagh ~ pitiless, incompassionate
neufaarnagh ~ staunch, watertight (roof only)
neufaastagh ~ incompressible
neufaillailys ~ infallibility
neufailleilagh ~ infallible
neufailleydagh ~ unemployable
neufailleydys ~ unemployment
neufailt ~ unemployed
neufaitagh ~ brassy, brazen, undaunted
neufaitys ~ brazenness
neufarrysthie ~ bad management, improvidence
neufashanagh ~ unfashionable
neufeagh ~ restless
neufeaghid ~ restlessness
neufeayrit ~ uncooled, unchilled
neufeayshlagh ~ impenetrable
neufeayslagh ~ irresolvable
neufedjagagh ~ unfeathered, unfledged
neufee ~ disentangle, disentanglement
neufeeagh ~ valueless
neufeer ~ insincere
neufeerid ~ insincerity, falseness
neufeerit ~ unchecked (of account)
neufeeu ~ hopeless, undeserving, paltry,
inadequate, worthless, valueless
neufeeudagh ~ unbecoming, indiscreet, indecent
neufeeudid ~ indecency, imprudence,
neufeeudys ~ unbecomingness, imprudence,
neufeeuid ~ inadequacy, worthlessness
neufehagh ~ nerveless
neufeiyagh ~ unfathomable
neufemoil ~ inessential, non-essential
neufendit ~ undefended
neufeoilt ~ ungenerous
neufeoiltagh ~ ungenerous, illiberal
neufeoiltys ~ narrowness, illiberality,
neufilley ~ unfurl, devolve, unfold (as clothing),
neufiojagh ~ unfading
neufiojit ~ unfaded, undecayed
neufirrinagh ~ insincere, unfaithful, perfidious,
affected, fictitious
neufirrinid ~ perfidiousness, unfaithfulness,
fictitiousness, insincerity
neufirrinys ~ false assertion
neufoaynnoo ~ inutility
neufoayroil ~ unfavourable
neufoays ~ disinterest, imperfection, inutility
neufoaysagh ~ indifferent
neufocklagh ~ inexpressible, indescribable,
neufocklaght ~ ineffability
neufocklit ~ unexpressed
neufoiljagh ~ faultless, innocent, unblamable,
inoffensive, irreprehensible
Neufoiljee Casherick ~ Holy Innocents
neufoiljeydagh ~ uncritical
neufoiljid ~ irreprehensibility, inoffensiveness,
neufollagh ~ anaemic
neufollaght ~ anaemia
neufollan ~ inedible, uneatable, unfit to eat, off,
corrupt (as practice)
neufollanid ~ unfitness, inedibility
neufolliaghtagh ~ unclassified
neufolmagh ~ inexhaustible
neufolmit ~ unexhausted
neufondagh ~ inefficient, insolvent,
unbusinesslike, insubstantial, incapable,
ineffectual, infirm, ineffective, insufficient
neufondaght ~ inefficiency, insolvency,
neufondi d ~ i ncapabi l i t y, i nfi rmi t y,
ineffectualness, insufficiency, ineffectiveness
neuformoil ~ unceremonious, informal
neuformoilid ~ informality
neufoyragh ~ edgeless
neufreihagh ~ rebel
neufreihys ~ rebelliousness
neufrioosagh ~ inconsiderate, unheedful
neufrioose ~ unimportance, unheedfulness,
neufroaishagh ~ unassuming
neufroaishid ~ unassumingness
neufuillaght ~ bloodlessness
neufuillaghtagh ~ unforbearing, insufferable
neufuillaghtaght ~ intolerable, intolerance
neufuinnit ~ unbaked
neufys ~ ignorance
neugastoil ~ ungallant
neughaaghey ~ discolouration, discolour
neughaahagh ~ characterless, drab
neughaahoil ~ achromatic
neughaait ~ uncoloured, undyed
neu-ghaaney ~ unenterprising
neughaaoil ~ colourless
neughaskeydagh ~ slowcoach
neughastey ~ inexpert, inactive
neugheayshteenagh ~ depilous
neugheill ~ inattention
neugheillagh ~ regardless, oblivious
neugheillid ~ oblivion
neugheillys ~ regardlessness
neughellit ~ undealt
neughennal ~ cheerless, unamiable, miserable
neughennalys ~ cheerlessness
neugherjagh ~ uncomfortable, depression,
miserableness, discomfort
neugherjoil ~ disconsolate
neugherjoilaghtagh ~ inconsolable
neugherjoilid ~ misery, disconsolateness
neugherjys ~ uncomfortableness
neugheyr ~ cheap
neugheyre ~ dull (as edge), edgeless
neugheyrsnys ~ cheapness
neughiarragh ~ indivisible
neughiastyllagh ~ tight, illiberal, careful with
neughiastyllid ~ illiberality
neughiastyllys ~ inhospitality, illiberality,
tightness with money
neughioltagh ~ inalienable
neughirrit ~ unbridged
neughlaragh ~ voiceless
neughleashagh ~ inert, static, immovable,
neughleashaght ~ inertia, immobility
neughleckagh ~ non-combatant
neughleckeyder ~ non-combatant
neughlen ~ unclean, foul, impure, muddy,
vulgar, lewd
neughlennid ~ corruption, uncleanliness,
impurity, bawdiness, lewdness, foulness
neughlie ~ indiscreet, inattentive
neughloasit ~ unglazed (as pottery)
neughloassey ~ dull
neughloo ~ imcompact
neughlooie ~ non-condensing
neughloyroil ~ inglorious
neughlubbagh ~ incoagulable, anticoagulant
neughlubbeyder ~ anticoagulant
neughoaieagh ~ imprudent, uncivil, indiscreet
neughoaieys ~ imprudence, lack of decency,
indiscretion, impropriety
neughoaldeeaght ~ inhospitality
neughoilleeid ~ easiness
neughoit ~ uncaptured
neu-gholl ry cheillid ~ dissimilarity
neughollit ~ unerased, unblotted
neughollrish ~ different
neugholtit ~ unadopted
neughooagh ~ ineffable, voiceless
neughooghyssagh ~ monstrous, foreign, alien,
supernatural, disaffectionate
neughooghyssagh da ~ alien (to)
neughooghyssid ~ disaffection
neughooie ~ barren (land), extraneous
neughooieid ~ barrenness
neughooinal ~ barbarous
neughooinallys ~ barbarity, inhumanity
neughooinney ~ nullity, nondescript person
neughooinoil ~ inhuman
neughooist ~ unawakened
neughooyteilagh ~ undoubtful
neughooytit ~ undoubt (of person)
neughortagh ~ invulnerable
neughortit ~ unhurt, unharmed
neughowallagh ~ impregnable, unassailable
neughowaltagh ~ non-contagious, non-
neughraihagh ~ unamiable
neughrammeydoil ~ ungrammatical
neughrappit ~ unclimbed
neughraysoil ~ ungraceful
neughreeshagh ~ unexciting
neughreighey ~ unharness
neu-ghreinnagh ~ disincentive
neughreit ~ unfurnished
neughriaghtit ~ unfettered (of horse)
neu-ghrualtys ~ disenchantment
neughseit ~ unfitted (as part)
neughuillagagh ~ leafless, defoliated
neughuintagh ~ invulnerable
neughuirrit ~ unhatched
neuglen ~ bawdy, imperfect, dirty
neugloasid ~ dullness
neuhaaghey ~ forsake, desert
neuhaaghit ~ deserted, forsaken
neuhaaley ~ stoppage of milk, ceasing to flow
neuhaanagh ~ inconstant
neuhaarit ~ uncaptured, uncaught
neuhaartyssagh ~ insuperable
neuhaartyssaght ~ insuperability
neuhaghnagh ~ inevitable, foregone,
neuhaghtnaght ~ inevitability
neuhaghyrt ~ non-event
neuhaghyrtagh ~ uneventful
neuhaglit ~ uncollected, ungathered
neuhaieagh ~ insufficient, immoderate
neuhaieid ~ insufficiency
neuhaieys ~ insufficiency, immoderation
neuhaitnys ~ disagreeableness, displeasure
neuhaitnyssagh ~ disagreeable, displeasing
neuhallaghey ~ incorruption
neuhallooinagh ~ extra-terrestial
neuhappey ~ nonsense
neuharmestey ~ non-intervention
neuharroogh ~ unindustrious, idling, inactive,
slothful, careless
neuharrooghid ~ sloth, inactivity
neuharrooghys ~ inactivity, sloth
neuhassoo-noi ~ non-resistance
neuhassooagh ~ inconsistent, astatic
neuhassooagh-noi ~ irresistible
neuhassooaght ~ instability, inconsistency
neuhassooaght gheiney ~ human frailty
neuhastagh ~ inadvertent, inattentive,
regardless, oblivious, undiscerning
neuhastid ~ inattention, inadvertence, incaution
neuhastit ~ unheeded
neuhayrit ~ uncaught
neuheamys ~ crampedness
neuheamyssagh ~ cramped
neuheeananeit ~ unaccented
neuheeintagh ~ flat-chested
neuheelaght ~ cloudiness
neuheelit ~ unfiltered, cloudy
neuheelt ~ intemperate
neuheeltagh ~ crapulous
neuheeltys ~ intemperance, insobriety,
neuheelys ~ cloud (in liquid)
neuheeoil ~ unconciliatory
neu-heet ~ non-appearance, non-arrival
neuheeynagh ~ inelastic
neuheeyneydys ~ inelasticity
neuheeynt ~ unextended
neuheihllt ~ unearthly
neuheihltagh ~ immaterial, incorporal
neuheihltys ~ immateriality
neuheiltagh ~ eerie, weird, creepy, uncanny,
neuheiltaght ~ otherworldly
neuheiltynagh ~ inconceivable
neuheiltys ~ weirdness, eeriness, creepiness,
neuhelgit ~ unhunted
neuhenndeeagh ~ unhistorical
neuherraghtagh ~ incorruptible
neuheshaghtagh ~ solitary, uncompanionable,
neuheshoilys ~ solitariness
neuheyragh ~ irreclaimable
neuhiaullagh ~ innavigable
neuhickyr ~ insecure, loose, chancy, precarious,
indefinite, infirm, apocryphal, uncertain,
fluky, debatable
neuhickyragh ~ unconvincing, inconclusive
neuhickyraghey ~ unconvince
neuhickyrit ~ unconvinced, unconfirmed,
neuhickyrys ~ precariousness, uncertainty,
looseness, dubiousness, insecurity
neuhickyrys y theihll ~ vicissitudes of life
neuhirmit ~ undrained, undried, uncured
neuhirrit ~ undesired, unexamined
neuhiyragh ~ unhasty, rallentando
neuhiyraghey ~ decelerate, deceleration
neuhnee ~ nothing, nothingness, nonentity, nil,
neuhoaral ~ non-smelling
neuhoiagh er ~ non-aggression
neuhoiaghagh ~ indeterminable
neuhoiggalagh ~ incomprehensible, ignorant
neuhoiggalaght ~ incomprehensibility
neuhoiggaltagh ~ ignorant, brainless, thick
neuhoiggaltys ~ stupidness, ignorance, lack of
neuhoiggalys ~ misunderstanding
neuhoilchinys ~ undeservedness
neuhoilchit ~ ill-deserved, undeserved
neuhoillit ~ undeservedly, undeserved, unearned
(as criticism)
neuhoilshaghey ~ indefinite
neuhoilsheanagh ~ lustreless
neuhoilsheydagh ~ inexplicable
neuhoilshit ~ undeclared, unadvertized,
unexhibited, unexplained, unenlightened
neuhoiltoil ~ involuntary
neuhoit ~ unfixed (as date), flux
neuhollaghey ~ unbribable
neuhollit ~ uncontaminated, undefiled
neuhondagh ~ selfless
neuhonnyssagh ~ scarce
neuhoogh ~ insolvent
neuhooghid ~ insolvency
neuhooilit ~ unfatigued
neuhorchit ~ unassorted
neuhouyr ~ uncomfortable
neuhowshanagh ~ immeasurable
neuhowshit ~ unfitted (as garment)
neuhoyrtyssagh ~ ungenerous
neuhraartagh ~ indestructible
neuhraartaght ~ indestructibility
neuhraaueit ~ unbroken (as ground)
neuhraieagh ~ inexhaustible
neuhreishteilys ~ infidelity, unfaithfulness
neuhreisteilagh ~ unhopeful, perfidious,
neuhreisteilys ~ perfidiousness
neuhroailtit ~ uncrossed (as country)
neuhroaraght ~ infertility
neuhrocairagh ~ ruthless, remorseless, relentless
neuhrocairys ~ relentlessness, ruthlessness
neuhroccairagh ~ inexorable
neuhroggit ~ uncollected (as letter)
neuhrooagh ~ unenviable
neuhrulleeit ~ inviolate
neuhuarymagh ~ unimpressive
neuhuim ~ disinterest, detachment
neuhuittymagh ~ unfaltering (of courage)
neuhuntallagh ~ unfathomable
neuhuntit ~ unfathomed
neuhurrallagh ~ unendurable, intolerable,
neuhurrallaght ~ intolerance
neuhurransagh ~ chronic, intolerable,
unendurable, insufferable, unbearable,
unforbearing, impatient
neuhurransaght ~ intolerance
neuhushtagh ~ foolish, undiscerning
neuhwoaie ~ incaution, inadvertence
neuhwoaieagh ~ incautious
neuhym ~ unconcern, unconcernedness,
neuhymlit ~ unconsumed
neuhymnagh ~ intestate, intestate person
neuhymnaght ~ intestacy
neuhymnoil ~ undevisable
neuhymoil ~ indifferent
neuhymsit ~ ungathered
neuimnea ~ unconcern, unconcernedness
neuimneagh ~ unconcerned, unanxious,
neuimneays ~ insolicitude
neuimraa ~ oblivion
neuimraait ~ unexpressed
neuinsh ~ non-communication
neuinshit ~ undivulged, unannounced (as news)
neuiuit ~ undrunk
neuiuoil ~ undrinkable
neulaadey ~ discharge, unburden, empty (of
neulaadit ~ unburdened
neulaccallagh ~ superfluous
neulaneit ~ undersubscribed
neulauee ~ unhandy, awkward
neulaueid ~ awkwardness
neuleaystagh ~ categorical
neulectragh ~ dielectric
neu-leeideilagh ~ non-conducting, non-
neuleighagh ~ unforgivable
neuleighalagh ~ illegitimate
neuleighoil ~ misbegotten
neuleoaieoil ~ leadless
neuleodagh ~ inexhaustible
neuleodit ~ unimpaired
neuleshtallagh ~ inexcusable
neulettyragh ~ illiterate
neulettyraght ~ illiteracy
neulhaihagh ~ illegible, indecipherable,
neulhaihderys ~ dyslexia
neulheamysagh ~ unblemished, immaculate
neulheeysagh ~ irremediable
neulheiagh ~ infusible
neulheieagh ~ indigestible, insoluble,
indissoluble, irresolvable
neulheiet ~ unfused
neulheieys ~ insolubility
neulheihagh ~ inexcusable
neulheihys ~ incurableness
neulheihysagh ~ incurable
neulheihysaght ~ incurableness
neulheiltagh ~ paraplegic, paralysed, paralytic,
neulheiltaghey ~ paralyse
neulheiltys ~ palsy, paraplegia, paralysis
neulheiltys lhiannooagh ~ infantile paralysis
neulheiltys oikanagh ~ infantile paralysis
neulheit ~ undigested, unassimilated
neulhiantagh ~ non-adhesive, discontinuous
neulhiantynys ~ discontinuity
neulhiasit ~ unamended
neulhiassee ~ incorrigible, irreparable
neulhiastit ~ undressed
neulhiettrimagh ~ indiscriminate
neulhiettrimaght ~ indiscrimination
neulhig ~ forbid
neulhiggal ~ interdict, interdiction, forbid
neulhiggalagh ~ disallow, inhibiting
neulhiggalys ~ inhibition
neulhiggey ~ forbid
neulhiggit ~ forbidden
neulhoobagh ~ rigid, stiff, formal, intractable,
unbending, unfaltering, inflexible
neulhoobid ~ rigidity, stiffness, formality,
intractability, inflexibility
neulivreit ~ undelivered
neulivreys ~ non-delivery
neuloaghtagh ~ abstract, insensible, impalpable,
neuloaghtit ~ unhandled
neuloaghtys ~ abstraction, insensibility
neuloamrit ~ unfleeced
neuloauagh ~ incorruptible
neuloauid ~ incorruption
neuloauys ~ incorruption
neuloayrtagh ~ ineffability, inexpressible,
ineffable, uncommunicative, reserved
neuloghtagh ~ sinless, blameless, unblamable,
impeccable, innocent, irreprehensible,
neuloghtaght ~ impeccability
neuloghtal ~ slight injury
neuloghtalid ~ slightness of injury
neuloghtynid ~ innocence, inoffensiveness,
neuloghtynys ~ guiltlessness, innocence
neuloghtys ~ numbness
neulonragh ~ mat, flat (of colour)
neuloshagh ~ uninflammable
neuloshtagh ~ incombustible
neulossanagh ~ non-luminous
neulostagh ~ fire-resisting
neulowal ~ unfit (unjust), disallow
neulowalys ~ unfitness
neulowit ~ disallowed
neulughtaghey ~ discharge
neulughtey ~ discharge
neulughtit ~ unencumbered, undischarged (as
neunaardagh ~ indelible
neunearagh ~ flagrant, audacious
neunhaghey ~ nullify
neunhee ~ cipher, zero
neunhee thallooin ~ ground zero
neunheeaghey ~ annihilation, nullity, annihilate
neunheeaghys ~ annulment
neunheeys ~ nihilism, annihilation
neunheeyseyr ~ nihilist
neuoainjeragh ~ legitimacy, legitimate
neuoanluckit ~ unburied
neuoastagh ~ inhospitable
neuoastys ~ inhospitality
neuoayllaashagh ~ violent (as person)
neuoayllagh ~ unacquainted
neuoayllagh rish ~ unaccustomed (of person)
neuobbalagh ~ undeniable
neuobbit ~ uncontradicted, undenied
neuobbragh ~ inoperative, non-functional,
neuobbraght ~ ineffectiveness
neuobbree ~ non-functional
neuoghyragh ~ spawnless, roeless
neuoikoil ~ off the record
neuoirrit ~ unflanged
neuoltagh ~ inarticulate, limbless
neuoltaghey ~ dismember
neuoltey ~ non-member
neuoltooanagh ~ irreproachable
neuoney ~ unchaste
neuonid ~ unchastity
neuooasle ~ unexalted, ungentlemanly, ignoble
neuoolit ~ unestimated, undetermined
neuorgaanagh ~ inorganic
neuornaidagh ~ quiet of dress
neuourys ~ trustfulness
neuouryssagh ~ indubitable, trustful
neuoyrdagh ~ causeless
neuphardoonagh ~ irremissible
neupharteeagh ~ non-party
neupharteeaght ~ non-intervention
neupharteeasagh ~ unconcerned (involved),
neupheccoil ~ impeccable
neupheccoilid ~ impeccability
neupheeikearagh ~ incurious
neupheeshey ~ dismantle
neuphersoonagh ~ impersonal
neuphiandagh ~ painless
neuphointit ~ unappointed
neupholitickagh ~ non-political
neuphooaral ~ powerless
neuphoost ~ single, unmarried
neuphriosoil ~ cheap
neuphryssoonit ~ unimprisoned
neuphundailit ~ unimpounded
neuphussagh ~ thin-faced
neuraadit ~ unanchored
neuraagh ~ ineffable
neuraauee ~ precipitate
neuraaueit ~ unadmonished
neurea ~ lumpy, rough, scraggy, entangled,
uneven (as ground)
neureagh ~ mirthless
neureaghagh ~ irreconcilable
neureaghee ~ inextricable, indecisive,
neureaghey ~ disarrangement, disarrange
neureagheydys ~ indecesion
neureaghit ~ unarranged, unfixed (as date),
uncombed, unbrushed (as hair), aimless
neureaghys ~ aimlessness
neureaid ~ irregularity, unevenness (of land)
neureajagh ~ incorrect, disorderly, indiscreet,
neureajaght ~ incorrectness
neureajid ~ indiscretion, disorderliness
neureajys ~ disorderliness, disorganization,
neureayrtagh ~ obscure
neureays ~ scragginess
neureddey ~ ravel out
neureeartys ~ peevishness
neureejeragh ~ unchivalrous
neureggyragh ~ unaccountable, discrepant,
neureggyraght ~ imcompatibility, disparity
neureggyrit ~ unanswered, uncontroverted
neureggyrt ~ disobey
neureggyrtagh ~ incontrovertible, unanswerable
neureggyrtys ~ contrariety, discrepancy
neureihit ~ unchosen, unelected
neureiht ~ unelected, unchosen
neureilt ~ abnormal, haphazard
neureiltagh ~ heteroclite
neureiltaght ~ haphazardness
neureiltys ~ abnormality, abnormity
neureireydagh ~ non-executive
neuresoon ~ irrationality, illogicality
neuresoonagh ~ irrational, illogical
neureuyrit ~ unbroken (as ground)
neurheamysagh ~ incommodious
neurheamysaght ~ incommodiousness
neurheynnagh ~ indistributable, individual
neurheynnaght ~ indivisibility
neurheynneydagh ~ incommunicable, indivisible
neurheynnit ~ whole, undivided, undistributed,
neurieugh ~ imaginary
neuriojey ~ unfreeze
neuriojit ~ unfrozen
neurioosagh ~ inadvertent
neurioose ~ neglect, inadvertence
neuroieder ~ non-starter
neuroit ~ unexhausted
neuronney ~ indivisible, incommunicable
neuronsit ~ unexplored
neuronsoilagh ~ inexplorable, inscrutable
neuronsoilid ~ inscrutability
neuroostit ~ unbarked
neuroshtynagh ~ inaccessible, unattainable
neuroshtynid ~ inaccessibility
neuroshtynys ~ unattainableness
neuruggit ~ unborn
neusampleyrit ~ unexampled
neusayntoil ~ uncovetous
neuscaagh ~ undaunted
neuscaant ~ uncracked
neuscaapoil ~ ineluctable
neuscansh ~ unimportance, disesteem, disregard
neuscanshoil ~ unimportant, trivial, footling
neuscanshoil jeh ~ disregardful
neuscapailagh ~ inescapable
neuscarreydagh ~ indissoluble, inseparable
neuscartagh ~ indivisible, inseparable
neuscelt ~ uncloven
neuschleioil ~ inexpert
neuscolbit ~ unchipped
neuscoltit ~ ungutted
neuscrialtagh ~ inscrutable, inscrutability
neuscrutit ~ unaudited
neuscughee ~ immovable
neusecktagh ~ non-sectarian
neushaghrynagh ~ unerring, infallible
neushaghrynys ~ infallibility
neusheiltynagh ~ unimaginable
neuskeabit ~ unbrushed (as road)
neuskeaylt ~ undispelled
neuskee ~ unfatigued
neuskeeagh ~ indefatigable
neuskianagh ~ wingless, apterous
neuskielleydagh ~ harmless, inoffensive
neuskielleydys ~ harmlessness, inoffensiveness
neuskiogh ~ dishevelled
neuskioghey ~ dishevel
neuskyrraghtagh ~ non-skid
neuslaanit ~ unhealed
neuslane ~ incomplete, imperfect
neuslanid ~ incompleteness
neuslanjeant ~ imperfect
neuslattysagh ~ illicit
neuslayntoil ~ insanitary, unhealthy (of person)
neuslayntoilid ~ insanitariness, unhealthiness
neusloateil ~ non-stop rain
neusluggit ~ unabsorbed
neusmaghit ~ unafflicted
neusmaght ~ permissiveness, licentiousness
neusmaghtagh ~ lawless, licentious, permissive,
intractable, incorrigible, irrepressible
neusmaghtee ~ uncontrollable
neusmaghtid ~ intractability
neusmaghtit ~ uncontrolled, uncorrected,
undisciplined (as child)
neusmarrit ~ ungreased
neusmegginagh ~ chinless
neusmooi naght agh ~ uni magi nabl e,
neusmooinit er ~ unconsidered (of things)
neusnaueder ~ non-swimmer
neusoaral ~ odourless
neusolley ~ unenjoyment
neusoo-oil ~ juiceless
neusooit ~ unabsorbed
neusoylit ~ uncompared
neuspeeideilagh ~ hapless
neuspeiyt ~ unhacked, unhoed
neuspinney ~ inelasticity
neuspinneydagh ~ unelastic, inelastic
neuspoiyt ~ uncastrated, ungelded
neustholkeyr ~ scab
neustiuragh ~ disabled, uncontrollable (as ship)
neustiuraght ~ disablement
neustolkeyr ~ black-leg
neustreeanagh ~ overmastering
neustreeanit ~ uncurbed, uncontrolled
neustreeuit ~ uncontested
neustrepit ~ uncontested
neustroit ~ undestroyed, unconsumed
neustundayrtit ~ non-standardized
neusuntit ~ uncharted (as sea), chartless
neusymnit ~ uncited
neu-ullee ~ unconversant, offhand
neu-ulleeit ~ extemporaneous
neu-undinagh ~ non-fundamental
neu-unnaneys ~ disunity
neu-unnaneysagh ~ non-unionist
neuvaasoil ~ immortal
neuvacoil ~ unfilial
neuvaghagh ~ uninhabitable
neuvaghee ~ non-resident
neuvaghey ~ non-residence
neuvaghtal ~ vague, indistinct, abstruse,
imperceptible, inconspicuous
neuvaghtalid ~ indistinctness
neuvaghtallagh ~ obscure, indeterminate
neuvaghtallaght ~ indetermination
neuvaghtallys ~ vagueness, abstruseness,
inconspicuousness, confusedness
neuvaiagh ~ impartial
neuvaiaght ~ impartiality
neuvaihagh ~ inexcusable
neuvaiht ~ undrowned
neuvainshtyragh ~ invincible
neuvainshtyraght ~ invincibility
neuvakinagh ~ imperceptible
neuvanglanagh ~ lopped
neuvannee ~ unblessed, unblest
neuvanninagh ~ non-Manx
neuvannit ~ unblessed, unblest
neuvarb ~ unharsh
neuvarganagh ~ not negotiable
neuvarranagh ~ infallible
neuvarranaght ~ infallibility
neuvarrantagh ~ undependable
neuvarrantit ~ unguaranteed
neuvarranys ~ infallibility
neuvarriaghtagh ~ unconquerable, insuperable
neuvarriaghtys ~ insuperability
neuvarvaanagh ~ incorruptible, immortal,
neuvarvaanys ~ deathlessness, immortality
neuvashtit ~ unbaptized, unchristened
neuvashtynagh ~ inaccessible
neuvaynrey ~ sad, miserable, unhappy
neuvaynrys ~ sadness, unhappiness,
neuveaghit ~ unfed
neuveanagh ~ off-centre
neuveasagh ~ impolite
neuveasaght ~ impoliteness
neuveayllit ~ undamped
neuveayn ~ ephemeral, fluid, impermanent,
temporary, non-durable, short-lived, passing,
transient, transitory
neuveaynid ~ impermanence, fluidity
neuveayntys ~ transience, inconstancy
neuveays ~ non-existence
neuveein ~ indocile, coarse
neuveeinagh ~ implacable, inexorable,
unappeasable (hatred)
neuveeinid ~ implacability, indocility
neuveeinit ~ unappeased
neuveenid ~ coarseness, savageness
neuveihagh ~ imponderable
neuveihaghey ~ imbalance
neuveihlt ~ unground
neuveiyghagh ~ unappeasable (hatred)
neuveiyghit ~ unappeased
neuventynagh ~ unconnected, intangible,
inaccessible, unapproachable (person)
neuventynagh (rish) ~ irrelevant
neuventynys ~ inaccessibility, intangibilty,
immateriality, irrelevance
neuvergagh ~ non-rusting, rustless
neuvessoil ~ infecund, unfruitful, infertile,
barren, jejune
neuvessoilid ~ infertility, barrenness,
neuvestit ~ unadulterated
neuveysagh ~ uncompliant, ungentle
neuviallagh ~ disobedient, illiberal
neuvilleydagh ~ incorruptible
neuvillit ~ unimpaired
neuving ~ dissonant, unharmonious
neuvingys ~ dissonance
neuvingyssagh ~ anharmonic
neuvinjit ~ uncoagulated, uncurdled, unclotted
neuvio ~ dead, still
neuvioal ~ moribund
neuvioyr ~ inactive, listless, tame, run-down,
spiritless, flat (mood), moribund
neuvioyraghey ~ benumbing, enervate,
benumb, disable
neuvioyraght ~ unconsciousness, insensibility
neuvioyral ~ inactive
neuvioyree ~ benumb, disable
neuvioyrid ~ inactivity, enervation,
senselessness, insensibility, listlessness
neuvioyrit ~ enervated
neuvirragh ~ blunt
neuvirrid ~ bluntness
neuvlayst ~ insipidity
neuvlaystal ~ insipid, unappetizing, tasteless
neuvlaystallys ~ insipidity
neuvleaystanagh ~ non-explosive
neuvoaddagh ~ incombustible
neuvochillit ~ unherded
neuvodjallit ~ clear, cloudless
neuvoggit ~ unaspirated
neuvoggoilid ~ joylessness
neuvoidynagh ~ unchaste, immodest (woman)
neuvoiljagh ~ blameless
neuvoiljid ~ blamelessness
neuvoirey ~ unconcernedness, unconcern
neuvoirit ~ carefree, undisturbed, unbothered,
imperturbed, unconcerned
neuvolley ~ infallibility
neuvolleydagh ~ infallible
neuvollit ~ undisappointed, unduped,
neuvolteyragh ~ frank
neuvolteyraght ~ frankness
neuvondeish ~ inutility, disadvantage
neuvondeishagh ~ unfavourable, profitless,
neuvonnagh ~ secular
neuvooaralgh ~ quiet of dress
neuvooghee ~ inextinguishable, indelible
neuvooisal ~ ungrateful, thankless
neuvraaragh ~ unbrotherly
neuvrasnit ~ unencouraged
neuvreddit ~ unhatchelled (as flax)
neuvree ~ nullity, indolence, inefficacy,
neuvreeagh ~ inefficacious
neuvreeaghey ~ enfeebling, enervate
neuvreeoil ~ unexciting, ineffective, impotent,
weak (as drink)
neuvreeoilid ~ ineffectiveness
neuvreidaghey ~ apocalypse
neuvrisheydagh ~ inviolable
neuvrisheydaght ~ inviolability
neuvrisht ~ unbroken
neuvriwnyssagh ~ injudicious
neu-vriwnyssit ~ ill-considered
neuvroachit ~ unbroached
neuvroghe ~ undirtied
neuvroiet ~ unboiled
neu-vroilleyder ~ deburrer
neuvrynnagh ~ uncomplimentary
neuvrynneragh ~ unflattering
neuvrynnyragh ~ uncomplimentary
neuvuinnit ~ uncut (as crop)
neuvuint ~ unharvested
neuvunnagh ~ non-basis
neuvurriagh ~ impatient
neuvyghinagh ~ inexorable, ruthless, relentless,
neuvyghinid ~ barbarity, ruthlessness,
neuvyn ~ rough-grained
neuvynney ~ non-juring
neuwalkit ~ unfulled
neuwhuinnit ~ unharvested
neuwooiagh ~ reluctant, averse, disinclined,
discontented, recalcitrant
neuwooisal ~ ungrateful, thankless
neuwooise ~ thanklessness, ingratitude
neuwooiys ~ repugnance, discontentment,
neuwoyagh ~ plain, unbeautiful, uncomely
neuwoyid ~ plainness
neuyaagheyder ~ non-smoker
neuyannoo ~ non-performance, abrogation,
neuyannooagh ~ impossible
neuyantagh ~ impossible
neuyantagh cur ergooyl ~ irreversible
neuyantagh dy chur er ash ~ irreversible
neuyantaght ~ impossibility
neuyantys ~ impossibility
neuyargaght ~ impossibility
neuyarroodagh ~ unforgetful, unforgettable,
neuyarroodit ~ unforgotten, remembered
neuyarroodys ~ retentiveness, unforgetfulness
neuyeadid ~ neglect, negligence
neuyeadys ~ negligence, neglect
neuyeant ~ unfinished, undone, incomplete
neuyeeagh ~ atheistic(al)
neuyeeaghtagh ~ impious
neuyeean ~ apathetic
neuyeeanid ~ apathy
neuyeearagh ~ back-handed
neuyeearreeit ~ undesired
neuyeearreeoil ~ undesirable
neuyeeigagh ~ unditched, inexhaustible,
neuyeeillagh ~ insolent
neuyeeillaght ~ insolence
neuyeeilley ~ non-payment
neuyeeinymaght ~ incontinence
neuyeeinymnee ~ unchaste, incontinent
neuyeeinymneeaght ~ unchastity
neu-yeelys ~ disaffected
neuyeen ~ leaky
neuyeenagh ~ pervious
neuyeenaght ~ permeability
neuyeenid ~ perviousness, leakiness
neuyeeragh ~ unfair, crooked, indirect,
neuyeerid ~ crookedness, indirectness
neuyeerys ~ unfairness, injustice, iniquity
neuyeeys ~ atheism
neuyeidagh ~ negligent, indiscreet
neuyeidys ~ indiscretion
neuyeight ~ unclosed
neu-yennal ~ mirthless
neu-yennalys ~ mirthlessness
neuyerinaght ~ infinity
neuyerkallagh ~ unhopeful
neuyerkid ~ unexpectedness
neuyerkit ~ unexpected
neuyerrinagh ~ unending, infinite
neuyesh ~ improper, incorrect, clumsy,
unbecoming, incongruous, inapplicable,
inelegant, undesirable
neuyeshid ~ awkwardness, incorrectness,
improperness, incongruity, impropriety,
neuyiallit ~ unbleached
neuyiarnagh ~ non-ferrous
neuyiarrit ~ unabridged, uncensored
neuyingnit ~ unfortified
neu-ymloayrtagh ~ plain-spoken
neuymmychagh ~ needless
neuymmyd ~ disuse, inutility
neuymmyrch ~ redundancy
neuymmyrchagh ~ redundant, inessential,
neuymmyrkit ~ uncarried, unborne, miscarried
neuynrick ~ affected, unfaithful, insincere
neuynrickys ~ insincerity, unfaithfulness,
imperfection, improbity
neuynsagh ~ illiteracy, ineducable
neuynsit ~ ignorant, uneducated, illiterate
neuyoanit ~ undusted
neuyollysagh ~ ungreedy
neuyuntal ~ disjoin
neuyuntit ~ disjoined, disjointed
nhedderagh ~ fidget
nhee ~ object, item, matter, fact, thing, concern
nhee ennagh ~ something
nhee er ny jannoo ~ fait accompli
nhee erbee ~ anything
nhee s'ooashley ~ sublime
nhee thie cloie ~ property
nheeagh ~ material
nheeghyn ~ datum
nheeoil ~ corporeal
y niagh ~ the steed
niaghan ~ washing
niaghyn ~ laundry, laundering, washing, wash
niar ~ east, easterly, from the east
Yn Niar ~ Orient
niar ass ~ south-east
Y Niar Foddey ~ The Far East
niar hwoaie ~ north-easterly, north-east
niar niar hwoaie ~ east-north-east
niart ~ power, strength, force, weight of a blow,
cogency, vehemence, abundance, validity,
drastic, much
niart aigney ~ fortitude, moral fibre, willpower
niart breneenagh ~ atomic power
niart dean ~ goal power
niart gunn ~ fire power
niart marrey ~ naval strength
niart mean shaghnagh ~ centrifugal force
niart mooinjer ~ great many people
niart ny glionteenyn ~ hydroelectric power
niart ny greiney ~ solar power
niart ny labreeyn ~ worker power
niart sleih ~ man-power, powerful lot of people
niart tannee ~ staying power
niart ushtey-lectragh ~ hydroelectric power
niart y veisht ~ brute force
niartaghey ~ affirm, intensify, reinforce,
strengthen, stiffen, confirm, fortify,
consolidate, invigorate, extend, cement,
brace, nerve, confirmation, consolidation,
fortification, affirmation, reinforcement
niartaghey lesh docamad ~ document
niartaghey (myr feanish) ~ documentation
niartaghey (slaynt) ~ building up
niartaght ~ strength
niartal ~ strong, potent, forcible, strong bodied,
cogent, powerful
niartallagh ~ strong person, forceful
niartallys breneenagh ~ atomic capability
niarteyder ~ strengthener
niartit ~ confirmed, corroborated, consolidated,
affirmed, strengthened
niartveih ~ variometer, dynamometer
niass ~ southerly
niau ~ heaven
niauagh ~ heavenly, celestial
niaul ~ cloud
niauoil ~ divine, heavenly
niauoilagh ~ celestial
nicklaghey ~ nickel
nickyl ~ nickel
nickylphlaitey ~ nickel plate
nicoteen ~ nicotine
niee ~ wash, launder, bathe, pan, flush
niee jeh ~ wash off
niee magh ~ wash out
nieeagh ~ abstergent
nieeder ~ washer (person), laundryman,
nieeder airh ~ gold-washer
nieeder boteil ~ bottle-washer
nieeder jyst ~ dish-washer
nieet ~ washed
niessey ~ nearer
niessid ~ proximity, nearness, contiguity
nieu ~ poison, toxic, venom, virus, toxaemia,
nieu chiart ~ rank poison
nieu-oaylleeaght ~ toxicology
nieu-vartlhan ~ vermicide, vermifuge
nieuagh ~ venomous, poisonous
nieuaghey ~ poisoning, poison
nieuder ~ spitfire
nieuit ~ poisoned
nieunagh ~ poisonous, toxic, venomous,
virulent, scathing, deadly, vitriolic, bleak (of
wind), bitter (as enemy);snakiness
nieunaght ~ poisonousness, virulence
nieuniag ~ cry-baby
nieunid ~ venomousness
nieunys ~ venomousness, poisonousness
niggyr ~ nigger (perj)
Niglus ~ Nicholas, Nick
Nikkesen ~ water demon
nimfagh ushtey ~ water nymph
N'irrin eh! ~ It's the truth!
nish ~ now, at this time
nish as reesht ~ now and then, once in a while,
occasionally, intermittent, on and off
nish hene ~ instantly, even now
Nish myr ta! ~ Now then!
nish ny dyn dy bragh ~ now or never
nishtagh ~ now
nittal ~ knitting, knit
nittalagh ~ knitter
nittit ~ knitted
niumoan ~ pneumonia
niuniag ~ crying child, crosspatch
niurin ~ hell, underworld, inferno, pit, nether
niurinagh ~ infernal, infernal spirit
noa ~ new, modern, novel, fresh, recent,
noa- ~ (prefix) neo-, new
noa-cheaut ~ new-fallen
noa-chiaddit ~ newfangled
noa-chlassicys ~ neo-classicism
noa-choloinaghys ~ neo-colonialism
noa-chredjaltagh ~ convert, neophyte
noa-chredjuagh ~ neophyte
noa-chummit ~ newly formed
noa-emshiragh ~ modern, modernistic,
latterday, new-style
noa-emshyragh ~ see noa-emshiragh
noa-emshiraght ~ modernity, modernism
noa-emshyraght ~ see noa-emshiraght
noa-feddynit ~ new-found
noa-ghient ~ nascent
noa-ghientys ~ nascency
noa-Ghreagish ~ neo-Greek
Noa-Ghuinee ~ New Guinea
noa-hayrnit ~ new-drawn
Noa Heelan ~ New Zealand
Noa-Heelanagh ~ New Zealander
noa-Ladjyn ~ neo-Latin
noa-ockle ~ modernism, neologism
noa-phlastaghys ~ neoplasticism
noa-phost ~ outpost
noa-roshtynagh ~ new arrival
noa-ruggit ~ new-born
noa-vaarit ~ newly-shaven
noa-varrooit ~ fresh-killed
noa-verht ~ newlaid, new-born
noa-vreyit ~ newlaid, new-born
noa-yeant ~ new-made
noad ~ node
noadagher ~ grafter
noadaghey ~ graft
noadaghey crackan ~ skin grafting
noader ~ originator, innovator
noadyr ~ neither
noaght ~ newness, modernity, novelty,
noaid ~ innovation, originality, newness,
novelty, freshness
noal ~ across, over, hence, homewards, from
beyond, hither
noalittagh ~ neolithic
noanagh ~ rookie, fledgling, new-fangled,
unfledged, greenhorn
noanaght ~ modishness
noanee ~ recruit, newcomer, new boy, novice
noanid ~ recentness, novelty
noaskeeal ~ novel
noaskeeal beg ~ novelette
noaskeealagh ~ novelist
noatey ~ banknote
noatey queig puint ~ fiver
noatey staaitchishtey ~ treasury note
noays ~ novelty, newness
nog ~ egg-nog
noggaghey ~ nog
noght ~ tonight
noght hene ~ even tonight
noi ~ counter, averse, against, versus, cross
n'oi ~ against him
noi- ~ (prefix) anti-, counter-
noi-aggyrt ~ counter-claim
noi-chastey ~ antidote, countercheck
noi-chatoleagh ~ anticatholic
noi-cheayllagh ~ antonymous
noi-cheeayl ~ antonym
noi-chialg ~ counterplot
noi-chiassaghey ~ antipyretic
noi-chleragh ~ anticlerical
noi-chleraghys ~ anticlericalism
noi-chooish ~ countercharge
noi-chormid ~ equipoise
noi-chorpeen ~ antibody
noi-chosheeaght ~ countermarch
noi-chrankys ~ antiknock
noi-chummylt ~ antifriction
noi cliaghtey ~ unconventional
noi-eab ~ counter-effort
noi-etlan ~ anti-aircraft
noi-Ewnagh ~ anti-Semitic
noi-Ewnaghys ~ anti-Semitism
noi-fockley magh ~ counter-declaration
noi-freihagh ~ petulant, wilful, uncooperative,
controversial, perverse, reluctant
noi-freihys ~ perverseness, petulance, wilfulness
noi-ghallagh ~ antidazzle
noi-hayrnys ~ counter-attraction
noi-heshaghtagh ~ antisocial
noi-hionney ~ counterbrace
noi-hoiagh ~ counter-offensive
noi-hoiaghey ~ countercharge, counter-attack
noi-hollaghey ~ antifouling
noi-hreealtys ~ counter-proposition
noi-ingyrane ~ antiseptic
noi-ingyrys ~ antisepsis
noi-irree-magh ~ counter-revolution(ary)
noi-irreyder magh ~ counter-revolutionary
noi-leighaght ~ antinomy
noi-logartym ~ antilogarithm
noi-nieu ~ antipoison
noi-noad ~ antinode
noi ny saggyrtyn ~ anticlerical
noi-oardagh ~ cancellation, countermand
noi-oardaghey ~ countermand
noi-phishag ~ countercharm
noi-physhoon ~ antitoxin
noi-physhoonagh ~ antitoxic
noi (red) ~ repugnant
noi-riojey ~ antifreeze
noi ry hoi ~ contrariwise, against one another,
noi shen ~ conversely
noi-shickloan ~ anticyclone
noi-shickloanagh ~ anticyclonic
noi-skyrragh ~ antislide, antiskid
noi-sleih ~ anti-personnel
noi-speeikearys ~ counter-intelligence
noi-streeu ~ counter-current
noi-tank ~ antitank
noi-traghtee ~ antitrade
noi-vaagh ~ antibiotic
noi-vacteyragh ~ antibacterial
noi-Vanninagh ~ anti-Manx
noi-vass ~ contrabass
noi-viogharrey ~ antivivisectionist
noi-voalley ~ counterscarp, counter-wall
noi-vrasneyder ~ counterirritant
noi-vreihagh ~ cussed, difficult, malgrained
noi-vreihys ~ perverseness, cross-grainedness,
rebelliousness, cussedness
noi-vrialtys ~ counter-enquiry
Ny Noi-Vuill ~ antipodes
noi-vuilley ~ counterstroke, counter
noi y cheilley ~ opposing, contradictory,
noi-yiennaghtagh ~ contraceptive
noi-yiennaghtane ~ contraceptive
noi-yiennaghtyn ~ contraception
noi-yngyragh ~ antiseptic
noiaght ~ antithesis
noiaghtagh ~ antithetic(al)
noid ~ adversary, foe, enemy, antagonist
Noid ny h-Anmey ~ Satan, The Devil, The Evil
One, Belial
noidagh ~ inimical, hostile, antagonistic, adverse
noidaght ~ hostility
noidanys ~ hostility
noidyn foshlit ~ avowed enemies
noidys ~ antagonism, feud, hostility, animosity,
noi'n chlag ~ counter-clockwise, anticlockwise
noi'n ghrian ~ counter-clockwise, anticlockwise
noi'n Phaab ~ antipope
noi'n troa ~ against the stream, perverse
noiys ~ opposition, prejudice
Nollick [f] ~ Christmastide, Christmas, Yule
Nollick Veg ~ New Year
Nollick Vooar ~ Christmas
nomprayl ~ nonpareil
noo ~ holy, beatific, consecrated, sacred, saint,
noo-chionnaghey ~ simony
noo-hennaghys ~ hagiography, hagiographer
Noo Moirrey Malaine ~ Saint Mary Magdalene
Noo Niglus ~ Santa Klaus
noo-oaylleeaght ~ hagiological
noo-oayllys ~ hagiological
Noo Perick ~ Saint Patrick
noo-screeuder ~ hagiographer
noo-screeuderys ~ hagiography
Noo Thomaase ~ Saint Thomas
nooagh ~ sacredly
nooaghey ~ canonization, sanctify, sanctification
nooaght ~ sacredness, saintliness
noodyl ~ noodle
noogar ~ nougat
nooghey ~ sanctify
noon ~ PTO, please turn over, over, hence,
thither (from speaker), yonder
noon as noal ~ hither and thither, hence and
thence, to and fro
Noorey vie ort! ~ Good luck to you! Good on
nooyr ~ saintly, sanctified
nooyrid ~ saintliness
Nordagh ~ Nordic
Norlann ~ Norway
Norlannagh ~ Norwegian
Norlannish ~ Norwegian
norm ~ norm
Normanagh ~ Norman
notey ~ note
notey oor ~ appoggiatura
noteyn ~ jottings
noteyn ardey ~ top notes
noteyn baghtagyn ~ marginal notes
noteyn oirragh ~ marginal notes
noteyr ~ notary
noteyr theayagh ~ Notary public
noteyraght ~ notation
noteyraght jeihoil ~ decimal notation
noud ~ grey gurnard
novishagh ~ novice
novishaght ~ noviciate
nuiddragh ~ caressing, cuddle, caress
nuiddraghey ~ spoon, neck, pet (as lovers)
nuiddraghys ~ petting, sport (with girl),
embracing, embrace, caress, necking
nullarnee ~ howling
nuntys ~ nuncio
nuntyssagh ~ nunciate
nuntyssaght ~ nunciature
nuntyssys ~ nunciate
nurree ~ last year
nuy ~ nine
nuy-cheayrtyn ~ ninefold
nuy-filley ~ ninefold
nuy jeig ~ nineteen
nuy-uillinagh ~ nonagonal, nonagon
nuyeshid ~ clumsiness
nuyoo ~ ninth
nuyoo jeig ~ nineteenth
ny ~ the; who, what; do not, not; of, whether;
nor, or
Ny bee imnea ort! ~ Don't worry!
Ny Ceau Tombaacey ~ No Smoking
Ny gleash! ~ Keep steady!
Ny gow ort! ~ Don't fret!
Ny jean boirey! ~ Don't worry!
Ny Jig Stiagh ~ No Entry
Ny surr! ~ Permit not!
ny-goo-yallooyn ~ talkies
n'yiarrys ~ shall say?
nymphagh ~ nymph
nyn ~ your, their, theirs, ours, our
Nyn Ayr t'ayns Niau ~ Our heavenly father
nyn drooid ~ through them
nyn gour ~ towards you, for (us you them),
prepared for them
nyn guaiyl ~ towards them
Nyn Jiarn ~ Our Lord
nyn lheid ~ suchlike
nyn lurg ~ after (us you them)
nyn mooinjer ~ our relations
nyn neesht ~ both
nyn neesht (ry-cheilley) ~ conjointly
nyn oi ~ against (us you them)
Nyn Onnor ~ Your Eminence, Your Honour
nyn shennayraghyn ~ our predecessors
nyn soie ~ sitting, seated
nyn vegooish ~ without (us you them)
nyn vud ~ among them
nyn yees ~ conjointly, both
nyn yei ~ after (us you them)
nyn yioin ~ for their purpose
O! ~ Ah! Oh!
O Yee! ~ O God!
O.A. ~ M.L.C
oaasle ~ high-born
oabbyr ~ hop (of mill), seedlip, clapper
oaiagh ~ perjured, abominable
oaiaght ~ perjury
oaiaghtagh ~ perjured person
oaiaghter ~ perjurer
oaie [f] ~ grave, front, facade, face, frontage,
sepulchre, facial, exposure
oaie-daaney ~ brazen browed
oaie doont ~ poker-face
oaie ghroamagh ~ heavy features
oaie gys cooyl ~ open-plan
oaie ny marrey ~ sea front
oaie ry hoaie rish ~ vis-a-vis
oaieagh ~ sepulchral, blasphemous
oaieyn as cooylyn ~ heads and tails
oaieys ~ perjury
oaighyn ~ catacombs
oailuckey ~ bury
oainjeragh ~ adulterine
oainjeraghey ~ bastardize
oainjerys ~ bastardy, bastardism
oainjyr ~ mistress, prostitute, whore
oainjyragh ~ illegitimate
oainjyrys ~ illegitimacy
oaiys ~ perjury
oalagh ~ expert
oalaght ~ expertness
oalan ~ wafer, altar bread, host
oalan chasherick ~ Eucharist, consecrated altar
oalan vannee ~ Eucharist, consecrated altar
oalanagh ~ waferlike
oaldaght ~ savageness, wildness
oaldey ~ predatory, rapacious, wolfish, wild (as
animal), savage, uncivilized
oallys ~ usage
oallys-vea varrey ~ marine biology
oalsum ~ cow tie
oalys ~ science, cognizance, spell, instinct
oalyssagh ~ enchanter, enchanting, well-
informed, mystic
oanluckey ~ bury, inter, entomb; committal,
interment, burial, burying; hush up
oanluckey 'sy thalloo ~ inhumane
oanluckey thallooin ~ inhumanation
oanluckeyder ~ burier, funeral director,
oanluckeyr ~ undertaker
oanluckeyrys ~ undertaking (funerals)
oanluckit ~ buried, interred
oanlyn ~ relish
oanrey ~ petticoat
oanrey jiarg ~ red petticoat
oar ~ gold
oar millish ~ sweet smell
oard [f] ~ sledge hammer, hammer
oard cruggagh ~ ball-peen hammer
oard cummaght ~ power hammer
oard inginagh ~ claw-hammer
oardagh ~ ritual, ordinance, dispensation,
directive, decree, behest, order, arrangement,
sequence, commission, rite, array, decretory,
direction, fiat
oardagh bannit ~ holy orders
oardagh billad ~ billet
oardagh meansal ~ maintenance order
oardagh ny hagglish ~ church ordinance
oardagh resowirys ~ receiving order
oardagh scarree ~ separation order
oardagh trooid yn phost ~ mail order
oardagh (yn erin) ~ canon
oardagher ~ ritualist
oardaghey ~ order, commission, dispense,
ordain, command, rank, bidding, authorize,
indent, decree
oardaghey jeh ~ order off
oardaghey jerrinagh ~ decree absolute
oardaghey magh ~ order out
oardaghey stiagh ~ order in
oardaghys ~ ritualism
oarderit ~ ordered, ordained
oarderit er dy rieau ~ pre-ordained
oarderit rolaue ~ bespoke
oardeyr ~ hammerman
oardeyr co-hooyl ~ marching order
oardinaid ~ ordinate
oardit ~ ordained, ordered, authorized, decreed
oardoil ~ orderly, ordinal
oardraghey ~ bid (order)
oardrail ~ ordination, prescription, prescribe
oardrailagh ~ prescriptive
oardreil ~ bid (order)
oardreilagh ~ ruler, imperative, ordinand,
oardreilys ~ system, order
oardyr ~ order
oardyr caggee ~ battle order
Oardyr ny Honnane ~ Order of the Thistle
Oardyr! Oardeyr! ~ Chair! Chair!
oarlagh ~ inch
oarn [f] ~ barley
oarn-chorrey ~ barley seed
oarn skihlt ~ pearl barley
oarn vooar ~ winter barley
oarnag villish ~ barley sugar
oarree ~ foreigner
oaseir ~ overseer, superintendent, warden,
oaseiragh ~ supervisory, superintending
oaseiraghey ~ superintend, supervise, oversee
oaseirys ~ supervision, wardenship,
supervisorship, superintendence
oash ~ wont, mannerism, vogue, habit, manner,
custom, formality
oash fuilt ~ hairstyle
oashagh ~ customary, habitual
oasht ~ female sheep, ewe, yearling (sheep)
oashyn ny cheerey ~ native customs
oashyr [f] ~ blade (of grass); sock, stocking
oashyr abaneagh ~ ankle sock
oashyr gheayee ~ drogue
oashyr slattagh ~ spatterdash
oashyr veg ~ sock
oashyragh ~ hosier, bladed, coming into blade,
boll (as corn)
oashyraght ~ hosiery
oashyryn ~ hose
oashyryn asnagh ~ ribbed stockings
oashyryn asnee ~ ribbed hose
oashyryn baney ~ white stockings
oashyryn bouinagh ~ tights
oashyryn markee ~ riding stockings
oashyryn moggyllagh ~ open-work stockings
oashyryn nailyn ~ nylon stockings
oashyryn olley ~ woollen stockings
oashyryn sheeidey ~ silk stockings
oaslum ~ fetter
oast ~ frequented
oastagh ~ entertainer, hospitable
oastan ~ cafe, restaurant
oastan bayrey ~ roadhouse
oastan beg ~ cafeteria
oastaneyr ~ restaurateur
oasteirys ~ keepership
oastey ~ licensing
oasteyder ~ landlord, publican, innkeeper,
licensed victualler
oasteyr ~ landlord, innkeeper, publican, licensed
victualler, hotelier
oasteyraght ~ hostelry
oastrick ~ pub sign
Oastyn ny Cooyrtey ~ Inns of Court
oastys ~ hostel, board (food), boarding, Public
house licence
oaye ~ grave
oaye loutagh ~ gallery grave
oayghyn ~ catacombs
oayll ~ home, abode, habitat, resort, haunt, hide,
oayll-aggle ~ nostopathy
oayll coar ny hastan ~ heronry
oayll conneeyn ~ rabbit warren
oayll faarkee ~ bathing resort
oayll-vaanrey ~ nostomania
oayllaashagh ~ unexcitable, placid, non-violent
oayllaashaght ~ placidity
oayllagh ~ knowledgeable, inveterate, leader,
guide, customary, habitual
oayllagh awiney ~ river pilot
oayllagh (rish) ~ experienced, intimately
acquainted, accustomed, versed, acquainted,
conversant, au fait, familiar, wont
oayllagh rish yn earish ~ weather-wise
oayllagh slieau ~ mountain guide
oayllaght ~ usage, custom
oayllee ~ professional, expert, scientist,
connoisseur, savant, pundit, fancier
oayllee caslys cheerey ~ plotter
oayllee sheshaghtys ~ social scientist
oaylleeagh ~ scientific
oaylleeaght ~ science
oaylleeaght sheshoil ~ scial science
oaylleeaght vainney ~ dairy science
oayllus ~ botany
oayllys ~ dope, know-how, information,
knowledge, lore, awareness, guidance
oayllys cholbey ~ physiology
oayllys reihys ~ psephology
oayllys ushtey ~ hydraulics
oayllysagh ~ informative
oa(y)sh ~ fashion
oayshagh ~ formal
ob ~ hop
Yn Oban ~ Oban
obbagh ~ jibbing
obbal ~ abstain, negate, denounce, disclaim,
deny, go against, turn down (refuse),
disavow, forbid, decline, refuse, jib, disown,
refute, abnegate; refusal, self-denial,
refutation, refusing, abnegation, abstention,
disavowal, denunciation, negation, denial
obbal hene jiooldey ~ self-abnegation
obballagh ~ self-denying, negativist, denier,
negative, refutable, forbidding
obballaght ~ negativity
obballys ~ negativism
obbaltagh ~ refusing, abstainer
obbaltys ~ refusal, abstinence
obbee ~ sorcery, charming
obbeeys ~ charming, wizardry, incantation,
sorcery, spell-casting, witchcraft, occultism,
enchantment, magic
obbeyder ~ negator, refuter
obbit ~ forbidden, disallowed, refused,
abnegated, denied, dishonoured
obbragh ~ functional, movement, influence,
functioning, a production, operative
obbragh er ny raaidyn ~ navvying
obbraghey ~ work, work up, cultivate, wreak,
ply, process, influence, act, start, handle,
function, operate, wangle; persuance,
performance, motion, labour, action,
operation, behaviour (of machines), exercise,
forge, employment, elaboration,handling
obbraghey (burling) ~ crew
obbraghey cheusthie ~ work in
obbraghey dy jeean ~ graft, toil
obbraghey er ~ elaborate
obbraghey jeh hene ~ self-acting
obbraghey jeshaght (er) ~ reaping machine
obbraghey (lhong) ~ crew
obbraghey magh ~ think out
obbraghey neese ~ work up (in job)
obbraghey noi ~ countermine, combat
obbraghey ny coshallyn ~ pedal
obbraghey ny laueyn ~ gesticulate,
obbraghey oard er ~ hammer
obbraghey roish ~ work on
obbraghey ry-cheilley ~ pull together, co-
ordinate, co-ordination
obbraghey stiagh ~ work in
obbraghey y bow ~ bow
obbraghey y chollane ~ motion
obbraghyn ~ work (of clock etc), works,
obbraghyn coadee ~ defensive works
obbraghyn miey ~ good works
obbraghyn ooirrey ~ earthworks
obbraghyn pobbylagh ~ public works
obbraghyn theayagh ~ public works
obbraghyn troggee ~ constructive works
obbraghyn ushtey ~ waterworks, water works
obbraid ~ operation
obbraidagh ~ operational
obbraidee ~ operator
obbree ~ labourer, worker, workman, factory
hand, proletarian, working man, agent,
employee;practical, working
obbree aahirrey ~ research worker
obbree cam ~ racketeer
obbree chellvane ~ telephone operator
obbree close ~ yardman
obbree eaddee ~ clothworker
obbree erskyn thalloo ~ surfaceman
obbree failt ~ hired labourer
obbree fouyir feeyney ~ vintager
obbree geayil ~ coal worker
obbree glonney ~ glass worker
obbree hallooin ~ farmhand, farm worker
obbree Injinagh ~ coolie
obbree jeean ~ grafter
obbree jeshaght ~ machinist, machine operator
obbree killagh ~ church worker
obbree laue ~ hand worker
obbree leoaie ~ lead worker
obbree moddee ~ dog handler
obbree mooie ~ out-worker, outside worker
obbree ooreyder ~ watchmaker
obbree quarral ~ quarryman
obbree raad yiarn ~ railwayman, plate-layer
obbree raaidey ~ roadman
obbree radio ~ radio operator
obbree shooyl ~ hobo
obbree stoyr ~ yardman
obbree thallooin ~ agrarian
obbree yindyssagh ~ wonder-worker
obbree ymmyrkey ~ transport worker
obbreeaght ~ operation
obbreeyn ~ workpeople, staff, working class
obbreyder ~ operator
obbreyder jeshaght ~ machinist
obbrinagh chellvane ~ telephone mechanic
obbrit ~ wrought, forged, operated, worked
obbrree laa ~ day labourer
obbrree raad ~ navvy
obbyr [f] ~ work, labour, handiwork, job,
elbow-grease, billet, working, duty,
employment, operation, ploy
obbyr aamaid ~ timber-work
obbyr argid ~ silver-work
obbyr ayns meeryn ~ piecework
obbyr chenney ~ pyrotechnics
obbyr cherree ~ punishing work, imposition
obbyr cheylley ~ forestry
obbyr chiebbagh ~ spadework
obbyr ching ~ brain-work, head-work
obbyr chlassicagh ~ classic
obbyr chleeah ~ fretwork
obbyr chleeree ~ clerkship
obbyr chloaie ~ stonework
obbyr chlooidee ~ patchwork
obbyr chluig ~ clockwork
obbyr chobbyr ~ copper-work
obbyr chray ~ china
obbyr chroeshey ~ crochet-work
obbyr chrooan ~ enamel-work
obbyr eaddee ~ cloth-work
obbyr ellyn ~ work of art
obbyr er y pheesh ~ job work
obbyr erskyn currym ~ supererogation
obbyr faillee ~ hack-work
obbyr feeit ~ woven work
obbyr foiee ~ woodwork
obbyr ghastey ~ sharp work
obbyr ghlonney ~ glass-work
obbyr ghoillee ~ tough work
obbyr ghraney ~ noisome task, dirty business
obbyr ghress ~ tissue
obbyr ghriaghtagh ~ chain-work
obbyr grainnit ~ graving
obbyr gyn wooise ~ thankless task
obbyr hallooin ~ agricultural work, husbandry
obbyr heillee ~ wickerwork
obbyr hie ~ homework
obbyr hiollee ~ homework
obbyr hirveishagh ~ servile works
obbyr laa ~ day labour
obbyr laatchey ~ lacerat-work
obbyr laue ~ manual labour, handwork,
obbyr lhiareagh ~ leatherwork
obbyr lhiasee ~ welfare work
obbyr oashyragh ~ hosiery work
obbyr offish ~ office work
obbyr phrashey ~ brass-work
obbyr rea ~ drift
obbyr rere ny hooryn ~ time-work
obbyr scrolley ~ scroll-work
obbyr snaidey ~ tapestry work, needlework
obbyr staillinagh ~ steelwork
obbyr stainnagh ~ tin-work
obbyr 'sy vagher ~ fieldwork
obbyr ught ~ parapet
obbyr undinagh ~ groundwork
obbyr ushtey ~ water engine
obbyr veayn ~ permanency
obbyr vooie ~ outwork
obbyr vreekey ~ brickwork
obbyr y yannoo dy cruinn ~ to cross one's T's
obbyr yerrinagh ~ swansong
obbyr yiarn ~ ironwork
obbyr yn thie ~ housework
obbyr ynlhie ~ marquetry
obeel ~ obelisk
obelisk ~ obelisk
oblaidagh ~ oblate
obligaidagh ~ accommodating
obo ~ oboe
obraidlan ~ operating theatre
obyr airhey ~ gold work
oc ~ their, theirs
ocsaheedreenagh ~ oxyhydrogen
ocsaid ~ oxide
ocsaid ollymin ~ alumina
ocsaidagh ~ oxidizable
ocsaidaghey ~ oxidize, oxidation
ocsaideyder ~ oxidizer
ocsajeen ~ oxygen
ocsajeeneaghey ~ oxygenate
ocsaleit ~ oxalate
ocsatoain ~ oxytone
ocseed urraaniu ~ pitchblende
ocsyllagh ~ alic
ode ~ ode
odjey ~ longer, furthermost
'odjey (na) ~ farther
odomeih ~ odometer
oe ~ grandson, grandchild
oe braarey ~ grand-nephew
oe 'neen ~ granddaughter
oe shayrey ~ grand-nephew, grand-niece
oe vraarey ~ grand-niece
oenyn ~ cowslip
offidagh ~ ophidian
Offis yn Reiltys ~ government office(s)
offish ~ office
offish chianglaghan ~ parcel booking office
offish faaishnee ~ forecasting office
offish yn vaail ~ excise office
offishear ~ officer
Ogh cha nee! ~ Woe (is me)! Poor me!
Ogh! ~ Ugh!
ogham ~ ogham
oghe ~ cave, oven
oghe ghas ~ gas oven
oghe veg ~ ovenette
ogher [f] ~ legend, keystone, key, headstone,
peg, clef
ogher alteragh ~ alto clef
ogher arree ~ shift key
ogher earroo ~ reference
ogher earrooyn ~ key numbers
ogher ghorrys ~ doorkey
ogher haaue ~ saw set
ogher hie ~ latchkey
ogher lossee ~ ignition key
ogher ooreyder ~ watchkey
ogher pianney ~ ivory
ogher trebbyl ~ treble clef
ogher Vorsagh ~ morse key
ogher ylghlaish ~ pass key, passe-partout
ogher-ynnyd ~ key position
ogheragh ~ keyed
oghey ~ keyword
oghlish ~ armpit
oghrish ~ breast, bosom
oghrishaghey ~ embosom
oghrishit ~ embosomed
oghsan ~ reprimand, censure, rebuke
oghsanagh ~ rebuker, censorious, reproving,
rebuking, reprehensible
oght ~ ridge cut at one sweep, swath, cut, check
oghtagh ~ plastron
oghtaheedragh ~ octahedral
oghtaheedrane ~ octahedron
oghtapus ~ octopus
oghtread ~ octet(te)
oghyr ~ berry, spawn, roe, ochre
oghyr eeast ~ fish spawn
oghyr rannag ~ frog spawn
oghyr reeoil ~ caviar
oghyr skeddan ~ herring spawn
oghyr vraddan ~ salmon spawn
oghyr vrick ~ trout spawm
oghyragh ~ spawn, roe
oghyrey ~ ochre
Oh! ~ O!
ohmveih ~ ohmmeter
oi ~ against
oiddagh ~ stingy
oie [f] ~ night, nocturnal, eve, night time, night
season, evening (after dark)
oie-aggle ~ nyctophobia
Oie Cholum Keeilley ~ Columba's Eve
oie er oie ~ night after night
oie gheuree ~ winter night
Oie Ghoonee ~ Saturday night
oie-hooyl ~ somnambulism
Oie Hop Tu Naa ~ Hogmanay
Oie Houney ~ Hollandtide Eve, All Hallow's
Eve, Hallowe'en, Hop tu Naa
Oie Innyd ~ Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras
Oie Jedoonee ~ Sunday night
Oie Jesarn ~ Saturday night
oie noght ~ tonight
oie noght hene ~ this very night
Oie Nollick ~ Christmas night
Oie Nollick Veg ~ New Year's Eve
Oie ny Bleeaney Noa ~ Hogmanay, New Year's
oie ny vairagh ~ tomorrow night
Oie vie! ~ Good night!
oie vie my chree ~ hearty goodnight
Oie Voaldyn ~ May Eve
Oie y Nah Laa Jeig ~ Twelfth Night
Oie yn Ghiense ~ Twelfth Night
oieagh ~ nocturnal
oieaght ~ night lodgings
oie'll ~ vigil, eve
Oie'll Eoin ~ Saint John's Eve
Oie'll Vayree ~ Christmas Eve
Oie'll Voirrey ~ Christmas Eve
oieoil ~ nightly
oijys ~ recipe
oik ~ board, office, post, bureau
oik cloudeyrys ~ printing office
oik faillee ~ pay office, employment exchange
oik gyn currym ~ sinecure
oik hellegraf ~ telegraph office
oik lhuingys ~ shipping office
Oik ny h-Emshir ~ Weather Bureau
Oik ny Myn-jeigyn ~ Parcels Office
Oik ny stiureyderyn ~ Board of directors
oik paabagh ~ pontificate
oik post ~ post office
oik recortys ~ registry office
oik-reill ~ bureaucracy
oik sorchal ~ sorting office
oik tiggad ~ ticket office, booking office
oik turrysagh ~ Tourist agency, travel agency
oik y taggyrtys ~ office of priesthood
oikagh ~ official, functionary, officer
oikagh armee ~ army officer
oikagh barrantys ~ warrant officer
oikagh fwirran ~ staff officer
oikagh magheragh ~ field officer
oikan ~ babe, baby, nurseling, tot (child), infant
oikan-varroo ~ infanticide
oikanagh ~ babylike, babyish, infantile
oikanys ~ babyhood, infancy
oikoil ~ official, returned
oikoilaghys ~ officialdom
oikoilish ~ officialese
oikreilleyder ~ bureaucrat
-oil ~ (suffix) -like
oir ~ spindle tree
oirr ~ edge, edging, border, brim, butt, brink,
verge, margin, ledge, rim
oirr beedit ~ beaded edge
oirr faiyragh y raad ~ grassy road verge
oirr heese ~ lower edge
oirr lieh runt ~ beaded edge
oirr mooie ~ outer edge
oirr ny cruinney ~ horizon
Oirr ny Gaeil ~ Argyle
oirr ny keylley ~ edge of the wood
oirr ny marrey ~ shore, seaside, margin of the
oirr raad ~ wayside
oirr shiaull ~ leech
oirr sthie ~ inner edge
oirr y trooan ~ margin of the stream
oirr y vaaish ~ death's door
oirrag ~ ridge, term
oirrag napin ~ turnip ridge
oirrag phraase ~ potato ridge
oirrag wannalagh ~ neckline
oirragh ~ marginal, drill
oirrit ~ rimmed, curbed, limited
oirryn ~ confines
oirryn airhey ~ gilt edges
oirrysit ~ with the edge worn
oiys ~ opposition
oker jiarg ~ raddle
okyr ~ interest payer, usury
okyragh ~ usurer
Olave ~ Olaf
olive ~ olive
olk ~ bad, wicked, bad-hearted, bad-looking,
unfavourable, truculence, injury, evil,
vicious, morally wrong, naughtiness, ill,
mischief, vice, lousy
olkeyr ~ evil-doer, criminal, moral pervert,
offender, mischief-maker, culprit
olkeyrys ~ moral perversion
olkid ~ badness, evilness
olkys ~ naughtiness, badness, moral ill,
mi schi ef , evi l ness, mal i gnancy,
mischievousness, wickedness, lousiness,
pravity, iniquity, viciousness, malignity
olkyssagh ~ elfish, vicious, naughty,
mischievous, mischief-maker, baleful,
iniquitous, evilly-disposed, wicked,
malignant, malicious
olkyssaght ~ malism
oll ~ corpse
olla [f] ~ swan
olla chiaullee ~ whooper swan
ollagh [f] ~ cow, neat, cattle, bovines, beast,
ollagh oaldey ~ bison, buffalo
ollagh roauyrey ~ fatstock
ollagh vluight ~ store cattle
ollagh voaldey ~ poor cattle
ollaghan ~ angle
Yn Ollan ~ The Netherlands
ollan [f] ~ wool
ollan cadee ~ cotton wool
ollan laamey ~ vicuna
ollan phaggey ~ pack wool
ollan staillinagh ~ steel wool
ollan vrisht ~ waste wool
Ollanagh ~ Dutchman, Netherlander, Dutch
ollanagh ~ wool-bearing, woolly, flocculent
ollanaght ~ woolliness
Ollanish ~ Dutch
ollay [f] ~ swan
ollay valloo ~ mute swan
ollay woirrin ~ pen
ollee ~ bovine
olley ~ woolly, of wool
ollish ~ exudation, perspiration, sweat, exude
ollishagh ~ sweaty, sweating, sweat-causing,
Ollister ~ Alexander
olloo ~ professor, pundit, doctor, don
olloo coonee ~ assistant professor
Olloo Jeeoilys ~ Doctor of Divinity
olloo-rheynn ~ faculty
ollooagh ~ professorial, academic, doctoral
ollooaght ~ professorship, doctorate
ollooschoill ~ varsity
Ollooscoil yeeaghtagh ~ theological college
ollym ~ alum
ollymin ~ aluminium
ollyminagh ~ aluminous
Yn Ollynn ~ Holland
Ollynnagh ~ Hollander
olmys ~ prize, prey
olmys y ree ~ sturgeon
olmyssagh ~ filching
olmyssaghey ~ filch
olrooanagh ~ reproachful
olrooanit ~ reproached
olt ~ joint, contribution, limb, commissure,
organ, article, connection, par, section,
olt abaneagh ~ ankle joint
olt-chiangley ~ articulation
olt cliwe-gunney ~ bayonet joint
olt eaishtaghys ~ organ of hearing
olt ghlioonagh ~ knee joint
olt-hingys ~ arthritis
olt hraa ~ time clause
olt lagginagh ~ socket joint
olt ny gliooney ~ knee joint
olt ny huillin ~ elbow joint
olt ny lheshey ~ hip joint
olt rabbat ~ rabbet joint
olt sneeuee ~ spinneret
olt spyttogagh ~ spigot joint
oltagh ~ hospitable, limbed, articular, articulate,
oltagher ~ receptionist
oltaghey ~ salute, receive, regale, treat,
entertain, bless (as food), grace (before
food), hospitality, reception, entertaining,
salutation, entertainment, refresh, welcome
oltaghey bea ~ hospitality
oltaghey bee ~ benediction (at meals)
oltaghey ollee ~ cattle fight
oltallagh ~ in parts
oltee yn bee ~ say grace
oltey bea ~ life member
oltey ollooscoil ~ gownsman
oltey quaiyl ~ congressman
oltey seyr ~ cross-bencher
oltey trooid oik ~ ex-officio member
Oltey yn Ardwhaiyl ~ Member of the
olteynys bea ~ life-membership
olteyr ~ host, entertainer
oltit ~ articulated
oltooan ~ slur, vituperation, reproach, abuse,
oltooan dy foalsey ~ slander
oltooanagh ~ abuser, slanderer, reproacher,
vilifier, censurer, abusive, reproachable,
reproaching, vituperative, disgraceful
oltooaney ~ abuse, reviler, vituperate, revile,
raillery, expostulate, reproach, disgrace, rail
oltooanit ~ slandered
oltoonaney ~ censure
oltscarree ~ analytical
oltscarrey ~ analyse, analysis
oltscarreyder ~ analyst
oltyn yn ghoo ~ vocal organs
olymin creoi ~ duralumin
Olympagh ~ Olympic, Olympian
ombyr ~ amber
ombyr glass ~ ambergris
ombyragh ~ amber, amber-coloured
Yn Omee ~ Omagh
ommidagh ~ fond, crack (of person), inept, daft,
dense (of mind)
ommidan ~ fool, crackpot, imbecile, loony,
cretin, widgeon, twit, mug, nutcase, dope,
moron, featherbrain
ommidan Averil ~ April fool
ommidan creeney ~ wiseacre (fool)
ommidjagh ~ absurd, silly, idiotic, madcap,
imbecile, crackpot, nonsensical, fatuous,
scatter-brained, brainless, foolish
ommid(j)ys ~ absurdity, folly, silliness,
nonsense, foolishness, rot, bunkum
oney ~ innocent, honest, innocuous, harmless,
well-meant, simple, artless, morally
onid ~ innocence, simplicity, harmlessness,
onnane ~ thistle
onnane airhey ~ carline thistle
onnane Albinagh ~ argentine thistle
onnane churree ~ marsh sowthistle
onnane gharroo ~ card thistle
onnane hallooin ~ stemless thistle
onnane 'irryn ~ spear thistle
onnane lheeannagh ~ marsh thistle
onnane rollageagh ~ star thistle
onnane sleeantagh ~ carline thistle
onnane veein ~ sow thistle
onnane veg ~ creeping thistle
onnane vlasstal ~ artichoke
onnane vooar gharroo ~ slender-headed thistle
onnane vreck ~ argentine thistle
onnane vuc ~ sow thistle
onnane y clieau ~ blue sowthistle
onnaneagh ~ thistly
onnar ~ owner
Onnee ~ Anna, Ann(e)
onneragh ~ honest
onnerey ~ honour
onnerid ~ honesty
onnor ~ tribute, honour
onnoragh ~ honorary, worshipful, creditable
onnoraghey ~ honour
onnorit ~ honoured
onnoroil ~ honourable
onnoroilid ~ nobility, honourableness
ontoaylleeagh ~ ontological
ontoaylleeaght ~ ontology
ontogheinnaghtyn ~ ontogenesis
oo ~ thee, you, thou
oo hene ~ thyself, yourself
oo hene y oonlaghey ~ to take a bath
ooashlaghey ~ revere, pay homage to, worship,
Yn Ooashlaght ~ The Quality, Nobility
ooashlaght ~ aristocracy, subity, sublime
ooashlaght yn theihill ~ princes of the world
ooashley ~ magnificent, high-born, worship,
prestige, excellence, rank, adoration,
devotion, distinction
ooashley aile ~ fire-worship
ooashley feniagh ~ hero-worship
ooashley gliooney ~ knee tribute
ooashley ny greiney ~ sun-worship
ooashley ny heayst ~ moon-worship
Ooashley Yee ~ Divine Worship
ooashley yn jouyll ~ satanism
ooashleyder ~ worshipper, devotee, adorer,
ooashlid ~ nobility, fineness, peerage,
nobleness, illustriousness, gentility
ooashlid onnoragh ~ brevet rank
ooashlit ~ worshipped, revered
ooashlys ~ nobility, nobleness
ooaslaght ~ grandeur
ooasle ~ aristocratic, lofty, illustrious,
est eemed, gent l emanl y, pat ri ci an,
honourable, dignified, lordly, magnificent,
classy, respected
ooasley ~ dignified
ooaslid ~ highness, elevation
ooastynyn sheel ~ seed oysters
ooastyr ~ oyster
ooastyragh ~ abounding in oysters
Ooganda ~ Uganda
Oogandagh ~ Ugandan
ooghyn freeghit ~ fried eggs
ooh [f] ~ egg, nest egg, ovum, udder, dug
ooh chiark ~ hen egg
ooh chirkey ~ hen egg
ooh-earrag ~ pullet egg
ooh guirragh ~ addled egg
ooh kiark ~ hen egg
ooh lhearee ~ infertile egg
ooh lheearee ~ wind egg
ooh loau ~ rotten egg
ooh noa-verht ~ new laid egg
ooh oor ~ fresh egg
ooh-vreyagh ~ oviparous
ooh vroieit ~ boiled egg
ooha ~ bronze
oohag ~ ovule, ovum
oohagan ~ omelet(te)
oohagh ~ egg-shaped, egglike, ovarious,
uddered, ovate, oviparous
oohaghan ~ custard
oohbertagh ~ oviparous
oohchroo ~ oval
oohchrooagh ~ oviform, oval, ovoid, egg-
oohchrooaghey ~ ovalize
oohyn bwoailt ~ scrambled eggs
oohyn scoaldit ~ poached eggs
Yn Ooig ~ Wick
ooig ~ den, cavern, grotto, antar, pit, stope,
hotbed, cave
ooig ny speyr ~ vault of heaven
ooig-oaylleeaght ~ speleology
ooigagh ~ troglodyte, cavernous, cave-dweller
ooiganagh ~ full of pits
ooignys ~ obscurity
ooignyssagh ~ obscure
ooil ~ balm
ooil almon ~ almond oil
ooil jeshaght ~ engine oil
ooil lheihys ~ balsam
ooil londeyragh ~ kerosene
ooil lostee ~ fuel oil
ooil roseyn ~ attar of roses
ooil voiddee ~ cod liver oil
ooil vuc varrey ~ train oil
ooiley-eeagh ~ omnivorous
ooill ~ oil
ooill aw ~ crude oil
ooill chasherick ~ unction, chrism
ooill chreg crayagh ~ shale oil
ooill-eaddagh ~ oilcloth
ooill feayslee ~ castor oil
ooill gheayil ~ paraffin
ooill ghreiney ~ suntan lotion
ooill juys ~ turps, turpentine
ooill lampey ~ lamp oil
ooill lheeys ~ liniment
ooill-lostit ~ oil-fired
ooill ny greg ~ rock oil, petroleum
ooill ny hagglish ~ unction, chrism
ooill olive ~ olive oil
ooill olley ~ lanolin
ooill phalm ~ palm oil
ooill rass lieen ~ linseed oil
ooill rauney ~ sea oil
ooill reap ~ rape oil
ooill salleid ~ salad oil
ooill smarree ~ lubricating oil
ooill ushtey ~ vaseline
ooill vee ~ sweet oil, cooking oil
ooill vuc varrey ~ whale oil
ooill y vaaish ~ unction
ooill-yalloo ~ oil colour
ooill-ymmyrkagh ~ oil-producing
ooillagh ~ oily, unctuous
ooillaghey ~ anointing, balm, oil, unction,
anoint, oiling
Ooillaghey Casherick ~ Extreme Unction
ooillaght ~ unctuousness, oiliness
ooilley ~ all, entire, whole
ooilley-aignagh ~ all-purpose
ooilley-Americaanagh ~ pan-American
ooilley as ass ~ all and all, out and out
ooilley ayns cassaghyn ~ all in tangles
ooilley-briwnyssagh ~ all-judging
ooilley bun-ry-skyn ~ all awry
ooilley-chadjin ~ oecumenical
ooilley-chadjinys ~ oecumenicalism
ooilley-Cheltiagh ~ pan-Celtic
ooilley-Cheltiaghys ~ pan-Celticism
ooilley-chooishagh ~ all-purpose
ooilley-chorpagh ~ racking
ooilley-chreeney ~ all-wise
ooilley-chrootagh ~ omniform, all-creating
ooilley-chummaghtagh ~ all-powerful
ooilley-cooidjagh ~ altogether, quite, en masse
ooilley-creenagh ~ omniscient
ooilley dy lieragh ~ altogether
ooilley-fakin ~ all-seeing
ooilley fud-y-cheilley ~ all in a flurry
ooilley-fysseragh ~ omniscient
ooilley-fysseraght ~ omniscience
ooilley-ghoaillagh ~ exhaustive
ooilley-ghoaillys ~ comprehensive
ooilley-jeeagh ~ pantheistic(al), pantheist
ooilley-jeeaghys ~ pantheism
ooilley-jeeillagh ~ omnivorous
ooilley kiart ~ OK, alright, all right
ooilley-laaragh ~ ubiquitous
ooilley-laaraght ~ ubiquity
ooilley-lheeys ~ cure-all, panacea
ooilley-lheihys ~ cure-all, panacea
ooilley-liooar ~ all-sufficient
ooilley mee hene ~ egoistical
ooilley mygeayrt ~ rampant, everywhere
ooilley myr yien ~ all sham
ooilley-niartal ~ almighty, all-powerful,
ooilley-niartallys ~ omnipotence, almightiness
ooilley-reayrtagh ~ all-seeing
ooilley-reayrtys ~ all-seeing
ooilley-sluggagh ~ all-devouring
ooilley smaghtagh ~ totalitarian
ooilley smaghtys ~ totalitarianism
ooilley-stroiagh ~ all-destroying
ooilley-toiggalagh ~ omniscient
ooilley-toiggaltys ~ omniscience
ooilley-toiggalys ~ omniscience
ooilley-tushtagh ~ all-knowing
ooilley-vane ~ all-blessed
ooilley-varrialtagh ~ all-conquering
ooilley yn skeeal ~ whole story
ooilley-ynnydagh ~ omnipresent, ubiquitous
ooilley-ynnydys ~ ubiquity
ooilleyder ~ oiler, anointer, greaser
ooillian ~ push forward
ooillit ~ anointed, oiled
ooilloil ~ oleaginous
ooir [f] ~ clod, earth, mould, overburden, soil
ooir hallooin ~ dung of ants
ooir wass ~ subsoil
ooiragh ~ mouldy
ooiraghey ~ ridge, mould, earth
ooiraght ~ earthiness
ooirey ~ of earth, of dust
ooireyder ~ earther-up
ooirit ~ earthed
ooirragh ~ terrestrial, earthy
ooirraghey ~ earth up, ridging
Ooisht Hwoaie ~ North Uist
Ooistagh ~ Uistman (woman)
Yn Ooive ~ Navan
ookalaailee ~ ukulele
Ookraanagh ~ Ukrainian
Yn Ookraane ~ Ukraine
Ookraanish ~ Ukrainian
oolagh ~ guilty, accountable, chargeable
oolaghey ~ amerce
oolee ~ guilty, criminal, chargeable
ooley ~ fine, determination, estimation,
ooleyder ~ estimator
oolid ~ chargeableness
oolit ~ determined, fined, estimated, amerced
oomyr ~ piscina
Oona ~ Agnes
Ooney ~ Winifred
oonlag hooilley ~ eyewash
oonlaghey ~ bathe, wash, purify
oonlaghey gaal ~ vapour-bath
oonlaghys beill ~ mouthwash
oonlee ~ abluent
oonley ~ wash (of person), bathe
oonley carraneagh ~ slipper bath
oonley cheh ~ hot bath
oonley fuilt ~ hair wash
oonley-mustart ~ mustard bath
oonleyder ~ abluter, washer
oonlit ~ laved, washed
oor [f] ~ new, sweet, novel, sappy, crisp, span,
fresh, hour, raw
oor-ghlen ~ spick and span
oor hoshee ~ Zero hour
oor jinnairagh ~ dinner hour
oor-noa ~ mint condition
oor-oaylleeaght ~ horolology
oor tarroogh ~ rush hour
oor-thie ~ annexe
oor y vaaish ~ fatal hour
oor y vunlaa ~ high noon
ooragh ~ refreshing, hourly
ooraghey ~ refection, refresh, sweeten, purify,
sweetening, refreshing, freshen
ooraghtoil ~ refreshing
Yn Ooraguay ~ Uruguay
Ooraguayagh ~ Uruguayan
oorey ~ refreshing
Oorey vie ort ~ Good luck to you
ooreyder ~ watch, timepiece;refresher,
ooreyder aavuillagh ~ repeater
ooreyder dell ~ lever watch
ooreyder geinnee ~ sand glass
ooreyder greiney ~ sundial
ooreyder laue ~ wrist watch
ooreyder mreih ~ lady's watch
ooreyder ooh ~ egg-timer
ooreyder ven ~ lady's watch
oorid ~ newness, rawness, verdure, freshness,
ooridagh ~ refreshment
ooriltagh ~ refreshment
ooriltagh da ~ beating
oorit ~ refreshed, moulded
ooroil ~ horary, hourly
ooryn coyrlee ~ consulting hours
ooryn keayrtagh ~ visiting hours
ooryn mullee ~ peak hours
ooyl [f] ~ apple, pommel
ooyl custart ~ custard apple
ooyl feie ~ crab apple
ooyl gart ~ codling
ooyl ghlass ~ cooking apple; apple-green
ooyl ghraih ~ tomato
ooyl ghraney ~ pomegranate
ooyl ghrineagh ~ pomegranate
ooyl millish ~ eater (fruit)
ooyl ny coshey ~ ball of the foot
ooyl ny scoarnee ~ Adam's apple
ooyl ny sooilley ~ apple of the eye
ooyl ruy ~ russet
ooyl sharroo ~ cooking apple
ooyl villish ~ dessert apple, eating apple
ooyl y Jouyll ~ thorn apple
ooyl y scoarnee ~ apple of the throat
ooylagh ~ orchard
ooyllag ~ charlotte
ooyllagh ~ apple, apple-bearing
ooyllyn broit ~ stewed apples
ooyllyn rostit ~ baked apples
opal ~ opal
opalagh ~ opalescent
opalaght ~ opalescence
ophthalmoscoip ~ ophthalmoscope
opossum ~ possum
opsag ~ halter
oraaghey ~ declaim
oraaidaght ~ oratory
oraatagh ~ orator, oratorial, speaker
oraataght ~ oration
oraatoir ~ oratorio
oracle ~ oracle
oraid ~ speech, oration, address
oraid vlaaoil ~ peroration
oraidagh ~ declamatory, haranguer
oraidaght ~ speech-making
oranjagh ~ rangeman
oranjaghys ~ orangism
oranje ~ orange
oranje harroo ~ Seville orange, bitter orange
oranje heenagh ~ mandarin
oranje villish ~ China orange
oranje-vuigh ~ orange
oranje yiarg ~ blood orange
orch ~ refuse, debris, wastage, clutter, leaving
of fodder, trash (rubbish)
orchal ~ jumble, litter, spoil
orchit ~ littered, jumbled, mangled, scattered
ordaag [f] ~ thumb
ordaag chass ~ great toe, big toe
ordaag choshey ~ big toe
ordaag pinjoor ~ nipper
ordaag rish y troin ~ snook
ordaag vooar ~ big toe
ordaagagh ~ butter-fingered, clumsy
ordaagyn ~ pincers
ordrailys spulgee ~ pecking order
ordreil ~ rule
ordreilagh ~ rule
orgaanagh ~ organic
organdee ~ organdi(e)
organe ~ organ
organe Americaanagh ~ American organ
organe beill ~ mouth-organ
organe bioag ~ organism
organe mooar ~ grand organ
organe straaidey ~ street organ
organeyder ~ organ-grinder
organeyr ~ organist
organeyr straiddey ~ organ-grinder
ork ~ orc
Orkagh ~ Orcaidian
Yn Orkaid ~ The Orkneys
Orkaidagh ~ The Orkneys
ornaid ~ ornament
ornaid vullee ~ finial
ornaidagh ~ ornate, flowery, colourful,
decorative, flashy
ornaidaghey ~ fret
ornaidys ~ floweriness, flashiness,
orragh feie ~ Good King Henry
orraghey ~ shy, flight, shot, round of
ammunition, charge, sling, discharge, bolt,
throw, cast
orraghey ballistagh ~ ballistic missile
orraghey cartharnee ~ cannon shot
orraghey follym ~ blank shot
orraghey gunney ~ gunshot
orraghey pistol ~ pistol shot
orraghey raifyl ~ rifle shot
orraghey roie ~ pot-shot
orraghey scarree ~ parting shot
orraghey sidey ~ bow shot, arrow shot
orraghey spoar ~ space shot
orraghit ~ shot
ortch ~ litter
orthopeedagh ~ orthopaedic
orthopeedee ~ orthopaedy, orthopaedist
Oshin ~ Ossian
Oshinagh ~ Ossianic
osleyr ~ hostler
osnaghey ~ sough, moan, sigh
osney ~ sigh, sough, groan
osneyder ~ sigher
osoan ~ ozone
osoanaghey ~ ozonization, ozonize
osoaneyder ~ ozonizer
ostrich ~ ostrich
ostyl ~ apostle, disciple
ostyllagh ~ apostolic(al)
ostyllys ~ apostleship, apostolate
ouar ~ dun
ouaral aignagh ~ free-will offering
oural ~ collection, offering, immolation,
altarage, sacrifice, offertory
oural-bwooise ~ thank-offering
oural losht ~ burnt offering
oural shee ~ peace offering
oural wooise ~ thank offering
oural yn erin ~ sacrifice of the Mass
ouraley ~ offer up
ourallagh ~ offering, victim, offertory,
ouraller ~ sacrificer
ouralley ~ victimization, sacrifice
ourallit ~ sacrificed
ourys ~ misgiving, doubt, distrust, agnosticism,
suspiciousness, doubtfulness, suspicion,
ourysit ~ doubted
ouryssagh ~ doubting, doubtful, shady, sceptic,
sceptical, suspecting, distrustful, moot,
mi st rust i ng, suspi ci ous, dubi ous,
questionable, disputable, agnostic
ousym ~ fetter
ouw ~ marsh pennywort
yn ouw ~ hepatitis
ouw chreggagh ~ wall pellitory
Ouwatta! ~ Bravo! Jolly good show!
ouyl ~ passion, rage
ouyr ~ dun, pale yellow, tawny, yellow-dun,
ouyragh ~ creamy or dull of colour, dunnish
ouyrys ~ suspect
owan ~ fright, dread
owanagh ~ frightening, fearful, frightful
ownee ~ gravy
oyl ~ drink
oyr ~ cause, reason, incentive, motive, matter,
oyr dwoaie ~ bogey
oyr erreeish ~ object of pity
oyr ny cooishey ~ point of issue
oyr yindys ~ eye-opener
oyragh ~ causative, causal, occasional,
oyraght ~ pretence, causality
oyraghys ~ materialism, determinism
oyree ~ materialist
oyreeagh ~ materialistic
P.F.S ~ V.I.P
paa ~ thirsty, athirst, parched
paab ~ pope
Paab ny Raue ~ Pope of Rome
Paab y Raue ~ Pope of Rome
paabagh ~ pontifical, papist, papal, papistic(al),
paabaght ~ popedom, papacy
paabanagh ~ popish
paabanys ~ popery
paag ~ kiss, buss
paag (yn) vea ~ kiss of life
paagag ~ peck (kiss)
paagagh ~ osculant, osculatory
paagey ~ kissing, kiss, truss, osculate,
paagey kaartyn ~ pack of cards
paageyder ~ kisser
paageyr ~ kisser
paagh ~ parched, thirsty
paaghagh ~ given to kissing
paagit ~ kissed
Paaie ~ Peggy
paaie vreinn ~ stinking mayweed
paal ~ pale, circle (fold), enclave, coop, ring,
fold, pavilion, enclosure, pen
paal cheyrragh ~ sheep pen
paal chirkey ~ hen coop
paal chonning ~ rabbit pen
paal skeag ~ thorn hedge
paal vannishter ~ cloister
paalan ~ tent, booth
paalan buillvollee ~ marquee
paalan clagganagh ~ bell tent
paar meein ~ fine velum
paarail ~ decrease
paardit ~ departed
paart ~ moiety, sharing, some, role, part
paart-arrane ~ part song
paart beg ~ somewhat
paart-emshiragh ~ part-time
paart-hellooder ~ part-owner
paart-hellooderys ~ part-ownership
paart seihill ~ life interest
paartagh ~ partial
paartail ~ pop off, die, passing, part, departure,
paarteeaght ~ partisanship
paarteeas ~ partnership
paarteenagh ~ partisan
paarteenaghys ~ partisanship
paarteil ~ decease
paartnagh ~ leaning, partial
paartnaght ~ partiality
Paarys ~ Paris
Paarysagh ~ Parisian
Paayl ~ Paul
paays [f] ~ thirst, thirstiness
paban ~ pope
pabreyder ~ stationer
pabreydys ~ stationery
pabyr [f] ~ paper, packet, papyrus
pabyr aile ~ touch-paper
pabyr-astreeagh ~ transfer-paper
pabyr boalley ~ wallpaper
pabyr carboan ~ carbon paper
pabyr cartoose ~ cartridge paper
pabyr chiu ~ paste board
pabyr craitnagh ~ parchment
pabyr creoi ~ cardboard
pabyr dhoan ~ brown paper
pabyr ellyn ~ art paper
pabyr feyshtey ~ examination paper
pabyr fuillee ~ waste paper
pabyr geinnee ~ sandpaper
pabyr giubbylagh ~ rag paper
pabyr glonney ~ glass paper
pabyr kereagh ~ wax paper
pabyr-lettyragh ~ note paper
pabyr linneeaght ~ drawing paper
pabyr lorgagh ~ tracing paper
pabyr millit ~ spoilage
pabyr-naight ~ newspaper
pabyr-naight baghtagh ~ tabloid
pabyr-naight laaghagh ~ gutter press
pabyr-naight (laaoil) ~ journal
pabyr paggal ~ packing paper
pabyr post ~ post paper
pabyr premmee ~ toilet paper
pabyr prowal ~ test paper
pabyr queig punt ~ five pound note
pabyr-screeuee ~ note paper, writing paper
pabyr-screeuee rea ~ plain writing paper
pabyr-screeuee reillit ~ ruled writing paper
pabyr-screeuee thanney ~ airmail writing paper
pabyr screeuyn ~ note paper, letter paper
pabyr scrutagh ~ examination paper
pabyr scrutaght ~ test paper
pabyr sheeidagh ~ velvet-surfaced paper
pabyr sheeidey ~ tissue paper
pabyr sheeley ~ filter paper
pabyr Sheenagh ~ china paper
pabyr shiaghtinagh ~ weekly newspaper
pabyr shiaghtinoil ~ weekly
pabyr soaillee ~ wrapping paper
pabyr sooee ~ blotter
pabyr thoanney ~ toilet paper
pabyragh ~ papyraceous, paper
pabyral ~ paper-hanging, paper
pabyrder ~ paper maker
pabyrey ~ of paper
pabyreyder ~ paperer
pabyrit ~ papered
pabyrit ass y noa ~ re-papered
pabyryn enney ~ identification papers
Ny Pabyryn Naight ~ The Press
pachyderm ~ pachyderm
pachydermagh ~ pachydermatous
paddag ~ patch
Padeen ~ Pat
padjer [f] ~ prayer, devotion, orison
padjer fastyr ~ evening prayer
padjer Moghree ~ morning prayer
padjer nuy laa ~ novena
padjer voghree ~ morning prayer, matins
Padjer yn chiarn ~ Lord's Prayer, paternoster
padjeryn beill ~ vocal prayers
padjeryn cuirree ~ bidding prayers
paediatreyr ~ paediatrician
paediatreyrys ~ paediatrics
paganagh ~ pagan, heathen
paganaght ~ paganism, heathenism
paggad ~ mailboat
paggaid ~ packet
paggal ~ packing, pack
paggan ~ bib, nappy
paggey ~ pack, wad, wadding, deck
paggey drommey ~ pack
paggey laaghey ~ mud-pack
paggey sidooragh ~ pack
paggeyder ~ packer
p'agh ~ person
pairk ~ park, public garden, pasture field,
untilled field, course, moorland
pairk aer ~ airfield
pairk aeragh ~ aerodrome
pairk ashoonagh ~ national park
pairk charr ~ car park
pairk cretooryn feie ~ wild life park
pairk etlan ~ landing strip
pairk etlee ~ flying ground
pairk feeaihee ~ deer park
pairk feieys ~ game park
pairk ghleashtan ~ car park
pairk ny theay ~ public park
pairk taishbynys ~ show ground
pairkaghey ~ park
pairkal ~ park, parking
paish ~ passion
Paish Nyn Jiarn ~ Passion of Our Lord
Paishagh ~ Passionist
paitchey ~ bairn, brat, bantling, varlet, child,
page, chit, kid
paitchey beg aeg ~ child of tender years
paitchey farbil ~ train-bearer
paitchey goit magh ~ evacuee
paitchey oainjyragh ~ illegitimate child
paitchey sooree ~ love-child, illegitimate child
paitchey straiddey ~ gutter-snipe
paitchey treigit ~ waif
paitchey yindyssagh ~ infant prodigy
paiteen ~ patent
paiteenagh ~ patent
paiteeney ~ patent
paiteeneyr ~ patentee
paitsey ~ patch
paitsey doo ~ blackspot
paitt ~ pest, plague, pestilence
paittagh ~ plaguy, pestilential
paittoil ~ pestilent, pestiferous
Pakistaanagh ~ Pakistani
Palasteenagh ~ Palestinian
palateenagh ~ palatine
palchagh ~ well off, abundant, well-to-do,
affluent, plenteous, copious
palchey ~ plenteous, plenty
palchey ayn ~ tons of it
palchid ~ plentifulness, plenitude, copiousness,
plenteousness, affluence, plenty, abundance
pal chys ~ copi ousness, affl uence,
plenteousness, abundance, plenty, plenitude
palmagh ~ palmaceous, palmy
palmeen ~ palmetto
palpys ~ palp
pan-Americaanagh ~ pan-American
pan-Cheltaghys ~ pan-Celticism
pan-Cheltiagh ~ pan-Celtic
pan-Yermaanaghys ~ pan-Germanism
pandoogh ~ pant
pandooghey ~ panting, pant
pandooghey magh ~ pant out
pandoogheyder marrey ~ globefish
panjeeagh ~ pantheist, pantheistic(al)
panjeeagys ~ pantheism
pann lhiabbagh ~ warming pan
pann lhiabbee ~ warming pan
pannag lurrag ~ pancake
panney ~ stew pan, pan
panney beg ~ pannikin
panney fuinnee ~ baking pan
panney leoh ~ ash pan
panney lhiasee ~ preserving pan
pannyl ~ dashboard, panel
pannylit ~ panelled
pannylys ~ panelling
pannys ~ penance
panshaghan ~ paunch
panther ~ panther
panto ~ pantomime
papan ~ pope
papanagh ~ papist, papistic(al), catholic
papanaght ~ papacy
papanys ~ papacy, papistry
papoose ~ papoose
paraboil ~ parabola
paraboilagh ~ parabolic(al)
parafeen ~ paraffin
parahicklage ~ parapsychology
parahiggoaylleaght ~ parapsychology
paraid ~ parade
paraidal ~ parade
parail ~ diminished, diminution, decline, dying,
parane cheylley ~ wood avens
parane churree ~ water avens
parashuit ~ parachute
parashuitagh ~ parachutist
parashuital ~ parachute
paratroopey ~ paratroop
paratyphoid ~ paratyphoid
pardoge ~ pad
pardoon ~ grace, pardon, condonation,
pardooney ~ pardon, remit, condone, amnesty
pardooneyder ~ pardoner
pardoonit ~ pardoned, remitted
pardoonys ~ remission
pargys ~ paradise
pargysoil ~ paradisiac
Parick ~ Patrick, Paddy
parick ~ immature lobster
parkay ~ parquet
parkayaght ~ parquetry
Parlane ~ Bartholomew
paroteed ~ parotid
parotoidagh ~ parotid
parrad ~ parrot, popinjay
parrad Austraalagh ~ budgerigar
parrad faarkee ~ puffin
parrad graih ~ love-bird
parrad stronnagh ~ toucan
parrafyn ~ kerosene
parrys ~ parvis
parsal ~ parse, parsley, parsing
parsul baa ~ cow parsley
Yn Partan ~ Cancer
partan ~ crab
partan glass ~ shore crab
partan kiuttagh ~ swimming crab, fiddler crab
partan sidooragh ~ soldier crab
partan snauee ~ swimming crab
partan vog ~ pea crab
partan yiarn ~ spider crab
partanagh ~ crablike
parteays ~ shareer
partee ~ party
Partee Cumaadagh ~ Conservative Party
Partee Obbraghys ~ Labour Party
partee politickagh ~ political party
Partee yn Lught Obbyr ~ Labour Party
parteeas ~ partner, interest payer
parteeys ~ team spirit
partigal ~ particle
pasagh ~ pasture
pash ~ potsherd, panmug
pash caffee ~ coffee pot
pash eeast ~ fish kettle
pash gheirr ~ dripping pan
pash hamyr ~ chamber (pot)
pash hey ~ teapot
pash hoilsheanagh ~ lustre ware
pash lhiabbagh ~ bed-pan
pash ushtey ~ water pot
pash veg ~ kettle
pash yiarn ~ iron pot
pashagh ~ ceramic
pasheyder ~ ceramist, potter
pasheyder beg ~ potter wasp
pasheydys ~ pottery, ceramics
pasheydys biskee ~ biscuitware
pass fillit ~ pass-out check
pass poleen ~ police pass
passlioar (banc) ~ pass book
pastee ~ pasty
pasteuraghey ~ pasteurize
pastyl ~ pastel
pastyr ~ pasture, feed
pastyr glass ~ green pasture
pastyral ~ graze
pateen ~ patina
patlag ~ apparel (outlandish)
patoayllagh ~ pathological
patoayllee ~ pathologist
patoaylleeaght ~ pathology
patrag ~ partridge
patrag rangagh ~ red-legged partridge
patrolaghey ~ patrol
patrole ~ patrol
patroon ~ patron
patroonagh ~ patronizing
patroonys ~ patronage
pavail ~ pave
peacock ~ peafowl, peacock
peajeog ~ scraper, miser, niggard, pinch-penny
peajeogagh ~ pinching, cheese-paring,
parsimonious, close-fisted, near (with
money), niggardly, tight-fisted, tight, miserly
peajeogys ~ narrowness, closeness, nearness,
close-fistedness, niggardliness, miserliness,
parsimony, tightness (in money)
peamad ~ pavement
peamadey ~ pave
peamadit ~ paved
peamadys ~ paving
pearl ~ pearl
pearlagh ~ pearly, nacreous
pearsley ~ warble
peccagh ~ person, transgressor, human
peccagh j'iu ~ one or other of you
peccah ~ sin, human being, sinner
peccah beg ~ venial sin, peccadillo
peccah croiagh ~ incestuous sin
peccah marrooagh ~ mortal sin
peccah noi'n Spyrrd Noo ~ blasphemy
peccah ny moyrn ~ sin of pride
peccoil ~ peccant, erring, sinful
peccoilys ~ sinfulness
pedant ~ pedant
pedantagh ~ pedantic
pedantaght ~ pedantry
Peddyr ~ Peter
peddyreen ~ pierrot
pedoveih ~ pedometer
pedryl ~ petrol, fuel, gasolene, juice
pedryl mooar ~ nelly
pedryl mooarchummaghtagh ~ power petrol
peeaganeagh ~ reedy
peeaghanagh ~ scrapy, stuffy
peeaghane ~ nasal congestion, stuffiness,
wheeze, hoarseness, dyspnoea
peeaghaneagh ~ raucous, hoarse, wheezy,
congested, throaty
peeaghaneid ~ hoarseness
peeaghaneys ~ throatiness, congestion
peeaghanid ~ headcold
peeagheree ~ oestrum, caterwaul, caterwauling,
peear ~ pear
peear doo ~ alligator pear
peear sharroo ~ choke pear
peedyr ~ pewter
peedyragh ~ pewterer
peegagh ~ thornback(ray), long-tailed skate,
peegagh breck ~ spur dogfish
peeik ~ peak
peeikear ~ spoilsport, descrier
peeikearagh ~ peep, pry, watch, view (from
concealment), pryer, curiosity, descrying,
peeping, nosey, prying
peeikearys ~ inquisitiveness, prying, peeping,
peeikearys chynskylagh ~ industrial espionage
peek ~ gable top
peel ~ pile
peeley ~ pile, pale, fort, tower
peeogagh ~ puny
peeoge ~ a petty thing, puny person, a tiny thing
peeogeagh ~ tiny
peeogys ~ puniness
peep ~ peep
Peep! Peep! ~ Peep-bo!
peepal ~ peep
peer ~ pier
peer jialgagh ~ prickly pear
Peerit ~ Penrith
peesh ~ piece, cutting, length (of thread), patch,
peesh argid ~ silver coin
peesh gheayil ~ coal
peesh gooyn ~ dress length
peesh jeih dollar ~ eagle
peesh phrowaltys ~ test piece
peesh scart ~ loose piece
peeshagh ~ patchy
peeshaghey ~ piece, construe
peeshal ~ piece
peeshal (kiaulleeaght) ~ vamp
peeshyn argid ~ silver coins
peeshyn geayil ~ coals
peiagh ~ human being, human, person
peiagh aasit ~ adult
peiagh ennagh ~ somebody
peiagh erbee ~ nobody, anyone, any person
peiagh gyn thort ~ harum-scarum
peiagh lhiggey er ~ masquerader
peiagh noi'n vioghiarrey ~ anti-vivisectionist
peie vreinn ~ calamary, cuttlefish, squid, fetid
peie-vroghe ~ cuttlefish
peint ~ paint
peint ooill ~ oil paint
peint vluightoil ~ emulsion paint
peintal ~ paintwork, depict
peinteyr ~ artist, painter
peinteyr cochaslys ~ portrait painter
peinteyr reayrtyn cheerey ~ landscape painter
peisht ~ monster
peitchag clagh-haait ~ clingstone
peitshag ~ peach
peitshag lhome ~ nectarine
pelasgagh ~ pelasgic
pell ~ prominence of the stomach, paunch
pellag ~ small pile
pellagan ~ pelican
pelmad ~ pelmet
pelt ~ felt
pelvagh ~ pelvic
pelvis ~ pelvis
pemmad ~ pavement, stone floor
pemmadit ~ paved
pemmal ~ pave, paving
pemmaleyr ~ paviour
Pen Sans ~ Penzance
pene ~ self
penisillin ~ penicillin
penn [f] ~ pen
penn chybbyrt ~ fountain pen
penn daah ~ colour pen
penn grine-virragh ~ ballpoint pen
penn leoaie ~ pencil, black lead
penn linneeaght ~ drawing pen
penn sclate ~ slate pencil
penney ~ pen
penneyr ~ calligrapher, penman
penneyragh ~ calligraphic
penneyraght ~ penmanship
penneyrys ~ calligraphy
pennys ~ punishment, penance
penshyn ~ pension, superannuation
penshyn shenneraght ~ old age pension
penshyneyr ~ pensioner
pensyl ~ pencil
pensyl daahit ~ coloured pencil
pensyl doscryssit ~ indelible pencil
pensyl gleayshagh ~ propelling pencil
pensyl sclate ~ slate pencil
pepsin ~ pepsin
perch ~ parch
perdooney ~ pardoning
Perick ~ Patrick, Paddy
Perick Noo ~ Saint Patrick
Perickeen ~ Pat
periscoip ~ periscope
periscoipagh ~ periscopic
peristalsis ~ peristalsis
perkin ~ busybody, pragmatist, pragmatic,
talkative person, saucy person, prater,
impertinent person, loquacious person;
perkin vooar ~ herring hog
perkinagh ~ saucy, officious, prating,
pragmatical, loquacious, interfering
perkinaght ~ interference, officiousness,
loquaciousness, sauciness
perkinys ~ interference, officiousness,
loquaciousness, sauciness, pragmatism,
perkyn ~ porpoise
perkyn vooar ~ grampus
pern ~ reel
Peroovagh ~ Peruvian
perree ~ short jacket, waistcoat, vest
persh ~ rod
Pershagh ~ Persia
Pershish ~ Persian
perslee ~ parsley
perslee feie ~ corn parsley
persoon ~ person, personage, being, individual
persoon er lheh ~ a private person
persoon feer scanshoil ~ very important person
persoon gyn tort ~ thoughtless person
persoon neuchooie ~ undesirable
persoonagh ~ personal, private
persoonaghey ~ personation, personisation,
personify, personate
persoonaght ~ identity
persoonaghtys ~ personisation
persooney ~ personify
persoonid ~ personality
persoonys ~ personification
perspeghtaght ~ perspective
perteeasagh ~ joint
pesmad ~ parsnip
pesson ~ rector
pessonagh ~ rectorial
pessonaght ~ rectorship
pessonys ~ rectorship
pessree ~ pessary
pestley ~ pestle
pestyl ~ pestle
petyl ~ petal
Yn Phaab ~ The Pope
phaart ~ pass away
Yn Phaish ~ Passiontide
Phaiyl ~ Paul
Yn Phakistaan ~ Pakistan
Yn Phalasteen ~ Palestine
Pharisee ~ Pharisee
y pheesh ~ apiece
yn pheintal ~ paintable
phenomenagh ~ phenomenal
phenomenon ~ phenomenon
Yn Pheroo ~ Peru
Phillip ny kennipey ~ linnet
Phillip ny sleityn ~ twite
yn phiob ~ the pipe
yn phiob vooar ~ bagpipe (Scottish)
yn phiob Yernagh ~ Irish bagpipes
yn phlaih fairaigagh ~ bubonic plague
y phobble ~ public
Yn Pholaneesey ~ Polynesia
Yn Pholynn ~ Poland
Yn Phortiugal ~ Portugal
yn phrash ~ the brass, brasswork
y phrisal ~ to prize
Yn Phroosh ~ Prussia
Phyt! ~ Pshaw!
pian ~ aching, ache, pain, dolour
pian bolgey ~ stomach pain
pian cree ~ heart-ache
pian lheshey ~ coxalgia
piandagh ~ sore, smart, painful
pianey ~ pain, ache
pianeyder ~ tormentor
pianit ~ pained
pianjaght ~ painfulness
pianjys ~ torment
pianney ~ piano
pianney jeeragh ~ upright piano
pianney mooar ~ concert grand
pianneyder ~ pianist
pianola ~ pianola
piantaghys ~ ordeal
pianys ~ infliction
piarghanee ~ caterwauling, caterwaul
pibbin ~ puffin
pibbin vane ~ fulmar
pibbin Vanninagh ~ Manx shearwater
pibbyr ~ pepper
pibbyr caiaan ~ cayenne pepper
pibbyr doo ~ black pepper
pibbyr feie ~ field cress
pibbyr Injinagh ~ allspice
pibbyr jiarg ~ capsicum
pibbyr y dooinney boght ~ field cress, Smith's
pibbyr y voalley ~ stonecrop
pibbyragh ~ pepper, peppery
pibbyral ~ pepper
pibbyrane ~ pepper box
pibbyrey ~ pepper
pibbyrit ~ peppered
pick ~ asphalt, pitch
pick hallooin ~ bitumen
pick juys ~ turpentine
pick vane ~ turpentine, resin
pickagh ~ bivalent, saving, asphaltic, pitchy
pickaid ~ piquet
pickey ~ pitch
picnic ~ picnic
picnical ~ picnic
Pict ~ Pict
Pictagh ~ Pictish
pie mess ~ tart
pieanat ~ magpie
pieannad ghlass ~ shrike
piggad ~ picket
piggad er chur er ~ picket
piggadey ~ picketing
piggin ~ nodgin
piggley ~ souse
piggyl ~ souse, pickle
piggylaghey ~ pickle
piggylit ~ pickled
pihtt ~ vulva, vagina, pussy, fanny
pijooryn beggey ~ tweezers
piljear ~ pilchard
pillagh ~ pillow
pillagh laatchey ~ lace pillow
pilleen ~ pillion
pilleen glioon ~ knee-pad
pilley ~ pill
pillyr ~ baluster, pillar
pillyr geinnee ~ sand-spout
pillyr lettyragh ~ pillarbox
pilshynagh ~ sardine
pimprogh ~ crayfish
pinealagh ~ pineal
ping ~ penny, pennyweight, copper (money)
ping-chreeney ~ penny-wise
ping ruy ~ penny piece, sou, stiver
ping vrishee ~ luck-penny
pinginyn ~ tin (money)
pinginyn cor ~ odd pence
pingyn ~ pence, shekels
pingyn Pheddyr ~ Peter's pence
pinjean ~ junket
pinjin ~ pinion
pinjoor ~ tenace
pinjoorghleashaght ~ pincer movement
pinjooryn ~ nipper
pinjooryn-treiney ~ nail drawer
pink ~ stock
pink lheeannagh ~ meadow pink
pinn [f] ~ peg
pinn clickee ~ latch
pinn eaddagh ~ clothes peg
pinn edd ~ hat peg
pinn stiuree ~ pintle, rudder post, tiller
pinney ~ peg, pivot
pinney cainlereagh ~ pricket
pinney chioonee ~ wrest pin
pinney-chlaare ~ wrest block
pinney cooat ~ coat peg
pinney coventyn ~ contact pin
pinney foiee ~ treenail
pinney geuley ~ link pin
pinney nuy ~ ninepin
pinnys ~ pinnace
pinshuryn ~ pincers
piob ~ bagpipe(s), channel, pipe, smoking pipe
piob calabash ~ calabash
piob chenntag ~ stovepipe
piob freoaie ~ briar pipe
piob fuillee ~ wastepipe
piob glioonagh ~ knee pipe
piob hassoo ~ stand-pipe
piob heaumee ~ drainpipe
piob-heelee ~ drain
piob hirveish ~ service-pipe
piob hoanney ~ exhaust pipe
piob Italianagh ~ zampogna
piob lhiggee ~ cock (of barrel), discharge pipe
piob liaghee ~ rain pipe
piob liauyr (kelk) ~ churchwarden
piob-linney ~ pipeline
piob-livrey ~ delivery pipe
piob neese ~ riser
piob neose ~ fall pipe
piob phlooghane ~ stench pipe
piob soo stiagh ~ inflow pipe
piob sornaig ~ drainpipe
piob towlagh ~ manifold
piob ullinagh ~ bagpipe (Irish)
piob ushtey ~ conduit, water pipe
piob vooar ~ Scottish bagpipe
piob vreinnid ~ stench pipe
piob vroighe ~ soil pipe
piob ynsooeeagh ~ induction pipe
pioban ~ tube, duct, pipe, throttle
pioban aile ~ fire hose
pioban garagh ~ garden hose
pioban gas ~ gas pipe
pioban kianglee ~ nipple
pioban lectragh ~ cable conduit, electric conduit
pioban mooin ~ catheter
pioban neose ~ downpipe
pioban ollay ~ swan neck
pioban sheese ~ downpipe
pioban sheidee ~ blast pipe
pioban ushtey ~ hosepipe, hose
piobanagh ~ tubular, pipe-like
piobanys ~ piping
piobberaght ~ piping, pibroch
piobberaght chaggee ~ war piping
piobeen ~ a small pipe
piobeyder ~ pipemaker
piobeyr ~ piper
piobeyr freoaie ~ cicada
piobyn soaillit ~ lagged pipes
piobyn teaumee ~ drainage
Pioonagh ~ Punic
pipaid ~ dripping tube, pipette, dropper
pippeen ~ pippin
pirgrin ~ pilgrim
pirgrinid ~ pilgrimage
pirgrinys ~ pilgrimage
pirragh ~ kittiwake
pishag ~ incantation, spell, charm
pishagagh ~ incantatory, sorcerer, superstitious,
pishagys ~ enchantment, magic
pishanagh ~ kitten
pisheragh ~ whispering
pisheraght ~ whispering
pisheyragh ~ whisper
pishin ~ kitten
pishinagh ~ kittenish
pishyr [f] ~ chickling, vetch, pea, vetchling
pishyr chabbil ~ common vetch, tare
pishyr cheylley ~ wood pea
pishyr chirkey ~ chick pea
pishyr gharroo ~ hairy vetch
pishyr ghlass ~ green pea
pishyr ghoo ~ black pea
pishyr hallooin ~ peanut, groundnut
pishyr hraie ~ sea pea
pishyr lughag ~ lentil
pishyr ny gabbil ~ bush vetch
pishyr ny keylley ~ wood vetch
pishyr sleitagh ~ heath pea
pishyr villish ~ sweet pea
pishyr vooar ~ marrowfat
pishyr voorey ~ sea pea
pishyr vuigh ~ yellow vetch, meadow vetchling
pishyr yn arroo ~ hairy vetch
pishyragh ~ pease, pea
pishyryn ~ pease
pishyryn bolgit ~ parched peas
pishyryn glassey ~ green peas
pishyryn sheel ~ sowing peas
pishyrys ~ pulse
pistil ~ pistil
pistol ~ pistol
pistyl ~ epistle
pistyl markee ~ horse pistol
pistylagh ~ epistolary
pitschal ~ stope
pitt ~ vulva, vagina
pittane ~ henpecked
pitteog ~ scraper, niggard
pitteogagh ~ illiberal, penurious, niggardly,
pitteogys ~ inhospitality, niggardliness,
illiberality, penuriousness, nearness,
pituitagh ~ pituitary
piyl ~ barb
piyr ~ pair, brace, couple
piyral ~ pair, pairing, match (in pairs), couple,
piyrey ~ pair, pairing
piyrit ~ coupled, matched, paired
piyryn y yannoo ~ to pair off
plaait chirrym ~ dry plate
plaait coirrey ~ boil plate
plaait eillee ~ armour-plate
plaaitail ~ armour
plaaitit ~ armoured
plaan-chlaare ~ plane-table
plaanagh ~ plane
plaandronnagh ~ plano-convex
plaaney ~ plane
plaaney jerree ~ tailplane
plaaney liargee ~ inclined plane
plaasagh ~ palace, palatial
plaase ~ palace
plaase reeoil ~ basilica
plaasoil ~ palace, palatial
plaastraght ~ plasterwork
plaastrail ~ plaster, pargeting, plastering
plaastrail (boalley) ~ parget
plaastral ~ plastering, plaster, render
plaastreyder ~ plasterer
plaastrit ~ rendered, plastered
plaastyr ~ parget, mortar, plaster
plaastyr cray as thoo ~ clay and straw mortar
plaastyr eayil ~ lime plaster
plad ~ plaid
plaggad ~ oats in ear
plaggad doo ~ black oats
plaggad feie ~ wild oat
plaid ~ plaid
plaih ~ pestilence, plague
plaih chartan ~ tick infestation
plaih ny giark ~ fowl pest
plaihagh ~ pestilential
plaihghey ~ plague
plaik ~ plaque
plait ~ plate, clutch-plate
plait airhey ~ gold plate
plait argid ~ silver plate
plait argidit ~ electro-plate
plait cheh ~ hotplate
plait cobbyr ~ copperplate
plait-ghlonney ~ plate glass
plait greimmagh ~ sensitive plate
plait lectrit ~ electro-plate
plait staillinagh ~ steel plate
plait stainnagh ~ tin plate
plait uillinagh ~ corner plate
plaitaghey ~ plating, plate
plaitail ~ cast
plaital ~ stereotype
plaiteen ~ patella
plaiteyder ~ plater
plaiteyr ~ plate-layer
plaitit ~ stereotyped
plaittal ~ entwine
plaiynt ~ objection, complaining, complaint,
plaiyntagh ~ objector, objectionable, plaintiff
plaiyntoil ~ petitioning
plan ~ plan
planaid ~ planet
planaidagh ~ planetary
planaideen ~ planetoid
planartagh ~ astrologer
planartys ~ astrology
Plandail Ulley ~ Plantation of Ulster
plandailee ~ planter
plandailys cadee ~ cotton plantation
plang ~ twang (of bow)
plank ~ plank
plankys ~ planking
plannal ~ plan, planning
planneyder ~ planner
plannit ~ planned
plantain ~ plantain
plasmey ~ plasma
plasmey folley ~ blood plasma
plastagh ~ plastic
plastaght ~ plasticity
plastaseen ~ plasticine
plate coshey ~ footplate
plateen ~ platen, platinum
plateenaghey ~ platinize
platonnagh ~ platonic
platoon ~ platoon
playt ~ breastplate
playt ught ~ breastplate
pleabagh ~ plebian
pleadeil ~ plead, advocacy, conduct (of case),
pleadeilagh ~ council, counsel, pleading
pleadeyr ~ advocate, pleader
pleadeyraght ~ legal argument
pleat ~ prattle, talk (conversation), pleat,
pleatagh ~ pleated, voluble
pleatal ~ pleat
pleateil ~ prate, talk, prattle, converse
pleateilagh ~ prater
pleateyder ~ talkative person, prater
pleateyr ~ talkative person
pleistoseenagh ~ Pleistocene
pleiteilagh ~ voluble
plinthey ~ plinth
plioseenagh ~ Pliocene
ploddan ~ paddling pool
ploddanagh ~ paddle, paddler
ploht ~ plot
plooghagh ~ airless
plooghaght ~ mumps
plooghane ~ fumes, stench, suffocation
plooghaneagh ~ suffocating, stuffy, stifling
plooghaneys ~ stuffiness
plooghee ~ congestive
plooghey ~ tamp, inundation, inundate, muffle,
asthma, smothering, glut, stifle, cushion,
choke, asphyxia, smother, fugginess, choking,
restrain, congestion, congest, suffocation,
plooghey darragyn ~ log-jam
plooghey (margee) ~ glut
ploogheyder ~ smotherer, suppressor
plooghit ~ close, suffocated, congested,
overcome with smoke, choked, inundated,
stunk out, chesty, stifled, suppressed,
smothered, frowsty, glutted, teeming, thick
(as voice), fuggy
plooght ~ stifled, stunk out, smothered
plooghtaght ~ frowstiness
plooragh ~ pleural
ploorasagh ~ pleuritic
ploorasee ~ pleurisy
plooreen ~ indigo
plooreenagh ~ indigo-blue
ploorey ~ pleura
plou ~ hoot
plucan ~ pimple
plucanagh ~ pimply
pluccan doo ~ blackhead
pluccan mooar ~ carbuncle
pluccanagh ~ carbuncular
pluckey ~ pluck off, plucking, pluck, evulsion
pluckit ~ plucked
plug ~ plug
plug drillinagh ~ spark plug
plug lectragh ~ electric plug
pluggan ~ bung
pluggey ~ plug of tobacco
pluggey blaaghyn ~ picking flowers
plumbis ~ plum
plumbis chirmit ~ prune
plumbis feie ~ wild plum
plumbis glass ~ greengage
plumbis shirgit ~ prune
plumbisyn Frangagh ~ French plums
plumeyr ~ plumber
plus ~ plus
plutacraat ~ plutocrat
plutacraataghys ~ plutocracy
plutoyniu ~ plutonium
poagagh ~ baggy
poagaghey ~ bulge, bulging
poagaght ~ baggage
poageen ~ budget
poageenagh ~ budgetary
poagey ~ bursa, pocket, sac, pouch, poke,
windbag, bag, kit
poagey argid ~ moneybag
poagey cadlee ~ sleeping bag, fleabag
poagey cartoose ~ cartridge pouch
poagey doo ~ ink-bag
poagey drommey ~ knapsack, rucksack,
poagey dullag ~ portfolio
poagey eaddagh ~ clothes bag
poagey eaddee ~ cloak bag, clothes bag
poagey faastguin ~ sponge-bag
poagey feieys ~ game-bag
poagey fritlagyn ~ rag-bag
poagey gas ~ gasbag
poagey geinnee ~ sandbag
poagey gleihagh ~ jelly-bag
poagey greieyn ~ toolbag
poagey jeeltagh ~ saddlebag
poagey jeirk ~ alms-bag
poagey laue ~ handbag
poagey liareagh ~ leather bag
poagey markee ~ sabretache
poagey millish ~ sachet
poagey moggyllagh ~ reticule, net-bag
poagey olley ~ woolsack
poagey post ~ postbag
poagey rio ~ ice pack, ice-bag
poagey screeuee ~ cover
poagey screeuyn ~ envelope
poagey shappal ~ shopping bag
poagey sheeley ~ straining bag
poagey stroaney ~ nosebag
poagey thoanney ~ hip-pocket
poagey tombagey ~ tobacco pouch
poagey trelloo ~ kitbag
poagey troailt ~ carpet-bag
poagey whaalee ~ work-bag, ditty-bag
poagey yn ghorrym ~ blue-bag
poageyr ooreyder ~ fob
poanragh ~ leguminous
poanrey ~ legume, bean
poanrey caffee ~ coffee bean
poanrey carob ~ carob bean
poanrey coco ~ cocoa bean
poanrey curree ~ buck bean
poanrey eeymey ~ butter bean
poanrey Frangagh ~ kidney bean, haricot
poanrey jiarg ~ scarlet runner bean
poanrey lhean ~ broad bean
poanrey lheimeragh ~ jumping bean
poanrey locust ~ locust
poar ~ spawn
poatchal ~ poach, poaching
poatcher ~ poacher
poatchit ~ poached
poaynt ~ snare, string
pobblaght ~ republic
pobblaghtagh ~ republican
pobblaghtys ~ republicanism
pobble ~ people, population, community, folk,
congregation, masses
pobble cadjin ~ commons
pobble-vriwnys ~ plebiscite
Pobble Yee ~ Faithful
pobbyl ~ population, cottonwood, poplar,
pobbyl balloo ~ inarticulate masses
pobbyl bane ~ white poplar
pobbyl doo ~ black poplar
pobbylagh ~ public, populous
poblaght ~ commonwealth
poblaght ny labreeyn ~ workers' republic
poblaghteyr ~ non-unionist
poddash [f] ~ stirabout, porridge
poddash hiu ~ thick porridge
poddash phishyragh ~ pease porridge
podjal ~ jug
podjal key ~ cream jug
podjal ny hostyllyn ~ apostle jug
podjal smarree ~ lard jug
poggaid ~ pocket
poggaid chee ~ breast pocket
poggaid chleeau ~ breast pocket
poggaid ooreyder ~ watch pocket
poggaid pherree ~ vest pocket
poggaid vreetchyn ~ trouser pocket
poggaid vroghil ~ breast pocket
poggaidagh ~ pocketed
pohll ~ net-sinker
pohlldal ~ warrant, maintain
pohlldey ~ maintenance, maintain
pohlldey argidagh ~ apanage
pohlldit ~ warranted, maintained
pohlley ~ entanglement, warrant, intricacy
pohllit ~ stuck, uncombed, matted
poht ~ creel, stewpot
poht beg ~ kettle
poht crayee ~ clay pot
poht eairkagh ~ kettle
poht earkagh ~ teapot
poht ghoo ~ still
poht gimmee ~ lobster pot
poht glooie ~ glue-pot
poht losseree ~ still
poht partan ~ crab-pot
poht pibbyragh ~ pepper box
poht stainnagh ~ tin-pot
poht stainney ~ tin-pot
pohteyr ~ sot
pohteyraght ~ sot
poinnee ~ stout, sturdy
poinneeid ~ sturdiness, stoutness
poinsheil ~ bid (order), appoint, bidding,
point ~ leather-lace, lace, thong
pointal ~ lay (guns)
pointeil ~ appointing, appoint, bidding,
poisheil ~ appointing
pokyr ~ poker
polaase ~ policy
polaase urraghys ~ insurance policy
Polaneesagh ~ Polynesian
polasee yn phartee ~ party line
poleen ~ constable, policeman, copper, Bobby
poleen er lheh ~ special constable
poleenyn ~ police force, police, the fuzz
poleenyn awiney ~ river police
poleenyn yn armee ~ military police
politickagh ~ political
politickagh ny cruinney ~ geopolitics
politickaght ~ politics
politickaght y theihill ~ world politics
politickeyr ~ politician
politig ~ politics
polkey ~ polka
pollag ~ boss, small pile, heap of dung
pollag leoh ~ ash heap
pollagh ~ marsh parsnip, water parsnip
pollal ~ dress, crop, poll, clip (on ticket), prune,
pollan ~ felt, thick-skinned (of person), saddle
cloth, dud, pack saddle
pollanyn ~ duds
polley ~ mat, stick together
pollinaghey ~ pollinate
pollit ~ polled, clipped
pollnaghey ~ pollination
pollyn ~ pollan
pollyp ~ polyp
polo ~ polo
polo ushtey ~ water polo
polt ~ clap, blast (explosion), detonation,
explosion, flap, crack (sound), concussion,
snap, bang, thump, shot, rap, stroke, report
poltag ~ bull-head, blockhead, dunderhead
poltag Nollick ~ Christmas cracker
poltagh ~ ear-splitting
poltal ~ banging, thump, clapping, explode,
clap, rap
poltey ~ rap, clap, flap, clapping, thump
polteyder ~ flivver
polteyr ~ knocker, thumper
poltit ~ thumped, exploded, struck
polyheedragh ~ polyhedral
polyheedrane ~ polyhedron
polymeyragh ~ polymeric
polymeyraght ~ polymerism
Polynnagh ~ Pole, Polish
polynnagh ~ polonaise
Polynnish ~ Polish
Pomeyragh ~ Pomeranian
pommit ~ rabbit (sea name)
pompee Laplannagh ~ Lapland bunting
pompee Loghlinagh ~ Lapland bunting
pompee Loghlynagh ~ orotlan bunting
pompee niaghtee ~ snow bunting
pompee ny guirtlagh ~ reed bunting
pompee ny hoarn ~ corn bunting
pompee wuigh ~ cirl bunting
ponk ~ dot
ponkagh ~ dotted
ponkey ~ dot
ponkyn as skilleigyn ~ dots and dashes
ponnair ~ child
pontoon ~ pontoon
pontoonagh ~ pontoneer
pontreil ~ plummet, fishing weight, plumb line,
plumb bob
pontreilagh ~ vertical
pontreilaght ~ verticalness
pontreiley ~ plummet
pontreilley ~ depth-sounding
pontreilleyder ~ depth-sounder
pooar ~ power, influence, puissance, province,
faculty, warrant
pooar aigney ~ mental power
pooar er baase as bea ~ power of life and death
pooar gioal ~ execute
pooar-hoyrt ~ transmission
pooar kionnee ~ spending power
pooar seihll ~ world power
pooar ushtey ~ water-power
pooar ushtey-lectragh ~ hydroelectric power
pooar yn ynnydagh ~ power of attorney
pooaragh ~ influential, powerful
pooaraghey ~ authorize, empower
pooaraghyn maylee ~ leasing powers
pooaral ~ puissant, powerful, influential
pooaralaght ~ powerfulness
pooaralys ~ powerfulness
pooarit ~ authorized
pooaroil ~ influential
poodeyr argid ~ plate powder
poodyr ~ powder, explosive, dynamite,
gelatine, gelignite
poodyr as leoaie ~ powder and shot
poodyr beishteig ~ worm powder, insect
poodyr (bleaystee) ~ blasting powder
poodyr (chentagh) ~ gunpowder
poodyr custart ~ custard powder
poodyr eddin ~ face powder
poodyr feeackle ~ tooth powder
poodyr fuinnee ~ baking powder
poodyr garroo ~ large grain powder
poodyr-giallee ~ bleaching powder
poodyr meein ~ small grain powder
poodyr ooh ~ egg powder
poodyr streighernee ~ sneezing powder
poodyr turmerick ~ tumeric
poodyragh ~ powdery, pulverulent
poodyraghey ~ pulverization
poodyraght ~ powderiness
poodyral ~ dust, powder
poodyrit ~ powdered
poogh ~ kiss, wasp
pooghane ~ fluke
pooishee ~ posy
pooitch ~ sulk, pouch
pooitchagh ~ sullen, sulky
pooitchid ~ sulkiness
pooral ~ high-power(ed)
poosee ~ conjugal, connubial
poosey ~ marry, wed, wedlock, matrimony,
bridal, wedding, marriage, espousal
poosey casherick ~ holy matrimony
poosey croiagh ~ incestuous marriage
poosey fannag ~ wedding (no relatives)
poosey mooinjerey ~ intermarriage
poosey pieannad ~ wedding (no relatives)
poosey vooinjey hene ~ intermarry
pooseyder ~ wedder
poosit ~ married
poost ~ wedded, married, spliced
pootch ~ pouch
pootchagh ~ poutish, pouter, pouch-like
pootchid ~ sullenness, pouting
pop-chiaull ~ pop music
poplyn ~ poplin
porch ~ porch
porch er lout ~ balcony
pornograafagh ~ pornographic
pornograafaght ~ pornography
porslyn ~ porcelain
port y veill ~ mouth music
portagh raad yiarn ~ railway embankment
portar ~ porter
portarey ~ porter
portarys ~ portering
Portiugagh ~ Portuguese
Portiugish ~ Portuguese
portmantey ~ portmanteau
portoose ~ breviary
portyr ~ porter
poryssaght ~ shadiness
posee ~ nosegay
posee cleeu ~ buttonhole (flower)
poss ~ bedpost
possad ~ posset
possan ~ band (of people), posse, covey, clique,
bevy, ensemble, colony, swarm, gaggle,
grouping, flock, group, party, bunch, pride of
lions, squad, formation of troops, detachment,
possan banshey ~ wedding party
possan eash ~ age-bracket
possan folley ~ blood group
possan kiaullee ~ band (small musical)
possan lhiggee ~ firing squad
possan noa ~ relay
possan ronsey ~ search party
possan sheeyntane ~ stretcher party
possan shelg ~ shooting party
possan snagchiaull ~ pop group
possanaghey ~ grouping, group
possanaght ~ cliquishness
post ~ correspondence, mail, post
post aer ~ airmail, air post
post armee ~ military station
post arrey ~ look out
post cosnee ~ winning post
post eaishtaght ~ listening station
post follym ~ vacancy
post lampey ~ lamp post
post lioaragh ~ book post
post mynjeigagh ~ parcel post
post ny pingyn ~ penny post
post toshee ~ starting post, advanced post
post traen ~ mail train
post-traght ~ mail-order business
postaghan ~ place hunter
postal ~ post
posteyr ~ poster, placard
postyr ~ scold, bully
postyr dy ven ~ termagant
postyr straaidey ~ hoodlum
postyragh ~ bully, hectoring, self-important,
postyrey ~ hector
postys ~ postage
postys eeckit ~ post-paid, postage paid
pot ~ pothole, pot
pot ghoo ~ whisky still (illicit)
potacaraght ~ pharmceutics
potacareeagh ~ pharmaceutical
potash ~ potash, ash
potassium ~ potassium
potecaree ~ chemist, dispenser, pharmcist,
druggist, apothecary
potecareeys ~ pharmacy
poteen ~ poteen
potreil ~ plumb
pouint ~ lace
poull ~ pole
poull jiooldagh ~ negative pole
poullagh ~ polar
poulleraght ~ polarity
poulleyr ~ polar
poullraghey ~ polarization, polarize
poullreyder ~ polarizer
poyll [f] ~ pool, hole, bay, water supply
poyll akeragh ~ roadstead
Poyll Baaish ~ Poolvash
poyll conning ~ rabbit hole
poyll crayee ~ clay pit
poyll daah ~ dye-pool
poyll faarkee ~ public baths, swimming pool,
baths, pool
poyll keck ~ cesspool
poyll moaney ~ peat bank
poyll raadee ~ roadstead
poyll shillee ~ gravel pit
poyll sluggee ~ vortex, whirlpool
poyll thunnag ~ duckpond
poyll ushtey ~ watering place
Poyll Vaaish ~ Poolvash, Pool of Death
poyllag ~ rockling
poyllagh ~ water parsnip
poylley ~ felt
poynt ~ dot, count, point
poynt airdeylagh ~ compass point
poynt druight(ey) ~ dew point
poynt jeihoil ~ decimal point
poynt neunhee ~ zero point
poynt rio ~ freezing point
poyntyn colhiantagh ~ consecutive points
Praag ~ Prague
praase [f] ~ spud, potato
praase frangagh ~ Jerusalem artichoke
praase greiney ~ Jerusalem artichoke
praase oohchrooagh ~ kidney potato
praase rangagh ~ Jerusalem artichoke
praase Spaainagh ~ sweet potato
praaseyn broojit ~ mashed potatoes
praaseyn gyn lhoamey ~ jacket potatoes
praaseyn lahnit ~ mashed potatoes
praaseyn sheel ~ seed potatoes
praaseyn thallooin ~ potatotes left in ground
praaseyn ushtoil ~ soapy potatoes
praasyn broit ~ boiled potatoes
praddag ~ caterpillar, cutworm
praddag stroailtagh ~ cankerworm
praddag valpys ~ mapleworm
praeteyr ~ praetor
praeteyragh ~ praetorian
pragmatagh ~ pragmatical, pragmatic
pragmataghys ~ pragmatism
pragmatee ~ pragmatist
pram ~ pram
prane ~ prawn
prash ~ brass-ware, dough, boodle, brass
prash-ghial ~ white brass
prash-screeu ~ chalcography
prash-screeuder ~ chalcographist
prashagh ~ brazen, brassy
prashaghey ~ brazing, braze
prashal ~ braze, brazing
prasheen ~ brassie
prashey ~ brazen
prasheyder ~ brazier, brass-founder
prashit ~ brazed
prashyn ~ brass-work
prashyn ymmyrkane ~ bearing brasses
prawg ~ store
prayal ~ praying
prayn ~ prawn
preaban ~ piece of land, plot, fair, patch,
fairground, hippodrome, demesne, circus
preaban caggee ~ amphitheatre
preaban coshee ~ pedestrian precinct
preaban gammanagh ~ funfair
preaban geinnee ~ arena
preaban thie ~ ground plot
preabanagh ~ patchy
preabanee ~ patcher
preacheil ~ preaching, preach, preachify,
preacheil yn Sushtal ~ preaching the Gospel
preacheilagh ~ preachy, predicant
preachit ~ preached
preachoor ~ preacher, predicant
preays ~ press, stress, pressure
preaysagh ~ pressing, pressed
preaysal ~ press
preeu- ~ prime
preevaadjagh ~ private
preevaadjys ~ privacy
preissal ~ busy
prelaid ~ dignitary, prelate
prelaidys ~ prelacy
premeeyn ~ latrines
premmee ~ toilet, WC, privy, lavatory, loo,
public convenience, earth closet
premmee deiney ~ Gents' toilet
premmee mraane ~ Ladies' toilet
premmee ushtey ~ water closet
prent ~ print
prental ~ print, printing
prenteyraght ~ printing
prentit ~ printed
prentyr ~ printer
Presbyteyragh ~ Presbyterian
Presbyteyraght ~ Presbyterianism
press-proofey ~ press-proof
prest ~ wardrobe
pretereitagh ~ preterite
priddyr ~ potato
prig ~ prig
priggagh ~ priggish
priggaght ~ priggishness
primaidys ~ primacy
primal ~ priming, prime
prime ghooinney ~ chief man
primeyder ~ primer
prindeays ~ novicate
prindeis ~ prentice
prindeys ~ apprentice
prindeysaght ~ apprenticeship
pringjeillgagh ~ gorbellied
prinjeig ~ paunch, belly, potato-belly
prinjeig vooar ~ gorbelly
prinjeigagh ~ big-bellied, pot-bellied, paunchy
prinsabyl ~ principle, principled
prinsaght ~ principality
prinse ~ prince
prinse lhiass ree ~ prince regent
prinsoil ~ princely
prinsoilid ~ princeliness
printey daahit ~ colour print
prioraght ~ priory
priorey ~ prior
prios ~ price
prios aggairagh ~ unfair price
prios mooar ~ high price
prios trome ~ high price
prioseil ~ estimate, appraise, price, value,
prioseilagh ~ estimator, appraiser
prioseilaght ~ appraisement, value, appraisal
prioseilys ~ valuation, estimate
prioseyr ~ valuer, valuator
priosit ~ valued
priosoil ~ pricey, valuable
priosoilid ~ valuableness
prisal ~ lever, leverage, raise
prise ~ fulchrum
prismagh ~ prismatic
prismey ~ prism
prismoid ~ prismoid
prismoidagh ~ prismoidal
privad ~ privet
proghan thoanney ~ stuffing
prognosal ~ prognose
prolaitagh ~ prolate
pronnag ~ sausage
pronnag feill vuc ~ pork sausage
pronnag heaystagh ~ sausage roll
pronnag Iddaalagh ~ polony
pronnag sailjey ~ saveloy
pronney ~ cram, stuff, fill, ram home, press;
overcrowding, stuffing, filling, eating
pronney (shehghyn) ~ taxidermy
pronneyder ~ stuffer
pronneyder sheh ~ taxidermist
pronnit ~ filled, overcrowd, stuffed
proof cheuagh ~ page-proof
prookal ~ searching in the dark, searching
Prooshagh ~ Prussian
prooshagh ~ prussic
propaganda ~ propaganda
propane ~ propane
prose ~ prose
proseyr ~ prose writer
prosoid ~ prosody
prosoil ~ prosy
prostaitagh ~ prostate
prostaitaght ~ prostatism
prostaitys ~ prostatism
prostanagh ~ protestant
protane ~ proton
protatonnagh ~ prototonic
proteen ~ protein
protestoonagh ~ protestant
protestoonys ~ protestantism
protoplasmagh ~ protoplasmic
protoplasmey ~ protoplasm
protosoagh ~ protozoic
protosoan ~ protozoan
protosoon ~ protozoan
prow dy ve neuchiart ~ explode
prow noi ~ disprove
prowal ~ test, try, try on, try out, fit on, depose,
assay, prove, proof, demonstration,
deposi t i on, demonst rat e, provi ng,
establishment, trial (attempt)
prowal ennalagh ~ breath test
prowal fidraghtyn ~ trying
prowal foalsey ~ refute
prowal imman ~ driving test
prowal liauyr ~ galley-proof
prowal sooillyn ~ sight testing
prowallagh ~ probative, provable, probationary,
probationer, trial, test
prowallys ~ probation, proof, try on, assay
prowallys bink ~ bench-test
prowallys naightane ~ press-proof
prowallys sooilley ~ sight test
prowal t agh ~ prover, experi ment er,
experimental, deponent
prowaltys ~ experiment
prowaltys chymnee ~ probate
prowaltys-hilley ~ eyesight test
prowaltys noi ~ disproof
proweydane ~ test-tube
prowit ~ proved, established, tried, tested,
sworn, deposed
prowit dy ve neuchiart ~ exploded
prug ~ hoard, store, possessions
pruggal ~ hoard, hoarding
pruggit ~ hoarded
prughag ~ hoarder, niggard, miser
prughal ~ scrape together
prughit ~ stored
prumpey kirkey ~ parson's nose
pryssoon ~ jail, prison, gaol, penitentiary, brig,
glasshouse, lock up
pryssoon seihill ~ life sentence
pryssoonagh ~ internee, prisoner, detainee,
pryssoonagh caggee ~ prisoner of war
pryssoonagh politickagh ~ political prisoner
pryssoonaghey ~ imprison, incarcerate, confine,
detain, gaol
pryssoonaght ~ imprisonment, detention,
pryssooney ~ imprison, incarcerate
pryssooneyder ~ imprisoner, gaoler
pryssoonit ~ detained
pryssoonys ~ internment, durance, duress,
imprisonment, prison sentence
pryssoonys aggairagh ~ false imprisonment
pryssoonys kerree ~ penal servitude
publicaanagh ~ publican
puckler ~ small farmer, truckler
puddase [f] ~ potato
puht ~ butt (of animal)
puhttagh ~ butting, pushing, jostling
puhttey ~ butting, push, butt, jostle, jostling
puhtteyder ~ pusher, jostler, bulldozer
puiddin [f] ~ pudding
puiddin d'eddin ~ pudding-face
puiddin hanney ~ hasty pudding
puiddin ooyllagh ~ apple pudding
puiddin reise ~ rice pudding
puiddin smeyragh ~ blackberry pudding
puill ~ pools
puinsh ~ punch
puint ~ pounds
puirt ~ harbours
puiss ~ dial, muzzle, kisser, pout, cheek, jowl,
puiss screebagagh ~ scarface
puissag ~ chub, blow across the mouth, plump-
cheeked person
puissagh ~ plump-cheeked, sullen, puffed out,
pouting, puffy, chubby, buccal
puissal ~ swell
puissey ~ swell
puit ~ pots
puitt-feill ~ flesh-pots
pukan ~ Manx cattle (ancient)
pulgey ~ cram
pulgeydory ~ purgatory
pumkin ~ pumpkin
pump ~ pump
pump aer ~ air pump
pump-folmid ~ vacuum pump
pump gailley ~ stomach pump
pumpal ~ pumping, pump
pumpal neese ~ pump up
pumpeyder ~ pumper
pundaig ~ couch grass, quitch grass
pundaigagh ~ hard-stemmed
pundail ~ pound, pinfold
pundailey ~ impound
pundaileyder ~ impounder
pundailit ~ impounded
punkaghey ~ punctuation, punctuate
punsh ~ counter-punch
punt ~ quid, punt, pound
punt airhey ~ sovereign
punt-ghunn ~ punt gun
punt ommidjagh ~ pound-foolish
punt Sostynagh ~ pound sterling
puntaght ~ poundage
puntal ~ poundal, punt
purgaid ~ catharsis, drench, purge, black
purgaidagh ~ cathartic, purgative, aperient,
purgeid ~ aperient
purgeydeyr ~ purgatory
purghagys ~ miserliness
puritaanagh ~ puritanical, puritan
puritaanaghys ~ puritanism
purr ~ wild Manx pig, boar (wild)
purt [f] ~ harbour, island (in street), station,
seaport, port, jig
purt aer ~ airport
Purt Aeragh Roonysvaie ~ Ronaldsway Airport
Purt Askagh ~ Port Askaig
purt awiney ~ river port
purt chaggee ~ naval station
Purt Chasherick ~ Port Erin
Purt chiarn ~ Port Erin
Purt Erin ~ Port Erin
purt gheayil ~ coaling station
Purt Illiam ~ Port William
Purt Largey ~ Waterford
Purt le Moirrey ~ Port St. Mary
purt lhuingey ~ seaport
purt lhuingys caggee ~ naval port
Purt Masooyl ~ The Niarbyl
Purt ny h-Inshey ~ Peel
Purt ny Hawin ~ Portnahaven
Purt ny Manninee ~ Peel
Purt Pherick ~ Portpatrick
Purt Sheearan ~ Port Erin
purt vennaltagh ~ heliport
Purt y Chee ~ Port-e-Chee
Purt y Vaatey ~ Portavadie
Purt y Wyllin ~ Port-e-Vullen
Purt Yiarn ~ Port Erin
Purt yn Doonan ~ Portadown
Purt yn Ellan ~ Port Ellen
purtey ~ of a port
Purtree ~ Portree
pushag ~ pimple, pustule
puss ~ mug
pussal ~ puff
pussal jaagh ~ puffing smoke
putage ~ pudding
putage folley ~ blood pudding
putage ghoo ~ black pudding
putage vane ~ white pudding
putage y Nollick ~ plum duff
putageyn ~ bowel
puttag ~ short fat person
puttagagh ~ dumpy
puttage rio ~ ice pudding
puttee ~ putty
pyagh ~ person
pye ~ pie
pye feill vuc ~ pork pie
pye foalley ~ pasty
pye ghort ~ sea pie
pye hillish ~ cherry pie
pye ooyllagh ~ apple pie
pye smeyragh ~ blackberry pie
pye veg ~ patty
pyjamaghyn ~ pyjamas
pyle ~ ferrule, pointed piece of iron
pylon ~ pylon
pynjouiryn ~ pincers
pynt ~ pint pot, pint
pynt dy jough ~ a pint of beer
pynt dy yough ~ a pint of ale
pynt jough ~ ale mug
pynt sharroo ~ a pint of bitter
pynteragh ~ drinking (in pub)
pyramid ~ pyramid
pyramidoil ~ pyramidal
Pyreanagh ~ Pyrenean
Pyrragh ~ Pyrrhic
pyshoon ~ venom, poison
pyshoon roddan ~ rat poison
pyshoonagh ~ pernicious, venomous, poisonous
pyshoonaghey ~ poisoning
pyshoonaght leoaie ~ lead poisoning
pyshooney ~ poison
pyshooneyder ~ poisoner
pyshoonit ~ poisoned
pyshoonys folley ~ blood poisoning
pyshoonys pronnag ~ botulism
quaagh ~ peculiar, odd, strange, alien, uncanny,
foreign, aloof, supernatural, weird, quaint,
psychic(al), ghostly
quaaghey ~ going queer
quaaghid ~ weirdness, aloofness, quaintness,
quaaghys ~ oddness
quaaie ~ psychic(al), queer, strange
quaaint ~ sleep in the eye
quaaltagh ~ first-footer
quaaltys ~ interview
quaane ~ aliens, strangers
quaant ~ matter in eye
quaaylagh ~ abutting
quack ~ quack
quackal ~ quack
quadree ~ quadrat
quadreel ~ quadrille
quaillag ~ fly, housefly
quaillag ghlass ~ greenbottle
quaillag hie ~ house fly
quaillag hoshee ~ dropper
quaillag hraie ~ seaweedfly
quaillag ny glagh ~ stonefly
quaillag Spaainagh ~ cantharis, blistering fly
quaillag stabyl ~ stablefly
quaillag Voaldyn ~ mayfly, troutfly
quaillag vreagagh ~ troutfly
quaillagagh ~ fly-like, fly-infested
ny quaillagyn ~ diptera
quaillan mwaagh ~ leveret
quailley ~ newel
quaillianagh ~ puppyish
quailtys ~ assignation
quailtys choloayrtssagh ~ conversazione
quaine ~ aliens, strangers
quaiyl ~ court, assembly, session, tribunal,
guild, parliament, legislature
ny quaiyl ~ towards her
quaiyl abb ~ court baron
quaiyl agglish ~ consistory, chapter court,
spiritual court
quaiyl ard-eish ~ congress
quaiyl ardreil(t)agh ~ chancery
quaiyl armee ~ court martial
quaiyl chiaullee ~ musical guild
quaiyl chimmee ~ assize court
quaiyl chountee ~ county court
quaiyl chyndagh ~ criminal court
Quaiyl Hostyn ~ House of Commons
Quaiyl ny chiarnyn ~ House of Lords
quaiyl phaabagh ~ curia
quaiyl Phesbyteyragh ~ presbytery
quaiyl raieeoil ~ quarter sessions
quaiyl s'inshley ~ magistrate's court
quaiyl theayee ~ common-law court
Quaiyl Tinvaal ~ Tynwald Court
quaiyl varrey ~ admiralty court
quaiyl vriwnys ~ court of justice
quaiylagh ~ law court
quaiyllagh ~ forensic, congressional
quaiyltagh ~ adjoining
quaiylyn beggey ~ petty sessions
qualleeagh ~ qualifying
qualleeaght ~ qualification
quallian ~ puppy, pup, whelp, cub
quallian conning ~ young rabbit
quallian leion ~ lion cub
quallian maghouin ~ bear cub
quallian raun ~ seal pup
quallian shynee ~ fox cub
quallian Sostynagh ~ bull pup
quantum ~ quantum
quaranteen ~ quarantine
quarral ~ quarry
quarral cloaie ~ stone quarry
quarral gypsum ~ gypsum quarry
quarral kelk ~ chalk-pit
quarral sclate ~ slate quarry
quarraleyr ~ quarryman
quassia ~ quassia
quayl ~ quail
queelit ~ wheeled
queellag ~ rotifer
queeyl ~ wheel
queeyl chairt ~ cartwheel
queeyl chassee ~ flywheel
queeyl chatreeney ~ pinwheel
queeyl chocianglee ~ idler
queeyl-chorrym ~ balance wheel
queeyl chrooinagh ~ crown wheel
queeyl chughlinagh ~ cone wheel
queeyl eeacklagh ~ cog wheel, toothed wheel,
queeyl eecklagh ~ rack wheel
queeyl fo-skiootal ~ undershot wheel
queeyl freenee ~ pin wheel
queeyl ghloassee ~ buffing wheel
queeyl hick ~ nose wheel
queeyl hoshee ~ front wheel
queeyl immanagh ~ driving wheel
queeyl leastey ~ balance wheel
queeyl-lhiurid ~ wheelbase
queeyl oltagh ~ caterpillar
queeyl phlanaidagh ~ planet-wheel
queeyl rackeenagh ~ ratchet wheel
queeyl shleeuee ~ grinding wheel
queeyl sneeuee ~ spinning wheel
queeyl spaagagh ~ paddle wheel
queeyl stiuree ~ steering wheel, tiller wheel
queeyl ullag ~ pulley wheel
queeyl ushtey ~ water-wheel
queeyl vevyllit ~ bevel wheel
queeyl vooar ~ flax wheel
queeyl vrash ~ spare wheel
queeyl vroddey ~ pricking wheel
queeyl yerree ~ rear wheel, back wheel
queeyl yiarree ~ rotary cutter
queeyl yn taghyrt ~ roulette
queeyllagh ~ cartwheel, wheeled, wheeling,
rotary, bandster, sheaf-band
queeyllaghey ~ wheel, whirl, roll, bind, bowl (as
hoop), rotate
queeyllaraght ~ spin, spinning
queeyllarys ~ rolling stock
queeylley ~ rolling, wheeling, whirling
queeylleyder ~ sheaf-binder, wheelwright,
queeyllyn-mullee ~ headgear
queeyllyn thallooin ~ landing wheels
queig ~ five
queig cheead punt ~ monkey, five hundred
queig-filley ~ five-fold, quintuple
queig-heelagh ~ pentasyllabic
queig jeh'n un' chennar ~ quintuplet
queig jeig ~ fifteen
queig-lhiatteeagh ~ pentagonal
queig-lhiatteean ~ pentagon
queig punt as feed ~ pony (money)
queig y pheesh ~ deuce
queigad ~ fifty
queigagh ~ fifth
queigaid ~ quintet(te)
queigane ~ quintuplet
queigeen ~ quincunx
queiggagh ~ provincial
Queiggey Mooan ~ Munster
queiggoo ~ fifth
queigoo colloonagh ~ fifth columnist
queigoo feailley vleeaney ~ silver wedding
queigvleinoil ~ quinquennial
quelt ~ welt
quigg ~ whig
quiggal ~ distaff
quiggal ny ben-shee ~ greater reedmace,
quigit ~ yoked
quill ~ gnat, fly
quill-phabyr ~ flypaper
quilleen ~ as many
quill'hrimmid ~ flyweight
quilt ~ quilt
quilt lhiabbagh ~ overlay
quiltal ~ quilt
quineen ~ quinine
quing ~ balance beam, beam of scales, brace,
yoke, team of oxen
quing hallooin ~ isthmus
quing-raa ~ zeugma
quing yeeassee ~ credit squeeze
quingaghey ~ subjugate, yoke
quingey ~ yoke
quingyr dew ~ pair of oxen
quinney ~ assembly
quinnyl ~ quinol
quinsey shapaanagh ~ japonica
quinsh ~ quince
quishan ~ hurry
quiss ~ whist
quist da 'nane ~ solo
quoi ~ whichever
quoi erbee ~ who(so)ever, whom(so)ever
Quoi jeu? ~ Which one?
quoi s'lesh ~ whose
Quoi? ~ Who? Whom?
quoid ~ quoit
Quoid? ~ How much? How many?
quoie ~ aliens, strangers
quoif ~ coif, woman's cap
R.C. ~ B.C., Before Christ
raa ~ phrase, saying, dictum, remark,
expression, sentence
raa birragh ~ apophthegm
raa cadjin ~ popular saying, colloquialism,
adage, common saying, clich, tag (saying)
raa creeney ~ adage, proverb
raa daa foyragh ~ innuendo, pun, double
raa dorraghey ~ riddle, conundrum
raa geyre ~ apophthegm
raa gyn smooinaght ~ ejaculation
raa keeayllagh ~ adage, maxim, aphorism
raa meehraaoil ~ unfitting remark
raa neuyesh ~ unfitting remark
raa reiht ~ aphorism
raa-rheynn ~ comma
raa traaoil ~ pat remark
raad ~ road, track, route, direction, roadway,
trail, way; where, whereat; vent, vent-hole
raad carriads ~ carriage drive
raad cloaie ~ stone road
raad coon ~ narrow road
raad dooint ~ no thoroughfare
raad dronnagh ~ switchback
raad elley ~ elsewhere
raad ennagh ~ somewhere
raad er lheh ~ by-road
raad erbee ~ any place, anywhere
raad follit ~ by-way
raad-ghroghad ~ overpass
raad gleashtan ~ motor-road
raad laue ~ by-road
raad marrey ~ seaway, bund, coast road, marine
raad mooar ~ main road, highway, major road,
trunk road, public way
Raad Mooar Ree Gorree ~ Milky Way, Galaxy
raad noi shen ~ in the opposite direction
raad shaghnee ~ by-pass
raad sheear ~ westing
raad smarageagh ~ dirt-track
raad stiagh ~ adit
raad tram ~ tram-track
raad ushtey ~ waterway
raad y vaaish ~ death's door, moribund, dying
raad yiarn ~ railway, railway line
raad yiarn beg ~ scenic railway
raad-yiarn caabil ~ cable railway
raad yiarn feeacklagh ~ rack railway
raad yiarn fo-halloo ~ tube, tube railway
raad yiarn keyl ~ light railway, narrow-gauge
raad yiarn ynnydoil ~ local railways
raadagh ~ ambitious, pushing
raadee ~ roadster, anchorage
raadeeoil ~ radial
raadey ~ ride, anchored, give way, anchorage
raadiu ~ radium
raadjan ~ radian
raagh ~ drift, pronounceable
raah ~ good luck, well-doing, prosperity,
report, rath, ring-fort
raahagh ~ prosperous
raahoil ~ auspicious wind
raahoilid ~ prosperousness, auspiciousness
raahys ~ prosperity
raaid y vaaish ~ fey
raaidyn ~ roads
raaie yn ouyir ~ autumntide
raailley tram ~ tram-track
raait ~ spoken
raak ~ rake
raakey ~ rake over, rake, rake out, scrape
raalish ~ twaddle, empty talk
raanagh ~ bailable, answerable
raane ~ assurance, bond, guarantee, bail,
hostage, surety, pledge, collateral
raane gialtagh ~ security
raaneagh ~ assurable
raaneyder ~ bailee, bailor
raantagh ~ accountable
raanteenagh ~ underwriter
raanteeneyder ~ guarantor
raanteenys ~ security, sponsorship,
underwriting, cognizance, bailment
raaoil ~ aphoristic
raaoilagh ~ proverbial
raatagh ~ orator
raatys ~ oration, oratory
raauagh ~ premonitory
raaue ~ notice, alert, caution, warning,
premonition, danger signal
raaue danjeyr ~ danger signal
raaueder ~ admonisher
raauee ~ admonitory, admonishing
raaueghey ~ caution, warn
raaueyder ~ warner, monitor, warning device;
raauit ~ warned
raays ~ prosperity
rabbat ~ rabbet
rabbi ~ rabbi
Rabelaisagh ~ Rabelaisian
racaid ~ racket
raccoon ~ raccoon
rack ~ rack
rack as pinnioon ~ rack and pinion
rackeen ~ ratchet
radar ~ radar
radio ~ wireless, radio
radio laue ~ portable radio
radio-oaylee ~ radiological
radio traghtee ~ commercial radio
radiograafaght ~ radiographic
radiograafee ~ radiographer
radiogram ~ radiogram
radioscoipaght ~ radioscopy
radlin ~ balustrade, palings, balcony rail
radling ~ palings, railings
radling fendeilys ~ palisade
radling yiarn ~ iron paling
raftey ~ raft
rafteyr ~ raftsman
rag ~ short storm, stiff
rag-obbyr ~ overtime
rag-rannee ~ rogue, crook, rascal, tough,
reprobate, good-for-nothing, cad
rag-ranneeagh ~ mis-spent
rag-wannalagh ~ pertinaceous;stiff-necked
rag-wannalaght ~ pertinacity
raggey ~ sheep-track, cattle-path
raggyrnoilee ~ racketeer
ragh ~ would go?
raghalid ~ impetuosity
raghidagh ~ ambulatory
raghidey ~ mobile, walking, ambulant
raghidys ~ mobility
raghin ~ I would go, would I go?
raghlid ~ rashness, violence
raghlys ~ bear-fight
raght ~ violent emotion, spasm, burst, wave of
emotion, orgasm, sexual climax, blaze of
anger, nature
raghtagh ~ orgasmic; strong-willed, refractory
raghtal ~ stubborn, rash, impetuous, obstinate,
violent, impatient
raghtalid ~ rashness
raghtalys ~ impetuosity, rashness
raghtanagh ~ indigent, stubborn, obstinate,
rough, harsh, headstrong
raghtanaght ~ harshness
raghtane ~ headstrong person, chevron
raghtaner ~ opinionist
raghtanid ~ wilfulness
raghtanys ~ indigence, want, rigour, need
raghtoil ~ irrepressible
raghyl feie ~ horse radish, wild radish
rah ~ good luck, success, prosperity;very strong
smell, scent or taste
rahagh ~ strong-scented, rammish, strong-tasting
rahghey ~ prosper
rahgyl ~ radish
rahoil ~ successful
raidjey ~ of the road
raieaghan ~ quarterly
raiee [f] ~ tide, quarter
raiee yn gheuree ~ wintertime
raiee yn touree ~ summertime
raieeoil ~ quarterly
raiflit ~ rifled
raiflyn ~ rifling
raifyl ~ rifle
raifyl cliaghtey ~ gallery rifle
raifyl shirveish ~ service rifle
raigh ~ rein
railley ~ rail, rail track, railway, rave
railley feeacklagh ~ cog rail
railley toval ~ towel rail
raip ~ gore (of bull), crake (cry), harsh noise
raip-roayrt ~ spring tide
raip-saaue ~ rip-saw
raipagh ~ rending, goring, lacerating, ripping,
raipey ~ tear, rip, rend, pull apart, lacerate,
savage, gore (of bull), laceration; crake (cry)
raipey ayns peeshyn ~ tear up
raipey (ersooyl) ~ snatch away
raipey jeh ~ tear away
raipey magh ass ~ tear out
raipey neose ~ tear down, tear off
raipey roish ~ rage of pestilence
raipey sheese er pabyr ~ toss off (as writing)
raipey trooid ~ race through
raipeyder ~ tearer, ripper, render, mangler
raipit ~ lacerated, mangled, rent, ripped, torn
raisey ~ rove, move, grope, grabble, creep (as
raiseyder ~ creeper, climber, groper, sloth
raiseyder thie ~ wisteria
raisheyder coshey ~ scraper
raishtey ~ flurry (of snow)
raisin ~ raisin
raisoam ~ rhizome
raistyl ~ rake, libertine
raistylagh ~ lecherous, rakish, dissolute,
dissoluteness, raffish
raistylaght ~ lecherousness
raistylley ~ live dissolutely
raistylys ~ rakishness
rait ~ spoken
rallee ~ rally
ram ~ many, much, lot, plenty, umpteen
ram argid ~ pots of money
ram ayn ~ tons of it
ram sleih ~ a lot of people
ramsaghey ~ romp
ramsal ~ romp
ramseeyn ~ rompers
ran ~ class
ran-oardraghey ~ class
rane ~ stanza, track, verse
rane-loayrt ~ verse-speaking
rane-ratchal ~ track racing
raneagh ~ stanzaic
rang ~ class, classification
rang-oardraghey ~ classify
rangan ~ worn out (animal)
rangan-chayt ~ neutered tomcat, gibcat
Yn Rangish ~ the French language
rangoil ~ participle
rangoilagh ~ participial
Yn Rank ~ France
rank ~ rank, lush, rampant, luxuriant,
exuberant, quick-growing
rankid ~ lushness, rankness, quickness of
rankys ~ lushness, rankness, quickness of
rann ~ line, division (of rank)
rannag ~ frog
rannag aeg ~ tadpole
rannag ghoo ~ toad
rannag villagh ~ tree-frog
rannag vooar ~ bull-frog
rannaghagh ~ batrachian
rannagyn ~ batrachia
rannee ~ twister (rogue), wag
ranneeagh ~ waggish
ranneeid ~ waggishness, roguishness
ransagh ~ quest
ransh ~ ranch
ransh ollee ~ cattle ranch
ranshey ~ ranch
ransheyr ~ rancher
rap ~ rogue, jot, cheat, counterfeit coin
rapsoid ~ rhapsody
rapsoidagh ~ rhapsode
rapsoidey ~ rhapsodize
rasoor lectragh ~ electric razor
rass ~ seed
rass canaaree ~ canary seed
rass correy ~ seed
rass kennipey ~ hemp seed
rass-lhieen ~ flax seed
rass lieen ~ linseed
rassag ~ creel, dorser
rassagh ~ seedy, semi nal , seed-
rassan ~ plant
rassan creggey ~ rock plant
rassan crouw ~ shrub
rassan soo-chrou ~ raspberry cane
rassan tey ~ tea plant
rassanagh ~ shrubby
rassey ~ rend, tear, rip, rip up, scratch, undo (as
knitting), demolish; tearing, rending,
undoing, cancellation; seed
rassey jeh ~ rip off
rassey magh ~ rip out
rasseyder ~ seedsman; ripper, render
rast ~ ripped, cancelled, rent
rastagh ~ rough, boisterous, gusty, stormy,
windy, blustery, squally
rastal ~ stormy
rastanagh ~ uncultivated
rastid ~ roughness, boisterousness, wildness of
ratch ~ race, dash, sprint, run, dart, rush, burst
of speed
ratch baatey ~ boat race
ratch baatyn ~ regatta
ratch bayrey ~ road race
ratch cabbil ~ horse race, race meeting
ratch cabbyl ~ horse race
ratch calmane ~ pigeon race
ratch cosheeaght ~ walking race
ratch coshey ~ foot race
ratch eddyr daa phoynt ~ point to point race
ratch jeih orraghey ~ round of shots
ratch magh ~ sally
ratch saick ~ sack race
ratch shooyl ~ walking race
ratch tessen cheerey ~ cross-country
ratchal ~ sprint, sprinting, racing, race,
dart;work spasmodically
ratchal cabbil ~ horse racing
ratchal ersooyl ~ dash away
ratchal magh ~ dash out, sally
ratchal (roish) ~ dash along, snatch ahead
ratchal stiagh ~ dash in
ratcheyder ~ racer, sprinter
ratchit ~ raced, pulled quickly
ratlinney ~ ratline
rattan ~ rattan
Rauanagh ~ Romish
Yn Raue [f] ~ Rome
raue ~ rowing
raue agglish ~ ecclesiastical edict
Raueagh ~ Roman, Roman Catholic, Romish
raueder ~ rowing man
Ny Rauee ~ The Romans
raun [f] ~ seal, sea dog, sea calf
raun chleayshagh ~ sea-lion
raun firryn ~ bull seal
raun ghlass ~ grey seal
raun mooar ~ sea elephant
raun stronnagh ~ sea elephant
raunagh ~ seal hunt, seal-like
raunane ~ seal rock
ray ~ moon
raychlagh ~ moonstone
rayon ~ rayon
re ~ moon, re
Yn Rea ~ Aries
rea ~ male sheep, ram, tup; even, flat, level,
smooth, horizontal, plane, plain, facile,
sleek, clear (as water), steady, easy of
manner, regularly, continuously
rea beg ~ ram
rea caggee ~ battering ram
rea-chassey ~ idle
rea-hoynagh ~ flat-bottomed
rea-locker ~ trying-plane
rea ny glag ~ bell-wether
Rea ullee er oai! ~ Ready steady go!
readan ~ trachea, windpipe; puff, sharp breeze
readanagh ~ tracheal; puffy
reader ~ roller
reagh ~ playful, frolicsome, mirthful, sportive,
blithe, frisky, amorous, lecherous, randy
reaghane neuyiarrit ~ unabridged edition
reaghee ~ decisive
reaghey ~ decide, arbitrate, determine, arrange,
organize, umpire, edit, disentangle, brush
out, set on fire; decision, disentanglement
reaghey argid ~ financing
reaghey argid da ~ finance
reaghey blaaghyn ~ flower arrangement
reaghey yn raad (da) ~ route
reagheyder ~ arranger, organizer, editor, settler,
arbitrator, decider, umpire
reagheydys ~ organization, editorship,
reaghid ~ lecherousness
reaghit ~ settled, determined, cleared, decided,
reaghys ~ settlement, understanding,
arbitration, clearing, arrangement, tryst,
conciliation, set
reaghys chaggee ~ battle order
reaghys cullyr ~ colour scheme
reaghys greienyn ~ instrumentation
reaghyssagh ~ determinable
reaid ~ smoothness, evenness, flatness,
plainness; glee, gaiety, mirth, playfulness,
lechery, amorousness
reailleyder skyrrey ~ slide-rule
reaish ~ span, cubit
reaish skian ~ wingspan
reaisht ~ moor, bog
reajagh ~ correct, orderly, smooth, discreet
Reajagh shen! ~ Tis too much!
reajaght ~ marriage arrangement, smoothness,
reajid ~ settledness, decidedness, order,
reajys ~ discretion, order
reajyssagh ~ ordinal
realgar ~ sandarac, realgar
ream ~ dominion, kingdom, realm, regime,
register, ream
ream magnaidagh ~ magnetic field
Reaman ~ Raymond
reamsey ~ stretch
reamys ~ room, way, space, elbow-room,
scope, liberty
reamys beaghee ~ Lebensraum
reamys marrey ~ sea room, leeway, open sea,
reamys shassoo ~ standing room
reamys shiaullee ~ sea room, sailing room
reamyssagh ~ spatial, capacious, roomy
reamyssaght ~ capaciousness
reamyssid ~ capaciousness, roominess
reap ~ rape, field cabbage
reastat ~ rheostat
reat ~ rate
reat margee ~ market rate
reaylt ~ judgement, direction
reayltagh ~ obstetric(al)
reaylteyr ~ obstetrician
reaylteyrys ~ obstetrics
reaym ~ quinsy
reayms renaig ~ hair-space
reaymyssagh ~ spacious
reaymyssaght ~ spaciousness
reayn ~ shooting range
reayn raifyl ~ rifle range
reaynal ~ range
reayrt ~ view, prospect, sight, scene, outlook
reayrt aalin ~ lovely prospect
reayrt braew ~ fine perspective
reayrt cheerey ~ landscape
reayrt eddin ~ front view
reayrt eeanlee ~ bird's-eye view
reayrt enneeyn ~ vista
reayrt-loayrt ~ sight-reading
reayrt marrey ~ seascape
reayrt mie ~ fine perspective
reayrt-oayllee ~ optician
reayrt-oaylleeaght ~ optics
reayrt sooilley (jeh) ~ eyeshot
reayrt thallooin ~ landfall
reayrt-veih ~ perimeter
Reayrt y Trinaid ~ beatific vision
reayrtagh ~ conspicuous, visual, scenic
reayrtey ~ viewing, view
reayrtoil ~ optic, optical
reayrtys ~ view, prospect, aspect, survey, vision,
vista, scenery, aim, scene
reayrtys eddin ~ front view
reayrtyssagh ~ visible
reays ~ oestrum
reckeyder ~ vendor, seller
recortey ~ register, chronicle, record
recorteyder ~ annalist
recortit ~ recorded, registered
recortys ~ register, record, recording, chronicle,
testimony, registration slip, registry
recortys chillagh ~ church register
recortys derrey nish ~ all-time record
recortys lectragh y chree ~ electro-cardiogram
recortys rybbanagh ~ tape recording
recortysey ~ record
recortyssagh ~ recording
recortysser ~ registrar, recorder, chronicler,
recortysser rybbanagh ~ tape recorder
recortyssey ~ registration, register
recortyssey teihderyn ~ registration of electors
recortyssit ~ recorded, registered
recortyssyn ~ archives
recortyssyn bleeaney ~ annals
red ~ thing, article, object, matter, item
red beg ~ somewhat, rather, a bit, slightly
red beg accryssagh ~ peckish
red beg aeg ~ youngish
red beg doillee ~ toughish (task)
red beg feayr ~ coldish
red beg liauyr ~ longish
red beg roauyr ~ stoutish
red beg scooyrit ~ squiffy
red beg sharroo ~ bitterish
red beg shenn ~ oldish
red caghlaaee ~ variable
red cheddin ~ ditto
red cooilleeinit ~ fait accompli
red currit stiagh ~ importation
red custhey ~ scourge
red dy slane noi shen ~ vice versa
red elley jeh ~ moreover
red ennagh ~ something, aught
red er lheh ~ solecism
red er ny jannoo ~ fait accompli
red erbee ~ anything, whatsoever
red feer ennoil ~ best-seller
red feohdagh ~ sickener
red graney ~ eyesore
red neuchadjin ~ rarity
red noa ~ novelty
red ommidjagh ~ piece of folly
red quaagh ~ oddity
red shen elley ~ thingummy
red shenn-emshiragh ~ antiquity
red sloo ~ least thing
red smessey ~ worst, worse
red 'sy speyr ~ U.F.O
(red) ta cheet voish ~ emanation
red toshee ~ foremost
redane ~ redan
reddagh ~ clearing in forest
reddaghey ~ decide, clarify, disentanglement,
clarification of situation
reddey ~ decide, ravel
reddyn beggey ~ small fry
reddyn elley ~ others
ree ~ king
r'ee ~ to her
ree- ~ (prefix) extra-, exceedingly
ree-chaart ~ picture card, court card
ree-chaghter ~ monarch's ambassador
Yn Ree Choyrle ~ The Privy Council
ree-geyre ~ exquisite
ree-glen ~ immaculate
ree ny haddaghyn ~ opah
ree ny keylley ~ oak
ree ny marrey ~ herring
ree ruy ~ bullfinch
ree-veg ~ infinitesimal
ree-vie ~ excellent, exceedingly good
ree-vooar ~ exceedingly big
ree yn laa ~ sun
ree yn skeddan ~ oarfish, ribbonfish, rabbitfish
reeaght ~ kingdom
reeaghtagh ~ constitutional
reeaghtys ~ majesty
reeallagh ~ thin-soiled
reealley ~ shake, sieve, sift, riddle, sifting,
riddling, shake down, punishment
reealleyder ~ riddler, sifter
reeallit ~ sifted, sieved
reealtys ~ sovereignty
reean ~ tightness of breath, asthma
reeanagh ~ asthmatic, short of breath, short-
winded person
reeaney ~ plot, plotting
reear ~ slight sickness
reearagh ~ off-colour
reeast ~ moor, wasteland
reeast gort ~ salt marsh
reeast sailjey ~ salina
reeastagh ~ uncultivated, waste, rough,
moorish, wild (terrain)
reeastaght ~ moorishness, roughness,
reeastane ~ wild, wasteland, marshland, heath,
waste ground
reeastaneagh ~ uncultivated, waste, rough,
moorish, wild (terrain)
reeastaneys ~ wildness of landscape
reeastanid ~ uncultivation of land
reeastid ~ roughness, coarseness
reeayllagh ~ thin spread, sifting, scattering;
moderate catch
reehackey ~ king post
reejeragh ~ knightly
Yn Reejerey ~ Sir
reejerey ~ cavalier, knight, chevalier, paladin,
Reejerey ny Honnaneyn ~ Knight of the Thistle
reejerey troailt ~ knight-errant
reejerey y yannoo jeh ~ dub
Reejerey yn Chribble ~ Knight of the Garter
Reejerey yn Ushtey ~ Knight of the Bath
reejeroil ~ chivalrous, knightly
reejeroilid ~ chivalrousness, chivalry
Reejeryn chiamblagh ~ Knights Templars
reejerys ~ knighthood
reejerys troailt ~ knight-errantry
reel ~ reel
reelay ~ relay
reeleyder ~ grasshopper warbler
reen ~ hard, hardy, stiff, rigid, hard-boiled,
sinewy, stringy, dogged, thick-skinned (of
person), hard-and-fast, stark
reenagh ~ tight (of breath), toughish, tonic,
reenaghey ~ rope (of beer), toughen, stiffen,
reenchaart ~ cardboard
reeneyder ~ busk, tonic, stiffener, toughener
reenid ~ rigidity, stiffness, inflexibility,
viscosity, wiriness (of person), doggedness,
toughness, starkness
reenit ~ toughened, stiffened
reeoil ~ regal, kinglike, monarchy, royal
reeoilagh ~ monarchist, royalist
reeoilaght ~ royalism, kingship
reeoilid ~ royalty, regality
reeoiltagh ~ royalist
reeoiltys ~ royalism
reeoilys ~ kingship
reer shen ~ at that rate
reeraghtagh ~ dynastic
reeraghtys ~ dynasty
reeriaght ~ monarchy, kingdom
Reeriaght Unnaneyssit ~ United Kingdom
reeriaghtoil ~ kingdomly
reesht ~ again, once more, anew, repeat, once
reesht as reesht ~ repeated, repeatedly
Reesht! ~ Encore!
reeshtagh ~ again
Reeshtagh! ~ Encore!
reevarroo ~ regicide
reevarrooder ~ regicide
reeven ~ queen
reeydys beiyn ~ animal husbandry
refrane ~ referendum
reggyr ~ individual
reggyrn dy laaghyn ~ some days
reghorraghey ~ moonless
rehollys ~ moonshine, moonlight
Rehollys Vooar Cooyl Cleigh ~ November
Rehollys Vooar Cooyl Thie ~ November Moon
Rehollys Vooar ny Gabbil ~ October Moon
Rehollys Vooar yn Ouyir ~ Harvest Moon
reih ~ choose, opt, elect, single out, correct (as
behaviour), champion, discrimination,
preferred, favourite, choice, option
reih-ayrn ~ preference share
reih-cherraghey ~ victimization
reih-feeyney ~ vintage (best wine)
reih-ghooinney ~ choice man, paragon
reih-ghuilley ~ blue-eyed (favourite)
reih najooragh ~ natural selection
reih reesht ~ readopt
reihagh ~ optative, choosey, elective
reihalagh ~ eligible
reihalaght ~ eligiblity
reihdagh ~ representative
reihder ~ elector, selector, chooser
reihderaght ~ electorate
reihit ~ elect
reiht ~ elect, select, elite, elected, selected,
chosen, designated
reihys ~ choiceness, election, electioneer
reihyssagh ~ electioneering, electoral, optional
reihyssaght ~ electioneering, selectivity
reill ~ rule, reign, govern, regulate, order, code,
principle, policy
reill cheerey ~ constitution
reill harrish ~ preside
reill noi ~ overrule
reill ny laue lajer ~ club law
Reill ny Raaidyn Mooar ~ Highway Code
reill quaiyllagh ~ judiciture
reill stait ~ polity
Reill Thie ~ Home Rule
reillag ~ reglet
reilley ~ reign, regulate, rule, ruling, regulation
reilleyder ~ governor, regulator, ruler, straight
reilleyder bevyl ~ bevel rule
reilleyder smalee ~ spark control
reillit ~ governed
reillt ~ ruled
reillyn gamman ~ laws of the game
reillys ~ jurisdiction
reilt ~ normal
reiltagh ~ ruler, director, ordinal, regular,
president, rector, ruling, decisive, according
to rule
reiltagh balley ~ burgomaster
reiltaght ~ regularity, rectorship
reiltane ~ regulator
reiltys ~ rule, governance, government
reiltys cabbal ~ chapelry
reiltys gleashaght aer ~ air traffic control
reiltys hene ynnydagh ~ local autonomy
reiltys ny hagglish ~ hierarchy
reiltys ny haspickyn ~ hierarchy
reiltys parteeagh ~ party government
reiltys reeoil ~ kingcraft
reiltys shallidagh ~ caretaker government
Reiltys Vannin ~ Manx Government
reiltysagh ~ governmental
reiltyssyn ynnydagh ~ local authorities
rein ~ queen, regina
rein-phost ~ queen post
rein-voir ~ queen mother
reinaght ~ queenliness
reinoil ~ queenly, queen-like
reir ~ according to;precedent, power, order,
regulation, dictate
reir myr ~ in proportion as
reir shen ~ accordingly
reir yn chlaare argidoil ~ budgetary
reir yn leagh ~ ad valorem
reiragh ~ manageable, powerful, managerial,
ordering, executive, administrative
reiraght ~ managership
reirey ~ administer, extend, manage, serve,
reach, order, dictation, management,
administration, casting, procuration
reireyder ~ server, controller, administrator,
reireyder ardan ~ stage manager
reireyder soilsheenys ~ advertising manager
reireyder traaght ~ traffic manager
reireydys ~ management, administratorship,
reirid ~ power
reirtagh ~ powerful
reis ~ race
reise ~ rice
reise ayns bainney ~ rice pudding
reise-phabyr ~ rice-paper
reish ~ span
rejiment ~ regiment
rejimentagh ~ regimental
releef ~ relief
remlad ~ remnant
ren ~ made, did
renaig [f] ~ hair
renaigagh ~ hairy, piliferous
renaigaght ~ villosity
renaigyn ~ hairs
renniagh [f] ~ fern
renniagh chreoi ~ hard fern
renniagh chrouwagh ~ tree fern
renniagh chullynagh ~ holly fern
renniagh feeaih ~ hart's tongue
renniagh gharee ~ oak fern
renniagh ghlass ~ green fern
renniagh ny dhieyn ~ rue fern, polypody fern
renniagh ny gabbil ~ male fern
renniagh ny glagh ~ wall fern
renniagh ny heayst ~ moonwort
renniagh ny marrey ~ sea fern
renniagh veg ~ bladder fern
renniagh villish ~ sweet mountain fern
renniagh Voirrey ~ lady fern
renniagh vooar ~ bracken
renniaghoil ~ ferny
rere ~ order, cater, accordance (law), pursuant,
according to, consonant
rere algeerey ~ algabraic(al)
rere baghtaght ~ axiomatic
rere cliaghtey ~ according to use
rere cosoyley ~ analogical
rere king ~ capitation basis
rere ny dateyn ~ chronologically, chronological
rere ny laghyn ~ chronological order
rere oardagh ~ ritually
rere (rish) ~ reputedly
rere sampleyr ~ typically
rere shayllyn ~ by rotation
rere shen ~ consequently, judging by that,
rere shennaghys ~ traditionally
rere straih ~ in series, seriatim
rere tradishoon ~ traditionally
rere y cheilley ~ consequent, cohere, analogical,
rere y conaant ~ under the treaty
rere y fassan noa ~ new-fashioned
rere yeearree ~ ad lib
rere yn abbyrlhit ~ alphabetical
rere yn chengey ~ idiomatic(al)
rere yn chynney ~ true to type
rere yn jesh ~ by the right
rere yn leigh ~ according to law, lawful, legal
rere yn poosey ~ conjugally
rere yn sambyl ~ as per sample
rerey cooyrtey ~ judiciture
resh ~ of seed
resoon ~ reason, cause, rationality, logic,
resoonagh ~ coherent, sensible, reasonable,
logical, remonstrative, rational, reasoner,
tidy, moderate, judicious, consistent
resoonaghey ~ reason, rat i onal i ze,
rationalisation, reasoning, argue
r esoonaght ~ debat e, di scussi on,
reasonableness, judiciousness, logistics
resoonaght indughtagh ~ inductive reasoning
resoonaghys ~ casuistry, rationalism
resoonee ~ rationalist
resooney ~ debate, reason, argue, reasoning,
deduction, dialectic(s), argument
resooney magh ~ discuss
resooney (rish) ~ remonstrate
resooney theayagh ~ ventilation
resooneyder ~ arguer, debater, logician,
reasoner, dialectician
resoonit ~ reasoned
resowir ~ receiver
Resowir Vannin ~ Receiver General
resowirys ~ receivership
reteeney ~ retina
retrick ~ rhetoric
retrickee ~ rhetorician
reue ~ before you
Reue-jee! ~ Away!
Reuish! ~ Away!
reurey ~ sink, open up
reureyder ~ tiller
reurid ~ fatness, obeseness, portliness,
reurit ~ open
reuyree ~ digging
reuyrer ~ grub up
reuyrey ~ dig, dig up, root, delve, spade
reuyrey oayaghyn ~ grave-digging
reuyreyder ~ rooter, sinker, digger
reuyreyder airh ~ gold-digger
reuyrit ~ rooted up, dug
revieu ~ revue
rey ~ era, failure
rey rish ~ freed
rhaa ~ fort, fortress
rheam ~ gamut, range, field, monarchy
rheam-chaslag ~ field coil
rheamyssagh ~ extensive
rheamyssaght ~ extent
rheamyssid ~ extensiveness
rheeah ~ rhea
rhenk ~ row, category, rank
rhenkeyr ~ ranker
rhesar ~ razor
rheynn [f] ~ divide, classify, distribute,
dispense, share, graduate, class, resolve,
break up; division, section, partition,
department, mountain ridge, parcel of land,
bureau, precinct, portion, compartment,
ration, quota, allocation, segmentation,
distribution, dissection, resolution,
dismemberment, dichotomy, sphere, bill,
graduation, form
rheynn argidys ~ exchequer
rheynn ayns daa ayrn ~ bisect, bisection
rheynn ayns jees ~ halve
rheynn ayns meeryn ~ segment
rheynn ayns moggylyn ~ reticulate
rheynn ayns piyryn ~ pair off
rheynn cabdillagh ~ paragraph
rheynn-chooid ~ instalment
rheynn chooishyn joarree ~ foreign office
rheynn chooishyn thie ~ home office
rheynn chreckagh ~ sales department
rheynn-chredjuagh ~ denominational
rheynn chredjue ~ denomination
rheynn (er) ~ portion
Yn Rheynn Hwoaie ~ The North Cape
rheynn (jeh daane liauyr) ~ canto
rheynn laaoil ~ daily ration
rheynn lieh my lieh ~ halve
rheynn lowansey ~ rationing
rheynn-pholeenagh ~ precinct
rheynn reihys lught teiy ~ constituency
rheynn veih my cheilley ~ dissect
rheynn yn aadiugh ~ bronchus
rheynnag ~ sector
rheynnagh ~ distributive, partitive,
rheynneydagh ~ infectious
rheynneyder ~ distributor, divider, divisor,
shareholder, dispenser, allotter
rheynnit ~ cleft, divided, halved, segmented,
rheynnoil ~ divisible
rheynnoilid ~ divisibility
rheynnydys ~ bureaucracy
rhinascoip ~ rhinoscope
Yn Rhine ~ The Rhine
Rhineagh ~ Rhinelander
rhineclagh ~ rhinestone
Yn Rhodeesh ~ Rhodesia
Rhodeeshagh ~ Rhodesian
rhue ~ salient
yn rhuillick [f] ~ God's acre
rhum laurys ~ bay rum
Rhumsaa [f] ~ Ramsey
rhusag ~ talisman, mascot, lucky charm
rhym ~ to me
rhymboo ~ prior to them
rhyt ~ to you
riaght ~ kingdom
ribbag ~ scrap, piece, shred, coupon, fragment
of cloth, dulse leaf
ribbagagh ~ ragged
ribbagh ~ snaring, ensnaring
ribban ~ string
ribbey ~ trap, spring, snare, entanglement,
pitfall; trapping, snaring
ribbey astan ~ eel basket
ribbey chyaghan ~ mole trap
ribbey gheiney ~ mantrap
ribbey hrimmid ~ dead fall
ribbey huittymagh ~ fall trap
ribbey lugh ~ trap
ribbey roddan ~ rat-trap
ribbey ushag ~ bird-trap
ribbey vaaish ~ death-trap
ribbey vleaystanagh ~ booby-trap
ribbey whaillag ~ fly-catcher
ribbeydagh ~ trap-like, snaring
ribbeyder ~ trapper, snarer
riblas ~ stroller, tramp, vagabond
riblass ~ lath
ribley ~ rippling, ripple
ribleyder ~ rippler
riblit ~ rippled
rick ~ tale, story, order, news, steadiness,
consistence, intelligence, settled rule,
settlement, uniformity, satisfaction
Rickad ~ Richard
ridlan ~ cribble, riddle, sieve
ridlan garroo ~ coarse riddle
ridlan meen ~ fine riddle
rieau ~ ever, always, never
rieau as son dy bragh ~ constantly
rieau er dy henney ~ ever since
rieau neayr's shen ~ ever since then
rieugh ~ real, true, actual, material
rieughagh ~ realistic
rieughee ~ realist
rieughid ~ actuality, authenticity, reality,
rieught ~ reality
riftan ~ worthless person, hooligan, good-for-
riftanyn ~ rabble, mob, riff-raff
riftanys ~ hooliganism
riggal ~ rig
rigganagh ~ rutting
rigganey ~ oestrum, rut, rutting
rigganys ~ rut
riggin ~ rigging, rig
riggyl ~ improperly castrated ram, half-
castrated ram
riggyn eaghtyragh ~ top-gear, top-hamper
rill ~ windrow
rimlagh ~ cord, sail-cord, fishing line
rimlagh sunteil ~ sounding line
rimmeig ~ stripe, rib, line on the skin, weal
rimmeigagh ~ striped, lined, wealed, streaked,
streaky, ribbed
rimmeigey ~ weal, stripe, streak, line
rimmeigeyder ~ lasher
rimmeigit ~ variegated, streaked
rimmey ~ ledge, rim, berm
rimmmeig ~ streak
ring ~ verse, subdivision
rink ~ component, scattered few, rink
rink shliawin ~ skating rink
rinkagh ~ dancing
rinkey ~ dancing, dance
rinkeyr ~ dancer
rinkyn ~ parts, scattered parts
rinn ~ hook, rinn, ridge, foreland, point of a
rinn chorrylagh ~ coral reef
rinn ughtee ~ bluff
Yn Rinn Vooar ~ Great Barrier Reef
rinn yiarg ~ red-hot poker
rinse ~ spanner, wrench
rinse gleashagh ~ monkey wrench
rio ~ frost, freezing, ice
rio bleaystagh ~ cat-ice
rio creoi ~ hard frost
rio goll lesh y troa ~ ice-pack
rio grineagh ~ granular ice
rio-hirmaghey ~ freeze-dry
rio-hrustyr ~ moraine
rio magheragh ~ field ice
rio marrey ~ drift ice
rio-phaggey ~ ice-pack
rio-phlandey ~ ice-plant
rio-rinck ~ ice-rink
rio-stroo ~ glacier
rio-vestey ~ freezing mixture
rioder ~ refrigerator, freezer
rioe raait ~ aforesaid
rioee ~ glacial
rioeeagh ~ freezing, icy, frosty
rioeeaght ~ frostiness
rioghar ~ icicle
rioghey ~ congeal, congealment
riojag ~ ice, ice cream
riojag shocklaid ~ choc ice
riojag ushtey ~ water ice
riojagh ~ frigorific
riojaghey ~ ice, icing
riojey ~ ice up, freeze, frost, icing
riojeyder ~ refrigerator
riojit ~ iced, frozen, icebound, frostbitten,
riojit stooalt ~ frozen solid
rish ~ to, during, beside, for, along, by; to him
rish cassey yn phost ~ by return of post
rish foddey ~ by far, long since
Rish geaylin! ~ Shoulder arms!
rish tammylt ~ for some time past, awhile
rish tammylt beg ~ briefly
rish y chooid elley ~ comparatively
rish y choose ~ coastwise
rish y clyst ~ coastwise
rish y gheay ~ down-wind
rish y traie ~ alongshore
riu ~ to you
riuid ~ stoutness
riurey ~ fat, fatter
riurid ~ stoutness, corpulence, thickness,
overweight, large in circumference
riurid ny coshey ~ thick of foot
riyr ~ last night
ro ~ unduly, before, too
ro- ~ (prefix) over-, too
ro-aggyrtagh (rish) ~ pretentious
ro-aggyrtys ~ pretentiousness
ro aggys ~ too near
ro-ainjyssagh ~ over-familiar
r o- anchoodaghey ~ over devel op,
ro-appee ~ overripe
ro ard ~ extortionate
ro-ardjaghey ~ ramp
ro-cheilleeoil ~ uxorious
ro-chenjal ~ indulgent
ro-choar ~ over-nice
ro-chrauee ~ puritanical, puritan
ro-chraueeaght ~ puritanism
ro-feoiltagh ~ over-free
ro-ghaaney ~ over-confident, outrageous
ro-ghaanid ~ outrageousness
ro-ghaanys ~ over-confidence
ro-ghoillee ~ too difficult, impracticable
ro-ghoilleeid ~ impracticability
ro ghraihagh er ~ over-fond
ro-ghreeaghey ~ over-excite
ro hailjey ~ too salt
ro-heelit ~ alembicated
ro-heh ~ too hot, overheated
ro-hickyr ~ over-confident
ro-hickyrys ~ over-confidence
ro hionn ~ overtight
ro-hiow ~ overheat
ro-hogherit ~ over-wound
ro-hrome ~ overweight
ro-imneagh ~ finicky
ro-laadit ~ overladen
ro-lajer ~ over-powered, over-powering
ro-lhag ~ overweak
ro-lhieeney ~ overcrowding
ro-lhieent ~ overcrowd
ro-oashagh ~ modish
ro-oashaght ~ modishness
ro-obbragh ~ overproduction
ro-ocklagh ~ pleonastic
ro-ocklaghys ~ pleonasm
ro 'oddey ~ too long, overlong
ro-oikoilys ~ red tape
ro-ooley ~ over-estimate
ro-phalchagh ~ over-abundant
ro-phriseil ~ over-estimate
ro-raa ~ overstatement
ro-reggyrt ~ overact
ro-roostey ~ over-expose, over-exposure
ro-skeeys ~ over-fatigue
ro-streppey ~ over-exertion
ro-uinnit ~ overdone
ro-veaghey ~ overfeed, overfeeding
ro veeit ~ overstalled, overfed
ro veg ~ too small, too little
ro vie ~ too good
ro vollagh ~ too completely
ro vooar da'n eash (ec) ~ overgrown
ro-vriwnyssagh ~ hypercritical
ro-yarrooagh ~ cocksure
ro-yeean ~ over-zealous
ro-yeidagh ~ over-officious
ro-yesheenagh ~ over-elaborate
roa ~ series, row, vista
roachey ~ roach
roagagh ~ crinkly, lined
roagan ~ escallop, scallop, intricacy, clam
roaganagh ~ cockled
roagey ~ pucker, cockle (on face)
roageyraght ~ monkey tricks
roagh ~ disarray
roaghey ~ row, line up, set in rows
roait ~ rowed
roam ~ pubes
roamagh ~ pubic
roank ~ scattered few
roankyn ~ parts, scattered parts
roauyr ~ fat, heavy, stout, plump, fleshy,
corpulent, buxom, obese, stiff, sleek, firm,
thick, overweight, bulky
roauyr-ghuillagagh ~ thick-leaved
roauyragh ~ fattening, fat person, fatness
roauyraghey ~ fatten, fill out, thicken (as wool),
fattening, thickening
roauyrey ~ fat
roauyrid ~ obeseness, stiffness
roauyrys ~ marrow
roayrt ~ spring tide, flood tide, oncoming tide
roayrt ec y vullagh ~ high tide
roayrt Feill Pherick ~ equinoctial tide
roayrt Feill Vaayl ~ equinoctial tide
roayrt lhieent ~ high tide
Roayrt vooar Laa'l Maayl ~ Autumn spring tide
Roayrt vooar Laa'l Pheric ~ Spring spring-tide
robaig ~ whisker, whiskers
robaigagh ~ whiskered
Robard ~ Bob, Bobby
robbee ~ frill, ruffle
robbee lhieney ~ shirt-frill
robbee muinneel ~ toby-frill
robot ~ robot
rochapitlaghey ~ overcapitalization
rochooishaght ~ prudery
rochurrymagh ~ interfering
rock ~ torpedo, croak
rockaght ~ rugosity
rockey ~ pucker, rumple, purse
rockit ~ puckered
roddag ~ bog myrtle, coarse creel, network
roddagagh ~ bog myrtle, gale
roddan [f] ~ rat
roddan Americaanagh ~ chinchilla
roddan biljagh ~ squirrel
roddan cuirtlagh ~ bamboo rat
roddan dhoan ~ brown rat
roddan dhone ~ brown rat
roddan doo ~ black rat
roddan Frangagh ~ brown rat
roddan geinnee ~ jerboa
roddan keiy ~ wharf rat
roddan puissagh ~ hamster
roddan Spaainagh ~ agouti
roddan ushtey ~ water vole, water rat
roddanagh ~ ratlike, rat-infested
roddaneyr ~ rat-catcher
roee ~ before her
rogaid ~ rogation
roggad ~ sky rocket, rocket
roggad cowree ~ signal rocket
roggad-imman ~ rocket propulsion
roggad-immanit ~ rocket-propelled
roggad spoar ~ space rocket
roggadey ~ rocket
roggadys ~ rocketry
roharaght ~ bicycling
roiaght ~ strength of arm
roider (tessen cheerey) ~ harrier
roie ~ run, race, scurry, bolt, dart, burst, flow,
smuggle; running, sprinting, charging (as
animals), flying, smuggling, flowing,
shooting (as pain), cursive; full retreat,
draught (ale), slip, ladder, range
roie- ~ (prefix) fore-, pre-, afore-, pristine, pro
forma, formerly, preliminary
roie-akinagh ~ foreseeing
roie-arrey ~ precaution
roie-arreydagh ~ precautionary, precautious
roie ass ~ overshoot
roie ayns rallee ~ rally
roie billey ~ carriage (of bill)
roie-chiangley ~ pre-engagement
roie-chiarit ~ aforethought
roie-chionnagh ~ pre-emption
roie-chionnee ~ pre-emptive
roie-chleaynagh ~ proclitic
roie-chloie ~ prelude
roie-chonaant ~ prerequisite
roie-Chreestee ~ pre-Christian
roie-chummey ~ prospectus
roie-churrymagh ~ precautionary
roie cliaghtey ~ practice run
roie coorse yn clat ~ run the gauntlet
roie dy tappee ~ fleet
roie-eeckit ~ prepaid
roie enmyssit ~ aforecited, aforenamed
roie-ennymagh ~ prenominal
roie er ash ~ flow back
roie er chea ~ retreat, run away, fly away,
abscond, scatter
roie er rouyl ~ gadding
roie ersooyl ~ run away, run off, fly away, flow
roie folley ~ bleed, haemorrhage, bleeding
roie folley 'sy chash ~ bleeding piles
roie-geeck ~ prepay
roie geiyrt er ~ run after
roie-ghaital ~ predate
roie greeishyn ~ flight of stairs
roie-haghter ~ precursor, forerunner
roie-haghteragh ~ precursory
roie-haishbynys ~ prerelease, preview
roie-hampleyr ~ precedent
roie harrish ~ overflow, outflow, range, run
roie-hendeeagh ~ prehistoric
roie-hennaghys ~ prehistory
roie-hilgit ~ precast
roie-hoiaghey ~ predetermine, predetermination
roie-hoit ~ preset
roie-huarym ~ preconceived
roie-hwoaieagh ~ precautious
roie-immeeaght ~ predecessor, prelude
roie-insh ~ foretell, predict, prediction
roie-insheyder ~ predictor
roie-jannoo ~ prefabricate
roie jeh ~ run off
roie-lostey ~ pre-ignition
roie magh ~ flow out, run out, issue, issuing
roie magh (ayns) ~ projecting over
roie ny sodjey ~ outrun
roie ny yei ~ run after, go after
roie-oardaghey ~ predestination, predestinate
roie-oarderit ~ pre-ordained
roie-oardraghey ~ pre-ordination, pre-ordain
roie-obbyr ~ preliminaries
roie-ocklagh ~ prepositional
roie-ockle ~ preposition, prefix
roie-raa ~ preface, preamble, foreword
roie-raait ~ aforementioned, foregoing
roie ratch ~ race
roie-roieder ~ precursor, forerunner
roie roish ~ sweep along, rattle on
roie roish y gheay ~ scud
roie-ronsaght ~ preliminary investigation
roie rooisht ~ streak
roie-ruggyree ~ prenatal
roie ry-cheilley ~ fuse, hang together, confluent
roie seose ~ run up
roie seyr ~ free-wheel
roie shaghey ~ fly by
roie sheese ~ run down, sweep down
roie shelley ~ drivel
roie-skeeal ~ prologue
roie-smooinaghtyn ~ premeditation
roie-smooinit ~ aforethought
roie soit magh ~ above-mentioned, above-named
roie stiagh ~ run in, dash in
roie stiagh (ayn) ~ incur
roie stronney ~ drivel
roie trooid ~ run through, rattle off
roie ushtey bea ~ smuggling whisky
roie-vaght ~ preconception
roie-varel ~ preconceived
roie-vioys ~ pre-existence
roie-vunnit ~ pre-established
roie-yannoo ~ prefabrication
roie-yeant ~ prefabricated
roie-ynnyd ~ foreground
roie-yss ~ precognition, prescience
roie-yssagh ~ prescient
roieder ~ runner, sprinter, racer, courier,
roieder chemmaltys ~ blockade runner
roieder folley ~ haemophiliac
roieder stronney ~ driveller
roienaght ~ antiquity
roievollagh ~ runway
roievoodeyder ~ preamplifier
yn roig ~ king's evil, scrofula
roigagh ~ strumous, scrofulous
roighey ~ impale
roight ~ run through, impaled
roih [f] ~ arm, forearm
roijey ~ glaciation
roin ~ before us, I would go
rois ~ peninsula
roish ~ ahead, before, previous;before him
roish brey ~ ante-natal
roish Creest ~ pre-Christian, before Christ, B.C
roish jinnair ~ anteprandial
roish munlaa ~ in the morning
roish (my) ~ ere
roish nish ~ heretofore, erstwhile
roish ruggyr ~ ante-natal
roish shen ~ prior to that, before then
roish shiaghtin ~ within a week
roish shoh ~ foregoing, erstwhile, previously
roish y chaggey ~ pre-war
roish y chroan ~ afore the mast
roish y phoosey ~ antenuptial
roish y theihll ~ antemundane
roish y thooilley ~ antediluvian
roish y toilshey ~ antelucan
roish y vadran ~ antelucan
roish y vannish ~ antenuptial
roish yn phobble ~ lime-light
roish yn traa ~ early, premature
roit ~ run, raced, molten, moulded, cast
roit ass ~ stale
roit neeu ~ starved
rolaad ~ overload
rolaadey ~ overloading
Rolan ~ Roland
rolaue ~ prior, aforethought, beforehand
rolaueagh ~ anticipatory
rolaueid ~ antecedent
rolaueys ~ anticipation
rolauid ~ anticipation
rollag ~ roll, stele
rollag hey ~ tea-trolley
rollag hoo ~ jam roll
rollage [f] ~ pip, star
rollage arbyllagh ~ comet
rollage chyndaaee ~ binary star
rollage hassoo ~ fixed star
rollage hroailt ~ planet
rollage-hroailtys ~ interstellar travel
rollage loshtee ~ nova
rollage noa ~ nova
rollage ny madjin ~ morning star
Rollage ny Twoaie ~ North Star, Pole Star,
rollage oayllys ~ guiding star
rollage roie ~ shooting star
rollage scannane ~ cinema star
rollage scughee ~ planet
rollage stiurey ~ guiding star
rollage veekyragh ~ twinkling star
rollage vuillagh ~ pulsar
rollage wheig-vaaragh ~ pentagram
Rollage y Jouyll ~ Algol
rollage y vadran ~ day star
Rollage y Voddee ~ Sirius, the dog star
Rollage yn Astyr ~ Hesperus, the evening star
rollageagh ~ stellar, stellated, sidereal, starlit,
starlight, astral, astronomical
rollageydagh ~ star-gazer, astrologer,
rollageydaght ~ star-gazing
rollageyder ~ astronomer
rollageydys ~ astronomy
rollaghey (bing) ~ empanel
rollagyn ~ rowlocks
rollal mygeayrt ~ tossing about
rolley ~ roll, bowl (as hoop);web, register
rolley bingey ~ jury list
rolley enmyn ~ roster, rota, muster, roll-call
rolley Frangagh ~ croissant
rolley lhuingey ~ muster roll
rolley mail ~ rent roll
rolley martyryn ~ martyrology
Rolley ny Fenee ~ Roll of Honour
rolley ny merriu ~ obituary list
rolley premmee ~ toilet roll
rolley rangagh ~ French roll
rolleyder ~ roller, roller bird
rollian ~ roller, reel, cylinder, pulley, shaft,
roulette, axle tree, troll, spindle whorl, spool,
penis, sheave, whirler (of thing)
rollian broachey ~ bobbin
rollian-cubbylagh ~ twin-cylinder
rollian eeastee ~ trolling spoon
rollian fuinnee ~ rolling pin
rollian lheimaghan ~ barrel (clock)
rollian ny gliooney ~ knee-cap
rollianagh ~ cylindrical, whirling
rollick ~ rollick
rollickal ~ rollick
rollit ~ rolled
rolt ~ star
roltag ~ aster, star
roltag fillym ~ film star
roltagagh ~ starlit
roltage ~ star
roltageagh ~ asteroid
rolteen ~ star, starlet, asterisk
rolteenys ~ stardom
rolteyr ~ turner
rolught ~ overcharge
rolughtey ~ overcharge
Romanagh ~ Roman
Romanee ~ Romany
Romanish ~ Romany
Romanoil ~ Romanesque
Romanoilaght ~ Romanesque
romansagh ~ romantic
romanse ~ romance
romansee ~ romanicist
romanseeaght ~ romanticism
rondagagh ~ starlit
rondaghey ~ exceed
rondyl ~ rondel
rone ~ satire
roneyder ~ investigator
Ronnag ~ Ronague
ronnane ~ division
ronneeagh ~ ranting, satirical, ribald
ronneeaght ~ ditty, foolish song, versification,
doggerel, madrigal, ribaldry, revel; raving in
drink, ranting, horse play, revelry, catch
ronney ~ division, of a division, share, portion,
quota, lot, part, category, beat, parcel or
claim of land, verse, political ward;
ronney cadjin ~ ordinary share
ronney fuirriaghtagh ~ deferred share
ronney teih ~ preference share
ronneyder ~ dealer, shareholder, distributor,
ronneyr ~ versifier
ronniaght ~ madrigal, versification
ronniaght eddrym ~ light verse
ronsag eayst ~ moon probe
ronsag spoar ~ space probe
ronsaghey ~ search, investigate, examine,
scrutinize, look into, frisk, ransack, rifle,
forage, rummage, explore, beat for game,
debate, consult; consultation, scrutinizing,
ronsaghey cree ~ heart-searching
ronsaghey-kirpey ~ anatomy
ronsaghey magh ~ exploration, ferreting out
ronsaghey mygeayrt ~ rampage, ferreting about
ronsaghey skeeandagh ~ scientific investigation
ronsaght ~ scrutiny, search, quest, investigation
ronsaght skeeandagh ~ scientific investigation
ronsey ~ ransacking, search
ronseyder ~ scrutineer, searcher, explorer,
ransacker, forager
ronseyder kirpey ~ anatomist
ronseyder lhuingey ~ tide-waiter, customs
ronseyder traie ~ beachcomber
ronsit ~ searched, ransacked, rifled
ronsoil ~ exploratory
ronsoilagh ~ explorable, searchable
rontage ~ star
Yn Rontage Hwoaie ~ The Pole Star
roo ~ to them; ruff, ruffle
rooar ~ swoop
roobeen ~ ruby
roobeenagh ~ ruby
roobyl ~ rouble
rooin ~ to us
rooisht ~ naked, stripped, nude, unclothed,
exposed, clean out
rooisht argid ~ penniless, broke
rooishtey ~ bare, undress, decorticate, defoliate;
rooishteyder ~ stripper
rooishtid ~ bareness, nudism, nakedness, nudity
rooishtid anchooie ~ indecent exposure
rooishtit ~ stripped
rooishtys ~ naturism
rooit ~ rumble, report, roar, peal, growl
rooit haarnee ~ thunder-clap, crash of thunder
rooital ~ boom of thunder, roar
Yn Roomaain ~ Romania
Roomainagh ~ Romanian
roon ~ confidence, obstinacy, viciousness,
malice, spite, resentment; rune
roon-screeu ~ cipher
roonagh ~ stubborn, secret, vindictive,
perverse, malicious, malignant, vicious, ill
intentioned; runic
roonaght ~ policy
roonar ~ close-mouthed
r ooni d ~ obst i nacy, spi t ef ul ness,
revengefulness, perverseness, occultism
Roonysvaie ~ Ronaldsway
roort ~ leisure activity, bravery, prowess
roortagh ~ athletic, athlete, champion,
roortaght ~ championship, athleticism
roortaghys ~ athletics
roortys ~ homework, practice, exercise, trial of
strength, leisure activity
roortys aile ~ fire drill
Yn Roosh ~ Russia
roosh ~ marsh
Roosh-ghraihagh ~ Russophile
Rooshagh ~ Russian
Rooshish ~ Russian
roosit ~ rifled
roost ~ peel, bark, rind
roosteen ~ nudist, naked person
roosteenagh ~ nudist, naked
roosteenid ~ raggedness
roosteenys ~ nudism, nudity, outlawry
roostey ~ strip, peel, hull, rob, bare, rind,
debunk, rifle, unbark, deprive, peeling,
stripping, strip of a girl, exposure
roostey neughlen ~ indecent exposure
roostey ooirey ~ soil denudation
roosteyr ~ robber, brigand, bandit
roosteyr Injinagh ~ dacoit
roosteyr killagh ~ church-robber
roosteyr marrey ~ pirate, privateer
roosteyr ruillickey ~ body-snatcher
roosteyragh ~ robbing, piratical, plundering
roosteyraght ~ plunder
roosteyrys ~ plunder, robbery
roosteyrys marrey ~ piracy
roosthey ~ expose
roostit ~ robbed
roostoil ~ barky
roostyer ~ footpad
rootagh ~ brave, vigorous
rooym ~ room
rooymoil ~ roomy
rophooseydagh ~ antenuptial
ros ~ wood
ros-cheyll ~ spinney
Ros Comain ~ Roscommon
Ros Vic Treoin ~ New Ross
rosag ~ rose, rosebush
rose ~ rose, ceiling rose, erysipelas
rose-banejiarg ~ rose-pink
rose cheynnee ~ moss rose
rose-chopuir ~ rose-copper
rose-foiee ~ rosewood
rose-laurys ~ rose-laurel
rose ny marrey ~ rosemary
rose-uinnag ~ rose, rose-window
roseagh ~ rosaceous
rosejiarg ~ rose-red
rosh ~ reach
rosheyder ~ attainer, reacher
roshtyn ~ attain, reach, arrive, come within,
accede, arriving, reaching, accession to power
roshtynagh ~ attainable, accessibility, reachable;
roshtynys ~ attainment, extent, reach
roshtynys ec ~ well-off
rosin ~ rosin, resin, mastic
rosin sandarac ~ gum sandarac
rosinagh ~ resinous
Yn Ross ~ Ross
rost ~ overdo
rostagh ~ roasting
rostey ~ roasting, broiling, broil, roast
rostey foalley ~ braaivleis
rosteyder foiee ~ charcoal-burner
rostit ~ overdone, roasted
rotor ~ rotor
rouail ~ prowl, ramble, rove, wander,
wandering, straying, roving
rouaillagh ~ delirious, rambling, incoherent,
adrift, erring, devious, itinerant, prowler
rouailley ~ rave, wander, prowl, deviousness,
confusion, delerium, incoherence, rambling,
mix up
rouailley aigney ~ wandering of mind
rouailley jough ~ D.T.'s
rouailleyder ~ prowler
rouailtagh ~ rover, nomad, ranger, roving,
stroller, nomadic, wandering, itinerant,
roaming, roamer, wanderer
rouailtagh ny faarkaghyn ~ albatross
rouailtagh thallooin ~ land-rover
rouailtys aigney ~ lack of concentration,
wandering (of mind)
rouan ~ civil disturbance, disturbance, riot
rouanagh ~ riotous, profligate, immoral, lewd,
rioter, wanton
rouaney ~ rioting, riot
rouanid ~ riotousness
rouanys ~ lust, lewdness, riotousness, excess,
profligacy, wantonness, immorality, rioting
roud ~ late, too much, too long, exorbitant
roudaght ~ excess, exorbitance
roue ~ before them
rour ~ overdo, overdone, too much, too many,
undue (as optimism)
rour argid ~ too much money
rour cummaltee (ayns) ~ over-populated
rour eeck ~ overpayment
rour obbyr ~ overwork
rour siyr ~ overhaste
rour siyrid ~ overhastiness
rour studeyrys ~ overstudy
rourey ~ headland
rourid folley ~ plethora
rouyl ~ madness, frenzy
rovreear ~ adverb
rovreeragh ~ adverbial
row? ~ was?
rowlagh ~ roll on
rowlaghey ~ bowl (as hoop)
rowlaghey roish ~ bowl along
rowlal ~ roll, trill, rolling
rowlal shaghey ~ roll by
rowlal stiagh ~ roll in
rowley ~ roll
rowley er y cheilley ~ convolve
rowleyder ~ roller
rowlit ~ rolled
rowlit stiagh ~ involute
royd ~ before you
Royd oo! ~ Away! Begone!
roym ~ before me, in preference to me
ruagh ~ reddish, light red
Ruaree ~ Roger, Roderick
Ruaree Ruy ~ Reynard the fox
rub ~ rub
rubbal ~ rub down, rubbing, rub up, rub
rubbal jeh ~ rub off
rubbal stiagh ~ rub in
rubbey ~ rub, wipe, chafe
rubbey jeh ~ wipe off
rubbeyder ~ rubber, wiper
rubbit ~ rubbed, wiped, chafed
rubbyl ~ rubble
rubbyr ~ rubber
rubbyr lhean ~ sheet rubber
rubbyrey ~ rubberize
rubrick ~ rubric
ruck ~ haycock, rick
ruckey ~ ruck
ruckeyder ~ hay-ricker
ruckit ~ ricked
rucksal ~ tousle, rumple, shake, jostle
rucksit ~ tousled
rue gharagh ~ rue
rueg ~ invader, enemy, plunderer, highwayman
ruegagh ~ invading
ruegey ~ invade
ruegeyder ~ invader
ruegit ~ overrun
ruegys ~ invasion, ravage
ruggagh ~ rough, rugged, harsh
ruggaght ~ harshness, ruggedness
ruggal ~ bear (birth)
ruggit ~ born
ruggyr ~ nativity, birth; Rugby football, rugby,
ruggyr Kaesaragh ~ Caesarean
ruggyr lannoonagh ~ twin-birth
ruggyr neuappee ~ abortion
rught ~ spirit, hag (ghost)
ruightagh ~ expulsive
ruightey ~ expulsion, drive, drive out, expel
ruightoil ~ expellent
ruilley-builley ~ rough-and-tumble
ruillick [f] ~ cemetery, churchyard, burial-
ground, graveyard
ruillick fo-halloo ~ catacombs
ruillick ny moght ~ paupers' grave
ruillickey ~ of a churchyard
ruillickeyr ~ sexton, grave-digger
ruillickeyraght ~ grave-digging
ruissag ~ rose
ruissagh ~ rose-coloured, ruddy, reddish, rosy,
ruissaght ~ rosiness, ruddiness, reddishness
ruksal ~ rough (as the hair)
rum ~ rum, rhumb
rum-linney ~ rhumb-line
rumbyl ~ skirt
rumbyl coon ~ hobble-skirt
rummee ~ rummy
rummey ~ bilge
runt ~ globular, round, ball-shaped, circular,
spherical, rotund
runtag ~ round object, sphere, globule
runtagh ~ roundish, convex
runtaghey ~ round
runtaght ~ oval
runtid ~ convexity, rotundity, circularity,
runtit ~ rounded
rushag ~ amulet
rusk ~ rusk
russad ~ russet
Rutchie ~ Richard
ruy ~ red, ginger, tan, copper-complexioned,
red-haired, foxy, sandy
ruy-dhone ~ bronze, dark bay
ruy-eddinagh ~ apple-cheeked
ruyagh ~ reddish
ruyaghey ~ bronzing
ruyghey ~ redden, brown, bronze, tan by sun
ruyghey greiney ~ suntan
ruyghid ~ tannedness, bronzedness
ruyghit ~ reddened
ruyid ~ brownness, tan, reddishness, redness
ry-akin ~ visible, within sight, appreciable,
ry-akin da'n tooill ~ macroscopic
ry-cheilley ~ together, with each other, en
ry-chooilleeney ~ executory
ry chreck ~ for sale, venal
ry chur (ort) ~ for outward application
ry-chur noi coontys ~ chargeable (costs)
ry-chur sheese (da) ~ chargeable (to cause)
ry cur ~ wherewith
ry-eeck ~ payable
ry faill ~ plying for hire
ry-gheddyn ~ obtainable, procurable, available,
allowable (expenses), to be had, receivable
ry-gheddyn er ash ~ retrievable
ry-gheddyn reesht ~ recoverable
ry-ghoaill ~ receivable
ry-hannaghtyn ~ to be continued
ry-heet ~ forward, due, pending, future,
ry-hoi ~ reserved, anent, for
ry-hoi laa fliaghee ~ provided for a rainy day
ry hoiggal ~ understood, understandable
ry-hoilshaghey ~ notifiable
ry laue ~ nearby
ry lheayst ~ on the thigh, by the thigh
ry-lheead ~ broadside on, broadwise
ry-lhiantyn ~ to be continued
ry-lhiattee ~ aside, apart
ry-scoidey ~ a-tilt, aslope, askew
ry-shaghey ~ in turns, separately
ry ynsaghey ~ to be learned
rybban ~ riband, ribbon, cordon, band, tape
rybban chellveeishagh ~ videotape
rybban gorrym ~ blue riband
rybban jiarg ~ red tape
rybban lhiantagh ~ adhesive tape
rybban telegraafagh ~ ticker
rybban towsh ~ tape measure
ryddim ~ rhythm
ryddimagh ~ rhythmic(al)
ryptar ~ rupture
ryttin ~ fetlock
s' ~ (prefix) utmost
saa ~ youngest
s'aa ~ (see saa)
ny saa ~ junior
saabyl ~ sable
saagh ~ holder, container, utensil, vase, vial,
trough, feeder, ship
saagh aer ~ aircraft
saagh aunlyn ~ sauce-boat
saagh awree ~ soup-tureen
saagh bainney ~ churn
saagh crowal ~ hovercraft
saagh doo ~ inkpot
saagh dridlagh ~ slop-pail
saagh feayree ~ cooler
saagh feeyn geayr ~ vinegar cruet
saagh feeyney ~ wine press, wine vessel
saagh feeyney erin ~ ampulla
saagh fuinnee ~ kneading trough
saagh fuygh ~ wooden vessel
saagh gyn croan ~ dumb craft
saagh iu ~ drinking vessel
saagh lheie ~ crucible
saagh mooiney ~ urine bottle
saagh mustart ~ mustard pot
saagh ny mucyn ~ pig pail
saagh ooill reeoil ~ ampulla
saagh-oonlee ~ wash basin
saagh premmee ~ lavatory pan
Saagh ry akin! ~ Sail ho!
saagh sheeabin ~ soap dish
saagh shiauill ~ sailing ship
saagh sleab ~ slaver
saagh teaumee ~ bailer, decanter
saagh traghtee ~ merchant ship
saagh tree cruin ~ barque
saagh ushtey ~ confutement
saagh y snauean ~ float chamber
saaillagh ~ brinish, briny
saailley ~ sea water, salt water
saar ~ czar
saasaghey ~ satisfy, contrive, remedy
saasaght ~ contentment, satisfaction
saase ~ resource, device, machinery,
saase beaghee ~ livelihood
saase coadee ~ safeguard
saase Doaragh ~ Dorian Mode
saase driaghtagh ~ alligation method
saase ynsee ~ pedagogic(al), pedagogical
saaseyn y ghraysh ~ means of grace
Saasilagh ~ Wesleyan Methodist, ranter
Saasilaght ~ Wesleyanism
saasit ~ sated, remedied, satisfied
saasoil ~ remedial, resource
saasoilaght ~ satisfactoriness
saasoilid ~ resourcefulness
saastagh ~ complacent
saastaght ~ complacence
saauagh ~ sawing
saaual ~ sawing
saaue ~ saw
saaue billagh ~ frame-saw
saaue bowagh ~ bow-saw
saaue clashey ~ pit-saw
saaue cleeah ~ fretsaw
saaue cruillagh ~ coping saw
saaue cryssagh ~ bandsaw
saaue-eeacklagh ~ saw-toothed
saaue giarreymagh ~ hacksaw
saaue jeeragh ~ jigsaw
saaue kiarkylagh ~ circular saw
saaue laue ~ hand saw
saaue marrey ~ sawfish, swordfish
saaue runt ~ circular saw
saaue-whaillag ~ sawfly
saaueagh ~ serrated
saaueal ~ saw
saauee ~ sawing
saaueyder ~ sawer
saauit ~ sawed, sawn
saauyder ~ sawyer
Saayl ~ Saul
saayl ~ sale, tree, tip (on stick), skid, heel
saayl-cheaut ~ down-at-heel
saayley cruin ~ mast-heel
saayltraghey ~ tread on with heel
saayltrey ~ heel in, trampling, treading
sabbad ~ Sabbath
sabbadagh ~ sabbatical
Sabeenagh ~ Sabine
sac(k) ~ sack, bag, sac
sack y winnican ~ yolk-sac
sacragh ~ sacral
sacraid ~ sakeret
sacraleid ~ sacrilege
sacraleidagh ~ sacrilegious
sacrament ~ (holy) sacrament
sacramentoil ~ sacramental
sacramentyn ~ sacraments
sacreyr ~ sacrarium
sacristee ~ sacristy
sacristeyr ~ sacristan
sacsafone ~ saxophone
sacsafonee ~ saxophonist
sadagh ~ sadistic
sadee ~ sadism
sadooseenagh ~ Sadducee
saffagh ~ sapphic
saffeer ~ sapphire
saga ~ saga
saggyrt ~ priest, padre, parson, clergyman, vicar,
churchman, clerk (holy orders); lesser black
backed gull; grey gurnard
saggyrt aeg ~ curate
saggyrt cabbal ~ chaplain
saggyrt Ewanagh ~ rabbi
saggyrt lowansagh ~ prebendary
saggyrt Pershagh ~ magus
saggyrt skeerey ~ incumbent, parish priest, Pope
of the Greek Church
saggyrt yn reiltys ~ government chaplain
saggyrt ynsee ~ seminarist
saggyrt ynseydagh ~ seminarist
saggyrtagh ~ priestly, sacerdotal, parson-like
saggyrtaght ~ priesthood
saggyrtoil ~ clerical, parson-like, sacerdotal,
priestly, priest-like
saggyrtoilid ~ priestliness
saggyrtyn ~ priests
saggyrtys ~ priesthood, vicarage
saggyrtys cabbal ~ chaplaincy
sago ~ sago
sago er bainney ~ sago pudding
sago-phalm ~ sago palm
Yn Sahara ~ Sahara
sahll ~ fat, grease, adipose tissue, white flesh,
sahll blennick ~ blubber
sahll-keyrragh ~ wool grease
sahll olley ~ wool fat
sahll smuirrey ~ marrowfat
sahllagh ~ blubbery, fatlike, adipose, fatty
saiagh ~ satisfactory, satisfying, sated, satisfied,
saiaghey ~ saturate, satisfy
saiane ~ coalfish
saiatica ~ sciatica
saic ~ sacks
saie ~ satisfaction, satiety, fill, replete
ny saie ~ satiated
saieagh ~ satiating
saieid ~ satiety, repletion, glut
saieys ~ satiety, repletion, sufficency
saih ~ impalement, plant, thrust, impale, stab,
trundle, stabbing
saih hug y gheay ~ broach to
saih marrey ~ bore (in river)
saih mucyn ~ pigsticking
saih trooid ~ bore
saih voish cheu dy heu ~ transpierce
saihagh ~ stabbing
saihan ~ Seine net
saihder ~ stabber
saihder peelyn ~ pile-driver
saiht hug y gheay ~ broached
sail ~ stub, seal
sailan ~ silo
sailidje ~ ensilage
sailishey ~ ensilage
sailjey ~ corned, saline, salt, salty, briny,
brackish, pickled
sailjys ~ saltiness, plain fare, saltness,
brackishness, salinity
saill ~ dross, grease
sailley ~ salt, cure, pickle, brine, salt water,
sailleyder ~ salter, curer
sailleyr ~ salt cellar
saillit ~ salted
saillt ~ salted
saillym ~ I like
sailograaf ~ xylograph
sailys ~ silage
saineen ~ cord
saineen keeaght ~ ploughline
saisyl ~ sisal
s'aittin lhiam ~ I like
salamander ~ Salamander
Saleesagh ~ alesian
sallagh ~ grubby, dingy, nasty, filthy, piggish,
impure, squalid, foul
sallaghey ~ soiling, dirty
sallaghys ~ impurity, squalor
sallaid ~ salad
sallaid meshtit ~ mixed salad
sallaid mess ~ fruit salad
Sallee ~ Sally
sallet ~ helmet
sallghar ~ nastiness
saloon ~ saloon
salsee daa ~ scorzonera
salsey ~ salsify
salteer ~ saltire
salteyr ~ psalter
salvey ~ salvo
Samaaragh ~ Samaritan
samark ~ shamrock
samarkagh ~ shamrock-covered
sambyl ~ copy, pattern, sample, specimen,
sambyl shellee ~ willow pattern
sambyl sooilley ~ practical example
sameet ~ samite
Samoidagh ~ Samoyed
sampleyr ~ sample, sampler, specimen,
example, instance, case, paragon, model
sampleyr (focklyn) ~ paradigm
sampleyr meanagh ~ average sample
sampleyragh ~ typically, exemplary, model,
sampleyraghey ~ exemplify, exemplification
sancteyr ~ sanctum
ny s'anmey ~ later, later on
sannish ~ whisper, hint, allusion, suggestion
sansherag ~ annunciator (device)
sansheragh ~ allusive, prompter, whispering
sansheraght ~ whisper, annunciate, speak under
breath, whispering
sansherey ~ whisperer
sansheyder ~ annunciator
sanshit ~ annunciated, whispered
Sanskrit ~ Sanskrit
santyl ~ sandalwood
s'anvenkey ~ rarely
sap ~ wisp, man of straw
sap-shelloo ~ enfeoffment
saplagh ~ refuse of straw
sappag ~ very small wisp
sapper ~ sapper
sar ~ sow louse
sar- ~ (prefix) extra-, super-
sar-fosfait ~ superphosphate
sar-uillinagh ~ out of square
sar-vullagh ~ ceiling
saragh ~ ordering
sarc-oaylleeaght ~ sarcology
sarcoamagh ~ sarcomatous
sarcoamey ~ sarcoma
sarcophagus ~ sarcophagus
sarcoys ~ sarcosis
sard ~ sard
sardeen ~ sardine
Sardeenagh ~ Sardinian
s'ardjey ~ superior, topmost
sarey ~ instruct, order, dictate, precept,
command, decree, enjoin, prescribe,
mandat e, i nj unct i on, di r ect i ve,
sareydagh ~ imperious
sareyder ~ commander
sareydys ~ dictation
sarit ~ decreed, enjoined
sarjant ~ sergeant
sarjant drilley ~ drill sergeant
sarjant marrey ~ sergeant-fish
sarjant mergey ~ colour sergeant
sarkyl ~ weed
sarkyl-nieu ~ weedkiller
sarkylid ~ weediness
sarkyllagh ~ weedy
sarmentagh ~ sarmentose
Sarn ~ Saturday, Saturn
Sarnagh ~ Saturnalian
sarocseed ~ peroxide
sarocseed heedrageen ~ hydrogen peroxide
Sarrah! ~ Sir (in contempt)!
sarsulfaid ~ persulphate
sarvanganaid ~ permanganate
sarvoltys ~ overvoltage
sasdagh ~ easy
sash ~ sash
sash uinnag ~ window sash
saspareil ~ smilax
sassey ~ easiest
s'assey ~ (see sassey)
sauail ~ salvage, save, reprieve, rescue
sauail bea ~ life-saving
sauaillagh ~ salvable, rescuer
sauaillys ~ salvage
sauallagh ~ saver, salvor
saualtagh ~ saviour
saualtys ~ salvation
sauchey ~ safe, secure
sauchys ~ safe keeping, security, safeness,
sauchys raaidey ~ road safety
saue ~ salve, ointment
saueyder ~ saver
Sauin [f] ~ Hollantide, November
sauit ~ saved, rescued
saultys ~ redemption
saum ~ psalm
saumeyder ~ psalmist
saumeydys ~ psalmody
saumeyraght ~ psalmody
sauragh ~ saurian
saveen ~ doze, slumber, nap
saveen-hooyl ~ somnambulism
saveen-hooylleyder ~ somnambulist
saveenagh ~ drowsy, sleepy, somnolent,
slumberer, dozy
saveenaghey ~ slumber, slumbering
saveenaght ~ slumbering
saveeney ~ slumber, slumbering, doze
saveenys ~ lethargy, repose, drowsiness,
sawane ~ wash-brew
sawm ~ psalm
saynt ~ lust, avarice, covetousness, thirst for
saynt ny foalley ~ lechery, sexual desire,
sensuality, concupiscence
sayntagh ~ grasping, acquisitive, avaricious,
covetous, lustful, hungry (as eye); too deep
sayntaghey ~ lust
sayntoil ~ covetous, lustful
sayntoilagh ~ coveter, concupiscent, lustful
sayntoilaght ~ covetousness, lustfulness
sayntoilid ~ lustfulness
s'baney ~ whitest
S'bastagh shen! ~ That's a pity!
S'bastagh! ~ What a shame!
s'beg ~ least
s'beg (lesh) ~ despise
S'braew shen! ~ That's famous!
s'buiggey ~ softest
scaa ~ cover, hood, fire guard, screen, fence,
fencing, pretence, guise, ghost, apparition, a
very thin person, shadow, shadiness,
adumbration, shade, timidity, blight; thirds
scaa aile ~ firescreen, fireguard
scaa altaragh ~ altar screen
scaa biljagh ~ bower
scaa-chaslys ~ silhouette
scaa croshey ~ rood screen
scaa-doarneyrys ~ shadow boxing
scaa-doo ~ shadow
scaa geay ~ wind-break
scaa-ghorrys ~ hatch cover
scaa goanlyssagh ~ ghost
scaa-greiney ~ visor, sunshade, parasol
scaa-greiney cadysh ~ gingham
scaa laue ~ hand guard
scaa lhiabbagh ~ bed curtain
scaa lostan ~ lampshade
scaa sooilley ~ eyeshade
scaa stroolane ~ draught screen
scaa 'sy ghoarlish ~ makeshift
scaa tuittym ~ parachute
scaadooagh ~ shady, shadowing, shadowy
scaagh ~ bashful, timid, shady, shadowy
scaaghey ~ overshadow, shadow, darken, shade
scaaghyn-sooilley ~ blinkers
scaaillagh ~ squamose, scaled, scaly, flaky
scaaillaghey ~ flake, exfoliation
scaaillaght ~ scaliness
scaailley ~ scale, flake
scaait ~ shaded, overshadowed
scaalaaee ~ mudguard
scaalan ~ parasol
scaalane ~ lampshade
scaalane organe ~ organ screen
scaaley ~ gamut
scaalhean ~ distribution, dispersion, rout,
broadcast, scattering
Scaalhean orroo! ~ Curse them!
scaalheaney ~ broadcasting, disband, broadcast,
rout, disperse, scatter, diffuse
scaalheaney ny Hewnyn ~ diaspora
scaalheaneyder ~ broadcaster, diffuser
scaalheanit ~ broadcast, disbanded, diffuse
scaaliaghee ~ brolly, umbrella, gamp
scaalinney ~ shade, hachure
scaalinnit ~ shaded
scaan ~ spook, spirit, ghost, spectre, apparition,
reflection, double
scaan baaree ~ shaving glass
scaan sniaghtee ~ snow-blink
scaan sniaghtey ~ snow-blink
scaanagh ~ ghostly, spooky, ghastly, crannied,
ghostlike, spectral, representative, specular,
scaanaght ~ ghostliness
scaane ~ speculum, mirror
scaane laue ~ hand mirror
scaane peer ~ pier glass
scaaney ~ crack, cleft, rend, cranny, chink,
interstice, cleave, fracture, crevice, flaw,
crack, fissure; mirror
scaaneyder ~ render
scaanid ~ ghastliness
scaanit ~ fissured
scaanjoon ~ phantom, ghost, bogle
scaanjoon feiyral ~ poltergeist
scaanjoon keylley ~ lemur
scaanjoonagh ~ phantom, ghostlike, ghostly
scaanjoonaght ~ ghostliness
scaant ~ cracked
scaap ~ shield
scaap-eddin ~ visor
scaap geayee ~ windscreen
scaavreckey ~ tint
scabbag ~ lock
scad ~ scad
scadoo ~ shadow
scag-heeley ~ dialysis, dialyse
scageyr tey ~ tea strainer
scaggey ~ purge
scailleanagh ~ scalene
scaillear ~ scalar
scailley ~ squama
yn scailley ruy ~ psoriasis
scailley-yalloo ~ scale drawing
scain ~ edge
scaipail ~ on the run, slip out
scaipailtagh ~ fugitive
scair ~ lead
s'cair (da) ~ ought
scallagh ~ unfeathered, unfledged
scammalt ~ scaffold, scaffolding
scammaltagh ~ scandalmonger
scammaltey ~ scaffold
scammaltys ~ scandalousness
scammoiney ~ scammony
scammyl ~ web (as bird's foot)
scammyllagh ~ webbed, palmiped
scammylt ~ scandal, ignominy
scammyltagh ~ infamous, reproachful,
scandalous, shocking, disreputable,
scammyltey ~ scandalize, reproach
scammyltid ~ scandalousness
scammyltit ~ scandalized
scaney ~ scan
scanjoon ~ apparition, very thin person
scannane ~ picture, movie, cine-film, film (of
oil), diaphragm
scannane feanishagh ~ documentary
scannane kereagh ~ cere
scannane naight ~ news reel
scannane ny chengey ~ bridle
scannane sooilley ~ nictating membrane
scannaneagh ~ filmy
scannaneaght ~ cinema
scannaney ~ glaze
scannaneyder ~ picture-goer
scannaneyn ~ pictures, movies
scanney ~ scansion
scansh ~ respect, regard, importance,
consequence, momentousness, moment
scanshoil ~ impressive, noticeable, regardful,
momentous, important
scapail ~ absconding, abscond, abscondment,
escape, elude, avoid
scapailagh ~ eluder, avoidable, absconder,
scapailagh pryssoon ~ prison breaker
scape ~ screen, shield
scape cruinn ~ target (shield), buckler
Scape-jee! ~ Dismiss!
scape lossainagh ~ lozenge
scape lught-thie ~ escutcheon
scape ollish ~ dress shield
scapit ~ avoided
scapoidagh ~ scaphoid
Scarleod ~ Scarlett
scarleod ~ scarlet
scarleodagh ~ scarlet
scarr-ghuillagagh ~ loose-leaf
scarrag ~ ray, skate
scarrag gharroo ~ thornback( ray)
scarrag lectragh ~ electric ray
scarrag vreck ~ spotted ray
scarrag yial ~ white skate
scarragh ~ knotty
scarran ~ division
scarran killagh ~ aisle
scarree ~ dividing
scarrey ~ separation, divorce, disunion,
secession, alienation, insulation, disjunction,
divergence, severance, dissociation,
segregation, schism, detachment; spread,
disunite, split up, segment, start, disjoin,
sever, slough, divide, disconnect, dissociate,
segregate, distinguish, disengage, sunder,
part, break off, diverge, break up, draw
apart; spacing, separating, leaving, parting
scarrey goal ~ straddle
scarrey lectragh ~ electrolysis
scarrey magh ~ deploy, deployment
scarrey poosee ~ divorce, separation
scarrey (rish) ~ break away, secede, part with,
relinquish, separate
scarrey (veih) ~ come away, alienate, detach,
shut off
scarrey veih my cheilley ~ interspace, stagger,
space, part
scarreydagh ~ separatist, sectarian, separable,
schismatic, diacritic
scarreydaght ~ separationism
scarreyder ~ seceder, parter, separator; contact
breaker, cut out
scarreydys ~ sectarianism, separationism,
scarrick ~ scrap
scarrit ~ disconnected, detached, disunited,
disengaged, separated, divorced, spaced,
distinguished, parted, sundry
scarrit veih my cheilley ~ staggered
Scarroo ~ Scarffe
scarroo ~ cormorant
scarrt ~ parted, separated
scart ~ detached, slashed, disjoined, recess,
gape, separate, separated, apart
scart er y cheilley ~ imbricate(d)
scartagh ~ alienable, abstract, astride,
disjunctive, divergent
scarthane ~ line spacer, speculum
scartoil ~ alienable, astride
sceau ~ sweep, overhang, grimace, quick look,
sceauder ~ grimacer
sceilt ~ cloven, burst
scell ~ ray of light
scell greiney ~ sunbeam, sunburst
scell-lheeys ~ radio-therapy
scell-X ~ X-ray
scelley magh ~ burst forth
scellyn-X ~ X rays
scelp ~ rent, lash
scelpagh ~ lacerating
scelpaghey ~ lacerate, rend, lash
scelpey ~ laceration
scelpit ~ lashed, lacerated
scelt ~ burst, cloven
sceoll ~ dash
sceollagh ~ dashing
sceolley ~ dash
s'chee ~ thickest
scheial ~ artful, skilful, dexterous
scheim ~ streaky mark, strip, line on the skin
scheim aitt ~ comic strip
scheim-chartoon ~ strip cartoon
scheimmeig ~ line
scheimmeigagh ~ striped
scheimmeigey ~ line, streak
scheimmeigeyder ~ line-drawer
scheimmeigit ~ lined
scheimmeyder ~ marker
s'chenney ~ tightest, straightest
schimmeig ~ streak, dash, chevron, score, stripe
schimmeig etlee ~ flying strip
schimmeigagh ~ variegated, streaky
schimmeigey ~ stripe, variegate, score
schimmeigeyder ~ liner
schimmeigit ~ scored, streaked
schimmeigys ~ variegation
schlearose arteyragh ~ arterio-sclerosis
schlei ~ talent, art, know-how, attainment,
ability, flair, skill, adroitness, forte,
schleiaght ~ cleverness
schleial ~ ingenious, skilful
schleideragh ~ artistic(al)
schleideraght ~ work of art
schleioil ~ ingenious, dexterous, skilful,
talented, practised, adroit, skilled
schleitagh ~ artful, skilful
s'choe ~ hottest
schoill [f] ~ school (see scoill)
schoillar ~ scholar
schoillaragh ~ scholastic, scholarly
schoillaraght ~ scholasticism, scholarship
schoillarys ~ scholarship
schooner ~ schooner
sclaig ~ rut
sclatal ~ roof, slating
sclate ~ slate, tile (roof), tiled
sclate-ghorrym ~ slaty, slate-blue
sclate-lheeah ~ slaty, slate-coloured
sclateagh ~ slaty
sclateyr ~ slater, tiler
s'claughtal ~ satisfaction in use of
sclearey ~ sclera
S'cleaynoil! ~ How charming!
sclogeyder ~ shrieker
scluggey ~ chortle
scoadey ~ sloop, smack
scoagh ~ horror, terror, dread
scoaghagh ~ frightening
scoaghey ~ frighten, intimidate, alarm
scoagheyder ~ intimidator
scoaghit ~ intimidated, frightened, alarmed,
scoaghys ~ intimidation
scoaldagh ~ boiling hot
scoaldee ~ burning, boiling hot
scoaldey ~ scald, poach, scalding, poaching
scoaldit ~ burned, scalded, poached
scoar ~ score
scoaral ~ score
scoarey ~ slash
scoareyder ~ scorer
scoargagh ~ spur dogfish, piked dogfish
scoarnagh [f] ~ throat, gizzard, gorge
scoarnagh ghonnagh ~ sore throat
scoarnagh ghorrym ~ bluethroat
scoarnagh lhaggit ~ relaxed throat
scoarnagh vane ~ whitethroat
scoarnagh vane veg ~ lesser whitethroat
scoarnaghys ~ rasping sound
scoarnane ~ gorget
scoarnee ~ burr -r', of the throat
scoarnoil ~ gutteral
scoarnoilid ~ gutteralness
scob ~ strip
scobbag ~ a quick one
scobbaghey ~ eating hastily
scobbey ~ snack, eating hastily, repast
scoid ~ sheet
scoid yn shiauill mooar ~ mainsheet
scoid yn shiauill mullee ~ topsail sheet
scoid yn shiaull spreie ~ jib-sheet
scoid yn shiaull toshee ~ foresheet
scoidagh ~ lopsided
scoidaght ~ lopsidedness
scoidan ~ sheet
scoidey ~ list, obliqueness, slope, leaning, cant,
scoig ~ scruff, throttle, grime
scoig-chooylley ~ throttle valve
scoigey ~ throttling, throttle
scoigh ~ antipathy
scoighagh rish ~ antipathetic(al)
scoilg ~ slender child
scoill [f] ~ schooling, learning, school (see
scoill aaght ~ boarding school
scoill cheirdee ~ technical school
scoill cheirdey ~ vocational school, industrial
scoill chiaullee ~ conservatoire
scoill chleiee ~ hedge school
scoill chliwderaght ~ fencing school
scoill doonee ~ Sunday school
scoill ellyn ~ art school, school of art
scoill er lheh ~ private school
scoill etlee ~ flying school
scoill grammar ~ grammar school
scoill imman ~ driving school
scoill laa ~ day school
scoill lheeys ~ clinic
scoill oastys ~ boarding school
scoill oie ~ night school, evening school
scoill oikanagh ~ kindergarten, infant school
scoill phaitchyn ~ nursery school
scoill phersoonagh ~ private school
scoill phreevaadjagh ~ public school
scoill rinkys ~ dancing school
scoill smaght ~ borstal
scoill smaghtee ~ reformatory
scoill souree ~ summer school
scoill sushtal ~ mission school
scoill varkiaght ~ riding school
scoill yeirk ~ charity school
scoill yerrinagh ~ finishing school
scoill ylcheirdagh ~ polytechnic
scoillar ~ man of learning, academic, pupil
scoillar classicagh ~ classic
scoillar doltit ~ bursar
scoillar laa ~ day-boy
scoillar oastys ~ boarder
scoillaragh ~ academical
scoillaraght ~ bursary
scoillaryn beggey ~ junior pupils
scoillarys ~ pupilage, study
scoilt ~ choosing
scoip ~ clearance
scolb ~ sliver, scallop, shiver
scolbey ~ chip, chip off, peck a shell; get up;
scolbit ~ chipped
scolg ~ shriek
scolgagh ~ shrieking
scolgarnee ~ cackle (of hen), chuck
scolgernee ~ chirping
scolgey ~ shrieking, shriek
scollag ~ scholar, lad, boy, stripling, youngster
scollag (aeg) ~ youth
scollaghan ~ nestling
scollagyn ~ school children
scolley ~ scull
scolleyder ~ sculler
scolt ~ rent
scoltaght ~ disconnectedness
scoltan ~ slot, colon
scoltan-hoghrish ~ slot-winding
scoltanit ~ slotted
scoltey ~ split, cleave, hew, chop up, rend, slit,
burst, vent, blow out, slot, crack; feed, tuck
in; gut; fault, crevasse, cleft, disunion,
cracking, slitting, gutting,bursting, venting,
analysis, crack, fracture, fissure, fission,
sliver, scission, cleavage; heavy meal,
beanfeast; skive
scoltey chesh-veanagh ~ nuclear fission
scoltey ny tonnyn ~ ploughing the waves
scoltey piob ~ burst
scoltey rio ~ crevasse
scoltey yn claigin (jeh) ~ brain
scolteyder ~ chopper, gutter, cleaver, splitter,
hewer, nutcracker
scolteyder croiyn ~ nuthatch; nutcracker
scoltit ~ split, chopped, cloven, parted, gutted,
hewn, burst, sprung, fissured, slit, cleft
scommag ~ particle
scompse ~ huge meal
scon ~ large slice
sconnag ~ scone
sconney ~ spout
scoodyn ~ grime, scum, ring, tidemark (on
scoodynagh ~ scummy
s'cooidsave (lesh) ~ deign
s'cooin lhiam ~ I remember
scooirag ~ aperient
scooiragh ~ aperient, purgative, purging
scooirey ~ scour, polish, purge, furbish, scrub,
catharsis, looseness
scooirey as glenney ~ bull, spit and polish
scooirey lesh geinnagh ~ sand-blast, sand
scooireyder ~ scourer, scrubber, polisher
scooireyder puit ~ pot scrub
scooirt ~ scrubbed
scoon ~ scone
scoop ~ buck (of dredger)
scoorit ~ scoured, tight (drunk)
scooyr ~ intoxication, inebriation, drunkeness
scooyrit ~ inebriated, drunk, intoxicated,
canned, lit up, stoned, oiled, plastered,
scooyrit malaine ~ maudlin drunk
scorp ~ scorpion
scorp-eeast ~ scorpionfish
s'cosoylagh ~ likely, probably
s'cosoylagh eh ~ in all probability
scoteragh ~ scoter
scowan ~ lung
scowan yiarn ~ iron lung
scowanagh ~ pulmonary, chesty, bronchial
scowanyn ~ lights
scoylg ~ cluck
scoylgagh ~ chirpy
scoylgarnee ~ gaggle
scoylgernee ~ cluck, clucking, chirp
scraa ~ turf, green sod, divot, scraw, scale
scraa chraaee ~ quagmire, quaking bog
scraader ~ scrawer
scraagh ~ squeal, screech, squawk
scraaghey ~ clod, scraw, pare, squeal, squawk
scraait ~ clodded, scrawed
scraaney ~ late blackberry
scraayl ~ shearwater, Manx shearwater
scraayl doo ~ sooty shearwater
scrabage ~ scar, stroke, scratch
scrabagh ~ scratchy
scrabane ~ hair fishing line
scrabbey ~ scraping, scrape
scrabey ~ scratch
scrabeyder ~ scraper, scratcher, pawer
scrabit ~ scraped
scrablag ~ conglomerate, lithothamnia
scragh ~ scream
scraghey ~ screaming, scream
scragheyder ~ screamer
scrah ~ turf, sod, scraw, green sod
scraigey ~ scraw
scraigeyder ~ scrawer
scraigh ~ scraw
scran ~ rubbish in net, scrap, inedible fish, low-
class people, common herd
scranshal ~ grinding, rend, crunch, grind
scrapit ~ scraped
screb ~ rascal, rapscallion, varlet, scoundrel,
yn screb ~ mange, scab
screb lhiabbagh ~ bedsore
screb y ching ~ head sores
screbbag ~ scab
screbbagh ~ rascally, scabby, scabbed,
scoundrelly, mangy
screbbaghey ~ scab, scabbing
screbban ~ scratcher, card (wool comb)
screbbey ~ cicatrization, cicatrize
screbbid ~ manginess, scabbiness
screbbys ~ scoundrelism
scred ~ gasp
scredey ~ gasp
screeagh ~ scream, shriek, squall, yell, hoot,
screeagh screeagh ~ tu-whit tu-whoo
screeaghag cheylley ~ jay
screeaghag oie ~ nightjar, fern owl
screeaghagh ~ shrieking, shrieker, screaming,
screeaghey ~ shriek, hoot, scream, squall,
ululate, yell, screeching, yelping, shrieking
screeagheyder ~ yeller, screecher, screamer,
hooter, squaller
screeb ~ scratch, score, scrape, scolding,
screeb-obbyr ~ scratch work
screebage ~ scratch, flourish, cockleshell, scar
screebagh ~ scrapy, scraping, scratchy,
abrasive, fricative, frictional
screebaghyn ~ scrapings
screebaghyn fuygh ~ shavings
screebane ~ scuffle, hoe, curry-comb, itch
screebane braagey ~ door-scraper
screeberagh ~ cat
screeberey ~ cat
screebey ~ scrape, graze, grate, abrade, chafe,
claw, scratch, scuffle, itch, scrawl, dress,
rasp, stridulate, scraping, striking, friction,
screebey drommey ~ back-scratching
screebey jeh ~ scrape off
screebey (roish) ~ scrape along
screebeyder ~ scratcher, scraper, scarifier,
screebeydys ~ scrawl
screebeyraght ~ sgraffito
screebit ~ struck, grated, scratched, chafed,
abraded, scraped, combed
screeblagh ~ scrapings, youngest child
screeu ~ write, scribe, pen, document, inscribe
screeu coip ~ transcribe
screeu coontee ~ account (financial)
screeu coontey jeh ~ write up
screeu dy daa cheayllagh ~ equivocate
screeu dy tappee ~ dash off
screeu eddyr-linnaghyn ~ interline
screeu er ~ superscribe
screeu er ash ~ write back
screeu er caartyn ~ card
screeu er duilleen ~ docket
screeu harrish ~ make over
screeu laa yn vee rolaue ~ antedate (cheque)
screeu lesh ~ write in
screeu lesh king lettyr ~ capitalize
screeu (myr feanish) ~ documentation
screeu (rish) ~ write in
screeu sheese ~ write down, minute, take down
(as letter)
screeu stiagh ~ check in, clock in, write in,
screeu 'sy lioar ~ sign on
screeuagh ~ fond of writing
screeuaght ~ literature
screeuder ~ contributor
screeuder baght ~ scholiast
screeuder cloie ~ playwright
screeuder levreag ~ librettist
screeuder screeunyn ~ letter writer
screeudeyr ~ writer, secretary, secretary bird,
Screeudeyr Cooishyn Thie ~ Home Secretary
screeudeyr coontee ~ bookkeeper
screeudeyr naight ~ gazetteer
screeudeyr ny teay ~ public notary
screeudeyr shennaghys ~ historian
Screeudeyr steat ~ Secretary of state
screeudeyragh ~ secretarial
screeudeyraght ~ secretaryship
screeudeyrys ~ writing
screeudeyrys coontee ~ bookkeeping
screeueyrys ghorraghey ~ cipher
screeueyrys gyn chron ~ copperplate
screeuin lhie er-ash ~ back-hand (writing)
screeuit ~ written
screeunyn ~ mail
screeunyn credjaltys ~ credentials
screeunyn magh ~ outgoing mail
Screeunyn Phaayl Noo ~ writings of St. Paul
screeuyn ~ letter, missive, epistle, lettering,
script, inscription, legend, chitty, document,
brief, note, notes
screeuyn ayns laue hene ~ autographical letter
screeuyn coonree ~ bill of exchange
screeuyn coontee ~ bill (account), check
screeuyn coontee soit ~ acceptance
screeuyn creck ~ bill of sale
screeuyn daayl ~ letter of credit
screeuyn dorraghey ~ code, cryptogram
screeuyn-drommey ~ endorsement
screeuyn-etlan ~ aerogram
screeuyn fo loo ~ affidavit
screeuyn follit ~ cryptogram
screeuyn gialtagh ~ promissory note
screeuyn gioaldeeaght ~ mortgage deed
screeuyn keayrtagh ~ advertising circular
screeuyn laadee ~ consignment note
screeuyn leigh ~ writ
screeuyn leigh y chorp ~ habeas corpus
screeuyn lhuingey ~ seal letter
screeuyn marranys ~ erratum
screeuyn moyllee ~ letter of recommendation,
screeuyn naight ~ newsletter
screeuyn ny gair ~ charter
screeuyn Ostyllagh ~ Apostolic brief
screeuyn prindeisagh ~ indenture
screeuyn recortit ~ registered letter
screeuyn recortys ~ testimonial
screeuyn recoyrtit ~ registered letter
screeuyn ruggyree ~ birth certificate
screeuyn-scarree ~ divorce papers
screeuyn shelloo ~ conveyance
screeuyn slaynt ~ bill of health
screeuyn soilshee ~ covering letter
screeuyn sooree ~ love-letter
screeuyn tappee ~ express letter
screeuyn veih'n Phaab ~ breve
screeuyn vraille ~ braille
screeuynaght ~ press copy, printer's copy
screeuys ~ signature
screg ~ rocky ground
S'creoi shen! ~ That's tough!
scrial ~ descry, eye, scout
scrialtagh ~ inquisitive, inquisitiveness, scout,
nosey, descrier
scrialtagh marrey ~ sea scout
Ny Scrialtee ~ The Scouts
scrialtys ~ scouting, discovery
scribider ~ grater
scrimmey ~ scrim
scriog phye ~ piecrust
script ~ script
script-screeuder ~ script-writer
scriptyr ~ scripture
scriptyr noo ~ holy writ
scriptyragh ~ scriptural
ny scriptyryn ~ the scriptures
ny scriptyryn noo ~ holy writ
scrissey ~ rub out
scriughaaltan ~ screw steamship
scroag voteil ~ bottleneck
scroagh cassey ~ bulbous-rooted tangle
scrobbag ~ crop, gizzard
scrobban ~ pluck
scrobbane ~ giblets
scrobbey ~ scavenge, scavenging, dewlap
scrobbeyder ~ scavenger
scrod ~ screw, propeller
scrod aer ~ air-screw
scrod beaghee ~ feed-screw
scrod capeen ~ cap-screen
scrod chionney ~ straining screw
scrod cleayshagh ~ fly-nut
scrod costrayl ~ bottle-screw
scrod fainee ~ coach-screw
scrod sheeiney ~ teat screw
scrod skianagh ~ thumbscrew
scrod-voltey ~ screw-bolt
scroddagh ~ screw-driven, helical
scroddey ~ screw, screw on
scroddey sheese ~ screw down
scrodeyder ~ screwer
scrodeyr ~ screwdriver
scrodit ~ screwed
scrog ~ bite (of food)
scroggyl ~ foil, neck of bottle
scroggyl argid ~ silver foil
scroggyl leoaie ~ lead foil
scroggyl stainnagh ~ tinfoil
scroig ~ scab, incrustation, scarf-skin, crust,
scale, slime
scroig viljagh ~ undergrowth
scroigagh ~ crusty, crustacean, crusted, skin-
scroigaghey ~ incrustation
scroigaght ~ crustiness
scroigey ~ cake, encrust
scrolley ~ scroll
scrolley-saaue ~ scroll-saw
scrowag ~ pitfall
scrub ~ scrub
scrudaghey ~ criticize
scrug ~ crust
scruin ~ swarm
scruiney ~ swarm
scruit ~ written, documentary
scruppylagh ~ conscientious
scrutagh yerree ~ final
scrutaghey ~ check over, audit, examine, vet,
inspect, vetting, checking, revision
scrutaghey cooinsheanse ~ self-examination
scrutaght ~ examination, inspection
scrutaght laynt ~ check up
scrutee liorish loaghtey ~ palpate
scruteyder ~ examiner, censor, auditor
scruteyr ~ inspector, checker
scruteyraght ~ inspectorship
scrutit ~ censored
scryal ~ spy
scryaltys ~ spying
scryss ~ peel, rind, growler, scowl, grin, growl,
ill-natured person, shaving, scraping, paring
scryss buigh ny greg ~ common yellow lichen
scryss lheeah ~ grey lichen
scryss ny greg ~ lichen, stone lichen
scryss theilley ~ bass
scryssag ~ niggardly woman, scolding woman
scryssagh ~ scowling, peeling
scryssan ~ paring
scryssane ~ eraser, rubber
scryssee ~ abolitionist
scryssey ~ scratch, scrap, sneer, pare down,
scrape away, rub out, shave, write off,
cancel, scrape, wipe out, strike out, forage,
erase, grin, elimination, scraping,
cancellation; growl
scryssey (jeh) ~ eliminate
scryssey magh ~ erase, efface, scratch out,
amortize, blot out, obliterate, delete, strike
off, shatter, blur (as vision), scrub, wear off,
attrition, obliteration, abolition, erasure,
abolishment, deletion
scryssey magh focklyn ~ bowdelerize
scrysseyder ~ scrapper, leveller, shaver,
growler, effacer, eliminator, parer
scrysseyder magh ~ abolitionist
scryssit ~ peeled, scraped, scratched, cancelled
scryssit magh ~ shattered, erased
scrysslagh ~ tartar
scryssoil ~ pernicious
scrysst ~ scraped, shaved
scrysst magh ~ scrubbed
scudlagh ~ luggage, baggage, kit,
paraphernalia, impedimentia, traps
scudlagh (ny marrinee) ~ dunnage
scughan ~ scooter
scughanagh ~ scooterist
scughaneyr ~ scooterist
scughey ~ move, remove, displace, dislodge,
shift, budge, evict, scoot, quit, shift about,
dislodgement, removal, eviction, moving,
shifting, displacement
scugheyder ~ remover, mover, evictor, shifter,
scugheyder daah lossanagh ~ varnish remover
scugheyder greasan ~ furniture remover
scugheyder varnish ~ varnish remover
scughit ~ removed, shifted
scuirr ~ halt, stop, bring to, let up, discontinue,
pull up, adjourn, desist, prorogue, shut off,
abort, leave off, pause, cease, stall, rest,
break up, ring off; interval, ceasing,
r et i r ement , r es pi t e, ces s at i on,
discontinuance, adjournment, intermission,
prorogation, intermittence
scuirr caggee ~ truce
scuirr cammanagh ~ quaver-stop
scuirr ec stashoon pedryl ~ pull in
scuirr eginagh ~ compulsory retirement
scuirr (jeh) ~ leave off
scuirr lectraghys ~ power cut
scuirr veih ~ suspend
scuirr voish obbyr ~ knock off
scuirrag organe ~ organ-stop
scuirreyder ~ stopper, buffer-stop
scuirreyder craag ~ clutch-stop
scuirrit ~ stalled, resting, stopped, hove to
scuit ~ jet
scuital ~ jet
scuitch ~ switch, lash, whisk (of tail), number
scuitch mooar ~ large brood
scuitchal ~ scourge, switch, slash, whip (a
person), scutch, flagellate, whisk, lash,
scuitchey ~ whisk, lash, scourge, switch,
flagellation, flagellate
scuitcheyder ~ flagellant, scourger
scuitchit ~ lashed
scumbyl ~ scumble
s'cummey ~ never mind
s'cummey yn Jouyl lhiam ~ I don't give a damn
scuppyr ~ scupper
scurb ny traie ~ sea bindweed
scurbagh ~ scrubby
scut ~ scullion
scutag eayst ~ lunar probe
scutchyn ~ escutcheon
scuttagh ~ stumpy, squat
scuyrey ~ skewer
scuyreyder ~ skewerer
scuyrit ~ skewered
s'deyr ~ dearest
s'dooey ~ blackest
S'doogh lhiam! ~ Woe (is me)!, I am sorry!
S'doogh shen! ~ What a pity!
s'dorree ~ darkest
seaghnagh ~ afflicting, afflictive, distressing,
heart-breaking, sorrowful, grieving, troubled
or troublesome person, grievous
seaghnaghey ~ aggrieve, distress, afflict,
trouble, grieve
seaghney ~ trouble (bereavement)
seaghney cree ~ vexation of spirit
seaghnit ~ grief-stricken, grieved, distressed,
seaghyn ~ sorrow, grief, affliction, grieving
seaghynagh ~ troublesome person, afflictive,
seal ~ cachet, seal, signet
seal kerey ~ wax seal
sealagh ~ sigillary, sealing
sealal ~ seal
sealan ~ washer
sealan fyseid ~ tap-washer
sealan lheimaghan ~ spring-washer
sealit ~ sealed
searagh ~ serous
searaght ~ serosity
s'earrooagh ~ predominant
s'eaynee ~ steepen
secant ~ secant
seccoteen ~ seccotine
sedar ~ cedar
seddag ~ cedilla
Seeam ~ Siam
Seeamagh ~ Siamese
Seeloinagh ~ Sinhalese
Seeloinish ~ Sinhalese
seepal ~ sepal
Seeragh ~ Syrian
segg ~ callus
segg vooar choshey ~ bunion
seggys ~ callosity
seghneyder ~ troubler
seick ~ sacks
seih ~ armhole
seihill ~ lifelong, worlds, of the world, lifetimes
seihll ~ life, public, world, lifetime, existence,
age, span
seihll as e ven ~ all and sundry
Seihll Creestee ~ Christendom
Seihll Heear ~ Western World
seihll kyndagh (chyndagh) ~ underworld
seihll mooar ~ wide world
seihll ny lioaryn ~ literary world
seihll ry-heet ~ hereafter, Kingdom come
seihll ta ry-heet ~ afterlife, futurity
seihllt ~ terrestrial, secular, temporal, worldly,
profane, earthy
seihlltagh ~ profane, secular, mundane, worldly,
materialistic, terrestrial, earthly
seihlltaght ~ profanity, worldliness, worldly-
mindedness, materialism
seihlltid ~ worldly-mindedness, worldliness,
seihlltys ~ profanity
seine ~ seine
seineyr ~ seiner
Seionagh ~ Zionist
Seionaght ~ Zionism
seismagh ~ seismic
seismey ~ seism
seismey-oaylleeaght ~ seismology
seiy ~ stick, stab, thrust, lunge, propel, shove,
stir, foment, mix up, push, transfix, gore (of
bull), bear down, prod, agitate, knife, stir up,
churn, tilt, litter, muddy; pushing, tilting,
mixing, churning, shoving, protrusion,
mixture, fomentation, propulsion
seiy cliwe ~ sword thrust
seiy er ash ~ push back, riposte
seiy er oai(e) ~ push on, push forward, obtrude
seiy er toshiaght ~ shove forward
seiy ergooyl ~ thrust back, shove back
seiy gys un cheu ~ push aside, shove aside
seiy jeh ~ shove away, push off, thrust off
seiy jeh shleiy ~ spear thrust
seiy lesh skynn attey ~ poniard
seiy magh ~ stick out, thrust out, push out, shove
seiy roish ~ thrust forward
seiy ry lhiattee ~ thrust aside
seiy seose ~ push up
seiy stiagh ~ work in (of person), push in, dig
seiy stiagh (ayn) ~ stick into
seiy 'syn aarkey ~ shove off
seiy-vuilley ~ push-stroke
seiyagh ~ pushing, stabbing, goring, propelling,
protruding, propulsive, propensity
seiyaght ~ intrusiveness
seiyder ~ stirrer, mixer, shover, pusher, agitator,
sticker, thruster
seiyeyder ~ agitator, propeller, mixer
seiyjagh ~ calamitous, sore, mournful, woeful,
agitating, agitative, agitatorial, sad
seiyjaght ~ mixture, calamity, sadness
seiyjid ~ agitation (of water), miscellany, blend
seiyjys ~ aggressiveness (selling)
seiyragh ~ piercing, obtrusive
seiyraght ~ obtrusiveness
seiyt ~ churned, stirred, agitated, muddy, mixed,
troubled (of water)
sellaneese ~ celanese
sellar ~ cellar
sellar cruin ~ barrel vault
sellar feeyney ~ wine cellar, wine vault
sellar geayil ~ coal cellar
sellaraght ~ cellarage
selvadje ~ salvage
semantagh ~ semantic
semantaght ~ semantics
semaphore ~ semaphore
semineyr ~ semiar
semittagh ~ semitic
semolina ~ semolina
senaaney ~ zenana
senney ~ cassia, senna
senser ~ censer
sent ~ cent
seose ~ heavenwards
Seose lhiat! ~ Get up!
seplin ~ zeppelin
septaseema ~ septicaemia
sequin ~ sequin
Yn Serb ~ Serbia
Serbagh ~ Serbian
Serbish ~ Serbian
sercon ~ zircon
serconiu ~ zirconium
serenaid ~ serenade
serfagh ~ serf
serfaghys ~ serfdom
seringey ~ seringa
serjanagh ~ sergeantfish
serrick ~ serge
serum ~ serum
sess ~ assessment
sessenagh ~ sergeant
sest ~ sext
sestet ~ sextet
setrey ~ let off
setsee ~ tsetse
sett ~ set, seed potato
settal ~ plant
settit ~ set, planted
sevrain ~ whizz
sevrainey ~ whizz
sevreain ~ panic, zoom
sevreainagh ~ stupefying, panicky
sevreainey ~ panic, zoom
seyir ~ carpenters, carpenter, joiner
seyir ardan ~ stage carpenter
seyir baatey ~ boat-builder
seyir clagh ~ mason
seyir cloaie ~ stone-dresser, stonemason
seyir fainee ~ coach-builder
seyir foiee ~ woodworker
seyiraght ~ carpentry
seyirey ~ carpentry
seyirsaght chloaie ~ masonry
seyirsnys ~ carpentry
seyirsnys chloaie ~ stonework
seyirsnys fainee ~ coach-building
seyirsnys foiee ~ woodwork
seyirsnys thie ~ joinery
seyjid ~ mixture
seylann yeshaght ~ machine shop
seyr ~ free, gratuitous, gratis, complimentary,
inexpensive, immune, floating, independent,
disengaged, fluid, aweigh, unforced,
autonomous; carpenter, wright
seyr cairt ~ cartwright
seyr-carriads ~ carriage-builder
seyr-chochionneyder ~ free trade
seyr-chreck ~ bargain sale
seyr-chreeagh ~ candid, demonstrative, open-
seyr-chreeaght ~ ingeniousness
seyr-chreeys ~ candour
seyr coyr ~ cabinet-maker
seyr-ellynyn ~ liberal arts
seyr er faill ~ journeyman joiner
seyr ghellar ~ free trade
seyr-ghowaltys ~ freehold
seyr-ghowaltyssagh ~ freehold
seyr-ghreeaght ~ extravaganza
seyr-helloo ~ freehold
seyr-hellooder ~ freeholder
seyr-hoill ~ spontaneity
seyr-hoillagh ~ spontaneous
seyr-hoillaght ~ spontaneousness
seyr-hoyrtys ~ free-will offering
seyr-inchynagh ~ freethinker
seyr lhuingey ~ ship's carpenter, shipwright
seyr-linneeaght ~ freehand drawing
seyr-obbragh ~ automatic
seyr-obbraghey ~ automation
seyr-obbree ~ automaton
seyr queeyl ~ wheelwright
seyr-ruggit ~ freeborn
seyr shapp ~ shopfitter
seyr sloghey ~ shaft timberman
seyr-smooinaghtyn ~ freethinking
seyr 'sy phost ~ post free
seyr thie ~ joiner
seyr-vaihnys ~ free pardon
seyr-vasoonagh ~ freemason
seyr veih gioal ~ clear (as bank account)
seyr veih keesh ~ duty free
seyr veih'n lowanse ~ off the ration
seyr-voayrd ~ freeboard
seyr-vollagh ~ freeway
seyr-vreb ~ free kick
seyr-vreear ~ autonomous verb
seyr-vuilley ~ free hit
seyr-wheeyl ~ freewheel
seyr yiarn ~ iron-worker
seyraanagh ~ burgher
seyraanaght ~ citizenship
seyraggindagh ~ open-minded
seyraggindys ~ open-mindedness
seyragh ~ justifiable
seyrailagh ~ cheap
seyranagh ~ citizen
seyree ~ exploiter
seyrey ~ ease, relieve, liberate, release,
exonerate, exempt, clear (from guilt),
enfranchise, absolve, acquit, free, purge,
affranchise, emancipate, justify, discharge,
deliver, disembarrass, disoblige, disengage,
dismiss, disencumber; exploit; clearing,
absolution, exoneration, liberation,
justification, exemption, emancipation,
affranchisement, riddance, acquittal,
vindication (act of), dismissal, dispensation;
seyrey chingys ~ sick leave
seyreyder ~ emancipator
seyreyder cooylley ~ shutter release
seyrhurryssagh ~ excursionist
seyrit ~ disembodied, freed, emancipated,
cleared, delivered, absolved
seyrlan ~ laboratory, studio
seyrlan skeeandagh ~ science laboratory
seyrnagh ~ architectural, architect
seyrnaght ~ architecture
seyrsnagh ~ freeman
seyrsnys ~ self-determination, liberty,
autonomy, latitude, independence, freedom,
inexpensiveness, immunity
seyrsnys persoonagh ~ personal liberty
seyrsnys (veih) kerraghey ~ impunity
seyrvriwnys ~ acquittal
s'faggys ~ closest
s'feaee ~ stillest
s'feayrey ~ coldest
S'feer shen! ~ True!
S'fondagh! ~ How perfect!
sgairt ~ diaphragm
s'genney ~ scarcest
ny s'gerjey ~ more shortly
s'gilley ~ whitest, brightest
s'girrey ~ shortest, proximate
s'girroo ~ coarsest
s'glenney ~ cleanest
sgoagh ~ fear
s'goan ~ scarcely, hardly, shortest, tightest (of
s'groamee ~ morose
sguillin ~ kitchen boy
shad ~ shad, chad
shaddag ~ shaddock
shaddoge ~ grapefruit
shag ~ cormorant, shag
shagh ~ past
shagh-chlou ~ off-print
shagh-ghorley ~ complication
shagh-smooinaghtagh ~ absent-minded person,
shagh-teiyder ~ proxy
shagh-vainshtyr ~ past master
shagh-votal y yannoo ~ to vote by proxy
shaghadey ~ tradition
shaghadys ~ background
shaghardmarragh ~ rear admiral
shaghey ~ bye, delay, past, bygone
shagheydagh ~ traditional
shagheydane ~ by-pass
shagheydey ~ pass
shaghnagh ~ evasive, circumventory, elusive,
passing, avoidable, preventable
shaghnaght ~ avoidance
shaghney ~ evade, avoid, avert, dodge, eschew,
shun, renounce, escape, repudiate, delay,
defer, turn away, prevent, elude, obviate,
shirk, circumvent, shirking, postponement,
deferment, circumvention, renunciation
shaghney foalley ~ vegetarianism
shaghney obbyr ~ scrimshank
shaghney (yn irriney) ~ varnish (the truth)
shaghneyder ~ shirker, sparer, shunner, eluder
shaghneyder foalley ~ vegetarian
shaghneyder obbyr ~ scrimshanker
shaghnit ~ avoided, deferred, spared
shaghnys ~ evasion, adjournment, avoidance
shaghrane ~ delusion, vagrant, vagabond,
tramp, itinerant
shaghraneagh ~ muzzy, vagabond, truant,
shaghraneys ~ wandering
shaghranys ~ wandering, vagrancy
shaghrynagh ~ abberant, errant, drifter,
devious, stray, absent, truant, bewildering,
disjointed, wandering, misleading, strayer
shaghrynagh veih credjue ~ heretic
shaghrynys ~ error, blunder, gaffe, quibble,
mental alienation, confusion, bewilderment,
deviousness, truancy, deviation, abberation,
absence, maze, hallucination
shaghrynys credjue ~ heresy
shaghrynys keeaylley ~ derangement
shaghrynys inchyn ~ mental alienation
shaghynagh ~ stand-offish
shaghynaght ~ stand-offishness
shah ~ shah
shalee ~ pursuit, purpose, design, project, quest,
shall ~ rotating
shallane ~ by-pass
shallid ~ twinkling (of time), second, instant,
shallidagh ~ temporary, tentative, make do,
irregular, interim, transient, provisional,
provisory, acting, transitional, nisi
Ny Shallidee ~ The Provisionals
shalloon ~ salal, salal-berry, shalloon
shalmane ~ mushroom, champignon
shalmane buigh ~ morel
shalmane darnail ~ darning mushroom
shalmane ferrish ~ blewit
shalmane ny faaieaghyn ~ common inkcap
shalmane ny gabbil ~ horse mushroom
shammee ~ shammy leather, chamois leather,
wash leather
shampane ~ champagne
shamrag ~ shamrock, trefoil, clover
shamrag gharroo ~ Rough clover
shamrag ny gabbil ~ Red clover
shamrag rangagh ~ alsike
shamrag vane ~ Dutch clover
shamrag Vanninagh ~ wood sorrel
shamrag vog ~ soft clover
shamrag Voirrey ~ four-leaved shamrock, wood
pimpernel, four-leaved clover
shamrag wuigh ~ hop trefoil
shamraig ~ camera
shamraig chistey ~ box camera
shamraig fillee ~ folding camera
shamraig fillit ~ folded camera
shamraig hasstan ~ stand-camera
shamraig laue ~ hand camera
shamraig phoggaid ~ pocket camera
shamraig scannane ~ film camera, cine-camera,
movie camera
shamraigeyder ~ cameraman
shamyr [f] ~ chamber, compartment, room
shamyr aanrit ~ linen room
shamyr aarlagh ~ kitchen
shamyr aarlee ~ galley, kitchen, caboose
shamyr aash ~ green room
shamyr aer ~ air chamber
shamyr arrey ~ guardroom
shamyr caffee ~ coffee room
shamyr chaart ~ chart house
shamyr chabdilagh ~ chapter house
shamyr chadjin ~ common room
shamyr chadlee chlienney ~ night nursery
shamyr chaghlaaee ~ changing room
shamyr chant ~ auction mart
shamyr chishtey ~ boxroom
shamyr chlea ~ attic
shamyr chleree ~ office
shamyr chlienney ~ nursery
shamyr chloie ~ playing room
shamyr chlou ~ print-room
shamyr chluig ~ belfry
shamyr choamree ~ dressing room
shamyr choirrey ~ boiler room
shamyr cholbey ~ funeral parlour
shamyr chooat ~ cloakroom
shamyr choonseilagh ~ council chamber
shamyr choyrlee ~ boardroom, consulting room,
shamyr chraueyn ~ ossuary
shamyr chuirree ~ banqueting hall
shamyr eaddee ~ cloakroom, vestry, sacristy
shamyr eaishtaght ~ audience chamber
shamyr er lheh ~ private room, closet, sanctum
shamyr faagee ~ departure lounge
shamyr failt ~ auditorium, reception room,
presence chamber
shamyr feayree ~ chilling room
shamyr feeyney ~ wine vault
shamyr fo halloo ~ souterrain
shamyr follym ~ vacant room
shamyr ghas ~ gas chamber
shamyr ghaunse ~ ballroom
shamyr ghoaldagh ~ parlour
shamyr ghorraghey ~ dark room, camera
shamyr ghorrys ~ lobby
shamyr ghreddaney ~ grill room
shamyr haishbynys ~ showroom
shamyr hashtee ~ bursary
shamyr heeree ~ drying room
shamyr heyir ~ joiner's shop
shamyr hickyr ~ vault
shamyr hidooragh ~ barrack room
shamyr hilgee ~ projection room
shamyr hingil ~ single bedroom
shamyr hingys ~ sick room
shamyr hoie ~ lounge
shamyr hoshee ~ front room
shamyr hrustyr ~ boxroom
shamyr jeshaght ~ engine room
shamyr lajer ~ keep, strong room
shamyr lajer (fo halloo) ~ vault
shamyr lhaih ~ athenaeum
shamyr lhiabbagh ~ bedroom, bedchamber
shamyr lhie vaghee ~ bed-sitter
shamyr lhionney ~ bar room, lounge bar, tap
shamyr lhuingey ~ cabin
shamyr lioaragh ~ library, athenaeum
shamyr naight ~ news room
shamyr niaghan ~ scullery
shamyr niaghyn ~ laundry room
shamyr niee ~ wash room
shamyr ny bithag ~ dairy
shamyr ny goaldee ~ guest room
shamyr ny heiyn ~ guest room
shamyr ny myn-oikee ~ gun room
shamyr oaie ~ ante-chamber
shamyr oanluckee ~ burial chamber
shamyr obbraidee ~ operating theatre
shamyr obbree ~ work room, den (in house)
shamyr ollish ~ sauna
shamyr oonlee ~ ablutions, wash room,
shamyr ooree ~ rest room, refectory
shamyr phump ~ pump room
shamyr radio ~ radio room
shamyr rann ~ form room
shamyr scoill ~ schoolroom, classroom
shamyr screeuee ~ scriptorium
shamyr scudlee ~ boxroom
shamyr seyir ~ carpenter's shop
shamyr seyr ~ vacant room
shamyr skeiogh ~ snuggery
shamyr soie ~ sitting room, drawing room
shamyr soie chadlee ~ bed sitting room
shamyr sonsheraght ~ whispering gallery
shamyr stoyr ~ store room
shamyr stoyragh ~ stockroom
shamyr studeyrys ~ study
shamyr uinnee ~ bakery
shamyr vaaish ~ lethal chamber
shamyr vainney ~ dairy
shamyr vanglym ~ cocktail bar
shamyr vee ~ canteen, larder, dining hall
shamyr villiard ~ billiard room
shamyr vingagh ~ committee room
shamyr voanlagh ~ lumber room
shamyr voghree ~ morning room
shamyr vrastyl ~ classroom
shamyr vreih ~ boudoir
shamyr vriw ~ camera
shamyr y vuird ~ boardroom
shamyr yaaghee ~ fume chamber
shamyr yinnairagh ~ dining room
shamyr yn veihaghey ~ weighing-in room
shamyr ynsee ~ tutorial room
shamyragh ~ chambered
shamyraght ~ chambering
shamyrder ~ chamberlain
shamyreen aarlee ~ kitchenette
shamyreen towlagh ~ manifold
shandee ~ shandy
shaner ~ grandfather
shang ~ slim, lank, slight, lean, willowy, gaunt,
lanky, skinny, gracile, slender, thin (in
build), emaciated, sylph-like
shang-chrooit ~ slightly built
shang-vouinagh ~ wasp-waisted
shangaghey ~ slim, reduce, slenderize,
emaciate, waste (as body), macerate,
slimming, slenderization, thinning,
shangeyder ~ slimmer
shangid ~ slightness, slimness, emaciation,
slenderness, leanness, lankiness
shangit ~ shrunken, thinned, slimmed,
shanglanaghey ~ starve
shanglane ~ very thin person
shanglaneagh ~ empty-bellied, hungry person
shanglaney ~ getting hungry
shanglanid ~ starvation
shanglanit ~ shrunken, starved
shangys ~ leanness
shann ~ old
shannad ~ senate
shannadeyr ~ senator
shannadeyraght ~ senatorship
shannadoil ~ senatorial
shanstragh ~ senator
shanstroil ~ senatorial
shanstyr ~ alderman, presbytery, senate
shanstyragh ~ aldermanic
shanstyryn ~ elders
shansyleyraght ~ chancellery
Shapaanagh ~ Japanese
Shapaanish ~ Japanese
shapp ~ store, shop
shapp bainney ~ dairy
shapp bee niaghtee ~ tuckshop
shapp blaa ~ flower shop
shapp braagey ~ shoe shop
shapp buitchooragh ~ butchery
shapp cooid-hie ~ furniture shop
shapp eaddee ~ drapery, draper's shop
shapp edd ~ hat shop
shapp gaih ~ toy shop
shapp gioaldee ~ pawn shop
shapp glassreeyn ~ greengrocer's shop
shapp greasee ~ shoe-maker's shop
shapp groseyragh ~ grocery
shapp lioar ~ book shop
shapp milljan ~ sweet shop
shapp mooar ~ department store
shapp ooill ~ oil shop
shapp potecaree ~ pharmacy, drug store,
shapp sheel ~ seed shop
shapp shenn eaddeeyn ~ old-clothes shop
shapp shenndaght ~ antique shop
shapp speiltyn ~ chip shop
shapp tombagey ~ tobacconist's shop
shapp ushtey-bea ~ dram shop
shapp yl-rheynnagh ~ department store
shapp yl-ronney ~ department store
shapp yn uinneyder ~ bakery
shappal ~ shopping, shop
shappeyder ~ shopkeeper, storekeeper
shappeydys ~ shopkeeping
sharaghey ~ improve, beat (record)
share ~ best
yn share ~ the very best
share lhiam ~ I prefer
ny share na ~ surpassing, preferable
shareaghey ~ getting better, improvement
shareid ~ superiority, preferableness
shareit ~ bettered
sharkagh ~ sea lawyer, shark
sharkagh gorrym ~ blue shark
sharkagh greiney ~ basking shark
sharkagh kione oard ~ hammerhead shark
sharkagh souree ~ basking shark
sharkagh yernagh ~ porbeagle
Sharlott ~ Charlotte
sharmanagh ~ preacher, preachy
sharmanaghey ~ preaching, preach, sermonize
sharmane ~ homily, sermon
sharmaneagh ~ sermonlike, sermonizer
sharmaney ~ preach
sharmaneyder ~ sermonizer
sharmanit ~ preached
sharrag vuc ~ endive
sharragh ~ foal
sharragh assyl ~ donkey-foal
sharragh-woirrin ~ filly
sharraghoil ~ foal-like
sharroo ~ bitter, sour, acid, tart, sardonic,
acidific, embittered, vitriolic, acrid,
acrimonious, cutting
sharroo as millish ~ bitter-sweet
sharroo carboanagh ~ carbonic acid
sharroo-ghrooishagh ~ vinegar-faced
sharroo neetragh ~ nitric acid
sharrooagh ~ acidulous, acidish
sharrooaghey ~ embitter
sharrooane ~ bitters
sharrooid ~ bitterness
shartanse ~ several
shartreuse ~ chartreuse
sharvaant ~ valet, vassal, orderly, bearer, servant
sharvaant keeilley ~ verger
sharvaant Sheenagh ~ coolie
sharvaantagh ~ servantlike
shashtagh ~ unfruitfulness
shaslagh ~ bent, marram
shaslagh frangagh ~ lyme grass
shaslagh ghoo ~ black bentgrass
shaslagh lheeannagh ~ meadow grass
shaslagh vane ~ fiorin grass
shass ~ stand
Shass dy chionn! ~ Stand fast!
shass eddin ry eddin rish ~ confront
shass er dty chione hene ~ rely on yourself
shass greiney ~ solstice
shass greiney geuree ~ winter solstice
shass greiney souree ~ summer solstice
Shass magh! ~ Stand back!
Shass steirg! ~ Stand aside!
Shass! ~ Halt! Whoa! (to horse) Stand!
shassagh ~ erectile
shassaghys ~ standing room
shasseyder ~ stander
shassoo ~ stand, stop, hold, hold out, hold up,
halt; keeping, rampant, erection, standing,
represent, tumescence, stance, attitude
shassoo arrey ~ watch-keeping, watch
shassoo ass lieh ~ defend
shassoo cooidjagh ~ stand together
shassoo eddin ry eddin ~ confront
shassoo er ~ step on, insist
shassoo er ash ~ stand back
shassoo er e chione hene ~ self-reliance
shassoo er son ~ champion, stand for
shassoo fo ~ endurance, bear (tolerate)
shassoo goal-scarree ~ bestride
shassoo gys un cheu ~ stand aside
shassoo lesh ~ come up
shassoo magh ~ persevere, come out, prominent,
stand out
shassoo noi ~ withstand, resist, object, objection,
resistance, confrontation
shassoo scart ~ straddle
shassoo seose er son ~ assert, assertion
shassoo stiagh ~ appearance
shassoo stiagh (er son) ~ deputize
shassooagh ~ resolute, persistent, constant,
dogged, abiding, insistent, steadfast, firm,
invariable, stable
shassooagh noi sharroo ~ acid-resisting
shassooaght ~ invariability, resoluteness,
insistence, constancy, steadfastness,
doggedness, immobility, persistency
shassooane ~ stator
shassooder ~ stander
shassooder noi ~ objector, resister
shassooys ~ championship
shasstan ~ stand
shasstan fascaidee ~ umbrella stand
shasstan lioar ~ book rest
shasstan lioaragh ~ lectern
shasstan slieau ~ mount
shasstane cliejeen ~ jewel stand
shast ~ sterile, barren, unfruitful (as animal)
shastagh ~ barren animal
shastaght ~ barrenness
shastan kiaull ~ music stand
shauvaanagh ~ chauvinist
shauvaanaghys ~ chauvinism
shawk ~ hawk, falcon
shawk eeastee ~ osprey
shawk Eeslannagh ~ gerfalcon
shawk firryn ~ tercel
shawk Greenlannagh ~ gerfalcon
shawk Loghlynagh ~ Greenland falcon
shawk ny sperriu ~ goshawk
shawk sperriu ~ sparrow hawk
shawkagh ~ hawklike, aquiline, hawked
shawkeyr ~ falconer, hawker
shawkeyragh ~ hawking, hawk
shawkeyrys ~ falconry
shawkoil ~ hawklike
shawm ~ shawm, cornet, bombarde
shawm mooar ~ pommer
shayll ~ rotating, spell, stint, turn, trick, piece of
work, bout of work, share
shayll bass-voylley ~ round of applause
shayll obbree ~ shift
shayll oie ~ nightshift
shayll (sthie) ~ innings
shayll varrey ~ time of tide ebb or flow
shayragh ~ sisterly
shayrey ~ of a sister
She ~ aye, T'is, be, yea
she X lesh Y ~ X belongs to Y
She dty vea! ~ Well met! With pleasure!
Welcome (to thanks)!
She nyn mea! ~ You're welcome!
She nyn mea diu ooilley! ~ Hullo everybody!
she shen ~ viz., namely
shea ~ skin
sheaboo ~ zebu
sheabrey ~ zebra
sheadanagh ~ parasitic
sheadane ~ parasite
sheadanys ~ parasitism
sheadin ~ sheading
sheak ~ sheik
sheakys ~ sheikdom
shean ~ index
sheane ~ cyst, fistula, sebacious cyst
sheane hoanney ~ pile
sheane stroanney ~ nasal fistula
sheaneagh ~ cystic
sheanse ~ science
sheanse baagh ~ veterinary science
sheanse fishigoil ~ physical science
sheanse ushtey ~ hydraulics
sheaym ~ peg, wooden pin
sheayney ~ ejaculation, ejaculate
sheayneyder ~ ejaculator
sheaynt ~ blessed
sheb ~ offer
shebbey sniaghtee ~ snowdrift
shebeen ~ shebeen, dive
sheck ~ cheque
sheck bane ~ blank cheque
sheck chrossit ~ cheque crossed
sheck gyn crossey ~ open cheque
sheck neuchrossit ~ cheque uncrossed
sheck thie ~ counter-cheque
sheck troailtee ~ traveller's cheque
sheck vane ~ blank cheque
Sheckagh ~ Czech
Sheckish ~ Czech
Yn Sheckoslovak ~ Czechslovakia
Sheckoslovakagh ~ Czechoslovak
sheckter ~ executor, executive, administrator
sheckteragh ~ executive, administratorship
sheckteraght ~ legacy
sheckterys ~ executorship, administratorship
shee [f] ~ peace; sprite, fairylike, fairy, fairy
spirit; ski
shee aigney ~ peace of mind
Shee bannee mee! ~ Oh dear! My Goodness!
My word! My goodness! Lord bless me! By
gosh! Golly!
shee-briaght ~ excorcism
shee-brieyder ~ excorcist
shee dy row mayrt ~ adieu
shee onnoroil ~ peace with honour
shee-skeeal ~ fairy tale
shee ushtey ~ nix(ie)
Shee! Shee! ~ Pax!
sheeabin ~ soap
sheeabin baaree ~ shaving soap
sheeabin foltoonlee ~ shampoo
sheeabin oonlee ~ toilet soap
sheeabinagh ~ soapy, lathery
sheeabinaghey ~ to soap, lather
sheeabineyr ~ soap-maker
sheeader ~ peacemaker, mollifier
sheeagh ~ pacifist
sheeaghan ~ fairy spirit
sheeagheyr ~ pacifist
sheeaghys ~ pacifism
sheeal ~ ski
sheeal er yn ushtey ~ water-ski
sheealagh ~ skier
sheealaghey ~ clarify
sheealee ~ skier
sheealtagh ~ peaceable, peacemaker,
intercessor, pacifier, advocate
sheealtaghey ~ intercede
sheealtaght ~ intercession, advocacy
sheealtys ~ pacification
sheean ~ knoll, fairy hill, buzz, sound, clamour,
noise, report, tone
sheean-chishtey ~ soundbox
sheean-chlaare ~ soundboard
sheean-honn ~ soundwave
sheean-lorg ~ soundtrack
sheean-meaylleagh ~ sound-deadening
Sheean mie orrym! ~ Lord bless me!
sheean-oaylleeaght ~ acoustics (science of)
sheean-sooagh ~ sound-absorbing
sheeanagh ~ vociferous, sonant, phonetic,
sonorous, sounding, sonic, clamorous,
blissful, buzzing
sheeanaght ~ sonority, volume (loudness),
sheeanaghteyr ~ phonetician
sheeanaghtys ~ phonetics
sheeanal ~ clamour, sound, noise
sheeanane ~ accent
sheeanane gheyre ~ acute accent
sheeanane ghowin ~ grave accent
sheeanane liauyr ~ circumflex
sheeane thassane ~ hissing
sheeaney ~ bless, sound, sounding, noise,
sheeaneyder ~ blesser, sounder
sheeanoil ~ acoustic(al)
sheeanoilid ~ acoustics
sheeansagh ~ symphonic
sheeansey ~ symphony
sheeant ~ blest, blessed, hallowed
sheeanys ~ blessedness, charm
sheear ~ west side, occidental, behind,
westerly, to the west, in the west, westward
sheear- ~ unceasing
sheear ass ~ south-west, south-westerly, south-
sheear gys y jiass ~ west by south
sheear gys y twoaie ~ west by north
sheear hwoaie ~ north-western, north-west,
sheear jeh'n chroan ~ aft of the mast
sheear sheear hwoaie ~ west-north-west
sheear sheear yiass ~ west-south-west
sheear yeeragh ~ due west
sheear yiass ~ south-west
sheearaght ~ westerliness
sheearloayr er nyn son ~ advocate
sheeb ~ puff, gust, drift, cry, a sharp scold
sheebage ~ puff, whiff
sheebagh ~ puffy
sheebane ~ driving
sheebane sniaghtee ~ snowdrift
sheebeen ~ speak-easy
sheebey ~ sandbank on land, gust, blowing,
blow about, drift, scold, drive, accumulation
sheebey ersooyl ~ blow away
sheebey fliaghee ~ slanting rain
sheebey geinnee ~ sand dune
sheebey jeh ~ blow off
sheeder ~ mollifier, peacemaker
sheederys ~ mollification
sheeg gheayil ~ coal seam
sheegeragh ~ listen in, prying, spy
sheegeraght ~ peeping, prying
sheegerey ~ spy, pry, prying
sheegerys ~ spying
sheegeyr ~ eavesdropper, pryer
sheegyr ~ spy
sheeidagh ~ silky, velvety, silken
sheeidaght ~ silkiness
sheeidey ~ silk
sheeidey aw ~ raw silk
sheeidey Damaskagh ~ damask silk
sheeidey najooragh ~ real silk
sheeidey ny moanee ~ moor grass
sheeidey ooillit ~ oiled silk
sheeidey soilsheanagh ~ lustrine
sheeidey thanney ~ taffeta
sheeidoil ~ silky
sheeidoilaght ~ silkiness
sheeig ~ small shock, cock (of hay)
sheeigey ~ shock (as sheaves)
sheeigit ~ shocked
sheeinagh ~ teated, large-breasted
sheeinaghyn ~ bust
Sheeinaghyn Yurey ~ Paps of Jura
sheeiney ~ teat, breast, nipple, pap, mamilla,
dug, boob
sheeiney smarrey ~ grease nipple
sheeineydagh ~ mamillate
sheeint ~ boob, breast, teat (of animal), pap,
dug, nipple
sheeintag ~ papilla
sheeintagagh ~ papillary
sheeintagh ~ mammal, mammalian, mamillary,
full-chested (woman)
sheekagh ~ psychic(al)
sheekoaylleeaght ~ psychics
sheel ~ seed, sperm, issue, pip, oats, offspring,
lineage, spunk
sheel anis ~ aniseed
sheel carvish ~ caraway seeds
sheel coco ~ cacao bean
sheel correy ~ seed-corn
sheel faiyr ~ hayseed
sheel y chutt ~ fry (of Gadoids)
sheel-yiarrey ~ vasecotomy
sheelag ~ seedling
Sheelagh ~ Cecilia
sheelagh ~ seedy, trickling, syllabic, seminal,
sheelaghey ~ soil (as milk), strain off, filter,
clarification (honey), multiply, refine, sober
sheelaghtagh ~ prolific
sheelal (ersooyl) ~ sneak away
sheelane ~ percolator, refinery, strainer, drainer
sheelane oohrey ~ ovary
sheelane shugyr ~ sugar refinery
sheelchoonlagh ~ unthreshed straw
sheeleen ~ dribble
Sheeley ~ Julia
sheeley ~ flow, run, drip, trickle, dribble, seep,
ooze, percolate, leach, discharge, weep (of
sore), instil, distil, extract, refine, filter, strain
(off), clear (of liquid), clarify (honey), drain,
draw (off), insemination, gravitate, soil (as
milk), gutter (of candle)
sheeley ersooyl ~ steal away
sheeley lieh-yerrinagh ~ penultimate
sheeley magh ~ ooze, lolling
sheeley sooilley ~ watering (of eyes)
sheeley ushtey ~ wringing wet
sheeleyder ~ seedsman, distiller, refiner, dribbler
sheeleyder boteil ~ bottle-drainer
sheeleyder geinnee ~ sand filter
sheeleyder sollysh ~ light filter
sheeleyder tey ~ tea infuser
sheelit ~ distilled, drained, filtered, clear
(liquid), strained, refined
sheelmarnee ~ phosphorescence
sheelnaue ~ humankind, humanity, human
being, mankind
sheelnaueder ~ humanist
sheelnauederys ~ humanism
sheeloghe ~ old age, generation, posterity
sheeloghe aeg ~ rising generation
sheelogheyder ~ genealogist
sheelogheydys ~ genealogy
sheeloghyn ry heet ~ after ages
sheelraghey ~ breeding, propagate, breed
sheelraght ~ propagation
sheelrey ~ stock, breed
sheelreyder ~ breeder
sheelrit ~ bred
sheelt ~ temperate, moderate, sober, abstemious
sheeltagh ~ fluid, temperate, sobering, sober
sheeltaght ~ temperateness (person), issue,
sobriety, fluidity
sheeltid ~ moderation, soberness
sheeltys ~ temperance, abstinence from alcohol,
sheelymys ~ spermacetti
Sheenagh ~ Chinese, Chinaman
sheenal ~ fetid chamomile
Sheenish ~ Chinese
sheenys ~ sine
sheeoil ~ composed, peaceable, peace-loving,
sheeoilagh ~ conciliatory
sheeoilid ~ peacefulness
sheer ~ shire
sheer- ~ (prefix) continuous, perennial,
endl ess, t i mel ess, permanent , ever,
permanently, interminable, perpetual, never
ceasing, perpetually, ceaseless, amaranthine,
persistently, lastingly, continual, deathless,
persistent, constantly, unending, undying,
sheer-accanyn ~ never-ceasing complaints
sheer aeg ~ ever young
sheer arrey ~ constant care
sheer-charrooagh ~ inveterate gambler
sheer-chassaghtee ~ bronchitis
sheer-chliaghtit ~ hardened
sheer dy sheer ~ continually
sheer fliaghey ~ persistent rain
sheer-geearree ~ importuning
sheer-ghlass ~ evergreen
sheer-ghooisht ~ sleepless
sheer-haartagh ~ defeatism
sheer-heshey ~ boon companion
sheer-hionney bwid ~ priapism
sheer-hroiddey ~ nagging
sheer-iuder ~ constant drinker
sheer-lhaider ~ bookworm
sheer-liaghey ~ steady downpour
sheer loayrt ~ intercede, intercession
sheer-obbragh ~ hard-working
sheer-orraghey ~ fusillade
sheer-riaght ~ eternity
sheer-rio ~ permafrost
sheer toghtaner ~ chain smoker
sheer-veshtallagh ~ alcoholic (person),
dipsomaniac, drunkard
sheer-veshtallys ~ alcoholism, dipsomania
sheer-voireyder ~ bane, importunate person,
sheer-vyngyraght ~ kleptomania
sheer-yeearree ~ importune
sheer-yeearreeaght ~ importunity
sheer-yeearreydagh ~ importunate
sheeraghey ~ perpetuation, perpetuate
sheeraght ~ perpetuity
sheerid ~ immortality, endlessness, constancy,
continuity, permanence, deathlessness,
sheese ~ downward, down, below (in motion),
sheese lesh ~ down the hatch
sheese ny lhiargagh ~ downhill
sheese yn awin ~ downstream
sheeve ~ sheave
sheeyn magh ~ extend
sheeyn (noal) ~ pass over
sheeyn ry-cheilley ~ abut
sheeynag ~ line
sheeyney ~ produce, range, stretching,
elongate, tension, stretch out, prolongation,
dilation, rick, strain, increase, production,
uncoil, stretch, pass, extension, prostrate,
prostration, give, lengthen, hand, spread,
spraining, sprain, marry, lengthening, spin
sheeyney er ash ~ lie back
sheeyney-hraa ~ extension
sheeyney hug ~ transmit, pass over, point of
sheeyney laue ~ baksheesh
sheeyney lesh ~ border
sheeyney lesh (rish) ~ in contiguity
sheeyney magh ~ attenuation, expand, reach,
attenuate, put out, lengthen, fork out,
prolong, protract, expansion, stretch out,
push out, distention, hold out, distend, pass
round, extend, protraction, unfold (as
sheeyney meir ~ point of the finger
sheeyney mwannallagh ~ rick
sheeyney rish ~ verges, run along
sheeyney ry-cheilley ~ marry, adjoin,
contiguous, abut
sheeyney sooilley ~ eye strain
sheeyneyder ~ prolonger, stretcher, lengthener,
expander, rack, reacher
sheeyneyder breechyn ~ trouser-stretcher
sheeyneyder streng ~ wire-strainer
sheeynit ~ stretched out, stretched
sheeynt ~ outstretched, sprawling, sprained,
procumbent, extended, stretched, rakish,
widespread, flat out, dilated, drawn out,
prostrate, prolonged, at full stretch, stretched
out, tense (of moment), spreadeagled, low-
pitched, laid out, strained, prostrated
sheeynt er y dreeym ~ supine
sheeynt magh ~ attenuated, distended
sheeynt rish ~ adjoining
sheeynt ry-cheilley ~ adjacent
sheeyntagh ~ extension, application
sheeyntane ~ stretcher
sheeyntanee ~ stretcher-bearer
sheeynteyr ~ extensor
sheeyntoose ~ subscription
shegin ~ must; lurk, hunt (after riches); lurking
shegin da dy ~ necessarily
sheginey ~ lie in wait
sheginys ~ covetousness, avariciousness
sheh ~ skin, hide, pelt, fur
sheh chabbil ~ horse-hide
sheh eayin ~ lambskin
sheh fannit ~ hairless hide
sheh ghoair ~ goatskin
sheh ghow ~ ox-hide
sheh oor ~ raw skin
sheh rauney ~ sealskin
sheh vaa ~ cow-hide
sheh vaghouin ~ bearskin
shehder ~ skinner, fell-monger
shehghyn ~ peltry
sheid ~ drift, blast (on instrument), blow (of
wind), puff
sheid-phiob ~ twyer
sheidag ~ puff, flurry (of wind), draught of air
sheidaghan ~ windy place
sheidan ~ blowpipe
sheidan geayee ~ light breeze
sheidee ~ blowing
sheidey ~ breathe, puff, honk, gust, fill out,
breeze, blow (of whale), toot (on horn),
spout, spell of wind, sound, blast (of wind),
distention, blowing
sheidey ayns sheebageyn ~ whiff
sheidey (cayrn) ~ bugle
sheidey (dy meen) ~ waft, wafting
sheidey ersooyl ~ blow off, blow away
sheidey glonney ~ glass blowing
sheidey (lesh poodyr) ~ dynamite
sheidey magh ~ puff up, puff out
sheidey neose ~ down-draught, blow up
sheidey (poodyr) ~ fire away
sheidey seose ~ puff, inflate, balloon
sheidey vea ~ kiss of life
sheideyder ~ puffer, blower
sheideyder glonney ~ glass-blower
sheideyder organe ~ organ-blower
sheidit ~ blown, swollen, puffed
sheidit seose ~ inflated, puffed up, blown up
sheil ~ suppose
sheiltit ~ conceived
sheiltnys ~ imagination
sheiltyn ~ suppose, theorize, conceive,
speculate, visualize, conjecture, fancy,
imagine, guess, presume, supposing,
sheiltyn rolaue ~ presuppose
sheiltynagh ~ conjectural, theorist, theoretic(al),
not i onal , i magi nabl e, i magi nat i ve,
presumabl e, specul at or, put at i ve,
speculative, imaginary, fanciful, thinkable
sheiltynit ~ supposed
sheiltynys ~ concept, theory, hypothesis,
presumption, supposition, fantasy, fancy,
speculation, conjecture
sheiltynys bioyr ~ vivid imagination
sheilym ~ ween
shein ~ speculate, presume, conjecture,
imagine, suppose, guess
sheinys ~ theory
sheinyssagh ~ hypothetic(al)
shekel ~ shekel
shelg ~ hunt, chase, pursuit, shoot, quarry,
prowl, run, prey, the field, venery, spleen
shelg er ~ track
shelg feeaihee ~ stag-hunting
shelg lesh ferrad ~ ferret
shelg lesh kayt ny giark ~ ferreting
shelg lesh ribbaghyn ~ trap
shelg mucyn ~ pigsticking
shelg muick ~ boar-hunting
shelg mygeayrt ~ scrounge
shelg pabyragh ~ paper-chase
shelg quallianyn ~ cub-hunting
shelg rauney ~ seal-hunt
shelg raunyn ~ sealing
shelg shynnagh ~ fox-hunting, fox-hunt
Shelg yn Drean ~ Hunt the Wren
shelg yn veeyl vooar ~ whaling
shelg yn vuc varrey ~ whale
shelgagh ~ hunting, cynegetic
shelgeraght ~ hunting
shelgerys ~ venery
shelgeyder ~ prowler
shelgeyr ~ sportsman, shooter, hunter, chaser,
shelgeyr bee ~ pot-hunter
shelgeyr claigin ~ scalp-hunter
shelgeyr conneeyn ~ rabbiter
shelgeyr cragh ~ freebooter
shelgeyr deiney ~ man-hunter
shelgeyr eiraghtyn ~ fortune-hunter
shelgeyr keylley ~ woodsman, woodcraftsman
shelgeyr kione ~ head-hunter
shelgeyr lioaragh ~ book-hunter
shelgeyr meeyl mooar ~ whaler, whale-boat
Yn Shelgeyr Mooar ~ Orion
shelgeyr muc ~ pigsticker
shelgeyr quaillag ~ fly-catcher
shelgeyr raunyn ~ sealer
shelgeyr shynnagh ~ fox-hunter
shelgeyragh ~ hunting
shelgeyraght ~ sporting, cynegetics
shelgeyrys ~ huntsmanship
shelgeyrys keylley ~ woodcraft
shelgeyrys rauney ~ sealery
shelgit ~ hunted, chased
shellac ~ shellac
shellagh ~ proliferous, willow, sallow, salivary,
shellagh almon ~ almond willow
shellagh chleayshagh ~ eared willow
shellagh ghlass ~ grey willow
shellagh lhoobagh ~ weeping willow
shellagh ny moaneeyn ~ bay willow
shellagh ushtey ~ osier, dwarf willow
shellagh vane ~ white willow
shellagh vooar ~ great willow
shellagh vrishlagh ~ crack willow
shellaghey ~ salivate, salivation
shellan ~ bee
shellan breck ~ bumble-bee
shellan cabbyl ~ wasp
shellan darree ~ gallfly
shellan firryn ~ drone
shellan hiast ~ neuter bee
shellan litcheragh ~ drone
shellan meay ~ bumble-bee
shellan molley ~ honey bee
shellan mooar ~ hornet
shellan obbyr ~ worker bee
shellan thie ~ honey bee
shellane ~ willow bed
shellaneyr ~ bee-keeper, apiarist
shellaneyrys ~ bee-keeping, apiary, apiculture
shelleig ~ beehive, hive
shelleilley ~ shillelagh
shelley ~ spit, saliva, spittle, expectoration,
phlegm, sputum, slaver, expectorate
shelley chooaig ~ toad-spit
shelley crammag ~ snail-spit
shelley kerbey ~ fasting spittle
shelley ny gooag ~ cuckoo-spit
shelley stronney ~ driveller
shelley trostey ~ fasting spittle
shelleydagh ~ phlegmatic
shelleydane ~ spittoon
shelleyr ~ seeder
shellit ~ expectorated
shellit er ~ spit upon
shelliu ~ unguent, salve, liniment, ointment
shelliu chereagh ~ wax paste
shelliu sooilley ~ eye ointment
shelliu veill ~ lip salve
shellmeyder ~ bugler
shelloil ~ mucous
shelloo ~ herd, possession, asset, holding (of
shelloo er bargane soiagh ~ leasehold
shelloo glen ~ vacant possession
shellooagh ~ possessive
shelloodagh ~ proprietary
shellooder ~ owner, possessor, holder,
proprietor, bearer (of cheque)
shellooder baa ~ cattleman
shellooder eeasaght stait ~ fund-holder
shellooder er bargane ~ leaseholder
shellooder kiedoonys ~ licence holder
shellooder lhong ~ ship owner
shellooder ronney ~ scripholder
shellooder thallooin ~ landowner
shellooder thie ~ householder
shellooder urraghys ~ policy holder
shellooderaght ~ ownership
shellooderys ~ proprietorship, possession
shellooderys seihll ~ life estate
shellooghys ~ property
shellym ~ call (of trumpet), bugle, blow
sheltee ~ Shetland pony
Yn Sheltyn ~ Shetland
Sheltynagh ~ Shetlander
shemmagh ~ semitic
shemmaghys ~ semitism
shen ~ that
shen ayds ~ well now
Shen eh! ~ Quite! That's right!
Shen nish! ~ Now then! There now!
shen y fa ~ therefore, wherefore, that is why,
shendeeagh ~ historic(al)
shenn ~ old, stale, aged, former, time-fusty,
inveterate, ancient, vintage, veteran, old-
established, olden, antiquarian, worn,
elderly, consecrated, archaic, ex, senile,
long-standing, auld
shenn abbyrt ~ stock phrase
shenn ainjyssagh ~ old comrade
shenn-chaaynt ~ archaism
shenn-chaillagh ~ harridan, geezer, gammer
shenn-chaillagh ghaait ~ Jezebel
shenn-chaillaghys ~ dotage
shenn-chaillin ~ old maid
shenn-chaillinagh ~ spinsterish, old-maidish
shenn charnane ~ ancient monument
shenn chayt ~ grimalkin
shenn-cheaut ~ well-worn, trite
shenn chennip ~ oakum
shenn chione ~ wiseacre
shenn-chlabberey ~ rattletrap
shenn-chlaghagh ~ palaeolithic
shenn-chliaghtit ~ inveterate
shenn-chompanagh ~ old stager
Yn Shenn Chonaant ~ The Old Testament
Shenn Chonaantagh ~ Old Testament
shenn chraader ~ boneshaker, dodderer
s henn- chr eenaght ~ f or war dnes s ,
shenn-chreeney ~ forward (of child)
shenn chretoor ~ crock (of person), old crock
shenn chrockan ~ old crock
shenn chumraag ~ old comrade
shenn-creeney ~ precocious
shenn dooinney ~ an old man, old man
shenn dooinney lheeah ~ greybeard
shenn earroo ~ back number
shenn eash ~ old age
shenn-eashagh ~ senile
shenn-emshiragh ~ out of date, antiquated,
archaic, antique, old-world, old-fashioned
shenn-emshiraght ~ archaism
shenn 'eniagh ~ veteran
Yn Shenn Er ~ Old Nick
shenn 'er ~ codger, forebear, old buffer
shenn far-ven ~ battle-axe
shenn-ghaddee ~ madam
shenn-ghleashtan ~ crock (of car)
shenn-ghliggyr ~ rattletrap
Yn Shenn Ghuilley ~ Satan, Old Nick
shenn ghuilley ~ bachelor, geezer
shenn-ghuilley noa-phoost ~ benedick
shenn ghui l l eydys ~ bachel orhood,
shenn hidoor ~ old soldier, ex-serviceman
shenn hubbag ~ old tub
shenn laghyn ~ lang syne
shenn naim ~ great-uncle
shenn naunt ~ great-aunt
shenn-oayshagh ~ moded
shenn phenshyn ~ old age pension
shenn phenshyneyr ~ old-age pensioner
shenn-phryssoonagh ~ gaolbird, jailbird, lag
shenn-raa ~ aphorism, proverb, maxim, adage,
shenn-raa ceaut ~ shibboleth
shenn-raa follym ~ platitude
yn shenn red ~ laziness
shenn red ~ antique
shenn riftan ~ fogy
shenn roieder ~ veteran (runner)
shenn-scoillar ~ alumnus
Shenn Seihll Braew ~ Auld Lang Syne
shenn shaner ~ great-grandfather
shenn shenn-ayr ~ great-grandfather
shenn shenn shaner ~ great-great-grandfather
shenn shenn voir ~ great-grandmother
shenn shenn warree ~ great-great-grandmother
shenn sidoor ~ veteran, an old warhorse, old
shenn-skeeal ~ legend, old chestnut (story)
shenn-skeealagh ~ legendary
shenn sleih ~ old folks, old people
shenn streebagh ~ bawd
shenn thalloo glass ~ lea field
shenn thie ~ hovel, shanty
shenn traaghyn ~ old times
shenn-ughtaragh ~ classic
shenn ughtaryn ~ classics
shenn varrinagh ~ old salt, old sea dog
shenn veaiyn ~ scrap metal
shenn ven ~ old woman, crone, ancestress
shenn-vennaght ~ anility
shenn-venoil ~ anile
shenn viol vooar ~ viol
shenn vleih dy ghooinney ~ duffer
shenn voidyn ~ old maid
shenn-voidynagh ~ old-maidish
shenn voidynagh ~ spinsterish
shenn voir ~ grandmother, grandparent
shenn voiroil ~ grandmotherly
shenn-vraanaght ~ anile, anility
shenn-vroit ~ stewed
shenn vyrneen ~ old flame, an old love
shenn warree ~ great-grandmother
shenn yiarn ~ scrap iron
shennaghee ~ reciter, story-teller
shennaghys ~ antiquity, history, annals, story-
telling, tradition
shennaghys noo ~ sacred history
shennayr ~ forebear, ancestor, grandfather,
forefather, grandparent, father, ascendant,
shennayragh ~ patronymic, ancestral
shennayraght ~ primogeniture, ancestry
shennayraghyn ~ ancestry
shennayroil ~ grandfatherly
shenndaalee ~ archaeologist
shenndaaleeagh ~ archaeological
shenndaaleeaght ~ archaeology
shenndaght ~ antiquarianism, antiquity, antique
shenndeeagh ~ ancient
shenndeeaght ~ seniority
shenndiaght ~ oldness, elders, old age
Shenneragh ~ Presbyterian
shenneragh ~ senile
Shenneraght ~ Presbyterianism
shenneraght ~ senility, old age, antiquity
shennid ~ oldness, staleness, senescence
shennocklagh ~ proverbial
shennockle ~ by-word, old saying, proverb
shennskyl ~ seneschal
shennskylys ~ seneschally
sheroot ~ cheroot
sherrish ~ sherry
sherriuid ~ acidity, tartness, bitterness,
sharpness, acridity, fustiness, acrimony,
acerbity, agony (of mind)
sherriuid anmey ~ bitterness of soul
sheshaght ~ company, society, association,
band of people
sheshaght arryltagh ~ voluntary organisation
sheshaght chaggee ~ host, cohort, army
Sheshaght chaggee flaunys ~ Sabaoth
sheshaght chaggee toshee ~ van of the army
sheshaght chiaullee ~ consort, chorus, choir
sheshaght cho-obbragh ~ co-operative society
sheshaght chochianglt ~ affiliated society
sheshaght eeassee ~ loan society
sheshaght golf ~ golf club
sheshaght hroailt ~ horde
sheshaght hroggee ~ building society
sheshaght keirdee ~ trade union
sheshaght lught traghtee ~ chamber of
sheshaght nittal ~ knitting circle
Sheshaght ny Gaarjyn ~ Society of Friends
Sheshaght ny Nooghyn ~ communion of saints
sheshaght resoonee ~ debating society
sheshaght scarree ~ sect
sheshaght urryssaght ~ friendly society
sheshaght varkee ~ troop (of cavalry)
sheshaght yoinagh ~ voluntary organisation
sheshaghtagh ~ gregariousness, accompanist,
sheshaghtaght ~ gregarious
sheshaghtys ~ sociable
shesheragh [f] ~ span (of oxen), pair of horses,
team (of horses), plough-team
sheshey ~ match, companion, husband, mate,
cohort, fellow, spouse, consort, partner,
sheshey brastyl ~ classmate
sheshey caggee ~ comrade
sheshey cloie ~ playmate
sheshey coonee ~ helpmate
sheshey graih ~ love-match
sheshey iu ~ drinking pal
sheshey mie ~ boon companion
sheshey poost ~ husband
sheshey-scollag ~ school-fellow
sheshoaylleaght ~ sociology
sheshoayllee ~ sociologist
sheshoaylleeagh ~ sociological
sheshoil ~ social
sheshoilys ~ sociability
shey ~ six, sextet
shey chassagh ~ six-footed
Ny Shey Coonteeyn ~ Northern Ireland
shey filley ~ sextuple, sixfold
shey jeig ~ sixteen
shey jeigoo ~ sixteenth
shey keayrtyn ~ sextuple
shey-lhiattaghan ~ hexagon
shey-lhiatteeagh ~ hexagonal
shey pingyn ~ sixpence, tester
shey trieyn ~ six foot
shey trieyn er ardjid ~ six-footer
shey-uillinagh ~ hexangular
shey-vleinoil ~ sexennial
sheyag ~ sextuplet
sheygin ~ watch, lurk, lurking
sheyginagh ~ lurking
ny sheyn ~ presently
sheyoo ~ sixth
shiaght ~ septet, seven
shiaght filley ~ septuple, sevenfold
shiaght jeig ~ seventeen
shiaght jeigoo ~ seventeenth
shiaght-lhiatteeagh ~ heptagonal
shiaght-lhiatteean ~ heptagon
shiaght-vleinoil ~ septennial
shiaghtin [f] ~ week
shiaghtin chaie ~ (the) other week
Shiaghtin Ellan Skianagh ~ Skye week
shiaghtin jiu ~ today week
shiaghtin mairagh ~ tomorrow week
Shiaghtin ny Croshey ~ Passiontide
shiaghtinagh ~ weekly
shiaghtinane ~ weekly paper, weekly newspaper
shiaghtinoil ~ weekly
shiaghtnaghan ~ weekly
shiaghtoo ~ seventh
shiaghtoo jeig ~ seventeenth
shiaghtyn er dy henney ~ today week
Shiaghtyn ny Caisht ~ Holy Week
shiar ~ eastern, east (of motion), east, oriental, to
the eastward, easterly
shiar ass ~ south-easterly
shiar hwoaie ~ north-east, north-eastern, north-
shiar-linney ~ easting
shiar shiar hwoaie ~ east-north-east
shiar yeeragh ~ due east
shiartanse ~ several, some
shiast ~ sedge, sterile, barren (animal), neuter,
shiast doo ~ black sedge
shiast y ree ~ branched burr-reed
shiastagh ~ neuter, sedgy
shiastaght ~ sterility
shiastey ~ sterilization, sterilize, dry
shiastid ~ sterility, dryness
shiastit ~ sterilized
shiauill ~ sails
shiauilley ~ play, float
shiaull ~ sail, tenor, octave
shiaull arbyl ~ spanker
shiaull ard ~ mainsail, gaff sail
shiaull corneilagh ~ studding sail
shiaull croan mullee ~ topgallant
shiaull dorrin ~ storm sail
shiaull geayee ~ trysail
shiaull jerree ~ mizzen
shiaull kerrinagh ~ square sail
shiaull lug ~ lugsail
shiaull mean ~ mainsail
shiaull mooar ~ mainsail
shiaull mullee ~ sky-scraper, topsail
shiaull s'bingey ~ higher octave
shiaull s'duiney ~ lower octave
shiaull spreie ~ jib
shiaull sproidey ~ spritsail
shiaull sthoe ~ staysail
shiaull toshee ~ fore-sail
shiaull tree ghib ~ leg of mutton sail
shiaull y chrappey seose ~ to trice a sail
shiaullaghey ~ ready, prepare, fit out, rig, tune
up, equip (as boat), tune (as engine), tuning
shiaullane ~ snowdrift
shiaullee ~ lead
shiaulleen ~ jigger
shiaulley ~ navigate, crew, sail, ship, cruise,
voyage, boat, flow (on surface), float off, a
boat trip, navigation, shipment, clearance,
boating, floating, voyaging, cruising, sailing
shiaulley birleenyn ~ yachting
shiaulley er y gheay ~ luff
shiaulley ny share na ~ outsail
shiaulley oie ~ night patrol
shiaulley roish y gheay ~ drive
shiaulleyder ~ shipper
shiaullyder ~ tuner
shiaulteyr ~ sailor, seaman, ferroman, seafarer,
shiaulteyr birling ~ yachtsman
shiaulteyr Injinagh ~ lascar
shiaulteyr mullee ~ topman
shiaulteyr rollageagh ~ astronaut
shiaulteyr speyr ~ aeronaut
shiaulteyragh ~ seamanlike, nautical
shiaulteyrys ~ seafaring, seamanship
shibbag ~ gentle tap, a very gentle blow
shibbelagh ~ thinly growing corn
shibber ~ supper
Yn Shibber Jerrinagh ~ The Last Supper
Shibber y chiarn ~ Holy Communion, Lord's
shibberagh ~ of supper
Shibbeyragh ~ Siberian
shibboleth ~ shibboleth
Shibbyr y chiarn ~ Eucharist
shickeeatragh ~ psychiatric
shicklaagagh ~ psychological, psychologist
shicklaage ~ psychology
shicklaagey-slaneaghey ~ psychotherapy
shicknearoys ~ psychoneurosis
shickoys ~ psychosis
shickraghan ~ switch
shickyr ~ sure, steady, stable, firm, unflinching,
certain, fixed, impregnable, positive, fast,
steadfast, confident, definite, secure
shickyragh ~ affirmative
shickyraghey ~ assure, affirmation, ensure,
ratification, affirm, make sure, secure,
convince, vouch, ratify, verify, certify,
ratifying, certifying
shickyree ~ affirmatory
shickyreyder ~ securer, affirmer, ensurer,
shickyrit ~ ratified, assured, ensured, affirmed,
shickyrys ~ conviction, certainty, validity,
security, sureness, assurance, stability,
shickyrys argidagh ~ financial security
shid ~ yonder, that
shid hoal ~ yonder
shiffaanagh ~ siphon
shiffane ~ siphon
shiffon ~ chiffon
shiffoneyr ~ chiffonier
shillaa ~ outcry
shillab ~ syllable
shillabagh ~ syllabic
shillee ~ pebbles, gravel, shingle, building
Shilleeagh ~ Chilean
shilleeagh ~ shingly, gravelly, pebbly
shilleeid ~ slug
shilleeid varrey ~ sea slug
shilleeidagh ~ sluglike
shilleeidid ~ mucousness
shilleein marrey ~ sea slug
shilleen ~ slug
shilleenagh ~ sluglike
shilley ~ eyesight, shed, view, scene, show,
look, look in, sight, spectacle, shedding,
shilley bieau ~ glance
shilley faggys ~ myopia, short-sightedness
shilley shenn eash ~ presbyopia
shilleydagh ~ optic, optical
shillish ~ cherry
shillish feie ~ gean
shillish ghoo ~ black cherry
shillish ny eeanlee ~ heckberry
shillish sharroo ~ morello
shillish vane ~ white heart
shillish varashcheenagh ~ maraschino
shillish yiarg ~ red cherry
shillishagh ~ cerise
shillishyn sharroo ~ sour grapes
shillit ~ shed
Shillooragh ~ Silurian
shimbosh ~ symbiosis
shimmeadragh ~ symmetrical
shimmeadraght ~ symmetry
shin ~ us, we
shin hene ~ we ourselves, ourselves
shinc ~ zinc
shinck ~ spelter
shingaarey ~ gipsy
shingoil ~ single-breasted
shingoilys ~ singleness
shinnee ~ wee
shinneen ~ gloxinia
shinney ~ eldest, oldest
s'hinney ~ (see shinney)
ny shinney ~ senior
shinnys ~ sinus
shinteyr ~ sinter
shinyn ~ ourselves, us, we
shioltane ~ gathering (of sheep), flock
shioltaneagh ~ in flocks
shioltaney ~ flock
shireen ~ siren
shirgagh ~ withering, marasmus
shirgaghey ~ dry up, perish, shrivel, mummify,
wilt, languish, atrophy, contract, withering,
wither, sear
shirgane ~ mummy
shirganeagh ~ kill-joy
shirgey ~ mummification
shirgey kirpey ~ marasmus
shirgeydagh ~ cripple
shirgeydaght ~ crippledness
shirgeyder ~ languisher, shriveller
shirgit ~ mummified, shrivelled, shrunken,
wilted, decrepit, dried up, wizened,
atrophied, jerked, withered, gaunt,
shirragh ~ buzzard, falcon, seeker, bird of prey,
shirragh akeragh ~ anchor-wing
shirragh corranagh ~ hobby
shirragh faasaagagh ~ lammergeyer
shirragh molley ~ honey buzzard
shirragh ny bogleeyn ~ marsh harrier
shirragh ny giark ~ hen harrier
shirragh ny sperriu ~ sparrow hawk
shirragh y ree ~ peregrine falcon
shirreen ~ siren
shirrey ~ seek, request, seeking, require, go
after, endeavour, apply, cast about, search,
solicit, prospect, solicitation, soliciting
shirrey barganeyn ~ bargain hunting
shirrey cost (er) ~ charge (for goods)
shirrey er ~ ask (for), beseech
shirrey idd ~ bird-nesting
shirrey jeirk ~ cadge, beg, panhandle, begging
shirrey magh voteyn ~ canvassing, canvass
shirrey prios ro injil ~ undercharge
shirrey son ~ look for
shirrey stiagh ayn ~ vet
shirreydagh ~ inquiring, importunate
shirreyder ~ prospector, seeker, inquirer,
candidate, inquiring, asker, searcher
shirreyder scrutaght ~ examinee
shirreydys ~ requirement, candidature
shirrit ~ solicited, required, searched, asked,
ny shirroo ~ more bitter
shirrym ~ sheriff
shirrymaght ~ shievalty
shirveish ~ attendance, servitude, serve,
serving, subserve, office, officiate, service,
shirveish aer ~ air force
shirveish (agglish) ~ church service
shirveish ansooragh ~ answering service
shirveish ard-cheeill ~ high-church service
shirveish armee ~ army service
shirveish ashoonagh ~ national service
shirveish caggee ~ war service
shirveish cherree ~ penal servitude
shirveish chillagh ~ divine service
shirveish er ~ administer, pander, tend
shirveish ghiploamagh ~ diplomatic service
shirveish hidooragh ~ blood tax
shirveish king vleeaney ~ watch-night
shirveish laynt ashoonagh ~ national health
shirveish ny hagglish ~ liturgy
shirveish ny merriu ~ funeral service, funeral
shirveish ny slaynt ~ health service
shirveish oanluckee ~ burial service, exequies
shirveish phost ~ mail
shirveish spaalagh ~ shuttle service
shirveish theayagh ~ public service
shirveish vagheragh ~ field service
shirveish y hassoo ~ to take the service
shirveish yn ouyir ~ harvest festival
shirveishag Africaanagh ~ dominie
shirveishag Albinagh ~ dominie
Shirveishagh ~ Servite
shirveishagh ~ servant, serviceable, serving,
subservient, attendant, server, ancillary,
predicant, officiator, vassal, serve, attend
(wait on), clergyman
shirveishaght ~ administration, domestic service
shirveishit ~ served
shirveishyn sheshoil ~ social services
shishal ~ fizzle
shismagh ~ schismatic
shismey ~ schism
shissernee ~ sizzle
Shisslagh ~ Sicilian
shist ~ schist
shiu ~ ye, you
shiu hene ~ yourself
shiuish ~ ye, yourself, you, yourselves
shiulgey ~ nibbling
shiulgeyder ~ nibbler
shiulgit ~ nibbled
shivaid ~ civet
shivoil ~ civilian, civil
shivoilagh ~ civilian
shlea ~ broadest, widest
s'hlea ~ (see shlea)
shlearagh ~ procrastinating, deliberate,
postponing, procrastination
shlearaghey ~ postponement, procrastinate,
delay, postpone, procrastination
shlearaght ~ deliberation
shleareyder ~ procrastinator, delayer
shlearit ~ procrastinated, postponed
shleayshtagh ~ large-thighed
shleayst [f] ~ haunch, thigh
shleayst ny lhuingey ~ after-quarter
shlee ~ most; omission
ny shlee ~ more numerous
ny shlee na ~ above
shleeast ~ thigh, flank
shleeu ~ grinding, grind, sharpening, sharpen,
whet (appetite)
shleeuag ~ hors d'oeuvre
shleeuan yiarn ~ rasp
shleeuder ~ whetter, sharpener
shleeuee ~ grinder
shleeuit ~ sharpened, whetted, ground, keen-
minded, keen, wide-awake
shleh ~ neglect, omission
shleiy ~ spear, pike
shleiy chollee ~ boar spear
shleiy eeastee ~ fish spear
shleiy vadran ~ sun-pillar
shleiy varrey ~ harpoon
shleiyagh ~ hastate, spearlike
shleiyder ~ lancer, spearman, pikeman
shleiyder marrey ~ harpooner
shliawane sambyl ~ object-slide
shliawin ~ lubricated, smooth, insidious, slut,
slippery, skiddy, sleek, smooth-faced, soapy
shliawinag ~ lubricant
shliawinagh ~ smooth, insinuating
shliawinaghey ~ become slippery
shliawinaght ~ slipperiness
shliawinane ~ slide, shoot, slipway, glide, chute,
shliawinane sniaghtee ~ snow-slide
shliawiney ~ creep (of belt)
shliawiney stiagh ~ infiltration, infiltrate
shliawinid ~ slipperiness, lubricity, mucousness,
sleekness, smoothness, slyness, foxiness,
shlickleac ~ slickenside
shliee ~ lick, slick, flicker; lapping, licking;
more (in number)
shliee jeh ~ lick off
shlieeagh ~ lambent
shlieeaig ~ small lick
shlieeder ~ licker
shlieeder thoanney ~ lick spittle
shlieet ~ licked
shlig ~ shell, body, scale, scale pan, test
shlig chassee ~ helix
shlig chayrnagh ~ trumpet-shell
shlig chloaie ~ ammonite
shlig chraie ~ small potsherd
shlig-leoie ~ ashtray
shlig-oayllee ~ concholoagist
shlig-oaylleeaght ~ conchology
shlig ooastyragh ~ oyster-shell
shlig phorslyn ~ porcelain-shell
shlig roagan ~ scallop-shell
shlig screebee ~ shell of horse mussel
shlig vaarnagh ~ limpet-shell
shlig varrey ~ sea-shell
shligar ~ pumice stone
Shliggagh ~ Sligo
shliggagh ~ crustacean, shelly, testaceous
shliggan ~ bomb, shell
shliggan ny gliooney ~ knee-bone, whirlbone,
shliggan trean-vleaystagh ~ high explosive
shligganagh ~ tortoise, testaceous
shligganagh awin ~ terrapin
shligganagh marrey ~ turtle
shligganaghey ~ bomb, bombard
shliggane ~ conch
shligganeyr ~ bombardier
shligganys ~ bombardment
shliggeragh ~ testacean, scaled
shliggyrt ~ pumice stone
shlingan [f] ~ shoulder-blade, scapula, back of
shlinganagh ~ scapulary, shoulder
shlissag [f] ~ slice
shlissey ~ feather (as propeller)
shnoageyder ~ skulk
shnoagyraght ~ skulking
shoal ~ loom
shocklaid ~ chocolate
shocklaid ghoo ~ plain chocolate
shocklaid vainnagh ~ milk chocolate
shocklaidagh ~ chocolate (colour), chocolate-
shoggyl [f] ~ rye
shoh ~ this, this here
shoh cheet ~ coming
shoh hene ~ this itself
Shoh hood! ~ Cheers!
shoh ny shen ~ this or that
Shoh slaynt! ~ Cheers!
Shoh! Shoh! ~ Tut!
sholl ~ wax (in ear), greasiness of sheep wool
sholl chleayshey ~ cerumen, ear-wax
shollane ~ filter, strainer, colander
shollaney ~ filtration
shollaneys ~ filtrate
Shoogh! ~ Shoo!
shooghey ~ shoo, chasing
shooghit ~ chased
shooilleyder ~ walker
shooilleyder oie ~ sleep-walker
shooillit ~ walked
shooyl ~ walk, traverse, gait, pace, tread,
promenade, perambulate, perambulation,
traversing, ambulatory, treading, walking,
itinerant, vagrant
shooyl cabbil ~ paces of a horse
shooyl cheu-ry-heu ~ walking abreast
shooyl croobagh ~ hobble
shooyl dy baccagh ~ limp, hobbling
shooyl dy croobagh ~ limp
shooyl dy trome ~ tramp
shooyl er y chocheim ~ keep step
shooyl gollrish thunnag ~ waddle
shooyl harrish ~ range
shooyl leaystey ~ waddle
shooyl magh ~ walk out
shooyl magh (marish) ~ take about
shooyl mygeayrt ~ walk round, walk about
shooyl ny chadley ~ sleep-walking
shooyl ny sodjey (na) ~ outmarch
shooyl oie ~ noctambulism
shooyl roish ~ walk along, walk away, walk off
shooyl stiagh ~ walk in
shooyl stiagh ayns ~ walk into
shooyl 'sy cheayn ~ wade (in sea)
shooyl tessen ~ step across
shooyl tessen er aah ~ ford
shooyl trooid ~ roam
shooyl trooid (ushtey) ~ wade
shooylaghan ~ esplanade, promenade, sea-front
shooyllagh ~ roaming, walking, vagrant,
peripatetic, stroller
shooylleyder ~ wading bird, promenader, wader
shooylleyder oie ~ noctambulist, somnambulist
shooylleyder tead ~ funambulist
shooylt ~ walked
Shorys ~ George
Shoryseen ~ Georgina
shoushan ~ chive
shout ~ wooden beam, handle
Shoynagh ~ Joyce
shrapnyl ~ shrapnel
Shreelankey ~ Ceylon
shual ~ prosecute, sue
shualagh ~ suable
shualtagh ~ appellant, complainant, indictable,
plaintiff, prosecutor
shualtaght ~ indictableness
shualtys ~ prosecution, suit
shuddyr ~ scissor
shuddyryn ~ scissor
shuddyryn ingney ~ nail-scissors
shuggiloon ~ razor-shell
shughlaig ~ sharp dock, sorrel
shughlaig ny geyrragh ~ sheep's sorrel
shughlaig ny hawin ~ water dock
shughlaig rangagh ~ Roman sorrel
shughlaig y vonnagh ~ patience dock
shughlaigagh ~ abounding in sharp docks,
shugyr ~ sugar
shugyr bainney ~ lactose, milk sugar
shugyr braghey ~ maltose
shugyr crammanagh ~ lump sugar
shugyr cuirtlee ~ cane sugar
shugyr daahit ~ burnt sugar
shugyr dhoo ~ liquorice
shugyr feeyney ~ grape sugar
shugyr folley ~ blood sugar
shugyr kerrinagh ~ loaf sugar
shugyr leoaie ~ lead acetate
shugyr leoaiey ~ sugar of lead
shugyr malpys ~ maple sugar
shugyr meein ~ castor sugar
shugyr oarn ~ barley sugar
shugyr riojee ~ icing sugar
shugyr ruy ~ brown sugar
shugyr-veih ~ saccharimeter
shugyragh ~ sugary, sacchariferous
shugyreen ~ saccharine
shugyrit ~ glace
shuilg ~ nibble
shuilgaghey ~ nibble
shuilgey ~ pick, nibble
shuin ~ rush
shuin varrey ~ sea clubrush
shuin vooar ~ bulrush
shuinagh ~ rushy
shuit ~ sued
shuital ~ shifting
shuitelagh ~ shifter, progger
Shun! ~ Attention!
shunt-hogherit ~ shunt-wound
shuntal ~ shunting, shunt
shuntey ~ shunting, shunt
shunteyder ~ shunter
shutternee ~ whinny, horse-laugh, neigh
shuyr [f] ~ sister
shuyr ayrey ~ aunt
shuyr gholtit ~ foster-sister
shuyr heayagh ~ lay sister
shuyr lannoonagh ~ twin sister
shuyr 'sy leigh ~ sister-in-law
shuyr vayrey ~ aunt
shuyr voanderey ~ sister
shuyroil ~ sisterly
shuyrys ~ sisterhood
shykey ~ sycamore
shymlagh ~ perishable, languorous
shymlaghey ~ pine away
shymlaght ~ perishableness
shymley ~ droop, consume, pine, failing,
pining, decline, languishing, languish
shymleyder ~ languisher, piner
shymlid ~ decline, languishment, languor
shymlit ~ perished, drooped
shynnagh ~ varmint, fox
shynnagh arctagh ~ arctic fox
shynnagh bane ~ arctic fox
shynnagh bwoirrin ~ vixen, she-fox
shynnagh bwoirryn ~ vixen, she-fox
shynnagh firryn ~ dog-fox
shynnagh gial ~ silver fox
shynnagh marrey ~ thresher
shynnaghoil ~ vulpine, foxy
shynnee ~ piss
shynney lhiam eh ~ I love it
shyrrys eh dy ~ the marvel is that
shyssagh ~ sibilant
Siasteenagh ~ Sistine
sibboleth ~ shibboleth
sick ~ ploughshares
side ~ bolt, arrow, shaft
side shee ~ flint arrow
sideagh ~ arrowlike
sideoil ~ arrowlike
sideyr ~ archer, bowman
sideyr marrey ~ archerfish
sideyragh ~ shooting with arrows
sideyrys ~ archery
sidoor ~ campaigner, private, soldier man,
soldier, pawn
sidoor aer ~ airman, paratroop
sidoor cabbil ~ trooper, cavalryman, dragoon
sidoor cadjin ~ ranker
sidoor cheerey ~ territorial
sidoor coshey ~ infantryman, foot-soldier
sidoor doo ~ ascari
sidoor faarkee ~ marine
sidoor faillee ~ soldier of fortune
sidoor goaldagh ~ gallowglass
sidoor Injinagh ~ sepoy
sidoor jeh'n ghardey corp ~ lifeguardsman
sidoor jiarg ~ redcoat
sidoor keylley ~ guerilla, bush-fighter
sidoor kianglt ~ regular
sidoor marrey ~ marine
sidoor noa ~ recruit
sidoor ny croshey ~ crusader
sidoor ny gunnaghyn ~ artilleryman
sidoor shingoil ~ private soldier
sidoor ynnydagh ~ territorial
sidooragh ~ soldierlike
sidooraghey ~ soldiering, soldier
sidooraght ~ soldiering
sidooryn ~ soldiery, garrison, troops
sidooryn cadjin ~ rank and file
sidooryn coshey ~ infantry
sidooryn magheragh ~ land forces
sidooryn soiagh ~ storm troops
sidoorys ~ soldiery, soldiership
sie ~ ill, badness
sigar ~ cigar
sigar beg ~ whiff
sigoamagh ~ zygomatic
sigoamey ~ zygoma
sigoat ~ zygote
sigomorfagh ~ zygomorphous
silicagh ~ silicic
silicait ~ silicate
silickey ~ silica
silicoil ~ siliceous
silicoin ~ silicon
simeeagh ~ simian
siment ~ cement
simentaghey ~ cementation
simental ~ cementation, cement
simoysh ~ zymosis
simoyshagh ~ zymotic
sincroanagh ~ synchronous
sincroanaght ~ synchronism, synchrony
sincroaney ~ synchronize
sing ~ vaginal secretion
singil ~ single
singlaid ~ singlet
s'injilley ~ rock-bottom
s'injley ~ downmost
sinkeil ~ sink, founder, sinking, scupper
sinkeilagh ~ sinker
sinkit ~ foundered
s'inshley ~ downmost, lowest, underneath, rock
bottom, undermost
ny s'inshley ~ inferior
sipp ~ zip fastener
sipris ~ crepe
sittakose ~ parrot disease
sittakoys ~ psittacosis
sittyr ~ zither
siyn ~ plate
siyn argid ~ silver-plate
siyn beggey ~ small craft
siyn craie ~ pottery
siyn dy ymmoose ~ vials of wrath
siyn folmey ~ empties
siyn tey ~ tea things
siyr ~ haste, bustle, hurrying, hurry
siyragh ~ cursory, hurried, hasty, impetuous,
expeditious, rash, prompt, passion, hastening
siyraghey ~ hasten, acceleration, hurry,
hastening, hurry along, accelerate, bustling
about, hurry up, expedition, expedite, hustle
siyrdeig ~ light shower
siyree ~ accelerating
siyreyder ~ accelerator
siyrid ~ rapidness, hastiness, impatience
siyrit ~ hastened, accelerated
siyrys ~ rashness
s'jerree ~ aftermost, end, latest
skaal [f] ~ saucer
skaal etlagh ~ U.F.O., flying saucer
skaaley ~ bowl
skabbag ~ handful of flax
skabbyl ~ scapular
skadaig ~ cleft (in rock)
skag ~ beam (of light)
skah ~ strong wind, shed, shake out, shedding
skahder ~ shaker, shedder
skahit ~ shed, scattered, shook
skaht ~ shook, shed, scattered
skairt ~ diaphragm
skait queeyllagh ~ roller-skate
skall ~ lid
skallad ~ shallot
skallan ~ stage
skallane chiass ~ heatwave
skalley ~ dish
skallioon ~ scallion
skaugh ~ nauseousness
skaur ~ chasm
Ny Skauryn ~ The Chasms
skeab ~ besom, broom
skeab shynnee ~ foxtail
skeab yn thalloo ~ hedge-hop
skeabagh ~ bushy, brushy
skeabaghyn ~ sweepings
skeaban ~ brush, small broom, fly-whisk
skeaban aer ~ air-brush
skeaban braagey ~ shoe brush
skeaban brat laare ~ carpet broom
skeaban buitch ~ witches' broom
skeaban clooie ~ feather duster
skeaban daah ~ paint brush
skeaban eaddagh ~ clothes brush
skeaban feeackle ~ toothbrush
skeaban folt ~ hairbrush
skeaban fuilt ~ hairbrush
skeaban ingey ~ nailbrush
skeaban lajer ~ stiff brush
skeaban laue ~ hand brush
skeaban scooiree ~ scratch brush
skeaban shynnee ~ foxtail
skeaban sooie ~ flue brush
skeaban terrey ~ tar brush
skeaban vaaree ~ shaving brush
skeaban vog ~ soft brush
skeaban voteil ~ bottle brush
skeabey ~ brush, brush over, brush up, sweep,
sweeping, brushing
skeabey ersooyl ~ sweep off, brush away,
sweep away, wash away
skeabey (lesh) ~ drift
skeabey magh ~ brush out
skeabey roish ~ sweep on, sweep along
skeabey ry-lhiattee ~ brush aside, sweep aside
skeabey seose ~ brush up, sweep up
skeabey shaghey ~ sweep by
skeabey yn thalloo ~ hedge-hop
skeabeyder ~ carpet-sweeper, sweeper, brusher,
skeabeyder straiddey ~ road-sweeper
skeabeydys ~ brushwork
skeabit ~ brushed, swept
skeabit as scooirit ~ spick and span
skead ~ blaze (on face), patch on animal, star
skeag ~ haw
skeag leeanagh ~ tormentil
skeag Voirrey ~ nodding bur-marigold
skeaghagh ~ berried
skeahit ~ spewed
skeahrey ~ vomiting
skeairagh ~ peaked
skeandagh Creestee ~ Christian Scientist
skearagh ~ spat
skeay ~ vomit
skeayagh ~ squeamish, nauseous
skeayaght ~ squeamishness
skeaydagh ~ vomitory
skeayder ~ vomiter
skeayit ~ vomited, spewed
skeayl ~ dispersion
skeayl-chabyl ~ cable release
skeayl-vrishey ~ diffraction
skeayley bleastanyn ~ bomb
Skeayley ny Gaeil ~ Highland Clearances
skeayll magh coorse ~ shake out a reef
skeayll mastey'n phobbyl ~ popularize
Skeayll ort rass as cass! ~ Curse you!
skeayll-vrishey ~ diffract
skeayllee ~ infectious
skeaylley ~ sprinkle, scatter, spread, diffuse,
diffract, draw apart, spring, disband, release,
dismiss, dispel, slip, cast loose, leakage,
disseminate, discharge, dissipate, run out,
dissolve, resolve, breed, drop away, slacken,
unfix, scramble, unfurl, resolution,
dissipation, dissolution, diffusion, scattering,
undoing, unfurling, spreading, sprinkling,
looseness, slackening
skeaylley boanlagh (er) ~ litter
skeaylley cliaghtey ~ practice-firing
skeaylley (colught) ~ liquidate
skeaylley eoylley ~ scattering dung
skeaylley (er) ~ bestrew
skeaylley gas caggee ~ gas
skeaylley magh ~ spread out, extend; put down,
set down
Skeaylley ny Gaeil ~ Highland Clearances
skeaylley (sidooryn) ~ demobilization
skeaylley skian ~ wing-span
skeaylley tooilley er ~ flood
skeaylley yn credjue ~ evangelize
skeaylleyder traagh ~ tedder
skeaylt ~ slackened, loose-fitting, disbanded,
loose, sprung, floating, disconnected,
sprinkled, dispelled, scattered, unfurled,
loose-jointed, spreading
skeaylt magh ~ spread out
skeayltagh ~ bountifulness, separatist,
looseness, lavish, exile, bountiful
skeayltaght ~ lavishness
skeayrey ~ vomit
skeayt ~ vomited, spewed
skebbag ~ small sheaf
skeddan ~ herring
skeddan correy ~ spawning herring
skeddan-fiddyr ~ whitebait
skeddan frangagh ~ pilchard
skeddan gailley ~ guttpock herring
skeddan garroo ~ alewife
skeddan jiarg ~ red herring, kipper
skeddan lieh-yaaghit ~ bloater
skeddan sailjey ~ soused herring
skeddan y vac ~ back herring
skedjal ~ schedule
skee ~ weary, tired, fatigued
skee jeh'n theihll ~ world-weary
skeeabey lhome ~ annihilation
skeeagh ~ tiresome, tiring, wearying;
wearisome, tired
skeeah ~ spew, vomit
skeeah ny muc varrey ~ jellyfish
skeeah rauney ~ jellyfish
skeeahder ~ vomiter, spewer
skeeahoil ~ emetic, queasy
skeeahoilid ~ queasiness
skeeahraghan ~ emetic
skeeahrey ~ disgorge, spew
skeeal [f] ~ yarn, submission, tidings, story,
anecdote, advice, report, legend, tale,
rumour, narrative, history, news, profile,
skeeal aggairagh ~ misreport
skeeal breagagh ~ idle story, broad story
skeeal contoyrtys ~ adventure story
skeeal giare ~ short story
skeeal graih ~ love story
skeeal gyn dash ~ lame story
skeeal harrish ~ Res judicata
skeeal oikoil ~ communique
skeeal paitchey ~ nursery tale
skeeal raauee ~ cautionary tale
skeeal reejeragh ~ Romance Language
skeeal scaanjoon(agh) ~ ghost story
skeealagh ~ legendary, communicatory, newsy,
skeealaght ~ story-telling, anecdotage, history
skeealeragh ~ prating, tale-bearer, story-teller,
communicative, tattling, gossip, tattler
skeeal eraght ~ t at t l e, t al e-beari ng,
communicativeness, tattling
skeealerey ~ tale-bearer, gossip, story-teller,
tale-teller, newsmonger
skeealerys ~ newsmongering
skeealeydagh ~ historic(al)
skeealeyder ~ raconteur, newsmonger
skeealeydys ~ history
skeealeyer ~ tattler
skeeallagh ~ narrative
skeealleen ~ anecdote
skeealleyder ~ story-teller, anecdotist
skeealleydys ~ story-telling
skeeandagh ~ boffin, scientific, scientist
skeeandys ~ science
skeeder ~ tired person, indolent person
skeedyrit ~ worn thin, worn out
skeeragh ~ parochial
skeeraghys ~ parochialism
skeerey ~ parish
Skeerey Braddan ~ Braddan
Skeerey Chairbre ~ Arbory (parish)
Skeerey Maghal ~ Maughold
Skeerey Malew ~ Malew
Skeerey Marooney ~ Parish of Marown
Skeerey Rosien ~ Rushen
Skeerey Stondane ~ Santan
Skeerey Vreeshey ~ Bride
skeet ~ sneak, news
skeetagh ~ sneaking, prying, nosey, inquisitive
skeetaght ~ inquisitiveness
skeetal ~ sneak, pry, sneaking
skeetal roish ~ slink
Skeeyll ~ Kirk
Skeeylley Valew ~ Malew
skeeys ~ fatigue, lassitude, weariness, tiredness,
skeeys inchyn ~ brain-fag
skeiee ~ scathe, plough-handle
skeih ~ swarm
skeillagh ~ detrimental
skeilley ~ trauma
skeilleydagh ~ derogatory, traumatic
skeilt ~ split, cleft, splintered
skeilt-chassagh ~ cloven-hoofed
skeiltagh ~ rending
skeiltan ~ splint, lath
skeiltey ~ rend, splinter, split, splintering,
skeilteyder ~ render, splitter
skeiltit ~ splintered
skeiogh ~ trim
skeiy ~ stop-gap; faggot, bundle
skeiy ghreilley ~ grid leak
skelf ~ rail
skelf altaragh ~ altar-rail
skelf coadee ~ guardrail
skelf laue ~ banister, handrail
skelf pooar ~ power-rail
skelf y chashtal jerree ~ poop-rail
skelim ~ freak, caprice
skelimagh ~ arbitrary, freakish, capricious
skelimaght ~ capriciousness
skell ~ gleam, lustre, shimmer, glimpse; instant
skellal ~ die away, disappearance
skellal gyn eeck ~ welsh (bookmaker)
skellal roish ~ vanish, disappear, whip (as speed)
skelley ~ gleaming, gleam, disappearance
skellig ~ wreckage (under water), small sea rock
skelloo ~ shelf
skelloo altaragh ~ retable
skelloo chadlee ~ bunk
skelloo chaslyssyn ~ picture rail
skelloo chiollee ~ chimney piece
skelloo lioar ~ bookshelf
skelloo maidjey ~ cue-rack
skelloo phiob ~ pipe rack
skelloo uillin ~ armrest
skelloo veg ~ mantelpiece
skelloo vooar ~ dresser
skellooys ~ shelving
skellym ~ misfire
skelp ~ tear (rip)
skelpey ~ tearing, tear
skelt ~ squat
skeltagh ~ squattish
skeltey ~ squatting, squat
skelteyder ~ squatter
skensh ~ score
skeog ~ lock, tress
skeog chassee ~ curled lock
skeog chleayshey ~ love-lock
skeogagh ~ in locks
skeoghey ~ dress
skeoghid ~ nicety
skeoghy ~ embellish
skeoghys ~ embellishment
skeoigh ~ neat, spruce, tidy, snug
skeoighey ~ spruce
skeoighid ~ tidiness, spruceness, neatness,
snugness, cosiness, trimness, smartness
skeoighit ~ spruced up, neatened, trimmed
skeoll ~ splash
skeoll-ooillaghey ~ splash lubrication
skeollagh ~ splashy, splashing
skeolley ~ splashing, curled lock, splash
skeollit ~ splashed
sker ~ sea rock, skerry, ledger (in sea),
rockface, ridge, key, underwater rock, reef
sker chorralagh ~ coral reef
skerin ~ splice, scarf
skerit ~ spliced
skerragh ~ reefy, iron-bound
skerrane ~ little reef, small sea rock,
underwater rock
skerrey ~ splice
skerrit ~ spliced
Ny Skeryn ~ The Skerries
Skeryn Mooarey Golliu ~ The Scares
sketch ~ sketch
sketchal ~ sketching, sketch
sketcheyder ~ sketcher
skeyr ~ placer
skian ~ wing, pinion, aegis, mudguard, baffle
skian chassee ~ vane
skian chereagh ~ waxwing
skian clee ~ left-wing
skian-fondid ~ stabilizer
skian guiy ~ goose wing
skian hilley ~ vane
skian-reiltagh ~ wing commander
skian ushtey ~ hydrofoil
skian yesh ~ right-wing
skian yuiy ~ goose-wing
Skianagh ~ Skyeman
skianagh ~ finned, winged, finny, pinioned;
winged creature, fowl
skianyn ~ floats, side-wings
skianyn amylt ~ water-wings
skianyn snaue ~ water-wings
skianyn snauee ~ swimming wings
skianys ~ wingbeat, buzzing, buzz
skiark ~ a very thin person, weedy person
skiart ~ caul, partition
skiart glenney ~ glass partition
skiart ny henneeyn ~ pericranium
skiart y chree ~ pericardium
skibbag ~ skipper, hopper, elf-lock, portion,
skipping, skip
skibbag ghlass ~ grey wagtail, white wagtail
skibbag ny mulleeyn ~ wagtail, grey wagtail
skibbag wuigh ~ yellow wagtail
skibbagh ~ hopping, skip, bounding
skibbalt ~ barn, granary
skibbylt ~ agile, light-footed, vivacious,
nimble, skip, acrobatic, active (as person),
skibbylt boght ~ tourist (in Mann)
skibbyltagh ~ nimble person, acrobat, jig,
skibbyltagh boght ~ holiday-maker
skibbyltagh breck ~ pied flycatcher, spotted
skibbyltee boghtey ~ visitors
skibbylt(ey) ~ jig
skibbyltys ~ light-footedness, nimbleness,
activeness (of person), agility, suppleness
skiellagh ~ mischievous, injurious
skiellaght ~ mischievousness, injuriousness
skielley ~ scathe, detriment, injury, hurt, harm,
wrong (harm), mischief
skielleydagh ~ malefic, deleterious, injurious,
skielleydys ~ maleficence, injuriousness
skiff ~ skiff
skihlt ~ unhusked
skillad ~ saucepan, skillet
Ny Skillee ~ The Scilly Isles
skilleig ~ stripe, stria, strip, shell covered beach
skilleigagh ~ striated, in narrow strips
skilley ~ shell, husk, shuck, squill; husking,
shelling, shucking
skilleyder ~ sheller, husker, shucker
skillin [f] ~ bob, shilling
skillt ~ husked, shucked, shelled
skimmal ~ skim
skimmee ~ hands, company, gang, crew, cast,
ship's company
skimmee balley ~ home side
skimmee oayllagh ~ brain's trust
skimmee preatsagh ~ press gang
skimmee reaghee ~ editorial staff
skimmeyder ~ skimmer
skinney ~ shoot
skinney (ersooyl) ~ whisk away
skinney magh ~ shoot out
skiog ~ forelock, ringlet, tress
skiogh ~ dapper
skiolg ~ a slender youth
skiolley ~ enucleate
skioltagh ~ profuse
skioot ~ jet, squirt, spurt, rush of liquid, gush,
burst, spout
skioot cowree ~ pilot jet
skioot etlan ~ jet plane
skioot imman ~ jet propulsion
skioot-stroo ~ jet stream
skiootagh ~ squirting, gushing
skiootal ~ gush, cascading, squirting, spurt,
burst forth (of liquid), spout, spouting,
cascade, rush, jet
skiootal magh ~ break forth, burst out
skiootane ~ jet
skiootey ~ squirting
skiooteyder ~ squirter
skiooteyder ooill ~ gusher
skiootit ~ spouted, squirted
skirl ~ skirl
skirmish ~ skirmish
skirmishal ~ skirmish
skirmisheyr ~ skirmisher
skirrag ~ splinter
skirraghtagh ~ skiddy
skirraghtyn ~ skid, lapse
skirrey ~ slipping, skid, slip down, sliding, slide
skirrey neose ~ slide down
skirrey roish ~ slide off, slide by
skirrey sheese ~ slide down
skirreyder ~ skidder, slider
skirrit ~ slipped
skirrit harrish ~ slurred
skissack ~ pollock
skit ~ mockery, satire
skittagh ~ satirical
skittal (er) ~ satirize
skittyl ~ skittle
skittyr ~ diarrhoea, looseness
skoll ~ toot
skollag ~ dinghy
skolley ~ diatribe
skon ~ snack
skor ~ rift
skorran ~ toggle-pin, toggle
skort ~ rift, fissure, cleft (in rock), chasm, rent
Ny Skortyn ~ The Chasms
skybbylt ~ supple
Skyll ~ Kirk
skyll ~ parish church
Skyll Andreas ~ Kirk Andreas
Skyll Connaghyn ~ Kirk Onchan
Skyll Maghal ~ Maughold
Skyll Marooney ~ Marown Church
Skyll Pheddyr ~ Saint Peter's
Skyll Pherick ~ Kirk Patrick
Skyll Vreeshey ~ Bride
Skylley ~ Kirk
skylley ~ parish church
Skylley Carmane ~ Kirk German
Skylley Chairbre ~ Arbory (parish)
Skylley Chreest Rosien ~ Rushen Church
Skylley Maayl ~ Kirk Michael
Skylley Stondane ~ Santan
Skylley Vraddan ~ Kirk Braddan, Braddan
Skylley Vreeshey ~ Kirk Bride, Bride
skynn [f] ~ knife
skynn annee ~ scalpel
skynn arran ~ bread-knife
skynn attey ~ dirk, dagger, poniard, stiletto
skynn chirpey ~ scalpel
skynn choon ~ bistoury
skynn-chramman ~ knife-switch
skynn-eairkagh ~ sharp-horned
skynn fine ~ sheath-knife
skynn foalley ~ carving knife, carver
skynn foshlee ~ flick-knife, jack-knife
skynn ghaauin ~ paring knife
skynn gheyre ~ sharp knife
skynn ghreasee ~ paring knife
skynn hayrn ~ spokeshave
skynn helg ~ bowie knife
skynn noadee ~ grafting knife
skynn 'oalley ~ lancet
skynn ooastyragh ~ oyster-knife
skynn 'oshlee ~ pocket-knife, clasp-knife
skynn phabyragh ~ paper-knife
skynn phenney ~ penknife
skynn phoagey ~ penknife
skynn phoggaid ~ pocket-knife
skynn phollal ~ secateurs
skynn phuttee ~ putty knife
skynn sclate ~ sax
skynn scoltee ~ chopping knife, skiver
skynn screeunyn ~ letter-opener
skynn sigar ~ cigar-cutter
skynn stoandey ~ drawing knife
skynn tackey ~ knife-rest
skynn vaaree ~ razor, pruning knife
skynn vaarey ~ paring knife
skynn vess ~ fruit-knife
skynn voandagh ~ blunt knife
skynn voayrd ~ table knife
skynn vuird ~ table-knife
skynn vynnee ~ chopping knife
skynnag ~ small knife
skynnagh ~ knifelike
skynney ~ knife
skynneyder ~ cutler
skynneydys ~ cutlery
skyoll ~ abundance, flourish, lot, shoal, a large
skyollagh ~ abundant
skyolley ~ shoal
skyolltagh ~ profuse
skyolltaght ~ profuseness
skyoltagh ~ superfluous, ample
skyoltaght ~ superfluity
skyoltid ~ ampleness
skyoltys ~ amplitude, profusion
skyrraght ~ glissade
skyrraghtagh ~ slider, slipper, slippery, slitter,
glancing (as blow)
skyrraghtane ~ building slip
skyrraghtyn ~ skating, skate, slip, glance, slither,
slipping, sliding
skyrraghtyn (fockle) ~ drop
skyrraghtyn neese ~ work up (of garment)
skyrraghtyn neose ~ work down
skyrraghtyn stiagh ~ insinuate
skyrraghtys ~ slip, slippage
skyrrey ~ slide, slither, slip, sliding
skyrrey focklyn ~ careless remark
skyrrey gys un cheu ~ side-slip
skyrrey thallooin ~ landslip, landslide
skyrreyder ~ skater
skyrtlagh ~ lapful
slaa ~ smear, spatter, spread, besmear, plaster,
smarm, dash, daub, bedaub, paint; blotting,
daubing, painting, spreading, smearing; dab
of paint, blotch of colour
slaa corc lostit er ~ cork
slaa daah ~ paint
slaa harrish ~ overpaint
slaa laue ~ bribe
slaa laueys ~ bribery
slaa paagyn fliugh (er) ~ beslobber
slaa smug (er) ~ beslaver
slaader ~ painter, dauber, slogan writer
slaader laue ~ briber
slaaghey ~ paint, daub
slaait ~ smearer, blotchy, painted, plastered,
daubed, dauby
slaanaghey ~ recover, pull through, indemnify,
integrate; recuperation, recovery, integration;
slaaney ~ placenta
slaaney credjue ~ faith-healing
slaaneyder credjue ~ faith-healer
slaanit ~ recovered
sladdagh ~ robbery, plunder, theft
sladdan ~ mallet, wash-staff, beetle
sladdan airhey ~ golden rod
sladdaney ~ beat clothes, beetle
sladdanit ~ beetled
slag ~ slag
slagg ~ clinker
slaig ~ scoria
slaigh ~ carnage
slamm ~ dream
slamockle ~ passing remark
slanaghey ~ make, heal, healing
slane ~ absolutely, total, fully, integer, intact,
absolute (of ruler), utter, unimpaired, entire,
undivided, sane, healed, unhurt, gross,
unbroken, inviolate, perfect, unharmed, well,
thorough, sheer, whole, complete,
unexpurgated (as edition); good bye, chin-
slane ayd ~ ave, farewell, bye-bye, cheerio,
good bye, good afternoon (depart), adieu
slane baanrit ~ plumb crazy
slane bannaght ~ valediction
slane bouyr ~ stone-deaf
slane chreeagh ~ whole-hearted
slane-chruinney ~ ensemble
slane-chummit ~ fully-fashioned
slane coayl ~ write off
slane cronnal ~ unambiguous
slane currit (da) ~ devoted
slane doal ~ stone-blind
Slane dy valley! ~ Safe home!
slane-earroo ~ integer, whole number
slane-eash ~ maturity
slane er meshtey ~ soused
Slane eu! ~ Adieu! Farewell!
slane feayr ~ stone cold
slane femoil ~ vital
slane jeant ~ model, perfect, completely done,
complete, flawless
slane-jeeanid ~ dedication
slane juailys ~ write off
slane kiarit ~ determined
Slane lhiat! ~ Good-bye! Farewell! Bye-bye!
Cheerio! Chin-chin! Adieu!
slane lhiettal ~ period, full stop
slane lhieu ~ farewell
slane lhiurid ~ whole length
slane lus ~ heal-all, ribwort
slane mooirchoor ~ total wreck
slane obbaltagh ~ bone-dry, teetotaller, total
abstainer; teetotal
slane obbaltys ~ abstinence (from alcohol),
slane ommidan ~ perfect idiot
slane palchey ~ abundance
slane palchys ~ profusion
slane pooar ~ authority
y slane raad ~ the whole hog
slane-reiltagh ~ autocrat, autocratic(al)
slane-reiltys ~ autocracy
slane ry-hoi (red) ~ expressly
slane sauchey ~ safe and sound
slane scooyrit ~ soused
slane seyr ~ scot-free
slane shickyr ~ unambiguous
slane shleeuit er ~ willed
slane tushtagh ~ Perfect knowledge
slane tushtagh ayns ~ well up in
slane vie ~ very well, most well
slane ymmyrchagh ~ indispensable
slane ynrickys ~ perfection of character
slaneagh(ey) ~ make whole
slanechreck ~ wholesale
slanechreckeyder ~ wholesaler
slanee ~ healing
slaneid ~ total, thoroughness, wholeness,
sanity, totality, absoluteness, perfection,
slaneit ~ made whole, healed
slanejeantys ~ perfection
slaneyder ~ healer
slanid ~ completeness, entirety
slanjeant ~ ideal
slanjeantys ~ idealness
slannaghey ~ recuperate
slap ~ slip
slappagh ~ oozy, marshy, brackish
slash ~ whip (of cable), splice
slash kipp ~ whip-lash
slashal ~ lash, splice, whip
slashal er ash ~ whip back
slashal stiagh ~ whip in
slashey ~ lash
slashit ~ lashed, spliced
slat(t) [f] ~ rod, mace, wand, stem, birch,
switch, batten, slat, cane, rail, penis of
animal; waterline, verge
slat aahoiee ~ quickset
slat chianglee ~ link, tie-rod, connecting rod
slat chliwe ~ sword-stick
slat chouyllagh ~ dowsing rod
slat churtan ~ curtain-rod
slat eeastee ~ fishing rod
slat ghlass ~ green shoot
slat ghleiy glass ~ lime twig
slat ghlonney ~ glass rod
slat ghreeish ~ stair-rod
slat ghunn ~ ramrod, cleaning rod
slat hellee ~ osier
slat hendreil ~ lightning-rod
slat hiauill ~ sailyard
slat hiaull jerree ~ mizzen-yard
slat hooaghan ~ piston rod
slat hooisht ~ flail
slat hows(h)e ~ yardstick, criterion
slat hummee ~ dipper, dipstick
slat rollageagh ~ astrolabe
slat seiyee ~ push-rod
slat varrey ~ sea tangle
slat vooar ~ main yard
slat vraddan ~ salmon rod
slat vrattagh ~ jack-staff
slat vreck ~ trout rod
slat whill ~ fly rod
slat y ghrommey ~ broad of the back
slat y shiaull ard ~ gaff
slat-yiarn ~ bar-iron
Slat yn Ree ~ Sword of Orion
slattag ~ twig, parch, stripe, small rod, small
switch, small stick, swizzle stick; written
slattag choull ~ hazel twig
slattag froaish ~ swagger cane
slattag ghaaphoullagh ~ double-pole switch
slattag ghlass ~ cucumber
slattag hillish ~ cherry stick
slattag hraa ~ time switch
slattag hrome ~ grave accent
slattag lhoobagh ~ circumflex accent
slattag phlug ~ plug switch
slattag varrey ~ oar weed
slattag virragh ~ acute accent
slattag voynnee ~ bastinado
slattag yiare ~ breve accent
slattagagh ~ twiglike
slattagyn-duillag ~ leaf sprays
slatterys ~ opinionated talk
Slattey ~ Yarding
slattys ~ law, parliamentary act, regulation,
slattys lhiasee ~ amending act
slattys oastey ~ licensing act
slattys thallooin ~ land act
slattysey ~ law-making
slattyssagh ~ legislative, law-giver, statutory,
slattyssaghey ~ enactment, enact
slattyssyn ~ legislation
slauaght ~ slavery
slaue ~ slave
slauey ~ mugging
slaueyder ~ mugger
slaughey ~ set upon
slautyr ~ slaughter
Slavagh ~ Slav, Slavonic, Slavonian
Slavish ~ Slav, Slavonic, Slavonian
Slavoanagh ~ Slavonian
slaynt [f] ~ health, sanity, constitution
Slaynt! ~ Health! (drinking toast)
slaynt ny theay ~ public health
slaynt-oayllee ~ hygienist, naturopath
slaynt-oaylleeaght ~ naturopathy
slaynt-oayllys ~ hygiene
slaynt vie ~ unimpaired health
Slaynt vie! ~ Cheers!
slayntagh ~ hygienic
slayntaghys ~ sanitation, hygiene
slayntee ~ sanitarian
slayntoil ~ healthy, sound, genial, salubrious,
sanitary, sane
slayntoilid ~ geniality, salubrity, sanitariness,
healthiness, healthfulness
sleab ~ thrall, slave
sleab birling ~ galley slave
sleabaght ~ slavery, thraldom
sleadey-focklyn ~ drawl
sleaghit ~ prostrated
sleaghtagh ~ grovelling
sleaghtaghey ~ slide, kneel, prostrate, kneeling,
grovelling, grovel
sleaghtaght ~ prostration
sleaghtey ~ kneel, get down, kneeling
sleaghtey veih'n chredjue ~ apostacy
sleaghtit ~ prostrate
sleaghtragh ~ slovenly
sleaghtys ~ prostration
s'leaie ~ sooner, soonest
sleaie ~ (see s'leaie)
sleayd ~ trail, dredge, sledge, toboggan, trailer
sleayd chabbil ~ sleigh
sleayd liauyr ~ bob-sleigh
sleayd roagan ~ scallop-dredge
sleayd (screebee) ~ drag
sleayd ushtey ~ raft
sleayd vooar ~ sleigh
sleaydagh ~ trailing
sleayder ~ trailing, lug
sleaydey ~ dredging, drag, sledge, dredge, draw
along, sleigh, draggle, trail
sleaydey-focklyn ~ drawling
sleaydey lesh ~ drag along
sleaydeyder ~ dredger
sleaydit ~ dredged, sledged, dragged, drawn,
s'leayr ~ evidently
sleayst ~ shovel
sleayst gheayil ~ coal shovel
sleayst ghreesagh ~ fire shovel
sleayst leoirey ~ dust pan
sleayst uinnee ~ peel
sleaystag vrooillee ~ crumb-scoop
sleaystagh ~ fan-shaped
sleaystey ~ mixing, mix, shovel, shovelling,
sleaystey ersooyl ~ shovel away
sleaysteyder ~ shoveller, scooper
sleaystit ~ shovelled
sleean ~ spear, lance, goad
sleeanag ~ goad
sleeanagh ~ lanceolate, spear like
sleeaney ~ goad, lance, spear
sleeaneyr ~ lancer
sleeanit ~ lanced, provoked, speared
sleeantagh ~ provoking
sleeit ~ lapped up
sleetch ~ slime, deceitful person, slippery
person, lurker, sneak, nark, loiterer (with
sleetchagh ~ deceitful, furtive, slimy, sneaking,
lurking, hang-dog
sleetchaght ~ disingenuousness, furtiveness,
sleetchal ~ lurk, loitering, sneak, lurking,
sleetchys ~ sliminess
sleggan ~ meat-cleaver
sleggan sleeu ~ foxglove
sleggan slieau ~ foxglove
sleickal ~ slaking, slake
sleickit ~ slaked
sleig ~ morsel, any small bit, minute fraction,
sleih ~ people, public, family, relations,
inhabitants, crowd, populace
sleih aegey ~ young people
sleih beggey ~ fairies
sleih boghtey ~ poorer classes
sleih-champ ~ concentration camp
sleih coshey ~ infantry
sleih-earroo ~ census (of people)
sleih-eeagh ~ man-eating
sleih elley harrish ~ others besides
sleih er yn raad ~ passer-by
slieh gerrym ~ slogan
sleih-ghammanyn ~ team games
sleih goll shaghey ~ passer-by
sleih gyn oik ~ private persons
sleih mooar ~ numerous people
sleih mullee ~ elite, upper crust
sleih neuchommeeagh ~ neutrals
sleih noa ~ replacements
sleih ooasle ~ upper class
sleih ooasley ~ gentlefolk, gentry
sleih shillagh ~ sighted people
sleih shinney ~ elders
sleih toshee ~ advance party
sleihaght ~ mass (of people)
sleihreihys caghlaaee ~ volatile electorate
sleitagh ~ mountainous, highland
sleitaght ~ mountainousness
sleitoil ~ highland
Ny Sleityn Cregganagh ~ The Rocky Mountains
sleityn freoghaneagh ~ blaeberry mountains
Ny Sleityn Pyreanagh ~ The Pyrenees
Ny Sleityn Skerragh ~ The Rocky Mountains
sleityn yn vactullagh ~ vocal hills
slentagh ~ biased
slew ~ twist, swerve
slewal ~ swerve
s'lhea ~ widest, broadest
s'lhomey ~ barest
s'lhoys dou ~ I dare
slibbin ~ sloven
slibbinagh ~ slovenly
slibbinaght ~ slovenliness
slieau ~ mountain, fell, hillside, moor, berg
slieau loshtee ~ volcano
Yn Slieau Mooar ~ Snaefell
slieaudeyr ~ mountaineer
slieaudeyrys ~ mountaineering
slieaueyder ~ mountaineer
sliee ~ lap, lapping
slieeuan ~ file
slieeuan ingey ~ nail-file
sliennoo ~ surname, cognomen
s'liklee ~ assumable
sliman ~ house-coat, caftan
sling ~ weaver's reed
sling fidderagh ~ slay
slink ~ still-born animal
S'liooar! ~ Hold!
slish-woalley ~ cut
slishal ~ slop
sliss ~ slice, frustum
sliss-vuilley ~ slice
slissag ~ slice, round of bread, rasher, cutting,
collop, shaving
slissag feill-vohlt ~ mutton-chop
slissag foiee ~ wood shaving
slissag luan ~ loin chop
slissag vaidjey ~ wood shaving
slissaghey ~ slice
slissey ~ cut, slice, dice
slisseyder ~ slicer
slissit ~ sliced
sliught ~ line, issue, spawn
sliughtoilid ~ fruitfulness
s'liurey ~ longest
sliurey ~ (see s'liurey)
sloat ~ rock pool, puddle; cessation (of rain)
sloateil ~ dry, abate; drying, abatement,
cessation of rain, clearing of weather,
slackening of tide
sloateilys ~ drying
slob ~ slob, mucky person
slobbagh ~ mucky, dowdy, floppy, scruffy,.
slobbaght ~ sloppiness
sloc ~ hollow
slock ~ core, live part of horn
slogh ~ shaft, hollow, pit
slogh cloaie ~ stone pit
slogh eayil ~ lime pit
slogh geayil ~ coal pit
slogh geinnee ~ sand pit
slogh marley ~ marl pit
slogh moaney ~ turf bank
slogh ronsee ~ inspection pit
sloghan ~ hollow
slogheyder ~ shaft-sinker
slogragh ~ sink
slongan ~ wreath (of flowers), garland
slongan oanluckee ~ funeral wreathe
slonn ~ expression
ny sloo ~ shorter, less, lesser, littler, smaller
sloo ~ shortest, least, smallest
s'loo ~ (see sloo)
ny sloo na blein (roish) ~ within a year
ny s'looid ~ if not, unless, except
slooid ~ inferiority
slouree [f] ~ pot-hanger, chain, back bar;
sloureeagh ~ chain
slourin ~ shackle
Slovackagh ~ Slovak
Sloveanagh ~ Slovene
sluddagh ~ sludgy
sluddaght ~ sludge
slug ~ swig, swallow, draught
sluggag ~ swallow, gulp, swig
sluggagh ~ gorging
sluggan ~ whirlpool
sluggane ~ Greenland laver, neck of bottle, sea
lettuce, slake
sluggee ~ gorging
sluggey ~ swallow, swig, slug, guzzle, draw,
devour, gorge, gulp, engulf, suck down;
gobbling, devouring, guzzling, gorging,
absorption, gulping, sucking, pulling,
sluggey sheese ~ polish off, gobble, wolf,
swallow up, quaff, drink off
sluggeyder ~ guzzler, swallower, gobbler,
sluggeyder aile ~ fire-eater
sluggeyder thallooin ~ land-grabber
sluggid ~ whirlpool, glottis, weasand
sluggidagh ~ glottal
sluggit ~ swallowed, engulfed, sunk, sunken,
sluht ~ slut, draggle-tail
sluhtagh ~ dirty (slovenly), sluttish
sluight ~ lineage, family, passage, descendant,
posterity, progeniture, children's children,
seed, parentage, remnant, offspring, race
sluight troggee ~ breeding stock
sluightagh ~ descendant, prolific, fruitful
sluightoil ~ fruitful, lineal, prolific
sluightoilid ~ prolificness
sluightoilys ~ prolificness
slumm ~ mucus, jelly, coagulum, jellyfish
slumm gullarnagh ~ lion's mane
slumm millish ~ jelly
slummagh ~ jelly-like, mucous, slummy
slummey ~ slum
slydagh ~ squinting, cursory, leer, disingenuous
slydaghey ~ leer
slydaght ~ leer, squint, disingenuousness
slyderaght ~ artifice
slyst ~ border, district, environ, seaboard,
region, coast, suburb
Slyst ny Halbey ~ Scottish Border
slyst ny marrey ~ sea coast
slystagh ~ district, coastal, regional
slystyn ~ confines
smagh ~ click (of tongue)
smaghanagh ~ lingering
smaght ~ control, correction, chastisement,
discipline, empire, good order, subjection,
restraint, castigation, restriction, command
smaght er hene ~ self-disipline, self-command,
smaght-ghlass ~ snap-lock
smaghtagh ~ tameable, castigatory, afflicting,
restraining, subduer, restrictive, correction,
mast er f ul , vi ct or , aut hor i t ar i an,
smaghtaghey ~ master, check, control, govern,
subject, correct (as child), chasten,
chastisement, restrain, discipline, mortify,
afflict, overmaster, chastening, castigation,
smaghtal ~ reprove
smaghtee ~ chastening, corrective, prohibitory
smaghteen ~ trucheon
smaghtey ~ castigate, discipline, suppress,
master, curb, check, chasten, manage,
control, checking, repression, chastening
smaghteyder ~ suppressor, chastiser, castigator,
smaghteyr ~ martinet, provost, disciplinarian
smaghtit ~ controlled, governed, chastened,
disciplined, castigated, reproved, corrected,
cowed, curbed, subjected, subdued,
smaghtlan ~ bridewell
smaghtoil ~ heavy-handed, repressive,
smale ~ spark
smaleagh ~ spark-producing
smaleyder ~ snuffer
smaragaid ~ emerald
smarage [f] ~ cinder, live coal, ember, breeze
smarage yiarn ~ cinder
smarageagh ~ red-hot, glowing
smarree ~ greasing, greasy, unctuous
smarreeys ~ greasiness
smarrey ~ grease, greasing, lubrication,
lubricate, dubbin
smarrey cainle ~ candle grease
smarrey cairt ~ cart grease
smarrey clean-aile ~ grate polish
smarrey guoiee ~ goose greese
smarrey muc ~ lard
smarrey olley ~ wool grease
smarreyder ~ lubricator, lubricant, greaser
smarrid ~ unctuousness
smarrit ~ lubricated, greased
smayl ~ spark
smearey ~ splotch, smudge, smear, blemish,
blur, stain
smearit ~ smudgy
s'meeiney ~ softest, smoothest
smeg ~ chin
smeg gheyre ~ underhung chin
smeg veayl ~ receding chin
smeggin ~ chin
smeggin corrinagh ~ nutcracker chin
smeggin lhag ~ retreating chin
smeggin meayl ~ receding chin
smeggyl [f] ~ chin
smeggyl corranagh ~ nutcracker chin
smeid ~ nod
smeidagh ~ beckoner
smeidee ~ beckoning
smeidey ~ beckon, beck, nod, beckoning,
smeideyder ~ beckoner
smeih ~ sorrow, affliction
smeihagh ~ afflicting, distressing
smeir ~ blackberries
smeireeagh ~ picking berries
s'melley ~ poorest
smelt ~ foundry, smelter
smenkey ~ oftenest
smennickey ~ oftenest
S'merg dou! ~ Woe is me!
S'merg! ~ Alas!
smessey ~ worst
s'messey ~ (see smessey)
ny smessey na shoh ~ worse than this
smeyr [f] ~ blackbery, berry
smeyr churree ~ cranberry
smeyr fannag ~ crowberry
smeyr (ghoo) ~ bramble berry
smeyr ghreiney ~ late blackberry, stone bramble
smeyr loaganagh ~ loganberry
smeyr ny moaneeyn ~ cloudberry
smeyr yiarg ~ Chinese raspberry, wineberry
smeyragh ~ berried
smeyrey ~ stain, picking berries
s'mian (lesh) ~ yearn
smiddagh ~ smutty
smiddee ~ smuttier
s'mie lhiam ~ I like
S'mie shen! ~ Smashing!
S'mie yn dooinney! ~ Bravo! (to man)
S'mie yn ven! ~ Bravo!(to woman)
smiggyl ~ diminutive animal
smigh ~ snuff
smishtaghey ~ slog
smishtey ~ slog
smishteyr ~ slogger
smithereenyn ~ smithereens
smittag ~ playful kiss, dark-looking girl
smittagh ~ smutty
smittan ~ smut
smittanagh ~ smutty
smoaghan ~ seaweed
smoalley ~ blight (on grain)
smoash ~ crash, smash, smash up
smoashagh ~ shattering
smoashal ~ smash, break, shatter, crash
smoashit ~ shattered, crushed, smashed
smock ~ chemise
smock whuineelagh ~ sleeved chemise
smoghan ~ stink, smell of fish, strong smell,
effluvium, exhalation, fume, effluent
smoghanagh ~ stinking
smoghaneagh ~ smouldering
smoghaney ~ linger (as smell), smoulder,
smoo ~ largest, greatest, most, utmost, furthest,
tallest, biggest
s'moo ~ (see smoo)
ny smoo geay ayn ~ windier
ny smoo na ~ above
smoodal ~ ironing, smoothing, smooth over,
smooth, iron, calender
smoodal magh ~ smooth out
smoodeyder ~ ironer, calender
smoodit ~ calendered, smoothed, ironed
smoogh ~ playful kiss
smooidraght ~ smokewisp, a little rain
smooinagh ~ think
smooinaghey ~ reflect, think
smooinaght ~ sentiment, notion, think,
impression, opinion, concept, thought
smooinaght aghtal ~ brainwave
smooinaght chianglt ~ obsession, fixed idea
smooinaght noi ~ counterview
smooinaght rolaue ~ forethought
smooinaghtagh ~ thoughtful, imaginable,
pensive, notional, serious, thinking
smooinaghtaght ~ seriousness, thoughtfulness
smooinaghtoil ~ thinkable
smooinaghtyn ~ think, imagination, thought,
reflecting, reflect, cogitation, far-away,
cogitate, bethink, thinking
smooinaghtyn bunneydagh ~ root ideas
smooinaghtyn dowin ~ musing
smooinaghtyn er ~ think about, envisage,
consider, contemplate
smooinaghtyn er ard ~ muse
smooinaghtyn ooasle ~ high thoughts, noble
smooinaghtyn oorey ~ new ideas
smooinaghtyn rolaue (er) ~ premeditate
smooinaghyn er hene ~ self-communion
smooinee dy dowin er ~ muse
smooinee dy fastagh er ~ muse
smooineyder ~ thinker, cogitator, contemplator
smooiragh ~ sniggering, smirking
smooirane ~ shard
smooirane ruy ~ rust
smooirey ~ snigger, titter, smirk; sniggering,
tittering, smirking
smooireyder ~ sniggerer, smirker
smooirlagh ~ fragment, debris, bits
smooirooil ~ snigger, smirk, titter
smooreyvane ~ lamp black
smorig ~ pet, pip, touchiness, huff
smorigagh ~ touchy, huffy
smorigys ~ pettishness
smug ~ snot, catarrh, spit, mucus, spittle,
blubber of jellyfish
smug-chooag ~ cuckoo spit
smug rauney ~ jellyfish
smuggagh ~ snivelling, catarrhal, snuffling,
snotty, mucous
smuggaght ~ snottiness, mucosity
smuggey ~ snotting, spit
smuggit ~ spat, spit upon, snotted
smugglal alchoal ~ bootlegging
smugglal (jough) ~ bootleg
smuggleragh ~ smuggle
smuggleragh gunnaghyn ~ gun-running
smuggleyder alchoal ~ bootlegger
smuggleyr ~ contrabandist
smuggyl ~ smuggle
smuir ~ marrow
smuirneen ~ mote
smuirragh ~ marrowy
smull ~ huff, tarnish, sulk, scowl
smullagh ~ scowling, huffy
smullish ~ celery
smutt ~ pug-nose
smuttagh ~ flat-nosed, short-snouted, pug-
smutvoddey ~ pug
snagchiaull ~ jazz
snaggagh ~ jerky
snaggeragh ~ gnash, champ
snaggeraght ~ champing, gnashing, champ
snaggeral ~ champ, gnash, chatter (as teeth),
chattering, champing, grinding
snaggey ~ jazz
snaggeyder ~ gnasher, champer
snagvanney ~ jazz band
snaid [f] ~ indicator, needle, pointer, index,
style, hand (of barometer)
snaid chleaynys ~ dip-needle
snaid-chooylley ~ needle valve
snaid (clag-greiney) ~ gnomon
snaid fo-chrackanagh ~ hypodermic needle
snaid gharnail ~ darning needle
snaid ny shallidyn ~ centre-second
snaid vacseen ~ vaccine point
snaid varrey ~ tiddler, pipefish, garfish
snaid vooar ~ dragonfly, minute hand, bodkin
snaid whaaley ~ sewing needle
snaid y vochilley ~ Venus's comb
snaidagh ~ needle-like
snaideen ~ spicule
snaidey ~ knit, of a needle
snaideyr ~ needlemaker
snaideyrys ~ needlemaking
snaidit ~ knitted
snaie ~ yarn, line, thread, netting
snaie airhey ~ gold thread
snaie barree ~ thread of tow
snaie cadee ~ sewing cotton
snaie cast ~ twine
snaie daa cheayrt ~ over
snaie geaysh ~ mohair
snaie glonney ~ glass wool
snaie innee ~ weft, weft-yarn
snaie kennipey ~ pack-thread, hemp
snaie kereagh ~ waxed thread
snaie lhieggit ~ dropped thread
snaie lieen ~ linen thread
snaie ny himleig ~ umbilical cord
snaie oashyragh ~ worsted yarn
snaie olley ~ woollen yarn, knitting wool
snaie resh ~ thread of life, vital thread
snaie (scrod) ~ worm
snaie sheeidey ~ silk thread, sewing silk
snaie smooinaght ~ train of thought
snaie staillinagh ~ steel wire
snaie 'sy choigee ~ abb
snaie whaalee ~ sewing thread
snaie yiarn ~ wire
snaie yn vea ~ thread of life
snaieagh ~ grained, thread-like
snaiean ~ filament, filanders
snaipyr ~ sniper
snap ~ short sleep, snooze, nap
snap munlaa ~ siesta
snapperaght ~ snoozing, napping, nap
snapperal ~ tripping (stumbling), trip,
stumbling, pull, stumble
snappeyder ~ napper, snoozer
snaue ~ swim, glide, float, in suspension,
slither, course, sidle, creep, floating, creep
(as child), crawl, scuttle; track (of snail);
swimming, bathing, creeping, crawling,
gliding, slithering, flotation
snaue drommey ~ back stroke
snaue faarkey ~ sea bathing
snaue ny tonnyn ~ surf bathing
snaue reesht ~ refloat
snaue roish ~ creep on, creep along
snaueagh ~ swimming, buoyant, creepy
snaueaght ~ buoyancy
snauean ~ raft, float
snauean sauchys ~ life-buoy
snauean skian ~ wing-float
snaueaneagh ~ fibrous
snaueanyn ~ floats
snaueder ~ swimmer
snaueyder ~ crawler, creeper
snaueyder billagh ~ tree-creeper
snee ~ vexation, offence, crossness
snee (er) ~ offend
sneef ~ umbrage
sneeshyn ~ snuff
sneeu ~ spin, spinning
sneeuane ~ spider's web, cobweb, gossamer
sneeuane ushtey ~ water spider
sneeuanee ~ cross-hairs
sneeuder ~ spinner
sneeuder cadee ~ cotton-spinner
sneeuit ~ spun, annoyed, piqued
sneg ~ sneck, catch, latch
sneggagh ~ snappish
sneggal ~ latch
sneig ~ nit
sneih ~ crossness, offence, vexation, umbrage
sneih-aignagh ~ remorseful
sneih-aigney ~ remorse
sneihagh ~ vexatious, vexed, piqued
sneim aamaid ~ timber-hitch
sneim roie ~ running loop
sniaghtagh ~ snowlike, snowy
sniaghtey ~ snow
sniaghtey bog ~ slush
sniaghtey fliugh ~ sleet
sniaghtey floagagh ~ snow in flakes
sniaghtey garroo ~ hail
sniaghtey meein ~ snow in flakes
sniaghtey sheebit ~ driven snow
Sniaul ~ Snaefell
snieeagh ~ injured tone of voice
snieg ~ louse egg
sniegagh ~ nitty
sniem ~ knot, snare, bow knot
sniem cass-cheyrragh ~ sheepshank
sniem choorsagh ~ reef knot
sniem roie ~ slip knot, running knot
sniemmag ~ hyphen
sniemmagh ~ knotted
sniemmey ~ knit, knot, tie; knitting, knotting,
tying, joining, noose, anchylosis, alligation
sniemmey (hug) ~ affix
sniemmey ry-cheilley ~ conjoin, piece together,
anchylose, alligate, join
sniemmeyder ~ knotter, knitter
sniemmit ~ knitted, noosed, knotted, joined,
snieng ~ nit, louse egg
sniengagh ~ nitty
sniengan ~ ant
sniengan bane ~ termite
sniengan caggee ~ soldier ant
sniengan doo ~ black ant
sniengan ruy ~ red ant
sniengan sidooragh ~ soldier ant
snienganagh ~ ant-infested, formic
sniessey ~ nearer, proximate, adjacent, next
s'niessey ~ (see sniessey)
snig ~ flip, latch, flick, fillip, catch
snigg ~ immature eel
sniggal ~ flick
snoag ~ sneak
snoagerey ~ sneak
snoagyragh ~ sneaking
snoagyraght ~ sneak, sneaking
snoaid ~ cast
snog ~ toss (of head), nod
snoggal ~ nod, nutation, nodding
snoggeyder ~ woodpecker
snoggeyder breck ~ Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
snoggeyder doo ~ black woodpecker
snoggeyder glass ~ Green Woodpecker
snoggeyder mooar ~ Great Spotted Woodpecker,
laughing jackass
snooker ~ snooker
snug ~ butt of animal, poke, flounce, toss of
snuggal ~ push, nod, dig with elbow, bob down,
flounce, toss (as head); nutation; nodding,
bobbing, butting
snuggal neese ~ bob up
snuggane ~ woodpecker
so ~ soh
so- ~ (prefix) -able
so-akin ~ visible
so-arganeagh ~ arguable
so-caghlaa ~ exchangeable
so-chaghlaa ~ elastic
so-chaghlaays ~ elasticity
so-chammey ~ bendable
so-cheaghley ~ alterable, convertible
so-cheiltyn ~ concealable
so-chiartaghey ~ correctable, adjustable
so-chionnaghey stiagh ~ importable
so-chionnaght ~ venality
so-chlashtyn ~ audible
so-chlashtynys ~ audibility
so-chleayney ~ impressionable
so-chliaghtey ~ habit-forming
so-choadey ~ defendable
so-choearroo ~ computable
so-choghlooghey ~ condensable
so-chooilley ~ achievable
so-choonrey ~ barterable, exchangeable
so-choontey ~ calculable, reckonable,
so-chosney ~ winnable
so-choyrlaghey ~ easily led, biddable
so-choyrlit ~ weak morally, tractile, tractability
so-chraplagh ~ contractible
so-chraplaghey ~ creasable
so-chraplaght ~ contractibility
so-chreckys ~ venality
so-chredjal ~ believable, credible, convincing
so-chredjallagh ~ plausible
so-chredjallaght ~ plausibility
so-chummeydagh ~ malleable
so-chur ~ transmissible
so-chur ass lieh ~ attributable
so-chur gys leih ~ attributable
so-chur sheese da ~ attributable
so-chyndaa ~ convertible
so-creck ~ vendible
so-earrooagh ~ calculable
so-eaysley ~ liquid
so-feaysley ~ fathomable
so-follaghey ~ concealable
so-ghaalagh ~ volatile
so-ghaalaght ~ volatility
so-gheyrey ~ condemnable
so-ghleashagh ~ accommodating of morals,
ductile, floating, temperamental
so-ghleashaght ~ malleability, ductility, mobility
so-ghleashit ~ tractile, tractability
so-ghleayshagh ~ biddable, smooth-running,
so-ghreesaghey ~ combustible, inflammable,
so-ghreeshaght ~ combustibility
so-ghurneil ~ governable
so-hassoo ~ maintainable
so-hoiggal ~ intelligible, comprehensible,
understandable, fathomable
so-hoiggalys ~ intelligibility
so-hollaghey ~ contaminable
so-hoo ~ absorbable
so-hroailt ~ negotiable
so-huntal ~ fathomable
so-hyndaa ~ versatile
so-leih ~ excusable
so-lhaih ~ decipherable, readable
so-lheiaght ~ fusibility
so-lheihys ~ curable
so-lhiantyn ~ attachable
so-lhiasaghey ~ correctable, amendable
so-lhoobagh ~ malleable, pliable, anfractuosity,
adaptable, anfractuous
so-lhoobaght ~ plasticity, buoyancy,
malleability, elasticity, flexibility,
adaptability, facility, pliability
so-lhoobey ~ flexible, bendable, elastic,
yielding, hard and fast
so-lhottaght ~ vulnerability
so-lhottey ~ vulnerable
so-loayrtagh ~ smooth-spoken, rhetoric
so-lostagh ~ combustibility
so-lostey ~ fiery, inflammable, ignitable
so-nieet ~ washable
so-obbal ~ deniable
so-obbraghys ~ tractile, tractability
so-phardooney ~ venial
so-phardoonys ~ veniality
so-pholldey ~ maintainable
so-reaghit ~ easily settled
so-rheynn ~ divisible
so-roshtyn ~ approachable (place)
so-scarrey ~ detachable
so-shaghney ~ evadable
so-sheeyney ~ elastic
so-sheeyneydys ~ elasticity
so-smaghtaghey ~ governable
so-smaghtey ~ correctable
so-stiurey ~ manageable
so-stroie ~ destructible
so-urryssagh ~ assurable
so-vaih ~ excusable
so-veaghee ~ maintainable
so-veashagh ~ complaisant
so-veaysaght ~ complaisance
so-vestaght ~ miscibility
so-vestey ~ mixable, miscible
so-vioraght ~ flexibility
so-vooghey ~ quenchable
so-vrishey ~ frangible, breakable, brittle, fragile
so-yannoo ~ easy done, practicable
so-yiarrey ~ condensable
so-ymmyrkey ~ endurable
soailchagh ~ indolent
soailchaghey ~ idling, indulge, idle
soaill ~ indolent, luxurious
soaillagh ~ sumptuous, warmly-clad,
soaillaght ~ slothfulness, sumpuousness,
indolence, idleness
soailleeaght ~ luxury
soailley ~ lag, wrapper, bind, wrap, swaddle,
swathing, swathe, lagging
soailleyder ~ wrapper (person)
soaillid ~ luxury
soaillit ~ swathed, sissyish, wrapped, swaddled
soailt ~ of the barn
soailtagh ~ effeminate, effeminate man, sissy,
puff, queer
soailtaght ~ girlish male
soalley ~ parturient, parturition, puerperal
soalt ~ granary, barn
soar ~ odour, aroma, scent, pong, sniff, breath,
smell, bouquet, sense of smell
soar breinn ~ stink
soar greddee ~ hot smell
soar oor ~ blazing scent
soar trome ~ strong smell
soar villish ~ fragrance
soaraghey ~ scent, smelling, smell
soaral ~ scented, scent, odorous, smell,
smelling, pong, whiff, sense of smell
soaral jeh ~ redolent, redolence
soaralagh ~ olfactive, odoriferous
soarey ~ smell, smelling, psora
soareyder ~ smeller
soarit ~ smelled
sobbyl ~ suds
sobbylagh ~ sudsy
soc inganagh ~ horn of anvil
soccar ~ leisure, ease, comfort, association
football, comfortableness
soccaragh ~ staid, forbearing, easy-going,
leisurely, unexcitable, pacific, sweet-
tempered, placid, good-natured, slow (as
soccaraght ~ staidness
soccarid ~ leisureliness
soccarys ~ placidity, calmness, forbearance
soccer ~ soccer
socceragh ~ moderate
soccoil ~ cosy, easy, easy-going
soccoilid ~ ease, cosiness, easiness
sock [f] ~ nozzle, nose, mould-board, rose,
ploughshare, share, jet, toe, horn of anvil,
snout, bow
sock-hummey ~ nose-dive
sockagh ~ snouty
sockyr ~ Association football
soda ~ soda
soda arran ~ baking soda
soda loshtagh ~ caustic soda
soda niaghan ~ washing soda
soda niaghyn ~ washing soda
soddag ~ bannock, thick cake
soddag chaashey ~ cheese cake
soddag churran ~ Eccles cake
soddag eeast ~ fish cake
soddag hostynagh ~ muffin
soddag risheen ~ plum cake
soddag valloo ~ dumb cake
soddag vanshey ~ wedding cake
soddag verrin ~ bonnag
soddag vess ~ fruit cake
sodjey ~ farthest, longest
ny sodjey ~ farther, longer; moreover,
furthermore, no more, any more
s'odjey ~ (see sodjey)
sodjey er-ash ~ backmost
sodjey gys y jerrey ~ aftermost, sternmost
sodjey magh ~ outermost, uttermost
ny sodjey magh ~ farther afield
sodjey mooie ~ outermost
ny sodjey na shen ~ moreover
sodjey noon ~ future
ny sodjey noon ~ ulteriorly, ulterior
sodjey sheese ~ downmost
ny sodjey stiagh ~ further
sodjey stiagh ~ inner, inmost
sodomagh ~ sodomite
sodomaght ~ sodomy
sofisticoil ~ sophisticated
sogh ~ surge, moan, sigh, sob, groan, whimper,
soghal ~ moan, sigh, sough, sob, groan,
whimper, surge, groaning, moaning, sobbing
soghallagh ~ sigher
soghaller ~ grunter
sogheyder ~ sobber, sigher, moaner, groaner,
whimperer, grunter
soghit ~ sobbed
soiag [f] ~ seat
soiag chassee ~ swivel seat
soiag chillagh ~ pew
soiag fillit ~ folding seat
soiag loodree ~ bracket seat
soiag varril ~ bucket seat
soiagan ~ cushion
soiagan oie ~ bed-settee
soiagh ~ placing, set; attack, assail, raid
soiagh baaishagh ~ frontal attack
soiagh-er ~ onset
soiagh er ash (er) ~ counter-attack
soiagh gas ~ gas attack
soiagh jeh ~ approbation
soiagh poleen ~ police raid
soiaghan ~ stand
soiagher ~ raider, accepter, attacker
soiaghey ~ settle, seat, implant, plant, set, let,
situate, determine, set up, fix, synchronize,
situation, place, repose, station, pitch,
incursion, setting, posture, installation,
mounting, letting
soiaghey beg jeh ~ misprize, set a low value on,
undervalue, underrate, despise, under-
soiaghey clou ~ type-setting
soiaghey crauenyn ~ bone-setting
soiaghey ec reamys ~ liberate
soiaghey er ~ set upon, raid, assault, pitch into,
storm, attack
soiaghey er y ghrunt ~ ground
soiaghey harrish ~ appoint
soiaghey jeh ~ esteem, set, acceptance, accept
soiaghey magh ~ furnish, profess, disposition,
set forth, bed out, represent
soiaghey magh baljyn ~ town planning
soiaghey magh balley ~ town plan
soiaghey mooar jeh ~ appreciate, prize
soiaghey (mysh) ~ beset
soiaghey noi ry-hoi ~ contrast
soiaghey reeuid er ~ rate
soiaghey ribbey (er son) ~ snare
soiaghey rolaue ~ preset
soiaghey seose ~ set up
soiaghey stiagh ~ inoculate
soiaghey treinaghyn ~ nail-set
soiagyn ~ sedilia
soider ~ sitter
soie ~ sit, situate, mount, bottom (as boat),
invest, seating, man-handle; sitting,
mounting; resting place, session
ny soie ~ sitting, aground, seated
soie argid ~ invested
ny soie chirrym ~ stranded
soie cosaayl ~ squat, squatting, sitting on
soie ec reamys ~ liberate
soie er ash ~ set back
soie harrish ~ preside
soie-jee ~ take your seats
soie noi ry hoi ~ contrast
soie ribbaghyn ~ trapping
soie ribbey (er son) ~ snare
soie seose ~ sit up
soie sheese ~ settle, sit down
soie spyrrydagh ~ seance
soie stiagh ~ cut in
soieag [f] ~ seat, tuffet
soieag chooilley ~ corner seat
soieag chooyl ~ back seat
soieag gharagh ~ garden seat
soieag hubbyr ~ tub seat
soieag immanagh ~ box seat
soieag uinnag ~ window seat
soieag vooie ~ outside seat
soieag yerree ~ back seat
soieaghey ~ bottom (as boat)
soieaghey er grunt ~ base
soieaghey er (obbyr) ~ pitch in
soieaghey stiagh ~ insertion
soiechiontys ~ colour (flag), pennant, standard
soieder ~ planter, setter
soieder argid ~ investor
soieder clag ~ bell-hanger
soieder clou ~ type-setter
soieder feeyney ~ vine-grower
soiederagh ~ sedentary
soilshagh ~ light, perspicuous, lucent,
illuminative, luminescent, lucid, illuminant
soilshagh lesh scellyn-X ~ X-ray
soilshaghey ~ publish, exhibit, show,
publication, manifest, show forth,
demonstrate, lighten, notify, represent,
describe, light, explain, declaration,
manifestation, advertisement, interpret,
irradiation, interpretation, characterize,
illustrate, irradiate, illuminate, illumination
soilshaghey ambee ~ characterization
soilshaghey da ~ enlighten
soilshaghey jerree ~ stern-light
soilshaghey magh ~ announce, reveal, depict,
burst forth, set forth, declare, exposition,
publish, publicise, advertise, denote,
revelation, publishing, advertising,
announcer, advert
soilshaght ~ manifestation, lightness, lucidity,
luminescence, perspicuity
soilshaghyn akeragh ~ riding lights
soilshaghyn shiaullee ~ navigation lights
soilshaghyn traaght ~ traffic signals
soilshean ~ shine, glow, illuminant, beaming,
blaze (of sun)
soilsheanagh ~ luminous, radiant, beaming,
shiny, vivid, brilliant, lustrous, lit up,
glowing, glistening, splendid
soilsheanaght ~ vividness, brilliance, luminosity
soilsheanys ~ lustre, splendidness, shininess
soilshee ~ illustrative, explanatory, descriptive
soilsheen ~ advert, advertisement
soilsheenagh ~ alight (bright)
soilsheenaghey ~ advertise, advertising
soilsheenee ~ advertise, advertising
soilsheeney ~ advertise
soilsheeneyder ~ advertiser
soilsheenys ~ advertising
soilsheragh ~ explanatory, enlightening
soilsheraght ~ enlightenment
soilshey ~ shine, illuminant, light
soilshey aerlinney ~ airway beacon
soilshey akeragh ~ anchor-light
soilshey bio ~ green ray
soilshey brasnag ~ torchlight
soilshey cainle ~ candlelight
soilshey cooyl ~ rear light
soilshey cowree ~ signal light, pilot light
soilshey doagan ~ torchlight
soilshey gas ~ gaslight
soilshey jerree ~ tail lamp, rear light
soilshey lampey ~ lamplight
soilshey lectragh ~ electric torch, electric light
soilshey lout ~ deck light
soilshey marrey ~ sea light
soilshey neon ~ neon light
soilshey neose ~ overhead lighting
soilshey ny greiney ~ sunlight
soilshey ny h-Alpyn ~ alpenglow
soilshey ny heayst ~ moonlight
soilshey ny rollageyn ~ starlight
soilshey oie ~ night light
soilshey pairkal ~ parking light
soilshey raauee ~ warning light
soilshey rollageagh ~ starlight
soilshey ronsey ~ searchlight
soilshey shee ~ fairy light
soilshey straiddey ~ street lighting
soilshey tarlheimagh ~ landing light
soilshey thallooin ~ ground light
soilshey traaght ~ traffic light
soilshey yn laa ~ daylight
soilsheydagh ~ demonstrable
soilsheydaght ~ demonstration, publicity,
soilsheydane ~ exhibit
soilsheyder ~ enlightener, demonstrator,
interpreter, illuminator, publisher, explainer,
soilsheyder magh ~ elucidator, revealer
soilsheydys ~ publicity, announcement,
soilsheydys ayn hene ~ self-explanatory
soilshit ~ published, manifested, shown,
soilshit magh ~ aired (as knowledge)
soit ~ placed, determined, situated, seated,
invested, planted, fixed, set, stationed,
soit dy chionn ~ hard and fast
soit er ~ intent, repose, attacked
soit rolaue ~ preset, preconcerted
sol-fah ~ sol-fa
solanoid ~ solenoid
sole y dorrys ~ doorstep, threshold
S'olk lhiam ~ I am sorry
sollagh ~ dirty, unclean, grubby, sordid, grotty,
filthy, grimy
sollaghar ~ contamination, pollution, dirt
sollaghey ~ besmirch, sully, contaminate,
begrime, soil, muck, muddy, defile, dirty,
pollute, grime, stain, assault (sexually),
besmear, soiling, contamination, pollution,
sollaghey as kionnaghey ~ bribery and
sollaghey laue ~ bribing, bribe, buy over
sollaghey laueys ~ bribery
sollaght ~ muckiness
sollaghyn ~ crowdie, brewis
sollaghyn gharvain ~ crowdie
sollan ~ salt
sollan cloaie ~ saltpetre
sollan Epsom ~ Epsom salts
sollan frangagh ~ rock-salt
sollan garroo ~ kitchen salt
sollan marrey ~ sea salt
sollan meaniney ~ rock salt
sollan meein ~ table salt
sollan meen ~ table salt
sollan moon ~ sal-ammoniac
sollan neuvyn ~ coarse salt
sollan sailley ~ bay salt
sollan sharroo ~ Epsom salts
sollan soar ~ smelling salts
sollanagh ~ saline, salty, saltish
sollanane ~ salt pit
sollee ~ defiling
solley ~ ground-bait, soiling
Solley ta! ~ So it is!
Solley va! ~ So it was!
solleyder ~ sexual assaulter, soiler, defiler,
solleyder laue ~ briber
sollit ~ soiled, dirted, defiled, contaminated
sollit 'sy chapp ~ shop-soiled
sollys ~ light, bright, shining, brilliant,
transparent, resplendent, lamp, shiny, clear
sollys chiollee ~ firelight
sollys eayil ~ lime-light
sollys jerree ~ rear light
sollys lectragh ~ electric light
sollys ny heayst ~ moonshine
sollys pannyl ~ dash board light
sollys straiddey ~ street lamp
sollys-vlein ~ light-year
sollys yn laa ~ daylight
sollysagh ~ luminous
sollyser ~ burnisher
sollyssagh ~ lustrous
sollyssid ~ gloss, clearness, radiance, lustre,
polish, illustration, brightness, lightness,
brilliance, transparency, resplendence,
luminosity, sheen
sollyssid braag ~ boot polish
sollyssid Frangagh ~ French polish
sollysveih ~ photometer
somp ~ winze
son ~ for
son dy bragh ~ in perpetuity
son graih Yee ~ for God's sake
son ooilley ~ nevertheless
son shen as ooilley ~ all the same
son shickyrys ~ definitely, naturally, positively,
surely, certainly, assuredly
son veg ~ for nothing
son wheesh ~ for as much as, forasmuch,
son y chooid smoo ~ in general, mostly,
chiefly, in the main
son y fa ~ because
son y traa t'ayn ~ ad interim
sonaasagh ~ haughty, ambitious
sonaase ~ ambition, haughtiness
sonaid ~ sonata
sonaid veg ~ sonatina
sonaideen ~ sonatina
sondagh ~ covetous, close-fisted, greedy,
sordid, niggardly, miser, avaricious, selfish
sonderaght ~ temperateness of climate,
sonderey ~ selfish person, coveter, skinflint,
sonderys ~ money-grubbing
sondid ~ covetousness, close-fistedness,
avarice, niggardliness, selfishness, closeness,
sonk ~ jog
sonkal ~ jog, nudge with nose
sonnaasagh ~ arrogant, conceited
sonnaase ~ conceit, indignation, arrogance
sonnad ~ sonnet
sonnagh ~ stockade, sonic, palings
sonney ~ affluent, lucky, fortunate, happy
sonnish ~ susurrate, inkling, whisper
sonnish ardan ~ stage whisper
sonnoge ~ mascot
sonnys ~ fortune, plentitude, affluence, good
luck, satiety, felicity, luckiness
sonnys as donnys ~ weal and woe
sonnyssagh ~ blissful, comfortable
sonraghey ~ specify, invoice
sonreeaght ~ specification
sonrey ~ invoice
sonrit ~ specified
sonsey ~ salt cellar
sonsheragh ~ whisperer, whispering
sonsheraght ~ whisper, susurrate, whispering,
speak under breath
soo ~ soak, soak up, preserve, suck, imbibe,
sap, tipple, jam, blot (as paper), extract, sip;
blotting, suction, tippling, sucking, soaking,
absorption, exhaustion, extraction; goodness
(of food); berry
soo airney ~ sloe jam
soo bee ~ assimilation, assimilating food
soo chadlee ~ opium
soo crouw ~ raspberry
soo cuirtlee ~ cane juice
soo feddanagh ~ capillarity
soo foalley ~ meat essence, beef extract, gravy
soo-folley ~ blood-sucking
soo-laaghey ~ mud-bath
soo-limon ~ lemon squash
soo (magh) ~ exhaust
soo ny braghey ~ malt whisky
soo ny braih ~ John Barleycorn
soo ny gailley ~ chyme
soo ny hoarn ~ ale, John Barleycorn
soo ny hrooid ~ soak through
soo ny juys ~ resin
soo ooyllagh ~ apple jam
soo oranje ~ marmalade
soo-seose ~ drink in
soo shugyr ~ molasses
soo stiagh ~ absorb, suck in, suck
soo stiagh gaal ~ absorb
soo thallooin ~ strawberry
soo thallooin shast ~ barren strawberry
soo y ghailley ~ bile
sooagh ~ juicy, aspiratory, suctorial, absorbing,
absorbent, sappy, succulent
sooaghan ~ piston
sooaght ~ succulence
sooan ~ tart
sooane ~ wash-brew, liquor, puck
ny s'ooashley ~ superior
ny s'ooasle ~ better-class
Soodaanagh ~ Soudanese
sooder ~ sipper, absorber, tippler, exhaust,
aspirator, sucker, soaker
sooder crauee ~ shock-absorber
sooder folley ~ blood-sucker, vampire
sooder ooyllagh ~ apple-sucker
sooderys folley ~ vampirism
soodragh ~ rat (sea name)
soodraght ~ surf, recussion, back-wash (on
shore), rolling of sea
soodraght ny tonnyn ~ wash (of waves)
soodrey ~ pout, bib
sooeeagh ~ suctorial
soogh ~ substantial, plenteous, full-fed,
plentiful, complete, plenary, plenty
sooghey ~ steep, soaking
sooghi d ~ subst ant i al i t y, sl ovency,
sooid ~ sappiness, juiciness
sooie ~ soot, smut, colly
sooieagh ~ sooty
sooieaght ~ smuttiness
sooill [f] ~ eye, eyepiece, ocellus, sheath of bud,
hole of strap
sooill barney ~ loophole
sooill cham ~ cross-eye
sooill chayt ~ tiger-eye, cat's-eye
sooill-foshlit ~ open-eyed
sooill ghlenney ~ bull's eye
sooill ghruaightagh ~ magic eye
sooill lhuingey ~ scuttle
sooill-oayllee ~ ophthalmologist
sooill-oaylleeaght ~ ophthalmology
sooill-oayllys ~ ophthalmics
sooill roie ~ slip-noose
sooill terriu ~ bull's eye
sooill voaddee ~ fishy eye
sooill vreck ~ wall-eye
sooill y laa ~ scarlet pimpernel
sooillag ~ lens, optic, eyelet, loophole, pore,
sooillag vooadee ~ magnifying lens
sooillagagh ~ porous
sooillagh ~ eyelike, ocular, eyed
sooillaght ~ observation
sooilleragh ~ glance, eye, leer
sooilleraght ~ leer, eyeing
sooilley ~ of an eye
sooillyn birragh ~ gimlet eyes
sooillyn chingey ~ sore eyes
sooillyn keyley ~ almond-shaped eyes
sooillyn slocagh ~ hollow eyes
sooisht ~ of a flail
sooishtey ~ of a flail
sooit ~ sipped, soaked up, steeped, blotted
sooit stiagh ~ absorbed
soolagh ~ juice, fricassee, pithy, sauce, juicy
soolagh arran ~ bread sauce
soolagh eddin ~ vanishing cream
soolagh enneeyn ~ brain sauce
soolagh galchro ~ walnut juice
soolagh glass ~ verjuice
soolagh mynthey ~ mint sauce
soolagh theiley ~ lime juice
soolagh traase ~ tomato sauce
soolagh unnish ~ onion sauce
soolaght ~ juiciness
soolane ~ jujube
Sooloo ~ Zulu
Soolooish ~ Zulu
Soolynagh ~ Swede, Swedish
Soolynish ~ Swedish
soophoogh ~ jam puff
soor ~ sour, verjuice, leavened
sooraghey ~ sour, leaven
sooree ~ court, suit, go together, philander; love
affair, wooing, love-making, courtship
sooree er ~ woo
sooreeagh ~ wooer
soorid ~ leaven, sourness
soorid creg-hollan ~ nitric acid
soorid cromaidagh ~ chromatic acid
soorid geayl ~ carbonic acid
soorid kidragh ~ citric acid
soorid ooill ~ oleic acid
soorid sollan ~ muriatic acid
soorid sulfuragh ~ sulphuric acid
soorit ~ soured, leavened
sooslag ~ squash
sooslagh ~ soup, batter
sooslagh almyn ~ marzipan
sooslagh bwinnican ~ mayonnaise
sooslagh feeackle ~ toothpaste
sooslagh feill-volt ~ hotpot
sooslagh oarn ~ barley water
soost [f] ~ flail
soprane ~ soprano
sopraneagh ~ soprano
sorb ~ service tree
sorbaid ~ sorbet
sorch ~ type, sort, species, classification, kind,
sorchaghey ~ sort, sort out, assort; sorting
sorchal ~ sort, classify, class
sorcheyder ~ sorter, assorter
sorchit ~ classified, sorted, assorted
Sorghey ~ Sarah
sorghyn ~ stand
sorn ~ fireplace under boiler, range
sorn aarlee ~ kitchen range
sorn-coirrey ~ range boiler
sorn gas ~ gas cooker
sorn kishtin ~ cooking range, cooker
sorn lectragh ~ electric cooker
sorn ooill ~ oil stove
sornaig ~ sewer, drain
sornaigey ~ draining, sewering
sornaigit ~ sewered
sornaigys ~ sewerage
sorrane ~ wireworm
soshiallagh ~ socialist
soshiallaghey ~ socialize
soshialleeagh ~ socialistic
soshiallys ~ socialism
soshiallys ashoonagh ~ national socialism
soshoayllee ~ sociologist
soshoaylleeagh ~ sociological
soshoaylleeaght ~ sociology
Sost nagh ~ Engl i sh, Engl i shman,
Englishwoman, Saxon, Anglo-Saxon,
Briton, Limey
Sostnaghey ~ Anglicize, Anglicanisation
Ny Sostnee custhey! ~ The cursed English!
Sostyn [f] ~ England
Sostyn Noa ~ New England
Sostynagh ~ Englishman, Englishwoman,
Saxon, Sassenach, English
Ny Sostynee ~ The English, come-overs,
sou ~ moan
sou- ~ (prefix) mad, silly, pseudo-
sou-aignagh ~ dejected, doleful, contrite,
anxious, despondent, mirthless
sou-aigney ~ sorrow, mirthlessness, despond,
anxiety, dejection
sou-cheeayll ~ paradox; nonsense
sou-cheeayllagh ~ paradoxical; foolish,
sou-chredjuagh ~ heterodox
sou-chredjue ~ heterodoxy
sou-ghraih ~ infatuation
souid ~ worn-out horse
Sounaghyn ~ November
Souney ~ November, of November
souree ~ aestival, fairweather
sourey ~ summer, summertime
sourey beg ~ Indian summer
sourinagh ~ summery
soustroo ~ contrary current
sout ~ flutter
soutagh ~ fluttery
soutaghey ~ flutter, moaning, leap, moan, sob
soutal ~ flutter
soutal y chree ~ palpitation
soutey ~ ejaculate, ejaculation
souteyder ~ ejaculator
souyr ~ well off, comfortable, affluent, snug,
souyr-sauchey ~ safe and happy
souyrid ~ snugness, comfortableness, comfort
Soveidjagh ~ Soviet
Soveidjagh Soshalagh ~ Soviet Socialist
Ny Soveidjyn ~ The Soviets
sowin ~ puppy, whelp
sowin-choo ~ puppy, whelp
sows ~ slap, sudden sharp blow
soyallooaght ~ plasticity
soydiu ~ sodium
soylagh ~ matching, seeming, virtual,
soylaghey ~ liken, comparison, typify,
similitude, imagery, resemble
soylee ~ comparative
soyley ~ image, comparison
soylit ~ likened
soyllagh ~ characteristic
soyllaghey ~ match
soyllar ~ voluptuousness, sensuous
soyllaragh ~ sensual, self-indulgent,
voluptuous, voluptuary
soyllaraght ~ self-indulgence
soyllarys ~ sensuality
soylleeaght ~ figment
soylley ~ indulgence, pattern, fruition,
mat chi ng, mock up, possessi on,
embodiment, enjoyment
soylleyder ~ matchmaker
soylleysagh ~ indulging, luxuriant, luxurious
soylleysaght ~ luxuriance, luxuriousness
soyllit ~ matched
soyllys ~ luxury
spaag ~ finger, hand of clock, foot of bird,
hoof, club foot, club (cards), paddle, spattle
spaag feeagh ~ meadow crowfoot
spaag ny hooryn ~ hour-hand
spaag ny minnidyn ~ minute-hand
spaag vooar ~ minute-hand
spaagagh ~ flat foot, flat-footed, splay-footed
spaagaghey ~ paddle
spaagail ~ shamble
spaagey ~ pouch, paddle
spaaghagh ~ club-footed
spaagit ~ spattled
Spaainagh ~ Spanish, Spaniard, Hispanic
Spaainaghys ~ Hispanicism
Yn Spaainey [f] ~ Spain
Spaainey-Americaanagh ~ Spanish American
Spaainish ~ Spanish
spaal ~ shuttle
spaal fidderagh ~ shuttle
spaalagh ~ shuttlelike
spaarail ~ afford, save, doing without, spare,
economize, saving
spaarailagh ~ frugal, sparing
spaarailys ~ frugality, parsimony
spaarit ~ afforded, saved, spared
spaase ~ spacer
spaddyl ~ spatula
spaddylagh ~ spatulate
spaee ~ swath
spagey ~ handbag, scrip, scrotum, satchel
spagey screeunyn ~ mailbag
spaghetti ~ spaghetti
spaikagh ~ spicate
spake ~ spoke
spangyl ~ spangle
spank ~ ligature, tourniquet
spanney ~ spanner
spanney dooint ~ box spanner
sparchal ~ splutter, spark, spurt
sparrag ~ bit
sparrey ~ jemmey, spar, batten, bar
sparroo ~ sparrow
Yn Sparta ~ Sparta
Spartagh ~ Spartan
spattan ~ light-lodged corn, mow
speanagh ~ catchpenny
speckleyr ~ lens of glasses
speckleyragh ~ spectacled, bespectacled
speckleyreyder ~ optician
speckleyryn ~ glasses, spectacles
speckleyryn coadee ~ goggles
speckleyryn daa-oacyssagh ~ bifocals
speckleyryn greiney ~ sunglasses
speckleyryn stronney ~ pince-nez
spectromeadar ~ spectometer
spectroscoip ~ spectroscope
spectrum ~ spectrum
sped chellee ~ game egg
speearey ~ diaphragm
speeideil ~ prosper
speeideilagh ~ successful, prosperous
speeideilys ~ prosperity, fortune, well-being,
speeikagh ~ peeping
speeikear ~ spy
speeikearagh ~ peep, spying, spy, pry, descrying
speeikearys ~ reconnaissance, spying
speeikey ~ peeping, peep, spy, prying, pry,
descry, descrying
speeikeyr ~ peeper
speeikeyrys ~ espial
speeineig ~ rind, peel
speeineig villish ~ candied peel
speeineigagh ~ thick-skinned (of fruit)
speeineigyn leaghyragh ~ rush peelings
speeiney ~ strip, pluck out, pull off, bark (as
tree), rind, peel, skin, tease out, pluck,
barking, skinning, teasing, plucking
speeineyder ~ peeler, barker, stripper, plucker
speeinid ~ motion
speeinit ~ peeled, plucked, teased, stripped,
speek ~ peak, spire, steeple
speekagh ~ peaked
speekeen ~ small spire, small peak
speekeenagh ~ spiry
speeyney ollan ~ picking wool
speeynt ~ worn-out (of idea)
speid ~ spathe
speih ~ pickaxe
speih-oard ~ pick-hammer
speih rio ~ ice axe
speih vuitchooragh ~ pole axe
speilleigagh ~ indolent, idle, trifling
speilt ~ chipping, lath, chip, lacerated, bavin
speiltagh ~ slit, shivered, renegade, chippy
speiltan ~ spill
speiltey ~ lacerate, chip, laceration, shiver, rend
speilteyder ~ render
speiltit ~ chipped
speiltyn ~ firewood
speiltyn praase ~ chips
spein ~ spoon
spein ambee ~ dessert spoon
spein buird ~ table spoon
spein ny hostyllyn ~ apostle spoon
spein ooh ~ egg spoon
spein ry hoi sollan ~ salt spoon
spein sollan ~ salt spoon
spein tey ~ teaspoon
speinag ~ trolling spoon, troll
speiney ~ spoon
speir ~ hock
speiy ~ bill, mattock, hack, bill-hook, hoe, hew,
speiy connee ~ gorse-pick
speiyder ~ hacker, hewer, picker, sapper
spelt ~ wattle-work, wattle hurdle
spennig ~ penguin
sperriu ~ sparrows
sperriu ny miljyn ~ tree sparrow
speyr ~ welkin, climate, sky
speyr-ghorrym ~ sky-blue, cerulean
speyr-oaylleeaght ~ aerology
speyr voorjeenagh ~ angry (sky)
speyr vreck ~ mackerel sky
speyr yn choleayrtys ~ twilit sky
speyragh ~ frame aerial, climatic
spicheraght ~ char
spiggad ~ tap on barrel
spinch ~ scrubber, charlady, skivvy, scullion
spincheraght ~ charring (cleaning)
spinchyraght ~ scullion
spinnaid ~ spinet
spinnaker ~ spinnaker
spinney ~ elasticity
spinniag ~ hoarseness, pip, roup
spinnycan ~ roup, pip
spios ~ spice
spiosaghey ~ spice, embalm
spiosaghey corp ~ embalming
spiosal ~ embalm, spice
spiosragh ~ spicy
spiosraght ~ spiciness
spittag ~ sharp-tongued woman, verbose
woman, vixen, shrew, spitfire
spittag oie ~ nightingale
spittag yiarg ~ robin
spittagagh ~ vixenish, shrewish
spittagoilid ~ shrewishness
Yn Spittal ~ Spiddle
spittal ~ hospital, hospice
spleeney ~ spline
spleisal ~ splice
spleise ~ splice
spleisit ~ spliced
splennagh ~ splenetic, whimsical
splughan ~ pouch under eyes
spoag ~ buttercup
spoag feeagh ~ meadow crowfoot
spoagee ~ wantwit
spoar ~ extraterrestrial space
spoar linney ~ line-space
spoaragh ~ spatial
spoareyder ~ spaceman
spoghttagh ~ pitted
spoht ~ spot
spoht breck ~ pustule
spoht-lostey ~ cauterize, cauterization
spoht-losteyder ~ cauterizer
spoht-lostit ~ cauterized
spohthoilshey ~ spotlight
spohttagh ~ spotty, spotted, pock-marked
spohttey ~ spot
spohttit ~ spotted, pitted
spohttyn breckey ~ smallpox
spoiy ~ castrate, gelding, emasculate, geld,
spay, neuter, castration, emasculation
spoiyaghey ~ emasculate, castrate
spoiyaght ~ gelding
spoiyder ~ castrator, gelder
spoiyt ~ castrated, spayed
spolg ~ peck, pinch, nip
spolgey ~ nip off, pinch, chip off, chipping, nip,
spolgit ~ nipped, chipped
spollag ~ chip
spollagyn praase ~ chip potatoes
spolley ~ ragstone
spondeagh ~ spondaic
spondee ~ spondee
spongagh ~ parched
spongaght ~ crispness
spongey ~ shrivel, aridity, cinder, burn up,
roast, dry up, spunk
spongeyder ~ shriveller
spongit ~ roasted, parched, shrivelled, crisp,
burnt up (as fowl), arid
sponk ~ touchwood, tinder, punk
sponnag ~ error, trick
spoodragh ~ bad beer
spooghey ~ strike
spooilley ~ spoil, sack, booty, rob, capture,
prey, undo as scheme, ravage, despoliation,
plundering, ravaging, despoil, plunder, loot,
rape, pillage
spooilley jeh ~ bereave
spooilley thie ~ house-breaking
spooilleydagh ~ plundering, pillaging, looting
spooilleyder ~ despoiler, reaver, violator,
robber, plunderer, ravager, looter, pillager
spooilleyder marrey ~ pirate
spooillit ~ plundered, robbed, despoiled,
undone, looted, pillaged
spooillit jeh ~ bereaved
spooitcher ~ beaker, scoop, bailer
Spooneraght ~ Spoonerism
spooyl ~ spool
spooyt ~ spout, torrent, cascade, small waterfall
spooytag ~ syringe
spooytagh ~ squirting
spooytal ~ spouting, cascading, cascade
spooyteragh ~ squirt, cascade, spout, spit out,
bad beer
spooyteraght ~ unfit drink, sour ale, rot-gut
spooyterey ~ squirter, splutterer, spluttering
spooytey ~ spout, squirt, cascade, spit out,
spooyteyder ~ spouter
spooytit ~ squirted, spouted, spat out
spore ~ spore
sporghit ~ fuming
sporrag ~ spore
sporragane ~ spore-case
sporran ~ purse, sporran, apron (of crab), bursa,
sporran Albinagh ~ sporran
sporran feeagh ~ puff ball
sporran mollagh ~ sporran
sporran y dooinney doal ~ puff ball
sporran y vochil ~ shepherd's purse
sporran y vochilley ~ shepherd's purse, field
sporranagh ~ purselike, bursiform
sporraneyr ~ purse-bearer
sporreen ~ sporule
spotch ~ joke, jest
spotchagh ~ joking, jocose
spotchaght ~ jocoseness
spotchal ~ joke, jest
spotcheraght ~ joke, joking, jesting, jest
spotcheyder ~ joker, jester
spoyrt ~ fun, sport, sports
spoyrteyr ~ sportsman
spoyrtoil ~ sportive, playful, sportsmanlike,
spoyrtoilid ~ playfulness, sportiveness,
spoyrtoilys ~ sportsmanship
spoyrtyn ~ sports
spoyrtyn ushtee ~ aquatic sports
sprangagh ~ non-uniform, asymmetric,
irregular, disproportionate, leggy, knock-
kneed, waddling, shuffling
sprangagh(ey) ~ waddle
sprangaght ~ irregularity, asymmetry, non-
uniformity, legginess
sprangan ~ offset, excrescence
spranglane ~ hotch-potch
spray ~ splay
sprayit ~ splayed
spree ~ spree
spreie ~ gush (spray)
spreih ~ spray, sputter, spurt, splash, sprinkle,
spatter, issue (of gas)
spreih-chughlin ~ spray-cone
spreih flooyr er ~ flour
spreih lesh spooytag ~ syringe
spreih terrey ~ tar-spraying
spreihagh ~ spraying, splashy, sprinkling
spreihder ~ sprinkler, sprayer, spray
spreihder peint ~ paint-sprayer
spreiht ~ sprayed, splashed, outspread,
spret ~ kick, struggle, last stretch, shove, kick
out, start
spretal ~ struggling
spreteyder ~ kicker
spretit ~ stretched out
sprettagh ~ kicky
sprettal ~ shove, kick, kicking, stretch of dying
sprey ~ embrasure (of window)
spring ~ joke, trick
springaght ~ joke
springbok ~ springbok
springeragh ~ joke, playing tricks, playful,
springeraght ~ playfulness
sproag ~ nest-egg, savings
sproaig ~ savings
sproghan ~ craw, crop, gill
sproghanagh ~ gilled
sproghil ~ dewlap, wattle (on fowl)
sproghit ~ crazy, flaming angry, vexed,
sproght ~ vexation, tantarum, extreme anger,
annoyance (great)
sproght (er) ~ hopping mad, livid
sproghtagh ~ infuriating, surly
sproghtit ~ angry (very)
sproid ~ sprit
sprot ~ sprat
spryt ~ coxcomb
spuilgit ~ nipped
spuir ~ spur, dew-claw, claw
spuirr y chellee ~ cockspur
spuirreyder ~ spurrier
spuit ~ spots
spulg ~ peck, pinch, nip
spulgagh ~ pecky, nippy
spulgaig ~ nip, pinch
spulgey ~ peck, pinch, pluck out, pick out;
pinching, nipping, pecking
spulgey ass ~ peck out
spulgey jeh ~ pinch off
spulgeyder ~ pecker, nipper, pincher
spulgit ~ pinched, pecked
spulley ~ gallet
spunje ~ sponge
spyr ~ wooden beam
spyrrycan ~ child (playful)
spyrryd ~ esprit, ghost, morale, spirit, common
tern, psyche
spyrryd buigh ~ hydrochloric acid
spyrryd lhing ~ zeitgeist
Spyrryd Noo ~ Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
spyrryd parteeagh ~ party spirit
spyrrydagh ~ spiritualist
spyrrydaght ~ spiritualism
spyrrydoil ~ spiritual
spyrrydoilaghys ~ spiritualism
spyrrydys ~ spirituality
spyttog ~ spigot
squad ~ squad
squadroon ~ squadron
squash ~ squash
squid ~ squid
squire ~ squire, esquire
squire beg ~ squireen
s'rea ~ smoothest
s'reajagh ~ smoothest
staag ~ post
staagagh ~ hobbling, lame, staggery, awkward
staagey ~ great effort
staaghagh ~ lumbering, weak-legged
staait ~ commonwealth
staait-hirveish ~ civil service
staanys ~ opposition
staartey ~ billet, situation, assignment
staartey bog ~ child's play
staartey cleree ~ clerkship
staartey follym ~ vacancy
staaue ~ dried bull's penis
staaynagh ~ self-denying, self-denial
staayney ~ deny, refrain, oppose, brazen,
forbearance, stiffen, cessation, self-denial
staayney (noi) ~ set against, forbear, harden
staayney voish ~ forgo
staayneyder ~ opposer, opponent
staaynit noi ~ opposed
stabil ~ stabling
stabyl ~ stable
stad ~ stop point, stoppage, pull up, station,
stand, standstill, stop sign, stay, intermission,
stage, stop, stopping place, stationary, arrest
stad barroose ~ bus stop
stad bus ~ bus stop
stad cab ~ cab rank
stad-greiney souree ~ summer solstice
stad jerree ~ terminus
stad-ooreyder ~ stopwatch
stad shuddyragh ~ scissors stop
stad taksee ~ taxi rank
stadchlou ~ stop press
stadd ~ halt
staddagh ~ static, staccato
staddaght ~ static
staddyseyr ~ statistician
staddyssaght ~ statistics
staddyssaghtoil ~ statistical
staeb ~ dart
staeteyrys ~ statecraft
staghyl ~ blunderer, awkward (person),
staghylagh ~ awkward, clumsy
staghyllagh ~ blundering, ungainly
staghylys ~ clumsiness, awkwardness
staghylys gleashaght ~ ataxy
staid ~ stadium, furlong
staik ~ stake, stitch, cow-stall
staik hoshee ~ stem of boat
staik yerree ~ stern-post
staikagh ~ stake-like
staikey ~ stake, tie up
staikeyder ~ staker
staikit ~ anchored, staked
stailliangh ~ steely
staillin [f] ~ jumper, steel
staillin-cheirdee ~ steelworks
staillin-chraitnagh ~ steel-faced
staillin foyragh ~ steel
staillin-ghrainney ~ steel engraving
staillin-ghrainneyder ~ steel-engraver
staillin-ghrainnit ~ steel-engraved
staillin kroym ~ chrome-steel
staillin-lheeah ~ steel-grey
staillin-phlaitit ~ steel-plated
staillin rollit ~ rolled steel
staillin tungsten ~ tungsten steel
staillin vanaadiu ~ vanadium steel
staillinagh ~ steel-maker, steel
staim ~ stem
staim toshee ~ prow
staimyn ~ stamen
staimynagh ~ staminate
stainn-oshleyder ~ tin-opener
stainnagh ~ tin-bearing, stanniferous
stainnaghey ~ tin, can, canning, tinning, tin-
stainnaght ~ tinniness
stainney ~ tin, can, tin-plate
stainney lhean ~ sheet tin
stainney pedryl ~ petrol tin
stainneyder ~ tin-miner
stainnit ~ tin-plated, canned, tinned
staishoneyr ~ stationer
staishoneyraght ~ stationery
stait ~ body politic
stait eddyraneagh ~ buffer state
stait-harvaant ~ civil servant
S'taitnyssagh! ~ How charming!
staitshirveish ~ civil service
staiy ~ stay, stay-rod
staiyaghyn ~ corset
stamack ~ stomach
stampey ~ stamp
stampeyder ~ stamper
stang ~ pillory, gudgeon, dowel, stock
stang cherree ~ whipping-post
stangey ~ dam, weir, pillory
stangit ~ pilloried, dowelled
Stanlagh ~ Stanley
Ny Stanleeyn ~ The Stanleys
stannagh ~ stannic
stannaid ~ stannate
stannair ~ hawk
stannair ruy ~ kestrel, windhover
stap ~ pull up, stop
staplley ~ staple
stappag ~ tuft of feathers
stappal ~ stop
stappan ~ small stump
stappanagh ~ stumpy
s'tappee ~ fastest
ny s'tappee na sheean ~ supersonic
stappeyder ~ stopper
stappit ~ stopped
stapyl ~ staple
stapyleyr ~ stapler
stark ~ starch, inflexible, stiff
stark Injynagh ~ arrowroot
stark praase ~ potato starch
starkagh ~ rigor, starching
starkagh yn vaaish ~ rigor mortis
starkaghey ~ stiffen, starching, starch, set, rigor
starkey ~ starch
starkid ~ inflexibility
starkit ~ starched, stiffened
starr ~ process
starrag ~ wolf-tooth
starroge ~ wolf-tooth
startey ~ job
startey er y pheesh ~ job-work
starteydagh ~ jobbing
starteyder ~ jobber
starvagh ~ shallow ford
stashoon ~ station, trading post
stashoon aile ~ fire station, fire-quarters
stashoon baatey sauailagh ~ lifeboat station
stashoon barroose ~ bus station
stashoon birling ~ marina
stashoon bus ~ bus station
stashoon cowree ~ signal station
stashoon dellal ~ factory
stashoon fo-halloo ~ tube station
stashoon glackee ~ receiving station
stashoon jeeree ~ rectifying station
stashoon jeshee ~ service station
stashoon keyrragh ~ sheep station
stashoon kianglee ~ dressing station
stashoon lectraghys ~ power-house, power
stashoon meanagh ~ central station
stashoon pedryl ~ filling station
stashoon pumpal ~ pumping station
stashoon purt(ey) ~ harbour station
stashoon spoar ~ space station
stashoon sushtallagh ~ mission station
stashoon traenagh ~ railway station
stashoon troailtee ~ passenger station
state-hallooin ~ farm
stay vooar ~ mainstay
stayd ~ state, circumstanced, domain, position,
situation, condition, estate, pomp
stayd ayns gioal ~ burdened estate
stayd baghee ~ housing estate
stayd fo feeaghyn ~ embarrassed estate
stayd noa ~ regeneration
stayd olk ~ bad way
stayd persoonagh ~ personalty
stayd poosee ~ marital status
staydoil ~ ceremonious, lordly, stately, sedate,
portly, pompous
staydoilagh ~ ceremonial, pompous, vulgar,
pompous person, stately
staydoilaght ~ pomp, stateliness
staydoilid ~ portliness, pomposity
staydoilys ~ pomposity, pomp, state, solemnity,
staydraa ~ statistics
staydraaoil ~ statistical
staydys ~ staus
staydys oikoil ~ official status
stayraader ~ statistician
steab pabyragh ~ pellet
Steaon ~ Stephen
stearagh ~ stearic
stearait ~ stearate
steareen ~ stearine
steat ~ estate, state
steat-chistey ~ exchequer
steat chynskylagh ~ industrial estate
steat neuhymnagh ~ intestate estate
steat-thie ~ housing estate
steat yn varroo ~ deceased estate
steateyr ~ statesman
steateyraght ~ statesmanship
Steatyn Unnaneysit ~ U.S.A
steelys ~ stylus
steet ~ sneak, knave, pimp, creep (of person)
steetagh ~ peeping, peep, knavish, sneaking,
slut, prying
steetaght ~ slyness
steip ~ steppe
steir ~ head-rope
stellagh ~ prancy
stellyn ~ trestle
stensyl ~ stencil
stensylley ~ stencil
Steornavaie ~ Stornoway
stepey (noi) ~ contend
stereo ~ stereo
stereochemmig ~ stereochemistry
stereofotograafeeaght ~ stereophotography
stereograaf ~ stereograph
stereograafagh ~ stereographic
stereografeeaght ~ stereography
stereoplait ~ stereotype
stereoscoip ~ stereoscope
stereoscoipagh ~ stereoscopic
sternym ~ breast-bone
sterrym ~ storm
sterrym cassee ~ tornado
sterrym claghyn sniaghtee ~ hailstorm
sterrym geayee ~ windstorm
sterrym geinnee ~ sandstorm
sterrym-hurlit ~ storm-tossed
sterrym joan ~ duststorm
sterrym sniaghtee ~ snowstorm
sterrym taarnee ~ thunderstorm
sterrym-woailt ~ storm-beaten
sterrymagh ~ stormy, tempestuous, inclement
sterrymaght ~ inclemency
sterrymid ~ storminess
stetascoip ~ stethoscope
stevedore ~ stevedore
sthaagey ~ resistance, wander
sthaageyder ~ resister
sthack ~ stack
sthaikal (stiagh) ~ impale
sthalk accrys ~ hunger strike
sthampey ~ tread, clump, trample, stomp,
sthampey (er) ~ tread on
sthampeyder ~ treader
sthampeyder feeyney ~ grape-treader
sthampit ~ trampled, trodden, tramped
sthangan ~ debt
sthanganagh ~ debtor
sthangey ~ crick
sthap ~ pause
sthappag ~ cow-lick
sthappag phiobey ~ pipe-stopper
sthappal ~ stoppage, pause
sthayg feill vart ~ beef steak
stheag [f] ~ steak
stheg [f] ~ beef steak
stheg churpey ~ rump steak
s'theinney ~ thinnest
sthie ~ indoors, within, inwards, inside, interior,
in stock, inner, internal
sthie-akin ~ introspection
sthie-akinagh ~ introspective
sthie-arragh ~ immigrant
sthie-hroggalys ~ infrastructure
sthie-hyndaagh ~ introvertive
sthie-hyndaays ~ introvertion
sthie jeh ny boallaghyn ~ intramural
sthill ~ still
sthoagh ~ unfriendly, inaffable
sthock ~ stock, butt-end of timber, foot of bed,
winter store, scape, pack of cards, post,
livestock, chimney stack
sthock-choontys ~ stock account
sthock chymlee ~ chimney-stack
sthock (fockle) ~ stem
sthock jerree ~ tail-stock
sthock lhiabbagh ~ bedstead
sthock-lioar ~ stockbook
sthock-listey ~ stocklist
sthock ny hinchyn ~ brain-stem
sthock ny jeelt ~ saddle-pillar
sthock-shellooder ~ stockholder
sthock-shellooderys ~ stockholding
sthock steat ~ government stocks
sthockal ~ stock
sthockan ~ small stock, body (of plant)
sthockeyder ~ stocker, stockist
sthockit ~ stocked
sthockphot ~ stockpot
sthockvargey ~ stock market
sthoe ~ stay-rope
stholagh ~ ramose
sthole ~ stool, stole, shoot
stholey ~ branch, ramify, stool, sprout,
branching, ramification, shoot of plant
stholit ~ sprouted
stholk ~ strike, walk out, stem, turn out,
stholk ny feeaihee ~ mountain horehound
stholkey ~ strike, seize up
stholkeyr ~ striker
stholl ~ stall
sthollal ~ station, stall
sthollane ~ stolon
sthollit ~ stalled, stationed
stholt ~ drag-link
stholtit ~ ramified
sthoo ~ chase
sthoo brishlagh ~ scrapped material
sthoo dhone ~ browning
sthoo feayree ~ coolant
sthoo glennee ~ cleanser, detergent
sthoo kyrloghee ~ local anaesthetic
sthoo ynlostey ~ combustible
Sthoo! ~ Shift him! Clear off! (to animal)!
sthook ~ stook, shock of sheaves
sthook y vrimmin ~ last stook
sthookal ~ shock (as sheaves)
sthookey ~ stooking, stook
sthookeyder ~ stooker
sthookit ~ stooked
sthoppal seose ~ obturate, obturation
sthoppeyder seose ~ obturator
sthorkyr ~ cowman
sthouyr ~ staff, pole
sthowran ~ bust, laughing stock
sthowyr ~ pole, sapling, staff
sthowyr eiystyragh ~ cow-stake
sthrap ~ strap
sthrap braagey ~ shoe-strap
sthrappal ~ strap
sthrappit ~ strapped
sthroogagh ~ draggy
sthroogey ~ drag
sthurneish ~ obstinacy
sthurneishagh ~ obstinate
stiagh ~ indoors, inwards, inside
stiagh (ayns) ~ into
stiagh-scoltey ~ implosion
stiagh-vleaystey ~ implosion
stiark keayrt ~ rarely
stig ~ draw
stigmagh ~ stigmatic
stilk ~ stalks
stioyr ~ numbness
stioyrey ~ numb, numbing
stiptagh ~ styptic
stipule ~ stipule
stitt vooarey ~ big bullocks
stiur ~ wheel, rudder
stiurag ~ guide
stiuragh ~ steerable
stiuree ~ directing, steering, controlling,
guiding, governing
stiurey ~ steer, pilot, direct, navigate, guide,
lead, regulate, handle, control, manage,
manipulate, supervise, command, captain (as
team); guidance, steering, navigation,
piloting, handling, superintendence,
regulation, controllability, supervision,
manipulation, direction, rudder, helm
stiurey thallooin ~ ground control
stiurey traght ~ point duty
stiureyder ~ navigator, helmsman, coxswain,
mani pul at or, st eersman, regul at or,
superintendent, pilot, controller, conductor,
supervisor, director
stiureyder aer ~ air pilot
stiureyder awiney ~ river pilot
stiureyder brick ~ pilotfish
stiureyder prowaltys ~ test pilot
stiureyder thallooin ~ ground controller
stiureydey ~ steerer
stiureydey ny hobbraghyn ~ clerk of the works
stiureydys ~ steerage, directorship, pilotage
stiureydys taaueagh ~ inertial navigation
stiurit ~ controlled, channelled, piloted, guided,
conducted, steered
stiurt ~ factor, steward, marshal
Stiurtagh ~ Stewart
stiurtagh ~ stewardlike
stiurtys ~ stewardshiop, marshalling
stoagh ~ stoic
stoaghoil ~ stoical
stoaghys ~ stoicism
stoamagh ~ superb, well-proportioned, shapely,
stately, gorgeous
stoamey ~ shapely, well-proportioned,
personable, curvaceous, dashing, fair, well-
formed (person), good-looking, graceful,
gorgeous, large-breasted
stoamid ~ glory, gracefulness, fairness,
grandeur, stateliness, good looks, finery,
shapeliness, gorgeousness, superbness
stoandey ~ barrel, drum, the wood
stoandey ushtey ~ water butt
stoandeyr ~ cooper (dry)
stob ~ stake
stob coadee ~ guardpost
stob eiystyr ~ tether-post
stob leeideilagh ~ direction post
stob rubbey ~ rubbing stake
stobbagh ~ stake-like
stockinaid ~ stockinet
stokal ~ stoke
stokaleyr ~ stoker
stolkey ~ stalking, dress, stalk
stolkeyder ~ stalker
stollag ~ bandage
stolley ~ box in stable
stoo ~ material, substance, stuff
stoo cadlee ~ soporific
stoo caggee ~ war material, munitions
stoo clannee ~ thickening
stoo feayslee ~ laxative, aperient
stoo giallee ~ bleaching material
stoo glennee ~ abstergent
stoo greesee keintyssagh ~ aphrodisiac
stoo kemmigagh ~ chemical
stoo lajer ~ spirits, strong drink
stoo lheeys ~ drug
stoo lheihys ~ balsam
stoo lhiabbagh ~ bedding
stoo meayllee ~ depilatory
stoo niaghan ~ abstergent
stoo noi-chiassaghey ~ anti-pyrin
stoo reaghee ~ fixature
stoo thie ~ furniture
stoo troggee ~ building material
stooag ~ broach
stooal ~ padding
stooalt ~ solid
stooaltaghey ~ consolidate, solidify
stooaltey ~ solidify, solidification
stooaltit ~ consolidated
stooaltys ~ solidity, consolidation
stooameydagh ~ dresser-up
stool reejerey ~ fald-stool
stoor ~ dust
stoppal (seose) ~ plug up
stoppane ~ plug
storail ~ save
storask ~ storax
storshin ~ nasturtium
stott ~ steer, bullock
stowal ~ decorate, conferment, stow, bestowal
stowal (er) ~ confer, bestow
stowaltagh ~ bestower
stoweyder ~ bestower, stower
stoyl ~ stool, seat
stoyl briwnys ~ judgement seat
stoyl camp ~ camp stool
stoyl coshey ~ footstool
stoyl drommey ~ armchair
stoyl ny ny maarlee ~ pillory
stoyl padjeragh ~ prie-dieu, prayer-stool
stoyl railley ~ rail-chair
stoyl reeoil ~ throne
stoyl vaidjey ~ shooting stick
stoyl y charree ~ episcopal chair
stoyl yn aspick ~ episcopal chair
stoyr ~ supply, storeroom, depot, stock, deposit,
fund, repertory, store, repository, hoard,
storehouse, still room
stoyr aamaid ~ timberyard
stoyr-chompanaght ~ repertory company
stoyr chooid ~ goods yard
stoyr feayr ~ cold store
stoyr folley ~ blood-bank
stoyr ronney ~ remainder
stoyrail ~ store
stoyral ~ store, garner, lay up, hoard, hoarding,
stoyral bee (ayn) ~ victual
stoyral fo bond ~ warehousing
stoyrey ~ hoarding, hoard
stoyreyder ~ storer
stoyrit ~ hoarded, stored
straaidyn cammey ~ winding streets
strah ~ level valley, plain, strath
Yn Strah Bane ~ Strabane
Strah Vooar ~ Strathmore
strahaghey ~ stratify
strahghey ~ stratification
straid [f] ~ street, farmyard
straid chooyl ~ back street
straid er lheh ~ by-street
straiddey ~ of a street
straiddey lome lane ~ teeming streets
Straidvalley ~ Stradbally
straih ~ nest, series, tier, sequence, stratum,
screed, range, flight of hurdles, strata, break,
run, orchestral suite, strip, row
straih feeacklyn ~ set of teeth
straih-fout ~ throw
straih-grunt ~ ground tier
straih shamyryn ~ suite of rooms
straih-skeeal ~ serial
straihagh ~ serial, tiered
straihleen ~ cedilla
straik ~ strake
stram-hooillagh ~ blear-eyed
stramlag ~ awkward thing, twisted thing
stramlagh ~ oblique
stramlaght ~ obliqueness
strammag ~ snail
strane ~ cordon, rank, file, row, line, column of
men, ladder of locks
strane shamyryn ~ set of rooms
straneys ~ array
strap ~ line, string, sling
strappyn arpin ~ apron strings
stratafeyr ~ stratosphere
strateysh ~ strategy
strateyshagh ~ strategical, strategist
strauan ~ triangular cake
straue ~ straw
straue reise ~ rice straw
strauenyn ~ oestrum
stravaigey ~ wander
streeagey ~ extortion, extort
streean [f] ~ bridle, rein, fraenum, curb
streean ghooblit ~ double reins
streean hidooragh ~ bridoon
streean volgagh ~ martingale
streean ymmyrkee ~ bearing rein
streeanagh ~ restraining
streeanaghey ~ repress
streeanaght ~ restraint
streeaney ~ control, restrain, bridle, check,
contain, rein, retard, curb, retardation,
streeanit ~ bridled, repressed, curbed, restrained,
retarded, controlled
streeanteeyn ~ leading strings
streeanyn ~ leading strings
streebagh ~ prostitute, whore, courtesan, fancy
streebagh chellvane ~ callgirl
streebeeys ~ prostitution, street-walking,
streel ~ vagabond, fancy woman, vamp
(woman), drab, spendthrift, loiterer, scamp,
lounger, stroller
streelagh ~ loitering, blowzy
streeley ~ loiter, loitering, saunter, lounge,
streeleyder ~ loiterer, saunterer, lounger
streelit ~ wasted
streeu ~ strive, endeavour, contest, disagree,
flare up, squabble, altercate; striving,
contention, strife, scuffle, conflict,
altercation, disputation, discord, variance
streeu chirkinagh ~ alternating current
streeu (rish) ~ encounter, cope, contend
streeuagh ~ quarrelsome, restive, litigious,
uncomfortable, contending
streeuaght ~ quarrelsomeness, restiveness,
streeuailtagh ~ discordant, antagonistic,
contentious, bickerer, antagonist, disputant,
contentious person, opponent, contestant,
conflicting, pugnacious
streeuailtys ~ pugnacity, discord, antagonism,
contentiousness, contention, dissent
streeuder ~ contender, striver
stregvarr ~ wire-bar
streighernee ~ sneezing
streighraght ~ sneezing
streighyr ~ sneeze
streighyraght ~ sternutation, sneeze
streighyraght houree ~ hay fever
streighyrnee ~ sneeze
S'treih lhiam! ~ I am sorry!
streipe ~ stirrup
streipeen ~ stirrup bone
streir ~ lead, leash
streiyr ~ sneeze
streiyragh ~ sneeze
streiyraght ~ sneezing
streiyreyder ~ sneezer
streng ~ line, string, wire, chord
streng biol ~ fiddle string
streng bow ~ bowstring, rest-harrow
streng chaashey ~ cheese-wire
streng chellvane ~ telephone line
streng chobbyr ~ copper wire
streng chopuir ~ copper wire
streng eaddagh ~ clothes line
streng edd ~ -string, hat string
streng-eishtaght ~ wire-tapping
streng-ghlonney ~ wire-glass
streng-hayrn ~ wire-draw
streng lectragh ~ electric wire
streng leeideilagh ~ lead in
streng lheiagh ~ fuse wire
streng neose ~ lead in
streng niaghan ~ drying line
streng ny himleig ~ umbilical cord
streng orraghey ~ sling
streng-skeeal ~ telegram
streng-skeeal y chur ~ to wire to
streng snapperal ~ tripping wire
streng viol ~ violin string
streng vouinagh ~ staylace
streng wheddyragh ~ barbed wire
strengagh ~ stringy, stringed
strengaghey ~ wire, thread (as beads), wiring,
string, stringing
strengan ~ reef-point
strengeyder ~ stringer
strengeydys ~ wire-work
strengyn chellvane ~ telephone wires
strengyn sporran ~ purse-strings
strengyn telegraaf ~ telegraph wires
strengyn y chree ~ heart-strings
strepey ~ grapple, tussle, flounder, exertion,
wallow, exert, tug, strive, struggle
strepeyder ~ striver, wrestler, struggler
streppey ~ tug
streppey noi ~ wrestle
stret ~ pressed, busy
strickneen ~ strychnine
stridlag ~ jade
strig ~ squirt
strig-ghounagh ~ stripper
strigg ~ stripe
striggagh ~ slow to give milk
striggaltys ~ ruin
striggey ~ squirt, stripe, draw, drawing off
striggyl ~ whetstone, sharpening stone, strickle
striggylagh ~ knock
striggyn ~ strippings, afterings
strigit ~ drained off
Yn Strilleen ~ Pleiad
strilleen ~ streamer
strilleenagh ~ blazing
strimmey ~ heaviest, most important,
s'trimmey ~ (see strimmey)
strimmey (na) ~ outweigh
strinnoogh ~ snore
strinnoogheyder ~ snorer
stritlag ~ drab, slattern, trollop, jilt
stritlagagh ~ slatternly
stroailtaght ~ destructiveness
stroailtys ~ destructiveness
stroak ~ apoplexy, stroke
stroan ~ nostril
stroaney ~ nasal, nose
stroanney ~ of the nose
stroiagh ~ baneful
stroialtagh ~ destructive, prodigal, big spender,
spendthrift, wasteful
stroialtys ~ destruction, extravagance,
stroialtys joinagh ~ sabotage
stroie ~ annihilate, destroy, put down, kill off,
dissipation, dissipate, waste (wealth)
stroie jaghee ~ decimation
stroie jaghee (jeh) ~ decimate
stroieder ~ waster, annihilator, destroyer,
abolisher, spender
stroieder kyaghan ~ mole-catcher
stroiet dy bollagh ~ utterly destroyed
stroiltagh ~ waster, extravagant
stroiltys ~ ruin
stroin [f] ~ nose, promontory, headland, ness,
naze, nose-piece
stroin assag ~ wild snapdragon
stroin-jiarg ~ red-nosed
stroin lheiyee ~ antirrhinum
stroin oashyr ~ toe (of stocking)
stroin-oaylee ~ rhinologist
stroin-oaylleeaght ~ rhinology
Stroin Roauyr ~ Stranraer
stroin-vuc ~ mouse-eared hawkweed
stroin y taggyrt ~ parson's nose
stroin yiarg ~ copper-nose, red-nosed
Stroin yn cheean ~ Strontian
stroinagh ~ sharp-scented, sharp-nosed
stroinaghey ~ smelling, nose about, nose
stroineairkagh ~ rhinoceros
stroineeagh ~ supercilious
stroineeishagh ~ haughty, vainglorious, vain
stroineeishid ~ haughtiness
stroineen ~ pig's ring, nose-ring
stroineeys ~ superciliousness
stroinnagh ~ snouty
stroinney ~ nose
strointiu ~ strontium
stroit ~ destroyed
strolinnagh ~ streamlined
stroll ~ gauze, satin
strollagh ~ satiny
stron ~ snort, snuffle
stronaasagh ~ overbearing
stronaasaght ~ overbearingness
stronnag ~ guillemot
stronnag ghoo ~ guillemot
stronnagh ~ large-nosed, nasal, stertorous
stronnaghey ~ snuffle, nasalize, snivel, sniff,
eclipsis, snort
stronnaght ~ nasality, twang (intonation)
stronnaghys ~ nasalization
stronnal ~ grunt
stronnan ~ snuffer, snorter, sniveller, snuffler
stronnanagh ~ snuffling
stronneragh ~ humming, sniffling, snivel,
stronneraght ~ snorting
stroo ~ current, stream, race, watercourse, tide-
race, tidal flow
stroo hene ~ I suppose, I imagine
stroo-hoilshagh ~ fluorescent
stroo-hoilshaghey ~ fluorescent lighting
stroo-hoilshey ~ fluorescence
stroo jeeragh ~ direct current
stroo lectragh ~ juice, current
stroo-linney ~ streamline
stroo magh ~ effluent, stream out, stream forth
stroo neear ~ westerly current
stroo stiagh ~ stream in
stroo traaght ~ traffic flow
Stroo yn Eearvooir ~ Gulf Stream
strooan [f] ~ stream, creek, rivulet, burn, brook,
strooan beg ~ brooklet
strooan foalley ~ river of blood
strooan slieau ~ beck
strooanagh ~ full of streams, streaming
strooge ~ stroke
stroogey ~ stroke, pet, smooth; trail (feet)
stroogey-cassyn ~ shuffle
stroogey ny cassyn ~ shuffle off
stroogeyder ~ stroker
strooghyn eeiree ~ eddy currents
stroogit ~ stroked
strooh ~ snout, proboscis, elephant's trunk
stroohagh ~ snouty
stroolagh ~ flush
stroolane ~ draught
Strooley ~ Stirling
stroos ~ stress
strooys ~ I imagine
strooys hene ~ I suppose
stroshey ~ strongest
ny stroshey ~ stronger
strufflit ~ truffled
struffyl ~ truffle
struge ~ stroke
strull ~ rinse, wash down, swill
strullag ~ frump
strullagagh ~ frumpish
strulley ~ swill, wash (utensils), douche, rinse;
strulley pitt ~ vaginal douche
strulleyder ~ washer-up, rinser, scullion
strulleyder jyst ~ dish-washer
strullit ~ swilled, rinsed
strumpag ~ whore, prostitute, street-walker
stubbin ~ rumpy cat, Manx cat
stubbinagh ~ rumpy
stubbyl ~ haulm, stubble
studdyl ~ rib
studeyr ~ student
studeyr feer yeean ~ crammer
studeyragh ~ studious
studeyraght ~ studentship, studiousness
studeyrys ~ study
studeyrys anmagh ~ lucubration
studeyrys er lheh ~ private study
studeyrys shenn lossreeyn ~ palaeontology
studeyrys shenn screeuyn ~ palaeography
stuggagh ~ short
stuggan ~ piece of land
stuggey ~ lad, lump, half grown girl, lumper;
small piece of land, small hill on a hill
stuill ~ seats, stools
stuirt ~ manciple
stuitt ~ stout, neat, trim
stuittid ~ neatness
stumpal ~ stump
stumpey ~ stump
stundartaght ~ normality
stundayrt ~ yard, yard measure, norm, standard
stundayrtagh ~ normal
stundayrtey ~ Yarding
stupaid ~ tampon
sturd ~ pride, haughtiness, angry look
sturneish ~ stubborness
sturneishagh ~ stubborn person, resolute,
sturneishid ~ resoluteness
stutch ny lhoiy ~ snapdragon
stuttal ~ stammering
stuttalagh ~ stammerer
styrdal ~ stately, proud
styrdalaght ~ stateliness, pride
styrdalys ~ stateliness
Styrr! ~ Seize! At him! (to dog)
suaragh ~ low class, low down
substantagh ~ substantive
suffragaid ~ suffragette
suffrageyr ~ suffragist
suggane ~ twisted straw rope
suggane corrag ~ hay-rope, thumb-rope
suggane freoaie ~ heather-rope
suggane leaghyragh ~ rush-rope
sugganeagh ~ spineless
sugganey ~ bind (thatch)
sulfait ~ sulphate
sulfait vagneish ~ Epsom salts
sulfeed ~ sulphide
sulfeed yiarn ~ ferrous sulphide
sulfeet ~ sulphite
sulfur ~ sulphur
sulfuragh ~ sulphurous, sulphuric
sulfurit ~ sulphuretted
sulfuroil ~ sulphureous
sullyr ~ limpid, bright, clear, resplendent
sullyraght ~ splendour, limpidity, clearness,
sullyraignagh ~ optimistic
sultaanagh ~ sultana
sultan ~ sultan
sumark ~ primrose
sumark gharagh ~ polyanthus
sumark gheuree ~ primula
sumark houree ~ primrose
sumark slieau ~ bird's-eye primrose
sumark varrey ~ plumbago
sumarkagh ~ primrose-covered
sump ~ sump
sundae ~ sundae
sunder ~ sumner, citer
sunderys ~ sumnership
sunnish ~ lovage
sunt ~ sound, sane, healthy
suntal ~ sound, fathom, chart by sounding
suntallyn ~ soundings
suntee ~ joyous
sunteil ~ sound, fathom, sounding
sunteilyn ~ soundings
suntid ~ soundness, healthiness
suntit ~ sounded
sur- ~ (prefix) specialized, super-
sur-cheesh ~ surtax
sur-cheim ~ superlative
sur-cheimagh ~ superlative
sur-cheird ~ speciality
sur-hiow ~ superheat
sur-hiowder ~ superheater
sur-hiowit ~ superheated
sur-lhieeney ~ supercharge, supplement
sur-lhieeneyder ~ supercharger
sur-lhieent ~ supercharged
sur-lhienney ~ supercharging
sur-oayllee ~ specialist
sur-oayllee cree ~ heart specialist
sur-oaylleeaght ~ specialization
sur-smooinaghytn ~ deliberation
sur-vie ~ superlative
surdey ~ surd
surdremagh ~ trustworthy
surdremid ~ trustworthiness
surdremys ~ trustworthiness
surlaghey ~ tumble, toss on sea
surley ~ toss of waves
surlit ~ tossed
surllaghey ~ sprawl
surlley ~ sprawling, sprawl, tumble
surlleyder ~ sprawler
surllit ~ sprawled, tumbled
surn ~ fireplace (under boiler)
surn aaiee ~ kiln fireplace
Ny surr! ~ Permit not!
surral ~ tolerate, permit, endure, allow, suffer,
surrallagh ~ bearable, tolerant
surransagh ~ sufferable, tolerant, passive,
tolerable, in-patient, forbearing, patient,
sufferer, supportable
surransagh chiassagh ~ fever patient
surransaght ~ passiveness
surranse ~ endure, bear, undergo, suffer, stick
out; sufferance, resignation
surranse foddey ~ long-suffering, patience
surransoil ~ tolerant
surransoilid ~ toleration
surrit ~ tolerated, suffered, permitted, allowed
sursmooinaght ~ contemplation, consideration
sursmooinaghtagh ~ contemplative
sursmooinaghtyn ~ consider
surveein ~ superfine
Sushin ~ Swithin
sushtal ~ gospel
sushtallagh ~ preaching the Gospel, gospel,
gospeller, missionary, evangelic(al)
sushtallaghey ~ evangelize
sushtallaght ~ evangelism
swaid ~ suede
swane ~ sear
swee ~ crane (pot hanger)
'sy ~ in the
'sy check ~ in the shit
'sy cheead ~ percentage, per cent
'sy chenn earish ~ in olden days, yore
'sy chenn-lhiannooaght ~ dote
'sy chesh vean ~ plumb in the centre
'sy chiaghtin ~ weekly
'sy chied cheayrt ~ in the first place
'sy chied ynnyd ~ firstly, in the first place
'sy choearroo ~ on the strength
'sy chooish ~ re
'sy chooish shen ~ in that respect
'sy chooish shoh ~ herein
'sy chree ~ endocardiac
'sy clane ~ taken as a whole
'sy dooghys ~ heritable
'sy 'eill ~ ingrowing
'sy gherrymagh ~ in the vocative
'sy ghooghys ~ inherent
'sy jeih as kiare feed ~ nonagenarian
'sy jeih as tree feed ~ septuagenarian
'sy jerrey ~ astern
'sy jiass ~ in the south
'sy laa ~ in the daytime, by day
'sy lhiabbee ~ abed
'sy lieen ~ netted
'sy lioar shoh ~ herein
'sy loghan ~ docked
'sy nah ynnyd ~ secondly
'sy oor ~ hourly
'sy phoosey ~ conjugally
'sy phost ~ mailed
'sy phryssoon ~ in limbo
'sy phurt ~ weatherbound
'sy scoarnagh ~ gutterally
'sy screeuin shoh ~ herein
'sy speyr ~ overhead, sky-high, skywards, aloft
'sy theihll ry heet ~ beyond the veil
'sy thie coon ~ interred
'sy tourey ~ in summer
'sy traa cheddin ~ simultaneously
'sy traa ry-heet ~ hereafter
'sy traa ta ry-heet ~ in the future
'sy traa t'ayn ~ nowadays
'sy trass ynnyd ~ thirdly
'sy troa elley ~ in the opposite direction
'sy tullagh ~ per second
'sy vadran ~ cock crow
'sy vagher ~ afield
'sy vean ~ halfway
'sy vinnagh ~ enteric
'sy vlein ~ per annum
'sy voghrey ~ in the morning, in the forenoon
'sy yughtee ~ in a distant country
sym ~ interest, sum
sym mie ~ good round sum
sym y votal ~ to vote a sum
symey ~ addition (mathematical)
symm ~ amount (money)
symmaghey ~ add (figures)
symner ~ citer
symney ~ summon, publish, convene, cite,
bann, summons, citation
symney poosee ~ marriage banns
symney screeuee ~ subpoena
symneyder ~ summoner, convener
symnit ~ convened, summoned, cited
symoil ~ interesting
'syn aasagh ~ in the wilderness
'syn aer ~ aloft
'syn amm ~ in season
'syn astyr ~ post meridiem, p.m
'syn eill ~ incarnate
'syn ingagh ~ netted
'syn oaye ~ under the sod
'syn oie ~ at night, at night time
'syn ooh ~ in the bud
'syn 'uill ~ ingrained
'syn ushtey ~ awash
'syn ynnyd jeh ~ in lieu of
'syn yrdjey ~ aloft
'syn yrdjid ~ on high
syndacait ~ synicate
syndacaitaghys ~ syndicalism
syndrome ~ syndrome
synnin ~ thong
syprys ~ cypress
syrjey ~ greatest, highest
s'yrjey ~ (see syrjey)
ny syrjey na ~ above
syrup ~ syrup
syrupagh ~ syrupy
systal ~ cistern
Ny T-ghyn y chrossey ~ to cross one's T's
t' ~ is, are
ta ~ am, is, are
ta X lesh Y ~ X belongs to Y, Y owns X
ta ammys aym er ~ I think well of him
ta cheet ~ oncoming
Ta fys ec Jee ~ God wot
ta rieau ayn ~ time-honoured
ta ry heet ~ prospective
ta shen dy ghra ~ viz., wit, namely, videlicet
Ta shiu cheet! ~ Hello!
taa ~ dung
taablagh ~ tabular
taablaghey ~ tabulation, tabulate
taabyl ~ table
taabyl graafagh ~ chart
taabyl mooadee ~ multiplication table
taagey (shiauill) ~ clew-garnet
taagher ~ causeway
taaghey ~ resort, hang out, haunt, attend,
frequent, haunting, frequentation
taagheyder ~ attendant, habitue, haunter,
taagheyder theater ~ theatre-goer
taaghit ~ beaten (as track)
taaght ~ mouldiness
taagraph ~ canting
taah ~ cement, coalesce, adhere, sweat, set,
weld, splice, solder, conjugate; conjugation,
soldering, welding, filling, coalescence,
conjunction, concrete, anchylosis
taah ry-cheilley ~ anchylose
taah tonn ~ wave-setting
taahan ~ cement
taahder ~ welder
taaheen ~ swab
taahit ~ adjunction, adjunct, synthetic, welded,
taaishnys ~ relic
taal ~ secretion, adze
taaley ~ draw, secrete, flow, lactate; secretion,
taalid ~ issuing
taalit ~ secreted
taaragh ~ shitty
taaraght ~ disgust
taaree ~ worthless catch, trifle
taareeagh ~ banal
taareeaght ~ banality
taarey ~ faeces, dunging, shit, dung
taareyder ~ captor
taarit ~ captured, taken (as fish)
taarnagh ~ thunder, thundering
taarnaghey ~ fulminate, thundering, thunder
taarnee ~ of thunder
taarnoil ~ thundery, thunderous
taart ~ rout, thirst, defeat
taartagh ~ defeatist, constipated, thirsty (of
taartyn ~ capture, capturing
taartys ~ overthrow, retention, defeat
taauagh ~ qualmish
taauanagh ~ idler
taaue ~ inert, quiescent, passive, motionless;
unemployed, out of work; retch, squeam,
taaue-neeal ~ coma, trance
taaueagh ~ nerveless, comatose
taaueder ~ tranquillizer
taaueghey ~ tranquillize
taaueid ~ inaction, inertness, qualmishness,
taauenagh ~ oasis
taauernee ~ retching
taauid ~ quiescence
tabard ~ tabard
tablad ~ plaque
tablow ~ tableau
tack ~ tax, interest payer, tribute
tackeydagh ~ tax payer
tackeyder ~ taxman, usurer
tackish ~ easel
tackish chroan hoshee ~ fid
tackish uillin ~ elbow-rest
t'ad ~ they are
taeym ~ paroxysm
taffee ~ toffee
taffeta ~ taffeta
taffyl ~ taffrail
taggad ~ stud, collar stud, tack
taggad ordaag ~ drawing pin
taggad stainney ~ tin tack
taggad vrooee ~ press stud
taggadey ~ tack
taggey ~ stud, rest, second in command
taggey-uillin ~ armrest
taggit ~ tacked
taggloo ~ talk, converse, discourse, speech,
dissertation, conversation
taggloo buird ~ table talk
taggloo canooagh ~ smuttiness
taggloo mysh ~ comment
taggloo ny cailleeyn ~ old wives' tales
taggloo thie-oast ~ pub talk
tagglooagh ~ loquacious
tagglooaght ~ verbosity, verboseness,
tagglooder ~ talker
tagglooit ~ spoken
taghyr ~ happen
taghyrt ~ occur, happen, occurrence,
contingency, accident, event, contingent,
incident, chance, eventuate, experience,
happening, fluke
taghyrt ry-cheilley ~ concur
taghyrtagh ~ incidental, fluky, circumstantial,
accidental, adventitious, casual, fortuitous
taghyrtys ~ eventuality, casualness
taghyryn yn laa ~ passing events
taghys ~ itch, itchiness, psora, scabies
taghyssagh ~ purient, itchy
taghyssaght ~ purience
tah ~ loathing
tahagh ~ loathsome, disgusting
Taig ~ Timothy
taill ~ rynd
taillaghyn purtey ~ harbour dues
taillaghyn quaiyllagh ~ costs
tailley ~ fare, duty, notch, tally, tally-stick,
score, fee, impost
tailley akeragh ~ groundage
tailley bleeaney ~ subscription
tailley fillit ~ return fare
tailley keiy ~ quayage
tailley singyl ~ single fare
tailley stiagh ~ entrance fee
tailley urraghys ~ insurance rate
tailley urryssaght ~ insurance premium
tailley ymlane ~ inclusive terms
tailleyder ~ tally-man
taillit ~ tallied, notched
ta'in ~ we are
taiphoon ~ typhoon
taiphys ~ typhus
taishbynag ~ monstrance
taishbynagh ~ apocalyptic, revealing, showy
taishbynaght ~ exhibitionism
taishbyner ~ exhibitor, revealer
taishbyney ~ show, display, reveal, exhibit,
demonstrate, manifest, show off, sport,
produce, feature, argue, evince; parade,
production, revelation, exposure, evidence,
show down
taishbyneyr ~ demonstrator
taishbyneyr eaddee ~ mannequin
taishbynys ~ show, display, exhibit,
showmanship, apocalypse, exposition,
waxworks, turn out (of soldiers), apparition,
demonstration, show down
taishbynys cabbil ~ horse show
taishbynys draamey ~ theatricals
taishbynys eeanlee ~ poultry show
taishbynys ellyn ~ art exhibition
taishbynys guillyn baa ~ rodeo
taishbynys lurgey ~ leg show
taishbynys moddee ~ dog show
taishbynys oie ~ tattoo
taishbynys ollee ~ cattle show
taishbynys rollageagh ~ star shower
taishbynys uinnag ~ window display
taitnys ~ gladness, delectation, enjoyment,
congeniality, pleasure, treat (pleasure),
agreeableness, enchantment, amenity (of
taitnys far-ynnydagh ~ vicarious pleasure
taitnyssagh ~ charmed, appealing, grateful,
amiable, delightful, pleasurable, nice,
pleasing, endearing, entertaining, pleasant,
amusing, prepossessing, congenial,
enchanting, acceptable, scrumptious,
likeable, enjoyable, delectable
taitnyssaght ~ amiableness
taitnyssid ~ amiableness, pleasance, joyfulness,
taitnyssit ~ delighted
taittin ~ satisfaction
ta'iu ~ you are
Taiwan ~ Taiwan, Formosa
taksee ~ taxi
takseemeadar ~ taximeter
talck ~ talc
talck-phoodyr ~ talcum powder
talent ~ talent
Talk ort! ~ Stroll on!
talkal ~ strolling, stroll, toddle, walking slowly
talkeyder ~ stroller, toddler
talkit ~ strolled
tallagh ~ murmuring, grumbling, grumble,
disgruntled, reproach, murmur
tallagh cree ~ cardiac murmur
tallaghey ~ mutter
talleyder ~ mutterer, mutineer, disgruntled
person, murmurer, grumbler
talleydys ~ mutiny
tallid ~ mutiny
Yn Tamaar ~ Samaria
Yn Tambia ~ Zambia
tammylt ~ span, time, while, space, spell, way
tammylt beg ny yei ~ shortly after
tammylt er dy henney ~ some time ago
tammylt feayr ~ cold snap
tammyltagh ~ temporary
tancard ~ tankard
tandym ~ tandem
tango ~ tango
tanishtagh ~ tanistry
tanishtey ~ tanist
yn tanishtey ~ the second in command
tanjent ~ tangent
tanjent ullin ~ tangent of an angle
tanjentagh (rish) ~ tangential
tanjereen ~ tangerine
tank ~ tank
tankeyr ~ tanker
tannagh ~ tannic
tannaght ~ wait
tannaghtagh ~ lingering
tannaghtyn ~ stay, stop, remain, tarry, abide,
lodge, endure, bide, dwell, run on;
continuance; remanent, abiding
tannaghtyn ass y lhiabbee ~ stay up
tannaghtyn (bio) ~ survive
tannaghtyn cheu mooie jeh ~ sit out
tannaghtyn dty hoie rish ~ wait up
tannaghtyn ec ~ stick at
tannaghtyn er ash ~ hang back, hold back, keep
tannaghtyn er yn raad ~ lie off
tannaghtyn ergooyl ~ hang back, stand back
tannaghtyn ersooyl ~ stay away
tannaghtyn fo ~ keep under
tannaghtyn foddey ~ linger, lingering
tannaghtyn gyn jannoo ~ lie over
tannaghtyn heese ~ keep down
tannaghtyn magh ~ keep out, stand off
tannaghtyn magh (jeh) ~ keep away
tannaghtyn magh (voish) ~ stand away
tannaghtyn (ny hassoo) ~ hold up
tannaghtyn ny sodjey ~ overstay
tannaghtyn ny sodjey jeh ~ outlast
tannaghtyn ny sodjey (na) ~ outstay
tannaghtyn ry-cheilley ~ hang together, keep
tannaghtyn sthie ~ keep in, stay in
tannaghtyn voish ~ stop away
tannaghytn ~ continue
tannee gys yn jerrey jeh ~ sit out
tannee mooie ~ stay out
Tannee shallid! ~ Half a sec!
tannee 'sy lhiabbee ~ lie up
tannee tammylt elley ~ stay on
tanneen ~ tannin
tanneyder ~ abider, lingerer, survivor
tannit ~ survived
tannys ~ tenant
tannys noa ~ ingoing tenant
tannystagh ~ second in command
tannystys ~ tenantry, tenancy
tanroagan ~ scallop-shell light
Yn Tansibar ~ Zanzibar
tapeer ~ tapir
tapeish ~ tapestry
tapp ~ top (toy), tuft
tappad ~ tappet
tappag ~ crest, forelock, coma, tuft (of
feathers), cow-lick
tappagagh ~ tufted
tappagh ~ crested, tufted
tappee ~ speedy, rapid, express, swift, allegro,
quick, quick-acting, hasty, perfunctory
tappee erskyn insh ~ flat out
tappeeid ~ speed, quickness, rapidity
tappeeys ~ speed, quickness, rapidity
tappey ~ cool; sense of judgement, temper (of
person), wit
tar ~ come
tar er ash ~ come forth
tar er gerrey ~ draw near
tar macadam ~ macadam
Tar magh! ~ Come on!
tar my resh ~ head (of grain)
tar neose ~ come below
tar noal ~ come over
tarantool ~ tarantula
tarcheimnaghey ~ transcend
tarcheimneeagh ~ transcendent
tarcheimneeaght ~ transcendence
tarcheimneeoil ~ transcendental
tarchoyrt ~ transmitting
tarchuirreyder ~ transmitter
Yn Tardeen ~ Sardinia
tare ~ tare
Tareeagh! Tareeagh! ~ (call to pig)
targad ~ target
tarhoilshagh ~ transparent
tarhoilshaght ~ transparency (of picture)
tarhoilshan ~ transparency
tarhoilshan cullyr ~ colour slide
tarhoishan ~ lantern slide
Yn Tark ~ Sark
tarlheim ~ descend, climb down, landing,
tarlheim eignit ~ forced landing
tarlheiman ~ alighting stool, mounting block,
stepping stool, horse-block
tarlheimanyn ~ alighting
tarlheim(m)ey ~ alight, get down, climb down,
tarlheimmey bolg ~ bell-landing
tarlhiemmey (jeh traen) ~ detrain
tarmaghan ~ red grouse, moorcock, ptarmigan
tarmaneagh ~ termagant
tarmaynagh ~ economical, economic,
tarmayney ~ economize
tarmaynys ~ economics, good management,
tarmeshtagh ~ exclusive
tarmeshtey ~ atmospherics
tarmestagh ~ proscriptive, prohibitionist,
frustrating, prohibitive
tarmestee ~ prohibitionist
tarmestey ~ foil, thwart, frustrate, cross
(annoy), debar, block, check, chip in, ban,
proscribe, interdict, checkmate; stonewaller;
discouragement, frustration, encroachment,
proscription, blocking, interdiction, taboo,
tarmestey er ~ encroach
tarmestey poosee ~ marriage impediment
tarmesteyder ~ checkmate
tarmestit ~ disallowed, debarred, frustrated
tarnoal ~ clump, clout, blow, stroke, knockout,
knockdown blow
tarnoalit ~ knocked out
tarr ~ abdomen, soffit
tarragh ~ surcingle, bell-band, girth
tarrantelle ~ tarantella
tarrar ~ drill
tarrar aer ~ pneumatic drill, air drill
tarrar ooirey ~ soil auger
tarrarey ~ drilling, drill
tarrarit ~ drilled
tarrishagh ~ beloved
Yn Tarroo ~ Taurus, The Bull
tarroo ~ bull
tarroo aundyragh ~ prize bull
tarroo-chaggey ~ bullfighting
tarroo-choo ~ bulldog
tarroo-deyill ~ devil's coach-horse, rove beetle
tarroo-feeaih ~ stag
tarroo meayll ~ hornless bull
tarroo oaldey ~ bison, buffalo
tarroo ollee ~ farm bull
tarroo puttagh ~ pushing bull
tarroo ushtey ~ water bull
tarrooder ~ toreador
tarroogh ~ industrious, thrifty, engaged, busy
tarrooghid ~ busyness, industry
tarrooghys ~ industry
tarrooghyssagh ~ industrial
tarroosagh ~ bustling, a thrifty person
tarroosley ~ bustle
tart foshlit ~ flan
tartagh ~ constipated, binding
tartar ~ tartar
Tartaragh ~ Tartar
tartragh ~ tartaric
tartrait ~ tartrate
tartyr gial ~ cream of tartar
tartys ~ constipation
tarvollagh ~ viaduct
tash ~ sweating, humid, damp, clammy, dank,
moist, soggy, soft
tash-veih ~ hygroscope
tashagh ~ muggy
tasheydane gas ~ gas-holder
tasheyder scoill ~ bursar
tashid ~ damp, moisture, wetness, humidity,
vapour concentration
tashid-howse ~ hygrometry
tashid thallooin ~ rising damp
tashit ~ wetted, moistened, moisture
tashjeenagh ~ moisture-proof
tashjeenaght ~ damp-proof
tashlagh ~ deliquescent
tashlaghey ~ deliquesce, bedew, bedewing
tashlid ~ deliquescence
tashlys ~ moistness
tashnys ~ moistness
tasht ~ dump, cache, hoard, reserve, store,
tasht argid ~ cash reserve
tasht-fockle ~ vocabulary
tasht poodyragh ~ powder magazine
tasht ushtey ~ water supply
tashtagh ~ hoarding
tashtaghey ~ damp
tashtan ~ safe
tashtee ~ deposit
tashtee stoyr ~ treasure
tashtey ~ save, hoard, keep, store, deposit, stock
up, put by, lay up, dump, stow; dumping,
saving; stockpile, lodgement, reserve price,
stowage, cache, treasure, fund; damp, dew
tashtey banc ~ bank deposit
tashtey barrantys ~ trust fund
tashtey caggee ~ ammunition
tashtey glennee ~ sinking fund
tashteydane ~ depositary
tashteyder ~ treasureer, storer
tashteyder banc ~ bank depositor
tashteyderys ~ treasureship
tashtid ~ clamminess
tashtit ~ stored, saved, treasured, hoarded
Yn Tasmaan ~ Tasmania
Tasmaanagh ~ Tasmanian
tast-hioweyder ~ storage heater
tastagh ~ politic, observant, considerate, acute
(keen-witted), discerning, sagacious,
knowing, keen (of mind), perceptive,
percipient, vigilant
tastaght ~ sapience, understanding
tastal ~ observe, notice, heed, attend, fit on
tasteen ~ clip
taster ~ thresher
tasteragh ~ thrashing (act of)
tasteraght ~ thresh
tasterys ~ hammering, thrashing, threshing
tastey ~ attention, consideration, observance,
heed, awareness, vigilance, notice, storage,
observation, cognition, observe, keep
tastey (da) ~ heed
tasteyder ~ heeder
tastid ~ sagacity, penetration, attentiveness,
discernment, perception, intellect, attention,
acuteness (of mind)
tastid gyn keeayllyn ~ extra-sensory perception
tastit ~ heeded, observed
tastoil ~ observable, conspicuous
tastoilid ~ renown, conspicuousness
tattal ~ tatting, tat
tattoo ~ tattoo (on skin), tattoo
tauint ~ sauntering
tauinteragh ~ saunterer
tauinteraght ~ saunter
tauinterys ~ saunter
tawlish ~ checkers
tawlish (beg) ~ draughts
tawlish mooar ~ backgammon
taynrit ~ fine-drawn
tayr ~ catch
tayree ~ worthless catch
tayreyder ~ catcher, apprehender, fielder
tayreyder breck ~ spotted flycatcher
tayrit ~ apprehended, seized, netted
tayrn ~ carry, heave, haul, drag, pull, pluck,
yank, tug, tow, trawl, hitch, draw along, cart;
get out; draw, trace, describe; attract, lure,
induce; tap (as barrel), brew (of tea);
designing, drawing, tracing; quartering,
tugging, towing, carrying, pulling, draft,
haulage, suction
tayrn aa-villey er ~ redraw
tayrn ass ~ deduce
tayrn ass yn aarkey ~ lay up
tayrn beg ~ pluck
tayrn cartoon (jeh) ~ cartoon
tayrn caslys jeh ~ design
tayrn cooidjagh ~ close
tayrn drogh ghoo er ~ disparage
tayrn drogh ourys (er) ~ compromise,
tayrn dy tappee ~ dash off
tayrn eeast ayns ingagh ~ netting
tayrn ennal ~ breathing, respiration, respire,
tayrn ennal reesht ~ respire
tayrn ennal vrisht ~ heave (of horse)
tayrn ennoilid ny theay ~ popularize
tayrn er ~ pull on
tayrn er ash ~ draw back, stand down,
withdraw, retract, draw off, pull back;
revocation, withdrawal, retractation
tayrn er ash er e chiouyl ~ self-righting
tayrn er-gerrey da ~ approach
tayrn er kaart ~ chart
tayrn er vunlaa ~ towards noon
tayrn ergooyl ~ withdraw
tayrn ersooyl ~ drag away, draw away
tayrn faggys ~ draw near
tayrn fuill ~ bleeding
tayrn fuill (ass) ~ bleed, cup (surgical)
tayrn gys cooinaghtyn ~ recalling, bethink,
tayrn gys un cheu ~ pull over, draw aside
tayrn jee-voylley er ~ disparage
tayrn jeh ~ pull off, draw off
tayrn kaart jeh ~ chart
tayrn lesh ~ drag along, entail
tayrn lesh pensyl ~ pencil
tayrn linney mygeart er ~ circumscribe
tayrn magh ~ drag out, evoke, pluck out,
extract, elicit, rip out, draw out, pull out,
withdraw (as money), withdrawal, extraction
tayrn magh ass ~ extricate, educe, extrication
tayrn magh fraueyn ~ evolution
tayrn mygeayrt ~ pull about, lug, draw about
tayrn neese ~ slip on, draw up, drag up, pull up
tayrn neese ass yn aarkey ~ beach
tayrn neose ~ pull down, let down, slip on,
moot, serve up, rake up
tayrn neose harrish ~ slip over
tayrn ny lurgaghyn ~ pelvic traction
tayrn ny yei ~ pull about, scuff
tayrn pelvishagh ~ pelvic traction
tayrn rere scailley ~ protract, protraction
tayrn ry-cheilley ~ pull together, canalise,
constringe, canalisation
tayrn ry lhiattee ~ withdraw (as curtains)
tayrn scaa-chaslys (jeh) ~ silhouette
tayrn seose ~ draft
tayrn sheear ~ drawing off, draw off
tayrn sheese ~ drag down
tayrn smishtey (er) ~ slog
tayrn-sthoo ~ derivative
tayrn stiagh ~ draw in, pull in, call in, inhale
tayrn stiagh ennal ~ inhalation, inspire
tayrn teaddey ~ tug-of-war
tayrn thallooin ~ magnetism
tayrn veg ~ twitch
tayrn veih ~ infer
tayrn veih my cheilley ~ dismember, pull apart,
draw apart, dismemberment
tayrn (veih'n fraue) ~ deracinate
tayrn voish ~ pull away
tayrn y minnagh ass ~ eviscerate
tayrnag ~ drawer
tayrnag argid ~ till
tayrnagh ~ fetching, captivating, inviting,
witching, attractive, taking, tractive,
appealing, arresting, catchy, fascinating,
tayrnaghys ~ magnetism
tayrnal ~ trace
tayrneen ~ drawer-pull
tayrneyder ~ puller, drawer, tractor, worm
tayrneyder caslyssyn ~ illustrator
tayrneyder magh ~ extractor
tayrneyder praddag ~ caterpillar tractor
tayrneyder stiagh ~ inhaler
tayrneydys ~ magnetism
tayrneyraght ~ illustration
tayrnit ~ pulled, designed, painted, spare,
dragged, plucked, brewed, drawn, have out
tayrnit er ash ~ revoke
tayrnit magh ~ suspended, drawn out
tayrnys ~ attraction
tayrnyssagh ~ appetible, attractive
tayrnyssaght ~ attractiveness
tayrtyn ~ catch, seize, field, apprehend,
tayrtyn eeanlee ~ bird-catching
tayrtyn 'sy lieen ~ net-backing
tead ~ loose rope, line, rope, guy, string
tead-aarey ~ rope-ladder
tead (akeragh) ~ cable
tead bog ~ slack rope
tead caabylchast ~ cable-laid rope
tead chaghteragh ~ lifeline
tead chionn ~ tightrope
tead chionney ~ straining stay
tead clag ~ bell-rope
tead cluig ~ bell-rope
tead coadee ~ bolt-rope
tead crackan ~ hide rope
tead croanspreih ~ bobstay
tead daa 'illey ~ rope of two strands
tead daa (kiare) filley ~ spun yarn
tead gaue ~ communication chord
tead geayee ~ bowline
tead gleash-veih ~ log-line
tead-hooyl ~ tightrope walking
tead-hooylleyder ~ tightrope walker
tead jerree ~ stern-fast
tead kennipey ~ hempen rope
tead kianglee ~ bridle
tead king ~ brace
tead laue ~ guide-rope
tead roie ~ running rope
tead skibbylt ~ skipping rope
tead staillin ~ hawser
tead stiuree ~ guy rope, tiller-rope
tead suntal ~ lead line
tead tayrn ~ heaving line, town rope
tead tayrnee ~ tow, warp, heaving line
tead thallooin ~ mooring rope
tead troggee ~ tackle-fall, halyard
tead yiarn ~ hawser
teaddaght ~ cordage
teaddan cluig ~ bell-pull
teaddey ~ rope
teaddeyder ~ rope-maker
teaddit ~ roped
teaddyn ~ ropes
teaddyn doo oallee ~ spider-lines
teaddyn stiuree ~ tiller-lines
teaddyn yn choraa ~ vocal chords
teaddyn yn ghoo ~ vocal cords
teagh ~ habitation
teak ~ teak
Yn Tealann ~ Zealand
teamid ~ uncertainty
tearmey ~ usance (of bill), limit of time
teastag ~ doughnut
teastney ~ knead
teaum ~ pour, teem
teaumane ~ washing dish, baler (dish)
teaumane beaghee ~ feed-pump
teaumane mooiney ~ catheter
teaumane ushtey rummey ~ bilge pump
teaumee ~ baling
teaumey ~ empty (of liquid), drain, decant, pour
out, draw off, pump out, run off, pump
empty, bale, bail (as small boat), tip (as
lorry), tax (as strength); teeming, baling,
drawing off, draining, pouring, decantation
teaumey fliaghee ~ fall of rain
teaumeydaght ~ pumping
teaumeyder ~ pourer, baler, teemer, tipper,
emptier, pumper
teaumeyder boteil ~ bottle-drainer
teaumit ~ poured, baled, emptied, teemed, tipped
(as cart), taxed (as strength)
teaym ~ fad, seizure, attack, mood, caprice,
swoon, whim, spasm, bout (of sickness), fit,
vagary, notion
teaym chree ~ heart attack
teaym eulys ~ fit of rage
teaym nearag ~ nervous breakdown
teaymagh ~ fitful, fickle, humoursome, moody,
spasmodic, notional, whimsical, wavering,
freakish, capricious
teaymaght ~ moodiness, whimsicality
teaymid ~ moodiness, instability, fitfulness,
teayrtagh ~ keeper
teayst [f] ~ dough, paste, pastry
teayst bleaystagh ~ puff pastry
teayst brishalagh ~ short pastry
teayst chelk ~ putty
teaystag [f] ~ dumpling
teaystagh ~ doughy, under-cooked (as bread),
ill-baked, pasty
teaystey ~ massage
teaysteyder ~ masseur
teaystit ~ kneaded
teaystnee ~ knead
teaystney ~ working (as dough), kneading
teaystneyder ~ kneader
teaystnit ~ kneaded
teaystyn ~ knead
tecks ~ letter press
tee ~ tee (golf), te
t'ee ~ she is
teeal ~ tee (golf)
Yn Teelan Noa ~ New Zealand
Yn Teer ~ Syria
t'eh ~ he is, it is
T'eh lhien! ~ Thumbs up!
teigh ~ chopper, axe, hatchet
teigh caggee ~ bill, tomahawk
teigh chaggee ~ battle-axe
teigh cheylley ~ woodman's axe
teigh chloaie ~ stone axe
teigh foalley ~ cleaver (for meat)
teigh lhean ~ broad axe
teigyr ~ tiger
teih ~ select, single out, elect
teiht ~ elite, select, elected
teihys ~ fad, choiceness
teihys daaneyn ~ anthology
teihyssagh ~ faddist, selective, faddish,
teim ~ thyme
teim hallooin ~ wild thyme
teimyl ~ thymol
teimys ~ thymus
teisht ~ certificate
teisht scoill ~ school certificate
teisht vaaish ~ death certificate
Teisht Vainshtyr ~ Master's Certificate
teishtagh ~ certifiable
teishtey ~ certify
teishteyder ~ certifier
teishtit ~ certificated
teishtys ~ chitty, certification, diploma
teishtys eeck ~ clearance certificate
teishtys ronney ~ share certificate
teiy ~ choose, select, vote, cull, gather, cream
(best), pick, pick over, poll; prime, choice,
highlight; selection, discrimination, ballot,
balloting, division; tomahawk
teiy dy jeean ~ hand-pick
teiy follit ~ secret ballot
teiy foshlit ~ open ballot
teiy reaghee ~ casting vote
teiy y cheau ~ to record a vote
teiyagh ~ discriminating, choosey, discretionary
teiyder ~ constituent, picker, gatherer, voter,
selector, chooser
teiyderaght ~ electorate
teiyrt ~ select
teiys ~ poll
teiyt ~ fancy, picked, well-chosen, plum,
selected, high-grade
teks ~ text
teksagh ~ textual
tekslioar ~ textbook
telegraf rybbanagh ~ tape machine
telegrafal ~ to wire to
telluragh ~ telluric
tellyn ~ Welsh harp
temperey ~ tempera
tempreil ~ temper, moderate, annealing, anneal
tempreilagh ~ moderating, tempering
tempreilys ~ temperature (of air)
tempreit ~ tempered
tendeil ~ serve, wait on; waiting, serving;
service, attendance
tendeilagh ~ attendant (of person), attendant,
tendit ~ served
tendreil ~ lightning
tendreil bluckanagh ~ ball-lightening
tendreil gollagagh ~ forked lightning
tendreil lhean ~ sheet lightning
tennalt ~ tenon
tenniu ~ break up
tennor ~ tenor
tennoragh ~ tenor
tennys ~ tennis
tennys buird ~ ping-pong
tensoor ~ tensor
tent agglish ~ tabernacle
teorey ~ restriction
teorit ~ limited
termeeaght ~ terminology
terminal ~ terminal
terr ~ tar
terr geayil ~ coal tar
terragh ~ tarry
terral ~ tar
terree ~ terrier
terrey ~ tar
terrish ~ something severe
terriu ~ bulls
terrvacadam ~ tarmacadam
t'ersooyl ~ departed
tersyn ~ crozier
tert ~ terce
teryleen ~ terylene
tesmad ~ step of ladder, rung, cross bar,
tessen ~ transversal, athwart, diagonal,
transverse, cross, thwart
tessen-chaghlaa folley ~ blood transfusion
tessen-cheerey ~ cross-country
tessen er y cheilley ~ intersect, criss-cross,
tessen-leeideilagh ~ transducer
tessenagh ~ diagonally, crosswise, transversely,
transversal, passable
tessenaght ~ passableness
tessenane ~ diagonal
tesseneyr ~ interrupter
tessenid ~ obliqueness, traverse
testchloie ~ test match
tester ~ tester
Tet! ~ Chut! Pshaw!
tetanus ~ tetanus
tetrachloraid ~ tetrachloride
tetrachoardey ~ tetrachord
tetragane ~ tetragon
tetraganeagh ~ tetragonal
tetraheedran ~ tetrahedron
tetroid ~ tetrode
Teutonagh ~ Teuton, Teutonic
tey ~ tea
tey beg ~ afternoon tea
tey camomile ~ camomile tea
tey-choirrey ~ tea urn
tey lajer ~ strong tea
tey lhag ~ weak tea
tey-rose ~ tea rose
tey y 'liughey ~ to wet the tea
thaagagh ~ full-bodied
thaagheyder ~ fan
thackish king ~ headrest
thager ~ causeway
thaiane ~ lyme grass
Yn Thaimish ~ Thames
thaish ~ whisper
thaisys ~ phthisis
thalhear ~ tailor
thalhearagh ~ tailoring
thalhearaght ~ tailoring
thalhearys ~ tailoring
thalk noa ~ brand new
thalleyr ~ costumier
thalleyragh ~ sartorial
thalloo ~ clod, earth, ground, terrain, territory,
shore, country, land, soil
thalloo abb ~ abbey land
thalloo abban ~ abbey land
thalloo ard ~ tableland
thalloo baiht ~ drowned lands
thalloo bane ~ fallow
thalloo banejagh ~ fallow, arable land
Yn Thalloo Bretnagh ~ Wales
thalloo chirrym ~ dry land, terra firma
thalloo-chraagh ~ seismic
thalloo chymnee ~ inherited land
thalloo claddee ~ alluvion
thalloo cooyl ~ back land
thalloo cree ~ border land
thalloo curnee ~ wheat-growing land
thalloo eirinagh ~ agricultural land
thalloo er beayn-vaayl ~ feu
thalloo er lheh ~ preserve
thalloo fassee ~ pastureland
thalloo freaylt ~ reservation, reserve
thalloo garroo ~ rough
thalloo glass ~ pastureland
thalloo gleayragh ~ alluvion
thalloo jiarg ~ ploughed land, ploughland
thalloo keylley ~ woodland
thalloo killagh ~ church land
thalloo lhannee ~ glebe, church land
thalloo lheeannagh ~ meadow land
thalloo lhiasit ~ cultivated land
thalloo mea ~ rich soil
Thalloo ny crooiney ~ Crown lands
thalloo oirragh ~ marginal land
thalloo rea ~ plain
thalloo shelg ~ shoot, chase
thalloo sleitoil ~ highland
Thalloo Sooloo ~ Zululand
thalloo traauit ~ ploughland
thalloo y scrabey ~ to paw the ground
Thalloo yn Eeast ~ Newfoundland
thallooaghey ~ touchdown
thallooin ~ land, of earth
thallooinagh ~ earth-born, earthy, earthly,
terrestrial, agrarian, risky, territorial
thallooinaghey ~ earth, earthing
thallooinid ~ earthiness, earthliness
thallooinit ~ earthed, landlocked
thallooinys ~ earthliness
thallooyn ~ grounds
thallooyn theayagh ~ common lands
thamane ~ basin
thammag [f] ~ thicket, bush, wren bush, clump,
fascicle, shoal of herring, bosk(et)
thammag aittin ~ whin bush
thammag chonnee ~ gorsebush
thammag ghleiynagh ~ escallonia
thammag ghress ~ blackberry bush
thammag hibbin ~ ivy bush
thammag lhionney ~ ale-stake
thammag phaagey ~ kissing bush
thammag rose ~ rosebush
thammag shapaanagh ~ japonica
thammag shleiyagh ~ oleander
thammag verrish ~ currant bush
thammag vineenagh ~ fuchsia
thammagagh ~ thickety, bushy
thannaghey ~ slenderize, emaciate, thin, slim,
rarefy, dilute, reduce, shallow, attenuate,
liquefy, bed in; thinning, rarefying,
rarefaction, dilution, reduction, cracking up
(of oil); shoal of waters
thannalaght ~ shallow
thannee ~ shoal
thanney ~ lean, lank, sparely built, slim,
skinny, lanky, weedy, thin (in build), thin (as
paper), thin (of liquid), watery (of soup)
liquid, weak (as solution), watery (of
colour), attenuated, tenuous, flimsy, meagre,
slender, hollow (as friendship), rare,
shallow, sharp face, scraggy
thanneyder ~ thinner (agent)
thannid ~ weediness, scragginess, attenuation,
tenuity, shallowness, leanness, liquidity,
rareness, spareness, thinness; two year old
thannit ~ thinned, rarefied
thanvaanagh ~ astonishing
thanvaanaghey ~ astonish
thanvaanit ~ moonstruck
thanvaanys ~ astonishment
thanvanagh ~ staggering
thanvanaghey ~ amaze
thanvaneagh ~ astonishing, amazing
thanvaneys ~ amazement, astonishment
thanvanit ~ amazed, thunderstruck
tharmanaghey ~ rumble, crash, clashing, clash,
crack (of thunder)
tharmane ~ clash, rumble, crash (of noise), din,
alarm, rumbling, blow, boom (noise), tumult,
smacking, concussion, atmospherics,
confusion, continual noise, report
tharmane sonnagh ~ sonic boom
tharmaneagh ~ loud, noisy, rustling, rushing,
tharmaneys ~ noisiness, hubbub
tharmanid ~ loudness
tharrar ~ auger
tharrar broghil ~ breast-driller
tharrar voteilagh ~ corkscrew
tharrar vowagh ~ bow-drill
tharrarey ~ bore
tharrey ~ choice part, essence
tharrey foalley ~ meat essence
tharrey fynnican ~ albumen
thartagh ~ costive, bound (constipated)
thartid ~ costiveness
thartys ~ costiveness
thassane ~ buzz (of crowd), hiss, hum, twitter,
murmuring, babbling, buzzing, twittering
thassaneagh ~ murmurer, murmuring, babbling,
thassaney ~ twittering, hiss, twitter, hissing,
Thaue! Thaue! ~ (call to drive sheep)
theater ~ theatre
theater seyr ~ Penny gaff
theateragh ~ theatrical
theay ~ common people, general public, laity,
hoi polloi, subject, peasantry, layman, plebs,
theay-chleragh ~ lay clerk
theayagh ~ common, vulgar, plebian, lay, civil;
layman, villager, folk
theayaghey ~ laicize, laicization
theayreill ~ rule of the people
theiley ~ lime
theiley millish ~ sweet lime
theiley sharroo ~ sour lime
theillagh ~ limy
theinney ~ thinner
theinniu ~ thaw, defrost, liquefy; thawing,
theinniuagh ~ thawing
theinniuit ~ thawed
theo ~ commonalty
therapagh ~ therapeutic(al)
therapee ~ therapeuticist
therapey ~ therapy
therapick ~ therapeutics
therrag ~ crupper
thie ~ house, home, residency, habitation,
building, homeward, indoor, domestic
thie aaght ~ boarding house, lodging house
thie aash ~ home of rest, rest house
thie agglish ~ vicarage, parsonage
thie apag ~ monkey house
thie argid ~ bank
thie armyn ~ armoury
thie arrey ~ guard house, watch house
thie arroo ~ granary
thie as thalloo ~ property
thie baaish ~ house of mourning
thie baanrit ~ madhouse, bedlam, asylum,
lunatic asylum
thie baatey ~ boat house
thie babban ~ doll's house
thie baghee ~ dwelling
thie bainney ~ dairy
thie balley ~ homestead
thie barrantys ~ trust house
thie bee ~ caf, restaurant, cook shop, chop
thie beg ~ lavatory, loo
thie billagh ~ tree house
thie billey feeyney ~ vinery
thie boanderey laa ~ day nursery
thie boulleraght ~ bowling alley
thie braghey ~ malt house
thie buitchoorys ~ abattoir, slaughter house,
thie bun-ry-skyn ~ bear garden
thie bwoaillee ~ shearing hut
thie caffee ~ coffee bar
thie caih ~ bolting house
thie cailleeyn dooey ~ nunnery, convent
thie cairt ~ cart house, cart shed
thie calmane ~ pigeon house, columbarium
thie cartee ~ tannery
thie chaghteraght ~ embassy
thie cheerey ~ grange, country house, villa,
country seat
thie chellvane ~ telephone exchange
thie cloie ~ theatre, playhouse
thie club ~ club house
thie cluig ~ belfry
thie coadee ~ asylum
thie coagyrey ~ galley
thie coagyrys ~ cook house
thie coigee ~ weaving shed
thie coirrey ~ boil house
thie colhiabbee ~ seraglio
thie combaase ~ binnacle
thie commee ~ restaurant
thie conning ~ rabbit hutch
thie cooinnee ~ mint
thie coonree ~ exchange bureau
thie coontee ~ counting house
thie cooreydys ~ perfumery
thie cour shenn sleih ~ nursing home
thie craue(yn) ~ charnel house, ossuary
thie cray ~ mud house
thie creearree ~ bolting house
thie cronchor ~ gaming house, casino
thie cruinn ~ rondavel
thie curneenaghey ~ cannery
thie custam ~ toll house
thie custym ~ entrepot, custom house
thie daah ~ dye-works
thie daahderys ~ dye-works
thie dellal ~ business establishment
thie doo ~ black house
thie doon ~ blockhouse
thie droghad ~ bridge house
thie eddrym ~ pavilion
thie eeanlee ~ aviary
thie eeast ~ aquarium (building)
thie eirinagh ~ grange, farm house
thie ellyn ~ art gallery
thie er lheh ~ private house
thie errey ~ infirmary
thie etlan ~ hangar
thie faarkee ~ bagnio, public baths
thie fainee ~ coach house
thie farraragh ~ wake house
thie feayr ~ cold store, cool house
thie foaid ~ sod house
thie fuinnee ~ bakery, bake house
thie fuygh ~ log cabin
thie gamman ~ casino
thie gammanyn ~ kursaal
thie gas ~ gas-works
thie geayil ~ coal house
thie giat ~ gate house
thie giattey ~ lodge
thie gless ~ forcing house, hothouse,
greenhouse, conservatory
thie glish ~ lock-up
thie glonney ~ glass house, greenhouse,
thie glonney chiowit ~ stove
thie goaldee ~ private hotel, guesthouse, hotel
thie grease ~ factory
thie grease cluig ~ bell-foundry
thie grease ooill ~ oil-works
thie greienys ~ harness room
thie greiney ~ sun house
thie imbyl ~ brewery
thie injil ~ bungalow
thie jaagh ~ smoke house
thie jalloo ~ cinema, picture theatre, picture
thie jantys laueanyn ~ glove factory
thie-jeant ~ home-made
thie jeirk ~ charitable institution
thie jerree ~ stern cabin
thie jeshaght ~ engine house
thie jough ~ shebeen
thie keoie ~ madhouse
thie kianglee (lioaragh) ~ bindery
thie kiark ~ fowl house, hen house
thie kiaulldramey ~ opera house
thie kirkey ~ broiler house
thie laaee ~ mud house
thie laaghey ~ mud house
thie lesh fer hene ~ private house
thie lheeys cheerey ~ cottage hospital
thie lheeys chiassaghey ~ fever hospital
thie lheeys privaajagh ~ nursing home
thie lhehlysh ~ isolation hospital
thie lheie ~ smelter, smelt
thie lheihys ~ sanatorium, hospital
thie lheiltys ~ gymnasium
thie lhiabbagh ~ doss house, pension
thie lhiabbee ~ lodging house
thie lhiennoo ~ creche
thie lhionney ~ ale house, pub, pot house,
boozer, beer house
thie lhoobagh ~ penthouse
thie lieh scarrit ~ semi-detached
thie lioaragh ~ library
thie loghey ~ lake dwelling
thie lostee ~ crematorium
thie lout ~ deck house
thie maidjey ~ wooden house
thie margee ~ covered market, bourse
thie moddee ~ kennel
thie mooar ~ hall, manor, mansion, dwelling,
thie mooie ~ outhouse
thie mooin ~ urinal
thie mraane reilt ~ convent
thie niaghyn ~ wash house, laundry
thie nieeaghyn ~ laundry
Thie ny Brooie ~ Tighnabruich
Thie ny Creggey ~ Craighouse
thie ny doail ~ home for the blind
thie ny gabbyl ~ stable
thie ny giark ~ hen house
thie ny merriu ~ mortuary
thie ny moght ~ poor house, alms house, work
thie oainjer ~ brothel
thie oast ~ pub, licensed house, inn, public
house, hotel, tavern, saloon, boozer, dram
thie oast awiney ~ riverside inn
thie oast Frangagh ~ cabaret
thie oast ny ynnyd ~ local
thie oast seyr ~ free house
thie oayll ~ rendezvous
thie obbree ~ factory
thie obbree cobbyr ~ copper-works
thie obbyr ~ work house, workshop
thie ollee ~ cattle house, byre, cow house
thie ollish ~ sauna
thie ooasle ~ villa (mansion)
thie oonlee ~ ablutions
thie ooree ~ cafe
thie ooree beg ~ cafeteria
thie oranje ~ orangery, orange house
thie palm ~ palm house
thie pasheydys ~ pottery
thie pedryl ~ petrol station
thie pessonagh ~ rectory
thie post ~ post house
thie premmee ~ lavatory
thie quaiyllagh ~ court house
thie rioee ~ cold store
thie rollageydys ~ observatory
thie ry-hoiaghey ~ house to let
thie saase ~ remand home
thie saggyrt ~ presbytery
thie scannane ~ cinema
thie scoill ~ school house
thie screeuee ~ scriptorium
thie sheaynt ~ sanctuary
thie sheelee ~ distillery
thie sheeley ~ refinery
thie shellan ~ apiary
thie shirveishagh ~ manse
thie sidoor ~ barrack
thie slaanaghey ~ sanatorium
thie sniengan ~ termitary
thie soilshee ~ lighthouse
thie sollysh ~ lighthouse
thie souree ~ summer residence
thie speyrey ~ sky-scraper
thie stainnaghey ~ cannery
thie sthill ~ still house
thie stiuree ~ wheel house
thie stoyr ~ depositary, storehouse, warehouse
thie streebee ~ brothel, disorderly house
thie streebeeys ~ stew
thie strullee ~ scullery
thie sushtal ~ mission
thie 'sy valley ~ town residence
thie tashtee ~ treasury, museum, treasure house
Thie Tashtee Vannin ~ Manx Museum
thie tead ~ rope house
thie tey ~ teashop
thie treih ~ sorrowing household
thie treoghan ~ orphanage
thie troailt ~ caravan
thie ushag ~ aviary
thie-vaatey ~ houseboat
thie-veg ~ lavatory, earth closet, toilet, loo
thie y chaardee ~ forge
Thie Yee ~ house of God
thie ym-reaghee ~ clearing house
Thie yn Ardwhaiyl ~ Capitol
thie yn aspick ~ bishop's palace
thie yn dean ~ deanery
thie yn taggyrt ~ parsonage, vicarage, presbytery
thie yn veoir ~ mansion house
thie ynsee ~ academy
thieoil ~ domestic, homely
thieoilagh ~ domestic servant, domestic
thieoilid ~ domesticity, homeliness
thieoilys ~ domestication
thieys ~ housing, housekeeping
thieysagh ~ housekeeper
thieysaght ~ housekeeping
thioll lesh cliwe-gunney ~ bayonet
thiollane ~ tunnel
thiollaney ~ tunnel, tunnelling
thiollaneyder ~ tunneler
thiolley ~ punch, pierce, bore, perforate, pit (of
acids), hole(pin), raise; boring; perforation
thiolley trooid ~ pierce through
thiolleyder ~ perforator, bit, borer
thiollit ~ bored, pitted, perforated, pierced
thit ~ lisp
thittagh ~ lisping, lisp, hesitating
thittal ~ humming and hawing
thittys ~ hesitation, demur, impediment of
thoag ~ sponge
thoag ny ben varrey ~ whelk egg
thoagagh ~ spongy
thoagaghey ~ sponging, sponge
thoagagoilid ~ sponginess
thoaganagh ~ starer, gaper, gaping, staring
thoaganey ~ staring, stare, gaping, gape
thoaganys ~ staring
thoagey ~ sponging, sponge
thoagh ~ precipice
thoagid ~ sponginess
thoallee ~ see thollee
thoannagh ~ tonic
thoanney ~ anal, rectum
thoar ~ bleaching field
thoaree ~ bleaching
thoarey ~ bleach, bleaching
thoilley ~ torrent
thoilley marrey ~ tidal wave
tholk noa ~ revolutionary
thollag ~ crab louse
thollag 'aiyr ~ shrew, pigmy shrew
thollag faiyr ~ field mouse
thollane ~ blockhead, fit of passion, impulse,
giddy person, fancy
thollaneagh ~ sporadic, heady, dizzy, giddy,
thollaneys ~ headiness, vertigo, stupefaction,
giddiness, dizziness, stupor
thollaneys inchyn ~ brainstorm
thollee ~ robust, strong bodied, strapping, burly,
well-built, beefy, athletic, brawny, stocky,
big, hefty
tholleeid ~ bigness, brawn
tholleeys ~ brawn
tholtan ~ derelict, ruin
tholtanagh ~ broken down, ruin, ramshackle,
tumble-down, delapidated, falling, crumbling
(of house)
tholtanys ~ dilapidation, delapidation
Thom Keekagh ~ Peeping Tom
Thomaase ~ Thomas, Tom
Thomaaseen ~ Tommy
Thomagh ~ Thomist
Thomaghys ~ Thomism
thombaacey ~ smoking, the weed
thombaacey frangagh ~ petunia
thombaaghey ~ baccy
thoo ~ thatch, thatching
thoo shaslee ~ marram thatch
thoo shastagh ~ marram thatch
thooane ~ lath, rib
thooaney ~ lath, rib
thooder ~ thatcher
thooill-hoilshaghey ~ floodlight, floodlighting
thooill hollys ~ floodlight
thooillaghey ~ overflow, inundate
thooilley ~ flood, deluge, stream, flow, onrush,
cloudburst, downpour, spate, effusion,
water-spout, inundation, downfall
thooilley as traie ~ rising and falling
thooilley cassee ~ water-spout
thooilley stiagh (ayn) ~ infest
thooilleydagh ~ diluvial, torrential
thooillit ~ inundated, deluged
thooilliu ~ more
thooish ~ incense
thooish-vaatey ~ incense boat
thooishey ~ incense, cense
thooisheyder ~ censer, thurifer
thooishit ~ incensed
thooishtane ~ thurible
thooit ~ thatched
thoot ~ idiot, cry baby, simpleton, namby-
pamby, boob, bumpkin, lubber, oaf
thootagh ~ tactless, idiotic, namby-pamby,
lubberly, gauche, oafish, silly
thootch ~ moment
thootchagh ~ momentary
thootchey ~ half a second, jiffy, moment, tick
(space of time)
thootid ~ simplicity, idiotism, oafishness
thootys ~ oafishness
thoracks ~ thorax
thoracksagh ~ thoracic
thorcan ~ fume
Thoree ~ Tory
thoree ~ bandit, mugger, footpad, highwayman
thoreeagh ~ robbing, highway robbery
thoreeaght ~ highway robbery, mugging
thoreeit ~ thorite
Thoreeys ~ Toryism
thoreeys ~ mugging
thoriu ~ thorium
thornane ~ mallet
thorran ~ dunghill, muck heap, cesspool
thorran amlee ~ heap of seaweed
thort ~ consideration, presence of mind,
thortagh ~ circumspect, considerate, careful
thortaght ~ considerateness
thousane ~ thousand
thousaneoo ~ thousandth
thow ~ rope, buoy rope, line, painter
thowal ~ tow, haulage
thowder ~ hauler, tower (person)
thowt ~ thwart
thoyn ~ behind, bottom, backside, anus, rectum,
vent, buttock, seat, bum, arse
thoyn chobbyr er ~ copper-bottomed
thoyn chopuir er ~ copper-bottomed
thoyn-laadagh ~ breech-loading
thoyn-leaghyragh ~ rush-bottomed
thoyn ny marrey ~ sea floor, sea bottom, sea
thoyn-ry-hoyn ~ back to back
thoynneyr ~ pederast
thoynneyrys ~ pederasty
thramman sniaghtee ~ guelder rose
thranglym streng ~ wire entanglement
threshtee ~ third course
thrombus ~ thrombus
throng ~ hard-pressed, harassed, tied up (busy),
thruss ~ truss, bundle (of straw)
thrussal ~ truss
thug ~ thug
thuggaght ~ thuggery, thuggee
thum-hiasseyder ~ immersion heater
thummey ~ lunge, submerge, soak, dip,
immerse, plunge, pitch, sop, douse, steep,
dive, duck; diving, ducking, steeping,
immersion, submersion
thummey as leaystey ~ toss (as ship)
thummey kione er oaie ~ crash-dive
Thummeyder ~ Baptist
thummeyder ~ plunger, immerser, diver
thummeyder beg ~ water ouzel, dabchick
thummeyder boteil ~ bottle imp
thummeyder Cairteesagh ~ Cartesian diver
thummeyder fliaghee ~ red-throated diver
thummeyder mooar ~ great northern diver
thummeyder staghyllagh ~ black-throated diver
thummid ~ size, volume, bulk, accumulation,
batch (of things)
thummid (kay) ~ bank (of fog)
thummid sniaghtee ~ bank (of snow), large
thummid-towsagh ~ volumetric(al)
thummidagh ~ bulky, voluminous, thick
(bulky), lumbersome
thummidys ~ bulkiness
thunnag [f] ~ duck
thunnag ammanagh ~ long-tailed duck
thunnag cheylley ~ goosander
thunnag chlaiginagh ~ scaup duck
thunnag chleaynee ~ decoy duck
thunnag chleayshagh ~ Slavonian grebe
thunnag eeacklagh ~ goosander
thunnag ghob chrottagh ~ scoter
thunnag happag ~ tufted duck
thunnag houree ~ garganey
thunnag hummee ~ pochard (female)
thunnag hwoaie ~ gadwall
thunnag irryn ~ drake
thunnag ny scoarnagh doo ~ black-throated
thunnag ny scoarnagh ruy ~ red-throated diver
thunnag sooill airhey ~ golden eye
thunnag 'syn oghe ~ pregnant
thunnag vreck ~ sheldrake, harlequin duck
thunnag y cleayst ~ shoveller duck
thunnag yiarg ~ red-breasted merganser
thunnagagh ~ ducklike
thunney ~ ton, tun
thunney giare ~ short ton
thunney liauyr ~ long ton
thunney meadragh ~ metric ton
thunney recortyssit glen ~ per net register ton
thunney towsit ~ measured ton
thunneydys ~ tonnage
thunneydys recortit ~ registered tonnage
thunneydys slane ~ total tonnage
thurn ~ turn (act), job
thurrick ~ second, a very short time, moment
tiara ~ tiara
tiark ~ short, sparse, scarce, scanty, sporadic,
few, rare, tight (of money)
tiarkagh ~ shortage
tiarkaght ~ rareness, scarceness, shortness,
scaniness, sparsity
tiarkid ~ fewness, scarceness, paucity, poverty
Yn Tiber ~ The Tiber
Tibet ~ Tibet
Tibetagh ~ Tibetan
tick ~ tick
tidey ~ tide
tidey traie ~ receding tide
tidey traih ~ outgoing tide
tidey varrey ~ sea tide
tiert ~ tierce
tig ~ tip, tig
tiggad ~ ticket
tiggad er ash ~ return ticket
tiggad gioaldee ~ pawn ticket
tiggad imbee ~ season ticket
tiggad kirbyl ~ luncheon voucher
tiggad mee ~ monthly ticket
tiggad scudlee ~ luggage ticket
tiggad seyr ~ free pass
tiggad seyrhurrys ~ excursion ticket
tiggad turrysagh ~ tourist ticket
tiggad yl-linney ~ transfer ticket
tiggadee ~ ticket-holder
tilg er ash ~ cast back
tilgagh ~ vomitory
tilgane ~ missile; casting; cast
tilgane stiurit ~ guided missile
tilgchaardee yiarn ~ iron foundry
tilgee ~ emetic
tilgey ~ throw, project, sling, fling, chuck,
shoot, abort, hurl, pitch, pot, toss, vomit,
void, disgorge, plunge, toss up (coin),
precipitate, miscarry, cast, cast off,
discharge, launch; throwing, tossing, casting,
shedding, moulting, vomiting, projection,
ejection, miscarriage, precipitation,
misconception; found
tilgey dy garroo ~ rough-cast
tilgey er ash ~ fling back
tilgey er y thalloo ~ fling down
tilgey fedjagyn ~ moult
tilgey fochrackanagh ~ hypodermic injection
tilgey fynney ~ moult
tilgey garroo ~ rough-cast
tilgey geinnee ~ sand-casting
tilgey magh ~ ejection, cast forth, eject
tilgey magh reesht ~ regurgitate, regurgitation
tilgey scannane ~ cine-projector
tilgey sheese ~ depress
tilgey stiagh ~ injection, inject
tilgey voish ~ dash away
tilgeyder ~ ejector, launcher, thrower
tilgeyder stiagh ~ injector
tilgeyr ~ projector, founder, pitcher, slinger,
tilgeyr aile ~ flame-thrower
tilgeyr clou ~ typecaster
tilgit ~ thrown, projected, cast, launched, shed,
vomited, spewed, miscarried
tilgit sheese ~ down-hearted
tingleyr ~ tinker
tingleyragh ~ tinker
tingleyrys ~ tinkering
tinshoor staillinagh ~ tincture of steel
tinshur ~ tincture
tinsyl ~ tinsel
Tinvaal ~ Tynwald, legislature
tioobey ~ tuba
titraidey ~ titrate, titration
tityllagh ~ titular (of bishop)
Tiudaragh ~ Tudor
toaghailtey ~ excavate
toallee ~ athletic, brawny
toamain ~ ptomaine
toan ~ tone
toan-daah ~ timbre
toanaghey ~ tone, toning
toanney ~ of the breech
toar ~ issue
toarey ~ product, dung, derivative, produce
toarraghey ~ manure, manuring
toarrey ~ manure, stools, dung
toarrey bog ~ loose stool
toarreyder ~ manurer
toarrit ~ manured
tobbyr chasherick ~ stoup
tobbyr ghaal ~ vapour bath
tobbyr ghoo ~ inkwell
tobbyr-niaghan ~ dolly tub
tobbyr niee ~ bathtub, bath
tobbyr niee coshey ~ footbath
tobbyr ollish ~ Turkish bath
tobbyr ooill ~ oilbath
tobbyr oonlee ~ bathtub, bath
tobbyr oonley coshey ~ footbath
tobbyr ushtey ~ water-bath
tobbyr vashtee ~ font
toccar ~ causeway
toddee ~ toddy
toghailt ~ excavation, excavate
toghailteyr ~ excavator, gold-digger
toghan ~ smoke
togher ~ wind
togherys ~ winding, spool, reel, pregnant, wind
(as clock)
toghrane ~ winding
toghreyder ~ winder (of watch)
toghrish ~ capstan
toght ~ smoke, mattress
toght thooee ~ palliasse
toghtagh ~ stifling, moving, emotional
toghtaghey ~ throttling, strangle
yn toghtan ~ catarrh
toghtane ~ croup
toghtaney ~ smoking, smoke, fumigation
toghtaney jaaghag ~ puffing a cigarette
toghtaneyr ~ smoker
toghtanit ~ smoked
toghtee ~ catarrhal
toghteen ~ cigarette
toghtey ~ foul, clog, choke, strangle, throttle,
garrotte, jugulate; strangling, clogging,
choking, strangulation, throttling, dyspnoea
toghteyder ~ garrotter, strangler
toghteyr ~ choke
toghtit ~ tense (of voice), choked, foul,
strangled, strangulated, overwrought
toghyr ~ dowry, endowment, dower, tocher,
marriage settlement, marriage portion
toiggal ~ understand, realize, comprehend,
construe, realization, figure; comprehension,
construction, apprehension
toiggal lesh aggle ~ apprehend
toiggalagh ~ acute (keen-witted), enlightened,
understanding, judicious
toiggalaght ~ judiciousness
toiggaltagh ~ person that understands,
understanding, intellectual, knowing
toiggaltys ~ understanding, intellect, acuity
toiggalys ~ understanding, acuteness (of mind)
toiggeyder ~ person that understands
toiggit ~ apprehended, understood
toilchin ~ earn, merit, deserve, reward;
toilchin baase ~ worthy of death
toilchinagh ~ deserving
toilchinys ~ desert (merit)
toill ~ deserve, will
toilleeaght ~ displacement
toilleyder ~ deserver, earner
toillit ~ deserved, condign
toillit dy mie ~ well-earned
toilliu ~ earn, deserve, merit; deserving
toilloil ~ voluntary, wilful (of action)
toilloilaght ~ wilfulness
toirey ~ despise
tollan ~ staggers
tom ~ tussock
Yn Tomaalee ~ Somaliland
tomaine ~ toxin
toman ~ sarcophagus, low hill
toman mooar ~ mausoleum
tomanagh ~ rounded
tomato ~ tomato
tombaacey cast ~ pigtail
tombaacey millish ~ honeydew
tombaacey plug ~ plug tobacco
tombaacey Virjeeney ~ Virginia
tombaagey caignee ~ chewing tobacco
tombaagey cast ~ twist (tobacco)
tombagey ~ tobacco
tombageyder ~ tobacconist
tomman ~ rise, tomb, hummock, bump
tommanagh ~ bumpy
tonn [f] ~ wave, billow
tonn-chraa ~ vibrate
tonn feayr ~ cold wave
tonn-ghaaig ~ tone-arm
tonn ghiare ~ short wave
tonn hiass ~ heat-wave
tonn hidee ~ tidal wave
tonn hollysh ~ light wave
tonn inchyn ~ brainwave
tonn-lhiurid ~ wavelength
tonn liauyr ~ long wave
tonn vooar ~ beachcomber, comber, breaker
tonn-vrahder ~ wave-detector
tonn ymmyrkagh ~ carrier wave
tonnag ~ wavelet
tonnagh ~ undulatory, billowy, waveswept,
waved, undulating, wavy
tonnaghey ~ undulation, undulate, surge
tonnaght ~ undulation, waviness
tonnaghtyn ~ billow, surge
tonnane ~ ripple, wavelet
tonney ~ wave (of emotion), waviness
tonney tidee ~ tide rip
tonnid ~ waviness
tonnoil ~ waveswept, billowy, undulating
tonnribbey ~ wave trap
tonnveih ~ wave-meter
tonnyn gyn meayllaghey ~ undamped waves
tonnyn hertz ~ Hertzian waves
tonnyn liauyrey ~ long waves
tonoil ~ tonal
tonoilaght ~ tonality
tonteen ~ tontine
Yn Toodaan ~ Sudan
tooillagh ~ twilight
tooilleil ~ toil, labour, travail, tire, fatigue,
drudge, weary; wearying; elbow grease,
laboriousness, tiresomeness, donkey-work,
tooilleilagh ~ fatiguing, wearing, wearisome,
exacting, toilsome, wearying, tiring,
tooilleilid ~ toilsomeness
tooilleilys ~ weariness, laboriousness, ennui
tooilley ~ additional, more, continuation,
addition, supplement, a few more
tooilley cooney ~ reinforcements
tooilley elley ~ moreover
tooilley foast ~ moreover
tooilley ry-heet ~ to be continued
tooilleyder ~ toiler
tooillit ~ fatigued, wearied
tooillit ec yn chaggey ~ war-weary
tooilliu ~ more
tooish frankynsense ~ frankincense
tool-vuilley ~ forehand stroke
Yn Toolyn ~ Sweden
toor ~ tower
toor arrey ~ watch-tower
toor cluig ~ campanile
toor feayree ~ cooling tower
toor grine ~ shot-tower
toor lectragh ~ pylon
toor stiuree ~ conning tower
toor ushtey ~ water-tower
Toor Vabel ~ tower of Babel
tooragh ~ towerlike, towered
tooraghan ~ turret
tooran ~ turret, small tower, round stack
tooran reayrtagh ~ belvedere
tooranagh ~ embattled, turreted
tooreen ~ tureen
tootagh ~ vacuous
tootch ~ a very short time
tootchey ~ a very short time, second
tootey ~ sticky thing, smear
torbane ~ tadpole
torcan ~ stench, stink, reek, strong smell,
stifling cloud of smoke
torcanagh ~ reeky
torch ~ torch
torchagh ~ tormenting, torturing, excruciating,
tantalizing; torment, anguish, torture
torchaghey ~ torment, torture, excruciate,
tantalize; tormenting, torturing, tantalization
torcheyder ~ tormentor, torturer
torchit ~ tortured, tormented, anguished
tork ~ torque
torpaid ~ torpedo
torpaid aer ~ aerial torpedo
torpaidaghey ~ torpedo
torragh ~ gravid, expecting, expectant, with
young, heavy, with child, pregnant
torraghey ~ impregnaion, fertilization, fertilize
torraghys ~ child-bearing, pregnancy
torsaid ~ torsade
torshyn ~ torsion
torshyn-veih ~ torsion balance
torshynagh ~ torsional
tort ~ heed, tort
tortagh ~ tortious
tortys ~ allowance, gift
tortys vleeaney ~ superannuation
torys ~ torus
tosh ~ chieftain
toshee ~ pre-eminent, senior, preliminary,
primary, terminal, front, chief, fore,
precursory, forward, commencing, prefatory,
of the beginning
Ny toshee ~ The pack
tosheeaght ~ priority, precedence, preference,
tosheyder ~ starter
toshiagh ~ offset, premier, chieftain, leader, toe,
toshiagh jioarey ~ coroner
Yn Toshiagh Joaree ~ The Boundary Chief,
toshiaghey ~ commence, begin, no entry,
starting, set in, lead off, initiate, start, set
toshiaghey ass y noa ~ restart
toshiaghey reesht ~ resume
toshiaght ~ start, beginning, commencement,
initiation, inception, opening, genesis, dawn,
curtain-raiser, getaway, forepart, fore, bow
(of ship), preliminary, forestalling, forefront,
threshold (of pain etc), lead, origin, captain
(of team), dawning, stem, vanguard, outset
Toshiaght Arree ~ February
toshiaght blah ~ warm front
toshiaght dooint ~ occluded front
Toshiaght Fouyir ~ August
Toshiaght Gheuree ~ November
toshiaght lhuingey ~ prow
toshiaght roie ~ flying start
Toshiaght Souree ~ May
toshiaght yn armee ~ van of the army
toshiaghteyr ~ beginner, entrant
toshiaghys ~ premiership, pre-eminence,
toshtal ~ left, sinister
toshtalagh ~ left-handed
toshtalaght ~ left handedness
tost ~ mute, muteness, speechless
tostagh ~ noiseless, reticent, taciturn, tacit,
silent, reserved, incommunicative, silence
tostaghey ~ quiet(en), confute, confutation,
tostid ~ lull, silence, tacitness, hush, quietness,
reticence, taciturnity, incommunicativeness
tostid dowin ~ heavy silence
tostyl ~ pageant
tostylys ~ pageantry
tote ~ whole
totem ~ totem
t'ou ~ you are
tournamint ~ tournament
tout ~ tout
toutal ~ tout
toval ~ towel
toval ben ~ sanitary towel
toval chabbil ~ horse towel
toval eddin ~ face towel
toval rollagh ~ roller towel
tovalley ~ towelling, towel
Yn Toveid ~ Soviet
towallagh ~ penetrating
towl ~ hole, hollow, cavity, aperture,
penetration, water supply, vent-hole, crater,
shaft, port, boring, pothole, burrow, earth, den
(of fox), vent, perforation, bore (of gun),
bore, eyehole, leak
towl aer ~ air hole, ventilating shaft, air shaft
towl aghlish ~ armhole
towl aile ~ touch hole
towl arrey ~ spy-hole
towl beishteig ~ worm-hole
towl bleaystan ~ bomb crater
towl (bong) ~ bung hole
towl buird ~ pigeon-hole
towl caabyl ~ hawse
towl coadee ~ fox-hole, funk-hole
towl conning ~ rabbit hole
towl coonee ~ prompt box
towl cooylley ~ scuttle
towl cramman ~ button-hole
towl dhull ~ plug-hole
towl doo ~ black hole
towl ennal ~ airport, spiracle
towl fastee ~ dug-out
towl freeney ~ pinhole
towl gaal ~ steam-port
towl geayee ~ ventilation shaft, air inlet (intake)
towl geayil ~ coal hole
towl geinnee ~ sandpit
towl gliooney ~ knee-hole
towl jaagh ~ flue
towl jeir ~ tear duct
towl keekey ~ peep-hole
towl lauee ~ loophole
towl leoirey ~ ash-hole
towl lhuingey ~ porthole
towl lugh ~ mouse hole
towl meainey ~ bore hole
towl mullee ~ glory hole
towl obbree ~ manhole
towl ogheragh ~ keyhole
towl ooill ~ oil-hole
towl praaseyn ~ potato pit
towl sheelee ~ weep-hole
towl sheidee ~ blow hole
towl shliggan ~ shell hole
towl shynee ~ fox-hole
towl sluggee ~ gully-hole, sink-hole, swallow-
towl speeikearagh ~ eyehole
towl stiuree ~ cockpit
towl stokal ~ stoke-hole
towl stroaney ~ nostril
towl tharrar ~ auger-hole
towl tilgee ~ draw-hole
towl toarrey ~ sink
towl treiney ~ nail-hole
towl troggee ~ hoisting shaft
towl-uinnag ~ port
towl y ghollan ~ barrel (of the ear)
towl yn gheayil ~ coal port
towlaghey ~ cavitation, burrow, penetrate
towley ~ hole, drilling, bore, broach, transfix,
towley collane ~ colotomy
towley (fo voalley) ~ undermine
towleyder ~ borer, burrower
towleyder chibbyr ~ well-sinker
towleyder tiggad ~ ticket punch
towlit ~ broached, bored, drilled, eyed
towllagh ~ penetrative
towlley ~ punch, pierce; penetration; punching
towlley (chibbyr) ~ well-boring
towlley (fo) ~ sap
towlleyder ~ punch, punching machine
towsagh ~ volumetric(al)
towse ~ mark off, gauge, time, weigh, value,
sum up, size, size up, dose, weigh out;
rating, summing up, divine law, capacity,
calibre, tit (of gold)
towse ayns reishyn ~ span
towse chummit ~ heaped measure
towse corp ~ volume
towse corrym ~ equivalent
towse eaghtyragh ~ surface mensuration
towse giare ~ an under-dose
towse jeeyl ~ assessment
towse kioobagh ~ cubic measure
towse liauyr ~ long measure
towse lowaltys ~ limit gauge
towse meanagh ~ average
towse-oayllee ~ geometer
towse-oaylleeagh ~ geometric(al)
towse-oaylleeaght ~ geometry
towse pabyragh ~ paper measure
towse staillinagh ~ steelyard
towse traa ~ timing
towse-yalloo ~ scale drawing
towseyder tempreilys ~ temperature gauge
towsh ~ weigh, weigh out
towshan ~ dimension, survey, standard,
towshan pedryl ~ petrol guage
towshan ushtey ~ water guage
towshanagh ~ surveyor, dimensional, standard
towshaney ~ survey, surveying
towshanit ~ surveyed
towshanys ~ evenness
towsheyder ~ weigher, fitter, assessor
towsheyder amp ~ ammeter
towsheyder chiassan ~ calorimeter
towsheyder cruill ~ curvometer
towsheyder driaght ~ chain-man
towsheyder fliaghee ~ pluviometer
towsheyder fliaghey ~ udometer
towsheyder geayee ~ anemometer
towsheyder lectraght ~ electrometer
towsheyder loaghtee ~ feeler gauge
towsheyder magnaidys ~ variometer
towsheyder railley ~ track guage
towsheyder sollysh ~ photometer
towsheyder tashid ~ hygrometer
towsheyder thallooin ~ land surveyor
towsheyder tidee ~ tide guage
towsheyder troggal ~ variometer
towsheyder uiljyn ~ goniometer
towsheyder voltys ~ voltameter
towsheyder yrdjid ~ altimeter
towsheydys thallooin ~ land-surveying
towshit ~ even, weighed
toyr ~ give
toyragh ~ gifter
toyrt ~ presentation, transmission, giving,
toyrt booise ~ thanksgiving
toyrt-mow ~ destruction, overthrow,
annihilation, damnation, desolation
toyrt-mowys ~ destructiveness
toyrtagh ~ bounteous, giver, transmitter, dative
toyrtoil ~ fecund
toyrtys ~ offering, boon, endowment, present,
delivery, contribution, grant, donation
toyrtys (argid) ~ subvention
toyrtys aundyryn ~ prize-giving
toyrtys ching ~ capitation grant
toyrtys phoosee ~ wedding present
toyrtys scarree ~ gratuity
toyrtys vleeaney ~ pension
toyrtys Yee ~ godsend
toyrtyssagh ~ donor, donator, bestower, giver
tra ~ while, when
tra goll ergooyl ~ recessional
tra goll magh ~ recessional
traa ~ duration, time, period, occasion, tempo
traa anjeealagh ~ breakfast time
traa ardvoggey ~ jubilee
traa arree ~ springtime, equinoctial
traa baghtal ~ apparent time
traa beayney ~ reaping time
traa buinney ~ reaping time
traa cadjin ~ common time
traa cadjinit ~ standard time
traa cadlee ~ bedtime
traa caffee ~ coffee break
traa caggee ~ wartime
traa cloie ~ break, playtime
traa correy ~ seed-time, sowing time
traa creg-oaylleeagh ~ geological time
traa daayl ~ respite
traa-earroo ~ timing
traa eeck ~ usance
traa ennagh ~ sometime
traa erbee ~ anytime, whenever
traa feailley ~ break up
traa fouyir ~ harvest, equinoctial, autumntide
traa geuree ~ winter time (of clock)
traa giare ~ short time
traa hie shaghey ~ elapsed time
traa jinnairagh ~ dinnertime, dinner hour
traa lhie ~ bedtime
traa lhongee ~ mealtime
traa liauyr ~ long term
traa lommyrt ~ shearing time
traa marroo ny hoie ~ witching (time of night)
traa meanagh ~ standard time
traa moal ~ off season
traa noa ~ summertime
Traa Nollick ~ Christmas time, Christmastide,
traa ny fliaghaghyn ~ rainy season
traa ny greiney ~ local time
traa ny himbee ~ termtime
traa ny lhiabbagh ~ bedtime
traa ny rollageyn ~ siderial time
traa padjeragh ~ prayer time
traa rollageagh ~ sideral time
traa-roostey ~ time exposure
traa ry-heet ~ to be, after-days
traa seyr ~ break, spare time, breaking up,
traa shiaullee ~ sailing time
traa shibberagh ~ suppertime
traa shirveish ~ church time
traa sodjey ~ respite
traa souree ~ summer time
traa ta ry-heet ~ futurity
traa tarroogh ~ busy season
traa tey ~ teatime
Traa y Nollick ~ Yuletide
traa yn arree ~ springtime
traa ynnydagh ~ local time
traagh [f] ~ hay
traaghan ~ meadow, pasture
traaghanagh ~ haymaker
traaght ~ essay, written thesis; road traffic;
tread of tyre
traaght raad yiarn ~ rail traffic
traaghtey ~ dissertate
traaghtys ~ dissertation
traaghyn gial ~ bright intervals
traaghyn mullee ~ peak hours
traaghyn olk ~ ill-times
traaghyn seyrey ~ leisure hours
traal ~ trawl net
traaoil ~ topical, opportune, seasonable, fitting,
timely, apropos, fortunate, apt, apposite,
felicitous, punctual
traaoilid ~ felicity, punctuality, aptness,
opportuneness, seasonableness
traaoilys ~ timeliness
traart ~ waste (destroy)
traartagh ~ pernicious, ruinous, vitriolic,
traartaght ~ destructiveness
traartit ~ desolated
traartys ~ disaster, butchery, depredation,
desolation, slaughtering, rout, slaughter,
destruction, havoc, massacre, devastation,
traartyssagh ~ slaughterer, butcher (of dentist),
disastrous, butchering, desolater
traartyssey ~ massacre, desolating, butcher,
traartyssit ~ massacred, butchered, desolated,
traase ~ tomato
traast ~ squeeze
traastagh ~ crushing (as defeat)
traastey ~ squeeze, squeezing, press
traastey gaal ~ steam pressure, vapour pressure
traastey mooar ~ high pressure
traastey ushtey ~ water pressure
traasteyder ~ squeezer, presser
traastit ~ squeezed, pressed
traaue ~ plough, furrow, plough up, cleave;
tilling, ploughing; leisured
traaue fo ~ plough in
traaue neese ~ plough up
traaue ny hrooid ~ plough through
traaue roish ~ labour (of ship)
traaue trooid lioar ~ wade (through book)
traaueagh ~ ploughable
traauee ~ aratory
traaueit ~ ploughed
traaueyder ~ ploughman
traauoil ~ arable
tradishoon ~ tradition (oral)
tradishoonagh ~ traditional
traen ~ locomotive, railway train
traen baatey ~ boat train
traen beg ~ toy train
traen cooid ~ goods train
traen droghad ~ bridge train
traen eeast ~ fish train
traen fo-halloo ~ tube
traen ollee ~ cattle train
traen sidooragh ~ troop train
traen tappee ~ express
traenal ~ train
traght ~ custom (of shop), commerce, trade
traght bayrey ~ road traffic
traghtal ~ trade, dealing, trading
traghtalagh ~ trader, dealed, tradesman
traghtee ~ trade, commercial
traghtey ~ dealing, trade, trading
traghteyder ~ commercialist
traghteyr ~ commentator
traghtys ~ disquisition, commercialism, treatise
traghtys beg ~ tract
traie ~ beach, shore, sandy seashore, strand,
neap tide; cool (of anger), retreat, recede;
cooling, retreating
Traie Chashtal ~ Brodrick
traie gheinnee ~ sands, sandy shore
traie laaee ~ mud flat
traie laaghey ~ mud flat
Traie Lee ~ Tralee
traie ny geayee ~ weather shore
traie rish y gheay ~ lee shore
traie sluggee ~ quicksand
traie-valley ~ watering place
traieit ~ beneaped, beached, cooled, neaped
traifyl ~ trifle
traih ~ flow out, flow away, low water, sink,
diminish, subsidence, go off, subside,
abatement, efflux, go down, abate, ooze
away, decrement, make (of ebb)
traih-varrey ~ low water, ebb
traihit ~ reduced, ebbed
traileyr ~ trailer
trait ~ neaped, beached
traitoor ~ traitor, betrayer
traitooragh ~ treasonable, treacherous, traitorous
traitoorys ~ treachery, treason
tram ~ tram
tram-vollagh ~ tramway
trammal ~ tram, tramming
tramman ~ amiss, elder, foul (as rope), tangled,
tramman gharagh ~ garden elder
tramman ushtey ~ dogberry, guelder rose
tramman veg ~ dane's elder
trammey ~ tramming, tram
trammyl ~ trammel
tramylt ~ sturdy, stalwart, robust, vigorous (as
plant), hardy, stout
tramyltys ~ sturdiness
tranjoor ~ trencher
tranlaasagh ~ persecute, tyrannous, tyrannical,
persecutor, oppressor, oppressiveness,
oppressive, tyrannize, tyrant, oppress,
despotic, despot
tranlaase ~ persecution, oppression, tyranny,
harassment, despotism
tranlaase-agglagh ~ paranoiac
tranlaase-agglaghin ~ paranoiac
tranlaase-aggle ~ paranoia
tranlaasey ~ persecute, harass, oppress,
tranlaasit ~ oppressed, persecuted, tyrannized,
transistagh ~ transistor
transistane ~ transistor radio
transubstanshaghey ~ transsubstantiation
trap ~ trap
trappagh ~ trappist
trartagh ~ overstalled
trasnaghey ~ heckle, transit (of goods)
trasnaght ~ heckling
trasnane ~ sleeper, transom, beam, serif, cross-
trasneyder ~ heckler
trass ~ third
trass gailley ~ fardel
trass-yiarrey cughlinagh ~ conic section
trassagh ~ tertiary
tratnagh ~ pounding
tratnane ~ maul, mallet
tratney ~ mauling, maul, beat flax
traue ~ till
traueit ~ tilled
traval ~ trowel
trawlal ~ trawling, trawl
treaghan ~ exhaust
trean ~ heroic, heavy, intensive, formidable,
firm, brave, stark, valorous, valiant, stout,
trean-vleaystagh ~ high explosive
treanagh ~ he-man, hero
treanid ~ strength, heroics, braveness,
doughtiness, valiantness, exploit, feat,
starkness, valour
treanys ~ bravery
trebbyl ~ treble
tree ~ three, trey
tree-actagh ~ three-act
tree bieauidyn ~ three-speed
tree bleeanagh ~ triennial
tree bun-ynsaghyn ~ three R's
tree bunoyryn ~ three R's
tree cassagh ~ three-footed, three-legged
tree cassyn ~ triskele
tree-chroamatagh ~ trichromatic
tree-chuspagh ~ tricuspid
tree corneilagh ~ three-cornered
tree cruin ~ three-master, three-masted
tree-ennymagh ~ trinomial
tree feed ~ sixty, threescore
tree feed as jeih ~ seventy
tree feedoo ~ sixieth
tree filley ~ threefold, triple, triplicate, three-
ply (of wool)
tree fillit ~ trebly
tree-ghaagh ~ three-coloured
tree-ghuillagagh ~ three-leaved
tree goullanagh ~ three-pronged
tree-hearmagh ~ trinomial
tree-heedragh ~ trihedral
tree-hiaghtinoil ~ tri-weekly
tree-howshanagh ~ three-dimensional
tree illit ~ three-ply (of wool), treble
tree-jeig ~ baker's dozen, thirteen
tree jeshaghtagh ~ three-engined
tree keayrtyn ~ thrice, trebly
tree kerroo ~ three-quarter
tree kerroonagh ~ three-quarter back
tree-kiare ~ three-four
tree laare ~ triple decker
tree laghyn ~ triduum
tree laghyn 'sy chiaghtyn ~ tri-weekly
tree-lhiatteeagh ~ trilateral
tree-lout ~ triple decker
tree-mairagh ~ tridactyl(ous)
tree-meir ~ three-toed, tridactyl(ous)
tree mraane ~ three women
tree-phaasagh ~ three-phase, triphase
tree-phistylagh ~ trigynous
tree pingyn ~ threepence, threepenny
tree-queeyllagh ~ three-wheeled, tricycle
tree-queeyllagh ymmyrkey ~ carrier tricycle
tree reddyn ~ triplet, triplicate
Ny Tree Reeaghyn ~ The Three Magi
tree-rheynn ~ trisect
tree-rheynnagh ~ trisecting
tree straihagh ~ three-ply (of wood)
tree 'sy nane ~ triune
tree towshanagh ~ three-dimensional
tree-uillinagh ~ triangular
tree-vairagh ~ three-toed
tree-veadar ~ trimeter
tree-veadragh ~ trimeter
tree vollagh ~ three-way
tree-vunnagh ~ tribasic
treeaght ~ Trinity
treeal ~ propose, purpose, inclination, intend,
treealagh ~ empiric(al), assertive, tentative
treealaght ~ empiricism
treealeyder ~ proposer
treealley ~ journeying, journey
treealtys ~ motion, proposal, proposition
treealys ~ assertiveness, enterprise
treealysagh ~ enterprising
treebleeantag ~ triennial
treechoshagh ~ tripod, spider
treeghaagh ~ tricolo(u)r
treegyl ~ treacle
treeheelagh ~ trisyllabic
treeheeley ~ trisyllable
Treelagh ~ Terence
treen ~ third (fractional), third
treeoid ~ triode
treeoo ~ third
treeoo-jeig ~ thirteen, thirteenth
Yn Treepharteeaght ~ The Triple Alliance
treescreeu ~ trigraph
treeskeealag ~ trilogy
treicknane ~ gravel, beetle
treickney ~ beetle
treickneyder ~ beetler
treicknit ~ beetled
treigeil ~ maroon, strand, desert, rat on, lay
aside, betray, jilt, throw over, repudiate,
abandon, fall away, defect, evacuate,
forsake; repudiation, deviation, evacuation,
treigeilagh ~ forsaker, renage, deserter,
inconstant, defector
treigeilys ~ defection, fall off, betrayal,
desertion, dereliction, abandonment,
treigeyder ~ deserter
treigit ~ ditched, derelict, deserted, stranded,
love-lorn, lorn, abandoned, forsaken, forlorn
treigit liorish Jee ~ god-forsaken
treih ~ pitiful, fragile, pitiable, deplorable,
seedy, forlorn, wretched (of thing), pasty,
abject, doughy, sallow, drawn, pale, pale-
faced, regrettable, sickly, wan, miserable,
haggard, pallid, feeble, piteous, rueful,
treih-hrimshagh ~ doleful, deplorable,
treihagh ~ pitifully, miserably
treihaght ~ pitifullness, misery
t rei hi d ~ haggardness, feebl eness,
miserableness, paleness, wanness
treihnagh ~ mournful
treihys ~ wretchedness, abjectness, pathos,
fragility, abjection, desolation (of persons),
wanness, sallowness, misery, haggardness,
treill ~ intend
treinaghey ~ nail, nail down
treiney ~ nail
treiney chavin ~ coffin nail
treiney chione diamanagh ~ rose nail
treiney chrou ~ horseshoe nail, hobnail
treiney ghorrysh ~ door nail
treiney rio ~ frost nail
treiney roauyr ~ stub nail
treiney vlastal ~ clove
treiney vraag ~ hobnail
treiney whuaiyllee ~ clinch(er) nail
treineyder ~ nailer
treinit ~ nailed, hobnailed
treisht ~ charge (duty), trust, confidence, hope
treisht argidagh ~ investment trust
Treisht Ashoonagh Vannin ~ Manx National
treisht veg ~ faint hope
treishtagh ~ confident, fiduciary, trusting
treishteil ~ trust, reliance
treishteil ayn ~ confide
treishteil (da) ~ entrust
treishteilagh ~ trustee, trustworthy, trusty,
confiding, trustful, hopeful
treishteilaght ~ trusteeship, hopefulness
treishteilid ~ trustfulness
treishteilys ~ trustiness, trustworthiness, fidelity
treishteyder ~ truster
treishtit ~ trusted, credited
trellag ~ gland
trellag cheeroydjagh ~ thyroid gland
trellag nieu ~ poison gland
trellag phrostaitagh ~ prostate
trelleen ~ glanders, farcy
trelleenagh ~ glandered
trelloo ~ kit
trensh ~ trench
trenshoor ~ tray, salver, platter, trencher
trenshooragh ~ trencherman
treoghan ~ orphan
treoghe ~ widowed, orphaned
treoghid ~ widowhood
treoghit ~ widowed
treoghys ~ widowhood, bereavement (of female)
treoir-ockle ~ catchword
trepan ~ trepan
trepanal ~ trepan
treshlen ~ thrush, song thrush, throstle, mavis
treshlen Loghlinagh ~ redwing
treshlen sniengan ~ ant thrush
treshlen vooar ~ missel thrush
trespass ~ trespass
trespasseyr ~ trespasser
Tressa ~ Teresa
tressad ~ a third crop
trew ~ quinsy
triah ~ chief
tribune ~ tribune
trick ~ quick in succession, trick (cards),
trickeen ~ trichina
trickid ~ frequency
trie [f] ~ sole, twelve inches, foot
trie cherrinagh ~ square foot
trie chioobagh ~ cubic foot
trie chorc ~ cork sole
trie-hooyllagh ~ plantigrade
trie-hooylleyder ~ plantigrade
trie-howshan ~ foot rule
trie oashyragh ~ stocking feet
triephunt ~ foot-pound
triephuntane ~ foot-poundal
Yn Trilleen ~ the Pleiad
trillioon ~ trillion
trimman ~ bob (of pendulum)
trimmey ~ heavier
trimmid ~ weight, heaviness, pressure, highness,
seriousness, intenseness, hardness (of work),
stress, harshness (of punishment), severity,
burdensomeness, density (of fog),
weightiness, importance, bounteousness,
gravity, emphasis, soundness, graveness
trimmid aer ~ air pressure
trimmid breneenagh ~ atomic weight
trimmid-corrym ~ balance weight
trimmid cree ~ disconsolateness
trimmid er lheh ~ specific gravity
trimmid folley ~ blood pressure
trimmid glen ~ tare
trimmid gortagh ~ scant weight
trimmid-howshagh ~ gravimetric
trimmid kellee ~ bantamweight
trimmid (lectragh) ~ charge
trimmid recortit ~ registered tonnage
trimmid slane ~ total tonnage
trimmid trome ~ dead weight
trimmid ushtey ~ water pressure
trimmid-veih ~ manometer
trimshagh ~ mournful, sad, lugubrious, heavy
(sorrowful), miserable, grievous, sorrowful,
baleful, dismal, plaintive, saddened, affecting;
lamentation; sad person, sorrowful person
trimshey ~ trouble (bereavement), sadness,
sorrow, dolour
trimshey cree ~ soul-sickness
trimshey ny hoie ~ dead of night
trimshit ~ saddened
Yn Trinaid Noo ~ The Blessed Trinity
trinaidagh ~ triune
tringyl ~ tringle
trioragh ~ painstaker
triorys ~ pains
trioshid ~ potency
trip ~ trip
triplaid ~ triplet
trippal ~ trip
trippyl ~ flounce
tro ~ trait, property
troa ~ direction, set, current, drift, trend, surge,
troa-chiarkyl ~ director
troa-linney ~ line of force, directrix
troagyr ~ plod, trudge
troagyraght ~ march, hike, tramp, marching,
hiking, tramp (walk), trudge
troagyraght lurg ~ trape(s)
troagyraght ny yei ~ trape(s)
troagyrey ~ tramper, plodding, hiker, plodder,
troagyrit ~ trudged, hiked, tramped
troailt ~ travel, journey, trek, labour, voyage,
traverse, negotiate, itinerate, commute;
voyaging, trekking, travelling
troailt er daawheeyl ~ bicycle
troailtagh ~ representative, itinerant, rep,
wayfarer, travelling salesman, itinerate,
commuter, trekker, passenger, passerby,
traveller, carpet-bagger; travelling
troailtagh crauee ~ pilgrim
troailtagh cruinney ~ globetrotter
troailtagh follit ~ stowaway
troailtagh marrey ~ voyager, sea voyager, sea
troailtagh traghtee ~ commercial traveller
troailtagh(ey) ~ traverse
troailtaght ~ itineracy
troailtit ~ travelled, traversed, crossed
troailtys ~ journey, travel, trek
troailtys chrauee ~ pilgrimage
troailtys marrey ~ voyage
troailtys spoar ~ space travel
troal ~ troll
troalaghey ~ journey
troar ~ acquisition, product, produce, fruit,
crop, proceeds, output, yield
troar argid ~ cash crop
troar arran ~ breadfruit
troar daa chorrillagh ~ product of two fractions
troar garagh ~ garden produce
troar hallooin ~ farm produce
troar lhieggit ~ windfall
troar ny marrey ~ marine produce
troar ny thallooin ~ farm produce
troar vainney ~ dairy produce
troar vargee ~ cash crop
troar vooar ~ bumper crop
troar y thallooin ~ agricultural produce
troaragh ~ productive, fertile
troaraght ~ productivity, fertility
troarey ~ crop, cultivate
troaryn ny cheerey ~ home produce
troat ~ throat
troayr ~ crop
trocair ~ pity
trocairagh ~ clement, lenient
trocairys ~ clemency, affection, leniency
troccairagh ~ humane
troccairys ~ humaneness, humanity
trochairys ~ pity
trochoil ~ lenient
trochoilys ~ leniency
troddan ~ fight, quarrel, combat, campaign,
campaigning, contest, fray, match; herd of
cattle; pastureland
troddan baaish ~ mortal combat
troddan criggad ~ cricket match
troddan elgyssagh ~ violent quarrel
troddan kellee ~ cockfight
troddan sockyr ~ football match
troddan traauee ~ ploughing match
troddanagh ~ campaigner, combative,
quarreller, pugnacious, combatant, fighting,
troddanaght ~ pugnacity, quarrelsomeness
troddaney ~ combat
troddaneyr ~ quarreller
trog (er) ~ skedaddle
trog er voteil ~ dry nurse
Trog ort! ~ Get up! Skedaddle! Avaunt!
troggal ~ lift, raise, hoist, raise up, elevate,
heave (as shoulders), gather up, rig up,
construct, elaborate, input, boost, take,
invoke, wind, put up, winch, breed, rear,
nurture, train (as child), arise, build, pull in,
set in rows, sing up, harvest, rally, pick up,
freshen (of wind), contract (as disease), pick
off; absorption, structure, edifice,
elaboration, development, rearing, getting
up, bringing up, breeding, lifting, building,
winding, contraction
troggal aeragh ~ air-lift
troggal armee ~ raising troops
troggal ass ~ deplenish
troggal ass yn oaye ~ disinter
troggal baatyn ~ boat building
troggal bieauid ~ accelerate, pick up speed
troggal carriads ~ carriage building
troggal cleih rish ~ embank
troggal corp ~ exhumation
troggal creagh fendeilagh ~ barricade
troggal dhianeyn sheeidey ~ sericulture
troggal dy tappee ~ rush up
troggal eadolys ~ invidious
troggal eaghtyragh ~ topsides
troggal edd ~ nest, nesting
troggal eeast ~ pisciculture
troggal (er) ~ rise, buzz off
troggal er boayrd ~ ship, shipment
troggal grineenyn er ~ shagreen
troggal idd ~ nidification
troggal (jeh) ~ bring off
troggal jeh'n thalloo ~ toss (as bull), take up
troggal keesh er ~ tax
troggal kiaullane ~ hector, bluster (as person)
troggal kirpey ~ body-building
troggal kirree ~ sheep farming
troggal lhongyn ~ shipbuilding
troggal maase ~ cattle breeding
troggal mean er ~ average
troggal meihaghyn ~ weight lifting
troggal moddee ~ dog breeding
troggal muick ~ pig breeding
troggal musthaa ~ barrack
troggal ollagh ~ cattle breeding
troggal ooaystyragh ~ oyster breeding
troggal seose ~ educate, hold up, elate; elation,
Assumption (Eccl.)
troggal shellanyn ~ bee keeping
troggal sidooryn ~ recruit, recruiting
troggal sleih ~ levy
troggal sthock ~ stock breeding
troggal stiagh ~ intake
troggal stock er ransh ~ ranch
troggalagh ~ infectious, contractible, elevating,
absorbing, exhilarating, communicable,
raising; builder
troggalaght ~ infectiousness, construction
troggallagh ~ structural, catching (as humour),
troggallaght ~ contagiousness
troggalys ~ building
troggee ~ elevating, constructional,
troggeyder ~ hoist, lift, lifter, rearer, builder,
building contractor, developer, constructor,
breeder, fancier, booster
troggeyder baatey ~ boat builder
troggeyder biljyn feeyney ~ vine grower
troggeyder caair ~ chair-lift
troggeyder cabbil ~ horse breeder
troggeyder calmaneyn ~ pigeon fancier
troggeyder gollagagh ~ fork-lift
troggeyder greienyn ~ service hoist
troggeyder kirree ~ sheep farmer
troggeyder lhong ~ shipbuilder
troggeyder lus y lhionney ~ hop grower
troggeyder meihaghyn ~ weight lifter
troggeyder ooaystyragh ~ oysterbreeder
troggeyder organe ~ organ builder
troggeyder sidooryn ~ recruiter
troggeyder sthock ~ stock breeder
troggeydys ~ building trade
troggit ~ reared, lofted, lifted, bred, built,
elevated, blistered, contracted, trained, raised
troggit er ny sleityn ~ uncouth
troggit lesh yn gheay ~ wind-bourne
troggit seose ~ elated
trogh ~ rook, trough
trogh ushtey ~ drinking trough
troghan ~ rook
troghan doo ~ rook
troiddagh ~ belligerent, bickering, bellicose
troiddaght ~ bellicosity
troiddey ~ scold, set to, dress down, nag,
bicker, altercate, chide, berate, rate,
objurgate, squabble, quarrel,jaw (scolding),
row; squabbling, scolding, telling off,
wigging, mud-slinging, quarrelling, chiding,
nagging, dressing down, altercation,
troiddeyder ~ scolder, quarreller, squabbler,
bickerer, termagant, chider
troiddit ~ chided, scolded, told off
yn troin wuigh ~ the yellow promontory
troir ~ sight (of gun)
troirey ~ sight
trollag ~ troll, puck, sprite, dwarf, pixie,
gnome, elf
trollee ~ trolley, trolley pole
trollee jinnairagh ~ dinner wagon, dinner trolley
tromaghey ~ charging, aggravate, becoming
heavy, aggravation
tromaghys ~ gravity
trombone ~ trombone
trombone cooylley ~ valve trombone
trome ~ heavy, difficult, grave, substantial,
weighty, deep, sweated, emphatic, hard,
gruelling, harsh, high pressure, sledge-
hammer, rough of sea, steep, expectant,
ponderous, severe, expecting, bold, close
(oppressive), intense, grievous, pregnant,
stodgy, heavyweight, with child, dense (of
smoke), crippling (burden), laborious,
wearying, onerous, deep-drawn, burdensome
trome-cheayllagh ~ expressive
trome-cheeallagh ~ significant
trome-cheeillagh ~ heavy jawed
trome-ching ~ seriously ill
trome-chooid ~ main body
trome-chooishagh ~ important, serious, grave
trome-chooishaght ~ seriousness, graveness,
trome-choshagh ~ leaden
trome-chreeagh ~ dejected, miserable, low-
spirited, heavy-hearted, dolorous
trome chruinnag ~ barysphere
trome-eddrym ~ cruiserweight
trome-ghooagh ~ baritone
trome-horragh ~ heavy
trome-leaystey ~ heavy swell
trome-liaghee ~ heavy rain
trome-smooinaghtagh ~ deep-thinking
trome-volleeagh ~ heavy browed, beetle-browed
trome-vreeagh ~ pregnant (of silence)
trome-vreeaght ~ pregnancy (of silence)
tromechay wuigh ~ pea-souper
tromey ~ heavy
tromit ~ oppressed, loaded
tromlag ~ slow-witted person
tromlagh ~ slow-witted, majority, heavyish
tromlagh mooar ~ great majority
tromlaght ~ preponderance
tromlhie ~ nightmare, incubus
tromman ~ dumb-bell, treadle
tromman pabyragh ~ paperweight
trommys ~ dejection, pensiveness, heaviness (of
trommys chree ~ heaviness (of heart)
troo ~ grudge, begrudging, envy
Trooa! Trooa! ~ (call to pig)
trooagh ~ envious, begrudging
trooaghey ~ grudge
yn trooah ~ the lean meat
trooane ~ triangle
trooaneagh ~ triangular
trooaneaght ~ trigonometry
trooaneaghtagh ~ trigonometric(al)
trooar ~ twister (for rope)
trooaragh ~ curled
troobadoor ~ troubadour
trooder ~ aspirant, envier, grudger
trooghey ~ begrudge
trooid ~ through, during, from, per, via;
approach, advance, come
ny trooid ~ through her
trooid as trooid ~ implicit, implicitly, roughly
speaking, on the whole, in the main, taken all
round, altogether, broadly speaking
trooid-heelagh ~ osmotic
trooid-heeltaght ~ osmosis
trooid-hoilshagh ~ translucent, pellucid
trooid-hoilshaghey ~ translucence
trooid magh ~ throughout
trooid poosey ~ by marriage
trooid-reayrtagh ~ diaphanous
trooid shen ~ owing to that
trooid taghyrt ~ accidentally
trooid tuittymys ~ accidental
trooit ~ begrudged, grudged, envied
troor ~ triplet, threesome, three persons, Trinity,
trey, triad, trio
troor as troor ~ three by three
troor dy linnaghyn ~ tercet
troor dy vraane ~ three women
trooragh ~ triplicate, twisted, ternary
trooraght ~ troika, triumvirate
trooranaghey ~ triangulation
troorane ~ triangle, delta
troorane cochassagh ~ isosceles triangle
troorane cruinn ~ spherical triangle
troorane kern-uillinagh ~ right-angled triangle
trooraneagh ~ triangular, three-cornered,
trooraneys ~ triangulation
trooree ~ triumvir
trooreen ~ trident
troosyn ~ slacks, pants, trews, tights, trouser,
troosyn cass lhean ~ bell-bottoms
troosyn chionn ~ pantaloons
troosyn giarey ~ short trousers
troosyn liauyrey ~ long trousers
troosyn markee ~ jodhpurs
trooys ~ leanness
troshagh ~ strong person
troshaght ~ strength
troshey ~ stronger
trosheyder ~ augment
troshid ~ strength, vigour
troshtagh ~ strong
trostagh ~ faster, abstinent
trostee ~ Ember, abstinent
trostey ~ fast, abstain from food; fasting
Trostey ny h-Anmay ~ Ember week
Trostey yn Chargys ~ Lent
trosteyder ~ faster
trouisagh ~ dowdy, trashy, slatternly
trouise ~ rubbish, rot, literary garbage,
trumpery; trash (of person), trollop, dowdy,
slattern, crowd, sloven
trouisid ~ dowdiness
trow ~ instance, look out, observation
troyn ~ throne
troyn cohymsagh ~ associative properties
troyn shimmeadragh ~ symmetric properties
troytal ~ trotting, trot
troytit ~ trotted
troytteyder ~ trotter
truailley ~ envelope
truan ~ misery
truanagh ~ mournful, sorrowful person,
truanys ~ misery
trubbyl ~ trouble
truck ~ truck
truck croghit ~ tip-truck
truck ollee ~ cattle truck
truckal ~ deal, trade
truddyl ~ stroll
trudjen ~ trudgen
trudlagh ~ straggling
trudley ~ stroll, straggle
trudleyder ~ straggler
trudlym ~ sloven, vagrant
trudlymagh ~ slovenly
trudlymys ~ slovenliness
trugg ~ truancy
truggan ~ truant
trugganagh ~ truant
trugganeyr ~ truant
trugganys ~ truancy
trughanagh ~ rival; complainant, grumbler;
murmuring, complaining
trughane ~ grumble
trughaneagh ~ murmurer; grumbling
trughaney ~ murmuring; complain, grumble
trughaneys ~ grumbling
trughanys ~ rivalry; complaining
truh ~ whooping cough, whoop, chin cough
truitlag ~ starling
truitlag Injinagh ~ mynah
truitlag rangagh ~ rose-coloured starling
trullaghey ~ deprave, debauch, sexually
corrupt, canker, doctor, desecrate, profane;
denaturation, desecration
trullee ~ dirty (in speech), sordid, infectious,
corrupt (as practice)
trullee folley ~ toxaemia
trulleeagh ~ debasing
trulleeaghey ~ debasement
trulleeaght ~ depravity
trulleeid ~ sordidness
trulleeys ~ corruption
trulleyder ~ desecrator, corrupter
trullit ~ corrupted, debauched
trumpey ~ Jew's harp
trush ~ thrush
Trush! Trush! ~ (call to pig)
truslagh ~ bungling
trusley ~ commotion, bungling
trussyl ~ trollop
trustyr ~ dirt, refuse, nastiness, dross, muck,
muckiness, trash (rubbish), deads, junk,
debris, scrap, garbage, rubbish, filth
trustyr choirrey ~ boiler scale
trustyragh ~ dirty, trashy, mucky, rubbishy
trustyraght ~ muckiness
trutlag ~ starling
tryal ~ trial (attempt), attempt, try
tryalagh ~ granitic
tryassagh ~ triassic
tryeyder eaddee ~ trier on
Tsar ~ Tsar
tuaragh ~ prophetical
tuaraghey ~ prognosticate
tuarastyl ~ report, description, fashion,
representation, counterpart, emolument
tuarastyl jallooagh ~ pictorial representation
tuarastyl kern-yallooagh ~ graphical
tuarastyl staddyssaghtoil ~ statistic
tuarastyl vleinoil ~ annual report
tuarastyleyr ~ portrayer
tuarey ~ foretell, prognostication
tuarym ~ opinion, view, viewpoint, estimation,
surmise, guess, guesswork, conjecture,
tuarymagh ~ speculative, speculator
tuarymey ~ guess
tuarystal ~ likeness, portrayal, picture,
similitude, resemblance, simulacrum, shape,
model, appearance
tuarystallagh ~ figurative
tubbag ~ bushel, tub, peck
tubbag cletch ~ bran tub
tubbag haillee ~ salting tub
tubbag imbyl ~ keel vat
tubbag lhiggee ~ dripping tub
tubbag niaghyn ~ washtub
tubbag sheelee ~ dripping tub
tubbag vortaragh ~ hod
tubbag yn aigh ~ lucky dip
tubbagagh ~ tublike
tubbyr niaghan ~ washtub
tubbyr niaghyn ~ washtub
tubbyr oonlee ~ bathtub
tuckal ~ walk (as cloth), to the full
tucker ~ fuller
tuckit ~ fulled
tudjeen ~ cigarette
tug ~ tugboat
tug sauaillys ~ salvage tug
tughey ~ choosing
tughtagh ~ choosey
tughtey ~ choose
tuig ~ browse, twig
tuig y yeeigey ~ creeping willow, dwarf willow
tuigagh ~ wicker, twiglike
tuigyn ~ wattle-work
tuill ~ holes
tuill conning ~ warren (rabbit)
tuinnagh ~ cosmic(al)
tuinney-oaylleeaght ~ cosmology
tuirshagh ~ satin flower
tuitt ~ fall
tuitt-chooylley ~ drop-valve
tuitteyder ~ dropper, faller
tuitteyder-magh ~ quarreller; hippy
tuittit ~ fallen
tuittym ~ drop fall, abate, subside, die down,
fall out, tip over, fall over, keel over, fall off,
topple, overbalance, go down, descend,
droop, sag, slump, crumple, flounder, lapse,
tumble, waver (of courage), decline,
founder, come off, falter, befall, collapse,
depreciate; abatement, calming, falling,
incidence, subsidence, depreciation,
floundering, wavering, cadence (of voice)
tuittym ass y cheilley ~ crack up, crumble
tuittym bolg ~ bell-flop
tuittym drommey ~ swayback
tuittym druightey ~ dew-fall
tuittym er ~ vest (as property)
tuittym ergooyl ~ drop off
tuittym ersooyl ~ die out
tuittym fo ~ contract (as disease)
tuittym gour y drommey ~ fall over
tuittym gour y yerree ~ fall behind
tuittym gys y jerrey ~ drop behind
tuittym harrish ~ outfall, tip over, overturn
tuittym jeh'n chredjue ~ apostatise
tuittym lesh y gheay ~ blow over
tuittym magh ~ disagree, quarrel, drop off;
quarrelling, estrangement, rupture, tiff, burs
up (quarrel)
tuittym neeal ~ swooning, swoon
tuittym neealloo ~ swooning
tuittym neose ~ fall down
tuittym ny hrooid ~ fall through
tuittym rish ~ redound
tuittym ry-cheilley ~ clicking
tuittym sheear er ash ~ fall back
tuittym stiagh ~ cave in, fall in
tuittym stiagh ayn ~ pitch into
tuittym veih my cheilley ~ disintegration, come
apart, disintegrate
tuittym veih'n chredjue ~ apostacy
tuittym voltys ~ voltage drop
tuittymagh ~ crumbling, tottering, falling;
accidental, caducous, epileptic; disagreement,
tuittymaght ~ caducity, contingency
tuittymys ~ dilapidation, circumstance (plural)
tulip ~ tulip
tullagh ~ tumulus, mound, low hill, little height;
moment, instant, second
Yn Tullagh Vooar ~ Tullamore
tullaghagh ~ instant
tullaghan ~ knoll
tullaghoil ~ momentary
tullaghtagh ~ instantaneous, instant
tullee ~ of an instant
tumbryl ~ tumbrel
tummey gour y ghib ~ nose-dive
tummeyder ~ dipper
tundish ~ tundish
tundrey ~ tundra
tungsten ~ tungsten
tunnee ~ tunny
tunneen ~ tunny
tunney ~ tunning, tun
tunneyder ~ funnel
tunneyder geayee ~ wind-tunnel
tunnit ~ tunned
turban ~ turban
turbeen ~ turbine
turbeen-ghleashit ~ turbine-driven
turbeid ~ turbot
turcaid ~ turquoise
turcaid-ghorrym ~ turquoise blue
Yn Turcoman ~ Turcoman
Turcomanish ~ Turcoman
Turkagh ~ Turk, Turkish, Ottoman
Yn Turkee ~ Turkey
turkee ~ toffee
turkee eeymey ~ butterscotch
turkee feie ~ bustard
Yn Turkish ~ Turkish
turlogh ~ awkward
turloghid ~ awkwardness
turmerick ~ tumeric
turmyr ~ turnip
turneil ~ butt (of cattle)
turneilys ~ butting
turneyr ~ solicitor, writer, attorney
Yn Turneyr Theayagh ~ The Attorney General
turneyrys ~ attorneyship, solicitorship
turrys ~ journey, passage, crossing (of sea),
excursion, transit (of planet), jaunt, trip,
itinerary, run, walk (of postman), tour, outing,
expedition, progress
turrys aer ~ air passage, air journey
turrys ayn as er ash ~ return trip, round trip
turrys barroose ~ bus journey
turrys bus ~ bus journey
turrys cosheeagh ~ walking tour
turrys er ash ~ return journey
turrys iu ~ pub crawl
turrys laa ~ day trip
turrys marrey ~ voyage, sea trip, cruise
turrys ny croshey ~ stations of the cross
Turrys ny Frank ~ Tour de France
turrys shooyl ~ walking tour
turrys speyr ~ air journey
turrys taitnys ~ pleasure trip
turrys varrey ~ sea passage
turrysagh ~ holiday-maker, tourist, visitor,
tripper; tourism, journeying; journey
turrysagh iu ~ pub crawler
turrysagh laa ~ day tripper
turrysagh marrey ~ voyager
turryssagh ~ excursionist
turtur ~ turtle dove
turtyl ~ turtle
Yn Tuscaan ~ Tuscany
Tuscaanagh ~ Tusan
tushtagh ~ intelligence, knowing, versed,
intelligent, knowledgeable, clever
tushtaght ~ intelligence
tushtey ~ knowledge, judgement
tushtey bodjallyn ~ nephrology
tushtey geayee ~ anemography
tushtey najoor ~ natural history
tushtey ro-laue ~ foreknowledge
tusk ~ tusk
Tut! ~ Tush!
tutler ~ gossip, tale-bearer, chatterbox, tattler
tutleragh ~ gossipy, tattling, loquacious, gossip,
tutleraght ~ nattering, slander, natter, tale-
bearing, gossiping, tittle-tattle, talkativeness
tutlerys ~ tattle, tale-bearing, gossip, chatter,
tittle-tattle, tale-telling, chat
tweet ~ tweet (of bird)
tweet lheeannagh ~ meadow pipit
tweet ny greg ~ rock pipit
tweet ny miljyn ~ tree pipit
tweetal ~ tweet
Twish! ~ Tush!
Yn Twoaie ~ The North of Mann
twoaie ~ north, northerly, northern, boreal,
northward; caution, circumspection,
twoaie chiart ~ true north
twoaie firrinagh ~ true north
twoaie gys sheeary ~ north by west
twoaie gys y sheear lieh ~ north by west half
twoaie gys yn shiar ~ north by east
Twoaie Hostyn ~ North of England
twoaie-linney ~ northing
Twoaie Nerin ~ North of Ireland
Twoaie ny hErin ~ North of Ireland
twoaie sheear hwoaie ~ north north west
twoaie shiar hwoaie ~ north north east
twoaie vagnaidagh ~ magnetic north
Twoaie Vooar ~ North of Mann
twoaie yeeragh ~ due north
twoaieagh ~ aware, northsider, vigilant,
northerner, northern person, wary,
apprehensive, on the look out, circumspect,
careful, cautious
twoaieaght ~ wariness, apprehension,
awareness, cautiousness, northerliness
tylal ~ tyle
tyler ~ tyler
yn typhoid ~ typhoid fever
U-volt ~ U-bolt
U.P.S.S. ~ U.S.S.R
uail ~ fine, penalty, privation, ruination, injury,
uailagh ~ prejudicial
uddan ~ node, lump
uddanagh ~ nodose, knotty, knobby, nodal,
uddane ~ knuckle
uddanys ~ knottiness, nodosity
uddreen ~ utricle
udlan ~ swivel
Ugh cha nee! ~ Alack! Alas!
Ugh! ~ Oh!
ughan ~ interjection
ught ~ lap, ridge cut at one sweep
ught-lhiannoo ~ affiliation, foster-child
ught-neen ~ foster-daughter
ughtagh ~ ramp, ascent, hill, hillside, rising
ground, shelving, bluffness, high-pitched
ughtagh gheyre ~ steep slope
ughtaghey ~ differentiation, differentiate
ughtaght ~ precipitousness
ughtar ~ author
ughtar branchloie ~ tragedian
ughtaragh ~ authoritative
ughtarys ~ authorship, sanction, authorization
ughtee ~ sloping upwards, sheer, bluff (of
ughtid ~ bluffness
ughtvoalley ~ parapet
uhlley ~ of the stackyard, stack-yard
uhllin [f] ~ farmyard, haggard, rick-yard, stack-
yard, corn-yard
uiljyn ~ elbows
uilk ~ evils
uillin [f] ~ elbow, elbow joint, crook, angle,
corner, nudge
uillin aailley ~ reflex angle
uillin cherrinagh ~ square elbow
uillin er uillin ~ arm in arm
uillin ghaa-hreedragh ~ dihedral
uillin ghear ~ sharp angle
uillin gheyre ~ acute angle
uillin howsheyder ~ protractor
uillin huittym ~ angle of incidence
uillin loghtagh ~ hade
uillin sthie ~ interior angle
uillin towsheyder ~ theodolite, sextant
uillin veayl ~ obtuse angle
uillin virragh ~ acute angle
uillin y howse ~ to take an angle
uillinagh ~ jostling, angled, angular,
uillinaghey ~ jostle, elbow
uillinaght ~ angularity
uilliner ~ jostler
uilliney ~ elbow
uinnag [f] ~ window, light
uinnag charriads ~ carriage window
uinnag chasemint ~ casement, casement
uinnag chlea ~ dormer window, skylight
uinnag chleeah ~ lattice window
uinnag chooyl ~ rear light
uinnag chruinn ~ bull's-eye window
uinnag far-ghorrys ~ transom window
uinnag gharrad ~ garret window
uinnag happ ~ shop window
uinnag hash ~ sash window
uinnag hostynagh ~ bow window
uinnag hrasnane ~ transom window
uinnag lattagh ~ louvre
uinnag lhuingey ~ porthole
uinnag ny sooilley ~ cornea
uinnag oslee ~ casement window
uinnag sleaystagh ~ fanlight
uinnag sterrym ~ storm window
uinnag veg ~ eyehole
uinnag volganagh ~ bull's-eye window
uinnag vowagh ~ bow window
uinnag wheeylagh ~ wheel window
uinnag yeushanagh ~ casement window
uinnagyn feed bleeaney ~ Ancient lights
uinnagyn greie traenagh ~ cab spectacles
ulican ~ place of devotion
ullaagagh ~ honeysuckle, woodbine
Ullabol ~ Ullapool
ullag ~ monkey-block, trochlea, pulley
ullag chughlinagh ~ cone-pulley
ullag electraghys ~ trolley
ullag fidlee ~ fiddle-block
ullag hreoragh ~ idler, idle pulley
ullag immanagh ~ driving pulley
ullag voandey ~ band pulley
ullagagh ~ trochoid
ullaghan ~ step of turf spade
Ullee ~ Ulster
ullee ~ ready, prepared, conversant, operational
ulleeys ~ virtuosity
ulley ~ charnel house
ullid ~ preparedness, readiness
ullinagh ~ cornered
ullish ~ ullage
ullymar ~ wormwood
ullymar varrey ~ sea wormwood
ullys ~ preparedness
ulnagh ~ ulnar
ulney ~ ulna
Ultagh ~ native of Ulster
ultramontaanagh ~ ultramontane
Ulvey ~ Ulva
umber ~ umber
umbyl ~ umbel
umbyllagh ~ umbelliferous, umbellifer
umlaut ~ umlaut
un ~ sole, one
un- ~ (prefix) one-, uni-
un chassagh ~ single-stemmed
un cheayrt ynrican ~ once only
un-chelleenagh ~ unicellular
un-chengagh ~ unilingual
un-cheuagh ~ unilateral
un-chillagagh ~ unicellular
un-chovreneenagh ~ monomolecular
un-chullyragh ~ isochromatic
un-chummey ~ uniformity
un-eairkagh ~ unicorn
un-eairkagh marrey ~ sea unicorn
un-eairkan marrey ~ sea unicorn
un-hrawagh ~ one way, unidirectional
un laa ~ one day
un-laaragh ~ single-storied
un-laueagh ~ single-handed
un-leagh ~ one price
un-phaasagh ~ single phase
un-raadagh ~ unidirectional
yn un' red ~ ditto
un-rollian ~ one-cylinder
un-rollianagh ~ single-cylinder
un soiag ~ single-seater
un strengagh ~ single-wire
un-troagh ~ unidirectional
un-varryl ~ single-barrelled
un-wheeyl ~ unicycle
uncheillagh ~ monogamist, monogamous
uncheillaghys ~ monogamy
unchesmadagh ~ monophase
unchlouder ~ monotype
undaagagh ~ stinging nettle, jenny nettles
undaagagh ghreagagh ~ fenugreek
undaagagh rangagh ~ small stinging nettle
undaagagh veein ~ dead nettle
undaagagh(oil) ~ urticaceous
undaah ~ monochrome
undaahagh ~ unicoloured, monochromatic
undin ~ base, basis, foundation, footing(s), rock
undinagh ~ basic, fundamental, intrinsic,
cardinal, staple, firsthand
Yn Ungaar ~ Hungary
Ungaaragh ~ Hungarian
Ungaarish ~ Hungarian
unheeley ~ monosyllable
unheeleydagh ~ monosyllabic
unjin ~ ash tree, ash
unjin frangagh ~ whitebeam
unjin sheeley ~ weeping ash
unjinagh ~ ashen (of ash), ashy
unnane ~ ace (cards), one, identical
unnane ny lomarcan ~ only one
unnaneagh ~ unanimous, particular, singular
unnaneaght ~ particularity
unnanejeig ~ eleven
unnaneys ~ identity, oneness, singular,
singularize, sameness
unnaneys aigney ~ unanimity
Unnaneys ny Boblaghtyn Soveidjagh Soshallagh
~ U.S.S.R
unnid-hiass goaldagh ~ BTU (British Thermal
unnid-phooar ~ power unit
unnish ~ onion
unnish feie ~ moly
unnish varrey ~ spring squill
unnishagh ~ onion shaped
unns mooar ~ ounce avoirdupois
unnysup ~ reward, fee at Christmas
unraghey ~ isolation
unreyder ~ isolator
unrick ~ only
unshagh ~ uncial
unsheean ~ monotony
unsheeanagh ~ monotonous
unskelf ~ monorail
unskelfagh ~ monorail
unskianagh ~ monoplane
untermagh ~ monomial
untowlagh ~ monotreme
untowlee ~ monotremata
unvunnagh ~ monobasic
uragh ~ uric
urk ~ young pig
Yn Urley ~ Aquilla
urley ~ eagle
urley bane ~ gerfalcon
urley breck ~ spotted eagle
urley buigh ~ golden eagle
urley convaartagh ~ condor
urley eeastee ~ white-tailed eagle
Yn Urley Impiroil ~ The Imperial Eagle
urley marrey ~ white-tailed eagle, sea eagle
urley raipagh ~ harpy eagle
urleydagh ~ aquiline
urraghys marrey ~ underwriting
urraghys treeoo persoon ~ third party insurance
urree hene ~ coy (of girl), reserved
urrey ~ delight
urrym ~ allegiance
urrymagh ~ great
urrys ~ indemnity
urrysagh ~ secure
urrysaght ~ assurance (life, etc.), cover
urrysaght da'n treeoo fer ~ third party insurance
urrysaght heihill ~ life insurance
urrysaght lhuingey ~ marine insurance
urryssaght ~ insurance
urryssaght ashoonagh ~ national insurance
urryssaght seihill ~ life assurance
urryssaght varrey ~ marine insurance
urryssaghteyr ~ insurer
urryssaghtoil ~ insurable
Ursulagh ~ Ursuline
urticaarey ~ urticaria
use ~ interest, usury
use derrey yn laa t'ayn ~ interest to date
use neuchramp ~ simple interest
useree ~ interest payer
useyr ~ money lender, usurer, scrivener
ushag [f] ~ bird; shuttlecock
ushag airhey ~ golden oriole
ushag awiney ~ kingfisher
ushag chaaidje ~ cagebird
ushag chiaullee ~ song bird
ushag chonvayrtagh ~ vulture
ushag chraidoil ~ mocking bird
ushag fo chlooie ~ fledgling
ushag happagh ~ lark
ushag ny boob ~ bittern
ushag ny hawin ~ kingfisher
ushag ny hoie ~ nightingale
ushag ny keylljyn ~ wood lark
ushag ny lheeanagyn ~ meadow pipit
ushag ny shast ~ water rail
ushag ny shellanyn ~ bee-eater
ushag ny shellee ~ willow warbler
ushag ny Sheltyn ~ red-necked phalarope
ushag ny thorran ~ hoopoe
ushag ny thoyn bane ~ wheatear
ushag reaisht ~ plover, golden plover
ushag rhennee ~ woodcock
ushag roauyr ny hoarn ~ corn bunting
ushag roo ~ ruff
ushag varrey ~ sea bird
ushag veealeraght ~ babbler bird
ushag veg ruy ~ robin
ushag vieau ~ swift
ushag ving ~ humming bird
ushag voltee ~ pied wagtail, grey wagtail
ushag vreck ~ wagtail
ushag vuitchooragh ~ red-backed shrike
ushag wee ~ yellow hammer, yellow bunting
ushag wuigh ~ yellow bunting, yellow hammer
ushag y cheirn ~ mountain finch, brambling
ushag y chloau ~ chaffinch
ushag y freoaie ~ whinchat
ushag y ghob vooar ~ pelican
ushag y juys ~ goldcrest
ushag y lhieen ~ linnet
ushag y sniaghtee ~ fieldfare
ushag y tappee ~ lark
ushag y traghtee ~ fieldfare
ushag y wannal cam ~ wryneck
ushagoil ~ birdlike
ushagyn gyn skian ~ aptera
ushlagh ~ wet, liquid, swampy, marshy, watery
ushlaghey ~ slobber, watering
ushlaght ~ fluid, liquidity, fluidity, swampiness
ushtagh ~ watery, aquatic
ushtaghey ~ water, irrigate, steep, watering,
ushtey ~ water
ushtey aeragh ~ aerated water
ushtey bea ~ whisky, scotch, usquebaugh
ushtey bea braghey ~ malt whisky
ushtey bio ~ aqua vitae
ushtey chibbyragh ~ well water
ushtey drigit ~ distilled water
ushtey eayil ~ lime water
ushtey farraneagh ~ spring water
ushtey-feayrit ~ water-cooled
ushtey fliaghee ~ rainwater
ushtey fo-halloo ~ conspiracy
ushtey fyseidagh ~ tap water
ushtey-ghaa ~ water colour
ushtey-ghleashaght ~ hydrodynamics
ushtey-ghlonney ~ water glass
ushtey giallee ~ bleaching water
ushtey-hassooagh ~ hydrostatic
ushtey-hassooaght ~ hydrostatics
ushtey-hooill ~ hydroscope
ushtey-hooillagh ~ hydroscopic
ushtey-howse ~ hydrometry
ushtey-howsheyder ~ hydrometer
ushtey jeeigey ~ ditch water
ushtey king ~ hydrocephalus
ushtey lavander ~ lavender water
ushtey-lectragh ~ hydroelectric
ushtey-lheihys ~ hydrotheraphy, hydropathy
ushtey-lheihyssagh ~ hydrotherapeutic,
ushtey meainagh ~ table water
ushtey millish ~ fresh water
ushtey noa ~ spring tide after neap
ushtey-obbragh ~ hydraulic
ushtey-obbraghys ~ hydraulics
ushtey potash ~ potash water
ushtey reise ~ rice water
ushtey rose ~ rose water
ushtey rummee ~ bilge water
ushtey saagh ~ dish water
ushtey sallagh ~ foul water
ushtey soda ~ soda water
ushtey stangit ~ dam
ushtey sulfur ~ sulphur water
ushtey thanney ~ shallow water
ushtey vea er e vlass ~ undiluted whisky
ushtey y yannoo ~ let in
ushtey-yiooldagh ~ water-repellant
ushtey yn chruinney ~ hydrosphere
ushteydane ~ aquarium
ushteyder ~ waterer
ushtit ~ watered, steeped
ushtoil ~ aqueous
ushylagh ~ a very thin person, skeleton, cadre
ushylagh mooie ~ exoskeleton
ushylagh-oayllee ~ orthopaedist
ushylagh-oaylleeagh ~ orthopaedic
ushylagh-oaylleeaght ~ orthopaedy
uss ~ thee (emph), thou, yourself, you
uyll ~ haunt
v' ~ was, were
V-ghear ~ V-gear
va ~ was, were
Yn Vaarle ~ the English language
vac ~ sonny
Y vac! ~ Old chap! Sonny!
vacseen ~ vaccine
vacseenaghey ~ vaccinate, vaccination
vacseeneyder ~ vaccinator
Yn Vadeirey ~ Madeira
'vagh ~ eternally
'vaght ~ ever
vaghtoor ~ vector
vaghtooragh ~ vectorial
vaidjin ~ a while ago
vaidjyn ~ just now
Yn Vaie Vooar ~ Niarbyl Bay
vaikagh ~ would see?
vaikin ~ would I see?
vaikys ~ shall see?
Vainshtyr ~ sir
Vainshtyr Chaarliagh! ~ Chair! Chair!
vaives ~ vives
Yn Valay ~ Malay
valeese ~ valise
Valentine ~ Valentine
valoor ~ velour(s)
valsal ~ waltz, waltzing
valse ~ waltz
van ~ van
van chooid-hie ~ furniture van, pantechnicon
van ny meoiryn shee ~ black maria
van y phrysoon ~ black maria
vanaadiu ~ vanadium
Yn Vanchoor ~ Manchuria
vandal ~ vandal
vanilley ~ vanilla
Yn Vannag ~ Hop tu Naa song
var a mish ~ I warrant
Yn Varbeyr ~ Barbary
y varkal ~ to mark
varnish ~ varnish
varnish ingney ~ nail varnish
Yn Varoc ~ Morocco
varrey mish ~ I warrant
vasleen ~ vaseline
Yn Vasseydoan ~ Macedonia
Yn Vaveyr ~ Bavaria
v'ayn roie ~ pre-existent
Yn Vayrt ~ Tuesday
ve arryltagh ~ volunteer
ve boi ~ live
ve cooie (da) ~ beseem
ve er mayrn ~ survive
ve jymmoosagh rish ~ resent
ve myskidagh rish ~ resent
ve ny s'earrooee (na) ~ outnumber
ve torragh ~ teem (of female)
veagh ~ would be
yn vee ~ alimentary
Veen ~ Vienna
Veenagh ~ Viennese
veeoiley ~ viola
veerys ~ virus
veesey ~ visa
veg ~ nothing, none, anything, duck, love
veggan as ny veggan ~ little by little, gradually,
by degrees
veign ~ I would be
veih ~ from
Veih hen! ~ Lo! Look!
veih-my-cheilley ~ asunder, apart
veih Sauin gys Boaldyn ~ long-winded
veih shen ~ from there, therefrom, thence, lo
veih shen magh ~ thenceforth, thereafter
veih shid ~ thence
veih shoh ~ hence
veih shoh magh ~ henceforth, hence, ever
veih toshiaght gys jerrey ~ fore and aft
veih vean ~ just then
veih'n aarkey ~ onshore (wind)
veih'n chree ~ implicitly, heart-to-heart
veih'n fraue ~ fundamentally
veih'n ghooghys ~ constitutional
veih'n Tauin magh ~ from Hollantide
veih'n toshiaght ~ from the outset
veih'n traa shen ~ thence
veih'n traa shen magh ~ thenceforth
veih'n traa shoh ~ hence
veih'n veeal ~ viva voce, verbal
veih'n vrein ~ congenital
veir ~ vair
vel ~ am? are? is?
Yn Velg ~ Belgium
velvad ~ velvet
velvadagh ~ velvety
velvadeen ~ velveteen
Ven ~ mother
Y ven chiarn ~ Your ladyship
yn ven chiarn ~ Her ladyship
Yn Ven Gheulit ~ Andromeda
Ven ooasle ~ missis
Yn Ven Seyr ain ~ Our Lady
Venainshtyr! ~ missis
Vendeanagh ~ Vendean
venee ~ revenge, maliciousness, spite
Veneeshagh ~ Venetian
Venesuela ~ Venezuela
Venesuelagh ~ Venezuelan
Yn Vengaal ~ Bengal
Yn Venrein Ealasaid ~ Queen Elizabeth
ventreil ~ venture
ventyr ~ venture, undertaking
ventyragh ~ venturesome
verandey ~ veranda(h)
vermicelli ~ vermicelli
veroanagh ~ veronal
veronica ~ veronica
verragh ~ would give
yn verre-chaggee (er) ~ berserk
verrin ~ I would give
vertebra ~ vertebra
vertebragh ~ vertebrate, vertebral
vervine ~ vervain, verbena
vest ~ vest, waistcoat
vest whuinneelagh ~ sleeved vest
vestagh ~ vestal
veue ~ from you
veyge ~ voyage
Yn Vible Chasherick ~ The Holy Bible
viburnum ~ viburnum
Victorianagh ~ Victorian
yn vie chadjin ~ commonweal
yn vieauid y hayrn ~ to set the pace
viggar ~ vicar
Yn Ving Vooar ~ The Great Enquest
Yn Vink Hoshee ~ The Front Bench
vint ~ spite
yn viol ~ the violin
ny vir ~ gents
Yn Virjeeney ~ Virginia
vise ordaag ~ thumb-screw
viseer ~ vizier
vitamyn ~ vitamin
vitriol ~ vitriol
Yn Vlein Noa ~ Hogmanay, New Year
yn vlein ry heet ~ next year
yn vlein scoill ~ the scholastic year
yn vlein shoh cheet ~ next year
voee ~ from her
voghe ~ would find?
yn voidjyn ~ corn dolly
Yn Voidyn Moirrey ~ Madonna, The Blessed
Yn Voidyn Vannee ~ The Blessed Virgin
voil ~ voile
voin ~ would I find; from us
Voir! ~ Mother!
Y Voir! ~ mother!
Voirrey s'treih! ~ Woe (is me)!
voish ~ of, from, from him
voish bun gys baare ~ from top to bottom
voish Jee ~ heaven-sent
voish king gys coshey ~ cap-a-pie
voish madran dys yn astyr ~ the livelong day
voish shen ~ consequently
voish traa dy hraa ~ between-time(s), periodic,
voish y chree ~ heartfelt
volcaan ~ volcano
volcaan bio ~ active volcano
volcaanagh ~ volcanic
vole ~ vole
Yn Volga ~ Volga
yn volgagh ~ smallpox
yn volgagh rangagh ~ syphilis
yn volgagh vreck ~ smallpox
y volgey ~ abdominal
Yn Volivia ~ Bolivia
y volley ~ lead on
volt ~ volt
voltagh ~ voltaic
voltameih ~ voltameter
voltmeih ~ potentiometer
voltys ~ voltage
vondeish ~ profit, gain, advantage, benefit,
usefulness, expediency, acquisition
vondeish cheillit ~ fringe benefit
vondeish jee-chiartaght ~ unemployment
vondeish ny geay ~ weather gauge
vondeish peiagh ennagh ~ behoof
vondeish-rheynn ~ profit-sharing
vondei shagh ~ profi t abl e, gai nful ,
advantageous, beneficial, expedient,
utilitarian, lucrative
vondeishaght ~ utilitarianism
vondeishaghys ~ utilitarianism
vondeishal ~ benefit, profit, avail
vondeisheyder ~ profiteer
Yn Vongoil ~ Mongolia
yn vonney ~ the many, particle
Yn Vooan ~ Munster
yn vooar chooid ~ the majority
vooar rish y cheilley ~ thick
yn vooar-vooir ~ the high seas
yn vooinjer ~ the family circle
yn vooinjer veggey ~ fairies
yn vooir ~ the waves
Yn Vooir Antarctagh ~ The Antarctic Sea
Yn Vooir Arctagh ~ The Arctic Sea
Yn Vooir Charibagh ~ The Caribbean Sea
Yn Vooir Chaspagh ~ The Caspian Sea
Yn Vooir Cheltiagh ~ The Celtic Sea
Yn Vooir Ghoo ~ The Black Sea
Yn Vooir Ruy ~ The Red Sea
Yn Vooir Valtagh ~ The Baltic Sea
Yn Vooir Vane ~ The White Sea
Yn Vooir Varroo ~ The Dead Sea
Yn Vooir Vuigh ~ The Yellow Sea
Yn Vooir Yiass ~ The South Sea
Yn Vooiragh ~ The Mooragh
Yn Vootaan ~ Bhutan
voue ~ from them
vow ~ shall get?
voyd ~ from you
voylt ~ hem
voym ~ from me
y vrah ~ inform
Yn Vrasil ~ Brazil
yn vreck ~ smallpox
yn vreck wooar ~ smallpox
Yn Vretin Vooar ~ Britain
Yn Vretyn Veg ~ Wales
Yn Vretyn Vooar ~ Great Britain
Yn Vritaan ~ Brittany
Yn Vriwnys Yerrinagh ~ The Last Judgement
y vrooinney ~ abdominal
Yn Vrooje ~ Bruges
Yn Vrussyl ~ Brussels
y vuighid ~ biliary
yn vuinnaght vooar ~ amoebic dysentry
Vulcaan ~ Vulcan
vulcaanaghey ~ vulcanize, vulcanization
vulcaaneit ~ vulcanite
Yn Vulgeyr ~ Bulgaria
Vummig ~ Mother
yn vunchooid ~ the bare necessaries
Yn Vurgoon ~ Burgundy
Yn Vurmey ~ Burma
Waa! ~ Whoa! (to horse)
wagaanagh ~ stroll
wagaantagh ~ ramble, stroll, rambling, stroller,
vagabond, vagrant
wagaantagh keiy ~ wharf rat
wagaantys ~ rambling, vagabondage, vagrancy
waggan tashtee ~ ammunition wagon
waggon ronsee ~ forage wagon
waggyn ~ coach
waiteil ~ attendance, wait on, waiting
waiteilagh ~ waiter, attendant (of person)
walkal ~ stroll, tuck, fulling, to the full, waulk
walker ~ tucker
walkey ~ tucking, tuck
walkeyder ~ fuller, tucker
walkit ~ fulled, tucked
Walloonagh ~ Walloon
Walloonish ~ Walloon
wandrail ~ wander
wandreilagh ~ wanderer, wandering
wandreilys ~ wandering
wapeetee ~ wapiti
wappin ~ weapon, instrument
wappin follit ~ secret weapon
wappinagh ~ having weapons
war ~ stroke
ward ~ ward (hospital)
wardoon ~ warden
wardoon killagh ~ churchwarden
wardoonagh ~ warden
wardoonys ~ wardenship
wardoor ~ prison officer, warder, jailer
wardoor-ben ~ wardress
wardys ~ ward
warp ~ trio (of herrings), warp
warpal ~ bind, bandaging, wrap
warpit ~ wrapped
warrag ~ humorist, wit (person)
warrag wyllin ~ hop (of mill)
warree ~ wary, knowing, facetious, witty
wass ~ over here, across, side
wass ayns shoh ~ this side
watt ~ watt
watt-oor ~ watt-hour
wattaght ~ wattage
wattmeih ~ wattmeter
wed ~ wadding, wad
wenskad ~ wainscot
Wesleeagh ~ Wesleyan
Wesleeaght ~ Wesleyanism
whaalag ~ little stitch
whaaley ~ cobble, sew, seam, stitch, suture,
clinch(er) nail
whaaley chemmal er ~ hem stitch
whaaley chribbylagh ~ garter stitch
whaaley cooyl ~ back stitch
whaaley er ~ stitch on
whaaley ergooyl ~ back stitch
whaaley frangagh ~ herring-bone stitch
whaaley ny kirkey ~ moss stitch
whaaley ry cheilley ~ sew up, stitch up
whaaleyder ~ seamtress, sewer (person)
whaal(i)t ~ sewed, sutured, stitched
whaig ~ thrum
ny whaiyl ~ towards him
yn whaiyl ghiare ~ petty sessions
whale feeacklagh ~ narwhal
whale sheelymagh ~ sperm whale
whayl ~ cetacean
whayleyn mooarey ~ cetacea
wheddyr ~ barb
wheddyragh ~ barbed
wheesh ~ so much, as much
wheesh cheddin ~ so much
wheesh elley ~ as much more
wheesh jiu as ~ as many of you as
wheesh shen ~ as much as that, as large as that
wheesh shen smoo ~ all the more
wheesh smoo ~ so much more
yn wheiggoo jeig ~ fifteenth
wherree ~ wherry
whilleen ~ as much as, so many, as many
whillin ~ as much as
whinclagh ~ whinstone
Yn Whing ~ Perseus
yn whingjeear ~ leading horse
whipp ~ immature conger
whippad ~ whippet
whoam ~ untidy stitch
whomm ~ seam
whommit ~ seamy
Whooinney! ~ Man! Mister!
whumm ~ muddle
Whush! ~ Hush!
whyndyl ~ three bushels
Wiggynnagh ~ Viking
winlass cabbil ~ whim
wistad ~ worsted
wistadagh ~ worsted
Yn Witwatersand ~ The Reef
Woa! ~ Whoa! (to horse)
yn woirrinagh ~ hen bird
woish ~ from
wollad ~ wallet
Woogh! Woogh! ~ Bow-wow! Wuff! (of dog)
wooishal ~ desire
wooishlagh ~ navelwort, pennywort
wullee wuss ~ Dyer's mignonette
wynlass ~ windlass
Y ~ O
y ~ the
Y-chrooagh ~ y-shaped
Y-olt ~ Y-joint
Yagh! ~ Lass!
Yagh? ~ What? Say again?
yah ~ girl
Yah! ~ Lass!
Yah? ~ Say again?
Yahvey ~ Jehovah
yak ~ yak
Yn Yamaicey ~ Jamaica
Yankee ~ Yankee
yappal ~ yap
yarnaig ~ hank
yawl ~ yawl
Yeaman ~ Teddy
Yearree eh! ~ Beg! (to dog)
Yee Chasherick! ~ Holy God!
yeeal ~ thong, leash, lead, lash, lace
yeeal abaneagh ~ ankle strap
yeeal chassee ~ flail band
yeeal chleeau ~ breast strap
yeeal edd ~ hat strap
yeeal ghrommey ~ back strap
yeeal orraghey ~ catapult
yeeal shleeuee ~ razor strop
yeeal smeggin ~ chin strap
yeeal streeaney ~ rein
yeeal vraag ~ bootlace
yeeal vraagey ~ leather bootlace, shoelace
yeeall ~ strap, tie (of shoe)
yeeall gheaylin ~ shoulder strap
yeealley ~ whip, beat, strap, lash
yeealley ny boynyn jeh ~ bastinado
yeealleyder ~ beater, lasher
yeeallt ~ strapped
yeealt ~ whipped, lashed
yeearlys ~ deposit, handsel
yeearree ~ wish, yearn, fancy, request, solicit,
importune; prayer, aspiration, intention,
application, soliciting
yeearree (er) ~ ask (for), intreat, aspire, beseech
yeearree ny foalley ~ sexual desire, lust
yeearree ry-phoosey ~ propose
yeearreeagh ~ soliciting, yearning, wistful,
yeearreeaght ~ petition, appeal
yeearreeoil ~ desirable
yeearreeoilid ~ desirability
yeearreyder ~ applicant, candidate, entrant
yeearreydys ~ candidature, application
yeeasaght ~ loan, issue (of loan), lending
yeeassaghey ~ borrow, lend, second
yeeassee ~ lending
yeeasseyder ~ borrower
yeeassit ~ borrowed, lent, seconded
yeeast ~ fish
Ny Yeeastyn ~ Pisces, The Fishes
yeeilley ~ satiety
yeeilleyragh ~ satiated
yeeillym ~ produce
yeelt ~ beaten
Yeesey ~ Jesus
Yeesey Chreest ~ Jesus Christ
Yeeseynagh ~ Jesuit
ny yei ~ however, otherwise, anyrate;
succeeding, after (time), ensuing, abaft, after
ny yei ry cheilley ~ in series
ny yei shen ~ thereafter, consequently,
subsequently, notwithstanding, nevertheless
ny yei shen as ooilley ~ still, nevertheless
ny yei shoh ~ hereupon, after this, hereafter
ny yei y cheilley ~ rotation, succession,
successive, succeeding
Yn Yemen ~ Yeman
Yernagh ~ Irish, Irishwoman, Irishman,
Yernaghys ~ Hibernianism, Irishism
Yernish [f] ~ Irish language
Yernisheyr ~ Irish speaker
yesh ~ right-hand
yiarn ~ iron, tool, blade of scythe, scythe,
dough, tip, tin (money)
yiarn banney ~ strip iron
yiarn bwoaillt ~ wrought iron
yiarn caardee ~ smith's iron
yiarn calkee ~ calking iron
yiarn cassee ~ crisping iron
yiarn-chlou ~ ferrotype
yiarn-choncraid ~ ferro-concrete
yiarn cooyl ~ back iron
yiarn coshey ~ leg iron
yiarn crampagh ~ cramp iron
yiarn craplit ~ corrugated iron
yiarn cummit ~ wrought iron, cast iron
yiarn essyl ~ linchpin
yiarn figganagh ~ hoop iron
yiarn foldyragh ~ scythe
yiarn garroo ~ pig iron
yiarn giarree ~ an edged tool
yiarn greimmee ~ grappling iron
yiarn immanagh ~ driving iron
yiarn jeenee ~ caulking iron
yiarn jiarg ~ brand (for cattle)
yiarn lhean ~ sheet iron
yiarn lockeragh ~ plane iron
yiarn lostee ~ searing iron
yiarn oalanagh ~ waffle iron
yiarn plaitagh ~ plate iron
yiarn roaganagh ~ corrugated iron
yiarn roit ~ casting iron
yiarn rollit ~ rolled iron
yiarn seiyee ~ rabble
yiarn shesheree ~ plough irons
yiarn (smoodal) ~ flat iron
yiarn stiuree ~ pintle
yiarn streipey ~ stirrup iron
yiarn T ~ T section
yiarn thalleyragh ~ goose
yiarn tilgit ~ cast iron
yiarn uillinagh ~ angle iron
yiarnagh ~ ferric
yiarnaghey ~ cover with iron
yiarnait ~ ferrate
yiarnal ~ ironing, iron
yiarney ~ cover with iron
yiarneyder ~ ironmonger
yiarneydys ~ ironmongery
yiarnghlass ~ iron-grey
yiarnit ~ iron-clad, iron-shod
yiarnoil ~ ferrous
yiarnrey ~ hardware
yiarnyn bolgane ~ calipers
yiarragh ~ would say
y yiarrey ~ hew out
yiarrin ~ I would say
yiaryn slieau ~ climbing irons
yindys ~ wonder, wonderment, admiration,
marvel, prodigy, surprise, phenomenon
Yindys ny yindyssyn! ~ Lo and behold!
yindyssagh ~ wonderful, marvellous, rare,
prodigious, surprising, admirable, terrific,
y yingey neese ~ to prize
yinnagh ~ would do
yinnin ~ I would do
yiogh ~ would find
yioin ~ I would find
Yiow kied! ~ I don't agree with you!
yl- ~ (prefix) multi-, poly-, multiple, compound
(as interest)
yl-aalagh ~ multiparous
yl-ablid-chioanglee ~ multivalence
yl-chassagh ~ polypod
yl-chast ~ elaborate
yl-chastid ~ elaborateness
yl-cheeaght ~ gang plough, multiple plough
yl-cheeragh ~ cosmopolitan
yl-cheeraghys ~ cosmopolitanism
yl-cheintagh ~ heterogeneous
yl-cheirdagh ~ all-round(er), Jack of all trades,
yl-chengagh ~ polyglot
yl-chillagagh ~ multicellular
yl-chioneagh ~ many-headed
yl-chloie ~ tournament
yl-choshagh ~ polypod, myriapod
yl-chostys ~ contingencies
yl-chrooagh ~ multiform, polymorphic
yl-chrooaght ~ polymorphism, multiformity
yl-chummey ~ allotropy
yl-chynnoil ~ heterogeneous
yl-daaghey ~ irisation
yl-daahagh ~ multicoloured, many-coloured,
yl-ennymagh ~ polynomial, multinominal
yl-faineydagh ~ polycyclic
yl-filltagh ~ multiplex
yl-fogragh ~ multitone
yl-ghaait ~ colourful
yl-ghleckey ~ all-in wrestling
yl-ghreiagh ~ multi-engined
yl-ghuillag ~ multifoil
yl-hamyragh ~ many-roomed
yl-happ ~ emporium
yl-heelagh ~ polysyllabic
yl-heeley ~ polysyllable
yl-heelreeagh ~ multiparous
yl-heiy ~ plural vote
yl-heuagh ~ many-sided, multilateral
yl-hooill ~ compound eye
yl-hooillagh ~ multi-ocular, many-eyed
yl-jeeagh ~ polytheistic
yl-jeeaghys ~ polytheism
yl-lanejeant ~ pluperfect
yl-lhiatteeagh ~ polygonal
yl-lhiatteean ~ polygon
yl-lioar ~ book of many volumes
yl-phaasagh ~ polyphase
yl-phetyllagh ~ polypetalous
yl-phiobagh ~ multitubular
yl-pholasee ~ all-in policy (insurance)
yl-phoosee ~ polygamous
yl-phoosey ~ polygamy
yl-phooseyder ~ polygamist
yl-raghey ~ multiplication, multiply
yl-raght ~ plurality, multiplicity
yl-raghys ~ pluralism
yl-rey ~ plural
yl-stoyr ~ general store
yl-strengagh ~ multi-wire
yl-vairagh ~ polydactyl
yl-vessagh ~ polycarpic
yl-villioonagh ~ multi-million
yl-villiooneyder ~ multi-millionaire
yl-vlaagh ~ polyanthus, multiflorous
yl-vleeantagh ~ perennial
yl-vleinoil ~ perennial
yl-vrishey ~ compound fracture
yl-vunnagh ~ polybasic
yllagh ~ call, shout, cry, exclamation, acclaim,
yllagh ardlinney ~ trunk call
yllagh as eam ~ hue and cry, outcry
yllagh cayrn ~ trumpet call
yllagh (er) ~ barrack, page, call upon
yllagh fo vree ~ undercall
yllagh gys shirveish ~ call up
yllagh rolley ~ call over
yllagh ushag ~ bird call
yllaghey ~ shout, acclaim, exclaim, bawl
yllaghey magh ~ turn out
yllee ~ exclamatory
yllee er ard ~ shout out
ylleyder ~ caller, shouter, exclaimer
ylleyderyn moghey ~ waits
ym- ~ (prefix) circum-, peri-, around
ym-agglaghey ~ terrorism
ym-aggleydagh ~ terrorist
ym-aggleyder ~ terrorist
ym-blaa ~ perianth
ym-charp ~ pericarp
ym-chiangley ~ encasement
ym-chiarkil ~ circumcircle
ym-chiarkyl ~ circumcircle
ym-chummit ~ variform
ym-daahagh ~ varied
ym-daahys ~ variegation
ym-ghorley ~ epidemic
ym-hayrn ~ gravitation
ym-heidey ~ fanfare
ym-horchys ~ variegation
ym-laanid ~ integration
ym-laaragh ~ circumcentre
ym-lanaghey ~ integrate
ym-lane ~ aggregate
ym-layrteeaght ~ commutability
ym-linney ~ perimeter, circumference, profile,
ym-lioar ~ set of books, cyclopaedia, volume
ym-lioaragh ~ voluminous, cyclopaedic,
ym-loayrt ~ periphrase
ym-loayrtagh ~ periphrastic
ym-loayrtys ~ periphrasis
ym-obbraghey ~ react, reaction
ym-obbree ~ reagent
ym-obbreeagh ~ reactive
ym-resoon ~ argument
ym-roie folley ~ haemophilia
ym-schleioil ~ versatile (of mind)
ym-schleioilid ~ versatility
ym-screeu ~ circumscription
ym-screeuyn ~ circular, encyclical
ym-scruit ~ circumscribed
ym-skeaylley ~ transmit, broadcast, transmission
ym-skeaylleyder ~ broadcaster
ym-skeaylt ~ broadcast
ym-stroo ~ circulation
ym-voallit ~ circummured
ym-yiense ~ vaudeville, variety
ymmodagh ~ abundant, infinite, plural
ymmodaghey ~ multiplication, multiply
ymmodaght ~ manifoldness
ymmodee ~ numerous, very many, several,
frequent, manifold
ymmodee-cheintagh ~ variegated
ymmodee-daahagh ~ varied, variegated
ymmodee dy leih ~ multitude
ymmodee-filley ~ multiple, various, manifold
ymmodee fillit ~ complex
ymmodee keayrtyn ~ many a time, dozens of
ymmodee mooar ~ a great many
ymmodee sleih ~ horde
ymmodee-taishbynagh ~ flamboyant
ymmodys ~ abundance
ymmrkey feanish ~ testify
ymmyd ~ use, utilization, employment,
application, amenity
ymmyd jeant (jeh) ~ used, employed
ymmydagh ~ useful
ymmyder ~ utilize
ymmydeyr ~ user
ymmydit ~ used
ymmydoil ~ useful, handy, valuable
ymmydoilid ~ utility, usefulness
ymmydoilid hraa ~ value of time
ymmydoilys ~ usefulness
ymmydys ~ usefulness
ymmyl ~ periphery
ymmyllagh ~ peripheral
ymmylt ~ wallow, roll over, tumble
ymmyltagh ~ tumbler, wallower
ymmyltagh cheeree ~ tumble drier
ymmyltey ~ wallow, roll over, tumble
ymmyltit ~ rolled
ymmyr vane ~ balk
ymmyr viljyn ~ nursery of trees
ymmyr vlaa ~ flowerbed
ymmyr vooarheeragh ~ continental shelf
ymmyrch ~ necessity, destitution, exigence,
want, require
ymmyrch vian bee ~ anorexia
ymmyrchagh ~ need, necessary, destitute,
needful, indigent
ymmyrk er ash ~ carry back
ymmyrk ersooyl ~ carry away
ymmyrk neose ~ carry down
ymmyrk roish y traa ~ miscarry
ymmyrkagh ~ bearer, carrier (person), porter,
conveyor, transporter, vehicle, haulier,
haulage contractor; sustaining, portable
ymmyrkagh brattagh ~ colour-bearer
ymmyrkagh bunniag ~ germ carrier
ymmyrkagh cliwe ~ sword-bearer
ymmyrkagh doagan ~ torch-bearer
ymmyrkagh (doghan) ~ carrier
ymmyrkagh eilley ~ armour-bearer
ymmyrkagh feanish ~ testifier
ymmyrkagh gorley ~ vector
ymmyrkagh stiagh ~ importer
Yn Ymmyrkagh Ushtey ~ Aquarius
ymmyrkagh ushtey ~ water bearer, water
carrier, bhisti
ymmyrkaght ~ portability
ymmyrkane ~ bearing
ymmyrkane cughlinagh ~ cone-bearing
ymmyrkane rolley ~ roller bearing
ymmyrkee ~ conductive
ymmyrkey ~ carry, bear, give birth, behave,
convey, endure, support, sustain, yield,
supply; conductance, conduction, haulage,
transport, carrying, conveyance, birth,
gestation, tide, attitude, appearance,
comportment, behaviour
ymmyrkey bayrey ~ road transport
ymmyrkey bea ~ manner of life
ymmyrkey chiarnys (er) ~ boss
ymmyrkey eayn ~ yean
ymmyrkey er sleayd ~ sledge
ymmyrkey er ushtey ~ water carriage
ymmyrkey ersooyl ~ carry off, bear off
ymmyrkey feanish ~ depose, attest
ymmyrkey lesh ~ carry along
ymmyrkey magh ~ bear out, carry out
ymmyrkey mess ~ fruit
ymmyrkey nastee ~ carriage free
ymmyrkey roish y traa ~ miscarriage
ymmyrkey ry-eeck ~ carriage forward
ymmyrkey seose ~ carry up
ymmyrkey sidooryn ~ trooping
ymmyrkey stiagh ~ importing, import
ymmyrkit ~ sustained, supported, transported,
carted, carried
ymmyrkit er y cheayn ~ sea-borne
ymmyrkit er yn ushtey ~ water-borne
ymmyrkys ~ behaviourism
ymmyrt ~ row, oar, rowing
ymmyrt (ayns cloie) ~ match play
ymmyrt magh ~ pull out
ymmyrtagh ~ rower, oarsman, waterman,
ferryman, rowing, rowing man
ymmyrtagh ruy ~ galleyworm
ymmyrtit ~ rowed
ymmyrtys ~ oarsmanship, effects
yn ~ the
yn- ~ (prefix) -able, fit
yn-aaeeck ~ reimburseable
yn-aanoaghey ~ renewable
yn-aase ~ ingrowing
yn-arganey ~ debatable, contestable
yn-arraghey ~ removable
yn-arraghys ~ manoeuverabilty
yn-arreeaght ~ mutability
yn-astreeaghey ~ transferable
yn-chaghlaa ~ mutable
yn-chastey ~ repressible, containable
yn-cheau ~ consumable, wearable, expendable
yn-cheeayllit ~ constructive
yn-cherree ~ chargeable (of land)
yn-chionnagh ~ redeemable
yn-chiughey ~ congealable, coagulable
yn-chleayney ~ corruptible
yn-choagyrey ~ culinary
yn-chohionney ~ compressible
yn-chondughtaght ~ conductivity
yn-choonrey ~ exchangeability, exchangeable
yn-choontey ~ countable
yn-choraaghey ~ pronounceable
yn-choyrlaghey ~ recommendable
yn-chraiughey ~ corrodible
yn-chraplagey ~ retractile
yn-chreaghney ~ terminable
yn-chreck ~ vendible
yn-chredjallys ~ credibility
yn-chronnaghey ~ distinguishable
yn-chur er chreck ~ realizable
yn-chur ny host ~ confutable
yn-churmal ~ enforceable
yn-churrit sheese da ~ assignable
yn-chyndaa ~ translatable
yn-dellagh ~ negotiable
yn-ee ~ edible, fit to eat, consumable
yn-eeck ~ dischargeable, defrayable, due
yn-eiraghtagh ~ heritable
yn-enneydagh ~ identifiable
yn-failley ~ employable
yn-filley ~ inflect, inflexion, collapsible,
flexional, involution
yn-filleydagh ~ inflexional
yn-fillit ~ inflexional
yn-fockley ~ expressible
yn-ghaaghey ~ dyeable, colourable
yn-gherjaghey ~ consolable
yn-gheyrey ~ condemnable
yn-ghlackey ~ assumable (opinion)
yn-ghlubbey ~ coagulable, congealable
yn-ghoaill ~ distrainable, receivable, assumable
yn-ghoaill noi ~ controvertible
yn-ghreimmee ~ prehensile
yn-haglym ~ leviable
yn-heeley ~ infiltration, infiltrate
yn-hirkaghey ~ retractile
yn-hoilshaghey ~ explainable
yn-insh ~ communicable
yn-iu ~ drinkable
yn-jannoo ~ feasible, constructable
yn-jantaght ~ feasibility
yn-jeantaght ~ practicability
yn-jeeaney ~ enforceable
yn-jeechleayney ~ declinable
yn-jeeylley ~ damageable
yn-leodaghey ~ reducible
yn-lhaih ~ decipherable
yn-lheanaghey ~ dilatable, expansible
yn-lheaneeaght ~ expansibility
yn-lheie ~ fusible, liquefiable, digestible
yn-lheihys ~ curable
yn-lhiasaghey ~ redressable
yn-lhoamaght ~ deciduousness
yn-lhoamey ~ deciduous
yn-lostagh ~ combustibility
yn-lostey ~ combustible
yn-niartaghey ~ fortifiable
yn-nieet ~ washable
yn-obbragh dreeym er ash ~ reversible
yn-obbraghey ~ workable, viability
yn-obbree ~ practical
yn-obraidagh ~ operable
yn-ockley magh ~ pronounceable
yn-oonlit ~ washable
yn-phoosey ~ nubile
yn-phooseydys ~ nubility
yn-raa ~ pronounceable
yn-reih ~ eligible
yn-rheynn ~ classifiable, divisible
yn-rioghey ~ congealable
yn-roie ~ tensile
yn-scarrey ~ detachable, distinguishable
yn-scoltey ~ cleavable, fissile
yn-scughey ~ removable
yn-scughys ~ removability
yn-seyrey ~ exploitable
yn-shaghney ~ evadable
yn-sheeley ~ filterable, infusion
yn-sheeyney ~ expanding, ductile, dilatable,
extensible; ductility
yn-sheeyntaght ~ extensibility
yn-sheiltyn ~ conceivable
yn-shiaulley ~ navigable
yn-shiaulltaght ~ navigability
yn-smaghtey ~ controllability, controllable,
yn-soil ~ teachable
yn-soilshaghey ~ describable
yn-sooit ~ absorbable
yn-sorchal ~ classifiable
yn-stiurey ~ dirigible, navigable, controllable
yn-streeaney ~ containable, controllable
yn-tayrn er ash ~ revocable
yn-teishtey ~ certifiable
yn-traaueit ~ tillable
yn-troarey ~ cultivable
yn-troo ~ enviable
yn-trullaghey ~ corruptible
yn-vaarail ~ expendable
yn-vaghey ayn ~ habitable
yn-vaiht ~ sinkable
yn-vaylartagh ~ commutable
yn-vaylartaght ~ commutability
yn-vaylartley ~ transposable, exchangeable
yn-vaylartys ~ exchangeability
yn-veaghey ~ viability
yn-veenaghey ~ explicable, explainable
yn-veighagh ~ ponderable
yn-villey ~ corruptible
yn-vooadagh ~ multipliable
yn-vooadee ~ multiplicand
yn-vroojey ~ compressible
yn-yannoo ~ realizable, producible
yn-yiarrey ~ intaglio, leviable, scissile
yn-yiense ~ variety
yn-ymmydey ~ usable, utilizable, employable
yn-ymmyrkey ~ conductible
yn-yrjaghey ~ retractable
yndyr ~ browse, pasture, graze
yndyragh ~ grazier
yndyrit ~ grass-fed
ynennalleyr ~ inhaler
yngin ~ fingernail
yngynagh ~ ungulate
yngyr ~ suppuration
yngyragh ~ suppurating
yngyraghey ~ suppurate, suppurating
yngyraght ~ fester, suppurating, inflammation
yngyragh(t) ~ festering
yngyrit ~ festered
ynlaare ~ in-centre
ynlagh ~ lotion
Yn Ynnyd ~ Shrovetide
ynnyd [f] ~ place, position, location, station, seat
(of government), locale, quarter, locality,
stand, centre, resort, spot, stage, post,
substitute, stead
ynnyd aer ~ air base
ynnyd baghee ~ billet
ynnyd boayl ~ pitch
ynnyd caaoil ~ vantage
ynnyd casherick ~ sanctuary
ynnyd chruinnee ~ rendezvous
ynnyd coshey ~ footmark, foothold
ynnyd cowrey ~ impress, imprint, impression
ynnyd faagee ~ point of departure
ynnyd faishnagh ~ oracle
ynnyd fea ~ resting place
ynnyd haishbynys ~ show place
ynnyd hassoo ~ bus stop
ynnyd hellan ~ apiary
ynnyd jeihoil ~ decimal place
ynnyd keayrtey ~ sojourn
ynnyd lheeys ~ ambulatory
ynnyd lheie ersooyl ~ vanishing point
ynnyd loght ~ venue
ynnyd mooie ~ location
ynnyd ny merriu ~ morgue, mortuary
ynnyd oanluckee ~ catacombs, burial place
ynnyd phlaihagh ~ plague spot
ynnyd scrutee ~ check point
ynnyd seyrey ~ holiday resort
ynnyd tarlheimagh ~ landing ground
ynnyd toshee ~ jumping off place
ynnyd traieagh ~ landing place
ynnyd vaghee ~ dwelling place, domicile,
ynnyd valjagh ~ civic centre
ynnyd vargee ~ market place
ynnyd vashtee ~ baptistry
ynnyd veaghee ~ mansion, abode, residence
ynnyd vingey ~ venue
ynnyd vondeish ~ vantage
ynnyd whaiyllee ~ rendezvous
ynnyd wheeylagh ~ wheel track, wheel rut
ynnyd y vreck ~ pockmark
ynnyd ymmyrt ~ ferry
ynnydagh ~ delegate, deputy, representative,
attorney, local
ynnydaght ~ lieutenancy
ynnydee ~ substitute, locum tenens,
commissary, procurator, proxy, assignee
ynnydeyr ~ stand in
ynnydoil ~ local, district
ynnydys ~ locality
Ynnys Pherick ~ St. Patrick's Isle
ynoklaghey ~ inoculate, inoculation
ynphossan ~ admass
ynragh ~ tent
ynrican ~ alone, absolute, only, single,
particular, sole
ynricanys ~ absoluteness, particularity
ynrick ~ earnest, honest, righteous, undeviating,
frank, genuine, straightforward, open-
hearted, forthcoming, intrinsic, outright,
faithful, truthful, just, sincere, correct (as
ynrickys ~ honesty, sincerity, faithfulness,
correctness, downrightness, integration,
trustiness, directness, straightforwardness,
truthfulness, straightness, guilelessness,
probity, frankness, faith, truth
ynsagh ~ knowledge, education, learning,
teaching, tuition, study, lore
ynsagh blaa ~ anthology
ynsagh (crauee) ~ doctrine
ynsagh keayin ~ nautical knowledge
ynsagh lioaragh ~ book-learning
ynsagh magh da hene ~ self-educated
ynsagh ny h-emshir ~ weather lore
ynsagh sodjey ~ further education
ynsagh-yesheeneyr ~ pedant
ynsagh-yesheeneyragh ~ pedantic
ynsagh-yesheeneyraght ~ pedantry
ynsaghey ~ instruct, educate, teach, learn, tutor,
train, master; training, pedagogy
ynsaghey er lheh ~ coach
ynsaghey lessoon da ~ lesson
ynsaghey liorish ~ moralize
ynsee ~ informative, educational
ynsee er dty hengey ~ learn by heart
ynseydagh ~ scholar, learner, pupil, cadet,
disciple, instructive, didactic
ynseydagh Creestee ~ catechumen
ynseydagh laa ~ day pupil
ynseydaght ~ scholarship
ynseyder ~ educator, teacher, trainer, instructor,
tutor, pedagogue, coach
ynseyder jesh loayrtys ~ elocutionist
ynseyder keirdey ~ craft teacher
ynseyder kiaull ~ music teacher
ynseyder rinkys ~ dancing teacher
ynseyder scoill ~ school teacher
ynseyder skeeandys ~ science master
ynsheelraghey ~ inbreeding
ynsheelrit ~ inbred
ynsheelteyr ~ infuser
ynshellooaghey ~ induction, induct
ynshellooeyr ~ inductor
ynsit ~ educated, learned, trained, taught
ynsydagh ~ trainee
yn-towlagh ~ penetrable
yn-ushtaghey ~ irrigable
ynvaartey ~ inverse, inversion
ynvaartit ~ inverted
ynvloid ~ involution
ynvloidagh ~ involute
yn-voyllee ~ praisable
Yoal ~ Youghal
Yood ~ Jude
York Noa ~ New York
yrdjaghey ~ upward gradient, appreciation,
yrdjid ~ altitude
yrdjid vaghtal ~ apparent altitude
yrdjit ~ advanced (heightened)
yrjaghey ~ rise, raise, hoist, heighten, draw,
retract, go up, enhance, exalt, elate,
exhilarate, elation, exhilaration, exaltation,
yrjee ~ ring up, exhilarating, elevating
yrjey ~ elevation, higher
yrjeyder ~ elevator
yrjid ~ headway, eminence, highness, height
yrjid etlee ~ flying height
yrjit ~ drawn, elevated, exalted, elated
Ysaig ~ Isaac
Ysbal ~ Isabella, Isobel
yskan ~ ell
yskid ~ hough, shank
Yuaase ~ Judas
Y Yuan ~ O John
Yugoslaavagh ~ Jugoslav, Yugoslav
Yn Yugoslaavey ~ Jugoslavia

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