ITIL Ques Wid Ans

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) IT Service Management using the ITIL Framework is more important than achieving the Business
I !isagree with this statement
I agree with this statement
I nee! to check with m" Manager
#.) The $en! user% accor!ing to the wa" ITIL !e&ines it is the person or group who uses the IT service.
I !isagree with this statement
I agree with this statement
ITIL !oes not !e&ine the term en! user
'.) ITIL &ocuses on peop(e) organi*ation an! techno(og"
I !isagree with this statement
I agree with this statement
+.) ,our manager has aske! "ou to investigate better wa"s to get to un!erstan! what the business
re-uirements are &or IT. .hich o& the &o((owing processes are "ou going to use
Service /esk
Inci!ent Management
Service Leve( Management
0vai(abi(it" Management
1.) Once we have our ITIL processes in p(ace there is no nee! to worr" about how we !o things. The
ITIL processes wi(( take care o& ever"thing.
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
2.) O& the &o((owing what wou(! be the best !e&inition o& IT Service Management
Maintenance o& technica( in&rastructure to ensure customer e3pectations are manage!
an! met or e3cee!e!.
4reation o& best practice processes that are repeatab(e an! ensure a(( sta&& have a
common un!erstan!ing o& terms to be use!.
5roper use o& 5eop(e) 5rocess an! Techno(og" to ensure IT Service /e(iver" matches
Business re-uirements in an e&&icient an! e&&ective manner.
6.) List the Service Support processes an! the one Functiona( area7
Service /esk) 8e(ease) Inci!ent) 0vai(abi(it") 4on&iguration) 4hange
Service /esk) 8e(ease) Inci!ent) 5rob(em) 4ontinuit") 4hange
Service /esk) 8e(ease) Inci!ent) 5rob(em) 4on&iguration) 4hange
9e(p /esk) 8e(ease) Inci!ent) 5rob(em) 4on&iguration) 4hange
:.) .hich are the Service /e(iver" processes
0vai(abi(it") Inci!ent) 4hange) 8e(ease) 4on&iguration
0vai(abi(it") 4apacit") Financia( Management &or IT Services) IT Service 4ontinuit")
Service Leve( Management
Financia( Management &or IT Services) 4on&iguration) 0vai(abi(it") Service Leve(
IT Service 4ontinuit" Management) Service /esk) 4hange) Service Leve(
Management) IT Service 4ontinuit" Management
;.) The $customer% accor!ing to the wa" ITIL !e&ines it is the person or group who pa"s &or the IT
I !isagree with this statement
I agree with this statement
ITIL !oes not !e&ine the term customer
1<.) =ua(it" > what are the + steps o& a 4O?TI?@O@S IM58OABMB?T -ua(it" (i&e c"c(e
5L0?) /O) 49B4C) 04T
/O) M0?0DB) 5L0?) @5/0TB
49B4C) 04T) 04TIO?) 04TIAIT,
11.) The ITIL processes) !e&ine! in the Service Support an! Service /e(iver" sets !onEt have an" over(ap
or inter&aces to each other
1#.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing

i) Bnab(es the organisation to pre!ict the mone" re-uire! to run the IT service
ii) 8e!uces the risk o& overspen!ing
iii) Bnsures that actua( spen! can be compare! with pre!icte! spen!
.hich is the most appropriate !escription o& these &unctions
1'.) ITIL is actua((" a co((ection o& materia( Fthe L stan!s &or Librar"). There ma" be !ebate over the e3act
scope o& ITIL) but &or most purists these areas) comprise ITIL. .e ten! to consi!er ITIL as on(" being
Service /e(iver" an! Service Support. These two are at the core o& ITIL an! what we &ocus most o& our
attention on. .hat are the major parts o& the IT In&rastructure Librar"
Securit" Management
I4T In&rastructure Management
Service Support G Service /e(iver"
0pp(ications Management G So&tware 0sset Management
5(anning to Imp(ement Service Management
The Business 5erspective
1+.) .hich o& the &o((owing is not a process within the Service Support set
Inci!ent Management
8e(ease Management
Service /esk
4on&iguration Management
11.) .hat is the name o& the &irst (eve( o& g(oba((" recogni*e! certi&ication &or an in!ivi!ua( in IT Service
ITIL 5ractitioner
ITIL Managers
ITIL Foun!ations
ITIL Best 5ractice B3pert
12.) ITIL works on(" with in the &o((owing situations.
Large) mu(tiHnationa( organi*ations
Sma((er business that have the &(e3ibi(it" to a!opt -uick("
?ew businesses bui(!ing IT &rom the groun! up
Like an" goo! metho!o(og" ITIL is tota((" sca(ab(e. The practices an! princip(es o&
the &ramework app(" e-ua((" to an" o& the other answers
16.) .hen "ou are going to intro!uce ITIL into "our organi*ation) "ou shou(! just rush into it without an"
p(anning or thought
5(anning is on(" re-uire! &or major imp(ementations
This is a correct statement
This is an incorrect statement
The (eve( o& p(anning is not m" concern
1:.) There are two e3amination agencies that provi!e e3ams in IT Service Management H BII? an! ISBB.
1;.) The JJJJJ business &unction is the most critica( thing that a particu(ar process !e(ivers
#<.) O& the &o((owing which best suits the &o((owing phrase The JJJJJ is a strategic concept that
stipu(ates the &uture !irection o& the compan"
#1.) .hat is the name o& the D(oba( user communit" that brings peop(e together to ta(k about IT Service
##.) The owner o& the ITIL &ramework is the O&&ice o& Dovernment 4ommerce FOD4) in Bng(an!
#'.) .hich o& the &o((owing is not an ITIL process within the Service /e(iver" set
Service Leve( Management
IT Service 4ontinuit" Management
0vai(abi(it" Management
Service 4apacit" Management
#+.) .hen "ou put ITIL processes in p(ace "ou nee! to change the wa" that the organi*ation is arrange!
#1.) .ou(! "ou agree that the &o((owing set o& wor!s is a &air !escription o& the e(ements that !e&ine a
process Doa() Inputs) 0ctivities) Outputs) Metrics
#2.) On a &i(e server) what is the name o& the average amount o& time between the recover" point o& one
inci!ent unti( the ne3t inci!ent occurs
8esponse Time
#6.) O& the &o((owing which is most (ike(" ?OT to be an input &or the 4hange Management process
Forwar! Sche!u(e o& 4hanges
4M/B in&ormation
Inci!ent In&ormation
#:.) .hich o& the &o((owing is ?OT a subHprocess o& the 4apacit" Management process
Business 4apacit" Management
Financia( 4apacit" Management
8esource 4apacit" Management
Service 4apacit" Management
#;.) .hat shou(! be the &irst point o& contact &or en! users when tr"ing to get he(p &rom the IT support
Service /esk 5rocess
Inci!ent Management Function
Service /esk Function
5rob(em Management 5rocess
'<.) O& the &o((owing which can be ca((e! In&rastructure
1. 0pp(ications
#. So&tware
'. 9ar!ware
+. /ocumentation
1. 0greements
?one o& the above
0(( o& the above
# an! '
1) # an! '
'1.) ,ou are !iscussing ITIL with a &rien!. 9e te((s "ou that the 4on&iguration Management an! Service
Leve( Management processes are the most important &or an" organi*ation.
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
'#.) O& the &o((owing what are activities o& the Service /esk
1. To act as a sing(e point o& contact &or 4ustomers an! en! users.
#. To &aci(itate the restoration o& norma( operationa( service with minima( business impact on the
4ustomer within agree! service (eve(s an! business priorities.
1 an! #
''.) Bva(uation an! au!it is part o& the securit" management process
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
'+.) 9ow &re-uent(" shou(! 40B an! 40BKB4 meetings be he(!
0s re-uire!
'1.) .hen "ou are part o& a Service /e(iver" organi*ation "ou shou(! on(" care about making sure "our
area is working we((. It isnEt "our prob(em i& another area is &ai(ing
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
'2.) Match these 5rob(em Management activities to their !escriptions7
1.) 5rob(em contro(
#.) Brror 4ontro(
'.) 5roactive prevention o& prob(ems
a.) the act o& i!enti&"ing an! recor!ing errors) a(ong with their assessment) monitoring) reso(ution an!
b.) the act o& i!enti&"ing an! recor!ing prob(ems) a(ong with their c(assi&ication an! initia(
c.) the act o& monitoring tren!s) targeting preventive action an! con!ucting major prob(em reviews
1Ha) #Hb) 'Hc
1Hb) #Ha) 'Hc
1Hc) #Ha) 'Hb
1Ha) #Hc) 'Hb
'6.) The major cha((enge &acing organi*ations is not a(igning IT service !e(iver" with business nee!s) but
making sure we have the best techno(og" in p(ace
,es) techno(og" is sti(( the most important part o& IT Service /e(iver"
In ever" organi*ation techno(og" is a crucia( aspect o& !e(iver" o& services
?o. techno(og" concerns whi(e comp(e3 are not more important than meeting
customer e3pectations
':.) O& the &o((owing which is ?OT part o& Service Leve( Management
Service Leve( 8e-uirement
Service /esk
Service 4ata(ogue
Service Improvement 5(an
';.) I JJJJJ with the premise that the major cha((enge in !e(ivering goo! IT Service is ?OT techno(og"L it
is the (ack o& repeatab(e processes
+<.) .hich o& the &o((owing statements is true
1. IT Service 4ontinuit" Management must support the Business continuit" p(ans.
#. Imme!iate recover" s"stems are t"pica((" the most e3pensive to imp(ement.
'. ?o organi*ation can a&&or! to $/o ?othing% when a !isaster strikes IT
1) # an! '
1 an! #
+1.) ,ou must use the most ski((e! peop(e on the Service /esk) so that the" can provi!e ver" high (eve(
support to the en! users.
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
I agree with this statement i& we are setting up an e3pert (eve( Service /esk
I !isagree with this statement as these ski((e! peop(e wou(! become bore! ver" &ast
+#.) .hich wou(! ?OT be a task &or the Service /esk
Managing the change to an app(ication
Bstab(ishing user accounts
4hecking back ups have run success&u(("
Dranting user access to (ow securit" !ata
+'.) 0 simp(e &orm o& measuring basic avai(abi(it" is to measure the proportion o& time that a unit or
component is avai(ab(e &or use within the agree! service time
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
++.) .hat is the name o& the average amount o& time between one inci!ent occurring an! the ne3t inci!ent
+1.) The Service /esk is O?L, responsib(e to act as the &irst point o& contact &or en! users
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
+2.) 0 new app(ication has been re(ease! across the organi*ation. The app(ication was not proper(" teste!.
.hen a(( the sta&& come in &or work a&ter the weeken! the" are unab(e to get access to the new
app(ication. .hich process wi(( FI8ST notice the e&&ect o& this
Service /esk
5rob(em Management
Inci!ent Management
8e(ease Management
+6.) ,ou have to sen! an eHmai( to "our co((eagues about the !e&inition o& 5rob(em Management. .hich
o& the &o((owing !escriptions wou(! "ou se(ect
5rob(em Management is about c(assi&"ing inci!ents into re(ate! prob(ems
5rob(em management seeks in&ormation &rom 4on&iguration Management regar!ing
the technica( nature o& the in&rastructure
5rob(em Management aims to get to the root cause o& Inci!ents an! then initiate
actions to improve or correct the situation
5rob(em Management is an activit" that is on(" per&orme! perio!ica((" an! not each
+:.) ,ou have been aske! to sen! some in&ormation about the services "ou provi!e to a customer in
another cit". .hich !ocument !o "ou nee! to sen! them
Operationa( Leve( 0greement
@n!erpinning contract
Service 4ata(og
Service Leve( 0greement
+;.) ,ou are on the eva(uation pane( (ooking at purchasing some new Service Management too(s. 0n
argument !eve(ops that the 4M/B cannot be use! b" the Service /esk an! 5rob(em Management
process owner.
I agree) the 4M/B is on(" &or tracking in&ormation about 4IEs
I !isagreeL the 4M/B can be use! &or inci!ents an! prob(em tracking. In &act) it
makes sense to !o this
1<.) The /SL is a term that !escribes a (ogica( concept that inc(u!es ph"sica( storage (ocations an! &i(e
stores o& in&ormation.
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
11.) ,ou have been aske! b" the Service Leve( Manager to !iscuss the costs o& upgra!ing the .i!e 0rea
?etwork to a((ow &or a new group o& emp(o"ees who are moving into an o&&ice in a near b" cit".
.hich two processes wi(( "ou nee! to consi!er at &irst
Financia( Management &or IT Services an! 4apacit" Management
Service Leve( Management an! 4apacit" Management
Inci!ent Management an! 4hange Management
4hange Management an! 0vai(abi(it" Management
1#.) ,ou are (istening to a presentation on 4apacit" Management. The presenter (ists the &o((owing
activities &or this process. /o "ou agree
1. Mo!e(ing
#. 0pp(ication si*ing
'. Maintain the capacit" p(an
+. 5rovi!e reports on capacit"
1'.) .hich is not part o& the scope o& 8e(ease Management
Test Bnvironment
4hange Bnvironment
Live or 5ro!uction environment
/eve(opment environment
1+.) .hich o& the &o((owing is not a part o& Financia( Management &or IT Services
11.) The ITIL Framework !e&ines a series o& best practice processes &or the e&&icient an! e&&ective
management o& IT in&rastructure. .hich o& the &o((owing statements about the &ramework are correct
1. The ITIL Framework !escribes the peop(e who pa" &or the services !e(ivere! as users an! those
who uti(i*e the services as customers.
#. There are re(ationships between each process to ever" other process.
1 an! #
12.) ,ou must pub(ish a statement regar!ing the goa( o& change management. .hat is the best !escription
to use
The goa( o& 4hange Management is to re!uce the cost o& intro!ucing new s"stems
into the organi*ation
The goa( o& the 4hange Management process is to ensure that stan!ar!i*e! metho!s
an! proce!ures are use! &or e&&icient an! prompt han!(ing o& a(( 4hanges
The goa( o& 4hange Management is to provi!e a &orum &or peop(e to !iscuss their
&uture re-uirements with respect to new s"stems re-uire!
16.) ,ou must present the customer with technica( reports o& s"stem per&ormance so that the" can see that
the" are getting va(ue &or mone"
On(" when there is a s"stem crash
I& agree! with the customer as part o& negotiation
1:.) ,our co((eague canEt remember the ITIL name &or the concept o& provi!ing something to get an en!H
user up an! running as -uick(" as possib(e. .hat is the proper name
8oot 4ause
Service 8e-uest
1;.) The terms $big bang% an! $phase!% imp(ementations are usua((" use! b" which 5rocess
Service /esk
Inci!ent Management
Finance Management
8e(ease Management
2<.) There are two processes that are most c(ose(" a(igne! with intro!ucing a 4hange into the
organi*ation. .hat are these two processes
Financia( Management &or IT Services an! 0vai(abi(it" Management
4apacit" Management an! Inci!ent Management
4hange Management an! 8e(ease Management
8e(ease Management an! 5rob(em Management
21.) ,ou are in charge o& putting an agreement in p(ace between "our organi*ation an! a supp(ier o&
support services &rom outsi!e "our compan". .hat is the name o& the !ocument that "ou must create
Operationa( Leve( 0greement FOL0)
@n!erpinning contract F@4)
Service 4ata(og FS4)
Service Leve( 0greement FSL0)
2#.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing two statements.
1. Serviceabi(it" aspects o& supporting IT in&rastructure are !e&ine! in an Operationa( (eve( agreement
#. 0n Operationa( (eve( agreement shou(! come un!er the contro( o& the 4hange Management

O& these statements which o& the &o((owing app(ies
1 an! #
2'.) 4on&iguration management has a number o& goa(s. From the &o((owing (ist) which are goa(s &or
4on&iguration Management
1. 0ccount &or a(( the IT assets an! con&igurations within the organi*ation an! its services
#. 5rovi!e accurate in&ormation on con&igurations an! their !ocumentation to support a(( the other
Service Management processes
'. 5rovi!e a soun! basis &or Inci!ent Management) 5rob(em Management) 4hange Management an!
8e(ease Management
+. Aeri&" the con&iguration recor!s against the in&rastructure an! correct an" e3ceptions
?one o& the above
0(( o& the above
1 an! #
1 an! '
2+.) From the &o((owing (ist se(ect &our F+) items that "ou &ee( wou(! be goo! Ce" 5er&ormance In!icators
&or the process o& 8e(ease Management.
8e(eases bui(t an! imp(emente! on sche!u(e
?umber o& thresho(! a(arms e3cee!e!
Aer" (ow number o& 8e(eases having to be backe! out
Low number o& &ai(ures !uring a bui(!
?o evi!ence o& use o& unauthori*e! so&tware at an" site
?umber o& change re(ate! inci!ents
21.) Monitoring is part o& the 4apacit" Management process. It ensures that the uti(i*ation o& each
resource an! service is recor!e!. .hich o& the &o((owing measures is ?OT something that we wou(!
measure in this activit"
45@ uti(i*ation
N 45@ per transaction t"pe
number o& (ogons an! concurrent @sers
user satis&action (eve(s
22.) .hich o& the &o((owing is true
1. Financia( Management provi!es costing in&ormation to SLM) &or use in the Service 4ata(og
#. 0(( costs must be charge! to the en! customer
1 an! #
26.) .hich two processes a(ong with Service Leve( Management are use! to instigate a Service
Improvement 5rogram FSI5)
5rob(em an! 4apacit"
4ontinuit" an! 0vai(abi(it"
0vai(abi(it" an! 5rob(em
Inci!ent an! Financia(
2:.) 0s the 5rob(em Management process owner "ou keep in ver" c(ose contact with the Service
/eskKInci!ent Management process owner. ,ou (earn that the overa(( number o& inci!ents has
!ecrease! over the (ast 2 months. ,ou want to sen! out a memo to a(( sta&& that e3p(ains how "our
activities have (e! to this re!uction. .i(( "our manager give "ou permission to sen! this memo
,es) !ue to the 5rob(em Management process Inci!ents wi(( !ecrease
?o) the (ower number o& inci!ents is !ue to better Inci!ent management
5erhaps H it !epen!s on man" &actors. 0s an e3amp(e) perhaps we have been (osing
sta&& over the (ast 2 months an! the" havenEt been rep(ace!.
2;.) ,ou are responsib(e &or making sure that there are su&&icient app(ication resources to a group o& sta&&
that has been given a specia( project to comp(ete. .hich process are "ou invo(ve! with
Service Leve( Management
4apacit" Management
0vai(abi(it" Management
5rob(em Management
6<.) O& the &o((owing which are structures that shou(! be consi!ere! when p(anning the Service /esk
1. Loca( Service /esk
#. 4entra( Service /esk
'. Airtua( Service /esk
1) # an! '
1 an! #
1 an! '
# an! '
61.) The primar" characteristic o& a Service /esk is that it7
Maintains ownership o& an en!Huser issue through to comp(etion
To a(wa"s pass re-uests to other peop(e &or action
Manages user comp(aints regar!ing service (eve(s
To be responsib(e &or the IT bu!geting activit"
6#.) The new emp(o"ee asks "ou what the metho! o& !epreciating assets in the compan" is. ,ou know that
an e-ua( amount is written o&& the va(ue o& the asset each accounting perio!. .hat is this ca((e!
Straight (ine metho!
8e!ucing ba(ance metho!
B" usage metho!
Incrementa( metho!
6'.) From the &o((owing (ist which is the responsibi(it" o& the 4hange Management process
I!enti&"ing 4omponents a&&ecte! b" 4hange an! re(easing new components into the
4oor!inating the activities associate! with major s"stem changes an! monitoring the
progress o& a change over time
8e(easing new components into the environment an! managing the 4hange 0!visor"
Boar! F40B) meetings
6+.) .hat is the name o& the charging mechanism where no mone" is e3change! between the IT
/epartment an! the customer
?otiona( charging
4harge back
4ost p(us pricing
Market rate
61.) /o "ou agree with the &o((owing statement
The 4on&iguration Management process owner gives permission &or changes to be ma!e to 4IEs
?o > I !isagreeL the 4hange Manager is the person who gives permission &or changes
to go ahea!. The 4on&iguration Management process owner provi!es in&ormation to
the 4hange Manager regar!ing the impact that a propose! change wi(( have on the IT
,es > I agree. The 4on&iguration Manager contro(s the in&ormation regar!ing 4IEs. It
is there&ore appropriate that this person grants permission &or changes to procee!.
62.) .hat is it that !etermines how we wi(( charge the customers o& the IT Services
The compan" accountant
The IT Manager
The charging po(ic"
The senior business managers
66.) O& the &o((owing characteristics which are important &or the Service /esk sta&&
1. Doo! interpersona( ski((s
#. Te(ephone techni-ues
'. .riting techni-ues F(etter) emai() voice)
+. 0ctive (istening an! -uestioning
1. Stress an! comp(aint management.
1) #) ' an! 1
1) ') + an! 1
6:.) The Service /esk Manager is e3p(aining to "ou that part o& his job is to provi!e reports an! metrics
regar!ing service response an! reso(ution time to the Service Leve( Management process owner.
/o "ou agree with him or not
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
6;.) ,ou have been aske! to present at a meeting the purpose o& the /e&initive So&tware Librar".
,ou -uick(" think back to "our training. O& the &o((owing what is the best !escription o& the /SL
0 storage p(ace &or !ocumentation in the ph"sica((" secure &i(e server room
0 4/ robotic s"stem that enab(es high spee! access to source !ata o& app(ications
The term use! &or the (ibrar" in which the authori*e! versions o& a(( so&tware
4on&iguration Items F4Is) are store! an! protecte!
5art o& the so&tware !isposa( process where master copies o& so&tware are p(ace! &or
1# months be&ore the" are !estro"e!
:<.) O& the &o((owing which provi!es proper !e&initions o& re(ease t"pes
/e(ta 8e(ease is one part o& one component) Fu(( 8e(ease is 0(( 4IEs o& one
component) 5ackage 8e(ease is a(( components
/e(ta 8e(ease is a(( components) Fu(( 8e(ease is a(( 4IEs o& one component) 5ackage
8e(ease is One part o& one component
Omega 8e(ease is 0(( components) Fu(( 8e(ease is a(( 4IEs o& one component)
.rappe! 8e(ease is one part o& one component
5ackage 8e(ease is a(( components) Fu(( 8e(ease is a(( 4IEs o& one component) @rgent
8e(ease is one part o& one component
:1.) 0n inci!ent is c(ose! once the workaroun! has been given to the en! user
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
:#.) ,ou have three IT components un!er "our contro(. The ma3imum avai(abi(it" &or these components is
;;N) :1N an! ;6N. There is one other component that a&&ects avai(abi(it") but it is not contro((e! b"
"ou > the avai(abi(it" o& the other component is ;<N. O& the &o((owing statements which is correct
0vai(abi(it" cannot be measure! as some items are not un!er our contro(
0vai(abi(it" is ca(cu(ate! b" a!!ing a(( the percentages up an! !ivi!ing b" the number
o& components
The avai(abi(it" ca(cu(ation is per&orme! as part o& the Service /esk process
0vai(abi(it" is ca(cu(ate! as the pro!uct o& the in!ivi!ua( avai(abi(it" on a((
components irrespective o& who is in contro( o& the components
:'.) O& the &o((owing which is not an area o& interest &or the 4on&iguration Management process
I!enti&"ing IT 4omponents
8ecor!ing IT 4omponents
4hecking IT 4omponent 0vai(abi(it"
:+.) O& the &o((owing which is best ?OT to inc(u!e in the Service 4ata(og
The names o& the peop(e invo(ve!
Service /escription
Functiona( !escription
:1.) The percentage o& Service 8e-uests c(ose! without re-uiring &urther action is an e&&ectiveness
measure o&7
0vai(abi(it" Management
5rob(em Management
Service /esk
Inci!ent Management
:2.) Status accounting is an important part o& which process
Financia( Management &or IT Services
4hange Management
Inci!ent Management
4on&iguration Management
:6.) ,ou have an un(imite! bu!get to bui(! the ITS4M process within "our organi*ation. .hat shou(!
"ou !o
5urchase the (atest techno(og"
/onEt spen! a(( the mone" so "ouEre manager gives "ou praise
Stu!" the Business 4ontinuit" re-uirements
Set up a interme!iate recover" site
::.) The risk manager o& the compan" sen!s "ou an eHmai( asking "ou to e3p(ain the goa( o& 4apacit"
Management. .hich is the best rep(" to sen!
To ensure that a(( the current an! &uture capacit" an! per&ormance aspects o& the
business re-uirements are met cost e&&ective("
To &i(( in the 4/B
To provi!e accurate reporting on the usage o& 45@ c"c(e time on critica( resources
To measure the impact the (ack o& per&ormance o& IT wi(( have on users in the short
:;.) .hat is the name o& the !atabase where we wou(! store in&ormation about 4on&iguration Items
The 0sset tracking !atabase
4on&iguration Management /atabase
4apacit" Management /atabase
0vai(abi(it" Management /atabase
;<.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing in&ormation7
1.) T"pe i!enti&ier
#.) @ni-ue i!enti&ier
'.) Aersion number
+.) 4op" number
.hich o& these shou(! be recor!e! about ever" 4I in the 4M/B
1 an! #
1 an! '
# an! '
;1.) O& the &o((owing which is ?OT an ITIL !e&ine! SL0 structure
Service base! SL0Es
4ustomer base! SL0Es
4omponent base! SL0Es
Mu(tiH(eve( SL0Es
;#.) ,ou are aske! to make changes to the 4M/B so that in&ormation o& IT users) IT sta&& an! !i&&erent
business !epartments can be store!. .ou(! "ou -uestion this re-uest or is it a reasonab(e thing to ask
,es) such in&ormation can be store! in the 4M/B
?o) we !onEt ho(! in&ormation about peop(e in the 4M/B
The !ecision !epen!s on the suitabi(it" o& the !atabase se(ecte!
;'.) ITS4M shou(! be p(anne! in iso(ation &rom the business re-uirements
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
;+.) O& the &o((owing which is ?OT an activit" o& 0vai(abi(it" Management
To optimi*e the (eve( o& avai(abi(it" o& in&rastructure
4reate an! maintain an 0vai(abi(it" p(an
I!enti&" unrecor!e! 4on&iguration Items
Over time work to re!uce the number o& avai(abi(it" re(ate! inci!ents
;1.) ,ou are aske! to make changes to the 4M/B so that in&ormation regar!ing services can be store!
an! (inke! to IT components. ,ou are a(so aske! to make sure that "ou can recor! in&ormation about
critica( !ocuments Fsuch as SL0Es) Service 4ata(ogue). .ou(! "ou -uestion this re-uest or is it a
reasonab(e thing to ask
?o) we !onEt ho(! in&ormation about !ocumentation an! services in the 4M/B
,es) such in&ormation shou(! be store! in the 4M/B
The !ecision wi(( be ma!e b" a programmer who wi(( !etermine i& the !atabase is
capab(e o& ho(!ing such in&ormation
;2.) O& the &o((owing names which is not an appropriate name &or the Service /esk
1. 4a(( 4entre
#. 9e(p /esk
'. 4ustomer 9ot Line
?one > "ou can on(" use Service /esk
4a(( 4entre can on(" be use! in (ow ski(() high vo(ume situations
9e(p /esk can be use! when the peop(e answering the phone are ca((e! 9e(p /esk
0(( the names are &ine. It !oesnEt matter what itEs ca((e!) itEs the activities G
proce!ures that are important
;6.) ,our manager asks "ou to e3p(ain the purpose o& Financia( Management &or IT Services. O& the
&o((owing which is the best answer
Financia( Management is simp(" knowing how much we are going to spen! ne3t
&inancia( "ear
Financia( Management is the goo! management o& the IT monetar" resources o& the
Financia( Management inc(u!es charging the customer &or ever"thing service we
Financia( Management is a(( about keeping the organi*ation accountants happ"
;:.) One o& "our main supp(iers approaches "ou to !iscuss an arrangement o& sharing &aci(ities to be use!
in times o& !isaster. .hat t"pe o& arrangement wi(( "ou be !iscussing
Imme!iate arrangement
Interme!iate arrangement
8eciproca( arrangement
Manua( work aroun!
;;.) .ho is the best person to approach to &in! out in&ormation on the rate o& change o& 4on&iguration
Items F4Is)
4apacit" Management process owner
4hange Management process owner
4on&iguration Management process owner
1<<.) The avai(abi(it" o& an IT service is ca(cu(ate! b" (ooking at the one component that has the (owest
overa(( abi(it".
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
1<1.) The primar" !i&&erence between the ITIL process o& 4on&iguration Management an! 0sset
Management is7
4on&iguration Management tracks the e&&ect that 4on&iguration Items F4IEs) have with
the Business > their re(ationships
0sset Management is a sprea!sheet o& har!ware items he(! b" the compan"
,ou must have asset management in p(ace be&ore "ou can start the 4on&iguration
Management process
1<#.) B" using the ITIL Framework we can e3pect to see a variet" o& bene&its to the organi*ation) as the IT
!epartment intro!uces the best practice processes. .hich o& the &o((owing is the most (ike(" bene&it
the organi*ation wi(( see
9igher &(e3ibi(it" an! a!aptabi(it" is (ike(" to e3ist within the services
0 better IT procurement process (ea!ing to !irect cost savings
4hanges to the &unctiona( arrangement o& the IT organi*ation
1<'.) /ata is store! about items he(! in the /SL an! the /9S. .here is this in&ormation store!
1<+.) ,ou notice increasing comp(aints &rom most sections o& the business regar!ing response time to
simp(e transactiona( activities. The 4apacit" Manager has e3p(aine! that the current resources are
overHuti(i*e! !uring the week!a"s at <;7'< to 117'< an! 1+7'< to 127<<.
,ou have been aske! to review wa"s to encourage business unit managers to !e&er nonHessentia() high
intensit" processing activities unti( a&ter norma( business hours.
O& the &o((owing which is the most (ike(" wa" to he(p achieve this outcome
Bstab(ish a committee to review current practices
Increase the number o& sta&& working a&ter hours
Intro!uce a /i&&erentia( 4harging 5o(ic"
0!! 5ena(t" c(auses to SL0Es
1<1.) ,ou work on the Service /esk. ,ou have notice! that ever" Mon!a" morning "ou receive a (ot ca((s
regar!ing the unavai(abi(it" o& an app(ication. .hich process wi(( bene&it the MOST &rom (earning
about "our &in!ings
0vai(abi(it" Management
4hange Management
5rob(em Management
Inci!ent Management
1<2.) ITIL is
Oust a set o& books > a (ibrar"
4(ear processes that guarantee success
The wa" that an IT !epartment shou(! be organi*e!
0 guarantee! mone" saver with higher customer satis&action (eve(s
1<6.) .hich o& the &o((owing nee! ?OT be recor!e! as part o& a 4hange 8ecor!
Sche!u(e! imp(ementation !ate
BackHout 5(an
0n" 40B recommen!ations
The names o& the 40B members
1<:.) O& the &o((owing) which is not an activit" or subHprocess o& the 4apacit" Management process
Business 4apacit" Management
Financia( 4apacit" Management
8esource 4apacit" Management
Service 4apacit" Management
1<;.) 0s the 4hange Manager "ou are responsib(e &or reviewing propose! changes that are presente! to
"ou. ,ou are not sure i& "ou shou(! recor! the number o& changes that "ou reject.
,ou are to(! that b" recor!ing the number o& rejecte! changes "ou can provi!e better metrics on this
process area.
/o "ou agree with this statement
I agree with this statement
I !isagree with this statement
11<.) The procurement !epartment o& an e(ectronics manu&acturing compan" has recent(" signe! a contract
with a new supp(ier o& 5ersona( computers. The &irst new machines arrive an! a(( app(ications use! in
the compan" must be teste! on the new machines. The manu&acturing compan" has a we(( structure!
pro!uction an! test environment.
.hich process authori*es the ro((out o& the new machines to the users
8e(ease Management
Service Leve( Management
4hange Management
4on&iguration Management
111.) Once 8e(ease Management has comp(ete(" teste! a minor change to be integrate! into the (ive
environment) then the ro((out can begin. /o "ou agree with this statement
,es) re(ease management is in the best position to authori*e the ro((Hout to start
?o) the change manger has to give the authorit" as there ma" be other &actors that
re-uire the re(ease to be ha(te!
I& the 8e(ease 5o(ic" states that the re(ease manager can authori*e minor change
ro((outs) then the work can begin without going to the 4hange Manager
11#.) .hich o& the &o((owing statement is incorrect
5rob(em Management ma" be invo(ve! when a major change occurs
The Service !esk monitors prob(ems throughout there (i&ec"c(es
5rob(em Management is responsib(e &or managing the reso(ution o& prob(ems
5rob(em Management is responsib(e &or error contro(
11'.) The success&u( !iagnosis o& a prob(em resu(ts in a known error. On the basis o& this known error a
re-uest &or change ma" be raise!. The known error recor! ma" be c(ose! when7
0 review o& the change has (e! to a satis&actor" resu(t
The proposa( &or the change is (o!ge! with 4hange management
The re-uest &or a change is authori*e! b" the 4hange 0!visor" Boar!
Inci!ent re(ate! to the known error !onEt occur an" more
11+.) 0 known error occurs when7
0n error has occurre! severa( times an! has been passe! to 5rob(em Management
0n error has occurs that has not been !iagnose! an! &or which a circumvention !oes
not "et e3ists
0 prob(em has been !iagnose! an! a reso(ution or workaroun! e3ists
The reso(ution o& a prob(em has been imp(emente!
111.) There is a network inci!ent that a&&ects #<< users. 0t the same time the Managing /irectorPs printer
has broken an! he wants to print a report now. .hich o& the &o((owing statements can be !e!uce!
&rom this in&ormation
There is an insu&&icient in&ormation to !etermine which inci!ent has the higher
The M/Ps printer must be &i3e! because o& the higher business impact
Both inci!ents have an e-ua((" high priorit"
The network inci!ent has a higher priorit" than the M/Ps printer because it a&&ects a
(ot more peop(e
112.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing situations7
1. 0n inci!ent impact e3cee!s the !owntime stipu(ate! within the SL0.
#. The business impact o& a inci!ent changes !ue to un&oreseen circumstances
'. The number o& users impacte! is greater than &irst thought.
+. 0 senior manager in the customerPs organi*ation comp(ains about the (ack o& progress being ma!e
on a particu(ar inci!ent
.hich o& the above cou(! be va(i! reasons &or the Service /esk to invoke esca(ation proce!ures
#) ' an! +
1) ' an! +
116.) .hich o& the &o((owing is ?OT part o& the ro(e o& the Service /esk
5rovi!ing support to the user communit"
8eso(ving the root causes o& inci!ents
0cting as !a" to !a" inter&ace between IT services an! users
Monitoring the progress o& inci!ents
11:.) 0 new service is to go (ive tomorrow. .hich o& the &o((owing shou(! be avai(ab(e at the Service
1. The Service Leve( manager to take the heat out o& an" angr" con&rontations ver" -uick("
#. Scripts
'. The appropriate change sche!u(e.
+. ?etwork specia(ists
1 an! +
# an! '
1)# an! '
11;.) 0 Service /esk is su!!en(" inun!ate! with phone ca((s &rom customers who cannot work an" more.
0&ter -uestioning ca((ers it soon becomes c(ear that an important s"stem on a centra( @?II server
has &ai(e!. For which o& the &o((owing actions is the Service /esk ?OT responsib(e
The categori*ation o& incoming ca((s
I!enti&"ing the cause o& &ai(ure
The prioriti*ation on incoming ca((s
The esca(ation o& the inci!ents
1#<.) Fo((owing the re(ease o& a so&tware upgra!e to &i3 a known error) which area is responsib(e &or
ensuring that the 4M/B is up!ate! correct("
4hange Management
5rob(em Management
4on&iguration Management
8e(ease Management
1#1.) 0 con&iguration management !atabase F4M/B) can contain !i&&erent con&iguration items F4Is).
.hich o& the items be(ow wou(! ?OT norma((" be regar!e! as a 4I
0 user name
0 vi!eo monitor
0 brought in so&tware package
0 proce!ure
1##.) 0 !e(iver" o& 54s is receive! in the goo!s inwar!s !epartment. The status o& the 54Ps has to be
change! &rom Qor!ere!Q to Qin stockQ. .hich process is responsib(e &or recor!ing this change o&
Financia( Management &or IT Services
5rob(em Management
4on&iguration Management
4hange Management
1#'.) 4hange Management ensures that sche!u(ing !ecisions are base! on7
1. @rgenc"
#. Impact
'. 8esource
1 an! #
# an! '
1 an! '
1#+.) .hen can the bui(!ing) testing an! imp(ementation o& a change begin
I& it is urgent) as soon as the 8e-uest &or change has been c(assi&ie!.
0s soon as there is a backHout p(an &or the change
0s soon as the impact ana("sis has been !iscusse! b" the members o& the 4hange
0!visor" Boar!
0s soon as the 8e-uest &or 4hange has been &orma((" authori*e!
1#1.) In which cases must change review take p(ace a&ter imp(ementation o& a change
I& another inci!ent o& the same t"pe occurs again
0t the re-uest o& the person who submitte! the change re-uest
1#2.) .hich o& the &o((owing activities is ?OT the part o& the re(ease process
Moving so&tware &rom the /SL to the !eve(opment environment
Moving so&tware &rom the /SL to the (ive environment
Moving so&tware &rom the !eve(opment to the test environment
Moving so&tware &rom the (ive environment to the /SL
1#6.) The wor!s /e(ta) Fu(( an! 5ackage !escribes !i&&erent t"pes o& re(ease. .hich one o& the &o((owing
statements is true
0 package re(ease a(wa"s contains har!ware an! so&tware
@rgent changes are a(wa"s /e(ta re(eases
0 /e(ta 8e(ease is on(" ever part o& a package re(ease.
0 Fu(( re(ease re(eases the norma( re(ease unit into the (ive environment
1#:.) ITIL has gaine! wor(!wi!e acceptance courtes" o& three critica( &actors H se(ect the correct three7
itSMF) 44T0) I8M 0cce(erator
5ub(ic /omain Framework) Best 5ractices Framework) .i!e(" 0vai(ab(e B!ucation
5ub(ic 5ractices Framework) Best /omain Framework) .i!e(" avai(ab(e e!ucation
1#;.) 8e(ease Management sta&& !o ?OT carr" out7
The p(anning o& changes o& so&tware an! har!ware
The !istribution o& so&twareEs to remote (ocation app(ications
The testing o& so&twares to era!icate errors
The re(ease an! imp(ementation o& so&twareEs into the (ive environments
1'<.) .hich o& the &o((owing is ?OT a 5rob(em Management 8esponsibi(it"
Ownership o& an Inci!ent throughout its (i&ec"c(e
Investigation an! /iagnosis
8aising 8e-uests &or 4hange
Maintenance o& a Cnown Brror /ataBase FCB/B)
1'1.) 0 compan" has receive! messages concerning errors in the !ai(" batch run which han!(es the
or!ering o& raw materia(s &or the manu&acturing process. This is probab(" !ue to an incorrect change
in the so&tware. The changes invo(ve! e3ten!ing the Qstock numberQ &ie(! b" two positions. This
change was a(so intro!uce! in a month(" program that has not "et been run. The situation nee!s to be
correcte! ver" -uick(" to avoi! a&&ecting manu&acturing.
.hat is the best possib(e so(ution to be a!opte! b" 5rob(em Management when han!(ing the error
The errors are reporte! an!) because the un!er("ing cause is known) han!(e! b"
4hange management as a re-uest &or the 4hange with the status o& Qurgent change%
The errors are reporte! as 5rob(em at the Service /esk an! ) because manu&acturing is
invo(ve!) are !irect(" intro!uce! as 4hanges
The errors are reporte! as Inci!ents to the Service /esk an! a&ter some research the"
are i!enti&ie! as Cnown Brrors) which can then be change!
The errors are reporte! as Inci!ents an! a 5rob(em is i!enti&ie!. 0&ter the cause o& the
error has been estab(ishe! an! a temporar" .orkaroun! &oun!) it is (abe(e! as a
Cnown Brror that can be correcte! b" raising a 8e-uest &or 4hange
1'#.) .hich o& these is ?OT a techni-ue use! in 4apacit" Management
0pp(ication Si*ing
/eman! Management
8oot 4ause 0na("sis
Loa! Ba(ancing
1''.) .hich o& the &o((owing is a responsibi(it" o& the Service /esk
Ceeping customers in&orme! o& progress on Inci!ents
Investigating the causes o& inci!ents
9an!(ing changes to correct inci!ents
4a(cu(ating the cost o& !ea(ing with inci!ents
1'+.) Fo((owing the !ep(o"ment o& a new so&tware package) which process is responsib(e &or ensuring that
the 4M/B is up!ate!
4hange Management
4on&iguration Management
8e(ease Management
Service Leve( Management
1'1.) 4onsi!er the (ist be(ow7

1. 0pp(ication Si*ing a) 4apacit" Management
#. Bu!geting b) 0vai(abi(it" Management
'. Securit" c) IT Service 4ontinuit"
+. Business Impact 0na("sis !) IT Financia( Management
.hich o& the &o((owing pairings are correct
1'2.) 0 Rbase(ineE is use! in which process
4hange Management
5rob(em Management
4on&iguration Management
Service /esk
1'6.) Cepner an! Tregoe ana("sis is a techni-ue use! &or
4apacit" Management
IT Financia( Management
Service Leve( Management
5rob(em Management
1':.) .hich o& the &o((owing metrics is LB0ST (ike(" to be a va(i! measure o& the e&&icienc" an!Kor
e&&ectiveness o& a 4hange Management process
The tota( number o& changes arising in a month
The percentage o& changes imp(emente! within agree! target times
The percentage o& changes that have to be backe!Hout
The average cost o& processing a change
1';.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing statements about an e&&ective 0vai(abi(it" Management process7
1.) Maintainabi(it" can he(p prevent &ai(ures occurring) thus potentia((" saving mone" an! improving
service (eve(s.
#) The Securit" aspect o& 0vai(abi(it" Management consists o& three parts7 4on&i!entia(it") Integrit"
an! 0utomation
.hich o& these statements are correct
1+<.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing statements7
1. 4harging is man!ator" &or a(( organisations.
#. Bu!geting is the process o& ca(cu(ating how much mone" has been spent in the previous "ear) an!
!etermining where e3act(" it has been a((ocate!.
.hich o& the above statements isKare true
1+1.) .hich o& the &o((owing se-uences is most (ike(" to occur
Inci!ent > 5rob(em > Cnown Brror > 4hange
5rob(em > Inci!ent > Cnown Brror > 4hange
4hange > 5rob(em > Cnown Brror > Inci!ent
4hange > Inci!ent > 5rob(em > Cnown Brror
1+#.) 4apacit" Management is a ba(ancing act between7
4ost versus /eman!) an! 4apacit" versus Supp("
4apacit" versus 0vai(abi(it") an! Supp(" versus Sa(es
4ost versus 4apacit") an! /eman! versus Supp("
4apacit" versus 4ontingenc" an! 5(anning versus 8esource
1+'.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing
i The members o& the 40B are a(wa"s members o& the 40BKB4
ii The 4hange Manager is the on(" permanent member o& the 40BKB4
iii The 40B sees an! approves a(( 8F4s
.hich is correct
ii an! iii
i an! iii
1++.) 0ccor!ing to ITIL7
5rob(em Management is un!er the contro( o& Inci!ent Management
4hange Management is un!er the contro( o& 4on&iguration Management
8e(ease Management is un!er the contro( o& 4hange Management
Service Leve( Management is un!er the contro( o& IT Service 4ontinuit"
1+1.) The main objective o& the 0vai(abi(it" Management process is to7
/e(iver 1<<N avai(abi(it" to the business
?egotiate the avai(abi(it" re-uirements o& the business with the c(ients
Bnsure that the s"stems have the correct 4apacit" to supp(" the re-uire! avai(abi(it"
/e(iver a cost e&&ective an! sustaine! (eve( o& avai(abi(it" that enab(es the business to
satis&" its business objectives
1+2.) .hich o& the &o((owing are assesse! in a 8isk 0ssessment Mo!e( in or!er to &in! out the
countermeasures nee!e!
4apabi(it") 4ontingenc" an! Impact
0ssets) Services an! s"stems
4on&i!entia(it") Integrit" an! 0vai(abi(it"
0ssets) Threats an! Au(nerabi(ities
1+6.) The /SL an! /9S are contro((e! b" which process
8e(ease Management
4hange Management
Service Leve( Management
4on&iguration Management
1+:.) In Inci!ent Management) 5riorit" is usua((" a combination o&7
Impact G 0vai(abi(it"
@rgenc" G time recor!e!
@rgenc" G Impact
.ork(oa! G 8esources
1+;.) In!irect 4osts are ma!e up o&7
9ar!ware G So&tware
Marketing G Sa(es
/irect 4osts M 4ost B(ements
0bsorbe! G @nabsorbe! Overhea!s
11<.) .hich o& the &o((owing is not a 4on&iguration Item when ta(king about a 54
Base @nit
So&tware 5ackage
Seria( ?umber
111.) .hich o& the &o((owing is ?OT a Service Support 5rocess
Service /esk
5rob(em Management
Inci!ent Management
4hange Management
11#.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing (ists

1) 4M/B a) 4hange Management
#) 4FI0 b) Service Leve( Management
') MTT8 c) 4on&iguration Management
+) 40B !) 0vai(abi(it" Management
.hich o& the &o((owing pairings are correct
1b) #!) 'c) +a
1a) #!) 'b) +c
1c) #!) '!) +a
1b) #c) 'a) +!
11'.) .hich o& the &o((owing is ?OT an option &or a t"pe o& Service /esk
11+.) 0n Operationa( Leve( 0greement is7
0n agreement between the IT /epartment an! its customers
0 4ontract between an IT /epartment an! its Supp(iers
0n agreement between the 4ustomer an! the Supp(ier
0n agreement between interna( IT /epartments
111.) 0n Imme!iate F9ot) 8ecover" occurs in7
#+ to 6# 9ours
@p to #+ 9ours
6# 9ours 5(us
1 .eek
112.) The Service /esk has taken a re-uest &or the insta((ation o& .in!ows I5 in the Finance !epartment.
.hich two ITIL 5rocesses wou(! contro( an! imp(ement this re-uest
4hange an! 8e(ease
Service /esk an! 4on&iguration Management
Service /esk an! 8e(ease Management
Inci!ent an! 4hange Management
116.) .hich o& the &o((owing is the responsibi(it" o& the 5rob(em Manager
Making sure that the initia( Inci!ent is (ogge!
0((ocating the priorit" to the 8F4 raise! to reso(ve a prob(em
/eve(oping an! maintaining an Brror 4ontro( s"stem
?egotiating 5rob(em Management Targets with the 4ustomer
11:.) 5(anning) I!enti&ication) 4ontro() Status 0ccounting) Aeri&ication an! 0u!it are activities associate!
with which ITIL 5rocess
Service /esk
4on&iguration Management
Financia( Management
5rob(em Management
11;.) 0 c(ient wou(! (ike to &in! out what the Service 9ours are &or the Finance S"stem Service. .hich
/ocument are the" MOST (ike(" to &in! this in&ormation in
4apacit" 5(an
IT Service 4ontinuit" 5(an
Service Leve( 0greement
40B Minutes
12<.) 0n inci!ent is7
The unknown un!er("ing cause
0n event which causes an interruption to a Service
.hen the un!er("ing cause is known
0 8e-uest For 4hange
121.) From a we((Hin&orme! @serEs perspective) which o& the &o((owing is a (ike(" se-uence in the
management o& a service &ai(ure
Inci!ent Management) 4hange Management) 8e(ease Management) 5rob(em
Inci!ent Management) 5rob(em Management ) 8e(ease Management) 4hange
Inci!ent Management) 5rob(em Management) 4hange Management) 8e(ease
4hange Management) Inci!ent Management) 8e(ease Management) 5rob(em
12#.) .hich best !escribes a /BLT0 8e(ease
On(" those 4Is that have actua((" change! since the (ast re(ease
0(( components o& the so&tware are re(ease! together
0 group o& in!ivi!ua( re(eases combine! together
The &ourth re(ease in a series o& re(eases
12'.) .hich is ?OT a bene&it that can be gaine! &rom imp(ementing 4apacit" Management
Optimisation o& e-uipment an! e(imination o& unnecessar" spare capacit"
Fre-uenc" an! !uration o& IT &ai(ures is re!uce!
/e&erre! B3pen!iture an! e(imination o& e3pensive 5anic bu"ing
More con&i!ent an! improve! &orecasting o& 4apacit" nee!s &or an organisation
12+.) .hich part o& the 4hange process can be (e&t out in an Bmergenc" 4hange
4hange 8eview
121.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing statements

i) The IT Service 4ontinuit" 5(an inc(u!es the Business 4ontinuit" 5(an.
ii) The IT Service 4ontinuit" 5(an ensures the surviva( o& a Business b" re!ucing the impact o& a
iii)The IT Service 4ontinuit" 5(an shou(! be teste! on comp(etion) a&ter major changes) an! at (east
.hich is true
i an! ii
ii an! iii
122.) Sa(esmen are ab(e to use their (aptops &rom hote(s to obtain in&ormation on trave( routes an! trave(ing
times. On severa( occasions the" have &oun! that when a certain mo!em ha! been insta((e!)
communication was unsatis&actor". 0 temporar" so(ution to this was &oun!. .hich processes other
than Inci!ent Management are invo(ve! in !etermining a (ong term structura( so(ution
4hange) 4on&iguration) 5rob(em an! 8e(ease Management
4on&iguration) 5rob(em an! 4hange Management
4hange an! 8e(ease Management
4hange) 4on&iguration an! 8e(ease Management
126.) .hich o& the &o((owing is a (ist o& t"pica( cost e(ements
4apacit") 0vai(abi(it") B-uipment) Sta&&) 4ontingenc") Overhea!s
9ar!ware) So&tware) 5eop(e) 0ccommo!ation) B3terna( Services) Trans&er
9ar!ware) So&tware) Sta&&) S"stems) Aehic(es) ?etworks
12:.) .hich ITIL process is consi!ere! to have 8eactive an! 5roactive parts
Service Leve( Management
IT Service 4ontinuit"
5rob(em Management
4on&iguration Management
12;.) The Service /esk has receive! the &o((owing ca((sL a user in the &inance !epartment has got a b(ank
screenL a Manager cannot access a &inance package) another user cannot retrieve his eHmai(L the
Finance /irector cannot print out his current &inance report. .ho wou(! (ook &or (inks between these
Inci!ent Manager
4hange Manager
5rob(em Manager
4on&iguration Manager
16<.) .ith regar! to the re(ationship between the Inci!ent Management process an! the 5rob(em
Management process) va(i!ate the &o((owing statement. Q0 5rob(em 40? e3ist without a
correspon!ing Inci!entQ
161.) .hich o& the &o((owing is not (ike(" to be an input &or the 4hange Management process
4M/B In&ormation
Inci!ent In&ormation
Forwar! Sche!u(e o& 4hanges FFS4)
16#.) Mean Time Between Fai(ures FMTBF) re&ers to the mean e(apse! time between the occurrence o& an
Inci!ent to the restoration o& the Service7
16'.) ITIL !e&ine ' !i&&erent t"pes o& 8e(ease. These inc(u!e7
4omp(ete) Me!ium) Sma((
5ackage) Me!ium) Fu((
Me!ium) 5ackage) 4omp(ete
/e(ta) Fu(() 5ackage
16+.) .hich o& the &o((owing are e3amp(es o& an QIT ServiceQ
Orac(e /atabase
Bi((ing S"stem
Loca( 0rea ?etwork
161.) ,our co((eague is a Service /esk Manager in a &air(" (arge organisation. 9e has aske! "ou to assist
him in !ocumenting the goa( o& the Inci!ent Management 5rocess. 4hoose the best statement
The primar" goa( o& the Inci!ent Management process is to restore norma( service as
-uick(" as possib(e &o((owing (oss o& service
The primar" goa( o& the Inci!ent Management process is to minimi*e the a!verse
impact o& Inci!ents an! 5rob(ems on the business that are cause! b" errors within the
IT In&rastructure
The primar" goa( o& the Inci!ent Management process is to ensure that stan!ar!i*e!
metho!s an! proce!ures are use! &or e&&icient an! prompt han!(ing o& a(( Inci!ents
162.) .hich o& the &o((owing statements is incorrect
5rob(em Management ma" be invo(ve! when a major inci!ent occurs
The Service /esk monitors prob(ems throughout their (i&ec"c(e
5rob(em Management is responsib(e &or managing the reso(ution o& prob(ems
5rob(em Management is responsib(e &or Brror 4ontro(
166.) The success&u( !iagnosis o& a 5rob(em resu(ts in a Cnown Brror. On the basis o& this Cnown Brror) a
8e-uest &or 4hange F8F4) ma" be raise!. The Cnown Brror ma" be c(ose! when7
0 review o& the 4hange has (e! to a satis&actor" resu(t
The proposa( &or the 4hange is (o!ge! with 4hange Management
The 8F4 is authorise! b" the 40B
Inci!ents re(ate! to the Cnown Brror !o not occur an"more
16:.) 0 known Brror occurs when7
0n error has occurre! severa( times an! has been passe! to Service Management
0n error occurs that has not been !iagnose! an! &or which a workHaroun! !oes not
0 5rob(em has been !iagnose! an! a reso(ution or workHaroun! e3ists
The reso(ution o& the 5rob(em has been imp(emente!
16;.) .hat is the M0I? !i&&erence between a 4M/B an! a t"pica( asset register
0 4M/B is a computeri*e! s"stem > most asset registers are not
There is no !i&&erence
More than just har!ware is recor!e! in the 4M/B
0 4M/B is a /ataBase that (inks itEs contents together
1:<.) @n!er an ITIL 4hange Management process) once a 4hange has been bui(t) who shou(! un!ertake the
4hange Bui(!er F8e(ease Management)
4hange Manager
0n In!epen!ent Tester
1:1.) .hich o& the &o((owing statements are true
The 40B shou(! ensure that the propose! changes are assesse! &or7
1.) The (ike(" impact on IT Service 4ontinuit" p(ans
#.) The e&&ect o& not imp(ementing the 4hange
'.) The resources re-uire! to imp(ement the 4hange
+.) The (ike(" impact on capacit" an! per&ormance
1)# an! '
#)' an! +
1)# an! +
1:#.) 4ustomers &in! that !uring acceptance tests) response times !o not a(wa"s meet the (eve(s speci&ie! in
the Service Leve( 8e-uirement. ?everthe(ess the" !eci!e to intro!uce the new app(ication.
.hich process is responsib(e &or seeking the un!er("ing cause o& this shortcoming 0FTB8 the $Do
0vai(abi(it" Management
0pp(ication /eve(opment
5rob(em Management
Service Leve( Management
1:'.) .hich is the correct se-uence o& events &or !escribing an inci!ent (i&ec"c(e a&ter the inci!ent has
/etection) 8epair) 8ecover") 8estoration) /iagnosis
/etection) 8ecover") 8epair) 8estoration) /iagnosis
/etection) /iagnosis) 8ecover") 8epair) 8estoration
/etection) /iagnosis) 8epair) 8ecover") 8estoration
1:+.) .hich o& the &o((owing !escribes the norma( se-uence o& events &or &au(t reso(ution
5rob(emHInci!entH4hangeHCnown Brror
Inci!entH5rob(emH4hangeHCnown Brror
Inci!entH5rob(emHCnown BrrorH4hange
5rob(emHInci!entHCnown BrrorH4hange
1:1.) .hich o& the &o((owing wi(( ?OT be provi!e! b" an ITILHbase! Service /esk
8e!uce! re-uirement o& IT know(e!ge throughout the user communit"
B&&ective correction o& the root cause o& inci!ents
Bar(" warning o& the potentia( business IT operationa( &ai(ures
Ceeping users in&orme!
1:2.) .hich inci!ents shou(! be (ogge! b" the Service /esk
On(" inci!ents not reso(ve! at (ogging
On(" inci!ents &rom bonaH&i!e customers
0(( inci!ents e3cept simp(e -ueries
0(( inci!ents
1:6.) The Service /esk has a number o& core activities. .hich o& the (ists be(ow most c(ose(" represents
these activities
Inci!ent Management) !irect user support) prob(em i!enti&ication) !e(iver" o&
management in&ormation
Inci!ent Management) in&orming users) !irect user support) !e(iver" o& management
Inci!ent 8egistration) to give support an! to c(assi&") to research an! !iagnose) to
esca(ate inci!ents) to so(ve an! to repair
Inci!ent 8egistration) to give support an! to c(assi&") to research an! !iagnose) to
so(ve an! to repair
1::.) In which o& the &o((owing circumstances is re-uesting an urgent change justi&ie!
On(" one sma(( component re-uires changing an! it is un(ike(" to a&&ect an" other
The 40B meeting has been cance((e! because most o& the members are unavai(ab(e at
the time previous(" agree!
The supp(ier has a!vise! that previous versions wi(( not be supporte! ver" much
The 4hange is nee!e! to correct an error on a business critica( s"stem
1:;.) .ithin an ITILHcomp(iant 4hange Management process) who !eci!es on the categorisation o& a
propose! change
4hange Manager
4hange 0!visor" Boar!
4hange 8e-uestor
4hange Imp(ementor
1;<.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing statements7
1.) B&&ective 4hange Management ensures that urgenc" an! impact are ke"s to !ecisions ma!e on the
sche!u(ing o& 4hanges
#.) 4hange Management contro(s a(( aspects o& the 4hange process
.hich o& these statements is true
1;1.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing perio!ic metrics7
1.) ?umber o& 4hanges imp(emente! !uring the perio!) in tota( an! 4I
#.) ?umber o& 4hanges backe! out) b" reason
'.) ?umber o& Cnown Brrors c(eare!
+.) ?umber o& 4hange Management sta&& training recor!s comp(ete an! up to !ate
.hich o& these are va(i! per&ormance in!icators &or the 4hange Management
1)# an! '
#)' an! +
1)# an! +
1;#.) .hich o& the &o((owing is ?OT a responsibi(it" o& the 8e(ease Management process
/istributing so&tware
The ph"sica( aspects o& so&tware contro(
9e(ping to !etermine the so&tware re(ease po(ic"
Bnsuring that the 4M/B entries concerning so&tware 4Is are veri&ie!
1;'.) .hich is the correct combination o& the concepts o& Service Management
1.) 8isks 0.) 4apacit" Management
#.) 8e(iabi(it" B.) 8e(ease Management
'.) Thresho(!s 4.) 0vai(abi(it"
+.) 8o((Houts /.) IT Service 4ontinuit" 5(anning
1HB) #H0) 'H/) +H4
1H4) #H0) 'H/) +HB
1H/) #H4) 'H0) +HB
1H4) #H/) 'HB) +H0
1;+.) One o& 8e(ease ManagementEs tasks is to set up the /9S. .hich o& the &o((owing statements best
!escribes the /9S
0 /9S is a number o& ph"sica( (ocations where base(ines are store!
The /9S is a too( &or re(easing har!ware into the (ive environment
0 /9S is an area set asi!e &or the secure storage o& !e&initive har!ware spares
0 /9S is a !atabase in which a(( the !e&initive har!ware 4on&iguration Items are
1;1.) 5rob(em Management inc(u!es severa( core activities. .hich one o& the &o((owing most accurate("
summari*es them
5rob(em 4ontro() Brror 4ontro() Management 8eporting
I!enti&ication) 4ontro() Status 0ccounting) Aeri&ication
Inci!ent 4ontro() Severit" 0na("sis) Support 0((ocation) 8eporting
I!enti&ication) Severit" 0na("sis) Support 0((ocation) Investigation
1;2.) One o& the objectives o& 5rob(em Management is to minimise the impact o& prob(ems on IT Services.
.hich one o& the &o((owing is ?OT a responsibi(it" o& 5rob(em Management
Maintaining re(ationships with Thir!H5art" supp(iers
.orking with 0vai(abi(it" Management to ensure agree! (eve(s o& service avai(abi(it"
CnownHBrror management
0(wa"s taking contro( o& !i&&icu(t inci!ents
1;6.) .hich o& the tasks be(ow is regar!e! as proactive
1.) 4ontro( o& Cnown Brrors
#.) 8eviewing Inci!ent G 5rob(em ana("sis reports to i!enti&" tren!s
'.) 5reventing 5rob(ems in one service &rom being rep(icate! in another
+.) I!enti&"ing the root cause o& Inci!ents
1 an! +
1)# an! '
# an! '
1 an! '
1;:.) The primar" responsibi(it" o& Inci!ent Management is7
Ceeping customers in&orme! about &uture prob(ems
Matching Inci!ents with Cnown Brrors
8estoring the service &o((owing an Inci!ent
8aising mu(tip(e Inci!ents to 5rob(em Management
1;;.) The Service /esk is in&orme! that a user has &orgotten her passwor! a&ter her ho(i!a". This on("
a&&ects the one user. The Service /esk an! the user are both aware that so(ving this Inci!ent wi(( on("
take a &ew minutes. From the above in&ormation) "ou wou(! sa" that7
Impact is high
5riorit" is high
@rgenc" is high
?othing can be sai! about the Impact) 5riorit" or @rgenc"
#<<.) 4onsi!er the &o((owing metrics7
1.) ?umber o& Inci!ents c(ose! without onwar! re&erra(
#.) ?umber o& Inci!ents categori*e! at (ogging
'.) ?umber o& 9ar!ware &au(ts reporte!
.hich o& these are va(i! per&ormance in!icators &or the Service /esk
1 an! #
1 an! '
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1 A 51 A 101 A 151 A
2 B 52 A 102 A 152 C
3 A 53 B 103 D 153 B
4 C 54 D 104 C 154 D
5 B 55 B 105 C 155 B
6 C 56 B 106 A 156 A
7 C 57 D 107 D 157 C
8 B 58 B 108 B 158 B
9 B 59 D 109 A 159 C
10 A 60 C 110 C 160 B
11 B 61 B 111 C 161 C
12 B 62 B 112 B 162 A
13 ALL 63 B 113 A 163 B
14 C 64 A,B,E,F 114 C 164 B
15 C 65 D 115 A 165 A
16 D 66 A 116 A 166 A
17 C 67 C 117 B 167 B
18 A 68 C 118 B 168 C
19 B 69 B 119 B 169 C
20 D 70 A 120 C 170 A
21 C 71 A 121 A 171 C
22 A 72 A 122 C 172 B
23 D 73 B 123 D 173 D
24 B 74 A 124 D 174 A,C
25 A 75 A 125 B 175 A
26 B 76 C 126 D 176 B
27 D 77 B 127 D 177 A
28 B 78 A 128 B 178 C
29 C 79 C 129 A 179 D
30 B 80 A 130 A 180 A
31 B 81 B 131 D 181 B
32 C 82 D 132 C 182 C
33 A 83 C 133 A 183 D
34 D 84 A 134 B 184 C
35 B 85 C 135 B 185 B
36 B 86 D 136 C 186 D
37 C 87 C 137 D 187 B
38 B 88 A 138 A 188 D
39 A 89 B 139 B 189 A
40 D 90 A 140 C 190 D
41 C 91 C 141 A 191 C
42 A 92 A 142 C 192 D
43 A 93 B 143 D 193 C
44 B 94 C 144 C 194 C
45 B 95 B 145 D 195 A
46 C 96 D 146 D 196 D
47 C 97 B 147 A 197 C
48 C 98 C 148 C 198 C
49 B 99 C 149 D 199 D
50 A 100 B 150 C 200 B

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