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Biyani's Think Tank

Concept based notes

English Teaching
[BSTC I Year]

Ms Indulata Soni
Dr. KusumLata
Deptt. of Education
Biyani Girls College, Jaipur

Published by :
Think Tanks
Biyani Group of Colleges

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First Edition: 2009
Second Edition: 2010
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am glad to present this book, especially designed to serve the needs of the students. The
book has been written keeping in mind the general weakness in understanding the
fundamental concept of the topic. The book is self-explanatory and adopts the Teach
Yourself style. It is based on question-answer pattern. The language of book is quite easy and
understandable based on scientific approach.
Any further improvement in the contents of the book by making corrections, omission and
inclusion is keen to be achieved based on suggestions from the reader for which the author shall
be obliged.
I acknowledge special thanks to Mr. Rajeev Biyani, Chairman & Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Director
(Acad.) Biyani Group of Colleges, who is the backbone and main concept provider and also have been
constant source of motivation throughout this endeavour. We also extend our thanks to Biyani
Shikshan Samiti, Jaipur, who played an active role in co-ordinating the various stages of this endeavour
and spearheaded the publishing work.
I look forward to receiving valuable suggestions from professors of various educational
institutions, other faculty members and the students for improvement of the quality of the book.
The reader may feel free to send in their comments and suggestions to the under mentioned address.


B.S.T.C. Part-I&II
English Teaching

General Objectives of English Teaching This course is intended to:
(1) Strengthen the pupil teachers own command of English in its spoken and written
form. (2) Acquaint the teachers with strategies methods techniques and devices for
improving the teaching and learning of English and providing practice in their use. (3)
Make teaching learner centered. (4) Prepare the teacher to play the role of a facilitator of
learning. (5) Enable him to prepare and use learning materials effectively. (6) Develop in
the pupils teacher some basic values and attitudes. (7) Develop in the pupil teachers, the
habit of reading extensively and listening to radio broadcast etc.
Total Periods 110
1. Spoken English and Rhymes
Specific objectives The following specific are decided:
(1) To create an awareness in pupil teachers to read with correct pronunciation, stress
and intonation. (2) To help pupil teachers to express themselves in English accurately
and fluently. (3) To help them to know all photo.
(1) The organs of speech. (2) The classification of speech sounds.
(a) Vowels (b) Consonants
(3) Key words- Vowels and Consonants. (4) Vowel-I (1-6) (5) Vowel-II (7-12) (6)
Diphthongs-I (13-16) (7) Dipthongs-II (17-60) (8) Consonants- I (1-6) (9) Consonants- II
(7-12) (10) Consonants- III (13-18) (11) Consonants-IV (19-24) (12) Syllables and word
stress-I (13) Word stress-I (Shift of stress). (14) Sentences stress and rhythm (strong and
weak forms) (15) Intonation-Rising tone-I (16) Intonation-Falling tone-II (17) Practice in
Reading aloud. (18) Vocabulary Building, Common word necessary for spoken,
English, stress should be given horizon of the word.
Note: One rhyme should be practiced daily 20 rhymes
1.2 Rhymes
Objectives- Following objectives are decided:
(1) To create healthy atmosphere in the class. (2) To help to avoid hesitation and
shyness of the learners. (3) To recite rhymes phonetically correct. (4) To provide
exposure. (5) To recite with correct pronunciation stress rhythm intonations. The
teacher will make pupil teachers learn at least 20 rhymes by heart as prescribed in text-
1.3 Language Material
Specific Objectives- The specific objectives are as following:
(1) To enables pupil teachers to master the linguistic items prescribed for classes I to V
or for beginners. (2) To give them ample opportunities to practice languages items. (3)
To enable them to use the language items correctly and appropriately.
The following contents will be taught:
S.No. Topic Content
1. Articles (1) Countables and uncountables a/an/some/the.
(2) Definite article specifying items already referred to for things
that are unique: only one of its kind: omission of articles.
2. Pronoun: Personal, Possessive Adj. and personal pronouns, reflexive.
3. Tense & Time (1) Concept of Tense and time Viz. the simple present and the
present progressive: verbs not generally used with the Present
(2) The preset Perfect Tense with just, already, yet etc., The,
Simple past tense.
(3) The past Continuous Tense. The Present Perfect Tense
Continuous Tense.
(4) The Simple past and the past perfect. Four ways of telling
about the future activity.
4. Questions (1) Yes/No questions, tag questions.
(2) Wh questions for subject.
5. Preposition Time, Place, relation, prepositional phrase and phrasal verbs.
6. Adjectives (1) Attributive and predictive use of Adjectives.
(2) Use of much, many, a lot of few, little, a few, a little.
(3) Comparison, as-as, than, ext, irregular forms with more and
(4) Past participate used as adjective.
(5) Present participle used as adjective.
7. Adverbs (1) Time, Place and manner.
(2) Position of Adverbs in sentence.
(3) Comparison of adverbs.
8. Passive voice Passive voice with or without agent.
9. Connectives And, or, so, but, to, neither nor, such-that, so-that, both-and not
only-but also, too-to, although-yet, yet, lest than, should, in case.
10. Modals Can, may, might, could, should, would ought to, must, used to,
need (need not), (must not), have to, dare, will, shall.
11. Introducing words It and There telling the time.
and telling the time
12. Causative verbs (1) Make, get, and have.
(2) Imperative and negative forms.
(3) Lest Objective + be + p.p.
13. Reported Speech (1) Zero modification.
(2) Change in person.
(3) Change in tense.
(4) Adverbial in place and time.
(5) Imperatives.
(6) Questions-Yes/No and Wh (What, why, wh) Question.
14. Non finite forms Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles.
15. Conditionals (1) Factual Condition
(2) Hypothetical conditions
16. Relative clauses Defining and non defining.
17. Basic patterns (1) SVO, SVOO, SVO+ Infinitive
(2) SV+ infinitive + O
(3) SVO + preposition phrase
(4) Feel + adjective
(5) Food/afraid/proud of
1-4. Syllabus for Reading
Objectives- The objectives are as follows:
(1) To train them in the use of different reading strategies, scanning, close reading for
different purposes.
(2) To enable them to improve their reading speed with comprehension.
1. Intensive Reading a short passage and answering an exercise on detailed
2. Extensive reading Reading a full-length story and doing an exercise on global
3. Speed reading Reading passage as fast as possible answering comprehension,
questions assessing reading speed.
4. Skimming A quick reading of a passage within a prescribed time and
commenting on the central idea.
5. Scanning A quick reading of a passage looking for specific information.
Note: Five passage may be selected from the prescribe text-books (class I and V)
devoting one passage for each activity.
1.5 Writing
Objectives- The objectives are as follows:
(1) To make the pupil teachers aware of silent features different kinds of writings viz.
(2) To make up pupil teachers aware of the difference between spoken
communication and written communication.
(3) To introduce to the pupil teachers the different tools available for reference and
The following areas should be taught:
(1) Dialogue-writing (2) Paragraph writing- personal diary, class diary. (3) Letter
writing. (4) Application writing (5) Story writing.
2. Professional Competence
Objectives- The objectives are as follows:
(1) To make pupil teachers aware of the modern methods/approaches techniques for
the teaching of English.
(2) To improve the teaching competence of the teacher.
2.1 Method-Talks
(1) Language as a skill- exposure and practice of reading and writing in the four basic
skills (Listening, Speaking, and Writing) and problems in teaching English-use of
the mother tongue.
(2) Planning of foreign language work-year wise and unit wise.
(3) How to plan a lesson for pre-reading stage and reading stage.
(4) The teaching of structure and drills.
(5) The teaching of lexical items and the course reader.
(6) The teaching of reading to beginners- (1) Different methods. (2) The first reading
(7) The teaching of hand writing print script to beginners.
(8) The change from reading from the black board and flash cards to reading from the
first year text book which contains no new language items but only material
already mastred by the peoples in the early part of the year.
(9) Reading comprehension: (a) Fluency in reading. (b) Grammatical meaning. (c)
Lexical meaning. (d) Socio-cultural meaning. (e) Total (Semantic) meaning.
(10) (a) The difference between teaching and testing the teaching and reading
comprehension. (b) spelling exercise- A project How to improve vocabulary is to
be taken.
(11) Home work in foreign language and correction of written work.
(12) Oral and written composition in a foreign language principles. (a) Action chains.
(b) Sentence of given pattern from key words.
(13) Planning composition-II (a) personnel diaries. (b) class diaries. (c) paragraph
framing letter and application. (d) Expansion of an outline with the help of series
of pictures.
(14) How to frame a test items- different ways of testing the understanding and
production of structures and lexical items and how to compose a unit test.
15. Use of mass media and T.V. and Language games.
2.2 Demonstration cum Talks
10 periods of 20 minutes will be devoted to the lesson it self and 20 minutes to follow up
discussion and preparation of lesson plan based on the lesson observed, these lessons will
be given in primary classes.
1. Introduce a book, a pen, a comb, a pencil (Whats this? It is a.)
2. Revise: Material taught in lesson
Introduce: a leaf, ribbon, a chair, a table
(Whats this/that? It is a)
3. Revise: Selected material taught in 1 and 2.
Introduce: Is this..? (a) yes, it is.
(b) no, it isnt.
4. Revise: Material taught in 1 and 2.
Introduce: a boy, a girl, a man, a woman,
(Is that/that?)
(1) Yes, it is.
(2) No, it isnt.
5. Revise: Selective material taught in previous lessons
Introduce: This is a book, Thats a book.
This is a boy, Thats a boy.
6. Revise: This is a.Thats is a.
Introduce: (1) This is Ram. He is a boy.
(2) What is he/she?
He is a boy/man.
She is a girl/woman.
(c) Who is Ram?
He is a boy/man.
Who is Sita?
She is a girl/woman/
7. Revise: He is a.
First lesson is reading.
Introduce: This is a boy ribbon/girl/camp.
With the help of sentence cards.
Revise: all the four sentences with the help of sentence cards.
Second reading lesson
Introduce: That is a boy/ribbon/girl/comb.
With the help of sentence cards.
First lesson in writing.
Introduce a
9. 9-15 Teaching of unit -6 pds.
Stage-1 two or three questions aimed at eliciting the gist of the passage from
publls, first orally and then in writing.
Stage-2 Oral or written questions, aimed at eliciting detailed comprehension.
10. Composition Development of a story with the help of a series of pictures.
Language material. Reading Comprehension Composition. Written exercises and
correction. Unit test and remedial work.
2.3 Visual-Aids
The teacher will give talk on audio-visual aids and he will prepare the following aids
to pupil teachers understand.
(1) Drawing match stick figures and objects one chart on the one chart black board.
(2) The flannel board- normal and improvised, picture cards 5 Pictures
(3) Sentence cards and look and say card- 10 sentence card.
Look and say and 2 sentences cut into words.
(4) Picture-cards
(a) For teacher 9 x 9 4 Pictures
(b) For pupils 4 x 3 20 cards
(c) Matching cards
(i) Self correcting 10 cards
(ii) Non-self correcting (Painting/pasted)
(5) The Model clock face with movable hands.
(a) How to make one (b) How to use one.
Assignment: It will be alone by pupil teachers.
The following visual aids are to be prepared by every pupil teacher.
(1) Flannel board-1 (2) Sentence card- 10 (3) Look and Say cards-5 (4) Picture card 9
x 9-4 pictures. Picture card 4 x 4- 20 (5) Matching card 20 (Painted/Pasted) self
correcting 10 self non-correcting-10 (6) Model clock-1(7) Match stick figures-1 chart
(8) two stories with series of pictures.
2.4 Blackboard work hand writing
The teacher will make pupil teacher use black-board and hand writing by giving
following exercises.
1. Pre-writing exercise
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ffff ffff JJJJJJ
c c c c c c
s s s s s o o o o o o
a a d d q q g g
b b d d m m ww
2. Formation of letters
(1) ascenders- b d f h k I t
(2) descenders g I p q y
(3) middle a c e i m n o r w x z
3. Writing skills, Cursive writing and speed writing.
4. Writing words and sentences.
Project-A project of hand writing- letters, words and sentences.
Unit-Plan- One lesson of the text-book can be regarded as one Unit. It should include
the following sub-units, each sub-units can be roughly covered in the periods as
suggested below. A unit will be divided into sub-units they will be according to unit.
(1) Language Material. (2) Reading Comprehension (3) Exercise-structure (4)
Composition work (5) Correction work (6) Unit additional reading
Total internal assessment is of 100 marks-
Total marks secured to be reduced by to arrive at 25 marks
External Evaluation- (Exam) 75/100 marks-
Grand Total = 100
External assessment = 30
(1) Lesson Planning = 30
(2) Method = 15
75 Marks

Objective Type Questions

1. Total number of monopthongs is:
(a) 8 (b) 24
(c) 12 (d) 100 (c)
2. Which one of the following underlined sounds is longer than
(a) moon (b) book
(c) cook (d) good (a)
3. The air stream mechanism are:
(a) Pulmonic (b) Glottic
(c) Velaric (d) All of the above (d)
4. Sounds produced by a complete closure of the air passage and the sudden
release of air called:
(a) Nasals (b) Plosives
(c) Fricatives (d) Affricates (b)
5. Kinds of syllables are
(a) Mono-syllablic (b) Disyllablic
(c) Multi-syllablic (d) All of the above (d)
6. A minimal unit of sound speech called
(a) Phoneme (b) Syllable
(c) Consonant (d) Vowel (b)
7. The rise and fall of the voice is speaking is:
(a) Intonation (b) Stress
(c) Syllable (d) rhyme (a)
8. Than is generally used after
(a) Superlative degree (b) Comparative degree
(c) Positive degree (d) All the above (b)
9. The words that are used in place of nouns are called:
(a) Adverb (b) Pronouns
(c) Preposition (d) Article (b)
10. She kindly waited for me. Here the word kindly is-
(a) Adverb of manner (b) Adverb of time
(c) Adverb of place (d) Adverb of number (a)
11. The word used to join two words, clauses, sentences etc is called:
(a) Article (b) Adverb
(c) Verb (d) Connective (d)
12. Which tense cannot be changed from Active Voice into Passive
(a) Perfect Continuous Tense (b) Indefinite Tense
(c) Perfect Tense (d) None of the above (a)
13. Speed reading gives rise to:
(a) Improvement is reading speed.
(b) Fastest speed
(c) Locating quickly specific information
(d) None of the above (a)
14. Methods of teaching reading are
(a) The Alphabet method
(b) The whole-word method
(c) The Phonic method
(d) All of the above
15. The advantage of Intensive Reading is:
(a) It helps in learning grammar.
(b) It explains the meaning.
(c) It improves the power of expression.
(d) All of the above (d)
16. Scanning is useful for:
(a) Executives (b) Administrators
(c) Professors (d) All of the above (d)
17. Reading without voice and without moving the lips is called:
(a) Silent Reading (b) Oral Reading
(c) Loud Reading (d) All of the above (a)
18. Reading maketh a full man is stated by:
(a) Bacon (b) Lado Fairly
(c) Dr. West (d) Bell (a)
19. When you are looking up a word in telephone diary or in dictionary you are
going through:
(a) Intensive Reading (b) Speed Reading
(c) Scanning (d) Skimming (d)
20. Hand-writing skills develops through-
(a) Reading practice (b) Listening practice
(c) Speaking practice (d) Writing practice (d)
21. A story must have the following quality:
(a) Plot (b) Human emotions
(c) Humour (d) All the above (d)
22. The last part of an application is the date, which is written:
(a) On the bottom, left hand side.
(b) On the bottom, right hand side.
(c) On the top, left hand side.
(d) On the top, right hand side. (a)
23. Talk between two persons is called:
(a) Pronunciation (b) Innocence
(c) Dialogue (d) Modification (c)
24. A unit of composition in which an idea or thought is developed in a sequential
manner is called:
(a) application (b) paragraph
(c) letter (d) none of the above (b)
25. Writing skill is important because:
(a) The student learns to express his ideas.
(b) The student learns spellings and punctuations.
(c) The student develops an ability to organize his matter logically.
(d) All of the above (a)
26. A written dialogue must have the following quality:
(a) interesting (b) spontaneous
(c) forceful (d) All of the above (d)
27. Listening ability means:
(a) Understanding the meaning of words.
(b) Understanding the meaning of phrases.
(c) Understanding the meaning of sentences.
(d) All the above (d)
28. The act of infecting the environment is called:
(a) Purification (b) Pollution
(c) Population (d) Polarisation (b)
29. Language abilities in English are:
(a) Listening ability (b) Ability to speak and to read
(c) Ability to write (d) All of the above (d)
30. The proper order in four basic skills to be taught is:
(a) Writing, reading, speaking, listening.
(b) Reading, writing, listening, speaking.
(c) Speaking, writing, listening, reading.
(d) Listening, speaking, reading, writing. (d)
31. The number of basic skills in teaching of English is:
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 10 (c)
32. The reading ability means, the student
(a) develops correct reading habit.
(b) acquires a reasonable speed in reading.
(c) grasps meaning of words and sentences from the context.
(d) all the above (d)
33. The writing ability means, the student:
(a) Masters the mechanics of writing.
(b) Spells words correctly.
(c) Uses appropriate vocabulary and grammatical items.
(d) All the above (d)
34. The unit of teaching in Phonetic Method is:
(a) Letter (b) Word
(c) Sounds of Letters (d) Sentence (c)
35. Advantage of the alphabetic Method is that:
(a) Pupil get tired in lengthy drills.
(b) It enables to build up visual images of words.
(c) The sound of letters does not correspond to pronunciation.
(d) None of the above (b)
36. The first step of lesson plan is:
(a) Presentation (b) Introduction
(c) Greeting (d) Recaptulation (c)
37. Model reading is performed by:
(a) Student (b) Teachers
(c) English Teacher (d) Headmaster (c)
38. Dictation needs
(a) Appropriate pauses (b) Slow speed
(c) Clear and correct pronunciation
(d) All the above (d)
39. Composition is the skill to produce:
(a) To develop neatness (b) Motor skills of handwriting
(c) Speed (d) All the above (d)
40. Follow-up reading means:
(a) Reading by the teacher.
(b) Loud reading by the students.
(c) Silent reading by the readers.
(d) Library reading. (b)
41. Black-board summary needs:
(a) Spoken English (b) Fluency in speech
(c) Good writing skill of the teacher
(d) None of the above (c)
42. Audio-visual aids make the lesson:
(a) Interesting (b) Attractive
(c) Effective (d) All the above (d)
43. Radio is an:
(a) Audio-aid (b) Visual aid
(c) Both audio and visual aid (d) None of the above (a)
44. Look and say cards are used for:
(a) Unphonetic words (b) Phonetic words
(c) Sentences (d) None of them (a)
45. Cut-out can be used:
(a) To frame sentences (b) To develop a story
(c) To teach composition (d) All the above (d)
46. A flannel board can be used for showing:
(a) Words and figures (b) Pictures and sentences
(c) Cut-outs and landscapes (d) All the above (d)
47. Model clock is used for:
(a) Teaching structures (b) Teaching language material
(c) Telling time (d) All the above (d)
48. Non-self correcting card is used:
(a) For testing (b) For decoration
(c) For exhibition (d) For all the above purposes (a)
49. Audio-visual aids make the lesson:
(a) Interesting (b) Attractive
(c) Effective (d) All the above (d)
50. Picture cards can be used generally of size:
(a) 3 x 3 (b) 5 x 5
(c) 9 x 9 (d) 6 x 6

Q.1. What are the organs of speech? How many speech organs works in speaking a
Ans. Every language in the world uses sounds produced by the individual with his body.
The organs which are helpful in the production of speech are called speech organs.
We speak with the air from the lungs. This air released by the lungs interfers with its
passage in various ways and at different place. In this way sound is produced.
The various speech organs who plays an important role in speaking are-
(1) Vocal Cords- Larynx is the first point where there is possibility of modification of
air stream. It contains vocal cards, which are two small bands of elastic tissue. The
gap between them is called glottis.
(2) The Palate: The roof of mouth is formed by the palate. It has three parts:
(i) Alveolar edge.
(ii) Hard palate and
(iii) Soft palate
(3) The teeth: The two upper front teeth are used in English. The lower front teeth
are not important except if they are missing certain sounds.
(4) The tongue: The tongue can assume a large number of different positions for the
articulation of different vowels and consonant sounds. The parts of tongue are
blade, tip, the front, the back.
(5) The Lips: The lips play an important role in the articulation of certain
consonants. The lips assume different positions- spread, neutral or rounded for
different vowel sounds.

Q.2. What do you know about Syllable? Explain it.
Ans. Syllable is surrounded by consonants. Phoneme and syllable are equal to each other.
Syllable is a minimal unit (vowel) of sound speech. So syllable can be defined as a
unit containing a vowel sound either alone or surrounded by consonants in number
in certain arrangements.
According to the number of syllables in a word, they can be classified in different
(1) Mono-Syllable: In which the words have only one syllable surrounded by
consonants. e.g. Cut, put, hut, but.
(2) Di-Syllable: The words containing two vowels or syllables. e.g. Sixteen,
unknown, believe, again.
(3) Multi-Syllable: The word which has more then two syllables. e.g. Ability.

Q.3. What is Syllable stress, word stress and sentence stress? Explain.
Ans. Stress is the force given to a word or syllable in speech. Stress means emphasis. If we
make a sound with more energy the sound will come out with force. There are three
kinds of stresses in English.
1. Syllable Stress: Syllables which are pronounced with a greater degree of stress
than the neighbouring syllable in a word or sentence are said to be stressed or
pronounced with strong stress. Most of English words of two syllables have one
strongly stressed syllable and one weak one. The strong stress is on the first syllable
in some words and on the second in ethers.
Rule of Syllable Stress:
1. Words of two syllable have stress on the first syllable- doctor, sis-ter.
2. Words of two syllables with stress on the second syllable- a gain, mis-take.
3. Words of two syllables with stress on both the syllables Six tten
4. Words of three syllables with stress on the first in some on second and in some of
third syllable. Holiday
(2) Word Stress: Some words in English have different functions according to which
they are given a full or weak pronunciation. There are a number of words, mostly of
two syllables, which take stress at the end or at the beginning. With the shifting of
their stress, their grammatical meaning is changed. For example record re cord.
Rules of word Stress:
(i) All English words have some accent, primary or secondary on the first or the
second syllable. When these are more than two syllables in a word, the stress
may shift to the subsequent syllable.
(ii) Words with weak prefixes are stressed on the root and not on the prefix. e.g.-
admit, ad vice.
(iii) Words ending in-ion have primary accent on the last but one syllable. e.g. :
(iv) Words ending with ic-ical-ically have the primary accent on the syllable
preceding the suffix. e.g.- eelectric, politically.
(v) Words ending with-ity get stress on the syllable preceding the suffix, that is on
the third syllables from the end. e.g. : activity.
(3) Sentence Stress: As a rule it may be said that the relative stress of the word in a
sequence depends on their relation importance. The more important the word is, the
stronger is its stress words can be classified in two categories keeping in view their
function in a sentence. They are either content-lexical words or structural words.
The content words are: nouns, demonstratives, adjectives, adverbs, main verbs and
wh-question words. The structural words are articles, pronouns, auxiliary verbs,
prepositions, connectives and link-words.
Rules of Sentence Stress
(1) The words which give us picture or provide more of the information or new
information get stress in a sentence. e.g. : I could hardly believe my eyes.
(2) The important point to remember is that the stressed syllables tend to appear at
regular intervals of time. e.g. : Im looking for the basket.
(3) In speech the stressed syllables are pronounced carefully and the unstressed
ones are crowded together between the stressed syllables. e.g. : My boy will
show you where to go.
(4) Words of more than one syllables are stressed.

Q.4. Explain the classification of consonants.
Ans. A consonant is defined as the sound in the production of which air has an impeded
passage through the mouth or the air does not pass through the consonant may be
defined as a sound in which the movement of air from the lungs, is obstructed as a
result of narrowing a complete closure of the air passage.
Classification of Consonants:
1. According to place of obstruction:
(a) Bi-labial (b) Labio-dental
(c) Dental (d) Alveolar
(e) Palato Alveolar (f) Palatal
(g) Velar (h) Glottal
2. According to the Nature of obstruction
(a) Plosives (b) Nasals
(c) Fricatives (d) Affricates
(e) Lateral (f) Semi-vowels
3. According to the position of vocal-cords.
(a) Voiced (b) Voiceless
(c) Consonant clusters

Q.5. What is Dipthongs? Explain.
Ans. The word dipthong came from Greek and it means double sounds. A dipthong is
defined as an independent vowel glide not containing with itself either a peak or a
through of prominence. By vowel glide we mean that the speech organs start in the
position of one vowel and move in the direction of another vowel. So it is a
combination of two vowel sounds pronounced as a single syllable. Each sounds
starts as one vowel sound and finishes on another. The whole glide acts like one of
the long, simple, vowel. The first part of the dipthong is always spoken strongly that
the second part of the dipthong. There are eight dipthongal sounds in English. They
can be divided in three classes.
1. Those which end in / /
2. Those which end in /i/
3. Those which end in / /
Closing dipthongs ei, ai, i, , au
Centering dipthongs - I , ,

Q.6. What is Intonation?
Ans. When we speak, the pitch of our voice keeps on rising and falling. The difference in
the pitch creates difference in meaning some parts of our sentences are spoken at a
high level pitch while others are spoken at a low level pitch. This rise and fall of
pitch in voice is called Intonation. English speech shows two main tunes of
(1) Tune I The Falling Tune
(2) Tune II The Rising Tune
(3) Tune III- The Falling- Rising Tune

Q.7. What do you know about Articles? How many Articles are there?
Ans. Articles : Articles are of two types:
1. Indefinite Articles : A and An are called indefinite articles as they describe the
person or thing spoken of an indefinite.
e.g. : (1) He saw a tree. (any tree)
(2) He purchased a book. (any book)
2. Definite Article : The is called definite Article, because it points or describe
some particular person or thing.
They are also called definite articles as they are used before definite nouns.
e.g. : (1) He saw the doctor (particular doctor)
Rules of using A
1. A is used before a word beginning with any consonant sound except silent h.
Ex:- A book, a tree.
2. When U is pronounced as U (pure U) Ex. A University, A Union.
Rules of using An
1. An is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u) and also
pronounced like them.
e.g. : An American, an elephant
2. In these words in which h is silent. Ex. An hour, An honest man.
3. It is also used before those consonants which sound like a vowel. e.g.: An M.A.,
An L.L.B.
Rules of Using The
1. The is used when we talk or write about a particular person or a thing or the
one which are already referred to- Ex. The pen you want is out of stock.
2. With the name of rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges, gulfs or group of
islands. e.g. : The Red Sea.
3. Before the names of specific books or certain books. Ex. The Vedas, The
4. When a singular noun is used to represent a whole class.
e.g. : (1) The cat loves comfort.
(2) The Rose is a beautiful flower.
5. It is used before common nouns, which are unique of their kind. e.g. : The Sun,
The Earth.
6. Before a proper noun only when it is qualified by a defining objective clause.
e.g. : The immortal Shakespeare, The great Caesar.
7. With Superlatives.
e.g. : The darkest cloud has a silver lining.
8. With ordinals
e.g. : She was the first girl to arrive at the party.
9. The is used before musical instruments.
e.g. : He can play the guitar.
10. Before an adjective when the noun is understood.
e.g. : The rich are not always generous.
11. Before the name of communities.
e.g. : The English, The Hindus
12. Before famous trains, aeroplanes, or buildings
e.g. : The pink city express, The Red Fort

Q.8. What is Pronoun? Classify them giving suitable examples.
Ans. Pronouns: The words that are used in place of nouns are called pronouns.
Kinds of Pronouns:
1. Personal Pronouns : The pronouns used for the names of persons, animals and
things are called Personal Pronouns. They stand for the three persons- the first
person, the second person and the third person.
(a) First Person
I We
My Our
Mine Ours
Me Us
(b) Second Person
You You
You Your
Your Yours
(c) Third Person
She/He They
Her/it Their
Hers Theirs
Her Them
2. Reflexive Pronoun : Reflexive pronouns are: myself, himself, herself, yourself,
itself, ourselves, themselves, etc.
When the subject and the object are the same person, myself, yourself, herself are
used as objects of a verb. These are called Reflexive Pronouns.
e.g. : I wrote a letter myself.
In the above sentence, the word myself is used as the object of a verb.
3. Emphasizing Pronouns : When the self form of a personal pronoun is used just
near the subject to show emphasis it is called emphasizing pronoun.
e.g. : I myself wrote a letter.
In the above sentence the word myself is used just near the subject (I) to show an
4. Demonstrative Pronoun : The Pronouns used to point out the object or objects to
which they refer are called Demonstrative Pronouns.
e.g. : 1. This is my dog.
2. That is my shirt.
In the above sentences the words dog, shirt are the objects and the words. This, That
refer to these objects.
5. Interrogative Pronouns : Pronouns used for asking questions about persons or
things are called Interrogative Pronouns.
e.g. : Who is your father?
In the above sentence the word who is used for asking questions and it refers to any
person or thing.
6. Relative Pronouns : The word which joints two sentences and is used for the
noun that goes before it is called Relative Pronouns.
e.g. : She is a singer whom everybody likes.
The word whom is used to join two sentences.

Q.9. Write the names of three types of Questions.
Ans. A question is a sentence which has a different word-order and requests information
an answer, etc.
There are three types of questions-
(a) Yes- No Type questions
(b) Wh- Word type questions
(c) Question tag (tail Questions)
(A) Yes- No Type Questions : A Yes-No type questions is one the answer of which
Yes/ No.
e.g. : Q.1 Is your brother a teacher?
Ans. Yes, he is.
(B) Wh-word Questions
e.g. : Q.1 Who teaches you English?
Ans. Dr. Sharma
(c) Question tags : It is generally used when we want the listener to confirm what
we have said.
e.g. : Q Peter works hard, doesnt he?

Q.10. What is an Adjective? What are its kinds? Give examples of each kind.
Ans. An adjective is a word that describes a noun by telling us about its colour, size or
other qualities.
e.g. : blue dresses, beautiful flower.
Kinds of Adjective :
1. Qualitative Adj: beautiful, lovely, wonderful, good, bad, wet, honest etc.
2. Demonstrative Adj: this, that, there, those.
3. Distributive Adj: each, every, either, neither.
4. Quantitative Adj: Some, any, no, few, many etc.
5. Interrogative Adj: which, what, whose
6. Possessive Adj: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Q.11. Write the definition of an Adverb. Write the kinds of Adverb.
Ans. An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another
Kinds of Adverb :
1. Adverb of Manner:
The child spoke clearly.
In the above sentence, the word clearly shows the manner in which the action is
2. Adverb of Time:
They get up early.
In the above sentence early shows the time when the action is done.
3. Adverb of Place:
The bird flew away.
In the above sentence away shows the places where the action is done.
4. Adverb of Number/Frequency:
He often comes to see me.
In the above sentence often tells us how often the action is done.
5. Adverb of Degree:
The horse ran very quickly.
In the above sentence, quickly adds to the meaning of the verb ran.
6. Interrogative Adverb:
Why are you laughing?
In the above sentence why is adverb. It is used for asking questions.
Q.11. What is reading? What are the aims of teaching reading? Explain the mechanics
and methods of teaching reading.
Ans. Reading is a process of looking at written or printed symbols, instantly, translating
them into their oral symbols which are further associated with the objects, qualities
or actions for which they stand. To read is to understand the meaning of written or
printed words.
According to Bacon Reading make a full man.
Aims of Teaching Reading:
(1) To enable the pupils to acquire a proficiency in reading.
(2) To read with understanding.
(3) To recognise words.
(4) To read with correct pronunciation, accuracy, and fluency etc.
(5) To enable the pupils to take pleasure in reading.
Mechanics of Teaching Reading : Mechanics of reading include:
(1) Acquisition of proper eye movement, which is form left to right in the case of
(2) Acquisition of proper eye-span, that is taking in a few words at a time.
(3) Ability in a few words at a time.
(4) Ability to associate meaning with the translated stream of sounds.
Methods of Teaching Reading : There are five methods of Teaching Reading.
(1) The alphabetic Method: In this method the students are taught the alphabets A,
B, C of the language. Later the students learn words by combining the alphabets.
(a) It is a dull and boring method because the students are learning the alphabets
A, B, C etc which are meaningless.
(b) It is said that the sound of various letters does not indicate the correct
pronunciation of those sounds and letters.
(c) It is not a good method because it is lengthy and tedious.
(2) The Phonic Method: It is a method of teaching reading in which each word is
broken up into basic speech sounds. It really facilitates reading. Here the students
are taught the different sounds first. They learn the alphabets afterwords.
Criticism: It is difficult rather impossible to pronounce the consonants without the
aid of the vowels and so it shall be difficult to have an idea of the pure sound of the
(3) The word Method: It is called word method because the unit of teaching is a
word. Moreover, pictures are also with the words. the students look at the picture
and they say whatever they see. This is also called Look and Say method.
Criticism: This method does not help students to develop the power to recognise the
words independently and correctly.
(4) The Phrase Method: This method is based on the theory that phrases are of a
greater interest to children than the words. It also lays greater stress on the meaning
of the phrases. This method cannot be used for all types of children. Because the
weak students can hardly pick up one word at a time. They find it hard to learn two
or three words at a time.
(5) The Sentence Method: In this method, the unit of teaching is a sentence. The
students learn words and alphabets afterwards this method cannot be used for all
types of children. The reason is that average child cannot pick up one complete
sentence at a time. This method can be used only in that case when the children are
exceptionally good.
(6) Story method
(7) Eye-Span

Q.12. What do you mean by Intensive and Extensive Reading? What are the aims and
steps of Intensive and Extensive Reading? Write Advantages and Limitations also.
Ans. Intensive Reading: Intensive Reading means the detailed study of the prescribed
prose text. Intensive Reading requires concentration on the subject-matter. The
reader concentrates on the content, grammar, words phrases and sentence structure
of the given passage.
(1) To promote a deeper knowledge of the language subject-matter and power of
(2) To enable the pupils to understand speak and write English language correctly.
(3) To develop habit of thinking in English among the students.
I. Introduction: The teacher gives an introductory talk and familiarize the pupils
with the subject-matter and sometimes the teacher asks certain questions based on
their previous knowledge.
II. Model Reading: The teacher reads a paragraphs deliberately at a normal speed
with prefer pronunciation, intonation and stress. The students lists carefully.
III. Pupils reading: The students are asked to read the paragraphs already read by
the teacher. The teacher corrects the mistakes by giving individual and collective
IV. Explanations: The teacher explains the words, phrases and sentences, etc.
V. Recapitulation: In the end, the entire passage is revised. The teacher asks certain
questions and the students answer them.
Advantage of Intensive Reading:
(1) It increases the vocabulary of the pupils.
(2) It improves the power of expression of the students.
(3) The grammar can also be taught to the pupils during the course of intensive
(1) It does not provide joy and interest to the pupils.
(2) It lays great emphasis on the anatomy of the language.
Extensive Reading: It is a means of concentrating upon pupils mind the subject-
matter. In Extensive Reading the pupils read without the help of the teacher,
independently and quickly understanding the subject-matter.
(1) To develop a taste for reading books among the pupils.
(2) To enable the pupils to learn more vocabulary and gain more knowledge.
I. Introduction: The teacher should give an introductory talk on the topic to read.
II. Silent Reading by pupils: The teacher should fix the length of the unit according
to the pupils ability to read and understand the subject-matter.
III. Questioning: After silent reading is done by pupils, the teacher should ask a few
questions to test whether the pupils have understood the matter.
IV. Recapitulation: In the end, the teacher can ask general questions with the help of
various form of questions to test their comprehension.
(1) It develops the habit of self reading among the students.
(2) By extensive reading pupils knowledge about the literature, culture, History
etc. increases vastly.
(1) Words, phrases and expressions, etc are not studied in detail, during the course
of extensive reading.
(2) The pupils are only able to understand the common words already known to
them and not the difficult ones and their use.

Q.13. What is Silent Reading? What are the aims of Silent Reading? Write advantages
and Limitations of Silent Reading.
Ans. While doing silent reading the students should concentrate their attention in
understanding the subject matter. It means that reading should be silent without
disturbance from any quarter.
(1) To enable the pupils to comprehend the meaning rapidly of what they are
(2) To get ample pleasure and profit from reading.
(3) To create a desire for independent reading among the students.
(4) To enable the pupils to read with interest and to supplement their knowledge
by gathering new informations.
(1) Obviously the speed in silent reading is more than in the case of reading aloud.
So it saves time and energy.
(2) It improves the recognition of words and the pupils learn to respond to these
words which have been already learnt by them in oral Reading.
(3) It helps to create a taste for independent reading.
(4) It is helpful in gaining fresh information and knowledge.
(5) It helps in developing aesthetic sense and a critical outlook among the pupils.
(1) The students of the Primary classes cannot be expected to read silently without
the help of the teacher.
(2) The teacher cannot easily find out whether the students are actually reading
and with proper concentration of mind.

Q.14. What is Oral Reading? What are the qualities of Oral Reading? Write advantages
and disadvantages of Oral Reading.
Ans. Every pupil must develop the ability to read aloud properly. It gives the pupil a
sense of pleasure. At the early stage, more attention should be paid to reading aloud.
Qualities of Good Oral Reading:
(1) The pupil should read clearly fluently and properly.
(2) The pupil should have a sufficient knowledge of intonation and modulation.
(3) The pupil should read with correct pronunciation and proper facial
(4) Reading should be slow and distinct and should be audible to every student of
the class.
Advantages of Oral Reading:
(1) The teacher can pay individual attention to the pupils and can easily find out
their mistakes.
(2) Oral reading helps in developing self-confidence among the students.
(3) It gives an ample practice to the pupils to express himself properly in spoken
(4) It is very helpful at the preliminary stage and also provides self satisfaction to
the pupils.
(5) It develops a sense of appreciation.
(1) Oral reading obstructs understanding because attention is paid only on
uttering of the sounds.
(2) Other pupils generally do not show interest in hearing while one of them is
reading aloud in the class.
(3) Generally the reader does not take interest and read the sentences without
understanding the meaning they convey.
(4) It is often parrot reading because the attention of the child is focused on
correctly reading aloud with correct pronunciation.

Q.15. What do you know about Skimming and Scanning?
Ans. Skimming: Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. When you
read the newspaper, youre probably not reading it word-by-word, instead youre
scanning the text. Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal
reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited
amount of time. Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of interest
in your research.
Scanning: Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the
telephone book or dictionary. You search for keywords or ideas. In most cases, you
know what youre looking for, so youre concentrating on finding a particular
answer. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking
specific words and phrases. Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to
determine whether it will answer your questions. Once youve scanned the
document, you might go back and scan it.
When scanning, look for the authors use of organizers such as numbers, letters,
steps, or the words, first, second, or next. Look for words that are bold faced, italics,
or in or different font size, style, or color.

Q.16. What do you mean by Writing? Describe dialogue writing.
Ans. Writing: It is a means of preserving the knowledge which the pupil gained or the
judgements he has formed. A command over writing or written composition helps
in better communication.
Dialogue Writing: Dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons. It is a
language of everyday speech unlike that of books. Dialogues are lively, simple, short
and informal.
Dialogue writing helps in developing imaginative and creative power of students
because they have to imagine a complete situation. It helps in learning the language
that they can use in day to day practical life. It also helps in learning the language
that they can use in day to day practical life. It also helps in learning the use of
exclamation, pause, comma and other signs of punctuation while writing.
Characteristics of a Dialogue:
(a) Conversational Language: One should not indulge in introducing long idiomatic
quotations and phrases in dialogues, but if idioms etc are used, they should be
simple and expressive.
(b) Liveliness: Dialogues should be lively. Gestures and movements of the speaker
make the talk lively and interesting sometimes. Sometimes there can be interuptions
and jerks in the dialogue which make it lively.
(c) Naturalness: Dialogues should appear to be natural. The participants should not
turn out to be mere talking machines.
Method of Dialogue-Writing:
1. Carefully think over the subject given, and note down briefly the arguments or
opinions about it which might reasonably be expressed by the imaginery
persons who are supposed to be talking.
2. Arrange these ideas in some logical order, so that one will arise naturally from
another in the course of the conversation.
3. Try to imagine what would be the way in which each character in the dialogue
would express his views. To do this, you must have in your mind a clear idea
of the imaginary persons taking part in the conversation, so as to make them
speak in character.
4. Keep in mind-that your dialogue, when completed, should read like a real,
spontaneous conversation. So try to make your imaginary characters talk in an
easy, familiar and natural manner. Avoid stilted and bookish phrases. Try to
remember how real people talk in friendly conversation, and reproduce that
conversational style as well as you can.

Q.17. Write a dialogue between a passenger and a ticket collector at the railway station.
Ans. Ticket Collector:
Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?
Passenger- Yes, please. I want to go to Agra.
Ticket Collector- By which train, Sir?
Passenger- How many times are there to Agra.
Ticket Collector- There are five trains to Agra.
Passenger- Is there a day train?
Ticket Collector- Yes, sir. The Taj Express will go to Agra 3 P.M. You can go by it.
Passenger- Can you give me a ticket for this train?
Ticket Collector- Yes, Sir. Here is your ticket. Please give me Rs.
Passenger- Yes, Sir. Here is money. Thank you.
Ticket Collector- You are welcome.

Q.18. Write a letter to your mother about your life in the hostel.
Govt. Hostel,
Sri Ganganagar
January 17, 2008
My Dear Mother,
I am happy to receive your letter. It is full of love for me. I am sorry for not replying
you soon because I was busy with my study. You asked me about my hostel life.
The hostel building is very grand. It has many big halls. Four students live in each of
them. There are all facilities. This hostel building is near our school building. Our
warden is very strict person. He loves the students and cares them very much. He
inspires us to study more. My friends are also good and disciplined. We get up early
and take exercise. We are given a rice breakfast. I like the life here.
Convey my best regard to respected father and greater love to younger sister and
Yours loving daughter

Q.19. What is Paragraph Writing? Mention its components. Write a paragraph on A
Motor-Car Accident.
Ans. A Paragraph is a number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic; or,
a group of related sentences that develop a single point. In a continous piece of
writing, the paragraph can be identified by the space left at the beginning, which is
called indentation.
Components of a Paragraph :
(1) A topic sentence express the central idea of a paragraph.
(2) Unity- A paragraph must contain only one central idea.
(3) Coherence- All the sentences must be properly arranged and sentences must be
interrelated with logical progress of thought.
(4) Order of material- (a) maintain order of time, (b) order through spatial
arrangement (c) logical order.
(5) Use of connectives- Use connectives to link sentences with each other.
A Motor-Car Accident
It is the mad craze for speed that is responsible for many motor accidents. Only last
year I witnessed what might have been a fatal accident on the Kashmir Road. The
smash had been caused by a car coming down, which swept round a sharp corner at
Hundred miles an hour and crashed
into a car coming up. Happily no one was killed; but several were
badly injured, and the two cars were wrecked. To drive at such drive at such a speed
down a twisting mountain road is simply to invite disaster.
In this paragraph, the first sentence states the subject; the narrative that follow is
simply an illustration of the statement in the topical sentence that may accidents are
caused by a made craze for speed, and the concluding sentence sums the paragraph.

Q.20. Write an application to your Headmaster for Transfer Certificate.
Ans. To
The Headmaster,
Govt. Secondary School,
With due respect I beg to say that my father has been transferred to Alwar. I
have to go with my family. We are leaving for Alwar next week.
So, I request you to issue my T.C. as early as possible, so that I may take admission
Thanking you
Date- 10-10-2008 Yours Obediently,
Class X

Q.21. Write a short story The Cap-Seller and Monkeys.
The Capseller and Monkeys
Once a cap-seller was going through a forest. He was carrying a bundle of caps on
his head. It was a hot day. He was tired. The capseller went under a shady tree to
take rest. He put his bundle of caps on the ground. Soon he fell asleep. There were
many monkeys on the tree. They came down and opened the bundle. They took the
caps and climbed up the tree. After sometime the merchant woke up. He saw the
monkeys wearing his caps. He thought of a plan. He took off his cap and threw it on
the ground. The monkeys copied him. He collected his caps and went his way.
Moral : Be Wise.

Q.22. What are the uses of Mother Tongue in teaching of English? Write disadvantages
of using the mother tongue.
Ans. There are two diametrically opposite opinions about the use of mother tongue in
teaching of English. Teacher can make use of mother language in the following
(1) Use in oral work.
(2) Use in Pronunciation
(3) Use in Reading
(4) Use in Grammar Ryburn
(5) Use in Translation
(6) Use in Composition
Disadvantages of using the mother tongue :
(1) The word order of different languages differ. The word order of most Indian
languages is SVO. It poses a difficulty.
(2) Socio cultural differences in both the languages possess difficulty.
(3) Mother tongue speech habits train the speech organs differently.
It becomes hard for students to adjust their speech organs to new sound.
(4) Sounds in Indian language differ from that of English language. Students
substitute their language sounds for sounds of English word.

Q.23. Write the steps of teaching of Reading Comprehension.
Ans. Before actual teaching of a passage for comprehension the teacher is supposed to be
sure that he has taught all the structures and lexical items needed and prescribed for
a given standard.
Reading procedure:
1. Model Reading- The teacher reads the passage loudly with proper stress and
2. Loud Reading- The students read loudly. Two or three students
should be asked to read aloud. The teacher will correct the error in the end.
3. Exposition and Explanation- The teacher explains the meaning of difficult terms,
if necessary. He can employee direct method, translation method, synonyms,
antonyms or references for explaining the words.
4. Silent reading- The students read the passage silently. It is an uninterrupted
meaningful silent reading. The students should not move their lips.
5. Teacher asks question and students give answers orally one by
6. Comprehension Questions- The teacher put question on the blackboard or rolled
up board and ascertain that the class understands meaning of the question in mother
7. Homework- The students may be asked to remember the meaning of words used,
to translate the passage into mother tongue, and write down the answers of given
question in their note-book.
8. The teacher reads the paragraph and then asks questions to them. The pupils
answer those questions.

Q.24. What do you know about languages games. Write down language Games.
Ans. Games is an activity which one does for amusement. Language game provides an
interesting opportunity to learn language for these games can be constructed for
beginner middle and advanced level some of the games are given below-
(1) Guess the Adverbs: One student goes out of the room. The rest if the class think
of an adverb or the teacher selects one and writes it on the board for everybody to
see. It is rubbed off the boards before the student outside returns.
The returned student asks a variety of questions to different students. They all
answer in the manner suggested by the adverb.
Alternatively, the returned student can ask members of the class to do things. They
then have to perform the action in the manner suggested by the adverb.
After hearing a sample of answer or observing a sample of actions performed by
different students, the student who originally left the classroom is then asked to
guess the adverb.
(2) The Preposition Game: The teacher thinks of a room of a house and a hiding
place in which to hide an object.
1. Ive hidden your Birthday Present and today is your Birthday !
SS Have you put it.?
2. I hid my mothers Christmas present Last Christmas !
SS. Did you put it.?

Q.25. What do you know about audio-visual aids? Describe the advantages of
Newspapers and magazines, Radio and T.V.
Ans. Audio aids are the aids related to sound or hearing visual aids are related to sight.
Mass media provides both visual and audio visual teaching aids. Television Radio
and Newspaper are means of mass communications.
Newspaper and Magazines: Newspapers and magazines can be of help in teaching
and learning. They are the best source of knowledge specially at the advantage level.
Advantage of Newspaper and Magazines
(1) They are easily available.
(2) They are cheap.
(3) They deal with various kinds of subjects so one can learn the language, which
is useful in different life situation.
(4) It gives impetus to learning long age as it provides material of ones interest
students who are interested in sports will be interested in reading sports
(5) It increases the vocabulary.
(6) Provides opportunity to learn sentence pattern, structures and phrases.
(7) Improves reading skill.
(8) Improves power of expression and comprehension through reading.
(9) There are special section for language learning in newspaper.
(10) Magazines provides learning situation through stories and anecdots.
Advantages of Radio:
(1) It is very easily available.
(2) It is not one costly.
(3) It can be used in the classroom.
(4) It helps in learning sentence patterns, structure phrases through listening.
(5) It helps in developing expression and comprehension.
(6) It gives an opportunity of pronunciation through listening.
(7) Running commentary on different occasions gives an opportunity to use
language in different situations.
(8) It is a audio aid so the whole attention is an language that is being presented.
Advantages of T.V.
1. It creates interest for learning.
2. It provides various situation where language is used.
3. The concepts are clear as they explain the idea with a situation.
4. T.V. is a source of direct method.
5. Running commentary with visuals leaves a lasting impression on the minds of
6. Various languages learning programmes are being presented now a days.
7. It helps in developing an effective command over the language.
8. These aids should be used carefully with specific objective over use of them is
not desirable they are our servants not masters and can not replace a teacher.

Q.26. What are the devices for teaching spelling?
Ans. There are following devices:
(1) Copying- Pupils practise writing the word without any conscious attention to the
task. Pupils can be asked to engage their mind in some other activity, while they are
copying the words.
(2) Delayed copying- Words on flash cards are shown to the pupils for a very short
time. Pupils look at the spelling and write out as soon as the card is withdrawn.
(3) Dictation- Dictation is viewed as the best tool to test spelling. It links sounds
with spelling. Dictation is used for other purpose also.
(4) Focussing the trouble-spots- Usually it is only a part of the word that gives
trouble. The teacher should highlight this trouble by underlining it or by wirting the
troublesome letters in capitals or with coloured chalk on the blackboard.
(5) Use of Mnemonics: Mnemonics is the device which helps us to remember
something. Pupils can remember difficult spellings by memorising short and
interesting formulas or sentences that highlight the troublesome part of the word.
Pupils can construct their own formulas or sentences to meet their individual needs.
(6) Rules: Though there are no simple rules there are a few which are fairly
consistent and useful. Familiarity with these rules with help the pupils to avoid
some common mistakes.
(7) Word-study: Analysis of words by breaking then down into their components
will also be found useful.
(8) Spelling-Games: There are many language games that can improve pupils
(i) Cards containing words are shown to the class. The pupils are asked to write
the words from memory.
(ii) Teams are formed. They are asked to complete their blackboard work as
quickly as possible. They do it one by one.
(iii) Writing more words with the help of each letter of a word already written on
the blackboard.
(iv) Finding out the odd man.
(v) Writing synonyms and autonyms.
(vi) Creating word-families.

Q.27. What do you Audio-Visual Aid? Write significance of Audio-Visual Aids. What
are the uses of Audio-Visual Aids?
Ans. Audio-visual aid is an instructional aid, that can be head as well as seen. The word
audio refers to hearing and visual refers to seeing all aids whether visual or audio,
are effective in the classroom mainly through the two senses of hearing and sight.
Audio-visual technology is related with instructional technology.
The audio-visual aids which can be used easily in our schools, are pictures, the
black-board, flash cards, slides and slide projector, film strips, opaque projectors,
flannel board, motion pictures as well as overhead projector.
Significance of Audi-Visual Aids: These aids accelerate teaching learning activity
in a number of ways by which teaching becomes more effective and learning
becomes easier and more lasting. These are various advantages of the use of audio-
visual aids. These are:
1. They provide motivation and stimulation to the pupils by arousing their
interest and curiosity.
2. They help to increase the understanding of the subject by bringing the learner
indirect contact with objects. They also help the students to understand the
different cultural background.
3. Audio-visual aids help the learners in remembering the things in a better way.
4. They facilitate teaching by creating situations for presentation and practice of
language items.
5. Audio-visual aids are helpful in formation of language habits by constant
practice and repitation.
6. They are useful in giving to the students real, correct and complete concept of
the subject matter.
7. They save teachers time, energy and their burden by over coming the
limitations of the classroom.
8. Audio-visual aids concentrate the attention of the learners on the matter being
taught to them.
9. They help in creating the natural and real environment for learning a language.
Uses of Audio-Visual Aids:
(1) They can be used to make the meaning of a word or a structure clear and create
meaningful situations, which cannot be created through lectures and talks.
(2) Teaching aids can dispel the monotony of practice work by creating variety.
They can introduce a play element and a lot of recreation in serious work and
make lessons interesting.
(3) Use of teaching aids to teach word-meaning is quite important. The meaning of
some difficult words can be taught with the help of visual aids and sketches are
of a great help in this respect.
(4) Audio-visual aids like radio, tape-recorder and television are useful even for
the teachers who can improve their own command of English.
(5) To understand a foreign language properly, it is also important to know the
culture of those people, pictures, filmstrips and television are of great use in
this regard.

Q.28. What do you know about flannel board? How will you prepares the flannel
board? Write its uses.
Ans. The flannel boards are also called felt board because of a board fitted with flannel of
rough Khadi. A flannel board can also be prepared with a wooden frame. To
prepare such boards we require the following material.
(i) A piece of flannel cloth or rough khadi cloth of the size of 90 x 65 cm.
(ii) A wooden frame with a stand standing at an angle of 90 degrees. The wooden
frame should be of the size of 85 x 60 cm.
Various uses of the flannel board:
(1) A flannel board can be used for showing words, pictures, figures, sentences,
cut-outs, landscapes, etc.
(2) Picture composition can easily be displayed on it.
(3) Its use in teaching reading to the beginners is of great value. Stories can be built
up bit by bit on it.
(4) It is used for teaching words, sentences and structures.
(5) It is very much handy in teaching oral composition.

Q.29. What do you know about Flash Cards? How will you prepare these cards.
Ans. Flash cards have pictures of objects and actions with the corresponding words
written below them. For example, a card has a picture of a dog and the word dog is
printed below the picture. Another card has the picture of a girl opening a door and
below the picture is written. A girl opening the door. In this way, there can be
picture of several objects and actions.
Flash cards are also called look and say cards. The size of look and say cards
depends on the length of the word. It breadth is normally 10 cm.
How to make flash cards-
(1) Cut a piece of drawing sheet of the breadth of 10 cm. Length of each card will
depend on the length of each word or a sentence.
(2) Write the word in the middle of the card leaving equal space on both sides of it.
Sentence cords or picture-cards can also be made in the same manner.

Q.30. What are Sentence-Cards and Picture Cards? Explain.
Ans. Sentence CardsSentence cards are very effective visual aids in teaching English,
especially to the beginners.
Uses of Sentence Cards-
(1) Sentence cards are very useful in teaching first lessons in English to the
(2) These cards are useful for expanding students eye span or increasing their
speed of reading and understanding.
(3) They may be used for constructing new sentences.
How to make Sentence Cards
(i) A drawing sheet of the size 71 x 56 cm, a bamboo, a pen, black ink, a pencil and
a scale.
(ii) Cut a card from the drawing sheet of the size of 71 x 10 cm (28 x 4)
(iii) Mark the card with a black lead-pencil so that its marks could be removed with
a rubber later on. The letters of the sentence should be written within the 4 cm
lines after leaving a margin of 4 x 4 cm on both the sides of the sentence.
Normally the size of the letters is 4 x 4 cm.
Stick sand-paper pieces to the back of the sentence card so that it could be placed at
the flannel board when required.
Picture Cards-Picture cards are of great use in teaching English. Pictures illustrating
a lesson help a lot in developing oral work. It is easy to explain abstract words and
test pupils cards aim at developing short compositions and expanding students
Picture cards could be of 9 x 9 x 4. Pictures can be drawn in the middle of the
card with the proper margin on all Hides. Sand-paper pieces could be stuck to it as
required. They are useful during the first reading lessons when used with the
sentence cards. Various things like group-work can be done with the help of picture-

Q.31. What are the matching-cards and cut-outs?
Ans. Matching Cards: Matching cards are used for practicing reading by matching the
objects along with its name. There are two types of matching cards. Self-correcting
and nonself-correcting.
The self-correcting cards are drawn and cut along the line at the margin of an inch
vertically and the pattern made horizontally. Different types of cuts are made so that
particular strips fit in a particular card. Later on objects are drawn on the cards and
their names written on it. Equal space on all sides is left.
Non self-correcting card is prepared in the same way as the self-correcting card
except that the cuts are in the straight line only.
Nonselfcorrecting card is used for testing.
Cut-Outs: Small figures of people, birds, animals, etc are cut out of magazines and
newspapers. These cut-outs can be excellent teaching aids in the class. If you paste
them on the card boards, they become more useful and durable.
To make such cut-outs, pictures are first pasted on the cardboard and then carefully
cut along the outlines of the figures in the pictures. These mounted figures look very
imposing and can be used like puppets to produce interesting situations in the
classroom. Such cut-outs can be used on a flannel board also.
We can also make cut-outs cards from the cards which contain full sentences. For
example, the following sentence card can be cut into four parts and pupils can be
asked to fit the right word at the right place to read a full sentence.
This is a woman.
Uses of Cut-Out Cards:
(1) Pupils can learn or identify different names of objects.
(2) They can learn how to frame sentences.
(3) Picture cards and word cut-out cards can help in developing small stories or
composition. It depends on how a teacher of English uses them. In fact, their
uses are very much in teaching English to the beginners.

Q.32. What is clock-face ? Write the uses of clock-face.
Ans. A Clock-face: Pupil teachers can easily prepare a clock-face with a little direction
from their teacher on a white drawing sheet a circle of 6 radius is drawn with a
pencil. The Circle is cut out of the sheet. Then the circle is divided into twelve equal
parts to show hours and each small part is further divided into five equal parts to
show minutes. Then numbers from 1 to 12 are written on the twelve equally divided
parts to indicate hours.
The hands of the clock, one long and the other short, are drawn by a pencil on the
white sheet and cut out of it to be fixed on the clock. The size of the short and long
hands may be of 4 (10 cm) and 5 (12.5 cm) respectively. These hands are pasted on
a card-board sheet which is cut out in the shape of the hands and fixed on the clock.
These hands are coloured black and fixed at the centre of the clock by a pin. The
clock thus prepared can be fixed on the flannel board also if little pieces of sand
paper are pasted at the back of the clock.
Uses of Clock-Face
1. For telling time.
2. For teaching structures and other language material.

Q.33. Write about the types of blackboard and what are the uses of blackboard?
Ans. The Blackboard is the traditional symbol of the classroom, and if properly used, the
teacher can still get a lot out of this dependable aid.
A good Blackboard should have ample space the one running all along the wall in
front of the class being the ideal.
There are various types of black-boards.
(1) Fixed black-board: It is made of wood or concrete cement and is fixed to the
walls of the class-room facing the students.
(2) Black-board on an easel: When a blackboard is put on a wooden easel, it
becomes portable and adjustable.
(3) Roll up black-board: It is made of thick PVC cloth wrapped on a roller. It is often
used by pupil-teachers to exhibit their teaching aids or language material.
Uses of the Black-Board:
The black-board is one of the biggest and easiest teaching aid in a class-room. Good
teachers always use it for various purposes such as:
1. To write words and sentence patterns.
2. To draw figures.
3. To help students to correct their spelling mistakes.
4. To develop and teach various kinds of composition.
5. For remedial measures.
6. For the use of substitution tables and drills.
7. To teach lexical and grammatical items.
8. For testing and evaluation.
Date- 5-11-08 Subject-English Period-I
Class-V Topic-Article Duration-30 min.
1. Knowledge-
(i) The students will recall article a and an.
(ii) The students will recognize the article a and an
2. Comprehension-
(i) The students will understand the meanings of article a and an.
(ii) The students will understand the use of article a and an in different situation.
3. Skill-
(i) The students will develop the listening skill by listening English sentences
related to a and an.
(ii) The students will develop reading skill by reading sentences using article a
and an.
(iii) The students will develop speaking skill by answering the questions related to
article a and an.
(iv) The students will develop writing skills by writing some sentences using article
a and an.
4. Application-
(i) The students will apply the knowledge of article a and an in their day to day
life situation.
(ii) The students will frame sentences using article a and an.
5. Interest-
(i) Students will develop interest towards English Grammar.
6. Attitude-Students will develop positive attitude towards English Grammar.
Material Aids:
(i) Ordinary classroom equipments i.e. chalk, duster, roll-up board.
(ii) Charts
(iii) Objects
Previous Knowledge
Students have general knowledge of some parts of English Grammar.
Introduction: By using picture chart.
Teacher Activity Students Activity
Q. Which season you are looking A. Rainy Season
in the picture?
Q. Why dont you like to go out A. In rainy season people get wet.
in rainy season?
Q. What can you use in rain not A. An umbrella, A raincoat.
to get wet?
Q. What are A and An? A. Problematic
Statement of Aim:
Today we will study about article a and an.
Recapitulation- (By showing some objects teacher will ask questions)
Q. What is this?
A. This is a car.
Q. What is this?
A. This is an elephant.
Q. What is this?
A. This is a flower.
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.
1. This is..egg.
2. This is..chair.
3. This is..elephant.
Tick the correct statement.
1. This is a apple. (T/F)
2. This is fan. (T/F)
3. This is a toy. (T/F)
4. This is an aeroplane. (T/F)
Home Assignment

The Solitary Reaper
Behold her, single in the field
You solitery highland lass !
Reaping and singing by herself;
Stop here, or gently pass !
Alone she cuts, and binds the grain,
And sings a melancholy shrain
O listen ! for the vale profound
Is overflouring with the sound.
Date- 17 Dec. 08 Subject : English (Poetry) Period : 2nd
Class : IX Topic : The Solitary ReaperTime : 35 min.
General Aims :
1. To enable students to appreciate the beauty rhyme and style of the poem.
2. To enable pupils to read aloud the poem with proper rhythm and intonation.
3. To enable students to enjoy recitation, individual or chories of the poem.
4. To make students understand the thought and imagination contained in the poem.
5. To train the emotions of students.
6. To create a love for English Lecture in them.
7. To develop their aesthetic sense.
8. To kindle their imagination.
Specific :
1. To give them general information about reaper who is working alone.
2. To enable them to understand the sadness of a girl who is all alone in the world.
Material Aids :
A pictorial chart showing the solitary reaper and ordinary class-room equipments.
Previous Knowelege :
The student know the meaning of simple words and reaper.
Introduction :
1. What is this ?
(A lonely girl working in the field)
2. Have you ever seen field in reality ?
(Different Answers)
3. Have you seen woman working in field ?
(Different Answers)
4. Can you tell me whether the girl is singing happy or sad song ?
Statement of Aim :
Today, we shall study a poem about solitary reaper.
Presentation :
The poem will be taught in one unit.
Meaning of Difficult Words :
The teacher will tell the students the meaning of the following words :
Word Meaning
Behold Look
Single Alone
You Over there
Highland Loss A girl who lives in the highlands of Scotland
Reaping Cutting down and gathering a crop such as corn or rich
Melancholy strain Sad song
Vale profound Deep valley
Teaching Objectives Teaching Learning Learners Activities
Point Activities
First Knowledge The teacher will read the Students will listen
Model comprehension whole poem with proper with their books
Reading skill modulation of voice, with closed
proper attention to rhyme
and rhythm
Second Knowledge The teacher will read the The student will
Model comprehension poem a second time follow in their
Reading skill books
Loud Knowledge Now the teacher will ask Students will recite
comprehension and few students to read the poem one byone
skill the poem, one by one
Teacher will help them
in reciting the poem
Comprehen- Knowledge Teacher will ask following
sion comprehension questions to students
Questions skill related to poems :
1. Who was working alone Ans. Highland girl
in the field ? was working alone
in the field
2. What was she doing Ans. She was singing
while reaping ? while reaping.
3. What king of song she Ans. She was singing
was singing ? melancholy sing.
Critical Knowledge Do you find any figure of Ans. Alitercition
Appreciation comprehension speech in the poem ?
Question skill
Can you give the summary Ans. A highland girl
of stange is singing alone in
Teaching Objectives Teaching Learning Learners Activities
Point Activities
the field. She is
singing sad song
which is echoing in
the whole valley
Choral Three skill First the teacher will Students will follow
Recitation recitcite one line in chorus
Third Knowledge Teacher will read the Students will be able
skill whole poem with proper to catch the poetic
stress, expression & proper beauty
attention to rhyme and
rhythem. With special are
to pronunciution to let
poetic atrnosphere previcel
in the class
Similar Knowledge The teacher will curele a The student will
skill similar poem on the black curile in their
board note book
Assignment :
Student will be asked to memorial the poem.
The School Clock
There is a reat little clock,
In the school room it stands,
And it points to the time,
With its two little hands.
And may we, like the clock
Keep a face clean a bright
With hands ready
To do what is right
Blackboard Summary Recapitulation
Q.1. What is the little of the poem ?
Q.2. Who was alone in the field ?
Q.3.3 What kind of song the girl was singing ?
Objectives :
1. Knowledge :
(i) The students will pronounce the difficult words occured in the poem e.g. solitary,
(ii) The students will recall and recognige the difficult words mentioned alone.
2. Comprehension :
(i) The student will understand the difference in the pronunciation of similar words.
(ii) The student will understand the meaning of the given poem.
3. Skill :
(i) The students will develop the listening skill by listening the poem.
(ii) The student will develop the speaking skill by reciting the poem.
(iii) The student will develop the speaking skill by writing the girl of the poem.
4. Interest :
(i) The student will take interest in reciting the poem.
(ii) The student will develop interest towards poetry.
(iii) Attitude the students will develop a poscture allitude forwards poetry.
5. Application :
The student will apply the knowledge of the poem by reciting it in their day to day
life situation.
6. Appreciation :
(i) The students will appreciate the idea of the poem.
(ii) The student will enjoy rhyme and rhythm of language.

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