Explanation Letter Sample

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#412 P-4 Silverio Compd.

Brgy. San Isidro, Paraaque City

Septem%er 2$, 214
&s. Capri'e (atrine )illa*lores
Pro*essor, C+,S -epartment
.ational /niversity
$$1 &.0. 12o'son St., Sampalo', &anila
-ear &s. )illa*lores4
5ood day6
I 7ould li8e to as8 *or your understanding a%out my s2ort'omings in our past a'tivities
regarding %usiness letters. I 7ould li8e to e9plain and state some reasons 72y I 7as not a%le
to *ollo7 t2e guidelines you 2ave given us 7it2 regards to %usiness letter 7riting.
-uring t2e time t2at t2e a'tivity 7as given, our s'2edule 7as so 2e'ti'. :2is results to a one
rus2 and an e**ortless 7or8. ;ne t2ing t2at I<ve o%served 7as t2at I didn<t prioriti=e your
su%>e't %e'ause *or me t2is 'ourse 7as only a minor su%>e't. :2is 7as my mista8e. I s2ouldn<t
ta8e t2is 'ourse *or granted and I s2ould 8no7 t2e importan'e o* it *or me to learn and grasp
somet2ing *rom 72at 7e 7ere dis'ussing.
I assure you t2at I understand our lesson and it 7as >ust a te'2ni'al pro%lem 72en I 7as not
a%le to *ollo7 t2e guidelines you 2ave given us. -ue to a di**erent version o* &i'roso*t ?ord,
t2e *ormat o* my letter 7as '2anged and I didn<t noti'e it rig2t a7ay. I<m sorry *or %eing
'areless. I promise t2at t2is 7ill never 2appen again and I 7ill do my %est in 7riting %usiness
I 2um%ly as8 *or your understanding.
:2an8 you and may 5od %less you6
Sin'erely yours,
1o2n Cale% :. Baares
Student, +C+1@1

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