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Professional Video Inc

G.R. No. 155504
June 26, 2009

We resolve the petition filed by Professional Video, Inc. (PROVI) to annul and set aside
the Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 67599, and its subsequent Order
denying PROVIs motion for reconsideration.The assailed CA decision nullified:

a. the Order dated July 16, 2001 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Pasig City, in Civil
Case No. 68527, directing the attachment/garnishment of the properties of respondent Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) amounting to Thirty Five Million
Pesos (P35,000,000.00); and
b. the RTCs August 24, 2001 Order denying respondent TESDAs motion to
discharge/quash writ of attachment.

PROVI is an entity engaged in the sale of high technology equipment, information
technology products and broadcast devices, including the supply of plastic card printing and
security facilities.

TESDA is an instrumentality of the government established under Republic Act (R.A.)
No. 7796 (the TESDA Act of 1994) and attached to the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE) to develop and establish a national system of skills standardization, testing, and
certification in the country. To fulfill this mandate, it sought to issue security-printed
certification and/or identification polyvinyl (PVC) cards to trainees who have passed the
certification process.

TESDAs Pre-Qualification Bids Award Committee (PBAC) conducted two (2) public
biddings on June 25, 1999 and July 22, 1999 for the printing and encoding of PVC cards. A
failure of bidding resulted in both instances since only two (2) bidders PROVI and Sirex Phils.
Corp. submitted proposals.

Due to the failed bidding, the PBAC recommended that TESDA enter into a negotiated
contract with PROVI. On December 29, 1999, TESDA and PROVI signed and executed their
Contract Agreement Project: PVC ID Card Issuance (the Contract Agreement)

for the
provision of goods and services in the printing and encoding of PVC cards.

Under this Contract Agreement, PROVI was to provide TESDA with the system and
equipment compliant with the specifications defined in the Technical Proposal. In return,
TESDA would pay PROVI the amount of Thirty-Nine Million Four Hundred and Seventy-Five
Thousand Pesos (P39, 475,000) within fifteen (15) days after TESDAs acceptance of the
contracted goods and services.

According to PROVI, it delivered the following items to TESDA on the dates indicated:

Date Particulars Amount

26 April 2000 48,500 pre-printed cards P 2,764,500.00
07 June 2000 330,000 pre-printed cards 18,810,000.00
07 August 2000 121,500 pre-printed cards 6,925,500.00
26 April 2000 100,000 scannable answer sheets 600,000.00
06 June 2000 5 Micro-Poise customized die 375,000.00
13 June 2000 35 boxes @ 15,000 imp/box 10,000,000.00
Custom hologram Foil
Total P 39,475,000.00

PROVI further alleged that out of TESDAs liability of P39,475,000.00, TESDA paid
PROVI only P3,739,500.00, leaving an outstanding balance ofP35,735,500.00, as evidenced by
PROVIs Statement of Account.Despite the two demand letters dated March 8 and April 27,
2001 that PROVI sent TESDA,

the outstanding balance remained unpaid.

On July 11, 2001, PROVI filed with the RTC a complaint for sum of money with
damages against TESDA. PROVI additionally prayed for the issuance of a writ of preliminary
attachment/garnishment against TESDA. The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 68527. In an
Order dated July 16, 2001, the RTC granted PROVIs prayer and issued a writ of preliminary
attachment against the properties of TESDA not exempt from execution in the amount of P35,

TESDA responded on July 24, 2001 by filing a Motion to Discharge/Quash the Writ of
Attachment, arguing mainly that public funds cannot be the subject of garnishment.

denied TESDAs motion, and subsequently ordered the manager of the Land Bank of
the Philippines to produce TESDAs bank statement for the garnishment of the covered amount.

Faced with these rulings, TESDA filed a Petition for Certiorari with the CA to question
the RTC orders, imputing grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
on the trial court for issuing a writ of preliminary attachment against TESDAs public funds.

The CA set aside the RTCs orders after finding that: (a) TESDAs funds are public in
nature and, therefore, exempt from garnishment; and (b) TESDAs purchase of the PVC cards
was a necessary incident of its governmental function; consequently, it ruled that there was no
legal basis for the issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment/garnishment. The CA
subsequently denied PROVIs motion for reconsideration

Parties Contentions:

PROVIs Contention

PROVI argues that:

(a) the CA should have dismissed TESDAs petition for certiorari as the RTC did not
commit any grave abuse of discretion when it issued the Orders dated July 16,
2001 and August 24, 2001.

(b) According to PROVI, the RTC correctly found that when TESDA entered into a
purely commercial contract with PROVI, TESDA went to the level of an ordinary
private citizen and could no longer use the defense of state immunity from suit.

(c) PROVI further contends that it has alleged sufficient ultimate facts in the affidavit it
submitted to support its application for a writ of preliminary attachment.

(d) Lastly, PROVI maintains that sufficient basis existed for the RTCs grant of the writ
of preliminary attachment, since TESDA fraudulently misapplied or embezzled the
money earmarked for the payment of the contracted supplies and services, as
evidenced by the Certification as to Availability of Funds.

TESDAS Contention

TESDA claims that:
(a) It entered the Contract Agreement and Addendum in the performance of its
governmental function to develop and establish a national system of skills
standardization, testing, and certification; in the performance of this governmental
function, TESDA is immune from suit.

(b) Even assuming that it had impliedly consented to be sued by entering into a contract
with PROVI, TESDA posits that the RTC still did not have the power to garnish or
attach its funds since these are public funds.

(c) Lastly, TESDA points out that PROVI failed to comply with the elements for the
valid issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment, as set forth in Section 1, Rule 57
of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

Issue(s): one of the issues

Whether or not the doctrine of immunity from suit can be fully extend to TESDA?


R.A. No. 7796 created the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority or TESDA under the declared policy of the State to provide relevant, accessible, high
quality and efficient technical education and skills development in support of the development of
high quality Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to and in accordance with Philippine
development goals and priorities.

TESDA replaced and absorbed the National Manpower and Youth Council, the Bureau of
Technical and Vocational Education and the personnel and functions pertaining to technical-
vocational education in the regional offices of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports
and the apprenticeship program of the Bureau of Local Employment of the DOLE. Thus,
TESDA is an unincorporated instrumentality of the government operating under its own charter.

Under these terms, both constitutional and statutory, we do not believe that the role and
status of TESDA can seriously be contested: it is an unincorporated instrumentality of the
government, directly attached to the DOLE through the participation of the Secretary of Labor as
its Chairman, for the performance of governmental functions i.e., the handling of formal and
non-formal education and training, and skills development. As an unincorporated
instrumentality operating under a specific charter, it is equipped with both express and implied
powers, and all State immunities fully apply to it.

TESDA, as an agency of the State, cannot be sued without its consent.

The proscribed suit that the state immunity principle covers takes on various forms,
namely: a suit against the Republic by name; a suit against an unincorporated government
agency; a suit against a government agency covered by a charter with respect to the agencys
performance of governmental functions; and a suit that on its face is against a government
officer, but where the ultimate liability will fall on the government.

In the present case, the writ of attachment was issued against a government agency
covered by its own charter. As discussed above, TESDA performs governmental functions, and
the issuance of certifications is a task within its function of developing and establishing a system
of skills standardization, testing, and certification in the country. From the perspective of this
function, the core reason for the existence of state immunity applies i.e., the public policy
reason that the performance of governmental function cannot be hindered or delayed by suits,
nor can these suits control the use and disposition of the means for the performance of
governmental functions.

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