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Title of Unit Whats on the Inside Grade

Art Time
4 days
Leslie "onder
Identify Desired #esults $%ta&e '(
Content %tandards
')' * Demonstrate an understandin& of the alication of current media+
techni,ues+ technolo&ies+ and rocesses)
')- * -). #e/ect on the e0ective use of or&ani1ational comonents
$structures( and e2ressive ,ualities $functions( to communicate ideas
in 3or4s of art)
5)' * #eco&ni1e and use su67ect matter+ themes+ and sym6ols in 3or4s of
5)- * Demonstrate 4no3led&e of conte2ts+ values+ and aesthetics that
communicate intended meanin&s in art3or4s)
1.1 * 5)5 #e/ect on the e0ective use of su67ect matter+ sym6ols+ and
Understandin&s 8ssential 9uestions
:verarchin& Understandin& :verarchin&
Artists of di0erent cultures
e2ress meanin&s and ideas in
di0erent 3ays)
In 3hat 3ays have artistic
traditions+ cultural values+ and
social issues in/uenced and;
Artists &et insiration from many
Art is a ersonal or individual
resonse to
:nes environment)
or &iven rise to ne3
traditions;artistic e2ression<
What can art3or4s tell us
a6out a culture or society<
=o3 do ones e2eriences
in/uence art3or4<
=o3 do artists use tools and
techni,ues to e2ress their
Why do artists choose
articular tools+ techni,ues+
and materials to e2ress their
#elated >isconcetions
%tudents 3ill 4no3@
Ima&e * An ima&e is essentially a
icture ))) somethin& seen in a 3or4
of art)
Ground * This is 3hat the artist has
created his 3or4 on ))) this could 6e
6irch 6ar4+ aer+ canvas or 3ood)
>edia or >edium * This is 3hat the
artist uses to create his;her 3or4)
%tudents 3ill 6e a6le to@
Use the follo3in& concets
3ithin their artB circles+ lines+
color techni,ues+ color theory+
shaes+ and sho3 ho3 art can
sho3 emotion)
8volve their ideas and styles
Create a self*e2ressive 3or4
"aint $temera+ acrylic+ 3atercolor+
oil(+ encil+ crayon+ conte chal4 ))) all
are 4no3n as media)
%ym6ol * A sym6ol is a icture or
ima&e that tells a story 3ithout usin&
ArtistB Corval >orrisseau
Assessment 8vidence $%ta&e -(
"erformance Tas4 Descrition
') %4etch 6oo4
-) !rainstormin& %heet
5) :6servations
4) Final roduct via ru6ric &radin&
.) Uloaded oem onto %tory Dumer
:ther 8vidence
oral criti,ue+ eer criti,ue+ daily articiation
Learnin& "lan $%ta&e 5(
'( Teacher resentation on Corval >orrisseau and demonstrations on
s4ills and techni,uesB
Corval >orrisseau used 3hat is referred to as an E*#ay techni,ue
3hen he ainted a 3or4 of art) Cot only do you see the erson or
animal that has 6een ainted+ 6ut you also see the ener&y 3ithin
the animal or erson)
=ave your students choose a su67ect for their aintin& * a Fsh+ a
6ird+ a turtle+ o67ect+ etc)
%tudents should 6rainstorm in their s4etch6oo4)
%tudents can then s4etch the outline of their su67ect on their
Ce2t+ students should thin4 a6out the interior of their su67ect * the
ener&y and emotion inside)
%tudents can then dra3 lines $usin& in4+ crayons+ oil stic4s+ oil
astels etc(+ colors $usin& aint+ oil astels+ cut u aer etc)( and
shaes inside the su67ect ))) the more the 6etter)
8ncoura&e students to ta4e u all of their aer 3ith the aint
#einforce color theory ractices)
-( Teacher 3ill sho3 visual e2amles from ast ro7ects as 3ell as
information a6out %tory Dumer 3e6site)
5( Allo3 t3o class eriods for comletion of 3or4
4( Allo3 one class eriod for uload and comletion of oem)
.( Individual criti,ue of 3or4 should 6e done after the Frst day)
6( In ro&ress eer criti,ues should 6e done after the Frst day)
G( Individual and eer criti,ue of Fnal ro7ect)
H( Final ro7ect 3ill 6e uloaded onto %tory Dumer and student 3ill
3rite a oem to &o alon& 3ith their visual interretation of
>orrisseaus 2*ray techni,ue)

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